Modern and ancient Crimean Tatar names. Tatar names


RABAH - victorious

RABI - spring

RABIGA - Arabic. spring, daughter of the prophet

RAVIL - aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler

RAGIB - desiring, thirsty

RAZIL (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy

RADIK (Radif) - origin unknown, possibly an analogue of the name

RAFAEL (Raphael, Rafil, Raphael) - Heb. god cured

RAFIK (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafkat) - Arabic. Kind

RAZI - secret

RAZIL (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah

RAID - leader

RAIS - Tat. (f.f. Raisya)

RAKIN - respectful

RAKIA - Arabic. leading the way

RAMIZ (Ramis) - symbolizing the good

RAMIL - magical, magical (zh.f. Ramil)

RASIL is an Arab. sent

RASIM is an Arab. stronghold, defender (female f. Rasima)

RASIKH - Arab. hard, stable

RASUL - apostle; precursor

RATIB - measured

RAUZA (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. rose flower

RAUF - Arabic. merciful (f. f. Raufa)

RAUZA (Rose) - Tat. rose flower

RAFGAT (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RAFIK (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arabic. Kind

RAFI (Rafik) - a good friend

RAFKAT (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RACHIL - other Heb. sheep f.f.

RAHIM is an Arab. gracious

RASHID (Rashad) - Arabic. going the right way, conscious, prudent (zh.f. Rashidya)

REZA - determination; humility

RENAT (Rinat) - lat. - reborn, reborn, renewed (zh.f. Renata, Rinata)

Rabbani - Belonging to Allah; divine.

RABI - Spring.

RABIB - Non-native child (boy).

RABIP - Educated, pupil.

RABIT - Connecting, connecting.

RAVAN - Departing, heading.

RAVI - Epic, storyteller, reader.

RAVIL - 1. A teenager, a young man. 2. Spring sun. 3. Traveler, wanderer.

RAGDA - Thunder, thunder.

RAGIB - Desire, ideal, dream; long-awaited child.

RAJAB ~ RAZYAP - The name of the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year (one of the months in which wars were prohibited). Given to boys born this month.

RAJI - Asking; hopeful.

RAJIKH - The most convenient.

RAJKHAN - Superiority, advantage.

RADIUM - Derived from the name of the chemical element radium. The Latin word radius means "beam".

RADIK - A diminutive form of the name Radiy (see).

RADIF - 1. Accompanying someone. 2. The last, standing behind all the guards; the youngest (last) child in the family. 3. Satellite (celestial body). Dialectal variant: Razif.

RAZETDIN (RAZIETDIN) - Chosen servant of religion.

RAZZAK - Breadwinner; one who provides food. One of the epithets of Allah.

RAZI - 1. Chosen; consonant. 2. Pleasant, cute. Anthropolexeme.

RAZIL - 1. Chosen; consonant; nice. 2. Walking, pedestrian.

RAZIN - 1. Calm, modest; serious, reliable. 2. Important, forcing.

RAZIKH - The best, excellent, most advanced.

RAIK - Unique, very beautiful.

RAIL - Laying the foundation, foundation, founder, founder.

RAIM - Kind-hearted. Anthropolexeme.

RAIMBEK - Raim (see) + bek (master).

RAIMKUL - Raim (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Dialectal variants: Ramkul, Rangul.

RAIS - Head, Chairman.

RAIF - Compassionate, merciful. Dialectal variant: Rife.

RAINUR - Bright path (about the path of life).

RAYKHAN - 1. Pleasure, delight, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAKIM - Meadow, floodplain.

RAKIP - 1. Guardian; guard, watchman. 2. Competitor, rival. Dialectal options: Rakay, Raki, Rki, Rakhip, Ragib.

RAMAZAN - 1. Very hot, hot time; hot month. 2. The name of the ninth month of the Muslim lunar year. Given to boys born this month. Dialectal variant: Ramai.

RAMVAL - A new name formed by combining the first syllable of the name Ramziy (see) and the first three letters of the name Vali (see) (mother - Ramziy, father - Vali).

RAMZI - Having a label, marked with a sign; sign, symbol. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramiz. Anthropolexeme.

RAMZIL - Formed on behalf of Ramzi (see). Phonetic variant: Ramzin.

RAMZULLAH - Rule of Allah.

RAMI - Archer, archer; having arrows.

RAMIZ - 1. Sign, mark, landmark, brand. Synonyms: Nishan, Ramzi. 2. Showing example.

RAMIL - Magical, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune-telling in the sand." A method of fortune-telling by points and lines on the sand, widespread in the East (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIS - Rafter, raft-driver, raft-keeper, raft-builder.

RAMMAL - Witch doctor, soothsayer.

RANIS - A new name derived from the word rannist: "born early in the morning; first child."

RANNUR - A new name formed by combining the first syllables of the names Ranis (see) and Nurania (see) (father - Ranis, mother - Nurania). Cf.: "Rannur" publishing house.

RASIL - Messenger, representative. Phonetic variant: Razil.

RASIM - Artist. Phonetic variant: Razim.

RASIMJAN - Rasim (see) + jan (soul, person).

RASIT - Mature, coming of age.

RASIF - Strong, healthy.

RASIKH - Solid, serious; strong, hardy, persistent, patient; solid, stable.

RASUL - Messenger, messenger; prophet. Anthropolexeme.

RASULAKHMET - 1. Ahmet the messenger, Ahmet, bringing the message. 2. Praiseworthy, famous, famous messenger. Compare: Ahmetrasul, Muhammetrasul.

Rasulullah - Messenger, messenger, prophet of Allah.

RAUZAT - Flower gardens (multiple).

RAUZETDIN - Flower garden of religion.

RAUNAK - Pattern; beauty; light.

RAUF - Merciful, merciful, kind-hearted; sharing grief.

RAUSHAN - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light. The name Raushan is used as both a male and a female name. Varieties: Rushan, Ravshan. Anthropolexeme.

RAUSHANBEK - Raushan (see) + bek (master). Radiant bek (master).

RAFAGAT - High degree; good feature, good quality.

RAFAK - 1. Convenience. 2. Wealth, abundance. Variety: Rafah.

RAFAEL - 1. The name that came to the Jews and Romans from the Old Chaldean language. It means "God healed". 2. In the Torah: the name of an angel. Phonetic variant: Raphael.

RAFGAT - Height, grandeur, majesty; high rank. Dialectal options: Rafhat, Rafat.

RAFGATJAN - Rafgat (see) + jan (soul, person). In the meaning of "high soul, great man."

RAFGITDIN - A high-ranking servant of religion.

RAFI - High-ranking; well known.

RAFIG - 1. High, sublime; great. 2. Honored.

RAFIGULLA - Friend of Allah.

RAFIK - 1. Friend, comrade, companion. 2. Kind-hearted.

RAFILE - A dandy, a dandy.

RAFIS - Famous, prominent, outstanding, wonderful, popular.

RAFIT - Facilitator, assistant.

RAFKAT - Seeing off; accompaniment.

RAHBAR - Pointing the way; leader, leader.

RAHI - Servant of God, servant of Allah.

RAHIB ~ RAHIP - With a broad soul.

RAHIM - Merciful, merciful, virtuous. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

RAKHIMBAY - Rakhim (merciful) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAKHIMBEK - Rakhim (merciful) + bek (master).

RAHIMGARAI - Rahim (merciful) + Garay (see).

RAHIMJAN - Rahim (merciful) + jan (soul, person).

RAKHIMETDIN - Merciful servant of religion.

RAHIMZADA - Rahim (merciful) + 3ad (see).

RAHIMKUL ~ RAHIMGUL - Merciful servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Ramkul.

RAHIMNUR - Rahim (merciful) + nur (beam, radiance).

Rahimullah - Merciful servant of Allah. Dialectal options: Rakhi, Rakhim, Rahmi, Rahmuch.

RAHIMKHAN - Rahim (merciful) + khan.

RAHIMSHAH, RAHIMSHAH - Rahim (merciful) + check.

RAHIMYAR - Rahim (merciful) + yar (friend, loved one).

RAHMAN - Merciful, merciful, merciful; virtuous, benevolent. One of the epithets of Allah. Varieties: Rakhmanai, Rakhmany. Anthropolexeme.

RAHMANBAY - Rahman (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAHMANBEK - Rahman (see) + bek (master).

RAHMANBI - Rahman (see) + bi (prince, lord).

RAHMANZADA - Rahman (see) + 3ad (see). Son given by Allah.

RAHMANKUL (RAHMANGUL) - Slave of Allah, servant of Allah.

RAHMAT - Sympathy, compassion, mercy; pity, forgiveness. From this name the Russian surnames Rakhmatov, Rakhmetov are formed. Anthropolexeme.

RAKHMATBAI - Rakhmat (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RAHMATBEK - Rahmat (see) + bek (master).

RAHMATJAN - Rahmat (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAHMATKUL - Rahmat (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

RAHMATULLAH - Allah is merciful, merciful. Dialectal options: Rahmi, Rahmay, Rahmuch.

RAHMATKHAN - Rahmat (see) + khan.

RAHMATSHAH, RAHMATSHAH - Rahmat (see) + check.

RAKHSHAN - Light, brilliant.

RASHAT - The right road, the path of truth; truth, truth.

RASHAT (RASHAD) - 1. Judgment, quick wits. 2. The right point of view. 3. The superiority of the mind. 4. True, right way. Varieties: Raushat, Rushat, Rushad, Rishat.

RASHIDETDIN - Devotee of religion; going to religion on the right path. 2. Religious leader.

RASHIDUN - 1. Walking on the right path. 2. Smart, sensible (multiple).

RASHIT - Walking along a straight road; walking the right path. Anthropolexeme.

RYAN - 1. Full, direct. 2. Comprehensively developed. Variety: Ryan.

RAYANJAN - Rayan (see) + jan (soul, person).

RAYAT - 1. Lightning. Dialectal options: Riad, Riat. 2. Flag, banner, standard.

RENAT (RINAT) - 1. A name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, reborn"). The Tatars have been actively used since the 30s of the twentieth century.

RIJAL - A man.

RIDZHALETDIN - Men of religion.

RIZA - 1. Consent; one who agrees does not oppose. 2. Chosen. Anthropolexeme.

RIZAETDIN - Satisfied, satisfied servant of religion; the chosen person.

RIZVAN - 1. Joy, joy of the soul; favor, satisfaction. 2. The name of the angel guarding the gates of paradise (see Gadnan).

ROME - 1. A new name derived from the name of the city of Rome. 2. A new name formed by abbreviating the words "revolution and peace".

RIMAN - Formed by adding to the name Rome (see) the Turkic-Tatar anthroponymic affix -an. It is also possible that this name comes from the surname of the outstanding German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann.

REEF - Reef (underwater sea rock; coral island).

RIFAT - see Rifgat (in Turkish Rifat = Rifgat).

RIFGAT - Climbing; achieving a high position; greatness. Dialectal options: Rifat, Rifhat, Rafhat.

RIFKAT - Partnership, friendship; goodness, beneficence, beneficence. Dialectal variant: Rafkat.

RISHAT - Walking along a straight road; embarked on the right path.

RIYAZ - 1. Gardens, flowers (multiple). 2. Fond of mathematics. Dialectal variant: Riaz.

RIYAZETDIN - Gardens of Religion.

ROALD - 1. Quick, agile. 2. Courtier of the king.

ROBERT - Beautiful, radiant glory. A name that came into use in the 1930s and 1940s.

ROSALYN - From the name of the rose flower. Very beautiful. A new name that came into use in the 30-40s of the twentieth century.

ROCAILLE - Shell, pearl shell. Variety: Rkail.

ROMIL - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus (founder of ancient Rome). Varieties: Ramil, Rumil.

RUBAZ - Open.

RUBY - Red yakhont, ruby.

RUDOLF - Glorious, famous wolf (English - Ralph, French, Spanish - Raoul).

Ruz - Day; afternoon. Compare: Nahar (female name). Anthropolexeme.

RUZAL - Happy, having his share.

RUZGAR - 1. Time, era; 2. Life.

RUZI - Happy; living a calm and happy life.

RUZIBEK - Bek (master), living a calm and happy life.

RUY - Face, face; shape. Anthropolexeme.

RUSLAN - A form of the name Arslan (lion), adapted to the Slavic languages. In Russian, the form Eruslan was also used.

RUSTEM, RUSTAM - Giant, giant. In ancient Iranian folklore: a legendary hero, hero. Anthropolexeme.

RUSTEMBAI - Rustem (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

RUSTEMBEK - Rustem (see) + bek (master).

RUSTEMJAN - Rustem (see) + jan (soul, person).

RUSTEMKHAN - Rustem (see) + khan.

RUFIL - Formed on behalf of Raphael (see).

RUFIS - Red; red-haired.

RUKHELBAYAN - The spirit of openness. Epithet of the prophet Isa.

RUKHULLAH - Spirit of Allah.

RUSHAN - see Raushan.

RUSHDI - Growing up; height.

Rys - Happy. Anthropolexeme.

RYSBAY - Happy buy. Compare: Urazbay. Dialectal variants: Arsai, Rysay, Rezbay, Rizbay.

RYSBUGA - Rys (happy) + buga (bull). Happy and strong.

RYSKUZYA (RYSKHUZYA) - A happy owner. Cf.: Urazkhodzha.

RYSKUL - Happy servant of God. Cf.: Urazgul.

RYSMUKHAMMET - Happy Muhammet (see). Reference: Urazmuhammet

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

RESEDA - flower

REFAH - prosperity

RIDA (Riza) - benevolence, benevolence

RIDVAN - contented

ROME (Rem) - tat. (zh.f. Rimma)

RIMZIL - tat. (f.f. Ramsia)

RIZVAN - Arabic. favor, satisfaction

RIFAT (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RIFKAT (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - Kind. 2.high position, nobility

RISHAT (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arabic. Kind

RIAD - gardens

ROSALIA - from 2 names - Rosa and Aliya


RUBIN - pers. gem

RUZIL (Ruzbeh) - happy

RUNAR - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God

RABABA - Lute (musical instrument).

RABBANIA - Belonging to Allah, given by Allah (girl).

RABIGA - 1. Fourth; the fourth girl in the family. 2. Spring season. 3. Snowdrop.

RAVIL - 1. A teenage girl, a young girl. 2. Spring sun.

RAVIA - 1. Telling legends, storyteller. 2. Full, plentiful.

RAGVA - Desire, aspiration.

RAGIBA - Desire, ideal, dream; desired, long-awaited; dream object.

RAGIDA - Rich, wealthy.

RAGINA - With a beautiful face, majestic.

RAGIA - 1. Attentive. 2. Shepherdess (in poetry).

RAGNA - 1. Beautiful. 2. Rose flower.

RADA - A new name derived from the Russian word glad.

RAJAPBANU - Born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPGUL - A beauty born in the month of Rajap (the seventh month of the Muslim lunar year).

RAJAPSULTAN - Rajap (see) + Sultan (lady, mistress). This name is carved on a tombstone, installed in 1493 on one of the graves of the village of Molvino (Mulla Ile) in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

RAJIBA - A female name derived from the male name Rajap (see).

RAJIL - Walking, pedestrian.

RAJIKHA - 1. The best, prevailing over others; the most beautiful. 2. The most convenient, handy.

RAJIA - Asking; hopeful.

RADINA - Spinner, spinner.

RADIFA - Following someone; the youngest; satellite (planet). Variety: Razifa.

RAZIKAMAL - Razi (see the male name Razi) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Full agreement, satisfaction.

RAZIL - see Razin.

RAZINA - Calm disposition, meek, patient, reliable. Variety: Razil.

RAZIFA - Consonant.

