Stationmaster critics and contemporaries. Analysis of the work "The Stationmaster


« Stationmaster» analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

History of creation

On September 14, 1830, Alexander Sergeevich finished one of the stories in the cycle "Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin" under the title « » . The period in which Pushkin completed the story is called the Boldin autumn. In those months, Alexander Sergeevich was in Boldino, where he was “led” by the need to resolve financial issues. Caught by the cholera epidemic, forced to stay in Boldino much longer than planned, Pushkin created a whole galaxy of works, which were later recognized as the pearls of the poet's work. Boldin autumn has become truly golden in the artist's work.

Belkin's Tales was Pushkin's first completed work. They were published under the name fictional character Ivan Petrovich Belkin, who fell ill with a fever that developed into a fever, and died in 1828. Pushkin, as a "publisher", talks about him in the preface to the stories. The cycle saw the light in the middle of autumn 1831. With an indication of the true authorship, the stories were published in 1834. "The Stationmaster" played big role in the development of Russian literature, having taken a significant place in it, telling almost for the first time about the hardships of the fate of that very " little man”, about the humiliations and hardships that fall to his lot. It was the "Station Master" who became reference point for a string of Russians literary works addressed to the theme of "humiliated and offended".

Subject, storylines, direction

In the cycle, the story "The Stationmaster" is composition center, top. It is based on character traits literary Russian realism and sentimentalism. The expressiveness of the work, the plot, capacious, difficult topic gives the right to call it a novel in miniature. This, it would seem, simple story about ordinary people, however, everyday circumstances that intervened in the fate of the heroes make semantic load story is more difficult. Alexander Sergeevich, in addition to the romantic thematic line, reveals the theme of happiness in the broadest sense of the word. Fate gives a person happiness sometimes not when you expect it, following the generally accepted morality, worldly foundations. This requires both a fortunate combination of circumstances and the subsequent struggle for happiness, even if it seems impossible.

Description of the life of Samson Vyrin is inextricably linked with philosophical thought the entire cycle of stories. His perception of the world and life is reflected in the pictures with German poems hung on the walls of his dwelling. The narrator describes the content of these pictures, which depicts biblical legend about prodigal son. Vyrin also perceives and experiences what happened to his daughter through the prism of the images surrounding him. He hopes that Dunya will return to him, but she did not return. Vyrin's life experience tells him that his child will be deceived and abandoned. The stationmaster is a “little man” who has become a toy in the hands of the greedy, mercenary sowers of the world, for whom the emptiness of the soul is more terrible than material poverty, for whom honor is above all.

The narration comes from the lips of a titular adviser, whose name is hidden behind the initials A. G. N. In turn, this story was “transferred” to the narrator by Vyrin himself and a “red-haired and crooked” boy. The plot of the drama is the secret departure of Dunya with a little-known hussar to Petersburg. Dunya's father tries to turn back time in order to save his daughter from what he sees as "death". The story of the titular adviser takes us to St. Petersburg, where Vyrin is trying to find his daughter, and the mournful ending shows us the grave of the caretaker outside the outskirts. The destiny of the "little man" is humility. The irreparability of the current situation, hopelessness, despair, indifference finish off the caretaker. Dunya asks for forgiveness from her father at his grave, her repentance is belated.

History of creation

The work “The Stationmaster” is included in the cycle of A. S. Pushkin “The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin”. Thanks to the author's dating, the exact date of completion of work on the second story is known - September 14, 1830.

The meaning of the name

Stationmaster - main character story, consisting in the rank of collegiate registrar - the lowest class (14th) in the Table of Ranks.

The main theme of the work is the unfortunate fate of a poor official

The story begins with a lengthy digression in which he reflects on true position numerous Russian stationmasters. The epigraph contains the statement of Prince Vyazemsky: "College registrar, dictator of the postal station." Pushkin rightly refutes this mocking assertion.

The author judges on the basis of his many years of travel experience in the vast Russian expanses. He knows that the power of the stationmaster is very ephemeral. Everyone passing by considers him his enemy and the culprit of the delay. In the absence of other people, travelers take out on the “martyr of the fourteenth class” all the accumulated for long haul anger. Despite his low, but still official official status, the caretaker may even be beaten by an influential person.

