Drawing methods for children. Unusual drawing techniques for children


All children love to draw. But sometimes the child does not turn out the way he wants. Or maybe he doesn’t have enough familiar ways to express himself? Then you can inspire him to experiment with different techniques, among which there is sure to be a favorite. After that, your child will probably want to invent something new.
Patterns from dots

First, draw the simplest squiggle. Then, using a cotton swab and paints (gouache or acrylic), we make intricate patterns, as the soul lies. Paints are best pre-mixed and slightly diluted with water on the palette.


Since childhood, a technique familiar and loved by many. We put an object with a slightly protruding relief under a sheet of paper and paint over it with pastel, chalk or an unsharpened pencil.

Foam prints

Having dipped a sponge in thick gouache, a child can draw landscapes, bouquets of flowers, lilac branches or animals.


One option: drip paint on a sheet and tilt it in different directions to get some kind of image. Second: the child dips the brush into the paint, then puts the inkblot on a sheet of paper and folds the sheet in half so that the inkblot is printed on the second half of the sheet. Then he unfolds the sheet and tries to understand who or what the drawing looks like.

Other drawings using the clasography method can be viewed

Hand and foot prints

It's simple: you need to dip your foot or palm in paint and make an imprint on paper. And then use your imagination and finish drawing a couple of details.

You can see more about the method of drawing with palms

Paint Patterns

For such an application, you need to apply a thick layer of paint on paper. Then, with the back end of the brush, scratch patterns on the still wet paint - a variety of lines and curls. When dry, cut out the desired shapes and stick on a thick sheet.


The name speaks for itself. It is necessary to paint the finger with a thin layer and make an imprint. A couple of strokes with a felt-tip pen - and you're done!


A drawing is applied to a flat smooth surface (for example, glass). Then a sheet of paper is applied, and the print is ready. To make it more blurry, a sheet of paper must first be wetted. When everything is dry, you can add details and outlines if desired.


The highlight of the work is that the drawing needs to be scratched. A sheet of cardboard is tightly shaded with spots of multi-colored oil pastels. Then black gouache must be mixed on a palette with soap and painted over the entire sketch. When the paint is completely dry, scratch the pattern with a toothpick.

air paints

To prepare the dye, you need to mix a tablespoon of "self-rising" flour, a few drops of food coloring and a tablespoon of salt. Add a little water to the consistency of thick sour cream and mix well. The paint can be placed in a confectionery syringe or in a small bag. Tie tightly and cut corner. We draw on paper or ordinary cardboard. We place the finished drawing for 10-30 seconds in the microwave at maximum mode.

"Marble" paper

We paint over a sheet of paper with yellow acrylic paint. When it dries completely, paint over again with diluted pink paint and immediately cover with cling film. The film needs to be crumpled and gathered into folds, since it is they who will create the desired pattern for us. We wait for complete drying and remove the film.

water painting

Draw a simple shape in watercolor and fill it with water. Until it dries, we put colored blots on it so that they mix with each other and form such smooth transitions.

Prints of vegetables and fruits

Vegetable or fruit should be cut in half. Then you can cut some kind of pattern on it or leave it as it is. We dip into the paint and make prints on paper. For prints, you can use an apple, potato, carrot or celery.

Leaf prints

The principle is the same. We smear the leaves with paint and make prints on paper.

Drawings with salt

If you sprinkle salt on a still wet watercolor drawing, it will be saturated with paint and, when dried, will create a grainy effect.

Brush instead of brush

Sometimes, for the sake of experiment, it is worth trying something unexpected. For example, a household brush.

Ebru or water painting

We need a container of water. The main requirement is that its area coincides with the area of ​​a sheet of paper. You can use an oven roaster or a large tray. You will also need oil paints, a solvent for them and a brush. The point is to create patterns with paint on water, and then dip a piece of paper in them. How it's done: www.youtube.com

cracked wax effect

With wax pencils, draw an image on thin paper. In our case, a flower. The background must be fully shaded. We crumple well and then straighten the sheet with the pattern. We paint over it with dark paint so that it enters into all the cracks. We wash the drawing under the tap and dry it. If required, smooth with an iron.

