Ways to promote a VKontakte group. How to promote a VKontakte group? Step-by-step instructions and effective tips for promotion


In this article, I will show you step-by-step instructions for promoting a VKontakte group from zero to the first 10,000 subscribers. At what we will consider both paid and free methods of promotion. That is, you can promote your group for free, with your own hands.

And yes, of course, I will show you examples from my practice. That is, this is real verified information, and not just a theory from books.

What to do BEFORE you start promotion

Save old people from bikers

The very first thing you need to do is think hard about whether you need a VKontakte group at all, and whether you need to promote it. I'm completely serious, this is an important question. You see, what's the matter, the VKontakte group is just one of the many options for making money on the Internet and promoting your project.

This is just one of the options for sites that you can use to collect your audience and then earn money on it. You can just as well make a Facebook group or a YouTube channel, or your blog for SEO promotion. And you will definitely never be able to move everywhere at once, even if you have money, like Scrooge McDuck, and strength and energy, like a terminator.

The fact is that on all these sites there is a different audience, with different interests and views on life. And if you try to make content "for everyone", you will not be able to satisfy anyone. It's like opening a restaurant that plays live jazz music mixed with modern modern disco tracks, and at the next tables you seat an elderly couple and a gang of hairy bikers. That is, both of them will scatter from you.

Therefore, initially decide - what kind of people do you need in your project? Who will make up the core audience? What will you earn? By the way, about the last one. Let's look at the main options for making money on VKontakte groups.

3 main ways to make money on a VK group


Its only advantage is that almost nothing needs to be done. That is, in the beginning you do a lot of things. But after gaining a certain number of people, you can “relax” a bit and just collect money from advertisers. What and how they will then sell is not your concern.

The group "In short, Wikipedia" consists of 280 thousand people, and advertising there costs only 400 rubles. In "JustCartoons" with 160 thousand people, you can accommodate in general for 300 rubles.

Real money starts from 500 thousand subscribers. There you can take 1000 rubles. for fasting (as in "First Vegetarian") and "bathing in gold". Or rather, to earn a maximum of 150 thousand per month (you can place no more than 5 advertising posts per day in a group, and you won’t get ay-yay from VK moderators).

If you decide to make a VKontakte group specifically for making money on advertising, you just need a lot of interesting entertainment content every day for the widest possible audience. This will be our basic strategy.

Affiliate Products

Here it will be necessary to think and search, and try to sell. Because no one guarantees you a job here. You yourself find some interesting product, register yourself in its affiliate program, and then promote it yourself.

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to do a lot of body movements, and no one guarantees the result. And even a successful affiliate product may “turn off” tomorrow. Advantage - you can earn 5 times more than from advertising, with the same number of subscribers in the group, and again you do not need to have your own product.

If you are focused on making money through affiliate programs, then you better choose a niche in advance, where there are a lot of cool affiliate products. Your VK group will be for some narrower audience (not just "rzhaka for everyone").

And it will also be very important to “shine your face” all the time. Because sales of affiliate products do NOT depend on whom recommend, but about who recommends. Your audience will have to personally know and love you.

Your products

This is the gold mine of Internet marketing. If you have your own products, then you will need ten times fewer subscribers to earn ten times more money than advertising and affiliate programs.

The only negative is that these products need to be made and constantly improved. Such products can be your services (advertising setup, design, website development, copywriting). These can be your services and applications that you have developed. It can be (not to be mentioned by the night) information products - courses, trainings, consulting.

In this case, you need to aim your VK promotion for brand development in advance. This can be a personal brand (if you are promoting your services/training), or just a brand (if you have services, programs, or something more "physical"). A brand is educational content that shows you as an expert.

Have you chosen a direction for earning? Ok, then let's choose the right name for our "ship".

The name for the group is "so that no one guesses"

The name of the group, in my opinion, does not play such a significant role as it is commonly thought. This is proven by the success of bands with such "stupid" names as "MDK" (what does that mean?), "Zen" and others.

As practice shows, the name can be almost anything. The most important thing is that it causes at least a little curiosity. That is, if you name your group, for example, "Learning to draw in Photoshop", then, other things being equal, it will work worse than, say, "Through the Looking Glass" (the first thing that came to mind).

And why? Because the first version of the title explains everything, and you do not need to go there to understand what it is about. But the second name can mean anything. And a person first needs to go to the group. And from entry to subscription - one step. Therefore, this is where such a bunch of publics and groups with strange names come from.

My group, for example, is called "Contactless Sales". How are you? Intriguing enough? Come on, first try to come up with something interesting yourself.

Well, let's say that you have definitely decided that you need the VKontakte group as a "collection point" for your target audience. You even decided how you will earn from this group. And you even came up with an interesting name for your band. Let's get straight to the promotion now.

Promotion stage #1 - From zero to the first thousand

4 types of viral content

Your main hope and salvation at the first stage of promotion is viral content. You can easily recruit the first 10-15 people for free by simply inviting your friends to the group.

And here's something to think about. Paying a lot of money for advertising right away is not an option. It is not known when and what will be beaten off there, and there is always not enough money. When promoting websites, the emphasis is on free traffic through SEO (search engines). And in the VK group, the virus will play this role.

