Performance on ecology little prince scenario. Class hour - opening based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" "What does it mean to be a man


olga merenkova
Scenario of the event "The Little Prince and his friends"

Scenario of the event "The Little Prince and his friends"


Goals: expanding the horizons of preschoolers, the formation of ideas about ecological balance; learn to draw conclusions based on their own observations; develop communication skills, teach to take care of the riches of nature, arouse children's interest in the fate of our Earth, arouse a sense of concern about man's attitude to nature, both his native land and the Earth as a whole.

Equipment and materials: costumes for: Little Prince, Baba Yaga, 2 gnomes, Traffic light, Forest Fairy, Chamomile, Grass Witch, Cat Basilio, Hare, Bear; slingshot, lighter, artificial Christmas trees for the forest, mittens, bucket, hatchet.


Forest Fairy: The Little Prince

Boy Girl

Forest gnome 1 Forest gnome 2

Traffic light Hooligan 1

Hooligan 2 Basilio

Hare Bear

herbal witch

Event progress

Vedas. There are miracles in the world

It blooms like a poppy, the dawn in the distance and beckons Today is a holiday on our blue planet.

Love your native land of childhood

Passionate love, without borders

And know that at the call of the heart A little prince has come to you Allow me to introduce him to you Blue-eyed, slightly upturned nose With a sword, with a light yellow scarf

With a shock of sunny hair.

The prince appears: - I left my asteroid,

To help you in a good deed. After all, for a great goal it is worth

We work day and night

For the sun to shine bright

And our day has not faded in the mist, we will have to do a lot

For the sake of life on earth.

It's all about us kids We can do miracles Save the animals, clean up the rivers Plant gardens, grow forests!

Andrew: - Hello! I think I recognized you! You are the little one

a prince who circled many planets. Will you live on earth?

Mal. prince: - No, everyone should live on the planet on which he was born, which he loves. But I flew to visit you, and I would like to know more about your planet.

Julia: - We are very glad to have guests. Well then, let's go!

1 action.

Andrew: - And here is the river. Swimming? Maybe we can fish? / throws a fishing rod for the first time - pulls out an old shoe, the second time - a torn umbrella, the third time - Baba Yaga. /

Baba Yaga: - There was a clean river, it was even called Transparent, but it became

dirty - Multicolored. It was high-water - it became low-water: the plant drinks a lot of water, and then it drains the dirty water back into the river. Everyone gets angry: no washing, no washing, no thirst to quench, no fish to catch!

Yulia: /hiding behind Andrey/ - Grandmother, who are you?

Baba Yaga: - Disgrace! Haven't you read fairy tales, girl? I am Baba Yaga.

And now, because of the people who spoiled the river, I am the Colorful Baba Yaga. I washed a dress in this water, you see who she looked like. And there are rivers that are blocked by dam walls. One hydroelectric dam on the river - more, all right. But when there are several of them, this is already a disaster. In captivity, the river slowly dies. Its living water gradually becomes "dead" - no drinking, no bathing. My friend Vodyanoy ran away from this one. Oh, you people, stumps!

Andrei: - But not all people treat nature badly! Of course, rivers must be protected: water is the beauty of all nature. So the poet Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky wrote:

Landscapes appeared

Trees and birds

And even mammoths.

Then the hippos

Elephants, crocodiles,

And our distant ancestors - Gorillas.

And if we appeared on Earth,

They would contact us immediately.

Would tell us:

Protect the environment!

Especially the greens

Especially water!

Baba Yaga: - Complicated! And you, I see, people wow! Come visit me, in a hut on chicken legs. The forest is my home.

What are forests?

What are forests?

This is our land

century beauty,

They contain not only crossbills,

And not only mushrooms, -

They are our dreams

And a piece of fate.

Many songs sung

About forest beauty

The forest teaches trust

And also kindness.

Always gives us something

The forest is impossible not to love.

Julia: I'm afraid, Andryusha. What if she eats us?

Andryusha: It can't be. I think that the modern Baba Yaga is a vegetarian. Right, grandma?

Baba Yaga: The boy is smart. Let's go, let's go, I won't offend you!

Two gnomes come out.

1st Forest Gnome: Shh! Do you hear? / listens / Someone is walking through the forest


2nd forest gnome: /crouches to the "ground" and listens, speaks in a whisper/

Not one person is walking along the forest path, but a whole group of people!

2nd: /grabs his head/ It seems that these are children! Quicker!

Rather inform the forest dwellers!

1st: We announce the alarm!. Quicker! Quicker! We run forward along the path. /They rush to run and collide with an ecological traffic light/.

Traffic light: Stop! You scare! You will scare the whole forest! What's happened? Gnomes: /interrupting each other/:

Here along the path. moving group of children

They make noise and litter

Last time, the same group of children kindled a huge fire and burned out the entire clearing.

Once they trampled the whole anthill.

Traffic light: Calm down! No need to raise an alarm! These children want to make friends with the forest! I, an ecological traffic light, will help the guys learn how to follow environmental rules and travel through the forest in such a way that

so as not to harm animals, plants, or ourselves. So, forest gnomes, meet the guests!

/Children and the Little Prince come out/

Gnomes: We are always glad to be friends!

We invite you to visit us.

Anyone who wants to know for sure

How to protect nature

How to behave in the forest

So as not to bring harm to yourself,

Neither trees nor flowers

Neither frogs nor foxes

No grasshoppers, no birds.

After all, at any time of the year

Waiting for the defenders of nature!

/ The song "From a smile" sounds /

Traffic light: Who does not know so far:

I am a green traffic light.

I carry my service

In this fabulous forest!

Everyone, I'll turn on the green light

Who will give the correct answer!

Gnomes: Dear traffic light! Please show how you work! Traffic light: Each of my signals on a forest path means almost the same thing as on the roadway:

Red, light - harm to nature!

Yellow - watch out!

The light is green - how beautiful! - The forest will tell you: "Thank you!"

ABOUT! Where are you? /refers to 2 boys who have appeared from nowhere, who are heading past him/.

Boys: Where - where. To the forest, of course!

Traffic light: Are these your friends? /Addresses the Little Prince and children/

Children: No.

Traffic light: I see that the guests are very strange / saying these words, he takes a slingshot out of the pocket of one boy and shows it to the guys /.

Gnomes: Well, well, show us what you came with, and the guys will light a traffic light on each of yours, what you can and cannot go into the forest with.

/ The boys untie the backpack and take out items from there, accompanying them with comments. /

1. Lighter.

Boys: We wanted to make a fire.

Traffic light: Why?

Boys: Well. so simple. Maybe bake potatoes.

Gnomes: So, let's let this thing into the forest?

What's the signal? Why? /children's answers/

2. Work gloves.

Boys: we were going to break spruce branches to build a hut and collect garbage in the clearing where we stop.

Traffic light: What signal? /yellow/ Why? /children's answers/

3. Small plastic bucket.

Boys: Last time we planted several wild rose bushes along the edge of the ravine, and today we wanted to water them.

Traffic light: What kind of light is on? /green/ Why? /children's answers/

Well, well done! Just remember these signals, and never forget? The Little Prince: I am friends with nature - At dawn, you understand

Life is so interesting! Sleep only owls - sleepyheads,

I value every bee, Feed the yellow squirrels

Every bird song In a pine from the palm of your hand.

And love nature - Do not ruin bird nests -

Nothing is easier, Respect freedom.

You just have to wander like a master, guard

Early morning in the grove. On Earth nature!

Forest Fairy: Hello, kids, girls and boys. Hello Little Prince. I am the Forest Fairy. I came to tell you that our smaller brothers need protection and protection. It is necessary to protect and preserve animals, plants, rivers, lakes, and seas. Everything that nature has created needs our protection.

But I did not come alone, with me - my forest friends.

Chamomile: Many beneficial herbs

On the land of the native country

Can deal with illness

Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.

Herbal Witch: I want you, my friend.

Give more flowers to the bouquet.

/holds out poisonous flowers/

Chamomile: Oh, this witch! Either a poisonous root slips, or inedible grass. And so he strives to do something nasty.

Herbal Witch: I've changed my mind, guys!

Let's go to the forest together

Gather sage and mint

We will pick tender lilies of the valley,

We put them in the water at home.

Chamomile: We know these plants

We protect and protect!

From dashing ones like this one

Bouquet collectors

In the Red Book they

Have been listed for a long time.

/The cat Basilio appears/

Basilio: The birds have a Christmas tree. The guys have a tree. And I want to have a Christmas tree too.

I'll take a hatchet and go into the forest to cut a Christmas tree.

/goes saying/

Prickly, green I will cut down with an ax.

From the forest fragrant I will take to my house.

/ Approaches the Christmas tree, swings an ax, from under the Christmas tree Hare /

Hare: Why are you, cat,

Came to the forest with an ax?

We are not waiting for guests with an ax

After all, these Christmas trees -

Basilio: I will not quarrel with you, Hare. I'll go further. There's a Christmas tree even better, I'll cut it down.

/ As soon as Basilio swings his ax, the children and Mal appear.

Prince/ Julia: What are you doing here, Basilio?

Why do you have a hatchet?

Don't you dare cut down the trees.

Without them, the animals will have nowhere to live.

Come on, give me an ax here,

Otherwise we'll wake Toptygin,

For him to talk to you

And he understood well.

Medved: And I woke up anyway

Guys, what's the noise?

Andrey: How not to make noise to us, Mikhail,

When some bully

Going to chop down the Christmas tree

In the green forest, ours.

