Sleep a lot of copper coins. What does it mean if you dream of coins


Coins in dreams can be deciphered as symbols of poverty or wealth, and sometimes interpreted as symbols of happiness, grief, mystery and good luck - it all depends on how valuable the coin is, whether it is alone or not, intact or has defects.

What does the dream in which he found gold coins mean?

Gypsy dream book

According to the Gypsy dream book, real coins are a sign of profit and happiness, fake ones are dishonor. A gold coin is a small loss, a silver coin is moderation, a copper coin is happiness.

Medium Hasse

Coins are a sign of stubbornness and insubordination, when a person sees that he himself is minting money, it means that he wants to achieve something that he cannot get.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

A dream where new coins are present - to wealth and fun, gold and silver - to trouble, copper to happiness. Coins are small - to minor matters or unrest. Ancient coins mean intelligence and wisdom in actions. For a woman to see coins in a dream is the appearance of a boyfriend who will deceive expectations.

According to the Home Dream Book

Shiny coins - to small luck, old - to the find. Gold coins for prosperity, silver for disputes, copper for hard work.

Jewish dream book

The Jewish dream book describes the coins seen in a dream on Monday as signs of the return of debts or the fulfillment of an agreement. If the coins are on Saturday or Sunday - wait for calm, on other days - receiving money. These readings are suitable for simple coins, and what gold coins dream of needs to be found out separately.

For men, gold coins are a warning, you can’t make hasty decisions, it’s better to consult with experts before making a decision. For women, the gold coins dreamed of on Monday are vain expectations, on the rest of the days to good luck and health.

Eastern dream book

Eastern regards gold coins as a possible deception on the part of a loved one. Silver coins are good luck, and the more silver shines, the more clearly profiles, numbers and letters are visible, the more favorable fate will be. Copper coins are hard work, and scattered ones - to tears.

Finding coins in a dream is an omen of unexpected financial profit. If the coins had to be collected from the ground, then they would not be easy to get - you would have to work hard to get income or survive quarrels, sharing profits with relatives or colleagues. Find coins in a dream made of gold - get gossip and envy in addition to success.

According to Miller's dream book

Coins are chores that will be successfully resolved. Copper coins mean that the money will be spent wisely, and gold coins will go to entertainment. Large coins - prospects, foreign - travel, old - secrets.

