ancient theaters of the world. The largest opera houses in the world


Do you love theater the way Belinsky loved it? What exactly do you like about theater?

hanger with which it begins, high ceilings and paintings on the walls, tired and

the happy faces of the actors who go out for an encore, or maybe a cake in the buffet?

Especially for those who have not decided why they love the theater, we have made a selection

theaters, famous all over the world for their uniqueness.

La Scala Opera House, Milan

The name of the theater came to him "inherited" from the church of Santa Maria della Scala, on

where it was built. The temple, in turn, was named in honor of its patroness from the kind of rulers of Verona by the name of Skala. The theater was opened on August 3, 1778 with Antonio Salieri's opera Europe Recognized, written by

especially for this event.

Stendhal wrote in his diary: “I consider Skala the first theater in the world, because it

music is the most enjoyable. There is not a single lamp in the hall: it is lit

only by the light reflected from the scenery. It is impossible to imagine anything more

majestic, more luxurious, more impressive than all its architectural forms.

The theater building was destroyed during the Second World War, but by 1946 -

completely restored. The last restoration was completed in 2004, on December 7, Salieri's "Recognized Europe" was again performed on the renovated stage.

Vienna State Opera, Vienna

The court opera appeared in Vienna in the middle of the 17th century, and by 1869 it was completed

Mozart's Don Giovanni.

On the facade of the Vienna Opera are depicted excerpts from The Magic Flute by Mozart.

The building was badly damaged during the Second World War, and was restored only in 1955, at the same time the tradition of the annual opera ball was resumed. To this day passes here the most important ball in Austria equivalent to state admission. By tradition, the ball begins with a polonaise performed by the debutants, and then the rest of the guests enter, among whom the president is also present.

Over the years of its existence, the Vienna Opera has seen many triumphs of the best composers, and many premieres that took place here have become truly immortal.

Metropolitan Opera, New York

One of the most famous opera stages in the world was created at the expense of the Metropolitan Opera House Company and, having opened on October 22, 1883 in the building of the Broadway Opera House, by the beginning of the twentieth century it began to be considered one of the leading opera stages, along with the theaters of La Scala and the Vienna Opera House. IN building on Broadway the theater survived the fire, only 9 years after the opening, however, after repair work, it reopened and was located there until 1966. In 1966, the building was demolished and the theater moved to a new building at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in Manhattan, where it still exists today. Metropolitan Opera in New York. Photo: social networks An important detail of the interior and a separate attraction of the new building are monumental frescoes by Marc Chagall, which decorate the walls of the lobby.

Theater Royal Covent Garden, London

Home stage of the Royal Opera House of London and the Royal Ballet of London

It got its name from its location in Covent Garden. The first theater

built on the site of a park that used to be located here, it was opened on December 7, 1732 with the performance “Thus they do in the world”, and in 1734 opera and ballet began to be staged in the theater.

In 1808, the first Covent Garden theater was destroyed by fire, and after 9 months a new building was erected in its place, which also did not stand for long - on March 5, 1856, the theater burned down again.

The modern building of the theater was opened for guests on May 15, 1858 with Meyerbeer's opera The Huguenots, he had to "participate" in two wars. During the First World War, the theater building was used as a warehouse, and during the Second World War, a dance hall was arranged in the theater. In 1946, everything fell into place: on February 20, Covent Garden reopened ballet The Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky.

Opera Garnier (Grand Opera), Paris

One of the most important opera and ballet theaters in the world is located in the Palais Garnier,

recognized the benchmark of eclectic architecture.Grand Opera in Paris. Photo: Anna GORBUNOVA The competition for the best project for a new building for the Paris Opera was announced by order Napoleon Bonaparte who refused to attend the old opera after

the attempt on his life that took place there. The project of an unknown architect Charles Garnier won, and the 30-year-old architect set to work.

Due to the difficult political situation in the country, the construction of a new opera

stretched out for 15 years and were completed only by October 30, 1874, which cost 36 million francs in gold.

The Opera Garnier inspired Gaston Leroux to create the famous novel The Phantom of the Opera. It is noteworthy that the underground lake mentioned in the novel really exists - in the basement of the building there is a reservoir with water, which contributes to the stability of the foundation. In addition, water from the tank can be used in case of fire.

Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow The State Academic Bolshoi Theater is one of the most significant in the world

opera and ballet theatres, includes ballet and opera troupes, the Orchestra of the Bolshoi

theater and stage and brass band.

In March 1776, Prince Pyotr Vasilievich Urusov, by the highest permission

Empress Catherine II began the construction of the theater, which, however, burned down

before completion of construction. The prince handed over the business to Michael Madox, his English

companion, under whose leadership the first Bolshoy Petrovsky was built

the theater, named after its location - on Petrovsky Square and burned down

after 25 years. A new building was erected on Arbat Square, but it also burned down in

1812, without surviving the invasion of Napoleon.

In January 1825, rebuilt by architect O.I. Beauvais Theater opened on Petrovskaya

square, later renamed the Theater Square, with the performance "The Triumph

Muses" and burned down again in March 1853. By the middle of 1856 the theater had been restored and

no longer burned, but later rebuilt more than once.

Sydney Opera House, Sydney

Sydney Opera House - musical theater and Sydney business card, one of

top attractions in australia. Sydney Opera House building

unique example of expressionism, with a radical and innovative design. The building was designed by the Dane Jorn Utzon, who received the Pritzker Prize for it, and opened by the Queen

structures, had to hide it behind separate sound-reflecting ceilings.

The number of Russian theaters is very large: there are about six hundred state theaters alone, and their largest concentration is, of course, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. What theaters in Russia are among the most famous in the country - find out further.

The first theater in Russia

Some believe that the first theaters are performances of buffoons. In fact, their semi-pagan singing and dancing can be considered the birth of theatrical performances in Russia, but still the founder of the very first theater in the country in the modern sense is Fedor Grigoryevich Volkov, the very first professional theater actor.

It was he who created the theater, which can be considered public and professional. Volkov staged theatrical performances at his home in Yaroslavl with his friends and brothers. This theater can be considered the first, since it met all the requirements of this concept: it was public, paid, permanent, with its own theatrical etiquette. Soon the rumor about this reached Tsarina Elizaveta Petrovna, who summoned them to St. Petersburg and instructed them to create a public theater.

But since then, it is Yaroslavl that has been spoken of as the place where all theaters in Russia- their homeland. The oldest building is the Yaroslavl Academic Theatre, now the Russian State Academic Theater named after F. G. Volkov.

The most famous theaters in Russia

Consider such theaters in Russia as the Bolshoi, Mikhailovsky, Mariinsky and Zimny ​​- the most famous theaters in the country.

Grand Theatre

The Bolshoi Theater is called the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, located in Moscow. It is included not only in the theaters, which are among the most famous in Russia, but also in the most famous theaters around the world.

The history of this cultural institution began in 1776, when Catherine II signed a permit for Prince Peter Urusov to hold theatrical performances, masquerades, and concerts. However, the building did not survive until the opening and burned down in a fire. Urusov decided to hand it over to the Englishman Michael Maddox, his partner, who is building a new building in a little less than six months. And in 1780 it opens its doors to the first spectators.

However, the series of fires does not end there, and the building of the Bolshoi Theater at different times is subjected to fire three more times. The building of the Bolshoi Theater restored for the fourth time by the architect Albert Cavos received the famous bronze quadriga by the famous Russian sculptor Pyotr Klodt above the entrance, which is a feature of the theater. The modern building can accommodate just over two thousand people - rare theaters in Russia have such a capacity.

The Bolshoi Theater, without a doubt, can be called the main cultural platform of the Russian Federation. It consists of both a ballet and an opera troupe, as well as a stage and brass band and the orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater. Here, anyone who loves theater, in particular, opera and ballet performances, can always choose a performance to their liking. For a long time of existence, more than eight hundred different works have been staged on the stage of the theater. Sergey Rachmaninov, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Maya Plisetskaya and other famous names of Russian and world art are related to this theater.

Mikhailovsky Theater

Of course, talking about theaters in Russia, it is impossible not to mention the Mikhailovsky Theater. It bears the name of Prince Mikhail, son of the All-Russian Emperor Paul I, and was opened in 1833. It is located on the current Square of Arts in the city of St. Petersburg. Mikhailovsky is one of the oldest theaters in Russian cities.

