Lunar calendar tips with detailed interpretation. Description of lunar days (days)


Symbols are: mouth, cornucopia, mouth. It is recommended on such a day to do a gastric lavage, start a diet. And in no case should you show your anger. Generosity needs to be cultivated. In such a period, it would be good to start a set of physical exercises or the knowledge of some information cycle. As for medicine, on this lunar day it is worth paying close attention to the oral cavity, the upper part of the sky, and teeth.

lunar day. At the same time, you should not devote others to your personal plans that you have planned, otherwise the 2nd half of the lunar day may negatively affect the implementation of everything you have planned. It is very good in the first half of the lunar day to ask the authorities to make new contacts.

3rd lunar day.

Symbol of the lunar day: a leopard or a leopard preparing to jump. This lunar day is marked by pressure, aggression and active struggle. Passive people on the 3rd lunar day become very vulnerable, as various astral attacks occur on them. People of this kind on this lunar day become suspicious, suspicious, insidious. You should direct all your astral energy to self-defense. This day is considered the most suitable for martial arts. It is also good to sharpen knives, work with metal, and in ancient times things were cast from silver on this day. It is recommended to spend time in the sauna and take a steam bath. People, on this lunar day, should also pay special attention to part of the back of the head and ears. If oil spilled on that day, then this means leaving your path. Most suitable to wear in this lunar day stones: ruby, jaspilite, pyrite.

The first half of this lunar day can bring trouble. The feeling of aggression, ambition is aggravated, quarrels between parents and children, spouses, partners are possible. The manifestation of negativity and anger can spoil your mood for quite a long time. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Efficiency will increase, favorable contacts are possible, practical and scientific activity will be activated. It is worth paying attention to any suggestions, as they, at this time, will be able to give a positive effect.

4th lunar day

He is commemorated to make a choice between good and evil deeds. The symbol is the Tree of Knowledge. The best thing to do on this day is to be with yourself. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among the unfavorable. But at the same time, it is endowed with a dual characteristic, it is both a positive and a negative day. At this time, one should not make quick decisions, it is better to think over everything ten times, and only then make a decision. Collective work is not recommended, you can not cut trees, pick flowers. It is advised on such a day to walk more in the forest, you can spin, unravel the threads. They say that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic secret, but at the same time they must know it themselves. Stones recommended on this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.

Favorable is the first half lunar day. You will find peace of mind, and the ability to communicate will increase. Also, this day will have a positive impact on trade, the chances of successfully cranking out risky events will increase. But already the second half of the day may begin to slow down positive trends, but if you have sufficient diplomacy, then you will be able to avoid the intrigues and conflicts of rivals.

5th lunar day

Symbol of the lunar day - Unicorn. It means loyalty to one's principles, duty. It is necessary to pay great attention to food on this lunar day. Because this time is symbolized with the beginning of the assimilation of food and its transformation. It is better to prefer dairy products and forbid yourself to consume animal food. It’s good to go somewhere on such a day, to pick up, dry and tincture herbs. You can not starve and fuss.

First half this lunar day not entirely favorable. Confusion and indecision increase, self-confidence decreases. Many people in the 1st half of the day will need the ability and ability to resist negative influences from the outside. Greater awareness is required. In the first half of the lunar day, contacts with partners and superiors will be difficult. At the same time, the second half of the lunar day will be conducive to gaining the support of superiors, new colleagues or friends. This lunar day means an increase in the sexual potential of a person, which means that communication with the opposite sex will be successful.

6th lunar day

The symbol of these lunar days is the crane. This lunar day promotes the assimilation of cosmic energy, the acquisition of Grace, verbal and mental work. Associates this day with love and forgiveness. A good sign on this day is a melodic ringing and clouds in the sky, but a completely clear sky or overcast sky means a lack of harmony in the whole world.

Such lunar day very favorable, it allows you to show all your abilities. The ability to materialize, luck increases, new plans and thoughts appear that can change your life for the better. Even during this period, the gift of foresight intensifies, intuition manifests itself more strongly, and scientific and social activities are activated. However, in contacts you need to be restrained, since excessive pressure or complete tactlessness can reduce the effectiveness of your actions.

7th lunar day

First half lunar day will be favorable, it will give an opportunity to implement your plans and ideas, conceived the day before. The ability to complete things increases, new partners and patrons may appear, support from relatives will be felt, and trust from others will increase. The second half of the day will require a person to be more organized and responsible, perhaps there will be some inconsistencies and unnecessary fuss. Otherwise, the created positive trends cannot be fully realized.

8th lunar day

The symbol of the day is Phoenix. This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, remission of sins and alchemy. At this time, it is also good to fast and clean the intestines, as well as to make medicines for all diseases. In no case should you be selfish and licentious.

This period is difficult, because there are problems you have not solved, but old goals and plans will require you to spend much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners to your plans. At this time, relations in the team may change, so you must be restrained and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by the transition to a new round of development, which means that you will need to be able to change your tactics in behavior in time.

9th lunar day

The symbol is a bat. This day is considered satanic. He brings with him various illusions, bad signs and deceit that need to be analyzed and comprehended. In that lunar day poisoning can also occur, nightmares torment at night. It is also necessary to cleanse oneself of astral and physical slags, engage in strength exercises and forgive offenders. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror, it will be a bad sign to break the mirror on such a day. Spilled milk is also a bad sign (if the mother loses milk that day, then the child can be punished). A good sign during this period will be a cactus that has bloomed.

This is a period of disharmony. And this is due to delusions, deceptions and various complications. You may have a desire to avoid problems and avoid responsibility. You may also feel dissatisfied with your surroundings. At the same time, spiritual people will be able to get rid of the old on this day and begin a new period of spiritual renewal. There is also the danger of conflicts with children, relatives and old partners.

10th lunar day

The symbol of the lunar day is a fountain. This is the day of finding previously unknown sources of energy, turning on karmic memory, self-deepening, rest. On such a lunar day, you can do meditation in order to determine the line of life for yourself, strengthen your home, family, and reflect on your family tree. It is advisable to go to the bath at this time. It is recommended to start any construction. Also in this lunar day You can't be superficial and self-serving.

A suitable period for changing the form of activity and for engaging in individual and collective creativity. Relationships on the love front will be very effective, as well as spiritual searches and your professional success. You can safely take on everything new, start construction, hold meetings, and generally begin to implement any new plans.

11th lunar day

The symbol is a fiery sword. In terms of energy, it is the most powerful of the lunar days. Care must be taken in all activities. During these days, you can clean yourself, after appropriate preparation, pray. It is better to avoid various kinds of physical activities and not to engage in any serious business, especially if you are not cleansed and do not know something. This day you can not cut anything, kill insects, and in general you should not come into contact with them. A bad sign would be falling knives or forks.

