Information about the mausoleum of the taj mahal. Taj Mahal - a wonder of the world: the architecture of the mosque


The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal is a recognized masterpiece of world heritage and one of the seven New Wonders of the World, which is located in the city of Agra near the Jumna River in India. The mosque was built in the 17th century by order of Shah Jahan, the padishah of the Mughal Empire, who dedicated the construction of the Taj Mahal to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (later the Indian Shah himself was buried here).

The history of the Taj Mahal mausoleum in India

The creation of the Taj Mahal is associated with the legend of the love of the padishah Shah Jahan and the girl Mumtaz Mahal, who traded at the local market. The Indian ruler was so captivated by her beauty that they soon got married. In a happy marriage, 14 children were born, but during the birth of the last child, Mumtaz Mahal died. Shah Jahan was depressed by the death of his beloved wife and in memory of her ordered the construction of a mausoleum, more beautiful than anywhere else.

The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and was completed in 1653. About 20 thousand craftsmen and workers from all over the empire were involved in the construction. A group of architects worked on the mosque, but the main idea belongs to Ustad Ahmad Lahauri, there is also a version that the main author of the project is the Persian architect Ustad Isa (Isa Muhammad Effendi).

The construction of the tomb and platform took approximately 12 years. Over the next ten years, minarets, a mosque, a javab and a large gate were erected.

Tombs of King Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal

Taj Mahal - a wonder of the world: the architecture of the mosque

The Taj Mahal Palace is a five-domed structure with 4 minarets at the corners. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the shah and his wife.

The mosque was erected on a platform, the strength of the foundation is due to the fact that the level of the site was raised 50 meters above the level of the bank of the Jamna River. The total height of the Taj Mahal is 74 meters. In front of the building there is a three-hundred-meter garden with fountains and a marble pool, at a certain angle, the entire structure is symmetrically reflected in its waters.

The most notable component of the Indian Taj Mahal is the white marble dome. The walls are also lined with polished translucent marble with elements of precious stones and gems (pearls, sapphires, turquoise, agate, malachite, carnelian and others). The Taj Mahal Mosque is made in accordance with the Islamic religious tradition, the interior is decorated with abstract symbols and lines from the Koran.

The Taj Mahal is considered the jewel of Muslim art in the country of India and the finest example of Mughal style architecture that combines Indian, Persian and Arabic elements.

  • Since 2007, the Indian Taj Mahal has been on the list of the New 7 Wonders of the World.
  • What is the Taj Mahal? This name is translated from Persian as "The Greatest Palace" ("Taj" - a crown, "Mahal" - a palace).
  • Many valuable interior items of the Taj Mahal were stolen - precious stones, gems, the crown of the main dome - a golden spire and even entrance doors made of silver.
  • Due to the peculiarity of marble, at different times of the day and depending on the weather, the Taj Mahal mosque is able to change color: during the day the building looks white, pink at dawn, and silver on a moonlit night.
  • Tens of thousands of people visit the Taj Mahal daily; per year - from 3 to 5 million people. Peak season is October, November and February.
  • The Taj Mahal has been featured in many films, the most popular of which are: "Armageddon", "Mars Attacks!", "Before You Play Box", "Life After People", "The Last Dance", "Slumdog Millionaire".
  • Airplanes are not allowed to fly over the Taj Mahal.

How to visit: price, tickets, opening hours

Entry fee*: for foreigners - 1000 INR**, for citizens of India - 530 INR.**

*The ticket includes a visit to the Taj Mahal, the ancient fort (Agra Fort) and Mini Taj (Baby Taj) - the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula.
**INR - Indian Rupee (1000 INR = 15.32 $)
** Prices are as of October 2017

Opening hours:

  • Daytime: 6:00 - 19:00 (weekdays, except Fridays - the day of prayers in the mosque).
  • Evening time: 20:30 - 00:30 (2 days before and 2 days after the full moon, except Fridays and the month of Ramadan).

Visiting Rules: Only small handbags, mobile phones, cameras, small video cameras, water in transparent bottles are allowed to be brought into the Taj Mahal.

How to get to the Taj Mahal Temple

Where is the Taj Mahal: India, Uttar Pradesh, Agra, Tejginj district, Forest Koloni, Dharmaperi.

If you are vacationing in Goa and want to get to the Taj Mahal, then there are no direct flights from Goa airport to Agra. By plane you can fly to Delhi, and from there there are daily flights to the city of Agra. The distance between Goa and Agra is about 2000 km.

