Dream "Smell in a dream." What does smell mean in a dream? Bad smell


A dream in which you smell a pleasant smell portends success in business, the help of friends and reliable protection in the face of influential people.

Unpleasant, repulsive smell - you will be disliked, despised or hated (depending on how strong the smell is).

If the smell is very strong, well, downright stinking, you will expect a bad attitude from the authorities, rudeness of others, ridicule of friends and nitpicking in the family.

The stench of rotten or carrion, putrid smell - predicts the illness of distant relatives.

Someone else, and even worse, if your bad breath or from a sweaty body is a sign of betrayal of your loved ones and a stay in the hospital for a long-term cure.

To feel a sharp unpleasant smell of chemicals in a dream - to quarrels between friends and the misfortune that befalls one of them.

To smell urine in a dream means that you will have the misfortune to get into the society of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior.

Inhaling sweet confectionery smells in a dream portends significant material support that your parents will provide you in acquiring something very significant.

Refined smells of perfumes and other perfumes are a sign of upcoming pleasures alone with your loved one.

Delicious smells of appetizing food in a dream portend profitable deals, good luck in business and good health. Vanilla smell - to pleasant and good news.

The smells of alcoholic beverages - you are surrounded by evil and treacherous people, tobacco products - to drunkenness and quarrels.

Sniffing flowers in a dream - to pleasure, success and joy.

The smell of lilies - to sad, but bright experiences that purify the heart and soul, poppies - become a victim of deceptive exhortations and false promises.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Idiomatic dream book

Smell - what symbolizes what you see

Let's remember what stable phrases we know with the concept of "smell". This will help us unravel the meaning of sleep. So. If you dreamed of some kind of unpleasant smell in a dream, it means that it smells bad here or smells bad. The dream quite predicts some unpleasant events in your life. Or warn against participating in certain adventures. If you are attracted by the smell of distant wanderings, it is quite possible that you will go on a long journey.

Especially if the smell was somehow unusual, but pleasant. Sniffing gunpowder is another well-known expression that predicts the acquisition of valuable experience. When it smells of something fried or burned, this is a clear sign of a scandal looming over you. Depending on what kind of smell you felt, your dream can be interpreted in different ways. To feel gentle pleasant smells - in reality you will receive the protection you need in a difficult situation.

Pleasant, but very sharp, strong, such as, for example, some spirits possess - this is a warning about intrigues developing around you. Probably, someone wants to trap you, seduce you, in order to use it for their own purposes. But when you dream of a bad, unpleasant smell, it means that you will have to take part in some kind of conflict. You will have a quarrel with a loved one or with work colleagues.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of a smell

The meaning of the dream in which you smelled some kind of smell depends entirely on what it was like. If you dreamed of a sweet pleasant smell, your dream can be considered positive. He says that you will get help in business or in everyday life from some woman. And, most likely, it will seem unusual and surprising to you. If the dreamer is a young woman, and she smells a pleasant aroma in a dream - perhaps it is perfume, flowers, or something else equally fragrant - in reality she can expect entertainment and receive gifts.

By the way, when is your birthday? On the contrary, if you feel a sharp disgusting smell, this is a negative sign. Your assistants will let you down, or they will be too inept. Or quarrels, conflicts and other troubles await you. Aromas, delicate smells - dream of deception. If you perfumed your head in a dream, this dream means that someone's arrogance will hurt you. If a woman sees a dream, she should be wary of her husband's infidelity. If in a dream someone perfumed your head or hair, this is a sign of friendship and respect awaiting you. If a bad smell emanates from you in a dream, the dream portends someone's hostility.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The smell in a dream why dream

If in a dream you dreamed of a smell, it is simply interpreted. If it was a pleasant smell, a scent you like, it is almost always a good sign. He predicts you in reality success and good luck in business. On the contrary, when in a dream you smell some kind of disgusting smells, this predicts problems, troubles of defeat in reality. Most likely, they will swing in the area that worries you the most at the moment. Moreover, the blows of fate will be the more sensitive for you, the more unpleasant and strong the smell from your dream was.

If you dream of a pleasant aroma that spreads around you in an enchanting wave, your dream is positive. It promises that in difficult times you will definitely receive the help, support and protection you need from some person. The pleasant smell that seems to you is a symbol of this protection. When in a dream you feel a disgusting smell, stink, then, regardless of its source, the dream turns out to be a warning that you will have to communicate with a very difficult and unpleasant person. It is possible that it will end in a quarrel.

