Comparison of the worlds in the novel The Master and Margarita. Three worlds in the novel "The Master and Margarita" - composition


Literature lesson in grade 11

Goals: to show the features of the compositional structure of M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"; to understand the writer's intention, to notice and comprehend the overlap between the lines of the novel, to understand the moral lessons of M. Bulgakov, to promote the development of interest in the personality and work of the writer.



Literature lesson in grade 11

Three Worlds in Bulgakov's Master and Margarita.

Goals: to show the features of the compositional structure of M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"; to understand the writer's intention, to notice and comprehend the overlap between the lines of the novel, to understand the moral lessons of M. Bulgakov, to promote the development of interest in the personality and work of the writer.

Equipment: presentation, video.

“I am part of that force that always wants evil

and forever does good »

Faust by Goethe

“Why, why, where does evil come from?

If there is a God, how can there be evil?

If there is evil, how can there be a God?

M. Yu. Lermontov

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

“Manuscripts do not burn…” - the writer M. A. Bulgakov died with this faith in the power of art, all of whose main works at that time lay unpublished in the drawers of his desk and only a quarter of a century later, one after another, came to the reader. The novel "The Master and Margarita", which has absorbed the infinity of time and the immensity of space, is so multifaceted that it does not fit into the usual framework and schemes. It combined philosophy, science fiction, satire, politics, love; intertwined the devilish and the divine. There is hardly a person for whom all the secrets of the novel, all the riddles have been solved.

The action of the novel takes place in several worlds at once. The purpose of our lesson: to understand the purpose of each world and find the "place" of the main characters of the Master and Margarita.

Many researchers distinguish three worlds, three levels of reality in the novel. Name them.

Determine the affiliation of the characters of the novel to one of the three worlds.(Work in groups. Drawing up a table.)

The system of images in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"


Moscow world


Yershalaim world



"Bearers of Truth"



Rulers making decisions




Hero and Roman: Master, Margarita, Pontius Pilate, Yeshua, Ratslayer, Natasha, Gella, Nisa. Kroviev-Fagot, Behemoth the cat, Azazello, Woland, Aphranius, Judas, Aloisy Mogarych, Levi Matvey, Ivan Bezdomny (Ponyrev) and others.

How are these three worlds related?(The role of the connecting link is performed by Woland and his retinue. Time and space either shrink, or expand, or converge at one point, intersect, or lose their boundaries, that is, they are both concrete and conditional.)

Many characters of the Moscow world have counterparts in the ancient world. In turn, there is a parallelism between the images of the other world and the world of the ancient, and partly of Moscow; moreover, triads of images are created. Why does the writer make such complex constructions? Let's try to figure it out.

2. Analytical conversation. Group work.

At the hour of an unusually hot sunset on Patriarch's Ponds, our acquaintance with Moscow in the 1930s begins. And following Ivanushka, rushing through the streets, running into communal apartments, we see this world.

1 group. Moscow World - Moscow in the 30s of the 20th century.

Problem question:Why is Berlioz so terribly punished?Because he's an atheist? For the fact that he adapts to the new government? For seducing Ivanushka Bezdomny with unbelief?Woland is annoyed: “What is it with you, whatever you miss, there is nothing!” Berlioz receives "nothing", non-existence. He receives according to his faith.)

For what purpose does Woland and his retinue visit Moscow? What are the objects and techniques of Bulgakov's satire?

Individual messages:

  • Styopa Likhodeev (ch. 7)
  • Varenukha (ch.10,14)
  • Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy (Ch. 9)
  • Bartender (ch.18)
  • Annushka (ch.24,27)
  • Aloisy Mogarych (ch.24)

Conclusion: Punishment takes many forms, but it is always just, done in the name of good, and deeply instructive. Punishment in the people themselves

2 group. "Gospel" chapters - 1 AD.

