Dream interpretation dead butterfly. Why do butterflies dream


Thanks to modern dream books, absolutely any human dreams can be interpreted: funny and nightmarish, cute and annoying. Butterflies in a dream are one of the favorite images of people, as these creatures are very beautiful, and, moreover, they are important in terms of predicting future events. What interpretation of the image of butterflies does the dream book give?

Butterflies in a dream are one of the favorite images of people.

To find out what butterflies dream of, you should turn to several dream books for interpretation at once, since each of them gives its own interpretation of this image. However, if you sum them up, you can get the following values:

  1. A dream about a butterfly is a dream for a person when he is in anticipation of joy. Surely, soon a very happy event will happen in his life. Perhaps the dreamer has a wedding planned in the coming days.
  2. A moth that sat on the ear of some animal, for example, a cat, portends a meeting with an old friend of the dreamer. With this person, he had not kept in touch for a long time, so it's time to renew friendly relations.
  3. If in a dream a person saw how this beautiful insect sat on a flower, he will be lucky in love. A single dreamer can safely take the first step towards his chosen one.
  4. If a person dreamed of a butterfly that sat on green grass, then one can expect good news from distant relatives.
  5. A large and beautiful butterfly in a woman's dream is a symbol of a long relationship with a chosen one. If she already has a boyfriend, then the likelihood that he will want to tie the knot with her is high.
  6. To see in night dreams many beautiful butterflies that flew into the dreamer's room is good news. And if there was a white individual among them, then the most cherished desire of a person will come true in the coming days.
  7. If a person killed this insect in a dream, it means that he will soon have trouble. The meaning of such dreams always carries anxiety and confusion.
  8. If this beautiful creature was white, without a single speck, this means that the dreamer lacks love and thrills.
  9. A dream in which a beautiful butterfly sat on a stone portends the creation of a long and happy relationship. And if such a dream was seen by a person who has already met his soul mate, this means that their relationship will last a very long time.

That dreamer will have many happy and joyful moments in his life, in whose dreams a large number of colored butterflies flew over his head. Multi-colored insects in night visions are always harbingers of celebration and rejoicing.

Why is the butterfly dreaming (video)

Butterflies in Miller's dream book

The dream book of psychologist Miller offers the following meanings for the image of a butterfly in dreams:

  • An insect sits in beautiful green grass - soon a person will become the owner of a valuable thing. Perhaps he will buy something for which he has been saving money for a long time. However, if the grass is dirty or lethargic, then a new acquisition will not bring long-awaited joy.
  • The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions.
  • If a young girl has a dream, she will have a happy marriage.
  • But if the insect was white - this is a bad sign. This image portends an ailment for which a person will blame others.

The dreamer will receive news from old friends if butterflies fluttered over him in his night visions

The dreamer can count on the fulfillment of his most cherished desire if, in his dreams, a large white butterfly flew into the window of his room. However, if she sits down somewhere, this is an alarming sign that portends an illness.

Why dream of colored, black, white butterflies?

  1. Multi-colored butterflies in a dream indicate that soon the dreamer will have a great time. He will be surrounded by cheerful friends and acquaintances from all sides. Most likely, the person will receive an invitation to someone's birthday. At the holiday, he will have a great time and stock up on positive energy for a long period.
  2. Seeing a black butterfly in a dream means experiencing mental anguish. Surely, recently a stressful situation occurred in the dreamer's life and now he needs to rest. Black insects in dreams always symbolize a person's tension and his need for peace.

The white specimen seen in night dreams symbolizes the dreamer's secret desire. If there were no spots on it, it means that what a person has wanted for so long will soon belong to him.

If you dream of a big beautiful butterfly: what is it for?

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility. The burden of obligations, which he independently shouldered, does not allow him to feel the taste of life. The dreamer probably feels guilty towards someone and tries to make amends for him, helping this person in every possible way.

A large butterfly seen in night fantasies means that in real life the dreamer takes on too much responsibility.

But if a huge insect was gray, this is a bad sign, portending that trouble could happen in a person’s life.

To see butterflies in the house: the meaning in the dream book

Home is the place where the dreamer feels most secure. When he dreams of this fortress, which fences him off from the dangers of the outside world, it is worth considering, what would it be for?

A moth that has flown to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles.

A moth that has flown to visit the dreamer can portend him both the fulfillment of his desires and minor troubles. It is important to remember the color of the insect here. If the individual was white, this is a good sign. A person can prepare to be considered the master of life. But the black moth that flew into the dreamer's house portends him minor troubles.

Catch a butterfly in a dream: meaning

Such a dream can have several interpretations.

  1. If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully. If the dreamer already has a chosen one, then it is he who will become her husband.
  2. A person will be able to restore his former relationship with his soulmate if in his dream he was able to catch an insect with the help of a juice. However, if the butterfly was able to free itself, the dreamer will not be able to achieve reciprocity again.
  3. If a person caught a beautiful butterfly and planted it in an aquarium or a glass jar, a casual friendly conversation awaits him in a secluded place.

