Creating and deleting a path in Coreldraw are simple solutions for the desired effect. Learning to draw with a contour on glass


Prepare another small needle and a napkin / cotton pad. We need a cotton pad just in case - to wipe the needle, for example, and it’s also convenient to have a cotton swab on hand - it’s easy to erase what didn’t work out with it without damaging the rest of the drawing. Today we draw a card for the new year with a contour.

1. Degrease the surface, place the sketch on the back of the glass and carefully.

2. Contour before applying, I squeeze a little to understand how fluid it is. From the contours in the image: very liquid, - medium, - thick. About other circuits of Russian manufacturers was mine.

If the composition from the tube immediately pours out - contour liquid. It is very convenient to draw like this, but the lines will turn out to be thick and flat, which is sometimes very useful. It is important to draw the contour at the same speed. If you are delayed somewhere, there will be an “influx”.

If the composition is thick- the contour is squeezed out with difficulty, its “nose” must often be cleaned with a needle, otherwise it freezes inside and is squeezed out in pieces. Such a contour will turn out to be perfectly even if it is not drawn along the glass (like a pen on paper), but slightly above the glass, as if “laying” in a straight line, controlling the process.

Also, a thick outline is easy to move or completely remove after it dries a little.

3. In line drawing on glass the main thing is to adapt. It is desirable to sit straight, have support on the elbow, the outer edge of the palm or little finger.

4. We start drawing from the upper left corner, because you can erase the outline with your own hand. At the same time, we can make any of the corners of the picture as the right upper one by twisting it))). Draw while you're comfortable. Believe me, if you are not comfortable, then the contour will turn out to be a curve. Support should be at least on the edge of the little finger.

5. If we draw semicircle or other curved line- this is easy to do with one movement of the hand with a static wrist. Imagine that your hand from elbow to fingertips is a compass))). We will draw the circle with the same movement, but in several stages.

6. To draw line without joints, make sure that as soon as the extruded composition touches the previous one quite a bit, you immediately continue the line, without stopping at the junction of the lines.

7. Hardest to draw straight lines. You need to practice a little here before you get really smooth. Do not try to draw the entire line with one hand movement, you are unlikely to succeed anyway. Let at first it will be small strokes with a smooth junction of the line. If the line is small, then draw with one quick and confident movement of the hand.

8. Below sketch for practice.

First, we draw the tree itself, then, after the main lines have dried a little, we draw the “decorations”. Decorations can be any, to your taste. Easiest to draw points, then, when the beginning is made, draw waves or any other curls ( example, painted only with curlicues))) - try it, you will succeed.

It doesn't have to be exactly, the main thing is to be bold))).

9. Then we will try to draw vertical stripes(I recommend drawing lines away from you, practice drawing exactly vertical lines, sometimes it is impossible to rotate the product and this skill is necessary) and horizontal(from left to right).

10. At the bottom we will draw snowdrifts in the form, try to keep them at the same distance from each other.

11. And now the balls - in several steps. The most difficult element here is the star. We will try to draw it neatly and evenly - with short, clear strokes.

New Year card ready) Working time - 10 minutes

About secrets - next time.

The Phoroshop program, in addition to the wide possibilities for processing ready-made images, for example, photographs, provides many different possibilities for drawing. You can draw with pencil and brush tools. This immediately creates a bitmap image. You can correct the drawn by erasing the created elements with an elastic band.

Tool PenTool (Pen) is intended for drawing vector contours. Vector contours can be saved, edited, enlarged, reduced. The possibilities of this tool are endless. But it's not easy to get the hang of it.

What are contours and why are they needed

Paths are vector line objects, utility objects that allow you to easily and quickly create interesting images. In general, a path consists of one or more straight or curved segments. Anchor points mark the position of the endpoints of path segments. The shape of the path segments is determined by the guides coming out of the anchor points.

Paths by themselves in Photoshop have no thickness or color. They are an auxiliary tool for performing various actions: selections of complex shapes, building images, for curvilinear text arrangement (along some curve), etc.

The contour can be closed, having neither beginning nor end (such contours include ellipses and arbitrary polygons),

or open, with separate endpoints (such as a zigzag or wavy line).

Paths are saved in the current document along with bitmap objects. All contours in the document are available on the palette Paths (Contours).

What can be done with the outline?

