Social work specialist higher education. Social work as a profession


Whom to work on graduation from the university? In fact, it is very difficult to answer this question. After all, even many teachers cannot unambiguously answer students what lies ahead for them. Nevertheless, for some, building a career in this field is quite interesting and even successful. Unfortunately, there are few alternatives here. Here is such a cruel specialty "Social work". Where to work after graduation? Let's try to figure this out as soon as possible. After all, there are not so many vacancies offered, although the positions are, as a rule, constantly empty.

Social worker

Of course, the first place that can only be advised is work as a social worker. The thing is that this vacancy is not particularly popular in Russia, although it plays an important role for society.

You graduated with a degree in Social Work. Who to work? As already mentioned - a social worker. What to do here? You will have to help people in need as well as identify and register them. In other words, to be in the public service for "surveillance" of the social development of the population.

A social worker is not the most promising position. This has been shown in practice. After all, becoming a boss will not work - for this you must have connections. But everyone can become an "ordinary" employee. Only the level of salaries, taking into account responsibility and emotional burden, is very, very small.


Work can also be in politics. The thing is that many graduates of this specialty have great prospects for personal growth. And this, like nothing else, will help them achieve success in politics.

In practice, to be honest, this situation is very rare. After all, the standard description of the specialty does not include any mention of political activity. As a rule, graduates are told that they will be able to get a job only as an ordinary social worker at some enterprise and work there almost all their lives.

So, do not think that "Social Work" is a sentence. You can easily become a successful politician. Only for this you will have to make a lot of effort. But the result will be able to please you in every sense.


Such a vacancy as a social teacher is very common today. To be honest, this position is most often found in kindergartens. There, graduates of the specialty "Social work" often become educators. Why is it so?

The thing is that such employees, as a rule, very quickly identify social problems in babies and their parents. And if necessary, they are registered as a dysfunctional family. This, in turn, helps eliminate problems and improve the atmosphere. And, of course, it has a positive effect on the child.

But social work with children is not particularly popular among graduates and young employees. The thing is that here you will not be able to receive high wages. Yes, and with career growth, things are very tight. Thus, only those who "have a soul" for this profession are able to work as a (social) teacher.


You graduated with a degree in Social Work. Who to work after graduation? For example, such graduates have the opportunity to work as a professional nurse for the disabled. The prospect is not the most radiant, but this vacancy is almost always empty.

However, not everyone agrees to work as a nurse. Especially when you consider that, again, you will receive low wages, but during the working day you will have to give all your best. Often, nurses look like a squeezed lemon by the end of the week.

Therefore, young graduates are not particularly interested in this vacancy. They are more interested in the vacancy "dormitory teacher". Only in practice, people with great life experience are accepted for such a position. Usually this vacancy is occupied exclusively by women after 50 years. So young graduates have very little chance of getting this job.


A sociologist-psychologist is another place that is available to graduates. But here things are a little better than with previous vacancies. The thing is that a sociologist-psychologist can work both in a public institution and in a private one. In the first case, you will be in the civil service, but your salary will be meager. And there is a lot of work.

In the second case, you will not have a civil service in the length of service, but the level of wages will be several times higher. In addition, the clientele is also different in these two places. In the first case, you will most likely have to work with disadvantaged families, and in the second, you will serve elite clients.

Of course, everyone chooses what is best for him. Only now, in practice, it has been proven that a sociologist-psychologist is quite often chosen as a private job, rather than a public one. And this is understandable - career growth is very important for young employees, as well as the level of wages, which are not satisfied in state institutions.


You have a specialty "Social work" written in your diploma. Who to work? For example, in addition to all the listed vacancies, you can also work in medical institutions. And here there are several options for the development of events. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

For example, graduates of our current specialty can work as a so-called social health worker. This vacancy implies support and assistance to sick people. For example, work with alcohol and drug addicts, as well as with people with disabilities of various categories. This is far from the best place for young and promising university graduates to work.

You can also work as a psychologist in a medical institution. This is a better place. Usually it is for this position that employees are hired for whom it is important to work in medicine, but at the same time have a degree in sociology.


Today we figured out what kind of specialty "Social work", who to work with, and also what places are chosen by graduates most often. To be honest, in practice it turns out that very few people work with a diploma in this area.

