Sun from home 2 vkontakte. Biography of Olga Nikolaeva


The reality show "Dom-2" has been airing on the TNT channel for the second decade. Couples managed to form on the air, weddings took off, children were born. Every year something new appears in the scandalous show. Many are interested in how life goes on for those who are outside the gates. We will tell you how the life of the brightest participants of "House-2" turned out after the project.

Olga "Sun" Nikolaeva

Olga came to the project from the first day of filming. She was one of the most beloved participants in the project, thanks to which she managed to win a car, a trip to Paris and an apartment in Moscow.

Even during the filming, Olga was actively involved in music (she recorded the anthem of the TV project). In 2011, the girl received the Golden Gramophone Award. To this day, Olga is touring, recording new tracks and becoming more and more known as DJ Sun, and not as “the girl from Dom-2”.

Roman Tretyakov

Anastasia appeared on the project six months after the start of construction. She began an affair with another member - Sam Seleznev. The couple became popular with viewers and even managed to win an apartment in Moscow by audience voting. However, later it turned out that most of the SMS was sent by Dashko herself, which grossly violated the project's rule. The couple left the project with a scandal.

After the TV show, Anastasia continued her way as a scammer: she made several large deals for the supply of building materials, and after the customers transferred money to her, Dashko disappeared. The damage was estimated at 11 million rubles, and the project participant was sentenced to 3 years in a penal colony.

Sam Seleznyov

On the project, Sam was remembered by viewers not so much for his bright appearance as for his behavior - he constantly quarreled with his girlfriend Anastasia Dashko.

Now the project participant lives in his native Krasnodar, where he is popular. Participates in a stunt show and sometimes works as a host in various nightclubs.


Rustam Solntsev (Kalganov) got on the project already being a famous person. He was a presenter on the Muz-TV channel and radio Europe +. Rustam on the project too often mentioned his "star" status, which caused conflicts with other participants.

In 2005, he left the show, but after 2 years the producers of the project asked him to return. As a result, the participant came to the project several times and left it for one reason or another.

Since 2013, Rustam Solntsev has been participating in the show as a project consultant: he gives advice to current participants in the TV show.

Elena Berkova

Inna was remembered by all viewers of the talk show by the fact that during the filming she was able to get rid of 40 kg of excess weight. From a lady in the body, she turned into a sexy beauty.

Outside of the show, Inna has released several weight loss books that have become extremely popular.

She is currently married and has a young daughter. The participant plans to release the next book on weight loss, which will contain many new recipes that she managed to master during the period of pregnancy and caring for the baby.

Stepan Menshchikov

Stepan was a famous heartthrob of the project. He met with, and.

Stepan left the show, but continued to work on the TNT channel - he had his own show "Khu from hu", and he also starred in episodes of other popular projects.

The phenomenon of the popularity of the scandalous television project Dom-2 has been surprising not only the audience for many years, but, perhaps, the creators of this reality show themselves. Several times they tried to close the program, but to this day, millions of viewers are closely following the love affairs of their idols.

Let's also remember the brightest participants in the TV show and find out how their life developed outside the "perimeter".

Alena Vodonaeva

The audience remembered her passionate romances with Stepan Menshchikov, stripper Anton Potapovich and odious May Abrikosov.

After leaving the project, she tried herself as a singer and presenter.

Thanks to the efforts of plastic surgeons, she is quite successfully removed for fashion glossy magazines. The number of subscribers to her Instagram page is approaching two million people.

She was married to businessman Alexei Malakeev, to whom she bore a son, Bogdan.

Victoria Bonya

She showed herself very brightly on the project, she was remembered for her creativity, artistry and powerful charisma.

Even the notorious cynic and devourer of women's hearts Stepan Menshchikov could not resist her charms.

After the project, Bonya plunged headlong into the world of show business, began to host entertainment shows, act in music videos, and even received several cameo roles in films.

But her main achievement was a civil marriage with the son of a millionaire from Monaco, Alex Smerfit.