1. Build a contour, stroke it (Stroke Pass command, right-click on the contour - select from the menu) to form a line (specify the stroke tool, having previously selected the color, thickness and other parameters);

2. If the contour is closed, you can paint the inner area in any color (Fill Pass command, right-click on the contour - select from the menu) or convert the contour to a selection (Make Selection command, right-click on the contour - select from the menu).

Drawing shapes (rectangles, ellipses, etc.) is essentially drawing inline contours of a certain shape, the inner area of ​​which is painted in the selected color.

How to draw a freeform outline?

You need to draw a contour with the Pen Tool (Pen).

To draw a straight path, you define the position of the path's anchor points with mouse clicks, and Photoshop automatically connects them with straight lines.

To create a curved contour segment, click the point where the direction of the curve changes and, without releasing the left mouse button, move the pointer. A guide will appear on the canvas (it defines the curve of the segment) and a curve that will curve smoothly as you move the mouse. When the curve takes the desired shape and size, you need to release the mouse.

If you hold down the "Shift" key while working with the tool, a contour of the correct shape will be created (adjacent break points will be located at angles that are multiples of 45 °, and smoothing points will be placed on an arc of an imaginary circle).

Pen tools

Tool toolbar photoshop Pen tool (Pen) includes several tools:
tool Pen Tool (Pen) - designed to draw a vector contour (the contour is set by a set of its anchor points);
Freeform Pen Tool (free pen)- intended for drawing a vector contour (the contour is set by a set of lines drawn by hand);
tool Add Anchop Point Tool & nbsp (Add anchor point) - designed to add new anchor points to an existing vector contour, with its help you can change the shape of the contour, move nodes or guides;
tool Delete Anchop Point Tool (Delete anchor point) - designed to remove existing anchor points from a vector contour, it can also be used to change the shape of the contour, move nodes or guides;
tool Convert Point Tool (Angle) - designed to change the type of anchor points and the shape of existing vector contours.

By default, the Pen tool is active in the Pen group, to select another tool in this group, you need to right-click on the group button (hold it for a few seconds), and then click the name of the required tool in the menu that appears on the screen.

To call the tools of the "Pen" group, there is also a "hot" key "R". Pressing this key activates the last used tool in the group. To switch between the tools of the group, press the key simultaneously. "R" and key "shift"(as a result of each pressing, the next tool in the list is activated).

Pen tool settings panel

On the tool settings panel Feather the following items should be noted:

Further, using the appropriate buttons, you can go directly from the options panel to the tool Pen tool (Pen), Freeform Pen Tool (Free pen), Rectangle Tool (Rectangle), Rounded Rectangle Tool (Rectangle with rounded corners), Ellipce Tool (Ellipse), Polygon Tool (Polygon), Line The buttons are responsible for setting one or another mode of combining contours (new contour, adding to an existing contour, subtraction, intersection of contours, etc.) and are similar to the same settings for selection tools.

For mode Shape Layers (Layer-figure) there are buttons

  • Style- is used to select the style that will be used when designing the contour fill. By clicking on the drop-down button, you can view the available Photoshop CS4 style swatches
  • Field Color- designed to display and change the fill color of the outline. When you click on the field, a color selection dialog box appears on the screen, in which the user can specify the desired color for filling the contour.

Did it seem to you that everything is very difficult? Nothing like this! A simple example. Try it, everything will work out!

In this article, we'll look at how you can create an outline for text or an object in an image in Photoshop. This is not hard to do and takes a little time. Now you will be convinced of it.

How to Outline Text in Photoshop

Let's start with what Make a Text Outline in Photoshop. You can have an image on which the text is written, or you can create the text yourself by choosing the appropriate size and font.

I wrote the following text using the Horizontal Type Tool and selected the settings for it, which are underlined in the image below.

Now we need to select our text. You can read about the different methods of selection by clicking on the link. Since the text is monochromatic and contrasts enough with respect to the background, I will use the Magic Wand Tool (Magic Wand).

In the tool settings, select the value "Tolerance" (Tolerance) - selects an area with pixels similar in color, and uncheck the box next to "Contiguous" (Adjacent pixels). By unchecking the box, it will be possible to select all pixels of a similar color in the entire image at once, even if areas with a similar color are located in different places.

Click the Magic Wand on the text. As a result, it will be highlighted. If we left the checkbox next to "Contiguous" (Adjacent pixels), then only one letter that we clicked would be selected, and we would have to click on each letter to select it.

Now let's circle the text. Move the cursor over the selected area and right-click on it. Select "Make Work Path" from the context menu.

