Sports after childbirth: what we will do. When to start exercising after childbirth


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It is known that during the postpartum period the body recovers from the stress suffered the day before. In addition, mothers want to regain the physical shape they were in before pregnancy as soon as possible. To fulfill this desire, you must follow certain recommendations. And exercise after childbirth is one of these recommendations.

Of course, physical exercise is very beneficial for the body, but we must not forget about reviewing the system and diet. During pregnancy and after childbirth, weight usually increases slightly because the body needs a large amount of nutrients to provide energy not only for the mother, but also for the fetus.

Classes in the first weeks

You can ask the question: is it necessary to take any active actions at all to quickly restore the body after childbirth? So, the answer to this question is unequivocal - it is necessary, even necessary.

  • the production of hormones responsible for good health and mood increases in the brain;
  • body weight is normalized, and the figure acquires the contours characteristic before pregnancy;
  • prevention of pain and rapid fatigue;
  • increase in vitality.

In addition, systematic physical exercise after childbirth helps smooth out the symptoms of postpartum depression.

As can be seen from all of the above, exercise after childbirth is of great importance in restoring the body.

Figure after childbirth

When should you do so-called physical therapy? It is recommended to start doing physical exercises already in the maternity hospital. If the birth took place without complications, then you can start exercising within a day after the birth of the child.
It is recommended to exercise several times a day. However, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor about this. If, when performing certain movements, you feel discomfort, then you should stop performing the movements and call a doctor.

You should start with short (approximately five-minute) sessions. Practice in this mode until you are ready to perform more complex movements.

Physical activity after caesarean section

You need to start with simple exercises that will promote recovery and strengthen the abdominal muscles after surgery. It is possible that the stitch may pull while you engage in physical activity, but please note that there should be no pain.

After a caesarean section you may feel more tired, but this is normal since you have had surgery.

Prohibited exercises

Doctors do not recommend swimming until seven days after vaginal discharge has stopped. If you had stitches or a caesarean section, you should start exercising after you have been seen by your doctor six weeks after giving birth. In addition, it is not recommended to exercise in the knee-elbow position for several weeks, because there is a possibility of developing an air embolism (the formation of air bubbles at the placenta attachment site). There is no need to practice fitness if less than six weeks have passed since the birth of the child.

Where should you start?

The most important movements after childbirth (in the first few days) are exercises that work the pelvic floor muscles (also called Kegel exercises), so it is recommended to start doing them as early as possible. They speed up the recovery of the vagina and perineum. Blood circulation in this area improves, swelling and hematomas disappear faster. When performing Kegel exercises, there is virtually no risk of seams coming apart.

Exercises for the lower abdominal muscles

The lower abdominal muscle is also called the transverse abdominal muscle. It, together with the pelvic floor muscles, stabilizes (supports) the pelvis and back. By strengthening these muscle groups, the former physical shape returns and the stomach becomes flat.
The exercise must be performed lying on your side or back. Inhale, and then as you exhale, tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Imagine that you are trying to delay the process of urination.

When the muscles are contracted, you need to pull the navel inward and upward so that there is a feeling of tension in the lower abdominal muscle. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds, without holding your breath, and then slowly relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise several times (5-30). Here the lower abdominal and pelvic floor muscles work simultaneously. According to the assurances of an American specialist in the field of gynecology, Kegel, this exercise is an effective prevention of urinary incontinence.

Pelvic tilts

This exercise is very useful as it uses the muscles of the back and abdomen. The movement can be performed lying down, sitting or on an exercise ball.

Exercises for the muscles of the upper back and neck

Since at the initial stage of the baby’s development, parents have to spend a long time in a bent position, exercises for the neck and back are important.

Exercise: you need to sit up straight, cross your arms over your chest, turn to the left, then to the right. Repeat the movement 10 times in each direction.

One more move e: performed from a sitting position, hands connected at the back of the neck. Turn the torso to the sides.
Stand facing the wall, your legs need to be apart and slightly bent at the knee joints. Your hands should rest your palms on the wall, your forearms should be pressed against the wall. We tense our abdominal muscles, as if bringing our right elbow together with our left knee and vice versa. This exercise uses the back and abdominal muscles.