On the other hand, such lunar day brings the possibility of materializing almost all the positive moments that appeared at the very beginning of the monthly lunar cycle or on its good days. At the same time, all negative influences from previous periods are neutralized, and therefore all your deliberate actions will have many chances of success. Increases personal charm, sexual potential, vitality. In general, many things that begin on such a special day have the support of the spiritual Hierarchies and success.

12th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a bowl. During this period, you need to distribute alms, give gifts, respond and try to fulfill requests. At the same time, one should not cry, get angry, and eat coarse food. If dishes break or liquid spills on this day, this will be a sign of suffering and loneliness.

It's inauspicious lunar day, as the truth of plans and intentions is manifested. On this lunar day, a person is tested for honesty, endurance and fortitude. During this period, emotionality and sensuality increase. But love affairs and relationships can turn into quarrels, resentments and unfulfilled desires.

13th lunar day

The symbol is a wheel with a swastika inside, clockwise. The energy of magic prevails on this day, the day is good for working with karma, there is a correction of the past, the accumulation of information and contacts. Contacts with other worlds can be made. This day is good to make round talismans, spin threads, bake bread. It is also recommended to engage in cosmetic procedures and load the stomach.

First part lunar day will be very unfavorable. It will keep the negative trends of the previous day. But if a person can overcome the tests of pride, then he will have new opportunities that are associated with strengthening his aura. For this reason, in the second half of the lunar day, new prospects for the manifestation of creativity will open. The possibility of achieving new goals increases.

14th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is the trumpet. These lunar days are well suited for starting new, many important things, for using information and various calls for something. All fluids that day are contaminated. Therefore, dry fasting and not very fervent prayers are recommended. Physical work and studies with sacred scriptures will go in favor. Also on this day, melancholy, sadness, grief are possible. It is contraindicated to practice magic, strain your eyes too much, use perfume and look in the mirror.

This lunar day, or rather its first half, will be favorable for promoting your ideas to a whole new level. The bosses can note you, your undertakings and aspirations to improve the business, new partners, new connections may appear. Strengthen on such a day and family relationships, the relationship of children with parents, relationships with relatives. The second half of the day can draw you into unnecessary things and worries, and this will lead to loss of strength and time, and possibly to overeating. On this day, you can also overspend a lot of sexual energy.

15th lunar day

The symbol is a snake. This day is considered satanic, during which there are astral battles, temptations of the flesh. It is necessary on this day to preserve justice and conquer your body. The dream that you have the day before will be prophetic for a whole month. You can not succumb to temptations on this day, eat apples and quarrel. A dog is a good sign.

In the first half lunar day Difficulties may arise in professional and family relationships. The main problems will be created due to ambition and the desire to shift all the responsibility and part of their work to someone else. The second part of the day will allow you to realize all your plans, but through other people and by other methods. New ideas and thoughts may arise.

16th lunar day

The symbol is a butterfly. This is one of the few clean days. During this day, there is harmony, justice, balance. These days it is necessary to know the measure in everything, to maintain inner comfort. You can not show envy, anger, unceremonious behavior and screams are prohibited. Sexual relations on this day are also contraindicated. It is not advisable to eat mushrooms and animal food. No need to kill birds. If you find dirt on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually unclean.

In general, this lunar day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered favorable, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can bring many of their plans to life and show their abilities and talents at the highest level. Cosmic influences can push weak-willed and uninitiative people to renewal.

17th lunar day

The symbol is a bell. This lunar day is a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and access to your ideal love. These days are very suitable for marriage, marital relations, emancipation and fun. On this day, female energy is transformed. It is advised to use warmed Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and debauchery is strictly prohibited.

First half lunar day allows you to use energy with maximum efficiency. Marital ties will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, own business is activated. For many people, intuition rises, a feeling of illumination comes. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in the implementation of plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

18th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a mirror. This is a completely passive day. A fall into sin can happen because of the unwillingness to fight against instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being an egoist. good this lunar day go to the bath, starve a little, clean the intestines, skin and massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, eat meat. It would be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. A sign of a violation of cosmic laws can be skin diseases and the opening of old wounds.

The first half of the day will be distinguished by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems may arise. Business connections will be difficult, contacts, partners, colleagues and superiors may turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help to resolve the emerging problems through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help solve many insoluble problems.

19th lunar day

The symbol is a spider. It's very dangerous and hard lunar day. There is a danger of poisoning, the actions of black magic, spiritual dope. New plans and ideas can be the Devil's trap. A moral cleansing should take place on this day, getting rid of pride and lies, and illusions, as well as other people's thoughts. It is on this lunar day that it will be useful to go around the whole house with candles, sit by the fire. You can reduce the negative of this hard day with strong moral qualities, modesty and selflessness.

In the first half lunar day, with patience and diligence, you can achieve the patronage of the authorities, inject money into your business from richer partners. On this day, you also need to decide on a salary increase, try to improve your financial situation with the help of partners. Charm, onslaught, sexual potential increase. But already in the second half of the day you do not need to show pressure and excessive activity so much. Cunning and deceit, negative energy can cause you illness or serious problems.

20th lunar day

The symbol is an eagle. This day is quite serious. It is associated with spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts and knowledge of cosmic law. This is such a day of the moon, which is considered the most suitable for fasting, the study of spiritual texts and insights. Better this one lunar day spend with family at home. The eagle symbolizes a religious feat. On this day, you also need to overcome obnoxiousness, pride and arrogance. You should not engage in psychic treatment - this can quickly deplete.

A very good day to start absolutely any business. It is good to start any business, because it will definitely have success and good luck.

21st lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day is a horse. It is very creative and active lunar day. This day is characterized by voluntary sacrifice, courage, fearlessness and renunciation of property. Group classes will be successful, you can swear allegiance. You need to be fair and honest. On this lunar day, the journey started, the transition to a new job will be successful. Physical exercises and water procedures, as well as time spent outdoors, will be useful.

At this time, you can safely overcome the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. New contacts and business will be successful. The trips will be successful. There will be interesting proposals that will allow you to expand your business and improve your financial situation. Contacts with superiors, political and public figures will be well reflected.

22nd lunar day

The symbol is an elephant. Day of wisdom, secret knowledge, world law and inviolability. During this lunar day goals are achieved. It is also good for learning crafts, various sciences and learning about one's roots. It is useful to meditate on this day, you can find out the future, show generosity, teach others, share your experience. It is advised to eat a lot on this lunar day.

During this period, you can also be renewed creatively and spiritually. Your colleagues and partners during this period will show altruism and disinterestedness, they will also be honest with you. Sexual possibilities increase, and the sense of justice is aggravated. Improve relationships with partners, increase intuition. It is also good to make an offer on these lunar days, to try to achieve agreement or success on something.

23rd lunar day

Its symbol is the crocodile. This is one of the days of rampant vampires and all sorts of seductions. This lunar day characterized caution, abstinence, repentance and self-sacrifice. It is also associated with persecution, bullying, expulsion, and confrontation with an angry mob. It is necessary to protect your home on this lunar day. It is also necessary to carry out cleaning, purification, sprinkling with holy water, fumigation with wild rosemary, cleansing the thresholds of the house with fire. Dairy products are recommended. You can not show your anger, do surgery, cut your nails and hair, and also move little.