In the next window, set the tolerance value "Tolerance" and click OK.

The text will be outlined with a thin line. To see it, on the layers panel, hide the layer on which the text is written - remove the eye in front of it.

Make the text layer visible again. Now we need to create a new layer. To do this, on the layers panel, click on the button “Create a new layer” (Create a new layer).

Leave the created layer "Layer 1" selected.

You can make a contour in Photoshop using various tools: “Brush Tool” (Brush), “Eraser Tool” (Eraser), “Smudge Tool” (Finger) and others. But before you do it, you need to configure the necessary parameters for the tool.

We will create a contour using the "Brush Tool" (Brush). Therefore, select it on the toolbar, and set the desired parameters. I chose a hard brush with a size 7 light green color.

After that, on the toolbar, select "Path Selection Tool" (Contour selection).

Click inside the selected path and select Stroke Path from the menu.

In the next window, from the drop-down list, select the tool with which we will make the contour. Choose the tool that you set up in the previous step. I have this "Brush Tool" (Brush). Click OK.

The outline of the text will be outlined. In the example, with a light green brush.

To remove the thin gray line that originally encircled the text, press "Backspace". In the figure, a dark stripe is visible through the light outline - this will remove it.

That's all - we made an outline for the text in Photoshop.

You can save an image with a transparent background and then add it to any other image without a white background. Read the article by clicking on the link.

For this example, it's done like this: unlock the "Background" layer, delete the "Background" and "website" layers, save the image as *.png or *.gif .

How to make an outline for an image

Now consider, how to make an outline for an object in an image. Let's create an outline for this rose.

You can create an outline of anything: a person, a building, an animal.

Open the image or photo in Photoshop. Now we need to select the object. I will be using the Quick Selection Tool.

Select it and click on the rose. If an unwanted part of the image is mistakenly selected, hold down "Alt" and click on it with the mouse to subtract this area from the selection.

When the desired object is selected, right-click on it and select "Make Work Path" from the menu. Our rose will be outlined with a thin gray line.

Create a new layer in the layers palette and keep it selected.

Now go to setting up the tool with which you will make the contour. I will have a “Brush Tool” (Brush) of the seventh size in black.

Select on the toolbar "Path Selection Tool" (Contour selection). Click inside the selected path and choose Stroke Path from the menu.

In the next window, select the tool that you configured.

If you turn off the visibility of the main layer, you get the following. You can remove the thin gray line of the contour by pressing the "Backspace" key.

Now with a thin brush, let's draw the outline inside the image. Turn on the visibility of the rose layer.

We will draw on the layer where the outline is selected, so "Layer 1" should be active.

I chose black for the brush, size 4 and stroked all the lines inside the rose.

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Hello dear readers. We continue to study the Photoshop program and its capabilities. Today's lesson belongs to the basic section. Everything will be easy and simple. However, thanks to this skill, you will already be able to perform interesting actions, for example, create good collages, make beautiful inscriptions, and even learn how to draw silhouettes.

Today I will tell you how to make a contour in Photoshop. We will work with images, learn how to make frames around the edges of pictures and how to stroke text. I hope you already know how to work with selection of complex objects. This skill is very useful today. If not, I advise you to start with another post from my blog.

However, I am getting ahead of myself. Let's go to each moment gradually. It may not be necessary to solve a particular problem. Let's start with simple frames, for which you will not need anything other than the original image.

photo framing

In the top menu we find the “File” section and select the “Open” category, look for the desired photo on our computer and safely fill it into Photoshop. Usually, I just drag and drop the image from the folder into the program.

We open the photo in any way we like. In principle, in a particular case, "correctness" is not so important. We will not work with her size.

Many beginners, in principle, cannot do anything with a picture that has just been uploaded to Photoshop. They are looking for what the problem is, why the feature set is too limited. The whole problem is that the bottom layer is blocked from editing by default. It is enough to remove the lock from the picture, the situation will instantly change for the better. More options will be available to you.

I'm ashamed to admit, but in ancient times, for editing, I myself simply created a new layer using the Ctrl + J keys, until I discovered this most elementary moment. That's why it's so important to read books and watch full courses for beginners. It saves time and helps not to do stupid things, but more on that later.

Once you've done that, look in the menu on the right for the "Overlay Options" section. It is hidden under the fx function icon. In this section, open the Stroke category.

Done, what we need. First of all, on the right, under the “OK”, “Cancel” and “New Style” buttons, find “View” and check the box next to it to immediately see the changes in the picture.