The virus works very simply. Group subscribers share a post with their friends, they go to the group and also share. This is how you get free visitors and subscribers. But for the virus to work, you need to write posts of a certain type.

I highlight only four main types of content (posts) that people share most willingly. Here are the types.

Content is provocative

The meaning of posts of this type should be that you dispute some generally accepted point of view. For example, you can write a post about the fact that vegetarianism is harmful, and “push foreheads” of supporters of one and the other point of view in the comments under the post.

Depending on the topic of your group, these can be topics such as “why you should give birth only after forty”, “why learning English is harmful”, “what is better - iPhone or android”, and so on.

And you can also “run into” (seriously or jokingly) on someone known to everyone and loved by everyone.

People “share” such content most often unconsciously. They just leave their comments because “someone is wrong on the internet”, and this comment is shown on their page. That is, your task is to cause a heated discussion in the comments under the post. Of course, this type of content is not suitable for all communities, but it may be useful for you personally.

Content is bullshit

On the contrary, this type of post is suitable for all groups. Even the most serious publics periodically hang some humorous pictures with captions. For VKontakte, such entertaining content is the very thing.

People love sharing funny things because it's fun and safe. Therefore, be sure to make at least part of the content entertaining.

Content is a medal

This is an interesting type of content. If we talk about VKontakte groups, then most often various quotes are used as medal posts. The essence of this content is that you post some very smart and deep thought, and people repost it so that all their friends can see that they are also very smart and deep.

You can also write a short text in which you denounce terrible modern mores or motivate you to do something big and bright. This will also work as a "medal". By the way, I came up with this name because people hang your post on their wall like a medal on their chest.

Content instruction (list)

Another killer version of viral content that you must use without fail. These can be various recipes, step-by-step instructions, life hacks or just lists. People share this type of content “so as not to lose”.

Next time, pay attention to how much more shares are under the list content than under any other. Just go to any major community and find a post with a title like "30 best love movies", "100 books to read before 30". You will see for yourself that such posts are reposted much more willingly.

And yes, if you want to cause a serious reaction - your list must be long. If you post something like “3 best movies with an incredible ending”, then visitors may think that three or so films will be remembered anyway. And they will not repost to their wall. To better plan what and when to post to the group, use these .

Or maybe this virus is his? After all, you can just buy a bunch of subscribers for a penny?

Cheat subscribers - is it necessary or not?

The temptation to buy fake subscribers at 3 rubles per kilo appears around the second or third week of promotion. It's like in the gym - "I've been working out for two weeks, but there is still no result." That is, you will make posts, and the group will develop very slowly.

And then the thought may arise that people subscribe badly, because there are few members in the group. You must first buy a couple of thousand "bots", and new living people will see what a promoted group it is and will subscribe more willingly.

But as practice shows, people almost don't care how many members you have in the group. Sometimes they even prefer to subscribe to small communities. Because of some comfort or what? Or because of the awareness of the value of each individual member of the group? Don't know.

But most often you don’t need to buy any “bots” and “offers”. It's like stuffing cotton wool under your jacket in those places where your muscles should be, and assume that you've pumped up. Better check - how many new people come to you daily? How many of them sign up? It may turn out that your conversion numbers are quite decent, and you just have to wait. And if you don’t want to wait, we connect advertising.

Paid advertising - inexpensive ways

Personally, I can't stand paying money to VKontakte. This is due to the fact that I consider their entire gang-watering can to be very vile snobs and hypocrites. We have a mutual dislike for them. But sometimes you still have to resort to paid promotion methods. I used these options:

  • Advertising in other VKontakte groups on similar topics. What does it have to do with me always trying to pay directly to the owner of the community, bypassing all sorts of exchanges and systems of VKontakte itself. The result here is unpredictable, and you will first have to test 10 - 15 communities to identify 3-5 that really give traffic. And it may so happen that the most effective will be the most inexpensive.
  • Seeding posts. This is an ad that appears among the usual posts in the feed of the people you select. Vkontakte will ask you for 100 - 300 rubles per thousand impressions of your post. But you don't. Set the minimum price (now it is 30 rubles). This will only affect the speed of impressions. But we're in no hurry, right? Let us have one subscriber per day, but for 3 rubles, than a hundred per day, but for 20 rubles.

In the meantime, let's look at free ways to promote a group.

5 Free Ways to Promote Your Group

white friending

This method consists in the fact that you design your personal VKontakte page in such a way that it would “invite” you to go to your group, and then simply add yourself as a friend to your target audience.

Setting up a page is easy. You write a call to go there in your status. Specify the place of work for your group. With the first post on the wall, you fix another call to come in and subscribe.

When your new "friends" come to your page to see who is added to them, they will not be able to miss all these calls of yours. And some of them will pass, and even subscribe if there is something interesting in the group. This method is very slow and complicated (like all other free methods).

Firstly, VKontakte has a limit on the number of friend requests that you can send per day. And secondly, you can't just fool people. If they see that they are “added” to them out of selfish motives, they can complain about spam.