What lies at the basis of human behavior - a combination of circumstances, a series of accidents, predestination or following chosen ideals, ideas? Who controls human life? If life is woven from accidents, is it possible to vouch for the future, to be responsible for others? Are there any immutable moral criteria, or are they changeable and a person is driven by fear of power and death, a thirst for power and wealth?

In the early morning of the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan, in a white cloak with bloody lining, shuffling gait, the procurator of Judea, the son of an astrologer, the horseman Pontius Pilate, came out into the covered colonnade of the palace of Herod the Great in the city of Yershalaim, which he hated, .. "

(“Cowardice is the most serious vice,” Woland repeats (chapter 32, scene of a night flight). Pilate says that “more than anything in the world he hates his immortality and unheard-of glory”)

Problem question:In what way do you see the difference between the "evangelical" and "Moscow" chapters? How are Yershalaim and Moscow similar?(The two worlds are very similar, although separated by time. Two cities are described in the same way (clouds, a thunderstorm that came from the west). Different clothes, different habits, different houses, But the essence of people is the same. Tyranny, unfair trial, denunciations, executions, enmity .)

Two worlds are interconnected, Connected by the Master, who guessed and wrote a novel,

– How is the Master similar to Yeshua?(They are related by truthfulness, incorruptibility, devotion to their faith, independence, the ability to empathize with someone else's grief. But the master did not show the necessary stamina, did not defend his dignity. He did not fulfill his duty and turned out to be broken. That is why he burns his novel).

The two worlds are connected with each other and with that force of evil that was present always and everywhere.

We are entering the third world - the world of otherworldly power.

3rd group. The world of otherworldly power is eternal.

problem question: The main question that interests us is: “Is the evil spirit in the novel evil or good?”

- With whom did Woland come to earth?

It turns out that the world is surrounded by grabbers, bribe-takers, sycophants, swindlers, opportunists, self-interested people. And now Bulgakov's satire is ripening, growing and falling on their heads, the conductors of which are aliens from the world of Darkness

But Woland saves Pilate from the pangs of conscience, returns the Master his novel and gives him eternal rest, helps Margarita find the Master.

For Bulgakov, Woland personifies the fate that punishes Berlioz, Sokov and others who violate the norms of Christian morality.. Woland does not betray, does not lie, does not sow evil. He reveals, reveals, reveals the vile in life in order to punish it all. It is thanks to Woland that truth and honesty are reborn. This is the first devil in world literature, punishing for non-compliance with the commandments of Christ. We can say that Woland is an ever-existing evil, which is necessary for the existence of good. (back to epigraphs)

Let's see what happened after Woland's disappearance from Moscow. The punishment is over. Rimsky returned, Varenukha ceased to be a vampire, the patients of Stravinsky's clinic were cured. This means that Woland is needed not only to punish those who have not resisted temptation. He left a warning. And the punishment is within.

  • Woland collapsed into a black hole, Pontius Pilate, released by the Master, was leaving by the moonbeam. But the Master is not with them. Where is the place for the Master and Margarita?

4 group. Master and Margarita

peace, promised to the Master looks attractive after all he's been through. But the nature of peace is unclear. Neither happiness on earth, nor departure into the light, the Master deserved. The most serious sin of the master is the rejection of creation, of the search for truth. True, having expiated his guilt by discovering the truth, the Master has earned forgiveness and is worthy of freedom and peace. Perhaps peace is death, because the Master receives this award from the hands of Woland, the Prince of Darkness. The master is endowed with the ability to "guess" the truth. His gift can save people from unconsciousness, from their forgotten ability to do good. But the Master, having composed the novel, could not stand the struggle for it.

Who told you that there is no true, true, eternal love in the world? Let the liar cut out his vile tongue! Margarita is an earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, flirt, she is a woman without prejudice. Only she of the heroes does not have a double? Why?(Her image is unique. She loves selflessly, to the point of self-sacrifice, she sells her soul to the devil, she decides to share even death with her lover.)

How did Margarita deserve the special mercy of the higher powers that control the universe? In the name of what does she perform a feat?Margarita, probably one of those one hundred and twenty-two Margaritas that Koroviev spoke about, knows what love is.