Victoria gave birth to his daughter and really expected to receive an engagement ring from a rich chosen one. But her dreams did not come true. The couple broke up, and now Victoria is again in an active search for a worthy life partner.

Olga Buzova

Perhaps the most popular participant in the TV show, who was on the project from its first days and returned as a host, replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Even then, she attracted attention with her bright appearance, increased emotionality and irrepressible energy. These qualities helped her subsequently make a dizzying career in show business.

She became a singer, published several books, acts in films, produces fashion collections under her own brand, and most importantly, she took the place of the host of the project, which gave her a lot in life there. For four years she was married to football player Dmitry Tarasov, whose scandalous divorce made a lot of noise at the end of 2016.

Vlad Kadoni

Another participant, who later became the co-host of the project. His arrival threw into confusion both the "household" and the viewers of the TV show.

Vlad positioned himself as a "black magician", being the son of a hereditary Siberian sorceress Elena Golunova. He reinforced his mission with periodic appearances in the Battle of Psychics project.

The creative participant did not disdain any methods to win the attention of the audience and authority among the participants. He even announced publicly that he was ready to undergo an operation to increase the penis.

The desire for fame was crowned with success, and now he feels great as the host of Dom-2.

Stepan Menshchikov

One of the most scandalous guys of all time on TV. He shocked both the audience and the participants with his sometimes inadequate behavior, rudeness and rudeness.

At the same time, he was a wild success with the girls, having established himself as a notorious heartthrob and womanizer.

After the project, he continued his activities in show business as an actor, singer, host of events.

Now he is the owner of an agency for organizing weddings and celebrations, he is married and has two children.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

She was remembered by the audience as Zhenya "Tru-la-la", one of the most fanatical fans of plastic surgery.

On the project, she built a relationship with Anton Gusev, whom she later married.

At the end of 2016, the couple broke up, Anton went to his ex-girlfriend, also a participant in the Dom-2 project, Victoria Romanets. Now Evgenia is raising her son Daniel alone and is actively posting luxurious gifts from wealthy fans on her Instagram.

Natalya Varvina

Perhaps the most serious girl on the project, who really wanted to "find her love."

She tried to build relationships with Stepan Menshchikov and Andrei Cherkasov, but in the end she married the producer of the Dom-2 project, Alexei Mikhailovsky.

Now he is the main choreographer and concert director of the television set.

Sergey Pynzar and Daria Chernykh

The strongest pair of "television", which not only managed to build relationships on the project, but also kept them outside the "perimeter".

Now the couple have two sons growing up, they run a joint business, and recently moved to a chic mansion in the suburbs.

Sun (Olga Nikolaeva) and May Abrikosov (Roman Tertishny)

Many viewers remember this strange couple.

Their romance was bright, but more like a creative union of two extraordinary personalities.

The sun left the project, winning an apartment in Moscow as a result of the audience voting. Now she is still engaged in music, tours as a DJ and singer, devotes a lot of time to travel, self-development and yoga.

May after the project tried to find himself in show business.

The young man was pursued by a series of failures, after which he settled in his grandmother's house in the Voronezh region and practically turned into a hermit.

He freelances, raises chickens, grows vegetables in his own garden and tries not to think about his participation in a reality show.

August 9, 2013, 22:44

I read the article and in the comments I saw brief descriptions of how the fate of "Households" developed, who watched the times of Buzov / Vodonaev and others, so I can not vouch for the authenticity, ordinary gossip.

Olga Nikolaeva Solntse stayed in Moscow, moonlights as a DJ, opened a production center, although there is no sense in it. She rents an apartment and lives with a girl, her girl is a thunder woman by nature. They travel together, Olga sometimes donates money to charity.

Andrei Chuev found himself in a very difficult situation. He had some kind of spinal disease, like a hernia, his back was twisted with the letter "Z", and he needed an expensive operation and treatment. There was no money, the producers of "House-2" refused to help him. His friends eventually found the money for the operation, it was done abroad, he went on the mend. Now Andrei brings shoes from Moscow and sells them in his city on the market, builds a cottage.