Group discussions

Here you need to go to communities that are similar in topic to yours and actively participate in discussions. You even need to deliberately arrange a "srach" in order to attract maximum attention to yourself. Other members of the group will go to your page to see who you are. And the page will again be designed to invite you to your group.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the moderators of the group can ban you.


This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that we actively participate in discussions not in VKontakte groups, but on forums. There, as a rule, you can put a link in your signature. And forum members will go directly to your group and subscribe.

It will take a lot of time to do all this. But try not to slip into banal spam.


Formally, this is also a free way of promotion. That's why I'm listing it here among others. But in most cases, it will only harm your community.

Here, by spam, I mean messages like “Come and subscribe! There are a lot of interesting things here!” in personal messages to users and in VKontakte groups. You will be banned, your links will be removed. And if someone subscribes to your group, then it will be written in his “genetic code” that he got there through spam. And it will be very difficult to get some benefit from it later.

But to be fair, I had a group that I spammed. I wrote messages to people who seemed appropriate to me, and politely explained that there was such and such a group for translators, and that I was trying very hard to gather like-minded people, and I would be immensely grateful for the subscription.

And people came and signed up. True, that was almost six years ago, and a lot has changed since then.

Blog articles

Authors who run ordinary primitive antediluvian sites and blogs (like me) always have a problem - where to find new and unique content. And if you offer them to post your unique cool article on their website with a link to your VKontakte group, they may well agree.

That is, I would not advise you to promote your site in search engines from scratch in order to put a widget on it, from where people will get into the group. It is better to immediately find promoted sites on your topic, and publish there. That will come out faster. By the way, you can.

These are the free ways we have today in the review. Perhaps you think that I forgot to write about contests - the main engine of promotion. No, I didn't forget. It's just that, in my opinion, it makes sense to arrange contests when you already have at least one thousand subscribers. And this is the second stage of the group's promotion.

Promotion stage #2 - From one to ten thousand subscribers

Techniques for increasing the activity of participants in a group

The size is not so important as the ability to use, I think so. In our case, the number of group members is not as important as the activity of these same members. It happens that there are only 1-2 thousand subscribers in a group, and the comments, likes and reposts under each post go off scale.

This means that the owners of the group are pursuing a competent policy of increasing activity. They participate in discussions, invite people to express their opinion in person. The last option works really well.

Nobody leaves comments under your post? Leave it to yourself. And make a so-called "mention". This is when you paste a special code with a username into a comment so that he sees this mention. Here's what that code looks like: .

You can mention 10 - 15 people like this, and say that it is especially important for you to know their opinion about the post. And then - add fuel to the fire, ask for clarification, do not let the discussion die out. Here is an example post. Back then, my group only had 200 or 300 members.

Another cool way to quickly move from a thousand to ten is through contests.

101 ideas for a contest in the VKontakte group

The competition must be properly organized, otherwise you yourself will become its only participant. First, you need to choose the right prize. It has to be something that people are willing to fight for. You can just give money, or you can give something more tangible and material.

For example, you can assign a prize of 500 rubles. for victory. And you can for 400r. buy a book and promise to send it to the winner with your autograph and signature "as a keepsake". Or you can make unique t-shirts with your logo. And it might even cost less than you think.

The second point - appoint not one prize, but at least three. One first and only place is a very low chance of winning, in terms of group members. Three winners is already much better.

And thirdly, make the contest interesting. Of course, “sushi as a gift, with the choice of a random winner from those who reposted this post” has not been canceled. But remember the purpose of the competition. Our goal is not to distribute sushi to the starving.

We need friends of the group members to see the recording, go to the group and become its conscious participants. And not just subscribed, because the rules require it, and then unsubscribed the next day. Here you can download 101 ideas for contests in VKontakte groups. There are also links to random subscriber selection programs and more.

And from this moment on, you still need to more actively connect paid promotion methods to speed up. And for this we need the group to already earn something. Let the first time go at least "to zero".

How to start receiving money from the group

In order for your VKontakte group to start earning, you need to do a few things.

  1. Offer to buy something. For some reason, community owners often think that the members of the group themselves know everything - who is the owner here, what he does, what he sells, and so on. In fact, no one knows this except you. Directly write in the next post - buy this and that from me. Trust me it will help.
  2. Make a special offer. This is called an offer, promotion or special offer. The bottom line is that people may want to buy something from you, but they don't want to do it right now. And you need it right now. Therefore, offer them “2 for the price of 1”, “Gift pump”, “35% discount today only”. Give people a reason.
  3. Communicate in correspondence. Very often, potential customers will want to find out some questions before buying. Be prepared to competently respond to messages and close objections. Selling in personal correspondence is built according to all the normal laws of sales. You can read about it in the article.

Most importantly, don't feel like you have to wait for a certain number of subscribers before you start selling. It still won’t save you from unsubscribes, and you don’t need to be afraid of them. You made a group to earn money - so earn money.


The instructions are quite voluminous. Therefore, let's summarize everything again so that you definitely don't miss anything important.