This period is quite controversial. The conclusion of any contracts and the assumption of obligations must be checked and rethought. On this day, it is better to wait a little with new projects and deeds. It will be much more useful and productive to complete what you started earlier. Second half lunar day marked by the growth of their own ambitions, because of which any patronage can be problematic. In relationships with partners, jealousy and envy may be present. You need to be very careful when showing your feelings and thoughts, revealing your plans and hopes.

24th lunar day

The symbol is a bear. This lunar day transformation and awakening. Perhaps a great power or revelation will come upon a person. On this day, it will be possible to subjugate sexual energy, physical nature, treatment, conception. It is necessary to engage in strengthening health and raising the level of one's spirituality. You can start building a temple or a house. On this day, punishment for sadists and rapists cannot be avoided.

In general, this day will be neutral. At the same time, it is better not to take risks and not start something new, it is better to continue your old business. Relationships between spouses and partners may be at risk. Self-esteem, conceit and ambitions increase during this period. Conflicts with partners and superiors are possible.

25th lunar day

The symbol of this lunar day are vessels with living and dead water. The day of the moon is rather passive, it allows you to focus on spiritual problems, gives loneliness. It is necessary to cleanse oneself of toxins, to engage in therapeutic fasting. Clairaudience is a sign of slavish dependence on someone on this day.

First half lunar day will be unfavorable - there is an effect of the negative trends of the past day. Chronic diseases manifest themselves, lethargy can be observed. Therefore, at this time it is better to pay attention to your health and engage in some kind of individual activity. But the second half will allow you to achieve your goals. Intuition will be aggravated and there is a possibility of support from higher people.

26th lunar day

The symbol is a toad. This, one might say, is the critical day of the moon. It is associated with fasting, abstinence, the knowledge of life and the removal of masks. It is desirable that on this lunar day, there is an exit to the traditions, Teachers. But you need to refrain from vigorous activity, otherwise you can, especially in empty chatter, overspend a lot of your energy. Can this lunar day face theft, gross materialism, hypocrisy. If you meet a person with a full bucket or bag on this day, this is a sign that life is going right. And, for example, lightning in a dream or in reality indicates that you have pride and vanity. And nothing should be done or started during this period. All undertakings will bring you only losses.

27th lunar day

The symbol is a wand. These lunar day contribute to the acquisition of secret knowledge. This day is associated with meditation, healing, insight, prayers and verbal magic. It is allowed to travel and explore the world on these days. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, look in the mirror and fall into illusions. This is a very lucky day for everything. Great for planting, sowing and for communicating with the elderly. The man who was born in such lunar day, can become happy and lucky or weak-willed and soft-bodied. Diseases are short-lived and harmless.

28th lunar day

The lotus is the symbol of this day. It's very good lunar day. Spiritual knowledge is acquired, truths are comprehended. It is allowed to practice with clairvoyance, chakras, astral bodies, with dreams. You need to be in high spirits on this day, as well as take control of your emotions. It is also allowed to do ordinary things: make repairs, plant various plants, and buy a house. In no case should you tear and trim flowers or give them, as well as fell trees.

The day of the moon will be successful for all undertakings. It will also allow you to rethink the past and reduce feverishness and nervousness. It is necessary to listen to the wise advice of partners - this can help you prevent upcoming troubles.

29th lunar day

The symbol of this day is the octopus. Such lunar day very dangerous and satanic. It is symbolized by deceit, illusions, astral fog and rampant demons. At this time, you need to be responsible, you need to resist Satanism, fast, abstain and repent. You can do, from ordinary things, only the most important ones. It is necessary to drive away bad thoughts, cut off all false connections, fumigate the room, burn candles, and it is also allowed to cleanse the body. Darkness and muddy water should be avoided whenever possible. From food, it is better to give preference to pastries. The wrong way on this day will be indicated to you by the call of the trumpet, screams, musical sounds. If this month does not have the thirtieth, that is, the last, lunar day, then you can sum up.

This lunar day very unhappy absolutely for everyone and for everything. Nothing can be started, otherwise absolutely nothing will work out, there will only be losses and a constant “headache”. Dreams on these lunar days can come true.

30th lunar day

The symbol is a golden swan. Day of love, repentance and forgiveness. You need to give up everything unnecessary, analyze your path and try to get rid of all your sins. It is necessary on this day to bring joy to people, to repay debts, to complete the work begun. You can clean the house by bringing talismans into it, working with stones. No coarse food is allowed. This day is suitable for summing up various results of the month and for sacrifices. The barking of dogs or dogs on this day speaks of a mistake.

The first half will be unfavorable. In that lunar day you need to try to dot the "and" to decide on all past relationships, business plans. This is not the best time for contacts with new partners, but it is very good for communication with relatives and old reliable partners. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Creativity will increase, intuition and foresight will be strengthened. Dreams on this day are prophetic and provide an opportunity to change fate.

The concept of the lunar day, day and month

A lunar day or day is the time that passes from sunrise to moonrise, with the exception of 1 lunar day: it ends at the moment of the next moonrise after the new moon. Thus, the first lunar day can be very short: only a few minutes.

Sometimes the lunar month is 29 lunar days, and sometimes 30. The 30 lunar day can also be very short: it ends not with the next moonrise, but at the moment of the new moon. The duration of all other lunar days is approximately the same.

The duration of the lunar month is on average 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 28 seconds, which corresponds to approximately 29.5 solar days.

Characteristics of the lunar day

Since people realized the influence of the Moon on their lives and the life of the Earth, they began to actively study the dependence of their existence on lunar days.

The system of lunar days has existed for thousands of years and is one of the popular methods for determining the astrological influence of the Sun and Moon on a day of interest to a person. The system of lunar days reflects the interaction of the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - as the two main sources of astrological influence.

Each lunar day has its own symbol and is characterized by its own stone. The knowledge of the symbol can be used for meditation and better understand the nature of a particular lunar day. The stone can be carried with you (it will enhance the influence of the moon).

Consider the description and meaning of the lunar day. And in, the position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac, you can easily notice that every day in our life is special and unique. It has its own character, its own energy. A day like this may never happen again. And therefore, you need to appreciate it, cherish every moment of your life and use it for the benefit of yourself, your family, and the entire Universe.

Influence of lunar days

Today, a person, living in cities, in a technologically developed modern world, is increasingly losing his connection with nature, and meanwhile, it has a huge impact on our lives. The moon has an all-pervading power and affects all human life. It affects our lives and makes its own adjustments, whether we know about our communication with her or not.