Alexander Nelidov, who first met the Sun, and then married fashion model Natasha Pavlova ... In general, they lived in Moscow next to his mother, Alexander conducts trainings for companies such as "success is easy" and the like. A year ago, Natasha divorced him, because she could not stand his emotional instability and selfishness. She married someone else and gave birth to a son. Nelidov also did not get bored and almost simultaneously married a beautiful girl, without advertising her name.

There were also Karimov brothers. Both have returned to their hometown, but travel as DJs touring clubs. I am writing from memory, because the page where they posted photos and wrote about themselves, in my opinion, was deleted. Stas married a girl with a child. He opened a clothing store with his brother, which was closed due to lack of payback. Oscar is not married.

May first hosted a paranormal show on REN-TV, where even Babkina appeared with him. Then, due to low ratings, the program was closed, they did not offer a new job, he went into a crisis. Then he began to go to church, decided to leave people and settled in the village, out of pity he was given to write news for the magazine, and maybe even for the site if the magazine is not printed. Journalists came to this village, May did not open them and locked himself in the house. The sister said that he lives very poorly, walks in a stretched sweater all the time, receives money orders at the post office. She said that she buys cereals, matches and cards for the Internet in a rural store.

Styopa Menshikov stayed in Moscow, works as a host at corporate parties, sings songs in clubs. But all his shows are built on self-deprecation, they say, look what a fool I am. Sometimes the truth tries to go into love lyrics, but they don’t perceive him in this role. Works for a couple with Rustam Solntsev. They are like clowns of the demimonde, they are not invited to significant parties, they are always somewhere in the back. Styopa filmed clips with his own money, tried to promote them on YouTube, but the result was zero. Married, has a son. There was a video on the Internet where he lay stoned on the bed, he was even pumped out. Well, in general, he is some kind of sad clown, he wanted to make films as a director, he was sent nafig, as an actor, too, did not catch on.

Victoria Karaseva and Vyacheslav Dvoretkov are still married, they built themselves a cottage in the Moscow region, there are no children yet. At first they opened a production center, they were looking for work for artists, but things didn’t work out. As a result, Victoria opened a wedding dress store. She tried to sue the restaurant for 5 million rubles, but the judge sided with the businessmen and she did not receive the money.

Roma Tretyakov married a model a couple of years ago, already divorced. Leads all sorts of corporate parties.

On August 7, the court made a final decision, and Dashko was sentenced to 3 years in prison. As the assistant to the district prosecutor said, the speech of the defendant before the announcement of the verdict was extremely emotional.

One of the brightest girls from the TV show told the site what she is doing now, how often she puts on makeup and when she will sound on the “blue lights”.

“I could easily run a beauty blog”

- So much time has passed since you left Dom-2. Do you hang out with old people?

- You are definitely one of the most beloved participants in the TV show, and you manage to keep the love of the audience without a photo in a swimsuit. An example when positive and good wins over everything else?

Ahhh... you think that's the secret? I keep wondering why some people have so many subscribers, while others have so many, although according to my personal rating, someone is talented and writes well, and produces and creates something. And others have only selfies in their profiles, selfies, here again I am my favorite, and there are more subscribers. Now I got it. Thank you! In fact, I think that I could have more subscribers, because the profile could be useful. In addition to pictures from everyday life, useful items on the topic of personal growth appear there. I myself have come a long way in this area, so I have reached some kind of expertise, which I am happy to share.

I recently conducted a survey on Instagram, asked what my followers would be interested in, and it turned out that it was personal growth. I honestly counted all the votes, and more than two hundred people voted. And in order to unite those who want to grow, I created a channel in Telegram, which next year will become a powerful tool for pumping. I invite everyone who is serious about changing their lives for the better to join us and grow together!

- For the shooting of the New Year's comedy, you dressed up in a long dress, the subscribers were delighted with the image. Didn't that push you to completely change your style?