This temple of Melpomene was a favorite place for secular exits not only for all the Petersburg nobility, but also for the imperial family itself with its courtiers. Troupes from France and Germany came here on tour, and the orchestra was often led by Johann Strauss himself. However, after the February Revolution of 1917, foreign artists stopped coming to St. Petersburg, so the Mikhailovsky Theater began to think about how to assemble their own troupe of actors.

Before the war, the formation of the “Soviet opera” took place here, they staged The Quiet Don, Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, and in the post-war period, Russian classics began to revive on the Mikhailovsky stage: they began to stage Eugene Onegin, Boris Godunov, etc.

Winter theater

It is one of the main attractions of the city of Sochi. It was erected in 1937 in the central area of ​​the city.

Surrounded by 88 Corinthian columns, this conservative building immediately attracts the attention of guests of the resort capital of Russia and is one of the best architectural monuments of national importance. The theater hall is designed in gold, blue and white. It can accommodate just over nine hundred spectators.

The Sochi State Philharmonic Society is located in the same building - although the Winter Theater does not have its own theater troupe, it does have its own wonderful orchestra. Nevertheless, Zimny ​​is an excellent venue for theatrical tours. The first work with which it was opened in 1938 is The Tsar's Bride, an opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. Subsequently, the best troupes from all over the Soviet Union played here, and teams from many cities in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and other countries still perform.

Mariinskii Opera House

The history of the Mariinsky Theater dates back to 1783 in St. Petersburg. Of all the theaters in Russia, it is the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters that are known all over the world. In addition, the Mariinsky is one of the oldest theaters in the country. Then it was opened under the name of the Bolshoi Stone Theater, and is located on Carouselnaya Square. The current building of the theater was built opposite it; the area is now called the Theater for a reason, and he himself is called the Mariinsky, in honor of Maria Alexandrovna, the wife of Alexander II.

Even in those days, the beauty and grandeur of this building already surprised observers. It is famous for its magnificent interiors. The furniture and drapery of the hall was not always the blue and blue hues we know it now - until 1952 it was traditionally dark red. There is no larger opera and ballet theater than the Mariinsky in Russia yet.

"Boris Godunov", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Night Before Christmas" and many other productions were first presented here, and not only Russian, but also foreign, for example, "Tristan and Isolde", "Carmen", "Romeo and Juliet". Such artists as Fyodor Chaliapin and Fyodor Stravinsky left their mark on the history of the Mariinsky.

If you love theaters, their architecture and interior decoration, we suggest you take a short trip to Theater Square in St. Petersburg and look at the splendor of the Mariinsky Theater:

Despite the fact that cinema has existed for a long time, theaters are as popular as in the old days.

And can the picture be compared with the performance of an actor “live”, when the feeling of the spirit of the performance literally hovers in the hall?

And ballet, and opera, and comedy, and musical, any production can stir up all the senses.

So today we will talk about theaters, and although this rating is called the top of the best theaters, there are no best or worst here and the division is conditional.

Each theater is unique and unrepeatable, with its atmosphere, actors, history.

So if you don’t see one of the famous theaters here, don’t rush to conclusions, it’s impossible to tell about all of them, and the division, as mentioned above, is conditional.

La Scala

1. Let's start with Italy, because it can be called one of the cradles of the theater, because here, along with Greece and France, many theatrical traditions were born. There were theaters here during the time of Rome and the Renaissance, so the contribution of this country to the theatrical art is undeniable. La Scala in Milan is deservedly considered the best theater in Italy.

It was built in 1776-1778, and owes its name to the church "Santa Maria dela Scala", which was located on this site before the theater.

There is a legend that when laying the foundation, an ancient block with the image of the mime Pylades was found, as if the blessing of the ancient gods to the future theater. The theater hall can accommodate up to 2,800 people. By the way, it is customary to come here dressed in black.

At different times, the works of Bellini, Verdi and Puccini were very fond of here. Also in "La Scala" balls were held and even once there was a bullfight.

Grand Opera

2. In France, the Grand Opera is considered the most famous theater, although its official name is the National Academy of Music and Dance. Founded in 1669 by the poet Perrin and the composer Camber, signed by Louis XIV. This theater survived the centuries, the French Revolution, changed many names, but remained one of the best.

The building in which it is located today was built by the architect C. Garnier in 1875. The hall can accommodate 2,130 people. It is difficult to enumerate the performances staged on the stage of the Grand Opera for three and a half centuries.

