Information about the theater festival in kindergarten. Conducting a theater festival in kindergarten


Chesnokova Tatyana Alexandrovna
Job title: senior educator
Educational institution: DOU Kindergarten "Fairy Tale", Igarka"
Locality: City of Igarka, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Turukhansky District
Material name: Methodical development
Subject: Organization of a theater festival in kindergarten
Publication date: 17.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education


about the festival-competition of children's theatrical creativity

"Tales of Doctor Aibolit"

1. General Provisions
1.1. The competition is held as part of the implementation of the health-improving program of the Kindergarten "Skazka", Igarka" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) "Be healthy!" and general garden week of the Theatre. 1.2. This Regulation determines the procedure for organizing and conducting
festival-competition of children's theatrical creativity

"Fairy tales

The doctors

Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children through familiarization with theatrical art. - The development of imagination, artistry, cognitive activity, artistic taste, speech in preschoolers. - Expanding their cultural range and horizons. - Identification of individual creative abilities of children.
Inclusion of children, teachers, parents in joint creative activities.
3. Nominations of the Festival

The brightest show. - The most original performance. - The most expressive performance. - Masters of the artistic word. - Prize of Dr. Aibolit. - People's Choice Award. - Best theatrical debut. - Creative find. - Golden mask.
4. Participants of the Festival

2 Children attending the Institution at the age of 4 to 7 years old, together with teachers and parents, can take part in the Festival.
5. Organization of the Festival
5.1. The festival is held in the music hall of the Institution. 5.2. The general management of the organization of the Festival is carried out by the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution. 5.3. Responsible for the preparation of children and the organization of the Festival are the educators and musical directors of the Institution.
6. Dates and procedure for the Festival
The festival is held in four stages: 03/29/2016. (Tuesday) - opening of the Festival. Theatrical performances of middle groups. 03/30/2016 (Wednesday) - theatrical performances of senior groups and the theater group "We are actors!" 03/31/2016 (Thursday) - theatrical performances of preparatory groups for school. 04/01/2016 (Friday) - Closing of the Festival. Summing up, awarding.
7. Conditions of the competition
7.1. Teachers determine the repertoire of theatrical productions and submit an application in writing to the organizers or the head of the theater festival for participation in the Festival until 03/18/2016. 7.2. The content of theatrical productions must correspond to the theme and goals of the Festival. 7.3. The number of participants of the Festival is not limited.
8. Jury, its activities
8.1. The jury consists of: - Head of the preschool educational institution. - Senior educator DOO. - Nurse DOO.
3 8.2. The jury members evaluate the performances of the Festival participants, sum up the results, determine the winners in the nominations, carry out the awards. 8.3. Indicators for evaluating the performance of the Festival participants: - artistry; - expressiveness; - originality of the idea; - creativity; - individual performance; - role fit.
9. Rewarding
Winners in different nominations are awarded with prizes and diplomas.


Hello dear friends! It has become a good tradition in our kindergarten to hold a theater festival. This year our festival is called "Tales of Doctor Aibolit". All the guys will show each other their theatrical performances and talk about how important it is to take care of health. You and I will find ourselves in a real theater, where - someone will be an actor, and someone will be a spectator. - Guys, what is theater?
He has been with us since childhood - He came to life in our games, He did not hide the wisdom of life. He arranged good and evil according to the meaning - His Majesty and good friend - the theater! The theater festival is a celebration of creativity and knowledge, joy and cooperation; This is our common holiday for children and adults. Welcome to the fairy tale!
To the music, 2 pirates Tommy and Peppy appear. In their hands

map. They walk, measuring steps, trying to find the treasure.

Oh! Guys, who is this!
That's right, we
… (Together)
pi-ra-you! Tommy and Peppy.
What smart kids!
What are you doing here?
And we're looking for treasure here!
We found an old map, and it says that here, somewhere in this place, a treasure is hidden!
Strange, we've never heard of the treasure! Guys, let the pirates find the treasure?
Mmm…. My treasures, how I love you!
My pebbles, diamonds, gold! Where, where, where are you?
Pirates again measure steps and find the right place.

Pirates (Together):
Here it is, found it!
They take out the chest, begin to pull it in different directions. Leading

stops the fight.

Tommy, Pippi, wait a fight, let's open the chest first and see what's in there!
Pirates are trying to open the chest, it has a lot of locks.

They say "Health", "Charging", "Vitamins", etc.

It does not work!
There are too many castles here!
Pirates (together):
Where are the keys?
So here they are!
The host shows the keys, they try to pick them up.

: Pirates, look at our children - fast, healthy and beautiful. Do you want to become the same, and at the same time get the keys?
We are already fast, healthy and beautiful!
Well, let's see if that's the case! Here's a task for you, push up 5 times.
Pirates are fooling around, trying to complete the task, they have nothing

comes out.

