List of high-calorie foods for weight gain. How to gain weight for a guy and a girl

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Slightly different from male nutrition for similar purposes. But just eating well will not work: sport is no less important.

Also, do not gain too much weight too quickly: you will acquire excess fat, which then will have to be removed during training. In addition, girls want to look good all the time, but this is impossible if you periodically “drive” extra pounds back and forth. The lady on the "mass" is not at all stunning. It is better to gain weight carefully, while pumping up the right muscles and leaving a flat tummy.

Diet principles for muscle mass

First you need to calculate energy consumption . Graceful young ladies, as a rule, eat quite a bit, although it seems to them that every time there is a whole mountain of food on the plate. Of course, this is not at all the case, otherwise a diet for gaining muscle mass simply would not be needed. And if training has just been added to your life, you will have to eat even more.

"For harmonious weight gain, it is recommended to consume 300 kilocalories more than you expend."

As for the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, for girls who want to build muscle mass, the most suitable diet consists of 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates and only 20% fats.

The diet menu for harmonious weight gain should include: cottage cheese, lean meat, cereals, fish, legumes, butter, eggs, milk, vegetables, whole grain pasta, fruits, nuts, greens.

"Don't give up on fats. Essential fatty acids are your assistants in creating the perfect body."

You will have to eat 5-6 times a day, while before 16-00 you should try to eat three-quarters of the daily diet. Besides:

  • all fast carbohydrates (sweets, fresh juices, etc.) can be eaten only after a workout, and even then in a meager amount;
  • during the day you will have to drink at least 8 glasses of water;
  • fruits and vegetables interfere with the absorption of protein, so you need to eat them separately, also limiting the amount;
  • compensate for the lack of vitamins with the help of special complexes for athletes;
  • use special protein shakes and amino acid capsules;
  • cook food in a gentle way (oven, steam, etc.). If the grill, then only home;
  • semi-finished products and other hazards with preservatives allow you not to gain weight, but to acquire cellulite, which is especially noticeable in slender young ladies.

Exercise while dieting

A diet for gaining muscle mass for girls must certainly be accompanied by proper training. At the same time, do not be afraid that your muscles will become masculine: without special injections, this does not threaten you. It’s just that the hormone testosterone is responsible for this very muscle growth, which women have a meager amount. That is why the sports load will only slightly correct the muscles, and will not grow them.

Training principles:

  • give each muscle group at least 48 hours of rest;
  • workouts do not have to be long - an hour is enough;
  • do not be afraid of heavy weights - let the muscles feel the load;
  • do 6-10 reps and 3-5 sets;
  • the first approach should be the most intense (10 repetitions), for the last it is enough to leave 6 repetitions;
  • increase the load (weight) with each approach;
  • change the training plan every 1-1.5 months.

Sports and vitamin supplements

Any protein diet should include special supplements. The fact is that when gaining weight, it is not recommended to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, since fiber interferes with protein absorption. The need for vitamins in the body during training only grows. That is why you can and should choose the right vitamin complex.

In addition, some sports supplements are designed specifically for mass gain. At the same time, all the ingredients in them are natural and "clean", without impurities and ballast, which can turn into fat. Some foods need to be eaten immediately after class, others - half an hour before it. Check with a trainer.

Protein diet menu for gaining muscle mass

This diet for muscle mass is designed for a week. If necessary, you can extend it.

Important: the number of products is not specifically indicated here, since an individual approach is important in each case (remember the calculation of calories).

The first day

For breakfast, cook a cup of rice and chicken breast. Season it all with tofu and drink pineapple juice. The second breakfast will consist of an orange and 20 g of walnuts. For lunch, stew beans with carrots, garlic and onions, boil chicken wings and add a fresh tomato. In the afternoon, eat yogurt and an apple. For dinner, any fish and salad will do.

Second day

For breakfast, have soft-boiled eggs, milk-based oatmeal, fresh yogurt, and apple juice. Kiwi is enough for a second breakfast. For lunch, take corn porridge with fish and salad. In the afternoon, drink kefir with cottage cheese and any berries. For dinner, have a turkey with a salad.

Day three

For breakfast, boil pasta with turkey and wash it all down with grapefruit juice. For a second breakfast, rub a banana with cottage cheese. Let lunch consist of buckwheat with beef chops, canned peas, tomato and kefir. For an afternoon snack, a protein shake and berries are enough. For dinner, take a cottage cheese casserole, salad and tofu.

Day four

For breakfast, eat beef liver with unsweetened oatmeal and a salad of tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers. For a second breakfast, mix 30 g dried apricots and 30 g cashews. For dinner, stew meat with pumpkin and boil rice. Drink orange juice. In the afternoon, crunch apples with protein bread. During dinner, fish with seaweed will go well.

Day five

For breakfast - an omelet with buckwheat and orange juice. For the second breakfast - sweet corn with cottage cheese. For lunch - tender turkey with pea soup and Greek salad. Any citrus fruits are suitable for an afternoon snack. Finally, for dinner - a fresh salad with boiled chicken breast.

Day six

For breakfast, steam beef cutlets and boil barley porridge. Drink a glass of grapefruit juice. Let the second breakfast consist of a mashed banana with cottage cheese. For lunch, eat a chicken leg with salad and buckwheat. For an afternoon snack, take kiwi and yogurt. In the evening, enjoy steamed fish and salad.

Day seven

The protein diet on the last day should start with oatmeal, lentil pate and salad. Let the second breakfast consist of 30 g of hazelnuts and one orange. For lunch, eat boiled beef with wheat porridge and canned peas. In the afternoon, drink kefir and gnaw on an apple. For dinner, you can cook chicken wings and any healthy salad.