Initially, these were works by French composers, then Italian and German. In the twentieth century, Stravinsky's opera "Mavra" was premiered here.

Vienna Opera

3. "Vienna Opera" is also impossible to ignore. Austria has always been proud of its composers, which is why Mozart's operas are so popular here. It also hosted the premiere of the entire Wagner cycle "Ring of the Nibelungen".

The Vienna Opera was built in 1869, the interior decoration is striking in luxury and majesty.

At the end of the 19th century, this place was the center of the cultural life of Europe. Until now, according to tradition, the world-famous “Opera Ball” is held here every year, where people from all over the world come together.

covent garden

4. The most famous theater in England is London's Covent Garden. It was founded in 1732. In the form in which it appears now, it has been preserved since the last restoration in 1856. It is distinguished by a high level of acting and the corresponding fees.

In the 19th century, the best performers of that time, such as Malibran, Tamburini, Giulia Grisi, sang here.

The building itself is shrouded in mystery and legends about ghosts, so suitable for "Foggy Albion". Designed for 2,250 seats.

Metropolitan Opera

5. The New York Metropolitan Opera is the most famous theater in the United States and at the same time the most modern of all listed here.

It was founded in 1883 and is distinguished by the absence of such luxurious decoration as in other theaters. But here many modern technologies are applied, such as, for example, a running line in the back of the chair.

Initially, the Metropolitan Opera liked to stage Wagner. As well as in England, operas are staged here in the original language. The fees for performers here are more modest than in other places, but singing on this stage is still very prestigious.

The hall is large and can accommodate 3,625 people. Interestingly, the theater is not state-owned and is funded by private individuals and donations from firms.

6. In Russia, the Bolshoi Theater can be put on a par with the above-mentioned theaters. It was founded in 1776, the building where it is now appeared in 1825.

Tchaikovsky's operas Mazepa, Voyevoda, Cherevichki and Rachmaninov's The Miserly Knight, Aleko and Francesca da Rimini were premiered here, with Rachmaninoff acting as a conductor.

On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, performances are also given by visiting troupes from La Scala and the Vienna Opera. Designed for 2,155 seats.

7. "Sydney Opera" - a masterpiece more architectural than theatrical.

This place has become a symbol of Australia, both performances and various shows are held here, there is no usual theatrical design, and the repertoire is not classical. But maybe this is such an idea of ​​​​the creators of the theater of the future, because the Sydney Opera House was built only 37 years ago. By the way, Queen Elizabeth herself opened it.

8. Another non-classical theater - "Broadway".

It's not a building, it's a tradition. Once “Broadway Theater” meant that it was one of the small theaters located on the corresponding street in New York, today this concept has a completely different meaning.

I invite actors to Broadway for one or several seasons, there is no permanent troupe, and the performance goes on as long as it is interesting to the public. That is why many are drawn here, because of the diversity. The traditions of the “Broadway theater” were formed about a century ago.

Arena di Verona

9. “Arena di Verona”, this theater has no analogues in the whole world, because it was built during the time of Emperor Augustus in the first century AD. This is an oval Roman amphitheater, and what is most interesting, it is functioning.

Arena di Verona. Photo – Ennevi

For three hundred years, performances have been given on this stage, and in Roman times, gladiators died here and tournaments were held.

Since 1913, an opera festival has been held here every summer. They put on mainly spectacular productions, such as "Aida", which opened the first of these festivals, "Turandot", "Carmen". "Arena di Verona" can accommodate up to 16,000 spectators at the same time, which is beyond the power of any hall of classical theaters.

10. The largest theater in South America is the Colon Theatre. It was founded in 1857.

It is located in the city of Buenos Aires and can accommodate up to 2,478 people at a time. At the time of construction, the first building of the theater was the most advanced among operas, gas lighting and special effects devices were used here.

The modern building opened in 1908, in addition to seating, it is designed for 500-1000 standing people. Russian performances are often staged here, such as "Boris Godunov", "Sadko", "Eugene Onegin".