RAZIA - 1. Consonant, satisfied. 2. Liked, beloved. 3. Favorite. The epithet of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fatima.

RAIDA - Initiator, pioneer.

RAIL - Laying the foundation, foundation of something, founder, founder.

RAIMA - Kind-hearted.

RAISA - Woman-leader; woman chairman.

RAIFA - 1. Compassionate, merciful. 2. Known, prominent.

RAIHA - Fragrance, fragrance.

RAYKHAN - 1. Pleasure, delight, bliss. 2. Basil (a plant with fragrant blue flowers).

RAIKHAN - see Raykhan.

RAYKHANGUL - Basil flower. Cf.: Gulraykhan.

RAKIBA - Watching, observing, checking.

RAKIGA - 1. With a broad soul. 2. Thin.

RAKIMA - Meadow, floodplain, tugai.

RAKIA - 1. Growing, moving forward; going ahead. 2. Worshiping, honoring.

RALINA - A name derived from the Sumerian word ra ("sun").

RAMZA - Sign, label, brand, symbol.

RAMZIL - see Ramzi.

RAMZIA - Sign, label, brand, symbol. Reference: Nishan.

RAMIZA - Stamping, marking with a sign.

RAMIZA - Setting an example. Variety: Ramuza.

RAMILYA - Magical, fraught with magic, wonderful, miraculous. In Arabic, the word raml means "fortune-telling in the sand." A method of fortune-telling by points and lines on the sand, widespread in the East (Alim Gafurov).

RAMIA - Archery, archer.

RAMUZA - An example, a sample.

RANA - Beautiful. Variety: Ranar.

RANAR - see Wound.

RANIA - 1. Beautiful (girl). 2. Flower.

RASIDA - Having reached maturity, coming of age.

RASILYA - Messenger, representative.

RASIMA - 1. Custom, tradition. 2. Fast paced. 3. Artist; the one that decorates.

RASIFA - Strong, healthy.

RASIHA - Strong, persistent; thorough, thoughtful, serious.

RASMIA - Official.

RASULA - Messenger, messenger.

RAUDIA - Seeking.

RAUZA - Flower garden, paradise. Anthropolexeme.

RAUZABANU - Rauza (flower garden) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Girl (woman), like a flower garden.

RAUZABIKA - Rauza (flower garden) + bika (girl; lady, lady). A girl like a flower garden.

RAUZAGUL - Rauza (flower garden) + ghoul (flower). A flower from a flower garden. Cf.: Gulrauz.

RAUFA - 1. Merciful, merciful, beneficent; sharing grief with someone. 2. Loving.

RAUSHAN - Source of rays, radiance; showering with rays, illuminating with light. Varieties: Raushania, Raushana, Rushania.

RAUSHAN - see Raushan.

RAUSHANELBANAT - Radiant, very beautiful girl.

RAUSHANIA - Radiant, illuminating with radiance; light.

RAFAGA - High degree, high rank.

RAFIGA - High, sublime; great; well-deserved.

RAFIDA - Assistant.

RAFIKA - 1. Comrade, girlfriend, companion. 2. Kind-hearted.

RAFILYA - Dapper, elegant, able to dress elegantly.

RAFISA - Famous, prominent.

RAFIA - 1. Persimmon; palm tree. 2. Possessing a high rank; very authoritative, famous.

RAFKIA - Merciful.

RACHIL - Sheep; in a figurative sense: a girl who has to leave her father's house, a bride.

RAHIMA - Merciful, merciful. Anthropolexeme.

RAHIMABANU - Rahima (merciful, merciful) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Merciful, merciful girl, woman.

RAHIMABIKA - Rahima (merciful, merciful) + bika (girl; lady, lady). Merciful, merciful girl, woman.

RACHINA - Mortgaged, mortgaged.

RAHIA - Abundance, space, freedom.

RAHSHANA - Light, brilliant, radiant.

RASHIDA - Walking on a straight road; going the right way, the right way.

RAYANA - Straight; complete, fully developed.

REGINA - The wife of the king (king), queen (queen), mistress. Affectionate form: Rina.

RESEDA - Mignonette flower; fragrant blue twig. Dialectal variant: Resida.

RENATA - 1. A name derived from the Latin word renatus ("renewed, reborn"). 2. A compound name formed by the abbreviation of the words "revolution", "science", "labor".

RIMZA - A female name formed by adding the affix -za to the male name Rome (see).

RIMMA - 1. Roman woman, a native of the city of Rome. 2. In Hebrew, it means "beautiful, pleasing to everyone." Variety: Rome.

RINA - see Regina.

RISAL - Treatise, scientific work.

RITA - Pearl. A diminutive form of the name Margarita. see Marwarit.

RIFA - Reef; coral island.

ROBINA - Beautiful, radiant glory.

ROWENA - Beautiful, with a thin waist, slender, stately.

RODINA - Motherland.

ROSE - Rose (flower); very beautiful. Anthropolexeme.

ROZAGUL - Rose flower.

ROSALINA - A very beautiful rose.

ROSALIA - 1. Rose (see) + Leah (see). 2. One of the variants of the name Rose.

ROXANA - Illuminating with bright rays, illuminating. The name of the wife of Alexander the Great, Princess of Bactria.

ROMILYA - Strength, power. On behalf of Romulus - the founder of ancient Rome. Varieties: Ramilya, Rumilya.

RUBY - Red yahont, ruby.

RUVIYA - Thinker.

RUZA - Day; afternoon. Synonym: Nahar.

RUZGARIA - Daughter of time, era.

RUZIGUL - Happy flower; a flower provided with food (about a girl).

RUZIDA - Giving food, nourishing, satiating.

RUZIDJAMAL - Happy, beautiful.

RUZIKAMAL - Completely, absolutely happy.

RUZINA - Everyday necessary, necessary.

RUZIA - Happy; having food.

RUY - Face, face. Anthropolexeme.

RUKIA - 1. Magic, sorcery. 2. Riveting, attracting to itself. The name of the most beautiful daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Variety: Urkia.

RUKIABANU - Rukia (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

RUMINA - Roman.

ROMIA - A native of Byzantium, a Byzantine.

RUFINA - With golden hair.

RUFIA - With golden hair.

RUHANIA - Souls (multiple).

RUHIA - Inspired, spiritualized; religious, pious.

RUHSARAH - 1. Face, face; cheeks. 2. Pink-cheeked. 3. Beautiful image.

RUHFAZA - A woman (girl) with a beautiful face.

RUINS - see Raushan.

RYSBIKA - A happy girl, woman. Compare: Urazbika

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar names of boys

SABA - Light morning breeze.

SABAN - Plow. It was given to boys born in the month "saban" - during spring plowing. Preserved in the surnames Sabanov, Sabanin.

SABANAI - The month of May, the month of spring plowing. The ritual name given to boys born at this time. It was preserved among the Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surnames Sabanaev, Sabaneev.

SABANAK - Formed by adding to the word Saban (plow) an anthroponymic diminutive affix -ak. It was given to boys born during the spring sowing season. It was preserved among the baptized Tatars in the surname Sabanakov.

SABANALI ~ SABANGALI - Gali, born in the month "saban" - during spring plowing. It was preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sabanaliev, Saban-Aliev. The surname Sabanaliev and its variety - Sabaneev - are also found among Russians.

SABANCHI - Plowman, plowman. It was given to boys born during spring plowing. It was preserved among the Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surnames Sabanchiev and Sabanchin. The Russians have the surname Sabancheev, formed from this name.

SABAH - Morning; morning freshness; dawn. Variety: Subah. Anthropolexeme.

SABAHETDIN - Morning of religion; light of religion.

SABIG - Seventh (boy). Phonetic option: Subic.

SABIL - Road, wide high road.

SABIR - Patient, hardy. The epithet of the prophet Ayup. Anthropolexeme.

SABIRZYAN - Sabir (patient, enduring) + jan (soul, person). Patient soul (human).

SABIRULLAH - Patient servant of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sabrulla, Sabri.

SABIRKHAN - Sabir (patient, hardy) + khan.

SABIRKHUZYA - Sabir (patient, enduring) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). Variety: Sabirhoja.

SABIT - Strong, hard, durable, resistant; hardy, patient; one who always keeps his word. Anthropolexeme.

SABITZYAN - A person who always keeps his word.

Sabitullah - Servant of Allah, who always keeps his word.

SABIH - Handsome, with a beautiful face, handsome; flowering.

SABUR - Very patient. One of the epithets of Allah.

SAVADI - Blackness, black color; black color.

SAVI - 1. Straight, even. 2. Direct, correct; mature, perfect.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; pleasure, bliss; success, luck. The Tatars were originally used as a female name. Anthropolexeme.

SAGADATBEK - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + bek (lord). Synonyms: Kutlybek, Urazbek.

SAGADATVALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Wali (see). Synonym: Kutlyali.

SAGADATGALI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Gali (see). Synonyms: Kutlygali, Urazgali.

SAGADATGANI - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Gani (see).

SAGADATGARAY - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + Garay (see). Synonyms: Bakhtegaray, Kutlygarai.

SAGADATJAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + jan (soul, person). Happy man. Synonyms: Bakhetjan, Mubarakjan, Urazjan, Kutlyjan.

SAGADATKUL - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Synonyms: Kutlykul, Urazkul.

SAGADATNUR - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + nur (beam, radiance). Cf.: Nursagadat. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGADATULLAH - Happiness given by Allah (about a child).

SAGADATHAN - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + khan. Synonyms: Kutlykhan, Urazkhan.

SAGADATSHAH, SAGADATSHA - Sagadat (happiness, prosperity) + shah. Synonym: Kutlyshikh.

SAGAYDAK - Arrow; quiver. It was given with the wish that the child (boy) could strike evil forces and enemies like a sharp arrow. It was preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sagaidak, Sagaidakov, Sagadakov. Dialectal variants: Sagadak, Sadak.

SAGDELISLAM - A happy follower of Islam.

SAGDETDIN - A happy follower of religion. Dialectal variants: Sagitdin, Satdin.

SAGDI - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDULLAH - Happy servant of Allah. Happiness, a gift given by Allah.

SAGI - Diligence, dedication to work.

SAGIDULLAH - Happy servant of Allah. Happiness, a gift given by Allah.

SAGINBAY - The long-awaited buy (child).

SAGINDYK - The long-awaited child (boy). Preserved in the surname Sagyndykov.

SAGIR - Junior, small.

SAGIT (SAGID) - Happy, prosperous; living comfortably. Anthropolexeme.

SAGITJAN - Sagit (see) + jan (soul, person). Happy man.

SAGITNUR - Sagit (see) + nur (beam, radiance). Cf.: Nursagit.

SAGITKHAN - Sagit (see) + khan.

SAGITYAR - Sagit (see) + yar (friend, loved one). Happy friend.

SADA - Simple, uncomplicated.

SADAK - Quiver. see Sagaydak.

SADGARAY - Centenary Garay (wish to live to be a hundred years old).

SADDIN - The most devoted, the most reliable.

SADIR - Beginning; nascent, appearing; leader, chairman.

SADRELGILMAN - The first (main) boy. Dialectal variant: Sadrilman.

SADRELISLAM - Head of Islam, Islamic leader. Dialectal variants: Sadrislam, Sadris.

SADRELSHAHIT - Chest (meaning "heart, soul") of a hero who died for a holy cause.

SADRETDIN - Religious figure, leader.

SADRI - 1. Relating to the heart, to the soul; part of the heart, soul. 2. Leader, chief. Anthropolexeme.

SADRIAGZAM - Sadri (see) + Agzam (see). Chief Vizier, Chief Minister.

SADRIAHMET - Sadri (see) + Ahmet (see). Reference: Ahmetsadir.

SADRIGALI - Sadri (see) + Gali (see). Outstanding leader. Dialectal variant: Sadrali.

SADRIGALLAM - Sadri (see) + Gallam (see). Great, knowledgeable leader.

SADRIZHIGAN - Sadri (see) + Djigan (see). Worldly head, leader.

SADRIKAMAL - Sadri (see) + Kamal (see).

SADRISHARIF - Sadri (see) + Sharif (see). Dear respected leader.

SADRULLAH - Leading the way of Allah, religious leader.

SADIK - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. Reliable friend.

SADIR - Chest, heart; before, the front of something.

SAIB - 1. True, correct, true. 2. Successful, convenient; charitable, generous.

SAIL - Asking. A child (boy) begged from Allah.

SAIM - Holding an uraza (Muslim post).

SAIN - 1. Very good, nice. 2. The epithet of Eastern monarchs.

SAIR - Walking, traveler, traveler; beholding, contemplating.

SAIT (SAID) - 1. Head; lord, lord; master; "white bone", sir. A title given to a family descended from the children of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatima. The Russians have the surname Sevidov, formed from this name. Anthropolexeme. 2. Happy, lucky.

SAITAMIR - Sait (see) + Amir (see).

SAITAHMET - Sait (see) + Ahmet (see). Cf.: Akhmetsait. Dialectal variant: Saitak.

SAITBAI - Sait (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baysait.

SAITBATTAL - Sait (see) + Battal (see).

SAITBEK - Sait (see) + bek (master).

SAITBURGAN - Sait (see) + Burgan (see). Cf.: Burgansait.

SAITVALI - Sait (see) + Vali (see).

SAITGAZI - Sait (see) + Gazi (see).

SAITGALI - Sait (see) + Gali (see).

SAITGARAI - Sait (see) + Garay (see). Dialectal variants: Satgarai, Sat, Satuk, Satush.

SAITGARIF - Sait (see) + Garif (see).

SAITGATA - Sait (see) + Gata (see).

SAITGAFUR - Sait (see) + Gafur (see).

SAITGAFFAR - Sait (see) + Gaffar (see).

SAITJAGFAR - Sait (see) + Jagfar (see).

SAITJAN - Sait (see) + jan (soul, person). Cf.: Jansait.

SAITDIN - see Saytdin.

SAITZADA - A child from the family of the Prophet Muhammad.

SAITKAMAL - Sait (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAITKARIM - Sait (see) + Karim (see).

SAITKUL - Sait (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior). Cf.: Kulsait.

SAITMAGROUF - Sait (see) + Magruf (see).

SAITMAHMUT - Sait (see) + Mahmut (see).

SAITMULLA - Sait (see) + mullah (spiritual mentor, teacher, preacher).

SAITMURAT - Sait (see) + Murat (see).

SAITMURZA - Sait (see) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAITMUHAMMET - Sait (see) + Muhammet (see). A person from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Cf.: Muhammetsait.

SAITNABI - Sait (see) + Nabi (see).

SAITNAGIM - Sait (see) + Nagim (see).

SAITNAZAR - Sait (see) + Nazar (see).

SAITNUR - Sait (see) + nur (beam, radiance). Cf.: Nursait.

SAITRASUL - Sait (see) + Rasul (see).

SAITRAHIM - Sait (see) + Rahim (see).

SAITRAHMAN - Sait (see) + Rahman (see).

SAITTIMER - Sait (see) + timer (iron). Cf.: Timersite.

SAITTUGAN - Sait (see) + tugan (born).

SAITHABIB - Sait (see) + Khabib (see).

SAITHAZI - Sait (see) + Haji (see). Cf.: Hajisayit.

SAITKHAN - 1. Sait (see) + khan. Khan from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Cf.: Hansait.

SAITKHUZYA - Sait (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). Cf.: Khojasait.

SAITCHURA - Sait (see) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend).

SAITSHARIF - Sait (see) + Sharif (see).

SAITSHAH, SAITSHAH - 1. Sait (see) + check. 2. Shah from the family of the Prophet Muhammad. Cf.: Shahsait.

SAITYAR - Sait (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

SAITYAHYA - Sait (see) + Yahya (see).