Often it is enough just to get at least some higher education in order to work in one place or another. For example, sociologists are very often found as managers, waiters and cashiers. That is, with this diploma, you can find a job wherever you want. But in most cases, only an ordinary employee.

Social workers provide comprehensive assistance to people, interacting mainly with vulnerable categories of citizens. They work with refugees, orphans, pensioners, helping them to get social, legal and material support. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession is very ancient, several hundred years ago such specialists were called philanthropists, missionaries. Part of the social duties were assigned to the monks and nuns, who provided shelter, food and a minimum level of education to the poor people. Today, everything has changed, and this work is carried out by authorized representatives of social services, who are assigned to each person or family in need of state assistance and support. Mostly the specialist leads the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners and people with disabilities;
  • children and adolescents suffering from congenital and acquired diseases, family violence and other problems;
  • women who are victims of any kind of violence;
  • dependent citizens;
  • people who lost their homes, were injured, lost loved ones during disasters;
  • large families and others.

The social worker is in direct contact with the population, checking the conditions in which children are kept, how the funds allocated by the state for a newborn are distributed. They carry products to sick people and pensioners, provide emotional support to citizens suffering from addictions (alcohol, drugs, gambling, and others). The work is not easy and dangerous, because a specialist never knows what awaits him behind the closed door of an apartment. Social workers do not receive very high salaries, traditionally this profession is chosen by women who are more prone to compassion than men.

Features of the profession

A social worker must love people. This is the first requirement that is tacitly put forward to specialists. The duties of such an employee include the following list of mandatory work:

  • analysis of the entrusted site, selection of people in need of social assistance and protection (temporarily or permanently);
  • work with complaints and appeals of the population, verification of information, decision-making on each individual application;
  • provision of all types of social services, informing citizens about their rights and obligations;
  • assistance in obtaining legal and other types of advice;
  • home delivery of food, drinking water, medicines, and other goods. A social worker can keep order in the house of people to whom he is attached, cook or heat food, deliver prepared food from relatives or from special canteens, pay bills;
  • assistance in processing applications and petitions for social assistance, preferential vouchers, services;
  • communication with socially unprotected citizens and their relatives;
  • provision of additional services: first aid, psychological support and others;
  • maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

A social worker must have minimal knowledge of medicine, be an excellent psychologist, because his work combines the main features of these professions. The segment is characterized by high staff turnover, so employees are always needed. The specialist interacts with representatives of law enforcement, volunteer organizations, various groups of teachers and doctors.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The huge social significance of the profession, because every day such specialists perform complex and important work that improves the quality of life of many people.
  2. Official employment and a solid number of vacancies.
  3. Specialists are in demand in every large and small city in Russia.
  4. You can get a job without higher education.
  5. Stable learning and development.
  6. A large number of budget places in universities, the opportunity to get an education at full-time, part-time or part-time faculty.
  7. The work will be an ideal solution for the humanities.


  1. Low paying job.
  2. Constant contact with different segments of the population, whose representatives are not always friendly, honest.
  3. Interaction with sick, dependent people can lead to infection with infectious and other types of diseases.
  4. Labor is underestimated in the CIS countries.
  5. The specialist spends a lot of time on his feet, is forced to perform a large amount of work.
  6. The schedule may be irregular.
  7. Social workers are often confronted with egregious cases of human cruelty, which can have a devastating effect on morale.

Important Personal Qualities

Emotional stability and calmness are two of the most important qualities that must be present in the character of a good social worker. This specialist must have an excellent speech, inspire trust and respect, be able to listen and understand people. Other qualities are also important:

  • philanthropy;
  • tolerance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-control;
  • propensity to work in a team;
  • heightened sense of justice;
  • parity;
  • involvement in social processes.

In the character of a specialist there should be no pride, as well as greed, disgust.

Social worker training

You can master this difficult profession both at the university and at the college. Entering a university, it is worth choosing the direction of training "Social work", passing exams in the Russian language, history and social science, the training period is 5-6 years. It is also recommended to consider the following programs:

  • "Social work with youth";
  • "Social work in the system of social protection".

After the 9th or 11th grade, you can apply to college by choosing the faculty of social work. The term of study is 2-3 years, which depends on the basic training of the applicant and the chosen educational institution. Some colleges allow you to get admission based on your GPA without taking any exams.