Bear: What are you thinking, prodigal cat?

Why did you come to our house?

Come on, get out of here with an ax!

Basilio: And I want a Christmas tree like the guys have, and even more beautiful.

Julia: Don't you know that for the holiday we have been making beautiful New Year's bouquets for a long time. There is even a contest like this “Instead of a Christmas tree - a New Year's bouquet?”

Little Prince: I also want to learn how to make New Year's bouquets. Children: We invite everyone who wants to learn to visit us next year.

The Little Prince: May the day of February be glorious

And eternal in future years

And let the air shine in the cities more transparent than watercolors!

Andrew: It's all about the Man!

He can do miracles

Save the animals, clean up the rivers

Plant gardens, grow forests!

Little Prince: I am glad that on this Day we are together.

You are patriots, God knows!

Save the planet - a matter of honor,

And your highest civic duty!

/all sing in chorus/

There are many barriers in life

On an unknown path.

There are hundreds of thousands of poachers - They can't get away from retribution!

To see the sky in bright stars,

As a gift to future years, we need to return clean air

Big and small towns!

There are a lot of questions in the world,

And we could solve them

Whenever there was a day on the planet,

And the National Year of the Earth!

Let the miracle work all year round,

And even better - every year!

And then the world will be reborn

And everyone will find happiness!

Oksana Kuchnova
"We are responsible for all living things." Scene scenario based on A. Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince". (Timed to coincide with the year of ecology)

"We are responsible for all living things"

(scenario based on the fairy tale by A. Exupery "The Little Prince".

Dedicated to the year of ecology)

Sounds the 1st verse of the "Song of the Astrologer" from the fairy tale film "Little Red Riding Hood", music. A. Rybnikov. Children perform the dance of the stars. One of the stars is a girl of the preparatory group, the other two can be children of the middle or senior groups.

Narrator (one of the stars): Do you know the story of the Little Prince?

Asterisks: No

Narrator: This is a magnificent fairy tale that teaches us to love all life on earth!

(The theme “Flower fields” sounds from the film “Little Red Riding Hood”, music by A. Rybnikov. At this time, the stars move to the side. In the foreground, the narrator is in the side)

Narrator: One day the Little Prince thought:

A little prince: I wish I knew why the stars shine...

Narrator: Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone could find their own again.

A little prince: I know one planet, there lives such a gentleman with a purple face. He never smelled a flower in his entire life. I never looked at a star. He is busy with only one thing: he adds up the numbers.

Narrator: But it's very boring to add up numbers all your life.

A little prince: It's very sad when friends are forgotten. Not everyone has a friend.

Narrator (to audience): And the Little Prince had wonderful friends - Rose and Fox.

(The theme "Flower fields" from Rybnikov's "Little Red Riding Hood" sounds). Roses run out, dance, sit in the middle of the hall with a flower bed.

A little prince: You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower gave my whole planet a fragrance to drink... If you love a flower - the only one, you look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: “Somewhere there lives my flower ...”

Narrator: This is where Lis came in.

Fox (to the little prince): Hello.

A little prince: Hello. Play with me. I am so sad.

Fox: I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.

Narrator: every day the prince and the fox got used to each other. And finally, the Fox was tamed.

But it's time to say goodbye.

A little prince: Goodbye.

Fox: Goodbye. Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

A little prince: You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

Fox:- Your rose is so dear to you because you gave her all your soul.

A little prince: Because I gave her my whole soul.

Fox: People have forgotten this truth, but don't forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

A little prince: I am responsible for my rose...

Narrator: There is such a firm rule - get up in the morning, wash your face, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order. Let's love the planet as much as the little prince!

General dance (Song of the Astrologer from the film "Little Red Riding Hood", music by A. Rybnikov - the second half of the second chorus - 1 min.)

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Music galaxy.

For the anniversary of the art school based on the fairy tale by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince".

On the stage stands a black grand piano with open keys, illuminated by a spotlight. Rose comes out. With her appearance, color music begins to work, the background, middle, and first plans of the scene are illuminated. The soundtrack of the song “The Little Prince” sounds (lyrics by N. Dobronravov, music by M. Tariverdiev). Rosa sings the first two quatrains. The Little Prince appears, looks around, timidly approaches Rose, examining her, stretches out his hand to her. Rose also extends her hand to him. A theatrical gun highlights the plastic study of the hands of Rose and the Little Prince.

Rose (sings). The most important thing is not to frighten away the fairy tale,
Open windows to the endless world.
My sailboat is rushing, my sailboat is rushing,
My sailboat rushes on a fabulous path.

On a loss, the Little Prince moves away from Rose, sits down on a chair near the piano. Theatrical pistol illuminates the Little Prince.

Voice. The Little Prince lived and lived. He lived on a planet that was slightly larger than himself, only the size of a house, and he really missed a friend ... The life of the Little Prince was so sad and monotonous! For a long time he had only one entertainment - he admired the sunset. On his planet, it was enough for him to move his chair a few steps and look at the sunset sky again, as soon as he wanted to ... Once he saw the sunset forty-three times in one day! You know, when it becomes very sad, it's good to see how the sun goes down ... And that day he was especially sad ...

Rosa sings the fourth quatrain, moves to the middle of the stage and sits down. Only Rose is illuminated.

On the planet, the Little Prince always grew simple, modest flowers - they had few petals, they took up very little space and did not bother anyone. But one day, a tiny sprout sprouted from a grain brought in from nowhere, not like all other sprouts and blades of grass. The little prince suddenly felt that he would see a miracle.

Sounds "Melody" A. Rubinstein. The rose rises and "blooms". Full light on the stage. The little prince watches the action in surprise.

Rose (stretching, showing himself in all its glory). Ah, I hardly woke up ... I beg your pardon ... I'm still completely disheveled ...
A little prince (admiringly). How beautiful you are!
Rose (coquettish). Yes its true? And mind you, I was born with the sun. They call me Rose. Be so kind as to take care of me... I'm terribly afraid of drafts.
A little prince (surprised, into the hall). What a difficult character this flower has!
Rose(capriciously). When evening comes, cover me with something ... It's too cold here for you. A very uncomfortable planet. Where I came from... (Coughs.) Don't have a screen?

Sounds "Tarantella" G. Rossini. A plastic study of the Prince - he waters the Rose, covers it, blows dust off it, covers it with his scarf, then sits down on a chair near the piano.

Ah, I still miss something!
A little prince. In vain I listened to her. Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent. My flower has filled my whole planet with fragrance, and I cannot rejoice in it. (Rose.) I decided to travel. Farewell! (Tries to leave, but Rose stops him.)
Rose. I was stupid. I'm sorry. And try to be happy.

The soundtrack of the song “Almost like Gods” (N. Babkina and E. Gor) sounds. Rose and the Little Prince sing the song while acting out the farewell scene. In the background are stars and planets.

A little prince. Tell me, is there happiness where you came from?
Rose. Eat. But will you find it? After all, it must be felt, heard, suffered. And you can't...
A little prince. What can't I do?
Rose. Doesn't matter. Fly to that planet. (Shows.) Perhaps you will find what you are looking for there... (Quiet.) And I'll be waiting.

An instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds in the background. The little prince approaches the background, raises his hands. A video screensaver is shown on the back, in which various planets and stars fly towards the audience and fly away. The prince stands in the background, and thus creates the illusion of flight. This approach is also used in the future.

Voice. And he flew to the planet that Rosa pointed to, hoping that there he would find what he did not find on his planet - happiness. The planets in this galaxy were located somehow bizarrely, vaguely reminding the Little Prince of something very familiar, kind, causing some inexplicable excitement in his soul.

Full light. The prince slowly lowers his hands. Sounds "Russian dance" from the ballet "Swan Lake" by P. Tchaikovsky. The Good King enters the stage. He sits majestically on a chair near the piano.

The Good King lived on the first planet. Dressed in a beautiful mantle, he sat on a simple, but at the same time very majestic throne. Next to him was a very strange object - a large, bulky one, shimmering with black and white reflections, which both frightened and beckoned to touch them. The black-and-white magic was mesmerizing like a sunset.
Good King. And here is my subordinate!
A little prince (surprised). How did he recognize me? After all, he sees me for the first time! Your Majesty, but I am not your subject.
Good King. All people are more or less my subjects. (Pressing the note "to" on the piano.) I am the Good King.
A little prince. Your Majesty, may I ask you...
Good King. I command: ask!
A little prince. Your Majesty, where is your kingdom?
Good King. Everywhere. (Pointing to the audience in the hall.)
A little prince(surprised). And is it all yours?
kind king (important). Yes.
A little prince. And all these stars obey you?
Good King. Well, of course. The stars obey instantly. At my command they may cry, laugh, dance and sing.
A little prince. It is not true. The stars don't know how to laugh.
Good King. You are very unhappy if you do not see this. Look…

Musical number on the stage. At the end of it, the Little Prince and the Good King come to the middle. Sounds "Panorama" P. Tchaikovsky.

A little prince. But it's just music.
kind king(solemnly). This is magical music. This is my kingdom. Music helps us to believe in miracles and opens before us a magical, fabulous world of goodness, light and joy.
A little prince. What about happiness?
kind king (grinning). It's nearby. (Pauses.) Next to the stars who know how to laugh.
A little prince(to the hall). Strange king... I have to go!
Good King. Go. Will you come back. I know you are all coming back.