Since nothing worked out for you, maybe our guys will help you? Guys, help the pirates?
Yes, we will help!
So, in order to find out what lies in the chest, you need to get the keys to the enchanted locks. In total, you need to collect 6 keys, for each completed task you will receive a key. Morning exercises Charging is useful for everyone, Charging is needed for everyone. She saves us from laziness and illness. So,
task one "Charging"

What is charging?
This is a special exercise that awakens the body from sleep, invigorates and prepares for the upcoming work. Would you like to see?
Yes! And can we try to show these amazing, magical exercises?
Well, try it, you might be able to.
Children perform movements near the chairs.

physical minute "Time of day".
One two three four five
(children walk in place)
Need to know time of day
(walking in place)
Early in the morning we woke up Hands up and stretched
(reach for hands)
Morning is the beginning of the day The sun shines for me
(waving palms)
In the afternoon we went out for a walk On the playground to play
(turn around yourself)
Throw the ball high
(hands up, throw the ball)
With a rope, jump and jump
(imitates jumping rope)
We do not spare our feet. The sun went down low
(sit down)
The evening is already close. Mom calls us home
He will say: “My hands are clean
(rub hands together)
Evening, time for dinner. Children at home again
(spread arms out to sides)
The stars in the sky shone
(hands up, unclench, squeeze)
We've been tired for a long time. The night has come, silence
(sit down, put your palms on your cheek, close

It's time for all the kids to sleep. We close our eyes tightly
6 And calmly fall asleep. One, two, three - we played
(walking in place)
We learned everything about the day.
Here are some good fellows! You get the first key called "Charging". The next key is called Strength.
This is about us. We are the strongest.
This is not just strength, but the “Power of the Mind”, now we will check who is strong. I will ask questions and you must answer. But I will only ask those who raise their hand first. So, let's begin:
Tell me, please, what does it mean to be healthy? People of what profession monitor people's health? How to protect yourself from colds? Why do you need to eat a lot of fruits and berries in summer? Why do you need to exercise every day?
Well done, all questions were answered. Here is another key to your piggy bank. And to be healthy and strong, you need to eat right. Now I will throw a ball to the children and name useful and unhealthy foods. If I name useful products, you catch the ball, if they are harmful, you don’t.
The game "useful - not useful"

And again you get a key called "Vitamins".
The next key is called "Grace".

Light movements are beautiful - Jumps, bends of smooth hands, Every moment is beautiful .... Gymnastics is a friend to health!
Ribbon dance.

Well done! You rightfully deserve the key "Grace"
Oh yes, we can do that too! What's so difficult!

imitate the movements of the dancers.

Oops, my leg is cramped!
Oh-oh-oh, and my back ached ... Call the doctor!
Dr. Aibolit appears.

What hurts? Where does it hurt? Who hurts?
Everything hurts, we have!
Well, if everything, then treatment is necessary. And first of all, get vaccinated against all diseases.
No no no. No need for vaccinations. Dr. Aibolit, better check if our children are healthy?!
YES. (The doctor approaches everyone and listens with a phonendoscope):
Breath! Do not breath. Everyone is healthy!
We are very good at breathing. Look, Pirates, how cleverly we inflate balloons.
Game "Inflate the balloon"

It is necessary to have balloons according to the number of participants.

They inflate balloons, let him go, whose balloon flies the farthest,

he won.

The winner receives the key "Healthy spirit". Dr. Aibolit, do you want the guys and I to teach you how to dance a fun dance?
Sure, let's try!
merry dance

After the dance, the host passes the key to the pirates called

"Good mood"

Oh, what good fellows, how well you danced! Well, pirates, look - we have collected all the keys and now we can open the chest.
Host and D.A. collect the keys, give them to the pirates. Pirates

open the chest, and there is a poster of the festival.

Hooray! The chest has been opened! Oh what is it? Where is the gold and diamonds?

Unfolds and shows the poster of the festival.
Oh, you - this is the treasure! This is the flyer for our festival! It is written here what kind of fairy tales the guys-artists will show. Every day we will learn something new about health, about how to take care of it. But health is the most important treasure in our life!

Takes the poster from the hands of D.A.
Well, time to open our festival. Today, the guys from the middle groups "Sun" and "Rainbow" will show us their fairy tales.
Addresses pirates and D.A.
I invite you to the auditorium, look at our fairy tales.
Pirates and D.A. sit in the auditorium.

We start the theatrical performance to surprise everyone! But first, I want to introduce you to the members of the jury who will evaluate
8 performances by the guys, and at the end of the festival the results will be summed up and the winners will be announced. And now meet our first artists from the group "Solnyshko"
- Performance of the middle group "Sunshine"

During a break between performances.

- Did you like the performance of young artists? - Then let's rate it, if you really liked it, then clap your hands loudly! We start on my count - one, two, three - rate the performance, clap! Who do you like the most in this story? - You probably sat too long? While new artists are preparing for their performance, I want to lose with you! We are with you in the theater - imagine that you have become little monkeys and will do everything that I tell you. Agreed? Then stand near your chairs.
Game "Monkeys"
And now listen to the command: Grab yourself by the ears, And tongues out, And wider elbows! And then together we jumped on the spot! Well, well, we had fun playing, and now our mouths are locked and we are meeting a new fairy tale, which the guys from the middle group "Rainbow" will present to us.
- Performance of the middle group "Rainbow".


