Comparative characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin (based on the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit")


These characters are completely different in every way. By worldview, upbringing, character, in an effort to earn their place under the sun. Flattery, humiliation and all the base qualities of a person are acceptable to Molchalin.

Chatsky is a nobleman by birth, and all the best features of a noble person are reflected in him. Molchalin does not have noble roots, his position in society, he achieved thanks to his boss.

Due to his origin, Chatsky is educated and comprehensively developed as a person. Molchalin, on the contrary, is stupid and not educated in his aspirations, apart from obtaining a new rank, he is not interested in anything else.

Chatsky is the opposite in all views. In aspirations and in character, a completely different person. Chatsky loves his homeland and country, a very passionate and bright young man.

Molchalin, on the contrary, is completely invisible and faceless, the main goal of his life is to get a position. And the more prestigious, the better, this is a dishonest, two-faced person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

Chatsky does not like the obsolete past, he strives for a brighter future. And hopes that society will change for the better. Chatsky served in the army, rose to the rank of officer, and is now retired.

In society, when discussing various topics of interest to society, Chatsky openly and frankly share his conclusions.

Molchalin, on the contrary, does not express his thoughts, but agrees with the thoughts of officials who are higher in rank in order to win them over and move up the career ladder.

Chatsky will not obey and flatter in order to be loved in society, while Molchalin is ready for all humiliations for the sake of career growth. And his recognition in society.

During the reading of the work, it turns out that Chatsky is a frank and courageous person. Molchalin is his absolute opposite, a liar, a coward and a careerist.

In the house of Famusov, Chatsky is considered an incomprehensible person. Soon because of this, he leaves. Molchalin, on the contrary, fit well into this society. As a result, Chatsky leaves Moscow, and Molchalin remains here to live and earn himself a new rank.

Molchalin, on the other hand, acts as a liar, a flatterer, a silent man and a careerist. Who is ready for anything in order to be recognized in society and given a new title. For this, he does not disdain anything, except for everything, Chatsky and Molchalin became rivals in winning Sophia's love.

And what is interesting is the flatterer and liar Molchalin she liked, and not the honest, frank and ardent Chatsky. But soon, Sophia leaves, Molchalin learning that he is caring for Lisa at the same time.

The conclusion from all this is the following, and our society is full of Chatskys and Molchalins. Some are honest and frank, proud and self-confident, having their own point of view in everything. Others are quiet and calm hypocrites who agree with everything, who think one thing and say another. They lie and are amiable in order to achieve their goals.

Composition Chatsky and Molchalin comparison for grade 9

"Woe from Wit" is a work that gives an accurate picture of the life of the Moscow nobles of the 19th century. In his immortal creation A.S. Griboyedov tried to raise the main problems of this time: the political system, serfdom, education, human relationships. These issues are considered by the writer from two opposite angles: "the current century" in the person of Alexander Chatsky and the "past century" in the person of Famusov, Molchalin, Skalozub, Zagoretsky. Through the struggle between Molchalin and Chatsky, Griboyedov tried to describe the struggle of these generations.

Alexander Chatsky is the central figure in the play. This is a poor nobleman who has received an education and has a mind and has his own point of view on everything, which he is not afraid to express.

First of all, Chatsky actively opposes the system of serfdom. He speaks with fury and indignation about how one landowner exchanged servants for purebred dogs. His anger also arouses the bow of the nobility to the west, where even Russian is spoken interspersed with French words.

Chatsky actively advocates and promotes the revival of Russia. Strive to selflessly serve the Fatherland and benefit society. However, he does not want to be hypocritical and be a toady, just to get a high rank and honor.

All the talk about a successful career, wealth, successful and mutually beneficial marriages makes the protagonist want to fight and try to change such a society.

But Alexei Molchalin is quite comfortable living and existing in the Famus society. To please everyone who is higher than his rank - Molchalin successfully succeeds in this matter. The young man considers his main advantages: the ability to remain silent, moderation, accuracy, helpfulness and the ability to remain cautious in everything. He understands well that a rootless official cannot break into the people without the support of people who have a position in society and power. The deceitfulness of this character can be seen in his attitude towards people. Without a twinge of conscience, Molchalin is able to please and flatter Famusov, 65-year-old Madame Khlestova, whispering sugary compliments to her, only to "get a higher rank."

The difference between Chatsky and Molchalin is clearly manifested in relation to the theme of love. If Molchalin lies about his tender feelings for Sophia for the sake of a career, then Chatsky is capable of sincere feelings. For her sake, he tries to stay in a society that openly considers him crazy and a "dangerous person." Chatsky suffers from the fact that the girl she loves, succumbing to the mood of her surroundings, has chosen as her husband a convenient and close-minded person, and not him, a reasonable man and “hungry for knowledge”.