The Good King leaves the stage. An instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds in the background. The little prince approaches the background, raises his arms and "flies".

Voice. The second planet belonged to a rare person. In our time it is difficult to meet a person who would completely dissolve in work, live by it and for it. Therefore, he was nicknamed - RARE. He was so busy that when the Little Prince appeared, he did not even raise his head.

The little prince slowly lowers his hands. The theme "Intro" from the movie "Ordinary Miracle" sounds. A rare person runs out onto the stage. He takes with him the cubes, decorated as piles of books and papers, stacks them on top of each other in a pile, then takes out a pile of papers in his hands. Sitting down on cubes, a rare person scatters paper. The little prince is watching all this fuss from the sidelines.

A little prince. Good afternoon! .. Your papers have crumbled. Help you collect?
rare person (thinks, writes something). Three and two is five. Five yes seven - twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen. Good afternoon. Fifteen yes seven - 22. I would be grateful. No time to even pick up the papers. 22 yes 9 - 31. 31 yes 8 - 39. 39 yes 11 - total 50. Phew ... So, as many as fifty!
A little prince. Fifty what?
rare person (points to the little prince). Are you still here? Fifty... I don't know what... I have so much work to do! I am a serious person, rare, I have no time for chatter!
A little prince. But still, fifty of what?
rare person (irritated). I have been living on this planet for so many years, and in all this time I have only been interrupted three times. For the first time, thirty-nine years ago, a heap of documents suddenly fell on me from heaven, which badly bruised my head, but did not even deign to shrink or disappear. I then made four mistakes in addition, and I had to rewrite everything again. The second time, ten years ago, an ugly chair broke under me, which forced me to move to another planet, to another chair. And I, by the way, have no time to roam. I am a serious, rare person. Third time… (points to the Little Prince) here it is! No, I will not rest! For fifty years I have been doing the right work on my planet. I Edit, Review, Reshape, Retouch, Rehearse, Recap, Recommend... I don't have time to dream. I am a serious, rare person. And you stand here and bother me with your stupid questions.
A little prince (perplexed). Is it stupid to find out what you have been doing for 50 years?
Rare person. You are an unfortunate person! You live next to the world in which art is born, which is filled with beauty, harmony, fairy tale. And it all started 50 years ago.

The Rare Man and the Little Prince go backstage, taking the cubes with them. The video clip "Meet our school!" The Rare Man and the Little Prince enter the stage.

That's it. In this world, several thousand stars have already been born and grown.
A little prince. And what are you doing with all these stars?
Rare person. I don't do anything. I own them.
A little prince. But I have already seen the king who...
rare person (interrupting). Kings own nothing. They only reign. It's not the same at all.
A little prince. How can you own the stars?
Rare person. You need to remember them. The world I live in is so serious that it is important to remember all the stars and stars.
A little prince. And these stars know how to laugh?
Rare person. And how. You yourself will hear.
A little prince. Where can I hear them?
rare person (waving). Fly further. And I have to do business. So, write, cook, distribute, compose, calculate, write down, invent, publish, tell, show ... Fly, fly, I have no time to chat! You have taken too much of my precious time. I could very well create another star. However… (Looks carefully.) Maybe I didn't waste my time.

A rare person goes backstage, sorting through papers. An instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds in the background. The prince again "flies" in space.

Voice. And the Little Prince flew on. He didn't understand anything yet. He did not understand those mysterious words that were spoken to him, and did not find what he was looking for - happiness. He thought of Rose and suddenly thought he shouldn't have run. Behind the pathetic tricks and tricks of a beautiful flower, one had to guess tenderness. It was necessary to judge not by words, but by deeds. She gave him her fragrance, illuminated his life. But he was too young, he did not yet know how to love.

An excerpt from the march of Chernomor (lyrical theme) by M. Glinka sounds. The little prince walks across the stage, looking around. Sweet Fox appears.

That's when the Sweet Fox appeared, who lived on the third planet.
Cute fox. Hello.
A little prince (shuddering in surprise). Hello. Who are you?
Cute fox. I am cute fox.
A little prince. Why darling?
Cute fox. Don't know. That's what they called me. I like.
A little prince. Play with me. I am so sad…
Cute fox. I can't play with you. I'm not tamed.
A little prince. I'd love to, but I don't have much time. I still have to find friends and learn different things.
Cute fox. You can only learn things that you tame. I have many friends. If you tame me, my friends will become your friends.
A little prince. And what should be done for this?
Cute fox. I'll show you what I like and you'll get closer to me. And then you tell me what interests you, and I will be interested with you.
A little prince. What do you like?
Cute fox. I like music and how my friends sing. I distinguish their voices among thousands of other voices because they have tamed me. Here, listen.

The cute fox and the little prince step aside. A musical number is performed on the stage.

Do you like it?
A little prince. Yes. Let's listen some more.
Voice. And they began to listen again and again. The cute fox turned out to have many friends. And they all sang and played, it seemed, only for him alone. But they did it with such joy that it seemed to the Little Prince that some mysterious, inexplicable light emanated from them, such radiant goodness that the prince suddenly felt somehow warm and comfortable, as good as at home. And he realized that the friends of the Sweet Fox were also singing for him, the Little Prince. From this discovery, his soul somehow became joyful, and he realized that he had been tamed.

Music number.

A little prince. You know, I've already heard music from a Good King. She was very beautiful, but I didn't feel happy. And I have not seen stars who know how to laugh.
Cute fox. Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.
A little prince. You will not see the most important thing with your eyes ... I have to go. Farewell... You have become dear to me.
Cute fox. We are forever responsible for all those we have tamed. Remember this…

The cute fox goes backstage. An instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds in the background. The little prince approaches the backdrop, raises his hands and “flies”.

Voice. He flew on. And on the way, he kept thinking about why he was not sad there, with the Sweet Fox and his friends, and now again and again he wanted to look at the sunset. Something was happening in his soul. And he realized that he was forever responsible for the Sweet Fox and the friends who sang for him, and he also realized that he was forever responsible for his Rose ... And ahead of him was the fourth planet, which turned out to be very entertaining.

The theme of the first minister from the movie "An Ordinary Miracle" sounds. The Fantastic Fanarshchik enters the stage. In his hands is a lantern, which he either lights or extinguishes.

The first thing the Little Prince saw on this planet was a lantern and a Fantastic Phanar. Why on a small planet lost in the sky, where there are neither houses nor inhabitants, do you need a lantern and a lamplighter? For the Little Prince, this seemed like an unsolved mystery.
A little prince (respectfully bowing). Good afternoon. Why did you turn off your lantern now?
Phanarshchik. Such an agreement. Good afternoon.
A little prince. And what is this agreement?
Phanarshchik. Extinguish the lantern. Good evening. (Lights the lantern.)
A little prince. Why did you turn it on again?
Phanarshchik. Such an agreement.
A little prince (bewildered). I don't understand.
Phanarshchik. And there is nothing to understand. A deal is a deal. Good afternoon. (Extinguishes the lantern, wipes the sweat from his forehead.) My job is hard. Once it made sense. There were many inhabitants on the planet. I put out the lantern for them in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I had a day to rest, and a night to sleep... But then the inhabitants grew up and flew to other planets, but they forgot about me. It's so sad when you forget about those who once turned on the light for you.
A little prince. And then the deal changed?
Phanarshchik. The deal hasn't changed! That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster year by year, but the agreement remained the same.
A little prince. And how now?
Phanarshchik. I don't have a second of respite. Life is getting faster and faster, and no one will think about the poor lamplighters, about those who turn on the light. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.
A little prince (to the hall). Wow, he is so true to his word that he is certainly worthy of admiration! Still, his work makes sense. When he lights his lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he extinguishes the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job! I would like to help him somehow. (To the fanarchik.) You know, I think I know one remedy. It was taught to me by a cute fox. Here, listen.

Music number. The Phanar Man and the Little Prince enter the stage. The theme of the first minister from the movie "An Ordinary Miracle" sounds in the background.

Phanarshchik (admiringly). Wonderful music! Oops, I forgot to put out the lantern.
A little prince. You know, the day ends when the beautiful ends. Turn off the lantern when you get bored or tired of the music.
Phanarshchik. But then I will always have the light on. You can't get tired of music.
A little prince. Wonderful! May the light always burn, warming the souls and hearts of those who are lost in this vast universe. And may the beauty never end!
Phanarshchik. Thank you. You gave me happiness.
A little prince (with sadness). If only I knew what it is, happiness. I have to go. Goodbye.
Phanarshchik (meaningfully). Do not forget me. It happens that even thirty years fly by like an instant, and it is important to remember those who lit the light for you.

Phanarshchik goes backstage. An instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds in the background. The little prince "flies" among the planets and stars.

Voice. And the Little Prince flew on, to the fifth planet of an amazing galaxy.

The little prince slowly lowers his hands. He goes to the proscenium, sits down on the side portal and looks at the dancer.

The fifth planet was the smallest. It only accommodated a lone dancer, a SOLO servant of the arts, who was so busy with her work that she did not notice anything around. The little prince involuntarily admired her. She danced like there were a million people around her and she didn't feel alone at all. And it was so beautiful and amazing! Everything is woven together: music, beauty, tenderness, passion, admiration. The lonely dancer, it seemed, owns the whole world and is not at all going to fly somewhere, to look for something. "I wonder if she's happy?" thought the little prince.

Choreographic number.