From Delhi to Agra on your own: by plane - 3-4 hours on the way; by bus - $15-20 (3 hours on the way); morning train 12002 Bhopal Shatabdi - 5-10 $ (2-3 hours on the way).

The easiest way: order an excursion or organize an individual tour to Agra with a visit to the Taj Mahal. Most popular: Goa-Agra tour, Delhi-Agra tour.

Taj Mahal on the map in the city of Agra:

To be closer to a popular attraction or to see the Taj Mahal from the rooftops of hotels and guesthouses, book hotels in Agra using the convenient Planet of Hotels service.

The mausoleum-mosque of the Taj Mahal is a recognized masterpiece of world heritage and one of the seven New Wonders of the World, which is located in the city of Agra near the Jumna River in India. The mosque was built in the 17th century by order of Shah Jahan, the padishah of the Mughal Empire, who dedicated the construction of the Taj Mahal to his wife Mumtaz Mahal (later the Indian Shah himself was buried here).

Taj Mahal was built in India in the city of Agra. This mausoleum-mosque is located on the banks of the Jumna River, the longest tributary of the Ganges. Taj Mahal recognized one of the 7 wonders of the world, which seriously distinguishes it from the general background of the sights of our planet. In 1983, the architectural monument was recognized as one of the objects under the protection of UNESCO. Many people go to India just to see the mausoleum, because it is known even to people who are far from architecture.

Taj Mahal: a love story

The Taj Mahal is called the monument of eternal love. And that's why. The mosque was erected by order of the ruler Shah Jahan, who wished perpetuate the image of his wife, whose name was Mumtaz Mahal (the abbreviated name is Taj Mahal, which means "Pride of the Palace"). She died giving birth to her 14th child, which plunged the padishah into such grief that he decided to renounce the throne. A more prosaic version indicates that Shah Jahan was simply overthrown, but this is not so important, because the value of the creation erected on his orders does not diminish from this.

There is another legend of the Taj Mahal that this architectural monument was supposed to have "double", but not white, but black color. The excavations have not confirmed this assumption. The dark marble found was actually white. It's just that its color has changed over time. Most likely, a second similar mausoleum was conceived, because the ruler loved symmetry. The padishah did not have time to do this, since his son overthrew him. They say that until the end of his days, Shah Jahan admired the mosque from the dungeon.

That is why the Taj Mahal has not one, but two graves - the inconsolable ruler and his beloved. By the way, their bodies are not buried in tombs, but strictly under them, underground.

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Who built the Taj Mahal?

The mausoleum began to be built in 1632. This process involved over 22,000 craftsmen who were collected from all over the empire. The competition for the best project won Usto Isa Khan Effendi. It was his sketches that formed the basis of the Taj Mahal. There are legends about the further fate of the builders. In particular, there is a legend that says that they were all executed at the end of the work.

The site on which it is built used to belong to Maharaja Jai ​​Sigh. The padishah liked the land so much that he exchanged it with a subject for a palace in the middle of Agra. The soil was completely dug up. The level of the site on which the construction of the mosque was carried out was raised by 50 meters. The foundation was created in a special way so that the Taj Mahal had a truly reliable foundation.. The platform on which the building stands is made of marble blocks. Its area is 29 m 2.

The construction of the Taj Mahal was accompanied by the use of innovative construction techniques, which makes this architectural monument even more significant. An example is brick scaffolding (usually bamboo was used as a material for this structure).

It took more than 20 years to create a masterpiece mausoleum. Construction was carried out in stages. First there were tombs and a platform, and then minarets, a mosque, etc. More than 1,000 elephants were used to transport materials.

Our days

Every day the Taj Mahal is visited by many thousands of tourists. It is not only the property of world culture, but also symbol of india. People from all over the world come to the city with the Taj Mahal mausoleum.

Despite the careful attitude, a serious problem has recently emerged. Cracks were found on the walls of the building. This is due to the fact that the river flowing nearby becomes shallower. This leads to a change in the structure of the soil. Taj Mahal is sinking, which leads to the formation of unpleasant cracks.

In addition, his white marble turns yellow with age. The reason is too dirty air. Even the ban on the passage of cars near the mausoleum and the ever-expanding park area do not save. Because of this, his periodically cleaned with white clay.

