Dream Interpretation: a gift, what a gift is for - a complete interpretation of dreams. dream interpretation


If in a dream you were presented with a crystal vase, this means that you will soon achieve the fulfillment of your cherished desire.

If a young woman sees in a dream that her lover is giving her a pearl necklace, then happy events await her in reality, during which she will hear the words of a love confession from her boyfriend and an offer to marry.

To dream that you have been given a dog is a harbinger of a prosperous life full of comfort and pleasure.

To receive a box of expensive sweets as a gift - in reality you will find yourself in an intelligent society where your talents will be appreciated and will always be happy to receive you.

A dream in which you are given a stunning natural fur coat - in reality you will find yourself in an incidental situation when you are mistaken for the wrong person, and you do not begin to reveal your true name so as not to aggravate your situation.

To receive jewelry as a gift is a sign of exceptional attractiveness and luck in love, promising a wonderful husband and a chic life in complete carelessness.

A dream where you receive a gift from some sponsors a car or a yacht is a sign of the suspicious goodwill of people who have always shown a hostile attitude towards you.

To receive wonderfully designed books as a gift in a dream - to the good news from friends from abroad. If in a dream you did not receive the expected gift, this portends a clear threat to your current position.

If on your birthday you received flowers from a loved one as a gift, such a dream predicts good luck in all areas.

A dream in which you are given golden little things means that you will be able to go far on the path to wealth and universal recognition.

A dream where you yourself present gifts to relatives portends material assistance from them.

Presenting a gift to the authorities on his anniversary testifies to your deeply indifferent attitude towards your leadership, as well as towards any subordination in general.

If in a dream you send an expensive gift by mail - in reality you do not use the chance given by fate to arrange your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing a gift in a dream

Receive gifts in a dream - a sign that you will be unusually happy. A gift promises business people successful financial transactions.

Sending someone a gift - to the loss of an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a censure from someone that will annoy you.

If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

To receive birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself present a gift in a festive atmosphere, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

What do dreams mean Gift

If in a dream a friend or lover gives you something as a keepsake, then an unexpected pleasant surprise awaits you soon: friends who are thirsty for your good will do everything possible to achieve it. For a young man, this dream means that his betrothed will be rich in virtue and beautiful in character, constant in her feelings and sincerely attached to him. For a young woman - that her husband will be noble, like a true gentleman, rich, famous, perhaps they will have many children. If you yourself give someone 74 gifts, the dream portends that you will have a happy opportunity to generously give them. But if in a dream you need to make a gift, but for some reason you cannot, this is a sign of poverty and confusion in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does a gift mean in a dream

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

The meaning of dreams Gift

A gift - to you - if the donor is known to you, expect trouble or trouble through him; if unknown, then someone wishes you evil and with his energy strikes you, what is called the "evil eye". Choose someone - you are on the verge of financial loss, do not commit rash acts. Making a gift with your own hands - your material well-being is in your hands.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What does a gift mean in a dream

A gift is a symbol of sympathy and friendship. Judging by the nature of the gift, it can mean both affection and contempt.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

The meaning of sleep Gift

To give someone a gift in a dream means that you will do some act that will surprise this person. It is possible that this act will cause a break in your relationship in the future. Receiving a gift in a dream is a sign that soon someone or something will surprise you, in a bad or good way. But if in a dream the gift is unusual or surprises you, then expect some unexpected incidents corresponding to the degree of your surprise (pleasant or unpleasant) in a dream.

To receive a gift on the occasion of some holiday or birthday means that you will achieve the respect of this person. See interpretation: birthday.

To receive a valuable gift in a dream means that you will be appreciated. Seeing gifts in a dream on holidays is a sign of receiving good news, meeting loved ones, receiving gifts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Gift

The gift is a symbol of sympathy, friendship, desire to win the trust of another person. A gift can symbolize love, respect, contempt.

It was believed that it was not customary to go to visit without a gift, at the same time, any, even the most insignificant, gift should be accepted with gratitude. On this occasion, proverbs appeared: “You don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “It’s not a gift that is expensive, but attention.”

To dream that the person you love brings you a box with a gift, and you forget to see what is inside the box with happiness - the dream portends a love meeting, a secret date; The one whom you sympathize with for a long time, but did not dare to take the first step, confesses his love to you; You will be surprised with good news, a surprise.

You are asked to bring a scarlet flower as a gift - to get to know an unusual person; to the birth of a girl; to pleasant worries and an interesting journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

What in a dream predicts a Gift

Receiving gifts in a dream is a happy omen. Such a dream portends that you will be happy in love.

A girl's dream in which she is given a gift portends a happy marriage, and her husband will be rich and congenial to her.

If she dreams that she gives a gift to her beloved, this means that in reality she does not have respect for him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

What does it mean to see a gift in a dream

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. For business people, such a present promises successful financial transactions. Receive birthday gifts in a dream - to extraordinary luck in everything. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What predicts a dream Gift

in a dream indicates joy, love, sympathy and reconciliation between broken relationships with each other.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Meaning Gift

If in a dream someone gave you a gift (not a specific thing, but a gift in general), the dream means that in the near future incredible luck will fall upon you. All your transactions during this period will be crowned with success, and your personal life will finally get better. You pick up or give a gift - you will lose what really bothered you.

Imagine that you are unwrapping a gift box and inside is exactly the gift that you have been dreaming of all your life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

In a dream to see a Gift

Gifts received in a dream portend great happiness. For business people, such a dream promises successful financial transactions.

If in your dream you sent someone a gift, try not to miss a good opportunity to solve your problems. This dream is also fraught with irritation for you due to someone's inappropriate remark.