If a young girl managed to catch a beautiful bright butterfly in a dream, this means that she will marry successfully.

Why dream of moths of different colors?

The color of an insect can largely influence the interpretation of a dream.

  • To dream of a bright blue or blue moth means a trip to the sea. In this case, the color of the insect is symbolic: the blue color is associated with the sea, ocean, lake, in a word, with expanses of water.
  • The red color of the butterfly symbolizes the dreamer's passion. In a person, as they say, passions will soon seethe, he will be overwhelmed with new feelings and emotions. It is possible that all this will be connected with a new love adventure.
  • If the moth was orange, then in the coming days the dreamer will have fun while being with his family. Perhaps he will go with them on a sortie.
  • The green butterfly in dreams is a symbol of calmness and tranquility. Man clearly does not live in a frantic pace of life. He plans his activities based on previous experience. A person never acts impulsively, all his decisions are weighed and well thought out.

If the moth was purple, this is a very good sign. What does he portend? First, purple is the color of harmony. There will be no stress and sudden events in the dreamer's life. Secondly, the purple butterfly seen in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of all the work begun. And a dream in which there were many moths of this color portends the dreamer the positive results of all his undertakings.

Butterfly in a dream book (video)

The dream book contains a huge variety of meanings of night dreams about butterflies. The interpretation of this image depends on many factors. When interpreting such a dream, it is important to take into account the dreamer's emotions in the dream, the circumstances under which he saw the butterfly, its color and behavior, etc.

Attention, only TODAY!

Others give joy and remind us of the beauty in life, while others, it seems to us, warn of something. We do not know what "movie" we will see next night, but we always want it to be bright, pleasant and memorable. Today we will talk about what the butterfly is dreaming of. This cute fluttering creature in life causes a smile and pleasant emotions. Do you know what the butterfly is dreaming of? What do such dreams promise people? Consider the interpretation of the most popular dream books on this topic.

Miller's dream book

This source says that a fluttering insect in a dream is a sign of prosperity in life. In the near future, a profitable acquisition, the conclusion of a good contract, receiving an inheritance, etc. is possible. However, these happy moments will be in your life, provided that in a dream you saw a butterfly sitting on bright green grass or beautiful fragrant flowers. It should be noted that the life of this insect is short, respectively, the period of prosperity will not be very long. Try to manage your finances as wisely as possible.

What is the dream of a butterfly that flutters above you? Wait for news from those friends who are not with you now. If such a vision was for a young girl, it means that pretty soon she will meet the only person with whom she wants to live her whole life. Why do white butterflies dream according to Miller's dream book? Such a vision may not promise very pleasant events. Perhaps soon you will be diagnosed, and you will not blame yourself for its occurrence, but a complete stranger. Pay attention to your well-being.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Why do big butterflies dream? This means that fate provides you with a unique chance to improve, to change everything in life for the better. The bigger the insect, the better for you. Don't miss the opportunity.

If in a dream you are trying to catch a butterfly, but it doesn’t work out in any way, then you will be very disappointed in the person with whom you wanted to connect your life or with whom you have been together for many years. If, nevertheless, you managed to catch an insect in a dream, know that your distinguishing features in life are inconstancy and windiness.

A dead butterfly or one that burned over a candle is a very bad sign. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

If a beautiful bright insect lands on you in a dream, expect good news or a surprise.

Dream interpretation of the twentieth century

Why do colored butterflies dream? If an insect in a dream pleasantly pleases your eye with its color, expect pleasant fun, a party. If the butterfly is so bright that it hurts to look, this indicates the onset of the disease. Also, ailments often portend butterflies of gray, lemon and white. Why do colored butterflies dream if they sit on the shoulders of another person in a dream? This suggests that you are unconsciously, but not without reason, worried about the health, well-being and life of this person. Unpleasant chores and fuss are foreshadowed by an ugly butterfly of a dark shade.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

This source claims that such a dream promises an acquaintance with an ill-mannered and uneducated, perhaps even physically flawed man who may die very soon. Why does a man dream of a butterfly? This is a sign that he will soon marry a virgin and they will have a son. Killing an insect in a dream is a very bad sign that will not bring anything good to your child.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

If in a dream this cute creation of nature flutters above you, expect small troubles to appear at home. This vision also warns that you have a very windy lover or unreliable companion. Caught an insect in a dream? Expect good luck in love. Crushed or injured? It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid trouble or the betrayal of a loved one. Caught a beautiful moth in a dream? Most likely, you will have to reveal the secret entrusted to you.

Modern dream book

A bright butterfly sitting on no less colorful flowers promises wealth and prosperity. To kill an insect in a dream is to bring trouble to life with your own efforts. Decided to chase a butterfly in a dream with a butterfly net? There are household chores that cannot be avoided. An insect flying from one flower to another warns you of the imminent visit of guests, and completely unexpected for you. There is also a chance to meet an old friend (also completely by accident). A beautiful moth flutters above you in a dream? Expect a romance, but a short one: only rest, no obligations. Get ready to enjoy, but by no means make plans. A black butterfly promises betrayal, deceit. After such a dream, be attentive to those individuals who do not inspire much confidence in you.

