Dream interpretation walking trees. Why does the Tree dream in a dream? What is the dream of bird cherry


"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Seeing green, with a lush crown and majestic trees in a dream is a sign of happiness and good luck soon. The thicker their trunks, the more money, benefits you will receive and the stronger your position will be. The lush crown of a tree in a dream is a harbinger of big profits in the future. A tree without leaves, on the contrary, portends imminent losses and failures in business, followed by large material losses. Sitting under a tree in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive long-awaited news that will finally calm you down. Floating on a log in the water is a harbinger of disappointment and unfulfilled desires. See why the bushes dream, why the branches dream, why the stump dreams, why the rotten dream.

Seeing trees growing before your eyes is a harbinger of imminent creative success that will bring you satisfaction. Seeing flowering trees in a dream is a harbinger of imminent great happiness and a harbinger of an imminent improvement in business, joy and prosperity. Trees with fruits that you saw in a dream mean that soon you will have success in business and profit in accordance with the number and size of the fruits you see. However, at the same time, it should be borne in mind that fruits are different - sour, sweet, inedible, etc. Picking fruits from trees (or collecting cones) is a great and lasting success that will strengthen your position for a long time. Planting trees or seeing how they grow before your eyes is a harbinger that your wildest hopes may come true in the very near future. See trees by name and fruits.

Withering, withering, barren, withered, uprooted trees that you saw in a dream mean that disappointments, a creative crisis, business failures, and the collapse of hopes await you soon. Sometimes such a dream portends betrayal or deceit. For lovers, such a dream predicts that their love will soon pass. For the elderly and the sick, such a dream can threaten an imminent death. The tree is rotten or worm-eaten - at a loss. Such a dream warns that your affairs are not going in the best way, which is greatly facilitated by your frivolous attitude to serious subjects. Seeing a burning tree in a dream warns you of possible material losses or a spiritual crisis. Sometimes such a dream can warn lovers that their passion can adversely affect their health, state of mind and material well-being. To set fire to a tree in a dream is a harbinger of deep sadness and experiences in which you will have no one to blame but yourself. Cutting down a tree in a dream means that by rash actions you yourself will contribute to the loss of your own property, well-being or peace in the family. Sometimes such a dream warns that you yourself are bringing trouble on yourself. A tree turned upside down is a sign of great losses, the collapse of plans and hopes. And most often such a dream predicts death and mourning. Sometimes such a dream predicts the death of a loved one, a divorce of spouses, or a break with a friend. Climbing a tree in a dream is a sign of great honors and a quick rise above others, a sign of happiness and prosperity in all matters. Falling from a tree in a dream and getting hurt at the same time is a warning that the powers that be, with whom you cross the road, will soon be dissatisfied with you, you may lose their location and lose your place. For businessmen, such a dream portends a loss of fortune and the complete collapse of their enterprise. To see a tree stump in a dream - if not rotten - to lay the foundations of a solid business. The dream in which you uproot stumps has the same meaning. However, in this case, the dream suggests that luck will be given to you with great difficulty. Rotten stump in a dream - to failure in business. The bough of a tree in a dream is a harbinger of a solid income. To sit firmly on it means the strength of your position. If the bough seems fragile and you are afraid that it will not survive, then the dream warns you of possible changes and instability in your position. This dream warns against frivolous acts, risky ventures and ardor in a showdown. A dream in which you dream that a huge tree grows from the belly of your daughter or wife, which obscures the sky, then wait for the birth of a child who will have a great future, honor, glory and wealth. Seeing a beech tree in a dream for a man predicts that his wife is unfaithful to him. For a patient, such a dream portends an improvement in health. For a merchant, a dream about a beech tree predicts big profits. For the rest, this dream is a sign of an empty pastime, deceived hopes, futility of efforts. See also what the forest is dreaming of, what fruits are dreaming of.

Why dream trees in a dream book - "Wangi's Dream Book"

Plant young trees in a dream:
Planting young trees in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream portends good news from children or news of an addition to the family.

A huge tree in a dream:
To see a huge tree in a dream is a prophecy of an early acquaintance with an influential person who, like an angel, will help you in all matters.

Dry or broken tree in a dream:
If you saw a dry or broken tree in a dream, then such a dream is a bad omen. You are waiting for the news about the fatal illness of a person close to you.

Chop trees in a dream:
Cutting down trees in a dream is evidence that you not only treat the environment badly yourself, but also encourage your children and loved ones to treat nature in this way in every possible way. Stop before it's too late: teach your loved ones to love trees, animals, otherwise your children will be deprived of the joy of hearing birds singing, walking through the forest and seeing the blue sky.

A lot of felled trees in a dream:
If you dreamed of a large number of cut down trees, then such a dream portends troublesome business that will not end in the best way.

Stand in the shade of trees in a dream:
If in a dream you are standing in the shade of trees, then in real life you should stop hiding your true feelings. Trust more people, and you will have many good, true friends.

Pick fruits from trees in a dream:
Picking fruits from trees in a dream is a harbinger of big profits. Perhaps you will receive a large inheritance from unknown relatives, or the money you once invested in a dubious enterprise will bring unexpected income.