A young woman, who received an expensive gift in a dream, in reality expects marriage with a wealthy and congenial person.

A dreamed birthday present portends rare luck in everything. And if you yourself give someone a gift for the holiday, then in real life you do not have respect for this person.

Interpretation of dreams from

Who doesn't love receiving gifts? And if this action takes place in a dream, and not in real life? With the help of our dream book, you will find out why you dream of receiving gifts from a man, a former, a dead person, a woman, and what it means to choose and give them yourself.

There are few people in the world who do not like to receive gifts. Children, men, girls and even old people will not refuse to show special attention to themselves. Even in a dream, a gift is perceived by us as something pleasant and special. The dream book, interpreting what the gift is dreaming of, advises to carefully recall what was hidden behind the gift wrapper and the person who presented it in a dream.

Why dream of receiving gifts?

In ancient times, it was considered impermissible to come to visit without a gift. Any, even the most insignificant souvenir, had to be received with due attention and gratitude. This is evidenced by folk proverbs: “They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”, “Attention is expensive, not the gift itself”, “Gifts love gifts. The gift of the gift is waiting."

  • A female dream book compares a dreaming gift with extraordinary happiness and joy. business people, to receive a present in a dream, promises profitable deals and successful financial transactions in a dream book. young woman a gift seen predicts a successful marriage with a wealthy, attentive and congenial person.
  • Aesop's dream book compares the gift with the character's desire to gain trust, the dreamer's disposition. Based on this interpretation, a gift presented in a dream can personify love, respect, contempt or distrust.
  • According to the French, any present seen symbolizes interesting news.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer, a dreaming souvenir associates with convenient, lucky chance.
  • Medium Hasse claims that receiving gifts in a dream is to improve things.
  • Psychologist Miller is sure that receiving a present in a dream on the occasion of some holiday or celebration portends rare luck.
  • According to the Russian folk interpreter, a gift in a dream is considered a symbol of sympathy, friendship, or even contempt. Based on the donated item, you can understand how the character relates to the dreamer and vice versa.

The gift, according to Dr. Freud, symbolizes not only the character's desire to achieve sexual contact with the dreamer, but is also a symbol of sincere intentions to enter into a long-term love affair with him.

For the interpretation of sleep, it is important to take into account the emotional coloring of the dream. How did you feel when you were given a gift?

  • The surprise that caused feeling of joy in a dream - speaks of the sincerity and openness of the donor himself.
  • Receive a present while experiencing conflicting feelings, means that in reality you are biased towards the dreaming character.

Why dream of a gift from a man and an ex?

The image of the donor in a dream is often compared with real people. It is with the help of sleep that one can unravel the true motives of the dreaming characters.

  • Get a gift from a friend, testifies to the sincerity and openness of a comrade. Such a person will come to the aid of a difficult situation, provide support and lend his shoulder and, if necessary, a vest.
  • Quite controversial in interpretation is the plot in which a woman happened to receive present from stranger. On the one hand, the dream image speaks of the dreamer's great popularity among the representatives of the strong half of humanity, on the other hand, it warns her of excessive gullibility.
  • Married lady, take a gift from a stranger in a dream, means harmony and harmony in marital relations.
  • The gift that I gave in a dream Old man, symbolizes good advice from a wise mentor.
  • I dreamed that I presented a present passerby on the street? The dream interpretation, interpreting the dream, predicts the receipt of good news and unexpected joy.
  • Familiar man who in a dream presents a gift, in reality feels sympathy for the sleeping beauty. If in a dream, the presented present is expensive, then, in reality, the motives of the character are sincere and noble.
  • Souvenir donated work colleague or boss, can say a lot about the dreamer's financial situation and the prospect of promotion.
  • A present given in a dream former lover, warns of difficulties in relations with the current chosen one. In addition, the dreaming image of an ex-boyfriend symbolizes the presence of understatement between former lovers, which pushes the character to sort things out.

Why dream of a gift from a woman?

The fair sex, who happened to receive a gift from a woman in a dream, in reality, you need to be careful.

A gift from a woman in a dream is an alarming sign. Get ready to fight.
  • gypsy dream book, a gift taken from a woman's hand, personifies with meanness and malice.
  • According to the Modern Dream Interpreter, the item donated unknown woman, warns the dreamer about the appearance of a rival. So that the competitor does not win this fight, you should be smart, surrounding your beloved with care and attention.
  • Esotericists, interpreting dream about a gift from a stranger, associate it with someone's ardent desire to harm you on an energy level, inflict damage or the evil eye.
  • Veiled envy and rivalry, that's what dreams of getting a gift from a friend. Bitch's dream book explains a similar plot with problems that will fall on the head of a sleeping beauty through the fault of a friend.

In a man's dream, a gift accepted from the hands unfamiliar women, broadcasts a favorable time for financial transactions. If an image appeared in a dream familiar person, then it is possible that in reality, this person is very interested in you.

Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a gift from the dead?

Despite the mysticism of a dream in which one has to accept a gift from a dead person, the dream book interprets such dreams positively. First of all, the image of a deceased person is associated with the end of some life stage, and a souvenir presented in a dream by a dead person displays a new, successful period for the implementation of ideas.

  • Receive gift from the hands of the late grandmother, portends the help and support of an outsider by the Universal Dream Book.
  • See that a gift from a dead mother in a dream means that in reality you are surrounded by kind, loving people.
  • Souvenir given by the deceased, promises new experiences, exciting trips.
  • Women's dream book, adopted gift from the dead in a dream, associates with the successful completion of a profitable business and the opportunity to realize new ideas.
  • A gift given by a deceased to a young girl, according to Tsvetkov, portends a strong and happy union.
  • dreaming gift from the dead, according to Miller's interpretation, broadcasts a series of bright events that give harmony and satisfaction.
  • Accept money from the hands of the deceased a person as a gift - to unexpected profit, inheritance.
  • To a man who received in a dream a gift from a deceased person, according to the Russian dream book, success in the business sphere accompanies reality.