What is love?Love is the second way (after creativity) to the super-reality, something that can resist the ever-existing evil. The concepts of goodness, forgiveness, responsibility, truth, harmony are also connected with love and creativity.

Find evidence for this in the text.

Conclusion: Margarita values ​​the novel more than the Master. By the power of his love, he saves the Master, he finds peace. The true values ​​affirmed by the author of the novel are connected with the theme of creativity and the theme of Margarita: personal freedom, mercy, honesty, truth, faith, love.

What is the main conclusion of the novel?Each will be rewarded according to merit. This is what the world is built on. God in your souls - CONSCIENCE. She does not allow to commit evil deeds and protects from all temptations.

3. The results of the lesson.

- all the plans of the book are united by the problem of good and evil;
– themes: the search for truth, the theme of creativity
- all these layers and space-time spheres merge at the end of the book

The truth, which Yeshua was the bearer of, turned out to be historically unrealized, remaining at the same time absolutely beautiful. This is the tragedy of human existence. Woland makes a disappointing conclusion about the immutability of human nature, but in these same words the thought of the indestructibility of mercy in human hearts sounds.

4. Homework: essay "What would good do if evil did not exist?"

Application No. 1

Prepare a coherent story using the questions given to you. Justify your answer with quotes from the text, indicating the part and chapter, as well as your own point of view.

Group 1.

What is the time ahead of us? How and how do Muscovites live? What is the language of these chapters? What subtext can we find?

- Quite modern people, busy with momentary problems, act in this world. What does the Master say about Berlioz? Why?

What strange things happened to Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny?

Group 2

How does Bulgakov portray Pilate? How does his portrait reveal Pilate's character?

How does Pilate behave at the beginning of the meeting with Yeshua and at the end of their meeting?

Remember the interrogation scene. Pilate asks a question that should not be asked in an interrogation. What is this question?

What is Yeshua's main belief?

Why is Pilate trying to save Yeshua from execution?

Why does Pilate approve the death sentence?

Why was Pilate punished? What is the punishment?

Group 3.

- With whom did Woland come to earth? How does the author portray him? What role does each of Woland's retinue play? What is your attitude towards this character? What feelings does it evoke in you?

Who is Woland tempting? Whom did he kill? Who was punished?

– What is the reality in Moscow?

What is the role of the Devil and his retinue in the novel?

Group 4

The Master did not deserve light, he deserved peace. Is peace a punishment or a reward?

How did Margarita deserve the special mercy of the higher powers that control the universe? In the name of what does she perform a feat?

Behind the edges of gems, as if by chance, casually thrown by writers on

pages of his works, sometimes hidden

deep meaning that enriches the plot of the work

additional nuances.

The Master and Margarita novel is a mystery. Each person who reads it discovers his own meaning in it. The text of the work is so full of problems that it is very difficult to find the main one, I would even say it is impossible.

The main difficulty is that several realities are intertwined in the novel: on the one hand, the Soviet life of Moscow in the 20-30s, on the other, the city of Yershalaim, and finally, the reality of the all-powerful Woland.

The first world is Moscow in the 1920s and 1930s.

Satan came to Moscow to do justice, to rescue the Master, his masterpiece and Margarita. He sees that Moscow has turned into a semblance of the Great Ball: it is inhabited by traitors, scammers, sycophants, bribe-takers, money-changers. Bulgakov presented them both as individual characters and as employees of the following institutions: MASSOLIT, the Variety Theater and the Spectacle Commission. Every person has vices that Woland exposes. A more serious sin was committed by the workers of MASLIT, who call themselves writers and scientists. These people know a lot and at the same time deliberately lead people away from the search for truth, make the brilliant Master unhappy. For this, punishment overtakes the House of Griboyedov, where MASSOLIT is located. The Moscow population does not want to believe in anything without evidence, neither in God nor in the devil. In my opinion, Bulgakov hoped that someday people would realize the horror that consumed Russia for many years, as Ivan Bezdomny realized that his poems were terrible. But this did not happen during Bulgakov's lifetime.