SAIF - Having a blade, armed with a blade.

SAYBEK - A name formed by joining the word sain, meaning "good, glorious", the word bek (master). This name is also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Saibekov.

SAIDAR - A name formed by adding to the Mongolian word sai (see Saibek) the Persian language affix -dar, which is a sign of possession, possession. It means "source of beauty, goodness" (about a person). Dialectal variant: Zaidar.

SAIDAR - Noble, noble; aristocrat, "white bone".

SAYDASH - 1. A name formed by adding to the title Sait (see) the anthroponymic denominative affix of the Tatar language -ash. 2. An abbreviated version of the surname of Salih Saydashev (an outstanding Tatar composer).

SAIDELISLAM - Islamic leader.

SAYDETDIN - Religious leader. Variety: Saitdin. Dialectal variants: Sutdin, Sattin.

SAYDULLA - Noble, noble servant of Allah.

SAIKAI - An ancient name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word sai, which had the meaning of "good, beautiful" in the ancient Turkic and ancient Mongolian languages. Tatar, Chuvash and Russian surnames Saykaev, Saykov, Saykiev, Saikin are formed from this name.

SAYLAN - Small multi-colored pearls.

SAIMAN - Virtuous, handsome, efficient.

SAIMURZA - Handsome murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAIMUKHAMMET - Beautiful Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Saimat, Saimet.

SAYRAM - A name formed by combining the Arabic word sair (rest, entertainment) and the Turkic word bayram (holiday).

SAIRAN - 1. Rest in the bosom of nature, picnic. 2. Walking, walking, moving; excursion. 3. Entertainment, getting pleasure, having fun.

SAIF - Blade, sword, saber. Cf.: Sayaf. Anthropolexeme. Synonyms: Khisam, Shamsir, Kylych.

SAIFEGAZI - The sword of a fighter for a holy cause.

SAIFEGALI - Sword of the prophet Gali.

SAIFEGALIM - 1. The sword of knowledge, science. 2. In a figurative sense: a scientist with a sharp mind.

SAIFEGANI - Rich blade; sharp blade.

SAYFELGABIT - Blade of the servant of Allah.

SAYFELISLAM - Sword of Islam.

SAYFELMULYUK - Sword of monarchs.

SAIFETDIN - Sword of religion; in a figurative sense: spreading religion with a sword. Cf.: Sayafetdin, Khisametdin. Dialectal options: Saifuk, Saifush, Saifi.

SAIFI - Armed with a sword, blade; man with a sword. Synonym: Sayaf.

SAYFISATTAR - Sword of the all-forgiving (Allah).

SAIFISULTAN - Sword of the Sultan (ruler).

SAIFIKHAN - Khan's sword.

SAYFIYAZDAN - Sword of Allah.

SAIFYAR - A friend armed with a sword (see).

SAYFULLAH - Sword of Allah.

SAIKHAN ~ SAIKAN - Kind, handsome khan. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Saikhanov, Saikanov and Sayhunov (the latter - in the Apastovsky district), among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Saiganov.

SAKIN - Calm; with a calm personality.

Sal ~ Salli - Strong, healthy. Anthropolexeme.

SALAVAT - 1. Prayers; laudatory song, panegyric. 2. Blessing.

Salavatullah - Praise of Allah.

SALAMAT - Healthy, in good health.


Salamatullah - Allah gives health.

SALAH - 1. Good, good, beneficence. 2. Be fit, fit. 3. Religiosity, piety. Dialectal variant: Salakh. Anthropolexeme.

SALAHETDIN - 1. Good, beneficence of religion. 2. Sultan of religion (i.e. religious leader). Dialectal variant: Salahetdin.

SALAHI - Beneficent, virtuous; religious, devout, pious.

SALBAY - 1. Bai having rafts; healthy, strong buy. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as "country") + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Ilbay.

SALBAKTY - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as "country") + bakty (born). Cf.: Ilbakty.

SALJAN - 1. A healthy, strong person. 2. Sal (in Persian "country") + jan (soul, person), i.e. loving his country, patriot.

SALIGASCAR - A devoted warrior, a hero of his country. Preserved in the surname Saligaskarov.

SALIK - Walking; adhering to a certain religious direction.

SALIM - Healthy, in good health; with a pure soul. Dialectal options: Sali, Salya, Salai. Anthropolexeme.

SALIMBAY - Salim (healthy) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Bai with good health. Cf.: Baisalim.

SALIMBEK - Salim (healthy) + bek (master). Beck (master) in good health.

SALIMGARAY - Salim (healthy) + Garay (see).

SALIMGUZYA (SALIMKHUZYA) - Salim (healthy) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). The owner is in good health.

SALIMJAN - Salim (healthy) + jan (soul, person). Healthy man.

SALIMETDIN - Health, well-being of religion.

SALIMZAVAR - Salim (healthy) + Zavar (see).

SALIMZADA - Salim (healthy) + Zada ​​(see). Healthy son.

SALIMKURDE - A healthy child was born.

SALIMULLAH - Allah, giving health, peace. Dialectal options: Sali, Salmi, Saluk, Salmush, Salmuk, Salai, Salim.

SALIMKHAN - Salim (healthy) + khan.

SALIMSHAH, SALIMSHA - Salim (healthy) + shah.

SALIMYAR - Salim (healthy) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

SALIH - Good, kind, virtuous, holy; fair, faithful, with a pure soul. Anthropolexeme.

SALIKHBAY - Holy, virtuous buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

SALIKHBEK - Holy, virtuous bek (master).

SALIKHDZHAN ~ SALIKHZYAN - Holy, virtuous person. Dialectal variants: Salish, Salai, Salush, Saluk.

SALIKHKUL - Salih (holy, virtuous) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

SALIKHMULLAH - Salih (holy, virtuous) + Mullah.

SALIKHMURZA - Salih (holy, virtuous) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SALIKHAN - Holy, virtuous khan.

SALKAY ~ SALLIKAY - A name formed by adding a diminutive affix -kay to the word sally (strong, healthy). Preserved in the surnames Salkiev, Salkaev. Variety: Salakai.

SALLIBAY - Healthy, strong, strong buy.

SALMAN - Healthy, from among healthy people; not knowing sorrows and troubles.

SALMURZA - 1. Strong healthy murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility); strong murza. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as "country") + murza. Cf.: Ilmurza.

SALMUHAMMET - 1. Healthy, strong Muhammet. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as "country") + Muhammet (see). Cf.: Ilmuhammet. Dialectal variants: Salmat, Salmuk, Salmush.

SALTAI - Possessing good health. Preserved in the surname Saltaev.

SALTUGAN ~ SALTYGAN - 1. A healthy, strong child was born. 2. Sal (translated from Persian as "country") + tugan (born). Cf.: Iltugan.

SALTYK - 1. Keeper of order, traditions. 2. Lame, lame. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Saltykov.

SALEGET - A healthy, strong young man.

SALYAM - 1. Health; tranquility, peace. 2. Greeting. 3. Savior (one of the epithets of Allah).

SALYAMULLAH - Allah is the savior.

SAMAR - Fruit, result; useful. Anthropolexeme.

SAMARETDIN - Benefiting religion.

SAMARI - Fruitful, fruitful; fruit, result; useful.

SAMARKHAN - Samar (see) + khan. Preserved in the surname Samarkhanov.

SAMAT - 1. Eternal, living forever. 2. Leader, leader. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

SAMI - 1. The highest rank, great. 2. Expensive, valuable. 3. A representative of the genus Sams (Samits), a Jew.

SAMIG - Listening; hearing (one of the epithets of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

SAMIGITDIN - Hearing, hearing the voice of religion.

SAMIGULLA - Hearing, hearing the voice of Allah. Dialectal variants: Samik, Samigil.

SAMIM - True, pure.

SAMIN - Dear, valuable.

SAMIR - 1. Fruitful. 2. Interlocutor.

SAMIRKHAN - Samir (see) + khan. Khan-interlocutor.

SUMIT - 1. Strong, stable; unshakable. 2. Proud.

SAMIKH - Generous. Dialectal variants: Sami, Samish, Samuk.

SAMUR - Sable. Preserved in the surname Samurov. Synonym: Cash.

SANAGAT - Master, one who owns his craft at a high level; industry.

SANBULAT - Like damask steel, similar to damask steel.

SANGISH (SANKISH) - An ancient name formed by adding the Turkic word ish (equal, couple; child) to the word of the Tajik and Persian languages ​​\u200b\u200bsang ("stone"). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sangishev, Sankishev.

SANJAK - Banner, flag, standard. Preserved in the names Sandzhakov, Sanzakov.

SANJAP - Squirrel. It was preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Kazan Tatars in the surnames of Sandzhapov, Sindzhapov.

SANJAR - Sharp, piercing through; a spear. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the names of Sanjarov, Sanzharov.

SANIAHMET - Second Ahmet (see). Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the surname Saniakhmetov.

SANIBEK - Second bek (boy). The second son in the family.

SANIYAN - Second soul (child). The second son in the family.

SANUBAR - Pine. Synonym: Narat.

SARBAZ - 1. Military, soldier. 2. Hero, strong, brave, fearless. Preserved in the names of Sarbazov, Sarvazov.

SARBAY - 1. Yellow buy; bai with yellowish-red hair. 2. Nickname given to dogs with red and yellowish hair (zoonym). Cf.: Baisary. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryak) in the surname Sarbaev. The surname Sarbaev is also found among Russians.

SARVAR - 1. People's leader, leader. 2. Owner, owner. Dialectal variants: Sarvay, Sarvari. Anthropolexeme.

Sarvaretdin - Religious leader.

SARVAT - Wealth; treasury; abundance.

SARDAR - Commander-in-Chief; standing at the head.

Sarjan - Lord of the soul.

SARIGASKAR - Commander, military leader. Preserved among the Kazan and Ufa Tatars in the surname Sarigaskarov.

SARIM - 1. Sharp. 2. Solid, strong. Dialectal variant: Sarym.

SARMAN - 1. T. Dzhanuzakov believes that the first syllable sar of a given name in the ancient Mongolian language has the meaning "lunar". 2. According to another point of view, the name Sarman is formed from the components sar (translated from the Mongolian "moon") and mandav ("rose") and, therefore, means: "the moon rose." (Compare: Aytugdy, Aytugan). 3. Perhaps the name Sarman means: "yellow". 4. In Persian, sarman is "a leader, an authoritative person." Preserved among Kazan and baptized Tatars in the surname Sarmanov.

SARMANAI - A variant of the name Sarman (see), formed by the addition of an affectionate-reversal affix -ai. The name Sarmanai is also found among the Mari. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the surname Sarmanaev.

SARMAT - Having a permanent continuation, eternal; immortal; endless, limitless. Synonyms: Mangu, Samat. Dialectal variant: Sirmat. From this name the surname Sirmatov is formed. Anthropolexeme.

SARMATBEK - Sarmat (see) + bek (master).

SARMATKHAN - Sarmat (see) + khan.

SARRAF - Changed; master; appraiser. Phonetic variant: Saraf.

SARTAK - 1. Persian, Iranian. 2. Sart (Sarts - a settled part of the Uzbeks since ancient times). V.A.Nikonov believes that the Russian surname Sartakov is formed from the word sartak ("carrot"), used by the Siberian Tatars. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sartakov.

Sary - Among the ancient Turkic peoples, yellow color (sary) was considered valuable, symbolizing gold. To all the creatures of nature, having a yellow color (the color of gold), there was a respectful attitude. In a figurative sense: matured, matured. Synonym: Asfar. Anthropolexeme.

SARYBALA - Sary (see) + bala (child). It was given to boys with red and wheat-colored hair.

SARYBASH ~ SARBASH - Sary (see) + bash (head). Red-haired head, head with wheat-colored hair.

SARYBEK - Sary (see) + bek (master). Noble, noble bek (master).

SARYBUGA - Sary (see) + buga (bull). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) become rich and strong.

SARYBULAT - Sary (see) + damask steel (high grade steel).

SARYGUL - Sary (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Variety: Sarykul.

SARYJAN ~ SARYAN - 1. Sary (see) + jan (soul, person). 2. In Persian, sar jan means "the main (first) soul", i.e. "main (first) child".

SARYKAI - A variant of the name Sarah (see), formed with the help of a diminutive affix -kai. In the meaning of "dear baby, bloody."

SARYMARGAN - Sary (see) + Margan (see).

SARYMSAK - Garlic. Among the ancient Turkic peoples, it was given with the wish that the bitter, caustic taste of garlic would scare away evil forces, not letting them near the child. Preserved in the surname Sarymsakov (compare: among the Russians - Chesnokov).

SARYSLAN - Sary (yellow, golden) + aryslan (lion). Preserved in the surname Saryslanov.

SARYTAI - Sary (yellow, golden) + tai (foal). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sartaev.

SARYKHUZYA - Sary (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). Noble, noble host.

SARYCH - Sarych, hawk. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sarychev.

SARYCHECH - Golden hair. It was given to boys with golden (red) hair. Compare: Sarytulum (female name), Altynchech (female name).

SARYCHIK - Formed by adding to the name of Sarah (see) a diminutive affix -chik. Preserved in the surname Sarychikov.

SATAI - Beloved, close relative. Preserved in the surname Sataev.

SATI - Sold, bought. Preserved in the surname Satiev.

SATIM - Bought child. Preserved in the surname Satimov.

SATYR - Forgiving.

SATLYK - Bought child. The Turkic peoples had a special "prophylactic" custom (for the purpose of expelling evil forces) of naming adopted children and children born in families with high infant mortality. According to a preliminary agreement, after the birth of a child, he was given to relatives or acquaintances, and then after some time they "ransomed" for money, while giving the child the name Satlyk (bought child). Altaians still use the names Satlak, Satylysh, Satu.

SATTAR - Forgiving, all-forgiving. One of the epithets of Allah. Anthropolexeme.

SATYBAL - Bought child. see Satlyk. Preserved in the surname Satybalov. This surname is also found among the Kumyks.

SATYSH - Child for sale. see Satlyk.

Sau - Healthy, lively, prosperous. Anthropolexeme.

SAUBAN - Guardian, educator.

SAUGILDE - A healthy child came (was born). It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Saugildeev.

SAUD - Happy.

SAULYAT - Strength, power, energy; power, greatness.

SAUMAN - Possessing good health.

SAUMURZA - Healthy and prosperous murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

SAUR - The month of April. Born in April.

SAURIJAN - With a revolutionary spirit.

SAUCHURA - A healthy young man, a farmer, a warrior. Preserved in the names Sauchurin, Sauchurov.

SAFA - 1. Purity, holiness; 2. Fun, pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, carelessness, carelessness, calmness. Anthropolexeme.

SAFAGARAY - Safa (see) + Garay (see).

SAFAGUL ~ SAFAKUL - Safa (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

SAFANUR - Safa (see) + nur (beam, radiance). Cf.: Nursafa.

SAFAR - 1. Journey, trip. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year. Name given to children born this month. Anthropolexeme.

SAFARBAY - Safar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

SAFARBEK - Safar (see) + bek (master).

SAFARFALI - Safar (see) + Wali (see)

SAFARGALI - Safar (see) + Gali (see)

SAFARGARAY - Safar (see) + Garay (see).

SAFARGUL - Safar (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

SAFARJAN - Safar (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFARKHUZYA - Safar (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher)

SAFDAR - Furious, stormy; bold, determined.

Safdil - Pure soul.

SAFI - 1. Pure, without impurities; true. 2. Chosen, chosen. Anthropolexeme.

SAFIAHMET - Safi (see) + Ahmet (see). Cf.: Ahmetsafa.

SAFIDJAN - Safi (see) + jan (soul, person).