For the interpretation of sleep, the very image of the deceased donor is important. See blurred outline of the dead who gave you a present speaks of attempts to manipulate you. The dream interpretation advises to keep your position in controversial situations. An image with clear contours, characterizes a sleeping person as a persistent, self-confident person.

Why dream in a dream to receive a car as a gift?

In the interpretation of a dream about gifts, an important detail is the image of the presented present. A small souvenir is associated with the small victories of a sleeping person in real life.

A donated car in a dream predicts the request of a loved one for a service.

For those who were lucky in a dream get a car as a gift, The general dream book advises to keep your eyes open. The feigned kindness and disposition of others should not confuse you. Perhaps, in the near future, someone will ask for a favor, which, as it turns out, will end badly for you.

Women's dream book a car donated in a dream associates with a lull on the personal and work front. You live by the principle: "All or nothing", preferring to refuse dubious and unpromising projects and relationships.

A man who was given a car in a dream should be careful with finances in reality. The general dream book recommends thinking twice before agreeing to an adventure.

Why dream in a dream to receive a gold ring, earrings, watch as a gift?

Expensive gifts in a dream portend happiness and prosperity in the life of a sleeping person. Accepting jewelry as a gift promises good luck and success in all endeavors.

  • The lucky girl receive a gold ring as a gift, Miller's dream book portends an end to worries about relationships with a lover. Now the chosen one will devote himself entirely to creating a future family.
  • Dreamed that a gold ring is given by a stranger? Vanga's dream book promises unexpected help in resolving an issue that has remained unresolved for a long time.
  • Get in wedding ring gift, promises fidelity, sincerity and support of a lover.
  • See that an engagement ring is given to another person, means that in reality a marriage proposal will come in, which you will not take seriously.

Did you give earrings in a dream? So, in reality, someone will entrust you with their secret.
  • Accept earrings from a loved one in a dream, predicts a life together in peace and harmony.
  • The general dream book believes that receive earrings as a gift- to a valuable gift in reality.
  • Gave earrings with glasses? Expect deception.

  • To people who gave a watch in a dream, Freud's dream book promises to achieve the desired, beneficial development of events.
  • Seraphim's dream book binds a watch given in a dream with gossip, slander, threats from enemies.
  • A prosperous life full of joyful events is promised by Longo, explaining why he dreams of receiving watch as a gift.

woman, accept a watch as a present, broadcasts a meeting with a person who will take possession of her heart. man, presented with a watch, speaks of the prospect of dealing with a confusing situation.

Why dream in a dream to receive flowers, red roses as a gift?

In reality, fresh flowers are considered one of the invariable gifts for a woman. A presented bouquet in a dream promises a reward, good luck, respect for others in a dream book.

  • Young girl, get in gift bouquet of different flowers- to the appearance of fans.
  • Woman take in fresh flowers gift from husband, speaks of the sincerity of the beloved.
  • Gorgeous bouquet from a friend in a dream indicates a completely unfriendly attitude towards you.

A modern dream book interprets such a dream based on the type of flower presented. If the dreamer was presented with:

  • tulips- to a love adventure
  • Red roses- true love
  • chamomile- exciting journey ahead
  • field cornflowers- secret love
  • chrysanthemums- your hopes will come true
  • forget-me-nots- attention from a loved one
  • orchids- represent vain expectations
  • sunflower- portends a passionate, romantic relationship
  • irises- to a secret admirer
  • dandelions- to an interesting date
  • carnations- for a big celebration
  • lilies- to timely help from a pleasant person
  • lilies of the valley- to a marriage proposal
  • bells- good news
  • daffodils- to the unexpected act of a loved one.

Red roses in a dream testify to ardent, passionate feelings. Those who happened to receive them as a gift should take a closer look at the person who gives. Perhaps Fate gives a hint that the other half is next to you.

  • Get red roses from a stranger- to meet his prince.
  • Married lady getting in gift bouquet red roses from a stranger, predicts Freud's dream book, a passionate love affair.

Why dream in a dream to receive a doll, a teddy bear as a gift?

A toy in a dream, received as a gift, speaks of the subconscious desire of a sleeping person to take a break from the hustle and bustle, the need for positive emotions. The dream interpretation advises to forget about problems for a while and plunge into childhood.

A doll presented in a dream is a symbol of false illusions.
  • Accept a gift from a loved one Teddy bear, broadcasts about the frivolity of the beloved.
  • Combined dream book teddy bear, received as a gift, compares with a subconscious desire to feel the tenderness and care of loved ones.
  • A doll given in a dream personifies the dreamer's inner fears, his experiences.
  • Get in big plush bunny gift, means that in reality, you are very worried about far-fetched problems.
  • General dream book donated doll associated with good news.
  • Get a doll as a gift, according to Bitch's dream book, predicts the presence of people who want to manipulate a sleeping person. Perhaps the character who gave the gift is one of them.

Dream Interpretation: why dream in a dream to receive a dress, a fur coat as a gift?

Donated clothes, depending on the type of this wardrobe item, can tell not only about the feelings of the character, but also about the aspirations of the sleeping person himself.

To receive a wedding dress as a gift is a marriage proposal. If you tried on a gift in a dream, beware of deception.