The second world is Yershalaim.

Yershalaim is associated with many characteristic, inherent in it and at the same time uniting with Moscow details. This is the scorching sun, narrow tangled streets, terrain. The similarity of some elevations is especially surprising: Pashkov's House in Moscow and Pilate's palace, located above the roofs of city houses; Bald Mountain and Sparrow Hills. You can also pay attention to the fact that if in Yershalaim the hill with the crucified Yeshua is surrounded, then in Moscow with Woland leaving it. Only three days are described from the life of the city. The struggle between good and evil does not stop and cannot stop. The protagonist of the ancient world, Yeshua, is very similar to Jesus. He is also a mere mortal who remained misunderstood. Yershalaim, invented by the Master, is fantastic. But it is he who looks the most real in the novel.

The third world is the mystical, fantastic Woland and his retinue.

Mysticism in the novel plays a completely realistic role and can serve as an example of the contradictions of reality. The underworld is headed by Woland. He is the devil, Satan, "the prince of darkness", "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows". The evil spirit in The Master and Margarita exposes human vices before us. Here is the devil Koroviev - a drunken bastard. Here is the cat Behemoth, very similar to a man and at times he turns into a man, very similar to a cat. Here is the hooligan Azazello with an ugly fang. Woland personifies eternity. He is that eternally existing evil which is necessary for the existence of good. In the novel, the traditional image of Satan is changed: it is no longer an immoral, evil, treacherous demon-destroyer. Evil spirits appear in Moscow with a revision. She is interested in whether the townspeople have changed internally. Watching the audience in the Variety, the "professor of black magic" tends to think that, in fact, nothing has changed. The evil spirit appears before us as an evil human will, being an instrument of punishment, committing intrigues at the suggestion of people. Woland seemed to me fair, objective, and his justice was manifested not only in the punishment of some heroes. Thanks to him, the Master and Margarita are reunited.

All the heroes of the novel are closely connected with each other, without the existence of some, the existence of others would be impossible, just as there can be no light without darkness. The novel "The Master and Margarita" tells about the responsibility of a person for his actions. Actions are united by one idea - the search for truth and the struggle for it. Enmity, distrust, envy reign in the world at all times. This novel belongs to those works that must be re-read in order to better understand the subtext, to see new details that you might not have paid attention to the first time. This happens not only because the novel touches on many philosophical problems, but also because of the complex "three-dimensional" structure of the work.

“Roman Woland and his retinue” - The name Azazello was formed by Bulgakov from the Old Testament name Azazel. Probably, Bulgakov was attracted by the combination in one character of the ability to seduce and kill. Woland is a character in the novel The Master and Margarita, who leads the world of otherworldly forces. Woland is largely focused on Mephistopheles "Faust" by Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

"Bulgakov's novel Master and Margarita" - Heroes of the novel. Real Moscow 20 - 30 years of the XX century. Master. Last flight. Goethe. "Faust". Pilate and Yeshua. 1928 - 1938 8 editions. 1931 - 1932 Continuation of work, the appearance of images of the Master and Margarita. Azazello. 1928 Concept. 1930 burned the manuscript. Why is Woland interested in the Master's novel? The novel The Master and Margarita.

"Master and Margarita" - Anti-creativity. Such is the feeling of the Master and Margarita. Saadi. MASSOLIT and Master. But now the novel is over, so what? The ulcers are familiar to you, the balm is also familiar! The symbol of writers - varnishers of reality - in the novel is MASSOLIT. Master. Follow me, reader! What sacrifices is a loving person ready for? And it was Margarita's love, the ability to sacrifice herself that made the Master's revival possible.

"Love of the Master and Margarita" - Self-examination. Master's novel. Pontius Pilate is one of the main characters in Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. Bulgakov's Modernity (30s of the 20th century). Mystical. The forces of hell in the novel. CD-disk with a recording of the novel, 2009 Woland personifies the norms of Christian morality. The distant past has not gone irrevocably, but exists in parallel with the present.