About drawing on crumpled paper you can see

Offset cardstock prints

We cut the cardboard into small strips, about 1.5 × 3 cm. Dip the edge of a piece of cardboard in paint, press it vertically against the paper and evenly shift it to the side. Wide lines will be obtained, from which the pattern is created.

Cam prints

For such a drawing, the child will have to clench his hands into fists. Then dip the back of your fingers into the paint and make prints, creating the desired shape. Fish and crabs can be created using fingerprints.

This article will focus on pencil drawing. If you want to learn how to draw, but just can't get started, now is the time to start learning. Take a sheet of paper, a pencil and try 🙂 Let's start with the drawing technique.

Pencil Drawing Technique

There are two main drawing techniques - shading and shading with a pencil.


With the help of strokes (short lines) you can very well convey the tone of the subject. Depending on the number of strokes drawn, you can get different levels of tone saturation (the fewer strokes, the lighter the tone, the more strokes, the darker). By the direction of the strokes, you can convey the texture of the surface of the figure. For example, horizontal strokes will convey the surface of the water well, and vertical strokes - the grass.

Basically, hatching is done with short straight strokes with approximately the same distance between them. Strokes are superimposed on paper with a pencil tear-off. First, one thin line is made, then the pencil returns to the start line, and in this way all other strokes are applied.

To enhance the depth of tone, you can apply crosshatching. For example, a horizontal hatch is applied to oblique hatching, darkening the tone, then on what came out, you can impose oblique hatching in the opposite direction to the first one - this will darken even more. In this case, the darkest tone will be the one where the hatching of all directions is combined.


Feathering is one of the main techniques that can be applied when drawing to beginner artists. With the help of gradation of tone, you can give the figure volume. In general, feathering is a special case of hatching. After applying strokes, using the properties of pencil graphite and a special shading tool, they are shaded (smeared) until a uniform tone is obtained.

However, the implementation of the shading itself has a number of features.

  1. Feathering strokes must be done along the strokes, but not across. By feathering along the strokes, you will achieve a more natural toning.
  2. For shading, not only simple hatching is used, but also zigzag strokes.

With the help of such techniques, you can draw anything on paper.

10 common mistakes newbies make

Most people who enjoy drawing take the first steps on their own. And even if it's just a hobby, they still make various sketches. We want to write about 10 possible mistakes that all aspiring artists must face.

1. The wrong pencil

If your shadows don't come out well, check the markings on your pencil. He's probably too hard. Shadows are recommended to be drawn with pencils marked B, 2B and 4B, but not HB.

2. Drawing from photos

Each artist begins to draw from photographs. But very often photographs do not convey enough facial features for a good drawing. When a person's face is located in front, it will be difficult to correctly model his face on paper, since the perspective behind the head disappears. Try taking a photo where the person's head is tilted slightly to the side. Thus, the portrait will be more realistic and with better shadow reproduction.

3. Wrong basic proportions

Very often people start paying attention to details right away, drawing them completely without sketching the whole drawing. This is wrong as you are not planning the right proportions ahead of time. First, it is desirable to sketch the entire drawing, and only then draw in depth the details.

4. Twisted features

We are accustomed to look at a person directly and align when drawing. As a result, the portrait comes out quite distorted. When drawing complex objects, try to first outline the guides, along which it will be easier to build a drawing later.

5. Animal drawing

We usually look at our animal from top to bottom. From this, the head seems to us larger than the whole body, and normal proportionality is lost. Try to distract the animal so that it turns its face to the side, then the drawing will come out more truthful.

6. Strokes

If you draw each hair or blade of grass separately, then the drawing will come out disgusting. Try to make sharp sketches, going from dark to light.

7. Trees

Do not try to draw trees, flowers, leaves with the correct forms. Use contours and shadows for realism.