The moon is the degree of our emotional susceptibility, it is our intuition and subconscious. It gradually influences our likes and dislikes, causes emotional ups and downs. Nothing in the world is random. Our mood, behavior, which we cannot always explain even to ourselves, turns out to be quite understandable and explainable when we know the energy of lunar days. And, following this knowledge, we can easily avoid mistakes and maintain a joyful mood in any circumstances. The moon gives us the key to our soul and, accordingly, to our life, and to take this key, or leave it to rust in a stream of fuss and melancholy, the choice is up to each of us.

Favorable and unfavorable lunar days

Very often in the literature, and even on the Internet, information is given about the existence of satanic, black, unfavorable days. We, however, would like to avoid such a harsh interpretation of lunar days. Yes, there are lunar days that have heavy energy and are unfavorable for some kind of external activity, but at the same time, these days are the best suited for internal work on yourself, your habits, character. Therefore, to say that this or that day is “bad” is by no means impossible.

To live in harmony with the lunar rhythms, choose the right time for certain things, we offer you.

Lunar days calendar

The lunar days calendar presents the date and time of the beginning and end of each lunar day in the form of an interactive table. There you can also find out what day is according to the lunar calendar and the beginning of the lunar day on any date of the current year.

Helpful Hints

We already know what the moon does great importance for all living and even non-living on our planet and also affects the psychological well-being of people. And although some people feel this influence more acutely than others, the change of lunar phases, signs and days cannot be completely ignored.

moon day or lunar day by analogy with a sunny day occurs from dawn to dusk of the moon. Lunar days do not at all coincide with the sunny days to which we are accustomed, although, just like solar days, they are divided into morning, afternoon, evening and night. Different lunar days carry their own energy, their own charge, which is reflected on us, hence the conclusion was made about their influence and features.

Knowing about the characteristics of each lunar day and which of them are favorable for doing certain things, you can significantly make your life easier, you will not waste energy when it is not required. All things done on time will be easy to get.

Unfavorable lunar days

Before the moon becomes full, it will take about 15-16 lunar days. Approximately every 7 days, the moon changes phase. The days of the change of lunar phases, including the days before the new moon and full moon are considered bad days. However, they have certain characteristics that suggest which cases can be assigned specifically for these days.

The days before the new moon, when the moon is hidden from view, are considered dark days. Emotionally, the person feels very uncomfortable. This 29th and 28th lunar day. These days there is a high probability of falling into dependence on people or circumstances.

The New Moon is usually associated with loneliness and pessimism. Perhaps because on this day too little energy left. The moon has grown old and disappeared, and the new month has not yet appeared in the sky. As the moon grows, energy will increase

When the Moon becomes full, the energy overflows, which can also have a bad effect on the emotional state. The full moon in this sense is also considered an unfavorable day: excitability, irritability increases, our internal psychological problems are activated that go outside, so these days there are a lot of quarrels, aggression, stress.

Critical days are also considered days of lunar phases. According to statistics, these days there are many accidents, accidents, chronic diseases are exacerbated. Usually these days are associated with trials, dangers and temptations. Lunar days of phase change: 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th. These days it is not recommended to start new business, plan important life-changing events, such as a wedding.

Favorable lunar days

Fortunately, there are more auspicious days in the lunar month, which carry light energy, help in business, give support. These days, people understand each other better, quarrel and get sick less, feel a surge of strength, everything conceived succeeds. These days include: 6th, 7th, 12th, 16th, 24th and 28th(if there are 30 lunar days in a lunar month).

It should also be remembered that if you want to start a new life, to change something significantly in life, you should do it. on the growing moon on auspicious days until the full moon. If you want to get rid of something, become free, get rid of bad habits, then you need to start on the waning moon, but not on the days closest to the new moon.

Lunar birthday

Knowing your lunar birthday is very important to understand some deep personality traits. To find out on which particular lunar day you were born, you need to look at the calendar of lunar days and pay attention to the time of your birth.

It is believed that a person’s lunar horoscope can tell a lot about his karma, since depending on what phase of the moon a person was born, he has a certain amount of cargo, which brings with it from previous incarnations.

How closer to new moon you were born, the more influence the Moon has on you, the more tender and young your soul is. Such people have little experience, they are just beginning the cycle of lives, therefore they are very inquisitive, responsive, open to everything new, vulnerable.

If you were born in the second phase of the moon, you already have more experience, but you have not yet experienced large and difficult trials in the past. Usually during this period emotional people are born, receptive, but they know how to control themselves. It is especially good to be born in the middle of the second phase: on 9-11 lunar days.

On a full moon people are born with excessive emotionality, who are full of energy, but far from always know how to use it correctly. These people, as a rule, have a contradictory character, completely different qualities are fighting inside them. They are often dissatisfied with themselves, cannot achieve harmony in their souls, rush from side to side, experience problems in their personal lives, suffer from problems in the parental family.

On a full moon sometimes happen lunar eclipses. To be born on such a day is especially unfavorable. Events in the life of such people are predetermined, little depends on them, it is very difficult or almost impossible for them to change something in their fate at will.

In the third phase of the moon those who have already gained enough experience are born, have learned and seen a lot in past incarnations, so this world is not new to them. They have a feeling that they have already seen and know a lot, but they still have something ahead of them.

If you were born in the fourth and final phase of the moon, your incarnation cycle is nearing completion. Such people are born with great emotional experience, which can be felt from childhood. They know how to hide their emotions well, control themselves. They have seen a lot, seen good and evil, in the depths of their souls they know and wear what others have yet to learn.

Characteristics of lunar days

The lunar month usually consists of 30 lunar days, however, some lunar months lose their last day and therefore last 29 lunar days. In such incomplete months, unfavorable days are more acute, and events happen more abruptly and unexpectedly.

first lunar day falls on the new moon, when the conjunction of the moon and the sun occurs. Due to such a connection, in the first days of the lunar month you will not see the Moon in the night sky, but in a couple of days a thin growing sickle of the month will appear, which will grow every day.

The lunar month is divided for 4 phases (4 lunar weeks), which depend on the position of the Moon relative to the Sun. With 1 to 15 lunar day The moon is rising 15 to 30 lunar day- decreases. This is also taken into account in the characteristics of lunar days. We invite you to find out the characteristic features of all lunar days. The days of the change of the lunar phases this summer (Moscow time) are indicated.

1 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Lamp

The very beginning of the lunar month gives us a unique opportunity to set the rhythm of the entire upcoming month, to think about what would we like to change in ourselves and in our environment, how we would like to improve our lives. This is a day of reflection, dreams, but not action.

Good for analyzing the past, reviewing past grievances, quarrels, learning lessons. Negative memories can easily go away if you let them go on the 1st lunar day, forgive all offenders.

The magic of the 1st lunar day is that on this day you can make a wish that are more likely to be fulfilled. However, it is important to imagine not the desire itself, but what you will become when it is fulfilled.

The 1st lunar day can often last quite a bit: just a few minutes and this can happen at night.