  • First, decide - do you really need a VKontakte group? You can make money on the Internet on different platforms.
  • Choose the main monetization method for yourself - advertising, affiliate programs or your own products / services. Depending on this, position your group.
  • Give the group an intriguing name. Practice shows that people click on such names more often, and then subscribe.
  • There are 4 types of viral content: provocation, laugh, medal and instruction/list. Try to make each of your posts viral in order to move faster.
  • Cheating subscribers almost never brings any benefit. Focus on quality, not quantity.
  • The most inexpensive ways of paid promotion are advertising in other communities and “seeding” posts in news feeds. If you are not in a hurry, then such advertising can be given very inexpensively.
  • 5 free ways to promote: white friending, chatting in groups, chatting on forums, spam, blog articles.
  • Increase the activity of group members by mentioning their names in the comments.
  • Organize contests the right way so that people want to compete for a prize, and newcomers want to subscribe and stay with you.
  • Start selling almost immediately to bring the group to self-sufficiency faster. To do this, simply offer them something to buy, make a special offer, answer questions and close objections in personal correspondence.

I hope this guide will be useful to you, keep it bookmarked, it will come in handy. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience over 10 years =)

Hello, dear subscribers of my blog, and I also welcome everyone who just happened to stumble upon my blog. Today is December 30th, the end of the current year. On the eve of the new year, I would like to have time to publish one more article this past year.

In addition to everything else, I would like to please you that already in the new year 2016 I will once again resume my competitions with cash prizes. For example, "Crossword Marathon" and many other contests, until I shoot all the contests. Do you mind?? Okay, in general, I’ll give you a little hint - if you want to increase your chances of winning in such contests, then you just need to become a subscriber to my blog and be aware of new articles. Since it is the subscribers who are the first to know about the release of new articles, contests, marathons, etc. At the end of this article, you will learn how to properly subscribe and become a blog subscriber.

Well, and today's article will focus on how to promote a group in contact. I think you will agree that in our modern age of the widespread use of the Internet and social networks, the question of how to promote a group in contact is quite relevant. After all, the goals of this event can be different: promotion and sale of goods and services, earnings on advertising in the group, promotion of your site - getting traffic from the group, direct communication with the company's clients, entertainment and hobbies, and much more.

In general, of course, it is worth noting that the methods of promotion for each direction are individual. Next, we will consider the main methods of promoting VKontakte publics.

To begin with, decide what effect you want to achieve from promotion, it depends on the chosen method whether your group will be relevant and in demand for a long time. And, of course, posts in your group should be informative and not contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Consider the "white" and "gray" methods of promoting the VKontakte group, as well as the results of certain methods.

"White" promotion of groups

1) Clicking "Tell friends" under the group avatar from your personal account: This is my group by the way, I suggest you join http://vk.com/club55505197

With this action, all your friends and subscribers will see in their news feed a link to the group with your comment on it.

2) Another way to attract subscribers, which is very popular at the moment, is to hold contests with valuable prizes, the main condition of which is participation in the group and reposting the entry from the group to your page. The result of this method is a large number of reposts on the pages of active participants. The more expensive the prizes, the more they will attract people and, accordingly, there will be more subscribers. Here for example:

3) Paid targeted advertising in the social network itself, while you yourself choose the audience, the number of impressions and many more parameters. Payment in this case is per click on an ad or per 1000 impressions. When you click under the picture of the "Advertize community" group:

All settings are described in a very accessible way, so you will not have any difficulties when launching ads in this way. You can also order advertising in "Google AdWords" or "Yandex.Direct", but to achieve the maximum effect, this method of promotion will take a lot of money, since the cost per click, compared to advertising in the VKontakte account, is much higher, and the setting project requires special knowledge of SEO, query semantics, VChZ, NChZ and more! I would like to take this opportunity to offer you to read an article that many people asked me to talk about:

4) Mutual reposts in groups with similar topics, with this method there is an “exchange” of participants who are interested in the topic of the group.

5) Buying posts (ads) in giant groups with over a million members. Hundreds of thousands of users will see your post, and even if 1% of all this mass is interested, these are already thousands of new subscribers! Although this method is the most expensive.

6) If you do not want to deal with the promotion of the group yourself, you can use the services of SMM agencies. Now there are many similar companies, prices and terms are different for everyone, as well as the results of their work. If you want to choose this method of promotion, before choosing an agency, I advise you to carefully study the reviews about it on the Internet or try to find their client who would impartially talk about the effect of working with this company.

"Grey" methods of promoting VKontakte groups

Next, we will look at several “gray” promotion methods, however, keep in mind that the result of using these methods can be very different - from having a large number of “dogs” in the group to blocking the group and, accordingly, its owner. Use these methods at your own risk! Let's look at how to promote a group in contact with gray methods.

1) Cheat subscribers to the group, with an increase in the number of participants, the group rises in the search results. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the group heading must be composed correctly.

There are many services for cheating, both paid and free (Likest, OLike, Turboliker, etc.). The advantage is that you will get the participants for a penny, compared to the "white" counterparts, but you need to be prepared for the fact that there may not be any effect from such a promotion at all.

2) Using bots for the services described above, such as Pr-Bot (http://pr-bot.ru/). The wrapping in this case occurs automatically.