SAFIR - Ambassador, authorized representative.

SAFIT - White color; with an open face.

SAFIULLAH - Chosen servant of Allah. The epithet of the prophets Muhammad and Adam.

SAFIKHAN - Safi (see) + khan. Dialectal variant: Safikan.

SAFIYAR - Safi (see) + yar (friend, close person). A true sincere friend.

SAFKUL - Immaculate, pure servant of God.

SAFUAN - 1. Purity, holiness; health. 2. Strong stone, granite, rock. Cf.: Taktash.

SAFUANGALI - Safuan (see) + Gali (see).

SAFUAT - Chosen, the best kind of objects (objects).

SAKHABETDIN - Believers, those who follow the path of religion. Dialectal variants: Sahabi, Sahap, Sahau.

SAHAP - Companions, comrades (plural). Anthropolexeme.

SAHAPKUL - Sahap (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

SUGAR - Dawn; dawn time. Anthropolexeme.

SAHAU - Generous, with a wide soul.

SAKHAUTDIN - Generosity of religion.

SAHBI - Comrade; one with whom it is pleasant to be friends, friend. Variety: Sahabi. Anthropolexeme.

SAHI - Generous, with a wide soul. Anthropolexeme.

SAHIBDJAN - Sahib (see) + jan (soul, person). Heart friend.

SAHIBETDIN - Friend, companion of religion.

SAHIBULLAH - Friend of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sahay, Sakay.

SAHIBKHAN - Sahib (see) + khan. Phonetic variant: Sahiphan.

SAHIL - Edge of the sea, seashore; equality.

SAHIN - Red-hot, heated, hot.

SAHIP ~ SAHIB - 1. Friend, companion; comrade, associate. 2. Master, master, owner. Anthropolexeme.

SAHIPGARAY - Sakhip (see) + Garay (see).

SAHIPZADA - Sahip (see) + Zada ​​(see).

SAHIR - Not sleeping, vigilant.

SAHIULLAH - The bounty of Allah.

SAHIH - 1. Healthy, alive. 2. True, correct, direct.

SAHMAN - Having his share, a happy person.

SAYAD ~ SAYAT - Hunter, hunter; catcher. Synonym: Sunarchi. Dialectal variant: Sayyad.

SAYAN - 1. White. 2. Snow. A new name derived from the name of mountain ranges in East Asia.

SAYAR - Walking, wandering, moving; satellite, planet. Variety: Sayyar.

SAYARGALI - Sayar (see) + Gali (see).

SAYATKHAN - Khan's hunters, stalkers.

SAYAF - 1. A gunsmith who makes blades, sabers; 2. Armed with a blade. Cf.: Sayf. Synonym: Saifi.

SAYAFETDIN - Servant of religion, armed with a blade. Cf.: Sayfetdin, Khisametdin.

SAYAKH - Wanderer, traveler, tourist. Synonym: Ilgizar.

SAYAHETDIN - Walking the path of religion.

SEBAK - Apple. Preserved in the surname Sebakov. Compare: Alma (female name), Almaty.

SERMAKTAI - Patient, hardy man, young man. Preserved in the surname Sermaktaev.

SIBAY - Formed by adding to the Arabic word siba ("love, youth") the Turkic invocative-imperative affix -ay. Phonetic variant: Sybay.

SIBGAT (SIBAGAT) - 1. Paint; beautiful color, pattern. 2. Temper, thought. Dialectal variant: Sibat.

SIBGATULLA ~ SIBAGATULLA - The image of Allah; religion of Allah. Dialectal options: Sibi, Sibuk, Sibush, Sibat, Sibak.

SIGEZAK - An ancient name given to the eighth child (boy) in the family. Compare: Tugyz, Tugyzay. Preserved in the family name Sigezakov.

SIDKI - Correct, honest, sincere, sincere. Anthropolexeme.

SIKSANBAY - Siksan (eighty) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name was given to boys with the wish to live to be eighty years old, and also if the father of the born boy was eighty years old. Cf.: Tuksanbay. Preserved among the Ural Tatars in the surname Siksanbaev.

SIMAY - 1. Look, face, face. 2. Brand, mark; picture, image.

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexeme.

SINEGUL - Sina (chest) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Servant of God with a powerful chest; in a figurative sense: a brave warrior, comrade, assistant. Preserved among the Bashkortostan Tatars in the surname Sinegulov.

SIRAZELHAK - Light of truth, truth.

SIRAZETDIN - Light of religion, lamp of religion. Dialectal variants: Sirai, Siraji, Siraj, Sirazi, Sirakai.

SIRASI - Lamp, candle, lamp, torch. Synonym: Kandil.

SIRIN (SIREN) - Lilac (shrub and flowers); carnation, clove tree.

SITDIK - Correct, true; faithful, devoted. Dialectal variant: Sidai.

SIYUL - Beloved (child). Preserved in the surname Syuliev.

SIYAR - Will love (about a child). Anthropolexeme.

SIYARBAY - Favorite buy (child). Cf.: Baysiyar. This name is also found among the Mari.

SIYARBEK - Siyar (will love) + bek (lord).

SIYARGALI - Siyar (will love) + Gali (see). Dear Gali.

SIYARGUL (SIYARKUL) - Siyar (will love) + kul (comrade, companion).

SIYARMUKHAMMET - Siyar (will love) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Siyarmet, Siyarembet.

SIYARKHUZYA - Siyar (will love) + Khoja (master, owner; mentor, teacher).

SPARTACUS - The name of the legendary leader of the largest uprising of Roman gladiators in the first century BC. In Italian: Spartaco.

SUBAY - 1. Cute, slender, beautiful, elegant; neat, tidy. 2. Rider, cavalryman, equestrian warrior. Preserved in the surname Subaev. Anthropolexeme.

SUBBUKH - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Dawns (pl.). In a figurative sense: a person who gets up early. Anthropolexeme.

SUBBUKHETDIN - Exalting, glorifying religion.

SUBHAN - Glory, praise (an epithet of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

SUBHANBIRDE - Allah gave a glorious, praiseworthy child. Gift of Allah.

SUBHANKUL - Slave of the glorified, praised (Allah).

SUBHANULLAH - Praise be to Allah, praise be to Allah. Dialectal variant: Subhulla.

SUGUD - 1. Rise, ascent, birth, appearance; Beginning of work. 2. Beginning, front (main) part of something.

SUER - Capercaillie (bird). Preserved in the surname Suerov.

SUERBAY - Suer (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Preserved in the surname Suerbaev.

SUIDERMAK - One that you can't help but love.

SULEYMAN - Healthy, lively, prosperous, living calmly. The Russians and Jews have Solomon, the British have Salmon, the Germans have Zalman, the French have Salmon, the Italians have Salomon, the Bulgarians have Salomon. Dialectal options: Sulei, Suli, Sulish, Sulesh, Suliman, Sulim.

SULIM - Glorious, famous. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sulimov.

SULIMSHAH, SULIMSHAH - Sulim (see) + check. Illustrious, famous Shah. Phonetic variant: Sulemshah.

SULTAN - Lord, ruler, ruler, head of state, monarch, emperor. Varieties: Sultanay, Sultankay, Sultakai. Anthropolexeme.

SULTANAY - Majestic, majestic month. Cf.: Aisultan. Dialectal variant: Sultai.

SULTANAHMET - Sultan (ruler) + Ahmet (see). A sultan worthy of praise, a glorious sultan. Reference: Ahmetsultan.

SULTANBAY - Sultan (ruler) + buy (master; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baysultan. This name is also found among the Mari.

SULTANBEK - Sultan (ruler) + bek (lord). Cf.: Bixultan.

SULTANBI - Sultan (ruler) + bi (prince, lord).

SULTANBIRDE - Sultan (ruler) + birde (gave). God gave a boy worthy to be a sultan.

SULTANGAZI - Sultan (ruler) + Gazi (see).

SULTANGALI - Sultan (ruler) + Gali (see).

SULTANGARAY - Sultan (ruler) + Garay (see).

SULTANGILDE ~ SULTANKILDE - The Sultan has come, i.e. was born.

SULTANGUZYA ~ SULTANKHUZYA - Sultan (ruler) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

SULTANGUL (SULTANKUL) - Sultan (ruler) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Servant, assistant to the Sultan.

SULTANETDIN - Sultan of religion (i.e. religious leader).

SULTANZADA - Sultan (ruler) + 3ad (see). Sultan's son.

SULTANMAHMUT - Sultan (ruler) + Mahmut (see). Sultan worthy of praise.

SULTANMURAT - Sultan (ruler) + Murat (see).

SULTANMUHAMMET - Sultan (ruler) + Muhammet (see). Cf.: Muhammetsultan.

SULTANNABI - Sultan (ruler) + Nabi (see).

SULTANNUR - Sultan (ruler) + nur (beam, radiance). Reference: Nursultan.

SULTANSALIM - Sultan (ruler) + Salim (see). Healthy and prosperous Sultan.

SULTANTIMER - Sultan (ruler) + timer (iron). Cf.: Thimersultan.

SULTANHABIB - Sultan (ruler) + Khabib (see). Favorite Sultan. Cf.: Khabibsultan.

SULTANHAKIM - Sultan (ruler) + Hakim (see).

SULTANKHALIL - Sultan (ruler) + Khalil (see).

SULTANKHUSAIN - Sultan (ruler) + Khusain (see).

SULTANSHAH, SULTANSHAH - Sultan (ruler) + check. Cf.: Shagisultan.

SULTANSHEIH - Sultan (ruler) + sheikh. Cf.: Shaikhesultan.

SULTANYAR - Sultan (ruler) + yar (friend, close person).

SULTANYASAVI - Sultan (ruler) + Yasawi (see).

SULUKHAN - Glorified, famous khan. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surname Sulukhanov.

SULYUKBAI - Slender, stately, handsome buy (young man).

SUNARGUL - Stalker; hunter.

SUNARCHI - Hunter. An old name indicating an occupation. Preserved in the surnames Sunarchin, Sunarshin, Sunarchiev. Synonym: Sayad.

SUNGALI - Sun (smart) + Gali (see). Preserved in the surname Sungaliev.

SUNGAT ~ SUNAGAT - Skill, skill; profession, craft, business, art. Dialectal variant: Senagat.

SUNGATULLA ~ SUNAGATULLA - Art, skill of Allah. Dialectal variants: Sinai, Sunai.

SUNIKAI - Clever, clever. Formed by adding to the Old Tatar word sun ~ suna, meaning "mind", a diminutive affix -kai. This name is found in the Bulgaro-Tatar genealogies.

SUNMAS - One who will live long; inextinguishable, eternal.

SUNNI - 1. Custom, practice. 2. Sunni (follower of the Sunni direction of the Muslim religion). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Sunniev.

SUNCHALI - see Suyunuchgali. Preserved in the name of the famous Tatar poet Sagit Sunchali (Sagit Khamidullovich Sunchaliev, 1889 - 1941) and in the name of the village of Sunchali in the Zelenodolsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan.

SURAGAN - Begged. This name was given to a child (boy) who was born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the surname Suraganov.

SURAN - A child begged from God. Preserved in the surname Suranov. Anthropolexeme.

SURANBAY - A child begged from God.

SURANCHIK ~ SURACHIK - A name formed by adding a diminutive affix -chik to the word Suran (see) or sura (ask). It was given to a child (boy) who was born after performing ritual actions and prayers addressed to the Almighty. Preserved in the Suranchikov family.

SURAPKUL - Servant of God, begged from Allah.

SURUR - Joy, joy. Anthropolexeme.

SURURETDIN - Joy, consolation of religion. Dialectal variant: Suruk.

SUSAR - Beaver (the name of the animal).

SUSLAN - Hay, made up of several sheaves. This name was given with a wish for the child of wealth and abundance. Preserved in the surname Suslanov.

SUSLANBEK - Suslan (see) + bek (master). Preserved in the surname Suslanbekov. This surname is also found among the Balkars.

SUFI - Not committing unseemly acts; Sufi (hermit, ascetic), pious, pious. Anthropolexeme.

SUFIAHMET - Sufi (see) + Ahmet (see).

SUFIYAN - Avoiding everything unseemly, sinful, pious person.

SUFIYAR - Sufi (see) + yar (close / beloved / person; friend, comrade).

SUFYAN - Wind; a gust, a puff of wind.

SUHAIL - Star Canopus.

SUHBAT - 1. Communication, communication, friendship. 2. Friends, interlocutors (multiple). Anthropolexeme.

SUHBATULLAH - Communicating with Allah; friends, interlocutors of Allah.

SUYUK - Beloved child. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUKAI - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the word shu (love, to love). Preserved in the surnames Suyukaev, Sukaev, Sekaev.

SUYUKBAY - Favorite buy. In the meaning of "beloved boy." Cf.: Baysuyuk.

SUYUKJAN - Beloved person (child).

SUYULIM - My beloved. Dialectal variant: Sulim.

SUYULISH - Beloved (child). Dialectal variant: Sulish.

SUYUM - Beloved. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUMBAY - Favorite bai (child). Preserved in the names of Suyumbaev, Simbaev.

SUYUMBIK ~ SUYUMBEK - Beloved bek (master).

SUYUMMUHAMMET - Beloved Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Suyumbet, Sumbet.

SUYUN - Joy, joy. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUNGUL ​​- Servant of God (child), bringing joy.

SUYUNDUK - A very great general joy.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, good news. Anthropolexeme.

SUYUNUCHGALI - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + Gali (see). Dialectal variants: Sunchalyai, Sunchali.

SUYUNCHKAY - A name formed by adding a diminutive affix -kai to the word suyunuch (joy, good news).

SUYUNUCHLEBAY - Joyful buy. It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Suyunuchlebaev.

SUYUNUCHTIMERR - Suyunuch (joy, good news) + timer (iron). It was given to commemorate a joyful event - the birth of a boy, and with the wish that he become strong as iron.

SUYUNCHAK - Baby, baby, bringing joy.

SUYUPBAY - Loving buy (boy).

SUYUCH - Love; Darling. Preserved in the surname Suyuchev.

SUYUSH - A child who is loved; manifestation of love.

SYGUNAK - A name formed by adding the anthroponymic affix -ak to the ancient Turkic word sogun ("deer"). It was preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sygunakov, Sagunakov, Sygynakov, Saganakov.

SYLU - Beautiful, slender, stately. Anthropolexeme.

SYLUBAI - Sylu (beautiful) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Compare: Baisylu (female name).

SYLUDZHAN - Sylu (beautiful) + jan (soul, person). Compare: Jansylu (female name).

SYLUKAY - Formed by adding to the name Sylu (see) a diminutive affix -kay. Among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) there are surnames Sylukaev, Sulukaev.

SYLUKHAN - Handsome khan. From this name the surname Sylukhanov is formed.

SYRTLAN - Hyena. A symbol of playfulness, beauty. Preserved in the surname Syrtlanov. Dialectal variants: Syrtak, Syrtai. Anthropolexeme.

SYRTLANBEK - Syrtlan (see) + bek (master). Strong, efficient bek (master).

SYUTISH - Dairy brother, blood brother. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Sutyushev, Sutushev.

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

SABAGUL - Morning, dawn flower; flower blooming at dawn. Synonym: Tangul.

SABAH - Morning, dawn time.

SABIGA - 1. Seventh. The ritual name given to the seventh daughter in the family. 2. Beauty.

SABIDA - Creating, creating. Phonetic variant: Savida.

SABILE - Way, road; big road.

SABIRA - Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabiha, Sabriya.

SABIHA - 1. Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabriya. 2. Blooming.

SABRIA - Patient, hardy. Synonyms: Sabira, Sabiha.

SABYRBIKA - Patient, hardy girl, woman.

SAVILYA - Selected direction; big way.

