The modern genre of children's folklore is horror stories. Scary, creepy! ("terrible folklore of Soviet children") Modern genre children's horror stories


"Scary jokes"

1. I know the story about the Queen of Spades. There lived a girl with her mother. And then one day they went to the camp, and then the girl went for a walk, and next to the camp there was a cemetery. And so the girl Natasha went to the cemetery at night, and came. She walked and walked, and suddenly she saw blood. She wanted to touch it, but it jumped, jumped, she touched it, and suddenly eyes appeared. She ran, and the blood, along with her eyes, ran after her. And so she ran to the camp, and ran into the group and screamed into her ward: "Save me!" And then the girls woke up and began to catch this blood with their eyes. And suddenly the Queen of Spades appeared and shouted: "Why are you catching my dwarf!"

2. The girl woke up at night, looks - there is a yellow spot on the ceiling. I went the next day - the stain is even bigger. She got scared and called the police. The policeman went to the attic, and there the kitten was sitting and pissing.

3. There is a terrible house in one city, the most terrible aliens live in this house. Once a man came in and wanted to inspect the house. He went up the stairs, very quietly, looking into all the apartments, all the doors in them were broken down. When he was also descending very quietly, he noticed how the door in the pantry of one apartment opened. He saw a woman who was without skin, her meat was sticking out, her teeth were rotten, her bones were sticking out. She took the man by the throat with her hands and said: "You woke me up, so your death came" and she crushed his throat. Then for a long time no one went to this house, then one took and sent a detachment of guys and entered this house, entered the most terrible room, there with his group he stopped and overgrown.

4. Red hooves and fangs. Once upon a time there was a girl, dad, mom and grandmother. Mom wore a long skirt, but dad never laughed. The daughter asks her grandmother: "Grandma, why does mom wear a long skirt?" "And you, when you sit down at the table, lift her skirt, and you will see. "Grandma, why does dad never laugh?" "And you, when he reads the newspaper, tickle his heels, and you will see." Daughter did just that. She climbed under the table and lifted her mother's skirt, and saw red hooves. She tickled her dad's heel, he laughed and she saw red fangs. At night, she looked out into the street and saw that her mother was trampling her grandmother with her hooves, and her father was eating her. In the morning, mother asks: "You Did you see what we were doing at night?" "The daughter said:" Yes. Then at night they did the same thing with their daughter as with their grandmother.

5. The mother sent her daughter to buy sausage. The daughter went, the old woman met her, and said: "You have sausage." And the girl had a red fingernail. The old woman made a sausage out of the girl. The mother went, the old woman met her, and said: "You have sausage." They went and gave her a sausage. Mother said thank you. She began to eat - and sees - a red marigold in the sausage, and realized that the old woman had made a sausage out of her daughter.

6. In one village there was a black stone. Once scientists began to examine it. He was lifted up, and underneath lay a black coffin. They opened this coffin, and a black ghoul crawled out of it. He killed everyone and began to walk around the village and kill everyone. When he killed everyone, he again lay down in the coffin. Then Baba Yaga flies out, kick him on the head with his foot!

7. The mother sent her daughter for shoes and ordered not to buy black ones. The girl went to the market and bought black ones, because the black ones were prettier than the others. She went home in new shoes. Suddenly her leg hurt, she sat down to rest and went on. Her leg hurt badly. She reached the house barely alive, her mother took off her tights and shoes, and the girl's leg was all rotten, one bone.

8. A girl came to the library to hand over a book. She wanted to take the book The Queen of Spades. But she was told not to read page 12. Came home and read to page 12. She opened it. And suddenly the Queen of Spades flies out of the book and shouts: "Give me your heart!".

9. One mother had two girls / twins /, and she could not distinguish between them - who was Shura and who was Zhenya, and therefore she wrote their names on the tablets and hung them around their necks. That time she sent them to the store to buy an armchair, but not a red one. They went, but they only sold red chairs, they bought one chair. Mom began to scold them that why they bought the red one, and not another, but they said that there were no other chairs anymore. When night came, red hands stuck out of the chair and devoured the father, the next night the mother, and the next night the girl, then the grandmother, and then the last girl. When the policemen found out about this, they came in the afternoon and cut the chair, there were bones and blood, and then they forbade the sale of red chairs.

10. One boy's mother brought red cookies, and he wanted to know how she makes it, and followed her. So he goes and sees mom goes to the store and buys a simple cookie. Then she enters an empty house, this house was guarded by people, because if they knew something, they would go to empty houses. And so she came in, the boy's mother, but the boy was not allowed there, but he escaped and ran after his mother. And he sees - she kills people and dips cookies there, and he asked: "Mom, why are you doing this?" "Why were you following me?" "I wanted to see how you make cookies," the boy justified himself. "But then get it!" And she killed her own son. But then they found her and handed her over to the police.

11. Once the mother asked the girl to buy red curtains. And the girl bought dark blue. At night, the curtains say to the girl's mother: "Get up." She got up. "Get dressed." She got dressed. "Come here". She went, and the curtains say, "Go to the kitchen." She came. "Stand on a chair." Mom got up. "Stand on the table." She stood up on the table. "Open the hatch." She opened the window, then the curtains seized her and threw her out the window. Then the girl's dad woke up and sees that his wife is not there, he went to the kitchen, and the curtains to him: "Stand on a chair, stand on the table, open the window." Dad, out of fear, did both, and the third. His curtains were seized and thrown out the window. Then the curtains say to the girl: "Girl, girl, get up," and the girl just wakes up. "Girl, girl, get dressed," and the girl just gets up. "Girl, girl, go to the kitchen," and the girl is just getting dressed. "Girl, girl, stand on a chair," and the girl came to the kitchen, stands and sees that her curtains have come to life. "Girl, girl, get up on the table," and the girl thinks, "Now I'll outsmart them." The girl stood on a chair, and the curtains strangled themselves, and mom and dad returned.

12. We bought a black piano for a girl. The parents are gone. The girl sat down to play the piano. Suddenly they say on the radio: "Girl, girl, don't play the piano, a coffin on wheels is looking for your city." Then again: "Girl, girl, don't play, the coffin has found your city." And she plays. Then again: "Girl, don't play, the coffin has found your city." She plays. Then: "Girl, do not play, the coffin on wheels found your house." She plays. Then: "Girl, don't play, the coffin has already found your floor." She plays. Suddenly the coffin enters the apartment. The girl fucked / on him / with a poker. And an imp crawls out of the coffin and says: "Well, you broke my last bibishka!"

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "Nightmare Horrors" by Eduard Uspensky even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. The protagonist always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this is the main quality of children's characters. Everyday problems are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. Dozens, hundreds of years separate us from the time of creation of the work, but the problems and customs of people remain the same, practically unchanged. A person's worldview is formed gradually, and such works are extremely important and instructive for our young readers. Inspiration of household items and nature creates colorful and fascinating pictures of the world around, making them mysterious and enigmatic. In the works, diminutive descriptions of nature are often used, making the picture that appears even more saturated. The fairy tale "Nightmare Horrors" by Eduard Uspensky should be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners the details and words that are incomprehensible to them and new to them.

Unconventional, irrational surreal horror stories

Red Hand, Green Gun, Black Curtains... This is the most numerous and, by far, the most terrible branch of scary children's folklore. Creepy because in everyday life people never meet anything like this. With skeletons and vampires, we also do not often meet. But still we understand what a skeleton is, where it came from and what it wants. But what the Black Curtains want, whether the Phosphorus Man is alive and who his parents are, no one knows. And since no one knows, this is the worst thing. This is typical urban folklore. And the point here is not so much in paraphernalia, but in the new thinking of urban children who grew up far from cemeteries and were brought up in the spirit of atheism. Fenced off by concrete from nature and ideology from the truth of life, they seemed to have to forget about the heavy legacy of the past, about all these horrors and unusual things.

But a holy place is never empty. And the need for the terrible found new nightmares - inexplicable, seemingly devoid of any logic. As if, because there were still logic and reasons for the emergence of a new cycle of horrors. The date of appearance of these stories can sometimes be calculated with an accuracy of five years. Year 1934 and others. In almost all folklore stories, family members disappear at night: first - grandfather, then - grandmother, father, mother, older sister ...

After all, no one could explain to the little boy where in real life the family that lived in the next apartment disappeared. It was then that the Red Hand, Black Curtains, buses with black curtains and dungeons where people were cut to pieces appeared in our country. Not only the Stalinist "meat grinder" was reflected in these stories, but also the shortage - there are no curtains, except for black ones, no gloves, except for red ones, in stores. Without exaggeration, these stories can be used to study the recent history of the USSR. We thought for a long time on what principle to arrange these stories: by color, by biological, by size, and in the end we arranged them in order of increasing scariness.

Carpet with black hole

There lived a lonely and poor woman. One day she had a big fight with her mother, and the next day her mother died.

The woman inherited an old carpet, and even one with a large black hole.

Once, when the woman ran out of all the money, she decided to sell it.

I went to the market and sold the carpet to a young family with two children: a nine-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl.

The father hung the rug over the bed. As soon as the family fell asleep and the clock struck twelve at night, human hands reached out from a hole in the old carpet. They reached out to their father and strangled him.

The next morning everyone woke up and saw the dead father. Soon he was buried.

That same night, after the funeral, as soon as the widow and children had fallen asleep and the cuckoo clock struck twelve, long human arms emerged from the black hole again. They reached for the mother's neck and strangled her. The next day, when the children woke up, they found their mother strangled. Looking closer, they saw ten bloody fingerprints on the mother's neck, but they did not tell anyone about it.

Three days later, the mother was buried, and the children were left alone in the house. They agreed not to sleep that night.

As soon as the clock struck twelve, old human hands extended from the black hole. The children screamed and ran after the neighbors. The neighbors called the police. The police chopped off the hands hanging over the carpet with an ax, and burned the carpet itself in a fire.

After all this, it turned out that there was a witch in the black hole. And the woman who sold the carpet to the family disappeared somewhere. Then she was found dead in the woods with a broken heart.

White sheet

A mother and daughter lived. When the daughter grew up, she began to help her mother around the house: cook, wash the dishes and the floor. One day she was washing the floor and found under the bed, in the corner, a large stain of blood.

She told her mother about it. “Don’t wash this stain,” her mother told her, “otherwise you won’t see me again.” The mother has gone to work. And the daughter forgot her order, took a knife and scratched the stain.

In the evening, the mother did not return from work. The daughter was about to run to her, when suddenly they announced on the radio: “Close the windows and doors. A white sheet is flying around the city!” The girl quickly closed the door and windows. And soon she saw that a white sheet flew in front of her windows several times. The girl told the old neighbor about everything. And the old woman says to her: “The next time they announce it, don’t close the windows, but crawl under the bed. When the sheet flies into your apartment, prick your finger with a needle and put a drop of blood on the spot where the stain was. And instead of a sheet, your mother will appear. The girl did just that: as soon as the sheet flew into the apartment, she took a knife, cut a vein and dripped blood.

