Specialty "Economic security": more than relevant! Specialists of the economic security service, what a profession.


Since 2013, a new specialty has been opened - "Economic Security". The organic combination of economic and legal disciplines in this area of ​​study allows you to prepare qualified specialists who will be in demand in law enforcement and judicial authorities, government agencies and business structures. The curriculum of the direction "Economic Security" is built in such a way that graduates will have the skills to organize and implement the economic activities of law enforcement agencies, as well as knowledge in the field of protecting the economic interests of business representatives.

About specialty

This is a new specialty for the training of highly paid specialists for economic security services, officials for public service bodies, for judicial and law enforcement agencies, employees for joint-stock companies, banking, tax and customs structures.

An economic security specialist is a highly qualified specialist capable of performing professional tasks to ensure the security of an individual, society and the state in the economic sphere; identify external and internal threats to the economic security of Russia, its regions and industries; apply tools and mechanisms for neutralizing and preventing emerging threats, protecting the economic interests of state authorities, the budget system, Russian public and private corporations, banks, investment companies operating both domestically and abroad.

If you do not use complex economic terms, the essence of the specialty "Economic Security" is the ability to bypass the "pitfalls" in the field of economics.

What does this interesting and modern profession include?

Firstly, it is ensuring the economic security of society and the state, economic entities. Secondly, ensuring law and order in the economic sphere. And the most common is the provision of socio-economic activities of business entities, economic, financial, analytical services of organizations, institutions, enterprises of various forms of ownership, state and municipal authorities.

Our students are preparing for a very wide range of professional activities: settlement and economic and design and economic activities, law enforcement and control and auditing activities, information and analytical and expert and consulting activities, organizational, managerial and research activities.

What do students in this specialty study?

A specialist in the direction of training "Economic security" will be able to solve the following types of professional tasks:

  • development of economic plans for enterprises, institutions, organizations;
  • protection of private, state and municipal forms of ownership;
  • creating conditions and providing guarantees for entrepreneurial activity;
  • control over the formation and execution of budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of internal control and audit systems in state and municipal bodies, organizations;
  • monitoring the current economic and financial condition of economic entities for the reliability of the resource potential, stability and sustainability of their activities;
  • assessment of the economic efficiency of projects, modeling of economic processes in order to analyze and predict threats to economic security;
  • development of methodological recommendations to ensure the economic security of business;
  • advising on identifying potential and real threats to economic security and much more.

Curriculum disciplines

  1. Economic: economic theory, finance, economic analysis, taxes and taxation, accounting, organization economics, statistics.
  2. Legal: civil law, business law, financial law, tax law, administrative law, corporate law, labor law, civil and arbitration process.
  3. General education: sociology, political science, history, philosophy, etc., allowing you to broaden your horizons and raise the cultural level.

Special disciplines

  • fire training
  • economic security
  • Forensic economic expertise
  • Audit
  • Organization and methodology of tax audits
  • Risk assessment
  • Life safety
  • Fundamentals of qualification of economic crimes
  • Fundamentals of investigating economic crimes
  • State financial control
  • State audit of the efficiency of budget expenditures
  • Legal regulation in the field of combating the legalization of proceeds from crime
  • Instruments of state counteraction to tax evasion
  • Protection of state secrets
  • Intellectual Property Protection

Sphere of employment

A student in the specialty "Economic Security" is preparing for the following types of professional activities:

  • in the field of settlement and economic, design and economic activities
  • in law enforcement
  • in the field of control and auditing activities
  • in the field of information and analytical activities
  • in the field of expert and consulting activities
  • in the field of organizational and managerial activity

Places of work

The training of specialists in the specialty "Economic Security" orients them to work:

  • in the structures of the legislative and executive authorities, the Federal Security Service of Russia, in the subdivisions of economic security and anti-corruption of the police departments of districts, cities and subjects of the Russian Federation, control and audit departments for the subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies of the Federal Treasury, territorial tax authorities. customs authorities;
  • in the internal control services of banks and other credit organizations, insurance, leasing companies, professional participants in the securities market and other organizations performing operations with cash or other property;
  • in the information and analytical departments of state and commercial organizations that ensure the financial and economic security of the enterprise, involved in the collection and processing of information on market conditions, production technologies;
  • in the field of individual entrepreneurship;
  • creating your own business, etc.