A little prince. Here's someone to make friends with. But her planet is already very tiny. There's no room for two. What a pity… (Goes to the back, raises his hands and “flies.”)
Voice. The little prince did not dare to admit to himself that he regretted this wonderful planet most of all for another reason: this lonely dancer strongly reminded him of his Rose, which he abandoned, leaving all alone on the planet. And for a moment he suddenly wanted to return to her, forgetting about why he flew into unknown distances. But he couldn't come back just like that without finding what he was looking for - happiness. And so he flew on, to the sixth planet ...

To the music, the Little Prince walks across the stage and takes a seat on the side of the proscenium.

The sixth planet was several dozen times larger than the previous one. Popular people lived on it. Who these people were and what role they played on this planet, the Little Prince did not know. But he had been wandering for a long time and was a little tired. So he decided to sit down to rest after a long journey. And suddenly it started!

Music number. After its performance, an instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds. The stage is dark. The Little Prince is illuminated by a theatrical gun.

A little prince (thoughtfully). I wish I knew why the stars shine. Probably, then, so that sooner or later everyone can find their own. Where is my star?
Voice. And suddenly a song came on. It was not an easy song. She was born from a long journey under the stars, from many efforts and spiritual impulses. She was like a gift to my heart. The only song that needed to be heard.

Music number. At the end of the number, an instrumental theme from the movie "Autumn Marathon" sounds.

Choreographic number, in which seven performers participate. The theme "Beginning" from the movie "Formula of Love" sounds. Jester SISIDO enters the stage.

A little prince. Hello. Who are you?
Jester SISIDO. I am a joke. Strong Jester SISIDO. (Goes to the piano, presses the notes "si", "si", "do" in turn.)
A little prince. Jesters are usually attached to the king. Where is your king?
Jester SISIDO. I am a strong jester. The king is behind me. (Presses the notes "si" and "do".)
A little prince What is your strength?
Jester SISIDO. It often ends with me. (Plays a scale, emphasizing the last notes.)
A little prince. Why do you always speak in riddles?
Jester SISIDO. I solve all mysteries. (Plays scale backwards.)
A little prince. And do you know where happiness is?
Jester SISIDO. I know. And you know. Whether it's a house, stars or people, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.
A little prince. I am very glad that you agree with my friend Sweet Fox. Where would you advise me to go next?
Jester SISIDO. Visit planet earth. She has a good reputation.
A little prince. Farewell... You know, I flew all seven planets of an amazing galaxy, but I could not unravel its mystery.
Jester SISIDO. You will never be able to figure it out. This is impossible. Music can't stop being a mystery. Otherwise it will cease to be music. Therefore, it will always remain unique, magical, mysterious. And no one will ever be able to unravel it to the end.
A little prince (surprised). Music?! (Goes to the back and "flies".)
Voice. And the Little Prince flew to the planet Earth, which the Strong Jester SISIDO pointed out to him. And on the way there, he quietly wondered how it was possible not to understand that he was in an amazing musical galaxy. After all, only here you can find answers to all your questions and you can find everything that you have been looking for for so long. Only here it is never sad, only here you can learn to hear, feel, suffer, cry and laugh with the stars. Only here you can learn to believe in miracles and see that the world is full of goodness, light, joy and love. And only here you can be happy together with those whom you have tamed. And when the Little Prince flew up to planet Earth, he saw that they were waiting for him ...

Pupils of the music school run out onto the stage and, together with the Little Prince, sing the song "Together with Us" by the children's ensemble "Fidgets". The theme is “Stairway to Heaven” by A. Rybnikov from the film “The Same Munchausen”. All participants of the performance come on stage.

A little prince. I understand! Happiness is next to the stars who know how to laugh. And these stars are next to me! (Points to the children and teachers of the music school.)
Jester SISIDO. Each person has their own stars. To one - those who wander - they show the way. For others, they are just little lights. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved.
Rare person. But for all these people they are dumb. And we have very special stars who know how to laugh.
Rose. If you love children, then your heart will always bloom. After all, the most beautiful thing about children is that talents are hidden in each of them. But you can't see it with your eyes. You need to search with a heart, devoted and sensitive, such as those of our teachers.
Cute fox. We are forever responsible for all those we have tamed. Dear our teachers! You will always be responsible for your students.
Phanarshchik. And we will never forget those who once lit the light for us.
Good King. Happy holiday, dear friends! This is our holiday and our music!
Voice. And may happiness never end with music!

The final song "The Magic World of Art" is performed (music by A. Yermolov, lyrics by K. Kryazheva).

A little prince.
Scenario based on the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
"The Little Prince" using the texts of "The Little Prince" "Planet of People", the letters of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the song of poet-bard Sergei Poroshin.

There are two screens for projecting slides on the stage. Screens are located on the right and left. A scene without much scenery. The performance is accompanied by color music.

Presenter (slide: Saint-Exupery, slide: Small
cue prince):
- This story is about the star boy, the Little Prince. He was light as a beam of light and even more fragile than he seemed at first glance. He saw with his heart, never explained anything, but as a gift
gave his laughter.
- He was devoted to his Rose and always felt responsible for those he tamed. He left us and, in my opinion, this should sound like a warning. Listen to what the children are saying.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-People grow five thousand roses in one garden... and they don't find what they are looking for, but what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water.
(slides with the image of Antoine de Saint-Exupery and the Little Prince change)
- Talk to your children more often. They do not want to believe in evil. Remember, at Bulgakov, the debacle caused by Margarita the witch was stopped by her conversation with the Little Boy.
(musical pause)
(The presenter enters again. On the slide there is an old, crowded carriage on a bench, two with a baby and a new slide with Saint-Exupery)
- A few years ago, during a long trip by rail, I wanted to explore this state on wheels, in which I found myself for three days. At about one in the morning I walked the whole train from end to end. The sleeping cars were empty. The first class carriages were also empty…. And in the third-class carriages in the corridors, I had to step over the sleeping ones.
I stopped and by the light of the nightlights began to look closely.
The car was without partitions, just like a barracks, and it smelled like a barracks or a police station here, and the course of the train shook and tossed up bodies dumped by fatigue. The mother was breastfeeding the baby. Deadly tired, she seemed to be asleep. In the midst of the nonsense and chaos of these wanderings, life was transmitted to the child. I looked at my father. The skull is heavy and bare as a rock. Shackled by sleep in an awkward position, a shapeless and awkward body squeezed by work clothes. Not a person, but a clod of clay, so at night on the benches of the market, homeless vagrants lie in piles of rags. And I thought: poverty, dirt, ugliness - that's not the point. But after all, this man and this woman once met for the first time, and, probably, he smiled at her, and, probably, after work he brought her flowers. Perhaps shy and awkward, he was afraid of being laughed at. And she, confident in her charm, out of purely feminine coquetry, perhaps, was pleased to torment him. And he, now turned into a machine, only capable of forging and digging, languished with anxiety, from which his heart sank sweetly.
It is incomprehensible how they both turned into clods of dirt? Under what terrible pressure did they fall? What made them so twisted? Why is the noble clay from which man is fashioned so mutilated?
Between the father and mother somehow nestled the baby. But then he turns in his sleep, and by the light of the night lamp I see his face. What a face! From these two, a wonderful golden fruit was born. These shapeless coolies gave birth to a miracle of grace and charm. I looked at the smooth forehead, at the plump, tender lips, and thought: this is the face of a musician, this is little Mozart, he is all promise! He is just like a little prince from some fairy tale, he would grow up warmed by vigilant reasonable care, and he would justify the wildest hopes!
But ... little Mozart, like everyone else, will fall under the same monstrous pressure ... Mozart is doomed ... . It's not about shedding tears over an ever-healing ulcer. Those who are struck by it do not feel it. The ulcer did not strike an individual, it corrodes all of humanity.
... In each of these people, Mozart can be killed. (from the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of people".).

(The beginning of the song of the poet-bard S.M. Poroshin sounds)

It's hard for me to believe this
By all indications, the trail will break.
It's not somewhere, it's in the soul,

What will be will be
Maybe again, we'll leaf through the book again,
But we will not fix it - we must admit:
It doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

(Color music. Cosmic motifs. The light effect of the bottomless ever-moving Cosmos. A slide appears: The Little Prince travels with migratory birds. The music warms up, becomes more concrete. The slide goes out).

Scene 1. Encounter with a snake.
A little prince:
- Good evening.
-Good evening.
A little prince:
What planet am I on?
-To the ground.
A little prince:
Here's how. Are there no people on earth?
This is a desert. Nobody lives in the deserts. But the Earth is big.
A little prince:
(looks at the stars) - I would like to know why the stars shine, probably so that sooner or later each of us can find our own again. Look, here is my planet - just above us ... But how far it is!
- Beautiful planet, what will you do here on Earth?
A little prince:
- I quarreled with my flower, it's still lonely in the desert.
- It's lonely among people too.
“I crawled at a snail's pace over the Alps, at the mercy of the first German fighter I came across, and chuckled softly, remembering the super-patriots who ban my books in North Africa” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, letter to Pierre Dalloz 06/30/1944).
- Among the people is also lonely (silence).
- I feel sorry for you, you are so weak on this earth as hard as granite.
Little Prince: I heard that on your planet, people, performing some kind of hunting, kill animals? (Sadly) How can you want this?

