Dream that I'm flying in the air. What does it mean to fly above the ground


dream interpretationXX century

If a person flies freely and easily in a dream, this means that fate itself opens the right path and takes care of the owner of the dream. Maybe not all dreams will come true, but life will be interesting and eventful. If the flight requires effort, or if there is simply a danger of falling, then this is a sign that all dreams are fruitless, and hopes are unrealizable. So don't build castles in the air.

Karmic dream book

Flying in a dream means striving for freedom. Such a dream says that the sleeper wants to solve his life problems with all his might, to go to some transcendental and unreal heights. Perhaps it is also a reluctance to accept reality as it is. This is if a person flies often in a dream. And if such a vision is rare, then this is simply the desire to overcome all obstacles. Maybe flying in a dream is a desire to become influential, strong and get away from problems.

Eastern dream book

Flying in a dream - to growth. If such a dream appeared to a person who is not yet twenty years old, then he will grow up physically. After twenty - to spiritual growth. If a person sees how he soars in a clear clear sky - to the fact that some desired dream will soon come true. Another interpretation contains this dream book. Flying on black wings means soon, in life, you will have to experience great disappointment. Falling during a flight is a sign. It denotes imminent problems. However, if at the time of the fall a person wakes up, then he will be able to either avoid problems or cope with them.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

To fly through the air means to achieve some achievements in life. How weighty it will be depends on the altitude of the flight. Too high is false ambition. Very far away - expectation and love experiences. Flying in the sky is happiness for the healthy, and death for the sick.

Modern dream book

Flying in a dream means getting sick in real life. However, this is if a person soars low, but high - one should expect some troubles in the family. Flying over dirty water is a warning. It is worth spending more time on your own business, otherwise enemies and competitors will not fail to take advantage of the sleeper's inattention. Flying over the ruins means you will soon have to get bored a little, since life does not bode anything interesting in the near future. Seeing green grass and a crown of trees in a dream means facing temporary difficulties in life, but they will soon be replaced by good luck.

Esoteric dream book

Taking off on a magic carpet, a bird or an airplane is a long journey. If a person flies on wings, this is to acquire some kind of equipment. Just like that, without anything - to a very successful application of their data and abilities.

Ukrainian dream book

Flying in an airplane in a dream is good news. In addition, this is a success in learning and work, fortunately. In addition, such a dream can promise a promotion at work. Climb into the sky - get bogged down in everyday work. Fly low - to the road, up and down - to well-being. And also a dream in which a person flies - this is the fulfillment of hopes in love, deeds and work.

Probably every person has ever dreamed of flying. We are used to the fact that children and adolescents often fly in their sleep, explaining this by their physiological growth or hormonal changes during puberty. However, it is not uncommon for an adult to dream that he is floating in the air like a bird. Let us turn to the dream books for a detailed decoding of the "winged" dream.

According to one fairly common theory, flights in a dream are performed by people who are free from illusions. They know exactly what they want from life, and their brain is not overloaded with unnecessary information generated by daily problems, doubts and various difficulties. Therefore, in dreams, they gain wings and soar upwards, enjoying weightlessness. But what popular dream books say about this:

  • In Miller's dream book gaining the ability to soar above the ground is considered a harbinger of trouble. In order to find out how serious they will be, you should pay attention to the details of night vision.
  • If you flew over a raging sea or a pond with muddy water, in real life beware of the intrigues of enemies: keep all your intentions a secret even from those you consider your friends. A dream in which you look from above at the ruins of buildings or structures promises major losses. Not necessarily they will be material in nature: perhaps a strong old friendship or passionate love will collapse. If your air voyage passed over a forest, a wheat field, physalis thickets or other “islands” of nature, in reality you will easily get out of a difficult situation.
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation interprets flights in a dream more "favorably". According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, such dreams predict a quick trip or move. And also dreams with soaring above the ground are veiled answers to a question that worries you for a long time. For example, if in a dream you fly an airplane, then in real life your desire to take responsibility for yourself is fully justified. And the feeling of fear during a nightly adventure may indicate that you need to involve relatives or close friends in order to solve a serious problem.
  • According to the Universal Dream Book flying in a dream without wings or additional devices is a kind of symbol of your spiritual growth. According to this theory, your life should soon be transformed under the influence of a new "enlightened" worldview. But there may be difficulties that will become a kind of test for the strength of the spirit. If in a dream you have grown wings, with the help of which you fly up higher and higher, in real life you will be able to solve a long-standing serious problem on your own. Flying into an abyss or an abyss in a dream means your infantilism, a tendency to be led by your weaknesses and desires.
  • In the Wanderer's dream book night air travel alone promises significant achievements in the professional field or personal life. Flying too high reflects your pretentiousness and ambition - it may be worth a little "slow down" to build relationships with others. Flying on a broom or any animal - such a dream "speaks" of your passion for demonic theories and occult teachings, and this may mean the beginning of a spiritual fall. Air travel in bed is a dream of amazing, incredible events that will soon fill your life; on a chair - to the loss of a position or, conversely, to a promotion.
  • According to the Esoteric dream book fly in the air with wings or a propeller - to buy an expensive technical tool: a car, yacht, boat, and so on. A night voyage on a flying carpet promises an amazing journey to distant lands. If you fly without additional devices, in reality you should rely only on your own strength, but your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

An interesting Eastern theory of the origin of flights in a dream. The ancient sages believed that before the age of 20, a person flying in a dream grows physically, and after 20 - spiritually.

The meanings of the details and the plot of sleep

There can be a lot of options for air travel in dreams.

Flying in a dream for an adult is a symbol of the fulfillment of desires and success in business. A dream reflects the inner state of a person, his desire for a happy life. Often a dream demonstrates a person's ability to overcome problems and start a new life. In order for the interpretation to be reliable, it is important to take into account the main details of the dream: what the sleeping person flew on, whether the place of flight was familiar to him, what emotions he experienced.

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    General interpretation

    The main plots of the dream:

    • Flying in an airplane is a good sign. The flight promises favorable changes in the life of the sleeper. He must be patient and make efforts to achieve his goals. He is waiting for success and universal recognition.
    • Flying in a hot air balloon is an extraordinary experience for a person. It charges with a mass of positive emotions and impressions. If the sleeper has made a long flight, then a long road awaits him. For some time he will have to communicate with loved ones at a distance. A short journey symbolizes the difficult choice that the dreamer will have to make. It will affect not only the sleeping person, but also his immediate environment. It is important not to make a mistake and think about the possible consequences.
    • If the sleeper soars high in the air above the city, then such a dream reflects a person’s desire to become famous.
    • Feeling joy while flying in the air is a good sign. The dreamer feels freedom and does not experience pressure from others. If a person suddenly wakes up, then he will be told important news that will have a strong impact on his life.
    • A flight into space dreams of success in professional activities. The dreamer may receive a promotion or a large bonus. The cherished desires of the sleeper will be fulfilled.
    • Flying on a parachute in a dream is a nuisance. The threat will disturb the peace of the sleeper. At home and at work, troubles will arise caused by the actions of the sleeper in the past. If the parachute was black, then the person is aware of his mistakes and will try to correct them.
    • Flying with children is a good sign. If the dreamer has children, then they will delight him with their successes and achievements.

    Fly on wings

    Soaring on wings above the ground in a dream is an ambiguous sign. According to psychologists, such a dream may reflect the inner emotions of the sleeper. He is in love and feels a strong attachment to his soul mate. The dream represents his happiness and peace.

    In dream books there is a different interpretation. It considers the color of the sleeper's wings and the place over which he flew. If the wings were black, then the dreamer will experience bitter disappointments in reality. Fall from heaven to earth - to trouble. They can be avoided if in a dream the sleeper did not feel pain from a fall.

    Flying over a beautiful flowering park or forest - to unexpected joy and meeting with your loved one. The dreamer will be lucky in all endeavors. Flying over the dry crowns of trees - to the trials that life has prepared for the dreamer. Having overcome them, he will gain new experience and gain confidence in his abilities.