However, you need to be aware that at any time an account or group blocking may follow. Well, if you are impudent and “twist” to the fullest, then blocking is almost guaranteed to you!

3) Another "gray" way of promotion is the purchase of members in the group. Such services provide special services where people (offers) are rewarded for completing tasks. In this case, the number of blocked members of the group and the risk of blocking may be less than when cheating using the methods described above.

4) Now consider the use of special programs for sending "SPAM". Spam can go to the comments of groups, on the walls of groups in which they are open. An example of such a program is PosterPro (http://mybot.su/).

It was created to search and inform the audience you need about your products and services, it has ample opportunities for posting, and at the same time, the cost of the Pro version subscription is only 20 (twenty) rubles per month!

The program searches for thematic groups according to the specified parameters, automatically places posts with images in them, automatically adds pictures to group albums. It has a flexible mailing setup system with several sending modes. And also there is a function of disdomization of the text of the article being sent out and automatic bypass of VKontakte captcha.

Main program window:

Media files:

Group parser:

In any case, whichever of the "gray" methods of promotion of the VKontakte group you choose, be prepared for the consequences!

Stages of promotion of the VKontakte group

Now let's look at how to promote a VKontakte group in stages. What to do first and what to put off until later. So, first we need to create a group, if you already have it, then you can skip this item.

To create a new group, go to the "My Groups" section on your VKontakte page and click the "Create Community" button.

Enter a name, select a community type, and click "Create Community":

After the group has been set up, a competent name and description have been added, and there will be several unique posts in the group, you can start promoting the group so that as many people as possible know about it.

To promote a group:

You need to start small, first “Tell your friends” in the news feed. Further, you can ask people you know well to make a few reposts from your group in private messages. Then it will not be considered SPAM.

Now friends and friends of friends have learned about the existence of your group and you should take care of new interesting and informative articles, it is desirable to accompany them with drawings, and all this should be within the framework of the selected group theme.

After that, the first units or even dozens of new members will appear in the group, and if you take care of the constant updating of the content, then the influx of people will be constant, albeit small. I also recommend you read the following articles:

So, concluding today's article - How to promote a group in contact, I would like to add a few words. If your group is dedicated to the sale of goods or services, this, of course, is not enough, and you should start promoting the group to the masses, preferably using one of the "white" promotion methods. Well, if the group is entertaining and you constantly publish “Humor” there from various sources, as well as interesting information, then be sure that slowly but surely the people will begin to catch up on their own, and promotion will cost no special financial costs. Below I am attaching a video to this article - how to promote a group in contact.

As you can see, promoting a VKontakte group is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right strategy depending on the topic. I wish you a Happy New Year 2016, I wish you success in all your endeavors, health to you and your loved ones. As I promised at the beginning of the article, now I would like to remind you how to properly subscribe to a blog. I provide you with a link below, in which everything is clearly told and shown how to become a blog subscriber.

V. If you have any questions regarding the topic of today's article, you can ask them in the comments. That's all for today. See you all next year, dear friends.

Social networks, in addition to their main purpose, have acquired one more thing - the promotion of goods and services to the masses. Now everyone can make money on advertising, but there is one problem. In order to receive income from placement, you must first advertise the group and recruit a sufficient number of members. For a novice administrator of the Vkontakte community, it turns out a vicious circle.

In fact, first of all, patience will help to promote your own community or a public Vkontakte page.

How to advertise a group and how much does it cost? To answer these two questions, let's decide on the method of advertising placement. There are two types of Vkontakte advertising: targeted and regular posts in thematic groups. Accommodation and cost of each of the methods are different.

Targeted advertising of the Vkontakte group

Customized for a specific audience is called targeted. When placing targeted advertising, many parameters of the target audience are used: gender, age, location, interests, and so on. In many ways, efficiency depends on the correct settings. Firstly, well-tuned targeted advertising will cost many times less, and secondly, the correct parameters will quickly lead the user to the target audience and, accordingly, promote the young community faster.

If you have a narrow target audience, fine-tune your targeting. This way you save your budget.

Consider the placement step by step:

  • Go to your group and select "Community Advertising" in the drop-down menu under the avatar.
  • Create an advertisement.
  • Set up target audience settings.
  • Specify the price and location of the advertisement.

There are three ad post formats available to advertisers: image and text, large image, and community promotion. To the right of the settings panel, you'll see how the ad looks after it's published. The best option is the “Image and Text” format because the right words can hook the user no less than a bright photo.

Setting the parameters of the target audience is carried out based on the direction and subject of the group.

  • For example, if the group sells products through a social network, then limit the target audience by location based on delivery options.
  • When a community contains entertainment content and generates ad revenue, then geographic targeting is inappropriate.

The same goes for the rest of the parameters. When setting interests, you should not be limited to strictly thematic areas. Related topics may also be among the attractive content for a potential audience.
Targeted advertising in the VK news feed.

Next, select the payment method and price. On Vkontakte, the advertiser has the right to independently decide what he will pay for: for clicks and for views. Views are much cheaper, but the fact that a user has viewed an advertisement does not mean at all that he will subscribe to the community. Paying for clicks, though more expensive, but more effective.

