Message about the musical Juno and maybe. The real story of "juno" and "maybe


Theatrical sensation was called a quarter of a century ago the production of director Mark Zakharov in the theater. Leninist Komsomol rock opera by Alexei Rybnikov to a libretto by Andrey Voznesensky. And it is not surprising, then back in 1981, Orthodox prayers and chants, St. Andrew's flag, the Mother of God with baby Jesus on the stage of Lenkom - all this seemed like a miracle. And the history of this work began with a meeting between Rybnikov and Voznesensky.

- a real, albeit sad, love story of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco, Maria Conchita Argüello de la Concepción. A huge difference in age, thousands of kilometers separating the lovers will not allow the lovers to live happily ever after.

This sublimely tragic love story inspired Andrei Voznesensky to create the poem "Perhaps", which was later reworked by the author into an opera libretto. Rybnikov, on the other hand, has long wanted to combine traditional Orthodox chants with elements of modern musical language. And when Andrei Voznesensky approached him with the text of his poem "Maybe", written on the basis of true historical facts, Rybnikov began working on a rock opera.

The plot of the rock opera "Juno and Avos"

Two sailing ships "Juno" and "Avos" under the Russian flag arrive in California, where the captain of the brig "Avos" is Russian Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov fell in love with a local beauty Maria dela Concepsion Argüello, daughter of the commandant of the fortress of San Francisco. The love of the count and the young Spaniard aroused the jealousy and hatred of the rival in love with her. Urgent departure Ryazanov separated the lovers back home. For several years, waiting for permission to marry a Catholic, the count died near Krasnoyarsk, without having achieved it. A Conchita she waited for him for 35 years, until she received reliable information about his death, after which she took a vow of silence and retired to a monastery.

There is no sadder story in the world than the love story of the 42-year-old Russian navigator Count Rezanov and the 15-year-old Californian girl Conchita Argüello, everyone who watched the play or read Voznesensky's poem "Maybe" is sure, according to which it was staged.

35 years ago, on July 9, 1981, the premiere of the rock opera Juno and Avos took place at the Lenin Komsomol Theater in Moscow. A poignant story based on the verses of Andrei Voznesensky with music by Alexei Rybnikov, brilliantly staged by Mark Zakharov, is still popular - largely due to the incredible acting.

The images created by Nikolai Karachentsov and Elena Shanina were so convincing that no one could even doubt the veracity of the story. Unfortunately, historians believe that in life everything was not as beautiful as in the play.

Rock opera Juno and Avos. Frame from the TV version of the play, 1983

Let's start with the fact that Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov was not a count. He was born into an impoverished noble family in St. Petersburg on March 28, 1764. Soon his father was appointed chairman of the civil chamber of the provincial court in Irkutsk, and the family moved to Eastern Siberia.

Nikolai received an education at home - apparently, very, very good, because, among other things, he knew five foreign languages. At the age of 14, he entered the military service - first in the artillery, but soon, for his stateliness, dexterity and beauty, he was transferred to the Izmailovsky Life Guards Regiment.

Most likely, Empress Catherine II herself took part in the fate of the young handsome man - otherwise it is difficult to explain the dizzying rise of his career.

During the trip of the Empress in the Crimea in 1780, Nikolai was personally responsible for her safety, and he was only 16 years old. It is unlikely that such a responsible appointment could be explained by great experience in ensuring the safety of the reigning persons.

Inseparably, day and night, he was then with the mother queen, and then something happened and the empress was left dissatisfied with the young guard. What exactly happened is unknown, but the sharp rise in his career was followed by the same sharp disgrace. In any case, he left military service and disappeared for a long time from the environment of the empress.

American Enterprise

Rezanov came to America 26 years later - in 1806, following the order to inspect Russian settlements in Alaska. Arriving in Novo-Arkhangelsk, Rezanov found the Russian colony in a terrible state. The settlers simply died of hunger, as food was delivered to them through all of Siberia and further by sea. It took months, and they came spoiled.

Rezanov bought from the merchant John Wulff the Juno ship full of food and gave it to the settlers. But until spring, these products would not be enough, so Rezanov ordered the construction of another ship, Avos.

From this place the events of the rock opera begin. According to the plot, both ships - "Juno" and "Avos", under the leadership of the naval commander Nikolai Rezanov, went for food for the Russian colonies in Alaska.