After the performance.
- Did you like the performance of young artists? - Then let's rate it too, if you really liked it, then clap your hands loudly! We start on my count - one, two, three - rate the performance, clap!
What interesting stories!
Thanks guys for the show! Well, it's time for us!
Goodbye, kids!
Today the holiday ends, but our festival continues. The poster says that tomorrow the guys from the senior groups "Kapitoshka", "Smile" will show us their theatrical performances, as well as
9 guys from the theater group “We are actors!”. We will be waiting for all of you in our hall. Goodbye, see you again!

When holding any large-scale annual event, including a festival in kindergarten, a lot of organizational issues inevitably arise, and an additional burden falls on the teaching staff.

We present many years of experience in organizing a project on theatrical activities in the preparatory group. A peculiar result of this work is the Theater Festival. According to the annual tradition, it takes place in the last days of March and is timed to coincide with the holiday date - World Theater Day, March 27th.

It is extremely important for their socialization. It favors the formation of strong-willed character traits in children, contributes to the overall development, communication of children with peers and other adults, and the study of the world around them.

The teaching staff of the structural unit No. 1837 of school No. 1491 in Moscow has accumulated vast experience in organizing theatrical activities for preschoolers.

In each group of the children's combine, the necessary subject-developing environment has been formed. So, in the theater corners, paraphernalia was selected based on the age of the pupils: costumes, play materials for various types of theatrical activities of preschoolers (theaters - finger, table, plane, shadow, b-ba-bo, mitten dolls, etc.). The work plan of educators and specialists for each month includes classes in the culture and technique of speech, rhythmoplasty exercises, theater games, and acquaintance with the culture of the theater.

For the eleventh year in a row, a theater festival has been held in a preschool educational organization (hereinafter - PEO). Therefore, we traditionally dedicate the last week of March to the wonderful world of theater.

The festival consists of two parts:

  1. Conducting performances in the preschool.
  2. Visiting Moscow theaters is an acquaintance with the socio-cultural environment of the city.

Performances in kindergarten

The grand opening of the festival in kindergarten takes place in the assembly hall. Children together with their parents get acquainted with the history of theatrical art in Rus', name the most famous theaters in Moscow, receive invitations to all upcoming performances.

In parallel with the opening of the festival, an exhibition of theater posters, created by the students themselves, as well as parents and teachers, begins to work. Any guest can leave their vote for their favorite poster. According to the voting results, all participants are awarded certificates and prizes, and the best of the best - the audience award.

Without a doubt, the most striking and memorable events of the festival days are the performances in the preschool with the participation of preschoolers and adults (teachers and parents). During our many years of festival experience, a large number of outstanding performances have been staged.

The youngest of the artists are children 4-5 years old from secondary preschool groups. They stage well-known Russian folk tales: “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Winged, Furry and Oily”, “Zayushkina Hut”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Geese Swans” and etc. Thus, the performance in the most natural and visual way introduces pupils to Russian folk art.

For staging performances in kindergarten with the participation of children from senior and preparatory groups, literary works by Russian and foreign writers are taken as the basis for the scenarios, with which the pupils got acquainted during the year: "The Tale of the Silly Mouse", "A Bag of Apples", "Cat's House", " The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "The Wizard of the Emerald City", "The Adventures of Pinocchio", "Cinderella", "Cipollino" and others. Most educators single out the formation of reader interest among preschoolers as one of the most important areas of work, and performances in preschool educational institutions are one of the results of joint activities of children, teachers and parents within this area.

For several years in a row, after participating in project activities to get acquainted with the countries of the world, educators used the plots of foreign folk and author's tales to write scripts for performances in kindergarten:

  • "Little Red Riding Hood" (Ch. Perrot);
  • "The Princess and the Pea" (G. H. Andersen);
  • "The Adventures of Louis XIV and Tutta Carlson" (J. Ekholm);
  • "Princess Poppy" (Indian folk tale);
  • "Three Dwarfs" and "Castle of Liars" (Lithuanian folk tales);
  • "Bull - tar barrel" (Ukrainian folk tale);
  • "Dream of a little donkey" (Bulgarian folk tale);
  • "Good Wolf" (Austrian folk tale);
  • "Rooster and Hen" (Greek folk tale);
  • "A gift for the weakest" (Serbian folk tale);
  • "The Shepherdess and the Gray Wolf" (Spanish folk tale).

Pupils of younger groups also do not remain aloof from the events of the festival in the preschool. They learn contemplation, observation, fix the rules and norms of behavior in the theater, greet young actors, give them flowers and compliments.

During the preparation of performances in the kindergarten, an exceptional creative atmosphere reigns: stage costumes are selected, roles are assigned, the necessary rehearsals are held, unique scenery, invitation cards are made - everything happens like in a real theater. Teachers and parents act as directors, decorators, make-up artists, and, of course, they play with their children in performances at the preschool with pleasure.