Verity Educational Center

A wide range of various training programs that help improve the skills of people working in the field of social assistance. Classes are provided for both individual employees and entire teams. You can get knowledge in person or remotely. The programs include innovative development methods for children, rules for interacting with teenagers, labor protection and no less topical issues.

Colleges of Social Workers

  1. St. Petersburg GBOU SPO "Polytechnic College of Urban Economy".
  2. College for the training of social workers ("College No. 16"), Moscow.
  3. Economic-Technological College of KIBT.

Higher education Social workers

  1. Russian State Social University.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry A. I. Evdokimova.
  4. First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov.
  5. Moscow Socio-Economic Institute.
  6. Russian New University.
  7. Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.
  8. St. Petersburg State University.
  9. St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
  10. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.
  11. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V. P. Astafieva.
  12. Yelets State University I. A. Bunina.
  13. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.
  14. Tula State Pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy.

Place of work

Social workers can find a vacancy in government agencies (social inspector), development and correctional centers, employment services. Often these specialists are involved in volunteer activities, they can cooperate with the Red Cross and other public charitable organizations.

Social worker salary

Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 16000—60000 ₽

Moscow 30000—80000 ₽

Professional knowledge

  1. Basic knowledge of psychology, medicine, social pedagogy, correctional work, conflict resolution.
  2. Types and rules for the provision of social services.
  3. Basic ethical standards of social work.
  4. The rights and obligations of citizens who are provided with social protection and assistance.
  5. Fundamentals of volunteering.
  6. Methods of development of different age groups of children.
  7. Ways to restore psychological balance.
  8. Fundamentals of planning activities, programs for bookkeeping and accounting, databases.

The main task of each social worker is to resolve conflict situations, provide social assistance, protection and support. You can get a higher education in the specialty "social work" after studying at a university. The duration and cost of training depends on the chosen educational institution, form. The specialty code "social work" in the programs is 39.03.02.

Specialty "specialist in social work"

The specialty social work is included in the programs of many state universities, technical schools and colleges in Russia. Their approximate number is about 210 institutions. Admission is carried out on the basis of 11 classes. When submitting documents, the applicant must submit USE certificates in social studies (either a foreign language or geography), history, or the Russian language. The passing score can range from 35 to 80 (usually 50-60). Universities offer specialty social work in the following areas:

  • Organization of social security (regulatory and legal framework);
  • Social work (general aspects);
  • Work with youth.

Specialty "social work" - Universities

Applicants can enter the specialty in such universities:

  • Magnitogorsk State University,
  • Ural College of Real Estate and Management,
  • Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology,
  • Moscow Humanitarian University and other institutions.

The main directions, disciplines of the specialty "social work", the duration and cost of training

Applicants can study in any form: full-time / part-time, evening. The form of payment can be both budgetary (free) and contractual. The approximate cost for completing 4-year programs is from 40 to 120 thousand rubles. From 8 to 25 students per course can receive the specialty of social work specialist free of charge. The volume of budget places is determined by the number of students in the stream.

Almost all disciplines of the social work specialty are devoted to familiarization with the rules for providing support and assistance to the population. Therefore, upon completion of training, social psychologists, conflictologists, inspectors, employees of services for helping pensioners, migrants, children and difficult dysfunctional families will graduate from the university. When choosing a college for the specialty of social work, you need to remember the features of the programs and the differences in the professions received.

Programs of the specialty "social work"

Getting higher education in the specialty of social work, students should learn about the rules of working with representatives of different social strata. The quality of work of a future specialist depends on the quality of training, the ability to resolve complex conflict issues, determine help and support. Therefore, social work, the specialty of whom to work should be determined by the student at the time of admission. And the programs themselves should include both general courses and special programs for obtaining a narrow-profile education. During the training, students will study the following disciplines:

  1. Social pedagogy, politics.
  2. Technologies of work and psychology.
  3. Information technology and databases (in general).
  4. Problems of morality and ethics in the social. work.
  5. The legal basis of social work.

When choosing a university for admission, you need to remember that the social work specialty code 39.03.02 is common for the previously considered professional areas.

