The callousness of the soul, indifference, indifference to the fate of people means that this person cannot and should not work. “Indifference is a paralysis of the soul, premature death” based on the works of A


“I don’t care… It doesn’t concern me… It doesn’t interest me… Leave me alone… Don’t interfere with me….” Such phrases have been heard and uttered by each of us. Man wants to be left alone, he wants nothing to do with certain people and events, nothing cares or interests him.

Why did people become indifferent not only to themselves, but also to their relatives, friends, neighbors? What are the consequences of this total indifference?

To begin with, I want to consider what indifference is. Indifference is the coldness of the soul, the indifference and inattention of a person to the world. A person with a hard heart cannot love people, nor the world, nor the Almighty. If a person is inattentive to the misfortune of another, then he is less interested in this than in his own affairs. The beginning of indifference is pride and selfishness. Of course, you will have an answer to my saying - little time, no money, etc. Undoubtedly, the accelerated pace of people's lives, especially in megacities, leaves a huge imprint. Ordinary modern man does not have time to be at work, in the family, with friends and do good deeds, as the time of moving from one place to another evaporates desire and strength.

I'm like a man from big city I know how hard it is to find time for kindness. We began to perceive murders, violence and other crimes as something ordinary and everyday, even if they happen next door. We are no longer surprised that children begin to drink and smoke as early as primary school that they take drugs, on the contrary, many sellers and even pharmacists shamelessly sell them a poisonous potion.

Islam teaches us and even warns us to see everything that surrounds us and to be responsive and attentive to people and everything created by the Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) often said that indifference is part of the character of the wicked, and the absence of indifference and, conversely, the presence of traits opposite to indifference (such as love, compassion, care and participation) is a sign of righteousness.

A.P. Chekhov gave a wonderful definition of indifference, which was the beginning of my article: “ Indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death". Indeed, indifference is a sign of spiritual dead man- a person with a dead spirit, not a regenerated person. Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) called such people “the dead” (Luke 9:60).

Wanting to defend himself, a person often quite unconsciously begins to portray indifference. However, over time, a problem arises, because indifference and indifference often become internal state person. Undoubtedly, indifference does not come by itself, it comes from the lack of affection from the parents and passes with age into a complex degree of indifference.

Everyone knows this phrase: Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there is betrayal and murder on earth

Indifference limits us in many actions, as well as on the path to righteousness. An indifferent person cannot escape Hell unless he renounces his indifference.

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul… (Maksim Gorky)

An indifferent person cannot be a seeker of truth, because he is indifferent to truth; He will also not be able to receive salvation, because he is indifferent to his spiritual state and to the good news of salvation; An indifferent person cannot serve people, because he is indifferent to his neighbor, just as he cannot serve the Almighty; An indifferent person is not able to truly believe, love, compassion and self-sacrifice, because these traits are the opposite of indifference.

You can get rid of indifference, one of the options is to look at the environment, society ... or you just need to set a goal, such as the goal of Allah's pleasure, and achieve it in all respects.

Dear reader, with my article I wanted to show indifference all over, such a vice as indifference is treated, because everyone can change everything. There is a fire of good in each of us, we can make the world kinder, and every single one of us is able to change the world for the better!

Abdurahim Bilalov-Doganai

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To the question “how do you understand the statement of A.P. Chekhov: Indifference is a paralysis of the soul, premature death?” my opinion is unambiguous - even anger or hatred, although it is negative, is some kind of manifestation of feelings, and indifference is inaction in any situation. You can’t count on an indifferent person, he most likely will even refuse to help close person, not like a stranger. Therefore, such a person can be called physically alive, but in his soul he died long ago.

There are many arguments in the literature that prove my point of view. For example, consider Bunin's The Gentleman from San Francisco.

The main character was a hypocritical, indifferent person. In many episodes, we see that to all people who do not have enough financial situation he treated like empty place, that is, did not consider them for people. This is especially noticeable in the episode when he looked at the dilapidated coastal houses. Instead of thinking about the hardships of poor people's lives, this "master" only looked at them in disgust. However sudden death put everything in its place. They began to treat him with the same indifference. Now no one needs him, no one knows ...

As a second argument, I will take Goncharov's novel Oblomov. apathetic and Lazy Oblomov treated with indifference to any situation. For example, in the episode when he reads the letter about the parent village. Ilya Ilyich did not react in any way to the fact that the peasants were dying, the headman was stealing. And, we can say that Oblomov died not when he had a stroke, but when he fell into this state of complete indifference.