Unfortunately, the social and love torments of Alexander Chatsky remain unresolved. His penetrating mind cannot influence the frozen and immoral world in any way. But the desire and desire of Chatsky to fight bureaucracy and the indifference of society, of course, characterize him as an extraordinary and progressive-minded person.

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Apr 28 2014

Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is a unique cast of the emerging, but already irreconcilable struggle in society at the beginning of the 19th century between progressive, progressive-minded youth and conservative-minded representatives of serf antiquity. These two different social camps are picturesquely represented by Chatsky and Molchalin - people of opposite life positions, moral standards, worldview. Despite the deep dissimilarity, in Molchalin and Chatsky one can also find common features that attracted Sofia Famusova to each of them (at different times). These two young and intelligent people are connected with the Famusov house. Chatsky is the son of a friend of Famusov, brought up in this house.

At a young age, he left Moscow, “sought his mind”, studied, saw and learned a lot. Molchalin works as a Secretary in the Famusov House, enjoys universal love and respect: As far as I work and strength, Since I have been listed in the Archives, I have received three awards. But now he brings them together in a comedy, and we see how different Chatsky and Molchalin are from each other, and this dissimilarity cannot be hidden under the outer shell.

The very appearance of these heroes in a comedy can tell about many traits of their characters. Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is passionately in love and happy after a long separation to see Sophia. Joy and energy fill him so much that he does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl.

Molchalin, on the other hand, enters the comedy first silent, and then justifying and confused. And soon we will learn something about these heroes through their assessment by other actors, in their speeches and actions. How do household members of the Famusov house and the owner himself speak of Chatsky? Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky! Sharp, smart, eloquent, Especially happy in friends ...

... he is small with a head, And he writes and translates nicely. Chatsky is a nobleman and is proud of it. He is distinguished from those around him by love of freedom and independence of views, frankness and directness of statements.

Chatsky sees the purpose of his life in serving the fatherland, he is a true patriot of his homeland, however, servility, the struggle for ranks, titles, awards oppress him and resent him: I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve. He is ready to serve “the cause, not the persons”, but in the Famus society this is impossible. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person by deeds, and not by the position he occupies in society, openness and directness in relation to Chatsky cause a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection on their part: Ah! My God! he is carbonara!

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The characters of Chatsky and Molchalin are opposed to each other.

Chatsky is undoubtedly the main character of the comedy, because it is with his appearance that events begin to unfold in Famusov's house.

Chatsky is not a rich person by origin, but this is not the main thing for him. Others speak well of him: "Who is so sensitive and cheerful, and sharp ...". He used to serve as an official, but left the service because it was “sickening” to serve him. He also served in the regiment and did not become a military man, since the military serve in bad faith, and Chatsky himself understands that he will not be happy in the regiment. Then he travels, but he does not find his calling abroad either, and returns to his homeland.

Chatsky does not want to live his life boring and useless. He loves Russia, says “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant for us”, wants to be useful to her, but does not yet know how. Brought up in the traditions of that society, Chatsky does not know new ways in life, therefore it seems to be empty talk, just wrapping around everyone around.

Chatsky does not want to be an official, because in Famusov's society, promotion is possible thanks to connections, an attempt to curry favor not with one's personal qualities and business skills, but with admiration and flattery for superiors. For a successful career, you need to have such qualities as servility, obsequiousness, wordlessness. For people like Famusov, it doesn’t cost anything to humiliate yourself in front of your boss, just to get your way. No one from the Famus society is trying to make life in Russia better, to be useful. They are only looking for benefits for themselves. Even in education, Famusov sees the bad, he believes "learning is the plague, learning is the cause." Nevertheless, people like Famusov and his guests understand that they are wrong, but they are afraid of some changes and that they will have to achieve their fortune with their own mind and work.

Chatsky does not like these features of the “past century”, he knows that he does not belong in such a society.

His personal drama lies in the fact that he remains misunderstood in Famusov's house. Sofya, for whom he came to Famusov, loves another, one who is not worthy of her, and Sofya turns all the features of Molchalin, which Chatsky considers humiliating, into virtues. Moreover, Sophia becomes like everyone else, and does not understand Chatsky. The Famus society took Chatsky for a madman, because his opinion differs sharply from theirs. All the same, he boldly expresses his thoughts and denounces liars, calling a spade a spade. So, realizing that nothing has changed in Moscow, Chatsky leaves Famusov's house.

Molchalin is Famusov's secretary, lives in his house and plays a secondary role in the comedy, but through him you can see how he differs from Chatsky. Molchalin's father taught him to please all the people, the boss, the owner of the house where he would live, and even the janitor and his dog, so that no one would be angry with him, and he would enjoy the reputation of an educated and well-mannered person.