    If a woman flew over a church in a dream, then she should take care of her health and the health of her loved ones. She may have to protect her love from ill-wishers and envious people.

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    Dependence on the time of year

    When interpreting dreams, even the smallest details are taken into account. The connection between sleep and the season in which he dreamed of a person has long been noticed:

    • Flying in a dream in the spring - to pipe dreams. The dreamer "has his head in the clouds" and dreams of impossible things.
    • If a dream occurs in the summer, then the human body needs rest. A little vacation will help replenish your energy and have a great time.
    • An autumn dream promises a new acquaintance and a passionate romance that follows.
    • Flying in a dream in winter - to the emergence of new perspectives. The main thing is to take advantage of them in time and not miss your opportunity.

    Interpretation in famous dream books

    The authors of dream books considered dreams based on their own observations. Therefore, the interpretation can vary significantly. The dreamer must find a description that most fully reflects his dream, and the feelings that he experienced.

    The most popular dream books were compiled by the American psychologist Miller, the Bulgarian seer Vanga and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.


    Miller's dream book discusses in detail various dream plots. The author considered flying in a dream a bad sign for an adult. If a bride has a dream, then her marriage will be unsuccessful. Married life will not bring happiness to the young, and the relationship between them will deteriorate. For a sick person, a dream portends death if he does not promptly consult a doctor for advice.

    If the sleeper flew low over the water and he managed to remember its state, then on the basis of this information, the interpretation can be supplemented. A muddy and dirty pond warns the dreamer that he should be more careful. Intrigues are woven against him to damage his reputation. Flight over the ruins - unfortunately. But this omen should not upset the dreamer. Difficulties will soon be overcome.

    Seeing the sun while flying is a good sign! A bright streak will come in the life of the sleeper. He will easily cope with all problems and will be able to achieve great success.

    There is an omen that concerns not a single person, but the fate of all mankind. We are talking about a dream in which a person, flying through the air, saw celestial bodies. The dream portends a terrible threat. It could be a natural disaster or a major disaster. The dreamer cannot prevent it, so you should not worry about the prediction.


    Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is known for his unconventional approach to the interpretation of dreams. He personified dreams about flights with sexual intercourse. Flying in a balloon or skydiving Freud considered a reflection of a person's sexual desires. He strives to get new emotions, wants to diversify his sex life.

    Flying in a dream to an adult in a comfortable private jet is a sign that the dreamer is in excellent physical shape. An old plane indicates intimate problems. The dream interpretation advises to consult a doctor if such a condition continues for a long time. Otherwise, there may be serious problems with potency. A military helicopter reflects inflated self-esteem. Flying on a hang glider or on another, more exotic transport of movement, speaks of the desire of the sleeper to have sex in an unusual place.

    If a woman flies in a dream and watches herself from the side, then she worries about her reputation. She also cares about her own appearance. Such anxieties are typical for mature women who believe that they have lost their attractiveness in the eyes of men. You need to overcome your fears and doubts and gain your former self-confidence. And then the representatives of the stronger sex will again begin to give the dreamer signs of attention, seeking her location.


    According to Vanga, the dream of flying is interpreted as a harbinger of imminent travel or a change of residence. The seer pays special attention to a dream in which the sleeper independently drove the vehicle. Vanga believed that such a dream speaks of the timidity and indecision of a person. He is shy, which is why he often remains in the background and cannot achieve great success. It is necessary to overcome shyness and get out of the usual comfort zone. Only in this case, the dreamer will be able to independently manage his life and not depend on the opinions of others.

    To dream of flying at high altitude - to success in business and in personal life. The dream reflects the dreamer's happiness. He is completely satisfied with his real life. If the sleeper is an airplane pilot, then in life he will have to make an important decision. You have to take full responsibility.