In San Francisco, the 42-year-old count met the 15-year-old daughter of the commandant of the fortress, the Spaniard Concepción (Conchita) Arguello. Love broke out between them, and Rezanov secretly became engaged to Conchita. After that, on duty, he went to Alaska, and then to St. Petersburg, in order to obtain permission to marry a Catholic. On the way, he fell ill and died suddenly.

For more than 30 years, Conchita had been waiting for the return of her lover, and when the news of his death was confirmed, she took her hair as a nun.

I really don’t want to doubt the sincerity of Rezanov’s feelings for the young Spaniard, but numerous testimonies indicate that he was rather guided by a sober calculation.
Indeed, he made an offer, but his main goal was to arrange the supply of Russian colonies, and this marriage could turn out to be very, very useful.

The fact is that the events took place at a time of exacerbation of Franco-Russian relations. France was an ally of Spain, which at that time owned California. The commandant of San Francisco was instructed not to enter into trade relations with the enemy. The daughter could convince a loving father to break the order.

The ship's doctor wrote that Rezanov did not look like a man who had lost his head:

“One would think that he fell in love with this beauty. However, in view of the prudence inherent in this cold man, it would be more careful to admitthat he simply had some diplomatic views on her.

Donna Maria de la Concepción Marcella Argüello (Conchita) - beloved bride of the Russian commander Nikolai Rezanov

However, witnesses of the events claimed that, alas, there was more calculation than passion on the part of Conchita. Rezanov constantly inspired her with the idea of ​​​​a luxurious life in Russia at the imperial court. The stories turned the girl's head, and soon she only dreamed of becoming the wife of a Russian chamberlain.

At first, the parents were against it, but seeing the determination of their daughter, they agreed to betroth the young. After that, products began to be brought to Juno in such quantities that there was nowhere to ship them.

Nikolai Karachentsov as Rezanov, rock opera Juno and Avos, 1983

Of course, Rezanov was not going to deceive the girl - he really planned to marry her and take her with him in order to establish ties with California and strengthen Russia's position on the American continent.

But having left California in June 1806, Rezanov never returned there. Falling ill on the road, he died of a fever on March 1, 1807.

In his last letter, which he wrote to M. Buldakov, the husband of the sister of his late first wife, Nikolai Petrovich made a very unexpected confession that shed light on the whole story:

“From my California report, my friend, do not consider me an anemone. My love is with you in Nevsky under a piece of marble (note - the first wife), and here is a consequence of enthusiasm and a new sacrifice to the Fatherland. Conception is sweet as an angel, beautiful, kind in heart, loves me; I love her, and I cry that there is no place for her in my heart, here I am, my friend, as a sinner in spirit, I repent, but you, as my shepherd, keep the secret.
According to this letter, until the last days, Rezanov's only love was Anna Shelekhova, his first wife, who died many years ago from puerperal fever.

However, this does not make the story told by Voznesensky and staged by Zakharov any less beautiful. For Zakharov, Rezanov's expedition was just an excuse to talk about his favorite topic - that "glory to the madmen who dare to love, knowing that all this will come to an end!" And he did it flawlessly.

Hallelujah to the beloved couple,
We forgot, scolding and feasting,
Why did we come to earth
Hallelujah of love, hallelujah of love

Hallelujah to the actors of the tragedy,
That we were given a second life,
Loving us through the centuries
Hallelujah of love, hallelujah!

Lenkom Theater Performance "Juno and Avos"


Creators "Juno and Avos" defined the genre of this performance as "modern opera". Its plot is based on the fate of the Russian count, chamberlain Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, who set off in 1806 on the sailboats "Juno" and "Avos" to the shores of California.

Spiritual suffocation, the unbearability of existence in Russia make Rezanov look for new lands to fulfill the eternal dream of a free country for the Russian people. Rezanov is aware of the utopian nature of his plans, but stubbornly submits one petition after another with a request to be allowed to travel to California.

The refusals broke his will. In desperation, Rezanov prays to the Mother of God, confessing his most intimate and frightening feeling - love for the Mother of God as a woman. Rezanov is seized by a painful obsession and he hears an unearthly voice blessing him. Following this, Rezanov's dream comes true - he receives the highest permission to travel.

After a hard journey across the Pacific Ocean, Rezanov comes into contact with the Spanish Franciscan monks and with the governor of San Francisco, José Dario Arguello. Being invited to an appointment with the governor, Rezanov meets his daughter, sixteen-year-old Concepsia de Arguello. At the ball, Conchita's fiancé Federico sings a sonnet about the sad fate of two lovers, and Rezanov sees in Conchita the earthly embodiment of the supernatural passion that torments him.