Thus, after analyzing two arguments, we can conclude that A.P. Chekhov was right - indifference is a very dangerous state of mind not only for others, but also for the person himself.

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Indifference is paralysis of the soul.

A. P. Chekhov

That day we walked more than 15 kilometers on foot - about that distance from the nearest locality the handsome Uchar spread out.

The spirit is breathtaking at the sight of this miracle of nature, a waterfall that seems to flow directly from the sky: its run-up height is about 160 meters. You lie on a pebble, bask like a snake, look at this stream and forget about everything in the world ... Who are you, how did you get here, how difficult and dangerous was the way here ... It seems that he is not so impregnable, this giant, although the old-timers called it that from ancient times.

Uchar saved the test for us, leaving it for last. He probably liked us, and he decided to postpone the check for the next tourists.

Serega, a tall and thin young guy, was the main one in our company. He knows these places like the back of his hand: his stepfather constantly took him to Gorny in the summer. Looking at the dexterity with which he jumps from stone to stone, fearlessly, almost insanely, desperately, you can’t help looking away.

The largest cascading waterfall Uchar in Altai

Masha and Igor, meanwhile, were finishing dinner, and no one heard Seryoga shout: "Leave me some food." Who knows if they didn’t care, or if they really didn’t hear, but while our Mowgli tried to capture himself against the backdrop of a waterfall in all its glory on a video camera and performed dangerous maneuvers, dinner was eaten. Everyone got their portion, but they forgot about Seryoga. He was the initiator of Igor taking Masha and me back, while he himself still stayed, to film Uchar on video. whole year his soul longed for this place.

We moved back. Back the road went like clockwork. I didn’t “wine” and didn’t ask how much more was ahead, like in the morning, but I galloped like a goat. Masha's desire to be in the center of male attention and thus the pressure on the freedom of my existence led to the fact that I was uncomfortable, and therefore today I stayed away from her. Igor walked between two fires, trying to please both one and the other. Either out of politeness, or out of philanthropy, he was in a hurry to lend a hand at difficult passes, in difficult places (and how did Masha not throw a stone at him out of jealousy?).

There were no earrings. We expected him to catch up with us soon. Stopped and looked. They asked the tourists they met, who were overtaken on the way, if they had seen a guy in a red T-shirt. No, they didn't. We were really worried.

After three or three and a half hours we were already at the entrance to the reserve, the mountains were left behind. But Seryoga was not there. We had the keys to his car. In the car, all our things, money. Where could he go?

What was our surprise when a group of tourists told us that the guy, according to the description resembling Seryoga, was in the parking lot at the reserve. At first I thought he was drunk honestly. We have known each other not so long ago, I did not know if he drinks, but that was my perception. I wanted to attack him with screams: we were waiting for you, we were worried, and you are resting here! ... Before I had time to open my mouth, I realized that the matter was different - after such physical exertion, his body was very exhausted, overworked. Coming to his senses, Seryoga told what had happened.

He overtook us by God knows how. And this load exhausted him very much. In order to get to the other side, to the base, you need to pay the boat driver. A group of fishermen took the exhausted, barely standing guy with them for free. One of the fishermen immediately understood everything, just by looking at him. He didn't ask too many questions, but brought him a bottle of water. Bought for my money in a cafe. And he just handed it to his neighbor.

Serega lay down, caught his breath ... He was shivering ... The rest of the evening he came to his senses ...

The parable of the Good Samaritan described in the Gospel of Luke came to mind: “Jesus said: a certain man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and was caught by robbers, who took off his clothes, wounded him and left, leaving him barely alive. By chance, a priest was walking along that road and, seeing him, passed by. Likewise, the Levite, being at that place, approached, looked, and passed by. But a certain Samaritan, passing by, found him, and, seeing him, had compassion, and, going up, bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine; and putting him on his donkey, he brought him to an inn and took care of him; and the next day, as he was leaving, he took out two denarii, gave it to the innkeeper, and said to him, Take care of him; and if you spend more, I will give it to you when I return. Which of these three, do you think, was the neighbor of the one who was caught by the robbers? He said: Who showed him mercy. Then Jesus said to him: Go, and you do the same.