On Fridays, the exposition of the palace is closed for viewing, as on this day Muslims pray in the Taj Mahal mosque.

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A great love story: Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal

Every year, the Taj Mahal in India is visited by about five million tourists. The creation of the greatest structure on Earth is associated with the name of Shah Jahan, the grandson of the great Mogul Akbar.

The name Shah Jahan, which means "ruler of the world", was given to his beloved son Khurram by his father. Even at a young age, the boy was engaged to Mumtaz Mahal, but it so happened that they fell in love with each other. And their love has passed the test of eternity ...

Shah Jahan had a large harem, but for him there were no other women except Mumtaz Mahal. Yes, he had children from other wives, but his feelings for these women could not be compared with his great love for the “chosen one of the palace” - this is how the name Mumtaz Mahal is translated. The fact that they were very close is recorded in all the palace chronicles, which is unusual for the Eastern world. After all, different kinds of love are preached among Muslims: love for God, for the ruler, for the country, but not romantic.

The happiness of the lovers did not last long. An uprising broke out in one of the remote provinces, and Shah Jahan went to suppress it. In all campaigns, Mumtaz Mahal accompanied her husband. But this trip was very difficult for her - she was pregnant. The birth was very difficult, and on June 17, 1631, after the birth of her fourteenth child, she died.

Shah Jahan's grief cannot be described in words. He did not leave his chambers for 8 days, did not eat anything and did not talk to anyone. During this time, he is very old and gray.

History of the creation of the Taj Mahal

According to legend, shortly before her death, Mumtaz Mahal asked her husband to build the most beautiful mausoleum in the world. This was the only thing that Shah Jahan could now do for his beloved ...

The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632, six months after the death of Mumtaz Mahal, and lasted twelve years. Huge amounts of money were spent on this project. The Taj Mahal is the most expensive structure ever built. About 32 million rupees was spent on the construction, which is now comparable to billions of euros. For the cladding of the building, the purest marble in the world was used, which was mined in the province of Rajasthan. Shah Jahan forbade the use of this marble in other construction sites of the Indian Empire.

Because of the construction, famine began in the country: part of the grain that was intended for the provinces was sent to the construction site to provide food for the workers.

The construction of the Taj Mahal was completed in 1643. After that, the reign of Shah Jahan continued for quite a long time - until 1658. But it could not be called successful. The empire found itself in a very difficult economic situation. The son of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal deprived his father of power. Shah Jahan spent the rest of his life in the Red Fort, from the window of which he constantly looked at the tomb of the woman who became the love of his life ... The great Mughal ruler was buried next to his beloved wife.

Secrets of building the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal has been striking in its beauty for more than three hundred years. It can rightfully be called one of the most grandiose structures in the history of mankind. The ideas and solutions that were used in its construction are simply amazing! Especially when you consider that the Taj Mahal is several centuries old. But it is perfect in its beauty and precision. Where is the Taj Mahal and why is it worth visiting?

  • The Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra (about 250 km from Delhi) on the banks of the Jumna River. This place was not the most convenient for the construction of such a structure: the ground is unstable due to the proximity of water. Therefore, a unique technology was used, which is still used now only in a slightly modified form (for example, the use of piles in the construction of skyscrapers in the UAE).

Workers dug deep wells that passed through the groundwater layer. These wells were filled with stones and lime mortar. Stone columns were erected on this foundation, connected to each other by arches. The foundation slab of the building was placed on this structure.

  • When designing the Taj Mahal, some optical illusions were used. To get to the territory of the Taj Mahal, you need to go through the arch of the entrance gate, through which the visitor sees the building for the first time. As you approach the arch, it seems that the Taj Mahal is moving away. Conversely, when the visitor leaves, he sees through the arch, as if the structure is approaching. This creates the effect that a person takes the Taj Mahal with him.
  • It seems that the amazingly beautiful minarets of the Taj Mahal are located strictly vertically. But even here it was not without an optical trick! In fact, they are slightly deflected away from the building. If they stood strictly vertically, it would seem that they are leaning towards the mausoleum. But there is another advantage hidden in the chosen slope. In an earthquake, the minarets would have collapsed to the sides of the Taj Mahal without hitting it.
  • The Taj Mahal combines the best elements of memorials built earlier by the representatives of the Mughal dynasty: minarets, a dome, four corner towers and four portals.
  • The tomb, which is located under the main dome of the Taj Mahal, is not the actual burial place of Mumtaz Mahal. Her real tomb is located in a secret marble hall under the mausoleum. This was done so that no one would disturb the peace of the “chosen one of the palace”. The Qur'an says that one should not disturb the peace of the deceased.