Posts in thematic publics

Advertising post with a link to the group.

Posts are placed through third-party exchanges, advertising account and group administrators. To make your advertisement official:

  • In the advertising account, go to the "Advertising in communities" section.
  • Top up your account.
  • Compose an advertisement and send it for moderation.
  • Choose an advertising platform based on attendance and audience coverage.

In the advertising account menu, you will find ad statistics, compare available publishing sites and control your budget. When an advertiser places a post through the account, group administrators can contact the user themselves and offer to place an advertisement in their community.

You can do without all these manipulations and directly contact the administrator, and, in fact, place ads in his community. They agree on the timing and cost of publication through personal messages, but first you need to request access to the statistics of the public. The fact is that a seemingly promoted group may turn out to be half-filled with fake pages, and the activity can be simulated with the help of bots. By advertising a public in the community, the advertiser will simply lose his money. The price of an advertising entry is set for the fact of its publication. That is, it doesn’t matter if someone enters the community on an advertisement or not, you will have to pay anyway.

How to advertise a Vkontakte group for free?

In internet marketing, the word "free" is synonymous with "long and hard". Do-it-yourself subscribers are always more expensive than an attracted audience. There are several community methods. The most popular ones are:

Sending invitations

To send out invitations, define the target audience in two ways: through search and through competitor groups. In the first case, filter users by location, age, and gender, and then send private messages to the maximum number of people on the list.

If we consider the second method, then this is a banal theft of subscribers from competitors. Find the most promoted public with a similar theme and send out invitations containing information about the promoted community. To send invitations, stock up on fake accounts, for excessive profile activity, it will be blocked for spamming. About 30-40 messages per day should be sent from one page.

Contests and prize draws

Viral marketing tools. The method of attracting traffic is absolutely legal, do not be afraid of temporary blocking. It is worth noting that this method of promotion is not entirely free, after all, you will have to spend money on prizes. If the group sells products or services, offer a free item or a gift certificate as a prize. The systematic holding of contests will ensure a constant influx of new subscribers to the VKontakte group, and at minimal cost. The prize in the contest must be related to your product or service, otherwise you will get untargeted subscribers.

Mutual PR

It implies the close cooperation of two or more community administrators. It is difficult to cooperate with competitors, for mutual promotion it is better to make a list of groups on related topics with a similar number of subscribers and offer them joint advertising publication. For example, a community that sells cosmetics promotes the services of a makeup artist and vice versa.

Activity in other communities and attracting users from external resources are the weakest methods of advertising in terms of effectiveness, but, nevertheless, working ones. Free advertising is placed in the comments under the posts of promoted groups and under thematic articles on blogs, information sites, etc. Before leaving comments with links in popular communities, study the rules of the group, otherwise the administrators will ban the user for sending spam.

Texts for advertising group VK

If choosing a bright and enticing picture for a post is a matter of a few minutes, then writing a good selling text can take more than one hour. When writing advertising text, you should not reinvent the wheel. Effective templates have long been developed that will tell you how to write a sales text correctly. Here are some really catchy options:

Example for sales groups:

  • “Rejuvenating face mask ****** will not only get rid of wrinkles, but also give freshness to your image. You can order here: _____"
  • “Brand watches ***** are back in STOCK! Hurry up to place an order and we will give a discount to the first 10 buyers!!!”
  • "SENSATION! For the first time in our store discounts up to 70%!!! PRESS____"
  • “Today only 2nd purchase 50% off!!! Promotion terms here: ____"
  • “Don't know where to find branded items at a low price? Then you _____ to us. Sign up and get 20% off your first purchase!

An example for entertainment publics:

  • “Do you want to have a slim and elastic body? Subscribe to the community ****** and achieve the first results in 7 days!
  • “Do you like original photographs? Then you here *****. Here are collected only the TOP professional shots of 2017 of the year"
  • "SHOCK!!! The second-grader came home after school, and there ... Continued in the source.
  • “Do you want to win any argument? Then subscribe ______.”
  • “Finally found an awesome group! New memes every day HERE"
  • “95% out of 100 will ignore this entry. Hello, my name is Alexey, and I will tell you how I earned my first million ... "

This is only a small fraction of how users are hooked on Vkontakte. The most ambitious and original administrators regularly come up with new ways to attract subscribers. Although the ad templates consist of 1-2 working phrases, they are all based on classic psychological techniques. Some of them arouse curiosity, others cling to pride. And most importantly - they work!

You can't bet on one ad when you're promoting a young community. Experiment, try, surprise and subscribers will reach out by themselves. Whatever the method of advertising Vkontakte, only the most active and enterprising users manage to promote their group. We read less and do more, then luck will surely smile.

In this article, I continue to reveal the topic of social networks. Not so long ago I talked about publics, about how they differ from groups and how they can be created. In today's issue I will try to help you figure out how to promote a group in VK with your own efforts. Well, and, of course, I will not forget to reveal the topic of paid development of VKontakte communities.

Why promote a VKontakte group at all?

The promotion of the Vkontakte group implies the recruitment of a large target audience that will be active (put likes, make reposts, write comments). If there are a lot of subscribers and their actions: tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, then the owner of the public will be able to start monetization and earn good money.