Coins in a dream - Seeing gold coins in a dream- to profit, silver - to quarrels in the family, copper coins dream of great difficulties associated with money.
Seeing silver coins in a dream- to wealth. You may soon get an inheritance or a big win.
Seeing copper coins, on the contrary, portends poverty and oblivion.
Throw away coins- to breaking up relationships, leaving the family, parting with loved ones due to a long business trip.
The giver can do something good for you in real life.
A girl who saw in a dream that a loved one gave her silver coins should be prepared for the fact that the chosen one will act dishonestly towards her. Shiny and bright silver coins portend the favor of fate, while copper coins mean hard work and despair.
Money, in the form of coins seen in a dream, portends success and prosperity in reality.
For a man, sleeping with gold coins is especially important, because if he cannot resist the temptation to take possession of a woman, then he will never be happy in love.
If you dreamed that you were giving coins, it means that soon you will have to part with something valuable to you.
If you dreamed that you picked up a coin from the ground, then one of your friends lives at your expense. Think about it.
If you dreamed that you were paying for something with coins, be careful with money. You may lose them.
If you had a dream about coins- wait for events that will make you rich.
If you dream that you are giving someone coins, then in life you want everyone to admire you and be grateful for any little thing. Don't waste your energy on this activity.
If you are given coins in a dream, this is an auspicious dream.
If in a dream you see coins, then this indicates your tendency to hoarding. At this point in your life, you can't think of anything else. Your whole life revolves only around material goods in general and money in particular. You should seriously think about the meaning of life and determine for yourself the place of money in your heart.
If in a dream you found a treasure with coins, then good news awaits you soon. Such a dream sometimes promises a monetary reward.
If in a dream you cannot make out what is depicted on a coin, this means that in reality you are in danger of big losses.
If in a dream someone gave you a few coins, then in life you will get rid of the anxieties and sorrows that torment you.
If in a dream you see a scattered trifle- this is for tears.
If you give alms in a dream, then this indicates that your selflessness will be trampled on by the same people whom you help in real life.
If a woman sees a dream with gold coins, then she will most likely have to face the problem of choosing a family or career.
If the coins were blackened or stained with dirt, you will be mired in conflicts with loved ones, which can even lead to enmity. At the same time, a clearly distinguishable profile and numbers on the coin mean the fierceness of your confrontation.
If the coins in your dream were gold, then in the real world you will be a happy, rich, famous and influential person. this dream prophesies a fascinating and informative journey.
If the coins are old- the legacy will be impressive.
If you dreamed of a dark coin are conflicts and enmity.
If the silver is darkened, then quarrels and secrets from each other will begin in the family.
If you dream that the coin has returned, it means that in life all the troubles will be solved safely, but if this did not happen, then the outcome may be unfavorable.
If you dream of gold coins is for prosperity.
If a person dreamed that a coin was stolen from him or he himself lost it, then the children will cause a lot of trouble.
Iron or copper coins in a dream indicate that you will have a hard time in the near future. Problems will begin at work and financially, poverty threatens you. You have to work hard to feed yourself and your family.
Gold coins in a dream will bring you happiness, success in life, prosperity and wealth. This dream is considered a very good sign.
Dreaming of gold coins means that a person will be judged as a worthy person.
Sometimes dreams about coins portend deception on the part of acquaintances. Such a dream warns that money should be treated carefully.
When you see gold coins in front of you in a dream, expect temptations.
A bent coin, on the contrary, warns that your ill-wishers will slander your name, which can lead to your imprisonment. such a dream may indicate that difficult and long negotiations await you in your professional activities.
Seeing coins in a dream means that a number of events will soon happen in your life. Which ones can be predicted if you remember the metal or the color of the coins you saw in a dream.
Copper coins seen in a dream indicate that in real life you will have to suffer losses, hardships, hard work and need.
Silver coins dream of the dishonesty of your soulmate, family troubles, which, however, will quickly end, leaving no remorse and painful memories behind.
Coins made of gold promise respect and reverence from the surrounding people.
Finding coins in a dream means the implementation of new plans and projects in reality, you will acquire useful connections and strong patrons, you will successfully study or find a new job.
Count coins in a dream and share them with someone- to unexpected wealth and a calm family life.
Counting coins in a dream predicts sadness, tears, sorrows and unpleasant chores.
Lose coins in a dream- to losses.
A dreaming pile of coins will bring fame and fortune.
Hiding coins in a dream, burying a treasure with gold coins means that your curiosity and desire to participate in all events in the life of friends and relatives will not lead to anything good. They begin to dislike you, feel irritation and anger towards your person.
Light coins dream of good, and bent ones portend a lie against the person who saw this dream.
See silver coins in a dream- to family happiness, mutual understanding with loved ones, fidelity of the spouse and comfort in the house.
Old unusual coins dream of good luck and success among colleagues.
Counting coins and sharing them with your soulmate means discord in the family, and a very small, literally tiny coin means the birth of a child.
spend coins- a dream prophesies a big win, great luck, a fateful meeting and a lot of fun in reality.
Clean, shiny coins dream of good events in your life.

The ringing of coins causes many pleasant associations both in reality and in midnight visions. Probably, everyone at least once counted or found a change in a dream, and connected this fact with subsequent events.

Many have noticed that coins, unlike, are a good sign. Why dream? Most dream books agree that everything that follows such a dream will be insignificant and as small as the money itself. Well, to be more precise, you can decipher the meaning by comparing the details of what you saw with the interpretation of dream books.