The little prince goes to look for people.
There are many people on stage. They walk, say something, shout something, laugh. We see both a drunkard and a vain person and an official. The Little Prince walks among people. He turns to one, then to another, but he is not heard. In the foreground, a man of a completely average and completely wrapped appearance stops. He freezes, closes his eyes. The little prince addresses him:
- Please... Draw me a lamb. (The man does not hear him. He mutters: gradually becoming joyfully excited)
“It’s heavy in my arm, it’s warm in my leg, and everything is fine with me, and everything is fine with me, and everything is fine with me!”

People on the stage are formed into groups according to the nature of their clothes, according to the type of gait, and they answer the questions of the Little Prince with characteristic fashionable laughter (“neighing”) with different intonations. Exclamations like: "What an adorable baby"; "He's very nice"; "No no. You are wrong, he is original, he is very original.” Some pass contemptuously, not noticing the Little Prince. But among themselves, one way or another, everyone bows.
The switchman enters. He looks at everything from the outside. Personality is indifferently neutral.
A little prince:
- Why are they hiding? What are they afraid of?
- It's easier.
A little prince:
- But they become like mushrooms.
(The switchman shrugs vaguely.)
A little prince:
- How are they in a hurry, what are they looking for?
- They themselves do not know.
A little prince:
- Who do they want to catch up with?
- They don't want anything. They just swallowed them without chewing.
A little prince:
- Who?
(Slide: a boa constrictor swallows a beast. See the beginning of the book "The Little Prince").
The Little Prince (thoughtfully):
Only children know what they are looking for. They give their whole soul to a rag doll, and it becomes very dear to them, and if it is taken away from them, the children cry.
- Their happiness (leaves).

The little prince was left completely alone, because even in the middle of a conversation with the switchman, all the people gradually left the stage. The little prince is lonely. This should show color music.
Slide: Little prince on the mountains.
A little prince:
-Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon ... day ... day ...
A little prince:
-Who you are?
-Who are you… who are you… who are you…
A little prince:
Let's be friends, I'm all alone.
- One... One... One...
(The little prince is very upset).
A little prince:
- What a strange planet. People lack imagination. They just repeat what you tell them. (pause).
- (continues) At home I had a flower, and he always spoke first.
(looks into the hall)
A slide appears - the Little Prince meets the fox.
- Please… tame me!
A little prince:
- I'd love to, but I don't have much time. I still have to find friends and learn different things.
You can only learn things that you tame. People no longer have time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.
- Internet? Maybe the internet doesn't count.
- If you want to have a friend, tame me.
A little prince:
- What should be done for this?
- You have to be patient.
- In 1987, in Moscow, at the exhibition of the Iris group, a tame rat named "Fiji", tamed by one girl, enjoyed no less success than the paintings themselves.
- And the Little Prince tamed the Fox. When you let yourself be tamed, then it happens to cry. And now it's time to say goodbye.
- My secret is very simple: vigilantly one heart. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

The light goes out. Pause with color music, The stage is empty. Sounds fade. The light goes out again.
The darkness dissipates. On stage Business man. He is very busy. The Little Prince approaches him.
A little prince:
-Good afternoon.
business man:
- Three and two - five, five and seven - twelve. Twelve and three are fifteen. Good afternoon.
Fifteen yes seven - twenty two. Twenty-two and six is ​​twenty-eight. Once a match strike.
Twenty-six and five is thirty-one. Phew! The total, therefore, is six hundred one million six hundred twenty-four thousand seven hundred thirty-one.
A little prince:
Why are you counting the stars?
Business man (trying not to pay attention):
- I have so much work, I'm a serious person, I'm not up to chatting! Two yes five seven...
A little prince:
"But why are you counting the stars?"
Business man (displeased):
- And that's all you. (Suddenly unsure) Maybe planned? Maybe a meeting with the younger generation? Twisted. Work work! Plow like an ox.
(Approaches the Little Prince. Takes him by the shoulders, speaks heartfeltly).
business man:
-Our shift. The future of the planet, go for it! (imperceptibly pushes him to the edge of the stage).
- Dare! (takes out a chair from backstage, places the Little Prince on it).
-Sit down...Relax... (rolls out the poster "Youth is our future" from backstage, closes the Little Prince with it. Looks behind the poster. Strictly).
- Sit here (puts a tick in his book, thoughtfully)
Everything is needed, everything is needed. So what's important, what's important? Yes... Yes... (starts counting stars again)
- Four and three - seven, five and six - eleven,
Eleven and seven are eighteen.
(The little prince approaches him).
A little prince:
But why are you counting the stars?
business man:
-Enough talking! Roll up your sleeves! Why aren't you busy? (looks at the Little Prince with an evil squint)
-Maybe you're a tramp and you - behind bars? Not afraid? As if from another planet. (suddenly dawned)
- Are you from another planet? A ray of light?
(A ray of light falls on the stage. A business man approaches him, steps on him, tries to squeeze him with his hands.)
- You won't.
(The little prince comes up to the beam and bathes his face in it)

The Pill Dealer enters.
Pill Trader:
- Pills, the newest pills! You drink one and you don't want to drink for a whole week. According to experts, fifty-three minutes are saved.
A little prince:
- And I go to the spring. And so I save a lot more.
- After the success of the first story, friends believe that Saint-Exupery has literary fame ahead and suddenly ...
Voice of Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
- Goodbye, now I'm a postal pilot.
-Our head of operations needs a deputy.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
- No, no ... I want to fly, just fly.
- And what about literature, Saint-Exu?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
-Before you write, you must live.
The Little Prince (addressing the Business Man):
-Are you thirsty?
business man:
- I do not bring myself to such a state. (To the Pill Dealer)
- Can I pack? (Buys and immediately swallows one pill.)
- A handy thing. (to the Little Prince with a sense of superiority).
- Understand. When will I learn to count these, how are they? Yes, yes stars. When will I learn to count the stars!. First, the ones I count will be mine. They will obey me. I will own them.
A little prince:
- They won't be yours, you're wrong. And they won't obey you. Because! Because…
Stars... they are different stars, not like you.
Business man (not paying any attention to him):
- When I learn to count the stars, they will trust me to count kilograms and meters, and then kilometers and tons and ton-kilometers and square meters, and all this will become mine. And then (he closes his eyes dreamily) then...
A little prince:
- But astronomers also count the stars and give them names. For example, recently one small planet was given the number 2374 and named it Vladvysotsky.
business man:
- You didn't understand anything (mimicking)
- Astronomers. You know how to count these little ones, how are they (points to the sky)?
A little prince:
-I? (thinking for a moment) I can't count the stars.
Looking at them, I remember. I remember a lot. Your flower that I left there (contritely)
-I'm going to lose count right now.
(slide with Rose)
- If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any of the many millions of stars, that's enough.
Look at the sky and feel happy. And you say to yourself: "Somewhere there lives my flower." I'll lose count right away.
(suddenly angry)
- You, you... you look like a baobab tree. (quietly) the baobab tree.
(On the slides are drawings by Antoine de Saint-Exupery from The Little Prince with baobabs).
“There are terrible, evil seeds on the planet of the Little Prince… these are the seeds of baobabs. The soil of the planet is all infected with them. And if the baobab is not recognized in time, then you will not get rid of it. He will take over the entire planet. He will permeate it with his roots. And, if the planet is very small, and there are many baobabs, they will tear it to pieces.
A little prince:
- There is such a firm rule. You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order - immediately put your planet in order. It is absolutely necessary to weed out baobabs every day, as they can already be distinguished from rose bushes: their young sprouts are almost the same. It's a very boring job, but not difficult at all.
(Turns to Business Man).
- These harmful seeds have sprouted in your soul, on your planet. No need to teach people to count the stars, to trample on roses. How many ton-kilometers are in human happiness? Do you think you know how much is left in your accounts before him?
Business man (does not listen, but counts monotonously, throwing back the bones):
- For one innocent - nine guilty. For two innocents, eight guilty. (More and more excited.) Three innocents, seven guilty. On four innocents (The Little Prince, in horror, covers his ears with his hands, closes his eyes).
The business man is now shouting out his terrible arithmetic soundlessly. Having finished, he says: "But the order."
The light goes out. Pause, darkness. At the edge of the stage in the corner sits the Little Prince. Only his silhouette is highlighted.
A lantern is lit at the back of the stage. The figure of a lamplighter is visible. After a while, he turns off the lantern. On one screen is a drawing of Antoine de Saint Exupery with a lamplighter, on the other is his drawing of the Little Prince traveling with migratory birds.
Gradually, the scene is flooded with light. The lamplighter lights the lantern again, and extinguishes it again after a while. The little prince continues to sit. The phonogram is talking to the lamplighter. The little prince remembers
Voice of the Little Prince:
- Good afternoon. Why did you turn off your lantern now?
Such an agreement. Good afternoon.
Voice of the Little Prince:
- And what is this agreement?
- Turn off the lamp. Good evening.
Voice of the Little Prince:
Why did you turn it on again?
-That's the deal.
Voice of the Little Prince:
-I don't understand.
And there is nothing to understand. A deal is a deal. Good afternoon (extinguishes the lantern, wipes sweat from his forehead). My job is hard. Once it made sense. I put out the lantern in the morning, and lit it again in the evening. I still had a day to rest and a night to sleep.
Voice of the Little Prince:
- And then the agreement changed?
- The deal hasn't changed. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster and faster every year, but the agreement remains the same. I want to rest all the time. My business is bad. Good afternoon (extinguishes the lantern).