I'm ready to change. I have practically no stereotypes left regarding my image. Yes, I'm not one of those girls who do not go out until they put on makeup. Rather, on the contrary, I paint on occasion. And since I have this case at least twice a week - on Friday and Saturday, when I go on stage and perform as a DJ, this is quite enough for me. Moreover, I know how to do this professionally, and I could easily run a beauty blog, which sometimes entertains my subscribers in stories.

“Released a song that will sound on all New Year's lights”

- You didn’t go into the shadows after Dom-2, they heard that you released several tracks. How were they received by the fans who have been following you for so many years?

Yes, I'm really constantly creative, and when inspiration comes to me, I write new songs. This year my big dream came true - I got a huge and expensive white piano, and this inspired me even more to write a new one.

“Write a song” doesn’t sound easy at all.

Sometimes I just dream about them, and I sleepily get out of bed, go to my office to reproduce it. It happened quite recently, a song “came” to me, it will most likely be called “Waterfalls”, but this is not accurate. And I just turned on the Instagram live and started playing so that I would not forget the tune that just came to my mind.

Did the audience like it?

I did not expect such a reaction! I immediately began to receive messages not only from my subscribers, but from already established artists. Olya Seryabkina noted my work. The comment under the video with the song was written by Emma M, with whom we personally did not even know. And it's very nice, of course. Motivates to move forward.

Does music make money?

My music is not the source of my income, and I do this solely for the people, not for money. On the contrary, in order for the song to take shape and be qualitatively recorded in the studio, you have to spend a lot of money, because I myself am the producer of my musical project. And now we have finished working on a new song in the studio. At the end of December, I presented it at the Volta club in Moscow. Now the work on the New Year's track is in full swing. I think this song will be the title song of the new year, and all the New Year's blue lights will end with it, if not now, if not this year, but it will definitely happen.

“People live in full, because they are doing something completely different”

- How did you celebrate the New Year?

Worked in an open area in Moscow. In general, I like big events, so I often work on city days. Of course, there are not enough gatherings with the family at the festive table, with olive oil and to the “Irony of Fate”, but such is our profession. I started celebrating the New Year by working at events, from the age of 18. So I'm already used to it.

fotoimedia / Sergey Polishchuk

On the project, Victoria was looking not for love, but for fame. And this mission was completed: immediately after "House-2" Bonya began to conduct entertainment shows ("Cosmopolitan. Video version" on TNT, "Love-machine" and "Vacation in Mexico"), filmed for men's magazines and in clips from her friends in the music department (Timati, Dima Bilan, Mitya Fomina, MakSim). The girl even managed to get into the cinema. On her account are the comedies “All the charm of love” and “And mom is better!” and the series "Univer".

Victoria Bonya has always been a success with men, but her chosen one was the best of the best - the Irish millionaire Alexander Smerfit. With him, Boni began a new stage of popularity. Now the life of a TV star is followed not only in Russia, but all over the world - the girl has 2 million followers on Instagram, and she enters the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival on a par with world stars. One problem: despite living together in Monaco and having a common daughter, Angelina, Smerfit was in no hurry to call his beloved down the aisle. But this problem was also solved. The other day, Victoria announced that she plans to have a second child, and before that she will play a wedding in Europe with her fiancé.

Olga Buzova / Evgeny Fedotov


Thanks to the television set, Olga began to actively work as a TV presenter. At first, these were programs on TNT, and then the girl was offered to host her native show Dom-2. Buzova has also published three books on relationships and style, released several clothing collections with the C&C brand, took part in the theater production of Elegant Wedding, and recorded several songs.

Olga's new life was reflected in her relationship. A three-year romance with a colleague in the "House" Roman Tretyakov ended when Buzova remained on the project, and her lover left him. In 2012, Olga married football player Dmitry Tarasov.

Roman Tretyakov / Anatoly Lomokhov

Roman bribed the audience with his ability to create a holiday: he constantly wrote scripts and came up with competitions to revive life on the project. This passion to entertain the public is not accidental: as a student, Tretyakov played in the Taganrog KVN team.

But outside the project, the guy could not find himself for a long time and even fell into depression. As a result, he settled on what he knows and can do - corporate events, weddings and parties.