1st lunar day to be expected: June 8 (19:57) - June 9 (05:47); July 8 (11:15) - July 9 (06:35), August 7 (01:51) - August 7 (06:39) 2013

Good time for: planning, making wishes, pure thoughts, forgiveness

Bad time for: the beginning of new affairs, bad thoughts, insults, quarrels, vigorous activity

2 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Cornucopia

On this day don't get angry or be aggressive otherwise, it may adversely affect health. It is advisable to show generosity and hospitality: set the table, invite guests, make pleasant surprises for relatives and friends.

On this day, you can easily figure out with whom it is worth communicating in the future, and from whom it is better to stay away. You should not start new things: there is still too little energy. New knowledge will certainly benefit you.

Maybe increase appetite, so be careful not to overeat, especially if you intend to lose extra pounds. On the growing moon, this is very difficult to do, but gaining too much is as easy as shelling pears.

Good time for: generosity, gifts, plans, accumulation of strength, dreams, baths, dry fasting and diets

Bad time for: the beginning of new cases, conflicts, quarrels, showdowns, manifestations of greed

3 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Leopard

This day should go to activity, real actions and plans that you managed to think over in the first days of the lunar month. You can start intense sports or turn to any physical activity so that the accumulated energy does not stagnate in the body, but is used.

Good time for: activity, getting rid of negative emotions, sports activities

Bad time for: passivity, manifestations of negative emotions, suspiciousness, manifestations of deceit

4 lunar day

Symbol of the day: paradise tree

This day is more suitable for seclusion and loneliness than for collective and group work, otherwise there may be disappointments. The day is considered negative in terms of energy, as temptations and temptations are possible. In order to prevent the irreparable, you should carefully consider each of your actions, and if possible, do not communicate with anyone at all.

Good time for: loneliness, passivity, simple household chores, relaxing with family, walking in the forest

Bad time for: hasty decisions, teamwork, any group activity

5 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Unicorn

Today, creative activity, self-confidence and a desire to act will not interfere. Much can be achieved. You can learn a lot of new and important things if you ask for information. On this day food is well absorbed, but it is better not to overeat. It's good to go on the road if you have a trip planned.

Good time for: rejection of temptations, planning for the future (for example, upcoming holidays, important events), gaining new knowledge, upholding principles and beliefs

Bad time for: starvation

6 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Bird

The day is intended for routine daily work. Everything around should be accepted as it is, you can not complain about life and loved ones. There is an opportunity to sort out some old problems thanks to your own intuition, which is especially aggravated on this day. Illumination may come, clairvoyance may manifest.

Good time for: solitude, humility, forgiveness, meditation, breathing exercises, scientific research, experiments, spiritual practices

Bad time for: complaints, quarrels, manifestations of dissatisfaction

7 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Rose of Wind

Be careful about everything that has been said, as there is a high probability that what is said out loud will come true. Today, people can be provoked to say too much. Every word should be carefully considered. Everything secret can become clear very quickly, especially if you share secrets with someone else.

Shouldn't start long and lengthy business that day, but only those that you can quickly complete. It is also useful to resolve various issues with superiors and high-ranking officials.

Good time for: good and heartfelt wishes, deeds that will be completed quickly, the struggle for justice

Bad time for: lies, insincerity, lengthy affairs

8 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Fire

Day of forgiveness and repentance. It is good to think about your sins, to reflect, to ask for forgiveness from those whom you offended. One can imagine how all the anxieties, fears and unpleasant past are burned in the flame of a cleansing fire.

Sensitivity, perception of the surrounding world may become aggravated. If a person is prone to adventures, he will be lucky on this day, so it is quite possible to take risks.

Good time for: confessions, repentance, liberation from sins, forgiveness, fasting and fasting, decisive actions, travel, business trips, risk

Bad time for: practitioner with fire

9 lunar day

Symbol of the day: Bat

This is one of the unfavorable days of the month when The moon changes phase from first to second. Fears may escalate, gloomy thoughts appear. You can become a victim of deception, illusions and temptations. By all means avoid the risk of being deceived on this day. For example, if possible, you should not appear in crowded places, it is better to communicate less, postpone meetings.

The 9th lunar day is to be expected: June 16 (13:22) - June 17 (14:37); July 16 (14:55) - July 17 (16:14); August 14 (15:15) - August 15 (16:27)

Good time for: continuation of the started cases, solitude, work in a calm atmosphere

Bad time for: communication, meetings, new business and undertakings, attempts to prove something to someone, showdown, quarrels, manifestations of aggression

17th lunar day
Symbol of the day - bell

This lunar day is a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and access to your ideal love. These days are very suitable for marriage, marital relations, emancipation and fun. On this day, female energy is transformed. It is advised to use warmed Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and debauchery is strictly prohibited.

The first half of the day allows you to use energy with maximum efficiency. Marital ties will improve, sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, own business is activated. For many people, intuition rises, a feeling of illumination comes. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in the implementation of plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

The influence of the 17th lunar day on love and relationships

The 17th lunar day has long been considered the best day for a wedding of the entire lunar month. There is a sign that if you get married on this day, the union will be long and the love in it will not fade away. In general, 12, 16 and 17 lunar days are good for marriage (on the 16th day - the marriage will be held in harmony, and on the 12th - on higher love). In general, the seventeenth lunar day is one of the joyful days of the month. Time of communication, joy and friendly meetings, bright acquaintances and memorable dates. The energy of this day gives rise to a fun and carefree time conducive to joyful activities. An active holiday is quite appropriate for two or with a group of friends. The most striking aspect in the description of this day is love. It is very good for romantic dates. On the 17th lunar day, love can visit you - a passion that most often arises at first sight, but you should not lose your head and caution: due to uncontrollable energies, it contains many surprises.

Housework on the 17th lunar day

17 lunar day is not intended for work. This is a holiday time, not laundry or cleaning. You can do important things in the garden or in the garden, but only if you really consider them important.

The influence of the 17th lunar day on business and money

A normal day for money matters. The work is going well, but the mood is not working. Important questions are best left for later. Serious negotiations today will not work. You can have a fun chat, get information from business partners, design, dream, but it is better to postpone the final decision of important issues until later. The energy of the day is so free that it does not favor any work affairs. Serious projects today are unlikely to succeed. Instead of sitting at work in vain, spend the day in a fun friendly company. When planning a month, pay attention to this day and distribute things in such a way that on the seventeenth lunar day you have a day off, or at least part-time work. After resting and taking a walk today, you will create a good mood and cheerfulness for the rest of the lunar month. The first half of the day of the 17th lunar day is especially successful. In the second half, problems and difficulties in the implementation of the plan may begin. If you start new things on the seventeenth lunar day, then be prepared for the fact that these things will constantly require adjustments, everything will not go as planned, but this does not mean at all that the result will be negative. Creative projects will work out well, today energy is on the rise and intuition works flawlessly. The probability of new discoveries, insights and revelations is great. All people of creativity and art today have a real holiday of inspiration. A great day for writers, science fiction writers, fiction writers. Today, thoughts will flow by themselves and easily fall on paper. Do not miss your impulse of inspiration in the hustle and bustle of household chores.