"Mikhail Bulgakov Master and Margarita" - The story "The Devil". 1924 - Divorce from T.N. Lappa and the beginning of a life together with L. E. Belozerskaya. Faust. Woland is at the head of the force that implements the motive of retribution - the court. Two worlds in the novel "Master and Margarita": light and darkness. Azazello. M. A. Bulgakov. The story "Fatal eggs". Bulgakov leaves medicine and is engaged only in journalism and literary work.

"Margarita Bulgakov" - He does not understand that he has come into contact with the devilish world. Conclusion. Intertwining fantasy and reality. Portrait of Margaret. The Master and Margarita is clearly divided into two parts. History of the Master and Margarita. The novel "The Master and Margarita" went to the reader for a long time. Bulgakov's Master is a philosopher. Koroviev-Fagot.

In total there are 7 presentations in the topic

The Master and Margarita novel is a mystery. Each person who reads it discovers his own meaning in it. The text of the work is so full of problems that it is very difficult to find the main one, I would even say it is impossible.

The main difficulty is that several realities are intertwined in the novel: on the one hand, the Soviet life of Moscow in the 20-30s, on the other, the city of Yershalaim, and finally, the reality of the all-powerful Woland.

First world - Moscow 20-30s.

Satan came to Moscow to do justice, to rescue the Master, his masterpiece and Margarita. He sees that Moscow has turned into a semblance of the Great Ball: it is inhabited by traitors, scammers, sycophants, bribe-takers, money-changers. Bulgakov presented them both as individual characters and as employees of the following institutions: MASSOLIT, the Variety Theater and the Spectacle Commission. Every person has vices that Woland exposes. A more serious sin was committed by the workers of MASLIT, who call themselves writers and scientists. These people know a lot and at the same time deliberately lead people away from the search for truth, make the brilliant Master unhappy. For this, punishment overtakes the House of Griboyedov, where MASSOLIT is located. The Moscow population does not want to believe in anything without evidence, neither in God nor in the devil. In my opinion, Bulgakov hoped that someday people would realize the horror that consumed Russia for many years, as Ivan Bezdomny realized that his poems were terrible. But this did not happen during Bulgakov's lifetime.

The second world is Yershalaim.

Yershalaim is associated with many characteristic, inherent in it and at the same time uniting with Moscow details. This is the scorching sun, narrow tangled streets, terrain. The similarity of some elevations is especially surprising: Pashkov's House in Moscow and Pilate's palace, located above the roofs of city houses; Bald Mountain and Sparrow Hills. You can also pay attention to the fact that if in Yershalaim the hill with the crucified Yeshua is surrounded, then in Moscow with Woland leaving it. Only three days are described from the life of the city. The struggle between good and evil does not stop and cannot stop. The protagonist of the ancient world, Yeshua, is very similar to Jesus. He is also a mere mortal who remained misunderstood. Yershalaim, invented by the Master, is fantastic. But it is he who looks the most real in the novel.

The third world is the mystical, fantastic Woland and his retinue.

Mysticism in the novel plays a completely realistic role and can serve as an example of the contradictions of reality. The underworld is headed by Woland. He is the devil, Satan, "the prince of darkness", "the spirit of evil and the lord of shadows". The evil spirit in The Master and Margarita exposes human vices before us. Here and the devil Koroviev is a drunken bastard. Here is the cat Behemoth, very similar to a man and at times he turns into a man, very similar to a cat. Here is the hooligan Azazello with an ugly fang. Woland personifies eternity. He is that ever-existing evil that is necessary for the existence of good. In the novel, the traditional image of Satan is changed: it is no longer an immoral, evil, treacherous demon-destroyer. Evil spirits appear in Moscow with a revision. She is interested in whether the townspeople have changed internally. Watching the audience in the Variety, the "professor of black magic" tends to think that, in fact, nothing has changed. The evil spirit appears before us as an evil human will, being an instrument of punishment, committing intrigues at the suggestion of people. Woland seemed to me fair, objective, and his justice was manifested not only in the punishment of some heroes. Thanks to him, the Master and Margarita are reunited.