Now decide on the frame size. You can drag the menu with the mouse. Hook it on top, where it says "Layer Style" and drag it to the right place.

Decide inside, outside or from the center a frame will be drawn. Naturally, if this is the edge of the image, then you will not see the outline when you apply the "outside" function. Only a part will be displayed if it is placed "Centered". A little later or in the process of work, you will clearly understand what the differences are.

Another important setting is Color. Click on this plate and access the spectrum to change the hue.

This is the result I got after I did everything and clicked on “OK”.

Complex contour

You can make a frame not only around the edges of the picture, but also apply it to complex shapes. In this case, you will need the ability to use selection. In this drawing, I will try to circle the flower.

So, I will use the magic wand. It's in the tools on the left. In addition to it, there are others - quick selection, magnetic and rectilinear lasso. I already gave a link to articles about them, so I will briefly talk about the wand. You simply click on an object and it detects all colors that are close to the hue you applied the wand on. In this case, it's yellow.

Our eye does not feel the difference as sharply as the program "sees" it. Especially for men, it's all yellow. The stick distinguishes millions of shades - laser or unripe lemon, yellow sulfur, corn and so on. If you have too few shades to stand out, try adjusting the "Tolerance" in the menu at the top. In my case, it is a whole hundred, and that does not define the figure perfectly.

Now hover over the selection and right-click. In the menu that appears, you need to select the "Generate work path" option.

Go to the section of the right menu "Contours".

Since the stroke will be done with a brush, you must first configure it. Choose a color, thickness, decide on transparency. All this is intended for the future circuit.

Now, in the Paths section, right-click and click Stroke.

Ready. Click "OK".

Alternative simpler option

This time I will be wiser and choose an object that consists of only one color. So it will be easier to highlight it with a stick. I click on her woman, and then I take out this object using the Ctrl + J keys.

By the way, if you are new to Photoshop, check out my article on layers. It will be useful. You will come across this term again and again. It needs to be understood.

Now select the stroke, as you did before, through the blending options (fx).

And again work with the contour. Already in the usual way, as in the first chapter about framing a photo. This time you can use the position "Outside" and "Center".


Now I will show you how to work with letters. There is nothing difficult in this either. I can offer interesting articles about, or. Also not a useless skill. Note.

I myself create a picture and insert text into it in the usual way using the tool of the same name from the left panel.

This time I don't think it will be hard to find the outline.

Well, it remains only to deal with the customary settings. Nothing new.

Video instruction

If some points remain incomprehensible to you, I can offer a video, thanks to which everything becomes clear. There is a lot of useful information about using color overlay here.

Well, if you liked (or was incomprehensible) the work path more, then another video will suit you.

If you have an inexplicable desire to learn the maximum about the program, even though you do not know it enough, I can offer a course " Photoshop for beginners in video format ". From it you can learn a lot of useful things about the tools and capabilities of Adobe Photoshop.

That's all. See you again and do not forget that you have the opportunity to subscribe to my Vkontakte group to keep abreast of new opportunities for earning money on the Internet. Monetize your own hobby. See you again and, as always, good luck.


First of all, you need a drawing with which you will work. To scan an image directly in Photoshop, go to the menu File – Import (File – Import) and select the name of your scanner from the list.

Depending on the scanner model, this window will most likely look different for everyone. But the basic principles are the same everywhere. The image must be scanned at high resolution - 300 dots per inch (dpi). If your machine has this option, you can also select a specific area for scanning. I did exactly that.

After scanning, you may need to make some adjustments to the sketch to make it more legible. Go to the menu Image – Correction – Levels (Image – Adjustments – Levels). The Levels window will have many different options that can be applied to the drawing, but for now we are only interested in the three sliders below the black histogram. By moving the black and white sliders towards the center, you can adjust the light and dark areas of the image. Manipulate them until you get a more or less clear picture.

For my sketch, it was enough to "pull" only the black slider to get the desired effect.

Since you will later need to outline the drawing with a black outline, you need to adjust the sketch so that you can easily separate it from the pencil lines.

Go to the menu Image – Correction – Color Balance (Image – Adjustments – Color Balance). Make sure the Midtones button is selected and move the Yellow slider all the way to the right. Your drawing will take on a bluish tint.


To create an outline drawing, I use two methods. You can choose one of them. The first method is to clean up the pencil sketch and use it as an outline drawing.

