The clock matches. Significance in the psychomatrix of Pythagoras


Each person would like to receive an omen from their guardian angel. Angelic numerology is a phenomenon in which higher powers try to establish a connection with a person. With the help of the magic of numbers, for example, the coincidence of numbers on the clock, they inform us of what should happen in our lives, or try to warn us about something.

Who is Doreen Virtue

Doreen Virtue is a practical philosopher. She specializes in spirituality and human psychology. During her work, the scientist, through personal and professional experience, had the opportunity to communicate with children with superpowers, the so-called young Lightbearers.

Doreen Verche - the author of the concept of angelic numerology

What is angelic numerology

The messages of higher powers are a kind of prediction for a person, encrypted in numbers. Every day we come across some kind of digital combinations, these can be:

  • numbers on cars;
  • clock time;
  • numbering of houses or offices;
  • matching dates of birth;
  • numbers on tickets in public transport and much more.

All this can carry hidden information that can change your future.

Doreen Verche in many of her publications shares with readers her experience of how angels communicate with people with the help of numbers, conveying important messages to them. The simplest and most well-known way is to match the numbers on the clock. But recognizing the secret sign is not enough. The point is to decipher it correctly.

Video: numerology of angels in the interpretation of Maxim Fedorov

How the messages of angels manifest themselves and what they mean

The most "strong" combinations consist of three identical numbers. Did you notice such a number on the house or on the receipt that was given to you after the purchase? Find out what the angels want to tell you!


Three units is a sign that calls for a quick response. Seeing such a number, it is necessary to build a plan of action with concentration, without panic. It is important not to get confused and bring the matter to the final phase.

With the help of such a combination, the angel is trying to wake up your vigilance, warning you of any danger or calling you to focus and start acting in time in an unpredictable situation.


A combination of three deuces means that you need to be more careful in making decisions. Depending on your actions and words, a certain chain of events can unfold that will affect your entire future life. It is important to show intelligence and resourcefulness in order to prevent a sad outcome of the situation.


Three triples are a reminder that your destiny is being watched over by the ascended masters - the age-old guardians of the historical events of the beginning of time. They have a powerful influence on the spiritual development of people. For centuries, their words have flown from the lips of various thinkers. Whatever thought comes to your mind, it immediately starts the mechanism for its implementation. Everything is predetermined and virtually uneditable.

Three threes mean that Higher Forces have a powerful influence on your life


Three fours are a symbol of people who have lost themselves, the goal in life and have gone astray. The number personifies those who are bogged down in gray hopeless everyday life in complete solitude. Such a sign of a guardian angel calls not to lose heart, because you are not alone, there are your relatives and friends who need you, love and are waiting for a meeting. Take heart, you'll be fine.


A combination of three fives means that you will again need all your endurance in solving important matters. Nothing super-serious is planned, it will not be difficult for you to repeat the path that has already led you to victories.

If something suddenly happens that you did not expect, do not worry about it. Take it for granted - and you will again be on top.


Mystical and frightening three sixes act as a warning from your guardian angel. You run the risk of stumbling and falling from the height of your many victories. Do not try to get everything now and at once. Striving for something without looking back, you will not achieve anything and will be left with nothing. Don't chase what you don't really need. Curb your impulse of ambition. Appreciate what you have, hold it tight and try not to lose it.

The triple repetition of the six is ​​associated by many with the sign of the devil. But numerologists explain this number in a simpler way. In combination 666, the energy of the physical nature of mankind is encrypted.


Three sevens promise amazing success. Even if you didn’t plan anything grandiose in the near future, major changes will take place in your life. Nearby there is a person who cares about you and strives to please your person every minute. Trust him with your destiny and you will never regret it.

Develop, move only forward. On your way, only green light is on at all intersections. Feel free to open new horizons, believe in yourself - and whatever you think will be within your reach.

Three sevens portend success in everything


Three eights is a symbol that is rarely noticed. The thing is that it appears when a person is doing great. However, do not forget that life is fleeting. Think about conquering new peaks, building new plans, self-improvement. All this will bring you additional pleasure.

Dream, act, achieve, don't look back. New opportunities open before you, do not miss them.


Nine in Doreen Verche's numerology has a special meaning, as it is the number of angels. This is a symbol of sincerity, fidelity and disinterestedness, but at the same time - the burden placed on the shoulders of a person responsible for the lives of a large number of people.

The combination of three nines carries a deep meaning. This is a sign of change, a symbol of what has gone and what has come, of something that will never stop its existence - life. Its beginning portends a huge work and a systematic progress towards the end, and so - in a circle from the beginning of time.


Having noticed a combination of three zeros, a person must realize that he is always under the supervision of the Almighty, and his fate is in the mighty hands of the Creator. The presence of the Higher Forces can be seen in every thought, in every word and deed of yours. The Creator knows your entire history from birth and tremblingly protects you from falls.

To comprehend this is to accept the wisdom of the entire universe. You have to be a messenger for those who need help, be true to your word and people who have done you good at least once in their lives.

What does the coincidence of numbers on the clock mean?

Sometimes, looking at the clock, we notice interesting combinations of numbers. Such numbers can be perceived as funny coincidences, but Doreen Virtue claims that with their help the angels are trying to tell us important information.

The most famous way to identify messages from angels is to look at your watch from time to time.

Same digits

00:00 - the outcome of your activity, in which you have invested a lot of time and effort, now pleases you and is bearing fruit. You have reached the top, achieved what you have worked hard for most of your life. Slow down and look back, remember how it all began. Rate your achievements.

11:11 - if you saw such a combination of numbers on the clock at the time of making a difficult decision, act as you thought about earlier.

22:22 - you have made every effort to make your plans come true. Now you can rest, the process is running.