Get in gift new dress, promises a dream book happiness in love. A modern combined dream interpreter connects a dream gift with the color and condition of the donated clothes:

  • blue- broadcasts a little secret from the giver
  • red- to receive a pleasant surprise
  • turquoise- symbolizes news from afar
  • yellow- predicts a sunny mood
  • green- Encourages you to trust your intuition
  • dress dotted- promises household chores
  • dress flowered- portends romantic events
  • dress made from paper- to profit.

  • Get in gift mink coat, promises material difficulties in the Common Dream Book.
  • married woman, gift from husband in the form of a fur coat, reveals the wife's subconscious dissatisfaction with his stinginess and frugality.
  • donated fur coat promises surprise, surprise in Medea's dream book.

Why dream in a dream to receive a bag, perfume, sweets as a gift?

A bag in a dream symbolizes the secrets and aspirations of a sleeping person. For those who are lucky enough to receive this fashion accessory as a gift, it portends an improvement in material and financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation of Medea a bag given in a dream compares with the secrets of the giving person. Perhaps in reality you will be trusted with a secret, which will be very difficult to keep.

Get a gift bag, according to the General Dream Book, indicates the dreamer's successful business activities. It is time to realize your potential and show your abilities.

Auspicious is a dream in which you gave perfume. The dream interpreter is sure that the dreamed present speaks of the sincerity and devotion of the character who presented the gift.

Get perfume as a gift from a good friend, portends his care and support. If you are in trouble in reality, do not hesitate to ask for help from a person who is ready to provide it.

Young lady, see donated perfume in a beautiful bottle, predicts a declaration of love in a dream book.

Freud's dream book, interpreting dream of a fragrant present, promises a new pleasant flirting.

To receive sweets as a gift is a captivating, but risky joy.

Sweet gift, in the form boxes of chocolates in a dream, explains the persistence and harassment of fans. Also, such a dream speaks of the collapse of plans and hopes.

Get in gift box of expensive sweets- an invitation to a solemn event.

Why dream in a dream to choose and give a gift?

Often, a dream about choosing and presenting a gift is a dream when in reality you want to achieve the location and attention of the person to whom the gift was intended in a dream.

Giving a gift in a dream - to get rid of worries and problems.

see that the character accepts the gift with joy, means that you can easily achieve your goals. If a man refused to accept the gift, which means that in reality, efforts must be made to implement the plan.

  • Send someone a gift by mail or courier, speaks of the loss of an opportunity to solve their problems.
  • Give gift for boss or work colleague- to receive a reprimand.
  • girl, choose a gift for your loved one, speaks of the dreamer's attempt to establish relationships with her lover.
  • Present a gift to a stranger- the opportunity to learn a new specialty.
  • give a present without much reason in a dream - to a surprise.
  • Choose a gift in the store, speaks of your desire to do good, to give positive emotions to loved ones and others.

VIDEO: What is the dream of a gift for?

Love for gifts and signs of attention is natural for absolutely everyone. Surprises are enjoyed by children, women, the elderly, and even apparently strong and unflappable men. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are curious about how a dream is interpreted in which it happened to receive or give a gift.

  • Why dream of a gift? The vision promises light and cheerful events in the future.
  • Why dream of receiving gifts? The future promises prosperity and peace. A happy period on the path of life.
  • Why dream of gifts? For girls, this portends a successful marriage and a loving, caring husband.
  • To dream of "receiving a gift" - for men, a vision predicts a meeting with a lady dear to her heart, who will become an ideal companion in family life.
  • Why dream of receiving a gift from a close friend? Your comrade will never stain himself with betrayal, and will help you in a difficult situation. (cm. )
  • Why dream of receiving a gift in a dream from parents? The dream tells about their unconditional love, you still remain for them a small child who needs attention.
  • Why dream of a gift from a man? Receiving a present from a stranger warns you against being too gullible. Be vigilant and do not talk about your affairs in public.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift from a woman is a warning about the appearance of a rival on your way. During this difficult period, it is recommended to pacify your character and take care of your partner if you want to maintain a relationship.
  • Why dream of a gift from a saint? good news; instructions on the true path, advice for good.
  • Dreaming: the deceased gives a gift - such a vision should be taken responsibly, trials await you, and if you overcome them with dignity, you will be successful in the future.
  • Why dream of an expensive gift from the deceased? The vision promises to strengthen your position and profit.
  • What is the dream of a gift from a dead person, a keepsake? Small occasions that will give you a smile and a good mood.
  • Why dream of a gift from an ex-boyfriend? There are gaps in your relationship that need to be resolved.
  • Why dream of giving a gift? You dream of achieving reciprocal emotions from the person to whom you are presenting a gift.
  • Why dream of choosing a gift? You wish happy emotions to all the people around you. Be involved in the affairs of the closest and dearest.
  • Equally important is the present itself. Depending on what you received, dream books give different interpretations.
  • For a present? Pleasure and comfort in family relationships.
  • Why dream of receiving a ring as a gift for a man? The dream tells of his insecurity and self-doubt; the predominance of female character traits.
  • Why dream of a gift "golden ring"? Successful completion of the project, which will bring prosperity and prosperity.
  • A silver ring as a gift in a dream promises a partner's devotion, and excludes the possibility of betrayal on his part.
  • Seeing in a dream a gift “copper ring” means that a period of dubious connections and obscene parties awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the gift "iron ring" promises a lot of hard work that you have to do.
  • Why dream of a gift "ring" from a man? A favorable interpretation promising joyful phenomena.
  • What is the dream of a gift: a gold chain? You needlessly doubt the sincerity of the feelings shown to you by people. (cm. )
  • Why dream of receiving a watch as a gift? You have to part with loved ones.
  • To receive a watch as a gift in a dream from a loved one - in reality, predicts a serious quarrel, up to a break in relations. (cm. )
  • Why dream of gold earrings as a gift? Beware of deception in the very near future. (cm. )
  • Why dream of receiving a dress as a gift? For young girls, this portends a carefree period, colored with vivid emotions and impressions.
  • Why dream of a gift "dog"? You have to ask a friend for help in a problem that worries you a lot.
  • Why dream of a gift "kitten"? An evil woman will harm you, if you want to avoid this, limit your social circle to trusted people. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a gift "book"? You will receive good news from close friends. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a gift "bag"? Your wildest wishes will come true.
  • Why dream of a gift "doll"? Talks about your unwillingness to face all the complexities of life; desire to return to childhood. (cm. )
  • Why dream of receiving a phone as a gift? News from afar.
  • Why dream of receiving perfume as a gift? Expect a declaration of love for you soon.
  • Why dream of receiving boots as a gift? The vision warns of the need for rest in the very near future. (cm. )
  • Why dream of a gift "bracelet"? Foretells imminent marriage bonds.
  • For a present? Predicts significant waste that was not planned in advance.
  • new as a gift? Carefully monitor your behavior in society, you risk losing face.
  • For a present? The vision speaks of a feeling of falling in love with a person from whom you do not expect this at all.
  • Why dream of accepting low shoes as a gift? Look forward to an invitation to a romantic cruise.
  • Why dream of an umbrella as a gift? Improving your life positions, opening new horizons.
  • Why dream of receiving a car as a gift? The kindness of people who are close to you is suspicious. Be careful, you may be required to return the service.
  • Why dream of receiving jewelry as a gift? In reality, a luxurious surprise awaits.