At the same time, bending and turning the head are the main exercises for the neck.


This type of physical activity should be postponed for at least six weeks after birth. Fitness is good for your health, but you need to exercise it very carefully during the postpartum period, especially if you had a caesarean section. This applies, first of all, to lifting weights.

Fitball exercises

Fitball is a gymnastic ball that has many positive properties. Simple exercises on a fitball after childbirth are great for lifting your mood and don’t require much effort. You need to sit on the ball and perform springing movements as quickly as possible. Then you can complicate the task: alternate springing movements with pulling your knees to your chest.

Lie down on the exercise ball with your stomach, raise your legs slightly above the floor, start walking on your hands so that the gymnastic ball rolls across your body from your shins to your chest. You can place the ball under your shoulder blades while starting to lift your pelvis. In general, there are a large number of exercise options using a fitball. So you definitely won’t face monotonous workouts.

Recommendations for performing exercises during the postpartum period

  • When rising from a lying position, you first need to roll over onto your side, and only then stand up.
  • It is recommended to lie on your stomach most of the time, as this helps to contract the smooth muscles of the uterus: thus facilitating the outflow of postpartum secretions.
  • Try to walk more: walking speeds up recovery processes.
  • The exercises must be performed regularly, several times a day.
  • Movements must be done smoothly.
  • Classrooms must be well ventilated, and the air temperature in them must be at least 18 degrees.
  • Exercise after childbirth only in comfortable clothing.
  • It is recommended to carry out training after breastfeeding.

It is not necessary to perform exactly the exercises listed in this article. They are indicative, you can modify them, introduce some of your own movements, and experiment. For example, Kegel exercises can be performed in various modifications. By diversifying your workouts, you will enjoy them more.

Thus, physical exercise after childbirth is an excellent tool that promotes rapid regeneration of the body. Before engaging in physical activity, you should consult your doctor. In addition, it is important to conduct self-control. You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly exercise will help you tone up, improve your mood, and prepare your body for further work.

A set of exercises after childbirth

Very often after childbirth a problem arises, which is to return to the previous body shape and size. This applies not only to professional athletes, but also to all women who keep up with the demands and demands of the time. Therefore, many young mothers are interested in what sports they can do after giving birth.

In order to achieve your goal, first of all, you must have the desire to regain your previous shape, exercise regularly, and also gradually increase physical activity.

How the body behaves during pregnancy and after it

As a rule, pregnancy completely restructures the female body in favor of the full development of the child. During this period, the level of estrogen and progesterone, which are the main female hormones involved in metabolic processes, decreases in the body. Thus, this leads to rapid accumulation of fat mass.

Weight gain during pregnancy can also be explained by possible edema, increased blood volume, the growth of the baby, an increase in the mass of the mammary glands, as well as the growth of the membranes surrounding the child.

After the baby is born, the bulk of the gained weight is lost thanks to:

  • Weight of the born child;
  • Loss of amniotic fluid and some blood;
  • Passing of the placenta.

If a woman experienced swelling during pregnancy, then in the postpartum period they subside as the kidneys begin to work better. But it is worth noting that fatty layers do not go away on their own.

The main impetus that allows you to get rid of extra pounds in a short time is playing sports after the birth of your baby. It is worth paying attention to the fact that strict diets are contraindicated for nursing mothers.

When can you start exercising?

This is quite easy to determine. You just need to focus on your well-being and the general condition of the body. If you have not been subject to postpartum depression, and caring for a child does not tire you too much, then your body itself will give a sign to exercise.

If you still have postpartum discharge, this means that the time for exercise has not yet come. If you gave birth by cesarean section, then you need to avoid strong physical exertion, especially when it comes to abdominal exercises. It is necessary to avoid increased exercise for approximately 6 weeks after a cesarean section.

If you engage in any type of physical activity, try not to overdo it. As a rule, after childbirth, women experience deformation of the pelvic bones, spine, spinal muscles and chest. It is for this reason that a young mother may experience slight pain, which can persist for 2 months.