8. Wrong paper

Before buying paper, test it on a piece of paper, drawing something light. The paper may be too smooth and the pattern will be washed out. Also, the paper may be too stiff and the drawing will be quite flat.

9. Volumetric

When transferring volume, try not to use clear lines for the edges. They can be outlined by light lines of different tonality.

10. Shadows

Very often it does not work out to apply shadows evenly. Try to use the full color range of the pencil, going from light to darkest. If you are afraid to go too far with the dark, put a piece of paper under the edge, and all the black will be on it.

At first it may seem that pencil drawings are too ordinary, dull. But with the help of a pencil, you can convey a huge amount of emotions.

A small selection of video channels based on a pencil drawing:

From the author: If you are interested in painting, drawing, composition, and art in general, then you are here! By profession I am a Painter-Muralist. Graduated from the Moscow State Academic Art Institute. Surikov. On the Art Shima channel you will find videos where I paint and paint in oils, and videos with tips. Since I have many techniques, you can feel free to ask questions, and I will gladly answer them. By subscribing to my channel, you will be able to see all my new videos.

Interesting video tutorials on any topic.

The work is more difficult, but with a good description. If you really want it, it will work.

Activities in the visual arts make it possible to enjoy positive emotions, to feel like the master of your creativity. Children study and learn to know the world around them by copying it. Their drawings reflect a personal attitude to everything that happens around. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of work on visual activity develops the artistic abilities of the child. This article presents certain types of non-traditional drawing techniques.

What is non-traditional drawing?

This is an art that is not based on traditions, does not adhere to them, but is distinguished by its unbrokenness and originality. Drawing in an unconventional style captivates, fascinates, delights and surprises children. After all, unusual materials are used here, and most importantly, there is no place for the word “no”. You can draw what you want, how you want and how you want. Moreover, it is not forbidden to come up with a new technique for depicting the image yourself.

Non-traditional drawing techniques in school and kindergarten teach children to express their thoughts freely, without any restrictions. Children's fears recede, self-confidence appears. The unusual thing about non-traditional drawing is that it allows children to quickly get the desired result.

What is the importance of image technique when creating a children's drawing?

In the children's work, the world around them opens up differently every time. It depends on the inner state of the little artist: on his desires and feelings. Children are more susceptible to emotions. In their imagination, images arise that defy any explanation. They can draw a red elephant, yellow rain, a running house.

Why does a child want to create, what motivates him to do so? First of all, of course, the imaginary image in his mind. At first glance, everything seems simple: I saw and drew. But in fact, this path is very difficult for the child, and requires a lot of knowledge and impressions from him. These are emotional experiences, and the ability to be surprised, to observe.

Drawing. Unconventional technique. Senior group

The image of a drawing on paper with pencils or paints helps the child prepare for the learning process at school. After all, during classes, children show their individuality. Properly organized drawing lessons develop the child's intellectual abilities, correct mental processes. And this is no coincidence. In such classes, preschoolers have the opportunity to confidently assess their strengths, which is very important for the future school team. The development of fine motor skills of the hands is facilitated by non-traditional drawing techniques. Children of the senior group of the kindergarten learn to draw with fingers, wax, palms, foam rubber, watercolor. Children draw with great interest using the method of blotography, bitmap, prints, splashing.

Blotography using a thread

To write a drawing in this technique, a brush is not needed. The unconventional drawing technique, the photo of which is presented to your attention, is attractive because there are no strictly designated canons here. For example, this blot must be drawn without fail in a rounded shape. Using non-traditional drawing techniques in the classroom, ample opportunities open up for children's imagination.

So, for work you need threads, paints and white paper. First, the thread should be dyed in the color that you like best. Then lay it out on a prepared sheet of paper in a chaotic manner, but so that the tip remains outside the field. Cover with another sheet on top, and pull the thread. You will get spots and lines of a bizarre shape. With the help of a pencil, they easily turn into the desired image.


