Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin. Zhilin and Kostylin: different fates


In the center of the work of Leo Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus" are two main characters - Zhilin and Kostylin. In the plot of the story, the relationship of the characters, the comparison of their characters and the comparison of the characters with each other.

The difference in the characters of the characters led to the fact that their fates developed differently. Zhilin is a horseman, and Kostylin behaves calmly in the scene of the ransom agreement. This difference is already evident in the scene of the attack of the Tatars and the arrest of the heroes. And further, their behavior in captivity also shows the physical and spiritual weakness of Kostylin and concern for a comrade, Zhilin's stamina.

The best qualities of Zhilin, his love of life and the worst qualities of Kostylin are described in the escape scene. Zhilin walks looking out, thinking how to escape, he dug a hole, got out, climbed the mountain, crawls to the road and, at the same time, carries Kostylin. And how Kostylin behaves - he is indifferent, bored, sleeping, and during the escape he caught a stone with his foot, lags behind, groans, fell from fear. For Zhilin, the concept of mutual assistance is important, and Kostylin does not want to be a burden.

If we briefly describe the characters of the heroes, then Zhilin can be described as a decisive, resourceful hero who knows how to forgive, courageous; Kostylin, on the contrary, is meek, weak, betrays, resigns himself, is a coward, forcibly hobbled home. In a word, Zhilin is a daredevil, and Kostylin is a deck.

Zhilin overcomes trials in captivity, he managed not only to survive, to take root in a hostile environment, but even to endear himself to his enemies. He solved his problems himself, without throwing them on the shoulders of others, he was strong. Kostylin, on the other hand, does not withstand the tests sent to him in captivity because of his weakness and selfishness.

Also, their portraits play an important role in comparing characters. The portrait of Kostylin is described with the words: "... the man is overweight, fat, all red, and sweat is pouring from him." Immediately there is contempt, hostility from the description of appearance. The image of a pitiful, insignificant person is created, he is weak, ready for a vile act.

Zhilin: "small in stature, but he was daring." Outwardly, the person is ordinary, but strength and courage are felt in him.

Comparing the actions, motives of actions and the relationship of the characters, one can also notice the opposite in the characters.

Zhilin loves his old mother, takes care of her, does not disturb her, does not demand excessive things from her, he relies only on his own strength, actively looking for a way out. He says this: "I was not afraid, and I will not be afraid of you dogs." He knew that his letter would not reach, but he did not write another.

Kostylin is an egoist, he is sure that his relatives are obliged to redeem him, but he himself does not want to do anything for this, does not fight, passively submits to circumstances. He sits in the barn all day counting the days when the letter arrives or sleeps.

I consider Zhilin a real hero who does not obey circumstances, strives for liberation. Strong will, courage, courage, nobility and resourcefulness stand out in his character. But Kostylin cares only about himself, about his well-being, he does not know what duty, loyalty to friendship is. He is weak-willed, irresponsible, capable of meanness. He does not commit an act, does not run away from captivity. Kostylin is not a hero, he is not capable of a great deed.

But our heroes have something in common. Both characters served in the Caucasus. Zhilin and Kostylin are nobles, both officers of the Russian army, both going on vacation, and are captured. And how different they are! One is a hero, the other is a weak person in body and spirit. Two different people in the same situation.

I think that the author, by comparing the characters of the characters, tried to convey to us the idea of ​​​​a person, what he should be. How much depends on the person. In the same circumstances, one turns out to be a hero, and the other does not deserve to be called a man.