Video: what does it mean if you see the same numbers on the clock

Repeating numbers

If the time on the clock does not consist of four identical digits, but of two repeating numbers, such a sign can also be important. Especially if you see such a combination not for the first time. Check the meaning of the message in the table, perhaps you can understand something extremely important for yourself.

Table: the meaning of repeated numbers on the clock

Time Meaning
01:01 Concentrate and remember your recent ideas. Perhaps one of them appealed to you the most. Take action! Do not be afraid of someone else's criticism, there will definitely be people who will support your project. Fight your worries and strive for perfection
02:02 You will soon receive an invitation to an entertainment event. It is possible to meet with old acquaintances, you will see former classmates or you will celebrate the wedding of a friend
03:03 These numbers mean a meeting of a love nature, and if you already have a loved one, you can expect a romantic date. Are you still looking for your soulmate? Take a look around. Most likely, there is a person next to you who will become your faithful and reliable companion for life.
04:04 It's time to take off your rose-colored glasses and look at life with a clear eye. It's time to drop all stereotypes and enjoy every minute of free time
05:05 The combination of such numbers warns that your ill-wishers are plotting in your absence. Beware of negative influences
06:06 The numbers promise a sudden meeting with a true friend who, at the time of difficulties, will lend his reliable shoulder, protect him from rash acts and give practical advice.
07:07 Avoid places with a large concentration of military
08:08 Luck will be on your side today.
09:09 Watch your belongings carefully, there may be an attempt on your property
10:10 Get rid of intrusive thoughts. Figure out how to apply your ideas
12:12 You are thinking in the right direction. Soon what you are working on will have a positive impact on your life.
13:13 Think carefully about your decisions, the probability of making erroneous actions is very high
14:14 A hint that you should concentrate on your desires. It's time to make your dreams come true
15:15 Be careful, in the near future you are able to make spontaneous decisions that will radically change your life. Change will be for better or worse - it's up to you
16:16 You should do spiritual development
17:17 Luck is on your side. Now you are going through a bright, successful period of life, when even the most daring ideas can be realized.
18:18 It's time for change. If things were not going very well, you can rejoice, the changes will lead to a favorable solution to all life situations. Are you all right? Thank your guardian angel for supporting you
19:19 Time to implement new ideas. You will win easily and confidently. Do not stop, move on, conquering even greater peaks
20:20 In this period, the hand of the Lord guides you. You are under reliable protection. Courageously overcome all life's obstacles
21:21 Soon you will see the result of your hard work.
23:23 You are under the auspices of the Wise Masters of the Universe

Mirror numbers as messages from higher powers

The numbers may not just be repeated. Messages from angels are sometimes encrypted in the so-called mirror numbers. These are digital combinations that seem to be the original, combined with its reflection. They are no less important than the standard repetition of characters.

Table: the meaning of mirror numbers on the clock

Time Meaning
01:10 Get ready for a sudden meeting with an old friend or colleague. The outcome of your conversation may lead to a promotion, perhaps during the conversation you can learn something very important
02:20 Be careful what you say and to whom. Detractors can turn what you said to your detriment
03:30 If next to your loved one you notice that there is no adequate return in response to your care and attention, you should think about whether you need such a relationship at all. And if one negative trait overlaps all positive ones, then break the alliance with this person without regret, you do not have a happy future with him
04:40 Do not make important deals in the near future. Most likely they will fail.
05:50 Angels warn you of a threat to life from water or fire
10:01 A very important meeting with a very authoritative person is planned in your life. Your future will depend on the outcome of this conversation. You should prepare in advance: think about what strengths you can show off, you may have to work on your appearance
12:21 A completely random acquaintance can make a dramatic change in your destiny.
13:31 Life streak, full of risk and failure situations, ended happily. More to the start, time to win!
14:41 You are on your way to success. From now on, luck will favor your deeds
15:51 A new romantic acquaintance will occur in your life, but its outcome will not be successful
20:02 Beware of quarrels with loved ones
21:12 Find a new hobby. You may discover a talent for writing or, for example, cooking desserts. There will be a desire to change yourself. Any of your ideas to improve your life will benefit you
23:32 This combination warns of the occurrence of some kind of disease. Do not wait for the manifestation of the disease, go through an unscheduled medical examination

Other successful combinations of numbers in esotericism

If you constantly see combinations of numbers that are not repeated and are not mirror numbers, you should still pay attention to them. Especially if you see them everywhere: on car numbers, apartment numbers, etc.

Unit combinations

Combinations of ones and twos (12, 21, 112, 211) carry information that the wishes that you made earlier are already beginning to come true. Do not leave your faith, do not lose heart - and success will come to you immediately.

In numbers 1 and 7, the Higher Forces have encrypted words of encouragement for you for your aspiration and amazing perseverance. You are on the right track and will soon reach your goal. Do not skimp on the words of gratitude to your guardian angel. It is worth paying attention to details so as not to miss anything.

Numbers in which 1 and 8 are present promise a quick cure for diseases. Review your old things, make room for new ones. There will be pleasant changes in your life, even if you do not actively participate in it. If circumstances have driven you into a dead end, and you do not see options for solving problems, do not worry. Soon the time will come for favorable changes, and any situations will be resolved.

Combinations with one and seven mean that you will soon reach your goal.

With a deuce

Combinations of numbers 2 and 3 will provide you with a successful and full of positive emotions life. If things are not going well during this period, do not be discouraged. The Universe hears your desires. They are destined to come true very soon.

The message from the angels in numbers containing 2 and 5 attracts good luck. You will achieve success much faster if you focus on the positive side of any event. Be confident in yourself and your actions - and the result will not be long in coming.

With a troika

The encrypted message in numbers 3 and 6 promises you the support of the Universe in self-realization. You are on your way to your long-awaited goal. Everything will be aimed at ensuring that your intentions will soon come true. But on the condition that you will share the acquired knowledge with other people.