Why dream trees in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit from a tree, a small inheritance awaits you; fall from a tree in a dream - danger, or from a low tree - endure ridicule; to see a green tree in a dream is a way out of a difficult situation; dry tree in a dream - big losses; a flowering tree in a dream is a happy ending to health and happiness; to see how a tree falls, a tree falls in a dream - unfortunately; to see in a dream how a tree floats on water - to survive troubles; chopping a green tree in a dream - the discovery of unexpected talents or abilities; to cut a dry tree in a dream - to lose property; a burnt tree in a dream - to a loss; a burning tree in a dream - to poor old age; a drying tree in a dream - to gossip; a tree with snow in a dream is a family trouble; climbing a tree in a dream is a minor monetary nuisance; a tree with fruits in a dream - meet a good friend; a felled tree in a dream - to lose hope; fell a tree in a dream - harm your health; sawing a tree in a dream - to a little financial luck; thick - views of profit; leafless - at a loss; sit under a tree - get good news; floating on a tree on the water - unfulfilled dreams; watering a tree in a dream - getting into minor trouble; to buy a tree in a dream - to have troubles; to see a tree devoured by worms in a dream - incur losses.

In many dream books, a tree symbolizes development, growth. But, this is far from the only explanation for why such a plot is dreamed of. It is very important what breed you saw in a dream, how lush the foliage was, and what exactly happened to the trunk. Read all the explanations of such a dream listed below. Surely, find what you saw in your night dreams.

Tree species and fruits

If you dreamed of an apricot tree, then you will soon have to change your place of residence. Moving is likely to be a forced measure. Large ripe apricots for new sexual adventures. The Eastern dream book promises a new experience and a previously unknown pleasure.

Seeing a lemon tree in a dream is a sign of severe mental suffering that unreasonable jealousy will cause. Stop harassing your partner. Trust will only strengthen your difficult relationship, but constant quarrels, on the contrary, will destroy it. Another option for what a lemon dreams about is getting into a humiliating situation.

Did you dream that pears were hanging on the branches? A modern dream book warns of hypocrisy and falsehood in the environment. Enemies try to muffle your vigilance with sweet speeches in order to get what they want through deceit and cunning.

To see cherries in a dream means to face in reality unfulfilled hopes and bitter disappointments. The larger and riper the berries that appeared in night dreams were, the deeper your sadness will be.

The Universal Dream Book has an explanation of what the apple tree is dreaming of. Picking apples - to the implementation of the plan. You will finally get what you have been dreaming about for so long. You can celebrate the long-awaited victory! Even apples can dream of fun and fun.

A dreamed cherry promises wealth and all kinds of material profit. There is another explanation for what the cherry tree is dreaming of. Miller's dream book believes that cherry blossoms are a sign of happy changes in life.

Finding a nut in a dream is a fragile happiness in real life. Yes, now you are experiencing strong joyful feelings, but any unpleasant event can destroy this bliss.

A plum tree predicts a successful development of events. Plums can also appear in the night dreams of a restless and hard-working hostess. A tall and dense plum tree with fruits seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to achieve the heights of life that you dream of.


Why dream of a flowering tree says Miller. If you dreamed of a tall tree strewn with flowers, then life will be incredibly happy. Relationships with a loved one will develop harmoniously, colleagues will be respected, and superiors will be encouraged with cash bonuses.

If in a dream the branches are strewn with white flowers, exercise maximum caution when communicating with your old friend. Dream Interpretation Grishina warns of betrayal, which will come precisely from the side of a faithful comrade.

Did you dream of a big garden and trees in bloom? An explanation of why such a plot is dreamed of is available in the Spring Interpreter. It is believed that flowers on branches seen in a dream predict happiness in personal life. Singles will meet their other half, and married (married) will enjoy communication with their spouse.

Falling, felling and landing

Seeing a falling tree in a dream is not a good sign. If the trunk fell, then soon misfortune will happen in your life. Esoteric dream book advises not to get upset ahead of time. Problems that arise can be dealt with promptly.

A dreaming of a cut down tree is a symbol of the collapse of hopes. To cut the trunk yourself in a dream means to personally be guilty of your own troubles. The universal dream book recommends discussing all important decisions and actions with an experienced person. This measure will minimize the risk of making a mistake.

In your dream, cutting down a tree - to material difficulties. Prepare for the impending need in advance. Save at least a small amount of money.

Sawing the trunks of dry trees means in reality getting rid of an unnecessary load of things and memories. Getting rid of the past, you will immediately feel incredible relief.

To plant a money tree in a dream means to find new sources of income in reality. If in your nightly dreams you planted not one, but several plants at once, then the upcoming earnings will be impressive.

Various interpretations

Did you dream of thick green trees? In the coming months, luck will be incredibly favorable to you. Climb to the very crowns of the majestic giants - to great luck. It is also possible to win the lottery, and win the trial, and gaining a strong patron.

Another version of the explanation of what dreams of climbing trees can be found in Vanga. Vanga's dream book says that such a plot portends an increase in the ranks, moreover, due to his own hard work.

Seeing the roots of large trees in a dream is in trouble. To avoid it, the Modern Dream Book advises to pay more attention to the material side of your life.

If you dreamed of a burning tree, get ready to incur losses. The stronger the flame seen in a dream blazed, the greater the upcoming losses will be.

Sitting on a broken trunk means coming to terms with the failures experienced. Thoughts of defeat will no longer torment the soul.

What is the dream of a dry tree? The most common interpretation says that a period of hopelessness, loneliness and bad luck awaits you. However, popular dream books offer a number of interpretations of what happened to be seen in a dream.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

Any tree in a dream reflects the current circumstances of life and the dreamer's attitude. For example, leaves symbolize relationships with others, roots - stability, strength of position and life goals.