All the heroes of the novel are closely connected with each other, without the existence of some, the existence of others would be impossible, just as there can be no light without darkness. The novel "The Master and Margarita" tells about the responsibility of a person for his actions. Actions are united by one idea - the search for truth and the struggle for it. Enmity, distrust, envy reign in the world at all times. This novel belongs to those works that must be re-read in order to better understand the subtext, to see new details that you might not have paid attention to the first time. This happens not only because the novel touches on many philosophical problems, but also because of the complex "three-dimensional" structure of the work.

Three worlds in the novel by M. A. Bulgakov
The novel by M. A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita” belongs to those works that you want and definitely need to re-read in order to better understand the subtext, to see new details that you might not have paid attention to at the first time. This happens not only because the novel touches on many philosophical, moral and ethical issues, but also because of the complex “three-dimensional” structure of the work.

We encounter the number three in our world more than once: it is the main category of life (birth - life - death), thinking (idea - thought - action), time (past - present - future). In Christianity, too, much is built on trinity: the trinity of the divine trinity, the management of the earthly world (God - man - the Devil).
M. Bulgakov was sure that the trinity corresponds to the truth, so you can see that the events in the novel take place in three dimensions: in the ancient “Yershalaim” world, in the contemporary Moscow world of the 1930s, and in the mystical, fantastic, otherworldly world. .
At first it seems to us that these three planes hardly touch each other. It would seem, what kind of relationship can modern Muscovites have with the heroes of a literary novel with an evangelical theme, and even more so with Satan himself? But very soon we realize how wrong we were. Bulgakov sees everything in his own way and offers to look at the surrounding reality (and not just the events of the novel) in a new way.
In fact, we are witnessing a constant interaction, a close interconnection of the three worlds: creativity, ordinary life and higher forces, or providence. What is happening in the Master's novel about the ancient Yershalaim world clearly echoes the events of modern Moscow. This roll call is not only external, when the literary heroes of the “novel within a novel” are portraits and actions similar to Muscovites (the features of Yeshua Ga-Notsri are visible in the Master, the Master’s friend Aloisy Mogarych resembles Judas, Levi Matvey, for all his devotion, is as limited as the poet Ivan Homeless). There is also a deeper similarity, because in the conversations of Pontius Pilate with Ha-Notsri, many moral problems are touched upon, questions of truth, good and evil, which, as we see, were not fully resolved either in Moscow in the 30s, or even today - these questions belong to the category of "eternal".
Woland and his retinue are representatives of the other world, they are endowed with the ability to read in human hearts and souls, to see the deep interconnections of phenomena, to predict the future, and therefore Bulgakov gives them the right to act as human judges. Woland notes that internally people have changed little over the past millennia: “They are people like people. They love money, but it always has been. Well, they are frivolous ... well, well ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... ”Cowardice, greed, ignorance, spiritual weakness, hypocrisy - this is not a complete list of those vices that still guide and largely determine human life. Therefore, Woland, endowed with special power, acts not only as a punishing force, punishing careerists, sycophants, greedy and selfish, but also rewards the kind, capable of self-sacrifice, deep love, who can create, creating new worlds. And even those who, having committed evil, do not hide like an ostrich with their heads in the sand, but are responsible for their actions. Everyone is rewarded according to their deserts, and very many in the novel (moreover, the majority - to their own misfortune) get the opportunity to fulfill their desires.
At the end of the novel, all three worlds, quite clearly demarcated at the beginning, merge into one. This indicates a close and harmonious relationship of all phenomena and events in the world. A person needs to learn to be responsible not only for his actions, but also for emotions, thoughts, because an idea that has arisen in someone's head can become a reality even on the other side of the Earth.

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