Non-traditional drawing techniques for children are very diverse. One of them is splashing, or splashing. In this technique, the drawing should be done with a hard brush or brush for brushing teeth. To get some kind of image, you first need to dip the brush in gouache, and then spray it all over the sheet. Small droplets are obtained, which in places merge into large spots. It is enough to take a pencil and finish drawing your favorite character or object. If you dip the brush in toothpaste and spray it, you get snow.


There is a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Monotype is one of them. This is perhaps the most magical genre of drawing: neither painting nor graphics, but something in between a trick and a beautiful fairy tale. Children's non-traditional drawing techniques provide an opportunity for free expression. This drawing method is very tempting for preschoolers, although it is rarely used in art classes. What is it?

This technique is used if you need to get a mirror image. With its help, a reflection on the water is drawn, objects located symmetrically. First, the drawing is depicted on smooth cellophane. To do this, you need a soft brush or a match wrapped in cotton wool. In extreme cases, you can draw with your finger. The paint must be used bright and thick so that it does not spread. The further action is as follows: until the paint has dried, the cellophane is turned over onto a white sheet of thick paper with a pattern down and, as it were, blotted. Then, carefully, so as not to smear, rises. It turns out two identical drawings: one on paper, the other on cellophane.


This word translated from French means "scratch, scrape", hence another name for this technique - scratching. To perform a drawing in this technique, you need to fill the cardboard with paraffin, apply ink, wait until it dries completely and scratch out the desired pattern.


Drawing in this technique is done with water. To do this, a large gouache drawing is depicted on thick paper. When the paint dries, the whole drawing is covered with black ink and shown in water. Gouache will be washed off with water, but ink will remain. Unconventional drawing techniques work wonders. Flowers drawn in this way are especially beautiful.

water seal

This is a kind of drawing method. To work, you need a bath with water. Paint of different colors is poured directly onto its surface, and a landscape sheet of paper is placed on top of it. You get an image, you can complete it with strokes with a brush.

Drawing with a candle or wax crayons

A lot of names have non-traditional drawing techniques. One of them is candle painting. To do this, you need to color a sheet of white paper with pencils of different colors. Then with a candle we draw houses, stars or some other object or image. After that, we paint over our drawing with watercolors.

dot pattern

Unconventional drawing techniques are very popular with children. Writing a picture with dots refers to an unusual technique. To do this, colored pencils or felt-tip pens are taken and dots are applied to a white sheet of paper. But it is better to do it with paints.

The match is cleaned of sulfur, a piece of cotton wool is wound around the tip, dipped in paint and dots are applied.

Foam rubber drawings

For many people, painting with paints is associated with a brush. But this is not a completely correct judgment. Indeed, instead of a brush, you can cut geometric shapes from foam rubber, attach them to an unsharpened pencil or any even stick. Homemade brush is ready. Next, each figure is dipped in paint and stamped on paper. Thus, circles, triangles, rhombuses are obtained. You can make an ornament out of them.

Chalk drawing

Children love to have variety in their lives. This can be done with ordinary chalk or coal. They fit well on asphalt, ceramic tiles, stones, porcelain. It is good to draw capacious images of plots on asphalt.

If the work is not finished, you can continue the next day. Of course, there can be disappointments if it starts to rain and wash away the entire drawing. According to the plots drawn, children make up whole stories. It is convenient to depict small objects, patterns on ceramic tiles. But on large stones - the heads of fabulous animals.


A commonly used material - potatoes - can be depicted on paper as animals. To do this, you need to make a signet out of a vegetable. The potato is cut in half and an animal or object is drawn on the smooth side with a pen. Then, with the tip of a knife, carefully cut along the contour to a height of 1.5 centimeters, attach a handle and the print is ready. The child applies the seal to the foam rubber with paint, then the print is applied to the paper. If the color of the paint needs to be changed, another signet and foam rubber are taken. This drawing technique is especially liked by children. After all, one and the same object can be depicted as many times as possible, and make up a whole composition from it.

leaves prints

Conducting classes with children, you can use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in preschool educational institutions. In early spring, when young sticky leaves bloom on the trees, and in late autumn, when they change color and fall off, the child watches them with interest. Therefore, when in the classroom children are invited to print a real leaf of birch or maple, they do it with great pleasure. First you need to cover the sheet with paint, and then attach the painted side to white paper. Every time you should take another sheet. So the veins will be better imprinted. If there is no petiole, it does not matter. It can be easily painted with a brush.