Why dream of collecting change

Collecting small change in a dream, adding penny to penny, is most often a sign of an imminent improvement in financial situation. It is too early to wait for big profits, but you can count on a small income. Pick up coins from the floor dreams of success in small matters. If in a dream you collect small money around the house, you can hope for a positive solution to the legal problem associated with your family. Raising coins scattered by someone on purpose symbolizes that in the near future you will incur minor troubles, and the reason for this will be your carelessness in actions or statements.

Counting a trifle in a dream usually means that in reality you behave like a prudent and pragmatic person. Remember how the counting of coins ended in a dream:

  • if small there was a lot of money, and you could not count them - soon material well-being awaits you;
  • if there was money less than you expected Get ready to go into debt.

A good sign if you dreamed that you were giving change to the poor. Such a dream portends getting rid of problems and support from a loved one. Giving coins for a purchase - a dream promises the realization of your long-standing plans.

Give away all the little things to a penny - a dream means that soon a burden of unbearable worries will fall from your shoulders. Generosity in a dream will turn for you into selfless help from those around you in reality.

Dreamed of a lot of coins

Dream Interpretations interpret a large number of little things in a dream as a sign get rich quick. It is quite possible that global changes will take place in your life, which will lead to an increase in prosperity. A lot of little things in a dream are sometimes considered a harbinger of happiness and joy. The interpretation of the Modern Dream Book is not so rosy - a lot of small money dreams of unforeseen large expenses.

Paper money in a dream is often a harbinger of trouble. But if you distribute them along with small coins, the dream prophesies an increase in income and a well-fed life. And here count money in a dream means financial losses and the need for austerity.

To open and find coins in it instead of paper bills - get ready for the same strong disappointment in reality. Scatter small and large money - a dream warns that you will have to put up with failures for a while.

Coins in a wallet

Dreamed, full of little things- a dream predicts a lot of household chores and small joys. But if a large bill is among the coins, disappointment and tears cannot be avoided. It is best if the wallet is filled to the top with gold coins - in this case, rare luck and an unexpected inheritance await you. Losing a wallet with change in a dream means getting rid of problems that have been plaguing you for a long time. Finding a wallet with pennies is a sign that you will get yourself in trouble due to your quick temper.

In the pocket

If in a dream you felt a lot of little things in your pocket, this is a sign that you waste your life, you should focus on achieving more important goals.

Pennies spilled out through a hole in his pocket - a sign that there was a high probability of unexpected spending.

You may have to pay for your own indiscretion and careless attitude to business.

Old trifle - what is it for

Old coins in a dream almost always portend good profit or lucky find. Gold or silver money symbolizes future wealth, smaller coins - a happy family life. To dream of a piggy bank full of old coins, dreams of strengthening the financial situation. If in a dream you find a treasure or a chest stuffed to the brim with old coins - go for it, even the most unrealistic ideas have every chance of coming true!

Find coins in a dream

Dream Interpretations warn that it is better not to find a trifle in a dream. And if you are “lucky enough” to find money lost by someone, resolutely pass by. It is likely that unhappy times will come in your life, full of tears and bad luck. Some dream books claim that only dirty found coins are a bad sign, while clean ones, on the contrary, will help to forget about poverty forever.

Commemorative coins

A modern dream book interprets a dream in which commemorative coins appear as an omen of an imminent trip. promises to be long and interesting. The second interpretation of sleep - you have to. In any case, a change of scenery will only benefit you. Give someone commemorative money in a dream means the spiritual support of the family at a difficult moment.

Find a treasure in a dream - prediction of inheritance. If you dreamed that you were paying with old money instead of modern money, this is a sign that you should not open your soul to unfamiliar people. Your candor can be used against you. Finding an ancient coin in the house is a symbol of the fact that you have to find out a family secret.


I dreamed that you were holding gold coins in your hands - you can hope for success in business and a comfortable life. But giving gold to someone is not a good sign - hard times await you in reality.

Finding a gold coin usually means making important decisions that will help you succeed.