Specialty "social work" - where and by whom to work

Practical training is carried out to consolidate the knowledge gained during theoretical classes. It is carried out in state institutions, documented by contracts (concluded between the university and the organization in which the practice is carried out). The duration of the classes is 72 hours and consists of three stages: introductory, working, final. During the internship, students are required to fill out reports, diaries.

After a student has received the specialty of social work, where to work is the main question for many graduates. Specialists can get jobs in medical institutions, social assistance centers, rehabilitation centers, funds. At the same time, anyone can receive a higher education remotely with the specialty "social work". The cost of the semester will be about 15-20 thousand rubles. Upon completion of the course, the student is awarded a diploma.

Perhaps you will be interested.

And what does social work give us - a specialty, who to work with if you received a diploma in this specialty? This direction is chosen by those who decide to devote themselves to helping people in need and rehabilitating victims of violence. But what will the future position be called, and in which institutions are graduates ready to provide a job and optimal working conditions?

6 employment options for social workers.

The job title sounds simple - Social worker. You can work:

  1. In schools.
  2. in pension funds.
  3. in charitable organizations.
  4. In trade unions.
  5. In health insurance funds.
  6. In state and municipal organizations.

No one will forbid you to open your own business in this area - any charitable and non-profit organizations are supported by the state. At least in matters of registration, accounting and taxation.

Unfortunately, unscrupulous citizens also use these loopholes, so you will have to get used to periodic checks.

Most likely, it will not be possible to extract any real benefits, but you can create a really impressive project that can change the situation in your city or the whole region. A ad revenue allow them to live at a decent level.

If you decide to act as a hired worker, form a base of your wards and earn social connections. This will help you in solving some major problems of future customers. It is always better to have a few examples of your successful work “at hand”.

People who have overcome the crisis often seek to provide all possible assistance to those who are in a more deplorable situation. This desire must be used as efficiently as possible. Sometimes there is simply no such possibility, then you have to limit yourself to rare meetings and thematic conversations. But if the standard of living of the person cited as an example drops sharply, he returns to addictions, loses touch with society - this can cause relapses among the rest of the wards.

The collapse of the system of ideals and disappointment never go unnoticed.

Social assistance for difficult teenagers.

Graduates who get along well with children aspire to a place at a school and other educational institution. Unfortunately, they do not always take into account the fact that they will mainly have to work with quite adult teenagers from dysfunctional families. And not with sweet and obedient little children.

There is an opinion that the formation of personal qualities takes up to five years, after this mark, any attempts at education are either absolutely meaningless or simply ineffective. Of course, you can reach out to any teenager, try to explain and give a general idea of ​​good and evil, what is good and what is bad. But parents should have dealt with this at earlier stages, after which it is difficult to make up for a lost moment.

It is easier to show the child that the path he has chosen will lead nowhere, only to self-destruction.

To do this, it is useful to have some real examples from a relatively close environment. If we are talking about dysfunctional families, there is already an example, it remains only to convey that a teenager risks growing up exactly the same. In most cases, children do not want to become like such parents, choosing the right words can inspire the need for change. And with enough motivation, changing your lifestyle will not be a particularly difficult task.

Pensioners and routine work.

In pension funds, oddly enough, we will have to deal not only with pensioners. Almost all age groups, including young people, worry about their savings and their formation. But most of your future audience are elderly people, with whom it is quite difficult to find a common language and get in touch. Many have already noticed that every year a person's character does not get better. And if chronic diseases and low social status are added to this, the situation only becomes more complicated.

It can be advised to try to be equally friendly to all customers. To provide assistance regardless of the personal relationship, because everyone needs it. But already in the first week you will get the experience of communicating with several hundred visitors. And a very large part of this experience can hardly be called pleasant.

Disadvantages of being a social worker

It is also worth mentioning that with diploma of a social worker You can hold a position in scientific organizations and enterprises involved in the training and professional orientation of specialists. Can be practiced monitoring the quality of services provided, carry out appropriate expertise.

In a word, employment is guaranteed almost always and in various fields.

But the opportunity to get a really decent salary is extremely rare, the industry in question is one of the lowest paid. But while it's rare to find a full-time, eight-hour day, most organizations don't have that many employees in need of real help.

Having received the specialty "social work", you have to choose who to work with very carefully. If you don't have any ideas about your own projects, consider whether it makes sense to study for five years for the sake of a part-time job.

Video about the specialty

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