Numbers that contain the numbers 3 and 7 mean that you are moving in the right direction. The Universe encourages your actions with all sorts of gifts that can be used to carry out your plans.

The combination of three and seven is a sign that you are moving in the right direction.

with four

Numbers from the numbers 4 and 5 play an important role in your destiny. The universe has responded to your call, and soon positive changes will take place in your life that will put things in order.

In combinations of numbers 4 and 7, your angel sends you his encouragement for your correct actions. The Higher Forces will support any undertakings, directing you to the right path.

With a five

If you often see combinations with the numbers 5 and 6, you can expect pleasant surprises from the Universe, including in material terms. Soon you will be pleased with a sudden monetary profit.

The messages hidden in the numbers 5 and 7 mean omens of positive changes in fate. You will have the opportunity to acquire important knowledge, develop spiritual or physical skills. Do not slow down, strive for self-improvement - and soon success will overtake you.

with the six

Do you often notice numbers containing 6 and 7? Thus, you receive praise from your guardian angel. Strive for your goals, you are on the right track. Develop, get new knowledge, use it in practice - you will soon be able to realize your desires.

The numbers 6 and 8 inform you that soon you will receive considerable benefits from the sale of things you do not need. You will be offered a great price for them. If you are about to make any major purchase, do not rush to do it. In the near future, you should get rid of old things, otherwise you are not guaranteed a favorable outcome of the transaction.

With the seven

Messages encrypted by angels in numbers that contain the numbers 7 and 8 portend favorable changes in your life. If you have unresolved issues that you have been constantly putting on the back burner, it's time to get them out of there. The time has come for them to decide.

The omens in numbers 7 and 0 indicate that the angels approve of your actions, keep it up! Just do not miss the opportunity to help people who need your help.

Zeros and sevens standing together symbolize that the Higher Forces support you

With eights and nines

The combinations of numbers 8 and 9 indicate that unplanned coincidences of circumstances will occur in your life. They may not make you very happy. But unexpected situations will contribute to your self-improvement. Do not be upset, everything that is done is for your benefit. Keep calm, the Higher Powers protect you from trouble.

Messages from the numbers 8 and 0 mean that your desires will soon come true. The guardian angel contributes to this. And if in the near future something completely different from what you planned will happen, do not despair. So the moment has not yet arrived. Does it worry you too much? Ask the Higher Powers to give you enough patience not to back down and wait for your dream to come true.

Angelic numerology allows you to see important messages from the Higher Forces in seemingly random coincidences of numbers. Listen to them and you may be able to avoid danger or achieve dizzying success.

You must have seen the same numbers on the clock, but have you thought about their meanings? Mystics believe that a frequent collision with the same numbers indicates a specific warning or a certain stage in a person's life. What do the numbers on the clock want to tell?

The world is filled with signs of the Universe, you just need to be able to notice and read them. There are many signs, both well-known and personal, that try to explain the reason for the appearance of paired numbers in your life.

The system that is presented to your attention is based on long-term observations. The most interesting thing is that you yourself can verify its veracity.

What do the numbers on the clock warn us about?

Below are explanations for the various number combinations.

1. If you are going to go somewhere, you think about something (about someone), you are waiting for something, you are going to do something, and at that time by chance ( accidentally!!!) look at the clock, and there:

  • 00.00, 01.01, 02.02, 03.03, 04.04, 05.05, 06.06, 07.07, 08.08, 09.09, 10.10, 11.11, 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15, 16.16, 17 .17, 18.18, 19.19, 20.20, 21.21, 22.22, 23.23, or
  • 12.00, 13.01, 14.02, 15.03, 16.04, 17.05, 18.06, 19.07, 20.08, 21.09, 22.10, 23.11, 00.12

This means “Everything will be fine”, “Everything will work out” - if you are going to do something, “You will have time” - if you are late for something, “Everything will work out” - if you are worried about something.

2. Also, favorable circumstances or possible changes for the better promise combinations of numbers:

  • 00.01, 01.02, 02.03, 03.04, 04.05, 05.06, 06.07, 07.08, 08.09, 09.10, 10.11, 11.12, 12.13, 13.14, 14.15, 15.16, 16.17, 17.18, 18.19, 19.20, 20.21, 21.22, 22.23, 23.24,
  • 12.01, 13.02, 14.03, 15.04, 16.05, 17.06, 18.07, 19.08, 20.09, 21.10, 22.11, 23.12.

If, looking at the clock, you saw 00.13 - it means "Late", "It's late." Also, these numbers on the watch can indicate any kind of danger, possible unpleasant consequences from some action, or simply the tension of the environment.

3. If you see numbers on the clock:

  • 01.00, 02.01, 03.02, 04.03, 05.04, 06.05, 07.06, 08.07, 09.08, 10.09, 11.10, 12.11, 13.12, 14.13, 15.14, 16.15, 17.16, 18 .17, 19.18, 20.19, 21.20, 22.21, 23.22, and also
  • 13.00, 14.01, 15.02, 16.03, 17.04, 18.05, 19.06, 20.07, 21.08, 22.09, 23.10, 00.11…

This means - "Early", "Not worth it" or "Not yet" - if you are going to do something, "You should not go" or "Not worth going yet" - if you are going somewhere, "You should not wait" or “You shouldn’t wait yet” - if you are waiting for something.

4. Combinations:

  • 01.10, 02.20, 03.30, 04.40, 05.50, 10.01, 12.21, 13.31, 14.41, 15.51, 20.02, 21.12, 23.32…

They say that - "There is a chance." The best of all signs is when the hour, minute and second coincide. For example, 22/22/22 or 22/22/10. It means that there is a very good chance to get something desired, to fulfill an old dream.

What do other digital clues of the universe mean?