Personal life did not become a consolation for the showman. In 2008, he married model Svetlana Sokolova, who gave birth to a son a year later. But in 2011, the couple divorced.

Elena Berkova

Elena Berkova was famous for her easy behavior even before participating in the project. She managed to star in five films for adults with the American porn star Britney Sky. With her participation in Dom-2, the girl planned to strengthen her scandalous success, and she succeeded: the released cassette Dom-2, or how to make love with Elena Berkova broke all sales records, and the celebrity was invited to an erotic shoot in several men's magazines . However, the organizers of the television set were not going to rejoice at the porn career of their ward and very soon said goodbye to Berkova. Outside the perimeter of the show, Elena hosted the Undisputed program on Muz-TV, tried herself in striptease and even wanted to run for mayor of Sochi. But all these projects lasted only a short time.

In 2011, Berkova was caught in one of the clubs near Moscow with drugs. The term was only conditional - the girl helped the investigation and also raised her minor son Yevgeny.

The personal life of the artist turned out to be no less eventful. She was married four times, and among her boyfriends were producer Bari Alibasov and millionaire Arseniy Sharov. Today, the girl found solace in the arms of actor Andrey Stoyanov.

The main source of income for Berkova is still cinema, though not porn, but the erotic and comedy genre.

Nelly Ermolaeva

TASS / Elena Nikitchenko

On the project, Nelly sang in the Istra Witches group along with Natalya Varvina, opened her own beauty salon and married Nikita Kuznetsova, a participant in the show. The couple left the project and played a romantic wedding in Verona. But their marriage lasted less than a year.

Leaving Dom-2 behind, the girl began to broadcast on the Ru channel. TV and found a new fan for herself in the face of aspiring musician Kirill Andreev. True, and here the relationship did not work out. Three years later, Cyril left his beloved.

Mikhail Terekhin

In "House-2" Terekhin was hiding from problems with the law. Before his television career, he served in the Lyubertsy police, and a criminal case was brought against him due to bribery. When the channel's management found out about the policeman's fraud, he was expelled from the television set, but, fortunately, the former major had somewhere to go - by that time he had begun a stormy romance with the TV presenter of the project, Ksenia Borodina. For more than three years, fans have been following their relationship, which, in terms of intensity of passions, was not inferior to the plots of "House-2". Between reports of an imminent wedding, rumors constantly appeared that the man was fully supported by Xenia (she paid a court fine for him and paid for all joint travel), and besides, he often raises his hand to her. In 2014, they announced their separation, but Terekhin could not come to terms with the break for another year, saying in an interview that the former lover had sold the house in which they lived without his participation, and always interfered with the development of his career.

Left without a lover, Terekhin made a nose job, pumped up and founded the Terekhin Sound Production label, for which he records singles.

Anastasia Dashko

TASS / Oleg Korolevskiy

Anastasia's passion for fraud woke up while still on the Dom-2 project. After the girl, along with her lover Sam Seleznev, won a Moscow apartment thanks to audience voting, the show organizers began to check the received SMS and found out that Dashko herself sent most of them. The couple left the TV set with a scandal. Away from the cameras, the girl continued to play with the law. In 2013, it turned out that the star fraudulently entered into deals with entrepreneurs for the supply of building materials at a reduced cost, and after receiving the money, she stopped answering calls. The damage caused amounted to 11 million rubles. Dashko was sentenced to 3 years in prison, but for good behavior she managed to leave the cell after 2 years.

Once free, Anastasia changed. Now she is ready for a quiet family life with her current boyfriend, athlete Konstantin.

Rustam Solntsev

On the project: 2005, 2007 - 2009, 2013 - to date / Anastasia Balakhnova

Rustam Kalganov (later he took the surname Solntsev) was successful on TV even before the project: he hosted programs on the Muz-TV channel and Europe + radio. Therefore, on the project, Rustam behaved like a star, constantly talking about his career and coming into conflict with other participants. Rustam's only friends on the project were Alena Vodonaeva and Stepan Menshikov, with him Solntsev later launched the Khu from Khu Internet show.

