Soso pavliashvili - biography, information, personal life. The real wives of Soso Pavliashvili Soso Pavliashvili young


Soso Pavliashvili treats women like a real Georgian - with love and respect. His first wife is friends with his current wife, and this does not surprise the singer at all: two worthy women will always find a common language.

First love

Soso Pavliashvili played the violin from the age of six, and after school he decided to go to study at the conservatory. But in the first year he was not up to the instrument: Soso met Nino. Love flared up like a match, and continued to burn, even when Pavliashvili was called up for military service.

From the army, he wrote her 5 letters a day and could not wait for the day when they would see each other again.

The violin has finally become a thing of the past: in the service, Soso began to gravitate more towards pop music and, returning to Tbilisi, got a job at the Iveria VIA. At their wedding with Nino, they walked in a large and friendly crowd. Soon the son Levon was born, and Pavliashvili began to work hard so that the family would not need anything.

To grow as a musician, he needed to go to Moscow. Nino did not mind, but she could not follow her husband - her sick mother lived in Tbilisi, for whom there was no one else to look after. Soso said goodbye to his family and went to the capital.


Pavliashvili's birth as a solo artist took place at the 1988 Olympics in Calgary. He arrived there as part of Iveria, but one day he decided on an adventure: he went on stage and sang the famous Georgian song Suliko. The audience was delighted and did not let Soso leave the stage for a long time.

He consolidated his success at the All-Union Music Competition in Jurmala. The great Irina Ponarovskaya sat on the jury and did not take her eyes off the young singer. Pavliashvili's passionate performance impressed her so much that she invited him to sing in a duet - for Soso it was a real ticket to the big stage.

“Ira made a great contribution to my development,” the singer states. - We did a lot for each other, we had a very stormy relationship, we lit each other up. Ponarovskaya next to me became a queen, ”said Pavliashvili.

Rumor immediately married a bright duet. In distant Tbilisi, Nino realized that her marriage had come to an end - although in fact she and Soso continued to be husband and wife. Ponarovskaya was also married, but if Pavliashvili took at least one decisive step, she would immediately break up with her husband.

That did not happen. In 1997, the singer officially divorced his wife, but not for the sake of Ponarovskaya. At this time, another girl appeared in his life.


Once, when Pavliashvili was working in a recording studio, a young girl came in and asked to record one of his songs on a disc - for a school graduation. Ira Patlakh was then only 16 years old, Soso - twice as old. He now calls his former self "an all-Union womanizer."

He liked the brave graduate so much that he decided to continue communication - and, of course, Ira could not resist the charms of the Georgian.

But before enjoying happiness with her loved one, the girl had to literally return Soso from the other world. Shortly before they met, the singer got into a car accident, after which he began to suffer from epileptic seizures. The treatment had almost no effect: the attacks occurred at night, there was no relief.

“Then he had nothing to do - neither to the family, nor to love, nor to me. But I knew that my love would be enough for both of us, ”she recalled.

The disease went away on its own after the birth of their first joint daughter, Lisa. The second daughter, Sandra, finally completed the transformation of the former womanizer into a respectable head of the family. Soso Pavliashvili first moved the family to a large apartment, then built a house for them in the suburbs, and only after that did he finally make an official proposal to Irina.

It happened during his anniversary concert: the 50-year-old singer knelt down in front of the mother of his children and presented an engagement ring in this way. Ira confirmed her consent, which she gave many years ago as a very young girl.

"Temperamental, handsome, vociferous, intelligent, courteous"... All these words are intended for a true gentleman on the Russian stage - Soso Pavliashvili. The titles are given at their true worth, none of the representatives of Russian show business can compare with his gallantry.


Soso was born in the summer of June 29, 1964 in the capital of the Georgian SSR, in the family of an architect and a housewife. The mother of our hero was a very creative person and insisted that the child study music. By the age of six, the boy already played the violin perfectly, took part in various children's competitions, received awards and prizes. By the end of school, the issue of choosing a profession was already resolved. Pavliashvili did not even doubt what he would devote his future to. Music attracted him, he had an excellent voice and hearing.

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Immediately after graduating from school, Joseph Raminovich entered the Tbilisi Conservatory. He was noted as a special student with excellent musical abilities, striving for the full development of his talent. His teachers were leading figures of Georgian art. The guy plunged into the classes with a soul, completely devoted himself to all the subjects taught. And as a result, he became the best student of the Tbilisi Conservatory in its entire history. After successfully passing the exams, Soso went to fulfill his honorable duty - to serve in the SA.

Service in the army was a turning point for Soso Pavliashvili. A gifted young man, accustomed to soloing on the violin, sang the song for the first time on the army stage. After a successful performance, he already knew that he would develop a career as a vocalist. At 24, he was demobilized and went home.