Loff's dream book
Dream Interpretation: why do gifts dream? It seems to you that in reality you are experiencing a lack of communication and attention. The vision is trying to tell you how to avoid this - take care of others, and they will want to maintain a relationship with you.
Why dream of a birthday present? You try to understand and live up to the expectations of others, and are sincerely upset when this does not happen.
Dream Interpretation of the Seraphim

  • Dream Interpretation: a man gives a gift - a dream is interpreted as a warning about an impending threat, a symbol of danger.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a gift from a woman means that in reality someone has sharp negative feelings for you, and in anger wishes troubles and sorrows.
  • For a present? The vision calls to take care of the purity of the body and soul.
  • For a present? Reasonable reward for your work.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

  • Giving gifts in a dream predicts a series of adversities that you will soon undergo.
  • Why dream of accepting gifts? The promise of increased material income.
  • Dream: to give a gift to a friend - predicts the likelihood of losing his good relationship.
  • Dream Interpretation, a birthday present, is interpreted as unusual luck even in the most disastrous pursuits.
  • Why dream of receiving a gift from a man? For women, such a vision promises a meeting with a worthy partner.
  • Dream Interpretation: watch as a gift - expect trouble.

Home dream book

  • Why dream of "making gifts"? Business improvements, profit growth.
  • Why dream of expensive gifts? A serene, happy relationship with a loved one.
  • Why dream of a gift "car"? If you notice a sudden unreasonable improvement in relations on the part of others, then be prepared for the fact that they will need something from you.
  • Dream: a book as a gift - favorable news from friends about whom you show great concern.
  • Dream Interpretation: to give a gift to relatives - financial assistance from them will follow.
  • Taking a gift from a dead person in a dream is a good sign that promises to improve things.
  • Dream Interpretation: giving a gift to a dead person portends bad events.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Why dream of giving away a lot of gifts? Your kindness and nobility will not be appreciated, you will receive evil in return.
  • What does it mean: in a dream to receive a gift? By establishing communication with other people, you will make useful and profitable acquaintances.
  • To give a gift in a dream - in working on an important matter, you will meet understanding and sympathy from others.
  • Dream: to receive a gift from the dead predicts the receipt of wealth, material values.
  • roses as a gift A vision promises the fulfillment of a secret desire.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya
To receive a ring as a gift in a dream - for girls, a dream portends an imminent marriage proposal, which will be successful.
What dreams of receiving a ring as a gift - a dream book for married women predicts peace and pleasure in family life, not overshadowed by bad events.
Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Why dream of receiving earrings as a gift? Consent and peace in legal marriage.
  • Why dream of a watch as a gift? A warning that your time is shamelessly exploited by someone.
  • Why dream of roses as a gift? A person seen in a dream declares to you the sincerity of his feelings.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • What does it mean if you dream of a gift? Such a vision personifies your relationship with colleagues and acquaintances.
  • Why dream of a man giving a gift? In reality, you have to change your position in relation to him. But in what direction the changes will occur - it is not given to know.
  • Why dream of giving a gift to a man? Serious conflict in the workplace, you may think about changing jobs.
  • Why dream of a gift from a loved one? He seeks to convey to you information that will be extremely unpleasant for you.
  • A gift, a watch - in a dream they warn you about the futility of your hopes.
  • Seeing in a dream how they give a gift - prophesies an invitation to visit or a visit to you.
  • Gold as a gift in a dream - beware of the fake.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a golden ring as a gift - interprets as a harbinger of the reliability of family ties.
  • Dream: women's bag - a gift calls to be wary of a person who claims a place in your heart, this relationship will be full of bitter moments.
  • To receive your dream as a gift - in reality you will have to help someone.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "flowers" tells that you are loved.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream: a gift received suddenly tells that in reality what you were very worried about will be resolved safely.
  • Why dream of a gift from the deceased? With maximum effort, you can achieve the fulfillment of your most secret desires.
  • Why dream: the deceased gives a gift of gold? To get any benefit, you have to harm other people.
  • Buying gifts in a dream means that in reality your close and dear people will treat you and your problems with understanding.
  • Sleep: a gift of "flowers" - you will become the cause of someone else's grief.
  • Dreaming of “receiving flowers as a gift from a loved one” means his feelings for you are strong and unchanged.
  • Dream: to receive a bag as a gift - portends the fulfillment of your most unusual desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "" is interpreted as a symbol of fidelity to your other half.
  • In a dream, accepting mittens as a gift means that another person will take advantage of the fruits of your labors.