SAVIA - Straight; straightness, directness; truth, truth.

SAGADAT - Happiness, prosperity; bliss. Anthropolexeme.

SAGADATBANU - A happy girl (woman). Synonyms: Kutlybanu, Urazbanu.

SAGADATBIKA - A happy girl. Synonyms: Kutlybika, Urazbika.

SAGADATNUR - Radiant happiness. Synonym: Bakhtinur.

SAGDA - Happy.

SAGDANA - Star of happiness.

SAGDANUR - A happy ray, the radiance of happiness.

SAGDIYA - Happy; bringing happiness.

SAGDUNA - Our happiness.

SAGIDA - Happy, enjoying life. Anthropolexeme.

SAGIDABANU - Happy girl (woman).

SAGIDABIKA - Happy girl, woman.

SAGIRA - Younger (daughter).

SAGIA - Diligent, devoted to work.

SADA - Simple, sincere. Anthropolexeme.

SADAGUL - A simple, sincere, pure flower (about a girl).

SADADIL - Straightforward; with a sincere, pure soul.

SAJIDA - Performing prostration during prayer; bowing; respecting someone.

SADIK - 1. Faithful, devoted, sincere, sincere. 2. Reliable friend.

SADIRA - Beginning, emerging.

SADISA - Sixth. Ritual name given to the sixth girl in the family.

SADIYA - Thirsty.

SADRIYA - 1. Relating to the heart, to the soul; part of the heart, soul. 2. Woman leader, woman boss.

SAZA - Appropriate, suitable, acceptable, appropriate.

SAIBA - 1. Correct, true, true. 2. Successful, successful, convenient; rewarded by God. 3. Generous.

SAIMA - Holding an uraza (Muslim post).

SAIRA - 1. Walking, wayfarer, traveler. 2. Another, different.

SAYDA, SAYDA - 1. Noble, noble woman; madam. 2. Happy, lucky. Anthropolexeme.

SAYDABANU - Sayda (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SAYDABIKA - Sayda (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

SAIDAGUL - Sayda (see) + ghoul (flower). Cf.: Gulsayda.

SAYDANUR - Sayda (see) + nur (beam, radiance).

SAIDELJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAYDELJIKHAN - Leading the whole world.

SAIDIDJAMAL - Noble, noble, beautiful.

SAILANA - Small multi-colored artificial pearls.

SAIFIA - 1. Armed with a sword, a blade. 2. Dacha; summer house.

SAKINA - Calm; patient.

SALAHIA - Benevolent, virtuous.

SALIKA - 1. Walking, following someone; continuing. 2. Feeling beauty, possessing good intuition.

SALIMA - Healthy, in good health. Anthropolexeme.

SALIMABANU - Healthy and prosperous girl (woman).

SALIMABIKA - Healthy and prosperous girl, woman.

SALISA - Third. The ritual name given to the third daughter in the family.

SALIHA - 1. Doing good, doing good deeds, beneficent. 2. With a pure, immaculate soul. 3. Generous.

SALIA - Gives comfort (girl).

SALVI - 1. Joy, calm. 2. Sage flower.

SAMANIA - Eighth. Ritual name given to the eighth daughter in the family.

SAMARA - Fruit, success, luck; result, achievement.

SAMARIA - Fruitful, productive; lucky, successful.

SAMIGA - 1. Hearing, listening. 2. Compliant, obedient.

SAMIMA - Real, sincere, pure.

SAMINA - Dear, valuable; beloved, respected.

SAMIRA - Interlocutor.

SAMIA - Highly esteemed, great.

SANA - Bright light, radiance.

SANAM - My beloved, my idol.

SANDUGACH - Nightingale. Among the Turkic peoples: a symbol of melodies, tender feelings and love. Synonyms: Was, Gandalif. Anthropolexeme.

SANDUGACHBIKA - Sandugach (nightingale) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

SANDUGACHSYLU - Sandugach (nightingale) + sylu (beauty).

SANIGA - Created, created by a dream.

SANIGUL - The second flower (the second daughter in the family).

SANIA - Second. The ritual name given to the second daughter in the family. Anthropolexeme.

SANIABANU - The second girl (woman).

SANYABIKA - The second girl (woman).

SANIASYLU - The second beauty. The second daughter (beauty) in the family.

SARA - 1. Lady, lady, noble woman, "white bone". 2. Mother of the family. 3. In Persian, the word sara means "the best, the most beautiful." Anthropolexeme.

SARBI ~ SARVI - Cypress, acacia; in a figurative sense: stately, slender. Varieties: Sarbia, Sarvia. Anthropolexeme.

Sarbibanu - Sarbi (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARBIGUL - Sarbi (see) + ghul (flower).

SARBIJAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Jamal (see). Slender, stately, beautiful.

SARBIJIKHAN - Sarbi (see) + jihan (world, universe). The most stately beauty in the world.

SARBIKAMAL - Sarbi (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Stately and perfect in every way.

SARBINAZ - Sarbi (see) + naz (bliss, affection). Stately, slender and graceful.

SARBINISA - Sarbi (see) + Nisa (see). Slender, stately, beautiful woman.

SARVAR - Woman-leader; revered, authoritative.

SARVARIA - Sarvar (see) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

SARVAT - Wealth, a storehouse; abundance.

SARDARIA - Commander, female commander.

SARIMA - 1. Quick, agile, nimble. 2. Solid, strong.

SARIRA - Mind, spirit.

SARIA - 1. Spring. 2. Something very valuable; noble personality.

SARIABANU - Sariya (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

SARMADIA - Eternal, immortal.

SARRA - Joy, joy, happiness.

SARRAFIA - Tax collector; changing money. Phonetic variant: Sarafiya.

SATIGA - Very light; incomparable beauty. Cf.: Guzel.

SATIRE - Merciful, forgiving.

SATURA - One-line poem.

SAUBANA - Nurse, nurturer.

SAUDA - see Saudia. Anthropolexeme.

SAUDABANU - A girl (woman) experiencing unquenchable passion.

SAUDAJIKHAN - The most passionate in the world. Dialectal variants: Saudjian, Saujan, Saudi.

SAUDIA - Inextinguishable passion, great love, falling in love. Variety: Sauda.

SAURA - Revolution.

SAUSANA - Lily flower.

SAFA - Purity, purity; pleasure, bliss, carelessness, carelessness. Anthropolexeme.

SAFAGUL - Safa (see) + ghoul (flower). Flower of purity, purity, pure flower.

SAFANUR - Radiant, pure, immaculate.

SAFARGUL - Safar (journey, path) + ghoul (flower). Cf.: Gulsafar, Gulsafar.

SAFARI - 1. Traveler, wayfarer. 2. The name of the second month of the Muslim lunar year.

SAFDILYA - With a pure soul, sincere, simple.

SAFIDA - Light; open, cheerful.

SAFINA - Big boat, ship.

SAFIRA - 1. An angel that cleanses the souls of people. 2. Woman ambassador, plenipotentiary representative; envoy. 3. Born in the month of Safar in the Muslim lunar year.

SAFIA - 1. Pure, without impurities, real. 2. Pure, sincere (girl). 3. Favorite.

SAFNAZ - Pure, real bliss, affection.

SAFURA - Star; flickering. Synonyms: Yulduz, Sitara, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya. Anthropolexeme.

SAFURABIKA - Safura (see) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

SUGARBANAT - Daughters of the dawn; girls born at dawn (pl.).

SAHARBANU - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SUGARBIKA - A girl born at dawn (before dawn).

SAHARIA - Daughter of the dawn; girl born at dawn.

SAHARNAZ - Pre-dawn bliss.

SAHBIA - A good friend.

SAHIBA - A friend who can be trusted with secrets, a companion, a good friend.

SAHILA - 1. Sea coast. 2. Pleasure, enjoyment. 3. Generous, with a broad soul. 4. Lightweight, comfortable, handy.

SAHINA - Hot, red-hot.

SAKHINISA - Sahi (see the male name Sahi) + Nisa (see). A generous woman with a broad soul.

SAHIPJAMAL - Sahip (see the male name Sahip) + Jamal (see).

SAHIPKAMAL - Sahip (see the male name Sahip) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

SAHIRA - Awake, vigilant, not sleeping.

SAHIA - Generous, with a wide soul.

SAHLIA - Light, handy.

SAHURA - Sleepless, awake (multiple). Varieties: Saura, Shaura.

SAYARA - Companion; satellite, planet.

SVETLANA - Light, illuminating, radiant.

SIDKIBANU - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). Honest, fair girl (woman).

SIDKIJAMAL - Sidki (see male name Sidki) + Jamal (see). Honest, sincere, fair beauty.

SIDKIKAMAL - Sidki (see the male name Sidki) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws). Perfect, sincere, fair, honest.

SIDKIYA - Correct, honest, fair, sincere, sincere.

SILVA - Forest beauty, daughter of the forest.

SIMA - 1. Face, appearance; image. 2. Sign, mark, brand.

Sina - Chest. Anthropolexeme.

SYRASIA - Lamp, candle, torch.

SIREN - In ancient Greek mythology: a creature with a female head and a bird's body, living on rocky sea islands.

LILA ~ SIRINA - Lilac, lilac flowers; allspice.

SITARA - Star. Synonyms: Safura, Yulduz, Esfira, Stella, Najmiya.

SITDIKA - Correct, true, real; straight, fair.

SIYARBIKA - Siyar (will love) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

STELLA - Star. Synonyms: Yulduz, Safura, Sitara, Esfira, Najmiya.

SUBBHA - 1. Exaltation, glorification, praise. 2. Dawns (multiple); in a figurative sense: accustomed to getting up early. Dialectal variant: Sobbuha.

SUGDA - Very happy.

SUGUDA - Rise, ascent.

SUZGUN - 1. Slim, tall. 2. Pheasant. Synonym: Suna.

SUZGUNBIKA - Suzgun (see) + bika (girl; lady, lady). Slender, tall girl.

SULMAS - Unfading (beauty).

SULMASGUL - Unfading flower (beauty).

SULTANA - Queen, mistress, mistress, ruler.

SULTANAT - Supremacy, greatness.

SULTANBIKA - Sultan (lady, mistress) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). Mistress, mistress.

SULTANGUL - Sultan (lady, mistress) + ghoul (flower). Regal, majestic, beautiful flower. Cf.: Gulsultan.

SULTANIA - 1. Sultan's daughter. 2. Queen, queen. 3. Majestic, regal, beautiful.

SULMA - Very beautiful.

SULYUKBIKA - A slender, stately, graceful girl.

SUNMAS - Will not fade away; in a figurative sense: will live long, will not die.

Suriya is the Arabic name for the star Sirius in the Northern Hemisphere.

SURUR - Joy. Anthropolexeme.

SURURBANAT - Surur (joy) + Banat (see).

SURURVAFA - Surur (joy) + Vafa (see).

SURURJIKHAN - Surur (joy) + jihan (peace, universe). The joy of the world, the universe.

ANTIMONY - Antimony (a dye used in cosmetics). A sign of beauty.

SUSANNA - 1. Lily, white lily. 2. Tulip.

SUSYLU - Water beauty.

SUFIA - Not committing unseemly acts; holy, pious.

SUYUMBIKA ~ SUYUNBIKA - Beloved lady; Girlfriend.

SUYUNGEL - Always rejoice, be joyful.

SUYUNUCH - Joy, joyful event, joy.

SUYUNUCJAMAL - Suyunuch (joy) + Jamal (see).

SYLU - Beautiful; slender, stately. Anthropolexeme.

SYLUBANU - A beautiful girl (woman).

SYLUBIBI - A beautiful girl (woman). Cf.: Bibisyl.

SYLUBIKA - Beautiful girl, woman. Cf.: Bikasylu.

Sylugul - A beautiful flower. Cf.: Gulsylu.

Syludzhan - Beautiful soul. Cf.: Jansylu.

SYLUDZHIKHAN - The beauty of the world, the beauty of the world. Cf.: Jihansylu.

SYLUKAY - Beauty (affectionate form of the name Sylu).

SILUNAZ - Delicate beauty; beautiful bliss, affection. Compare: Nazlysylu, Nazsylu.

SILUNISA - Beauty among girls and women.

SYLUTAN - Beautiful dawn. Cf.: Tansylu.

SYLUKHANA - A beautiful noble girl.

SYLUYUZ - Beautiful face.

SUMAYRA - Swarthy.

SYUMAYA - She took a step, took a step (meaning "she was called by name").

SYUMBEL - 1. The month of August. 2. Hyacinth (flower). Variety: Syumbel.

Syumbel - see Syumbel.

SUNA - Pheasant. Synonym: Suzgyn.

The problem of choosing a name for a girl (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months, at first glance, does not seem serious. It would seem that picking it up is easy. However, parents often cannot make a choice, and sometimes there are no ideas at all.

Psychologists recommend to be sensitive to the meaning of the name, referring to the accompaniment of the corresponding name of fate. Astrologers, in turn, advise, when choosing a name, to focus on the zodiac and eastern horoscopes.

Of course, first of all, parents wish the child a beautiful, rare, euphonious and with a good meaning name. It is important that it is not too complicated, so that the girl remembers and loves it. However, it is worth remembering that the name also has its own meaning and can influence the whole future life of a little person, including his character and habits.

Those who believe in symbolism are sure that a well-chosen name in the future will be a good help in a successful career, a happy personal life. Psychologists, on the other hand, conducted their social experiments and found out that the sound of a name can have an impact on the adoption of various decisions in the modern world. Here are just some of the factors that you should definitely not forget about when looking through.


You should not give the child a name like that of a mother, aunt or grandmother, no matter how much others like it. According to psychologists, the child will feel uncomfortable in the future in a family where there is already an older person with the same name, especially if they were named after their mother. Subconsciously, the girl will still compare herself with her, and find flaws in herself. Also, do not name deceased family members or friends, no matter how significant they were. Without realizing it, the child can to some extent repeat in his life something from the fate of that person.


Forgetting about the middle name, of course, is not worth it. Any beautiful name should be combined with it, because in the future, an already grown-up child will be named with the name of his father, especially if your child will have a prestigious position. Therefore, many fathers, quite justifiably, wish their daughters names that are consonant with themselves. "Victoria Viktorovna" or "Yulia Yuryevna" appeared just like that.

Remember that choosing a deliberately European name in an ordinary family, where the father is completely Slavic, is not recommended. Agree, "Milinda Igorevna" at least sounds strange.

It is quite inconvenient when the last letter of the daughter's name and the first letter of the patronymic are the same. For example, "Anastasia Yanovna" or "Katerina Alekseevna".

In addition, if the patronymic is already supposed to be long, then the name will suit it short and simple. For example, "Inga Valerievna".

You can use tables from sites, they will select options for successful combinations whennames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by monthsagree with the father's patronymic.

Hardness with softness

According to some experts, the chosen hard names give stubbornness, firmness, uncompromisingness and willfulness in the character of girls, while modern, softer names, on the contrary, make their mistresses softer and more feminine.

Rare and beautiful girl names

It is very mistaken to follow fashion trends, selectingnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months. Fashion will pass - the name will remain forever. We believe that it is not necessary to talk about the use of political slogans to form a name. It is unlikely that anyone wants to call their child - "Dognat", "Peregnat", "Mels", etc.

The most popular names according to the results of the survey now: Valeria and Alina. Deservedly in second place are Christina, Maria, Victoria, Diana, and then Daria, Julia and Angelina.