Light again on the Little Prince. He gets up. Somewhere in the back of the stage, a small star lights up and goes out several times.
A little prince:
- Here is a man whom everyone would despise, but meanwhile he alone, in my opinion, is not funny. Maybe because he thinks not only about himself. When he lights the lantern, it is as if another star or flower is being born. And when he puts out the lantern, it is as if a star or a flower falls asleep. Great job. It's really useful because it's beautiful. Here's someone to make friends with. But his planet is already very tiny. There's no room for two.
(The little prince thought. He is alone on stage. A slide with Saint-Exupery on one screen, on the other - Consuelo.
The little prince leaves.
- Consuelo, understand, I'm forty-two. I've been through a lot of accidents. Now not even able to jump with a parachute. Two days out of three my liver hurts. A day later, seasickness…. Monstrous money troubles. Sleepless nights spent at work and merciless anxiety because of which it seems easier for me to move a mountain than to cope with this work. I'm so tired, so tired!
And yet I am going, although I have so many reasons to stay, although I can find a good dozen articles for dismissal from military service, especially since I have already been to the war, and even in some alterations.
I'm going…. It's my duty. I'm going to war. It is unbearable for me to stand aside when others are starving, I know only one way to be in harmony with my own conscience: this way is not to avoid suffering, to seek suffering myself and the more the better.
I will not be denied this: after all, I am physically suffering from a two-kilogram burden, and when I pick up a handkerchief from the floor ... I do not go to war in order to die. I go after suffering in order to gain connection with my neighbors through suffering ... I do not want to be killed, but I will readily accept just such an end. Antoine. (Letter to Consuelo's wife, April 1943).
The light goes out. Gradually brightens. On stage Mime (a person in trouble) Pantomime.

The person is good. He enjoys life. But gradually something begins to restrict his movement. All stronger and stronger. Here are the controls. Something that dominates him begins to control the person. Not only limbs, but also facial expressions. In horror, the man notices that his face is spreading into a stupid smile. He tries to chase her away, but he can't. At some moments, a natural feeling of horror slips on his face, but he is again erased by a stupid smile. Then the smile is replaced by a grimace of animal anger. Then a grimace of satiety and pleasure, then again a stupid smile. A grimace of concentrated attention, worship-delight, etc., but mostly expressions alternate - a stupid smile, animal anger. At this time, the person himself either freezes in some position, then suddenly jumps up, then starts to march, but the movements are mostly ridiculous. His hands, like those of a puppet, now rise up, then hang limply. Everything to the beat of the music. The music suddenly stops. The person freezes in an unnatural pose, the face is vaguely concentrated. On the face of readiness, a little bewilderment. Change in color. There is different music. The Little Prince enters and approaches a man in distress.
A little prince:
-Please…. Draw me a lamb.
(There is a barely noticeable reaction on the face of the mime, something relaxes).
A little prince:
- Draw me a lamb...
(Mim looks at the Little Prince in bewilderment, listens to the sound of his words, as if remembering something).
A little prince:
- It is very important that Rosa and the lamb live together.
-But it's very difficult. (Mim says all this with his face).
A little prince:
-Yes, of course, (looks at the mime, he is still standing still)
-I'm thirsty... Let's go find a well. (Mim spreads his arms in dismay.)
- What's the point of looking for wells in the endless desert.
A little prince:
- Salvation is to take the first step. One more step. With him, everything starts anew. (takes the mime's hand and they take the first step).
So you also know what thirst is?
A little prince:
-Water happens, the heart needs it too.
(The seller of anti-thirst pills enters, is about to say something, but the mime shows him with gestures: you don’t need to say anything and you don’t need anything at all. In a gesture, a plea: go away, don’t frighten, don’t destroy).
The Little Prince (he did not notice the pill dealer, even though he was standing in front of him):
-Do you know why the desert is good? Somewhere in it springs are hidden.
(music, light)
Voice: (slide by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
-I was amazed. Suddenly I understood why the sand was shining so mysteriously.
- Whether it's a house, the stars or the desert, the most beautiful thing about them is what you can't see with your eyes.
The Little Prince (sadly):
- You sound just like my friend Fox...
-People grow five thousand roses in one garden ... and do not find what they are looking for ...
- They don't find it.
A little prince
- But what they are looking for can be found in a single rose, in a sip of water.
(Leader enters, slide with a well)
-Water! You have no taste, no smell, you cannot be described, you enjoy yourself without understanding what you are. You are not only necessary for life, you are life. With you, a bliss spreads throughout the being, which cannot be explained only by our five senses. You give us back the strength and properties on which we put it was a cross. With Your mercy, the dried-up springs of the heart are opened.
You are the greatest wealth in the world, but also the most fragile - you are so pure in the bowels of the Earth. You can die near the source, if it contains an admixture of magnesium. You can die within a stone's throw of a salt marsh lake. You do not tolerate impurities, you cannot stand anything alien, you are a deity that is so easy to frighten away. But you give us infinitely simple happiness. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Planet of the People).
The Little Prince (thoughtfully):
-Yes Yes…. In one single rose, in a sip of water. But you have to search with your heart. The most important thing is what you can't see with your eyes. (Pause).
- I'll be back home today. (Starts to leave, the mime follows him.) You are right to follow me. (Stops. Mime follows him. Although the environment is strongly resisting him.)
The end of the song of the poet bard S.M. Poroshin sounds:

As if you go into dampness and darkness,
Like from home further and further,
And in the heart, in the far corner,
It looks like a little boy is crying.

It might just be the worst
That even the pain does not remain.
I don't remember him well
He won't come back, he won't come back.

-I will not leave you, I will not leave you, I will not leave you ... (like an echo).
A little prince:
-Every person has their own stars. For one, those who wander, they show the way. For scientists, they are like a problem to be solved. For my business.
they are gold. But for all these people, the stars are dumb, and you will have very special stars. You look at the sky at night, and there will be such a star where I live, where I laugh, and you will hear that all the stars are laughing.
You know, it will be very nice. I will also look at the stars. And all the stars will be like old wells with creaking gates, and everyone will give me a drink. Think how funny. You will have five hundred million bells, and I will have five hundred million springs. (Pause).
- You know... my Rose... I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak! And so simple. She only has four spikes, she has nothing more to defend herself from the world. OK it's all over Now…
(He takes a step, enters the beam of light and the Little Prince disappears. Mim rushes to him, but manages to touch only the beam of light, which slowly melts. A star lights up somewhere high).
The leader comes out. The stage is empty. There are slides on the screen: photographs by Antoine de Saint-Exupery of different years in chronological order. The host goes to the microphone. A business man comes out, looks at the image of Saint-Exupery.
business man:
- But from a decent family. I would write to myself if it is written. I would go on these, like their ... creative business trips. And then he makes a saint out of himself. But, if like me. Everything is this ridge. You can't fly here.
- Dullness always starts with envy and ends with denunciation. And today, as a host, I demand that you leave .... At least from the stage. Bring him out. (Music and light squeeze the business man off the stage).
- Like this.
(The facilitator looks at the picture of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
-He could have died in 23, when during a demonstration flight the car began to fall apart in the air. Antoine recalled (possibly in the voice of Antoine de Saint-Exupery): “I’m covered, but don’t fall on the festive crowd.” He dragged the car to the spot. I regained consciousness in the hospital. “How strange, he died, but I feel everything as if alive.”
In 27, in Cap Juby, he could have died from the bullets of nomads.
He almost drowned in the 34th in a seaplane accident at Saint-Raphael.
In December 1935, he was dying of thirst in the Libyan desert.
In February 38, death miraculously passed him when he crashed in Guatemala and, finally, she overtook him at his post, during a sortie on July 31, 1944. How did this happen?
He could have been the victim of an oxygen device malfunction. One such case, relatively mild, was with him on June 15, a month before his death. Another, more dangerous at high altitude on 14 July. Either there was an accident, as happened on June 6, when the engine caught fire ..., or like on June 29, when a malfunction in the engine forced it to return at low speed and at low altitude over Italian territory.
Or, finally, enemy fighters were chasing him, although this remained unclear. The reconnaissance aircraft P-38 "Lighting" did not have any weapons. Saint-Exupery wrote: “Fighters do not shoot down in battle. They just kill."
From the memoirs of Jean Polissier: “... I will not forget that morning of July 25, 1944, when he left my house, going on his last fatal flight .... He squeezed my hands.... He was sad then, it struck us all. And so tall - he stooped a little, as if the sorrow and suffering of all people fell on his broad shoulders.
- When you give up, and you seem stupid to yourself, and hope begins to disappear, you remember that somewhere on a planet so tiny that there is no place even for two, the lamplighter, observing the agreement, when night falls, lights a lantern - a small star in endless darkness. The darkness is getting even darker. But he is not funny, because he says: “This is light, this is meaning, this is life!”
The little prince has not disappeared. There is a part of him in each of us. Keep this piece for yourself. When you are cold, warm yourself around him. This fabulous boy, who did not find a place on our Earth with her adult, business-like thinking.

The inscription is lit: “I am tormented by the care of the gardener .... In each of these people, perhaps, Mozart is killed.
The slide is one of the last shots of Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Somewhere in the depths of the scene, like a lighthouse, a star lights up and goes out. Color music.