The bark conveys vulnerability or the level of protection, while the trunk conveys the place you occupy in society. In addition, several trees or even a whole forest represent a group of people, a team or a family.

Had a dream that the branches had dried up? This is an indication of dead feelings, connections or relationships. In a dream, damage was found on the bark? Someone brazenly and shamelessly uses your trust. Dry, sawn trees and logs hint in a dream that some incident will remind you of a deceased or long-forgotten person.

Dream book opinion for the whole family

Why dream of a dry tree, especially if it is old and sick? Seeing him in a dream literally means that in old age you will be unhappy and lonely. Did you dream that a withered tree suddenly falls? A serious illness will literally drain all the juices out of you, but alas, it will end in a fatal ending.

Interpretation of the dream book of the spouses Winter

Did you dream of a dry tree from which the last leaves fly around? It's time to take stock of a business or even a lifetime, but start immediately. The slightest delay threatens big troubles.

Why dream of a dry, dying tree? Urgently take care of your own health, perhaps a deadly disease is ripening inside. The same image hints at failure in an important and seemingly well-thought-out business.

What other dream books say

Dream Interpretation of Dr. Freud I'm sure a dry tree in a dream guarantees failure on the love front. In addition, it promises a disease of the genital organs. What is the dream of a dry tree according to the combined modern dream book? Alas, in the near future you will have to endure a serious need and lack of money.

Dream interpretation from A to Z offers its own decryption. What is the dream of a dry tree? Life will suddenly go downhill: you will lose respect, purpose and confidence.

Did you dream of dry trees covered with snow? Family dream book prophesies a loss that you can never forget. Seeing a dried tree without bark in a dream is bad. This is a sign that you are facing a weak and lonely old age. If the plant is eaten away by worms and pests, then you spend too much, which will one day lead to total poverty.

Why dream of a dry tree with flowers, fruits

If a completely dry tree suddenly bloomed, covered with leaves and fruits, then in reality a real miracle will happen. This image guarantees that the terrible period will certainly, and in the very near future, be replaced by happiness and prosperity. In addition, the flowers that blossomed on a dry tree promise a good fate for children and grandchildren.

What does it mean if a dry tree fell in a dream

By itself, a dry tree reflects old age and a decline in vitality. If it fell suddenly, then it’s worth preparing for the worst.

Why dream that a dry tree did not just fall, but literally pulled out to the roots? The vision reflects the complete collapse of a certain business after a long period of failure. Sometimes a similar plot indicates the death of a loved one after a long illness. In addition, a fallen dry tree speaks of the death of the dreamer's soul.

Remember, a tree in a dream very often personifies a specific person, as well as a certain group of people and even a certain event. Ownership can be indicated by personal associations and shared characteristics.

What does it mean - in a dream, a dry tree to break, saw, chop

Had a dream that you cut down or broke a dry tree? This is a symbolic getting rid of bad habits, old attachments, irrelevant opinions, etc. In fact, after a period of great difficulties, an update awaits you.

Did you have a chance to chop or saw a dry tree in a dream? In reality, you will forever say goodbye to someone or involuntarily touch what is not allowed to be touched (some knowledge, secret, secret, memory).

Dry wood - even more variations

To understand what a dry tree is dreaming of, it is advisable to recall its breed and appearance, as well as other details.

  • coffee - trip, entertainment
  • leafy - mental decline
  • coniferous - insensibility, indifference
  • fruity - bad results
  • willow - lack of flexibility
  • aspen - getting rid of fear
  • oak - loss of strength
  • pine - stagnation, degradation
  • palm tree - lack of warmth, understanding
  • beech - hopeless situation

Did you dream that a dry tree bloomed before your eyes? Experience a second youth or experience great joy. Burning a plant in a dream - to a decadent mood, lack of purpose and inaction.

Generally speaking, seeing a tree in a dream can have two meanings. A living, green tree has a positive color, and the thicker its crown, the better. A dry or broken tree in almost all dream books does not bode well. What other interpretations do dream books offer?

Small Velesov dream book

Examines the dreaming tree in the same vein. A living, strong plant portends profit, and a dried or broken plant portends monetary loss or illness. Plant a tree - to wealth; hack - to loss in the family, illness of a family member; breaking branches - to a quarrel, a break in relations. A dry tree can portend failure, illness, funeral, sadness or treason.

If in a dream you saw a tree dried up in the yard of one of your relatives, then troubles should be expected in that family. A bent tree portends need, falling - quarrels in the family, burning - loss and sadness, naked - illness or widowhood. A shady tree portends the fulfillment of plans, and a flowering one portends success, profit and a happy event.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Associates the dreaming tree with the dreamer himself. The trunk is its position in society, the rhizomes are life attitudes and strategies, the foliage is relations with the environment, the bark represents the degree of resistance to hardships and protection from the outside world.

A strong green plant with lush noisy foliage is dreamed of by people with a stable position in society, who have close family and friendly ties. A dry tree without leaves dreams of loneliness, obstacles, an unexpected break in existing relationships. If you dream about how a tree blooms - to love and the emergence of new attachments.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Why is the tree dreaming according to this interpreter? Just as in the previous explanations, in it a healthy tree predicts a quick income, flowering - business achievements, fruitful - goodness and tranquility. Dreams acquire a negative connotation, where a tree is cut down - this is a loss, and torn out with a rhizome portends death and mourning, burning signals impending losses. Sawn logs and bars are harbingers of money or inheritance, while the thicker the trunk was, the greater the possible profit could be.

