Dream interpretation of hugging a dead husband. Why is the ex-dead husband dreaming of being alive


Due to the loss of a loved one, relatives begin to see the dead in a dream.

Some are afraid of these visions, interpreting them as something negative, carrying some kind of terrible prediction or warning. Mothers dream of children, daughters of fathers, and widows often dream of their dead husband.

The subjective assessment of such dreams is not always correct, so you should not be nervous and worried in vain. There are many dream books that can decipher why and why the deceased husband is dreaming. And good or bad is a sign.

Types of dream books

First of all, it must be said which interpretation of which dream books should be trusted. The dream books of Miller, Vanga and Nostradamus are the most authoritative, and the explanation of dreams through their pages has a long history of interpreting visions.

Dream Interpretations differ in the interpretation of dreams, as well as in the dominant - some of them are focused on the psychological impact of the reader. What to trust more - psychology, astrology, or exclusively logic - is a personal matter for everyone.

If you don’t have a dream book at hand, and you definitely need to find out the meaning of what you saw at night, we suggest reading the detailed meaning here.

What exactly happened in the dream?

For a detailed decoding of why a woman sees her late husband in a dream, it is necessary to recall the detailed environment of night vision as accurately as possible.

This will allow you to most accurately decipher the dream. Actions, appearance and place of what is happening - in this case everything is important.

  • If an unmarried girl dreams of her dead husband, then this portends a risk: upcoming moves and flights must be postponed indefinitely.
  • If a late husband dreams of offending his wife in a dream, trying to hit her, then this portends good luck in life - winning a competition or praise at work.
  • If a husband calls his wife with him or invites him to go somewhere together, traditionally, it is considered a bad omen, which may be served by some specific event.
  • A gift from a beloved husband is also considered a sign of impending misfortune: illness, material difficulties, or accidents.
  • The request of a living husband in a dream can turn into some kind of major disappointment in real life, lead to prolonged depression.

  • The open indignation of the deceased husband in a dream says that the wife is to blame for the deceased, therefore it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the spouse by visiting his grave or by placing a candle in the church.
  • The silence of the late husband in a dream and his attentive look at his wife portends a change in the weather. It would seem that a terrible silent scene must certainly foreshadow grief, however, this is just a change in climate.
  • If in a dream only the voice of the deceased husband is heard, then this orients the person to receive bad news. What is important here is that subjective perception still remains, because different events can be bad for individual people.
  • A kiss of the deceased spouse on the cheek will tell you that the wish will come true. And again, the personal component is present here, because someone wants to go on a trip tomorrow (despite the fact that the tickets have already been bought, this event is inevitable), and some want to fly to the moon (here even a kiss from her husband is unlikely to help the dream come true).

It should be noted that no matter what the spouse sees, dreams remain only a vision, a combination of mysticism, imagination and intuition, inner experiences and pictures seen in reality.

It is up to the person himself to decide whether or not to let these predictions into his life, it is only worth remembering that dream books only offer several interpretations of dreams, but in no case are they absolutely reliable information. You need to trust completely only your feelings.

Why do we see certain dreams?

It has been scientifically proven that a person can control dreams, because vision is just a manifestation of subconscious instincts and sensations.

A dream is not the realities of a parallel world, but a short-term story. Taking it seriously or not is a human alternative.

Do not forget that the variety of dreams depends on many factors:

  • The spectrum of impressions received. Emotions experienced by a person during the day will certainly be reflected in dreams.
  • Limits of human fantasy. Suspicious people most often see colorful, burning and exciting dreams.
  • previous events. What is happening remains in the memory of a person for some time, so it is not surprising that the vision is built on a real basis.
  • A person's feelings about the loss of a loved one, deep grief or longing. The emotional state of a person is also reflected in the general tone of dreams, these are the laws of psychology.

The kingdom of dead people is inviolable, many people rejoice at fleeting meetings with loved ones even in dreams, someone is frightened and alarmed by these appearances of the dead, which should not be surprising.

Or maybe one should perceive dreams as some kind of illusion of what is happening, soap bubbles ready to burst from a collision with human reason and objectivity?

Husband according to the dream book

The dream interpretation claims that the ex-husband comes to your dream for a reason: either you cling too much to the past, or in the present everything is not very cloudless. The dream reminds that the past can turn out to be a ballast that not only prevents you from moving on, but also does not favor existing relationships, quarrels and alienation in the family are possible.

The dream book warns that cheating on a husband in a waking dream, most likely, will not affect matters of the heart, however, the dream portends disappointments, deceived hopes and minor loss of material values.

When you dream that your husband has died, it's time to think about whether you are too dependent on him. At the same time, the dream book assures that long summers await your spouse in reality, since dreams usually take over all the nightmares that have occurred in them.

If you had a dream that your husband is cheating on you, the dream book advises you to interpret it exactly the opposite: you can be sure that your spouse is faithful. The dream book of Simon Kananita is much more optimistic, promising a quick resolution to the issue that is haunting you at the moment.

If the deceased husband had a dream, there is nothing wrong with that: the dead often visit loved ones in a dream. The only plot has a bad meaning - when the deceased calls you with him or tries to lead somewhere. However, if you saw such a dream, do not rush to panic, on the contrary, keep your cool and be vigilant.

If it’s not the first time your husband’s mistress breaks into your dream, the dream book rightly suggests that there is a lot of unsaid between you. It often seems to you that your spouse avoids slippery topics, as a result - excessive suspicion.

In most cases, a dream that a husband is leaving you is provoked by your fear of loneliness and loss. The dream interpretation calls not to attach too much importance to such dreams.

The dream interpretation warns that a drunken husband dreams of troubles, which, unfortunately, will not bypass the family, or the spouse may soon get sick.

Kissing your husband in a dream means the beginning of an unfavorable period in one of the main areas of life. Sleep is a harbinger of family troubles, internal discomfort, trouble from the outside.

The dream that the husband is with another woman does not at all confirm the fact of betrayal in reality. This is nothing more than a manifestation of your anxieties and fear of loneliness. To dispel doubts, have pleasant conversations more often, just do not torment your other half with suspicions, as it will soon become clear that they are unfounded.

The dream interpretation brings to light your internal family conflict. If a dream brings you to assault, you start beating your husband, which means that the Cold War has been going on in your house for a long time.

If you had to get married in a dream, the dream book does not promise at all that something similar will happen in reality. A dream portends troubles and new obligations that may be a burden to you.

Dreams in which there was sex with her husband are unanimously considered not the most favorable by dream books: they promise losses and difficulties associated with money.

If you saw in a dream that your husband is naked, this means that he really can be embarrassed, get into an absurd or awkward situation in the near future.

The dream in which you had to see the death of your husband promises that big changes will soon take place in your life. But they will turn out to be positive or not too much, judge by the mood that dominates in a dream. And do not be tormented by a false sense of guilt that the dream seemed to you not very mournful: the subconscious mind has a slightly different value system. A dream may also indicate your serious disappointment in married life.

If in a dream the husband went to another, the dream book claims that nothing like this will happen in reality - the dream took over the possibility of such an incident. However, it indicates that you are afraid of the upcoming changes. Maybe you should reconsider your views, what if these changes are for the better?

No matter how paradoxical it sounds, the dream book does not recommend kissing your husband in a dream. Such a romantic dream portends disappointment in a spouse or a forced long separation.

If the ex-wife of her husband dreamed, the dream suggests that the past does not let you go, not him. Such a dream may indicate hidden grievances and dissatisfaction with family life, which you do not want to admit even to yourself.

According to the dream book, marrying a husband in a dream is liked by those who lack romance in everyday life. A dream can be inspired by both memories and dreams of a new love.

Whether you like it or not, you are now in a state of active search - this is how the dream book decided for you. The husband of a friend is an object of the opposite sex, quite deserving of attention. The dream only suggests options, and how to dispose of them is up to you.

Why else does a husband dream in a dream

If the husband returned in a dream, the dream book seriously advises preparing for a new romance. In rare cases, the former may actually return, but on one condition: if during his absence he managed to become actually a different person.

If in a dream you had to quarrel with your husband, it means that in reality you will soon establish harmonious relationships. A dream in which he happened to listen to unfair accusations indicates that in life he has the warmest feelings for you, appreciates and respects you very much.

If your husband's sister had a dream, dream books advise you to consider this dream as a reminder to ask how she is doing, she remembers you and will be glad if you pay attention to her.

Why is someone else's husband dreaming? If you are really married, the dream book directly indicates that your relationship has reached an impasse, you feel lonely in the family. The dream book warns an unmarried lady that her wish fulfillment is still being postponed.

Since you dreamed of a pregnant husband, expect replenishment in the family. But in a dream, as always, everything is confused: in reality, you will give birth to a child, after all, and not your spouse. Pay attention to the mood that remains after sleep: the more positive it is, the better.

If you dreamed that you killed your husband, who is alive in reality, the dream book promises an early solution to his main problem: recovery, return of debt, and a peaceful end to the conflict. And if your spouse really is not alive, the dream should be regarded as a sign that the time of grief has passed and life goes on, despite all the hardships.

Why are you so surprised by the dream in which your husband hugs you? As the dream book says, this dream is nothing more than a projection of real events. Well, except that you are a little short of hugs and other manifestations of care and tenderness in reality.

A new husband dreams of an unmarried girl for a hasty and therefore not the most successful marriage. If we are talking about a married woman, the dream suggests that she also does not have everything going smoothly in family relationships, and she secretly thinks about an affair on the side.

Why dream that the husband is crying? The dream interpretation is encouraging, such dreams indicate that the black streak that haunts your family is nearing a successful conclusion.

The dream interpretation believes that the dream in which the divorce from her husband occurred makes an elephant out of a fly: in reality there will be nothing more than a minor, easily resolved conflict. At the same time, the dream reminds you that your husband lacks vivid impressions, which you probably know about.

If you dreamed of a husband in bed, the dream suggests that now is the time for him to rest, and for you to act. The dream interpretation gives some clues: do not try to follow the beaten path or repeat past success, this time only fresh solutions will help you.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream portends an early harmonization of marital relations. You feel deep down that your relationship is gradually losing its former brightness, it is necessary to bring the effect of novelty into them. The dream promises that you will succeed.

A dream in which a husband is cheating on his wife is interpreted by the Vedic dream book as a danger to both. A woman who sees her husband's betrayal in a dream should beware of everything related to fire: fire, burns, short circuits. A dream can portend any trouble, except for the betrayal itself.

A dreaming husband with another woman promises all sorts of failures. Which is quite natural: such dreams are often dreamed of by disappointed or anxious women. Being in such a state, in fact, it is not difficult to get into an unpleasant story.

Although this is nothing more than a dream, nevertheless, a husband’s friend who dreamed means that the woman is so sick of the status quo that for the sake of change and new impressions she is ready to go very far - to encroach on the holy of holies - her husband’s friend.

When you dream that your husband left you for no reason, look for consolation in the dream book: your dream means just an upcoming small quarrel, which will end in a stormy reconciliation and your family life will sparkle with new colors.

If you dreamed of a sick husband, according to the dream book, anyone from your environment can get sick in the near future, but not him. At the same time, such a dream may be a harbinger of family troubles, try to prevent them.

Cheating on a husband in a dream speaks of nothing more than a hidden readiness to actually do something similar. If in reality prudence and moral principles stop, then in a dream - why not, it's just a dream.

If you saw that your husband is dead, this indicates too much psychological dependence on your other half. The dream book is trying in this way to remind you that there are other aspects of life, urging you not to be afraid of change. Just don't go to the other extreme, don't force things and don't try to swim against the current.

Why dream of kissing a dead man?

A dream with a dead man's kiss can be called unusual, even creepy, however, it is quite favorable. For entrepreneurs, businessmen, a dream portends a successful conclusion of transactions that will bring considerable profit in the future.

For a woman, such a dream may mean that she has a secret admirer, or an obsessive boyfriend, to whom she does not favor. If you dream that a deceased relative kisses a person, then such a dream can be regarded as a blessing and approval of the dreamer's actions, especially if these are his deceased parents. In general, a dead person in a dream is a symbol of peace, peace. Therefore, if you dream of a kiss of a dead man, it can be assumed that a smooth and calm period is coming in life, without worries, excessive fuss, insoluble problems and upheavals.