The meaning of dreams on the 17th lunar day

As you know, these lunar days are associated with the activity of female energy, including its sexual part. And as a result, dreams are a reflection of how harmoniously your sexual energy is realized. A dream can show how depressed you are, and what is the degree of not realizing your sexual desires and fantasies. Of course, first of all, you need to understand that what is meant is not passionate sexual desires, but your ability to be creatively realized through communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, if you manage to determine the degree of tension or distortion, try to straighten out the distortions immediately and look for a creative outlet for your sexual energy. So, if you have pleasant dreams, then this indicates that you are showing your creativity, and everything is in order in relations with the opposite sex. If not pleasant dreams, then you need to pay more attention to the manifestation of creativity, and improve things in relationships. The dreams of this day may come true within the next three days. They may portend success.

Born on the 17th lunar day

They will be happy and prosperous. They need their "half". They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of paired polarity, otherwise they will be miserable and weak in life. If they find, they become very wise and strong people.

Medical influence of the 17th lunar day

The 17th lunar day is not entirely favorable. Women can experience severe stress on the psyche. This day is dangerous for the manifestation of infectious diseases. It can also be traumatic. The pituitary gland and the entire endocrine system are vulnerable on this day.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Emotions, feelings, desires intensify. There may be a tendency to tantrums and showdown. Large and small passions capture people with their heads. A person feels dissatisfaction with himself, sees the world in black colors, wants to radically change the environment in one fell swoop. It is dangerous to succumb to this destructive desire, because the reason for its occurrence is dependence on mood swings.

In the days of Scorpio, a person becomes gloomy, gloomy and irritable. Everything around him is unnerving, as sensitivity increases. Life appears at its worst. However, this has a certain plus: seeing the bad, we can get rid of it in time.

During this period, introspection and consistent correction of character flaws are useful. Drastic actions and important decisions are best put aside. When a person improves some qualities of his character, the world will seem more friendly and open.

Moon in Scorpio: The Moon in Scorpio is the sign responsible for the leaves of plants, fertile, moist, next in productivity to Cancer. Crops germinate quickly, plants are tall and strong, with a powerful root system, stems and branches can withstand a bountiful harvest of large fruits. The sign has a good effect on the growth and development of plants. The moon in Scorpio is a very good time for transplanting, sowing and planting spice and medicinal plants, vegetables and berries, as well as everything that is planned to be stored for a long time. The fruits are tasty and fragrant. The harvest is long and well stored if harvested at the appropriate time. There are many seeds and they are of good quality. This is a very good time to transplant any indoor flowers, especially those with thorns and thorns. Plants are quite resistant to diseases, if they are not subjected to various kinds of pruning - infection quickly penetrates into open wounds. Favorable time for transplanting and dividing indoor plants. Application of organic fertilizers, watering, destruction of pests, and loosening of the soil. Do not use chemical fertilizers. A good time to preserve fruits and vegetables. But potatoes planted and harvested under the Moon in Scorpio are watery and acquire an unpleasant taste during storage. At this time, you should not propagate plants with roots, collect herbs and plant trees. Do not dig up flower bulbs, protect the underground parts of plants to avoid infection, because. the roots are rich in moisture and quickly rot.

Third phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Air.
This happens after the full moon, when the lunar disk begins to decrease, as if autumn comes along the solar cycle. A period of balanced activity and maturity. This phase is very good for completing your affairs, but new business can only be started if they are completed before the new moon.

At this time, energy is better spent, and appetite decreases. That is why many nutritionists recommend starting the fight against excess weight and cellulite at this time. It is advisable to plant root crops and bulbs during this phase.

Symbols: lamp, lampada, third eye.

Stones: diamond, rock crystal, quartz-rauchtopaz.

Body: front part of the head, brain.

Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.

This is a day of work with mental energies, mentality, mental images. As a rule, no business can be started on this day, you can only plan them. This is such a magical day when we can create mental images, mental forms in consciousness, which will then be embodied. "Not about that" to think that day is bad, very bad. We can create realities that will then be embodied and we will feel very bad about this. This is a very clean day. Another of his symbols is Pallas Athena, emerging in all her arms from the head of Zeus. Large contacts and group work are contraindicated.

Second lunar day - meaning

Symbols: cornucopia, mouth.

Stones: jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.

Body: mouth, teeth.

The beginning of the combustion cycle of the solid. On this day, it is good to engage in diet, cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is good to start on this day a cycle of occupations with the physical body or a large information cycle, but due to the proximity of the new moon, it is especially impossible to load.

This day is also associated with the exteriorization of the astral, with the complete separation of the astral body from the physical, especially in children, they can see themselves from the outside. They do it spontaneously, and in reality, and not in a dream. People born on this day experience a sensation of almost physical impact on their astral body. The astral body may be condensed, it may take on a physical coloration - one lies on the sofa, the other stands against the wall.

Malice, anger is absolutely contraindicated.

Third lunar day - meaning

Symbols: leopard, leopard.

Stones: carnelian, red sardine, ruby, aventurine.

Body: back of the head.

Astral Warrior Day. It is associated with the manifestation of aggression, the instinct of danger, struggle. On this day, you should concentrate your astral energy for self-defense. This is the most favorable day for practicing martial arts - tai chi, karate.

On such a day, astral warriors and magicians are born. People born on an antiphase day (16-17) are defenseless and vulnerable on this day.

Fourth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: tree of knowledge, word AUM

Stones: agate will overflow, sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.

Body: pharynx, larynx.

On this day, it is recommended to focus on vibrations, work with vibrations. The best practice is to sing sacred hymns, sounding mantras. For any mantra, except for some common ones, you need to have a dedication. It is recommended to maintain blood and family ties, study traditions, and accumulate information on this topic.

This is the first of the bad days. It is dual, it has both positive and negative. Contacts, acquaintances, group work are contraindicated, it is very difficult, it ends badly. Sick people are especially bad. The people of this day are the primary bearers of the terrible secret of the separation of cosmic good and evil. They carry this secret in themselves, some do not know about it.

But they can unconsciously use this knowledge as a non-transferable key. Consciously they can use at a high level, but for this they must know what they have. According to Albert the Great, this day refers to the fall of man. The symbol of the day is Adam's apple stuck in the larynx. On the opposite day (18) silence is shown, but here you can speak.

Fifth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: fire oil.

Stones: amber, turquoise, pink chalcedony.

Body: esophagus.

Symbolizes the beginning of the assimilation and transformation of food. In the food that enters the esophagus, there is already saliva - it is already in the field of our energy. On this day, they do not refuse food, but use it harmoniously. This is the only day when food (in the sense of its astral frame) burns out completely without residue and is completely transformed into an astral body.

