Characteristics of the heroes Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. Comparative characteristics of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych


Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" shows two images that are very contradictory, but at the same time close. This is Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych. Their morals and world views are very different, but at the same time, Pechorin is close to Maxim Maksimych. Much connects these two heroes, each in his own way appreciates the other. But Maxim Maksimych also understands that he shares them with Pechorin not only in age, social status, but also different level spiritual development. Belinsky wrote: "Maxim Maksimych's mental outlook is very limited; but the reason for this limitation is not in his nature, but in his development."

The relationship of Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych is the relationship of the elder and the younger, the relationship of two people different worlds. Maksim Maksimych - old staff captain, an army officer, of whom there were many on the Caucasian line. He is the only character who accompanied Pechorin throughout the entire novel. Pechorin's life was told to us by the staff captain, and each story made him feel the feelings that he experienced in those moments. By nature, this old man is a kind and sympathetic, honest and disinterested person. He treats everyone around him with sympathy and paternal love, which is why he is ready to forgive Pechorin's "oddities", whom he cannot fully understand. Maxim Maksimych himself admits that he does not understand all the subtleties in Pechorin's explanations. "His name was .. Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you; only a little strange ...". "This is a kind simpleton who does not suspect how deep and rich his nature is, how high and noble he is," Belinsky wrote in his critical article.
Pechorin is an outstanding, exceptional person, and of course Maxim Maksimych understands this well. Pechorin is very active and wants to cause activity in others, but he thinks through each of his actions, reflects on what he has done. He perfectly knows the psychology of people and, as it were, puts moral and psychological experiments on himself and others. He spares no one, including himself: Pechorin took Bela away and killed her, became an indirect cause of her father's death, changed the life of Kazbich and Azamat, involuntarily offended Maxim Maksimych and more. Pechorin looks at things soberly, reveals falsehood and hides masks. All characters go through Pechorin's analysis. Pechorin is a strong, proud, extraordinary person, a person who loves to start an argument. And with this feature, he is similar to Vulich, but he still could not get close to him as he did with Maxim Maksimych.
Maxim Maksimych Pechorin opens his soul, his inner world talking about yourself. But for an officer, this is a relationship of subordination and friendship, which has grown into affection, and for Pechorin - feeling the respect and friendliness he retained and displayed at their last meeting.
Many believe that at the last meeting with Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin behaves like an egoist, that he does not think about the feelings of his old officer. Polite coldness, external friendliness of Pechorin is a desire to step back from the usual questions of Maxim Maksimych. During the meeting, Pechorin understands well the feelings of the staff captain, therefore he tries not to offend the old man. But Maxim Maksimych thinks only about himself, about his feelings, therefore his reproaches are unfair.

Lermontov portrayed two people who have different feelings, thoughts, behavior, but they are still close and they also have common views. Lermontov at the end of the novel emphasized that both Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych did not take metaphysics seriously. Pechorin "thrown metaphysics aside and began to look under his feet," Maksim Maksimych generally "did not like metaphysical debate." So unexpectedly brought together the intellectual nature of Pechorin and the simple soul of Maxim Maksimych.

In this article, we will analyze Pechorin's relationship with other characters. Namely: with Maxim Maksimych, Mary and Bela.

Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych

Let's look at Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych - a good-natured and sympathetic person who is ready to see only good in people. But he can't explain controversial nature the main character, he is incomprehensible to him. Although Maksim Maksimych feels that this man is uncommon.

Let's pay attention to the fact that the writer uses the technique of contrast to represent the characters of the story. The staff captain is given as collective image like type " common man". Therefore, apparently, the method of repetition of the name and patronymic is used, but the surname is absent.

In the characterization of the main character given by Maxim Maksimych, the concept of "strange" prevails, since Pechorin's actions are unpredictable for him: he passionately fell in love with Bela, then suddenly became indifferent to her, received Kazbich's horse by deceit and forgot about this beautiful horse, closed, but brave. And to the reader main character seems strange in the first two stories. Why wasn't he happy to meet Maxim Maksimych, why did he fall out of love with Bela, why did he hand over his diary indifferently?

We find answers to all these questions in "observations of the mature mind over itself", in Pechorin, as if 2 worlds were connected, 2 different person. One of them lives, and the other person "thinks and judges him."

In the chapter "Maxim Maksimych" a detailed psychological picture Main character. The writer entrusts the narration to the officer, the narrator, who is able to generalize his observations and explain the "strangeness" of Pechorin. And the result is a detailed psychological portrait, essentially the first in domestic literature, where the author presents external details and immediately gives them a social and psychological interpretation.

Pechorin and Mary

Pechorin really doesn't believe in love? Why does he crush Mary's hopes? His words sound like a sentence: "I already know all this by heart - that's what's boring!"

It can be seen that in her confession, Mary Pechorin does not sincerely talk about her "stony" soul, but only plays a role romantic hero about which the girl dreams. Remember, he precedes his revelation with a clarification: "I thought for a minute and then said, assuming a deeply moved look." A confession of how ready he was to love the whole world, Pechorin ends with an observation of the feelings that overwhelmed Mary.