This drawing will have to be reprinted in order to trace it, however, there is a good chance that the image scanned after this will be slightly smaller. Therefore, after drawing a sketch, you need to increase it. The larger the outline drawing, the easier it will be to hide any mistakes in the future.

Go to the menu Image – Image size (Image – Image size). Make sure inches are selected as the measure of length, and make sure Constrain Proportions is checked, otherwise your image will be distorted. Now you need to fit the image in width and / or height so that it fits into the standard parameters of the printed paper. For me, the easiest way to do this is to set the highest resolution to 10 inches. For example, the height of my drawing is larger than the width, so I make the height 10 inches (inches). The second indicator will be generated automatically, because. you checked the box Constrain Proportions. This is a very useful option.

Now print your drawing on regular printer paper.

Lay tracing paper on top of this pattern, secure it with tape. Better let it be paper tape, because then it will need to be removed. Carefully pin the tracing paper over the pattern. Using a very thin pencil (or a 0.7mm mechanical pencil, as I like it) or even a pen if you feel like it (but be aware that the ink can easily smudge on the tracing paper), outline the drawing.

Work from left to right (if you are right-handed; if you are left-handed, work in the opposite direction) and be careful not to accidentally put your free hand on the newly applied drawing. Work carefully, otherwise the outline will be blurry.

Also, if you like this method and have a little extra money, you can purchase parchment. Of course, it costs more, but I think the result will be better.

After tracing your drawing, carefully remove the tracing paper and scan again. Remember to select a resolution of 300 dots (dpi).

Now you will need to repeat the leveling process to make the lines sharper and darker.

To prepare a drawing for coloring, you need to perform certain actions to make these lines usable.

First, in the window Layers (Layer) double-click on the layer with the background, on which there is your contour drawing. This will make the locked layer editable. Rename this layer to “Lines” (Links) or “Ink” (Inks) or whatever you want, as long as it is clear and easy for you to use.

Then click on the button highlighted in red in the image below to create a new layer.

Make sure you select this new layer and not the outline layer. Go to the menu Layer – New – Background from layer (Layer – New – Background from Layer). This will set this blank new layer as the background.

Lastly, go back to the outline layer. Click on the arrow highlighted with a red circle to open the menu with layer modes. Select the Multiply mode from the list. This mode will turn the layer into something similar to tracing paper or transparent paper. This will allow the colors to show through the white areas around the lines. If you like this method, you can save your sketch as a .psd file, skip step 2B and go straight to step 3.


The downside of contouring digitally is that you get less control over the process and the result can be too harsh and unnatural. The advantages of this method are that you can achieve sharper lines, you can easily and quickly correct and delete lines, and you can easily make additional changes, such as changing the color of the lines.

Take your original sketch (with all modifications up to step 2A) and save it as a .psd file in Photoshop. Then open Illustrator and create a new RGB document in it. Also, set the canvas to a large enough size. I usually choose 8x10 inches.

Now go to the menu File – Place (File – Place) and find the .pds file with your sketch.

You will probably notice that your drawing will be small for such a large canvas. Your sketch needs to be as big as possible when contouring, so take the Arrow (Arrow) and stretch the drawing by dragging the round marks in the corners of the image (remember to hold the Shift key while doing this so as not to distort the drawing) until the sketch is the same size as the canvas. It's okay if some areas of the image go beyond the canvas. But make sure that the drawing that you will circle is strictly within the sheet.

Now create a new layer. The layer menu here is the same as in Photoshop. The button for creating a new layer is circled in red. Name this layer Ink (Inks) or give another suitable name. Also don't forget to lock the sketch layer so you don't accidentally start drawing on it. Just click on the empty square to the left of the layer, a small padlock icon will appear there, which will mean that the layer is locked.

Unfortunately, most of the standard brushes that are available in illustrator are not suitable for this kind of contouring, so we will have to edit one of the existing ones. First, find the tool Brush (Paintbrush tool) (highlighted in a red circle on the left in the figure). Then open the window with brushes (Brushes), it's somewhere next to the window Layers (Layers). Select the first round small brush you find there, then click on the arrow in the upper right corner and select Brush Options. In the image below, you can see the options that I have chosen for my brush. If you like, you can choose another brush and apply the same settings to it, and save it for another time. I named my new tool the Inking Brush. Finally, make sure the brush stroke control (the black square with a gray center in the bottom right corner in the image) is switched to black and the fill color is set to transparent (a white square with a red line running diagonally across that square). To change one of the squares to transparent, simply select the desired square and click on the transparency icon (highlighted with a red circle in the lower right corner).