Miller's dream book

He interprets dreams about trees somewhat more diversely. So, cherry promises material gain and profit, and cherry blossoms - happy changes. Apricot tree warns of a change of residence, of a forced relocation. This dream book also talks about what trees in bloom dream of. A tall flowering tree portends a happy life, harmonious relationships with a partner, respect from colleagues and material incentives from superiors.

Dream Interpretation Felomena

Examines dreams associated with trees in more detail and gives answers to many questions. A bare tree without leaves, as in other dream books, warns of material and financial losses and failures in new business. Well, who is forewarned is forearmed. Be attentive to yourself and others, try to keep the situation under control and do not relax.

In this dream book, a tree with buds means a favorable situation in your life, an opportunity to receive good news. Fruit among dense greenery predicts tremendous success and an exciting future. Also, a fruit tree hints at summing up the results in any activity (harvesting).

Seeing a tree felling in a dream is a quick, unexpected and drastic change in your life. The atmosphere of the dream picture will tell you whether these changes will be good or bad. If after such a dream you woke up in a good mood, then you should not be afraid of trouble. They felled a tree - your rash actions in life can lead to collapse and problems. Watered - you are guaranteed respect from colleagues and people around you. They drew a tree on paper - expect financial success or receive an award and a gift.

Descended from a tree - in real life you waste a lot of energy: you buy unnecessary things, take everything too close to your heart, fuss a lot. They hugged a tree - you will probably soon receive recognition, strengthen your position in society. The upcoming events will change your life for the better. Count on success, recognition and prosperity. A tree covered with snow warns that you are lagging behind modern life, you need to open your eyes so that trouble does not happen.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see green - profit; success; climbing a tree is hard luck; fruit and tear fruit - a long success; to cut - loss; plant - wealth; with fruits - well-being; blooming - success in business; chopped off or turned upside down - death, mourning; burning - losses; to sit on a tree is a high reward and position; sitting under a tree is great news; fall from a tree - ridicule; fruit - a faithful friend, son; stand under a tree - they hush you up; grows up - happy opportunities; you carry a tree - benefit; the shadow of a tree is patronage; the help of a big face; dried - failure or disease; failures and disappointments in love; old man.

What is the dream of lemon

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of a forest

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a tree in young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means a quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or pulling it out with its roots means that you will waste your strength and wealth ineptly. To see a forest in a dream is a change in business. Green forests promise good luck, circled forests - to changes that are detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises the completion of plans, prosperity and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you are busy chopping firewood, then this portends the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If in a dream you wander in a dense forest, then you will face failures at work and family disagreements. If at the same time you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling underfoot can promise you loss. If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.

Why is the forest dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

other side; walking in the woods - romantic love affairs, new acquaintances; walking in the forest - difficulties in personal life; to cut - to well-being; to see thick in the distance - sadness; ice and snow in the forest - empty hopes; sit or lie in a green forest - personal improvement; for the sick - to recovery (Chinese), the same means to lie down, sit in the Garden or in the Park.

See a forest in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

When we hear the word “forest,” a variety of epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous, or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, spaciousness and fear, as well as with the need to pass through it. These are central points for interpretation. If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, then it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable, or vice versa - a scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality. If the forest has to be crossed, then who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from a hermit living there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape from the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You, apparently, need renewal and gaining a sense of peace of mind. A hike in the forest of a heterosexual couple should be considered from the standpoint of Freud's psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potentialities are revealed. What associations does the forest evoke in real life in the first place - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery? Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest area?

Dreamed of an apricot

according to the dream book of plants

Since the apricot is a self-pollinating plant, it symbolizes androgyny, or yin-yang conjunction. In Chinese tradition, it means death or timidity.

What is the dream of apricot

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is peace, joy (for a woman).

Dreamed of an apricot

according to Miller's dream book

Apricot orchards in your dreams mean that your future, although it appears to you in pink colors, still contains hidden sadness. There are apricots in a dream - means the approach of unpleasant events. If others eat them, then your environment in real life will not match your inclinations. A friend will say this: "Apricots mean that you are wasting time on trifles."

The meaning of sleep about apricot

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you ate apricot fruits, then your intimate relationships are at that stage of development when you just get to know each other and get great pleasure from it. You are still on the eve of a miracle - and therefore the future seems beautiful to you. Picking an apricot in a dream - for a man, such a dream means that he will meet a naive and completely inexperienced partner, from whom, however, he will receive a lot of positive emotions and pleasure from sex. If a woman had such a dream, it promises a love adventure that will not continue. You will immediately realize its futility.

Dreamed of a Christmas tree

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about a Christmas tree promises fast, very joyful events for you. If you watch how decorations are removed from the Christmas tree, this promises you sorrows that will replace fun.

Why is the tree dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of a maple

according to the dream book of plants

Maple leaf - Chinese and Japanese means autumn. Lovers emblem. Emblem of Canada.

I dreamed of a birch

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes grace. Symbol of fertility and light. Protects from witches, drives away evil spirits, so lazy people and sleepwalkers were fed with birch porridge. Among the Scandinavians and Teutons, birch is dedicated to Thor, Donar and Frigga. According to legend, the last battle will take place near a birch tree. In shamanism, the birch is the Cosmic Tree, and the shaman made seven or nine ascending notches on its trunk or birch pole, which symbolizes the ascent through the planetary spheres to the Highest Spirit. In addition, the birch is the emblem of Estonia.