In 2005, Kalganov left Dom-2, but two years later he was invited again - the organizers clearly did not want to lose sight of the instigator of rating quarrels. The second chance ended in no less scandal: once one of the guys lost his laptop, and the residents of Dom-2 accused Rustam of stealing. Solntsev was checked on a lie detector, which testified to his innocence. In the end, Rustam confessed to stealing and that he managed to deceive the polygraph. The guy had to leave the TV set.

However, in 2013, the brawler began to appear in issues again. Now he is not looking for a soul mate, but gives advice to the rest of the participants. In parallel with his television career, he took up his own appearance: he made a nose job and began to be treated for baldness.

The complex character did not allow the artist to build love not on the show, not outside of it. In 2010, he married a girl from Moscow, but the couple divorced three years later.

Vlad Kadoni

TASS / Maxim Shemetov

Viktor Golunov (Vlad Kadoni - his creative pseudonym) is another participant who made a comeback on the show. He first appeared on the TNT channel thanks to the Battle of Psychics in 2008. Vlad positioned himself as a warlock who received his gift from a witch mother. In a fair battle with other magicians at the Battle, Kadoni took third place, and after the show ended, he went to Dom-2. Here he left black magic and switched to scandals. So, once he said that he enlarged the penis by several sizes.

In 2011, the magician voluntarily left the project to engage in private practice and take part in esoteric shows in Estonia and Ukraine. After 4 years, he again showed up on the show, this time choosing for himself the safe status of "relationship expert": now Vlad cannot be expelled from the TV set, unless he himself wants it.

The mysterious Vlad never built a long-term relationship with any of the participants. And outside the perimeter of "House-2" for a short time met with Valeria Gai Germanika. After parting, they remained good friends. The director sometimes invites a friend to his pictures. For example, Vlad can be seen in a short episode of the series A Short Course in a Happy Life.

Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky

On the project: 2009 - 2012, 2015 - to the present / Anastasia Balakhnova

Yaroslav Shurupov dreamed of using Dom-2 to prove that he was a white magician. Taking the pseudonym Venceslav Vengrzhanovsky (translated from Polish it means “crowned with glory”), he treated one of the participants from the crown of celibacy and even opened his own salon, in which he read tarot cards. But the magic was dispelled when a graduate of the "Battle of Psychics" Vlad Kadoni came to the TV set. Vlad forced his competitor to confess to cheating.

But this was not the strangest thing in the behavior of Wenceslas. For his actions from his colleagues, he received the nickname of the main freak of the project, and the viewers awarded him the diploma "Mug of the Year".

At the end of 2011, he married participant Ekaterina Tokareva. Their marriage lasted only six months, and in the summer of 2012 Corolla left the TV set.

Outside the perimeter of the show, the white magician went to the show "The Battle of Psychics" (he was expelled after the first episode) and was a salesman in a clothing store for a short time. Having found nothing better, in 2015 the brawler returned to build love again at Dom-2.

Oleg "Miami"

Oleg Krivikov's stay on the project was hazardous to health. During the first visit, Oleg got it from Victoria Bernikova - in the heat of a quarrel, the girl poured boiling water over him. Luckily, he only burned his ear a little. The guy was kicked out of the TV set, but a year later he asked to go back. This time it all ended with injuries again: first, Oleg broke his neck jumping into the pool, and after being discharged, during another scandal, he splashed a fat remover on Darya Frolova's neck, which caused the girl to be allergic. This time I had to leave the telestroke forever.

The guy got the nickname "Miami" on the project because of his unfulfilled dream - to visit Florida. Now Miami has a new dream - to become a singer. He has already released several singles under the direction of Max Fadeev and starred in Gluk'oZa's video "Why".

Olga "The Sun" Nikolaeva

Olga began acting from the very first day of the TV show, where she came up with the nickname “Sun”. Quickly becoming one of the TV viewers' favorites, she won all possible prizes: a car, a trip to Paris and an apartment in Moscow.