Moth varieties

The opinions of many compilers of dream books agree in this regard, so we bring to your attention information about what this or that type of butterfly is dreaming of.

So, cabbage or any other white moth promises you trouble, and most likely a disease. Did you see the machaon? This means that a real ally, like-minded person will appear in your life, with whom it is a pleasure to be.

Urticaria in a dream predicts a romantic trip for you, and lemongrass - unfortunately, separation. Did you see a motley butterfly in a dream? Please note that you have become overly jealous, this can lead you to do stupid things. The blue moth represents a dream that will come true very soon. And why is the black butterfly dreaming? She warns the sleeper of the impending danger posed by a loved one. Nothing pleasant also promises a dream in which you saw a red moth.


There is no unambiguous interpretation for the dream in which you saw a butterfly. This image can be interpreted as a symbol of the transience of relationships, windiness, transient beauty. The dream also promises joy, a long-awaited meeting, love, calls to listen to intuition more often, to develop it. The accuracy of interpretation depends on the details of night dreams and your feelings.

Usually, interpreters consider this image in a dream to be positive:

  • Longo - to a peaceful happy life, the clouds overhead will disperse by themselves, a clear horizon awaits ahead;
  • Tsvetkova - to a meeting with an important person for the dreamer;
  • Nostradamus is a symbol of inner rebirth, it is worth reconsidering your worldview, principles, starting to strive for your cherished dream, ceasing to put it off for later, then it will certainly come true;
  • Loffa - an abundance of fluttering butterflies dreams of wonderful news.


According to the Bulgarian seer, large beautiful butterflies signify a sharp turn of fate for the better. The larger they were, the more unexpected opportunity you will get. If you are guilty of some kind of misconduct, this dream allows you to hope that everything can be fixed.

An unsuccessful butterfly hunt promises disappointment in a loved one or spouse. His or her true face will be revealed. If the fragile beauty nevertheless turns out to be caught, then the image gives out not the most pleasant features of the dreamer: a tendency to lie and betrayal, the ability to betray even a loved one.

Once the Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zhou had such a dream: he was a butterfly and fluttered merrily, not remembering that he was actually a man. Waking up, he could not understand for a long time, he dreamed that he became a butterfly, or a butterfly - that she was Zhou.

Insects striving for a candle flame and dying in it are a serious warning of a serious illness or even death. If they sat on you for a short time, this is a good sign. Such a plot portends the receipt of important news or a surprise that will delight you, radically change your fate for the better, saturating it with interesting events and adventures.

Butterflies are an attribute of many paintings depicting happiness, love, peaceful life.

Galina Vrublevskaya

Seeing a butterfly is a pleasant pastime, a party. In the dream book there is also a negative reading of sleep - the infidelity of a partner.

Often the butterfly is perceived as a symbol of the eternal soul, death and subsequent resurrection. The reason for this is her transformation from a chrysalis. On some icons you can see the baby Christ with a white butterfly in his hand.

This insect is often associated with a woman. If we remember that it was once a fruit-eating caterpillar, then the female image acquires vampiric features. We are talking about the fair sex, sucking all the juice out of a man. Such an interpretation is relevant only if the butterfly was annoying in a dream, perceived as an annoying hindrance. For example, it flew near the face, before the eyes.


Butterflies flying around you in a dream promise fast news from long-absent relatives or friends. They can write to you on social networks, call you, or say hello through mutual acquaintances.

Winged beauties flew from flower to flower - this is a good sign. You will make a bargain purchase or make a good investment. After such a dream, you can not be afraid that you will spend money without benefit for yourself.


In this interpreter, the image is associated with children:

  • admire the butterflies fluttering around - a dream is a reflection of a very strong desire to have a child;
  • a winged insect sits on you - you get along wonderfully with the kids, the kids are drawn to you;
  • the dreamer wanted to catch a flying beauty - night dreams testify to an unhealthy sexual craving for minors.

Butterflies flew from flower to flower - for a bargain

Dependence of interpretation on the dreamer's gender

Dreams with butterflies are sometimes exposed to a woman, indicating that with the help of beauty and charm she controls another person to achieve selfish goals. The meaning of a woman's dream with a flying beauty also depends on the age and status of the dreamer:

  • one butterfly promises a young girl an acquaintance with a charming young man, fluttering among flowers - news from afar, white flying into the house - a cherished dream will not come true;
  • for an unmarried young woman, a dream promises a marriage proposal (especially if she catches a beautiful insect), a lasting marriage for life; admire the flyers - you dream of a child;
  • expectant mother - an important letter, news.

Married, the image portends mutual understanding, tenderness and care from a partner. Bachelors - good luck in love.