12 most beautiful and majestic world opera houses. Opera houses have always been considered a symbol of wealth, enlightenment and greatness. A place where art, luxury, power, intrigue and secrets lived, and that is why the rulers of all European states tried to outdo each other in the monumentality of buildings and pomposity of interiors. At the moment, the importance of opera performances has not lost its popularity, but in most cases, opera and ballet theaters are perceived more as a kind of attraction than a leisure venue. La Scala
Milan, Italy

There is no other opera house in the history of opera that is as revered, as often copied, as often cited as a benchmark for comparison, as La Scala. But La Scala is by no means only a beautiful place for opera performances, it is the very symbol of opera - Italian opera.

The theater building was built in 1776-1778 on the site of the church "Santa Maria della Scala", from where the theater got its name "La Scala" - the opera house in Milan. It is curious that during the excavation of the site for the construction of the theater, a large marble block was found, on which Pylades, the famous mime of Ancient Rome, was depicted. This was taken as a good sign.

The theater building, built by the architect G. Piermarini, is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is designed in a strict neoclassical style and is distinguished by impeccable acoustics. During World War II, the theater was destroyed and restored to its original form by the engineer L. Secchi, which was reopened in 1946. "The Rock" (as the Italians call the theater) opened in August 1778 with two operas, including A. Salieri's opera "Recognized Europe" specially written for this occasion. Opra de Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo, Monaco

The Monte Carlo Opera House stands on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and is connected to the casino by a red marble foyer. The construction of the building took only six months, and the result was an extremely whimsical facade in the style of the Second Empire with unusually ornate towers and sculptures by Gustave Doré and Sarah Bernhardt. By the way, the author of the architectural project of the opera house, Charles Garnier, shortly before that, completed the construction of the Grand Opera building in Paris.

Teatro di San Carlo
Naples, Italy

San Carlo (Teatro San Carlo) - the opera house in Naples was opened in 1737. In 1816 it was rebuilt after a fire. Theater building designed by architects Giovanni Antonio Medrano and Angelo Carasale for the Bourbon monarch Carlos III of Naples.

The theater experienced its greatest dawn in 1809-40, when the famous impresario Barbaia was its leader. The new theater was admired not only for the works of art that were staged in the theater, but also for its architecture, gold decoration, and luxurious blue upholstery (blue and gold are the official colors of the Bourbons). On the stage of the theater there were world premieres of a number of operas by Rossini Donizetti and Giuseppe Verdi. Mariinskii Opera House
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The Mariinsky Theater is a symbol of Russian culture. The chronology of his troupe has been going on since 1783, when the Bolshoi Theater was opened in St. Petersburg, on the site of which the St. Petersburg Conservatory is now located. By order of Catherine the Great, the Bolshoi (Stone) Theater was erected on the site of this building, with splendor and splendor surpassing the largest theaters in Europe. It opened in 1783 with a performance of Paisiello's On the Moon.

In 1802 the theater was rebuilt by the architect Thomas de Thomon, and in 1836 it was reconstructed by Albert Cavos. The magnificent decorative decoration of the auditorium has largely survived to this day. The dazzling whiteness of the sculptures, the soft glow of gilding, the blue tone of the upholstery and draperies - such is the festive coloristic sound of the hall. The bright picturesque plafond was made by E. Fracioli according to the sketches of Professor K. Duzi. A huge, three-tiered bronze chandelier with crystal pendants and candelabra were donated by the merchant K. Pleske, who was awarded a gold medal "in consideration of such a special artistic merit." Palais Garnier
Paris, France

Over the two hundred years of its existence, the Paris Opera has changed thirteen different halls. And none of them corresponded to the role that the opera played in high French society. Napoleon III came to power in 1852. In the same year, he decided to start a radical renovation of the capital.

The work was entrusted to a man, by no means a Parisian in spirit, who thought only about the economic development of the city and did not feel any nostalgia for old Paris. The competition for the creation of an opera house brought together 171 projects. All the masters of architecture presented their works, including Viollet-Le-Duc himself. However, the winner was a little-known young man, Charles Garnier, who had only the 1848 Rome Grand Prix to his credit.

In the decoration of the interior of the theater, Garnier used many elements of the Rococo style. Despite all the absurdity and variety of techniques that are often at odds with each other, the building as a whole gives the impression of a harmonious and monumental. Apparently, therefore, in 1923 it was ranked among the architectural monuments protected by the state. Bavarian State Opera
Munich, Germany

The Bavarian State Opera (Bayerische Staatsoper) is one of the leading opera stages in Germany. Located in Munich (2,100 seats). Founded in 1818. In 1963 it was opened after restoration with the play "Woman Without a Shadow" by R. Strauss. The prototype of this building was the Odeon Theater in Paris.