Miller's dream book

Why dream Smell in a dream

Feeling a sweet pleasant smell in a dream - a dream predicts your acquaintance and communication with an amazing beautiful woman who will provide you with invaluable assistance in the successful promotion of your business. And it is possible that your relationship will become not only business. When a young woman dreams that she inhales a pleasant, delicate aroma, in reality she will have fun, entertainment and receive gifts. If the smell from your dream seemed unbearably disgusting to you, unfortunately, the dream predicts that you will have to go through a number of unpleasant moments.

Perhaps the helpers you rely on will let you down. Or you have a quarrel, a conflict with an important person for you. In a dream, you feel an unpleasant smell, it could rather be called a stink - it means that you will have quarrels and conflicts with others. An unpleasant smell in a dream is a signal that you should try to subdue your emotions. Yes, the people with whom you communicate are not always pleasant to you. But, they don't have to like you. Quarrels can lead to the fact that instead of help and sympathy, you will get a spoke in the wheel from someone else.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The smell in a dream why dream

The meaning of a dream in which you felt a certain smell depends entirely on how it seemed to you. A gentle pleasant aroma is dreaming - you can rejoice. In reality, you will be able to get timely help and protection in some difficult situation for you. If the smell seemed pleasant to you, but too harsh, the dream warns you against being too gullible.

Probably, someone is weaving intrigues around you, trying to charm you or seduce you with some kind of benefit, but in fact, this person thinks only about his own interests. And they may not always match yours. The smell, which seemed frankly unpleasant to you, rather - it was a stench, suggests that you can quarrel with a vengeful person, and this later, if it does not completely ruin your life, then, in any case, it will bring a lot of problems and troubles.

English dream book

Why see the Smell in a dream

Smell - Smells in dreams are often influenced by the smells in the room surrounding you in your dream; keeping a handkerchief soaked in your favorite scent on the table by your bed will make your dreams more pleasant. If the smell is unpleasant and there are no physically real reasons for this, think about what it means to you in everyday life. Do you associate the smell of, say, sewerage with the least attractive features of your personality or the people around you? We usually make fun of these perfectly normal aspects of life, but many prefer to hide such features.

Why dream when you smell: What smell did you smell? Natural sweet scent of flowers? Artificial spirits? Food or drink, such as coffee, bread, chocolate or fish? A rich, natural wood scent or the fresh, invigorating scent of a sea breeze? Pine trees or cut grass? Chemistry or rotting vegetables? The smell of incense or the stench of clogged pipes?

The meaning of the dream about Datura (Assyrian dream book)

Smell in a dream - often a dream predicts you will receive some messages. The nose is a source of wisdom energy, so when you dream of any images associated with your nose, the dream warns that you should definitely pay special attention to the information that you will receive in the near future. Depending on what kind of smell you smelled, the news you received can also be pleasant or unpleasant. If you dream of a smell, this is also a warning that someone is going to “poke their nose” into your affairs, for example, a curious neighbor, business partner or work colleague. Finally, sleep has another meaning. He often says that you have a subtle flair for work or in some other area of ​​​​your life.

Smell is a feeling. Bad smell - negative emotions; suspicions; pleasant aroma - love relationships. You dreamed of Smell - Feel an unpleasant smell On Monday night - a warning: do not rush to make a decision. On the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to unfortunate misunderstandings. - Having a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this dream - to big trouble. Feel a pleasant smell - Dreamed on Monday night - this dream means that now is a favorable time for you and you can rely on your intuition. On the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to luck in minor things. On the night of Saturday or Sunday - good luck.

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Smell

Smell - You dream that you feel a pleasant sweetish smell - a woman will appear in your life who will seem simply beautiful to you; she will help you, and your acquaintance will begin with this; this beautiful woman will later become your lover. A young woman dreams of a pleasant sweetish smell - someone will give this woman a gift; she will not be bored in the near future; there is another interpretation of the dream: this woman will fall under the influence of an experienced seducer - he will give her a gift, he will entertain her, but, having achieved his goal, he will laugh at her feelings and hide.