The bride of a man who caught a luxurious swallowtail in a dream will be a virgin. She will bear him a son. This interpretation is offered by Taflisi's dream book, and the old French says that he who sees such a dream has many fans. A night butterfly promises him a frivolous affair, a beautiful one - a major acquisition.

Machaon promises the groom an immaculate bride and the birth of an heir

Description of butterflies

Try to remember how many butterflies you saw in a dream, their size, color, some features.

Day, night, mutilated, dead

The daytime butterfly symbolizes the soul of a living person, the night one - the deceased. If you saw a daylight near the flame, danger threatens the soul; night - the body, be extremely careful in order to avoid an accident. If the wings of an insect are burned, someone needs your spiritual help.

If the dream repeats more than once, this may indicate the existence of an unresolved issue or that you are “stuck” in some situation. Something is stopping you from enjoying life to the fullest. For some reason (most likely, we are talking about a character trait or habit), certain events after some time return to the starting point.

A beautiful butterfly dreams of good news from a dear person.

Mutilated - the dreamer hurt someone, greatly offended. With wings torn off - beware of betrayal. They themselves deprived them of an insect - a dream portends misfortune, an erroneous opinion about something or someone.

A tattoo in the form of a butterfly in a dream warns of the offense that a loved one will inflict

Dead butterflies portend unexpected problems, unjustified hopes, broken promises, spiritual decline, ruined plans and dreams. There is a high probability that ill-wishers are plotting behind your back, spreading false rumors. Be on your guard, think ten times before taking on a case that is in doubt. Avoid deliberately failed assignments. It is best in such a situation to seek advice from an experienced friend, colleague, colleague.

A dead black insect means that misfortune will bypass the house. A collection of dried insects promises misfortune, to buy it - make a reckless act in reality.


One butterfly dreams of unexpected and pleasant events. A lonely insect promises recovery to a sick person. Two symbolize a romantic relationship that will develop into a long and happy marriage. Several - spiritual growth, inspiration and inner freedom. You will also meet with an old acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time.

The French interpreter considers a lot of butterflies in a dream a good sign. The accumulated problems will suddenly be resolved as if by themselves. According to Longo, the image warns of trouble at work. The meaning of a large number of winged insects in a dream depends on where they flew:

  • in the air - vain desires;
  • against the background of green grass - a holiday, dancing;
  • above the flower - you will have a wonderful rest in the company of children;
  • above your head - fun with friends, great news.

If you dreamed of a room where a lot of dark butterflies sit, and then they take off and turn into cats of the same color, you will find out in reality that your enemy is a person from whom evil was not expected at all. Get ready for supposedly random incidents, scandals, intrigues. If you yourself turned into a cat in such a dream, harm yourself on your own.


The size of the butterfly determines the importance of the events predicted by the dream. A huge insect (the size of a palm or more) - the news received will determine all future fate. Perhaps you are haunted by thoughts about the frailty of being, the meaning of life and death. This is probably caused by dissatisfaction with their own choice: an unloved job, the wrong person next to them. Try to change something, otherwise you will never find your place in life, nor the one who is destined by fate.

If a huge butterfly was gloomy, in a dream you were afraid of it - in reality, you are negatively affected. Perhaps the evil eye or a love spell is implied.

A huge butterfly means that the events predicted by a dream will change your destiny.

A large insect means that there is a tedious fuss ahead. She sat down on one of her relatives - a dreaming person may get sick in the near future. A large but inconspicuous butterfly characterizes the dreamer as an insecure person who is not very successful in trying to get rid of his complexes.

Medium, small - the events predicted by the dream are insignificant for you. The baby can also dream on the eve of an interesting acquaintance. Night dreams, in which there were several dozen little fluttering beauties, promises carelessness. Did they fly over your head? Expect small mischief.


The type of butterfly is also important for interpretation:

  • cabbage most often dreams of a well-fed, carefree, cloudless life; sitting on the ground or in a puddle predicts a rich harvest; white - a happy fate; breaking against glass - ancestors warn of important events in the near future;
  • hawk hawk promises unexpected news from afar;
  • machaon - become the object of someone's benevolent attention;
  • the silkworm promises a prestigious job in the future and the well-deserved respect of others.

A dreamed silkworm - to a good career start and the status of a respected person in society


Depending on the color of fragile wings, the meaning of sleep can vary greatly:

  • white - to a serious illness; perhaps you will blame someone close to you for your illness; a snow-white butterfly can be an image of the spirit of a deceased person, a symbol of spiritual purification;
  • yellow - to sad news or illness;
  • brown ones also warn of health problems;
  • golden - to wealth;
  • gray - to problems, anxieties; to see an ash-winged insect on a clear sunny day - to trouble, malaise;
  • pale, inconspicuous - to unrest, love disappointment, problems in the family;
  • red - someone is sitting on your neck, shamelessly using it for their own purposes; an intimate dream book gives a different interpretation: the dreamer is connected with a partner with true passion and love, these relationships will be legalized;
  • bright blue - a trip to the sea awaits soon;
  • orange - have fun with close friends;
  • green - an orderly, calm life;
  • purple - an end will be put to the old story, a long-standing business has been completed, and this will please you;
  • unbearably bright, cutting eyes - take the ailment with all seriousness, perhaps these are symptoms of a serious illness.