Visiting the theaters of the capital as part of the theatrical activities of preschoolers

During the festival in kindergarten, pupils get acquainted with theatrical professions. Together with their parents they visit both favorite and still unfamiliar theater stages of the capital. Especially for parents of toddlers, educators are preparing an announcement of current events in theatrical Moscow, as well as recommendations regarding the proper organization of cultural recreation with a preschool child.

Our goal is to use the socio-cultural possibilities of the city as widely as possible, a variety of interactive activities in interaction with children, to motivate preschoolers for theatrical activities. For example, in some theaters, while the performance has not yet begun, writers perform in front of young spectators, and in addition to the vivid impression of what they see, the kids can get a colorful book autographed by the author. There are also theaters where, in addition to the performance itself, an interesting backstage tour is organized, and children can also look into the puppet museum. And in some theaters, the organizers involve not only children, but also their parents to participate in performances.

This year, as part of the theater festival, our pupils, together with their parents, visited the Yuri Kuklachev Cat Theater, the State Academic Central Puppet Theater named after S. V. Obraztsov, the Moscow State Academic Musical Theater named after. N. I. Sats, the theater "MEL" Makhonina Elena, the Moscow Theater of Marionettes, the Moscow Theater of the Children's Book "Magic Lamp", the Moscow Theater of Shadows.

We are actively cooperating with traveling theaters, with the MEL theater by Elena Makhonina, which is within walking distance from the building of our preschool institution. For several years in a row, on the stage of this theater, our theater festival at the pre-school educational institution began. Children of middle and older groups came to meet with actors and watch performances.

Features of organizing a festival in kindergarten

Of course, when holding such a large-scale annual event as a festival in a kindergarten, especially in a multi-group environment, a lot of organizational issues inevitably arise, an additional burden on the teaching staff. In addition, among our employees there is no additional education teacher who could advise, provide practical assistance both in the process of rehearsals and in organizing leisure activities and master classes to familiarize preschoolers with theatrical activities. Therefore, the parents of our pupils are the only people to whom we can turn for help. Most of them contribute to the educational process and take part in introducing children to art with pleasure. Parents themselves purchase tickets for events and more than once during the year visit exhibitions, theaters, museums, and classical music concerts with their preschool children.

Many years of experience in holding a theater festival in a preschool educational institution allowed us to highlight the basic rules for organizing such events:

  • any long-term event must certainly have a beginning (mood) and an end (summing up, rewarding);
  • it is necessary to consider in advance the feasibility and scope of parents' participation in upcoming events and notify them in detail about this;
  • it makes sense to hold a theater festival only if there is systematic work in this direction in the educational organization. Otherwise, unjustified efforts will be spent on the event.

Participation in performances in kindergarten as actors and spectators helps preschoolers to liberate themselves, become more sociable, and feel the world around them more subtly. The festival not only supports the interest of preschoolers in theatrical activities and events of the cultural life of the capital, but also strengthens cultural ties between the children's plant and the families of the pupils, identifies and supports the most talented teachers among teachers. And, of course, the festival is a kind of result of the activities of pedagogical workers during the year.

Theater festival repertoire in kindergarten

The eleventh theatrical season in the structural unit No. 1837 of school No. 1491 in Moscow included the following events:

  • March 24, 2015 - the grand opening of the theater festival in the preschool educational institution, a joint performance of teachers and pupils "Seasons";
  • March 25, 2015 - performances of the middle group "Naughty Chicken" and the senior group in English "English City";
  • March 27, 2015 - performances of the preparatory group "Cat's House", the senior group based on the work of S. Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" and the preparatory speech therapy group "Fly-sokotuha";
  • March 30, 2015 - performance in the senior group "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" in a new way";
  • March 31, 2015 - performances of the middle group "Mashenka's Birthday" and the preparatory group based on the Russian folk tale "Finist the Bright Falcon";
  • April 1, 2015 - performances in the senior speech therapy group "Battle of mushrooms and berries" and the preparatory speech therapy group "Old fairy tales in a new way."

Scenario of the Festival "Flower of Friendship"

Turcheneva Svetlana Vladimirovna, musical director of the MADOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 1" of the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region.

Description: The script is designed for preschoolers. The material can be useful for teachers of preschool educational institutions and music directors.

Purpose of the event:
1. To form in children a respectful attitude towards other peoples, their culture and traditions. To create a positive basis for the education of patriotic feelings.

1. Arouse interest in the culture and creativity of the people represented.
2. To develop the ability of children to feel and dress up the images embedded in the song, dance, expressive word.
3. To teach children to understand the idea of ​​literary and musical works.
4. Develop and enhance the creative potential of kindergarten teachers.
5. Develop children's musical, creative and artistic abilities.

A slide with the emblem of the festival is broadcast on the multimedia screen
(Flower of friendship).