Freud's dream book

  • The interpretation of “gift” dreams comes down to the fact that your current partner wants not only a short relationship, but also seriously considers the prospects for marriage.
  • Why dream of a watch as a gift? Received from a man in a dream, they speak of his desire for a relationship with you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the gift "golden ring" tells that in reality someone has the intention to enter into a legal relationship with you.
  • To receive a chain as a gift - the dream is interpreted as vain doubts about the feelings of your partner.

English dream book

  • Why dream of a gift from a guy? Friends will help in a difficult life situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to receive a gift” for men comes down to the following - you will meet a faithful and affectionate woman who will become an excellent wife.
  • Money as a gift in a dream indicates that a new life is waiting for you, or a lawsuit won.

Modern dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a gift, interpreted as something unusual, evoking warm feelings in reality.
  • Why dream of buying gifts? The vision speaks of the breadth of your soul, and the excitement about the well-being of others.
  • In a dream, refusing a gift means that in reality your negative emotions towards certain individuals will lead to distress.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift from a man - interprets it as the likelihood of marriage with a fairly wealthy man.
  • Why dream of a gift: a phone? The promise of changes in fate for reasons beyond your control.
  • Why dream of money as a gift? Doubts about the upcoming choice, hesitation in making a decision.
  • Why dream of a gift from an ex? Innuendo, the desire to clarify the situation.
  • Why dream of receiving roses as a gift? If the action of the dream takes place in the spring, a stage of life full of love and harmony awaits you; if in winter - vain hopes.
  • Why dream of a gift "dress"? You will need the help of strangers in solving your problems. Be prepared for the fact that it will cost you dearly, and later you will have to regret it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "shoes" speaks of secret feelings for you.
  • What is the dream of the deceased giving gifts? You are waiting for the growth of profits and the strengthening of material wealth.
  • To accept gifts from a dead person in a dream - an exciting tour awaits you, in which you will learn a lot of interesting things.
  • To receive earrings as a gift in a dream - predicts the appearance of good news; you can find a job that will appeal to you.
  • Dream: a chain with a pendant as a gift, predicts a frank conversation with a partner, the arrangement of all points.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a watch as a gift - be deceived in your feelings.

Small Velesov dream book

  • Why dream of giving a gift to the dead? Expect the loss of a valuable item.
  • Why dream of gifts? Receiving a profit.
  • Dream: accept gifts - wait for good news.
  • To receive perfume as a gift in a dream - in reality you will be haunted by troubles and sorrowful events.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive earrings as a gift - portends that you will soon find out some secret.
  • “Rose, gift” is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of constant feelings for you.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

  • What does a gift mean in a dream? You will successfully complete the cases that previously annoyed you.
  • To take a gift from the deceased in a dream is a life stage saturated with positive emotions.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to give a gift” means that you will be affected by unplanned expenses and losses.
  • Why dream of perfume as a gift? Your attention will be sought by a person to whom you are indifferent.
  • Why dream of a mug as a gift? You will have a new hobby that will absorb you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "a ring with a stone" - is interpreted as a promise of fidelity to your loved one.
  • To receive earrings as a gift in a dream - in reality you will receive a valuable thing.
  • Jewelry as a gift - in a dream, they predict a successful start to a new project.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream that a guy gives gifts? You will be disappointed by his actions.
  • Why dream of receiving candy as a gift? The vision warns of a mercantile interest in you on his part.
  • Dream: to receive money as a gift, says that your environment considers you a kind and generous person.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a ring as a gift - promises loyalty and devotion from a loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive roses as a gift - predicts prolonged loneliness, you dream of falling in love.

Vedic dream book
Dream Interpretation: a gift, money - promises you an improvement in financial well-being.
Summer dream book
Dream Interpretation: to receive money as a gift - portends the acquisition of a position that will delight you.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

  • To see a gift in a dream means that soon an event will happen that you did not expect at all.
  • Seeing in a dream a gift that caused rejection - expect an unpleasant phenomenon that will greatly hurt your feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive an apartment as a gift is interpreted as an unexpected trip during the vacation period.
  • Why dream of receiving a gift from a dead person? For girls, the vision predicts a strong and happy marriage.
  • Dream: a gift from a deceased mother is a symbol of blessing for a happy family life with a chosen one.
  • Why give gifts to children in a dream? A good life stage filled with warm impressions and emotions.
  • Why dream of a gift "earrings" from a man? You have to comprehend other people's secrets.
  • To receive underwear as a gift in a dream indicates your desire to have a closer relationship with the person you like.
  • Dream Interpretation: white rose - to receive such a flower as a gift means that soon sad thoughts will overtake you.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book interprets the gift as a sign of benevolent emotions from the environment.
  • What is the dream of a gift from mom? You should remember your duty to her, and show concern and participation.
  • Choosing a gift in a dream shows your desire to achieve location.
  • In a dream, they gave a gift closed in a box? In reality, you happen to attend a secret meeting.
  • Sleep: a lot of gifts, speaks of the appearance of a competitor in matters of the heart, adultery will inevitably be revealed.
  • Receive a fish as a gift in a dream? A vision for a woman prophesies the birth of a son.
  • In a dream, to receive a gift from a man unfamiliar to you means that you will soon have to go on an exciting adventure trip.
  • Dream: a gift from the deceased, very benevolent, tells about a series of blissful events, saturated with harmony and peace.
  • To receive a golden ring as a gift in a dream - for a girl, a vision prophesies that her lover will always take care of her good.
  • To receive gold earrings as a gift in a dream predicts help from outsiders in moving up the career ladder.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a bouquet of flowers as a gift, for a girl it promises a large number of enthusiastic fans.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "bag" warns that someone is trying to find out all your secrets.
  • Dream: towels as a gift portend a marriage ceremony.