At night in the garden, Rezanov hears Conchita and Federico talking about their upcoming engagement. Unable to cope with the feeling that gripped him, he enters Conchita's bedroom. Rezanov begs her for love, and then, despite all the girl's despair, takes possession of her ... And again a sad, quiet, unearthly voice is heard. At this moment, love is born in Conchita's soul, and only despair and bitterness remain in Rezanov's soul.

From this moment on, happy fortune turns away from Rezanov. His act causes Conchita's fiancé to challenge the chamberlain to a duel, during which Federico dies. The Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

In his letter to Rumyantsev, Rezanov writes that his dreams of enlightening human souls in the new Russian colonies have been shattered, and he dreams of one thing: to return the ships and sailors to Russia.

After a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov sets off on his return trip. In Siberia, he falls ill with a fever and dies near Krasnoyarsk. Conchita remains true to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting thirty years for Rezanov, she takes the veil as a nun and ends her days in the cell of the Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

This was the first Soviet rock opera, which, however, due to the peculiarities of the regime, the creators - the author of the libretto Andrei Voznesensky and the author of the music Alexei Rybnikov - attributed to a different genre, calling it the modern opera Juno and Avos. Its content is based on real events. The plot is based on the tragic love story of the Russian count and navigator Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the Spanish governor of San Francisco, Conchita Argüello.

The story of the meeting - true and fictional

The main storyline is true in all versions, it originates from the moment when, in 1806, two brigs landed on the coast of California under the flag of the Russian fleet and under the leadership of the Russian count and chamberlain of His Imperial Majesty - "Juno" and "Avos". The content of the rest of the action allows for different, sometimes contradictory interpretations, if only because history has become the reason for the creation of numerous poems, operas, ballets and simply art history studies. And artistic creativity implies varying degrees of error before the truth, which was admitted by the author of the poem "Maybe" Andrei Voznesensky. And in the production of the Lenkom Theater, in the creative community of the music author Alexei Rybnikov and director Mark Zakharov, the work acquired its permanent name - "Juno and Avos".

Brief summary of the rock opera

Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov, a forty-two-year-old statesman and naval commander, widower and father of two children, who dreams of sailing to the shores of North America, but is refused after refusal, seeks intercession from the icon of the Mother of God and confesses to her his unrighteous passion for her as a woman. The Mother of God forgives him and promises her patronage. Soon, he really receives from the imperial court the highest command to go to the coast of California in order to deliver food to the Russian colonies in Alaska. And now the Russian ships Juno and Avos are anchoring in San Francisco Bay. The content of the action is now developing rapidly. At the ball at Don Argüello's in honor of the Russian expedition that had arrived, the count met the owner's daughter, 16-year-old Conchita. Here he learns that the house of Arguello is preparing for the wedding of the young Conchita and the young hidalgo Fernando. Fascinated by the beauty of the girl, Rezanov secretly enters her bedroom, begs her for love and takes possession of her. The voice of the Virgin again descends to them, and reciprocal love awakens in the soul of Conchita.

But for his misdeed, the count must pay a heavy price: the offended Fernando challenges him and dies at his hands. The Russian expedition hastily leaves California. Rezanov secretly becomes engaged to his beloved, but for the wedding he needs to obtain permission from the Pope in St. Petersburg in order to marry a Catholic. However, they were not destined to see each other again. On the way, Rezanov falls seriously ill and dies near Krasnoyarsk. Conchita refuses to believe the terrible news and has been waiting for her lover for more than thirty years, after which she takes the veil as a nun and ends her days as a recluse. Such is the schematic content of the opera Juno and Avos.

Embodiment on stage

In Lenkom, the production had a surprisingly happy fate. It was missed immediately, unlike other, less poignant performances. The performance "Juno and Avos" was shown on the stages of many countries, the content of each tour was invariably triumphant. Not the last, if not the first role was played by the immense talent, energy and charisma of the performers of the main roles. At different times, the role of Count Rezanov was played by Dmitry Pevtsov, you can see other famous actors in this role. In the role of Conchita - Elena Shanina, Alla Yuganova. Other roles were played by Alexander Abdulov, Larisa Porgina and others. With all the merits of the subsequent compositions, the duet of Nikolai Karachentsov with actress Elena Shanina, according to the majority of viewers, remained unsurpassed in its frantic energy. It is not for nothing that the hit of the musical genre “I will never forget you” in this performance still does not lose popularity.