You hear an unpleasant pungent smell in a dream - a conflict has ripened at your work; a quarrel will arise between your subordinates and will drag you out; supporting one of the parties, you will spawn the offended; without supporting anyone, you will pass for indecisive, soft-bodied; to make Solomon's decision, one must have Solomon's wisdom; think hard before you do something - that's what you and the leader.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Smell in a dream

Smell - To smell in a dream means in reality to receive information that will be very useful to you. Imagine the smell you felt in your dream. What could smell like that? Imagine this item. Being aware of a smell in a dream usually means that we are trying to recognize an object or understand where the smell is coming from. Most of the other senses are heightened in the dream, but the sense of smell becomes available only when a specific interpretation is needed and the source of the smell needs to be noted.

Childhood is the time when smells play a particularly important role. Most of the smells that are associated with this time - that is, the smell of fresh bread, roasting meat, flowers, school cafeteria - can be of great importance in adulthood. A pleasant smell can evoke pleasant memories, while a bad smell can bring to mind past trauma. As the spiritual senses develop, being able to sense and recognize the smells of the past can become daunting for a clairvoyant. If this possibility is recognized only as a means of identifying time, place or person, then there should be no problem and nothing to be afraid of.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with a smell mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of hearing in a dream. how someone smells good - to get to know a nice person - this is the meaning of what this dream is about. Enjoy delicious smells in a dream - to sort things out.

In the summer, why dreamed of smelling burnt in a dream - to a fire.

In autumn, why dream of hearing a pleasant smell coming from afar - to a fleeting acquaintance with a very pleasant person. It smelled of burning - someone is spreading bad gossip about you.

In winter, why dream of smelling burnt in a dream - to unkind rumors about you.

A dream in which you smell a pleasant smell portends success in business, the help of friends and reliable protection in the face of influential people.

Unpleasant, repulsive smell - you will be disliked, despised or hated (depending on how strong the smell is).

If the smell is very strong, well, downright stinking, you will expect a bad attitude from the authorities, rudeness of others, ridicule of friends and nitpicking in the family.

The stench of rotten or carrion, putrid smell - predicts the illness of distant relatives.

Someone else, and even worse, if your bad breath or from a sweaty body is a sign of betrayal of your loved ones and a stay in the hospital for a long-term cure.

To feel a sharp unpleasant smell of chemicals in a dream - to quarrels between friends and the misfortune that befalls one of them.

To smell urine in a dream means that you will have the misfortune to get into the society of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior.

Inhaling sweet confectionery smells in a dream portends significant material support that your parents will provide you in acquiring something very significant.

Refined smells of perfumes and other perfumes are a sign of upcoming pleasures alone with your loved one.

Delicious smells of appetizing food in a dream portend profitable deals, good luck in business and good health. Vanilla smell - to pleasant and good news.

The smells of alcoholic beverages - you are surrounded by evil and treacherous people, tobacco products - to drunkenness and quarrels.

Sniffing flowers in a dream - to pleasure, success and joy.

The smell of lilies - to sad, but bright experiences that purify the heart and soul, poppies - become a victim of deceptive exhortations and false promises.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a smell:

Rotten, fell from a burning man - happiness.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Seeing a smell in a dream means:

pleasant - get protection.

Miller's dream book

A dream with a smell in the dream book is interpreted as:

To dream that you inhale sweet smells in a dream is a sign that a beautiful woman will assist you in everyday life and successful financing.
To smell a disgusting smell in a dream means unpleasant quarrels and unreliable servants.
If a young woman dreams that she inhales a pleasant aroma, this dream promises her a gift and great entertainment.

Small dream book

A dream with a smell means:

If in a dream you felt an unpleasant smell, then in reality you cannot avoid quarrels and disagreements. A sweetish pleasant aroma can be a symbol that changes for the better will take place in your personal life, and your affairs will go on a stable course.

Assyrian dream book

Meaning of sleep smell:

If in a dream you are given something with a strong, pleasant smell, known to you, then you will find what you have lost, and if it is unknown, the powerful will take away your property.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a smell:

pleasant - get protection; bad - a quarrel with a friend.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What can smell like:

Pleasant - to receive protection, patronage;
bad - a quarrel with a friend.
See also

Miller's dream book

Smell, in a dream means:

See Ham, Jasmine, Ham, Ferret.

French dream book

If a girl dreams of a smell, then this means:

Aromas, delicate smells - dream of deception. If you perfumed your head in a dream, this dream means that someone's arrogance will hurt you. If a woman sees such a dream, she should be wary of her husband's infidelity. If in a dream someone perfumed your head or hair, this is a sign of friendship and respect awaiting you. If a bad smell comes from you in a dream, the dream portends someone's hostility.