Food is like oil for a fire: on this day it needs to be nourished for a whole month, you need to compensate for the astral lack of microelements. Many knowledgeable yogis go to the bazaar on this day, what they want, buy and eat a little, i.e. they eat what they are drawn to. It is better to eat living food, but you can also canned food and mineral salt - what the body wants.

On this day, it is forbidden to starve, on the antiphase day (18) - you can, this is an ideal day for fasting. On this day, people are born who transform food into physical and astral energy - these are powerful people, heroes, saints.

Sixth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: crane.

Stones: hyacinth, citrine.

Body: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

Day of pranayama, work with telepathy, thought transfer, prophecy, absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy takes place, i.e. higher prana, into simpler or more complex, into modified pranas of our body. Contacts, work with the word, fortune-telling are recommended.

People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.

Seventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: wand, wind rose, Aeolus.

Stones: sapphire, white coral, heliotrope.

Body: lungs.

This is the day of the elements and work with them, with natural spirits. Day of verbal magic, the use of mantras as prayers. This day is associated with a deeper use of the mantra than the 4th. You need to learn to speak, to get rid of "dirty" words (such as "you know", "so to speak", etc.). Antiphase day (21st) - unfavorable for saying prayers for the first time.

Eighth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: phoenix, treasure chest.

Stones: garnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite.

Body: stomach.

This is the day of transmutation of the body, alchemy, cleansing of the stomach. The most subtle energies are switched on from biological cells and cellular formations to alchemical reactions in our body. You can starve, practice cleansing the stomach and intestines.

Here the symbol is Proserpina, associated with Gemini. On this day the alchemists will be born.

Ninth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bat, Milky way.

Stones: black pearl, rauchtopaz, serpentine, marion, alexandrite.

Body: breast nipple.

This is a black day. One of the places of Satan in the sign of Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions, poisonings. On this day, you need to take care of yourself, cleansing procedures. According to higher magic - the removal of astral larvae, diseases, damage. On this day, one must defend oneself, all satanic muck is being introduced. Self-intoxication of the body is possible. The antiphase day (23rd) is also difficult.

Nutrition on unfavorable days - 9, 15, 29 and 4.18, 23, 26 - do not eat animal food (dead meat). Don't starve, but don't eat too much, don't drink alcohol.

People born on this day need to constantly cleanse themselves of toxins, both physical and astral.

Tenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: fountain, secret spring, crab.

Stones: sardonyx, turquoise.

Body: chest bones.

The day is associated with entering one's own tradition, self-deepening, turning on karmic memory. It is recommended to remember previous births, to group and explore this information, to generalize experience. It is also good to logically comprehend your past. Meditation on one's own karma, on a kind of family tree.

On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Knowledge is what a person born on this day should do. His task is to work with knowledge.

Eleventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: fiery sword, crown, labyrinth.

Stones: selenite, fire opal, hematite.

Body: ridge.

This is the day of the inclusion of Kundalini, her transformation. If a person does not know anything or he knows, but he himself is not purified, then let him not do anything serious on this day. Only a trained person can lift the veil of secrecy associated with this day. The secret of Kundalini, it is owned by the initiates and carried by those who were born on this day.

This place is considered the most powerful of the entire lunar zodiac (Leo with a crown). For any student, this is a day of caution and diligence in preparing himself. This day is not bad, it can be used for some practices: purification, purification of the astral plane, prayer and magical actions. But practice must be followed to the end.

People born on such a day are very strong, almost unpredictable, disasters often happen to them.

Twelfth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bowl.

Stones: mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli, coral.

Body: heart.

This is the day of turning on the cosmic energy of love. It includes the love of man for God, the only source from which he once came out, and on the other hand, God's love for man, his creation. This is one of the days when prayers come true. Prayers and any exercises that affect Anahata (heart chakra) are associated with this day. But on the antiphase day (26th) it is contraindicated to act on Anahata.

Day of mercy, compassion, altruism. He who is not merciful on this day may himself lose mercy. On this day, merciful people are born, carriers of the "Grail", the purest people on the path of peace and goodness.

Thirteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: a wheel with a swastika inside (or a spinning wheel).

Stones: red opal, ruby.

Body: blood.

This is the day of accumulation of information, contacts in the group, teachings. Day of making round talismans, spinning threads, working with Karma. On this day, ideal students are born.

Fourteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: pipe.

Stones: hyacinth, sapphire, lapis, azure.

Body: intestines.

This is the day of calling, gaining knowledge on the use of information sources, working with sacred texts. It is very bad to engage in any magical activity on this day.

You can pray, but not very hard. On this day, it is very good to engage in cleansing, mainly of the physical body, special enemas, washing (when the Moon is not in lunar signs). Good "dry" fasting, tk. any liquid that day pollutes. A sewer pipe through which slags must be removed.

This is the beginning of a cycle of good deeds. In general, things started on this day are successful. It is better to postpone the beginning of any important business to this day, if there are no aggravating factors - planets in destructive degrees, some bad planetary situations.

People born on this day have a true calling. They are always striving for something, going somewhere.

Fifteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: serpent, jackal (winged signalman between Isis and Osiris).

Stones: jet, emerald.

Body: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

This is the Satanic day, the day of the tempting serpent, which manifests itself in the form of the womb of a person or his flesh. A particularly difficult day in relation to sexual temptations, sexual relaxation. On this day, it is imperative to conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral is destroyed), to work out any forms of asceticism.

In some texts, this day is referred to the tempter Ahriman - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him malleable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations.

People born on this day (full moon) succumb to all astral temptations, they are not alien to any temptations of the flesh.

Sixteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: dove, butterfly.

Stones: spinel, tourmaline, pearls (day), emerald (night).

Body: spleen.

Marked by justice, balance, harmony between the physical and astral bodies. On this day, all physical exercises corresponding to such harmony are recommended.

It is believed that screaming, unceremonious behavior on this day should be completely excluded. It is necessary to maintain calmness, not to violate any extraneous actions of spiritual comfort and peace in the soul. The symbol of this day is moderation, this is one of the clean days.

Seventeenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bunch of grapes.

Stones: hematite, zircon.

Shakti Day (this word was called dancers, priestesses of love). This day is favorable for tantric exercises, marital relations, intimacy. In general, this day of paired contacts, a day associated with the transformation of female energy. On this day, sublimated female energy can manifest itself, as a riot, as an involuntary exit. He is associated with Dionysus. In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held on this day.

On this day, be careful. Love is the best aspect, but because of the uncontrollable energies, it contains an element of surprise. It is good to marry on this day, they will be held on love for a long time. In general, 12, 16, 17 days are good for marriage: on the 16th day, marriage will be held in harmony, on the 12th day - on higher love.

People born on this day need their androgenic half, a true spouse or lover, so that a person has a constant source of pair polarity. Otherwise, such a person will be pathetic, will not have strength.

Eighteenth lunar day - meaning

p> Symbols: asp, mirror, baboon.