Combined dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer
The meaning of sleep "gifts" is interpreted depending on what was presented. In general, it means an opportunity.
Dream: a gift from the deceased bodes trouble.
Medieval dream book of Daniel

  • Dream: the deceased gives gifts - predicts the receipt of benefits.
  • In a dream, giving gifts to the deceased - troubles, significant expenses.
  • Dream Interpretation: a red rose as a gift, predicts insidious machinations in the struggle for the heart of a loved one.

French dream book
Dream Interpretation: receiving gifts in a dream - interprets as a punishment for reckless actions.
Jewish dream book
To receive jewelry as a gift in a dream - in reality you are surrounded by low people who are ready to cling to your achievements.
Dream Interpretation: a gift of “gold earrings” is a harbinger of a romantic hobby, someone has strong feelings for you.
Women's dream book

  • To receive an expensive gift in a dream - for a woman predicts happiness in marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a gift - is interpreted as a positive segment of the life path, when everything will be given to you easily and effortlessly.
  • Dream Interpretation: a diamond ring - a gift promises you a harmonious development of relationships, you will fully feel the care of your lover and his concern for your welfare.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive jewelry as a gift - success in the business sphere awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: the gift of "earrings" is interpreted as pleasant and joyful chores around the house, good news.
  • To receive a car as a gift means that soon your troubles will end, and calm will come.
  • To receive a gift from a dead person in a dream is a successful stage, you can complete all business with a profit, and successfully begin to implement new ideas.
  • A gift from the former in a dream - why? Difficulties in relations with the current partner are possible.

Universal dream book

Imperial dream book
In a dream, receiving a gold chain as a gift predicts the appearance of a close friend; speaks of the desire to communicate.
Collection of dream books

Islamic dream book
The Islamic dream book interprets the “gift” as a revival of relations between quarreling people.
To accept a gift in a dream from the deceased - you will suddenly find something joyful and amazing from the side you do not expect from.
Children's dream book
In a dream, to receive a gift from a deceased person - a vision promises excellent health.
Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita
Dream Interpretation: why do gifts dream? The vision predicts an increase in wealth.
A gift from the deceased, the dream interpretation is interpreted as losses, hardships.
Eastern female dream book
Dream Interpretation: a chain with a pendant as a gift predicts a serious dialogue with your husband, you need to clarify your relationship.
Ukrainian dream book
Dream Interpretation: to receive flowers as a gift - interprets as an interesting meeting, a first date.
Generalized dream book

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "gift" sounds like a symbol of wasting one's fortune. It portends poverty and adversity.
  • Dream Interpretation online "gift" for a friend - interpreted as surprise by your actions on the part of your comrades.
  • Dream Interpretation: expensive gifts portend prosperity to business, and financial success.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a gift from a man - for young girls, such a dream predicts that her marriage will turn out well: her husband will be loving and caring, and she will not need anything.

Family dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: buying a gift - close people will treat your problems with understanding, and at a difficult moment they will definitely lend a helping hand.
  • Dream Interpretation: choosing a gift predicts an unexpected turning point in your destiny. The upcoming event will force you to rethink your goals, and choose a different direction.
  • Dream Interpretation: receiving gifts in a dream is a predicament in which you were, resolved in the most incredible way positively for you.
  • Dream Interpretation: many gifts - portends treason on the part of one of the spouses, the secret will certainly be revealed.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift from mom talks about her mental experiences about you, reminds you of care and love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift from the deceased portends a positive development of the situation; phenomena that make you feel happy and bring a smile to your face.
  • Dream Interpretation: the dead man gives gifts - for a girl, such a vision predicts a quick marriage. Of particular importance is the fact that the deceased was a close relative.
  • Dream Interpretation: the dead give gifts, flowers - a dream predicts an opportunity to realize their ideas and fantasies.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a gift from the deceased money - in reality you can get into an unpleasant situation and get into debt.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift from a deceased relative predicts incredible luck, Fortune will be favorable to you, and if you manage to take advantage of her location, then arrange your life perfectly.
  • Dream Interpretation: a guy gives a gift - predicts aggression from your man, try not to give reasons for jealousy.
  • The former gives a gift - the dream book warns of misunderstanding in a real relationship. There will be quarrels and mutual accusations, try to calmly survive this period without going to extremes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift “dress” - unobtrusive flirting with the opposite sex awaits you, a fun pastime in good company.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "spirits" - a date with a pleasant personality, you will have a wonderful evening with a pleasant companion.
  • The gift "stone" is interpreted by the dream book as a chance to increase your income, capital gain.
  • Dream Interpretation: a “toy” gift warns that someone is trying to manipulate you for personal gain.
  • Dream Interpretation: a doll as a gift is a sign that you are endlessly tired and in need of rest.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift “car” - the feigned kindness of others is rather suspicious, beware of accepting help - perhaps the price for it will be too high.
  • Dream Interpretation: a chain as a gift warns you that disbelief in the feelings of a partner will hurt him painfully. Continuing to doubt - you can completely lose his location.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "cross" tells that soon someone will need your help. If the jewelry you saw was not gold, you risk becoming dependent on others.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift - a dog received in a dream is a very positive sign, predicts the appearance of a reliable friend who will always help in a difficult situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift "kitten", despite its outward grace, is an omen of minor problems and troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a bag as a gift - interprets it as an opportunity to realize the most cherished dreams that seemed unattainable.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive boots as a gift - indicates the need to go on a trip or plan a short vacation, otherwise you risk your health and nervous system.
  • Dream Interpretation: the gift “underwear” tells about you as a zealous, but sometimes stingy person; often you lack diplomacy in dealing with people.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift - a shirt in a dream is seen to the location of people close to you, and the manifestation of envy from the rest.
  • A scarf, a gift - the dream book is interpreted as an attempt to limit you, someone is trying to skillfully place barriers around you and make you addicted.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cake as a gift portends an interesting event that you did not expect at all, but nevertheless, it will cause you the most vivid positive emotions.
  • The appearance of a “gift” knife in a dream, the dream book interprets that you will be deceived.
  • Dream Interpretation: a picture as a gift is seen before receiving the news that you have been waiting for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gift - a mug presented in a dream warns that in reality you will have to face a person who will cause you negative feelings.
  • Dream Interpretation: to receive a blanket as a gift - portends a meeting with old friends, a stormy party. (cm. )