Pechorin and Vera

The image of Vera is the most mysterious and complex. No bright portrait characteristics, there is no description of it spiritual world. It remains a mystery to many readers. But her life to some extent anticipates possible options Mary's fate. In her youth, Vera also loved Pechorin, hoped for happiness with him, a family, but he, like Onegin, did not want to lose "hateful freedom", he believed in his "high purpose". And as a result, having lost Faith, he also lost faith in life. That is why the name of the heroine is symbolic. When Pechorin meets her again, he hopes for reciprocity, for love, but the soul is used to resisting happiness. Pechorin is afraid of peace, all life is a struggle for him. When the hero "wept bitterly, not trying to hold back tears and sobs," his soul was exhausted, his mind fell silent.

Story emotional drama, experienced not only by Pechorin, but also by the women he loved, goes through several stages: from ardent passion to resentment and indifference.

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The novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" reflects the fate of several generations, in the person of one person. The relationship between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych in Once again prove that the main character does not need friends. He is a lone wolf, wandering through life in search of adventure. Everyone who at certain moments of life was next to him remained unhappy, with a broken soul and a wounded heart.


Maxim Maksimych served in one of the Caucasian fortresses. He had little time left before he retired. The life of the old warrior went on as usual, quietly and measuredly. Gray everyday life were dispelled by the arrival of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin in their places.

The young officer aroused sympathy in him, awakening fatherly feelings in his soul. He wanted to patronize and protect Pechorin from all troubles. From the first minute of their acquaintance, the staff captain suggested avoiding formalities in conversation, calling each other by name. Pechorin had a different opinion on this matter.

He did not allow liberties in addressing his mentor and was extremely polite and tactful with him. Maxim Maksimych saw in Pechorin an extraordinary and extravagant person. The kind old man justified Pechorin’s actions, which were not even amenable to explanation and logic, referring to the youth and carelessness of the new guest.

Was there friendship

Maksim Maksimych fell in love with Grigory with all his heart. Even the death of Bela, where Pechorin showed himself to be a callous and soulless person, is not able to influence his attitude towards him. In his heart, he understood that Pechorin was guilty of the death of the girl, but once again he found an excuse for him. Gregory once admitted his shortcomings, expressing them aloud. "In me the soul is corrupted by the light, the imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable." The old warrior did not appreciate the confessions. Over the years of service, the heart has hardened. All that he could do and knew well how to perform military duties.

It's been five years

Since last meeting five years have passed. Maksim Maksimych hasn't changed a bit. He rejoiced at Pechorin sincerely, like a child. Gregory remained cold, showing no emotion. Maxim Maksimych was upset to tears. He was offended. At that moment, he realized that there was no friendship. He invented it, wishful thinking. They are too different people.

Again Pechorin showed himself not with better side towards close people. Trampled and forgotten. In his life there is no place for love or friendship. For him, people are just passers-by. One of them is Maksim Maksimych.

on his soul and perception. He has seen a lot, he has a lot of life experience behind him. Service in the army taught the staff captain to discipline. Call of duty for him above all. While waiting for Pechorin at the station, he "for the first time in his life, perhaps, abandoned the affairs of the service for his own need ...". By nature, Maxim Maksimych is kind, sympathetic, has a "golden heart". He loved Bela own daughter, condescendingly treated the "oddities" of Pechorin. Forgetting about himself, he serves people without demanding gratitude in return. Maksim Maksimych cannot take a critical view of the order of society. Because of this, he does not understand Pechorin and others who are bored, rushing about, looking for adventure, dissatisfied with life ”This person believes in; friendship.

"After all, now come running!" - he proudly declares, having learned from the footman that Pechorin is in the city. Maxim Maksimych is patiently waiting for the one who once brought him a lot of anxiety and grief. But Pechorin forgot about him, if the staff captain had not come running, on time, he would have left without remembering him. He acted cruelly with a kind old man, but under this cruelty lies loneliness, doom. Why is there spiritual fatigue in Pechorin's soul, disappointment in life? By nature, he is smart, has a strong will, human feelings. After Bela's death, "Pechorin was unwell for a long time, he lost weight."

"If Grushnitsky did not agree, I would throw myself on his neck." Before the duel, he offered to make peace. Pechorin hoped that "a spark of generosity could wake up in Grushnitsky's soul, and then everything would work out for the better." But an acquaintance of Pechorin "he burns all the bridges to salvation." Sincerely Grigory Alexandrovich's feeling for Vera, because she alone was able to understand him the way he is. He realizes too late that she is dearer to him than anything in the world, dearer than life, honor, happiness.

"moral cripple"? The society, the conditions where our hero was brought up and lived, are to blame for this. “My colorless youth passed in the struggle with myself and the world,” he says, “my best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there.” He was disappointed in everything he saw and did in the world. Pechorin does not believe in friendship, true love, good relations in the society where he was. He perceives everything that happens deeper than Maxim Maksimych.

The staff captain is opposed to Pechorin. Maxim Maksimych is drawn to people, while the other is indifferent to the fate of people, he is closed in on himself. kind old man lives for others, Pechorin - for himself. It seems to me that Lermontov opposes Maxim Maksimych to the main character in order to show more accurately and deeper the inner world, the psychology of Pechorin.

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