And in place of the sheet appeared her mother.

Green eyes

One old man, dying, decided to leave behind a memory. He took it and gouged out his eyes (and his eyes were green). The old man hung these eyes on the wall and died. A year later, a family with a small child moved into the house. Once the husband came home from work, and his wife said to him: “Our baby is crying something when I turn off the light.” The husband replies: "And you turn off the light and look at the walls." The wife did as her husband told her, and saw green eyes on the wall. His eyes flashed and electrocuted his wife.

Small witch

In one ancient castle near the Black Sea there was a pioneer camp. All night the children slept peacefully. But one day someone tickled the heels of one boy. The boy looked - no one was there, and fell asleep. The same thing happened the next night, the same thing happened the third night. The boy told the counselors about everything.

In the evening, the counselors lay down with him and warned him to shout when they tickled him. And the other guys were put near the switch. When the heels began to tickle, the boy shouted and turned on the light.

It turned out that it was a small (half a meter) witch. She pulled the boy's leg. And without opening the door, she went out.

Soon the castle was destroyed.


One woman bought a figurine and placed it near the window, covering it with a large glass cap. This woman had a husband and a daughter. At night, when everyone fell asleep, the cap rose by itself and the figurine came out. She went up to her husband, tore off his head, and then ate it. There was not a drop of blood left on the bed. And the figurine fell into place under the cap. In the morning the woman woke up and, not finding her husband, she thought that he had been called to work at night. The next night, the statuette was eaten by the mother in the same way. In the morning the girl was frightened and ran for advice to a very wise grandmother. Grandmother told her: “This is all the work of the figurine that your mother bought. To kill her, take a black rag without a single spot and, when the figurine comes out from under the cap, tie it with this rag. Then she will be powerless. Then take it away (to the city, throw it off a cliff and see what happens! ”The girl took a black rag, but did not notice a small white spot on it. At night, when the figurine came out from under the cap, she tied it with a rag, but the rag was torn. The figurine was frightened and went to its place. The next night the girl prepared a black, very black rag without a single spot. The figurine was paralyzed. In the morning it was taken out of the city and thrown off a cliff. The figurine broke and turned into a jug. The girl went down from the cliff and looked at what there... And there were human bones.

Bus with black curtains

One day, mother sent her daughter to the store, which was very far away. At the same time, she said: "Do not get on a bus with black curtains for anything." The girl went to the bus stop and waited. A bus with black curtains pulled up.

The girl did not sit in it. The same bus came the second time. The girl did not sit in it again. But the third time she got on a bus with black curtains. The bus driver said, "Parents, let the kids go ahead!" When all the children entered, the doors suddenly closed and the bus started moving. At the turn, the black curtains closed. Terrible hands stuck out from the backs of the chairs and strangled all the children. The bus stopped and the driver dumped the corpses in a landfill. The bus with black curtains again went to kill children.

Green Man

One night there was a thunderstorm and the woman got up to close the balcony. I went to the balcony, and there was a green man sitting there. The woman was frightened, ran to her husband and told him everything. They came together to the balcony, but the green man was gone. Many others saw the green man that same night.

It turned out that one person was struck by lightning, but he did not die, but turned green.

red spot

In one class, a teacher fell ill and was replaced by a very strange woman. One fine day, a new girl appeared in the class, and the teacher immediately disliked her. When the girl came home, she saw a red spot on the wall. This spot was moving. There was a gun on the other wall. The girl, frightened, grabbed a gun and fired at the spot.

The next morning, a woman came to school with a bandaged hand and said that she had fallen. The next day the same thing happened again: the girl shot, and the next day the teacher came with her leg bandaged. When the girl returned home, there was no stain on the wall. She sat down to study and suddenly noticed that a small white dot was moving towards her. The girl fired. There was a cry, and the next day it was announced that the new teacher had died. It turned out that this was not an ordinary woman.

red boots

One day the girl began to ask her mother to let her go for a walk. And it was already evening. Mom did not agree for a long time: she had a premonition that something was about to happen. But the girl still begged her. Mom said that she should return no later than ten. At ten o'clock, the girl is gone. Eleven... Twelve... My daughter is still missing. The mother was worried. I was about to call the police. Suddenly - in the first hour of the night - the doorbell rings. The mother opened the door and sees: on the threshold are red boots, in which her daughter left. In them are hands, and in the hands of a note: "MOM, I CAME."

black piano

In one family, the girl was fond of music. And for her birthday, her parents bought the girl a black piano.

The guests gathered and asked the girl to play. When the girl began to play, she felt terrible pain and malaise. But her parents thought she was slacking off and made her play all evening.

The next morning the girl could not get out of bed. She melted right before my eyes. A few days later, blue spots appeared on her fingers. Parents decided to disassemble the piano.

They removed the lid, and there sat a terrible old woman who drank the blood of the one who played this piano.

Green record

Mom and daughter Svetlana lived in the same city. One day, a mother asked her daughter to go to the store for records. At the same time, my mother warned her not to take green records. A girl came to the store, and there all the records were sold out, only green ones remained. Sveta did not listen to her mother and bought a green record. She returned home and showed her mother this record. Mom did not scold her, but told her not to turn on the record when she was at home alone.

In the morning, mom went to work, and the girl was taken apart by curiosity. She disobeyed and turned on the green record. First, cheerful music played, then a funeral march began to play, and then the girl heard a voice: “Girl, turn off the record, otherwise trouble will happen to mom!” But the girl did not listen and did not turn off. In the evening, my mother came home from work without hands. She warned the girl not to turn on the record again. But the daughter did not listen and the next day she turned on the green record again. In the evening, my mother returned from work without legs. On the third day, one head rolled, and after - no one. The girl waited and waited and went to bed. At twelve o'clock in the morning, Sveta heard the knocks at the door. She got up and opened it... A black coffin with green upholstery drove into the apartment. The girl's mother was in it. Light got scared and went to bed. But green hands with long nails crawled out of the plate and strangled the girl.

red teeth

A new student entered a school. When all the schoolchildren were allowed to go home, he stayed after school. The technician tells him: “Go home, otherwise there are red teeth!” The boy says: "I'll look at the school and go." He walked around the school, went into one office and fell asleep. When twelve struck, red teeth appeared in the office. They rushed at the boy and ate him. In the morning, the guys came to the classroom and saw human bones. They called the police. They began to check everyone's teeth - no one has such teeth. We decided to check with the director. He has red teeth.

Case with tourists

One day a group of tourists went hiking in the mountains. High in the mountains, they found a clearing comfortable for living. Then the whole group went to the mountains for firewood, and one person remained near the backpacks. The departed comrades did not appear for a long time, and he began to wander around the clearing, examining the surroundings. Suddenly, below, on a rock, he saw the shadow of a man. Thinking it was someone from the group, the tourist ran downstairs screaming. But when he came running, there was no one on the rock. He began to shout, hoping that someone would answer, but it was still quiet. Suddenly, a mysterious shadow appeared next to him again and disappeared again.

The perplexed tourist decided to return to the clearing. But as soon as he took a few steps, a shadow flashed before him again. The tourist stopped. From behind the rock, a shadow walked towards him - the Black Man. Coming close to the tourist, the Black Man pushed him off the cliff. The tourist flew down from a height. And when he hit the stones, he did not crash, but turned into the same Black Man.

Black hands from a letter

One family - father, mother and daughter - gathered in the summer to visit their grandmother. Before leaving, the granddaughter wrote a letter to her grandmother, but did not have time to send it. And before putting it in an envelope, on the back of the letter she circled her brush with a black pencil and shaded it. With this, she summoned the Black Hands. When the family got on the train, the girl completely forgot about the letter. At night there was a terrible cry of the father. The daughter was frightened and ran away in a compartment to the neighbors. My father didn't scream anymore. In the morning they began to wake him up, but he did not wake up. The father was dead. The girl noticed black prints on his throat. The next night, the girl heard her mother cry. She was even more frightened and ran away to the neighbors again. In the morning, the same prints appeared on the dead mother's throat. And the girl realized that it was her turn. In the evening, she hid under the bed with an ax in her hands. At midnight the Black Hands appeared in the compartment. They approached the girl. The girl cut them in half, but they grew together and became the same as before. The girl chopped and chopped them, and her hands grew together as if nothing had happened. Suddenly, the girl felt that the letter in her pocket was trembling. And then she realized what it was. She grabbed the letter and tore it into small pieces. The Black Hands are gone. This girl saved her life. Then she came to her grandmother and stayed with her to live.

Woman with black gloves

One girl was returning home from a music school. A woman in black gloves rode next to her on the bus. The girl became interested and asked why she was wearing black gloves.

You want to know? the woman asked.

I want, - said the girl.

Then come with me,” the woman said.

They got off at some stop and walked through the yards for a long time until the woman brought her to the basement. She pushed the girl forward and closed the door behind her.

So, you want to know why I wear black gloves? she asked smiling.

I want, - quietly answered the girl.

The woman took off her gloves, and the girl saw that her nails were 5–7 centimeters long.

The woman took off her gloves and dug her nails into the girl's neck. She didn't even have time to scream.

That's why the woman wore black gloves.

Case with tourists

The tourists were on their way. They were passing by an oak tree with a large hollow. One of them climbed into the hollow and found a note there: "... three of you will die."

And there were five of them. The tourists laughed. They thought that someone was playing a joke on them. In the evening they stopped for the night. Four went to bed, and one remained to guard the fire.

In the morning, the tourists woke up: a cauldron of meat was boiling over the fire, but there was no comrade. They thought he had run away. We tried the meat and didn't like it. They threw away the meat and moved on.

On the second night, another duty officer disappeared, and someone hung a sack on a tree next to the tent.

They tried to get the sack, but could not, and sent a third to the nearby village for help. But the friend did not return.

When the forester found the two remaining guys, he was very surprised at their thinness. It turns out that they could not move away from this place. And everyone looked at the hanging bag.

The forester fired - and the bag fell. It had three severed heads. They looked with lively eyes and took turns telling how they were killed. But that's another story.

Red stockings

They announced on the radio that no one should buy knee-high socks from an old woman in a black headscarf. Mother and daughter did not hear anything and bought red stockings from this old woman at the market. On the way home, my daughter complained that her legs hurt. Mom said: “Be patient! Let's go home and see what's there." When they got home, the girl could no longer walk. When her mother took off her red stockings, there were not legs, but bones.