The meaning of a dream about a birch

according to Freud's dream book

She represents purity and innocence. So, if a man dreamed of a birch, this suggests that he would not mind spending time with an innocent girl. A girl dreaming of a birch promises a love adventure that will awaken in her previously unknown feelings and sensations. Well, for a mature, wise woman, a birch portends soon quite close communication with a person who will be distinguished by inexperience and naivety.

Why is birch dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Dreamed of cherry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cherry in a dream means that you will achieve popularity due to your friendliness and selflessness. There are cherries - portends the possession of some very desirable item. Seeing green cherries is a harbinger of approaching good luck.

The meaning of sleep about cherries

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing cherry blossoms in a dream - a dream means that soon a wonderful feeling of love will descend on you. A fruiting cherry with ripe berries promises a person the pleasure of an intimate relationship with a new partner. The beauty lies in the novelty of the relationship. But the dried cherry, alas and ah, suggests that your feelings have withered and there is no hope of returning to the past.

Dreamed of cherry

according to the dream book of plants

Like a tree that brings flowers before leaves, the cherry symbolizes that a person is born naked in this world and the earth accepts him naked. Among the Chinese, cherry symbolizes spring flowering, hope, youth, courage, as well as feminine beauty and the feminine in nature. The cherry blossom is the emblem of Japan. Symbolizes the purity of thoughts.

Dreamed of firewood

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an armful of firewood in a dream means an unsatisfactory state of affairs and quarrels, quarrels with a loved one. If you dream of a large log, which is usually burned on Christmas Eve, then this is a good dream: your most joyful expectations are destined to come true on the days of some big festivities.

Why dream of firewood

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

mistake, stupidity (to break firewood, they say); folded - help from the side.

I dreamed of an apple tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes splendor

What is the dream of an apple tree

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

without apples - news of death.

What is the dream of an orange

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see is a surprise; there is a disaster, a quarrel.

Dreamed of an orange

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - nobility The orange tree flower symbolizes fertility, so Saracen brides wore it as a sign of fertility. The Chinese - a symbol of immortality and good luck. In Christianity, the orange flower means purity, chastity and virginity, and therefore it was used in a wedding wreath. In the images of paradise, the orange is the fruit of the fall; in the hand of the Christ Child, it can be depicted instead of an apple. In ancient Greece, the orange blossom was the emblem of Diana. In Japan, the orange flower symbolizes pure love.

The meaning of a dream about an orange

according to Freud's dream book

Symbolically means temptation, pleasure. If you dreamed of an orange, then you tend to show sexual fantasies in relation to a stranger. You often imagine what he is like in this regard, and whether or not you could have sex with him right now, if he expressed such a desire. In this, however, there is nothing shameful or forbidden, since you are just analyzing your desires. There is an orange in a dream - this means that very soon someone will give you great pleasure. And you absolutely will not expect that this person is capable of such emotions. Peeling an orange means that in real life you absolutely do not accept spontaneous sex, as you find it unromantic and rude. But sometimes spontaneous sex can be very romantic. Anyway, worth a try.

Dreamed of a squirrel

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of squirrels, it means that your dear friends will visit you soon. This dream also promises you success in your work. The one who kills a squirrel in a dream is threatened with loneliness and hostility of others. Affectionate treatment of a squirrel in a dream promises you family joys. If you dream that a dog is chasing a squirrel, it means that you are threatened by alienation and quarrels with friends.

Seeing a squirrel in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Among the Celts, the squirrel, depicted with a bird, is a symbol of the Irish goddess Medb. For Christians, it means greed and greed; the Japanese have fertility and are usually associated with the vine. Among the Scandinavians, the ratatoskr squirrel portends rain and snow. A squirrel in the branches of Yggdrasil means malevolence and bringing chaos, inciting disputes between an eagle and a snake.

Why is the squirrel dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of sleep about a squirrel

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a squirrel in a dream means that soon you are destined to survive a meeting with an old lover. The meeting will awaken mutual desire in you - and you will have a good time. But after a brief meeting, no continuation will follow.

Why dream boards

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sawing - to death; process in the room - for the wedding.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to the dream book of plants

Directness, vitality, fertility, strength of character, silence, solitude, phallic symbol. Being evergreen, symbolizes immortality. It was believed that it protects the body from decay, hence the manufacture of coffins from it and its presence in cemeteries; repels evil. Due to its shape, the pine cone is both a fiery and phallic symbol, representing male creative power, fertility and good luck. Bastille identifies the spirally twisted top of a pine cone with a whirlwind or spiral - great creative forces. China: longevity, courage, loyalty, perseverance in difficult circumstances; emblem of Confucius. Often depicted with a stork and a white deer. When the cult of Serapis developed in Egypt, the pine tree became its emblem. Emblem of Zeus. A pine cone as a phallic symbol and a symbol of fertility was an attribute of Dionysus and crowned his thyrsus. In addition, it is the emblem of Artemis. As a means of protection, it was associated with Aesculapius. Japan: longevity; in this capacity it is found together with the stork and the white deer. Rome: emblem of Jupiter and Venus, as a pure tree symbolizes virginity and is associated with Diana. Also associated with Mitra. Semitic tradition: the cone is a symbol of life and fertility. The tree itself is dedicated to Attis Phrygian and Cybele, whose companion he was.

Why is the pine dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

slowing things down; stop.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to Miller's dream book

A pine tree seen in a dream means constant success in any business. If a woman sees a dried pine tree in a dream, worries and heavy losses await her.