If a person was tormented by doubts about making decisions, then such a dream suggests that doubts are in vain, everything will be resolved in the best way. Trying to interpret the symbolism of this dream and understand why the dead man's kiss is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances of the dreamer's life.

For widows and widowers, such a dream can serve as an indication to pay attention to their own health, especially if the spouse died of an illness. I recall a sad incident when a woman who buried her husband said that almost every night she dreams of the deceased, who passionately kisses and hugs her. Intoxicated with a dream that was pleasant for her, the widow did not notice the signs that a serious illness had begun in her, moreover, exactly the same from which her husband died. The news of her untimely death was a terrible blow to all relatives and friends. She survived her late husband by only one year.

If a person recently buried a relative or friend, and kisses the deceased in a dream, then such a dream means that the time has come to come to terms with the pain of loss, let go of the deceased, learn to live without him. No matter how difficult it may be, a dream with a kiss of a dead man, in this case, just means the beginning of a new period in life, the emergence of fresh ideas, gaining self-confidence. Saying goodbye to the deceased in a waking dream portends a quiet joyful life, meeting new pleasant people, may suggest new friendship or love, deliverance from mental anguish.

The dream in which the dreamer kisses the deceased person is more favorable than the one if in a dream the deceased dreams of being alive. There are cases when a deceased relative, kissing and hugging, carried a person along with him. In reality, this turned into a serious illness for a person who saw such a dream.

Although many dream books interpret a dream with a kiss of a dead person as unusual, it must have been dreamed of by many, especially people who have lost loved ones. It is often enough to commemorate the deceased, go to church, order a memorial service to help yourself let go of the deceased and find peace of mind yourself

The deceased husband dreamed alive

Dream Interpretation The deceased husband dreamed alive dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband dreamed of being alive? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The deceased husband dreamed alive by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Live

To see the dead alive, and in a dream he will claim that he is alive and did not die - you should immediately go to the temple and light candles for the repose of the dead.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Live

A live horse appears in the house - great happiness.

To see a live horse in the house - there will be a letter from his son.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

dead husband strangles

Dream Interpretation Dead husband strangles dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband is strangling? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead husband strangling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that trouble awaits you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with her husband - to peace and harmony.

If a husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

To leave her husband, to love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy - someone else's interference in business, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband - to the loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

Husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - soon there will be misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Swearing with her husband - to a happy family life. Your husband left you - to the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting is getting rid of a serious illness. Fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your house and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - an early establishment of harmonious relations. Swearing at a party with friends - to travel together. A widow dreams - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband - to prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking on a wide, level road. The sun illuminates you.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which a husband showers you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: he promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your house and open up new horizons for you.

If it seemed that your husband was in love with another, you should take a critical look at your life - is it not too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream as a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Soul

Your soul leaves the body - you are in danger, because. sacrifice yourself to petty plans that harm your honor and force you to be selfish and unmerciful;
for an artist - to see that your soul has passed into the body of another - the achievement of fame when you completely surrender to work;
to feel that your soul has passed into the body of another - consolation, support of a stranger;
for a musician - to see your soul in the image of a woman in transparent clothes on stage - you will be surpassed in the most important thing for you;
talk about the immortality of his soul - the achievement of the desired knowledge and society of intelligent people.

Dream Interpretation - Shower

The shower, like any object from which liquid flows, symbolizes the penis. But at the same time, the symbol of the soul has some of its own characteristics.

If you shower naked and notice some flaws in yourself, then this indicates that your desire to have sexual contact is in conflict with the fear of failure.

If you wash in the shower in your clothes, then you are afraid that you forgot or did not want to use a condom in a previous sexual contact.

If in the shower you rub yourself with a washcloth, then you did not get the expected pleasure from the previous sexual contact.

Dream Interpretation - Soul

If in a dream you saw your soul, then such a dream testifies to your piety. You will think several times before doing anything. You are known to those around you as an honest, noble, merciful and religious person.

If you dreamed that the soul was separated from your body, then such a dream prophesies a serious illness or death. Your soul, one of the few, after the death of the body will be allowed to return to Earth in a different guise. If you saw that a person’s soul was separated from the body, then soon you will receive sad news about the death or fatal illness of a loved one.

Asking in a dream for the salvation of your soul is a sign that the circumstances of your life will turn out in such a way that you turn to God for help. Only then will you be able to find peace and harmony.

The late husband gave his wife

Dream Interpretation - The Deceased

Good night, Vladimir! When dead parents dream, it is always a warning about a great real danger. But grandparents to good changes in life. It's almost 100%. The only exception is if a hostile entity appeared under the guise of a dead mother. But only the one who dreamed about it can determine this. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Wife, parents, funeral, market

Apparently, you and your wife still have some unresolved issues that you will have to solve in the future. You may have to figure out the role of your parents in your disagreements with your spouse, as well as analyze the past to the very ins and outs. Then, if you had a funeral in a dream before the wedding, then you and your wife will “bury” some disagreements. Then there will be some serious changes in your relationship. Maybe there will be falsehood, deceit ... There may be a resumption of relations, but without any guarantees about a joint future, although everything will be possible and even there will be a desire ... However, it is not a fact that this dream is about a wife. It is quite possible that some situation will come up in which you once invested your soul, but did not receive a return. And then it, perhaps, will develop according to the plan I have outlined above ...

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather

Recently deceased dead should not dream often. They have their world, we have ours. In your case, fears and fears will not be confirmed, about something bad in real life, after such dreams. Since there is a hospital in your dream, which means vain fears that are not confirmed.

Dream Interpretation - Wife of the former

A negative dream, perhaps some rival is really harming you, but not necessarily. Such horrors can be dreamed of during physical illness, kidney disease, after a hearty dinner or nervous overwork. When someone is chasing you endlessly and cannot catch you, you experience fear, horror, and the state seems to have no way out...

Dream Interpretation - The late great-grandmother

And why foolishly? Why talkativeness? Oh, this is your categorical attitude towards yourself and people. Whatever the relationship may be, but mom is closer! Having told the dream to your mother, you have distributed priorities between the worlds. But you are an honest and conscientious person, so torment yourself. Tell me, did you take an oath to remain silent in a dream? If you feel guilty, take out a photo or go to church and talk to your great-grandmother, say that you did not understand her instructions. What exactly needs to be done, that you honor and love her, tell me. That you were little, but now you are older and understand more. If you dreamed about her after death, then she takes you under her protection. You can share your problems with her and ask for help. After all, the great-grandmother is interested in procreation and in its well-being and prosperity. Moreover, she loves and forgives you.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

Hello. I think that it is the thoughts of your ex-wife that haunt you. It seems to me that for a long time, in the depths of her soul, she repented of what had happened and wants to return to you, back. She often thinks about it. That's why you dream about her ..... It is quite possible that your wife will soon declare herself. Perhaps he will call you or write .... All the best to you.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

Sorry for replying to your post here. I'm just having connection problems on this site. For the future, if you want to write to me, please write to my email. Address. It is listed on my website page. So about your question. You did not understand me. It all depends on the particular dream. From your dream, I realized that your wife wants to be with you. This is evidenced by her behavior in a dream. For example, she stubbornly and persistently climbed back into the house when you kicked her out. Then she wanted to sit next to you at the same table. And at the beginning of the dream, she generally announced that she had returned .... In general, the dream, as you can see, speaks for itself ....

Dream Interpretation - Wife

Hello, the dream may indicate her thoughts about you. But also the symbol "wife" has another meaning - fate, a combination of circumstances. Perhaps a situation from your past is returning. You resist, but this situation is not going to "leave" you. The kitchen here can mean the intense thought process involved in preparing for something. Mother - means life wisdom, memory, the sensual side of the personality. You are trying to control the situation, take everything into your own hands (sit at the head of the table), but circumstances again interfere with you. Also, a wife can mean memories that prevent you from moving forward and affect your subconscious ("mother"). You, in turn, can symbolize consciousness. Try to calm down and switch to the new, not to pay more attention to the past. Good luck!

Your dream is that perhaps you are beginning to experience a craving for the beyond, you want to leave your familiar lands and go where your eyes look or get into places where everything is unfamiliar and unknown. This is a favorable period for you to travel and, possibly, with your family, also to move abroad and purchase real estate there. It's time to change life radically - "I climbed onto a stool with a full bucket of water and woke up" It's time.

Dream Interpretation - The deceased grandmother in her house

The Grandmother, who is deceased in reality, but still Alive in a dream, symbolizes in reality the feminine principle of the Dreamer, her generalizing female Wisdom and Experience. But for some reason, the Grandmother Swears in a dream, and the Dreamer is Angry at her - this already symbolizes the emotional infringement of the Dreamer (the emotional sphere is under the yoke of the material and cannot manifest itself). Grandmother takes a full bucket of Water, the Dreamer is afraid that Grandmother will fall (fear of loneliness, current emotions / losses) and stands on a Stool to water the Flowers on the windowsill (internal / state of mind), but from the outside of the Window of the house (external state, appearance, attractiveness, status) - in reality this means the lack of fullness of life, the Dreamer's dissatisfaction with her emotional state. Flowers in pots are very Beautiful, and the Windows outside (at the outward glance, the views of people, human measures) are dirty and dusty - this in reality means the need to balance the position of the Soul (awareness of eternity, the stability of internal factors) with external human factors (awareness of the instability and not eternity of external factors). The stool outside, in this case, is an unconscious and missing aspect of the Dreamer, which speaks of a lack of external awareness of oneself in accordance with the inner one, and Beautiful Flowers are the Soulful and Emotional sphere of the Dreamer, which is not sufficiently nourished (water and revive the Flowers in a dream) due to dominance in Dreamers of unconscious earthly-material views (dirty and dusty Windows outside). Conclusion from the Dream - when the Dreamer realizes and balances her earthly (external) and emotional (spiritual) desires, both of these spheres will blossom properly, that is, the Dreamer will receive comprehensive satisfaction from Life (in short, you need to accept and love yourself both internally and externally) . Sincerely, Livia.

The late husband put his wife

Contradiction, this is the whole point of your dream. Your conflicted and easily hurt nature guides you along a new path, but you are very afraid to start anything over again. You often turn to the past, as if looking for answers there, but do not find them. What was done, And how that time was lived, now, by and large, is no longer so important (you wanted a garden, but why do you need it? It's really difficult (figuratively)). A moment with water, more precisely, about its pricelessness (after all, it was so tasty, just water) - Oh, how did you begin to appreciate time, and only now, and how much has already flown away? In your garden (parent) weeds, these are your unspent opportunities that you can work on (as well as put the garden in order) not without result. A lock and key received from a certain man means that you will receive help from a person who will help solve your problems, or rather, he will offer you a solution.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother. Keys and lock

Grandmother showed you how unresolved the karma of the family is. Water, its taste - received a source of knowledge (information). An apartment with a balcony, landscaping, the first floor - we decided to start everything from scratch. But this is not about the profession, but about the personal plan. A man will appear and a relationship will begin. On his part, the intentions will be serious.