Kononkova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher-organizer
State Regional Budgetary Educational Institution "Murmansk Correctional Boarding School No. 3"
Scenario of a musical fairy tale for the school theater
"A little prince"
(based on the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince")
A little prince

Phonogram 1. "The Little Prince" by M. Tariverdiev (minus)
The Little Prince appears on the scene.
Prince (against music):
Listen! After all, if the stars are lit, does it mean that someone needs it? Does it mean that someone wants them to be? .. So, it is necessary that at least one star lights up in the sky every evening?!
The music is louder. The little prince "looks up at the sky", then slowly walks away.
Picture 1. The Little Prince and the Pilot.
Music is replaced by the noise of the engine.
Phonogram 2. "The sound of a falling plane." Pause.
The pilot takes the stage. He inspects the plane (the layout-decoration is initially in the background), picks up a tablet and a pencil, thinks.
Pilot: It must have happened that my plane crashed right here, in this lifeless desert...
The Little Prince comes out. Approaches the Pilot from the back, addresses him.
Prince: Draw me a lamb...
Pilot: What?.. What lamb? The pilot looks around fearfully.
Pilot: You... who are you? How did you get here?
Prince: Please draw me a lamb...
Pilot: Are you alone? Where are your parents?
The prince shrugs his shoulders silently.
Pilot: You see, my plane crashed. I need help, I have very little water. Where are people?
Prince: There's no one here. Just you and me. Well, please draw a lamb. It is important!
Pilot: Well, well, well (draws)
Prince: No, he's too small, he won't survive with me. Draw another.
Pilot: Yes, you wait with your lambs. You see, if I can't fly, I'll die in this desert.
Prince (surprised): Can you fly?
Pilot: Well, yes! Here is the plane, I fly on it. The plane flies because it has a motor inside. But now the engine has stopped and I can't take off... Baby, tell me, where are the adults you came here with?
Prince: I did not come, but flew in.
Pilot: Arrived? On what?
Prince: Nothing. Just like that - he wanted and flew.
Pilot: One? No adults?
Prince: There are no adults on my planet.
Pilot: So you're from another planet?
Prince: Yes, and there is no lamb on my planet. But there is Rose. She is very beautiful, but she misses me... Draw a lamb. He will be friends with Rosa, and play with her while I'm away...
Pilot (draws): Here's a lamb for you.
Prince (happily): Thank you! Now I have my own lamb... Listen, do lambs eat bushes?
Pilot: No, why?
Prince: Sorry. If the lambs ate bushes, then mine would probably eat all the baobabs ..
Pilot: What kind of baobabs?.. You know, baby, it's probably time to go to bed already... Maybe tomorrow we'll come up with something with you... What's your name?
Prince: Prince. (The prince lies down near the model aircraft in a sleeping position. The pilot runs his hand over his head.)
Pilot: Sleep, Little Prince. Good night ... (sits down next to him, "falls asleep")
Phonogram 3. "Song of the Stargazer" (from the film "About Little Red Riding Hood")
Dance of girls - "stars".
Phonogram 4. “Make a wish” (minus) The pilot “wakes up”, approaches the edge of the stage, speaks against the background of soft music
Pilot: Soon I found out that the Little Prince really does not live on Earth, but on a tiny planet. We humans call such planets asteroids. They are so small that they are not even given names, only numbers. The Little Prince lived on asteroid B-612.
Music sounds louder. Then it subsides. The pilot moves to the center of the stage. The Little Prince comes up to him from the airplane model.
Picture 2. Prince and baobabs.
Prince: Yes, my home planet is only about the size of a house. I live there completely alone, and I really miss a friend ... (thinks, looks at the picture)
Music gradually subsides, off.
(sighs) Isn't it a pity that lambs don't eat baobabs?
Pilot: Why?
Prince: There are terrible, very harmful seeds on my planet... These are baobab seeds. The seeds sprout and I have to weed them out every morning.
Pilot (surprised): Why?
Prince: Well, how can you not understand! If you do not weed out the sprouts, then the baobabs will grow and fill the entire planet. And their roots will go through and tear the planet apart. And then…. (pause) It's scary to even think about!
Stars open an impromptu curtain.
Phonogram 5. “Little children, don’t go to Africa for a walk” (from the m / film “Doctor Aibolit”) (minus)
“Baobabs” appear on the “stage”, they sing a song.
1. We will tell you, children,
About a wonderful planet
On which the Prince alone lives!
This Prince, guys -
little bastard.
We do not give a quiet life!
Chorus: We would germinate,
Roots run
And tear this planet to shreds.
We are not crocodiles
And not evil toads.
We are simple ba-o-ba-a-be!
2. This Prince, kids,
bad boy,
Early in the morning he gets up a little light.
He loves to work
We, the unfortunate ones, are destroyed
And we, the poor, don't let us grow!
Chorus: Ah...
The curtain closes.
Prince (to the hall):
I have a firm rule - get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order - and immediately put your planet in order ... Who else will take care of it, if not me? Who will weed out the baobabs every morning? Who will clean the volcanoes? There are three of them on my planet - two are active, and one has long died out. They are, of course, small - the height of my knee. But every week I make sure to clean them - all three and the extinct one too. Is there anything that can happen? (thoughtfully) Everyone should take care of their planet...
Phonogram 1. "The Little Prince"
Scene 3. The Prince and the Rose.
Prince: Small, simple, very modest flowers grow on my planet. But one day... One day, a tiny sprout appeared from a grain brought from nowhere. He was not like other sprouts and I watched him closely. And then ... then an unusual bud appeared on it. I waited impatiently for some miracle to happen.
Phonogram 6. Beautiful gentle melody (on the background)
And it happened… One day at dawn, the bud opened and turned into an amazingly beautiful flower.
The music is louder. Stars open the curtain.
Rose "wakes up", stretching slightly.
Rosa: Ah, so I woke up.
Prince: How beautiful you are! Who you are?
Rose: I am Rose. The most beautiful and gentle creature in the entire universe. And mind you, I was born with the sun! And you have to protect me and take care of me ... It seems it's time for breakfast.
Prince: Of course, of course, now. (runs away, runs with a watering can, waters)
Rose: Brr, what a cold water. Well, what are you waiting for! I'm cold. (coughs) Well, hurry up, bring something, you have terrible drafts. (coughs harder).
The prince brings and sets up a screen.
"Now help me spread the paper!"
The prince helps her, impales herself on a thorn.
Prince: Oh, you have such prickly thorns! Rose: Of course! This world is impossible without thorns. But I'm not afraid of anyone! Let the tigers come! I'm not afraid of their claws!
Prince: But there are no tigers here. And besides, tigers don't eat grass.
Rosa (offended, indignantly): I'm not grass!
Prince: Excuse me... (to the audience) What a difficult character this flower has!... And yet she is so beautiful...
Phonogram 6.
The prince returns to the rose.
Rose: You're ungrateful and don't care about me at all! And when they don't take care of me, I wither and wither.
Prince: Excuse me. I didn't mean to offend you...
Rose: And still offended! And quickly remove this stupid screen, don't you see that it blocks the sunlight for me?
The prince removes the screen, comes to the fore.
Prince: First she asks to put up a screen, then she is offended that I did not remove it. She is very capricious! .. But I ... I still love her. Because she is wonderful!
Phonogram 7. "Sineglazka's Song". (minus)
Rose sings a song.
1. I will tell you, friends, frankly,
What is the only one in the universe
I am the only one in the universe
Amazing like a star!
I am a little capricious
Wayward, prickly a little,
And proud, and a little whiny.
But insanely beautiful!
Oh! Petals of a red rose.
So fresh and so beautiful.
And charms everyone
Their magical scent.
The most gentle and wonderful
Their magical scent.
2. And although this is not modest, probably
But my Prince loves me immensely
And ready to speak daily
About my unearthly beauty.
He surrounds me with care,
And waters the key water,
Saves from winds and heat
And admires me with delight.
Prince (to the hall): I fell in love with this beautiful flower so much. I was glad to serve him - to protect him from the cold wind and the scorching sun. Every day I watered Rosa with the purest spring water. But she was always dissatisfied. Her empty words hurt my heart so much. I began to feel very unhappy...
Phonogram 8.
In vain I listened to her! Never listen to what the flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent...
Then I didn't understand it. I decided to leave my planet, go on a journey and see what happens in other places... And the rose? (pause) Let him live as he wants!
Silent scene, the Prince turns away, but the Rose stretches "petals" towards him. He waits for her to say something to him, but she is silent.
Prince: Goodbye.
Rose: Are you leaving me?... (sadly) Well, then! Just know that I still love you. I was so stupid. Forgive me and try to be happy.
Prince: ... (standing silently)
Rose: Now go...
Phonogram 8.
The curtain closes.
Prince (to the hall): It's hard for me to leave her, but I've already decided ...
(to Rose) I will miss you. Goodbye Rose!
Scene 4. The Prince and the King.
Prince: To begin with, I decided to visit the nearest asteroid. The King lived on that asteroid.
The curtain opens. The King sits on the throne.
Phonogram 9. "Kings can do everything ..." A. Pugacheva. (minus)
Girls - "stars" sing a song.
Lived yes was, lived yes was,
There was only one King.
He wanted to rule the country and people.
I just seem to have forgotten
He completely forgot
That on the planet on his own all alone.
And the King thought
What is endowed with power
And he can command everyone around.
But, unfortunately, that's all.
What is he capable of?
Sit alone on the throne.
And it doesn't seem stupid
That stellar monarch was
And with honor to fulfill
He is ready for his role.
But command the stars
And command the sun
Not one, not one King can. 2 times
The Prince approaches the King's throne.
King: Here comes the subject!
Prince (surprised): Am I a subject?
King: Well, yes! For me, all people are subjects. After all, I am the King! Come, I want to see you! (Prince yawns).