Two destinies, two heroes, but how different they are. Two Russian officers serve in the Caucasus, fulfilling their duty to the Fatherland. Having been captured by the Tatars, one strives for freedom, and the second humbly awaits his fate. So why are there such different fates for two nobles -officers.
Zhilin Ivan is a Russian officer, from a poor noble family. Small in stature, but a well-built and daring young gentleman. He serves in the Caucasus, helping his old mother with money. He is not married, his mother found him a suitable bride and is waiting at home. but on the way home he is captured. Here his moral qualities are manifested: recalcitrant, with a strong character, he does not lose hope, an optimist and believes in himself.
Cautious, but stubborn in his aspirations, he tries to act in any circumstances. Strong and courageous, he cannot come to terms with the position of a prisoner. .Smart and straightforward, Zhilin knows how to get along with people, he is respected even by enemies, for his character, "golden hands" and his sense of dignity, which he does not lose even in captivity. Thanks to ingenuity, dexterity, he managed to escape, and courage, courage and craving for life, help him successfully get "to his own."
Kostylin is from a wealthy noble family, a Russian officer and serves in the Caucasus. Tall, clumsy "sissy", fat and weak. A pessimist by nature, Kostylin does not try to change anything when he is captured. He is waiting for his ransom to be paid for him family, sleeps and complains about life. Weak gentleman, cowardly and unable to do anything. Health is weak, and the spirit is even weaker. He can easily leave a comrade in trouble, so he did with Zhilin.
Remaining in captivity, Kostylin received freedom, he was ransomed a month later, but almost alive.
The craving for freedom, the thirst for life save Zhilin from death, there is no one to make a ransom for him and death awaits him. He sees the good in life, helps people, and even his enemies respect him for this, and in the little girl Dina he finds a friend who helps him to flee. Honor and dignity helped Zhilin to remain an officer in any situation, even in captivity. Zhilin's fate is the fate of the defender of the Motherland, for him honor and conscience are not empty words, which cannot be said about Kostylin. he chooses for himself the fate of a prisoner, weak-willed and devastated. A prisoner of his conscience, Kostylin will never be able to speak with pride about the defense of the Motherland.
There is no place for sissies among officers, money saves only his life, and not honor and dignity. Two comrades who served together in the Caucasus have such different fates.

In the story "The Prisoner of the Caucasus", which serves in part as an autobiography of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, there are two main characters. These are colleagues: Zhilin and Kostylin. Lev Nikolaevich himself became the prototype of Zhilin, and the hero of Kostylin was invented by him as an opposition to Zhilin.

Zhilin is described by Tolstoy as a strong-willed character, with a strong spirit, and unwilling to lay down his head before the trials that fall on him. His colleague, on the contrary, is a cowardly and lazy person, patiently waiting for the verdict of fate, and not wanting to decide it himself.

An attentive reader will immediately notice that, despite the presence of two main characters, the story is called "Prisoner of the Caucasus". Think: why? The fact is that Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, as a writer who knows how to convey the mood and essence of the story in a few words, called the work so, due to the fact that he did not consider Kostylin a person worthy of being mentioned in history.

After being captured, Kostylin immediately, unconditionally, agrees to write a letter to his relatives. This means that he does not have his own goals, but hopes for his relatives, and that they will redeem him. Zhilin, realizing that his mother will not collect a sufficient amount, indicates the wrong address in the letter, hoping to subsequently get out, which he succeeds later. Zhilin does not just run away, he provides for all possible outcomes, plans an escape to the smallest detail. And, being already ready, he also takes Kostylin, who at that time was not doing anything, but only eating and sleeping. Zhilin is a purposeful person, ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friends and colleagues. Kostylin is a pampered egoist, incapable of anything. After the first unsuccessful attempt, which failed because of Kostylin, Zhilin nevertheless ran away, demonstrating his love of life and vitality, but Kostylin did not succeed because of his laziness.

The story ends with Lev Nikolaevich talking about the fate of Zhilin. Zhilin remained to serve in the Caucasus, as befits a brave officer. Nothing is known about the further fate of Kostylin, except for the fact that he was bought out.

It is noteworthy that Lev Nikolaevich uses the names of the characters to describe their characters. Zhilin is associated with a strong man, a strong soul, and not a body, which is visible to the readers of the "Prisoner of the Caucasus" from the beginning of the story to the end. The surname Kostylin, so similar to a crutch, indicates the laziness and cowardice of the character.

Thus, Lev Nikolaevich fit two opposite characters in one story. This was done by him for the education of future generations. So that there would not be people like Kostylin in the future, but only people like Zhilin.

The story of L.N. Tolstoy's "Prisoner of the Caucasus" tells about the fate of two Russian officers who were captured by the highlanders during the war. The plot of the story is quite simple. The story is the same for two, but the destinies are different.

The author chooses surnames for the characters that fully correspond to them. Such surnames in the literature are called speaking, because they can tell a lot about their carrier. Zhilin is short, thin, but wiry and agile. Kostylin is a heavy, fat, lazy man, very heavy on his feet. A lot can tell about the heroes of the moment when they are just taken prisoner. When the heroes decided to fight off the caravan, Kostylin insisted that the gun was loaded, the horses were faithful. Therefore, he convinced Zhilina that they could continue the journey alone. Although both were aware of the danger. But we were very tired of driving slowly through such heat.

