It became known the name of the winner of the second season of “Weighted people. The life of the participants in the show "Weighted People" after the project: who managed to keep the results? How have you changed since the end of the project? How do you take care of yourself now, what do you eat? Allowing


On May 28, the second season of the reality show "Weighted People" ended on the STS channel. The main prize of the project - 2,500,000 rubles - went to 31-year-old Timur Bikbulatov from Kazan, who lost 53.7 kilograms in four months, that is, lost 36.28% of his original weight. Timur also owns another record - in just one week he lost 8.4 kilograms.

Timur Bikbulatov, winner of the show:“First of all, this victory over yourself and over your bad habits. I became much stronger, the understanding came that even if someone goes against you, you need to fight to the end. And if you act honestly towards yourself and others, you will definitely win. Now I specifically look at my old photos and think: “Who is this ugly and fat person?”. You have no idea how much things have changed since the project. It’s just fantastic, I’m completely different now!”

An additional prize - 500,000 rubles - was received by 32-year-old Yakov Povarenkin from Izhevsk, who continued to lose weight after leaving the project. He managed to overtake all those losing weight outside the show and lose 56.9 kilograms, which is 33.87% of his original body weight.

Lika Blank, General Producer of STS Media:“The main result of the project is not the lost kilograms of the participants, but the fact that in return they receive faith in their own strength, which they pass on to all viewers.”

Yulia Sumacheva, General Producer of White Media:“Participants in the second season of the Weighted People project showed incredible results. For me, each of them is a winner, since each was able to accomplish the most difficult thing - to defeat himself.

Unlike the first season, there were four participants at once in the final of the show instead of three. In addition to Timur Bikbulatov, Alena Zaretskaya from Ukhta, Margarita Bogatyreva from Orenburg and Yan Samokhvalov from the village of Monino in the Moscow Region fought for the main prize.

Yan Samokhvalov, 22 years old, -66.4 kg (-35.32%):“I decided to take on myself when I found out that I might not live to be thirty years old. And, to be honest, without the trainers and specialists of the project, nothing would have happened. It was the coolest, but also the most difficult period in my life. Yes, I always wanted to reach the final and win, but the main thing is that the life of a thin person is ahead of me.

Alena Zaretskaya, 28 years old, -41.2 kg (-32.44%):“I came to the project so that someone would believe in me. And in the finale, on the one hand, I was happy, and on the other, sad. After all, I said goodbye to those who all this time put a lot of effort into me. Special thanks to Irochka Turchinskaya and Denis Semenikhin. Until the end of my life, I will remember Denis's phrase, said during training: "If you start something, bring it to the end!" Those words helped me a lot.”

Margarita Bogatyreva, 24 years old, -32.8 kg (-29.55%):“If I hadn’t been on the show, I would never have dropped so many pounds. I can honestly say that I was reborn here.”

Second season. Only numbers

  • 4,050 km (and this is practically the length of the whole of Europe from north to south) - a bike ride on a simulator for the entire time of the show.
  • More than 15,000 km "floated" participants on a rowing machine
  • Participants lost over 800 kg in 4 months
  • 8 participants individually lost more than 50 kg
  • More than 40 outfits were changed by the host of the show Yulia Kovalchuk during the project
  • Saved from soda "limoncella"

According to the creators of the project, this season all 18 participants knew what they were getting into. For all the time, the “weighted” have never broken into a refrigerator locked with a padlock, as was the case last year. And when in one of the first competitions there was an opportunity to eat whatever you want, the only one who decided on this was Dmitry Shareichuk, but he also chose a low-calorie watermelon in the end. Oleksandr Podolenyuk also resisted the temptation to drink harmful soda, replacing his favorite drink with “limoncella”, as the participants called water diluted with lemon juice. By the way, in the second season the menu was varied and never repeated.

Julia Bastrigina, project nutritionist:“Sometimes, due to changes in health or analysis, I had to personally adjust the diet of one or another participant. To ensure a variety of dishes, I studied culinary websites and consulted with our wonderful chef Evgeny Lopin.”