I must say that if you don't have Illustrator, Photoshop has a similar brush. The only difference is that Photoshop uses pixels and illustrator uses vectors, so you have to work a little harder to get smooth lines. Also, sometimes it is difficult to clean up the bumps in the future. There was a time when I myself used Photoshop for contouring, so it will do if there are no other options.

Now you can go directly to contouring, but there are also pitfalls that you should know about in advance. First, make sure you don't leave the Inks Layer and keep the sketch layer locked. Now take a brush and start tracing the outline lines. Each applied stroke will work as a separate editable line. This is very convenient, because, later, you can adjust any of these lines. You should also notice how your lines will automatically smooth out as you draw.

However, given that these are vector paths and not pixel lines, there are a few annoyances here that you should be aware of. When you draw a line, and then another one that continues the first one, it is not always created in a separate way, but can either extend your first path, or, conversely, layer on it. See what happens if you draw a line in the direction indicated by the red arrow in the figure.

The system has automatically corrected the first path and he now continues the new line. This, of course, is annoying, but this problem can be solved. The first thing you can do is after each stroke, press the menu Select – Remove selection (Select – Deselect). This way you will draw new lines without affecting the old ones.

There is another way to get rid of this problem - just draw towards the already drawn line. Start in a place that is not in contact with the line you selected. This can be a very handy trick.

You can manipulate paths (lines) with both the brush and the cursor. You can, for example, select a path with the cursor and change its size or angle of inclination by tugging on the corners of the selection.

With the help of a brush, you can correct the lines. Here I applied the line a little shorter than I would like. This is very easy to fix. Just select this path (this is done by clicking on the line with the cursor) and continue the line as shown in the figure.

Ignore the intersecting lines, as in the picture below, circled in red. If you're using Illustrator, the extra lines can be easily and easily erased later.

To erase part of the line, select the desired path, then find on the toolbar Eraser (Eraser) (it is circled in red in the figure below).

Using the Eraser, go over the part of the path you want to delete. In the image below, the red arrow shows the area that I want to remove from my drawing.

And the excess just disappears ... as if by magic!

Although this trick has its drawbacks. Sometimes around the area where you applied the Eraser (Eraser) may appear "distortion". If fixing these areas is too difficult, leave it as is. They can then be carefully corrected in Photoshop.

When you're done, the result should look something like this (picture below):

Almost everything is ready for coloring. Select the sketch layer and click on the dustbin icon to delete it, leaving only the outline drawing as in the image below:

Save your drawing in AI format, make sure the checkbox for PDF compatibility is checked, and also the Use compression checkbox. Now close Illustrator and return to Photoshop to open this AI file. Re-save this file as a PSD. And we'll make a couple more changes before we start coloring.

Your drawing will look something like the image below. The checkerboard shows transparent areas. You need to create a background for this image. To do this, create a new layer, set it as background by clicking Layer – New – Layer from Background (Layer – New – Layer from Background).

Now double click on the name of the layer where your drawing is located (it's the layer called Layer 1 in the layers window), and rename it to something like Lines (Lines).


I did not like the way the drawing turned out at the bottom at all, besides, some lines just “moved out” from the page, so I need to fix it by cutting off the excess. The Crop tool is circled in red in the toolbar. Select the area you want to save with a rectangle. I don't want the bottom part of the drawing, so I leave it outside of the selection.

You can change the shape of the selection as you like, as long as you have not accepted these changes (this is done by clicking the green checkmark at the top of the screen).

Now it's time to deal with those lines that you didn't remove in Illustrator. use the Eraser tool (highlighted with a red circle in the toolbar) of a small size to carefully remove all unnecessary. I circled the areas that I need to either completely remove or shorten a little (for example, the tips of some hairs need to be slightly pointed).

The two pictures below show BEFORE and AFTER cleaning examples.

Next, you need to slightly resize the image. I don't like the lack of space between the character and the edges of the canvas at all. Go to the menu Image – Canvas size (Image – Canvas size) and enter new size parameters. On the small anchor table (Anchor) you can see in which direction the image will stretch. The white cube is your image, the arrows show additional areas to add to the canvas. Since I'm clipping my image to the bottom, I need to make sure that no new area is added there. I only need to add extra space on the top and sides. To do this, I click on the bottom cube in the middle to fix the canvas.

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