Stones: white agate, opal.

This is a dangerous day, though not a satanic one. Associated with asp. It is contraindicated to independently engage in some serious practices, except for strengthening the physical body. This is the best day for fasting - you need to start with a light meal for a day - two, do not eat any carrion, not even fish. Then take a laxative and make an enema, cleanse the intestines. Continue cleaning the next morning.

It is contraindicated for people born on this day to do anything serious on their own, because they must defeat the asp, pride in themselves, and then they will be able to "judge their people" i.e. rise spiritually. Then they will be able to refuse it (do not judge, but you will not be judged, but this is already a higher level, the kingdom of Vohumana. Many of their insights are false. They must find their true teacher in order to rise spiritually.

Nineteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: spider "Rachna".

Stones: labrador, chrysolite, olivine, green garnet, uvarovite, red onyx.

Body: umbilical center.

It's operational magic day. Astral contacts are switched on and established both in our world and in the other world. On this day, each of the people can be a catcher of human souls or some kind of astral influences. Many sorcerers use this particular day for their magical and black magic deeds. Our task this day is not to hang around on what we don't hire (including holy books), otherwise we might get caught, cookbook. You need to be vigilant and very attentive so as not to get caught in astral nets. You need to read what is connected with your tradition, the purity of which you vouch for. A very smooth detuning from other people's influences is possible, you just need to be able to feel them.

Twentieth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: eagle.

Stones: red jasper, rock crystal.

Body: shoulder blades, shoulders, abdomen.

The eagle on many coats of arms is a symbol of statehood. There are already energies of the Sagittarius sign, which means Jupiter. This is a very spiritually important day when astral energies, astral vision are turned on (the day is colored blue). This is the day of receiving spiritual knowledge, initiation. It is possible to study spiritual texts, but you should not treat psychically if there is no huge accumulated potential, otherwise you will walk around "broken", because. exhaust yourself in a moment. In terms of spiritual bestowal, it makes it possible to give everything.

People born on this day, as a rule, tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators, it's too easy for them.

Twenty-first lunar day - meaning

Symbols: herd of horses, Temple.

Stones: pyrite, zircon, aventurine.

Body: liver, blood.

A herd of horses is all the "horsepower" of your body. The body is the chariot, the mind is the charioteer. This day brings the person back to the problem of his physical body. Any physical exercises are recommended, building your body as a temple of the spirit, raising your body to a higher level. This day is especially good for asanas.

Twenty-second lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Ganesha is the Hindu god of wisdom.

Stones: red amber, blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade.

This is the day of wisdom, the day of receiving secret knowledge and its use. On this day, it is recommended to mantically recognize your future (fortune-telling is inclusion in the stream, it reports the state of the universe at the moment, this is the day for using fortune-telling cards, it is better not to meddle in Jewish cabalism). On this day, meditation on magical symbols, on the signs of the Zodiac, on the symbols of the planets, on the entire horoscope.

Twenty-third lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Makkara is a half-tortoise, half-crocodile.

Stones: green crocodile, rauchtopaz, black jade.

Body: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx area).

It is sometimes called the day of the square or the cross. This is the lunar day of Christmas.

Christ laid a tremendous rhythm in humanity. With his arrival, this day has changed a little over several millennia. This day is a symbol of sacrifice, self-sacrifice, sin-repentance, understanding and forgiveness of others. This is a day of fasting and abstaining from meat food.

On this day, it is better not to sin, but only to repent. In general, the use of tantric energy is prohibited on this day, because it can destroy.

People born on this day become true monks. Monasticism is not obligatory for everyone born on this day, but it is desirable for everyone. Sexual energy can destroy any people on this day, it undermines health.

Twenty-fourth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Shiva - bear, mountain, phallus.

Stones: black jasper, marion, airy obsidian.

Body: armpit area.

This is the day of Shiva. It is associated with the transformation of male energy. In relation to the 18th day, this is a quadrature day. It is also a tantric day, a tantra day, a marriage day. It must be actively used in this regard to improve one's own health and increase the spiritual level.

Twenty-fifth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: turtle, shell, urn, two vessels (with living and dead water).

Stones: spars (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat's (green) eye, irazem - a translucent green stone (Salamander's stone).

Body: knees.

This is a day of concentration, transformation. On this day, SIDHI is activated - higher psychic powers: levitation, telekinesis, clairvoyance. They can also turn on unconsciously, appear spontaneously on this day. It is good to use this day for working with psychic energies (if the potential has been accumulated). Everything works out well the first time, from the inside, subconsciously, on impulse.

Twenty-sixth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: swamp, toad.

Stones: orignment, not blue.

This is one of the most dangerous days. He is not Satanic, but critical. The toad is a symbol of wisdom, but which does not bring any benefit to a person, for this is a false seduction of one's own achievements. This is a day of abstinence and fasting. Here abstinence is not as necessary as fasting. It is on this day that a person can overspend his energy.

On this day, it is better to refrain from vigorous activity, rest and be reasonable and economical in matters related to the waste of energy. Especially on this day, chatting is contraindicated, silence is favorable.

People born on this day must be silent all their lives, take vows, promises and fulfill them.

Twenty-seventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: wand, trident.

Stones: red coral, amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz.

Associated with Aquarius.

Twenty-eighth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: karma, lotus.

Stones: aragonite, andalusite, chrysoprase.

Soul Alchemy Day. It's like the 10th day of karma, when the soul in a dream or in meditation knows its past births. It is recommended to use the information received in a dream. The day of prophetic dreams, designed to work with dreams, work in a dream, with the astral body, with its most distant exits, with clairvoyance.

Twenty-ninth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Maya, hydra.

Stones: serpentine, black pearl, mother-of-pearl.

Body: buttocks, anus, rectum.

One of the most dangerous days. Day of Satan, the day of the incarnation of Lucifer. This is the day when the astral fog thickens over people, and dreams will be deceptive and false. On this day, you can not do anything except ordinary everyday and household chores. There may be breakdowns on this day. It is necessary to observe fasting, abstinence, humility and repentance are necessary. If there is no 30th day, at the end of the 29th, you can take stock of the month.

People born on this day are the worst, they are the "scapegoats" of the entire Zodiac. The only good work for them is to personally go through all the illusions, fill all the bumps and come out of it all alive and with dignity, if possible.

Thirtieth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: swan.

Stones: marble, black garnet, white corade.

Body: pineal gland.

It doesn't happen every moon. This is the day of summing up, the day of making sacrifices, the rejection of the unnecessary. This is the day of the completion of affairs, the distribution of old debts, and the day of entry into the new. Often this day is expressed as an equal amount of good and evil. And here two factors are enough to make him completely evil. And then in a given month, there is no entry into a new circle. We remain at the same level.

People born on this day have already gone through the whole circle of incarnations. This is their last incarnation at this level - they will already go to another level and, perhaps, they will no longer be born on Earth.

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