In addition, after childbirth, a woman experiences an additional psycho-emotional surge and stress, which can lead to completely normal manifestations of discomfort, as well as lethargy. There is no need to worry about this, since this phenomenon is natural, it goes away with time, but it makes it somewhat difficult to restore the shape of the body at first.

Experts say that the sooner you start doing this, the sooner the body can return to its pre-pregnancy state. But since each case is individual, your local gynecologist must give permission to exercise after the birth of the child.

Physical activity during the postpartum period

At first, a woman may experience involuntary urination when sneezing, laughing or coughing. This is a sign that the obturator muscle, located in the bladder, has become slightly stretched during pregnancy. In order to get rid of this problem, you need to do Kegel exercises:

  • Clamp the vagina tightly 20 times twice a day;
  • Release urine in doses, alternating portions by squeezing the vagina.

If you had any complications during childbirth, ruptures, or the birth took place by cesarean section, then you need to start recovering gradually. But at the same time, getting out of a hospital bed must be done as quickly as possible. Start with simple ones walking around the ward or hospital, which will further avoid the formation of adhesions and thromboembolic complications.

What exercises to start with

You can start doing light fitness in the first days after the baby is born, gradually increasing the load on the body. In doing so, consider a few helpful tips:

If you are accustomed to an active lifestyle and want to return to your previous shape as soon as possible, then the question of playing sports is fundamental for you.

To do this, there is a set of simple exercises specifically for those who want to bring their body in line with the requirements of modern times. Do these exercises You can immediately after discharge from the hospital, if you do not have any complications. All the exercises described below must be performed in a lying position, on a bed or mattress.

Even those women who were professionally involved in sports before giving birth should not overdo it in the first days. Everyone should start the same, gradually increasing the load.

Sports allowed during the postpartum period

Doctors strongly advise against exercising immediately. Some people need recovery within one month, while others may need recovery for several years. If you are faced with the question of training during the postpartum period, then you need to consider the following:

  • State of the body;
  • Age;
  • Availability of conditions for sports at home.

If you want to correct your figure, then dancing is the ideal solution in this case. For example, oriental belly dancing is specifically designed to shape problem areas of the body. Smooth and gentle movements of the torso, legs and arms are an excellent way to restore blood flow in the joints of the limbs. Oriental dance is also a tonic for the muscles of the arms and chest.

If you are not a fan of dancing, you can replace it with swimming. Swimming is allowed three times a week, but provided there is no uterine bleeding or pain. Water is a universal natural trainer that makes the muscles of the torso, legs and arms work. It is in water that you can achieve the highest calorie return.

Each exercise for different problem areas of the body is repeated 5 to 10 times. Exercises in water should begin with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the time and load of training to 1 hour.

Pilates is considered a gentler form of fitness that can be done even at home. Regular Pilates exercises help to engage the abdominal muscles, making it firmer and firmer. Exercises aimed at the spine can form ideal posture and remove lateral deposits in the hips and waist area.

Sports prohibited during the postpartum period

After the birth of a child, it is necessary to avoid those sports that involve jumping, shaking, and excessive exertion. These include the following:

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the main task of a young mother is to raise a healthy and strong baby. Each woman who has given birth must create a schedule for herself according to which she can start playing sports after birth. At the same time, it is necessary to balance your strengths with your capabilities. Follow the recommendations above by playing sports after childbirth, and then you will not have any health problems.

The birth of a child is the most beautiful thing that can happen in a woman’s life. Of course, his health comes first. But, don’t forget about yourself, and you definitely need to take care of your figure, especially after childbirth. After all, a woman’s body changes when carrying a child and breastfeeding.

When will we start classes?

Almost every mother thinks about when she can play sports after childbirth. After all, strengthening muscles is required not only so that the body becomes the same as before, but also in order to feel good spirits, a surge of strength and energy.

So when can you exercise after giving birth? Questions about going to the gym immediately after this wonderful event should be resolved with your doctor! Under no circumstances should you trust the advice of acquaintances, girlfriends, etc.