In fact, most of our lives we devote to sleep. After all, sleep is a phenomenon that is familiar to each of us. Since some time, dreams have been looked upon as predictions or revelations. Everyone knows that dreams can predict the future and warn against troubles and failures. Therefore, when you wake up, you need to try to remember what exactly you dreamed about that night.

Why, according to the dream book of Fate, at night a person has a dream where he flies?

  1. The meaning of sleep, where you see yourself flying, predicts success in business, as well as good luck in love.
  2. If you had a dream that you are flying in the sky - for healthy people it means happiness, for the sick - unfortunately, death.
  3. Interpretation of sleep, flying a long distance - you should expect love experiences.
  4. What does a dream mean where you fly on wings - a dream promises happiness.
  5. There is a dream where you fall during the flight - means trouble.
  6. Interpretation according to the best dream book to fly above the ground itself - perhaps even a disease is ahead.
  7. If you have a dream where you are flying over muddy water - expect the intrigues of your ill-wishers.
  8. Free dream book, dreams of flying over the ruins - sad circumstances are expected, but if you saw flickering trees, then your black streak will not be long.
  9. The meaning of sleep is to fly over the green tops of trees, as well as to see white wings behind your back - happy love awaits you, incredible luck in business.
  10. A popular dream book is a dream that you are in flight and black wings are opening behind your back - it promises you bitter disappointment.
  11. Interpretation of sleep, where you see the sun in flight - do not worry, because. your worries are in vain.
  12. A modern dream book, falling during a flight - misfortune is expected if you do not wake up in time.
  13. The interpretation of a dream where you are flying in space is too carried away by your fantasies, thus you do not notice what is happening around you.
  14. According to the popular dream book of Fate, I dreamed that you were flying around the house - you would rise above circumstances.
  15. Deciphering sleep according to the popular dream book of Fate, flying above the clouds - ghostly plans, as well as dreams and your fantasies.

Why do you dream at night that you are flying in the sky?

Sleep is a figment of our imagination, also the fulfillment of certain desires, because our mind does not control the body in a dream. Nowadays, there are a very large number of interpreters for deciphering your dream. Since ancient times, they have recorded their observations in them. But, not every one of us listens to interpreters, some of us simply do not believe that dreams have the ability to come true.

  1. According to the interpretation of the free dream book of Fate, it was a dream that you flew naked in a dream - this speaks of loneliness.
  2. Why dream of flying in a dream in clothes - a reflection of your love desires.
  3. Meaning according to the free dream book of Fate, I dreamed that you were flying with an umbrella in the rain - it means a sharpening of your intuition.
  4. Deciphering a dream where you fly on a broom in a dream promises weakness, as well as impotence.
  5. Watch the dream book that you are flying a dragon in a dream - expect glory and honor.
  6. Online dream book, flying in a car in a dream - a long-distance departure is expected, or some kind of journey.
  7. The interpreter of dreams, where you see yourself flying over the city, means that you crave fame or recognition.
  8. Why did you dream that you were flying over the trees in the forest - comprehend some secret.
  9. Deciphering a dream where you fly with a guy or a girl in a dream means the absence of like-minded people.
  10. A free dream book of a flying kite, or a flying snake is magic; inner insights are expected.
  11. The best dream book, flying insects dream - you will be overtaken, problems.
  12. What does it mean to see a flying elephant in a dream - soon luck and money will leave you.
  13. I dreamed of a flying dog in a dream - a surprise will befall you unexpectedly, it touches your friend.
  14. If you dreamed of flying objects in a dream, it could also be a flying saucer - events will fly by unnoticed.
  15. The interpretation of sleep, where you fly on an airplane - you want to hide from problems.

Fly in a dream - the meaning of the biggest dream book

The dream world, in fact, only seems to be a world of illusions. Because the dream is the ultimate reality. After all, in the very first place, it is our consciousness, our emotions. These are the actions that we experienced during the whole day. And many people are interested in the fact, does a dream have the advantage of coming true? No one can give an exact answer.