According to the first part of the dream, everything is clear and understandable. That relative, with whom the drawing was discussed, will fall ill. Or sciatica, or acute respiratory infections, and forgive her grandfather to take care of her. The second part is not entirely clear to me. I'll look at the Tarot and I'll be able to explain. Maybe.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather; jewelry

In contrast to the hysterics, invoking diseases on the dreamer's relatives, I will only say one thing: the second part of the dream means only the dreamer's doubts - is it worth rewarding your admirer with physical love? Is he the hero of her novel? To give or not to give, that is the question. The first part of the dream is about comfort in the soul. Apparently, it is not a man who gives this comfort, which means that there is no feeling for him, only a "sporting" interest. Something like this.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather; jewelry

The fact that you paid attention to things that were supposedly intended for men, in fact, they were just for you, or rather, not the things themselves, but what they mean. The image of a grandfather, as hardworking qualities embedded in you that drive you .... After all, knitting, it is work, and you did not reject it, but, on the contrary, agreed. It is interesting that the grandfather asked you to knit a shawl (warm) What could this mean? A shawl is your desire to find the warmth that you now urgently need, the warmth of your own hearth, where you can keep warm (I'm not talking about the housing issue). You are READY to knit this for yourself. The second part of your dream. Really refers to relationships in your personal life that are not quite right for you. Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean any particular man, but I'm just saying that you would like something different from what you have now. You chose earrings (jewelry is always very personal items, they talk about the dreamer's internal state, his dreams); red stones and pearl inserts are all very good, but still something was embarrassing .... There was no certainty. You are afraid of being deceived in your choice of the future path. I'll tell you honestly, no one can know for sure, but the hint, nevertheless, was given to you, to knit yourself, and this is a laborious and rewarding process.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather; jewelry

The grandfather is waiting and getting ready to meet the woman. The man is lied to.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased Relatives

An interesting DREAM that speaks of the Dreamer's intentions to arrange (revive) her personal life. The dreamer approaches this process with a certain readiness (the dreamer is ready to pay for herself), but there is still no suitable candidate for the role of a serious chosen one (there are temporary relationships - the Dreamer on the Bus). Sitting on the Bus between the revived deceased Father and Grandmother - just speaks of the Dreamer's thoughts on a personal level, how and where to go further. To receive money-a trifle for travel from the revived Father - the presence in the life of the Dreamer of temporary, little-meaning relationships from the forgotten past. But the Bus moves off and the Dreamer leaves - in reality this indicates the Dreamer's readiness to revive (possibly) former relationships, former love. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - The late mother-in-law died

In this Dream, the Dreamer understands that she is going against the patterns and foundations that advocate for a family lifestyle (The mother-in-law died - there is no person, there is no family template, symbolically). Rising in the Elevator - in reality, this is an increase in authority, social upsurge, commitment to life's comfort. Discuss the Lift with Neighbors - The social orientation of all efforts, a reference to social standards. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law (deceased) are Yang and Yin, two inseparable halves of one whole, where Yang is the ability to affirm - in depth, and Yin - the ability to continue - in breadth (Continuation of Affirmation). Remembering to Return the Iron to the Neighbors is a Duty that prompts you to redirect part of your efforts to restoring Inner comfort, smoothing out the external and internal situation (to return to your true origins, ideals). Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Mom

This Dream promises the Dreamer an increase in the stamina of the Spirit before the upcoming life trials (sitting on a bench in front of the House and crying is not a very favorable sign in a dream, indicating the Dreamer's concern and dissatisfaction with her current position - the Dreamer is not in the House, but outside, which means in reality that her Soul is not in the right place). Mom does not enter the House, stays outside with the Dreamer and Predicts the death of the Husband - means in reality a warning to the Dreamer to pay attention to the relationship with the Father of the child (try to protect the relationship with him so that the baby has a Father in the future). This is what her late Mother wanted to tell the Dreamer, and dead parents never come in dreams just like that - only to help, warn, support. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - The Deceased

The revived Dead Mother in a dream - symbolizes purely Feminine qualities and opportunities (Yin-qualities, Night from round the clock). Mom said one phrase "Twelve hours" (half a day) - which symbolizes the manifestation of earthly qualities in reality, as part of a single whole (Yin-Earth-night + Yang-Sky-day). This means that the late Mom in a dream marked herself with the female qualities and abilities that had gone to the Spirit, but were to be returned to life, consistent with her Soul (Yang). In short, this Dream is possible to activate the emotional (personal) life of the Dreamer, since no other details of the dream are indicated, because Mom in dreams is always Life, and Father is always Spirit. Sincerely, Livia.

The late husband confesses

Dream Interpretation The late husband confesses dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband confesses to? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the deceased husband confesses in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that trouble awaits you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Confess

To confess in a dream in some unseemly act - to an honest act.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with her husband - to peace and harmony.

If a husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

To leave her husband, to love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy - someone else's interference in business, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband - to the loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

Husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - soon there will be misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Swearing with her husband - to a happy family life. Your husband left you - to the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting is getting rid of a serious illness. Fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your house and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - an early establishment of harmonious relations. Swearing at a party with friends - to travel together. A widow dreams - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband - to prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking on a wide, level road. The sun illuminates you.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which a husband showers you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: he promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your house and open up new horizons for you.

If it seemed that your husband was in love with another, you should take a critical look at your life - is it not too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream as a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If you dreamed that your husband was cooking something, someone fell in love with you. So that this love does not lead to conflicts with your husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that your husband died, someone is trying to take him away from you. To save the family, give your husband a keychain or pendant with your photo and make sure he wears it.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

See also hug.

The late husband put his wife

What does this mean? Perhaps your ex-boyfriend really started a family. Perhaps the dream tells you to finally forget it, because there is no hope.

Dream Interpretation - Beloved person marries

Your reaction to what you saw in a dream suggests that you are anxious about any information regarding this person. You are worried, worried, nervous, all this speaks of indifference to him. Yes, you yourself have already admitted this. This conclusion and the small number of warning and predictive markers in the dream allows me to conclude that the subconscious mind is involved in shaping what you see. And now about the markers: - a dream can talk about problems that have arisen with your Friend or acquaintance, very often your so-called second self speaks through strangers in a dream. In combination with the information that it laid out for you, a picture is formed about the fear of losing precious time . Or attempts to activate old connections and remind him of his existence by offering him help in the fight against problems that have already appeared.

Dream Interpretation - Communication with the deceased

Is anyone in your family sick? You or mom. Such a dream can dream of recovery.

Dream Interpretation - Communication with the deceased

Disbelief in the purity of feelings makes it difficult for you to move through life (legs, a basin of dirty water). You need to be guided by intuition (hello mom) and everything will be fine. The right choice.

Dream Interpretation - I'm in my lover's wife's apartment

You may find yourself in an unpleasant situation and you will think about how to get out of it. (the topic of your dream is the same as in the dream about "wear and tear"), everything is on the same topic - you will find yourself in a difficult position. (or have already been)

Dream Interpretation - My late father

Your dream about the need for some changes in your life: throw out dried flowers in someone else's apartment - you need to make a decision to leave something that has long been obsolete in the past, and start a new, different life with hope and someone's help (mother and aunt), although there are difficulties (sick people).

Either your grandmother tells you about the approach of some unpleasant event, or you still keep these sad events in your memory, ... And the state of pain and worries still does not let you go.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother is dreaming

It's hard to say what the numbers mean. Each person should have their own associations with certain numbers or dates. Howling dogs - to very bad news. Perhaps a dream about your present - 3 bad events happened in your life and the howl of a dog is confirmation of this. But grandmother tells you - soon, dear. So good things are coming soon.

Dream Interpretation - Communication with the deceased

Well, 1.5 years have already passed since sleep, as I understand it. It has already come true or has not come true in any case. According to the symbols of sleep, such a dream is to your illness.

Dream Interpretation - Dream about the late grandfather

All dreams about the deceased dream - to change the weather, to warn of danger, or, as parting words to future actions - to marriage, to move, to change the direction of life purpose.

The late husband put his wife

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

Elena, when the deceased are hugged and supported like that, it really will be support. If he asked you to pray for him, pray. Be calm. I was also hugged in my sleep. The main thing is that in your dream your friend looks like a person and not like a dead person, otherwise the dream is interpreted in a bad way. All the best.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

Good time. I have already had to interpret your dream involving your friend. This is your second guardian angel. As the previous interpreter correctly noted, in such cases, follow the image, and your sensations towards it. Navi demons usually dress up in the images of their closest relatives. Any liquid in a dream corresponds to feelings in Reveal. Pure water - pure feelings, red compote can mean vitality for creativity, or overcoming difficulties.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

This is your Guardian Angel. Think so. This is a good sign.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

Good evening. Sooooo few details. Or is it a compensatory dream in which the dreamer simply runs away from problems, wishing that someone, always in a blue helicopter, with congratulations and 500 popsicles, would come and solve all her problems =) Or the feeling that the current image of a man who attracts the dreamer is not her helper and will not be able to take on her problems. Something like this. Sincerely, Disinherited.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

Communication with the dead is not the best that can be. Turn to folk wisdom. Alive is alive!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Friend

You have established a connection with him, now he will help you. Compote can indicate a manifestation of care, as well as the need to collect one's experience, the fruits of one's labors from different areas of life together. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother

If a grandmother who died is dreaming, then this is confirmation of unexpected changes. Delay and procrastination in matters relating to life and health. Trouble because of the decision you made, which will provide you with a pile of problems for the future.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother

It is possible that you do not need to run where the crowd of people is running. Think for yourself, go your own way. Good luck to all of you, those who live in Ukraine! God bless you!

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother

When you dream of a season out of season, then this is always a change. Your dream is a reflection of your emotional experiences about the crisis in the country. Winter, evening, slush - your real stay. The very theme of the grandmother (deceased) in your dream is like a jerk of a desperate person in search of a way out of a situation that is beyond your control (this is my personal opinion). In my opinion, the moment with the bus and the crowd of people is more important. You don't (never) need to follow the crowd, because the result may be quite the opposite of what everyone expects. You will have your way out of the situation, suitable for you. Take care of yourself! (I have a earnest request to you not to accept my (and not only) interpretations as truth!!! We (interpreters) are ordinary people who try to help through their thoughts. You have the right to choose from several interpretations that are suitable for you).

Dream Interpretation - The late grandmother

I agree with Eugene's interpretation. Winter (in general, the end of winter, just slush) night is the time before Sunrise. Slush is earth + water, i.e. Matter + feelings, not stability. The desire to move into a spacious grandmother's apartment is a craving for the state of affairs that was in the past: one spacious country. The fact that you did not go with the crowd speaks of the individuality of your Path. May God give you strength, and continue to strengthen the Spirit of our people in this War.

dead husband revived

Dream Interpretation The late husband came to life dreamed of why in a dream the late husband came to life? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead husband come to life in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - The Living Dead

"revived" deeds, feelings, undertakings, plans, relationships, worries.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that trouble awaits you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with her husband - to peace and harmony.

If a husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

To leave her husband, to love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy - someone else's interference in business, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband - to the loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

Husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - soon there will be misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Swearing with her husband - to a happy family life. Your husband left you - to the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting is getting rid of a serious illness. Fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your house and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - an early establishment of harmonious relations. Swearing at a party with friends - to travel together. A widow dreams - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband - to prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking on a wide, level road. The sun illuminates you.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which a husband showers you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: he promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your house and open up new horizons for you.

If it seemed that your husband was in love with another, you should take a critical look at your life - is it not too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream as a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If you dreamed that your husband was cooking something, someone fell in love with you. So that this love does not lead to conflicts with your husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that your husband died, someone is trying to take him away from you. To save the family, give your husband a keychain or pendant with your photo and make sure he wears it.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

The husband leaves you for no apparent reason - a short-term estrangement between you, which will be replaced by a wondrous sometimes consent;
quarrel with your spouse, he showers you with undeserved accusations - a favorable dream, trust and respect in real life, but there is a threat of danger from a completely different side;
to see your husband dead - to great sorrows;
pale, tired - diseases in the circle of your loved ones;
cheerful - prosperity in the house, life will open new horizons for you;
Your spouse is in love with another - a dream prompts you to critically reconsider the usual way of your home - is your life not monotonous;
for a woman - to love another - this is the true state of your spirit, you are alone in the family or are not satisfied with your position;
for a girl - to be married - take care of your attractiveness and dignity;
the husband leaves you, but, moving away more and more, he seems to become taller - your environment will prevent you from achieving harmony in relationships, fight the obstacles to your happiness;
Your spouse, in company with another woman, is involved in a scandal in which he was killed - the danger of divorce or other losses, ordinary everyday troubles.
See also hug.

If night vision caused you vivid emotions, then you need to remember it in detail.
In our article today, we invite you to talk about what a dream associated with a deceased husband may portend.

Basic interpretation

  • If you dreamed deceased spouse, then this, of course, caused you anxiety. They say that a deceased relative who visited in a night vision warns against danger.
  • If the spouse was in your house, then this promises stagnation in household affairs. If he sang a song to you, then it is advisable for you to remember it in all its details. Perhaps you will find a hint in it.
  • If the deceased husband presented you with roses, then this indicates that you should not incur debts or accept gifts from anyone in the near future.
  • If the deceased spouse created a dish for you, then you do not need to close your eyes to the truth. After all, it is obvious!
  • If you were in conflict with your deceased husband, then a lot of trouble awaits you. If you dreamed about a person talking to you in the voice of your spouse, then you need to beware of gossip.
  • If you saw a dream in which the deceased spouse is trying to harm you, then you can get hurt. If you dreamed of a wedding with a deceased chosen one, then this suggests that you are not yet ready for a new relationship.