Pietra fool

The decoration inside the Taj Mahal is made according to the Pietra Dura technique, which came to India from Italy. Amazing stone flowers made of gems adorn the walls of the halls and other elements of the building. Therefore, the Taj Mahal inside looks like a jewelry box.

At present, this art of stone cutting can be seen in Indian workshops. And the technology has not changed at all over the past few centuries.

Religious symbolism of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal depicts the earthly and afterlife in accordance with the ideas of Islam. The whole complex is divided into 2 parts. The earthly part consists of bazaars and caravanserais, and the afterlife consists of the Garden of Eden and the mausoleum. The pond and the entrance gate, located between these two parts, symbolize the transition from one world to another.

The color scheme of the Taj Mahal is also very symbolic. The buildings of the earth part are made of red sandstone. White color is used only for the mausoleum and symbolizes spirituality and faith.

There are eight halls in the mausoleum, which symbolize the eight gates of paradise described in the Koran and one central one - it houses the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal.

What tourists need to know

The entire complex is surrounded by a secure wall, and at the entrance, visitors are carefully checked for prohibited items: food, lighters, cigarettes, chewing gum, mobile phones. So it's better to leave them at the hotel.

Photo: Wikipedia, Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Vetra,

The Taj Mahal is an outstanding architectural monument and one of the main attractions in India dating back to the Mughal period. The Taj was built as a mausoleum for Shah Jahan's beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in childbirth. Shah Jahal himself was later also buried in the Taj Mahal. The word Taj Mahal is translated as "The Greatest Palace": taj in translation is a crown, mahal is a palace.

Taj Mahal - history of creation

The history of the creation of one of the main attractions of India began in 1630. The Taj Mahal was built on the banks of the Jumna River, south of the city of Agra. The Taj Mahal complex includes:

  • minarets;
  • mosque;
  • javab;
  • Big gate.

20,000 artisans and craftsmen worked on the construction of the Taj. Construction lasted twelve years. The mausoleum-mosque combines Persian, Indian, Islamic architectural styles. The height of the five-domed building is 74 meters, four minarets rise at the corners of the building. The minarets are tilted to the side so as not to damage the very tomb of the Shah and his wife during the destruction.

The mausoleum is surrounded by a beautiful garden with a fountain and a pool that reflects the entire building. The mausoleum of the Taj Mahal, located in the city of Agra, is famous for its optical focus: if you walk with your back to the exit, the building seems huge compared to the surrounding trees. The center of the complex is the tomb. It is a symmetrical structure with an arch, erected on a square pedestal and crowned with a large dome. The height of the main dome, built in the shape of an onion, is impressive - 35 meters. On the tops of the domes are traditional Persian figures.

What is the Taj Mahal made of?

The foundation consisted of wells filled with rubble stone. Materials were transported on a fifteen-kilometer ramp using oxen and wagons. Water was extracted from the river by a rope-bucket system. From a large reservoir, water rose to the distribution compartment, from where it was delivered to the construction site through three pipes. The construction cost was 32 million rupees.

The majestic finish deserves special attention: white polished translucent marble inlaid with gems such as turquoise, agate, malachite. In total, twenty-eight types of semi-precious and precious stones are inlaid into the walls of the tomb. The marble from which the mausoleum was made was brought from quarries 300 kilometers from the city. During the day, the walls of the mosque look white, at night - silvery, and at sunset - pink.

For the construction of the Taj Mahal, craftsmen were invited not only from India, but also from Central Asia, the Middle East, and Persia. The designer of the main building is Ismail Afandi from the Ottoman Empire. There is a legend according to which a copy of the Taj, but only made of black marble, should have been located on the other side of the Jamna River. The building was not completed. For a plot of 1.2 hectares, the soil was replaced, the site was raised 50 meters above the river level.

Taj Mahal - interesting facts

According to legend, after being overthrown by his son, Shah Jahan admired the Taj Mahal from the windows of his dungeon. An interesting fact is that the tomb of Humayun in Delhi is very similar to the Taj Mahal, built, like the Taj Mahal, as a sign of a great love story between spouses. Moreover, the tomb in Delhi was built earlier, and Shah Jahan used the experience of building the tomb of the Mughal emperor in its construction. There is also a smaller copy of the Taj Mahal, located in the city of Agra. This is the tomb of Itimad-ud-Daula, built in 1628.