Diet for muscle mass is not suitable for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bladder, liver or kidneys. If there are any deviations in the state of health, before starting protein nutrition, be sure to consult your doctor.

Eat rationally and high in calories, be sure to combine a diet with harmonious loads and sufficient rest, and soon your figure will take on beautiful feminine forms!

Oddly enough, but among women there are those who do not seek to lose weight, but, on the contrary, want to get better. If you think realistically, then excessive thinness is as ugly as fullness. Any woman wants to be attractive to a man, but the latter are certainly not kept on the bone) So, go ahead for mouth-watering forms! We will give a diet to get better and some more useful tips.

Diet to gain 5 kg or more

If you think that in order to get better you need to eat everything, then you are damn right! But our goal is not to look like a beefy pig, but like a sexy beauty with appetizing forms) That is why it is worthwhile to properly compose your diet and not shove everything that comes to hand into it.

First you need to understand how many calories per day you need to consume in order for the body to increase in size. To say that only fat will be deposited is not entirely correct. With proper nutrition and even minimal physical activity, both muscles and organs, etc. will increase. So do not be afraid, your 5 kg will not only consist of fat.

So, back to calorie counting. To do this is quite simple. It is only necessary to start with taking an average calorie content - 1800 kcal, and consuming just that amount per day. Weigh yourself every day. If your weight does not increase, then increase calories by another 100 kcal, if the weight is growing too quickly, then reduce calories by 100, and so on until the weight stays at about 200-300 g per week.

And now, actually, about the diet for weight gain. The most correct option is a protein diet, that is, one that focuses on protein. Of the three nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), protein is most needed by the body, although we should not forget about fats, which are involved in the hormonal system, namely, in the production of hormones. Carbohydrates are brain food, and the easiest way to get energy, but they can be consumed in small amounts, the body will not lose anything from this.

And so, when you have already figured out the calorie content, you can move on to the diet.

Protein diet for weight gain for women:

And so, the menu of your diet must include the following products:

  • Proteins: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, seafood, etc.
  • Fats: oily fish, vegetable oils (linseed, olive), omega-3,6,9 supplements, nuts, seeds.
  • Carbohydrates: any cereals, bread, fruits, vegetables, bread, dry biscuits, honey, but sometimes you can treat yourself to sweets.

Sample menu for 2 days:

  • Breakfast - an omelette of 3 eggs, 100 grams of oatmeal in milk, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey, a tablespoon of linseed oil;
  • Second breakfast - 300 grams of yogurt with fruit, a slice of white bread;
  • Lunch - 200 grams of rice, 150 grams of fatty fish or low-fat chicken, vegetable salad with two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • Snack - 200 grams of cottage cheese with fruits and nuts, a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey, white bread crackers;
  • Dinner - 100 grams of rice, 200 grams of shrimp, a glass of tea.

Second option:

  • Breakfast - 100 grams of rice porridge in milk with raisins, a boiled egg with a teaspoon of natural mayonnaise, a cup of tea with a spoon of honey, a tablespoon of linseed oil;
  • Second breakfast - Caesar salad, 100 grams of squid with any sauce;
  • Lunch - 200 grams of steamed vegetables, 150 grams of pork, a cup of tea with dessert;
  • Snack - a cocktail of 300 ml of kefir, one banana, kiwi and a handful of nuts;
  • Dinner - 100 grams of semolina porridge in milk with raisins, 100 grams of cottage cheese, a cup of tea.

Is there an effective weight gain diet? Did you know that only 10% of the female population is satisfied with their weight and figure, 80% suffer from overweight, and another 10% are not able to put on weight. But, as practice shows, nothing is impossible in these cases. Diet for weight gain for a girl: eat 5-6 times a day, at the same time, choose high-calorie foods. You need to focus on your BMI (body mass index), with a BMI below 18, you should change the diet and combine it with training. Diets for weight gain are different, while their principles are similar. That is, proper nutrition is fundamental.

10 dietitian tips:

  1. 1. Bring the calorie content of the diet to 3.5 thousand calories daily.
  2. 2. The next item on the number of meals is 3 main meals and 3 snacks - second breakfast, afternoon snack and before bedtime, the difference in time intake is no more than 3 hours, and at the same time.
  3. 3. Food should be high-calorie, varied, easily digestible.
  4. 4. Completely exclude fast foods and convenience foods, sweet soda and alcohol.
  5. 5. Menu with a calorie surplus, i.e. eat more than spend (by 15%), i.e. increase the diet by 300 kcal per day with the ratio of BJU in this way: proteins 1.5-2 g / kg of weight, carbohydrates - 4-6 g / kg of weight, fats - 1-1.3 g / kg of weight.
  6. 6. Keep a diary, write down your daily diet and calories.
  7. 7. Increase the amount of food taken gradually.
  8. 8. Drink a protein shake.
  9. 9. Drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
  10. 10. Sleep - 7-8 hours.

Do not try to gain more than a kilogram per month, increase the diet by 100-300 calories daily, no more, so that there is no reluctance to eat.

Proper nutrition

What is a high calorie diet? It provides for the consumption of sauces, oil dressings, the use of butter and high-fat cheeses. This does not mean that we are talking about fatty foods, the emphasis is still on proteins, but they are served with juicy meat sauces, cereals, casseroles are widely used. They add sour cream, cream, grated cheese, which dramatically increases calories, nuts, honey, muesli with fruits and raisins, white bread in the form of sandwiches with ham, drinks: coffee, cocoa with milk, scrambled eggs with bacon, mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, sour cream , bananas, fermented baked milk, butter, pasta with sauces. Butter dough, baked and jams, cookies, chocolate, sweets are not prohibited, but 2 times a week. If you can’t eat anymore, slightly reduce calories for a while, then gradually “close” the gap. If 100 g of a product contains more than 100 kcal, it is considered high-calorie.