If everything went without complications, the woman is allowed to exercise after 3-6 weeks. But, after childbirth with complications or caesarean section you need to wait 8-9 weeks. In each case, an individual medical consultation is needed; there are often cases when, after a cesarean section, women were allowed to begin light exercise as early as the 3rd week.

In this video you can learn a set of exercises that can be done at home for mothers after childbirth, including after a cesarean section.

Can there be any difficulties when playing sports after giving birth?

Difficulties may arise if a woman has not consulted with her doctor before exercising and has not received an answer to the question of how long after giving birth she can start playing sports specifically in her case.

Another question that may concern young mothers is... Follow the link to the article and you will find the answers in our material.

It should also be noted that it will be more difficult for young mothers who did not engage in disputes before giving birth to get their bodies in shape. You need to be especially careful when selecting physical exercises, because... Everyone's capabilities are different.

The most important thing when playing sports after childbirth is gradualism and it doesn’t matter what exercises are performed, especially for young mothers. Contraindications that exist when playing sports after childbirth should also be taken into account.

What should you not do immediately after giving birth?

  • Lifting weights (you can completely forget about heavy barbells and dumbbells for six months).
  • Don't overload yourself while running.
  • During lactation, it is better for a woman not to exercise actively, because... during exercise, lactic acid is released and spoils the taste of milk (for nursing women, training at home is better).
  • Those women who have had a caesarean section should be very careful about physical exercise.
  • A woman who had ruptures during childbirth should also not practice. And when the seams heal, it’s possible, but gradually. This process usually takes 2 months.

Is it possible to exercise while breastfeeding? Can! If you do the exercises that are allowed for breastfeeding women. For those mothers who are concerned about the question of how to increase the fat content of breast milk, we give advice.

7 sports that are good for nursing mothers to do

Fitball exercises are useful not only for women after childbirth, but also for the whole family, and for children from infancy
  1. It is very useful to exercise on a fitball. This is a convenient sports equipment. In addition, it is very easy already from infancy.
  2. Classes in the pool. Swimming is great for fighting cellulite. In addition, it helps to tone the muscles and strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, and simply feel noticeably more energetic.

When can a nursing mother exercise after giving birth? The time frame is the same as in general cases. Recommended to include in your training schedule exercises in the water, because they are the safest in terms of stress on the spine. Nursing mothers constantly complain of pain in the spine during feeding. Swimming helps improve the situation.

  1. Race walking. The most important thing is that a young mother can exercise while walking with her child. It is very comfortable!
  2. Gymnastics. This complex includes: bending in different directions, breathing exercises, warming up the spine, walking on toes, stretching.
  3. Skiing or skating. These are very suitable sports because... You can go to the skating rink or ski track, for example, with your husband.
  4. Various sports games. Volleyball, cycling, you can play tennis, and many other games.
  5. Pilates classes. It is aimed at distributing the load across all muscle groups of the body. Pilates is good because it has no particular contraindications.

Young mothers are very interested in the question: when can a nursing mother start playing sports after giving birth? If the birth went without complications, then you can start exercising after 6 weeks.. If you start exercising earlier, training can negatively affect the health of a nursing woman and the quality of her milk.

There are several sports that are contraindicated for women to engage in during lactation.

6 sports that are contraindicated for nursing mothers

  1. Athletics (running). May adversely affect the taste of breast milk.
  2. Sports involving heavy lifting.
  3. It’s better to completely forget about exercise equipment during lactation. A woman may experience uterine bleeding while exercising on the exercise machine.
  4. Wrestling is contraindicated.
  5. It is also better not to get involved in martial arts or boxing, because, in addition to the high load, you can also injure your chest.
  6. Extreme sports are prohibited! Everyone knows that the adrenaline that is released during these sports can cause milk loss. And, of course, it's just dangerous.

Sets of exercises for a young mother

A woman who breastfeeds, without a doubt, wants to restore her former beauty and elasticity. There are special exercises for this.