The desire to make music led the Sun to the decision to leave the project. The first singles were recorded back in Dom-2 (among them the anthem of the show), and after it she released a solo album and started working as a DJ. For her services, Olga won the Golden Gramophone in 2011 and won the Russian Radio competition. The girl is also actively involved in charity work in the Technology of Good Foundation and plays in the children's theater Fantastic.

Alena Vodonaeva / MainPeople / Andrey Bashlykov

In 2007, Alena decided to leave the show and start a solo career. She recorded several singles that were not particularly successful, and began to host television and Internet shows: Reality Girl, Popular Doctor, Naked Ten on Ren-TV, Good Night, Guys on DTV, Holidays in Mexico-2".

Alena quickly became one of the leading it-girls on Instagram. Her account @alenavodonaeva, where she posts new outfits, workouts and travels abroad, is followed by over a million users.

The personal life of the star is no less interesting. For three years she was married to businessman Alexei Malakeev, to whom she bore a son, Bogdan. When the couple broke up, the boyfriends began to change one by one: the girl managed to have an affair with businessman Arseny Sharov, entrepreneur Yuri Ande, race car driver Artem Markelov, but in the end she decided never to marry again.

Natalia Bardo / Nina Zotina

Natalya Krivozub dreamed about the world of cinema since childhood. For this, she graduated from acting school, starred in episodes of television films and changed her father's surname to her mother's - Bardo. After leaving school, she entered the Shchukin Theater Institute, and in her third year she got into a scandalous project. The artist admitted that she did it not for the sake of fame, but for the sake of money - the girl wanted to pay for her father's treatment.

After "House-2" she resumed her acting career. The television graduate mainly starred in the TV series: Golden on TNT, Angelica on STS, Chasing the Shadow on NTV.

Natalia also tried her hand at the music scene. In 2011, she recorded several singles, including a cover of Lady Gaga's Alejandro. At first, Bardo told the story of how she met a girl named Stephanie on vacation in the Dominican Republic. Only upon arrival in Russia, Natalya found out that Lady Gaga was her beach friend, and the Russian woman wanted to cover one of her songs. Having received official permission from Gaga herself, Natalia recorded her single. However, later Bardo denied acquaintance with the diva and claimed that the rights to rehash the hit were bought by her ex-husband, businessman Sergey Rusakov.

Sam Seleznyov

After "House-2" Sam did not become an all-Russian star, but he returned to his native Krasnodar with honor. He participates in a stunt show and works as a host in nightclubs.

Within the walls of the show, Seleznev had a stormy character: he constantly quarreled with his girlfriend Anastasia Dashko and became the instigator of a fight with Rustam Solntsev, for which he was temporarily disqualified. Now Sam is dating Julia, who is far from show business, and is ready for marriage.

Irina Agibalova

Irina Agibalova came to the project under a pretty pretext - to look after her grandson Mitya, who was born on the project. Instead, the TV grandmother divorced her daughter, got involved in an intimate relationship with Alexei Samsonov and quarreled with the rest of the show participants. In an atmosphere of general hatred, Irina left the show, but still remained in the spotlight. After the show, she underwent a series of plastic surgeries, which helped her lose weight and appear in front of her Instagram followers with a "new face".

Stepan Menshikov / MainPeople / Vladimir Dolgov

At Dom-2, Stepan was a famous womanizer: the most beautiful girls of the project submitted to him. including Alena Vodonaeva. And after Alexandra Kharitonova, Stepan left the TV set. But the relationship of lovers did not work out, but the native channel TNT threw the guy a job. He starred in episodes of popular programs and hosted his own show "Khu from Khu" with Rustam Solntsev. Stepan had extensive plans for life: he dreamed of founding, if not his own holding, then no less popular TV program than Dom-2, and marrying a fatal brunette - such as his former girls from the project Victoria Bonya or Alena Vodonaeva. Everything turned out more prosaically. The idea with his own project burned out , We have sent a confirmation email to your email.

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