Multi-colored, eye-pleasing butterflies in a dream mean that there are many amazing pleasant emotions, sensations and wonderful moments ahead. A stormy love affair is possible. There is a chance to meet old friends, the connection with which was considered lost.

A dream about a green butterfly indicates that you live in harmony with yourself and the world.


Most often, this color is associated with jealousy, betrayal, lies. According to Hasse's dream book, black butterflies dream in the following cases: the dreamer is tormented by fears, sometimes unaccountable, he is in constant anxiety, depression, waiting for some kind of trouble. In order to avoid big troubles, it is recommended to urgently put the papers and cases in order. First of all, if there is a possibility of breaking the law.

Dark-winged creatures can also be a sign of good luck. If you dreamed about how someone brought such an insect to your home and then let it go, in reality the black bar will be left behind, there will be a way out of the confusing situation. When there are a lot of butterflies in a dream, in reality big changes await in your personal life. The same value if the insect was one, but large. Pay attention to your mood after waking up: good, light indicates that the changes will be good.

The black butterfly may be a symbol of secret knowledge.


A dream in which a blue butterfly flew up and sat on the dreamer's face represents a specific goal. You strive for it, but sluggishly: laziness, lack of time and other unconvincing excuses prevent you from seriously engaging in the implementation of plans. If, in a fit of anger, you take it off and throw it away, and after waking up you feel sorry for the insect, one day the moment will come when it will be too late to chase your dream, and then you will have to experience great regret about the missed opportunities.

Those who are fond of Vedic culture, interpreting the colors seen in night dreams, sometimes correlate them with the colors of the chakras. For example, blue is the color of the energy center responsible for reflection and concentration. In reality, it is worth showing patience and endurance, and not pushing events and people to make a decision that is important not only for you, but also for them.

What and where happened in a dream

In a dream, did you catch butterflies? The meaning of such a plot depends on the details:

  • run through fields and meadows - hunt for good luck;
  • catch with your hands - success awaits, victory on the love front, disclosure of secrets; there is also a bad meaning: anxiety, domestic troubles;
  • used a net - a successful solution of the task set by the head;
  • miss - you have to wait for another happy moment;
  • hunting night moths - longing for the dead, catching such an insect - to a mutual feeling.

If you dream about catching butterflies in the spring, you will have a wonderful time in good company, in the summer you will go somewhere, in the fall you will meet a frivolous person, in winter you will reveal your secret to someone.

Feed a butterfly in a dream - in reality you will acquire a valuable thing

Interpretation of the dreamer's other actions with butterflies:

  • play with them - a promising offer will come from the management, the plot promises promotion, career success, salary increase, special bonuses, improved working conditions;
  • hold in the palms - help someone;
  • put in a frame - sexual oppression;
  • to let go - the dreamer is characterized by kindness, tolerance, the ability to understand and forgive, a willingness to help;
  • put in a jar - ahead of a pleasant meeting with a friend in a cozy place;
  • kill - a loved one will make a mistake that will ruin your reputation; the small Velesov dream book says that you are ready to give out someone else's secret.

To injure or crush a butterfly in a dream is a negative omen. A dream predicts not the most favorable period in life. It is worth preparing for failures and unfortunate news, the loss of something significant. The cause of trouble will most likely be your own indiscretion. Reckless actions will harm not only you, but also those close to you.

Butterfly behavior and location

When interpreting sleep, it is also important how the butterfly behaved:

  • sat on a beautiful, bright flower - to find a soulmate, to prosperity and prosperity, especially if there were a lot of insects and flowers; another interpretation - to gossip;
  • pursued you - you will encounter a manifestation of female stupidity, obsession;
  • attacked - it's time to change your lifestyle, probably because of the dreamer's actions, higher powers turned away from him;
  • talked with you - to great surprise;
  • sank on the shoulder of a familiar person - in reality you are worried about him, there are good reasons for this: health problems, some kind of trouble;
  • fluttered carelessly among the flowers - to a calm, measured life without any excesses or to news from afar from relatives;
  • flew overhead - to the good news; the richer the color of the wings, and the brighter the sun in a dream, the more amazing and joyful news await you;
  • saw nectar - life with all conveniences, comfort;
  • moved chaotically, restlessly - to pleasant chores;
  • took off from somewhere - take a good walk with friends;
  • flew in the middle of the night - it's time to visit the graves of relatives;
  • before your eyes, it began to turn back into a chrysalis - this unnatural process hints at a return to where it started.

Did the insect fly into the web? The image symbolizes spiritual death. Someone is very angry with you and is trying to call trouble on your head. Difficulties await on the way to the goal, difficult trials. You can witness the manifestation of someone's serious illness or even death. If the butterfly managed to escape from the sticky spider web, get rid of the problems that fell on your head quite easily.