Chest exercises

Apply pressure on your palms one at a time and tense your chest muscles.
  1. Extend your arms in front of your chest. Bend. Make 2 jerks with your arms, then 2 jerks with your arms already straightened. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Interlace your hands behind your back. Raise them as high as possible without letting your fingers loose! Lower your hands without releasing your fingers. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Raise your arms above your head. Place your palms together and spread your elbows to the sides. Straighten your arms. Repeat 5 times.
  4. Extend your arms in front of you. Connect your palms at nose level. Slowly bring your elbows together and repeat 5 times.

Exercises to strengthen your back

  1. Twisting. Lie on your left side, straighten your right leg in line with your body, and your left leg should be extended forward. Place your right hand along your body and touch your left knee. You need to move your left hand behind your back as much as possible and turn your head to the left. Repeat 5 times for each side.
  2. Take a supine position. Bend your right leg at the knee and place it behind your left leg. The toe of the right foot should be under the calf of the left leg. Hold your right thigh with your left hand. Bend your right knee to the left. Repeat 3 times and change the position of your legs.
  3. Lie on your back. The right knee is bent at the knee. Hold your right knee with your right hand, and with your left hand pull your heel towards the groin area. After this, relax, rest and repeat again 3 times.

It's no secret that young mothers under stress can become confused in the first days after the birth of a child. will teach our material.

Read what foods are allowed for a mother in the first month after giving birth, and which are prohibited.

A complete list of necessary contents will help you assemble the right first aid kit for a newborn.

Exercises to tighten your thighs

  1. Perform squats, only incompletely, slightly touching the edge of the chair. It is better to perform this exercise with the baby in your arms..
  2. Place one leg back slightly, the other to lean on the sofa. Bend over harder. Straighten your leg. Repeat 3 times. Change leg.
  3. Swing your legs to the side. Try to raise your legs higher and keep your back straight.
  4. Move on your toes in a wide circle, then on your heels, on the inside of the foot and on the outside.

Fitball exercises

  1. Exercise to strengthen the rhomboid muscle. Lie on your stomach on a fitball. Extend your arms straight above your head. Stretch your back, touching your shoulders to your ears. Then raise your torso at the same time as your arms, hold this position for 1 second, then bring your shoulder blade together by bending your arms at the elbow joints. You need to breathe without stopping. All movements are performed while inhaling. Return to starting position.
  2. Stretching. Performed while sitting on a fitball. Bring your arms straight in front of you, round your back, and lower your head down. Stretch your arms forward and your back back. Try to stretch the muscles that are located between the shoulder blades.
  3. Kneel down, leaning your side against the ball (right). And put your right hand on the ball itself. Extend your left leg parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for 3 seconds, then bring your left knee towards the ball and extend your leg again. Repeat 12 times. And change sides.
  4. Take an emphasis “lying” on your stomach, shins on the ball. Raise your left leg, stay in this position for 3 seconds, return to the starting position. Raise your right leg, lower it. Repeat 12 times.

Kegel exercises

Also, there are Kegel exercises that are very important for new mothers because these exercises involve the pelvic muscles and intimate muscles of a woman, and they help improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles.

Watch the video and do useful exercises for your pelvic floor muscles.

Before performing these exercises, it is necessary to determine the location of the muscles. And this can be done this way: when urinating, you need to stop the stream of urine without using your legs. And then continue. The muscles that contracted at the same time are the pelvic floor muscles.

Exercises to contract the uterus after childbirth are highly recommended for all women without exception after childbirth.

First version of the exercise:

  • Quickly tense and relax the pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds. After this, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  • Squeeze and unclench these muscles for 5 seconds, rest for 5 seconds, repeat 9 times.
  • Squeeze the muscles, wait in this position for 30 seconds and relax the muscles. Repeat 2 times. Then repeat step 1.

Second version of the exercise:

  • Squeeze your muscles, wait 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.
  • Quickly squeeze and unclench your muscles 10 times, repeat 3 times. Gradually increase the number of compressions to 100 times.

Third version of the exercise:

  • Squeeze and unclench the pelvic muscles 30 times. Then go to step 2. The number of compressions in step number 1 should be increased to 100 times.
  • Squeeze your muscles tightly, hold for 20 seconds, and then relax them for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Fourth exercise option:

  • Tighten and relax the muscles for 2 minutes, increasing to 20 minutes. Do the exercise 3 times a day.