The most high-calorie foods:

  1. 1. Salmon, tuna = 200 kcal, vegetable and animal fats (butter - 876 kcal, lard and fish oil - 900 kcal).
  2. 2. Soybean oil - 999 kcal, peanut oil - 895 kcal, sunflower oil - 900 kcal, other vegetable oil - 894 kcal.
  3. 3. Eggs - 157 kcal, oatmeal bars (nuts and oatmeal), 1 bar = 500 kcal, white bread - 250 kcal, cheese - 328 kcal, pasta, shrimp, fruit juices, dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins, dates) , oatmeal with milk - 360 kcal, yogurt, brown rice, nuts and seeds - 700 kcal, legumes, meat - beef 200 kcal, chicken - 113 kcal, pork - 470 kcal, potatoes, soybeans, sausages - 360 kcal, cereals, cereals, dark chocolate - 501 kcal.

Products for weight gain for women should contain: meat / seafood, cereals, cheese, milk, legumes, nuts - all these are proteins, burning 1 g of which consumes 4 kcal, fruits, cereals, cereals, pasta, jams, juices, dried fruits, muffins are carbohydrates, 1 g = 4 kcal, vegetable oils, seeds, eggs, oily fish / meat, ham, animal fats are limited, they are only 1/3 of vegetable fats, 1 g = 9 kcal. The protein diet was developed by Atkins, supplemented by Pierre Ducane, was originally created for weight loss, contained an increased daily protein intake, which is dangerous for the kidneys.

For weight gain, a supplemented protein diet has also been created, but it is more expanded in composition and perfectly gives weight gain. In all dishes, it is dominated by protein.

Possible weekly diet

An approximate diet for weight gain for a week for a protein diet is as follows:

  1. 1. Monday - for breakfast: chicken with a side dish of rice, dressing with tofu cheese, for dessert - fruit. For second breakfast: cashews, citrus fruits. For lunch: wings with fresh vegetables, red lobby beans with garlic carrots. For an afternoon snack - sour milk, fruit. For dinner - salmon, tomato salad with cream.
  2. 2. Tuesday - for breakfast: any cereal with milk, scrambled eggs, kefir, compote. For second breakfast: figs, dates, protein shake. For lunch: any porridge, tuna, tea. For an afternoon snack: protein, jelly. For dinner: meat / shrimp, fruit, dressing with mayonnaise.
  3. 3. Wednesday - for breakfast: chicken croquettes, grapefruit citrus, coffee with milk. For the second breakfast: protein cottage cheese, pear. For lunch: boiled pork, buckwheat, vegetables, fermented baked milk. For an afternoon snack: protein without impurities, persimmon. For dinner: parmesan, stewed vegetables.
  4. 4. Thursday - for breakfast: pearl barley, a bun with cream, tomatoes, cucumbers in sour cream. For the second breakfast: nuts and dried apricots. For lunch: lamb with cauliflower, white bread, jelly / compote. For an afternoon snack: kiwi and cottage cheese. For dinner: tuna, stewed vegetables.
  5. 5. Friday - for breakfast: protein omelette, tea, butter sandwich. For second breakfast: smoothies, pineapple juice, cashews. For lunch: turkey, goulash, sauce, compote. For an afternoon snack: grapefruit, protein. For dinner: chicken, pasta with tomatoes.
  6. 6. Saturday - for breakfast: barley and meatballs, tea with milk. For second breakfast: biscuits, apples, juice. For lunch: buckwheat garnish, ham, stewed vegetables, juice. For an afternoon snack: fruit, fermented baked milk. For dinner: breast and pasta, cucumber, cheesecakes.
  7. 7. Sunday - for breakfast: barley porridge, tomatoes. For second breakfast: nuts, banana. For lunch: beef, vegetables stewed with sour cream, sweet mousse. For an afternoon snack: ryazhenka, pear. For dinner: breast and pasta, celery, bun with jam.

The chemical composition of the menu for nutritionists varies in fats, but in general it looks like this: 40% are proteins, carbohydrates - 50% or 40%, fats - 10-20%. The diet for weight gain for a girl is maximally aimed at a high level of protein, a building material for muscle growth, carbohydrates provide energy, fats are also a source of energy, they are also used by the body to create the female hormone estrogen. Learn to eat carbohydrates during the period of activity of the body until 4 pm.

Daily menu

Now look at the menu for every day for weight gain:

  1. 1. For breakfast - buckwheat casserole, breast, ham/sausage sandwich, rosehip drink.
  2. 2. For a second breakfast: gainer, candied fruits, pistachios, whole grain bread, breast, chocolate.
  3. 3. For lunch: pasta with mayonnaise, shrimp, rice, poured with meat sauce, candied fruits.
  4. 4. For an afternoon snack: smoothies, fruits, muffins.
  5. 5. For dinner: tuna, Greek salad, potatoes, jelly.
  6. 6. Before going to bed: fermented baked milk.