Red hand on the carpet

In a certain city, during the rain, two people met at a bus stop. One of them, young, was dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt. He had a suitcase in his hand. They called him Oleg. The second, elderly, was called Andrey Ivanovich. They met and talked. It turned out that Oleg came to a friend, and he unexpectedly left somewhere for a few days. Then Andrei Ivanovich offered to stay with him and wait for a friend. Oleg agreed.

Already in the evening, after dinner, Andrei Ivanovich invited the guest to inspect his apartment. In the master's bedroom, Oleg was interested in the carpet on the wall: a collection of weapons hung on the carpet - sabers, knives ... And suddenly Oleg went cold: a red human hand hung on the carpet, chained with three chains. Seeing the guest's fright, Andrei Ivanovich patted him on the shoulder in a friendly manner and said:

Don't be afraid. Now you will learn the story about this hand.

They returned to the drawing room, and Andrei Ivanovich began to talk:

I once had a friend. Once we quarreled with him, and in the fight I cut off his hand with an axe. After the death of a friend, I received a letter. It was from him. The letter said: "You cut off my hand - you will die from it!"

I laughed at the threat. But in vain! One night I woke up from suffocation. A red hand hung around my neck. After some effort, I managed to tear it off. I was afraid to throw her away and chained her to my carpet. But the same thing happened a year later. Then I chained her with two more chains. And I've been here for ten years. But she doesn’t fall, - Andrei Ivanovich finished. - Well, it's late, it's time for bed!

The next morning, waking up, Oleg looked to the owner ... Andrei Ivanovich's corpse lay on the floor. There were blue fingerprints on his neck. There was no hand on the carpet.

yellow ribbon

In one city there lived a girl Katya. One day she went for a walk and lost her yellow ribbon from her pigtail. Katya's mother was angry, but then she gave her money and sent her to the store for a new ribbon. Katya went around all the shops, but there were no tapes anywhere. Finally, in the last store, Katya saw ribbons. She began to ask the seller to sell her a yellow ribbon, but the seller did not agree. Katya begged him for a long time. Finally, the seller agreed, but, giving her the tape, he said: “When you go to bed, be sure to tie it to the radiator or to the window. Don't forget to do it!" Katya promised that she would not forget, and ran home.

And on this day, guests came to them. They had so much fun that in the evening Katya forgot to tie the ribbon to the window. In the morning she woke up and saw that mom and dad were crying. "What's happened?" - asked Katya. “The guests have died,” Mom and Dad replied. Katya was very upset and that evening she again forgot to tie the ribbon. In the morning I woke up and saw that my father was crying. Mom died that night.

Katya cried all evening and again forgot to tie the ribbon. In the morning she saw that her father had also died. Katya was very frightened and called the neighbors. In the evening, the neighbors hid, and instead of Katya they put a big doll in the bed. Exactly at midnight, the tape turned into an old woman with a glass tube in her hand. She walked over to the bed and put her straw into the doll's hand. She thought it was a living girl and wanted to drink her blood.

In the morning the neighbors cut the tape and threw it away. Pieces of ribbon turned into yellow buttons that ended up on the road. The one who picks them up will repeat the same story at home.

woman with red face

The girl went to the store to buy gloves. Mom told her to buy any, but not red ones. But when the girl saw the red gloves, she really liked them. The girl bought gloves and went home. When she approached her house, she saw that the house was on fire. Firemen arrived, but could not put it out. Suddenly a woman with a red face appeared from behind a tree. She approached the girl and told her that she would put out the fire if she then fulfilled one of her requests. The girl agreed. The woman uttered some kind of spell, and the fire went out. A woman with a red face told the girl to come to the cemetery at night and put her gloves on the grave in the center of the cemetery.

The girl kept her promise Suddenly, a woman with a red face crawled out of this grave, grabbed the girl by the hand and dragged her along. The girl began to beg to let her go. “Okay,” the woman said. But you won't get rid of me that easily. Today your grandmother will die.

The girl returned home and saw that her grandmother had died. When the grandmother was buried, she saw this woman again in the cemetery. The woman approached her and said that her mother would die. A day later, the girl's mother died. When they were burying their mother, this woman appeared again and told the girl that she herself would die that night. The girl came home, went to bed and did not notice how she died. She was buried. And suddenly she sees that she was underground. Next to her are her grandmother and mother. The girl was delighted and ran to them. And then she saw that they, too, had red faces. She also had a red face. Soon they all became red gloves and came to the people who bought them.

flying eye

In one pioneer camp, the Eye showed up. In appearance, he was an eye like an eye, but he lived on his own. In addition, it was golden in color and larger than a human head. At night, he flew around the camp and killed children. If anyone got out of bed, the Eye burned him. As an adult, he couldn't do anything. Once he flew between the legs of the camp director, and nothing happened to him. But he did not spare children. It was possible to escape from him only by pulling the blanket over his head. But one girl made a hole in the blanket and pretended to be asleep. She began to look through the hole and soon saw the Eye appear in the ward. Her eyes didn't notice. When he swam into the corridor, the girl quietly got up and began to sneak after him. She saw the Eye fly under the porch of the chamber. In the morning she told the director about it. They began to dig there, but found nothing. A sentry with a machine gun was posted at the door of the ward. At night, the Eye floated out from under the porch. The sentry fired, but the bullets melted before reaching the target. The sentry wanted to hit the Eye with a butt - the butt burned down. The next day, the camp was leveled with a bulldozer, and before that, a cannon was fired at the porch.

They say it was near Sverdlovsk. Now there is a forest on the site of the camp.

doll with blue eyes

One girl went to the market and saw a woman there who was selling big beautiful dolls. All the dolls were different, none resembled the other. And inside each rang blue balls. The girl really liked the dolls, and she asked how they were made. The woman promised to show and invited the girl to visit. They came to the forest, to the hut, and the girl saw a lot of different dolls. Inside each were blue balls. The woman seated the girl at the table and placed a plate of strawberries in front of her. But first she said that before eating you need to comb your hair. She took a comb and began to comb the girl's hair. And the girl turned into a doll: blue balls appeared in her.

Red tablecloth

The parents of one boy bought a red tablecloth from the store. The boy saw a small black spot on the tablecloth and told his mother about it. Mom warned him not to touch this stain. But when his parents went away on business, he decided to wash the stain off. He began to wash it, but the speck was getting bigger and bigger. It became like someone's face. This mug began to open its ugly mouth and finally swallowed the boy.

Black piano

In one very quiet and old town, an ordinary family lived: mom, dad, grandparents, two children and a cat. In this family, everyone was fond of music. Therefore, parents gave their children a black piano. The piano was old and sounded surprisingly good.

A few days passed, and mysterious disappearances began to occur in the house. First, the cat was gone. She was searched for a long time, but was never found. The next day, my grandmother was gone, then my grandfather, and finally my father disappeared.

The mother and children were very frightened and decided to stick together to the end. In the evening my mother said:

If anything happens to me, go to the police!

And then the night came. Everything was going well, when suddenly a strange sound was heard. The girls' mother went to the piano, opened the lid... and disappeared. The girls slowly dressed and rushed to the nearest police station. They were so frightened that they shied away from every shadow. Five minutes later, a group of policemen were at the scene. First of all, they dismantled the piano and ... found a secret door.

Lieutenant Tarasov left the task force (now, most likely, already a major). After receiving instructions, he began to carefully descend into the dungeon. Communication was maintained through a walkie-talkie. In a long corridor, Tarasov found a conveyor belt carrying meat. It was all covered in blood and some kind of rags. The lieutenant continued on his way, but after a hundred meters he stopped. An abyss yawned before him. At that moment, voices reached him. Voices came from the trumpet in a groan Without hesitation, Tarasov climbed into the chimney. Ripping off his knees and elbows, he nevertheless climbed up it and saw a huge semi-dark room. It was filled with barrels of meat.

In the right corner, next to a pile of rags, the lieutenant saw three men. Watching them, the lieutenant realized what they were doing. The tallest of the men was cleaning the meat from rags. The second put it in barrels. And the latter closed the barrels and wrote something down in a large notebook.

Tarasov transmitted all this by radio and began to wait for an answer. At this time, the light fell on the face of one of the strangers, and the hair moved on Tarasov's face: the man's mouth reached almost to his ears. It was a vampire...

Then someone pulled the lieutenant by the leg. The group arrived at the scene. Assessing the situation, the police began to surround the strangers. Surprisingly, they offered no resistance. Everyone was picked up and taken to the office.

It turned out that it was a gang of murderers. They killed people, butchered them for meat and sold the so-called canned goods. A system of underground passages was carried out under the entire city. At night, they killed people, and the corpses fell onto the conveyor through black pianos.

Since then, not a single black piano has remained in the city, and all people have lived happily ever after!

phosphorus man

The first detachment of the pioneer camp went on a campaign. We stopped for the night near the cemetery. At night, two boys wanted to use the toilet and climbed over the fence. They did not know that going to the toilet in the cemetery (on the cross) is a bad omen. When they got out back, someone grabbed one of the boys by the leg. Then his comrade grabbed a stick and hit that place with all his strength ... Someone groaned and let the boy go. When the guys ran to the tents, they looked back and saw a phosphorus man looking at them through the fence.

The next night, someone looked into the tent where the guys were sleeping ... The guys got scared and screamed. The visitor immediately disappeared. The next night, the phosphorus man went up to the tent, cut a hole in it, stuck his hand in and strangled one boy. The second boy saw this and screamed. Phosphorus Man is gone. The next evening the leader set up a fishing net around the tent. But the phosphorus man cut through it and left.

Then they put three fishing nets and two cast iron ones. But the phosphorus man cut through them too. On the last night, three cast-iron nets were set up, and the phosphorus man was caught.

But when they began to tighten the nets, it flared up brightly and burned down. And in its place, only ashes remained.

Literary folklore

From the point of view of chronology and poetics, the stories collected in this section are the most diverse. They are united by the influence of "adult" culture - literature, science fiction, detective and gothic novels and some other literary layers. It seems that the Fear vitamin is needed for the spiritual development of a child no less than all other vitamins.

In the West, an entire industry has been created on this need, having mastered the black novel and horror film production. Our child got the vitamin he needed from everything that came to hand, processing into scary stories what was more or less suitable for this - from science fiction novels to classics. The degree of borrowing and processing in these stories is different, but the influence of adult literature up to stylistic specifics is undeniable.

Doll in a black dress

There were two sisters. When the youngest had a birthday, there was an unexpected phone call. The girls ran to open the door, but there was no one behind the door. And at the threshold stood a beautiful box, tied with a black bow, on which was written: "Happy Birthday!" In the box was a beautiful doll in a black dress. The girl liked the doll very much, and she began to put it with her. After a while, everyone began to notice that the girl was very pale, and once she fainted.

One day, the older sister woke up at night because she heard strange sounds. The sounds came from the bed where her sister was sleeping.