The author concludes that a completely wrong idea has developed regarding the stationmasters. For the most part, they are "peaceful people, naturally helpful ... modest in claims ... and not too greedy." Communicating on duty with a variety of travelers, stationmasters on the spot accumulate vast life experience and become very interesting interlocutors.

A striking example of the unenviable fate of stationmasters is sad story one of these acquaintances of the author, Samson Vyrin. During the first meeting, he made the narrator very pleasant impression: "a man in his fifties, fresh and vigorous".

The author is clearly lying. Much more than the owner, he liked the faithful assistant of Samson - the young daughter of Dunya. The girl reminds the caretaker of dead wife Not only appearance but also performance. The author has difficulty parting with hospitable family leaving the best memories of her.

The author managed to visit this station next time only a few years later. He foresees that these years could not pass without a trace for a happy father and daughter, but the reality turned out to be much harsher than his assumptions.

The once strong and energetic Samson turned into a decrepit old man, gloomy and taciturn. The caretaker now lived alone. Only after the proposed glass did he tell the author his sad story.

Dunya grew up and became an indispensable assistant in Vyrin's house. Her blossoming beauty and skillful manner calmed the most formidable travelers, who instantly changed their anger to mercy at the sight of the caretaker's daughter.

Samson was happy and overlooked the impending danger. One of the next travelers (captain Minsky) paid special attention to Dunya. Pretending to be sick, he spent three days at the station and during this time managed to subdue the ingenuous beauty with flattering speeches. Leaving, Minsky persuaded Dunya to take him to the church for a farewell ride. The girl never returned home.

The despair of the poor stationmaster was unbearable. He became seriously ill and after recovery decided to return his daughter at any cost. Samson managed to find Minsky in St. Petersburg. However, at the first meeting, the captain tried to cynically pay off with money, during the second, he rudely kicked his grief-stricken father out of the house with the words: “... why are you sneaking around me like a robber? …Go away!". Samson resigned himself to fate and returned home. For the past three years, he has not known anything about his daughter and is afraid that Minsky, having played enough, abandoned and doomed Dunya to poverty.


Pushkin raises the problem of the "little man". Samson Vyrin is absolutely defenseless. He is constantly threatened and insulted by every higher official, that is, by anyone passing by.

The only joy in life for Samson is his beloved daughter, but it turns out that he can be deprived of this joy with impunity. In fact, Minsky simply stole from his father naive girl. He is not afraid of the consequences, because the nobility and wealth will turn the law in his direction. Samson does not even try to complain: all his efforts will be in vain.

The ending of the story is relatively auspicious. Dunya broke her father's heart and will repent for the rest of her life. But at the same time, she nevertheless became the legal wife of Minsky. In reality, sooner or later, the captain would have abandoned the provincial girl, and she suffered the fate of a fallen city woman.


The short story consists of four parts: the author's introduction and a description of his three visits to the station ***. During these visits emerges full picture the unfortunate fate of Samson Vyrin and his daughter.

What does the author teach

Pushkin draws the reader's attention to people deprived of their fate. Samson is not just a defenseless petty official. First of all, this is a living person who experiences his joys and sufferings. Soulless attitude Minsky becomes main reason premature death stationmaster.

In this article, we will look at brief analysis the story "The Stationmaster", which Alexander Pushkin wrote in 1830, and which was included in the collection "Belkin's Tale".

There are two distinct main characters in this story. This is the stationmaster himself, who serves at the station, his name is Samson Vyrin. And his beloved beautiful daughter Dunya. There is also the hussar Minsky, who also played an important role. So, in a nutshell, the plot of the story "The Stationmaster":

Samson Vyrin is a petty official who works at the station. He is kind and peaceful, although passing people constantly break the bad mood on him. Vyrin's daughter Dunya is a beauty and helper. Once, the hussar Minsky comes to them, who pretends to be ill in order to spend several days with the girl with whom he fell in love. Then, having deceived his father, the hussar takes Dunya to Petersburg. Samson Vyrin makes attempts to take his daughter away, but nothing comes of it. With grief, he begins to drink, and, in the end, he drinks himself from such an unhappy life, turning into a decrepit old man. Dunya, apparently, marries Minsky, gives birth to three children for him, does not need anything. Upon learning of the death of her father, she deeply regrets and reproaches herself all her life.