Paint blowing

If you need to depict shrubs, trees, unusual fabulous plants or corals, use this technique. You need to drop paint on a sheet of paper and use a cocktail tube to inflate it in accordance with the intended image. The drawing is bright and expressive. This technique is especially suitable for those children who have difficulty expressing their creativity through the line.

Drawing on wet paper

The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are so diverse that for each child individually you can choose the most interesting and exciting method for him. One of these is the image of a drawing on wet paper. The fact is that until recently it was considered possible to draw only on dry paper, since the paint diluted with water already moisturizes it.

But there are such plots, images, objects in which vagueness and uncertainty must be introduced. For example, fog, a dream, night. However, the paper should not be too wet, otherwise the drawing will not work. It is not necessary to dip all the paper in water. It is enough to wet a piece of cotton wool, wring it out and run it over the surface of the sheet or its individual parts. The paper is ready for work, you can begin to image images.

Drawing with hands

Children of the senior group of the kindergarten are happy to learn this method of non-traditional drawing. Indeed, the work uses fingers, which the child lowers into gouache and begins to draw with them without any brush. Each finger can be dipped in paint of a different color. Thus, a whole set of brushes is obtained. And if you paint a palm with paint and attach it to paper, an imprint will remain on it.

The guys themselves give the image the desired shape. They easily turn him into a dragon, a butterfly, who has enough imagination for what. Performing this task, the children make different movements with their hands: blotting, slapping, smearing.

Drawing with a tissue swab. Master class on the topic

This form of conducting classes in kindergarten attracts children, their parents and educators. With great pleasure, those who wish to attend the master class. Non-traditional drawing techniques are always interesting for their mystery and novelty. If the topic of the master class is drawing a landscape in black and white, then for work you will need gouache of the corresponding color, pieces of cotton fabric, a white sheet of paper, PVA glue, colored cardboard, scissors.

So, let's start working. We crumple the fabric and make a tampon out of it of such a size that it is convenient to hold it. This will be your brush. We dip it in black paint and draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper. It is the horizon, that is, it separates the sky from the earth. The higher this line, the more space opens up to the eye.

We continue drawing with unconventional techniques. We will depict the forest at a remote distance. To do this, with chaotic adjoining movements, we print shrubs and trees from the horizon line upwards. You should always remember that objects in the foreground are always larger and more distinct than those in the background. This rule also applies to non-traditional drawing techniques. Pictures then turn out to be beautiful, the objects depicted on them become similar to real ones.

Now fill in the foreground and draw the line of the coast in the way of drawing from left to right. We print bushes with the same swab, then we draw clouds and clouds in the sky using the smearing method. Next, we depict ripples on the lake, the sun and its reflection in clear water. Drawing with non-traditional technique is finished. The picture is ready.

All children love to draw, but the monotony is boring. What new types of drawing can be offered to a child today

Almost all children have a penchant for creative pursuits. However, everything ordinary and traditional quickly becomes boring for children. After drawing for a week or two with colored pencils or gouache, the child loses interest in repetitive activities. And parents begin to sound the alarm that their child is deprived of a creative vein and does not show interest in either drawing or modeling. Learn new types of drawing for children and see the new talents of your son or daughter!

Parents need to get creative and turn each activity into a unique and exciting experience to get their kid interested or interested in crafts. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials and tools! You can get by with very inexpensive things.