For good results, do not forget to perform these exercises regularly.

6 steps to a slim belly

Getting rid of belly fat after childbirth is not very difficult, the main thing is consistency in training. Just 5 minutes of exercise a day will help strengthen it.

For nursing mothers, the most optimal time for training is after feeding the baby.. For the exercises, you only need comfortable clothes and a small pillow. We must not forget about caution during physical activity.

What is diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles and what exercises should be performed for diastasis after childbirth, see the video below.

Another set of abdominal exercises that is effective for eliminating a sagging belly after childbirth.

  1. Abdominal retraction: you need to lie face up and bend your legs, place your feet well on the floor, and place your hands on your stomach. As you exhale, pull your stomach in tightly and hold it for 5 seconds. And then - a slow breath. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Take the same position as when retracting your stomach. As you exhale, raise your pelvis, pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. At the same time, you need to raise your head and try to reach your chest with your chin.
  1. Lie on your back. Bend your legs, close your feet and press them to the floor. Place your hands, palms down, along your body. Straighten your legs without spreading your knees. Repeat 8 times.
  2. Do not change your position, just raise one leg, keeping it straight. Pull the toe on your foot away from you and towards you, repeat 8 times. Change leg.
  3. Take a position on your side. Place one hand on your side too. Stretch your legs. A pillow will be useful in this exercise; it is better to place it under your head. Also, draw in your stomach as you exhale and lightly press your palm on your stomach. Repeat 10 times on each side.
  4. You need to roll over onto your stomach, put a pillow under it, and lean on your elbows. Inhale. And as you exhale, press your pelvis onto the pillow. Also repeat 10 times. As you inhale, return to the original position.

When performing exercises while lying on your stomach, you should not lean heavily on your chest, because this can lead to overfilling.

In the video below you can familiarize yourself with a set of exercises for losing weight after childbirth from a mother of three! children, and secrets on how to get in shape just a month after the birth of your baby.

You can conveniently engage in sports not only in the gym, swimming pool or at home, but also on the street, walking with your baby, and in nature, playing various outdoor games.

It is better to exercise in the company of a nursing friend or friend, because it is simply more fun and will allow you to take the exercises more responsibly.

Don't forget that eating right is just as important as exercise. Find out in our articles and how to do it?

In this video you can see how to properly exercise in the gym for women who want to work on problem areas in their figure, namely, exercises for the chest, abdomen and arms.

After the baby is bornmany women notice changes in their figure. Due to breastfeeding, diets are no longer necessary, and even proper nutrition does not help - after all, the most harmless foods can negatively affect a baby through mother’s milk. There is only one way out - start training. H and what type of physical activity to choose, read in this material.

How the female body changes during pregnancy and after childbirth

Already from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman feels changes occurring in her body:

  • Weight is gradually gained due to the growth of the baby, amniotic fluid, edema and an increase in the amount of lymph and blood.
  • The fat layer on the abdomen, buttocks and thighs increases due to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones.
  • The hip bones are separated to make the birth as easy as possible.
  • It becomes difficult to keep your back straight, ideal posture is replaced by stooping and pain in the spine.
  • The skin and abdominal muscles stretch, and stretch marks appear.

But not everything is so sad, because most health problems and cosmetic defects will go away after childbirth.

The remaining imperfections can be corrected with the help of sports, cosmetic procedures, massage, and after breastfeeding is completed - with the help of diets and proper nutrition.

But how can you determine whether you can start exercising?

Signs that your body is ready for training

In order for physical activity to bring benefits and not harm, you need to know the main indicators of your body’s readiness for sports activities.

When can you exercise after giving birth:

  • The minimum period when you can start training after giving birth naturally is eight weeks.
  • The bleeding stopped after the baby was born.
  • If there was an episiotomy or rupture during natural birth, the stitches have already been removed and the gynecologist has confirmed that you are healthy.
  • Classes sports after caesarean section can be started whenat least 6 months will passand the suture on the uterus will be completely healed. After all, this is a full-fledged abdominal operation, after which complications are possible, such as suture rupture.