Such is the plot of the story, without its consideration, the analysis of "The Stationmaster" would be incomplete.

Problems of the story

Of course, Pushkin raises a number of issues in this story. For example, in question about the conflict - the eternal conflict - between parental will and children. Often parents do not let the child leave the parental home, and grown children want to live independent life.

So it is in The Stationmaster, which we are analyzing. Dunya's daughter helps Vyrin well, because his work is not easy, there are not enough horses, people get nervous and angry because of this, some conflicts are constantly brewing, and Dunya's charm and her good appearance help to settle a lot. In addition, she works for comfort in the house, serves in front of clients. It is not surprising that Samson Vyrin values ​​his daughter so much and does not want to let her go, because for him she is the main thing in life.

When Minsky takes Dunya away, it seems to Vyrin that it looks like a kidnapping, he does not believe that she herself wants to go with him. Having gone to rescue his daughter, Vyrin is faced with a firm reaction - the hussar does not want to part with his beloved, although it seems to the stationmaster that he is simply using her as new toy- play and quit.

Samson Vyrin is confused and dejected, and although he goes back to his place, he imagines the fate of his daughter in a very depressing way. He can’t believe that Dunya and the hussar Minsky will be happy, and in the end he just becomes an inveterate drunkard.

What does the story "The Stationmaster" teach, what did the author especially want to emphasize? Many conclusions can be drawn, everyone will find something for themselves. But in any case, you can see the motivation to cherish family ties love loved ones and think about their feelings. In addition, you should never despair and allow circumstances to drive yourself into a corner.

We hope that the summary of this work will also help you. You have now read a brief analysis of The Station Agent. We also bring to your attention an article with an essay on this story.

This cycle includes several short stories, which are interconnected by one narrator - Ivan Petrovich Belkin.

This character is fictional, as Pushkin wrote, suffering from a fever and died in 1828.

The reader learns about the fate of the narrator when he just begins to get acquainted with the cycle of stories that can be read online. The author in his work acts as a publisher and in the "Foreword" talks about the fate of the narrator Belkin himself. This cycle of stories by Pushkin came out of print in 1831. It included the following works:

  1. "Undertaker".

History of the creation of the story

Alexander Pushkin worked on a work staying in 1830 in Boldino. The story was written quickly, in just a few days, and already on September 14 it was finished. It is known that some money matters brought him to the Boldin estate, but the cholera epidemic forced him to linger.

At this time, many beautiful and wonderful works were written, among which the most outstanding is The Stationmaster, a brief retelling of which can be found in this article.

The plot and composition of the story

This is a story about ordinary people who experience both moments of happiness and tragedy in their lives. The plot of the story shows that happiness is different for each person and that it is sometimes hidden in the small and ordinary.

The whole life of the protagonist is connected with the philosophical thought of the entire cycle. In the room of Samson Vyrin there are many pictures from the famous parable of the prodigal son, which help not only to understand the content of the whole story, but also its idea. He waited for his Dunya to return to him, but the girl did not return. The father was well aware that his daughter was not needed by the one who took her away from the family.

The narrative in the work comes from the perspective of a titular adviser who knew both Dunya and her father. In total, there are several main characters in the story:

  1. Narrator.
  2. Dunya.
  3. Samson Vyrin.
  4. Minsky.

The narrator passed through these places several times and drank tea in the caretaker's house, admiring his daughter. According to him, Vyrin himself told him this whole tragic story. The tie of the whole tragic history happens at the moment when Dunya secretly runs away from home with a hussar.

The final scene of the work takes place in the cemetery, where Samson Vyrin now rests. He asks for forgiveness at this grave and Dunya, who is now deeply repentant.

The main idea of ​​the story

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin constantly emphasizes in his story: everything parents want their children to be happy. But Dunya is unhappy, and her sinful love brings torment and worries to her father.

The behavior of Dunya and Minsky drives Vyrin to the grave.

Samson Vyrin dies because, while continuing to love his daughter, he has lost faith that he will ever see her again.

Dunya seems to have deleted her father from her life, and this ingratitude and loss of the meaning of life, which was in her daughter, leads to such a sad ending to the story.