Secrets of the technique of scratching

Drawing using the scratching technique is considered very interesting and at the same time a simple activity. This business can be done with kids from 3 years old. Arbitrarily bright gouache paints are applied to the landscape sheet. The layer of paints should be dense enough. Do not spare colors, let hot scarlet, orange and yellow tones bloom on a white background in combination with ultramarine, bright greens and rich lilac.

Then the sheet is covered with a thick layer of paraffin, and then thick black ink. When the ink is completely dry, sit down with your child and start scratching the surface of the sheet with a sharp object, such as a pen or a toothpick. To the delight of the child, rainbow patterns will appear through the black surface. You can scratch a simple ornament on a sheet in the form of stripes, zigzags and dots, or you can depict fish, animals, a house, flowers.

What is monotype

Monotype is also a very exciting thing. Take a sheet of paper, fold it in half and draw a conditional landscape on one side with watercolors. It is not necessary to draw all the details, just draw a blue sky above, a strip of land, a couple of trees, grass, flowers. Let the image be blurry and fuzzy.

Then, while the drawing is still wet, place the landscape piece on the clean side. When you open the sheet again, you will see that a mirror image of your landscape has been created on the second part of the sheet. Now you can sharpen the picture with light strokes, and your landscape is ready! This is the secret of the monotype technique.

Drawings with the help of nature

Drawing on stones is available for children from 2-3 years old. Moreover, this activity requires almost no costs. Collect ordinary flat pebbles on the street, stock up on gouache paints, brushes, colorless varnish and go! It is easy to turn the most ordinary stones into funny trinkets that can be played in the yard. Draw a beautiful flower, a bright rose, a colorful fish, a car, or even just an elegant pattern on the stone. Then cover the stones with varnish to fix the paint.

Such stones will be an excellent decor for a room or bathroom. They will remind you of summer, and after many years they will turn into a family heirloom.

In autumn, the printing of fallen leaves on paper will become especially relevant. Collect the leaves of different trees, cover them with paints, and for the best effect, you can paint the leaf not with one color, but with several. And then, together with the rebeck, apply the leaves in turn to the surface of the paper. The result is an unusual and beautiful work.

Other drawing techniques

For toddlers and older children, you can shift, this technique is not only interesting, but also useful for the psyche. You can read more about it in a separate article.

If your toddler is often frustrated that he can’t draw, or the drawing doesn’t turn out the way he expected, suggest that the crumbs do not draw according to the model, but use alternative drawing techniques that will captivate him and become excellent motivators for creativity!

We offer you 20 options for non-traditional drawing techniques for a child that will reveal his personality!


In this drawing technique for children, the child's careless "crabs" are inserted into a sheet with a cut out shape of an animal, tree, flower, etc. You need to cut out a template, for example, in the form of a chamomile and put it on top of the baby's daub. Thus, an unremarkable drawing will become part of a special idea.


A sheet of paper should be placed on a flat relief object and shaded with a colored pencil on its surface. You will get a beautiful picture-print, with the silhouette of the object-substrate! Children who have tried to draw on a table with relief wood probably know that sometimes this technique is “plugged in” into a drawing quite by accident.


To prepare this paint, mix in a small bowl:

  • 250 g flour, half a teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of citric acid
  • a couple of drops of food coloring
  • 1 st. l salt

Drawing technique:

  1. Pour a little water into the dishes with the above ingredients to make the paint the desired density.
  2. Apply paint to thick cardboard with a brush or cotton buds.
  3. Put the drawing in the microwave for 20 - 30 seconds until the mass dries. Drying time depends on how thick your paint turned out and what layer of it you made in the drawing.

Make sure that the cardboard does not contain synthetic materials and films. Choose either the most common version of it, or take colored thick paper.