Menu for weight gain for a girl for a week:

  1. 1. Monday - breakfast: eggs, ham, bran bread, cucumber, green tea. Second breakfast: cutlets, mashed potatoes, orange juice. Lunch: noodle soup, grilled chicken, green beans, bread and butter, cocoa, mashed cauliflower, sour cream salmon. Snack: sweet yogurt, banana, tomatoes, cucumbers with grated cheese and sour cream. Dinner: meatballs, vegetable juice, pizza, milkshake with honey.
  2. 2. Tuesday - breakfast: milk millet, peanuts, sweet tea. Lunch: chicken noodles, broccoli puree, mayonnaise with cheese, jelly / compote. Snack: pure protein, tomatoes, pineapple. Dinner: vermicelli, in tomato sauce, Fetaksa cheese, cookies or cake, tea.
  3. 3. Wednesday - breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, cheesecakes with raisins, tea / cocoa. Lunch: meat, goulash, bread and butter, juice. Afternoon snack: smoothies, cashews. Dinner: bran bread with salad, chicken with ketchup, sweets, tea.
  4. 4. Thursday - breakfast: oatmeal bar, bread and butter, tea. Lunch: borsch, beef, cue balls with horns, Greek salad, coffee. Snack: soft-boiled eggs, pistachios, apple juice. Dinner: cauliflower, cheese, salmon, cocoa.
  5. 5. Friday - breakfast: vegetable stew, bran, sweet tea. Lunch: cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, pea puree with meat, white bread, jelly. Snack: bun with cottage cheese, nuts, cocoa. Dinner: fish in sour cream, tomato salad, vegetable juice, cream, pie.
  6. 6. Saturday - breakfast: boiled pork with bread, stewed horns, compote. Lunch: croutons, chicken noodles, cheese, cucumber, compote. Afternoon snack: smoothies, berries. Dinner: Navy pasta, whole grain bread, tomato juice.
  7. 7. Sunday - breakfast: cheesecakes with sour cream sauce, raisins, cocoa / tea. Lunch: assorted fish, ginger and cauliflower salad, bread, coffee, cookies. Afternoon snack: apple pancakes, peanuts, coffee with cream, cookies. Dinner: baked turkey, lobby salad, white bread, kefir, tea.

Workouts and exercises

Do first twice a week for 40 minutes, then 3 times an hour a day, preferably under the supervision of a qualified trainer. For the first 10-14 days, work out on cardio equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, orbitrek). Do not forget that heavy weights will help build muscle, let's load. The number of approaches should first be 5-6, then 10-12 with repetitions of 8-16 times. Among the exercises, squatting with a barbell is effective, first with a weight of 10 kg, then increase the weight. Use the simulator for the press, back, chest, and also for the lower body. At home, you can successfully use dumbbells, twisting for the press, squats with weight or dumbbells, side lunges.

Start by adjusting your diet

Lack of weight, as well as its excessive amount, negatively affects the health, well-being and appearance of a person. Yes, people with such problems exist along with obese people.

According to statistics, about 10 percent of men and women in Europe live with excessive thinness.

A diet for weight gain helps a girl to cope with such a problem, the menu of which should include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.

But, before applying such a diet or adjusting the diet, it is necessary to find out the reasons that contribute to excessive thinness and eliminate them. Only in this case, you can achieve a good result.

Who needs a weight gain diet?

Genetics has an influence on our body

Dietitians and specialists have studied women who were painfully thin for many years. Thus, several groups can be distinguished, which are united by common problems.

  • Firstly, these are people with a genetic tendency to thinness. If there have already been such cases in the family, then you should not sound the alarm - thinness is quite normal.
  • The second category includes women with psychological problems. These include frequent stressful situations, depression, anxiety states that interfere with eating normally and gaining weight.
  • A special group is people who have undergone diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, surgical interventions that provide for a special diet and dietary table.

In this case, it is impossible not to mention athletes who seek to build muscle mass to give relief. In this case, it must be remembered that the diet for weight gain should be different for men and women, so you need to think carefully about your diet together with a trainer and nutritionist.

All other false factors are the work of doctors, and simple weight gain diets will not eliminate them. But still, the first thing to do is to undergo a complete medical examination to identify the factor in weight loss.

The next step is the calculation

You can't suddenly gain weight

Every diet for weight gain should include the calculation of the ideal weight. And if the medical examination showed that you do not have any pathologies, you can proceed to the calculation stage. A nutritionist can advise each girl to use a special weight calculator that is present on various nutrition websites.

You can also use the simplest option: subtract 110 cm from your height (if a person is under forty) or 100 cm (if a woman is over forty). Then compare the result with your actual weight. When gaining kilograms, remember that you can’t do this very abruptly, because health problems may arise, you need to limit yourself to one or two kilos per month.

Calculating the calorie content of the diet and menu is another important step. This calculator will also help every woman, where they enter the indicators of the initial weight, gender, height and degree of physical fitness. To this result, you need to add about 300 calories to gain muscle mass.


At the same time, it is necessary to weigh yourself every day and enter your results in a table to control the entire process. If a woman or girl sees that she is recovering very quickly, this is a signal to reduce the number of calories eaten. As for athletes, in order to gain muscle mass, they need to consume 40 kilocalories per kilogram of body.

A diet for weight gain should contain proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, as well as all menus. As for protein, for women, one kilogram of weight should be 1.4 grams, but if you are actively involved in sports, then this figure should be increased to 1.5 grams. If we talk about fats, then they need to be consumed 1-2 grams per kilogram of weight, and carbohydrates - 5 grams.

Formulating a diet

Eat more fiber

A diet for weight gain should have its own clear diet to achieve optimal and cherished results.

To do this, you need to buy specific products, primarily those containing protein in large quantities - meat, fish, poultry, seafood, milk, cheese, cottage cheese.