I was struck by my own narrow-mindedness and admired the mercy of that fisherman. Are there really people who look around, are not obsessed with themselves ... Today, when enough time has passed since that moment, I see even deeper how little love was in my heart ... It seems that you can forgive yourself everything, but not indifference to neighbor...

I have a niece Natasha. Little girl three years old. When I see her, she runs around me all the time. Any my word catches with its eyes. I am an authority for her, so to speak. How often I hear from her: “Lena! Let me bring it!”, “Lena! Let me help!”, “Lena! We have it at home! Let me ask my mother! ”... And sometimes he will just hug and say: “Helen ...”. This girl, though cute, but I can’t be with her for a long time. Because she is not indifferent, because she is free, because she is filled with love ... And I, it seems, is so businesslike, adult, these veal tendernesses do not suit me. AT last time I saw her a year and a half ago. I want to believe that today I would be pleased to spend more time with her.

Where is the line, crossing which, we cease to be children and turn into slaves of indifference ... As a child, we spent all day on the street, my mother came out at ten in the evening and shouted to my sister and me: “Lena, Vika, go home!”. And we didn’t want to go home so much, although there she was waiting on the table fried potatoes and cold milk. They jumped, ran, bled their knees. And over the years, there is less physical activity, both physical and mental. Less life, less freedom, less love- More focus on yourself.

I am deeply convinced that God enters directly into the heart of a child. Grace in the heart of a child produces love in action. And that's why children are exactly like that - lights that cause everyone's amazement. Jesus Christ said: “… let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, for of such is the Kingdom of God. I tell you truly, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”

These words can be attributed to the child inside each of us, that part of our personality. You need to let her breathe, and not sit in mustiness all her life. And just as the wind rushes into a room where it is very stuffy, so it is in the heart of a person ... Believers call this experience a new birth. When this event happened in my life, I wrote these dear lines for me:

I'm sad because joy is fleeting

She came to my house, ringing her wings.

Passed through the curtained windows,

Filling the air with the reflections of the day.

Bewitched, I'm amazed

I look at the beauty around me

Filled with colorful flowers

Decorated with sparkles of fire.

I'm afraid to blink and fall asleep, I'm afraid

After all, joy can just fly away ...

However, I'd rather enjoy it.

And I will smile, live and sing.

The whole world has become different for me ... This does not mean that I suddenly became good, no - a new one was born inside me spiritual man. Old, carnal remained. With the strongest ego and bad temper. But the goal of a Christian's life is to supplant him, the old man in himself, with a new, spiritual, full of grace. Indifferent.

A lot of people can be called good. Help each other, sincere. But the motives of their such behavior are known only to themselves. Maybe they are driven by vanity, the desire to have good reputation to be "good". Maybe it's self-interest, calculation. There are such words: “Everyone can become great…because everyone can serve. To serve people, it is not necessary to have higher education. It is not necessary to correctly stress the words. All it takes is a heart that has grace in it. The soul in which love operates” (Martin Luther King).

The Bible says that in end times Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold. Our age of individualism has divided people so much, so concentrated their attention on themselves, that we are simply not used to looking around ... And therefore people like that fisherman are so striking ... We can study at the institute, read a lot of literature, borrow active position in society, to travel, to get involved in everything in a row, to fill every hour of your life with new and new things, but if there is no love in this, then we are ringing copper or sounding nodding ...

Knowledge will be abolished, but love never ceases.

Indifference is based on selfishness, the desire to protect oneself, to protect oneself from trouble. The key to conquering your ego is to receive love from God in your heart, keep it and grow in it. Gradually you come to the realization of previous delusions. You understand that judging another, you sin, because you consider yourself higher, better than him. This is pride. To love means not to turn away from a person, but to meet him halfway in order to understand and turn his gaze to the truth in some matter. My texts, in which I used to judge, cause such rejection in me ... In general, the attitude to the word changes ... It's painful, but I don't want to stop.

"The soul is obliged to work," - so he wrote in his poem famous poet twentieth century Nikolai Zabolotsky. What does this phrase mean? The work of the soul is tireless work on oneself, constant analysis of one's actions, awareness of mistakes and the desire to correct them. Just as the body, in order to be healthy and strong, needs physical activity, exercises and training, so the soul cannot be immersed in sleep, it must be awake, otherwise moral stagnation, indifference to other people and to the world will lead to its paralysis. Undoubtedly, A.P. Chekhov is right when he compares indifference with premature death.