It was especially difficult for Kostylin. The officers urged their horses forward. But very quickly they came across a Tatar detachment. Kostylin got scared and, leaving his comrade, let his horse back. Together with Kostylin, the gun "left" as well. Zhilin was left alone with the highlanders, but continued to fight. He did not give up until the last, even when his hands were already twisted. In the house of the Tatar, it turned out that Kostylin had also been taken prisoner. His horse stood up and the gun stopped firing. That is, in the presence of a large separation, a frisky stallion and a gun, he could not fight back. He was detained after Zhilin, there was enough time.

In captivity, Zhilin leads a fairly active lifestyle. He makes clay dolls for Tatar children, repairs watches and even weapons. The entire settlement of the highlanders is surprised at his skill and ideas. And even residents of neighboring villages come to him as to a master. People come with broken utensils for him to fix. Thus, he wins the trust and sympathy of the owner. And the master's daughter Dean brings him delicious food in secret. He even managed to feed and caress the dog. Zhilin was preparing to escape. They demanded a ransom. He bargained for five hundred rubles. But Ivan understood that his mother could not collect such money, he felt sorry for his mother. And he wrote the wrong address on the envelope. I only hoped to escape. Kostylin, having been taken prisoner, slept and lay more and more. I wrote to my relatives about a ransom of five thousand rubles. And he just waited for them to come. Zhilin's escape failed only because he took Kostylin with him. He even carried him in his arms for some time, although his legs were no less worn. But this did not save their escape.

When they were brought back, Zhilin finds a way to escape. Dean helps him. And the exhausted Kostylin is then redeemed for five thousand, having collected money. These heroes have different destinies, because the characters are different. Not even characters, but a different attitude to life. Only active people who boldly move forward always win. Like Zhilin.

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And Kostylin both are the main characters in L. N. Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus". The author wrote this work during the Caucasian War, more precisely in the very last years of the war, when one day he himself almost became the prey of the enemy. Tolstoy, along with his friend named Sado, barely managed to ride horses to the border, so as not to be captured by the Tatars. This incident prompted the writer to create the story "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (1872).

Zhilin and Kostylin became friends during the service, both were officers. It so happened that on the way to their native lands, they were both captured by the Tatars. And it happened through the fault of Kostylin. He was a man of weak character and undecided. When he saw the Tatars running at them, he immediately left his friend in trouble and began to run away. However, he didn't get anything. Both were captured and locked in shackles in a barn. All further actions seemed to reveal the character of the characters even more.

The author deliberately focuses on the difference between these heroes, as he wants to show what cowardice and weakness are fraught with. If you think about it, then he came up with the names “speaking”. One is made of a "vein", that is, of strength and will, and the other is associated with a "crutch", that is, with weakness and lack of an inner core. When the Tatars order each of them to write a ransom letter home, Zhilin, unlike his friend, writes the wrong address so as not to scare the old mother, who does not have that kind of money.

The next time the character of the heroes is shown when they plan to escape. They managed to escape in the dark, but in the forest, through the fault of Kostylin, they again ended up in the hands of the Tatars. Zhilin made his second escape attempt without a friend. They were put in a deep pit and put heavy stocks on their feet. Kostylin was unable to run. First, after the first unsuccessful attempt, he immediately gave up. Secondly, he did not have enough strength and will for this decisive step.

As a result, Zhilin fled alone. Thirteen-year-old Dina helped him, who brought a long stick to pull a friend out of the pit. She was always kind to him. She brought food and water at the request of the officer, and for this he made clay dolls for her. The second escape was more successful. Despite the difficulties that Zhilin encountered along the way, he was able to reach the border, and in the end he was already crawling. There he was picked up by the Cossacks.

Zhilin changed his mind about going home, and remained to serve in the Caucasus. Kostylin had to stay in captivity for another month. He was released for a large ransom, barely alive. This is the result of his cowardice, weakness and unreliability. If he had been stronger in spirit, then they would have fled together long ago, and maybe they would not have been captured. So L. N. Tolstoy showed how people who find themselves in the same situation behave in completely different ways due to differences in character. What a character, such a fate.

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