As for carbohydrates, they should be taken from all kinds of cereals, vegetables and fruits, which are also rich in fiber. Also, do not forget about grain loaves and their bran bread, flour products from durum wheat.

For a girl or woman, a nutritionist can advise butter or vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn, peanut) in a weight gain diet from fats.

It is worth excluding margarines or other harmful vegetable fats from your diet, and vice versa, include nuts, seeds, fish oil capsules. Milk also contains lipids, so do not forget about them.

It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often - 5-7 times.

Weight gain diet for a girl: a sample menu for a week

Day three start with boiled eggs

  1. On the 1st day of the weight gain diet for the first meal, we eat scrambled eggs (3 eggs), a sandwich (pieces of chopped meat, tomato, cucumber), and also a walnut. Drink green tea, juices. For lunch - 200 gr. soup, one hundred gr. chicken stew and green peas, bread with coarse flour, apple, tea. For an afternoon snack, eat ½ cup of a fermented milk product and four dry fruits. As for dinner, prepare yourself a small portion of mashed potatoes, one hundred gr. cutlet, cheese sandwich, vegetable juice.
  2. On the 2nd day, have breakfast one hundred gr. millet porridge with milk, ½ cup of yogurt, five nuts, green, weak black tea. For lunch, cook 200 gr. chicken soup, 100 gr. potato ravioli, 1 bell pepper, juice or jelly. For an afternoon snack, eat 100 gr. any berries and drink ½ cup of yogurt. As for dinner, the best option in this case would be an omelet with cheese and tomato, a few cookies, and milk.
  3. Day 3 of the weight gain diet, start with three boiled eggs, one hundred gr. vegetable salad, 50 gr. dried fruits, weak tea. For lunch, cook 200 gr. soup with noodles, 150 gr. boiled veal and beans, orange, juice. For an afternoon snack, you can eat 50 gr. dried fruits and drink a glass of yogurt. Dine on a chicken sandwich plus cucumber, tomato, cheese. On this day, you can afford some chocolate.
  4. For the 4th day, first soak the boiled barley for half an hour, add honey, nuts, dried fruits to it. Eat bread and butter and drink tea. Dine on meat broth, 100 gr. pasta, meatballs, vegetable salad. You can drink weak black tea. Snack is 1 hard boiled egg, fruit juice, nuts. Dine 100 gr. fish cooked in sunflower oil, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, tea or compote.
  5. As for the fifth day, you can start it with a hundred gr. ravioli, one hundred gr. vegetable salad, fresh juice or tea. Dine on pea soup with smoked ribs, boiled pork, vegetable salad. You can drink jelly. For an afternoon snack, you can eat a bun with cottage cheese, any fruit, 100 gr. gingerbread or cookies. You can drink everything with yogurt. Dine on fish - fried tuna, stewed cabbage, sandwich with butter, tomato juice.
  6. Start the sixth day with veal braised with onions, you can also eat some durum wheat pasta and drink milk. For lunch, prepare a salad with olive oil, fry a piece of tuna, drink tea, compote. After a few hours, you can have a snack with a glass of kefir, a few nuts. As for dinner, you can cook spaghetti bolognese, fried chicken breast, wash it all down with vegetable juice.
  7. On the last day, have breakfast with a cottage cheese casserole, a cheese sandwich, and tea. Dine on meat hodgepodge, meatballs with pasta, one cucumber, two slices of bread, tea. For an afternoon snack, prepare pancakes, fruit juice, eat nuts. Dinner should be hearty - 100 gr. turkey meat with green beans, 50 gr. hard cheese, 200 ml. berry juice.

If you need a diet to gain weight, first identify the problem that prevents you from gaining the desired mass. Then find a way to calculate the required calories. Then, after consulting with a nutritionist, trainer, make a menu for the week with all the necessary products and ingredients.


Diet for weight gain for a girl: menu

There is a special diet for weight gain, if you have a need to gain some weight and gain extra pounds. In this case, it is necessary to change the menu, which will contain enough high-calorie foods.

Many women often try to lose those extra pounds that have been deposited on their bodies. To do this, they select a special diet menu that will help to cope with this problem. But, as you know, overly fat girls do not cause any admiration from men.

The same applies to girls who suffer from lack of normal weight. In addition to being unattractive, it contributes to serious health problems.

Therefore, in order to gain a little weight, it is necessary to consider the rules of this diet and the features of its application.

What are the rules of a diet that allows you to gain weight?

In the event that you need to add weight to your own body, you should be guided by simple rules that will help you gain some weight in a short period of time.

Many women who struggle with the problem of excessive thinness make a huge number of mistakes in the preparation of the daily menu and the use of products. Often what happens is that they simply increase the total amount of food eaten. But this is not the right approach.

As a result of this, serious problems with the digestive system and some aversion to food can appear. Therefore, in order for a weight gain diet to be effective, you should adhere to the basic rules of a healthy diet.

One of the main rules that contains a diet for weight gain is a gradual increase in calories consumed. When developing a menu or choosing one of the proposed ones, it is necessary to ensure that every day the number of calories consumed increases by about 200 - 300 units.

For proper weight gain, a girl should gradually increase the number of quantities of food consumed directly. The approximate number of meals should be four or five approaches.

If women switch to the so-called frequent and fractional meals, this will have a positive effect on both physical and mental health.

In order for a girl to gain extra weight, it is necessary to drink about 250 ml of freshly squeezed juice from fruits or fresh vegetables before each meal. It is advisable to drink juice half an hour before a meal.

At the same time, do not forget that in the process of eating food, it is advisable to completely abandon the use of any liquid. Immediately after the meal, you should not proceed to exercise or sports.