The girl screamed. The adults came running. The sister was dead, and the doll in the black dress was sitting and sucking the last blood from her throat.

When the doll was broken, blood flowed from it and flowed for three days. This doll was a biorobot that pumped blood from people to other biorobots.

After a series of sabotage, the sale of such dolls in stores was discontinued. But judging by the existence of stories, individual copies of these dolls still occasionally go on sale.

yellow package

One day, a brother and sister were walking near their house and saw a yellow plastic bag on a tree. The brother's name was Sasha, and the sister's name was Lena. Sasha climbed a tree and took out a package. The package contained folded paper. Lena wanted to throw it away. But Sasha turned around and saw that it was a map. In the center was a chest with diamonds.

You see, a treasure is buried here, - Sasha said to his sister. "Now we're going to look for him!"

And they went. The road led them into a dark forest.

The centuries-old trees parted before them and closed behind them like a wall. Not a single ray of the sun penetrated the black needles. The path took them farther and farther, and they already began to think that they were lost. When suddenly they saw a POINT. High above their heads, on a tree, hung a huge YELLOW HAND. The index finger showed the direction.

Sasha, maybe we'll be back? - said the girl. - We are already looking for mom!

But what about the treasure? Sasha asked. - Mom will be happy if we bring her treasures!

You see, - said Sasha, - here is the treasure!

They picked up the coins and began to descend the spiral staircase. The stairs were dark, but something was glowing at the bottom. On their way down they found themselves in a large oak room. There was a fireplace in it. Opposite was a chair, someone was sitting in it. It was a dead man. He sat with his head thrown back and his eyes closed. His face was pale and thin, with a pointed nose and thin, compressed lips. A dead hand dangled from a chair from under a bloody shroud.

Lena was frightened: it seemed to her that the dead man was looking at them. But my brother said it was all nonsense.

Next to the fireplace, they saw a door and went to it. When they passed by the dead man, one of his eyelids trembled and a tenacious prickly eye looked out from under it - as if he had taken a photograph - and instantly closed. The children did not notice anything and went into the next room. There stood a boy holding diamonds in his hands. The boy started, but when he saw them, he was very happy. He said that his name was Gosha, that he also found a yellow bag and came for the treasure, but he had been here for a long time, because he could not get out of this room.

Lena took one diamond from him to see, but it fell and broke. The guys realized that it was glass.

Suddenly, the door opened and a dead man entered the room. Or rather, the one they thought was dead. Everyone shuddered in horror. The dead man smiled at them with a fake kindly smile, showing small sharp teeth.

He told them not to be afraid

he just wanted to invite them to visit him, because he loves children very much. He asked them to wait, as he wanted to treat them, and left the room.

The children became scared, and they began to look for where to hide. There was another door in the room, they began to rush into it, but the door did not open.

Gosha accidentally pressed some secret, and the door slowly moved aside. The guys ran into it and the wall closed behind them.

They ended up in a room lined with white tiles. The walls were lined with shelves filled with various jars and test tubes. The children began to look at them and were horrified. Two large jars contained two living human heads. The heads looked at them and began to exchange glances with each other. Instead of words, bubbles came out of their mouths.

A human hand was floating nearby in a jar, Gosha saw it and pressed his forehead against the glass in horror. The hand suddenly folded into a fig and, swimming up to the glass, began to spin in front of Gosha's nose. Gosha shied away from the can and flew to the floor.

At that moment, a long, barely audible groan was heard. They turned around and saw in the corner a table on which lay something covered with a sheet. They pulled off the sheet and froze: on the table lay a human body, all cut with knives to bare bones and oozing blood. The neck was tense so that it seemed that the veins would burst. The skin on the face was bluish in color, and a wheeze escaped from the throat.

Here the door opened. HE entered. And, grabbing them by the shoulders, he pushed them into some kind of cage. Only then did Lena make out: what seemed to them a shroud was actually a surgical gown. He left and darkness fell. The children were so shocked that they could not cry or even move.

Dead silence reigned in the room, broken only by the sound of drops falling on the tiled floor. The children began to look closely and discerned in the darkness a portrait of a woman hanging over the operating table. The woman in the picture bowed her head and seemed alive: real tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly the portrait came to life. The woman got off him, went up to the dying man, leaned over and began to whisper something to him. The children had hope that she could help them. And they begged her to let them out. The woman quietly approached them and, without saying a word, unlocked the cage. The children began to thank her, but she looked at them with such sad eyes that they understood that she did not believe in their salvation. They quietly broke through the room with the fireplace and began to climb the stairs. To their delight, the outer door was open and it was early morning.

The kids slipped out.

Let's go home to mom! Sasha said happily.

And then their legs buckled. Right in front of them, HE appeared on the path. He walked slowly and smiled his predatory smile.

And although he was still far away and it was possible to have time to escape, they did not move from their place and their eyes, full of dull indifference, looked at HIS approach...

Skeleton Lord

A doctor came to one city. After some time, terrible things began to happen: in the evening people began to disappear in the city. After nine no one went outside. One person decided to find out what was the matter, and in the evening he left the house. He is walking down the street and suddenly feels that someone is following him. He quickened his pace and began to turn into different lanes, but the one following him did not lag behind. Then the man ran into some house (and it was the doctor's house) and hid behind the door. The one who followed him also entered the house and went to the doctor's waiting room. The man saw that it was a skeleton. A few minutes later the doctor came out the door. The man told him everything. The doctor invited him to his place, closed the door and said:

Now you will know everything, but after that I will cut off your tongue so that you will not tell anyone about my discovery. I discovered a powder that brings skeletons to life. They obey me and carry out all my orders. I ordered them to kill people because I need many, many skeletons.

What if they get out of control? the man asked.

I know one spell, - said the doctor. - If you say it, they will strangle each other!

After that, the doctor cut out the man's tongue and left him to live with him.

Once, when the doctor was not in the office, a man opened his desk and saw a piece of paper on which something incomprehensible was written. The man read this, and as soon as he finished reading, a terrible scream was heard in the next room. He rushed there and saw among the skeletons of the dead doctor lying on the floor. And he realized that he had read the same spell, and the skeletons strangled each other, and at the same time the doctor who happened to be nearby.

Case on the Soviet-Polish border

This incident took place on the Soviet-Polish border. There, in the very heart of the dark oak forest, stood an ancient castle, which would have been completely forgotten by people if the border had not passed nearby, and therefore the border path. At the outpost they knew the layout of the rooms well, but they did not inspect them every time, but only when something aroused suspicion.

Once, Sergeant Berezov and soldiers Gvozdev and Novikov went to the outfit. They were passing by the castle and suddenly saw how in the upper window (it was the smallest room on the second floor, in the corner) a light flickered and something sparkled. The sergeant ordered Novikov to stay downstairs, and he went with Gvozdev to inspect the castle.

If you hear anything suspicious,” he said before leaving, “contact the outpost and report everything!

Novikov remained downstairs and began to listen: the doors passed, steps on the stairs, in the corridor, the creak of the heavy door to the room being opened ... There was a machine gun burst, a terrible scream and a muffled fall of two bodies - one after the other.

Novikov was taken aback, but after a few moments he came to his senses and rushed to the nearest secret telephone to inform the outpost about the incident.

Ten minutes later, the outpost, raised into a gun, was at the castle. Everyone rushed upstairs and saw a terrible picture: at the very door, with a machine gun on the fuse, lay soldier Gvozdev, and a few steps from him, face down, Sergeant Berezov. Both were dead. But the sergeant's eyes were wide open. When the doctor looked into them, he screamed wildly and fell down with no signs of life. It turned out that the terrible vision that they had seen before their death was imprinted on the retina of the sergeant's eyes. The picture was about to collapse, and a special identikit was needed to capture it.

The photographs were taken and presented to a symposium of physicians from all over the world. It was said that the film was destroyed, and the pictures were taken with the help of an identikit. There are two pictures, what is on them is unknown.

Imagine the picture: a huge circular audience, like in a circus. In the center, on the table - a photo. At first the doctors sat in silence, contemplating what had happened. Then a young American doctor got up and said, going down to the table. “I think that all this is nonsense, Russian nonsense. It can't be, because it can't be!"

He took the photo and turned it towards him. His face contorted, the cigar fell out of his hands, he screamed wildly and collapsed on the floor. The hall was numb, it was clear that the American was dead.

A lot of time has passed. Finally, another person got up. It was an old Pole. He slowly went downstairs, went to the table, leaned his hand on it and said: “I have lived for many years, but I felt life only now. I happened to see different deaths - from the so-called easy to martyrdom, because I went through a concentration camp. Now a terrible weapon is in the hands of mankind. It costs a penny, but it works irresistibly. Mankind is not yet ripe for unraveling such mysteries. I do what I think is the only right thing in this situation. He took the matches and set fire to the photograph without turning the photograph towards him. When it almost burned out, he took the second photograph from the hands of the deceased American and set it on fire from the first.

And suddenly, those who were sitting closer saw a mischievous spark flash in the doctor's eyes. "No, this temptation is unbearable!" they heard. A piece the size of a fingernail remained in the doctor's hands. He turned the piece, looked, screamed wildly and fell to the ground. The scrap burned out in his hand.

To this day, no one knows what was in that picture.

Mysterious well

One scientific expedition was returning home after a long hike through the desert. People have gone astray and have been wandering on the sands for several days. Food was running out, water was running out, and everyone was thirsty. Finally, they came across an abandoned well. The well was so deep that the bottom could not be seen. They tied one member of the expedition with a rope and began to lower it. The rope had already come to an end, but the comrade still did not give a signal. And suddenly from the well came such a cry that his companions' hearts sank.

When the travelers pulled out their comrade, it was impossible to recognize the toy. His hair turned white, there were horns on his head, and his eyes shone mysteriously. The whole body was covered with thick hair, white fangs protruded from the mouth, and the fingers turned into something vile, ending in long claws ...

After conferring, the companions decided to blindfold one member of the expedition and lower him into the well so that he photographed what so disfigured his comrade. He was safely raised, and the satellites continued on their way. Finally the expedition returned home. The film was given to a familiar photographer. The next day they went for the photo. There was a knock on the door, but no one answered. And suddenly there was a cry, which they heard in the well. In one second they broke the door and burst into the house. When they ran into the office, a disfigured creature resembling a photographer was sitting in an armchair. There was an upside down photograph on the table.

One of the travelers took the photo and set it on fire. It caught fire with a bang and sparks. At this time, everything in the street darkened and thundered, although it was not going to rain. One of the comrades opened the window. And suddenly someone's greenish eyes lit up in the window.

The next day, the newspaper announced a search for travelers and a photographer. But a long search proved fruitless.