Besides These signs, you need to listen to your body to understand whether the time has come to resume training and return to your previous standard of living.

If a woman has pain or heaviness in the pelvis, back, chest or muscles, then this is a reason to postpone training. A young mother feels lethargic, her psycho-emotional state is unstable, tears or irritation often appear - this is the reason to start playing sports a little later than the planned time. After all, pregnancy and childbirth is such a difficult process for any woman that it requires the concentration of all the forces of the body. A long period of recovery after overload, both physical and emotional, is necessary.

TO When can you exercise while breastfeeding after giving birth?mom, many women are interested. Indeed, if you exercise too much, your milk may disappear. But if you are not a professional trainer with appropriate loads, then sports exercises will not harm you. The wishes for starting classes coincide with the recommendations for other girls who have given birth - no earlier than 8 weeks after giving birth naturally and 6 months after delivery of the child by cesarean section.

What sport after childbirth choose

Not all sports exercises are suitable in the early stages of recovery after childbirth. You need to start training with the simplest activity, gradually moving to more intense loads. The safest activities after childbirth are walking, Kegel exercises and swimming.

Kegel exercises

The most acceptable physical activity, unless there is a direct prohibition from a doctor, is Kegel exercises. They are allowed as early as six weeks after birth. Thanks to the development of the American gynecologist Kegel, the pelvic floor muscles are restored, the size of the vagina is reduced, hemorrhoids can go away, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, and urinary incontinence goes away.

Method s doing Kegel exercises

The first part can be performed anywhere in any position. It is necessary to squeeze the pelvic muscles with force and hold them in this position for 20 seconds, then release. You need to do at least 5 approaches. During the day you can perform from 3 to 5 times.

The second part of the exercises is done during urination. Simply try to interrupt the flow of urine several times by squeezing your pelvic floor muscles.

How about

One of the safest types of physical activity for a woman who has recently given birth is walking. Many people do not consider walking as a sport, but in vain. While walking, not only the muscles of the legs and thighs become toned, but also the abs, which is important for mothers who have recently given birth. During a calm fifteen-minute walk, about 100 kcal are burned. It is also important that this sport has minimal contraindications and is useful for everyone, young and old.

If you're not sureactive, start with walking. Just roll the stroller with your newborn baby around the park at a calm pace - this is both physical activity and clean air, which the child and his mother need.


Exercise in water - swimming - has a beneficial effect on the entire body, thanks to the uniform pressure of water on all parts of the body. An optimal load is given to the muscles, blood circulation in the body increases. Just wait until the end of the rest period of eight weeks, and if the bleeding has stopped, feel free to go to the pool.

The best abdominal exercise after childbirth

The most affected area during pregnancy is, of course, the abdominal area. In addition to the fat layer, the abdominal muscles are greatly stretched. You need to know that regular abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups, do not help contract the rectus muscle. The exercise “Vacuum of the abdomen” or, in other words, “Koshchei” will help to make your abs flat again.

It is also worth noting that if a young mother has a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles during pregnancy, which is called diastasis, it is absolutely forbidden to do classic abdominal exercises with lifting the torso. From these types of exercises, diastasis will only increase. But doing a “vacuum” is not only not prohibited, but on the contrary, it is useful, since this activity reduces the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscle.

How to do the “Vacuum” exercise

“Vacuum”, just like Kegel exercises, is done anywhere and everywhere. At home, on the street, sitting, lying down - whatever is more comfortable for you.

For a vacuum, the most important thing is proper breathing. It is necessary to take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pull your stomach towards your spine while simultaneously lifting your chest up. The back should be straight. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat several times.

Do a vacuum in the stomach after childbirth several times a day with 3-5 approaches, and you are guaranteed a flat tummy.


This exercise is deservedly popular among women who have recently given birth. After all, almost all muscle groups are involved in its implementation - abs, buttocks, back, arms. 30-60 seconds of planks a day will get you in shape very quickly.