  • 111 - The end of something old, and the beginning of a new one. "Time to start over."
  • 222 (02.22, 12.22) - “So far everything is calm”, stability (rather good than bad).
  • 333 (03.33, 13.33) - “Nothing will change”, “It will not change anything” (rather bad than good).
  • 444 (04.44, 14.44, 16.44) - "The right path." Personal growth, the ability to achieve what you want. Success is more about work, sports achievements. May indicate a calling in life.
  • 555 (05.55, 15.55, 17.55) - Loss, making a mistake, warning of danger.
  • 666 - The worst of the signs. Avoid alcohol, dangerous situations, and generally be careful. Often appeared in front of some kind of trouble.
  • 777 - A win, a good set of circumstances, an opportunity to get out of an unpleasant situation. Gambling win (for example, on a slot machine counter, while “555” is a loss). With several possible ways out of the situation, it may indicate the most favorable.
  • 888 - Same as "444", but concerns the spiritual realm. Acquisition of new knowledge. Spiritual growth. The beginning of a new, higher quality stage in life, or the possibility of its beginning.
  • 999 Alcohol and other substances should be avoided. May indicate the danger of becoming addicted to something.

Signs are well suited for diagnostics during (composing runic staves and formulas), as well as during any other magical actions.

For example: 10.09 - "It is unlikely that it will work out, you should not start", 10.10 - "Everything will work as it should, perhaps even better", 10.11 - "The action can lead to bad consequences", 10.01 - "There is a chance that everything will work out." The downside is that it is impossible to conduct such a diagnosis on purpose.

Is there a downside to this system?

Signs can be controlled by some egregors² of a sufficiently high level, as well as unconsciously by some people with a sufficiently high level of internal strength. Here, as one of the greats said, the highest wisdom is to distinguish the work of the hands of God from the work of the hands of man.

First of all, you must always listen to your heart, and only then look at the signs. The most interesting fact is that when the heart and the signs speak in unison, there is no doubt ... It is also worth remembering that the sign should be taken into account only if it is appropriate in a particular situation. There is also always the possibility of a coincidence.

Let the signs become a reliable companion for you along the way. Listen to your heart, read the signs and always move forward.

It happens that on the clock we see the same time: 10:10, 12:12, 20:20 ... If you notice these numbers over and over again, it probably means something!

If you are haunted by the same numbers on the clock day after day, you definitely need to remember their meaning and decipher their meaning as soon as possible. The fact is that through these coinciding numbers, the Higher Forces are trying to give us some kind of sign. Therefore, it is important to understand what they want from us, and what exactly signals the subtle world. Below is a list of the meaning of the time symbols.

What do the same numbers on the clock mean

The numbers 00:00 on the clock mean that you are one with the energy of the Universe. One important life cycle has come to an end, and new opportunities and a new path open up before you. Give up false beliefs and stereotypes, start from scratch.

The numbers 01:01 on the clock: pay attention to your thoughts and emotional experiences. At this moment, the Universe embodies everything that you think about. By force of will, control your emotional state and thoughts, concentrating on the positive.

The numbers 02:02 on the clock: the period of the appearance of allies and helpers in your life. Try to look closely at new acquaintances, chance meetings and be responsive to someone else's misfortune.

The numbers 03:03 on the clock mean that you are being guided by the Higher Forces, you need to trust your intuition, go with the flow, not be afraid of change, responding to any innovations. Feel free to move in space and do not be afraid of losses.

Numbers 04:04 on the clock: a sign that you are on the right track. Whatever your problems, all obstacles can be overcome. You can not despair and fall into despondency, learn to endure and wait, believing in a successful outcome.

Numbers 05:05 on the clock: a sign of cardinal fateful changes. Do not rush, fuss and doubt. Be confident in your own abilities and be calm - then everything will be decided by itself.

Numbers 06:06 on the clock: think about spiritual values ​​​​and evaluate your own actions. Good luck will smile at you and good prospects will open if you act according to your conscience, giving priority to the spiritual, not the material.

Numbers 07:07 on the clock: a successful sign that symbolizes achievement, fulfillment of desires, prosperity and joy. If you are single, then soon you will meet with your soulmate.

The numbers 08:08 on the clock symbolize successful material opportunities, good financial prospects or a profitable acquaintance with a patron who will help you realize your ideas and plans.

The numbers 09:09 on the clock: a symbol of completion, you need to sacrifice something, get rid of everything superfluous. Your life is full of useless things and actions, it is worth thinking and prioritizing.

The numbers 10:10 on the clock warn of useless fuss and minor troubles. You should be careful and not take risks.

Numbers 11:11 on the clock: a sign of success, fame, getting the desired result and enjoying your own achievements.

The numbers 12:12 on the clock: soon you will find a fruitful union that will change your worldview and improve your financial situation.

Numbers 13:13 on the clock: know how to restrain your emotions, especially anger. If you manage to cope with them, victory and triumph awaits you.

Numbers 14:14 on the clock: travel and a change of scenery are essential for you. Only in this way you can get answers to your questions and get rid of problems.

Numbers 15:15 on the clock: learn to be part of the whole, pay more attention to loved ones and family. This is a sign that a loved one needs your support.

Numbers 16:16 on the clock: restrain your own selfish impulses, learn to give, then you will get the desired result.

Numbers 17:17 on the clock: Material benefits await you, be active and use new acquaintances for good.

Numbers 18:18 on the clock: there is a person in your environment who wants to break off relations. Don't be afraid to let go of people who don't appreciate you.

Numbers 19:19 on the clock: feelings can take over and divert attention from more important things, be rational.

It happened to you, you are going to work, you glanced at the clock, and it shows you the time 08:08, and then you understand that you should have been at work 8 minutes ago, but you set yourself up that this is a good omen and today you will certainly be lucky ? Fortune telling by the clock is a kind of ritual that will help to recognize the signs of fate. Find out what magical combinations of numbers exist and what they mean.