Brief retelling of the story

Each person met with the caretakers, setting off on the road. Usually such people cause only anger and rudeness. Few of those who are on the road revere them, considering them either robbers or monsters. But if you think about what their life is like, delve into it, then you will begin to treat them more condescendingly. For days on end they have no peace, and some irritated passers-by can even beat them, venting their annoyance and anger that they have accumulated while driving.

The dwelling of such a caretaker is poor and miserable. There is never peace in it, as guests spend time there waiting for horses. Only compassion can be evoked by such a caretaker who, regardless of the weather, is looking for horses, trying to please all those passing by. The narrator, who has been traveling for twenty years, often visits such dwellings, and he knows perfectly well how hard and thankless this hard work is.

The narrator in 1816 again went to work. At that time he was young and hot-tempered and often quarreled with the stationmasters. One rainy day, he stopped at one of the stations to rest from the road and change clothes. The tea was served by a girl who was lovely. At that time, Dunya was 14 years old. The attention of the visitor was also attracted by the pictures that adorned the walls of the caretaker's poor dwelling. These were illustrations from the parable of the prodigal son.

Samson Vyrin was fresh and cheerful, he was already fifty years old. He loved his daughter and raised her freely and freely. The three of them drank tea for a long time and chatted merrily.

A few years later, the narrator soon found himself again in the same places and decided to visit the stationmaster and his lovely daughter. But it was impossible to recognize Samson Vyrin: he had grown old, there were deep wrinkles on his unshaven face, he was hunched over.

In the conversation it turned out that three years ago one of the passers-by, seeing Dunya, acted out fainting and illness. Dunya looked after him for two days. And on Sunday he was going to leave , offering to bring the girl to the church mass. Dunya thought for a moment, but her father himself persuaded her to sit in a wagon with a young and slender hussar.

Soon Samson became agitated and went to mass, but it turned out that Dunya never appeared there. The girl did not return even in the evening, and the drunken coachman said that she had left with a young hussar. The caretaker immediately fell ill, and when he recovered, he immediately went to St. Petersburg to find Captain Minsky and bring his daughter home. Soon he was at the reception of the hussar, but he simply decided to pay him off and demanded that he never again seek meetings with his daughter and did not disturb her.

But Samson made one more attempt and made his way into the house where Dunya lived. He saw her among luxury, happy. But as soon as the girl recognized her father, she immediately fainted. Minsky demanded to expose Vyrin and never let him into this house again. After that, returning home, the stationmaster grew old and never bothered Dunya and Minsky again. This story struck the narrator and haunted long years.

When, after a while, he again found himself in these parts, he decided to find out how Samson Vyrin was doing. But it turned out that he died a year ago and was buried in the local cemetery. And in his house housed the family of the brewer. The brewer's son accompanied the narrator to the grave. Vanka said that in the summer some lady with three children came and went to his grave. When she learned that Samson Vyrin had died, she immediately began to cry. And then she herself went to the cemetery and lay for a long time on the grave of her father.

Analysis of the story

This is a work of Alexander Pushkin the most difficult and saddest of the whole cycle. The novel tells about tragic fate stationmaster and the happy fate of his daughter. Samson Vyrin, having studied the biblical parable of the prodigal son from pictures, constantly thinks that misfortune can happen to his daughter. He constantly remembers Dunya and thinks that she, too, will be deceived and one day she will be abandoned. And it worries his heart. These thoughts become disastrous for the stationmaster, who died, having lost the meaning of his life.

In the famous Boldin autumn of 1830, A.S. Pushkin wrote in 11 days amazing work- “Belkin's Tales”, which included five independent stories told to one person (his name is in the title). In them, the author managed to create a gallery provincial images, truthfully and without embellishment show life in modern writer Russia.

A special place in the cycle is occupied by the story "The Stationmaster". It was she who laid the foundation for the development of the theme of the "little man" in Russian literature of the 19th century.

Getting to know the characters

The story of the stationmaster Samson Vyrin was told to Belkin by a certain I.L.P., a titular adviser. His bitter thoughts about the attitude towards people of this rank set the reader in a not very cheerful mood from the very beginning. Anyone stopping at the station is ready to scold them. Either the horses are bad, or the weather and the road are bad, or the mood is not good at all - and the stationmaster is to blame for everything. The main idea of ​​the story is to show the difficult situation common man without high rank and rank.