Many women and girls are sure that you just need to increase the amount of food. This is not worth doing. Your diet should include large quantities of foods that contain a significant amount of carbohydrates and proteins. This should include products such as:

  • various cereals;
  • legumes;
  • White bread;
  • milk;
  • pasta;
  • sugar;
  • various juices;
  • all kinds of fruits.

At the same time, in the process of observing this diet for women, the use of ordinary vitamins is recommended. It is advisable that they be prescribed by a doctor after a complete examination of the body.

Eating should be done in a relaxed atmosphere and slowly. It is desirable that the time between meals is no more than 3 hours. And in order for the weight gain diet to work quickly and effectively, you should get enough sleep and drink as much liquid as possible, but not with meals.

Approximate diet for each day, allowing you to increase weight

In the event that you decide to gain additional weight, first of all you need to create the right menu or use an already developed option that will help you gain additional mass in a short period of time.

When compiling a daily menu, be guided by the fact that you should have about 6 meals a day. It can be 3 main servings and 3 snacks.

Also, do not forget that in order to support your body throughout the diet with the necessary calories and nutrients, you can use special nutritional supplements.

First of all, you need to count the calories that enter your body every day. Without changing your own taste habits, see how your weight varies over the course of one week. But at the next stage, you will be forced to increase the daily number of calories consumed, which will help you gain weight.

Gradually, the number of meals can be increased.

For breakfast, it is proposed to drink a large glass of freshly squeezed juice from any fruit or vegetable. You also need to eat a large bowl of oatmeal.

In order for the flakes to become high-calorie and nutritious, they should be soaked in a large amount of fat milk from the very evening. Also, nuts, grated apples and honey should be added to oatmeal.

After oatmeal, you should eat a sandwich with butter. For a sandwich, you can choose white bread.

This is followed by a second breakfast. For a second breakfast, you need to eat one large cup of meat broth with egg yolk, a sandwich with butter, hard cheese and sausage. After that, you can afford about 50 g of dark chocolate.

For lunch, you need to cook a thick vegetable soup. In this case, the soup must be boiled in meat broth, and not in ordinary water.

Add as many vegetables as possible to the soup so that it is much thicker. Next, you can cook yourself potatoes, pasta or rice.

From above it is desirable to pour them with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce. Be sure to eat a salad of vegetables and something made from meat.

For an afternoon snack, you need to drink one glass of fermented baked milk or kefir. Together with kefir, you can eat cookies or pies. After that, you can again eat about 50 g of chocolate.

But as for dinner, then for this meal you should prepare a huge plate of any milk porridge, to which candied fruits or fresh fruits will be added. After that, you need to drink a cup of tea with a large sandwich.

A few words as a conclusion

Do not hope that in a few days you will be able to quickly gain the desired weight. First of all, you need to have patience and motivation.

And in order for the result of weight gain to be stunning, you need to properly develop a daily menu and adhere to all the nutritional rules inherent in this diet.

Only in this way you will be able to achieve the desired result in a limited period of time.


Menu for weight gain for a girl for a week

The fix idea of ​​the last decade is being overweight. Who doesn't get rid of it. It has come to the point that children of 11 years old begin to lose weight, which is simply unacceptable from the point of view of medicine. A growing body and losing weight at home are categorically unacceptable. But today we will not talk about how to lose weight and not about how to gain weight for anorexic women.

They will already be fully engaged in medicine, because they brought themselves to the state in which the prisoners of German concentration camps under Hitler were. Our conversation will be about how a little to get better for those girls who consider themselves too thin.

Consider the menu for weight gain for a girl for a week, what foods should be preferred, how often to eat, what should be the diet, how many calories should be consumed and how to gain weight without harming yourself.

Diet for weight gain, background

It only at first glance may turn out to be a very simple task - a set of additional kilograms. Only proper nutrition for weight gain at home will give a result. For people with an accelerated metabolism, this goal, in fact, turns out to be as difficult as for donuts - the process of parting with body fat.

Moreover, the process of gaining weight is associated with certain risks. With immoderate, thoughtless nutrition, you can undermine the once excellent health, having instead of or along with a couple of new kilograms, a couple of albeit not fatal, but nevertheless unpleasant ailments. So for a girl to gain the desired couple of kilograms, it’s worth weighing everything.

To avoid this, gaining weight, you should follow certain recommendations. To begin with, you need to abstract from everything subjective, and start measuring your parameters.

This is the so-called body mass index (BMI). Finding a thematic site on the vast expanses of the World Wide Web is not difficult. All you need is height and weight.

So, having received the coveted result, it is time to analyze it. If the body mass index is in the range between 18 and 25, the weight menu should not be searched. Your weight is within the normal range, with which I hasten to congratulate you, you are the owner of an ideal body weight.

Diet for weight gain, features

A BMI of less than 18 indicates underweight. So how do you increase your weight? To begin with, you should decide on the total calorie content of the future diet. If a person is not engaged in physical labor, the total number of kilocalories consumed should be approximately 3000. In our case, 3500 is even better.

A high-calorie diet, like a low-calorie diet, will take some time to get used to. When preparing meals, preference should be given to more fatty foods. For example, instead of chicken breast, it is better to use chicken legs. True, moderation is also needed here, since an excess of lipids and cholesterol can do its dirty work. It will be difficult to remove cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels.

There should always be various sweets and cookies on the kitchen table. It is still recommended to do baking on your own, and not to purchase the so-called “time bomb” in the store, the damaging elements of which will be represented by palm fats and various preservatives.