A butterfly on a sunflower promises passionate mutual love.

If I sat on my hand

There are different interpretations of such a dream: a date with a lover, an interesting meeting, a new stage in life, a resolution of a long-standing dispute in your favor. An insect settled on the right hand? They expect the loss and deterioration of the health of one of the relatives. On the left - an increase in income, pleasure. The insect was in the palm of your hand - for a long-awaited date. But the image can also mean exposure (probably, we are talking about hidden feelings).

The gender of the dreamer is also important:

  • a girl with a butterfly on her hand promises a wealthy groom;
  • a woman - the birth of a child;
  • a man - changes, for example, a new job.

If a butterfly sits on the dreamer's hand in his house, it's time for him to get ready to solve the problems of some careless person.

Flew into the house

A butterfly in the house promises global changes in fate. Once inside, it flies literally everywhere? Unfortunate interference, absurd accidents, small quarrels await you. I flew into the room - to trouble; through the window - the desire will not come true, but a close friend will come to visit.

Remember where the insect settled:

  • on the pillow - in front of a fleeting love affair;
  • on the curtain - a dream warns of a possible betrayal;
  • on your body - hear the good news.

A motley butterfly, which has decided to disguise itself as some piece of furniture, a window sill, a wall, or something else in the room, warns someone close about the illness.

The white moth kills the hope of fulfilling the desired. If he flew out of the room or tried to do so, the dreamer's heart is weighed down with guilt towards the deceased person. A lot of moths in the house - for an incendiary party.

Butterflies that drink nectar dream of a carefree life in abundance

Was on the street

If in a dream you saw a butterfly on the street, remember exactly where it was located:

  • on a flower - success in love, joy;
  • on a green leaflet - take the first step to make peace with a loved one;
  • on a stone - such a dream portends a long and lasting union;
  • on an animal - meet a former classmate;
  • against the background of an azure sky - you are moving towards the implementation of the plan slowly but surely; the image can also represent your belief in the supernatural.

Dreams involving butterflies can be interpreted as an omen of something good, but not always. Sometimes they serve as a warning. In order not to get confused in the interpretations, you need to take into account all the details you see, sort them out “on the shelves” and consider each image of the dream separately, and then summarize the interpretations of all the details.

Which fascinates us with its flight and the flapping of beautiful colorful wings. But if you saw her in a dream - be careful, your life is too frivolous.

Also, a butterfly can mean good news or meeting an interesting person. But to find out the exact meaning, you need to see what the interpreter says about this.

Big and beautiful butterfly in a dream

If you dreamed of a huge beautiful butterfly- big and good news from loved ones. If a girl saw such a dream - to the appearance of a secret boyfriend who would propose to her. If a big butterfly dreamed of a person with a serious illness - to a speedy recovery. If she flutters over her head- your problems will be resolved soon, do not worry and worry. Sitting on your shoulder - you will find a strong and reliable patron who will help solve financial problems. - a big trouble awaits you from a loved one, but it will do you good.


Such a dream means grief and trouble. If a young girl saw a black butterfly- her best friend is deceiving her, you should not trust her with your secrets.

Butterfly sat on his shoulder - to a serious illness or loss of a close relative. If you caught such an insect, it means that you have removed all troubles and misfortunes from yourself.

If she hits- to bad news from distant relatives. If you dreamed of a dead black butterfly, a big misfortune will bypass your house. If a man saw a dream - to with his best friend. Black butterfly flew into the house- to or, be very careful and do not let a stranger into the house.

Butterfly in the house

If you saw a butterfly in your house- good news on a good occasion. If a young lady saw a butterfly, then soon she would meet a handsome gentleman. If she flies along the corridor - wait for the arrival of guests. If she sat on the table, you will have an easy cloudless life. Spinning and looking for a way out of your house - luck may not be on your side, be very careful. If she is in the bedroom - to flirt with a work colleague, if she sat down- a powerful erotic symbol.

If she sits on a girl's hand- with a handsome fiance. If she sits on her left hand - to pleasure. If on the right - to the loss and imminent illness of a loved one. If a man saw a dream, big changes await him, a change of job or field of activity is possible. If a mature woman saw a dream -. If a butterfly sat on a hand and flew away- your dreams will not come true soon, for this you will have to work hard. Sitting in the palms - your happiness is in your hands, do not rush things. Flapping its wings - you will have serious troubles in the family and at work.

On the face

If she sits on the cheek- cat . If it is on your forehead, you are not serious about your problems, you need to reconsider your life. If a butterfly is on your face and it is unpleasant, you will have an annoying admirer who will not give you a pass. A butterfly tickles your face - to an unexpected gift from your best friend. If it sits on a man's face- to good and good health. If on the face of a woman - to buy a new one or. If a child sees a dream, he has artistic talent and a penchant for music or painting.