For this drawing technique you will need:

  • shaving foam
  • watercolors or food coloring
  • flatware
  • paper
  • scraper

Work plan:

  1. Apply a thick layer of shaving foam to any flat dish.
  2. Make a saturated solution of each paint color with water - dilute the dyes to a liquid state.
  3. Take a pipette (or a simple brush) and drip a few drops of paint of different shades onto a layer of foam.
  4. With a brush, smear the paint over the surface, try to do it in such a way that you get beautiful lines and shapes. This stage can be considered the most creative and interesting!
  5. Place a blank sheet of paper on top of such foam with a pattern.
  6. Lay the sheet on a flat surface and remove any foam from it with a piece of cardboard.
  7. Under the foam, you can see unusual marble stains that look like northern lights! Now you need to put the picture in a dry place for 2 hours so that it dries.


Mix the paints with a few drops of ordinary liquid soap, then apply with a brush to paper. You will see that small soap bubbles appear from the paint, which create a beautiful texture of the picture.


To perform this technique, you can use a straw to blow out a blot, or you can do without it. Ask your child to drip paint onto a sheet of paper, then tilt it in different directions, and then add something to the blot to get a beautiful drawing.

You can also make a blot, and then fold the sheet in half so that it is printed on the second half of it. Then let the child dream up what the blot looks like and ask them to draw the necessary elements.


Moisten the paper sheet with water and leave to dry for literally half a minute, and then start painting on it with watercolors. The paints will spread in different directions and you will get very original streaks with streaks.


Carefully collect 5-6 colored pencils in a bundle, tie them with duct tape and let the baby draw.


Make a starch solution and moisten a clean sheet of paper with it. Give the baby crayons, let him try to draw on such a slippery base. Use the main colors of the crayons and they will give new shades on paper!


Prepare several empty containers and pour PVA glue into them, then drop a couple of drops of different colors of paint into each cup. With this colored glue, draw whatever your heart desires! Especially beautiful are the drawings in the "drip technique"


Draw a sketch on paper with a simple pencil, go over the outline of the drawing with a wet brush, and then sprinkle liberally with salt. After 10 minutes, shake off the salt, finish the missing elements. With the help of salt, you can beautifully draw butterflies, birds, snow.


On a white sheet, draw the outlines of people, trees or flowers with a wax candle. When the child begins to paint the drawing with watercolor, he will "create" beautiful white images. You can also cover the entire sheet with multi-colored paint, dry it, then wax it liberally.

Apply a thick layer of dark gouache on top of the wax and let dry. After that, with a thin needle or wooden stick, you can “scratch out” a bright pattern on a dark background.


By wetting a sponge or piece of foam rubber with gouache, the baby can draw the crown of trees, flowers, winter landscapes and much more.


Tie a bunch of cotton swabs with adhesive tape or an elastic band, invite your child to dip it in paint and draw clouds, trees, snowdrifts, snow. Missing details can be finished with a simple brush.


First, the baby must draw the outline of the object, and then fill its entire background with multi-colored dots, using paint or a felt-tip pen. To make the drawing colorful, you need to alternate the colors of the dots.


Take a dry toothbrush and grease it with gouache. Do not overdo it, the paint should not be much, but it should be thick. Place the sheet on the table, lean over it, hold the paint brush in one hand, and scrape the bristles in your direction with the other. The bristles must be turned down to the pattern, otherwise you and your child risk splashing the whole house.

If you put several colors on the brush, you can create a salute. Yellow and orange scales are suitable for an autumn-themed drawing, and blue will help create a beautiful winter landscape.


Take an apple, cut it in half and create beautiful drawings by dipping the halves in paint. For this unconventional drawing technique, you can use other interesting "stamps" that you find at home!


This technique will require: box lid, balls, paint, paper, brushes.

Lay a sheet of paper at the bottom of a flat box (or on top of any other) and splatter liberally with watercolor paint. Then throw some glass balls (or balls from bearings) in the same place and shake the box a little so that they roll, thereby mixing the color splashes on the sheet and creating a pattern.


This drawing technique for kids is very relaxing and develops the child's imagination! Tape a sheet of paper to the floor. Put a pencil between your toes and ask your child to draw something.

You can also paint with paints, wetting your toes in gouache and creating beautiful prints on paper.

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