  1. A popular dream book is dreaming, you are flying and experiencing lightness, like a bird - this means that you are a strong person and your spirit is free. Looking forward to a beautiful future.
  2. To dream that you are flying and then falling is a warning, because this is a sign of danger. You will experience great misfortune, perhaps even a collapse in your affairs.
  3. The meaning of sleep, where a woman dreams, as if flying from one city to another - you will protect your world from hypocrisy and lies. Such a struggle will lead to poor health.
  4. What does a dream mean where you are flying in a dark starry sky - a warning of great disasters.
  5. A big dream book to fly from roof to roof - has a designation that you are not happy with your present, and you want to change everything.
  6. The interpreter of dreams, where in a dream you fly over your house, warns that your family will be condemned for crazy plans, as a result, a scandal will brew in your house.
  7. Why fly over a foreign country in a dream - travel is expected, the return from which is not soon. Also, such a dream may have a sign that you will take up the implementation of a new business.
  8. If in a dream, you dreamed that you were flying very high - alas, according to the best dream book, but your desire is unfulfilled.
  9. Flying over a dead forest in a dream, a popular dream book of Fate - all trials will be overcome by you, thus you will succeed.
  10. The meaning of sleep, to see flying pigeons - get news from a friend about his unpleasant situation.
  11. Interpretation according to a free dream book, I dreamed of a flying lark, which eventually falls on you - you are lucky.
  12. Deciphering sleep, bats dreamed - death

To understand why the plot in which you happened to fly a dragon is dreaming, you need to find out, first of all, what prophesies both the fairy-tale character seen in a dream and the flights made in night dreams. Having learned this and put it into a single picture, you will understand what you should prepare for, dream books suggest.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller, explaining why he dreams of flying a dragon, says that this vision means that the dreamer has fallen under the influence of passions and violent emotions.

Did you dream that you were afraid while sitting on the back of a flying kite? Be careful in your statements, the interpreter advises. No matter how you want to be rude - restrain yourself!

And if you dreamed that you were enthusiastically examining the surroundings, flying on a dragon, then this means that an interesting and exciting event awaits you, which will leave a vivid mark in your memory.

Being a prisoner of a dragon in a dream is a symbol of conflicts and problems.

Pastor Loff's dream book interprets in this way what a dream means in which you fly on a dragon that has captured you: troubles and conflicts await you due to your excessive talkativeness.

Do you see in a dream how a huge dragon, having caught you, plays with you in the air: throwing and catching again? Remember, if you were horrified by such flights, then in reality you should pay attention to the immediate environment, it is likely that a traitor lurked in it.

Riding the "Snake Gorynych", or prosperity awaits you

Flying a dragon, saddling it, is a sign that your business will go uphill very soon. Moreover, the higher you flew up in a dream, the faster and better the life changes will be, the Eastern Dream Book broadcasts.

Had a dream that you are friends with a dragon, and he rolls you on his back? It is likely that an influential comrade or patron with whom you are friends will “lead” you to success and wealth, Tsvetkov’s dream book broadcasts, why this is a dream.

Taming the Flying Raptor: From Ups to Downs

Do you dream that you are training or taming a young dragon by climbing on its back and forcing you to ride under the clouds? This vision, according to dream books, means the following: diligence and striving for the goal will lead you to what you want.

And if in a dream you see that you can’t fly a dragon because of the obstinate nature of the winged lizard, then be prepared for obstacles on the way to fulfilling your dream.

Did you dream that you fell from a dragon? This is a signal of an unfortunate set of circumstances and troubles that will force you to deviate from your plan.

Dragon color

Oddly enough, the color of the lizard also influences the interpretation of a dream about flying on a dragon. Remember what shade the dragon's sides were, and the dream books will tell you who you will deal with when you wake up. So, this is who the dreaming Gorynych symbolizes:

  • black - an enemy or an envious person;
  • white - a friend or colleague;
  • red - an impulsive person with an "explosive" character;
  • green - boss or sponsor;
  • rainbow - a close friend;
  • a different color - a person from the environment (neighbor, former classmate, friend by hobby).

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