10 ruble coin

Coins of medium denomination usually portend petty expenses and unexpected expenses. You should be more economical with the budget, otherwise large financial losses are not excluded in the future. Sometimes white metal coins prophesy tears and despondency. The more coins dreamed, the longer the unlucky period will drag on.

In dreams, we can get wealth or, on the contrary, become poorer, count pennies for bread. In any case, you need to look at the meaning of the coins in the dream book, this will help you understand what to expect in reality from such a night vision. Consider the interpretation of a variety of dreams in which there was metal money.

Interpretation in popular dream books

First, we will reveal a brief description of dreams, which is offered by the most popular interpreters. The meanings may be different, but then you can clarify the prophecy by recalling the specifics of the dream.

Eastern dream book:

  1. Scatter coins - to despair, tears.
  2. A woman sees how her beloved gives her money from precious metals - expect the betrayal of her beloved.
  3. Clearly see a bag of money - to unexpected wealth.

According to Taflisi's dream book:

  1. If you dream of small money received from the hands of the authorities, the president or any high-ranking person - get rid of problems, everything will be fine in the future.
  2. Dark-colored coins (copper, rusty, old darkened) portend conflicts, meeting enemies face to face.
  3. Money made of light metal, shining - to good news, good friends.
  4. To see coins bent, ugly, with crooked edges - someone spreads unpleasant gossip about the dreamer.
  5. Counting coins with a spouse - to family discord.

The modern dream book gives the following interpretation:

  1. Coppers - to hard work, poverty.
  2. Gold - problems in the family, with children, everyday troubles.
  3. Silver coins - to wealth.

Esoteric dream book:

  1. Just seeing metal money around you is going to be fun.
  2. Give coins, lose - to unforeseen expenses.
  3. To receive money is to profit.

Roberty's psychological dream book claims that small money in a dream is a manifestation of internal anxiety for well-being, prosperity. Perhaps a person is barely making ends meet, or he needs to repay a monetary debt. In such dreams, the sleeper often finds a lot of money, rejoices at the solved problems, but he is overtaken by disappointment when he wakes up.

According to Hasse:

  1. Just to see money is to resist some event.
  2. Produce, mint coins - you work too hard, but do not get the proper profit and satisfaction. It seems to the dreamer that he is wasting time and energy on some business in vain.
  3. Money from precious metals - to troubles, problems.
  4. Ordinary copper coins - to great joy, happiness.

Now we propose to find out more precisely what the dream portends by examining it in detail.

Scatter or collect coins

If in a dream you throw money at people, then in reality, expect a strong family scandal. In the case when you simply give coins away without throwing them in the face, then this is a good dream, and it promises the completion of a long-started business.

Pay attention, if you do not throw small money to people, but simply scatter it on the floor, on the ground, then in life you spend a lot of time on unimportant and empty things that deprive you of prosperity and well-being.

If you collect a trifle in a dream, there will be several meanings, and everything needs to be considered in detail:

  1. Found money, collect - improving the financial situation. If you put it not in a wallet, but in a hat, then the dream tells you about a successfully completed business, for which you will soon receive a good reward. Collected in a big pile - expect wealth. During this period, you can buy a lottery ticket, go on a treasure hunt!
  2. You scattered your coins, then began to collect them - you spend a lot of effort where a little participation is enough.
  3. Found a few coins or a small amount (for example, 2 or 5 rubles) - beware of enemies, they can cause harm.
  4. Lost coins, began to search, count, but not all were found - a big expense. The larger the amount missed, the higher the loss!

About recounting, dreams should be considered separately, since interpretations vary.

I dreamed of counting a trifle

Money loves an account! And this statement applies not only to real life, but also to dreams.

Usually in dream books they write that counting coins is to increase well-being, but this is not always the case.

  1. Counting old coins - you hold on to the past, and it interferes with your future. You need to let go of all the past, and happiness will definitely come.
  2. Do you collect and count old coins? Expect from your favorite original gift.
  3. Counting coins with a face value of 10 and 5 rubles is an inept financial management, so money is consistently lacking.
  4. Count very small coins, pennies - expect minor changes in life. Good changes await if the money is light, bad - dark.