On the head

If you sat on your head- to the solution of big problems related to home and family. If she sat down on the head of a young lady - an acquaintance with a handsome and influential man. A dream was seen by a pregnant woman- to the lungs and. A butterfly on a child’s head means that he will grow up smart and obedient. If it fluttered from your head, your close relatives are deceiving you, you should not trust them. On the head and flapping wings - unpleasant gossip about your personal life is circulating around you.

Butterfly Swallowtail

Swallowtail is a very beautiful bright insect, but most often such a dream speaks of sad news. If a girl saw a dream- to problems at work or in personal life. If a woman had a dream - to a quarrel with her husband or, to a man - to with bad consequences. If she flew into the bedroom- to the dirty gossip that your ill-wishers spread about you. If you caught her, the enemies will be defeated, all hardships and sorrows will bypass you. Dead Machaon - to a serious and prolonged illness, be careful.

Butterfly sat on the shoulder- Difficult times await you, losses are possible. If you caught or killed her - bad news related to financial problems. If you let it out of your hands, a long and happy life awaits you, children will delight you. The girl dreamed of a butterfly - to a new pleasant acquaintance. If a woman saw her- to the appearance of a strong and insidious. For a man, such a dream means a surge of strength and energy, a victory over competitors. If you dreamed of a huge butterfly, which sat on - to a rich harvest of crops, it also means monetary profit.

Old French dream book

Butterfly - a symbol of love and light flirting. Such a vision for a young girl means a new strong love. For a man to see a butterfly in a dream - he will have many fans.

If a butterfly sat on a flower - to meet a new interesting person who will become your patron.

You saw a lot of butterflies in the meadow- your life will get better soon, all problems will be resolved in the most unexpected way. If she flew into the house - to the arrival of guests on a good and fun occasion. Dead butterfly - the collapse of hopes and disappointment.

Butterfly - a symbol of faith and hope. For a sick person, such a dream can mean a complete recovery. For a poor person, a butterfly symbolizes an improvement in their financial situation. If a rich man with a large fortune dreamed of a butterfly, he needs to give a large amount to charity in order to avoid the wrath of the gods. white butterfly- a sign of the spiritual beginning and purification of thoughts. Black butterfly- a symbol of dark forces and evil thoughts. Perhaps you need to rethink your lifestyle. Flies overhead - to make an important decision that will change your life for the better.

Ukrainian dream book

Butterfly "peacock eye" dreams of a plentiful and rich harvest. Butterfly Machaon - to drought and crop failure. Butterfly cabbage - in a childless family. If she flies around the house - bad news from her best friend, he will soon need your help and support. catch a butterfly- luck will not be on your side, large material losses. Do not buy or sell real estate in the near future. Butterfly in the stable- to diseases of cattle. Flies around the house - to gossip about your personal life, do not trust your best friends with your secrets.

Butterfly also symbolizes misfortune. If she sat on her shoulder - to a fight or quarrel with her best friend. If she dreamed of a married woman - to a quarrel with her best friend. Flies around the house - to the illness of relatives or even. A white butterfly is a good sign, it means that you are on the right track and you will be lucky. golden butterfly- soon your most cherished dream will come true. For a young girl to see a butterfly - with a rich and generous man. Black butterfly - world wars and cataclysms, great destruction and human casualties. With broken wings- to poverty and monetary losses due to the crisis and bad economy.

White dream book

Such a dream is a symbol of sadness and fading.. A dead butterfly is a sign of imminent losses and great disappointments. If she flies overhead - to the bad news from distant relatives. To see a lot of insects - to the appearance of minor problems at work. If she sat down in her palm - wait for many guests in the house for a pleasant occasion. flew away from you- to a quarrel with a close friend over money. Killing her is good news and cash receipts from old investments. Huge and bright - to big changes in personal life and easy flirting.

A butterfly in a dream is considered a symbol of the soul and immortality. Her appearance reminds you to take care of your spirituality and grow in this regard. In addition, the moth marks the transition to a new level of consciousness and the acquisition of knowledge, and the unmarried promises happiness on the love front.

Butterfly - interpretation of Miller's dream book

Mr. Miller claims that a beautiful butterfly fluttering in a flowering meadow promises the dreamer a valuable acquisition and general well-being.

Many moths may dream of receiving news from friends who are away. If a vision was dreamed of by a young girl, then a romantic relationship will develop into a lasting union for life.

White cabbage warns of illness of yours or loved ones. If she flew into the house, then you should not hope for the fulfillment of desires.

I dreamed of a butterfly - Freud's decoding

Mr. Freud is sure that butterflies represent children. Admiring them in a dream literally means that you dream of having kids. If a moth sat on you, then you always find a common language with the kids.

But looking at the collection is not very good. This is a sign of regret for lost opportunities. From now on, you should be more careful and use every chance that fate gives.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z - why the butterfly is dreaming

If you dreamed that a butterfly sat on a flower, then someone spreads false rumors that can harm deals or reputation. The fluttering moth symbolizes the news, and also portends the imminent acquisition of happiness in love.