So how can you monetize:

  • The main way to make money on your own VKontakte group is to publish posts with advertising;
  • A less effective way of advertising is posting links in the right panel of the community;
  • Mediation in the organization of various events. VKontakte has built-in tools to attract people to various events in real life through advertising in groups;
  • Partnership programs. Selling someone's goods. They come to your group, see a link, follow it and make a purchase. A set percentage is transferred from each single sale;

In order for you to be able to receive such promotional offers, you must start by building subscribers. The main thing is not to engage in cheating participants, comments, etc.

There are two options to attract an audience: the first option is with money, and the second involves all sorts of free ways.

Don't forget to create a quality community. Attractive appearance plays an important role in the development of many projects. Make or order convenient navigation so that users enjoy spending more time within the walls of the community.

How to promote a group in VK with your own efforts and completely free

The development of a group in contact is similar to the promotion of a website, only things are much simpler with communities. But that doesn't mean it will be easy. You can move quickly enough if you have a clear plan and funds in service.

For a beginner, I advise you to start recruiting subscribers without investment. It will take some knowledge, a lot of time and patience.

What to focus on when creating a group?

First of all, it is important to understand what kind of audience are you gathering? This is necessary in order to sell your goods or services with high efficiency in the future. As it became clear, the promotion should not be like “the main thing is more”, but like “we need to find our audience”. That is, there should be high-quality traffic consisting of potential customers.

Who are these participants that you read about all the time? These can be people who are united by interests: copywriters, collectors, fishermen, entrepreneurs.

1.send invitations

Of course, it will not be possible to collect exclusively interested users, but you can try. To do this, find thematic communities or use the usual Vkontakte search and send invitations to join your public in private messages. Choose potentially interested. Do not try to spam and send an invitation to everyone! Define the audience by age, by interests…

You can invite your friends through special tools in the group. Do not forget about the possibility of getting burned out due to the struggle of network moderators with spammers. You won't be able to do this for a long time.

2. advertising in other groups

You can contact the officials of other communities and arrange for free publication of your entry in their feed or for a link in the right panel. Of course, popular publics will not even answer you, because they advertise something exclusively for money, this is their income.

Developing publics (1000-5000 participants), which are open for interaction with other communities, will make contact. Some will be genuinely interested in your content, others will want to exchange ads, which is entirely possible.

3. contests

Perhaps the competition is not a free way of promotion, but I write it down in the ranks of budget methods for the development of the group, since the approach here is mostly not monetary, but creative.

If someone asks you how to promote a group in VK, then the answer will be very original and correct: hold a contest!

In the conditions of your contest, write: to participate, subscribe to our community and repost this post. The winners will receive prizes, and in that spirit.

Such competitions, if carried out correctly, give very good results. You will be able to get the first thousand subscribers, and even more in the future.

In order to understand how such contests work, look at the different communities that periodically do this.

4. work with forums

On thematic forums and sites, unobtrusively place a link to the community. There is a possibility. that the links will not work, but you can still try.

5. search engine optimization

As mentioned above, publics are similar to full-fledged websites. Based on this, it can be argued that it also works in VKontakte groups. This is why you should work on optimizing the content you post to your community feed. This is required in order to increase positions in the issuance of a social network. You should focus on the titles of the posts, their description, as well as on the musical compositions placed in the feed.

Search engines Yandex and Google actively index many VK pages. Therefore, it is possible to attract those who are looking for information in search engines. In general, take SEO seriously. This is one of the effective ways to promote your group in contact.

What is required for this?

First, form the semantic core. This is a set of phrases, key queries for which you want to be in the first lines of the issue. Then use the collected keywords.

Let's say you are selling sneakers in Volgograd. In our case, we select the query "buy sneakers in Volgograd". It is desirable that the request be mid-frequency. If it is recommended for novice site owners to use low-frequency queries, then in our case it is better to work with medium-frequency queries.

You place the main, basic phrase in the name of the group. In the description, “description”, write the second key, and set the third key request in the status.

Having competently worked through all these points, you can be in the top of search and social results.

Another advantage is that Vkontakte is a very popular resource that has established itself in search engines. Its credibility helps promote optimized publics. As a result, the promotion of the group in VK will not keep you waiting.

Promotion of a VKontakte group for money

Paid ways to promote a VKontakte group may become necessary at any time. It happens that a person promotes his group for free and eventually realizes that he is standing still or moving extremely slowly. Contests and advertising in other unpopular communities have already been mentioned. So we do not take into account these ways of development. But it is worth noting that the mentioned promotion methods are very effective.

group purchase

The easiest way to have a group with followers is to buy a growing community. An ordinary group with up to 10 thousand subscribers will cost several thousand rubles. If you want to change the theme and customize the public for yourself, then you should think it over carefully. Perhaps the audience will quickly unsubscribe if they see something new that does not suit their taste. The best option is to buy a group of relevant topics.