If you dreamed of a lot of coins, and not a handful, this is a good sign! To lose count because of a large amount of money - to stop counting coins in reality, that is, to get rich.

Gold, silver money

If possible, then remember what metal the money you saw in a dream consisted of.

The material of money is interpreted in its own way, and a dreamer's vision can promise completely different things:

  1. Gold coins in a dream promise prosperity, wealth, success. But this interpretation is only for men. Gold promises a lot of trouble for a woman, and for young girls - deceit from a loved one.
  2. Find gold coins - the dream says that you pay too much attention to material wealth. You need to learn to see wealth around you.
  3. Silver money in a dream, regardless of gender, promises quarrels (at home, with loved ones, with friends).

If in a dream you lose precious coins, and do not receive them, then this is good. So the dream says that all the bad weather has left you, in the family or with friends. If there was a discord, soon everything will work out.

see old coins

Quite often, people dream of the old-style coins, and not modern ones.

What do such dreams promise?

  1. Get a large coin - get rich in real life. If at the same time you decide to swallow the money, then in reality you will hide your source of income and real earnings from others.
  2. If an old, but not Russian-made coin fell into your hands, then soon you will make new friends who will help you succeed in finance. You may be helped to get a more profitable job.
  3. Found a collectible coin? In reality, you will be given a chance to get rich. If a whole collection of coins fell into your hands, then for a long period the doors to the world of material well-being will be opened before you.
  4. Do you dream of old coins, worn from time to time, somewhere rusty? Soon you will find out the family secret. If you pay for goods with this money, then expect betrayal from loved ones.
  5. Who dreamed of metal money is also an important nuance in interpretation.

    1. A man sees a lot of coins - he will soon get rich, get a big profit. If these coins are made of precious metals, then beware of collapse, do not even trust all your loved ones. Remember that not all that glitters is gold!
    2. If a woman sees coins in a dream, most likely she is concerned about her current financial situation. Money is often dreamed of during the cost of vacations, repairs, with a lack of finances. To receive money from metal in a dream - to establish a financial condition.
    3. For unmarried girls, a dream promises a noble groom. Relationships will develop well if you see simple coins. If in a dream a guy gives silver or gold coins, then in reality he acted dishonestly towards his beloved.
    4. Regardless of the dreamer's gender, the ringing of coins in a dream will portend good news, guests from afar and fun.

    Do not despair if the interpretation is not what you would like! A dream only portends something, and it is in your power to change the situation for the better. We wish you only beautiful, colorful dreams that will bring happiness and health to reality!

A coin in a dream is always a significant symbol that is hard not to pay attention to. One can come across the statement that coins appear in the dreams of people for whom material wealth is higher than spiritual values. But such a statement is not unambiguous. To understand why money is dreaming - coins, you need to compare information from dream books about various dream plots with events taking place in the real world.

Also, in order to correctly decipher the dreams in which the coins were seen, it is necessary to remember their appearance and dignity. An important factor for the correctness of interpretations are the actions that were carried out with coins in night dreams.

Golden coins

Most often, dreamers are interested in the question of what gold coins dream of. In most cases, this symbol is interpreted positively, because gold is a reflection of light and the sun. A dream in which gold coins appeared portends well-being and prosperity in real life. Very often, gold coins symbolize the wealth of the dreamer's inner world.

Why do you dream of gold coins in your hands?

If, according to the plot of a dream, you happened to hold gold coins in your hands, then in reality you can count on a good benefit from any event. In addition, such a dream portends a successful career advancement, and perhaps there will be an opportunity to introduce your own interesting project. Such night dreams, in general, are an indicator of financial stability, which is not in danger at this time.

Find gold coins

When you dreamed that you found gold coins, this means that events will occur in real life that will bring you real joy. Also, this symbol can be a harbinger of bright life changes.