The ending is also curious: the film was developed at the police station. The man who did this died an hour later in the hospital in a deranged state. The photographs have disappeared. Now they roam the world, and whoever sees them falls dead. Some get them in the mail before the holidays...

Black Death

It was in the Pacific. The radio operator of one of the American ships received an SOS signal. The captain gave the order to go to the rescue. Soon they approached the ship that sent the signal.

When the sailors boarded, they did not find anyone there. The captain's assistant went into one of the cabins and saw that a pile of clothes was lying on the floor. He was about to leave, when suddenly some black amorphous mass crawled out from under his clothes. She pounced on the assistant, wrapped him around and ate. There is only one form left. It was the Black Death.

Those who came to help found no one. They saw that the assistant was gone, got scared and set sail.

After some time, a rich Western man woke up in his apartment and saw that his mistress went to the bathroom. An hour has passed.

He was surprised and went to find out what was the matter. Entering the bathroom, he saw only a dressing gown, slippers and the Black Death. The Black Death rushed at the rich man, but he had a gun in the pocket of his dressing gown, and he fired several shots. The Black Death shrank but did not die. Because she was immortal. Seeing that she was preparing for a new attack, the rich man jumped out of his apartment and slammed the door. But the door didn't close properly. The Black Death seeped through the not and went through the city. From that day on, horrors began to happen in the city. The Black Death killed many people, leaving only clothes. She moved from one place to another through sewerage and water supply. Therefore, it was impossible to catch her. She usually crawled out of sinks and toilets and attacked people in bathrooms and toilets.

But one day she got out of the sewer manhole and attacked the policeman. The policeman began to shoot at her with a machine gun, and she crawled back. However, the police officer radioed for help. Several scientists descended into the hatch and threw grenades at the Black Death, because the bullets did not take it. The Black Death was shattered into many pieces. Scientists collected them all in glass jars and burned them. Left only one piece - for research.

Studies have shown that this Black Death came from biomass that originated in the ocean when the Americans were testing the hydrogen bomb. When all this was revealed, the last piece was burned. And she was gone.

Cemetery owner

Two Frenchmen arrived in one English town. The hotels were full and they could not find a place to stay. Finally, they learned that there was an abandoned hotel near the cemetery. They were warned that some terrible monster was found in the cemetery. But the French did not believe in any horrors. Laughing at the fears of the townspeople, they moved into this hotel. On the same night, a Frenchman opened a window before going to bed to get some fresh air, and saw something strange: in the narrow passages between the graves, here and there, then there appeared two red lights. It was the eyes. The Frenchman called a comrade, and they began to watch together. It soon became clear that these "eyes" were tired of the rotten meat, as they approached the hotel. The French closed the window, covered it with a sheet and, drawing their revolvers, began to wait. We didn't have to wait long. There was a flapping of wings, and the tiles on the roof above them began to scatter. The French riddled the ceiling with shots.

Everything was silent. They went to bed, but then a strange sound was heard: someone was scratching the door. The French huddled: one - in a corner, the other - behind the door - and began to wait. But the creature, apparently, sensed the ambush and left.

The French were going to bed. But, turning back the edge of the sheet, they saw that it was already dawn. People began to come running to see if they were alive. They never got a chance to rest.

The first thing they did was to immediately go to the nearest police station. But the chief of police said: “You were warned yesterday!” - and refused to single out people. He talked for a long time about the fact that one day they raised the entire police in the district and went to hunt the “Master of the Cemetery” (as the strange creature was called). But he, having arranged an ambush in a cave, began to make such sounds that almost all the policemen fled. And those who nevertheless climbed into the cave were killed one by one ...

From the whole story, the French realized that the local policemen were just cowards, and went to London. By nightfall they returned with a detachment of the Metropolitan Police. The ambush was set up in the wing. Two of our heroes remained with the police, as they were armed. Soon there was the familiar flapping of wings and the sound of breaking slate. This sound lasted a long time, everyone was already used to it. But then the unexpected happened.

The commander of the detachment accidentally looked at the ceiling, saw that two red eyes were looking at him through the crack that had formed, and fainted. The nurse, seeing the commander fall, screamed. The monster was frightened by the scream and flew away. The next day, only the commander and two Frenchmen remained in the wing. The rest hid in the hotel and waited for a signal. When the owner of the cemetery appeared, one of the Frenchmen fired from the closet window and hit the monster between the eyes. Another put a noose around his neck. Three of the commanders They barely dragged the monster to the wall. The police officers who ran out threw a net over him and spent all the spare "drums" on him. Everyone was so exhausted that they fell asleep. When they woke up, they saw boys crowded in the yard near the dead monster. The boys (it was evident that they were already used to it) poked sticks into the eyes, which were still glowing.

The policemen drove the boys away and sent the Master of the cemetery for investigation. It soon became clear that this monster had fled from geneticists 29 years ago. It was a very dangerous monster: geneticists crossed a human cell with a bat cell and placed it in favorable conditions. They completely forgot about the cages, and when they remembered and opened the box, a monster flew out of it, grabbed the first person that came across in its teeth, broke the window and flew away. And settled in the cemetery because it smelled of meat. All.

Night guest

In one hotel there was a room specially for working people: tailors, cutters, shoemakers. Everything was equipped for comfortable work: the table served as a table and a bed at the same time, and a lamp hung down as a national table. Once a rather young man settled in this room. The next day, they knock on his room, but he does not open it.

Then they broke down the door, they look: he is lying, covered with a blanket. When they threw back the blanket, everyone was horrified: either a man or a stuffed animal lay on the table - bones covered with skin. And there was a small hole in the stomach. The body was taken out. This incident began to be forgotten, and soon a seamstress, a woman of medium legs, settled in this room. But the next day, the same thing happened to her. Panic broke out among the residents, and soon the hotel was empty and boarded up. There were rumors around the city that a ghost had settled in it, which devoured people from the inside. Rumors excited the whole city, and soon a volunteer was found who dared to find out what it was all the same. They gave him a weapon, and he drove to the hotel. All day he sat at the table and read a book. And in the evening I went to bed, turned off the light and waited. His eyes had already begun to droop, when he suddenly saw: two shiny balls were crawling along the wall. He quickly turned on the light, looks - no one is there.

Again he extinguished and lay down, deciding to let them come closer. Balls reappeared. They ran along the ceiling and began to descend along the lamp cord to the bed. He fired, and blood dripped onto him. He turned on the light - no one. But a trace of blood remained on the lamp. He turned off the light again. Already one ball was descending down the lamp to the table. He fired again, and something warm and soft fell on him. When he turned on the light, he saw a huge spider on him.

It was he who sucked people out with his sting. And this man was given an award.

Enchanted Finger

One boarding school did not have a teacher. But one woman came to work there. In appearance she was the most ordinary, but it was worth looking at her; in the evening, as she began to seem both beautiful and terrible. Soon the children began to get sick in the boarding school. They grew tumors - cancer. Someone - on the hand, someone - on the cheek. Some on the neck. One boy was already dying in the hospital. The children came to visit him, and he said to his friend: "I think that I have cancer because the teacher touched me with her finger." He began to follow the teacher and noticed that at night she often walks around the bedrooms. He armed himself with an iron rod and began to follow her imperceptibly ... And one day he saw that a needle was sticking out of her finger. He hit his finger with a rod... Everything rang, splinters fell... instead of a woman, a creature similar to a microbe was writhing on the floor. He was photographed. It has disappeared. Nobody else got sick.

bronze statue

It happened on the estate of a gentleman. The laborers were plowing: the earth and stumbled upon some kind of metal object. They ran for shovels, began to dig and found a bronze statue. It was a naked woman with an outstretched right hand and spread fingers on it. The statue was brought to the master and placed in the garden in front of the house. And on this day the master's son had a wedding. After the feast, someone suggested playing croquet in the garden. The groom also began to play, but out of habit, the ring interfered with him, and he took it off and put the statues on his hand. The ring was just right on the ring finger. It soon got dark. The guests departed, and the young began to get ready for bed. Then he married and remembered that he had left the ring in the garden. He went into the garden and what he sees: the hand of the statue turned blue and the fingers were clenched into a fist. The groom thought that he was imagining it, and returned to his young wife. They lay down to sleep. But suddenly, at twelve o'clock, the window by the bed, where the young people slept, shattered to pieces ... and a blue hand appeared in the window opening. She hit the groom and, having stunned him, began to strangle her wife. Servants with candles came running to the cry, and the hand disappeared. Waking up the groom told how it was.

And the blue hand has been appearing since then in different places and strangling those who sleep near the window.

Revenge of the artist

At one outpost there was a wooden house. Officers' wives often died in this house. The cause of death could not be ascertained. Once a new family settled in this house: a young officer and his wife. A week later, the wife was found dead in her room. There was a grimace of horror on her face. No traces were found in the whole house, no one entered the room. The next day, the soldiers set up an ambush. The night was moonlit and quiet. The soldiers had already begun to doze, when suddenly the wall clock struck twelve, the attic door on the ceiling slowly opened and the dead man began to descend on a rope, all blue, with a malicious wry smile. The soldiers began to shoot at him, but the dead man did not disappear. Then someone turned on the light, and, to everyone's surprise, there was no one in the room, and the attic was locked. An investigation began, and in the end everything turned out. A long time ago, a poor artist lived in this house with his wife. His wife kicked him out, but he was a very smart man. In retaliation, he painted with invisible colors on the glass of the deceased, which became visible in the bright moonlight. And a terrible image rose before the eyes of the one who was in the room. Then the house was burned down.


One family bought a carpet and hung it in the bedroom above the bed. From that day on, family members began to die. Everyone who went to bed in this bedroom was found dead in the morning. The police took care of this. One night, she burst into the room and saw that a coffin was painted on the carpet hanging over the bed. From it, rising on one hand and holding on to the lid with the other, it was as if a dead man was crawling out. His gaze was so chilling that those who remained in the room had a broken heart. The coffin and the dead man were painted with phosphor and glowed in the dark.

Red Death

There lived a prince. One day, rumors reached him that the Red Death had appeared in other kingdoms. It was said that if she looked at a person, he immediately died. The prince did not believe the rumors, but for safety he decided to hide in the mountains. He built himself a new castle and settled in it with his courtiers. From all sides the castle was surrounded by a high stone wall, and in addition, it was surrounded by a moat filled with water. Now the prince was safe.

In honor of this event, he arranged a ball and invited many guests. Three rooms were specially equipped for the ball. The first room was blue and everything in it was blue, the second room was pink from floor to ceiling. And the third room was black: its walls and ceiling were painted black, the chairs and sofas were upholstered in black velvet, and there was a small red glass window in the wall, over which hung a clock.

The ball was very fun. At first everyone danced in the blue room, then in the pink room, then they moved to the black one...

Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve. The music stopped. The red light illuminated the black room, and the guests became so eerie that everyone stopped. When the clock stopped striking, everyone suddenly noticed a man whom no one had noticed before. He was wearing a black velvet suit and had a red mask on. The prince was very surprised. "Who are you? - he asked. And how dare you come here uninvited? Get out of the castle this minute!" But the man in the mask did not even think of leaving. The prince did not like it when his orders were not followed. He pulled out his sword and raised it over his head, but then the man took off his mask, and everyone saw - it was the Red Death.

Her eyes filled with blood, she looked into the face of the prince - and the prince fell dead ... In horror, people rushed in different directions, but it was too late: lightning flashed, thunder rumbled, and the castle collapsed.


There lived one person. He was a composer. And then an unknown man came to him, tall, all in black. He asked him to write a requiem for him. And left.

And when the composer finished this requiem, it seemed to him that he was writing not for anyone, but for himself.

Soon this composer died, and the requiem was played for him. This man in black was his death.

snake love

A snake fell in love with a soldier. She always looked at him. One night, when the soldier was on duty, she crawled out and wrapped herself around him. The soldier screamed and died of a broken heart. The soldier was buried. And the next day, a dead snake was found on his grave.

wild monkey

There lived a woman with her daughter. One evening they sit at home and hear - they announce on the radio: “Attention, attention! Please close all vents, windows and doors. A wild monkey has escaped from the zoo!” This announcement was repeated several times.

A wild monkey drank blood. She climbed onto the roofs, caught cats and pigeons, tore off their heads and sucked blood. But that wasn't enough for her. And she began to hunt people.

The woman closed the windows and doors every day, at night. But one day she forgot to close the window. The monkey saw an open window and climbed through it into the apartment. The girl sleeping in the bed suddenly woke up, saw someone's green eyes, got scared and screamed. The monkey noticed the girl, jumped on her and began to twist her arms, legs, tear her hair ... The girl screamed loudly in her bed. The mother heard her daughter's cry and rushed to her room, but it was already too late. The girl lay dead. The monkey saw another person and rushed at him. Neighbors heard screams, but were afraid to approach the door. They called the police. A few minutes later the police were already at the door. When they entered the apartment, the monkey was not there. They saw large pools of blood on the floor. "The monkey will be back!" - said one of the policemen. They hid and waited. And indeed: after a while, the monkey climbed back into the apartment and greedily began to drink blood. One of the policemen, who was standing behind the wardrobe, could not stand it and fired a pistol, but missed. The monkey jumped out the window and ran away. She jumped on ten-story houses, in one place she began to go down the drainpipe, but suddenly broke and fell from the third floor onto the asphalt ... The monkey was found and quickly taken to the hospital. While she was being treated, she was fed vegetables and fruits. And when she recovered, she no longer drank blood.

blue nail

One day three friends went hunting. They left the city and stopped for the night in a hunting lodge. Such houses are similar to huts, only with a door that is locked with a hook. It was evening. The hunters had supper and went to bed in order to get up early in the morning. There was not so much space in the house, so two beds stood at the far wall, and one next to the door.

The hunters quickly fell asleep. In the morning, when they woke up, they did not pay much attention to the fact that the sleeper at the door suddenly disappeared. “Probably left before us,” they thought. - Well, okay!" But as soon as they left the house, they immediately realized that something was wrong. Directly from the door was a path of blood, and in the bushes lay their friend's torn hat. They searched and searched for him - they did not find him. They called the police. The police ambushed the house. They waited for a long time, and already in the morning, when sleep closed their eyes, everyone woke up from a scream ... One soldier disappeared, and in the place where he lay, there was a crumpled machine gun and shreds of an overcoat. And the same unchanging path of blood ...

The ambush was arranged for three days - and no results. Only on the fourth day did everyone see how some kind of hulk appeared in the predawn fog - a bear is not a bear, a person is not a person ... She was moving towards the house. Everyone knew that the door was closed, but the monster only extended his hand - and the door opened. In the morning silence, a low scream was heard and an automatic burst immediately rang out ...

The monster made several jumps and fell. It turned out to be a man, all overgrown with hair and covered with a thick layer of dirt. He had a long blue fingernail on his hand. He stuck this nail into the crack and threw back the hook, the door opened, and ...

White people

It was in Paris. A white fog descended on the city, and white people came out of it. They began to kill ordinary people. The police tracked them for a long time and finally found the house in which they were. The police surrounded the house, and when one of the white men came out into the street, bullets flew at him. But the bullets did not cause him the slightest harm, and the police fled. Several days have passed. There were fewer and fewer people in the city. Once one of the policemen saw that a white man entered the entrance of a house. He rushed after him and came face to face with him. The daredevil, without hesitation, pulled off the mask from the enemy. The white man staggered and fell over dead. It was a victory. An hour later, all the survivors learned how to deal with the killers. White people ran and hid, but still continued to kill the unwary.

One day, when the police were tracking down a group of fugitives, they saw an old woman with them. The old woman went in one direction, and the fugitives went in the other. The policemen split up: one went after the old woman. Noticing that she was being followed, the old woman quickened her pace. Suddenly the earth parted, and the old woman fell into it. The policeman followed. The old woman disappeared without a trace, but a monstrous sight opened up before him: the corpses of people filled with gold lay all around. The policeman took one gold coin for examination. And it turned out that if you throw a coin, a lot of white people appear from it. When the police arrived back, the crack was not in place. They began to dig the earth in this place, but found nothing. Where the gold went, no one knows.

scary curtains

There was one family: mother, father, older sister and brother. Once they bought black curtains. Curtains hung in the room and went to bed. At night, the black curtains say to the father:

Father got up.

Get dressed!

The father is dressed.

Come to the table!

The father came over.

Get on the table!

Father got up. And the black curtains suffocated him. Then mothers say:

Mother got up.

Get dressed!

Mother dressed...

When the mother stood on the table, the curtains suffocated her too.

The same thing happened with my sister. Only a small son remained in the room, who did everything very slowly. The black curtains tell him:

The boy woke up with difficulty.

Get dressed!

He got up.

Come to the table!

He got dressed.

Get on the table!

He walked over to the table...

And the curtains strangled the empty space.

Unlike Black Curtains, Red Curtains sometimes require a glass of blood to be brought to them.

Yellow curtains only suffocate children.

When the police began to investigate them (how?), they turned into an old woman.

The old woman was immortal. But she had death. She was in the Kremlin star.

Eduard Uspensky "Kolobok follows the trail" »

4. Modern genre of children's horror stories.

Children's folklore is a living, constantly renewing phenomenon, and in it, along with the most ancient genres, there are relatively new forms, the age of which is estimated at only a few decades. As a rule, these are genres of children's urban folklore, for example, horror stories. Scary stories are short stories with a tense plot and a scary ending, the purpose of which is to scare the listener. According to the researchers of this genre O. Grechina and M. Osorina, “in a horror story, the traditions of a fairy tale merge with the actual problems of a child’s real life.” It is noted that among children's horror stories one can find plots and motifs traditional in archaic folklore, demonological characters borrowed from bylichka and anecdotes, however, the group of plots in which objects and things of the surrounding world turn out to be demonic beings is predominant. Literary critic S.M. Loiter notes that being influenced by a fairy tale, children's horror stories acquired a clear and uniform plot structure. The task inherent in it (warning or prohibition - violation - retribution) allows us to define it as a "didactic structure". Some researchers draw parallels between the modern genre of children's horror stories and older literary types of scary stories, for example, the writings of Korney Chukovsky. Writer Eduard Uspensky collected these stories in the book "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (scary stories for fearless children)".

Horror stories in the described form, apparently, became widespread in the 70s of the XX century. Literary critic O. Yu. Trykova believes that "at present, horror stories are gradually moving into the" stage of conservation. Children still tell them, but there are practically no new plots, and the frequency of performance also becomes less. Obviously, this is due to a change in life realities: in the Soviet period, when an almost total ban in the official culture was imposed on everything catastrophic and frightening, the need for the terrible was satisfied through this genre. Currently, there are many sources, in addition to horror stories, that satisfy this craving for the mysteriously frightening (from news releases, various newspaper publications savoring the "terrible" to numerous horror films). According to the pioneer in the study of this genre, psychologist M. V. Osorina, fears that a child copes with in early childhood on his own or with the help of his parents become the material of the collective consciousness of children. This material is worked out by children in group situations of telling scary stories, fixed in the texts of children's folklore and passed on to the next generations of children, becoming a screen for their new personal projections.

The main character of horror stories is a teenager who encounters a “pest” (stain, curtains, tights, a coffin on wheels, a piano, a TV, a radio, a record, a bus, a tram). Color plays a special role in these items: white, red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, black. The hero, as a rule, repeatedly receives a warning about a trouble threatening from a pest, but does not want (or cannot) get rid of it. His death is most often due to strangulation. The hero's assistant is a policeman. horror stories are not reduced only to the plot, the ritual of storytelling is also essential - as a rule, in the dark, in the company of children in the absence of adults. According to the folklorist M.P. Cherednikova, the involvement of a child in the practice of telling horror stories depends on his psychological maturation. At first, at the age of 5-6, the child cannot hear scary stories without horror. Later, from about 8 to 11 years old, children are happy to tell scary stories, and at the age of 12-13 they no longer take them seriously, and various parodic forms are becoming more common.

As a rule, horror stories are characterized by stable motifs: “black hand”, “bloody stain”, “green eyes”, “coffin on wheels”, etc. Such a story consists of several sentences, as the action develops, the tension increases, and in the final phrase it reaches its peak.

"Red spot". One family got a new apartment, but there was a red spot on the wall. They wanted to delete it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it appeared through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the stain after each death became even brighter.

"The black hand punishes theft." One girl was a thief. She stole things and one day she stole a jacket. At night, someone knocked on her window, then a black-gloved hand appeared, she grabbed a jacket and disappeared. The next day, the girl stole the nightstand. At night, the hand reappeared. She grabbed the nightstand. The girl looked out the window, wanting to see who was taking things. And then a hand grabbed the girl and, pulling her out the window, strangled her.

"Blue Glove" Once upon a time there was a blue glove. Everyone was afraid of her, because she pursued and strangled people who returned home late. And then one day a woman was walking along the street - and this street was dark, very dark - and suddenly she saw that a blue glove was peeking out of the bushes. The woman was frightened and ran home, followed by a blue glove. A woman ran into the entrance, went up to her floor, and the blue glove followed her. She began to open the door, and the key got stuck, but she opened the door, ran home, suddenly - a knock on the door. She opens, and there is a blue glove! (The last phrase was usually accompanied by a sharp movement of the hand towards the listener).