Dream interpretation alphabetically

Why does a woman dream of a smell:

A dream in which you smell a pleasant smell portends success in business, the help of friends and reliable protection in the face of influential people.

Unpleasant, repulsive smell - you will be disliked, despised or hated (depending on how strong the smell is).

If the smell is very strong, well, downright stinking, you will expect a bad attitude from the authorities, rudeness of others, ridicule of friends and nitpicking in the family.

The stench of rotten or carrion, putrid smell - predicts the illness of distant relatives.

Someone else, and even worse, if your bad breath or from a sweaty body is a sign of betrayal of your loved ones and a stay in the hospital for a long-term cure.

To feel a sharp unpleasant smell of chemicals in a dream - to quarrels between friends and the misfortune that befalls one of them.

To smell urine in a dream means that you will have the misfortune to get into the society of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior.

Inhaling sweet confectionery smells in a dream portends significant material support that your parents will provide you in acquiring something very significant.

Refined smells of perfumes and other perfumes are a sign of upcoming pleasures alone with your loved one.

Delicious smells of appetizing food in a dream portend profitable deals, good luck in business and good health. Vanilla smell - to pleasant and good news.

The smells of alcoholic beverages - you are surrounded by evil and treacherous people, tobacco products - to drunkenness and quarrels.

Sniffing flowers in a dream - to pleasure, success and joy.

The smell of lilies - to sad, but bright experiences that purify the heart and soul, poppies - become a victim of deceptive exhortations and false promises.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The smell in a dream Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

To smell in a dream means in reality to receive information that will be very useful to you. Feel a pleasant smell - the information received will make you happy Feel an unpleasant smell - you will receive information that is unpleasant at first glance, which will ultimately be very useful for you.

Imagine the smell you felt in your dream. What could smell like that Imagine this object.

1. Smell- (Dream Interpretation Medium misc Xacce)
Pleasant - get protection
2. Smell- (Modern dream book)
A dream in which you smell a pleasant smell portends success in business, the help of friends and reliable protection in the person of influential people. Unpleasant, repulsive smell - you will be disliked, despised or hated (depending on how strong the smell is). If the smell is simply disgusting, you will be treated badly by management, ridiculed by friends and nitpicking by your family members. The stench of rotten or carrion predicts the illness of distant relatives. To feel a sharp unpleasant smell of chemicals in a dream - to quarrels between friends and to the misfortune that befalls one of them. To smell urine in a dream means that you will find yourself in the company of people for whom meanness is the norm of behavior. Inhaling sweet confectionery smells in a dream portends significant financial support that your parents will provide you. Refined smells of perfumes and other perfumes are a sign of upcoming pleasures alone with your loved one. Appetizing smells of food portend good luck in business and good health. Vanilla smell - to pleasant and joyful news. The smells of alcoholic beverages - you are surrounded by evil and treacherous people; tobacco products - to drunkenness and quarrels. Sniffing flowers in a dream - to pleasure and joy. The smell of lilies - to sad, but bright experiences that purify the heart and soul; poppies - you will become a victim of deceptive exhortations and false promises. If you have lost your sense of smell - be careful: some enemies are chasing you.
3. Smell- (Miller's dream book)
To dream that you inhale sweet smells in a dream is a sign that a beautiful woman will assist you in everyday life and successful financing. To smell a disgusting smell in a dream means unpleasant quarrels and unreliable servants. If a young woman dreams that she inhales a pleasant aroma, this dream promises her a gift and great entertainment.
4. Smell- (Dream Interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
Pleasant - to receive protection, patronage; bad - a quarrel with a friend. See also Perfume.
5. Smell- (Dream Interpretation of Yuri Andreevich Longo)
The smell itself cannot be dreamed of, since it is invisible, but in a dream you can smell the smell, it causes you some specific associations. If in a dream you smelled an unpleasant smell, be prepared for the fact that in real life someone around you is diligently spreading bad rumors and gossip. He does this with the aim of discrediting you in the eyes of a person whose opinion you are far from indifferent to. To smell a pleasant smell in a dream - to joy, to good news, to entertainment. If the smell in a dream gives you some associations, it means that in real life grandiose changes await you, which will occur for reasons beyond your control. Circumstances will be unfavorable. An unpleasant smell comes from you - you are involved in something dirty, illegal, which can greatly ruin your future life and career.

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