VK will promote

Anyone who is used to working on a machine does not want to invest his soul in projects. These guys can take advantage of automatic group promotion. You pay money to VKontakte employees, and they, in turn, promote your community. You create and publish posts yourself, and VK will advertise you. Under the left menu bar there is an "Advertise" button, details can be found there. Under the avatar in your group, open the drop-down menu and click "Community Advertising".

How to advertise on VK? Where is the advertisement placed?

First of all, you must go to the advertisement page. Then click "Create Ad". And now let's start!

The New Announcement page opens. You need to choose one of six options.

Select "Community" and prescribe its name.

Let's move on to the design.

Target audience setting.

Setting price and location.

It is advisable to make a high-quality image at the very beginning so that it catches the eye, but do not overdo it.

What are you paying for and how much?

YOU pay for impressions or clicks. Vkontakte has a huge audience, so it does not take money for the time of advertising. Money is withdrawn for every 1000 impressions, that is, if someone visits the page and your ad is posted there, then this is one impression. As for clicks, a certain amount is withdrawn for each click. When creating an ad, VK will offer you a recommended price. In order not to spend too much of your funds, you can set a budget limit. As soon as the money runs out

Social networks are not just a portal where we can communicate with friends and acquaintances, share interesting statuses, photos and videos, and periodically visit our page with game applications. No, in fact, social networks can become a very powerful tool of influence in both business and politics. The main thing is to be able to apply them correctly and use them for one purpose or another.

In this article, we will talk about communities operating on the basis of VK. These are groups in which users with similar interests are united. Each of us is a member of at least 1-2 such communities that regularly send us recipes, funny pictures, smart quotes and aphorisms, and more - depending on the topic of the group.

Basically, communities are a very powerful mechanism for finding customers. By launching, for example, a group with cosmetics recipes, you can unite self-care lovers in it. In the future, by offering these users to purchase some skin care products, you can receive sales, the volume of which directly depends on the promotion of the group, its popularity among other users.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to promote the VKontakte group. The attention of readers, first of all, will be drawn to the theoretical foundations, which we will try to supplement with practical recommendations (where without them!).

You have created a group...

Suppose you have a hobby - let it be knitting. You would like to find like-minded people, publish some information on this topic, exchange techniques - in general, conduct some additional socially active activity that interests you personally.

You decided that you would launch a special group for fans of this activity on social networks for these purposes. It actually takes a couple of minutes - you need to go to the "My groups" tab, click the "Create" button, select the type of community - and you're done! Thus, an empty field of your group will appear in front of you, which must be filled in.

Most likely, at first, you will begin to fill your group with material at a fast pace. If we are talking about knitting, then these will be different techniques, tips, where to get materials, etc. After you have a certain amount of content, you have a logical question: "How to promote the VKontakte group?" And really, what needs to be done in order for the first users to appear in it, who will be interested in reading your posts?

General Criteria

Let's start with the well-known rules. The question of how to promote the VKontakte group, according to them, is not entirely correct. After all, the communities themselves are not built to advertise services or make money on the publication of advertising records, but to establish communication among those who are passionate about something. It used to be very important.

Now the meaning of the communities remains the same, but, given the competition, you will not be able to promote the VKontakte group for free up to 100,000 subscribers in simple ways. We need to come up with something more original.

The general requirement for all groups is the purity of the content, the level of what is published here, the amount of advertising, and so on. Ideally, if the group you lead scores positively in these criteria (it has interesting posts, it doesn't overuse ads, it doesn't have a habit of stealing other people's content), then it will become popular. True, this will take a lot of time, and you will spend it looking for an answer to the question of how to promote the VKontakte group.

An equally important criterion in the eyes of users can be called the popularity of the group. After all, communities that have at least 100 thousand users get into the search form much more often than those that have a smaller number of participating members. Based on the manipulation with it, we will talk about the first trick on how to effectively promote the VKontakte group.

Appearance of popularity

Many users involved in community management go out to see that the group is really popular - they order filling it with bots. Such a service is provided everywhere, and although it is prohibited by the rules of VKontakte, it can really help you get your first real members.

The method of working according to this scheme is very simple. You, as we have already decided, have our imaginary knitting group. It has material on this topic, but no one who could read it. You order filling the group with, say, 10 thousand bots within a month. Gradually, you will see how new members are added to the community. This is the key to solving the problem of how to quickly promote the VKontakte group.

At their core, bots are empty pages that are created and managed automatically by a program on the server. But no one knows that these are not real people, but fakes. As a result, in a month your group will have about 10,000 members, which will make it more attractive in the eyes of other users.

Of course, if you are looking for information on how to promote a VKontakte group for free, this technique will not work for you. You will have to pay for 10 thousand bots to the one who will prepare them for work. However, the further effect will not be long in coming - you will see for yourself how new visitors begin to enter the community, this time those who really want to read it. So, the main thing for you is not to stop your publications and regularly write to the group.

Content quality

Do not forget what we have already said above - the high quality of the recordings. If you did not have experience in how to create and promote a group on Vkontakte, it is better to try to make each post as useful and attractive as possible in the eyes of the visitor. Later, when you get your hands on managing different groups, you will know how to distinguish content by quality and, moreover, how to quickly and effortlessly find the best records for your group.

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