Such a simple and familiar object as a clock can predict the future.

Fortune telling on the clock: history and rules

Since ancient times, people wanted to know their fate - and turned to fortune-tellers who predict the future using cards, psychics and witches for help. But you can try to predict your future yourself, you just need to pay attention to the signs that are sent to us from above.

Hours and time are eternity. When people didn’t have watches, they checked themselves against the sun, with the help of sand, and even then various signs and divination appeared on the clock.

Nowadays, there are different types of clocks - electronic and mechanical, wrist, wall, fireplace, pocket. You can predict your future with any kind of watch.
When we check the time and see the same numbers on the clock (doubles - 10:10), or their mirror image (or "mirroring", for example, 02:20), or a figure that often catches our eye - this is all for a reason, we must pay attention to these signs of fate attention and correctly decipher them.

The most truthful divination on the clock:if a combination of odd numbers often falls out, luck promises you, and when even pairs are repeated, it warns of some kind of danger, difficulties, envy, ill-wishers.

But fortune-telling by the clock is also a combination of numbers at certain moments. For example, you often raise your head to look at the time, and on the clock - 47 minutes constantly falls out. Strange, right? But someone wants to warn you about something or tell you. There is even such a belief that your guardian angel (and everyone has one) sends you messages. He is trying to help you to make your plans come true, or to solve some important problem. And, of course, no one saw the angels in reality, so for us this is incomprehensible information that we are trying to at least somehow decipher.

Online test: "Should you trust fortune-telling by the clock?" (24 questions)


*Important: personal data and test results are not saved!

Mirroring is important in divination by the clock, for example, 21.12 is a clear harbinger of your future, and knowing this “subtle hint”, you can prepare yourself and not make mistakes.

Divination by numbers on the clock has some rules, for example:

  • You can’t consciously peek at time in order to see a “happy combination” - everything must be spontaneous (a rigged “coincidence” will not be endowed with any magical power);
  • It is better to decipher this fortune-telling on Tuesdays and Thursdays - that is when the information carries true predictions.

Deciphering combinations of numbers

The numbers on the clock not only tell what time it is, but they can also tell you what awaits you ahead.

Each digital combination on the watch can be deciphered in different ways, depending on the situation or on the person himself.

There are no accidents in life! Even if the watch often comes across the same number - it's not just like that!

If you often notice:

  1. The unit tells you that you need to fulfill yourself, develop creatively and reveal your hidden potential.
  2. You are fighting with yourself - you need to rest, think about life, feel stability and confidence.
  3. It suggests uncertainty in life, you need to think about all your mistakes that you have made or can make.
  4. Work is work, and lunch is on schedule, get more rest and eat right.
  5. This figure speaks of a person with adventures, be careful.
  6. You have to be kind, sincere and try to help people.
  7. A mysterious figure that helps to know the world in all its harmony.
  8. The symbol of infinity invites you to think about the future - after all, time cannot be returned.
  9. Only forward, do not stand still and overcome all obstacles.

Variations of numbers and their meanings

Fortune telling on a watch with the same numbers is the easiest fortune telling on a watch

We bring to your attention the interpretation of fortune-telling on a watch with the same numbers:

  • 00:00 - your wish will come true, but if you made it out of pure motives. Zeros are the beginning of a new happy path. You need to go forward with hope, faith in yourself and your strengths, then there will be a huge chance to get what you want.
  • 01:01 - expect good news from a man;
  • 01:10 - what you are doing, unfortunately, will not bring positive results;
  • 01:11 - waiting for an interesting offer - do not miss the moment;
  • 02:02 - you will be invited somewhere;
  • 02:20 - think before you say something;
  • 02:22 - you will hear someone's secret;
  • 03:03 - love relationships will appear or, conversely, disappear;
  • 03:30 - what you plan to change will not be soon;
  • 03:33 - you will be particularly lucky;
  • 04:04 - evaluate yourself from a different point of view. You must learn to be tolerant and persistent, not to give up, but to move towards the goal. You need to rely on yourself;
  • 04:40 – be vigilant, something can happen;
  • 04:44 - possible conflict with superiors;
  • 05:05 - attention, there are envious people near you;
  • 05:50 - be careful with the forces of nature;
  • 05:55 - a pleasant meeting awaits you;
  • 06:06 - you will be invited to a wedding or other pleasant celebration;
  • 07:07 - the figure will give positive changes. Together with worthy friends, you can make grandiose plans;
  • 08:08 - Expect career growth. Try to avoid conflict situations at work. The mistake made under the number 8 will not be forgotten for a long time. And so, 8 - gives profit, successful acquaintances;
  • 09:09 - save money;
  • 10:01 - get to know someone
  • 10:10 - you are lucky today, many doors will be opened for you, but do not forget to spend money wisely;
  • 11:11 - you will depend on something or someone;
  • 12:12 - lucky in a love relationship. One and two - means an alliance with your like-minded person. With him, you will succeed.
  • 12:21 - get to know someone
  • 13:13 - be careful, you have an opponent. Do not give in to emotions, be calm and restrained.
  • 13:31 - fulfillment of desire;
  • 14:14 - love inspires you. If this is a new acquaintance, then it is promising. And the current relationship can end with the strengthening of marriage ties.
  • 14:41 - possibly bad news;
  • 15:15 - Parents will not give bad advice. Spend time with loved ones, they miss you;
  • 16:16 – be vigilant on the road;
  • 17:17 - carefully! There is an evil person near you! Although it would not hurt to make new acquaintances.
  • 18:18 – carefully cross the road, beware of the car;
  • 19:19 - success in work;
  • 20:02 - conflict situation;
  • 20:20 - family conflict. Do not push away your loved ones, because they are always ready to help you.
  • 21:12 – wait for a new job or another task;
  • 22:22 - a new acquaintance awaits you;
  • 23:23 - dangerous people surround you;
  • 23:32 - take care of your health.