King: Etiquette does not allow you to yawn in the presence of a monarch... I forbid you to yawn.
Prince: Sorry, I didn't mean to. I was on the road for a long time and did not sleep at all ...
King: Well, then I command you to yawn. I haven't seen anyone yawn in years. I'm curious. So, yawn! That is my command!
Prince: But... I can't take it anymore...
King: Hm, hm... Then... then I command you to yawn, then not to yawn.
Prince: Your Majesty, may I ask you something?
King: I command, ask!
Prince: Your Majesty... what do you rule?
King: Everyone! (wiggles his hand around)
Prince: Everyone? And is it all yours?
King: Yes! And everything around me obeys!
Prince: And the stars?
King: Well, of course, and the stars obey. I can't stand disobedience!
Prince: Your Majesty, I love to watch the sunset. Please, do me a favor, command the sun to set!
King: There will be a sunset for you. I will demand that the sun go down. But first, I'll wait for favorable conditions.
Prince: And when conditions are favorable?
King: (rummages in his robes, takes out a notebook and looks into it) It will be ... today it will be exactly at seven o'clock forty minutes in the evening. And then you will see how exactly my command will be fulfilled.
Prince (disappointed): Okay, I've got to go.
King: Stay! I will appoint you minister.
Prince: Minister of what?
King: Well... Minister of Justice.
Prince: But there is no one to judge!
King: Who knows. I haven't explored my entire kingdom yet.
Prince: (looks around, looks backstage) But it's true, there's no one here... Except you!
King: Then judge yourself. This is the hardest part. Judging oneself is much more difficult than judging others.
Prince: I can judge myself anywhere. There is no need for me to stay with you for this.
King: It seems to me that somewhere on my planet lives an old rat. I often hear her scratching at night. You could judge her. From time to time sentence her to death. But then every time it will be necessary to pardon her. We must take care of the old rat, because we have only one.
Prince: No. This is not for me. Sorry, I have to go. All the best!
Phonogram 10. The voice of the king is heard.
King: I appoint you as an ambassador! ..
Prince (to the hall): Strange people - these adults!
Scene 5. The Prince and the Geographer.
The music is quieter.
Prince: I've circled a few asteroids. Very strange adults live on them ...
I was on a planet where a gentleman lives who has never smelled a flower in his life and has never looked at the stars. He has been adding numbers all his life and has never loved anyone. He considered himself a serious person. But in fact, he is not a man, but a mushroom ...
And on another planet, I met a man in a funny hat. He wanted everyone to admire him. He considered himself more beautiful than everyone, smarter than everyone, more elegant and richer than everyone. Although there was no one else on his planet ... Strange people - these adults! ..
Here seems to be another one.
Girls - "stars" open the curtain.
A geographer in a robe is sitting, writing something in a thick book. The prince approaches him.
Prince: Hello.
Geographer: Ah! The traveler has arrived! Where are you from?
Prince: What a huge book! What are you doing here?
Geographer: I am a geographer!
Prince: And what is a geographer?
Geographer: This is a scientist who knows where the seas, cities, rivers and deserts are.
Prince: How interesting! Your planet must be very beautiful! Do you have oceans?
Geographer: I don't know.
Prince (disappointed): Oh... Are there mountains?
Geographer: I don't know.
Prince: And cities, rivers, deserts?
Geographer: I don't know that either.
Prince: But you are a geographer!
Phonogram 11. "Song of the stargazer" (minus)
1. Among the scientists of the world, geographers are held in high esteem.
They are needed - praise and honor to them!
Seas and oceans, deserts, mountains, rivers -
It's so important to take all this into account.
We write in thick books
The stories of those who roam
Various amazing places.
That's just a pity, of course,
What we write about
Alas, we are not destined to see!
There on earth, on earth
Somewhere in the depths of the sea
A new pitfall has emerged.
And on the moon, on the moon
On the blue boulder
A strange crater appeared.
Lots of mysterious places
In the distances of space there is.
Someone will tell about them someday.
And to new rivers, mountains,
To new seas, cities
The book will always point you in the right direction.
Geographer: I am a geographer, not a traveller. The geographer is too important a person. I cannot leave my office and look for mountains, seas and oceans. I am busy. We, geographers, host travelers, record their stories, demand evidence.
Here you are a traveler and came from afar. Tell me about your planet!
Prince: Well, it's not that interesting on my planet... Everything is very small for me. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, and one is long gone.
Geographer: How can you prove that one really went out?
Prince: I don't know...
Geographer: Bad. (pause) Well, what else can you say?
Prince: I also have a flower, it...
Geographer: We are not interested in flowers.
Prince: But why, it's the most beautiful thing I have.
Geographer: Geography books are the most precious books in the world. They never get old. It is not often that a mountain moves or an ocean dries up.
What about your flower? Today it is, and tomorrow it is gone.
Prince: So my flower must disappear?
Geographer: Of course.
The prince comes to the fore.
Prince: My rose is so weak... She has nothing to protect herself from the world. She has only four thorns... And I left her.. And she was left all alone... Rose, my rose...
(decidedly) No! I still have to keep going.
(to the geographer) Where would you advise me to go?
Geographer: Visit planet Earth. They say it's a very good planet!
Prince: Well, well, Earth, so Earth! .. Farewell!
Phonogram 10.
Scene 6. The Prince and the Fox
Lis: Hello!
Prince (looking around): Hello!
Fox: I'm here. Under the apple tree (carefully walks out, comes closer and immediately backs away)
Prince: How beautiful you are! Who are you?
Fox: I am Fox ... And you?
Prince: I'm Prince.
Fox (surprisedly walks around him): Pri-i-ints?
Prince: Well, yes. Prince. And I'm so sad... Play with me!
Fox: I can't play with you.
Prince: Why?
Fox: You see, I'm not tamed.
Prince: How is it - tamed?
Phonogram 12. "Song of the Blue Puppy" (minus)
Fox sings.
1. On a clear day and on days of bad weather
I don't have happiness in my life.
My fox age is overshadowed -
I am not tamed by anyone!
2. And for the Little Prince
I am an ordinary fox!
I'm sad, cursing fate -
Ah, tame me!
Fox: You see, while you are just a little boy for me, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. I am for you an ordinary fox, exactly the same as a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. And I will be alone for you in the whole world ... Do you understand?
Prince: I think so. There is one Rose... she must have tamed me...
Fox: Maybe, but it's not about her now ... I have a boring life. But, if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. Then, among the thousands of steps of other people, I will recognize your steps and come out to you ... And over there, you see, wheat is ripening in the fields. She will always remind me of your golden hair... Please tame me!
Prince: I'd love to. But I don't have much time. I still need to find friends!
Fox: Tame me and you will have a friend.
Prince: What should I do?
Fox: And you come to this place every day. I will wait for you, and this will make my life much happier...
Prince (to the hall): So I became friends with the Fox. I tamed him. But there... somewhere there, on a small planet, a rose was waiting for me. My rose. And I had to hurry to her.
Fox (sighing): I will cry for you.
Prince: I wouldn't want you to get hurt, but you yourself wanted me to tame you.
Fox: Yes, I really wanted it.
Prince: Now you will feel bad!
Fox: No, okay. I will remember you, remember your steps, your golden hair. I can not forget you. And I know I'll never see you again, but I'll still hope, hope... and wait.
And you ... you must understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And she is so dear to you, because you gave her all your soul.
Prince: The rose gave me its fragrance, illuminated my life. I shouldn't have run... But then I was too young and didn't know how to love yet...
Fox: Remember, you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose. Come back to her... Farewell... And know that only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. (leaves).
Prince (into the hall): Farewell...
Scene 7. The Prince and the Pilot
The prince is left alone. He sits downstage, looks up at his star. Then he lowers his head, burying his face in his knees.
Phonogram 1.
The Pilot comes out and sits next to the Prince.
Pilot: This is the story the Little Prince told me...
By the time I was almost out of water. There was no way I could fix my plane, and I was destined to die of thirst.
The pilot goes to the plane, continues to repair it.
The prince wakes up.
Prince: Good morning! What are you doing?
Pilot: Just like yesterday, I'm repairing the plane.
Prince: Strange people - adults. They think they are busy with a serious matter, and do not see that they are wasting their time...
Pilot: What are you talking about?
Prince: Look how beautiful the sun is rising! Isn't it more important than fixing the plane, seeing the sun rise?
Pilot: (briefly) I don't know.
Prince: The fox I befriended...
Pilot: My dear, but you understand, I'm not up to Fox now!
Prince: Why?
Pilot: You don't understand how great the danger is. You have never experienced hunger or thirst. Enough sunshine for you. And I ... I really need water, otherwise I will die of thirst ...
Prince: Well, if you have a friend, even if you have to die. So I'm very glad that I became friends with the Fox. Water is also necessary for the heart...
Pilot: Yes, of course (leaves the plane, approaches the Prince)
Prince: It's like a flower. If you love a flower - the only one that is not on any of the millions of stars - that's enough: you look at it and feel happy.
Phonogram 1. (in the background)
Prince: My star is very small. I can't show it to you. That's better. She will be just one of the stars for you. And you will love to look at the stars ... They will become you
friends. You will look at them and remember me... (pause)
And now I have to go home. Farewell! .. (disperse)
Pilot: Farewell, Little Prince...
Phonogram 13. "The Little Prince" (plus).
All participants in the performance come on stage.

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