Samson Vyrin, a retired soldier, a widower who raised his fourteen-year-old daughter Dunechka, calmly endured all the claims of those passing by. He was a fresh and cheerful man of about fifty, sociable and sensitive. This is how the titular adviser saw him at the first meeting.

The house was clean and comfortable, with balsams growing on the windows. And all those who stopped by were given tea from a samovar by Dunya, who had learned to housekeeping early. She, with her meek look and smile, subdued the anger of all the dissatisfied. In the company of Vyrin and the “little coquette”, time for the adviser flew by unnoticed. The guest said goodbye to the hosts as if they were old acquaintances: their company seemed so pleasant to him.

How has Vyrin changed…

The story "The Stationmaster" continues with a description of the second meeting of the narrator with the main character. A few years later, fate again threw him into those parts. He drove up to the station with disturbing thoughts: everything could happen during this time. The premonition did not really deceive: instead of a cheerful and cheerful person, a grey-haired, long-shaven, hunched old man appeared before him. It was still the same Vyrin, only now very taciturn and sullen. However, a glass of punch did its job, and soon the narrator learned the story of Dunya.

About three years ago, a young hussar passed by. He liked the girl, and for several days he pretended to be sick. And when he got mutual feelings from her, he secretly took away, without blessing, from his father. So the misfortune that fell down changed the long-established life of the family. The heroes of The Stationmaster, father and daughter, no longer see each other. The old man's attempt to return Dunya ended in nothing. He got to St. Petersburg and was even able to see her, richly dressed and happy. But the girl, looking at her father, fell unconscious, and he was simply kicked out. Now Samson lived in anguish and loneliness, and the bottle became his main companion.

The story of the prodigal son

Even during his first visit, the narrator noticed pictures on the walls with captions on German. They displayed biblical history about the prodigal son who took his share of the inheritance and squandered it. In the last picture, the humble lad returned to native home to the forgiving parent.

This legend is very reminiscent of what happened to Vyrin and Dunya, therefore it is no coincidence that it is included in the composition of the story "The Stationmaster". The main idea of ​​the work is connected with the idea of ​​helplessness and defenselessness. ordinary people. Vyrin, well acquainted with the foundations high society, and could not believe that his daughter could be happy. The scene seen in St. Petersburg did not convince either - everything can still change. He waited for the return of Dunya until the end of his life, but their meeting and forgiveness never took place. Perhaps Dunya simply did not dare to appear before her father for a long time.

Daughter's return

On his third visit, the narrator learns about the death of an old acquaintance. And the boy accompanying him to the cemetery will tell him about the mistress, who came after the stationmaster had died. The content of their conversation makes it clear that everything went well for Dunya. She arrived in a carriage with six horses, accompanied by a nurse and three barchettes. But Dunya did not find her father alive, and therefore the repentance of the “lost” daughter became impossible. The lady lay on the grave for a long time - this is how, according to tradition, they asked for forgiveness from a deceased person and said goodbye to him forever - and then left.

Why did the happiness of the daughter bring unbearable mental suffering to her father?

Samson Vyrin always believed that life without blessing and as a mistress is a sin. And the fault of Dunya and Minsky, probably, first of all, is that both their departure (the caretaker himself convinced his daughter to take the hussar to the church) and misunderstanding when meeting in St. Petersburg only strengthened him in this conviction, which, in the end, will bring the hero to the grave . There is one more important point- the incident undermined the faith in the father. He sincerely loved his daughter, who was the meaning of his existence. And suddenly such ingratitude: in all the years, Dunya has never made herself known. She seemed to have cut her father out of her life.

Having portrayed a poor man of the lowest rank, but with a high and sensitive soul, A.S. Pushkin drew the attention of contemporaries to the position of people who were on the lowest rung of the social ladder. The inability to protest and resignation to fate make them defenseless against life's circumstances. So is the stationmaster.

The main idea that the author wants to convey to the reader is that it is necessary to be sensitive and attentive towards each person, regardless of his character, and only this will help change the indifference and anger that reign in the world of people.

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