Esoteric dream book

  • If you saw in a dream how your deceased spouse is watching you, then someone is spying on you in real life. So be careful! Otherwise, you may be harmed.
  • If you had a vision that your spouse came to your marriage with another person, then the Universe has blessed you for a new marriage.

Remember how your husband behaved in a dream

Did he criticize you? So it's time for you to change your life. You have probably made many mistakes in the past.

Freud's dream book

If you in your vision had sexual intercourse with deceased spouse, then this suggests that you are not yet psychologically ready to enter into a new relationship.

If in a dream you became pregnant from a deceased spouse, then you need to remember your loved one. If you remarried a deceased spouse in a vision, then this indicates that you are in great need of male support. Your current partner, for one reason or another, is not able to be a support for you.

What is the dream of a dead husband? To understand the meaning of this dream, the dream book recommends that you take into account your relationship during life, your own feelings in a dream, and additional details.

Basic rule

If you experienced a surge of joy, then this is really the spirit of a loved one. And the deceased husband appeared to protect or warn about something. Had a dream that he showed his house? Most likely, all this is the place of his current habitat.

Are you ready?

If you are lucky enough to talk with the dead, then remember every word. Everything he says is true.

If at the same time your beloved sings, then in real life you are protected. The dream in which it happened to walk next to him has the same meaning.

If in a dream you heard a call, then do not rush to meet you. The dream book believes that the deceased husband is calling with him. But are you ready to leave this world?

He is looking…

Why does a wife dream of a dead husband? If the deceased comes extremely rarely, is silent and does not show activity in a dream, then this means that the weather will change in the morning.

If a husband dreams of his wife periodically, but his presence is only a background, then the interpretation of sleep can be twofold. Either the appearance is caused by regret that the beloved is not around, or he literally “looks after” her.

It's time to let go...

If the spouse died recently and dreams every day, then most likely you yourself cannot let him go. Usually in such visions, women behave restlessly.

They try to call or even look for a loved one, which is absolutely impossible to do in a dream. After all, you can attract the attention of evil entities. Dream Interpretation believes that you need to come to terms with a bereavement and live on.

Get rid of the past

If a woman often dreams of a former spouse, then in real life she is worried about what is long gone. As soon as she gets rid of this burden, the dead man will immediately stop coming.

By the way, the dream book is sure that chasing or running away from the dead person means a long and prosperous life. But calling him in a dream means that on a subconscious level you want to establish contact with him. By the way, if you had a chance to cry in a dream, then in real life there will be a reason for fun.

Favorable interpretation

Why dream that a dead husband is alive? To dream that the dead has risen is an auspicious sign. A living dead man who returned home brought happiness and good luck.

The suddenly revived spouse, according to the dream book, promises news from afar. The Risen One symbolizes the revival of things that you have long forgotten. If you dreamed that a long-dead husband was alive again, then get ready for a change.

Change your behavior!

If in a dream the deceased husband was drunk, although he did not abuse during his lifetime, then the dream warns that you are behaving inappropriately. Why dream of a drunken dead man yet? It symbolizes your helplessness.

If you dreamed of a drunk and even an aggressive dead man, then a whole bunch of problems will fall upon you. The coming husband scolds? You are clearly doing something wrong.

Don't waste money!

If in a dream the deceased was imprisoned, then it's time to reconsider your values. Approximately the same interpretation has a dream in which there is a washing machine next to the deceased.

If in a dream the deceased husband chokes on his bones, then in reality you spend too much. The dream interpretation thinks that this vision predicts a quarrel over money, possibly inheritance. Had a dream that the spouse is a Muslim? In real life, you will be disappointed.

fateful prediction

The dream interpretation claims that seeing a husband at a wedding for a woman is a prediction for the future. If he was sad and in mourning, then the new marriage will be unsuccessful, but light-colored clothes and a kind face indicate the opposite.

Why dream of a place where you happened to see the dead? Funerals dream of fun, commemoration - to failure in endeavors. If the deceased was in a coffin - expect a drunken scandal. The dead man washes in the bath - to recovery, but to wash him herself - on the contrary, to illness.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book claims that a fresh grave of a husband can be a dream as a sign of a dishonorable act that will bring you suffering.

If in real life 40 days have not yet passed, and in a dream the grave was overgrown and abandoned, then your troubles will end in a happy meeting with a new lover.

Trouble is over!

If you dreamed that the deceased husband was leaving, then this means that the difficult trials for you have come to an end. If he leaves for another, then it's time for you to change your secluded lifestyle.

Leaving with another woman, the deceased husband hints that it is time to cast aside sorrows and arrange a future life. In the night dreams next to your spouse was your girlfriend? Know that she spreads gossip about you.

Other interpretations

When deciphering the dream book, it advises to pay attention to the appearance of the husband.

  • A gray-haired person may dream of sadness or profit.
  • In tears - to trouble.
  • In scars - to a big mistake.
  • Smiling - to happy changes.
  • Naked - to his repose in the next world.

Did you dream that your dead husband was sick? Pay attention to yourself and your appearance. He is very worried that you abandoned yourself.

Dreams will come true!

In night visions, does the deceased give a gift? In reality there will be a big profit. Give him something to lose.

The dream interpretation believes that the dead man who gives money is trying to compensate for the lack of love. According to another interpretation, the giver of money symbolizes the power by which your dreams will come true.

Love in another dimension

Many people are interested in why they dream of having sex with a dead husband. On this occasion, the dream book has several transcripts. In its direct meaning, sex symbolizes dissatisfaction after the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, sex with the dead warns of trouble.

The most unusual interpretation of the dream book claims that you really had a chance to kiss and make love with a deceased spouse, but in a different reality. Just sleeping with your husband in bed is a success in a hopeless business.

Blessing of Heaven

Why dream of just hugging a deceased spouse? A long life awaits you. Unfortunately, gently hugging and kissing the deceased in a dream, according to the dream book, means that you will yearn for him for a long time.

Kissing a dead man and not receiving an answer is a loss, and kissing him through force means that in reality you will have to give up hope. If the deceased himself kisses on the forehead, then the dream book believes that you have received a blessing from the Higher powers.

Why is the dead husband dreaming?

If you dreamed of a loved one who is dead in the real world, then this dream is important and must be carefully analyzed. Any detail can contain a hint that will help the sleeper avoid trouble in the near future.

The husband is often the closest person who knows and understands the sleeping person well. Difficulties that were experienced together unite the spouses. And after his death, the person who took care of the sleeping person in earthly life does not stop worrying about him. Therefore, his appearance in dreams always has a special meaning. Most often, they carry information that can provide significant assistance and support to a surviving loved one. There are many examples of how a timely warning given by the deceased husband saved the life of the sleeping woman, or saved her from big trouble. Moreover, information from a deceased spouse can come both in the form of a clear and understandable verbal statement, and in an encrypted form. Therefore, if the late husband dreamed, you need to pay attention to how he is dressed, the expression on his face, to the actions and circumstances under which the meeting took place.

There is an opinion that dead people dream of a change in the weather. But that doesn't always happen. In most cases, dreams with the presence of the deceased have an important meaning and warn the sleeper against committing rash acts that will greatly complicate his life.

For example, if a deceased husband in a dream persistently points his hand at the sleeping car and he looks sad at the same time, then in the near future you need to beware of driving a car, or give it up for some time. If the deceased is sick in a dream and needs care, then soon the dreamer will have serious troubles. Seeing a husband who has left earthly life in intensive care means that in the real world around a woman who dreams of this dream, intrigues are weaving and she will have to face the deceit of close friends. If the sleeping woman is glad to meet her husband, touches and hugs him, then in earthly life she will be able to avoid danger due to a happy combination of circumstances. People perceive the appearance of a deceased person in their dream in different ways. In some cases, they completely forget that this character has died in the real world, and communicate with him in the same way as during his lifetime.

It is noticed that in such cases the deceased remains internally detached from his surviving spouse, coldly responds to caresses and hugs. Here it is extremely important to pay attention to how the deceased looks, whether there are any oddities in his clothes, words. It is this that will contain a hint explaining the meaning of the appearance of this character in a dream. It should be noted that far from everything that is seen and heard in a dream is remembered by a person. Often, only the image of the one with whom the sleeping person communicated in his dream is stored in the memory. But this does not mean that the information transmitted to him by the deceased has not been deposited in his subconscious. Therefore, often after such meetings, the fate of the surviving spouse changes for the better, and he, at the level of consciousness, does not realize that a deceased loved one helped him in this. If the widow decides to remarry, the departed spouse may express his approval or disapproval of the union.

What the late husband is dreaming of can be understood from the details and development of the plot of the dream. If the deceased leaves sleeping gifts, this is considered an important sign. You need to pay attention to what they symbolize. For example, if the deceased husband brought and left patched clothes in the house, then in real life there is a lot of gossip around the woman.

Dreams in which the dead are present are never empty. Even if the dead are not the central characters of the dream plot, attention should be paid to their behavior and words. Often the appearance of a loved one is so eloquent that the sleeper immediately understands what he should expect in the near future.

Dream interpretation of a dead person, why dream of a dead person in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of a dead person from a dream book:

Seeing dead relatives alive in a dream can only dream of meaning that you have incorrectly set goals in life. You have poorly organized your life, make serious mistakes and you will need to call on all your willpower to correct them.

A dead relative dreams of being alive - if you hear in a dream how dead relatives are talking to you, it may be worth listening to their advice, because it is the subconscious or dear people from the past who give you advice on what to do next with your life. You need to be very careful about dreams where you see your dead relatives alive.

Why dead relatives dream - it is not excluded that you thought a lot about long-dead relatives in reality, which is why they dreamed about you in a dream.

Why do dead relatives dream - to joy, good events, dead friends - to important news.

Why dead people dream is an unfavorable sign, dead people dream of sad news about those who are far from you or problems in business. In a dream, dead people dream that they can cause you a lot of trouble in real life.

Also, dead people can dream of a change in the weather.

A long-dead person dreams of important events in the family in reality. If a long-dead person says something to you in a dream, listen: scientists have proven that this can awaken dormant parts of the brain, which contain knowledge that you were not aware of.

Why does a dead friend dream - you do not know how to compromise, negotiate peacefully with your loved ones, which means that you will face serious trials in life. You need to learn how to prevent quarrels, otherwise they cannot be avoided, especially if you saw a dead friend in a dream dissatisfied or longing.

A dead friend dreams of being alive - to good luck in life, good events, joyful changes in the usual course of life.

Why is a dead girlfriend dreaming - if she tells you about someone's death or tells you some sad news - be strong, it will happen in reality. If a friend just complains about something or is sad, sad events in life await you, which you should already prepare to go through.

A dead friend in a dream follows you, asks for something - perhaps she did not have time to do something during her lifetime and her soul cannot now find peace. Order a prayer service, say out loud that you have forgiven her for everything and she has no need to suffer. If you know something that she could ask you for in life, try to do it.

Dying girlfriend - success in business, a favorable streak in life.

Why is a dying girlfriend dreaming - to a quarrel with her.

Why dream that a friend died - if she cried in a dream - to success in her career and business relationships. A friend died - usually dreams of positive changes in the business plan.

A friend died in a dream - according to the Mayan dream book, such a dream means a disease that will be chronic in you.

A friend has died and is calling you to follow her - a deception on the part of loved ones that you did not suspect will be revealed.

The deceased brother - to see him in a dream means that soon they will turn to you for help, most likely, they will ask for a loan. You need to treat such people the same way you would treat your brother - be sure to help them.

Seeing a dead brother in a dream alive - to wealth and prosperity.

Why does the dead brother dream - to fight with him in a dream for material prosperity. Seeing a brother or sister who died in a dream may mean that not everything is determined with your future.

Why does the deceased dream in a coffin - to receive important news or a change in the weather. If you have been expecting someone for a long time with a visit, long-awaited guests will come to you.

The deceased in the coffin dreams of making a profit. If you made a coffin with your own hands, you will be promoted at work and an increase in salary.

Another person who died in a coffin in a dream can mean some kind of purchase - household appliances or updating a wardrobe.