Let divination by clock numbers help you read the future and improve your life, as well as life's mistakes!

When you interpret the same numbers on the clock, you should not forget about your sixth sense, listen to it more often. Not everyone is lucky to see lucky numbers! And caution never hurt anyone.

The world of signs is too hidden to be fully penetrated and known. It is necessary to feel at the subconscious level what this or that combination of numbers that constantly flashes through you means.

In the end, even if your prediction coincided in time (hours), you should not forget that this can only be a coincidence and nothing more. And do not forget that we are the creators of our future, and fortune-telling is the clues of fate for the right step forward.

Website visitor comments

    I began to notice that often the same time catches my eye by chance, I decided to check the value, and it really came true !!! I began to constantly use this fortune-telling, but I changed my wristwatch and there are no cut-offs for minutes in the new watch, how can I now correctly determine the time for choosing a designation?

    I agree with the author of the article - there are no accidents in life. Life always gives us signs. Only we do not always notice them and do not always pay attention to them. So today I read with interest an article about the signs of time on the clock. I know that combinations of numbers carry some kind of meaning - a phone number, car numbers that catch your eye on the street .... But I didn’t even think about the clock before. Now I will pay attention to these moments. Thank you.

    I only knew that at 22:22 and at 00:00 you can make a wish. It turns out there are so many more interesting things related to the clock! I caught myself thinking that now I look at my watch more often in search of new answers to my questions and problems! Thanks for the food for thought! Awesome site!

    I remember there was one time when such coincidences in hours and minutes constantly fell out to me: 21:21, 10:10, etc. And it’s true, during that period of my life I always succeeded, everything was easy. But I saw a lot of interesting things in your article - I will rewrite for myself - I will follow which combinations of numbers I will pay attention to. This is really a very simple and interesting way to find out for yourself the necessary information about your current state of affairs, or about your future. Thank you!

    I also noticed many times that at certain minutes the glance falls on the clock. I believe in fortune-telling, I think any signs are given to us for a reason, the main thing is to pay attention to this and translate it correctly. We must use them and draw conclusions. In general, everything is simple and convenient with a watch - I looked at the time, read it.

    I woke up today and looked at the clock. It was 07.07. I immediately remembered this article and quickly went to look. “07:07 - the figure will bring positive changes. Together with worthy friends, you can make grandiose plans. Today is just a day off and by lunchtime my friends really began to call me) We will definitely figure out how we can have a fun evening. So it also coincided with me.

    I absolutely agree that everything in life is not accidental, all events carry some kind of subtext, a sign. And I always try to pay attention to this, especially when I look at the clock and see the same numbers on them, thanks for the article on temporary signs, I saved the link for myself, I will now check the combinations / time that I see on the clock.

    I am very respectful of the science of numerology, but I myself lack the knowledge to apply it. In general, I think that numbers in our life are of great importance - car license plate number, phone number, date of birth, compatibility by numbers, Pythagorean square, time of birth, date of wedding, date of death of a person ... I think it's all for a reason.

    Very often I notice that I look at the clock during work and see the time there is 12.12. Then I read that “12:12 - lucky in a love relationship. One and two - means an alliance with your like-minded person. You'll be fine with him." I don’t know how it is, I have lunch at work from 12.30, and usually the day before I always look at the clock, if it’s true that I’m lucky in love, then great, I will expect love adventures.

    And every morning I open my eyes and see on the phone 7.07. I never thought it could mean anything. It’s just that work starts at 9 and I usually wake up like that, I read here that this is a good change and you can make big plans. And I set the alarm like that, because I don’t like rounded numbers. It’s even somehow easier for me to get up at 7.07 than at 7.00 or 7.10 in the morning. Interesting!

    Until I read this article, I thought that only a combination of four identical numbers can make a wish, and I heard somewhere that if you see, for example, 11:11 on the clock, then you need to make a wish and wait until the time changes to 11:12, then it will definitely come true, because for about a minute you will think and how to visualize your desire. Now I know more)

    I literally looked at my watch 30 minutes ago and saw 01:01 - expect good news from the man. I'd rather look here to see what it means. My husband is coming home from work now, he says that thanks to me, he was promoted and he went to celebrate with his colleagues. Brought the long-awaited ring) and a bouquet of roses!

    I don't really believe in these predictions. It seems to me that this is just a coincidence, or a person, after divination, is waiting for this, and everywhere he sees what he is waiting for. If I look at the clock, it's only to find out the time. And what numbers are there, in what order, I don’t care much. I advise you not to engage in nonsense, read books better

    You can believe it, you can not - but the fact that these signs exist and can be recognized is for sure. Dean, try it yourself. I have noticed many times that it is the same. I have this page bookmarked, even my daughter asks me to read matches to her. You don't have to take it seriously, of course, but it's there. Read the comments, there are many people who agree with me.

    the number of my car is 12:21 - meet someone. the last few days I’ve come across 22.22 on the clock - a new acquaintance awaits you) I’m generally a sociable person and often meet new people, and work is related to communicating with clients - people are also constantly ... Is this about people in general, or is it about the opposite sex?

    A. numerology. cool science, but it’s very complicated for me, you need to know so many nuances and be able to compare them with each other .. it’s much easier to save such a synchronism or print it somewhere and refer to it when you see a certain combination of numbers)

    in Feng Shui, I know that combinations of numbers also mean a lot and great importance is attached to this ... for example, my car number is 3883 and a friend who understands this “art” said that two eights in the middle are very good. what does it mean by the clock, sorry, you don’t know))) but every day I see this combination

    23:23 - dangerous people surround you;
    23:32 - take care of your health.
    Yesterday I saw both of these combinations, and in the break between them for another time, my eyes did not fall. I can’t say that I attach importance to what I saw on the clock, but yesterday I paid attention to it and today I read an article here .. now I’m afraid.