The presenter, dressed in a Russian national costume, announces the opening of the Flower of Friendship holiday.

Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you in our cozy hall at the "Flower of Friendship" holiday.

Greetings: Participants of our holiday are children of the 21st century!!!
The phonogram of the song "We are the children of the Sun" sounds. music by S. Kapralova performed by the Fidget group

Children in different national costumes enter the hall, perform a rhythmic composition.

Dear friends!
We invite you on an exciting journey through the cities and countries of our vast planet Earth.
A slide with the image of the globe is broadcast on the multimedia screen.

People of different nationalities live on the earth. They differ in skin color and the language they speak. But they all have one thing in common: they love to sing, dance, glorify their country in verse.
There are many different countries on Earth. We live in Russia. And other nations live next to us. We are glad to welcome them to our holiday today. We meet guests from Ukraine.
To the melody of the Ukrainian folk song Shchedryk, arranged by V. Leontovich, a teacher in a Ukrainian costume comes out.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, cherry blossoms, children in national costumes is being broadcast.

Teacher in Ukrainian costume:
Jump, sir!
Oh, how beautiful is our UKRAINE!
Her endless fields
Her meadows, forests, hillocks
And fertile land. (Lika Ilyinova)
And what beautiful and sincere Ukrainian songs.
In the performance of the educator sounds
Ukrainian folk song Cherry - sweet cherry.

To the music (Ukrainian folk melody in modern processing) a child comes out in a Ukrainian costume)

Child in Ukrainian costume:
To stop the jokes
In this bright, good hour,
For smiles to bloom
We want to dance for you.
Girls perform a Ukrainian dance with wreaths. (Ukrainian folk song "Wreaths" in a modern arrangement)"

Thank you, our dear guests from sunny Ukraine.
And we continue our holiday and invite the next guests.

To the Belarusian folk song "In the Garden" a teacher in a Belarusian costume comes out with a basket. Potatoes and greens in the basket. On a pre-prepared table - a saucepan with a ladle.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national Belarusian costumes is being broadcast.

Teacher in Belarusian costume:
Good day, Shanounynyya Syabry! Good afternoon dear friends. We have come to you from Belarus. Belarus is famous for its vast fields. The Belarusian people are calm and friendly, and our songs are melodious. And the favorite dish in Belarus is bulba - potatoes.
Belarusians even sing songs about potatoes and glorify them all over the world.

Performed by a teacher and a girl of the senior group

The dance composition "Bulba" is performed. (Belarusian folk song in modern arrangement)

Thank you dear neighbors. And I invite again our guests, meet friends from Germany.

To a German folk song, a teacher in a German costume comes out. She has a basket of flowers in her hands.

Teacher in German costume:
Guten so, Liebe Freunde, good afternoon, dear guests.
In the center of Western Europe
Lies a beautiful country
Paths lead to it from all over the world.
Her name is Germany.
The country is immensely interesting,
Tourists are attracted like a magnet.
Welcoming guests, kind,
She will surprise anyone.
Performs "German song" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, dear guest. I see that our friends are still rushing to us.

A teacher in a Lithuanian costume comes out to the Lithuanian folk melody
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national costumes is being broadcast.

Educator - Lithuanian:
Sveikas. We live next door to you and often visit each other. Our region is very beautiful. Our sea is called the Baltic. It can be not only warm, but also cold, such that pieces of resin, falling into it, freeze for centuries, turning into an amazing stone - amber.
A slide depicting the sea and amber is being broadcast.

Child in Lithuanian costume.
We live as a friendly family,
From Lithuania bow to the earth.
Let's sing for you
Comic song we now.

Children of the senior group in Lithuanian costumes stage the Lithuanian folk song "Old Miller"

A slide showing children playing Lithuanian folk instruments is being broadcast.

Lithuanians are not only hardworking, but they also love to sing, dance and play musical instruments. Greetings students of the music school.
(Music school students perform Lithuanian folk melodies on the piano, domra and balalaika).

Poland is next door to us. The Poles are very fond of having fun and joking. And what holidays are held in Poland. We meet Polish guests.
A slide showing pictures of nature, children in Polish national costumes is being broadcast
Under the Polish folk song, a teacher in a Polish costume comes out.

Teacher in Polish costume.
Good zen, ladies and gentlemen.
We, like the guests from Lithuania, are also your neighbors. We have very beautiful nature, fabulous lakes and fields. Poles are very fond of jokes and fun
Children of the younger group perform a dance composition
"Mice and Cheese" to Polish dance music.

Not only our neighbors, but also guests from distant countries came to our festival today. On the coast of the gentle Mediterranean Sea, colorful and sunny Italy is located.
A slide depicting pictures of nature, children in national Italian costumes is being broadcast.
Child in Italian costume.
Ancient cities, rivers and canals
orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and more...
And that's all - Italy!
Performed by children - guests from the NDOU "Kindergarten No. 31 of JSC Russian Railways" Italian dance is performed. S. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka"
From warm and sunny Italy we will move to foggy England, where they love antiquity, honor traditions, where men are true gentlemen.