Since 1983, the Taj Mahal has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to a survey conducted in 2007, the Taj Mahal was included in the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World.

At present, there is a problem of shallowing of the Jumna River, as a result of which the mausoleum settles and cracks form on the walls. Also, due to polluted air, the walls of the Taj, famous for their whiteness, turn yellow. The building is cleaned with special clay.

Taj Mahal- a mausoleum located in the north of Central India in Agra, on the banks of the Jumna River.

Built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of wife of Mumtaz Mahal who died in childbirth. Inside the mausoleum there are two tombs - the shah and his wife. In fact, their burial place is underground.

Shah Jahan

Mughal ruler Shah Jahan(1592-1666, reigned 1627-1658) erected this monument as the tomb of his beloved wife Arjumand Banu, better known by her title Mumtaz Mahal or Taj Mahal(Crown of the Palace), who died in 1631.

A platform with high (41 m) minarets at four corners was raised across the width of the entire river side. On the western side of the platform is a mosque, on the eastern side is a reception hall (house for visitors). In the center of the platform there is a tomb, which has a square plan with oblique corners. The designs for the tomb were prepared by the best architects of the Mughal Empire. The mausoleum is located in the center of a vast rectangular area (length 600 m, width 300 m).

The greatest work of architectural architecture, the modern wonder of the world is the Indian mausoleum Taj Mahal. Every visitor to India is sure to admire this wonderful building. The Taj Mahal leaves no one indifferent either with its splendor or with its legend.

An artificial canal leads to the Taj Mahal, around which there are amazing cypresses. Near the Mausoleum there are two mosques made of red sandstone. The majestic building, together with green lawns and bright flowers, gives the impression that you are in a fairy tale. It is best to view the beautiful palace in the early morning. It seems that the Taj Mahal is floating in the air.

The history of the construction of the Taj Mahal mausoleum

This amazing building was built by order of Padishah Shah Jahan in memory of his beautiful wife, who died untimely in childbirth, in memory of their selfless love for each other. The padishah wanted to build a black marble palace opposite the Taj Mahal. He dreamed of connecting the two palaces with a bridge. But his plans failed to come true. He died in captivity, admiring the beautiful palace and dreaming of meeting his wife in another world. After the death of the padishah, he was buried in the same Mausoleum.

The mausoleum was built for about 22 years. All elements of the Mausoleum are symmetrical, the proportions are respected and are multiples of four. The height of the Mausoleum is 74 meters. Everything is measured down to the millimeter, taking into account the possibility of destruction in case of an earthquake or hurricane.
White marble was used for the construction of the building. Depending on the time of day, the color of the marble changes. The Mausoleum is decorated with exquisite carvings, lattices with precious stones, and suras from the Koran in Arabic are painted on the ceiling.

In the center of the Mausoleum there are false tombs, while the real ones are under the floor.

20 thousand people participated in the construction for the entire period. The name of the architect is not known, but the researchers are convinced that the construction of the palace was the work of the inhabitants of Iran, India, and Central Asia.

Hidden symbols and signs

The mausoleum has numerous symbols hidden in its architecture and layout. So, for example, on the gate through which visitors to the Taj Mahal enter the park complex surrounding the mausoleum, a quotation from the Koran is carved, addressed to the righteous and ending with the words "enter my paradise."

Centuries pass, but the Taj Mahal only gets prettier and delights guests with its unfading beauty. The beauty of the structure and the beauty of ever-living love.

Excursions to the Taj Mahal

The best time to visit the mausoleum is from November to February, otherwise it is too hot here. The Taj Mahal is open to the public from 6:00 to 19:00 on weekdays, except for Fridays, when prayers are held at the mosque. The cost of visiting is approximately $10. You can get to the Taj Mahal from Delhi by train, bus or purchase a tour.

A visit to the Taj Mahal is carried out through the East, West or South gates.

Rules for visiting the Taj Mahal:

  • it is allowed to carry water in transparent bottles, video cameras, photo cameras, mobile phones and small women's handbags;
  • when visiting the Taj Mahal, you must take off your shoes;
  • photography is prohibited inside the mausoleum;

Where is the Taj Mahal located?

The city of India, where the Taj Mahal is located - Agra, on the banks of the Jumna River.

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