    Grandma always told me that the numbers you see on the clock are of great importance in certain situations. Especially influential is the time that you see in the morning, just by opening your eyes, and before going to bed, that is, the first and last time you see during the day.

    I heard. that if you see a combination of repeating numbers (at least three), then you need to hold your breath until the minute moves on to the next, and all this time look at the numbers intently ... I don’t know if it’s true or not, but a friend who heard this from her grandmother said , to which she went to remove damage or the evil eye ..

    Tell me, please, what is the meaning of the numbers seen in a dream? sometimes I have a dream that I look at the clock and see, for example, 11:11 or 22:22. does it mean the same as what is written here? Or will the interpretation change a little? moreover, more than once there have already been dreams in which I looked at my watch or saw car numbers with memorable numbers.

    My very superstitious grandfather always, seeing the clock repeating or mirror numbers, always sat in a chair, crossed his fingers, crossed his arms and legs too, and sat like that, counting to 60 (that is, a minute). I asked him why he was doing this, he said that he concentrated his thoughts on luck for one minute, which is more likely to come true)

    I love mathematics, numerology and everything related to numbers! Repeatedly at work I buy corporate SIM cards for new employees, so choosing phone numbers - I would do this every day. I attach great importance to numbers in my life, I love their mirror images, maybe everything went from birth? I was born on 20.02.)

    I have to work at 10, but I like to get up early, while I have breakfast, take a shower, get ready slowly, read a book - the obligatory rituals of my morning. In general, the alarm clock was moved from 7.00 to 7.07 - seven minutes will not solve anything and will not affect my fees in any way, and I would like to attract positive changes into my life)

    At one time, for several days in a row, I saw 21:12, 11:11 and 10:01 on the clock. These three values, well, somehow coincided with me. And in fact, at that time everything turned out somehow easily, without difficulties. Thank you, a really easy and fast way to get the interpretation of a sign for yourself, albeit a small one.

    Until I read this article, I thought that combinations of 4 identical numbers only matter. And even then - I saw it, made a wish, and that’s it.) Now I look at my watch much more often to visit your site with repeated numbers and find out what it means) I’ll get to know someone soon) I hope hints of a girl.

    Accidents are not accidental and this is a fact. Even such trifles as I see on the clock, for example, 10:10, I perceive as some kind of signals, signs that life gives us. Many others don’t take it seriously at all, but for me, car numbers, phone numbers, and bills are different - everything where there are numbers makes sense.

    I read this article last month and began to notice that when I look at my watch, I often see the same time for several days in a row. Now I bought another electronic clock at home (it was with an arrow), so that the numbers catch my eye more often, I go in and check the value now that I see symmetrical combinations)

    IN many other articles on this site (for example, dreams or fortune telling), the day when it is dreaming / guessing matters. And for hours, all days are equivalent to each other? And is it possible, for example, on Monday (1st day of the week) on the 1st of the 11th month to see 11:11 on the clock - does the value of the digits change somehow from the additional unit?

    17:17 - watch out! There is an evil person near you! Although it would not hurt to make new acquaintances. I was riding in a minibus and spontaneously looked at the time, I didn’t really understand this meaning. There are a lot of people, all different, tired, going home after a hard day's work. Here, who will be kind, everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads.

    I was standing in a very long queue in the store, a man came up and asked the time, how strange it was. 16:16 - be careful on the road;
    I did not betray this sign, and calmly drove home along the highway. But suddenly some smart guy in front of me braked sharply, and the result was an accident. Didn't know time was a warning.

    When I became very ill and the doctors did not know what was happening to me. I was taken to the whisperer's grandmother. She put me on my feet in a week and warned me if I saw 00 00 on the scratches. So you need to put a mirror in front of you and read “Our Father” so that you can’t cause damage and the evil eye. I believe in numbers and numbers.

    I know a lot of fortune-telling, but I saw you for the first time about time, and immediately looked at the time, think before you say something; Well, how late I found this time. I sat reading, so my husband had to come up to me, I'm doing my own business here, and he makes tea! I blurted out; Hire yourself a maid Ras Ram weak. Here was the scandal.

    And I don’t have a watch at all, not at home on the phone, and if they show it’s not the right time. I threw out all the watches after my dad stopped all the clocks in the house, and on my hands when he died. The exact time of death. After that, I'm afraid to look at the clock, passers-by or acquaintances always tell me the time. I am very superstitious.

    How many interesting discoveries I found on your site, for the first time I see fortune-telling by the clock and information on duplicating numbers, and I’m already 45 years old soon. Truly true proverb - live a century, learn a century! You never know what a new day will bring!

    Golden words about the creators of their lives. Coincidences, although they say that they are not accidental, but if you constantly look for them and focus on this, you can ruin your life and very seriously. Be careful and don't take everything to heart! Caution is needed, but do not overdo it

    And I noticed that I wake up at the same time. But only it is not duplicated and there is no interpretation of it here. How to be like this. Usually it is at 5.30 in the morning, although it is much later for work. With what can be connected, how should I be? Kind people, please help, otherwise it’s a habit to wake up already, you look at the clock and you know how much it will be there

How to interpret the meaning of the same numbers on the clock. Surely, you often had to notice this. Most likely, you could observe more than once that identical or harmoniously matching numbers are located on the watch dial.

Is there a pattern or some sign of a coincidence, such as 3:33, 12:12, or 01:01? Many of us try to make a wish at the same time, and many simply ignore it.

But fools could not have come up with numerology, one of the oldest sciences. And this is the great magic of time.

Any number or combination of numbers has its own specific magic sign that has a specific meaning. If you can determine the meaning of such numbers on the clock, then it will be possible to plunge into the future and understand the mysteries of the present!

What do the same numbers on the dial mean?