I dreamed of an oak

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at an oak grove means great wealth and successful business in all areas. Seeing an oak strewn with acorns means the growth of your well-being and favor in everything. A broken oak signifies sudden and overwhelming surprises. For lovers, seeing oaks in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that they will soon begin a life together under very favorable circumstances.

I dreamed of an oak

according to the dream book of plants

Oak is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, strength and endurance. The oak is dedicated to Zeus, Thor, Perun and other gods of thunder. The altar of Zeus was surrounded by oaks, and an oak grove grew around the temple of Perun. In honor of Perun, bonfires from oak branches were constantly burned. Druids performed their rituals under the oaks, for whom the oak symbolized the axis of the world. Oak is a symbol of male power. The acorn was an offering to the Scandinavian god Thor. Among the Celts, the acorn had a phallic meaning. In addition, the acorn is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and spiritual energy. According to some beliefs, Christ was crucified on an oak cross. In some countries, oak leaves are used as military insignia.

Why is oak dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

profit; happiness in marriage; acorns are children.

Dreamed of ash

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes greatness. Sacred Cosmic Tree of Scandinavians Yggdrasil. It is also dedicated to Zeus Jupiter. Represents adaptability, prudence, modesty. It is associated, moreover, with the blood splashed after the castration of Uranus. The nymphs of the ash tree were the Melias.

Why do cones dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(spruce) - unexpected happiness. SORREL-trouble.

Dreamed of poplars

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing blooming or blooming poplars in a dream is a good sign. A dream in which a girl sees herself next to her lover under a blossoming or flowering poplar will serve her as a promise that her most unrealizable and bizarre desires will come true. Her lover will be refined and handsome. She will be surrounded by friends, and her state of health will not cause concern. If she dreams of dried or flown poplars, it means that she will be disappointed.

Dreamed of rowan

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes wisdom and protection from fairies and witchcraft. The Tree of Life among the Gauls. In Scandinavian and ancient Germanic mythology, it is dedicated to Thor Donar and protects from magic.

The meaning of sleep about rowan

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a mountain ash covered with berries in a dream promises you a harmonious intimate relationship with a person whom you did not imagine as a lover, and therefore a close relationship with him will be a revelation for you.

What is the dream of bird cherry

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

rejected love.

I dreamed of a plum

according to the dream book of plants

Reminds you to keep your promise! In China, it symbolizes longevity, winter, beauty, purity, hermitage; unripe plum - a student. Since the plum blossoms in winter, it also represents strength, resilience, and triumph. Plum, bamboo and pine are the "three friends of winter". The Japanese plum flower is a symbol of spring triumphing over winter, virtue and courage overcoming difficulties, marriage and happiness. The plum tree is the symbol of the samurai.

Dreamed of yew

according to the dream book of plants

Means funeral, grief, sadness. Celtic and Christian symbol of immortality. The magical tree of the Celts.

Willow dream meaning

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a willow, it means that you consider the carnal feeling, which often takes possession of you, to be sinful. You do not want to obey your instincts, but your body most often "betrays" you. Most likely, you are a puritan at heart and therefore deny the pleasure bestowed by sex. Relax and tell yourself that the days of the Inquisition are long gone and you have nothing to fear from condemnation.

Dreamed board

according to Miller's dream book

If a girl sees herself in a dream crossing a muddy stream along rotten rotten boards, this means that she will acutely experience the indifference to herself of those she loves, or other troubles and sorrows; besides, her honor may be on the brink of death. Walking on a good, strong floor is a good sign, but a person who has such a dream should be extremely careful in his behavior.

Dreamed of chestnuts

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are holding or sorting chestnuts portends losses in business, but in life it is a pleasant companion. There are chestnuts - a sign of future sadness, but ultimately it will be replaced by happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or guessing at them, portends a wealthy admirer and good health.

I dreamed of an elm

according to the dream book of plants

In Christianity, it symbolizes dignity. Its height and widely spread branches personify the source of strength and support, which is the Holy Scripture for believers.

The meaning of sleep about spruce

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a spruce tree, this indicates that in real life you are trying to convince everyone, including yourself, that you absolutely do not accept sexual relations without heartfelt affection. You are a romantic, and this prevents you from thoughtlessly indulging in sex in order to enjoy it.

I dreamed of a willow

according to the dream book of plants

A charmed tree dedicated to the moon goddess. Weeping willow symbolizes grief, unhappy love. associated with funerals. In Buddhism, it represents meekness. The Celts associate with Jesus, who is depicted cutting down a willow. The Chinese willow is a symbol of spring, femininity, meekness, grace and charm, artistic abilities, separation. An attribute of Kuan-yin, which sprinkles living water using a willow twig. Represents the beginning of yin. Moon tree. In Christianity, willow branches are carried as a symbol of palm branches on Palm Sunday. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the willow is dedicated to Europe and is the emblem of Artemis. Among the Jews, the willow symbolizes sorrow - the sobbing of the Babylonian willows in exile. Willow Day is celebrated during the Feast of Tabernacles. In Japan, willow symbolizes patience and perseverance. She is especially revered by the Ainu people, because the spine of the first man, according to their ideas, was made of willow. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the willow is the emblem of Tammuz and means triumph, fun and happiness. Willow is the World Tree of Akkad, dedicated to the Akkadian Zeus. Willow rod - the emblem of Artemis and a symbol of childbearing. For the Taoists, she personifies strength in weakness. Willow is opposed to pine and oak: the latter cannot endure storms and break under gusts of wind; the branches of the willow, yielding to the impulse, then return to their former position and remain intact.