A dead friend speaks to you in a dream - to the bad news.

Why do dead people dream - a warning about the dangers that surround you.

The deceased brother dreams of longevity.

Love dream book

Why dream of a dead person - If you dreamed of a dead loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

Interpretation from the dream book: A dead person is dreaming of - Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food. - Fortunately.

Muslim dream book What is the dream of a dead person:

  • A dead person in a dream (dead man, dead man) - If someone sees in a dream that he has embraced the dead man in his arms, or thrown his arms around his neck, this is for longevity.
  • If someone sees in a dream heaps of the dead, this means that he saw the erring or heretics.
  • If someone sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him, but the very face of the dead man is not presented to his gaze, but hears only his voice and goes in the direction of that voice, his death is near.
  • If he sees a dead man sleeping or naked, this means the repose of the deceased in the next world.

Folklore dream book What does it mean if a dead person dreams:

To see a dead person in a dream - to a change in the weather.

Children's dream book What does a dead person mean in a dream book?

Why dream If a deceased person gives you something in a dream - Fortunately, wealth and health.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus What is the dream of a dead person from a dream book:

Dead man (deceased) - Touch or hug a dead man - deceive fears, get rid of them in reality; if the deceased calls you - do not go, go with him, which means that you will become seriously ill or lose yourself, plunge into depression. The resurrected dead in a dream is aware of his anxiety - he has no rest in the next world, to see naked means the complete rest of his soul. Hearing the voice of the deceased - to illness or warning.

Loff's dream book

Dreams about the dead, according to Loff, do not carry a large semantic load. Perhaps their images are associated with memories, psycho-emotional factors. Most likely, this is how sadness and longing for a departed person is expressed. A lot of corpses are a sign of fear, excessive suspiciousness, imbalance, increased excitability and stress.

Kissing a dead husband

Dream Interpretation Kissing with a dead husband dreamed of why in a dream Kissing with a dead husband? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing your dead husband by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kissing the Dead

Serious illness, own death; farewell (if this is a loved one) on a more subtle, energetic, mental (astral) level.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dead brother - fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Dream Interpretation - Kisses the deceased

Serious illnesses and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased husband bathing in

Dream Interpretation Dead husband bathing in dreamed of why in a dream a dead husband bathing in? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead husband bathing in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Haven't you renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

They mean negativity of various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person if it was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

The dead husband went to

Dream Interpretation Dead husband went to dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband went to? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream the deceased husband went to by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Haven't you renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

They mean negativity of various types, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person if it was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Nothing good is promised by a dream in which your deceased relatives or friends visit you. If they are sad, a dream means that you are in for mental anguish and heavy thoughts. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, then everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one.

Kiss the dead husband and

Dream Interpretation - Dream about the late father

Good night, Margarita! “A few days ago I saw in a dream my late father, who I hadn’t dreamed about for about 9 years.” - usually the deceased parents dream of something to warn of some kind of difficult trials or serious dangers. And you internally realized this - "I scaredly ask him why he came." This is mitigated by the fact that the late grandmother always dreams of good changes in life, well, at least you have her house - "In a dream, I was in my late grandmother's house and as if I were sleeping in one of the rooms." “Mom stayed with me and started counting the money and says that she now has 33,500 rubles, I tell my mom why my father doesn’t leave, and she answers me, don’t worry, he will leave at 7 pm” - In a dream published by you today ( December 30) a way out of these difficulties is visible. Moreover, your mother (even though your spouse's mother) plays a leading role there, since she is also your mother. Save Christ!

DREAM means that the dreamer is still thinking that she is sorely lacking in love and joyful emotions (the deceased relative (whom the dreamer loved and loves very much) visiting with her grandson and grandson's daughter). It is a pity that the deceased relative (which is Love) came to the dreamer only to visit, for complete happiness in reality, it is necessary that she stay with the dreamer forever in a dream. The dream also symbolizes the rebirth of the dreamer's self ((her goal, for which she lives with all her might and will live - the grandson of a relative, now Healthy (health) in a dream and his daughter - a symbolic allusion in a dream to the family chain, continuity of generations). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - I saw the deceased grandmother

It may mean that someone will come to you, you will be delighted.

Dream Interpretation - Dreamed of the late father

Don't worry! This is a good dream. A single dream about the deceased, very positive. The deceased relatives who loved us come to us 7-15 days before the successful completion of some business (problem, event) to rejoice for us, in such cases they are silent in a dream.

Dream Interpretation - Wake up the deceased

To come to a Relative with the deceased Grandmother means the Dreamer's desire for inner and outer harmony, where the Grandmother is earthly experience, and the Relative is the emotional sphere, that is, the Dreamer is drawn to emotions / relationships experienced by life. Asking a Relative for an overnight stay and his consent is an affordable emotional comfort (close relationship), but you can hear his Wife swearing - this is already a hidden and uncomfortable close relationship without a solid future. The dreamer turns towards the Station and wakes up Grandmother, pulling her sleeping hand - symbolizes an uncertain state in the emotional sphere and a waiting period that can last a very long time if you do not take decisive action yourself. It's time to go to the Station - means in reality the dreamer's desire to get out of the current and unsettled personal situation.

Dream Interpretation - Pay a debt to the deceased

The dream suggests the dreamer's desire to return lost opportunities in social, personal life (marriage, marriage) - the dreamer is waiting for the deceased to repay the debt. The deceased comes, and the Dreamer gives him 100 rubles - in reality this means the necessary efforts of the Dreamer to activate this sphere and its real possibilities in the future. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Shoot a bow at a target

Perhaps something has gone out of your life that you must return on your own by performing certain actions (hitting a target, competition). You perform two actions, and the third - familiar to you - is not. Competition, most likely, is the process of life itself. Your crossbow looks like a guitar - maybe you need to seriously get creative? But you can’t hit the target, you probably have run out of inspiration or vital fuse. You want what is gone to return to you, but at the same time you slam the door. You run away and you have very little time left for something - perhaps you need to fulfill your destiny in life, which can be music or another activity that will help you regain part of yourself. But for this you need to pull yourself together and achieve your goals. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Husband left

You will experience something unpleasant, unfortunately .. There will be a long showdown due to deceit, pay attention to the "friends" around you. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Husband left

In fact, you may have become fed up and bored with your routine relationship with your husband. You want something spicy to excite ... In fact, the girl of easy conduct, to whom he went in a dream, is the one you yourself would like to be! .. But being embarrassed and enslaving yourself with the norms of morality and decent behavior give free rein to your sexual temperament and behavior ... Your attitude towards his mistress in a dream - anger and a desire to break her - indicates that you are trying to eradicate the very beginnings of such "sinful" desires in yourself. The fact that you find her photo under the cross reinforces the feeling of how much the norms of generally accepted morality and chastity, scooped from the collective unconscious, put pressure on you (the cross is a morality that prescribes to a woman no-no! .. Behave decently and don’t give anyone just like that! A photo of a woman of easy virtue under the cross is your part crushed by it, which would like to allow itself to behave in this way ..)

Dream Interpretation - Brownie drives me away from my husband

It is possible that in reality the brownie really separates you or does everything for this. Maybe it's someone else, some person. You can appease the brownie, on the Internet you can find out how to do it. If this is another person, take a closer look, maybe you should pay more attention to your husband. Good luck!

dead husband kills black

Dream Interpretation Dead husband kills black dreamed of why in a dream a dead husband kills a black one? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a dead husband kills a black woman by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Haven't you renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

A dream with many meanings, which depend on the circumstances of the dream, the types and instruments of murder.

Kill a person. Kill someone in a duel - defeat a competitor or rival in love. If you dreamed of a fight and you killed enemies in battle, cope with difficult tasks, although not without a fight. To kill a thief who broke into a house - soon you will have to protect your family from the attacks of evil people. To kill a bandit who attacked you portends good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks. The symbolism of sleep also depends on how the murder was committed. If you shot someone, be careful in reality: you will be deceived by a person you do not know. To stab someone with a knife: without blood - your enemies will succeed; to see blood flowing out at the same time - quarrel with a relative. Kill with a heavy object - a blow of fate awaits you. To kill by accident - your happiness will come to an end, and someone else's envy will be to blame. Crush a pedestrian with a car - unexpected circumstances will interfere with your plans. Poison someone - your anger can hurt someone greatly. If you dreamed that you were killing someone by hanging, this means that your affairs will remain in limbo for a long time. If the killer is not you, but the murder is committed before your eyes, then the dream does not indicate you personally, but one of your friends or relatives.

Imagine that the deceased is buried. You personally attended the funeral, laid a bouquet of flowers on the grave and left the cemetery in a luxurious convertible.

Kill an animal. Kill a snake - in order to achieve your goal, you will have to deal with competitors. Killing poultry (chopping chickens, ducks, geese) - although the new job will bring good money, it will require you to be completely dedicated, so that you will not have time for your family. Kill wild birds (for example, on a hunt) - random financial luck will smile at you. Kill songbirds (nightingales, canaries, larks, starlings) - your random word can offend an innocent person.

Imagine that instead of the bird you killed, a whole flock of songbirds appears.

If in a dream you killed a cat, in reality you will overcome huge obstacles and achieve everything you wanted. Kill a mouse or a rat - get out of a dangerous situation dry. To kill a monster in a dream - you will successfully deal with enemies and take a prominent position in society. Kill an insect (fly, spider, cockroach, bug) - get rid of the annoying person. To kill a deer or an elk - fail in the undertaking.

If you killed a deer or an elk in a dream, imagine that you did not kill him, but only wounded him. You bandage the wound - and the deer gets up and goes into the forest.

Kill a wolf or a fox - defeat a cunning enemy who has been intriguing against you for a long time. Kill a bear - get out of a difficult situation with the help of an influential patron. Kill a frog or a toad - quarrel with your best friend over a person of the opposite sex.

Imagine that you are preparing a gourmet dish from frog legs and treat your friend to it.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

A snake or dragon kills a person - portends a great misfortune.

You kill yourself with a knife - great happiness.

Killing a ram is a disease, misfortune.

Kill the leopard - get an important appointment.

Killing a bull portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a bull and eating its meat is a commercial profit.

To kill a bull or a deer - portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a camel is a drink and a snack.

Killing a sparrow - problems, difficulties associated with a wife or mistress.

Killing a goose portends great happiness

Killing another person portends wealth and nobility.

Killing a horse is a drink and a snack.

To kill a donkey, a camel or a horse is alcohol and a snack.

Killing a rooster, a goose, a duck portends great happiness.

Killing a pig is fortunate.

To kill a tiger or a leopard, a leopard - you will get an important position.

Killing a duck is a great happiness.

Killing a person portends great happiness.

To kill a person in such a way that blood stains clothes - you will receive material gain, wealth.

Killing a turtle portends mourning.

kill you or harm you - happiness in which unhappiness lurks.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - Kill, die

Very often in a dream you have to either kill or die, say. But, despite the external horror of what is happening, guided by our principle of inversion in the interpretation of dreams, we conclude that this dream is good!

Everything is based on the idea of ​​inversion. And the logic is simple: to kill in a dream means to radically solve some problems in real life, radically, so to speak. Interestingly, the same thing happens when you are killed: as they say, there is no person, there is no problem. To die in a dream also means to solve the problem radically, only in a different way, so to speak, to withdraw from the solution.

If you go around and wet someone all your sleep, kill, then you solve (dramatically) the problem yourself, on your own; if they kill you, then you remove yourself from the decision, but you also get rid of it, and also in a radical way!

Summarizing, we get that killing in a dream, or dying in a dream = a very good dream, denoting the successful solution of current problems in a cardinal way.

There is truth and there are exceptions: for example, you kill in a dream from time to time, this is a completely different topic, maybe related to your official activities, maybe your work in real life = solve problems, for example, if you are a policeman? Or a bandit.

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

If you dreamed that you were killing someone, this means that your partner will inflict an insult on you that you will remember for a long time.

If you were killed, this means that you should be more attentive to people.

Perhaps your new acquaintances want to use you for their own purposes.

Especially girls and women should pay attention to such dreams.

In their environment there is a person who, for the sake of sexual contact, can go to violence.

Kill, kill kill, kill - someone yourself - satisfaction, peace.


overcoming the main difficulty.