Under the English children's song "Hello, wonderful day", the boys enter - gentlemen.

Gentleman child:
We guys are gentlemen
Tail coats, canes are indispensable,
We are a little English
Both gallant and modest,
Reliable and smart.
Like from London now
And we will dance for you. (Yu. Obolenskaya)

Dance of the gentlemen. music "Letka - Enka"

How many guests at our holiday, who glorified the region in which they live with their talents. But, and we are Russians, we are proud of our country, Russia!!! Russia is famous for its unique nature. And what kind and generous people live with us. We reveal all the beauty of our soul in our songs and dances. Red girls, come out, start a Russian round dance.
Russian dance performed by teachers
to the song about Russia "The red sun was washing" performed by Y. Mikhalchik

A slide depicting pictures of Russian nature is being broadcast.

Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, native apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek a mole -
This is also the Motherland. (T. Bokova)

Every corner of our country is unique. And, of course, in every corner of our country, children sing about their homeland, about Russia.

Girl - soloist perform the song "I live in Russia" from the repertoire of the ensemble Semitsvetik

Russia has always been famous for its miracle - masters. They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale, created beauty with paints and a brush, and what a miracle our Russian nesting doll is!
A slide with the image of nesting dolls is broadcast.
Girls perform "Dance of nesting dolls" to the song Russian nesting dolls, text by A. Osmushkin, music by V. Temnov

Russian people are distinguished by their generosity of soul and hospitality. And how delicious it smells like pies in the house, and what fragrant tea from a Russian samovar.
A slide depicting a festive Russian table with a samovar and bagels is being broadcast.
Children perform the dance "Russian Samovar" music "Puff-puff, samovar" from the repertoire of the Fidget group

"Magic Land!" - so the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin once called the theater. The feelings of the poet are shared by both adults and children who have come into contact with this amazing art form. A visit to the theater is always a holiday. Joy, fun, vivid impressions, new feelings are associated with it. And how interesting it is to be not only a spectator, but also a participant in the performance! The theater plays a special role in solving problems related to the upbringing and development of a preschool child. Special studies of scientists - psychologists, conducted in our country and abroad, have shown that both roles - the spectator and the actor - are very significant for the development of the child. The theater is one of the most colorful and accessible areas of art for the perception of a preschooler. It develops imagination and fantasy, contributes to the creative development of the child and the formation of the basis of his personal culture. In terms of aesthetic significance and influence, the theater occupies a place of honor next to music and visual arts. Our kindergarten is attended by children from socially disadvantaged families who are experiencing psychological difficulties, constrained in communicating with others, unsure of themselves and their abilities, vulnerable, often experiencing anxiety, fear. The team of teachers, observing such children, came to the conclusion that theatrical activity helps them to become liberated, forms communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, emotional sphere and simply brings a bright unforgettable variety to everyday life, enriches the inner world.

It has become a good tradition in our preschool educational institution to hold the Golden Mask theater festival, involving children of all age groups in it. The structure of the work of the Festival is as follows:

1 day- Opening; the information part, where the questions of the origin of theatrical art, types of theater, puppets and actors, music in the theater and others are considered in an accessible form;
2 day– Independent performances of children of junior and middle groups;
3 day- Continuation of children's performances. Rewarding, general fun.

The accompaniment of the Storyteller and Petrushka as presenters in a playful way fills the performances with lively emotional communication. The repertoire of young artists (1st and 2nd junior groups) is songs, nursery rhymes - works of folklore. Senior preschoolers stage short works of art: fairy tales, fables - filling their performance with musical and dance numbers. More complex attributes, costumes, decorations, made together with educators and parents. During the Festival, young participants manage to be both spectators and perform independently on an impromptu stage. Continuity in performances forms a sense of collectivism, complicity and belonging, unites a large team of different ages in our kindergarten into one family. We present to your attention the scenarios of one of the theater festivals, as well as a small plan-perspective of the first information day.

  • When did the theater appear?
  • Types of theater: puppet, finger, shadow, etc.
  • Puppet Theatre. Doll and actor - to make the doll come to life.
  • Theater attributes: stage, curtain, auditorium, scenery.
  • Music in the theatre.
  • Is it easy to be an actor?

First day

Parsley appears. Fanfare sounds.


Hello Hello!
Dear viewers!
See the show, don't you want to?
Why don't you stomp your feet, don't shout, don't clap?

Audience applause sounds


Hey, front row blond.
You didn't recognize me at first sight:
And I'm Petrusha! Everyone's favorite toy!
Sharp cap, even sharper tongue.
Oh, and I will laugh at you -
So yes, make yourself laugh!

(The music "Wandering Artists" performed by the ensemble "Jolly Fellows" sounds)

The storyteller enters with a large bright suitcase.


ABOUT! who else is this?
Would you like to play with me?

Storyteller: I am a storyteller, I go around cities and villages, showing people funny performances, good tales, performances ....