Form of study:
Training period:
Cost of education:
Disciplines of entrance examinations:

About specialty

The profession of a specialist in economic security is quite young. This is due to the fact that the need for this kind of activity has appeared recently. A specialist in the field of economic security performs important functions in an enterprise. His responsibilities include the creation of economic sections of plans for buildings and structures, the calculation of economic and socio-economic indicators that characterize the activities of subjects, the development of various design solutions that are necessary for putting the building into operation.

Specialists in the field of economic security take on many other jobs. The duties of such employees include the production of forensic economic expertise, economic expertise of regulations, the development of recommendations in the field of ensuring the economic security of commercial enterprises, and the assessment of possible financial losses. The duties of economic security specialists can be listed indefinitely. It all depends on the field of activity in which the person will work.

Currently, the profession of a specialist in economic security is in high demand. Moreover, working in this position, you can earn good money. This, of course, provided that you become a good specialist. Ensuring economic security is a complex area of ​​activity. To become one of the best, you will need to make a lot of effort. Certain qualities are also important: an analytical mindset, perseverance and diligence. You will have to master a large number of disciplines.

Areas of application of acquired knowledge

Economic security specialists can work in various fields. The most widely used include the following:

  • Design and economic and settlement and economic activity.
  • Law enforcement activities.
  • Control and revision activities.
  • Information and analytical activities.
  • Expert consulting activity.
  • Organizational and managerial activity.
  • Research activity.
  • Teaching activity.

As you can see, you can choose a lot of areas in which it will not be difficult to find a job in the future. The main thing is to get a quality education, to study the subject perfectly.

The graduate will be able to seek employment in the following positions:

  • Tax inspector, specialist in the tax department, consultant on tax legislation and practical taxation.
  • Specialist or consultant in economic security.
  • Forensic expert in the field of investigation of economic offenses.
  • Analyst in municipal and state bodies, private organizations.
  • Specialist in the control of a banking service, leasing or other company dealing with money.
  • Economic Competitive Intelligence Specialist.
  • Lecturer at the University of Economics.

What are the salaries?

The right column lists the current vacancies available today, according to the service www.hh.ru in the labor market in the specialty "Economic security".

The figure below shows the average salaries in Yekaterinburg for some professions related to the specialty "Economic Security". Salary overview made on the basis of the service Yandex.Work . If you wish, you can follow the link and conduct your own study of wages in the Yekaterinburg market. Perhaps this will help you decide more precisely on your future profession.

It can be seen that the future salary covers the cost of training.

Is the specialty right for you?

If you like to do calculations, you have an analytical mindset, you can think consistently, you are highly attentive, you have a good memory, you like to conduct scientific research, you express your thoughts well, then the specialty "Economic Security" is for you.

This is promising!

The specialty of economic security is located at the intersection between economics and jurisprudence. Entering this specialty is very promising, because if you have the necessary efforts, you can make an excellent career in the future.

"Faculty of Economic Security - what is it?" A similar question is asked by a large number of applicants when choosing a specialty for which they would like to apply. Well, economic security is a great choice.

The Faculty of Economics and Law have been among the popular ones for many years, and the Faculty of Economic Security is located at the intersection between economics and law. Entering this faculty is very promising, because with the necessary efforts in the future, you can make an excellent career and become a banker, minister, head of a huge corporation, politician ...

Faculty of Economic Security: what to work after graduation?

Even those graduates of this faculty who do not try to “jump so high” and do not set themselves such global goals as politics and the management of a large enterprise will still not be left without work. Those who graduated from the Faculty of Economic Security will always be in demand as well as various specialists who help ensure the tax and economic security of both an individual enterprise and the whole country. In the second case, they are required in various organizations that represent the legislative and executive authorities, in the economic and information departments of commercial and government organizations of various kinds.

They possess the necessary knowledge in order to make the sphere of the economy legal, to prevent or investigate various economic violations and crimes. Those who graduated from the Faculty of Economic Security, but who do not have a soul to work in the tax authorities, authorities or banks, can engage in teaching activities and read this subject to students in various educational institutions with an economic bias.

Where else can graduates of this faculty work?

Students who graduate from the Faculty of Economic Security can also count on working in the accounting and financial departments of companies of various types, including at sensitive facilities, and in many other places. The versatility and modernity of the education received at this faculty give graduates the opportunity to perfectly adapt in the field of business and in the modern labor market.