Church names for girls 2016 by months

Girls born in the second month of summer will grow up sensitive, open and friendly. They will have a wide circle of friends, "July" bright, ardent personalities, people like them and attract them. They love bright outfits, big companies, being in the center of social attention. The best names for summer girls would be Inna, Irina and Agrippina, as well as Ulyana, Zhanna and Efrosinya. If the child was born by the end of July, you can call Angelina, Martha and Anna. Beautiful name Julianna and Evdokia. Kind Maria or Sarah and Valentina, sunny Julia and Alevtina, beautiful Marina and Margarita. Names such as Rimma or Efimiya will be perfectly combined with the fate of a child born in the summer.

Many people want to name their daughters, guided by the calendar, where recommendations are written on which name is best for which month of birth.

Born in the last days of the month of hot July - Alevtina, Valentina and Margarita.

Born in August 2016 - the beginning of the month - the modest Maria and the beautiful Christina. Anna, Olympiad, Praskovya, Anfisa and Seraphim will also be perfectly combined. Toward the middle of the month - Evdokia and Nonna, you can Maria. Toward the end - quick-witted Concordia or faithful Ulyana. Suchnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months (church)will carry a noble destiny.

Born in September 2016 - the beginning of the month - kind Vassa and reasonable Natalia. And also Anfisa and Anna. Toward the middle of the month - Martha and Rufina or Vasilisa, you can Elizabeth and Raisa. After the twentieth numbers - Pulcheria, maybe Iya or Lyudmila, maybe Faith and Love or Hope, maybe Sofia.

Born in October of this year - the beginning of the month - Ariadne, maybe Irina or Sofia. By the middle of the month - Anna, Ustinya, Virineya and Veronica. After the twentieth numbers - bright Taisia, active Pelageya, collected Zinaida and concentrated Praskovya.

Born in November 2016 - the beginning of the month - sensual Cleopatra and faithful Kapitolina. It can also be called: Neonila, Praskovya, Anna, Anastasia, Maria, possibly Mavra. Toward the middle of the month - persistent Alexandra or gentle Euphrosyne. Claudia, Matryona and Stephanida will also sound beautiful.

Born in December of this year - the beginning of the month - Anna and Cecilia, maybe Augusta, maybe Catherine. By the middle of the month - Varvara and Ulyana, you can Anfisa or Anna. After the twentieth numbers - Angelina or Zoya.

Tatar names for girls 2016 by months

They are increasingly gaining sympathy in modern society. The Tatars, like many eastern peoples, attach great importance to the name. It has its own meaning and is believed to characterize the best qualities of a woman and protect her. They are more repelled precisely from the meaning of the name itself, although the date is also of no small importance.

The most harmonious and relevant now Tatar names:

  • Aliya - as exalted or high, she is honorable and outstanding. Should be called closer to the beginning of August.
  • Amani (with it the accent goes on the second syllable) - desired dreams, innermost. Mid August.
  • Amilya - the roots of the name are Arabic, which means a worker or a worker. Suitable for those born after the 20th of August.
  • Amira is a princess or princess, the offspring of the royal family.Name for a girl (rare and beautiful) 2016 by month (Tatar)comes to the end of August.
  • Anisa (accent comes with the second syllable) - touching, sweet, gentle, affectionate and friendly as a companion, friendly. September name.
  • Asia is a comforter, a healer. That was the name of the wife of the pharaoh - the oppressor of the Jews. Suitable if the baby was born in mid-September.
  • Jamila is beautiful (this September name came from the ancient Arabs).
  • Krima is a generous and noble daughter. Such a significant name is suitable for those born at the end of September (after the 20th).
  • Farida (stress in the second syllable) - she is unique, incomparable, extraordinary and amazing. Another option is a pearl. Early October.
  • Guzel - incredibly beautiful, graceful, enthusiastic. Period from 3 to 12 October.
  • Jana - "soul". He is also mentioned in the Quran. Mid October.
  • Fairuza - or turquoise. She is azure, or, otherwise, famous and famous. The name suits those who were born at the end of October.
  • Jasmine is the flower of Jasmine. With a variation of "Yasmine" - a branch of jasmine. November.
  • Aisylu is a popular popular name "keeper of the secrets of the moon." End of November.
  • Ayla, Ayly - her face is like the moon. A warm name for a cold winter - suitable for a December birthday.
  • Alsu is a well-known name. She is charming and wonderful. Such a beautiful name is recommended to be used in the January cold.
  • Irkya is refined and affectionate, touching. According to another translation - baby, baby or honest, generous. End of January - beginning of February.

Muslim names for girls 2016 by month

There is a huge selection of beautiful and harmonious Islamic names with deep meaning. It is believed that the name of a Muslim woman reflects her character traits. Sometimes girls can be named based on the name of the month in which she was born.

The most beautiful, harmonious Muslim names:


  • Aliya is sublime and stately.
  • Amani is the embodiment of dreams and desires.
  • Amira - she is a princess or princess. By naming the child so, parents want to emphasize its inner dignity, the nobility of the soul, character.
  • Anisa is a wonderful conversationalist, affectionate and friendly.


  • Asia is a comforter, a healer. This name can be found in the Koran.
  • Darin is an ancient beautiful name.
  • Jamila is beautiful. An ancient, Arabic word, the Prophet loved him.
  • Judy - that was the name of the mountain, according to legend, Nuh's ark stood on it.
  • Jumana - literally - a pearl.
  • Juri is the most beautiful rose.


  • Zagra - brilliance and beauty.
  • Karima is noble and generous.
  • Malika is a queen or queen. Rare.
  • Mira - provisions or provisions.
  • Munira - shiny and bright, light. Previously, such names were often worn by royal daughters.


  • Narmin is tender and soft. The first syllable is stressed.
  • Nujud - hill or plateau.
  • Rania - stares intently, without even blinking. Attentive and persistent. Stressed first syllable.
  • Rahma - mercy or mercy.
  • Ruweida is a young lady.
  • Salima is whole, healthy and unharmed. Another meaning is vulnerable.
  • Saliha - pious.


  • Salsabil is one of the sources located in Paradise.
  • Safiya is clear, pure and transparent.
  • Tasnim, like Salsabil, is a source in Eden.


  • Farah is joy. For some regions, this name is also suitable for boys.
  • Halima is meek and gentle.
  • Sharifa is noble.
  • Sheima is a good person.

These are amazing and meaningfulnames for girls (rare and beautiful) 2016 by months muslim.

The rarest and most modern names for girls in 2016

Olga - the name has Scandinavian roots. Its meaning is "sacred or great". A girl with this name is ambitious, feminine and thoughtful. She will be a good housewife and wife. Olga has clearly set goals and a great desire to achieve them. She does not grow up as a problem child for the family or teachers, only somewhat touchy and sensitive.

Anna - in history it was worn by empresses and martyrs, "merciful, gracious." Now the girls named by that name are artistic and beautiful, they have a big soul and an open heart, ready to warm anyone. Anna has golden hands and delicate taste. She is neat, influential, has a developed intuition and does not like to regret the past. Everything is in order with self-esteem and there is no danger of falling under the influence of others.

Hope - has ancient Slavic roots. Girls with similar names are purposeful, restrained in character, but not without emotionality. They are adventurous. For Nadezhda, the family comes first, and her mother is special. She has a sharp mind and the ability to get along with anyone, a true friend.

Faith has Slavic roots. Means "faith, belief". She is distinguished by prudence and prudence, she has logical thinking, supported by worldly wisdom. Once having chosen her path, Vera follows it. She is a great friend and always ready to help.

Milena is a rather rare name today, invented by the Slavs. Milena is a gentle, easy-going, soft girl with a big heart. Milena loves warmth and care, the family comes first on the scale of values. Virtuous, true true friend, favorite of parents, friends.

In addition, you can pick up names for girls (rare and beautiful for 2016 by months) by video, where they talk about the meaning of each, examples of common and famous namesakes.

If you do not find in this catalog what you are interested in Tatar name exactly by spelling, then look consonant with it, since most likely they have the same origin, for example: Walid = Vyalit, Gulsum = Gulsum, Jafar = Zhafar.
old Tatar names often consist of words from Persian, Arabic, Turkic languages, later Tatar names- derived from them or consist of the words of the Iranian, Tatar and other modern, Aro-Asiatic, but mainly Turkic peoples neighboring the Tatars or are composed of several words of different origin, or from several words or names (Musagitdin, Mintimer, Saijafar, Gaynutdin, Abdeljabar) .
The most "young" Tatar names, which arose in the 20th century, are often modified old names, in which either more beautiful-sounding letters are added or the name is abbreviated: (Franis, Rimma, Marat, Raf, Rabis) or borrowed from European peoples (Albert, Hans, Marseille, Rudolf, Ferdinand , Edward).
Often, Tatars, due to their developed creativity, themselves invented and invent Tatar names to their children from beautiful words or phrases of Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Iranian, Bulgar, Tatar languages.
It is impossible to find out exactly the origin of many names, so we recommend that those who are faced with choosing a name for a child - choose a beautiful sounding name for him from the presented Tatar names, or you can come up with it yourself, just keep in mind that the more original the name of the child is, the more it will "cut the ear" of others and in the future can cause unpleasant moments for a person.

Naasim - settler (disputes)
Nabi is an Arab. prophet
Nabil (Nabhan, Nabih) - noble, noble, famous
Navid - good news
Nadir is an Arab. rare (female f. Nadira)
Nadzhi - saving, (f.f.f. Nadzhiya)
Najib - noble birth
Najmuddin (Nazmuddin) - star of faith
Nadeem - friend
Nadir (Nadyr) - expensive, rare
Nadia is the first
Nazar (Nazir) - Arab. sight, far-sighted (zh.f. Nazira)
Nazih (Nazip, Nazif) - clean - Tat. (female Nazifa)
Nazil -
Nazmi -
Naib - assistant, deputy
Nail is an Arab. a gift, a gift, reaching and striving, achieving the desired (J.F. Naila, Nelya, Nelly)
Naim - quiet, calm
Namdar (Namwar) - famous
Nariman - other Iran. strong-willed
Naseem - fresh air
Nasih is an Arab. adviser, assistant, friend
Nasyr (Nasr) - friend
Nasseruddin - Defender of the Faith
Naufal - generous
Nafis is an Arab. graceful, thin, (f.f.f. Nafisa)
Naretdin -
Neymat (Nimat) - good
Niaz (Niyaz) - mercy
Nigina - pers. f.f. nigin - a jewel in a setting, a ring
Nizam is an Arab. device, order
Nur is an Arab. light
Nurania -
Nuri - light (zh.f.f. Nuria)
Nurlan (Nurlat) - sparkling (zh.f.f. Nurlan)
Nuruddin - the radiance of faith
Nurania - Tat. from 2 words: Arabic. nur - light and named after Ania (Khania) Turkic - a gift
Nuriahmet is an Arab. glorified light, holy radiance
Nurislam - the light of Islam
Nurulla is an Arab. the light of Allah
Nurutdin -
Nelifya (Nelifar) -

Oygul (Aigul) - Turk. Lunar flower
Oktay - judge
Olzhas - Kaz. gift, gift
Omar (Umar, Umyar, Omeir, Gumar, Homer) - pers. life, longevity
Omid - hope
Omran - firmly built
Oner - advanced
Orkhan - khan of the army, commander
payam - good news
Pasha is the owner
payman - promise
Polad - strong, powerful
Pujman - dream, desire
Puya the seeker
Rabah - victorious
Rabi - spring
Rabiha is an Arab. spring, daughter of the prophet
Ravil - aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler
Raghib - desiring, thirsty
Razil (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy
Radik - aspiring
Radif - spiritual
Rafael (Raphael, Rafail, Rafil, Rafil) - God's medicine
Rafik (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafkat) - Arab. Kind
Razi is a secret
Razil (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah
Raid - leader
Rail is a miracle of Allah
Rais. - tat. (f.f. Raisya)
Rakin - respectful
Rakia is an Arab. leading the way
Ralina - loving father
Ralif (Raif) -
Ramiz (Ramis) - symbolizing the good
Ramil - magical, magical (zh.f. Ramil)
Rania -
Rasil is an Arab. sent
Rasim is an Arab. stronghold, defender (female f. Rasima)
Rasih is an Arab. hard, stable
Rasul - apostle; precursor
Ratib - measured
Rauza (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Rauf is an Arab. merciful (f. f. Raufa)
Rauza (Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Raf -
Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arab. Kind
Rafis -
Rafi (Rafik) - a good friend
Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rachel - sheep f.f.
Rahim is an Arab. gracious
Rahman -
Rashid (Rashad) - Arab. going the right way, conscious, prudent (zh.f. Rashidya)
Reza - determination; humility
Renat (Rinat) - lat. - reborn, reborn, renewed (zh.f. Renata, Rinata)
Reseda - flower
Refah - prosperity
Rida (Riza) - benevolence, benevolence
Ridvan - contented
Rim (Rem) - Tat. (J.F. Rimma)
Rimzil - tat. (f.f. Ramsia)
Rizvan is an Arab. favor, satisfaction
Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - Kind. 2.high position, nobility
Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Riyadh - gardens
Rosalia - from 2 names - Rosa and Aliya
Roxana is a Turk.
Ruby - pers. gem
Ruzil (Ruzbeh) - happy
Rumia - lat. Roman princess
Runar - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turk. a lion
Rustam (Rustem) - 1. Iran. strong, pers. deliverance, salvation, 2.very large, with a powerful body
Rufiya - Tat. from other ar. Ruth -
Rushan (Ravshan) - pers. light, brilliant, radiant (zh.f. Rushana, Rushaniya)
Saad - luck
Sabir (Sabur) - Arab. patient (f.f. Sabira)
Sabit is an Arab. strong, durable, firm, firm
Sabih - beautiful, beautiful
Savalan - majestic
Sagyt (Sagyt) -
Sajid (Sajid) - worshiping God
Sadri is an Arab. first (zh.f. Sadria)
Sadiq (Sadiq, Sadiq) - Arab. sincere, faithful, true
Said is an Arab. happy (female f. Saida, Saida)
Saifi is an Arab. sword (J.F. Sayfiya)
Saifuddin - the sword of faith
Sayfulla is an Arab. sword of Allah
Saqib - meteor, comet
Sakit - peaceful, moderate
Salavat is an Arab. laudatory prayers
Salar - leader
Salah (Salih) - good, goodness, justice, good, righteous
Salim is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salima is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salman (Salem, Salim) is an Arab. 1. necessary, 2. peaceful, quiet, calm
Samad (Samat) - Arabic. eternal
Sami - sublime
Samir (Samiir) - an interlocutor who maintains a conversation
Sanjar - Prince
Sani - praising, shining
Sania is an Arab. second
Sarah - dr. mistress (Sarra)
Sardar (Sardor) - commander-in-chief, leader
Sariya - night clouds
Sarkhan - big khan
Sattar -
Safi is the best friend
Sahir - vigilant, awake
Sahidyam (Sahi) - clear, pure, cloudless
Sayar -
Sepehr - sky
Sibgat -
Siraj - light
Sofia - from Sofia
Sohel is a star
Soyalp - from the kind of brave men
Subhi - early morning
Suleiman - bibl. Solomon, protected, living in health and well-being
The Sultan is an Arab. power, ruler
Suud - luck
Suhaib (Sahib, Sahib) - friendly
Sylu -