Performing a plank

Lie on your stomach, put your feet on your toes, rest your forearms on the floor and lift your entire torso so that only your toes and forearms are the fulcrum. Stay in this static pose for about 30 seconds. Add a few moments each day to get up to one minute.

The dangers of starting sports early after childbirth

If you start physical activity before the body of a girl who has recently given birth returns to normal, this can lead to many complications. In particular, prolapse of the uterus, bleeding, increased pain in the pelvic area and back. In this case,?

Don’t listen to all those who say that women used to give birth in the fields, get up immediately after giving birth and continue plowing, running the household with a baby at the ready. There are many confirmed historical facts that say that by the age of 40, women, after such inattention to their own bodies, looked like very old women, with prolapse of the uterus and many other diseases.

Believe me, an extra few weeks of rest after childbirth will not make you less attractive in the eyes of a loving partner. But your body will thank you by more quickly restoring pre-pregnancy forms when you start training.


H How long after giving birth can you play sports?, each girl decides independently, with the permission of her gynecologist.Remember that you and your body are beautiful in any condition, especially for women who have recently given birth. Despite the fashion that changes every decade, only nature creates what is truly beautiful - the softness and tenderness of young mothers. Sport should be fun. If physical exercise makes you sad and depressed, there will be no point. In this case, it is better to try other recovery methods, such as cosmetology, physiotherapy, massage or even abdominoplasty. Or, alternatively, love yourself for who you are.

The question of when you can play sports after childbirth is very important for all young mothers who do not want to part with a beautiful figure after the baby is born. If you look at celebrity mothers, they all look amazing a month after giving birth: Adriana Lima, Victoria Beckham, and many others. Their secret is simple - they exercise regularly.

When to exercise after childbirth?

In many ways, the answer to the question about sports after childbirth is individual, and you should ask it not to someone on a women’s forum, but to your own doctor. Typically, exercise is allowed 5-6 weeks after a natural birth without complications and 8 weeks after a cesarean section. However, if you feel great, then there is no point in postponing training.

Of course, we are not talking about lifting weights and other complex loads. The very first physical exercise after childbirth - walking, walks, as well as normal daily activities, will not hurt in any way. The more you walk with your baby, not sitting on a bench, but traveling through courtyards and parks, the faster you will return to your usual shape.

Remember what kind of life our grandmothers lived: barely having time to give birth to another child (and there were on average five to nine of them in the family at that time), the woman immediately returned to work: she cleaned the house, cooked for everyone, mended things, did laundry by hand, and at the same time I also kept an eye on the baby.

Of course, you shouldn’t take on a full load of work in hopes of losing weight: you just shouldn’t think that you can’t move at all. The practice of our ancestors shows that even a very active pace of life does not interfere too much with improving well-being after childbirth.

When can you run after giving birth?

The main indicator is how you feel. After giving birth, you can play sports, including jogging, when the movements do not cause you discomfort. Of course, in the case of a cesarean section, it is necessary to wait until the suture is completely healed. And in the case of a natural birth, everything is even easier - if after three weeks you feel great, then you can practice light jogging.

At the same time, it is very important not to put too much stress on yourself. Sport should not be a burden; it should give you only the most pleasant sensations and well-being.

Fitness after childbirth

Exercising after childbirth is useful not only because it helps you effectively lose extra pounds. During sports, the body produces so-called pleasure hormones - endorphins. It is the presence of this hormone that will help you cope with postpartum depression in the shortest possible time and feel good and easy.

If you followed a healthy lifestyle and exercised before giving birth, you will most likely recover from childbirth at a fairly fast pace. Literally a month or two after giving birth, you can return to your usual activities - yoga, aerobics, Pilates, shaping or other types of fitness.

Don’t be upset if you don’t have the opportunity to leave your baby with relatives or a nanny. It is not at all necessary to immediately run to your local fitness club as soon as you leave the maternity hospital. You can always organize your own workouts at home, using one of the many popular video courses that can be easily purchased on DVD or downloaded on the Internet.

Even if you have too much homework, and you are raising not one, but several children at once, it is quite possible to find 15 minutes a day to perform breathing exercises like. The main thing is desire, and you can choose a way to put yourself in order!

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