Arriving from the army, the musician dared to visit the legendary Georgian musical group Iveria and ask to join it. The entire Soviet Union knew about this ensemble, their compositions were constantly heard on the radio. To his surprise, Pavliashvili was accepted immediately, and his work with talented musicians lasted a year. This period gave the young talent invaluable experience and skills, as a result he became a professional performer and musician.

In 1989, the first competition for young performers took place in Jurmala. Soso decided to become one of the participants and received the main prize. His rivals were Valeria, Kormukhina, Zakirova. Thanks to the festival, the country saw new faces, young performers, including the rising star Soso Pavliashvili. After Jurmala, life flowed along a creative channel, and the Georgian singer became one of the most popular in the USSR.

The victory brought the talented singer several contracts, according to which he began to tour throughout the country and neighboring countries. The first album was released in 1983, which exaggerated the success many times over. Literally a couple of years later, Pavliashvili released the next album, which was sold out in a matter of days. Invitations followed to participate in television projects, the picture "The Adventures of Pinocchio" brought incredible success to Pavliashvili as an actor. Frequent visits to the capital of Russia became the reason for a complete relocation. Since the end of the 90s, the “real Georgian” has become a Muscovite.

The end of the 90s was marked by amazing hits - “Let's Pray for Parents”, then the groovy and rhythmic songs “Georgian is waiting for you”, “Me and you” were performed. The singer was invited to the best concerts, festive events.

No state celebrations could do without it, the number of released records increased. Soso Pavliashvili was not only a performer, but also a composer of hit songs. His repertoire also includes songs to Reznik's verses, to the music of Osiashvili, Tanich. The singer was repeatedly invited to the cinema, and he did an excellent job with the roles in 12 films.

Personal life

In 2013, the press and television reported on a crime allegedly committed by a favorite of the public. According to sources, the singer and his friends ordered the murder of businessman Aduashvili. The Tbilisi prosecutor's office sent an official request for the arrest of Pavliashvili. Many were worried about this, but soon all charges were dropped, the singer was released. Creative career continues to grow. Pavliashvili performs at every festive evening, pleases the audience with a beautiful voice.

The love affairs of a temperamental Georgian were often written in the press. The first wife was Nino Uchaneishvili, who gave birth to the musician's son Levan. They did not live together for long, but they still maintain friendly relations. Upon arrival in Moscow, the singer developed a close relationship with the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya, but the couple did not dare to register the union. They were united not only by feelings, but also by joint creativity. The union lasted for several years. In 1997, Soso met the singer Irina Patlakh, who worked as a backing vocalist. The couple had two daughters, Lisa and Sandra.

The eldest son from his first marriage is a frequent guest in his father's house and maintains close and warm relations with him. Singer Pavliashvili feels like a happy husband and father, and does not intend to change anything in his personal life.

In this article we will talk about who Soso Pavliashvili is. "Without You" is one of the artist's most famous compositions. The full name of our hero is Joseph Pavliashvili. We are talking about a Russian and Georgian singer and actor. In addition to the already mentioned composition, the most famous of his creations include the following: “Pray for the parents”, “Me and you”, “Please”. Fans call our hero the tuning fork of Georgia, the guardian angel, the knight of the mountains, the king of oriental music. Details about this person are given below.


Soso Pavliashvili was born in Tbilisi, the Georgian capital. His father, Ramin Iosifovich, is an architect. Az's mother is a housewife. While still a preschooler, our hero began to attend a music school and started learning to play the violin. Many hours of study and hard work brought quick results. Very soon, the young musician began to take part in republican and regional festivals and competitions. The violin captivated our hero. After graduating from general education and music schools, Soso Pavliashvili became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. He chose the direction of violin playing. While serving in the army, our hero moved away from classical music. He joined the pop direction. After receiving his diploma, he became a member of the Iveria vocal and instrumental ensemble.

Thus began the creative path of Soso Pavliashvili. He began to sing songs a little later. The singer's talent in him was revealed by chance. The young man was a member of the team mentioned above for a year. After he left it, because he realized that there is something more important than a musical instrument. One day he walked up to the microphone. It happened in Canada. There was a concert dedicated to the Winter Olympics held in Calgary. The performer presented his performance of a Georgian song called "Suliko". This speech shocked those present. Soon our hero received the Grand Prix at the vocal festival in Jurmala as a solo artist. He gained fame. A feature of the repertoire of our hero is that he is the author of music for most of his hits. Only occasionally does he resort to the services of famous Georgian and Russian composers.