You were killed - the successful completion of all cases.

fame, recognition.

Killing to see is to suppress the good impulses of the soul in oneself.

To commit suicide is a great happiness, recovery.

Kill, kill - completion of affairs, end of anxieties, satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation - Kill a black rabbit in a dream

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dead husband kissing a woman

Dream Interpretation Dead husband kisses a woman dreamed of why in a dream the deceased husband kisses a woman? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead husband kissing a woman in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

A quarrel with your husband means his trust and respect for you.

Such a dream can also portend some kind of trouble outside the family.

If a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband, problems may arise in the family.

If a woman dreams that her husband left her for no apparent reason - in reality to a short-term cooling of relations, which, in any case, will be replaced by mutual attraction and consent.

If the husband dreamed of being sick or tired, then this is the illness of one of the relatives.

If you see your husband cheerful and cheerful, life will open up brilliant prospects for you.

There will be material well-being in the house.

If you dreamed that your husband was in love with another woman, not everything is safe in the family.

It is possible that your relationship is too monotonous and something needs to be changed in them.

If a married woman dreamed that she fell in love with another man, she is lonely in the family or does not receive satisfaction from intimate relationships with her husband.

If a girl dreamed that she got married, she should pay more attention to her appearance and think about her dignity.

If you dreamed that your husband was leaving, but, leaving home, he seemed to be taller - the dream portends that loved ones will be against your marriage and you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you dreamed of a scandal in which not only your husband, but also another woman participates, this is a divorce or significant loss.

If you dreamed that your husband was killed as a result of a scandal, this is a very bad dream.

If a husband dreams that he is fighting with her, peace will come in the family.

If the wife caresses her husband - to profit.

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

A woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that parting and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you call him, and he turned his back on you and does not respond, or that he left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, then your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream painfully pale, unlike himself, means that trouble awaits you, due to which you will lose peace and sleep. Seeing your husband handsome (no frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since at present your husband is dissatisfied with his life with you. To quarrel and swear, to fight with him in a dream is a dream on the contrary, which portends joyful events and peace in the house. Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by a divorce. A man doing women's work in a dream is a sign of trouble, loss, stagnation in business. Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. To see a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you can find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your anxieties and troubles will end soon. Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune. To see many men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young man of a pleasant appearance and speaks to her, then soon a change in her personal life awaits her. Remember the words of this person and how he looks. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then there will be such changes. And vice versa. To see a freak in a dream and get scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you. See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Swearing with her husband - to a happy family life. Your husband left you - to the end of a protracted quarrel. Accuses of infidelity - earn the respect and recognition of relatives. Fighting is getting rid of a serious illness. Fatal quarrel - avoid divorce. You are offended by your husband - prosperity awaits your house and life will open new horizons for you. Filed for divorce - an early establishment of harmonious relations. Swearing at a party with friends - to travel together. A widow dreams - you will marry again. Unmarried - you will have a new admirer. Sleeping with your husband - to prosperity. With a stranger - a profitable financial offer from a business partner. Husband cheats - acquisition of property.

Imagine that you and your husband are walking on a wide, level road. The sun illuminates you.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

Seeing your husband dead is a great misfortune.

Quarrel, even fight with her husband - to peace and harmony.

If a husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight the monotony and routine of family life, as your relationship suffers from this.

To leave her husband, to love another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should be more concerned about her attractiveness to men.

Feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy - someone else's interference in business, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband - to the loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - soon there will be misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - misfortune.

Hugging your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by complete agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which a husband showers you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: he promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But the cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your house and open up new horizons for you.

If it seemed that your husband was in love with another, you should take a critical look at your life - is it not too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you fell in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream as a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

If you dreamed that your husband was cooking something, someone fell in love with you. So that this love does not lead to conflicts with your husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that your husband died, someone is trying to take him away from you. To save the family, give your husband a keychain or pendant with your photo and make sure he wears it.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

The husband leaves you for no apparent reason - a short-term estrangement between you, which will be replaced by a wondrous sometimes consent;
quarrel with your spouse, he showers you with undeserved accusations - a favorable dream, trust and respect in real life, but there is a threat of danger from a completely different side;
to see your husband dead - to great sorrows;
pale, tired - diseases in the circle of your loved ones;
cheerful - prosperity in the house, life will open new horizons for you;
Your spouse is in love with another - a dream prompts you to critically reconsider the usual way of your home - is your life not monotonous;
for a woman - to love another - this is the true state of your spirit, you are alone in the family or are not satisfied with your position;
for a girl - to be married - take care of your attractiveness and dignity;
the husband leaves you, but, moving away more and more, he seems to become taller - your environment will prevent you from achieving harmony in relationships, fight the obstacles to your happiness;
Your spouse, in company with another woman, is involved in a scandal in which he was killed - the danger of divorce or other losses, ordinary everyday troubles.
See also hug.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

This dream also has the opposite meaning. If you dream that you have a husband, your cherished desire will not come true yet. If in a dream you are in love with someone else's husband, this portends a loss of desires, indifference to virtue and spiritual apathy. But if a widow sees in a dream that she has a husband who is merrily making fun of her, this means that she will soon receive a profitable offer to marry and treat him favorably.

Lying with a dead husband

Dream Interpretation Lie with a dead husband dreamed of why in a dream to lie with a dead husband? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Lying with a dead husband by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)

All the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time. They died in the plot of a dream, but are alive in reality, a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will last. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: "And to those whose faces turn black, (it will sound):" Haven't you renounced the faith that was accepted by you? (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see deceased relatives, friends or relatives - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or severe frosts begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. In a popular sign, "to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, from the deceased relatives, we can receive good parting words, and a warning, and a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Lie down

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Lying on a stone is a great success.

Lying yourself, sleeping in a boat - portends misfortune.

There is a book on the table - then you will receive a new appointment, a promotion.

Lying in a latrine in a covered part of the yard - portends profit, wealth.

A sword or knife lies at the head of the bed - portends great happiness.

Sitting or lying in the forest is a quick recovery.

Sitting or lying on wheat is a great happiness.

Sitting or lying on rice and wheat is a great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Lie down

If you dream that you are lying next to your spouse, then your relationship will be upset because of the offense you inflicted on your loved one. Lying next to someone else's wife (husband) in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with her husband (wife) in real life. Lying with a cat or with a company is a sign of a contagious disease. Lying in a dream between two men for a woman means that soon she will have to make a difficult choice. Lying on the street in a dream is a harbinger of separation from a close friend and a change of residence. Lying alone in bed is a sign of peace of mind that you can maintain under any circumstances. See interpretation: bed, love, bed.

Dream Interpretation - Lie down

If in a dream you see yourself lying on a sofa or couch, this means useless expectations, you should be more energetic and active if you really want to make progress in business and fulfill your hopes.

Lying in bed, being seriously ill - such a waking dream portends malaise and a decline in mental strength. If you lie naked in a dream, posing for an artist or sculptor, this portends a profitable marriage with a wealthy contender for your hand and heart. Lying in a hammock in the fresh air - keep peace of mind in misfortune. If you lie on the street, like a homeless tramp, this is a sign of separation from a loved one. Seeing a cat lying on your lap is a quarrel and petty insults. Animals lying on the ground are a harbinger of weakness and ill health.

If you lie in ambush on a hunt or in a war - in reality this means that you will not hesitate to go for forgery without notifying your partners about it. Seeing yourself lying in a coffin portends quarrels, a serious illness.

Dream Interpretation - Lie down. be in love

Lying in bed alone.

Tip of the day: now is the right time for new beginnings.

Lying in bed with one person.

Tip of the day: try to avoid a quarrel.

Do not give in to provocation.

Lie where.

Tip of the day: either with two people.

Tip of the day: don't regret past relationships.

Make a choice in favor of a new acquaintance.

Lying in a bad, uncomfortable place.

Tip of the day: you need to gain strength in order to survive a difficult period in your life.

Take a trip, take a break

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Hugging and kissing your husband, meeting or seeing him off, is a sign of complete understanding and love between spouses, peace and harmony in the family.

If in a dream you give your husband a letter addressed to him, having previously read its contents secretly from your spouse, this portends a divorce and division of property through the courts.

If your husband came home from work tired and, moreover, sick, such a dream portends trouble and lack of money. A cheerful and full of energy husband, who returned from hunting or fishing - to prosperity in the house and new acquisitions.

The dream in which you convict your husband of treason speaks of your overly biased attitude towards him in real life. If in a dream a husband leaves his family in your care, and he himself hides for several days in an unknown direction, without deigning to give any explanations, such a dream means a temporary discord in relations between you, which, however, will soon be replaced by complete agreement.

A quarrel with your husband on the basis of passion for alcohol should make you think about the origins of this weakness of your spouse - is it not in your behavior that they lie?

Burying your husband in a dream portends the arrival of his friends, because of which the apartment will temporarily turn into an inn and at the same time a drinking house.

A dream in which you leave your husband for another person can bring you big trouble in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue.

If in a dream the husband leaves on a business trip, and you act according to the classical scheme, taking your lover on the marital bed, in reality your excessive coquetry will give your husband a reason to suspect something is wrong.

For a young girl, a dream in which she sees herself married does not promise her marriage in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt of psychological defense to neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Seeing a machine gun in a dream Seeing a white goat in a dream

Had a dream that the deceased husband was alive? A vision with a deceased loved one in a dream promises various events. The dream interpretation warns of difficulties, unpleasant news, deceit. But in order to understand why such a plot is dreaming, one must take into account the interpretation of a successful combination of circumstances, good health.

Beware of deceit and injury

Seeing the deceased spouse in a dream as alive, but in an unusual form for him, is a harbinger of deception. You should not be too frank with unfamiliar people about your life in order to avoid using information against you.

Dreamed of a dead man as if alive? The dream interpretation reports: unpleasant problems or deep negative experiences are coming. When he leaves, and then disappears among the crowd - the circumstances will turn out well, complications can be avoided.

Did the deceased husband give something to his wife? The interpretation of sleep explains: in reality, an injury or a serious illness threatens. You need to save your health.

Get ready to face challenges

What is the dream of a former spouse who has already died? Seeing him in a good mood means: you can commit a rash act. You need to think better about the consequences of your actions.

The ex-husband, already deceased, but in a dream as if alive, warns of impending problems and worries.

Did the dreaming former deceased spouse talk about something with the dreamer? The dream interpretation calls this an unfavorable sign: she will find out unpleasant news in the business field. We must make every effort to overcome obstacles.

auspicious omens

In a dream, the deceased husband is alive and you clearly saw his face? If during his lifetime he was kind, loved you - a dream portends joy. You will probably find new love, support in the face of a person who is very reminiscent of the deceased in character.

Did you dream that the deceased spouse kissed the dreamer on the cheek? Her dream will come true. True, if it is really feasible, and not a transcendental dream.

Was he happy and cheerful in a dream? This means: ahead of happy life changes.

Pay close attention to business

Why dream that the deceased husband is alive and cheerful? The dream book warns: decisions should be made with caution - in order to avoid harm. Enemies are making plans to discredit him, cause great damage to his reputation and financial condition.

It is necessary to carefully plan business ventures, avoid joint ventures with unreliable partners, no matter how attractive they may seem.

Dream details

  • tried to hit his wife - good luck: the dreamer will be praised at work or she will win the competition;
  • he was indignant - his wife is to blame for him, so you need to go to the grave, put a candle in the church;
  • was healthy and cheerful - beware of the machinations of enemies;
  • was silent in a dream, gazing intently - a change in the weather;
  • hear his voice - get bad news;
  • hugging him - portends good health.

Miller's dream book: unexpected expenses

Why dream that the deceased husband is alive? There are unforeseen expenses. Perhaps some household appliances will break, you will have to buy a new one, or an unplanned repair will begin.

A complete description of the dream on the topic: "If a dead husband dreams of leaving for another" with an interpretation from astrologers for people.

What is the dream of a dead husband? To understand the meaning of this dream, the dream book recommends that you take into account your relationship during life, your own feelings in a dream, and additional details.

Basic rule

If you experienced a surge of joy, then this is really the spirit of a loved one. And the deceased husband appeared to protect or warn about something. Had a dream that he showed his house? Most likely, all this is the place of his current habitat.

Are you ready?