What is the dream of cypress

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

business delay.

Dreamed of cypress

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes grief. Phallic symbol, as well as the emblem of death and burial. Cypress was supposed to keep the body from decay, hence its use in cemeteries. Crowned by the Sun or the Moon, he personifies the androgynous gnrmaphrodite. The Chinese mean grace, happiness, but also death. In Christianity, it symbolizes endurance hence its Christian symbolism of perseverance and valor, a just person, mourning and death. In the Greco-Roman tradition, it was used as the emblem of Zeus, Apollo, Venus and Hermes and meant life. As an attribute of the gods of the underworld and fate, it means death. Dedicated to Hades Pluto. The Phoenicians dedicated to Astarte and Mel-kart, the Tree of Life.

The meaning of sleep about needles

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, walking on needles - you never make secrets from your life and do not try to throw dust in the eyes of others in order to embellish yourself in their eyes. You are naive, honest, trusting and believe that other people are like you. When you see an example of the opposite, you will be bitterly disappointed. Well, your worldview is to blame, or rather, you yourself. And the dream you have seen suggests that you will soon be overtaken by another disappointment.

Dreamed of laurel

according to the dream book of plants

Laurel is a symbol of victory, protection, immortality and secret knowledge. Fragrant varieties of laurel were the coronation emblem in Greece and Rome for warriors as a symbol of victory, poets laurel was associated with the god Apollo and emperors. Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to all official ceremonies, suggesting that this was more to hide his baldness than to remind the Romans of his status as an immortal. Emperor Tiberius grabbed his laurel wreath during a thunderstorm, because he believed that laurel could protect against lightning. On English coins, Charles II, George I, George II and Elizabeth II were depicted with laurel wreaths. As a symbol of superiority, the laurel wreath was included in the symbols of the automobile companies Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Mercedes-Benz. Laurel is a symbol of purification. Apollo cleansed himself in the laurel groves of the Tempe Valley of Thessaly after killing the monstrous serpent Python. The nymph Daphne turned into a laurel, fleeing from the harassment of Apollo. Laurel is a symbol of magical power. Plant of soothsayers and soothsayers. Before pronouncing a prediction, they burned or chewed bay leaves. In North America, the laurel is considered a talisman, and in China, the laurel is a tree under which the moon hare prepares the elixir of immortality. In Christian tradition, laurel is a symbol of eternal life. In Freemasonry, during the initiation into the 4th degree of the mystery of the Master, a laurel wreath is placed on the altar.

I dreamed of a hazelnut

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes reconciliation

Dreamed of mistletoe

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the essence of life, divine substance, panacea, immortality. Being neither a tree nor a bush, the mistletoe represents all that is "neither one nor the other." Expanding this concept, it symbolizes freedom from restrictions. A person, being under the mistletoe, becomes free from restrictions, but has no protection and enters into a world of chaos. Mistletoe is the Golden Branch of the Druids and Aeneas and personifies the feminine principle, opposed to the masculine in the form of an oak. It symbolizes new life and rebirth during the winter solstice. Traditions say that mistletoe was born from a lightning strike on an oak branch and, thus, is invested with additional spiritual qualities, see lightning. The juice of its berries is food for the body and spirit. Associated with the Norse goddess Baldur. Some authorities believe that the Druids' gathering of mistletoe with a golden sickle is related to the myth of Kronos casting Uranus.

Alder dreamed

according to the dream book of plants

Associated with death, fire in the forge and the forces of evaporation. Among the Celts, black alder is a miracle tree, symbolizing resurrection and deification. In Greek tradition, black alder is the emblem of Pan. Associated with spring and fire festivals.

Dreamed of an acorn

according to Miller's dream book

To see acorns in a dream - to pleasant events awaiting you ahead. If you collect them from the ground, then in reality your hard work will reward you with great luck. If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that soon her life will become more pleasant and bring her joy. Throwing acorns from a tree means the fulfillment of what was conceived in business and in love. Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground are also good changes. And just taking them off the tree green or picking up rotten ones does not bode well.

The meaning of sleep about the acorn

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you saw an acorn, then this indicates that in reality you are experiencing a period of the emergence of new relationships. You still do not think about what they will be like in an intimate way, and prefer to communicate on a platonic level.

Dreamed of an olive branch

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the world

What is the dream of the olive

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fulfillment of desires; comfort.

I dreamed of an olive

according to the dream book of plants

Means immortality, fertility. In the wedding ceremony, it is intended to ensure fertility, peace and abundance since its oil is very valuable. The olive branch, especially in the beak of a dove, is, first of all, a symbol of peace, as well as the Golden Age. It also served as an award to the winner of the competitions in honor of the Moon Maiden, like an apple branch in competitions in honor of the Bridegroom-Sun. The olive tree is considered the abode of the moon and serves as its emblem. The olive crown on the head of the winner identified the girl with Hera and the Moon, and the wreath of the winner of the Olympic Games from the branches of the wild olive symbolized Zeus; and both are the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera, Sun and Moon. The olive leaf signifies the renewal of life. In China, it means peace, steadfastness, generosity and refinement. In Christianity, the olive is the fruit of the church, orthodoxy and peace. The dove with an olive branch symbolizes the departing souls of the righteous who have died in the world. In scenes of the Annunciation with an olive branch, the archangel Gabriel is sometimes depicted. In Greco-Roman tradition, the olive represents achievement and peace. It was believed that the olive tree on the Acropolis carries the life and destiny of the people. Emblem of Zeus Jupiter, Athena Minerva, Apollo and Cybele. The olive wreath was worn by the winner of the competition in honor of Hera and Athena. In the Jewish tradition, this is strength, beauty, safety on the road.