Nice bonuses for working on yourself

"Weighted people" were assisted not only by trainers and project specialists, but also by invited guests. For example, the hosts of the show “Masterchef. Children "Andrey Shmakov, Giuseppe D" Angelo, Alexander Belkovich and the winner of the show Alexei Starostin told how to cook not only healthy, but also delicious food. Alexander Rogov, the host of the show "Catch up in 24 hours", and the goalkeeper Andrey Bukhlitsky organized a match between the teams of the Russian beach soccer team, and the finalists of the first season, Vesta Romanova, Maxim Nekrylov and Petr Vasiliev, came to support the participants.

In addition to difficult trials, pleasant bonuses were waiting for the "weighted" ones. So, before the final, they spent a weekend in Sochi, where they rode a yacht, danced in a rock club, tried bungee jumping and tested the Formula 1 track. By the way, the latter was a long-standing desire of Timur Bikbulatov: a lot of weight did not allow him to drive a sports car, but after losing weight, Timur managed to do it. Nikolai Kharkov's dream also came true - during the project, he wrote a song, calling it the anthem of all "weighted people", and recorded it at the studio together with the participants of the second season.

May 30, 2016

The winner of the show "Weighted people" with a certificate for 2.5 million rubles

Winner of the show "Weighted People" with a certificate for 2.5 million rubles.

Timur Bikbulatov from Kazan, after participating in the project, continues to struggle with weight, and is preparing to become a father

In the second season of the reality show "Weighted People", 31-year-old Timur Bikbulatov from Kazan won. At the beginning of the project, a man with a height of 183 cm weighed 148 kg. In 4 months, with the help of a strict diet and sports, he was able to lose more than other project participants - 53.7 kg and began to weigh 94 kg. For which he received the main prize - two and a half million rubles. Timur's personal record is minus 8.4 kg in one week.

The project was filmed a few months ago, Timur returned to his native Kazan a long time ago, continues to work in the construction business and continues to lose weight on his own. Now he weighs already 84 kg.

Bikbulatov came to the project because he could not lose weight on his own, although he even tried bioadditives. But a healthy lifestyle and serious motivation brought results. Timur really wanted to lose weight, because he dreamed of becoming an example for his two sons and wanted to live happily ever after: “I understood that I needed to be an example for children, that if I didn’t change anything, I could stay with my family only for a short time. After all, weight problems do not prolong life.

Timur recovered due to the fact that he quit martial arts and did not deny himself the desire to eat deliciously.

“Having lost weight, I became much stronger. And if you act honestly towards yourself and others, you will definitely win. Now I specifically look at my old photos and think: “Who is this ugly and fat person?”. You have no idea how much things have changed since the project!” Timur says.

His life is really going through amazing changes. Soon after the end of the project, Bikbulatov's wife found out that she was expecting a third child. “This is another proof that anything is possible. Before the project, my beloved wife and I tried for 3 years to have a third child, but alas. And now, we are waiting. Soon,” Timur cannot hide his joy. The prize for the first place is 2.5 million rubles, the man will spend on the needs of the family, he also dreams of creating a project that will help other people lose weight.

To do this, participants live for 16 weeks in a house where nutritionists, fitness instructors and psychologists work with them. The winner of the project - the person who lost the most kilograms (measured as a percentage of the original weight), is awarded the main prize - 2.5 million rubles.

In the second season of the reality show, Timur Bikbulatov, a resident of Kazan, became the winner. He dropped 53.7 kilograms. Timur came to the project with a weight of 148 kilograms, and at the final weigh-in, the scale needle froze at 94.3. Thus, he lost 36.28% of his weight, 0.96% ahead of his closest rival.

By the way, Timur's victory was not easy. He flew out of the show at the end of the seventh week, when he dropped the least kilograms compared to the rest of the participants, but then returned to the project again.