And we have a show today
To everyone's surprise!
I want to tell children about the theater
To whom, no matter how I know.
After all, the theater begins with me -
I am the most favorite children's character.
People have been watching performances with me for 100 years.
Eh, without Petrushka and jokes, not jokes.
And the theater, not the theater!
So, guys?!


ABOUT! yes you as I see
Boastful, Petrushka.
Sit quietly, yes me

(A story about wandering artists)

... these cheerful people carried a bright big suitcase everywhere.

Parsley: I don’t understand what is in the suitcase funny and funny?

Storyteller: Dolls live in such a magical suitcase, and where the storyteller opens it, a fairy tale settles there, real miracles begin.

(Takes out a glove puppet, talks about it, invites the children to move it)


Wonderful doll.
Danced very merrily
What else is in your suitcase?

Storyteller: And I also have cane dolls, they move with the help of sticks - canes ( beats). And this is a puppet - a "puppet".

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Storyteller: These toys were invented a long time ago in distant Italy.

"Marion" is Italian for little Maria - that's what funny dolls were called at that time.

And for this doll to come to life
Say with me
Magic words:
"Ding dong, ding dong,
Under a cheerful chime
Our doll come to life
Start dancing!"


Very funny doll
I heard there is more
Shadow theater, but I don’t know what it looks like.

Storyteller: I have one in my suitcase. And in order to show a shadow theater, skillful hands need a special screen and ordinary light from a lamp to help them.

(Installs the screen, turns on the light)

What will we show - answer
We are playing Guess.

(Children recognize animal figurines from folk tales by the shadows)

… I will not close my magic suitcase. Let fairy tales settle in your kindergarten.

Parsley: That's wonderful! Because today we are opening a theater festival. For a whole week, you guys and I will watch funny fairy-tale performances.

And now we have real little artists visiting us - meet us!

(Performance by children of the city art school)

Second day

There are tambourines and rattles.


Parsley came
How cheerful he is
Rattle tambourines, rattles
Spilling everywhere
Noisy call.
Hello dear viewers,
Well, here we meet again, it's good that you came
To our theater
We've got everything ready!

(The melody “We are wandering artists” sounds, the storyteller greets the audience)


Ba! Yes, here is the storyteller
He is with us again
Clap your hands merrily -
Glad to see you too.


Hello dear viewers.
Today we will see two performances.
Get ready to watch and listen carefully.

The first performance of "Miniatures on nursery rhymes and songs" will be shown by our smallest artists.

(Children of the nursery group perform)


Oh yeah kids.
Pleased, surprised
And loud applause

Storyteller: And now the children of the preparatory group will perform. They will show you a familiar fairy tale, but in a new way. They are so funny and imaginative!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood")


Our future students
Extremely talented.
So they tried for you -
Clap them hard! Bravo!

Storyteller: All performances are over for today. We are waiting for you tomorrow at the same time.

We promise that there will be jokes, songs, laughter in the hall -
Come - enough for everyone!

The third day

Under cheerful music the Storyteller enters, Petrushka appears.


Hello kids:
Girls and boys.
Naughty, yes naughty!
Well, what are you waiting for new fairy tales to visit?
Then do not spare cheerful smiles and loud applause.

Storyteller: Do you guys know why I never get tired of wandering around the world? Why do I like to give fairy tales to children and adults so much? Yes, because I am always glad to meet you. I am glad to see your inquisitive kind eyes. And also because a fairy tale teaches goodness, it teaches to be friends, to help each other - in it, good always triumphs over evil!

Parsley: Storyteller! Will there be new stories today?

Narrator: Of course, Petrushka. Today we continue our theater festival. We will see you a very interesting fairy tale "Under the fungus" it will be shown by the children of the younger group. They are very worried, so clap them more friendly to make it more fun!

(Children of the younger group show Suteev's fairy tale "Under the fungus")


Here are your babies!
Very good too -
Though small, but already know
What a friend - always help a friend
Do not spare your hands - clap
Just a few more artists!

Storyteller: Do you guys like our theater? Do you like fairy tales? What do you know?

ABOUT! Yes, you are true connoisseurs of fairy art. Then watch and listen to the old fairy tale in a new musical way!

(Children of the middle group show a dramatization of "Teremok")


Great! It's true, guys, you see,
Yes, in our kindergarten
Thousands of talents! Where is your applause
For wonderful magical moments!


So our Festival is over.
It's a pity to part with you, we will miss you very much,
Promise, guys, not to forget Petrushka and me!


for diligence and talent
You, our young musicians
For thunderous applause
And loud laughter
We want to reward everyone!

(The storyteller gives the children sweet prizes and handmade souvenirs "Petrushka" handmade)


If someone cries, gets bored
Sad - this souvenir is funny
Will cheer you up quickly!

(To cheerful music and a general dance, children, storyteller, Petrushka say goodbye)

Sounds different music

The garden did not know this yet!

Fun summer festival!

There are a lot of us on the planet...