Conchita Arguello (Maria Domingo in tonsure) died in 1857 and was buried in the monastery cemetery, from where her ashes were transferred to the cemetery of St. Dominic.

Count Nikolai Petrovich Rezanov was buried in the cemetery of the city cathedral of Krasnoyarsk in 1807. Almost two centuries later, in 2000, a white marble cross was erected on his grave, on which on one side it reads: "I will never forget you", and on the other it is written: "I will never see you."

"Juno and Avos" is one of the most famous modern operas by the composer Alexei Rybnikov based on the verses of the poet Andrei Voznesensky. Its first show on the stage of the Moscow Theater named after Lenin Komsomol ("Lenkom") took place on July 9, 1981.

In the late 1970s, the famous composer Alexei Rybnikov became interested in creating musical improvisations based on Orthodox chants. Once he demonstrated his achievements to the artistic director of "Lenkom" Mark Zakharov, after which he set about to create an opera based on them based on "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". It was decided to turn to Andrei Voznesensky to write the libretto for the opera. Voznesensky did not support this idea, but instead offered to use his poem "Perhaps", created in 1970. He managed to convince Rybnikov and Zakharov, after which work began on adapting the poem to the stage. I had to work on many scenes and arias.

Since the word "rock opera" was forbidden at that time (as well as rock music in general), the authors called the work "modern opera".

The staging of dance numbers was carried out by choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev.

The plot of the poem and rock opera is based on the romantic love story of the Russian traveler Nikolai Rezanov and the daughter of the governor of San Francisco, Maria Conchita Argüello de la Concepción.

Chamberlain Rezanov, having buried his wife, decided to devote all his strength to the service of Russia. His suggestions about the need to try to establish trade relations with North America for a long time did not meet with a response from the authorities, but at last he was ordered to carry out the desired journey. Before leaving, Rezanov says that from a young age he was tormented by one circumstance, the impression that the icon of the Kazan Mother of God made on him - since then he has treated the Virgin Mary more as a beloved woman than as the Mother of God. Appearing to him in a vision, the Mother of God tells him not to be horrified by his feelings and promises to pray for him.

Under St. Andrew's flag, two ships, "Juno and Avos", sail to the coast of California. In California, Spain at that time, the wedding of Conchita, the daughter of the governor, and Senor Federico is approaching. Rezanov, on behalf of Russia, welcomes California, and the governor invites him, as the ambassador of Emperor Alexander, to a ball in honor of his daughter's sixteenth birthday. At the ball, Rezanov invites Conchita to dance - and this event becomes fatal in their lives and in the life of Federico. The groom is openly jealous, Rezanov's companions make a cynical bet whether he can "pick a California flower." The men understand that none of them will step aside without a fight.

At night, Conchita prays to the Virgin Mary in her bedroom. Rezanov comes to her with words of love.

At this moment, a reciprocal feeling arises in Conchita's soul, and she reciprocates Rezanov. But happy fortune from that moment turns away from Rezanov. Conchita's fiancé challenges him to a duel, during which Federico dies. The Russians are forced to urgently leave San Francisco.

Having made a secret engagement with Conchita, Rezanov embarks on the return journey. In Siberia, he falls ill with a fever and dies near Krasnoyarsk. And Conchita remains true to her love for the rest of her life. After waiting for Rezanov for thirty-five years - from sixteen to fifty-two - she takes the veil as a nun and ends her days in the cell of the Dominican monastery in San Francisco.

Nikolai Karachentsov (Count Rezanov), Elena Shanina (Conchitta), Alexander Abdulov (Federico) were involved in the first part of the performance. Immediately after the release, the opera became the most discussed event in the cultural life of the capital.

The rock opera "Juno" and "Avos" has successfully passed the test of time - the performance is still going on with the same full houses. Over the 30-year history, six performers of the role of Conchita and three chamberlains of Rezanov have changed.

Currently, on the stage of the Lenkom Theater, the role of chamberlain, Count Nikolai Rezanov is performed by People's Artists of Russia and Viktor Rakov; Conchita - Alla Yuganova and Alexandra Volkova.

There are two television versions of the play - 1983 and 2002. The first version captures the classic look of the performance with Nikolai Karachentsov, Elena Shanina and Alexander Abdulov. The second version, filmed for the 20th anniversary of the performance, features Nikolai Karachentsov, Anna Bolshova and Viktor Rakov.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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