Timur Bikbulatov is 30 years old. He suffered from excess weight since childhood, but he was always the soul of the company. He played in a musical group, in KVN, married a slender beauty. But the kilograms still did not allow him to lead a full life. For example, he loved karting and auto racing, but he could not engage in this sport - he did not fit into a car seat.

Timur tried to lose weight by taking dietary supplements and starving, but nothing helped. When obesity began to provoke other diseases, he decided that something had to be done. His friend helped to make a decision, offering to go to the casting of the "Weighted People" project.

I have two children, I wanted to educate them, to see how they grow, to be an example for them. But I realized that if it continues like this, then I won’t be able to be with them for a long time, because being overweight does not add health, says Timur.

Now Timur Bikbulatov has changed beyond recognition. Gone is not only excess weight, but also health problems.

Before the project, my wife and I tried for three years to have a third child, but alas, everything was unsuccessful. But now we are waiting, soon. This is proof that everything is possible, - Timur Bikbulatov shows a photo of his happy pregnant wife.

It's no secret that reality shows are broadcast on tape. And the shooting ended not on May 28, when the final of the program was shown, but in the winter. Returning home, Timur did not let everything take its course.

During the project, I absorbed all the information, I understood that when this project ends, a new one called “life” will begin and it is necessary not only to save the result, but to increase it, - says Timur.

Now he continues to lose weight. At the moment, his weight is 84 kilograms. It was this figure that he set for himself at the beginning of the project.

Now my life brings me joy. Even from training muscle pain you feel pleasure - this means that you have trained well. I used to have difficulty climbing to the second floor - shortness of breath, palpitations. And today I run to the 14th floor without any problems. Previously, my favorite season was winter - I put on clothes and it was not clear what was going on - a ball or a square, I hated summer. Now I wear T-shirts, shorts, - says Timur.

The guy not only dramatically changed his weight, but also his life. Before the project, he worked in the construction industry, then he decided to quit everything, realizing that his vocation was to help fat people gain a slim figure and health.

I have people who come to me to study. The program that I work with them is different from the program on the "Weighted People". In the project, it is urgent and is not suitable for real life, because in addition to the fact that we need to lose weight, we also have a family, work, and we need to keep the forces on them. Therefore, you need to lose weight smoothly, says Timur.

Tips from Timur Bikbulatov for those who want to lose weight:

1. Visit a doctor and do an examination of the body. Healthy fat people do not exist. The weight loss program will depend on the presence of diseases.

2. If, according to the results of the examination, you only have problems with the heartbeat (all fat people have them), then you can start the preparatory stage - this is cardio training.

3. Every day, morning and evening, walk 3 kilometers. When this distance is given without difficulty, you can increase the mileage to 4-5, preparing the heart and respiratory system for stress. Timur starts his day at 6:30 am with a run and ends the day with her.

4. At the same time adjust the nutrition. Choosing a diet is an individual thing. But for everyone it is useful to reduce the amount of food consumed by 20-30%. Moreover, remove these 20% from all the dishes of your diet, and not just from sweet and starchy foods. Will want to eat. But this is normal - overweight people have a very large stomach. And remember that there are no magic diets and pills. Otherwise, there would be no fat people.

5. Now you can start strength training. We must make it clear to the body that we need muscles every day. It is necessary that the volume of muscle mass increases, and fat decreases.

6. Work out every day, not every once in a while. Then you will get a “vaccination” with sports and obesity will not catch up with you. Do not look for excuses to take care of your health. Love yourself and spare no effort, time and money for your health. It will thank you.

Timur Bikbulatov, as the winner of the show, received 2.5 million rubles. He invested them in his new business. But he considers the main prize not money, but a new worldview and a “new head” that this project gave him.

A resident of Kazan, Timur Bikbulatov, became a participant in the reality show "Weighted People". He came to the project with a weight of 148 kilograms and wants to get rid of excess weight.

According to the rules of the project, the main characters of the show are people suffering from overweight. The contestants are divided into two teams, and each week the team that loses the least weight selects a contestant to be eliminated.