"Black House". In one black, black forest stood a black, black house. This black, black house had a black, black room. In this black, black room there was a black, black table. On this black, black table is a black, black coffin. In this black, black coffin lay a black, black man. (Until this moment, the narrator speaks in a muffled monotonous voice. And then - abruptly, unexpectedly loudly, grabbing the listener by the hand.) Give me my heart! Few people know that the first poetic horror story was written by the poet Oleg Grigoriev:

I asked the electrician Petrov:
“Why did you wrap a wire around your neck?”
Petrov does not answer me,
Hangs and only shakes bots.

After him, sadistic rhymes appeared in abundance in both children's and adult folklore.

The old woman suffered for a short time
In high voltage wires,
Her charred carcass
Scared the birds in the sky.

Horror stories are usually told in large companies, preferably in the dark and in a frightening whisper. The appearance of this genre is associated, on the one hand, with the craving of children for everything unknown and frightening, and on the other hand, with an attempt to overcome this fear. As they grow older, horror stories cease to scare and cause only laughter. This is also evidenced by the appearance of a peculiar reaction to horror stories - parodic anti-horror stories. These stories begin just as intimidating, but the ending turns out to be funny:

Black-black night. A black-black car was driving along a black-black street. On this black and black car was written in large white letters: "BREAD"!

Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at home. Suddenly, the radio transmits: “Throw away the closet and refrigerator as soon as possible! A coffin on wheels is coming to your house!” They threw it away. And so they threw everything away. They sit on the floor, and they broadcast on the radio: “We broadcast Russian folk tales.”

As a rule, all these stories end with no less terrible endings. (These are only "official" horror stories, in books, combed to please the publisher, sometimes they are provided with happy endings or funny endings.) And yet, modern psychology considers creepy children's folklore a positive phenomenon.

“A children's horror story affects different levels – feelings, thoughts, words, images, movements, sounds,” psychologist Marina Lobanova told NG. - It makes the psyche, with fear, not get up with tetanus, but move. Therefore, a horror story is an effective way to work, for example, with depression. According to the psychologist, a person is able to create his own horror film only when he has already completed his own fear. And now Masha Seryakova shares her valuable psychic experience with others through her stories. “It is also important that the girl writes using emotions, thoughts, images that are specific to the children's subculture,” says Lobanova. “An adult will not see this and will never create it.”


1. "Mythological stories of the Russian population of Eastern Siberia". Comp. V.P. Zinoviev. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 1987.

2. Dictionary of literary terms. M. 1974.

3. Permyakov G.L. "From proverb to fairy tale". M. 1970.

4. Kostyukhin E.A. "Types and forms of the animal epic". M. 1987.

5. Levina E.M. Russian folk tale. Minsk. 1983.

6. Belousov A.F. "Children's Folklore". M. 1989.

7. Mochalova V.V. "The World Inside Out". M. 1985.

8. Lurie V.F. "Children's Folklore. Younger teenagers. M. 1983


Folklore - artistic folk art, artistic creative activity of the working people, poetry, music, theater, dance, architecture, fine and decorative arts created by the people and existing among the masses of the people. In collective artistic creativity, the people reflect their labor activity, social and everyday way of life, knowledge of life and nature, cults and beliefs. The folklore that has developed in the course of social labor practice embodies the views, ideals and aspirations of the people, their poetic fantasy, the richest world of thoughts, feelings, experiences, protest against exploitation and oppression, dreams of justice and happiness. Having absorbed the centuries-old experience of the masses, folklore is distinguished by the depth of artistic development of reality, the truthfulness of images, and the power of creative generalization. The richest images, themes, motifs, forms of folklore arise in the complex dialectical unity of individual (though, as a rule, anonymous) creativity and collective artistic consciousness. For centuries, the folk collective has been selecting, improving and enriching the solutions found by individual masters. The continuity and stability of artistic traditions (within which, in turn, personal creativity is manifested) are combined with variability, the diverse implementation of these traditions in individual works. It is characteristic of all types of folklore that the creators of a work are at the same time its performers, and the performance, in turn, can be the creation of variants that enrich the tradition; also important is the closest contact between performers and people who perceive art, who themselves can act as participants in the creative process. The main features of folklore also include the long-standing indivisibility, the highly artistic unity of its types: poetry, music, dance, theater, and decorative arts merged in folk ritual actions; in the folk dwelling, architecture, carving, painting, ceramics, embroidery created an inseparable whole; folk poetry is closely related to music and its rhythm, musicality, and the nature of the performance of most works, while musical genres are usually associated with poetry, labor movements, and dances. The works and skills of folklore are directly passed down from generation to generation.

1. Wealth of genres

In the process of existence, genres of verbal folklore experience “productive” and “unproductive” periods (“ages”) of their history (emergence, distribution, entry into the mass repertoire, aging, extinction), and this is ultimately associated with social and cultural and everyday changes. in society. The stability of the existence of folklore texts in folk life is explained not only by their artistic value, but also by the slowness of changes in the way of life, worldview, tastes of their main creators and keepers - the peasants. The texts of folklore works of various genres are changeable (albeit to varying degrees). However, in general, traditionalism has an immeasurably greater power in folklore than in professional literary creativity. The richness of genres, themes, images, poetics of verbal folklore is due to the variety of its social and everyday functions, as well as the methods of performance (solo, choir, choir and soloist), the combination of text with melody, intonation, movements (singing, singing and dancing, storytelling, acting out , dialogue, etc.). In the course of history, some genres have undergone significant changes, disappeared, new ones appeared. In the most ancient period, most peoples had tribal traditions, labor and ritual songs, and incantations. Later, magic, everyday tales, tales about animals, pre-state (archaic) forms of the epic appear. During the formation of statehood, a classic heroic epic was formed, then historical songs and ballads arose. Still later, an extra-ceremonial lyric song, romance, ditty and other small lyrical genres and, finally, working folklore (revolutionary songs, oral stories, etc.) were formed. Despite the bright national coloring of the works of verbal folklore of different peoples, many motives, images and even plots are similar in them. For example, about two-thirds of the plots of the tales of European peoples have parallels in the tales of other peoples, which is caused either by development from one source, or by cultural interaction, or by the emergence of similar phenomena on the basis of general patterns of social development.

2. The concept of children's folklore

It is customary to call children's folklore both works that are performed by adults for children, and those composed by the children themselves. Children's folklore includes lullabies, pestles, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and incantations, teasers, rhymes, absurdities, etc. Children's folklore is formed under the influence of many factors. Among them - the influence of various social and age groups, their folklore; mass culture; existing ideas and much more. The initial sprouts of creativity can appear in various activities of children, if the necessary conditions are created for this. The successful development of such qualities depends on upbringing, which in the future will ensure the participation of the child in creative work. Children's creativity is based on imitation, which serves as an important factor in the development of the child, in particular his artistic abilities. The task of the teacher is, relying on the tendency of children to imitate, to instill in them skills and abilities, without which creative activity is impossible, to educate them in independence, activity in the application of this knowledge and skills, to form critical thinking, purposefulness. At preschool age, the foundations of the child's creative activity are laid, which are manifested in the development of the ability to plan and implement it, in the ability to combine their knowledge and ideas, in the sincere transmission of their feelings. Perhaps folklore has become a kind of filter for the mythological plots of the entire totality of the Earth's society, letting the universal, humanistically significant, and most viable plots into literature.

3. Modern children's folklore

Sat on the golden porch

Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry,

Uncle Scrooge and three ducklings

And Ponka will drive!

Returning to the analysis of the current state of the traditional genres of children's folklore, it should be noted that the existence of such genres of calendar folklore as incantations and sentences remains almost unchanged in terms of text. The most popular are still appeals to the rain (“Rain, rain, stop ...”), to the sun (“Sun, sun, look out the window ...”), to a ladybug and a snail. The half-belief traditional for these works is preserved in combination with the playful beginning. At the same time, the frequency of use of incantations and sentences by modern children is decreasing, there are practically no new texts, which also allows us to talk about the regression of the genre. Riddles and teasers turned out to be more viable. Remaining popular among children, they exist both in traditional forms (“I went underground, I found a little red cap”, “Lenka-foam”), and in new versions and varieties (“In winter and summer in one color” - Negro , dollar, soldier, dining room menu, alcoholic's nose, etc.). Such an unusual variety of the genre as riddles with drawings is rapidly developing. Folklore records of recent years contain a fairly large block of ditties. Gradually dying out in the adult repertoire, this type of oral folk art is rather readily picked up by children (this happened at one time with works of calendar folklore). Ditty texts heard from adults are usually not sung, but recited or chanted in communication with peers. Sometimes they "adapt" to the age of the performers, for example:

Girls hate me

They say that he is small in stature,

And I'm in the kindergarten Irinka

Kissed me ten times.

Such historically established genres as pestles, nursery rhymes, jokes, etc. almost completely disappear from oral use. Firmly fixed in textbooks, manuals and anthologies, they have now become part of the book culture and are actively used by teachers, educators, are included in the programs as a source of folk wisdom, filtered for centuries, as a sure means of developing and educating a child. But modern parents and children in oral practice use them very rarely, and if they reproduce, then as works familiar from books, and not transmitted by word of mouth, which, as you know, is one of the main distinguishing features of folklore.

4. Modern genre of children's horror stories.

Children's folklore is a living, constantly renewing phenomenon, and in it, along with the most ancient genres, there are relatively new forms, the age of which is estimated at only a few decades. As a rule, these are genres of children's urban folklore, for example, horror stories. Scary stories are short stories with a tense plot and a scary ending, the purpose of which is to scare the listener. According to the researchers of this genre O. Grechina and M. Osorina, “in a horror story, the traditions of a fairy tale merge with the actual problems of a child’s real life.” It is noted that among children's horror stories one can find plots and motifs traditional in archaic folklore, demonological characters borrowed from bylichka and anecdotes, however, the group of plots in which objects and things of the surrounding world turn out to be demonic beings is predominant. Literary critic S.M. Loiter notes that being influenced by a fairy tale, children's horror stories acquired a clear and uniform plot structure. The task inherent in it (warning or prohibition - violation - retribution) allows us to define it as a "didactic structure". Some researchers draw parallels between the modern genrechildren's horror storiesand older literary types of scary stories, such as the writings of Korney Chukovsky. Writer Eduard Uspensky collected these stories in the book "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (scary stories for fearless children)".

Horror stories in the described form, apparently, became widespread in the 70s of the XX century. Literary critic O. Yu. Trykova believes that "at present, horror stories are gradually moving into the" stage of conservation. Children still tell them, but there are practically no new plots, and the frequency of performance also becomes less. Obviously, this is due to a change in life realities: in the Soviet period, when an almost total ban in the official culture was imposed on everything catastrophic and frightening, the need for the terrible was satisfied through this genre. Currently, there are many sources, in addition to horror stories, that satisfy this craving for the mysteriously frightening (from news releases, various newspaper publications savoring the "terrible" to numerous horror films). According to the pioneer in the study of this genre, psychologist M. V. Osorina, fears that a child copes with in early childhood on his own or with the help of his parents become the material of the collective consciousness of children. This material is worked out by children in group situations of telling scary stories, fixed in the texts of children's folklore and passed on to the next generations of children, becoming a screen for their new personal projections.