What salary can graduates of this faculty expect?

At the very beginning of their career, graduates of the Faculty of Economics usually receive from 25 thousand rubles a month. It goes without saying that with the increase in work experience, wages also increase. If a person is well versed in his business and knows all the moves and exits in tax matters, he can claim a salary of 60 thousand rubles and more. Those who managed to rise to the positions of chief economists and accountants of large enterprises should count on a salary of 90 thousand or more. Of course, these figures are only approximate figures, and the exact amount of wages depends on the characteristics of the region and organization.

What exams do you need to pass to enter this faculty and what disciplines do its students study?

In order to enter the Faculty of Economic Security, you need to pass mathematics, Russian language and social studies.

The training that students of this faculty receive can rightfully be called universal. In the process of studying, they comprehend subjects related to economics, jurisprudence, and finance. Among the most important of them are accounting, statistics, insurance, business economics,

In the process of studying, students are engaged in and choose its direction close to the profile of their specialty.

Like all students, students of this faculty undergo practical training. It is carried out in various tax authorities, economic departments, accounting departments of organizations in various areas of business and industry.

Is it difficult to study at the Faculty of Economic Security?

Entering this faculty and studying there is no more and no less difficult than any other. Many universities have a faculty of economic security. Feedback from students and graduates suggests that if the soul lies in this specialty, if you have the right level of mental and physical fitness, study, and not be lazy, then everything will work out.

You can study at this faculty both full-time and in absentia. The term of full-time education is 5 years, part-time - 6.

In most universities, this faculty offers several specializations, and each student can choose the one that he likes.

In conclusion, if the university you want to enter does not have a faculty of economic security, look at other faculties. Perhaps you have a department of economic security based on the Faculty of Economics and Law.

- Marina Nikolaevna, is "Economic security" a promising specialty?

Very promising. Economic security is now the most important aspect of the work of almost any enterprise or organization, regardless of their legal form and form of ownership. All serious companies now have departments or services of economic security. Both successful activity and the very existence of the enterprise depend on how it is provided. And it's no secret that many of them are in dire need of specialists with knowledge and skills in this area. After all, to become a professional in this area, you need to get a special set of knowledge in a variety of areas.

- In Perm, such a specialty can only be obtained at the Faculty of Economics of Perm State National Research University?

Yes, only with us. And as far as I know, no other university in the Volga Federal District trains such specialists.

This specialty is close to the law enforcement, legal sphere. How does this affect the curriculum?

Yes, in many ways this specialty is at the intersection of economics and jurisprudence. Therefore, the training program for such specialists will be implemented by us jointly with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Perm Territory. An agreement with the head of the department on this has already been signed. It is assumed that part of the disciplines will be taught by current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, practitioners whose experience is invaluable. The curriculum includes a special module, a kind of analogue of the military department, which involves the study of such special disciplines as, for example, the technique of owning weapons, etc.

Will training in the specialty "Economic Security" take place in the form of a specialist familiar to many, and not the European system of bachelor's and master's programs?

Exactly. After 5 years of study (on a full-time basis), the graduate receives a specialist diploma with the qualification of "economist". On the correspondence form, the term of study is five and a half years. There will be a desire to study further - you can enter any master's program. Admission is conducted on the basis of general secondary, secondary vocational and higher education. Training - on a budgetary and commercial basis.

- Practice provided?

Yes, students will have internships at the industrial enterprises of the city, in the banking sector and, probably, in law enforcement structures.

- Where can an economist - a specialist in the field of economic security - work?

These will be economists who own the basics of managing the national and regional economy, knowledge in matters of efficient and safe business conduct; managers in various fields of activity, entrepreneurs and organizers of their own business. They can find employment in state bodies of the federal, regional and municipal levels, credit organizations, in the services of economic analysis, diagnostics and forecasting of the activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership, in audit, consulting and appraisal firms, in tax and customs services, etc.

We train economists of a fairly broad profile, this is a universal economic education. The training program for this specialty complies with all federal standards and is licensed. It also includes such general disciplines as, for example, finance, accounting, auditing, micro- and macroeconomics, the basics of effective business activity - the whole set of economic knowledge that will allow you to be in demand in various sectors of the economy. And besides - unique knowledge in the field of economic security. Our graduate will be able to effectively solve a variety of problems in the field of economics, corporate management and entrepreneurship.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Foreign language - profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of the university
  • Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the choice of the university

Compulsory exams are mathematics and Russian. As an additional test, the university checks applicants in one of the following disciplines: a foreign language, social studies, history or computer science.