If you are lucky enough to talk with the dead, then remember every word. Everything he says is true.

If at the same time your beloved sings, then in real life you are protected. The dream in which it happened to walk next to him has the same meaning.

If in a dream you heard a call, then do not rush to meet you. The dream book believes that the deceased husband is calling with him. But are you ready to leave this world?

He is looking…

Why does a wife dream of a dead husband? If the deceased comes extremely rarely, is silent and does not show activity in a dream, then this means that the weather will change in the morning.

If a husband dreams of his wife periodically, but his presence is only a background, then the interpretation of sleep can be twofold. Either the appearance is caused by regret that the beloved is not around, or he literally “looks after” her.

It's time to let go...

If the spouse died recently and dreams every day, then most likely you yourself cannot let him go. Usually in such visions, women behave restlessly.

They try to call or even look for a loved one, which is absolutely impossible to do in a dream. After all, you can attract the attention of evil entities. Dream Interpretation believes that you need to come to terms with a bereavement and live on.

Get rid of the past

If a woman often dreams of a former spouse, then in real life she is worried about what is long gone. As soon as she gets rid of this burden, the dead man will immediately stop coming.

By the way, the dream book is sure that chasing or running away from the dead person means a long and prosperous life. But calling him in a dream means that on a subconscious level you want to establish contact with him. By the way, if you had a chance to cry in a dream, then in real life there will be a reason for fun.

Favorable interpretation

Why dream that a dead husband is alive? To dream that the dead has risen is an auspicious sign. A living dead man who returned home brought happiness and good luck.

The suddenly revived spouse, according to the dream book, promises news from afar. The Risen One symbolizes the revival of things that you have long forgotten. If you dreamed that a long-dead husband was alive again, then get ready for a change.

Change your behavior!

If in a dream the deceased husband was drunk, although he did not abuse during his lifetime, then the dream warns that you are behaving inappropriately. Why dream of a drunken dead man yet? It symbolizes your helplessness.

If you dreamed of a drunk and even an aggressive dead man, then a whole bunch of problems will fall upon you. The coming husband scolds? You are clearly doing something wrong.

Don't waste money!

If in a dream the deceased was imprisoned, then it's time to reconsider your values. Approximately the same interpretation has a dream in which there is a washing machine next to the deceased.

If in a dream the deceased husband chokes on his bones, then in reality you spend too much. The dream interpretation thinks that this vision predicts a quarrel over money, possibly inheritance. Had a dream that the spouse is a Muslim? In real life, you will be disappointed.

fateful prediction

The dream interpretation claims that seeing a husband at a wedding for a woman is a prediction for the future. If he was sad and in mourning, then the new marriage will be unsuccessful, but light-colored clothes and a kind face indicate the opposite.

Why dream of a place where you happened to see the dead? Funerals dream of fun, commemoration - to failure in endeavors. If the deceased was in a coffin - expect a drunken scandal. The dead man washes in the bath - to recovery, but to wash him herself - on the contrary, to illness.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book claims that a fresh grave of a husband can be a dream as a sign of a dishonorable act that will bring you suffering.

If in real life 40 days have not yet passed, and in a dream the grave was overgrown and abandoned, then your troubles will end in a happy meeting with a new lover.

Trouble is over!

If you dreamed that the deceased husband was leaving, then this means that the difficult trials for you have come to an end. If he leaves for another, then it's time for you to change your secluded lifestyle.

Leaving with another woman, the deceased husband hints that it is time to cast aside sorrows and arrange a future life. In the night dreams next to your spouse was your girlfriend? Know that she spreads gossip about you.

Other interpretations

When deciphering the dream book, it advises to pay attention to the appearance of the husband.

  • A gray-haired person may dream of sadness or profit.
  • In tears - to trouble.
  • In scars - to a big mistake.
  • Smiling - to happy changes.
  • Naked - to his repose in the next world.

Did you dream that your dead husband was sick? Pay attention to yourself and your appearance. He is very worried that you abandoned yourself.

Dreams will come true!

In night visions, does the deceased give a gift? In reality there will be a big profit. Give him something to lose.

The dream interpretation believes that the dead man who gives money is trying to compensate for the lack of love. According to another interpretation, the giver of money symbolizes the power by which your dreams will come true.

Love in another dimension

Many people are interested in why they dream of having sex with a dead husband. On this occasion, the dream book has several transcripts. In its direct meaning, sex symbolizes dissatisfaction after the loss of a loved one. On the other hand, sex with the dead warns of trouble.

The most unusual interpretation of the dream book claims that you really had a chance to kiss and make love with a deceased spouse, but in a different reality. Just sleeping with your husband in bed is a success in a hopeless business.

Blessing of Heaven

Why dream of just hugging a deceased spouse? A long life awaits you. Unfortunately, gently hugging and kissing the deceased in a dream, according to the dream book, means that you will yearn for him for a long time.

Kissing a dead man and not receiving an answer is a loss, and kissing him through force means that in reality you will have to give up hope. If the deceased himself kisses on the forehead, then the dream book believes that you have received a blessing from the Higher powers.

It is worth taking a closer look at those dreams that evoke vivid emotions in you.

It can be both joy, happiness, and grief, sadness. What is the dream of a dead husband? Worth sorting out.

What is the dream of a dead husband - the main interpretation

Dead relatives who come in a dream are always an alarming event and a very important event in a person's life. What could be so important in a dream meeting with deceased relatives? It is believed that by coming to a person in this way, they are trying to warn him from certain dangers and troubles.

In many dream books, a meeting with a deceased husband is interpreted as a negative sign, a sign that warns against rash acts in the near future. What should you pay special attention to?

Where exactly did you meet in a dream;

For what purpose did the husband come to you;

Did you have a dialogue?

What emotions did you experience in a dream and upon awakening.

If you dream that you met your husband in your house, such a dream suggests that stagnation may soon occur in your household affairs. Single women often dream that their ex-husband sleeps on their bed. It is worth considering after such a dream whether you yearn for your husband, whether you keep him constantly in your thoughts. If so, you need to let go of the situation and let go of yourself. Don't let past relationships control your future.

If you dream that your ex-husband happily communicates with you in a dream, remember what exactly your dialogue was about. Perhaps you confessed your love to each other - beware of betrayal on the personal front. You should not be afraid for the existing relationship if you dream of an ex-husband who has died in a dream.

You should consider whether you are comparing the current man with his predecessor, perhaps you are confused due to the fact that men are similar to each other. This property can be caused by the psychological characteristics of you as a person. If you dream that the deceased husband visited your workplace, in the near future pay maximum attention to work, try to complete all tasks and assignments as quickly and as accurately as possible, otherwise you will face checks and reprimands.

Often deceased relatives who appear in a dream promise misfortune and illness. Some dream books believe that they are simply trying to warn a person of impending failures. If you dream that your deceased husband is cheating on you - such a dream means that you are afraid of betrayal in reality. You can't come to terms with the fact that you were abandoned, that you were left alone. Selfishness and a desire to manage the situation and life of not only your own, but also those of the people around you speaks in you.

If a deceased husband sings a song to you in a dream, it is important to remember all the words from it, most likely they contain a subtle hint and a warning, which should not be done in the near future. If in a dream he gave you a bouquet of huge scarlet roses - such a dream promises you a gift with a double meaning. Someone will give you a gift with a hint that you will remain indebted. Try not to borrow money from anyone in the near future and not accept not only gifts, but also other services from anyone.

If you dream that your deceased husband is preparing breakfast for you in the kitchen, such a dream encourages you to open your eyes to the obvious truth. You have been closing them for a long time and do not want to see the elementary. If you quarrel with the dead in a dream, such a dream portends a lot of trouble for you. Everything in your life will collapse, and you will not be able to find a way out of this difficult situation.

If in a dream it seems to you that someone else is speaking through the lips of your husband, expect betrayal and gossip. Such a dream portends a substitution of facts not in your direction, and if you can guess what kind of situation we are talking about, do everything possible so that it does not happen.

If you again see the death of your husband in a dream - such a dream means that colossal changes await you, and what they will be depends only on you. If you are ready to move on in life confidently, try to cast aside all doubts and follow your inner voice.

If you dream that the deceased husband wants to hurt you, injure you - such a dream speaks of the danger of injury. You can also lose a huge amount of money if you argue with your husband in a dream. In reality, such a dream can manifest itself as a conflict of interest in business.

If you dream that you again have love and romance with your deceased husband, you remarry, or you are having a joyful time - you are not ready to build your life further. You need time to understand that it is ongoing and you can become a happy person.

What is the dream of the dead husband according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what the dead husband dreams of. Dead loved ones often appear in a dream as harbingers of not only global losses, but also global gains. If during your lifetime you and your husband had a wonderful relationship, you have nothing to worry about. If the relationship was strained, if the husband beat you and scoffed - such a dream suggests that you may soon meet the same cruel and despotic man.

If you dream that your husband is watching you in a dream, such a dream indicates that someone is closely watching you in reality. This person has evil thoughts, he wants to harm you. If you dream that your ex-husband came to your wedding with another man, such a dream indicates that you have received a blessing from above to create a new family.

It is worth taking a closer look at the behavior of the husband in a dream. If he is aggressive, yells at you and scolds you for rash acts, you have made a huge number of mistakes in the recent past and now you are being given a hint from above that it is worth changing your life.

If, at the sight of your deceased husband, you begin to feel fear, panic settles in you - you can’t let go of the past and start a new life because of the fear of repeating unpleasant moments. It can be violence in the seme, quarrels, insults and reproaches. The dream book advises to work through all problem situations and, regardless of internal feelings and experiences, build your life further.

What is the dream of the deceased husband according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a deceased husband may appear in your dream in order to warn you of possible losses. It may not even be a loss on the personal front, but the illness of a loved one. It is worth looking at all the details of sleep.

If you dream that you are making love with your late husband, such a dream indicates that there is a psychological trauma. You were very upset by the loss of a loved one, and now you cannot independently build a full-fledged relationship with another partner. If you dream that you are expecting a child from your ex-husband - such a dream means that you have not expressed much to him. It is worth remembering the deceased and honoring his memory.

If you dream that in a dream you are preparing again for the wedding with your deceased husband - such a dream means that you do not have enough support from a man, you do not have enough support, you do not find love and understanding in the partner who is with you now. You can only change the man who is next to you by endowing him with love and care.

If you experience a depressed state after a dream in which your deceased husband appeared to you, the same depressed state arises in you when you start a relationship with a new partner.

What is the dream of a dead husband in other dream books

In Miller's dream book it is said that the deceased husband who appeared to you in a dream is a harbinger of forced cash spending. You will have to spend a lot of money to pay off your debts. If you see how your husband is getting out of the grave, a difficult period in life awaits you and your loved ones will turn away from you at this moment.

In Vanga's dream book it is said that a dead husband in a dream is a harbinger of significant health problems. You should take care not only about yourself, but also about the people closest to you. The disease may not come alone. You may also be expected to lose your job or lose your opportunity to grow your business. In any case, the deceased husband in a dream promises worries in reality.

If you dream about your late husband as a child, you should talk to his relatives, make sure that they are doing well, that they do not need your support. If you dream that the deceased husband married another - you should not be afraid to lose love in life. This situation will not happen to you again. Whatever the dream, take its hints with gratitude.

Source: zhenskoe-mnenie.ru

It is believed that the dead portend a change in the weather. But not always visions with the participation of the dead are interpreted so unambiguously. Widows, for example, need to carefully analyze what the late husband is dreaming of. It is likely that the soul of a loved one is trying to warn about something or protect against future troubles. Let's ask the dream book: the late husband - what is this for?

direct prediction

We live in a rather complex world. The deceased husband often dreams because his soul is looking after the once beloved woman and children. She knows everything that was and will be. Probably, the soul sees the erroneous behavior or thoughts of the widow and tries to warn of impending troubles.

It happens and vice versa, says the “Old Russian Dream Book”. The deceased husband pushes the woman to a new happiness, tries to persuade her to forget grief and open up to joy. Everything that the deceased says should be memorized or written down. These words are worth their weight in gold. They contain very important information for the dreamer. And it should be taken literally. The departed spouse draws attention to some things or circumstances that will soon turn out to be important.