The heroes of the show are waiting for sports loads under the supervision of experienced trainers, complex diets and calorie counting. In addition, they will constantly be tempted by various delicious desserts and complete freedom of action. In the final of the project, only three participants will remain, and the winner will receive not only a beautiful and slender figure, but also a cash prize - 2,500,000 rubles. The Kazan citizen told the site portal how he got on the show and what it would be difficult for him to refuse

Tell me, how did you get into the project? By what parameters, besides being overweight, were participants selected?

When I was visiting my best friend, the first edition of Weighed People was on TV. Artem began to tease me: “You definitely need to get into the show, this is just for you!”. I laughed it off, saying that, of course, it’s cool, but the participants have already been recruited, and how to get through the casting when there are thousands of people who want to. And after a while, somehow he called me and asked me to urgently come to one place. I didn't know where I was going, but on the spot I saw the banner of the project - it turned out to be the STS-Kazan office. So I got to the casting, thanks to a friend, quite by accident, and an hour before it ended. As for the criteria, this is more likely to be asked from the organizers. In turn, I can say that I was most afraid of failing at the stage of medical examination. All obese people have some kind of health problem, so I was scared to be overboard because of this.

Tell us how you came to the fact that you had to take emergency measures to lose weight?

To be honest, there were several such moments. But seriously, I thought about it when I was thirty. I don’t know about the rest, but my transition from twenty to thirty went with the understanding that something needed to change. I realized that I needed to be an example for my children, that if I did not change anything, I could only stay with my family for a short time. Because weight problems do not prolong life.

Why didn’t you manage to lose weight on your own before the project?

In my life there was a long period of different diets and supplements, which was painful and unpleasant. Such an experience turned out to be deplorable for me, and I decided to quit it. The sad result of such experiments is that at first there really is a result, but then the extra pounds return with a vengeance. So it was a stable process: losing weight, getting better and again the same thing.

What is your current weight? Is it difficult to live with such weight?

Now my weight is 148 kilograms. I can’t say that I was once flawed or unsociable, on the contrary, I have always been socially active both at school and at the institute: I had several of my own musical groups, KVN, sports, in general, quite an active life. But still, extra pounds often do not allow you to do what you want. For example, I love auto racing and karting, but at some point I had to give it up, because simply I could not fit on the seat.

The total weight of all participants at the start of the project is 2,735 kilograms. The weight of the lightest participant is 108 kg, and the heaviest - 218.

How much would you like to spend on the project?

I want to lose 50% of my body weight, which is 75 kilograms. I don’t know if it’s realistic to do this without harm to health, but I really want this.

What tests do you think will be more difficult to pass - sports or related to the rejection of certain products?

The hardest part for me is being away from my family. I set myself up that there are no other options, and I don’t take it as a test, so I can’t say what I’m afraid of. Yes, I assume there will be drastic diets and rigorous exercise, but I also understand that I have to go all the way.

Are you into sports now?

At one time I was engaged in freestyle wrestling and martial arts, it helped to restrain myself at a certain mark on the scales. And then I gave up the sport, the weight crept up, and after a while I felt all my “burden” in full.

Now you already understand what food will be the most difficult for you to refuse? Which dish will you miss the most?

In our family, the cult of meat, so we consume a large number of different smoked meats. But, perhaps, the most difficult thing for me will be to say goodbye to kebabs - our signature family dish. For any reason, my father cooked kebabs, and from him it passed to me. I don’t like the process of eating, but rather cooking: it gives me great pleasure to see people who like to eat my meat masterpieces (smiles).

If you are lucky and become a winner, what will you spend your winnings on?

My main goal is to lose weight, and winning (if possible) will be a bonus, so I didn’t really think about it. But if the card falls like this, I will spend something on children and a wife, but I would invest most of the funds in a project that would help people like me.

The show "Weighted People", the first Russian analogue of the world-famous American reality project TheBiggestLoser. The show has already been filmed in 25 and broadcast in 90 countries around the world. The leading Russian version was the slender beauty Yulia Kovalchuk.

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