In the novel by Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov" main character died at the age of forty from apoplexy, because he led a sedentary lifestyle. Having settled on the Vyborg side, Oblomov completely devoted himself to the care of the hostess Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Having fallen in love with Ilya Ilyich with all my heart, simple woman dedicated her life to this gentleman, making the peace and comfort of a loved one the goal and meaning of her life, not even suspecting that this was destroying him. But after all, the smart and educated Olga Ilyinskaya could not awaken Oblomov's soul to vigorous activity. Ilya Ilyich more and more fit into the dead coffin of his existence. What a terrible and accurate. I.A. Goncharov found a metaphor to characterize his hero and his way of life. "What ruined you, Ilya?" - Stolz asks a friend and hears in response: "Oblomovism." This word is capacious and means negative social phenomenon. The completed and motionless patriarchal world of Oblomovka formed the ideal of life for the hero in childhood - peace.

He wanted to live in the bosom of nature, surrounded by close people, so that life would not “touch”, “do not get” him, forgetting about his dreams and vows of his youth, when, together with Stolz, they dreamed of useful activities for the benefit of society. “The light was locked in me,” says Ilya Ilyich about the aimlessness of his existence. The fire in Oblomov's soul went out, she died due to apathy and indifference to life.

The fire went out in the soul of another literary hero. In A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych", Zemsky doctor Dmitry Startsev is at first young at heart, energetic, works hard, walks, falls in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna Turkina, whom everyone in the family called Kotik. He even comes to a nightly date at the cemetery, suspecting in his heart that the girl is just fooling around and laughing at him. The lover hopes for a miracle, is excited and passionately longs for love. Having been refused, Startsev does not suffer for long - three days, and then calms down and becomes indifferent to everything except money. Engaged in private practice, the doctor grows rich, in the evenings he counts rainbow papers with pleasure and buys everything and buys houses in different parts of the city from ruined owners. He becomes like a pagan idol, does not communicate with anyone, is not interested in anything.

Spiritual degradation and spiritual death occur when a person becomes indifferent to everything that surrounds him, when indifference, like a scab, corrodes the soul. Indifference is indeed a paralysis of the soul.

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Updated: 2017-09-25

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Indifference is an indifferent, indifferent and devoid of interest in everything around the attitude of a person. I fully agree with the statement of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "" Indifference is a paralysis of the soul, premature death "". If a person does not pay attention to the problems of the people around him, does not try to understand and help in Hard time, then he dooms himself to spiritual death, which is paralysis of the soul.

AT literary works the topic of human indifference is often raised.

Let us turn, for example, to the work of A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry". AT this story tells about Ivan Nikolaevich, who, because of his desire to buy an estate and grow gooseberries on it, denies himself everything in life. The hero is fixated only on his own well-being. He was indifferent to everything around him, except for the pursuit of his goal. Marrying a rich widow is not for love, but only because of material wealth shows us his indifferent attitude to the happiness of another person. Because of his greed and avarice, the hero destroys his wife.

I think this example makes it clear what low deeds indifference pushes people to. It is not for nothing that the author in the work uses the image of a man with a hammer, who should stand outside the door of everyone happy person and remind him that there are those in the world who need help. In my opinion, a person's indifference to everything except his own happiness is his death of spiritual values.

In the work of I. A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco" the theme of indifference is also traced. The hero of the novel, together with his family, goes on a journey on a journey; the author does not give the hero a name, thereby showing his ordinariness, the absence of any individual traits. The master is absolutely indifferent to society, nature, leading role money plays in his life. I think people who put material well-being as the main thing in their lives lose this human quality like responsiveness. and this leads to "paralysis of the soul". while relaxing with his family in a hotel, the gentleman has a heart attack and dies. The death of the hero was perceived by those around him as a nuisance, so as not to spoil the rest of the people, the manager decides to put the gentleman in a cheap room. The indifference of others to the death of the hero shows how rich people are indifferent to the grief of others. They are unable to empathize and help. The absence of these qualities in a person leads to the loss of their spiritual values.

Thus, indifference destroys in a person his bright qualities. Personal happiness becomes the main thing in the life of indifferent people; they are not able to sympathize with others. Undoubtedly, this leads to "paralysis" of the soul and heart.

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Updated: 2017-11-27

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