The building of the Bavarian Opera was built on the site of a former Franciscan monastery. In 1818, the theater opened its doors to visitors, but burned to the ground five years later. The inhabitants of the city believed that this was a punishment from above. But already in 1825, the Bavarian Opera reopened, and performances are still going on in it to this day. Mikhailovsky Theater
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

The brilliant history of the Mikhailovsky Theater began with the choice of the building's architect. A connoisseur of art, Alexander Bryullov is building the building of the first city musical theater, fitting it into the already established ensemble of the Arts Square, and therefore the facades of the theater are made according to the designs of Carl Rossi to “rhyme” with the building of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

Bryullov created a magic box: the fact that a theater is hidden behind a modest facade can only be guessed from the roof, where a high stage box is visible behind the dome above the auditorium. All the splendor of the imperial theater is contained inside: silver and velvet, mirrors and crystal, painting and molding.

The theater hosts ballet master classes by leading teachers in Europe and America. At the invitation of Farukh Ruzimatov, Natalya Makarova, Jennifer Goubet, Gilbert Mayer, Cyril Atanasoff, Mikhail Messerer worked with the Mikhailovsky Theater Ballet Company. Among other things, the Mikhailovsky Theater participates in the Arts Square festival and is one of the cultural venues of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Teatro Amazonas
Manus, Brazil

The Amazonian Opera House is the second largest theater in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, in the city of Manaus. Designed in 1881, opened in 1896, in the midst of the so-called rubber fever in Brazil, becoming one of the symbols of the luxurious and serene life of the Belle Epoque of Western civilization. He impressed his contemporaries with his pomposity. After the end of the rubber boom, it fell into disrepair, but in the early 1990s it was restored again. Capacity 701 people. There is a parterre, mezzanine and an amphitheatre.

Romanian Athenaeum
Bucharest, Romania

The Romanian Athenaeum is a neoclassical concert hall, opened in 1888. In front of the building there is a small park with a statue of the Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu. The inner dome of the building is painted with frescoes depicting key moments in Romanian history. Recognized as a symbol of Romanian culture, Atenai was included in the list of European cultural heritage in 2007.

Metropolitan Opera House
New York, USA

One of the largest theaters in the world, the Metropolitan Opera opened on October 22, 1883 with a performance of Charles Gounod's Faust. In the early years, the theater gave preference to Wagner's operas, and the German theater troupe was directed by the conductor Leopold Damrosch. The old building of the Metropolitan Opera House hosted the premieres of works by Giacomo Puccini: "Girl from the West" in December 1910 and, in December 1918, the triptych "Cloak", "Sister Angelica" and "Gianni Schicchi". In October 1958, Samuel Barbara's opera Vanessa premiered and won the Pulitzer Prize for Outstanding Musical Work.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Metropolitan Opera has been considered, along with the Vienna Opera House and La Scala in Milan, the leading opera stage in the world.

It is often referred to as "The Met" for short. The theater is open seven months a year: from September to April. Performances go on daily. From May to June the theater goes on tour. In addition, in July, the theater gives free performances in the parks of New York, gathering a huge number of spectators. Oslo Opera House
Oslo, Norway

The new opera house is the largest cultural institution in contemporary Norway. In addition, the opera house is the first example in the world of architectural practice, when during the intermission, visitors can freely walk along the roof of the theater, which has a smooth slope towards the sea. The white, iceberg-like opera house rises straight out of the Oslo Fjord. The sloping roof, finished with slabs of white Karar marble, descends to the water and can also be used as a recreation area.

The building was designed by the Norwegian architectural firm Snoehetta, which had previously built a library in Alexandria. The main stage of the opera is designed for 1,365 spectators, two small stages - for 640. The orchestra pit of the main stage is located below the water level. Drottningholm Palace Theater
Stockholm, Sweden

King Karl XVI Gustav and his family have been living in Drottningholm Palace since 1981, occupying some parts of it. This palace began to be built in 1662 for Queen Dovager Hedvig Eleonora according to the project of architect Nikodemyc Tessin the Elder in the baroque style, typical for that time.