Tair - flying, soaring
Taymullah - Servant of the Lord
Taysir - relief, help
Such (Tagi) - pious, devout
Talgat (Talha, Talhat) -, attractiveness, desert plant name
Talip is an Arab. Taliban - irreconcilable
Talal - beautiful, beautiful
Tamam - perfect
Tanzila -
Tansylu is a Turk. beautiful as the dawn
Taref (Tariff) - rare, unusual
Tarik - morning star
Tarkhan (Tarhun) - pers. 1.lord 2. type of spice
Taufik - consent, reconciliation
Tahir (Tagir) - pure, modest, chaste
Tahir (Tagir) - pers. bird
Timur (Timer, Teimur, Temir, Teimuras) - Turk. iron, iron, strong
Tinchura -
Tokay (Tukay) - warrior
Tomindar -
Tofik (Taufik, Tavfik) - success, luck, happiness
Tugan - 1. Turk. falcon, 2.tat.native
Turan is the motherland
Turkel - Turkic land, Turkic people
Tufan -
Ubaida - Servant of the Lord
Uzbek is a Turk. name people, which became a personal name
Ulmas is a Turk. immortal
Ulfat is an Arab. friendship, love
Ulus - people, land
Umida is an Arab. Hope (m. Umid)
Ural is a Turk. joy, pleasure
Uruz (Urus) - the highest title
Urfan - knowledge, art
Osama is a lion
Usman is an Arab. slow
Favoise - prosperous
Fadl - venerable
Faik - excellent, amazing
Fail - giving a good sign, which is a good omen
Fayzullah (Feyzullah) is an Arab. the bounty of Allah
Faisal - decisive
Fawzia - from the Arab. winner
Fagin (Fagim) -
Faiz is an Arab. winner
Faik is an Arab. excellent
Faizrahman -
Faina (Fania) - Arab. excellent
Faizulla - Tat. the son of the winner, an Arab. phase - winner
Fandas -
Fanis - pers. sugar (zh.f. Fanisa)
Faraz - exalted
Farbod - direct, uncompromising
Farzan - wise
Farid (Farit, Fyarit, Farit) - Arab. rare, exceptional, the only one (J.F. Farida)
Faris - strong; shrewd
Faruk (Farukh) - happy
Farhat (Ferhat, Farshad) - happy
Fateh (Fatih, Fatykh) - Arab. winner
Fatima is an Arab. weaned off the chest
Fatin - smart
Fahad - lynx
Fakhir - proud
Fakhri - honorary, respected
Fakhrutdin (Farkhutdin) -
Fayaz is an Arab. generous
Fida - donator
Filza -
Finat -
Firdaus - paradise, heavenly abode
Firinat -
Firoz (Firuz) - Winner
Firuza - other pers. f.f. radiant, turquoise
Flera (Flyora, Flyura) -
Flun -
Foat (Foad, Fuat, Fuad) - pers. - heart, mind
Foruhar - fragrance
Francis - Tat. from pers. fanis - sugar
Fuat (Fuad, Foat) - pers. fuad - heart, mind
Fudeil (Fadl) - dignity, honor
Khabib is an Arab. beloved, favorite, friend (female f. Khabiba, Khabibya, Khabibi, Apipya)
Khabibrahman - Tat. from 2 arab. Names: Khabib and Rahman
Khabibullah is an Arab. favorite of Allah.
Khabir is an Arab. Informant.
Hava (Eva) - Arab. she who gives life (mother), source of life
Khagani - Arab ruler
Hadi is an Arab. Leader, leader. (Women - Hadia)
Khadija - symbolizes a holy woman, the wife of the prophet
Hadith is Arabic. sayings of the Prophet, tradition, legend, story (j.f. Hadith)
Hadicha is an Arab. premature
Hadiya is a Turk. Present.
Haidar is an Arab. A lion.
Khairat is an Arab. Benefactor.
Khazar is an Arab. Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim is an Arab. Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalida is an Arab. Eternal, permanent.
Khaliq is an Arab. Illuminator.
Khalil is an Arab. True friend.
Halim is an Arab. Soft, kind. (Women-Halima, Halimya)
Khalit is an Arab. Will live forever.
Hamza is an Arab. Sharp, burning.
Hamid is an Arab. Glorifying, ascending (female-Hamida)
Khamis is an Arab. Fifth.
Hamat, Hamit - Arab. glorifying.
Hanif is an Arab. true (female-Hanifa).
Haniya is a Turk. f.f. present
Haris is an Arab. Plowman.
Hassan is an Arab. good. (female Hassan)
Khattab is an Arab. Woodcutter.
Hafiz (Hafis, Hafis, Hafiz, Kapis) is an Arab. defender.
Hashim is an Arab. tax collector.
Hayat is an Arab. life.
Hedayat is an Arab. leader, leader
Hikmat (Hikmet) - Arab. wisdom.
Hisam is an Arab. Sword.
Hisan is an Arab. very beautiful.
Khoja - pers. Sir, mentor.
Husain is an Arab. beautiful, good.
Hussam is an Arab. sword.
Genghis (Chinggis) - Mong. Great, strong.
Chulpan is a Turk. Morning Star (planet Venus)
Shadida is an Arab. strong.
Shaida - pers. darling.
Shaikhullah is an Arab. elder of Allah.
Shakir is an Arab. thankful. (female - Shakira)
Shakirt, Shakird - pers. student.
Shakirzhan is an Arab. - pers. Thanksgiving soul.
Shakur is a Turk. sugar
Shamil is an Arab. Comprehensive (Women - Shamilya)
Shamsi - pers. Sunny (Women - Shamsia)
Shafagat is an Arab. Help.
Sharif, Sharip - Arab. Honor, glory.
Shafiq is an Arab. compassionate
Shafqat is an Arab. Compassionate.
Shahriyar - pers. Sovereign
Shirin - pers. Sweet
Evelina - fr. Hazelnut.
Edgar - English A spear.
Edward - English Abundant, rich.
Eleanor - ar. Allah is my light.
Elvir - Spanish Protective.(Women - Elvira)
Eldar is a Turk. Ruler of the country
Elsa - German I swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir - germ. beautiful.(Women - Elmira)
Emil (Amil, Imil) - Arabic. a ray of light. (Women - Emilia)
Eric is scand. Rich.
Ernest - c. Serious.
Esther - ar. Zvezda (Women - Esfira)
Yuzim - Turk.-Tat. Raisins, two faces.
Yuldash is a Turk. Friend, companion.
Uldus - tat. Star.
Julia - lat. Wave hot.
Yulgiz (Ilgiz) - Turk. - pers. Long-Liver (Women - Yulgiza)
Yunis-tat. peaceful
Yunus - dr.-ar. Pigeon.
Yadgar - pers. Memory.
Yakub, Yakup - dr.-ar. next, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - c. Rubin, yacht.
Yamal - see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansylu - tat. feather, beloved, beautiful soul.
Yatim - pers. the only one.

The birth of a child is always a celebration. Everyone is waiting, worrying, this is accompanied by huge troubles: arranging a suitable children's room, reading a huge amount of literature for parents, grandparents and, in general, all close relatives. This algorithm of actions is used by almost all future parents, regardless of religion. But one day, one turning point comes, for which you seem to be preparing, but it is difficult to decide - choosing a name for the child. It seems that everything is simple, there is a word that seems to be pleasant in sound and popular, and even the child smiles in response to it - everything is chosen. But it wasn’t there, if it’s for Muslim girls who have their own meanings, and you can’t just take it and call your daughter whatever you like, here you need to have a good understanding of the meaning, since the child will wear it all his life. But everything is in order.

Considering beautiful names, it is necessary to note several patterns of this or that choice, certain criteria that guide parents. Firstly, the name of the girl should be gentle, pleasant to the ear, so that the future husband wants to call only him. Also, the name is chosen with a certain historical value, either one of the companions of the Prophet was called, or it was worn by a grandmother, mother, close or revered person. For some parents, modern names are not as important as their belonging to Islamic history, or even mention in the Koran. Some of them can be just solid and strict, without the slightest hint of beauty. Everyone knows that beauty is a relative concept and everyone has their own idea about this.

In the Islamic tradition, the name often determines the fate of a person, therefore, his choice is approached deliberately.

Beautiful options for naming a daughter

There are a huge number of harmonious Islamic words that can be called a child. Now we will consider those that are considered the most beautiful, not forgetting to indicate the meaning of some of them.

  • Aliyah عالية, "sublime, lofty, lofty, prominent". The first syllable is stressed.
  • Amani أماني, "dreams, desires" (second syllable stressed). Very often used in the past, it was very popular in most Arab countries. Now it is very often used in America.
  • Amira أميرة, "emira, princess, princess". A woman named Amira is not necessarily a representative of high society or a lady of “blue blood”, but giving such a “name” to a child, parents define her as “Amira” in a figurative sense, that is, Amira by character, in a certain circle of people, by her beauty.
  • Anisa أنيسة - “interlocutor, affectionate, friendly, friendly, friend” (the second syllable is stressed. If we change the place of stress, then the meaning of “girl” (unmarried) changes. This name also belonged to some associates, but it became widespread in non-Arab countries.
  • Asiya آسية - “healing, comforting” (strike the first syllable). The name belongs to one of the four most perfect women in religion and is mentioned in the Koran.

Women's names in Islamic countries are very poetic

  • Darin دارين (the last syllable is stressed) is a rather ancient name. Darin is a port city in India, where musk was delivered from India.
  • Jamila جميلة - "beautiful". This Arabic word is ancient and the Prophet liked it.
  • Judy جودي (first syllable under stress) - the mountain where the ark of the prophet Nuh stopped. There is a mention in the Koran.
  • Jumana جمانة (stressed second syllable) - "pearl".
  • Juri جوري (first syllable under stress) - its meaning is one of the most beautiful types of roses - in Russian "vard al-dzhuri" ("al-dzhuri roses") or Damascus roses.
  • Zagra (Zahra) زهرة (the first syllable is stressed), “the best time; beauty; flower; shine". There is a mention in the Quran
  • Karima كريمة - “noble; generous daughter." Belonging to ancient Arabic, it was very rarely popular.
  • Malika مليحة - "queen, queen". Very rarely used nowadays.
  • Mira ميرة (first syllable under stress) - "provisions, provisions." It began to be used relatively recently, and therefore is not widely used.

In ancient times, it was believed that the name can influence the personality, character, and, ultimately, the fate of a person.

  • Munira منيرة - "bright, light, luminous, brilliant." A couple of decades ago in Saudi Arabia was very popular. Nowadays, it is practically not used. Previously, the king's daughters were often called Munira. The meaning of names can be very diverse.
  • Narmin نرمين (the last syllable is stressed) - “tender, soft”, is of non-Arabic origin.
  • Nujud نجود is the plural of "nejd نجد" - "hill, plateau, plateau".
  • Rania رانية (first syllable stressed) "without blinking, looking intently."
  • Rahma رحمة (first syllable stressed), "mercy, mercy".
  • Ruveyda رويدة (second syllable under stress) from "rud" - "slowness" and from "glad" - "young and beautiful girl".
  • Salima سليمة (strike the second syllable) - "normal, whole, healthy, unharmed." Another meaning - "dangerously stung, wounded", is not popular in our time. Variants such as Salima are rare names.
  • Saliha صالحة (first syllable under stress) - "pious". The younger generation practically does not use it, although it used to be very popular.
  • Salsabil سلسبيل (the last syllable is stressed) was the name of the source in paradise. Allah gave wine to good people from this source.
  • Safiya صفية (second syllable stressed) - “clear, clean, transparent; girlfriend".
  • Tasnim تسنيم (strike the last syllable). It was also the name of the source in paradise, like Salsabil. Allah spoke about this source in the Qur'an. Popular Muslim names are often associated with a mention in the Qur'an.
  • Umeima أميمة (second stressed syllable) is an ancient word, a diminutive form of several words: "umm أم" - "mother" and "umama أمامة" - "three hundred camels".
  • Farah فرح (first syllable stressed) - "joy". May be masculine in some regions.
  • Halima حليمة - "soft, meek, patient."
  • Sharifa شريفة (second syllable stressed) - "noble".

As you call the boat, so it will float - this mostly applies to humans

  • Sheima شيماء (last syllable under stress) - “a person with good character traits; a girl with a mole (or birthmark)."

Muslim names for girls are very popular these days. Here is a list of the most used options.

Amina أمينة - “reliable, faithful, prosperous; honest, trustworthy. Probably the leader among popularity in the countries of Islam. An interesting fact is that before Islam it was almost never used, but with the spread of religion it gained popularity.

Dana دانة (first stressed syllable) - "large size pearl". It is also used in other languages, where it is also very popular with Slavs, Jews, English, etc. With the definite article, you can find it among the Arabs - ad-Dana.

Jana جنى (first syllable stressed) is a very popular variant, especially in Jordan. The meaning of "fresh fruit" is mentioned in the Qur'an, in the words of Allah.

Leila ليلى almost everywhere the meaning of this word is interpreted as "night". There is also such a meaning as "night beauty" and "born at night." Two words "leylatun leyla" - "the darkest night of the month." “Leyla” is an unusual night, like everyone else, but a dark, long, dark, hopeless night. It is also the beginning of hopping, the name of a geographical location, the name of a wine drink.

Choose a word-name primarily by meaning, and not by consonance or a combination of letters

Lin لين means "softness, tenderness, meekness".

And there is also Lina لينة (the first syllable is stressed). If Lin is a young name, then Lina has been widely used for a long time. Its meaning is "palm". This name is international: it is used by Italians, English-speaking peoples, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Scandinavians, French, Lithuanians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Danes, Swedes, etc.

Layan (Layan, Leyan) "happy life".

Maryam مريم (the first syllable is stressed). Since the first century AH, Maryam has become one of the most popular female names. The Hebrew pronunciation is "Miryam". Its popularity is connected with some facts. The best woman, one of them, was called “The best women in Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatima bint Muhammad, Asiya bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh, and Maryam, the daughter of Imran”, and is used 33 times in 11 suras. The image of Maryam, the mother of Isa, is filled with purity, God-fearing and piety, a symbol of female religiousness and chastity. By naming a daughter like that, people believe that this will help her resist the depravity of the modern world. Beautiful names for girls do not have to be of new origin.

Maryam (Mariam) is one of the most popular variations that has spread far beyond the Islamic world.

Nur نور ("light") - the word "nur" is masculine, it can also be called a man, but is more often used for women.

Nura نورة (first stressed syllable). It is interesting to know that the word itself is translated as "limestone".

Rima ريمة - from the word "rome", which has many meanings, some of which are: "dross", "foam", "slag", "scale", "white antelopes". Often used (named because of the meaning of "white antelope").

Salma سلمى "welfare, health".

Sarah سارة - is common in most countries, not only Arabic. But many consider it Jewish, and for example, in Russia, as a rule, children are not called that way. Where it is not considered European, Christians also call daughters Sarah. The meaning of this word in Hebrew is "princess".

It turns out Sarah means "princess"

Farida فريدة (second syllable under stress), “a rare, incomparable thing; pearl; unique."

Habiba حبيبة (second syllable under stress) is a very ancient word with a clear meaning of “beloved”.

Khanin حنين (second syllable under stress) - “pity; yearning; sigh, longing desire. Became popular not so long ago.

Yasmin ياسمين - is of Persian origin, has become very popular in all Arab countries. If "yasmine" is completely the whole jasmine plant, then "Yasmine ياسمينة" is just a twig or flower.

Modern names for girls are just as good as the ancient, well-known options.

Often the child is named by month

Modern parents name their daughter in such a way as to help her in the future life. Or, wishing that the daughter was tender, call her consonance with such a meaning. Some prefer to be named according to a particular season or month. Islamic peoples take a very responsible approach to how to name a child, associating it with a particular month.

In the European tradition, there are also a couple of female "names" for months. For example, Julia or Augusta. Oh yes, and Oktyabrina - a tribute to the revolution

The names of girls may also not be an indication of the month of the birth of the child, but of an event that occurs during this period, or of the naming of one of the saints who are in some way associated with this period of time. It is proved that depending on the season and the nature is different. Names for months must be chosen very responsibly and carefully.


Now you will be presented with a wide list, only with a meaning. Who knows, maybe in this list you will like the option that your child will have!