Almost any concert of Soso Pavliashvili is a success. The reason can be called the uniqueness of such events. Our hero is able to express love, tenderness, passion from a male position through singing. The artist's debut studio album "Music to Friends" was released in 1993. This disc attracted mainly the attention of women. The next albums "Me and You" and "Sing with me" strengthened the artist's popularity. To date, our hero has an impressive number of works, and each composition is filled with love lyrics, soulful lyrics and gentle romantic melodies. The songs “I won’t call you by name”, “Let’s pray for parents”, “Heaven in the palm of your hand”, “Me and you”, “Please” became big hits. In addition, our hero often performs with other stars in a duet. With Lyubov Uspenskaya, he performed the composition "Stronger than before." With Leonid Agutin he recorded the song "Some Thousand Years". With Larisa Dolina, he performed a soulful composition called "I love you."


Soso Pavliashvili also tried his hand at cinema. Moreover, he did not limit himself to the cameo format familiar to many musicians. He embodied real film images in the following films: "Ice Age", "Matchmakers", "Daddy's Daughters". However, most of all, the singer has musical holiday tales. Among them: "The New Adventures of Aladdin", "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Pinocchio".

Personal life

The yellow press writes about our hero without much enthusiasm. On the contrary, if information about this person appears in the media, then most often it concerns creativity. He is mentioned as an actor, composer and singer. In the life of our hero there were no third-party novels. And he loved few. The first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is Nino Uchaneishvili. Former spouses maintain friendly relations. In addition, these people are brought together by a common child - a boy named Levan. The first-born of our hero did not follow in the footsteps of his father. He was educated at the Suvorov Military School. Then there was the study at the university. As a result, he chose the path of a military man.

The second love of our hero was the pop singer Irina Ponarovskaya. They did not officially marry, but for several years they lived like a real family. Since 1997, our hero has been in a relationship with Irina Patlakh, a singer. From the chosen one, he has two daughters - Sandra and Elizabeth. The civil union of these people lasted 17 years. In 2014, our hero from the stage made an offer to his beloved.


The performer in 1993 recorded the album "Music to Friends". In 1996, his disc "Sing with me" was released. In 1998, the work "Me and You" appeared. In 2001, the album "About my love" was recorded. 2003 brought the disc “Georgian is waiting for you!” to connoisseurs of the work of our hero. In 2005, the disc "Best Songs for You" appeared. In 2007, the album "Remember the Georgian" was published. In 2010, the work "Oriental Songs" appeared.


In 1997, Soso Pavliashvili took part in the film "The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio". In 2002, our hero worked on the painting "Ice Age". In 2003, he got a role in the film "On the corner at the Patriarchs - 3". In 2004, the film "Lost the Sun" appeared with the participation of our hero. In 2007, our hero played in the films "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" and "Daddy's Daughters." In 2009, he received a role in the film The Golden Key. In 2010, the film "New Year's Matchmakers" was released with his participation. In 2011, the performer starred in the film Kiss Through the Wall. Soon, another film with the participation of our hero, "The New Adventures of Aladdin", was released on the screens.

Soso Pavliashvili is a well-known Georgian performer, who has also gained immense popularity in Russia. This singer performed many hits that were remembered for many years. Soso is a real Georgian man who has conquered many women's hearts.

There were many women in the life of our hero. And with 3 of them, he even dared to start a family. So the first wife of the artist was Nino Uchaneishvili. This woman gave her husband the first son - Levan. He was born in 1987. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long, but the former spouses still communicate and get along well with each other.

The next choice of the Georgian was the singer Irina Ponarovskaya. For a long time the couple lived together, but they did not have time to get married. Their relationship soon fizzled out. We do not know anything about the reasons for the breakup.

Soso and Irina Ponarovskaya

And in 1997, Soso married the singer Irina Patlakh, a former member of the Mironi group. The future spouses met very funny. 16-year-old Irina ran up to Pavliashvili for an autograph and said that she really liked his work. The sweet young girl immediately took a liking to Soso.

Since then, the couple began to communicate, and the singer began to take steps to win the heart of his beloved. Irina's parents also played a big role in the development of relations. They turned out to be very smart and modern and did not interfere with the relationship of lovers. In addition, Soso easily found a common language with them.

Soso Pavliashvili with his wife Irina Patlakh

Irina and Soso became not only lovers for each other, but first of all good and close friends. At first, the singer tried to keep his distance, he did not want to become attached to anyone, and he was afraid that Irina would only get worse with him.

But the girl was persistent, she loved Soso and became closer to him every day. At the initial stage, the relationship between lovers endured many trials.

Soso and Irina

Soso was not rich then and did not want Ira to live with a man who does not know what he will do tomorrow. He wanted the best for his beloved, what he himself was not able to give.