I dreamed of a holly

according to the dream book of plants

Means good will and joy; attribute of the sun gods. In Rome, it was dedicated to Saturn and was used during the Saturnalia as a symbol of health and happiness. In Christianity, it is sometimes depicted as a tree from which the cross for Christ was made like oak and aspen, and its sharp leaves represent the crown of thorns and suffering, and the red berries represent the blood of Christ. This is the emblem of Saints Jerome and John the Baptist.

Why is the grove dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of sleep about lilac

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, smelling lilacs is a pleasant acquaintance. But you need to be prepared for the fact that even if some kind of relationship starts with a new acquaintance, they will not last long. A dreamed bouquet of lilacs suggests that in real life you will have a frank conversation with a sexual partner, during which you will find out some amazing details that you didn’t even know about.

Dreamed of sawdust

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of sawdust, this means that unfortunate mistakes will cause discord in your home.

Dreamed of a cedar

according to the dream book of plants

Means strength, nobility and incorruptibility. In Christianity, it symbolizes the greatness, dignity, beauty and Christ Ezekiel, 17:22. Among the Jews, the cedar is the sacred tree of Solomon's temple. The Sumerians have cedar - the Cosmic Tree, the Tree of Life, which has magical properties. Dedicated to Tammuz. Emblem of Lebanon.

Dreamed of peaches

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating or looking at peaches means children are sick, disappointed in business profits and failed joys. But if you see them on the trees in the foliage - you will reach the desired position; after much effort and risk to health and money, your affairs will go smoothly. Seeing dried peaches is a sign that ill-wishers will get ahead of you. If a young woman sees in a dream picking ripe fragrant peaches from lush trees, she, thanks to her charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man. If she tries peaches and they turn out to be green and tough, she will face the cruelty of relatives or a disease that will deprive her of attractiveness.

Dreamed of a palm tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes victory. It means the solar beginning, jubilation, honesty, glory. Since the palm tree always grows straight, it is a blessing, a triumph, a victory. "Never shedding foliage, the palm tree is constantly decorated with the same greenery. People consider this power of this tree acceptable and suitable for depicting victory" Plutarch. It is also the Tree of Life and, being self-reproducing, it is identified with the androgyne. As a phallic symbol, the palm tree means male strength and fertility, but if it is depicted with dates, then it is a female symbol: "Your camp is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like vines" Song of Songs. A palm that bears good fruit in old age symbolizes longevity and prosperity in old age. Arabia: Tree of Life. China: retirement, dignity, fertility. Christianity: a righteous man who "will bloom like a palm tree"; immortality, and in this sense she is sometimes depicted together with the Phoenix; divine blessing, Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem; the triumph of the martyr over death; paradise. Palm branches mean glory, triumph, resurrection, victory over death and sin. In early Catholicism, it was a funeral symbol, as well as "an attribute of a person who made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, hence the very word" pilgrim ". The emblem of St. Peter the hermit, depicted with a palm branch in his hand, and many martyrs. commemorates the entry of Christ into Jerusalem Egypt: "calendar" tree, giving a new branch once a month Greece: emblem of Delphic and Delian Apollo Jewish tradition: righteous man, emblem of Judea after the Exodus Sumero-Semitic tradition: Tree of Life, Phoenician emblem Baal Tamar, Lord of the Palm, as well as Astarte and the Assyro-Babylonian Ishtar.

Dreamed of bamboo

according to the dream book of plants

The symbol of grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity, good upbringing, long-term friendship, longevity and blooming old age is constantly green. Bamboo represents a perfect person who can bow before a storm, but then gets up again. Among the Chinese, this plant means longevity, filial virtue, and also winter, because, along with plum and pine, bamboo is one of her three friends. Buddha emblem. Sometimes, it is a symbol of a scientist who outwardly holds himself proudly, but inside is emptiness and insignificance. Bamboo seven-pointed wand means seven degrees of initiation and witchcraft. Bamboo with a swallow represent friendship; with a crane - long life and happiness. For the Japanese, bamboo symbolizes devotion and truthfulness.

I dreamed of a fig tree

according to the dream book of plants

Fertility, life, peace, prosperity. The fig tree sometimes personifies the Tree of Knowledge and combines the symbolism of both male and female principles, since the fig leaf has the male symbolism of the lingam, and the fig has the female symbolism of the yoni. The fig leaf signifies lust and sex. "The fig leaf signifies drunkenness and movement and is said to resemble the male penis" Plutarch. The basket of figs signifies fertility and represents the woman as a goddess or mother. Associated with the vine as a place of rest and silence, as well as with the breast as "a tree with many breasts." In Buddhism, this is the sacred Bo Tree, under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. In Christian symbolism, a fig is used instead of an apple in the Garden of Eden. In the Greco-Roman tradition, it is dedicated to Dionysus Bacchus, Priapus, Jupiter and Silvanus. Has a phallic meaning. For Jews it means peace, prosperity, multitude. Symbol of Israel with a vine. In Islam, the Tree of Heaven is sacred because Muhammad swore by it. The peoples of Oceania have the Tree of Life and the object of all kinds of rituals.(Novel)

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