Molchalin considers moderation and accuracy to be his best qualities. He always praises one of the higher ranks, or plays cards with them, or serves for his own benefit. Molchalin also believes that "he does not dare to have his own judgment", therefore he does not pepper anyone, depending on others.

Living in a strange house, Molchalin starts an affair with Sophia, as with the daughter of an influential rank, behaves timidly with her. But he has sincere feelings for Lisa, and in relation to her it is clear that he is not at all timid and shy; He is open to her, he speaks his thoughts.

Chatsky despises Molchalin, believes at first that Sophia is joking about her attitude towards Molchalin. Upon learning of Chatsky's views, Molchalin is horrified, he sincerely supports the rumor about Chatsky's madness.

In general, Chatsky and Molchalin are completely different. Molchalin lives according to the concepts of the old century, and plans everything in life according to a well-known proven pattern, like everyone else, and does not even consider it necessary to think about the essence of what is happening. And Chatsky, on the contrary, strives for everything new, because Chatsky begins a new century, and this is all his significance and his whole “mind”.

The play "Woe from Wit" is built on a conflict both personal and public. The social conflict lies in the fact that the main character does not agree in his views on life with society. The personal problem of the hero is unrequited love. He comes from abroad in the hope of seeing his beloved and hopes for reciprocity. But, unfortunately, another person has already taken his place.

Chatsky and Molchalin live in the same city, in the same country, they are of the same age and seem to be similar in many ways (after all, the place of residence and society affect a person). But it is not. These two heroes are as different as, for example, fire and water. Chatsky is "smart, truthful, eloquent." Molchalin is his complete opposite. He is a hypocrite and a sycophant. In Famus society there are no people to whom he would not suck up. Molchalin will do everything to earn a good reputation. Chatsky characterizes this hero well and briefly:

What am I, Molchalin stupider? Where is he, by the way?

Have you yet broken the silence of the press?

For Molchalin himself, his surname speaks:

And yet, he will reach certain degrees,

After all, today they love the dumb.

Molchalin loves "moderation and accuracy" in everything. He is very accommodating not only with Famusov's entourage, but also with Sophia herself. Against its background, it looks very colorless. Everything that Sophia asks, he, like a faithful servant, fulfills.

Chatsky very often speaks about Molchalin, even in his presence. The main character does not agree with everything that Molchalin does. Alexander Andreevich says about this:

Molchalin! - Who else will settle everything so peacefully!

There the pug will stroke in time,

Zagoretsky will not die in it!..

Chatsky advocates publicity, not silence. He refuses to echo the opinion of the old generation. Chatsky acts as a representative of the future Russia. Molchalin is just one of the representatives of the Famus society. His commandments: “first, to please all people without exception” and “in my years, one should not dare to have one’s own judgments.”

Chatsky is in love with Sophia, but, unfortunately, you cannot return the past. But Chatsky, unlike Molchalin, loves disinterestedly and sincerely.

The attitude to business and to the service of the two heroes is also different. Chatsky demands not to mix "fun or tomfoolery with business." He will never bow before the people of the old order: "I would be glad to serve - it is sickening to serve."

Molchalin, following his unchanging traditions, bows to his elders, no matter what they say. Of course, there is no way to do without sycophancy. He has no thoughts of his own, neither in business, nor in society, nor in love. He is called to obey others. Chatsky says:

Ranks are given by people;

And people can be deceived.

Chatsky believes that he also occupies an undeserved place in the service.

But no matter how many shortcomings and virtues there are in these two people, the Chatskys and the silent ones will never be translated into society. There are people who have their own opinion, but, unfortunately, there are people who obey others all their lives.

Essay text:

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is a unique cast of the emerging, but already irreconcilable struggle in society at the beginning of the 19th century between progressive, progressive-minded youth and conservative-minded representatives of serf antiquity. These two different social camps in the comedy picturesquely represent Chatsky and Molchalin people of opposite life positions, moral norms, worldview.
Despite the deep dissimilarity, in Molchalin and Chatsky one can also find common features that attracted Sofia Famusova to each of them (at different times). These two young and intelligent people are connected with the Famusov house. Chatsky is the son of a friend of Famusov, brought up in this house. At a young age, he left Moscow, "searched his mind", studied, saw and learned a lot. Molchalin works
secretary in the Famusov house, enjoys universal love and respect:
As I labor and strength,
Ever since I've been listed in the Archives,
Received three awards.
But here the author brings them together in a comedy, and we see how different Chatsky and Molchalin are from each other, and this dissimilarity cannot be hidden under the outer shell. The very appearance of these heroes in a comedy can tell about many traits of their characters.
Chatsky literally breaks into the plot, he is passionately in love and happy after a long separation to see Sophia. Joy and energy fill him so much that he does not immediately notice the coldness of the girl. Molchalin, on the other hand, enters the comedy at first silent, and then justified and confused. And soon we will learn something about these heroes through their assessment by other actors, in their speeches and actions.
How do the family members of the Famusov house and the owner himself speak of Chatsky?
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp, Like Alexander Andreyich Chatsky!
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
Especially happy with friends...
... he is small with a head,
And he writes well, translates.
Chatsky nobleman and proud of him. Those around him are distinguished by love of freedom and independence of views, frankness and directness of statements. Chatsky sees the goal of his life in serving the fatherland, he is a true patriot of his homeland, but servility, the struggle for ranks, titles, awards oppress him and revolt:
I would be glad to serve, it is sickening to serve.
He is ready to serve "the cause, not the persons," but this is impossible in the Famus society. It is the independence of judgments, the desire to judge a person by deeds, and not by the position he occupies in society, openness and directness in relation to Chatsky cause a complete misunderstanding of others, aggression and rejection on their part:
Oh! My God! he is carbonara!
A dangerous person!
And I don't want to know you, I can't stand depravity.
But what about Molchalin? How did he gain confidence and win the sincere respect of those very people who are so ruthless to Chatsky?
Look, he has gained the friendship of everyone in the house,
I served with the priest for three years,
He is often uselessly angry,
And he disarms him with silence,
Oh, kindness of the soul, forgive me.
And by the way
I could look for gaiety;
Not at all: don’t step over the threshold from the old people.
A little time is needed to understand that Molchalin completely accepts the laws of the Famus society and becomes indispensable for him. He is cowardly and always subordinates his way of thinking to what is accepted in society:
At my age, one should not dare to have His judgment.

After all, you have to depend on others.
Molchalin considers his most important virtues to be helpfulness, moderation and accuracy. A flatterer, a hypocrite, a sycophant and a clerk, most of all in life he dreams of "reaching the known degrees", which, most likely, will come true, "because now they love the dumb" Calculating to the smallest detail, Molchalin can always count on the support and patronage of "the powers that be ".
Relations with Sophia bring Chatsky and Molchalin together, two opposing positions painfully collide. Chatsky is impeccably honest and sincere with Sophia and expects the same frankness from her. He does not hide not only his joy and happiness, but also bewilderment and even indignation. Very soon he realizes that he is unloved by the girl, but he wants to know: who is the rival?
Oh! Sophia! Is Molchalin chosen by her!
Why not a husband? There is only little mind in him;
But to have children
Who lacked intelligence?
Helpful, modest, there is a blush in his face.
Here he is, on tiptoe, and not rich in words;
With what divination he knew how to get into her heart!
However, a few minutes of communication with this petty and flattering person dispel his suspicions:
With such feelings, with such a soul, We love!.. The deceiver laughed at me!
Sophia, under the influence of French novels, has a different opinion. Having fallen in love with a cunning and dishonest person, she cannot see the true face under the mask:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others, The enemy of insolence, always shyly, timidly Whole night with whom you can spend like that!
But what about Molchalin? Molchalin is moving forward in life, fulfilling the precepts of his father:
My father bequeathed to me:
First, to please all people without exception
The owner, where he happens to live,
The boss with whom I will serve,
To his servant, who cleans the dresses,
Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil. The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.
Therefore, Sophia for Molchalin is just another step in conquering the career ladder. Without hesitation, he admits:
And now I take the form of a lover In the pleasing of the daughter of such a person.
However, this does not prevent Molchalin from shamelessly flirting with Lisa, with whom he does not even consider it necessary to hide his vile little soul:
I don't see anything Enviable in Sofya Pavlovna...
Having learned about Sophia's chosen one, Chatsky cannot contain his indignation:
Here I am donated to whom!
I don’t know how I tempered the rage in myself!
I looked and saw and did not believe!
But Sophia is also struck by the "curvature of the soul" of her former beloved, she drives him away in anger.
In his comedy, Griboyedov created a gallery of typical characters that go beyond the historical framework of the era and the play itself. Chatsky type of fighter who is ready to defend his beliefs in any situation, and even in case of defeat does not change them. Today I call the Molchalins hypocrites and liars, vile careerists and low worshipers. And in our time, "Molchalins are blissful in the world", but Chatsky is the engine of progress, a representative of young progressive youth.
I think that Griboyedov, having portrayed the characters of Chatsky and Molchalin, suggested that his contemporaries and descendants make their own moral choice, learn to appreciate people according to their human dignity, and not according to the masks they put on.

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