There are Vanya, Hans, Johns, -

There are millions of children everywhere!

Meet the children happily.

The best are Russian people

Russian dance



Containers, bars, rastabars

Welcome Tatars!

Meet the guests!

Regina dance

I love you,

In the sweater

I don't know.

Black sea, wide steppe,

Zeleny Karpaty,

And pid blue sky

Stezhina to hati.

Ukrainian music

Gypsy girl dance

Country and guides and friends

Country of open doors

Country of Babek, Korogly,

The country of Novruz and spring.

Everyone was looking for your beauties,

lizginka music

Millions, you can't count them all

We are responsible for each other

Music of the Tatars


Children: Friendly!

Children: Need!

Children: Bad!

Our friendship will grow

Together with us!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice, and make friends!

Children: yes!


Children are dancing

If there is a frying pan

The Russian will always be full:

The hot sun of spring

Pancakes will sizzle on it.

Lush, ruddy,

Fiery fiery.

With a rim-crust,

Eat with honey, with caviar.


Scenario of the holiday "Festival of National Cultures".

Sounds different music

Lead 1: To the festival, to the festival!

The garden did not know this yet!

We invite everyone to the holiday

Fun summer festival!

We offer to open it with a parade of national costumes!

The song "Children of the whole Earth are friends" sounds. Children pass in a column one after another, and sit down in their places

2 Vedas: Children are called differently, -

There are a lot of us on the planet...

There are Vanya, Hans, Johns, -

There are millions of children everywhere!

Lead 1: We are glad to see everyone today at our bright, multinational festival!

Veda 1: Let the kindergarten be bright everywhere

Meet the children happily.

Strong in spirit, but open in heart!

With a pure, childlike and kind soul,

The best are Russian people

Will you have peace in this life

I invite guys representing the Russian people.

Russian dance


1ved .: Guys, the guests did not come to us empty-handed, they brought us their national dish."Pancakes"

Vedas: Did you guys like it? And now I want to introduce you to small representatives of another nation, are you ready?

Containers, bars, rastabars

Welcome Tatars!

Meet the guests!

Children of the younger group come out and dance the Tatar dance.

Regina dance

1 leading: Oh ti, nenko-Ukraine,

I love you,

In the sweater

I don't know.

Black sea, wide steppe,

Zeleny Karpaty,

And pid blue sky

Stezhina to hati.

Ukrainian music

Meet the Ukrainian people (children dance).

And now the Ukrainian national dish is “varenyky”.

Vedas 2: It is impossible to convey how the gypsies sing.

And are there such words in the world ?!

That with hysterical melancholy, dark and anxious.

Then with such fun that at least your head is off your shoulders!

2nd: And how the gypsies dance incendiary ... Meet the gypsy camp. (Children dance).

Gypsy girl dance

And now the guys will present the national dish "Gypsy Salad".

Book 2: Azerbaijan is the land of fires

Country and guides and friends

Country of open doors

Country of Babek, Korogly,

The country of Novruz and spring.

Everyone was looking for your beauties,

Who ever saw your people.

lizginka music

Meet the representatives of the Azerbaijani people (children dance lezginka). And now the Azerbaijani national dish is pilaf.

1 leading: Us, Tatars, in this world,

Millions, you can't count them all

We are responsible for each other

Praise to all, and honor to all of us!

Music of the Tatars

Meet the representatives of the Tatar nation (children are dancing). And now the Tatar national dish is “Chak-chak”.

Lead 2: Guys, look how many people of different nationalities live in the Tyumen region. We have introduced you to only a small part. Kazakhs, Chuvashs, Belarusians, Moldavians, Khanty and a lot of other peoples live here.

Lead 1: The guys showed us the songs and dances of the peoples they represent, and each people has its own national games.


The Russian people have one of the national games "Vanya walks",

“Burn, burn, clear”, “The fastest”, “Benefsha”, “

2nd: how many new games we learned today, and someone just remembered them, because they play them at home. Did you guys like it?

Lead 1: Guys, we offer you to play another game, it is called “you need to live together in the world”, children of all nations play it. Ready?

It is necessary to live together in the world - Friendly?

Children: Friendly!

It is necessary to know big and children?

Children: Need!

If a quarrel happens, is it bad?

Children: Bad!

We need to make amends right now, right?

Children: Right! And then, when we get older ourselves,

Our friendship will grow

Together with us!

1ved .: And let the children be called differently,

For us, everything is the best in the world!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice, and make friends!

Lead 1: Guys, your teachers have one balloon each, but they are not simple, but magical. Everyone needs to make a wish, say it to the ball and release it into the sky, along with doves, and then your wish will come true. Ready?

Children: yes!


Veda 2: Then, on command, we release balloons into the sky !!! Let's all dance the dance of friendship together. (cheerful) Children are dancing

If there is a frying pan

The Russian will always be full:

The hot sun of spring

Pancakes will sizzle on it.

Lush, ruddy,

Fiery fiery.

With a rim-crust,

Eat with honey, with caviar.

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