First of all, you need to understand and try to remember the meaning of each number separately. This will later give you the opportunity to learn to understand what the coincidence on the clock will mean.

  • The number one means energy and strength. It directs our gaze to the person himself, his own "I" and concentrates thoughts exclusively not on himself.
  • The number two is defined as gentleness, moderation and restraint. If a deuce constantly catches your eye, absolutely by chance, then this is a sign that you should be more calm and gentle.
  • The number three is the number of reflection and philosophizing. Meditating gives you the opportunity to think about the past, how it relates to your present or future.
  • The number four is a sign of activity and diligence. She predisposes you to organize and encourages you to make every effort to achieve and implement your plans.
  • Number five is caution. Her appearance warns you against rash acts, makes you take care of what you have and makes you be more careful.
  • The number six is ​​the very kindness and honesty. It is once again meant to remind you that these are the most important inner values.
  • The number seven is one of the most desirable signs that brings good luck. Lucky is the one who sees the sevens on his dial, in this case, fate will surely present him with a great gift.
  • The number eight is defined as fate and change in life. In this case, it is worth thinking and analyzing what you have achieved, what follows from what, how to force fate to lead you in the right direction.
  • The number nine means your immaterial development, prudence, the acquisition of a new store of knowledge.

Deciphering values ​​by time of day

Keep these values ​​in mind, then, noticing the coincidence of time on the dial, you will understand what follows from this for you. Or once again, having noticed that the numbers on the watch dial have become in a beautiful combination, be sure to look what this means for you.

Now many attach importance to magical amulets and talismans. And it's not in vain. Well-known parapsychologists recommend having such in your home to protect yourself from the evil eye.

From twelve o'clock to the morning

If at night you come across the same numbers on the dial, try to remember them and determine what the higher powers are hinting at.

- 00.00 is a wonderful sign that Fate has given you. It promises the realization in the near future of your main desire and happiness. But at the same time, remember that fate is predisposed only to people with pure intentions who do not wish harm to others.

- 01.01 - a girl or woman who saw these numbers should be ready for a pleasant surprise that a loved one will present. The coincidence of 01.11 is not just a coincidence, but advice sent to us by higher powers. Anyone who is lucky enough to see this combination should accept any offers that come in this day, do not miss the right moment and pay attention to the opportunities that present themselves. It is likely to change a lot in your destiny on such a day.

- 02.02 - a favorable sign. You will definitely be invited to where you have been waiting for a long time. 02.22 is the most serious symbol. This means that you will soon be able to find out an important secret, hidden and significant enough. The main thing is to be able to manage it correctly and wisely.

- 03.03 - expect love! In the near future, your life will shine with bright colors, and your heart will be filled with happiness. 03.33 - you are very lucky if this time appears on the clock face. Since it favors the greatest happiness and brings good luck in business.

- 04.04 - you need to listen to the wise advice that fate gives you. Pay your attention to the situation that has arisen from a different angle, in which case the exit will be very close.

- 04.44 - you should be careful at work, treating it with more responsibility.

- 05.05 - difficulties will pass you by if you strengthen faith in yourself. 05.55 - expect a meeting with a rather interesting person.

From morning to afternoon

The connection of the forces of the higher mind with a person is too thin in the morning hours. The numbers you saw in the morning promise the following:

- 06.06 - this combination of numbers is considered by numerology as love. Perhaps in the near future you will marry.

- 07.07 - in this case, you should say “no” to your fears, as soon you will be surprisingly lucky.

- 08.08 - promotion, climbing the career ladder, a rapid turn at work - all this promises the arrangement of numbers seen.

- 09.09 - you should be more careful with your things, as there is a risk of losing something valuable.

- 10.01 - expect a new acquaintance ahead, which you should try to pay attention to. It may so happen that this will be your person.

- 10.10 - in this case, rapid changes for the best await you soon.

- 11.11 - a new love interest awaits you.

- 12.12 - personal life will spoil you, promising great success. Ahead, expect a good gift from fate.

- 12.21 - in the near future, hope for a meeting that will give you pleasure.

During the day

The order of numbers that caught your eye during the time from lunch to evening suggests the following:

- 13.13 - you are an object of envy, so you should behave more modestly so as not to give rise to gossip.

- 13.31 - your dream will definitely come true in the near future.

- 14.14 - open your heart to love, which is already on the threshold.

- 14.41 - plan to spend today's evening in a relaxed home environment.

- 15.15 - having received advice during the day, be sure to listen to it, in this case your further actions will be correct.

- 15.51 - a secret admirer will be interested in you. Perhaps a new whirlwind romance is already in full swing!

- 16.16 - numerology advises to pay attention to your health, taking it more seriously.

- 17.17 - try to follow the words that jump off your tongue. There is a risk of offending someone.

Evening time

Pay attention to the numbers that you met in the evening, and see what they mean.

- 18.18 - an amazing adventure awaits you on the way. A journey awaits you.

- 19.19 - good luck will accompany you. All cases are accompanied by rapid success.

- 20.02 - you feel tired and irritable, so you need to relax and get distracted from problems.

- 21.12 - a new idea will visit you. You should listen to it and begin to implement it, it promises great happiness.

- 21.21 - expect romance and love adventures in the near future.

- 22.22 - soon expect to meet a new person. You may not pay your attention to him at first and will not communicate closely, but you better take a closer look. What if this is the person who will direct your destiny in a different direction and bring a storm of emotions?

- 23.23 - you should keep track of who you communicate with the most and who you especially trust. Avoid dangerous connections and unworthy relationships.

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So, if the same numbers on the clock caught your eye, you just need to look at their meaning, however, it is also important to know that everything is interconnected in our life, and the numbers that appear in front of us are most often signs of Fate. Pay attention to them more and more often, and you will definitely become the owner of pleasant surprises presented to us by Fate.

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