But despite this, Ira stayed with him. She did not care about his position, she promised that together they would cope with all the difficulties. And so it happened. Now Soso has a strong family, a beloved wife and two wonderful joint children - daughters Liza and Sandra.

Soso with his wife and children

Georgian singer Soso Pavliashvili has been on the Russian stage for decades. It would seem that every generation knows him. Even just listening to his songs, you feel some kind of spiritual connection with the singer. The words of his songs penetrate right into the soul, and the eyes look right into the heart.

Soso connected his life with music as a child. At the age of five he played the violin. Moreover, he learned to play this instrument absolutely independently.

As a schoolboy, Soso took part in numerous competitions held in Tbilisi. Even then, the guy decided that his life would be connected with music.

After graduating from school, the guy entered the Georgian Metropolitan Conservatory. Now Pavliashvili recalls the years spent at the conservatory as the best in his life. In the future, in the musical career of a young man, everything developed in the best possible way.

The singer's personal life was no less successful. He had two official wives and one civil marriage. Pavliashvili has three children. He had an older son from his first marriage and two daughters from his second.

In searching of love

Information about the first wife of Soso Pavliashvili is practically absent. It is known that the girl was taken by Nino and was originally from Georgia. They got married in 1985, after the guy returned from the army. In marriage, their son Levan was born.

But it was difficult to call the marriage happy. Almost immediately after the wedding, Soso went to conquer Moscow and luck smiled at her. He became a recognizable singer there and his career gradually went uphill.

While Soso sought fame and recognition, Nino lived with her son in Georgia. She kept getting information about the love affairs of her husband.

In numerous interviews, the singer himself admitted that their long-distance relationship was doomed. He visited Tbilisi no more than a week a year, in Moscow he was surrounded by many beautiful women.

With one of these, the singer Irina Ponarovskaya, the rumor married the Georgian singer. Information about their relationship is very contradictory.

According to some sources, it was a stormy and passionate romance, according to others - a creative union with a touch of romance. At the time of the development of a romantic relationship between the two artists, they were both married.

How long exactly the relationship between Ponarovskaya and Pavliashvili lasted is difficult to say. But they ended abruptly. Simply - without quarrels and accusations. Irina was waiting for a marriage proposal from her chosen one, but he did not dare to do so.

Arriving home in Tbilisi, Soso had a difficult conversation with his wife. He tried to deny the affair on the side, even if it was such a long one. But Nino did not believe it and the couple broke up.

Fateful meeting

In 1996, the singer suffered a terrible accident, after which he recovered for a long time. Doctors after a long stage of rehabilitation allowed him to resume concert and touring activities. But then there were other health problems.

Pavliashvili began to complain of frequent epileptic seizures. Doctors could not determine the nature of these phenomena in him.

During this period of life, on the way Soso Pavliashvili met a young girl. At the time of their meeting, Irina was only 16 years old. One fine day, she approached the singer to ask for an autograph and immediately sunk into his soul.

They talked for a few minutes about music. The girl admitted that she really likes Pavliashvili's songs, which surprised the singer indescribably. He was surprised that such a young girl is familiar with his work and loves him.

From that moment on, the singer decided to woo the girl. It was very easy to do this, because Irina the artist was very nice. They were comfortable with each other. They were each other's support, friends and lovers. This union was also supported by Irina's parents, which helped young people make a choice.

Exemplary family man

For a very long time, Irina and Soso lived in a civil marriage. The girl was happy in this relationship and did not insist on a stamp in her passport. So in a civil marriage, the couple had two beautiful daughters.

During one of his performances, Soso Pavliashvili asked Irina to come on stage with her daughters. There, on the stage, he got down on one knee and handed the girl a box with a ring. With an audience of thousands, he invited Irina to become his wife. And of course she happily agreed.

Interesting Notes:

Before meeting with the singer, Irina was engaged in choreography and even took her first steps in her singing career. Now she has completely devoted herself to the house and the upbringing of her two daughters.

She also intends to equip the house, which was built in the suburbs. The girl has absolutely no regrets and is completely happy in family life.

Friendly and big family

Despite the fact that Pavliashvili is happy in his second marriage he is on excellent terms with his first wife. She didn’t get married after the divorce, and the main man in her life is her son. The son has been living with his father in Moscow for a long time and is engaged in the construction business.

The current Pavliashvili family, Irina's parents and his son from his first marriage live in the same house, which is located in the center of Moscow. The apartments of Soso and his relatives are located on different floors. Their doors are open to guests at any time.

Very often, Nino also flies to visit his son in Moscow. Her relationship is developing well not only with her son and ex-husband, but also with Irina Patlakh, as well as her children.

Today, Soso Pavliashvili considers himself a happy man, because there is something in his life that gives meaning and that pulled him out of the abyss of hopelessness.

Photos of a happy family

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