Just think about what you've heard. And try to fix the meaning of the vision, write it down on paper or in another way, so as not to forget in the worldly bustle. In the subtle worlds where the souls of the dead live, there is no concept of time. It is likely that the spouse reports information not about tomorrow, but about events that will happen in a year or two. Interpreters recommend that women analyze visions of a deceased husband, sometimes comparing real events with what he said. The work, of course, is not easy, but you will discover a lot of new things.

The deceased husband is alive in a dream

There is another subtlety in the interpretation, which the widow will have to cope with on her own. A living spouse who has gone to another world can talk about longing for male affection and attention. If you lack communication with the opposite sex, then you should not consider a dream as a prophetic one. It is given out by the subconscious as an incentive for a more active search for a new personal life. This is especially true for young widows, there is no need to deny this. The late husband dreams of being alive and cheerful, affectionate and playful - which means it's time to think about other men. As the people say: "He let you go."

A sad spouse in the country of Morpheus is a harbinger of trouble. For a woman, if you look into the depths of the subconscious, a husband is protection and support. Maybe now our views have changed, we have become more partners, but the dream-forming brain does not suspect this. It relies on more ancient and natural principles of existence. The husband comes, like a caring father, to warn of upcoming unrest. And he is sad in a dream because he understands: the spouse makes a mistake leading to experiences. If the husband scolds, then there will be some kind of joy.

Kissing a departed spouse

Another rather ambiguous plot. Interpreters advise him to be treated philosophically. As the “Ukrainian Dream Book” says, the deceased relatives whom you kiss portend reconciliation with someone now living. As a rule, we are talking about old family conflicts. They will be resolved, and the harmony of relations will be restored.

In a dream, kissing a deceased husband with passion - to the appearance of a fan who can become a faithful spouse. Gently caress the departed lover - to boredom and longing. If a kiss causes discomfort, there will be trouble in your personal life. Disappointment in men, scandals and attacks of jealousy are likely in the near future. If, on the contrary, your spouse kisses you, talk to his family. Some of these people need help or support. To see how a deceased spouse kisses another woman is to learn about the death of a friend in reality. Often the deceased shows exactly the person whose earthly path will soon end.

Emotional component

Sometimes the meaning lies not in the events, but in the feelings that the dream evokes. The late husband pleased in the astral world - get ready for pleasant changes in reality. If you have experienced an attack of longing, you will receive bad news. They swore with the deceased spouse to tears - something very pleasant is coming. Often such a vision warns of a new love. Dreaming of resentment against a deceased husband - make a mistake. Feeling guilty - get forgiveness for past sins.

The disappointment that suddenly visited you in a dream speaks of a wrong worldview. You consider valuable what is not. Try to think over life guidelines again so as not to sob later.

To feel happy in the company of the deceased spouse is to recover for the sick. For widows who do not suffer from ailments, such a vision promises a good day filled with pleasant events. To pay attention to the fact that the meeting with the deceased spouse left you indifferent - to the loss of interest in life. In the old days they said that it was necessary to remember the husband.

Relive the funeral

Sometimes in night visions pictures of past sufferings come to life. As the “English Dream Book” suggests, the deceased relatives whom you bury again simply portend a change in the weather.

Do not get upset and cry. You probably haven't gotten over the loss yet. Go to the temple and order a funeral service, pray yourself - everything will calm down over time. If you again experienced the funeral of a spouse who had gone to another world, then the wound in the soul is still alive. By the way, it may not manifest itself for decades, it seems that everything has already been forgotten, and in a dream the pain of loss comes to life again. Try to cope with emotions, do not let suffering corrode the soul and body. Another such vision says that a woman does not have a real incentive to life, a specific goal. It needs to be formed.

Take or give things

In the old days, it was believed that the deceased brings gifts only to trouble. Even worse if he calls for him. Such a dream was interpreted as a harbinger of death. The widow to take some objects from the hands of the deceased spouse - to resolve a disturbing situation. Giving him things herself is a rash act that will lead to big trouble. An old Russian dream book believes that the plot portends frivolous behavior that leads to illness. Try to be more reasonable after such a vision. The husband calls for himself - to the disease. To refuse an invitation is to avoid an unknown danger. The trouble will pass by, you will not even have time to realize it.

Alien deceased spouse

Sometimes people try to understand what the deceased husband of a relative or girlfriend is dreaming of. Such a vision should be deciphered like everything related to the dead. If he was alive and cheerful, the weather will be fine. I spoke to you - take the words as a warning about certain circumstances in life. Scolded - make an unforgivable mistake, tried to beat - to a promising acquaintance. The funeral, which had to be experienced in reality, returns in night visions to draw your attention to the need to show compassion for your neighbor. Perhaps the widow needs help. Meet and talk to this woman, find some kindness in yourself.

In general, the deceased should be remembered, since he appeared in a dream. This is an old folk tradition, remember it when thinking about what the late husband is dreaming of.

Dream Interpretation "astrocentr"

The woman dreams husbandleaves from her, without explaining the reason - dream says that disagreements can actually arise between spouses - up to major quarrels, but after some time passes, relations normalize, and a long period of agreement will come. A woman dreams that she is quarreling with husband- such dream promises full harmony in the family. Woman seesindream what she has husband unhealthy look - in real life will get sick husband or someone close.

Dream Interpretation «DomSnov»

Dream in which from a woman leaveshusband, predicts an approaching conflict in which you will sort things out. However, your union will remain strong, and nothing threatens him. If the atmosphere sleep oppressive and you don't understand indream reasons for leaving husband, which means that there is indeed a discord in the family. In addition, you will learn more about what it means see, What leaveshusbandindream in Miller's online dream book.

Dream Interpretation «magiachisel»

Dream in which you threwhusband, but you just can’t understand the reasons for this, warns: you are in danger of a serious quarrel, but soon everything will work out. See indreamhusband dead - to sadness and disappointment, sick and exhausted - to a serious illness, cheerful and beautiful - to happiness and good luck. If husband dream of a sick person, then perhaps he will cheat on you. Dreamed that husband in love with another woman?

Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

I dreamed that threwhusband, Husband went to another Husband goes to another woman Husband leaves his wife for a mistress indream Husband really cheated on you Dream Dream

Dream Interpretation «forum.detochka»

tortured dreams, in which husbandthrows me and my daughter and goes to another. I wake up terrified and helpless. But - everything is in order. In my opinion, you dream about what you subconsciously think about, and are afraid of it, that's why the imagination draws indream live pictures. By the way, thoughts are material. Stop thinking about separation, let alone tell husband about this: by talking about another woman in your imagination, you put it on his tongue that she can exist for him.

Dream Interpretation «magiachisel»

Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

I dreamed that I had thrown husband, HusbandgoneToanother, HusbandleavesToanother woman Husbandleaves from wife to mistress indream- betrayal, betrayal. Even if in real life you do not yet have evidence that Husband really cheated on you Dream may be a subtle signal - subconsciously you feel pretense and falsehood emanating from your loved one. Dream another proof of his insincerity.

Dream Interpretation "felomena"

dreamed Husbandleaves, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why you are dreaming Husbandleavesindream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if indream seen this symbol. husbandgoneToanother named Christina, and I remained pregnant. still he indream said that her house is his house and he loves her (she's kind of like his old love).

Dream Interpretation "baby"

I often dream like this dreams, What husbandgoneToanother. Constantly to different and my friends. And he is so happy without explanation, he collects things and leaves... such an insult after sleep creepy ... you don’t even want to look at it ((. Like it! Bookmark it.)) Maybe you are very afraid of this at the subconscious level ?! A indream everything always pops up!

This family is so strong that conflicts between spouses can only occur in a dream. However, a dream can be a warning about danger from a completely different angle. The cause of the trouble will not be the man's mistress, which, most likely, is not. However, it is better to avoid ambiguity and try to clarify all questions by asking them directly. By the way, the day of the week when the woman had a dream also matters.

Dreams for Monday are always empty, so you should not dramatize the situation, no matter how negative it may seem. Dreams that come in the first days of the week do not predict the future, but show the past. Now, if a dream visited a lady on Wednesday, it is worth showing concern. It is believed that the betrayal that was dreamed of on this day actually happened. No matter how long the marriage lasts, the husband will constantly cheat on his wife. It would not hurt the wife to check herself for the presence of damage caused by one of her husband's mistresses.

If the husband leaves in a dream, then this may be a reflection of subconscious fears that sit deep in the subconscious of a woman. And fears, as you know, are the same dreams, only with a minus sign. It will not be superfluous for the owner of such a dream to trust life more, because she never gives insurmountable trials. Another explanation for such dreams is dissatisfaction with oneself, underestimation of oneself, which leads to an obsessive subconscious search for "punishment" for imperfection and non-compliance with certain standards. Many women should understand that most men are not interested in the stylish dress code of the chosen one, trendy hairstyles, "branded" handbags and useless stupid dogs in their arms. A man will look for a beautiful, reliable partner and friend near him all his life, who will always accept him and which he himself will accept. Wife and husband, in other words, it is also necessary and beneficial to be friends.

Alcoholism and drug addiction of a spouse in a dream- this is just a symbolic image, Warning you That in reality the Husband may be drawn into some dubious affairs and adventures.

I dreamed that my husband was crying- disorder in reality.

I dreamed that the husband died, the husband drowned disease, death.

In ancient interpretations, such dreams always foreshadowed either a serious illness or the physical death of a spouse. Perhaps you really caught a subtle signal from the Universe about misfortunes and problems awaiting your husband in reality - this is a dream warning. However, perhaps recently you have spent a lot of nerves and strength on solving the current problems of your Husband. Then this dream is only a logical result of your daily anxieties and worries.

Dreamed of a dead husband- nostalgia; the need to remember the deceased.

Seeing the late Husband in a dream, The most important thing is to pay tribute to his memory- visit the church and order a prayer service, remember the deceased in the family circle.

If you dreamed that you killed your husband, who is alive in reality, the dream book promises an early solution to his main problem: recovery, return of debt, and a peaceful end to the conflict. And if your spouse really is not alive, the dream should be regarded as a sign that the time of grief has passed and life goes on, despite all the hardships.

Why are you so surprised by the dream in which your husband hugs you? As the dream book says, this dream is nothing more than a projection of real events. Well, except that you are a little short of hugs and other manifestations of care and tenderness in reality.

A new husband dreams of an unmarried girl for a hasty and therefore not the most successful marriage. If we are talking about a married woman, the dream suggests that she also does not have everything going smoothly in family relationships, and she secretly thinks about an affair on the side.

Wife gives her husband water- portends happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs- portends happiness.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow- portends a breakup.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

Husband- your wish will not be fulfilled.

If you dream that you have fallen in love with someone else's husband- this is a sign that you are becoming vicious.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Husband- projection of parental ties, relationship to the father of the sleeping woman, family situations and the relationship of her father to her mother. Negative image: dissatisfaction, coldness, disputes and quarrels. Positive elements: support, protection, reliability, profit.

caresses- quarrels, betrayal; fight him- reconciliation.

quarrel with him- to the disease; someone else's husband- sexual impulses, thoughts of infidelity, situations with one's own husband.

Husband, wife in a dream (dead in reality)- all the aspects indicated for the deceased parents (relatives) are true, but the incompleteness of the relationship is often even deeper, especially if the couple has lived together for a very long time.

They died in the plot of a dream, but in reality they are alive- a happy time of consent and peace for both spouses; divorce. Even more rarely seen death has a literal predictive meaning.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream portends an early harmonization of marital relations. You feel deep down that your relationship is gradually losing its former brightness, it is necessary to bring the effect of novelty into them. The dream promises that you will succeed.

A dream in which a husband is cheating on his wife is interpreted by the Vedic dream book as a danger to both. A woman who sees her husband's betrayal in a dream should beware of everything related to fire: fire, burns, short circuits. A dream can portend any trouble, except for the betrayal itself.

A dreaming husband with another woman promises all sorts of failures. Which is quite natural: such dreams are often dreamed of by disappointed or anxious women. Being in such a state, in fact, it is not difficult to get into an unpleasant story.

Although this is nothing more than a dream, nevertheless, a husband’s friend who dreamed means that the woman is so sick of the status quo that for the sake of change and new impressions she is ready to go very far - to encroach on the holy of holies - her husband’s friend.

Go to main interpretation- what is the dream of the husband

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