Islamic variations exist no less than Russian or European

To the letter "A"

Adila - translated from Arabic as fair, incorruptible, rewarding according to merit.

Azalea - from Latin, this word is translated as an opened azalea bud.

Aziza - in Persian it sounds like "strong in spirit, persistent and precious."

Aigul is a Tatar word translated as "moon flower".

Ayla (Ayly) - just like Aigul, this word is associated with the Moon and it means "light as the Moon."

Aisylu is a Tatar word that means "one that keeps the secret of the moon."

Aisha - in Arabic it sounds like "live." (Arabic) - alive.

Aliya - from Arabic is interpreted as "famous, sublime."

Alsu - beautiful, beautiful, charming.

Albina means "white" in Latin.

Alfiya - if you look at the literal translation, then this is a poem with a thousand verses, but if you use the semantic translation and the same root words, then the word means "pretty, friendly."

Amina - faithful, honest, reliable, prosperous. This is how the mother of the Prophet Muhammad was named.

Amira - mistress, ordering; princess.

Anisa is the best friend.

Asma - the highest, majestic.

Afiyat - guest, guest; health; good health, well-being; life force.

Ahsana is the best, most beautiful, incomparable.

On the letter "B"

Valida is a girl.

Wally - 1. economic; 2. saint; 3. girlfriend.

Vasima (Vyasimya) - graceful, beautiful, charming.

Walida means girl. Not to be confused with valid 🙂

On the letter "G"

Guzelia - translated from Turkic-Tatar as "a girl of incredible beauty."

Guzel - in Turkic-Tatar means "the most elegant, worthy of admiration."

Gulnara is the color of pomegranate.

Gulfia is like a flower.

Gulshat is a flower of joy.

Gulya is a flower.

On the letter "D"

Damira - in Turkic-Tatar means: hard, iron-like, hard.

Denmark - 1. ally; 2. famous, wonderful.

Daria is a full-flowing river.

Delfuza is the silver of the soul.

Delia - translated from Persian as sincere, cordial.

Dilnaz - in Persian: soft, flirtatious.

Dilshat is a Persian noun meaning "merry, contented."

Dilya is a Persian word that translates as "soul, heart and mind"

Dilara is an old Persian word that has two interpretations: 1. pleasing to the soul; 2. loved by all.

Dina is a believer, confident.

Dinara is golden.

In the countries of the Middle East, there was even such a coin - dinar

On the letter "Z"

Zaira is a guest.

Zakiya - understanding, quick-witted.

Zamilya is a companion, comrade.

Zamina is the basis of essence, a guarantee.

Zarima (Zarema) - flammable; incendiary.

Zila - merciful, spotless.

Zifa - Persian origin, means "slim, graceful."

Zulfiya - curly; attractive, pretty.

Zuhra is the illuminating, morning star.

On the letter "I"

Ikrima is blue.

Iman is faith.

Imtisal - submission, politeness.

The other one is caring.

Insaf - fair.

Intisar - winner, triumph.

Inshirah - joyful, successful.

Ingham is a reward for labors.

Irada - will

Irtiyad - visit, visit.

Isar - altuiism, love for people, disinterestedness.

Ikhlas - sincerity.

Ihtiram - respect.

Ihtisham - modesty.

Ishrak - light, shiny.

Ihtibar - prestige, honor.

Ichtidal is slender.

Ichthyzaz is a proud, great value.

Ilgiza is a stranger.

Ilzida is the strength of the motherland.

Ilnara (Elnara) - the light of the native land.

Ilnura is the light of the Motherland.

Irada is a sacred gift.

On the letter "K"

Kamlya - perfection, integrity.

Camille - perfect, complete, mature

Karima is a generous, kind daughter.

Kyawkab - translated from Arabic as "star".

Kyausar is a heavenly river.

Kulsum - with a not thin face.

On the letter "L"

Lamis - translated from Arabic as "soft, kind, obedient."

Lyamya is a beauty

Latifa - gentle, affectionate.

Lina is a soft and gentle girl.

Lyubaba - with a good heart.

Laali - pearl shine.

On the letter "M"

Madina - from the city of Medina.

Malika - mistress, queen, mistress.

Mansura - conquering.

Mawlida is a newborn.

Mahfuza - patronizing, guarded, protected.

Munira - giving light.

Murshida - showing the right path.

Muslimah - Muslim, faithful, obedient.

Muhsina - 1. virtuous; 2. immaculate.

Muemina is a believer.

Notice what beautiful meanings all the female "names" of Muslims have

On the letter "N"

Najiya - salvation, deliverance.

Nadira is rare.

Nadia is like morning dew, wet.

Nazira - messenger, broadcaster

Nazifa is pure.

Naima is the sweetness of life, happy, blissful.

Naila is a gift, a gift.

Nairiyat - illuminating the path, source of light.

Nargiza - overcoming the flame.

Narima is respected.

Nasima is sweet, with a soft heart.

Nafisa - graceful, beautiful, flexible.

Nigara - pretty, attractive.

Nurania - giving light, illuminating the path.

Nuria - with a good soul and heart, good-natured, bright.

Nursida - formed from "nur" - "light" - young light.

Nursia. - beloved, precious light.

On the letter "R"

Rabab - cloud

Rabia - spring, snowdrop, first flower.

Rada is beautiful, a whirlwind.

Radua - comes from the name of the mountain in Medina.

Ragd - pleasant, beautiful.

Raida is the first, the leader.

Raja is desirable.

Rana is funny, funny.

Rafa - happy, carefree.

Rand is fragrant.

Rasha is a gazelle.

Rashida - mature, wise, smart, going the right way.

Rauda is a flowering garden.

Raya - juicy, thirst quencher.

Rome is a white gazelle.

Rima is an antelope.

Rukan is confident.

Ruqaiya is exalted.

On the letter "C"

Sabria - patient, enduring.

Safa - clear, pure, immaculate.

Safiya is the best friend.

Sugar - translated from Arabic as "dawn".

Sahlya - smooth, tender, nimble, smooth.

Sakina - serene, quiet.

Saliha - excellent, good.

Salima is immaculate, with good health.

Salma is a quiet, peaceful, serene girl.

Salva - calmness, tranquility.

Samaah is generous.

Samar is an interlocutor.

Samiha is generous.

Samira is a conversationalist.

Samiya - sublime.

Sana - luxury, radiance.

Savsan is a lily flower.

Siham is an arrow.

Dry - meaning - "star".

Suhaila - smooth, soft.

Suhaima is a small arrow.

Suhair is sugar.

Sumaya is the sky.

Sanaa - gratitude.

Saraa is a treasure.

Islamic options display the best feminine qualities, and rightly so

On the letter "T"

Tamam - completeness, perfection.

Tahira - spotless, immaculate.

Tarub - cheerful, cheerful.

On the letter "U"

Wafa - loyalty.

Wafika is successful.

Waffia is obedient.

Wajiha - outstanding, famous.

Warda is a rosebud.

Widad - love, friendship.

Ouijan is gentle.

Wisaal is the union of love.

The word you name your child with should not only have a good meaning, but also be easy to pronounce, otherwise your child may face difficulties in the future.

On the letter "F"

Faiza is the conqueror who brings victory.

Fadyl - superiority, dignity, superiority.

Fadua - sacrificing herself.

Falyak - translated from Arabic as "dawn".

Farida is unique, unique, rare.

Fariha - happy, cheerful.

Firuz is turquoise.

Fatima - weaning a baby.

Faatin is amazing.

Fatina is wise, smart, quick-witted.

Fauzia - successful, overcoming.

Firdaus - Paradise, the Garden of Eden.

On the letter "X"

Khaadia - showing the right path.

Khadija - born prematurely.

Khalida - immortal, eternal.

Khairiya - generous, good-natured.

Khuluk - immortality, eternity.

Hadiya is a gift.

Hamida - Worthy of praise.

Hana is a blessing.

Hanan - mercy.

Halya - halo.

Halima - sensitive; patient.

Hanifa is a true believer.

Haniya - Satisfied, happy.

Hasna is excellent.

Khayyam - deeply loving.

Khayyat - life, being, the existence of all living things.

Haifa is slender, beautiful in body.

Hessa - fate.

Hiba is a gift.

Huda - direct path, guidance.

Huma is the bird of joy.

Khuriya is free.

Husn - beauty, beauty.

On the letter "Sh"

Shatha - fragrant.

Shaadiya - singing, singer.

Sharifa is decent.

On the letter "U"

Yumn - victory, triumph.

Yusraa - relieving.

On the letter "I"

Jasmine - jasmine.

Yasira is condescending.

Yafyah - the highest.

Yakutakh - gemstone emerald.

Yamkha - dove, bird.

Remember that the name should please not only you, but also your child when he grows up.

Modern names provide a wide range of choices, it remains only to find the very one that suits your daughter.

A name for a woman is a word that accompanies her all her life, at all stages of her life: girl, girl, mother, wife and grandmother. Its semantic load and euphony of sound are treated responsibly, otherwise an unsuccessful choice can be the cause of complexes, mental disorders or negatively affect the fate of a person.

Gone are the days when artificially created words with communist overtones were chosen for Crimean Tatar names. Behind were the old Lenia - meaning Lenin There are and Zaremy, who appeared after the merger into one word For the Revolution of the World.

Girl's name: Tatar traditions

According to the old Tatar traditions, it is not worth leaving the matter to the discretion of the case or making a decision urgently. There are a sufficient number of rules that help you make the right choice. With regard to the Tatar female name, there are seven features or approaches that Muslims most often follow:

  1. When choosing Tatar names, they are repelled from its meaning. Such a word will help the girl in her fate, will contribute to women's happiness. This will be a kind of help to a person, starting from birth and for the passage of the entire life path. If you look at the beginning of the alphabet, this is the name Azkiya, which in translation hints at great abilities and talents. Agnes can hope for a rich and generous life. From Dana, they expect diverse abilities and intelligence.
  2. A good choice for the future name of the girl is the name mentioned in the Koran. The names of the wives of the prophet are still popular. Isn't this the best way for a girl to develop along the path of virtue and its realization as a wife? The names are of Arabic or Persian origin. Thus, women - Miriama, Fatima and Aisha - became in demand.
  3. The name should be beautiful, sound harmonious, please the ear. This rule is observed when choosing names of Tatar origin. This is important from the first day of life, when the girl is still very small and communication with her is more emotional. It’s good if, having heard an appeal to herself, the baby will light up with happiness, smile at her parents, turn on like a light bulb. Sometimes young mom and dad just like that, voicing their plans, observe the reaction of the child and choose the word that evokes the most positive emotions. At the same time, it is considered that the softer the name is pronounced, the faster it is remembered and the more beautiful it sounds, the girl will have a lighter, more pliable character.
  4. A man will not be able to ignore a woman whose name sounds beautiful, breathes femininity, and in translation means the name of a beautiful outlandish flower. The main purpose of such a word is to caress the ears of a man and make him pronounce beautiful names again and again. Therefore, the names in demand in translation mean diligence, generosity, tenderness and kindness.
  5. Muslim families greatly honor the continuity of generations. Therefore, in the first place when choosing the names of the older women in the generation, which the clan is proud of. But there are restrictions here. You should not take into account women with a difficult fate, who have not been able to know family happiness or are in poor health.
  6. Sometimes parents themselves come up with Tatar names for girls from well-known words in Arabic or Persian, while not forgetting their own Tatar. In this case, in the chosen word, they reflect all the virtues that are expected from their baby. Most often, admiration for female beauty and recognition of its uniqueness sounds. Much less often than in other Muslim names, humility, timidity and obedience are required from a girl.
  7. Often the starting point for finding a name is the horoscope, which is compiled at birth. They believe in its correctness and, on the basis of the data given in it, they approach the choice.

In addition to these rules, there is such a thing as fashion. Its incomprehensible laws are also guided in this case, so the list of popular names changes from year to year.

The meaning of Tatar female names

It has already been emphasized that the meaning of the name is almost fundamental and the main one when choosing. It’s great if it not only sounds beautiful, but has a great translation, intertwines femininity with tenderness, immediately sets the girl up at random in a woman’s fate. Several examples can be given to prove this.

Tatar female names starting with A

Alsou is considered one of the most beautiful and popular female names with the letter A. The translation itself, which means rose water, sounds very gentle, envelops the girl in beauty, portends good health. For a Tatar girl, this word is associated with an analytical mindset and is considered evidence of the sanity of the hostess.

Even for a person who is not familiar with the Tatar language, the word Amin sounds like a bell. It has several names, in translation meaning such virtues as conscientiousness and fidelity. The second meaning is no less useful for a woman and speaks of the calmness of a woman and denotes a princess. It is not surprising that, as statistics show, it is precisely those who bring trouble to parents the least, who are distinguished by a meek and calm disposition, and are inclined to obedience. But such qualities impose additional obligations on parents. These girls are very gentle and vulnerable, like real princesses, they are easy to offend and cause emotional trauma. Even a single word spoken in a rude tone can bring pain and an unpleasant stain of memories to remain in their soul. It is believed that in adolescence, after all, there are bouts of unbridled passion on the part of the girl, they still pass quickly.

The name is considered the next most common. In translation, the meaning white, as it were, distinguishes a woman from her surroundings. A little closed from birth in the circle of her interests, the girl develops into an attractive lady for a male look, capable of conquering strong hearts. In return, a man gets an excellent hostess, who skillfully turns his shack into a cozy family nest, to which they rush day after day. Coziness, comfort and delicious meals will be a worthy reward for a man who managed to win Albinino's heart.

Tatar female names starting with D

Real defenders who know how to stand up for themselves and their interests, who are distinguished by assertiveness, who know how and love to be the center of attention, grow out of Damir. For this name, such behavior is not surprising, because in translation it means just that: strength of character. Maybe high perseverance and confidence on the part of the girl would not be a virtue, but the young lady has the wisdom not to get into disputes, to stop in time. They prefer to retreat and allow the environment to come to the fore. Maiden wisdom develops into character traits that are excellent for a woman: activity and diligence. Damirs are good housewives, but still men should not be given a reason for jealousy, in this case a woman is able to show herself a real warrior for her happiness.

Tatar female names on L

Lilia's name has gone far beyond the borders of Tatar female names, the reason is in the beautiful sound and a hint of the subsequent female purity of the soul and beauty, which is commensurate with the proud and irresistible lily. The inherent meaning is reflected in the fate, girl, and subsequently the woman becomes the center of attention. Their natural interest and curiosity with universal worship play a cruel joke and become a source of obstacles. Lily's protection lies in the admirers of the opposite sex, who accompany her through life, become husbands and help to overcome obstacles with honor and solve the riddles thrown by fate with trials. Because a woman remains soft and attractive all her life, in need of protection.

A distinctive feature of Laura is their loyalty, they give their heart to a man once, but forever. In translation, the name means Winner, which allows parents to often name their daughters. These are interesting persons, distinguished by outstanding artistic data, very emotional, but keeping their emotions under control. Fidgets grow out of Laura, ready to embark on a journey at one hint. A distinctive feature of such women is their love, which sometimes has the character of self-sacrifice.

Translated from Tatar, generous characterizes Laysan best of all. A talented, easy-going child, like a butterfly jumping over difficulties, with a large number of suitors, finds his fate late, marries only when he really meets his love.

The meaning of the name in the life of a Tatar girl

For a Tatar family, the birth of a girl is one of the long-awaited joyful events. The process of choosing a name is approached responsibly, sometimes all relatives are involved. It is considered to be the starting point for future virtues and women's destiny. When making a choice, they rely on religious traditions, the social status of the family. The approach that is used in the Tatar family gives the name such a great place that it is allowed to change it at the age of majority, a woman must love the name and consider it acceptable for herself.

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