Fast food establishments are best avoided. If your body craves hamburgers, it's best to purchase your own buns and meats and make safer delicacies out of them. And cheaper and tastier, to be honest. The same applies to semi-finished products, such as dumplings or pancakes.

Sweet sodas are also best ignored, even if they don't contain aspartame. Tasty and high-calorie drinks are best prepared on your own, using berries, fruits and jam.

Dairy products are very welcome: high-calorie cheeses, sour cream, yoghurts, fatty cottage cheese, and so on. They not only “patch up the calorie gap”, but also saturate the body with calcium and valuable proteins.

For weight gain, quick snacks are very good, due to nuts, ice cream, crackers and so on. Chips are better to ignore, because they contain a whole bunch of carcinogens.

Sample weekly menu for weight gain, with calories

Of course, the designation of calorie content in dishes is approximate. After all, if we are talking about a sandwich with cheese, butter and ham, it is rather difficult to accurately predict the mass of each component, unless, of course, everything is weighed on a pharmacy scale. Therefore, the figures will be approximate. But I assure you that such an exemplary menu for a thin girl will do.

Breakfast: 3 egg omelet (350 kcal), ham sandwich (150 kcal), a glass of sweet tea (50 kcal). Lunch: Noodle soup (250 kcal), fried chicken (450 kcal), fruit (100 kcal), juice (50 kcal). Snack: yogurt (50 kcal), nuts (350 kcal).

Dinner: fried potatoes (300 kcal) with oily sea fish (400 kcal).

Breakfast: Semolina porridge with milk (250 kcal), nuts (350 kcal), coffee (50 kcal). Lunch: Potato cutlets (300 kcal), chicken soup (350 kcal), vegetable salad (150 kcal). Snack: Fruit (70 kcal), a glass of jelly (70 kcal).

Dinner: Omelet with vegetables (400 kcal), cookies (350 kcal), milk with honey (150 kcal)

Breakfast: Three soft-boiled chicken eggs (350 kcal), vegetable salad (150 kcal), tea (50 kcal). Lunch: Chicken soup (250 kcal), pork-beef cutlets (450 kcal), fruit juice (50 kcal). Snack: 100 grams of raisins (350 kcal), ice cream (250 kcal), a glass of juice (50 kcal).

Dinner: Pasta with seafood (450 kcal), tea with cream (70 kcal).

Breakfast: Oatmeal soaked in yogurt with raisins and fruits (250 kcal), coffee (50 kcal). Lunch: Shchi or borsch in meat broth (350 kcal), meatballs with cheese and chicken (450 kcal), a glass of tea (50 kcal). Snack: Two hard-boiled chicken eggs (180 kcal), butter and cheese sandwich (80 kcal).

Dinner: sea fried fish (450 kcal), Greek salad (250 kcal).

Breakfast: Ravioli (250 kcal), vegetable salad (50 kcal), coffee (50 kcal). Lunch: Pea soup (250 kcal), boiled meat (350 kcal). Snack: Sweet cookies (100 kcal), a glass of milk (70 kcal).

Dinner: Tuna fillet on white bread sandwich (450 kcal), fruit juice (50 kcal).

Breakfast: Fried eggs with bacon and cheese (350 kcal), tea (50 kcal). Lunch: Cheese soup (250 kcal), vegetable and ham salad (150 kcal), coffee with cream (80 kcal). Snack: nuts (450 kcal), jelly (200 kcal).

Dinner: Spaghetti with gravy (450 kcal), meatballs (400 kcal).

Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream (200 kcal), coffee (50 kcal). Lunch: Meat hodgepodge (400 kcal), potato cutlets (350 kcal), juice (50 kcal). Snack: Citrus fruits (100 kcal), ice cream (350 kcal), juice (50 kcal).

Dinner: Stewed chicken with fried potatoes (500 kcal), vegetable salad (150 kcal).

Is this all that can be done to gain a couple of kilograms for a week? No, not all! It is also worth setting yourself a clear daily routine and allocating 8-9 hours for sleep. If possible, lie down or sit down.

You should not try to evaluate the results of a new diet by getting on the scale every morning. The first signs of weight gain should be expected no earlier than a week after this lifestyle. In addition, so that the body does not acquire unattractive fat folds, one should not forget about the benefits of physical activity.

Do your friends envy you that you can eat everything and still not get better? Then you probably know that painful thinness looks just as unattractive as extra pounds. Girls who dream of gaining at least a little weight should make their menu for weight gain.

Why is the weight reduced?

If the weight is rapidly decreasing, this may be the cause of hidden diseases. Therefore, you should definitely go for a consultation with a specialist and pass the necessary tests to determine the correct diagnosis. Even if they are in perfect order, lack of weight may not have the best effect on health.

To gain weight for a guy or girl, you need to change the regimen and give preference to high-calorie foods.

Many people make one common mistake - they start eating more, making portions unthinkably large. This will not only not help you get better, but will also lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If a girl is petite and has never weighed more than 50 kg, most likely she just has a fast metabolism. To verify this, you can do an analytical test.

In the air that a person exhales, experts measure the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Their ratio makes it possible to evaluate metabolic processes in the body.

To understand whether you need to gain the missing kilograms, you need to calculate your body mass index. If it is insufficient, then the ribs, spine and other bones are clearly visible. To confirm the "diagnosis" that you have made for yourself, you need to consult with a trainer at a fitness center or with a nutritionist.

How to be?

It is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet gradually, adding 250-300 calories daily. You need to eat 4-5 times a day, without skipping a meal. Let the portions be better, small, but very high-calorie.

People can gain weight if they follow the rule: half an hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of vegetable or fruit juice, but do not drink with meals.