The main character of horror stories is a teenager who encounters a “pest” (stain, curtains, tights, a coffin on wheels, a piano, a TV, a radio, a record, a bus, a tram). Color plays a special role in these items: white, red, yellow, green, blue, indigo, black. The hero, as a rule, repeatedly receives a warning about a trouble threatening from a pest, but does not want (or cannot) get rid of it. His death is most often due to strangulation. The hero's assistant is a policeman.horror stories are not reduced only to the plot, the ritual of storytelling is also essential - as a rule, in the dark, in the company of children in the absence of adults. According to the folklorist M.P. Cherednikova, the involvement of a child in the practice of telling horror stories depends on his psychological maturation. At first, at the age of 5-6, the child cannot hear scary stories without horror. Later, from about 8 to 11 years old, children are happy to tell scary stories, and at the age of 12-13 they no longer take them seriously, and various parodic forms are becoming more common.

As a rule, horror stories are characterized by stable motifs: “black hand”, “bloody stain”, “green eyes”, “coffin on wheels”, etc. Such a story consists of several sentences, as the action develops, the tension increases, and in the final phrase it reaches its peak.

"Red spot".One family got a new apartment, but there was a red spot on the wall. They wanted to delete it, but nothing happened. Then the stain was covered with wallpaper, but it appeared through the wallpaper. And every night someone died. And the stain after each death became even brighter.

"The black hand punishes theft."One girl was a thief. She stole things and one day she stole a jacket. At night, someone knocked on her window, then a black-gloved hand appeared, she grabbed a jacket and disappeared. The next day, the girl stole the nightstand. At night, the hand reappeared. She grabbed the nightstand. The girl looked out the window, wanting to see who was taking things. And then a hand grabbed the girl and, pulling her out the window, strangled her.

"Blue Glove"Once upon a time there was a blue glove. Everyone was afraid of her, because she pursued and strangled people who returned home late. And then one day a woman was walking along the street - and this street was dark, very dark - and suddenly she saw that a blue glove was peeking out of the bushes. The woman was frightened and ran home, followed by a blue glove. A woman ran into the entrance, went up to her floor, and the blue glove followed her. She began to open the door, and the key got stuck, but she opened the door, ran home, suddenly - a knock on the door. She opens, and there is a blue glove! (The last phrase was usually accompanied by a sharp movement of the hand towards the listener).

"Black House".In one black, black forest stood a black, black house. This black, black house had a black, black room. In this black, black room there was a black, black table. On this black, black table is a black, black coffin. In this black, black coffin lay a black, black man. (Until this moment, the narrator speaks in a muffled monotonous voice. And then - abruptly, unexpectedly loudly, grabbing the listener by the hand.) Give me my heart! Few people know that the first poetic horror story was written by the poet Oleg Grigoriev:

I asked the electrician Petrov:
“Why did you wrap a wire around your neck?”
Petrov does not answer me,
Hangs and only shakes bots.

After him, sadistic rhymes appeared in abundance in both children's and adult folklore.

The old woman suffered for a short time
In high voltage wires,
Her charred carcass
Scared the birds in the sky.

Horror stories are usually told in large companies, preferably in the dark and in a frightening whisper. The appearance of this genre is associated, on the one hand, with the craving of children for everything unknown and frightening, and on the other hand, with an attempt to overcome this fear. As they grow older, horror stories cease to scare and cause only laughter. This is also evidenced by the appearance of a peculiar reaction to horror stories - parodic anti-horror stories. These stories begin just as intimidating, but the ending turns out to be funny:

Black-black night. A black-black car was driving along a black-black street. On this black and black car was written in large white letters: "BREAD"!

Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at home. Suddenly, the radio transmits: “Throw away the closet and refrigerator as soon as possible! A coffin on wheels is coming to your house!” They threw it away. And so they threw everything away. They sit on the floor, and they broadcast on the radio: “We broadcast Russian folk tales.”

As a rule, all these stories end with no less terrible endings. (These are only "official" horror stories, in books, combed to please the publisher, sometimes they are provided with happy endings or funny endings.) And yet, modern psychology considers creepy children's folklore a positive phenomenon.

“A children's horror story affects different levels – feelings, thoughts, words, images, movements, sounds,” psychologist Marina Lobanova told NG. - It makes the psyche, with fear, not get up with tetanus, but move. Therefore, a horror story is an effective way to work, for example, with depression. According to the psychologist, a person is able to create his own horror film only when he has already completed his own fear. And now Masha Seryakova shares her valuable psychic experience with others through her stories. “It is also important that the girl writes using emotions, thoughts, images that are specific to the children's subculture,” says Lobanova. “An adult will not see this and will never create it.”


    "Mythological stories of the Russian population of Eastern Siberia". Comp. V.P. Zinoviev. Novosibirsk, "Nauka". 1987.

    Dictionary of literary terms. M. 1974.

    Permyakov G.L. "From proverb to fairy tale". M. 1970.

    Kostyukhin E.A. "Types and forms of the animal epic". M. 1987.

    Levina E.M. Russian folk tale. Minsk. 1983.

    Belousov A.F. "Children's Folklore". M. 1989.

    Mochalova V.V. "The World Inside Out". M. 1985.

    Lurie V.F. "Children's Folklore. younger teenagers». M. 1983

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Andrey Alekseevich Usachev

Unconventional, irrational surreal creepy stories

Artist I. Oleinikov

Red Hand, Green Gun, Black Curtains... This is the most numerous and, by far, the most terrible branch of scary children's folklore. Creepy because in everyday life people never meet anything like this. With skeletons and vampires, we also do not often meet. But still we understand what a skeleton is, where it came from and what it wants. But what the Black Curtains want, whether the Phosphorus Man is alive and who his parents are, no one knows. And since no one knows, this is the worst thing. This is typical urban folklore. And the point here is not so much in paraphernalia, but in the new thinking of urban children who grew up far from cemeteries and were brought up in the spirit of atheism. Fenced off by concrete from nature and ideology from the truth of life, they seemed to have to forget about the heavy legacy of the past, about all these horrors and unusual things.

But a holy place is never empty. And the need for the terrible found new nightmares - inexplicable, seemingly devoid of any logic. As if, because there were still logic and reasons for the emergence of a new cycle of horrors. The date of appearance of these stories can sometimes be calculated with an accuracy of five years. Year 1934 and others. In almost all folklore stories, family members disappear at night: first - grandfather, then - grandmother, father, mother, older sister ...

After all, no one could explain to the little boy where in real life the family that lived in the next apartment disappeared. It was then that the Red Hand, Black Curtains, buses with black curtains and dungeons where people were cut to pieces appeared in our country. Not only the Stalinist "meat grinder" was reflected in these stories, but also the shortage - there are no curtains, except for black ones, no gloves, except for red ones, in stores. Without exaggeration, these stories can be used to study the recent history of the USSR. We thought for a long time on what principle to arrange these stories: by color, by biological, by size, and in the end we arranged them in order of increasing scariness.

Note: With the idea expressed by two authors in this paragraph, one author - Uspensky - does not really agree. But since it's succulent and almost convincing, he doesn't push his disagreement very hard.

Carpet with black hole

There lived a lonely and poor woman. One day she had a big fight with her mother, and the next day her mother died.

The woman inherited an old carpet, and even one with a large black hole.

Once, when the woman ran out of all the money, she decided to sell it.

I went to the market and sold the carpet to a young family with two children: a nine-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl.

The father hung the rug over the bed. As soon as the family fell asleep and the clock struck twelve at night, human hands reached out from a hole in the old carpet. They reached out to their father and strangled him.

The next morning everyone woke up and saw the dead father. Soon he was buried.

That same night, after the funeral, as soon as the widow and children had fallen asleep and the cuckoo clock struck twelve, long human arms emerged from the black hole again. They reached for the mother's neck and strangled her. The next day, when the children woke up, they found their mother strangled. Looking closer, they saw ten bloody fingerprints on the mother's neck, but they did not tell anyone about it.

Three days later, the mother was buried, and the children were left alone in the house. They agreed not to sleep that night.

As soon as the clock struck twelve, old human hands extended from the black hole. The children screamed and ran after the neighbors. The neighbors called the police. The police chopped off the hands hanging over the carpet with an ax, and burned the carpet itself in a fire.

After all this, it turned out that there was a witch in the black hole. And the woman who sold the carpet to the family disappeared somewhere. Then she was found dead in the woods with a broken heart.

White sheet

A mother and daughter lived. When the daughter grew up, she began to help her mother around the house: cook, wash the dishes and the floor. One day she was washing the floor and found under the bed, in the corner, a large stain of blood.

She told her mother about it. “Don’t wash this stain,” her mother told her, “otherwise you won’t see me again.” The mother has gone to work. And the daughter forgot her order, took a knife and scratched the stain.

In the evening, the mother did not return from work. The daughter was about to run to her, when suddenly they announced on the radio: “Close the windows and doors. A white sheet is flying around the city!” The girl quickly closed the door and windows. And soon she saw that a white sheet flew in front of her windows several times. The girl told the old neighbor about everything. And the old woman says to her: “The next time they announce it, don’t close the windows, but crawl under the bed. When the sheet flies into your apartment, prick your finger with a needle and put a drop of blood on the spot where the stain was. And instead of a sheet, your mother will appear. The girl did just that: as soon as the sheet flew into the apartment, she took a knife, cut a vein and dripped blood.

And in place of the sheet appeared her mother.

Green eyes

One old man, dying, decided to leave behind a memory. He took it and gouged out his eyes (and his eyes were green). The old man hung these eyes on the wall and died. A year later, a family with a small child moved into the house. Once the husband came home from work, and his wife said to him: “Our baby is crying something when I turn off the light.” The husband replies: "And you turn off the light and look at the walls." The wife did as her husband told her, and saw green eyes on the wall. His eyes flashed and electrocuted his wife.

Small witch

In one ancient castle near the Black Sea there was a pioneer camp. All night the children slept peacefully. But one day someone tickled the heels of one boy. The boy looked - no one was there, and fell asleep. The same thing happened the next night, the same thing happened the third night. The boy told the counselors about everything. In the evening, the counselors lay down with him and warned him to shout when they tickled him. And the other guys were put near the switch. When the heels began to tickle, the boy shouted and turned on the light.

It turned out that it was a small (half a meter) witch. She pulled the boy's leg. And without opening the door, she went out.

Soon the castle was destroyed.

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