Russian dream book
Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “to receive a gift” speaks of the good emotions that you experience for the giver in reality.
Dream Interpretation: to receive a gift from a dead person - predicts success in the business field.
The general interpretation of a gift in dreams is quite positive and promises the seer peace, prosperity and pleasure. A positive attitude is maintained even if the present is presented by a deceased person.
However, for a more complete picture of the future, it is necessary to interpret the vision based on the specific thing that was presented as a gift. Often, some things carry a warning, and call the seer to be careful. By listening to this message, you can adjust what happens to you in the future.

Receive gifts in a dream - a sign that you will be unusually happy. A gift promises business people successful financial transactions. Sending someone a gift - to the loss of an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a censure from someone that will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. To receive birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself present a gift in a festive atmosphere, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Gift

Get - your business will improve

Freud's dream book Gift

The gift symbolizes not just the desire to establish sexual contact, but the desire to enter into a long-term relationship, possibly marriage. If you give, then it is you who strive for such contact, and if they give you, then they want to establish such contact with you.

Modern dream book Gift

To dream that you are receiving gifts is a sign that you will always have money to pay for the necessary expenses. You will also be extraordinarily lucky in commerce and affairs of the heart. Giving gifts is an omen of the displeasure that you will cause someone. In addition, expect failure in business. If a young woman dreams that her lover sends her wonderful expensive gifts, then she will successfully marry a rich man with whom she will establish complete understanding.

Esoteric dream book Gift

You - if the donor is known to you, expect trouble or trouble through him: if it is unknown, then someone wishes you evil and with his energy strikes you, what is called the evil eye. Choose someone - you are on the verge of financial loss, do not commit rash acts. Making a gift with your own hands - your material well-being is in your hands.

Dreams for the fulfillment of desires Gift

life will improve in all respects, a streak of luck will begin. Imagine how guests gather for a luxurious holiday, in the center of which is you. You are honored, no matter what the occasion. You stand in the center of a huge hall and accept gifts. Suddenly, everyone parted, silence reigned, the doors opened, and a huge, elegantly decorated box was brought into the hall. It is so big that several people carry it at once. The box is placed in front of you. You untie the ribbons, they help you open the box - in it you see exactly what you have been dreaming of for many years. You rejoice and thank for the gift.

Your personal dream book Gift

To dream about how you are given gifts - to unsurpassed success in commercial affairs and in love relationships. Moreover, you are not destined to find yourself in a situation with a lack of money and the inability to pay for yourself. If you give gifts in a dream, then you bring displeasure to one of your loved ones. Moreover, business failures are possible. If a young woman sees in a dream how her beloved gives her beautiful expensive gifts, then in reality she will have a rich, decent husband.

Muslim dream book Gift

In a dream, it indicates joy, love, sympathy and reconciliation between people who have broken off relations with each other.

The probability of the fulfillment of dreams

Since some people are more influenced by the Moon and others by the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. Dreams, dreamed on the night of today, will soon come true.

Today is the 17th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today come true on the 19th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is the day of strictly Saturn, the planet of fate, fate, trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams on Saturday will tell about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful, pleasant, then no serious restrictions are foreseen, much of what was planned is easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come true only as a result of hard work, that is, in the near future nothing will come easy. On Saturday night, you can find out about your fate or the fate of other people.

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GIFT - Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you receive gifts, then in real life fate will present them to you. You will be extremely happy. A gift received in a dream promises business people successful financial transactions.

If you send someone a gift, then soon you will miss an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive a censure from someone that will annoy you.

If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person.

Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything.

If you yourself present the roast in a festive atmosphere, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

GIFT - Modern Dream Interpretation

It was as if you were given a gift in a dream - the time that you call happy is already close, you will successfully invest money.

A young woman dreams that she was given a gift - this woman will marry a rich man who is close to her in spirit.

It is as if you are giving someone a gift - you will have a great opportunity to improve things, but you will not use it.

You in a solemn atmosphere present a gift to a familiar person - in reality you do not respect this person, soon another cat will run between you.

GIFT - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Receive - news; give - lose friendship.

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