It is worth focusing on such products:

  • porridge with milk;
  • legumes;
  • pasta;
  • white bread;
  • sugar and honey;
  • fruits and juices.

When compiling a proper nutrition menu in order for there to be a noticeable weight gain, it should be remembered that proteins and carbohydrates should be the basis.

You can increase the calorie content of familiar dishes, for example, sprinkle pasta with cheese or season vegetable salads with fat sour cream. These products must be included in the menu for quick weight gain in a girl or guy.

The last time you need to eat an hour and a half before bedtime. It is better to choose a liquid or puree dish to reduce the load on the digestive tract: smoothies, curd mass, puree soup.

It is easy to get fat on fast food, but this is a very dangerous path that is fraught with serious health problems. It is better to include oily fish, nuts, natural butter, dairy products, poultry with skin, meat in the daily menu.

The alkaline separate food menu for weight gain implies that certain foods cannot be mixed, but you can eat any bread without limiting yourself in quantities. For a side dish, cook pasta, baked or fried potatoes, cereals. It is allowed to eat any sweets: chocolate, cookies, halva, cakes. They are ideally digested with fermented milk products and milk.

In order for the diet to give results, it is necessary to carefully consider the menu for weight gain.

A girl or a guy, regardless of gender, needs to ensure that they consume proteins and carbohydrates at one meal. For example, for breakfast, you can eat scrambled eggs with cheese and buttered bread, or porridge with butter and a glass of whole milk.

Eat a good piece of baked pork, spaghetti, or rice for lunch. For dinner, treat yourself to salmon with pasta. To keep your diet healthy, remember to eat vegetables and fruits every day. Season salads generously with sour cream or olive oil. As a snack, nuts, dried fruits are perfect.

You can not dramatically increase the caloric content of the diet. If yesterday you ate vegetables and yogurt, and today you eat only chops, steaks and chocolate, then these foods will not be digested. It is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist, he will prescribe you special enzymes to support the pancreas.

It is very important to drink plenty of water, because all processes in the body occur with its participation. Make sure that 40 ml is obtained per 1 kg of body weight.

Sports nutrition

Protein shakes are very high in calories and are perfectly digested. In addition, they are rich in vitamins and minerals. It is better to drink them before and after training so that the body does not waste its resources. Instead of an evening snack, you can drink such a cocktail.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made drinks, they are easy to prepare at home, for example, beat up full-fat cottage cheese, milk and a banana.

How to get better as a teenager?

Often the problem of weight gain worries a teenager after the onset of puberty. Lack of mass provokes the development of complexes that lead to low self-esteem and insecurity. First of all, a teenager needs to remember that severe thinness may indicate a disease, so you should consult a doctor.

As a rule, young people spend much more calories than they consume. To get better, they need to increase the energy value of their diet. It should be remembered that it will be more difficult for boys to gain weight - this is due to their hormonal characteristics.

When compiling a menu for weight gain, a teenager should know that you need to eat 6 times a day, fractionally. A well-balanced diet will help the body develop properly. Proteins and carbohydrates should prevail, but vegetables should not be abandoned.

Regular sports are very useful: roller skates, swimming, running, gymnastics. In adolescence, power simulators are undesirable. A teenager can regulate the frequency of classes on his own, but it is important to know the main rule: more calories should be supplied to the body than consumed.

sample menu

When compiling a menu for weight gain and thinking over a diet for women and men who want to get better, you need to remember that food should not only be high-calorie, but also combine all the useful substances and elements. The ratio should be approximately the following: proteins - 25%, carbohydrates - 45%, fats - 30%.

Sample menu for 5 days:

  • 1 day. For breakfast, you can eat a three-egg omelette, a sandwich with cucumber, ham or bacon, and a walnut. Drink tea or compote. For lunch, eat noodle soup, baked chicken, two slices of bread, tea. After an hour, you can eat a pear. Snack - dried fruit and half a glass of yogurt. For dinner, make mashed potatoes with a cutlet, a cheese sandwich and vegetable juice;
  • Day 2 Breakfast - millet porridge with milk, yogurt, a few hazelnuts. For lunch, eat chicken soup, ravioli, some vegetable, drink tea or jelly. Snack - yogurt, berries, a glass of fruit juice. For dinner, cook an omelet with tomatoes, cheese, ham, snack on cookies and drink milk with honey;
  • Day 3 For breakfast, refresh yourself with a boiled egg (3 pcs.), Vegetable salad, raisins and drink tea. Lunch - noodle soup, beef, beans, tea. After half an hour, you can eat an orange. Have a snack with a glass of kefir and a handful of raisins. For dinner, make a sandwich with tomato, chicken, cheese, cucumber, ketchup. Eat chocolate and drink a glass of fruit juice;
  • Day 4 For breakfast, prepare barley porridge, previously soaked overnight in milk. You can add honey, nuts, an apple to it. Have tea with a sandwich. For lunch, cook cabbage soup in meat broth, pasta with meatballs and cheese, salad. A boiled egg, a sandwich, a handful of pine nuts, a glass of fruit juice are suitable as a snack. Dinner - sea fish and mashed potatoes, Greek salad, tea with milk;
  • Day 5 For breakfast, eat ravioli, vegetable salad, plums, compote. For lunch, cook pea soup with ribs, boil pork, make a salad of tomatoes. Drink kissel. Have a snack with cottage cheese, banana, cookies and drink yogurt. For dinner, you can eat tuna fillet with cauliflower, butter sandwich, drink tomato juice.

And remember that regardless of the numbers on the scale, you must treat your body with love and respect.

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