In various dream books, other interpretations of the plots stand out:

    Ancient gold coins portend a fascinating journey; A very small gold coin predicts the birth of a child in the family. And if several of them appear in a dream, then this indicates that more than one child will be born in the family.

Give away gold coins

If in a dream you give away gold coins, then this is not a very good sign. He indicates that in real life a stressful situation can happen, which will be very difficult to cope with. It will require incredible effort and time.

Gold coins as a gift - the interpretation of sleep for a woman

For a woman, a very good omen is a dream in which she is presented with gold coins as a gift. This indicates that a happy marriage awaits her. Moreover, she will connect her fate with a wealthy person.

Spend gold coins

If you dream that you have to spend gold coins, then in real life you will have unforeseen, but mandatory expenses. You need to be more economical so as not to bring yourself to complete bankruptcy.

Silver coins - the meaning of sleep

Silver coins symbolize the favor of fate. In reality, a good period is coming for new beginnings, you have enough strength and energy to bring your most daring ideas to life.

Also, silver coins may indicate that you will not be bored in the coming life period. Unplanned and very interesting trips are possible, and you are also not immune from serious showdowns with people from your environment, adventures and adventures await you.

Copper coins in a dream

When you saw copper coins in your night dreams, you need to prepare for the fact that a period is coming in which you have to work hard. But for hard work you will be adequately rewarded. You will be able not only to harm your financial situation, but to earn honor and respect in society.

Why do old coins dream

Very often, old coins appear in dreams, and the question immediately arises, why do such monetary objects dream? It's a pretty versatile character. If you dreamed of coins that had faded from time to time, of an unsightly appearance, then you need to wait for the revelation of some secret. Moreover, it can be both secret information concerning you and your loved ones. Perhaps you will learn a secret that is many decades old, but it has not lost its relevance in the present period of time, so it came as a surprise to you.

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to pay with old coins instead of modern money, then such a dream is of a warning nature. You need to try, in real life, not to trust unfamiliar people and you should not share your innermost thoughts with them at all. During this period, there is a risk that your frankness may turn against you.

A dream is considered a good sign in which you managed to find a treasure with old coins. In reality, you can receive a large inheritance. Moreover, it will be unexpected, since relatives will be associated with him, the existence of which you did not even suspect.

Old coins in a dream may portend a rare gift. Moreover, its cost will be absolutely unimportant, since it will be dear to the soul. In addition, if you saw a large number of coins in a dream, then this indicates that the time has come to part with the past and start a new life.

iron money

If in a dream you saw iron money that no longer circulates, but it cannot be attributed to old coins, then this indicates that you will soon gain great experience, which you can later successfully apply.

Commemorative coins

When you see commemorative coins in night dreams, then you may soon have to change the situation. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of a change of residence. The main thing on which the commemorative coins in night dreams focus the dreamer's attention is that in the coming life period one cannot sit idly by.

Miller's dream book

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, if you found coins on the road in a dream, then pay attention to the following:
    Small coins portend anxiety and a lot of household chores; Large coins predict changes for the better.
When metal coins in night dreams had to be held in the palms, this promises great prospects in real life. If the dreamer counts coins in a dream, then this symbolizes his frugality in reality. When, according to the plot of a dream, someone gives you silver coins, this does not indicate that someone in reality can act dishonestly with you. Therefore, in order to insure against such a case, during this life period, you need to exercise increased caution.

Shares coins

It is important to know why there is a dream in which you have to share coins with someone. This portends serious conflicts with people from the immediate environment. Moreover, they will be caused by fundamental disagreements, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to find a compromise. Other dream storylines with coins can be interpreted as follows:
    Giving metal money to someone means, in the near future, successfully completing the business you have begun; Finding money that is in use - participating in entertainment events soon; Collecting change on the road - success in household chores.
When you see in night dreams that you are scattering coins, this indicates that you cannot make a choice or make an important life decision. Such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that no matter what choice you make, you will still need to sacrifice something. Therefore, you need to focus solely on the goal and this will allow you to decide what needs to be done.

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