Did you manage to catch the insect with your hands? You are destined for good luck in a difficult matter. At the same time, it is a symbol of the disclosure of secrets. If you dreamed of a silkworm, then in the future you will get a decent job and earn the respect of others.

But chasing moths, trying to catch them, means that there will be trouble and useless chores at home. It is even worse to injure or crush a moth. This is an omen of deceit, betrayal and betrayal.

What does a butterfly mean in a dream according to a modern dream book

Seeing a flying butterfly in a dream is a joy, especially in love. Catching her is good luck in business. If you dreamed that a beautiful moth voluntarily sat on your palm, then a long-awaited date would soon take place. Sometimes the same vision warns that perhaps your secret will be revealed.

A few motley insects portend news from distant relatives or absent comrades. If the butterfly flies restlessly, then get ready for pleasant worries and troubles. If she flies through the window, then the desire will not come true.

Interpretation of a collection of dream books

The image itself is very interesting and meaningful. If in a dream you clearly saw a winged guest, then in reality you have to delve into some kind of knowledge, it is possible that it is secret.

Often, it is butterflies in night dreams that call for the use of magic and paranormal abilities to solve vital problems. After such a vision, you should especially carefully listen to your own intuition and pay attention to various signs. Perhaps the moment has come when you can meet a teacher or spiritual guide.

A particularly clear image of a moth indicates that you have moved to a new stage filled with ambiguous events and mysterious incidents. Right now you can solve your mental problems and understand past actions.

Why is the big butterfly dreaming

The size of an insect always indicates the importance of news or an upcoming event. Dreamed of an unnaturally large insect? Lime will be of crucial importance. A moth of medium and small size portends the receipt of not particularly significant information.

Did you dream of large, but gloomy and even frightening butterflies? This is a sign that your soul is in great danger. You are probably under a bad influence or have received a negative program (evil eye, damage, love spell, etc.). Inconspicuous, but large in size, individuals are a reflection of their own insecurity.

If in a dream a huge butterfly behaves strangely and tries to attack you, then you are unknowingly or intentionally violating magical laws. If you do not stop doing this, then retribution will not keep you waiting.

What is the dream of a butterfly in the house

If a white moth flew into the house, then you can not dream and hope that your wish will come true. If a motley butterfly sat on an object and merged with it in color, then one of the household members would get sick.

Did you dream of a nimble insect that flew all over the house? Get ready for minor troubles, domestic problems and minor quarrels. If the multi-colored one flew into the house and sat on her hand, then the problems of a particularly windy and careless person will have to be solved.

What is the dream of a butterfly on a hand, head

You can prepare for a romantic date if in a dream a butterfly voluntarily sat on your hand. If one strictly non-white moth sank on its head, then you will meet (or have already met) a person with whom a trusting relationship will later grow into a strong and lasting marriage. A whole bunch of motley moths, striving to sit on their heads, personify cheerful friends and good news.

What is the dream of a butterfly for a girl, a guy

If a guy or girl dreamed of a motley butterfly fluttering among the flowers, then in reality they will receive lime from a person who is away. For singles, this is a sign of success in amorous affairs, for married people - mutual understanding and respect on the part of the chosen one.

If a man caught a beautiful swallowtail in a dream, then he will get a virgin as his wife, who will give birth to an heir. For a young woman, the same vision promises happy love and marriage for many years.

Butterflies - interpretation of sleep

For a correct interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to take into account the behavior of butterflies, their appearance and condition, as well as their own actions.

  • day butterfly - the soul of a living person
  • night - the soul of the dead
  • black - jealousy, infidelity, deceit
  • motley, multi-colored - love, luck
  • white - delay, illness
  • gray - troubles, experiences
  • alone against the blue sky - belief in the other world
  • a lot in the air - momentary desires
  • in the meadow - a party, a holiday
  • fly around - the development of a young soul
  • butterfly on a flower - joy, fidelity
  • haunts you - female stupidity, vampirism
  • night moth by the fire - danger, misfortune
  • daytime - danger to the soul, voluntary rejection of something
  • an insect with charred wings - someone needs your spiritual help
  • to catch with a net - successful completion of work, forethought
  • hands - anxiety, family problems
  • catch the night - longing for the dead
  • catch yourself - good luck, in particular in love
  • someone caught - you will witness the incident
  • the beauty is entangled in the web - spiritual death, negative energy directed at you
  • mutilated insect - you hurt someone
  • with wings torn off - betrayal
  • tear off wings yourself - to trouble, delusions
  • butterfly drinks nectar - convenience, comfort of life
  • dead butterfly - difficulties, failures, discouragement
  • a collection of dried specimens - unfortunately
  • to buy it - to a careless act

If in a dream butterflies show aggression in any way, then it is time to change your lifestyle. You are probably doing something that turns the Higher Powers away from you and deprives them of support. Change, find a new, more valuable meaning and fulfill your destiny.

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