One of the guarantees of successful and stable operation of a company, any business and every organization is their economic security. Threats can arise from malicious intent, lack of professionalism or dishonesty of the company's employees, as well as from the activities of competitive organizations. In order to identify violations, you need to have an impressive body of knowledge in the areas of economics, law, tax legislation, and understand finance. Specialists who have received education under the program "Economic Security" are unique professionals who are in demand on the labor market due to the universality of knowledge.

Brief description of the specialty

Economic security is a complex specialty that combines economic and legal aspects. The main goal of a specialist in this area is to analyze the economic and financial activities of enterprises, organizations and their counterparties for compliance with the law, search for violations and abuses. In other words, the activity is aimed at supporting the economic security of the organization. There are several specializations, the training program for which differs:

  • the activities of banks and financial organizations that ensure the security of the Russian Federation;
  • forensic examination on issues of taxes, deposits, etc.;
  • control and financial accounting in law enforcement agencies;
  • organization of the activities of sensitive enterprises;
  • legal guarantee of economic security.

Major universities in Moscow

The most prestigious educational institutions that train students in the economic security program:

  • University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Kikotya;
  • Russian State Social University;
  • Moscow Academy of Economics and Law;
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI";
  • about another two dozen educational institutions in Moscow III-IV levels of accreditation.

Terms and forms of training

Full-time students prepare for the defense of a diploma in their specialty at the end of a 5-year course. Correspondence education will require attending classes for 6 years. There are evening and mixed forms, the duration of training is also 6 years.

Subjects studied by students

Students will receive a basic set of knowledge from a set of disciplines in jurisprudence, economics, taxation and finance. Among the subjects that are taught according to the program:

  • economic theory, business economics and economic analysis;
  • accounting;
  • administrative, financial and tax law;
  • banking, money, insurance, credit management;
  • operations with securities;
  • enterprise management.

Training: acquired knowledge and skills

The range of skills and knowledge of a specialist in economic security is very extensive. Thanks to this, the graduate will be in demand at enterprises in specialized positions, but will also be able to work in related specialties. The training program will teach you the following:

  • guarantee the rule of law in the economic sphere;
  • detect, investigate and prevent violations in the field of economic and financial activities;
  • based on the results of the analysis of the crisis situation, draw conclusions aimed at identifying the problem and propose a solution;
  • critically examine the implementation of tax obligations;
  • plan financial control measures and implement them, document the progress and results;
  • anticipate threats and risks in the field of financial and economic security, prevent problems from arising;
  • organize and implement tax accounting;
  • check and evaluate the effectiveness of spending budget funds;
  • control the execution of financial transactions practically and according to documents;
  • conduct investigations in the field of finance and taxes, analyze the information received;
  • plan the budget and maintain budget documentation, understand budget reporting;
  • develop methods to combat corruption, concealment of proceeds and legalization of criminal proceeds.

Future profession and suitable vacancies: where and who can work

Work after graduation will be very painstaking, will require the use of a large amount of knowledge and an analytical approach. The advantage is that it will never become boring and monotonous. Economic security specialists are responsible for ensuring the legality of the economic activities of enterprises, transactions between organizations and citizens. Their task is not just to carry out financial control measures and detect violations, but also to offer a way out of a critical situation.

The graduate will be able to seek employment in the following positions:

  • tax inspector, specialist in the tax department, consultant on tax legislation and practical taxation;
  • economic security specialist or consultant;
  • forensic expert in the field of investigation of economic offenses;
  • analyst in municipal and state bodies, private organizations;
  • specialist of the banking control service, leasing or other company dealing with money;
  • economic competitive intelligence specialist;
  • lecturer at an economic university.

If, upon graduation from the university, you start working as a simple employee of the economic department, at first the salary will be about 25-30 thousand rubles. Tax specialists with work experience earn an average of 65-70 thousand rubles. Chief economists and heads of departments receive a salary of 90,000 rubles.

After obtaining the status of a specialist, a graduate can continue his education in the field of economics and apply for a master's degree.

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