The palace is located on the island of Lovien, not far from the city center. Behind the palace is the court theater, one of the oldest operating theaters in the world. It was founded in 1766 by Queen Lovisa Ulrika and built by the architect K.F. Adelcrantz. The ballet troupe of the theater revives productions of the 18th century. The palace is surrounded by a luxurious park with a regular French part, decorated with pavilions and labyrinths, and a landscape English part with picturesque lawns and ponds. In 1991, Drottningholm Palace, with its park, theater and Chinese pavilion, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Get your best evening dresses and tuxedos out of the closets. Autumn is the time for theatrical premieres! Opera houses all over the world are invited to their luxurious halls: the most famous, the largest and the most beautiful. Whether these virtues are combined in any one temple of art, or whether each distinguished itself in some way, was understood.

All relevant canons of style, which are followed in the construction of theaters of this kind, bypassed the Opera House in Sydney. This is what he became famous for. Moreover, it has become a kind of hallmark of Australia, showing off on postcards, magnets and guidebooks (the kangaroo and the Tasmanian devil are no longer in trend). Located in the harbor at Bennelong Point and surrounded on all sides by water, the Sydney Opera House represents the triumph of human thought in architecture. It also boasts the largest organ and the largest curtain. Since 2007, the theater has been under the protection of UNESCO. In the list of the largest opera houses in the world, Sydney takes 15th place with a capacity of 1550 people.

The epitome of luxury and grandeur is Milan's La Scala Opera House. Only the best have appeared on its stage: directors and composers, singers and actors. He is the number one point in every tour of Milan, and this says a lot. The most famous operas of all time were staged here, and it was on this stage that such names as Arturo Toscanini, Riccardo Muti, Gavazzeni Gianandrea were first heard. The most beautiful building of La Scala cannot be called. External decoration was not given importance during construction. But in the level of productions, and the atmosphere in general, the La Scala opera house has no equal. By the number of seats in the auditoriums, he is the 5th in the list - 2800.

The rating of the best opera houses in the world is not complete without the Paris Opera, it is also the Opera Garnier, it is also the Grand Opera. This center of theatrical culture in France is considered the standard of eclectic architecture. The interior is no less luxurious than the facade: the large staircase is finished with white marble, the vault is decorated with frescoes by Isidor Pils, and the ceiling in the hall is painted by Marc Chagall. The Grand Opera is called one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world, but not the largest (1900 seats).

Gone are the days of aristocracy and art for the elite. But the Vienna Opera returns to the old days, refined, sublime and in many ways unsurpassed. The repertoire for sure - more than 60 operas and ballets for 285 days in a season. The Vienna State Opera is listed in all existing ratings of such institutions as one of the most beautiful, most visited and most expensive. There are affordable tickets for category B performances, and for premieres and special events, ticket prices go through the roof. Unfortunately, no one will be able to see the original opera house built in 1869. It was wiped off the face of the earth during World War II. But the rebuilt "version" is very beautiful, especially in the evening.

It is gratifying to see the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow among the famous opera houses of the world. And you don’t need to go anywhere to experience true aesthetic pleasure. Just think, this temple of art is almost 250 years old! The best opera singers and dancers, and not only domestic ones, appear on its stage. Not so long ago, the Bolshoi underwent a grandiose reconstruction involving colossal funds. Assess the scale: 4.5 kg of gold was spent on gilding papier-mâché stucco. However, the theater received worldwide recognition even without this thanks to a wide repertoire and a high level of skill. The Bolshoi Theater is also one of the largest. The number of seats in the auditorium is 2155. The most "capacious" opera house is the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The auditorium has 3800 seats. For the past 40 years, the Met has been registered in the building of Lincoln Center, decorated with frescoes by Marc Chagall. A Swarovski chandelier hangs in front of the main staircase leading to the huge hall. We are also proud of the world's largest curtain, embroidered with gold and weighing several hundred kilos.

Among the most beautiful is the Teatro la Fenice in Venice. It is also one of the oldest in Europe. The name already reflects its fate. Like a phoenix, it repeatedly “spread its wings” after fires, but still retained its “face”: modest on the outside and luxurious on the inside. It was here that the opera La bohème by Ruggiero Leoncavallo was staged for the first time in 1897. Interestingly, this theater does not start with a hanger - there is no wardrobe for the public. La Monnet, San Carlo, Covent Garden, Ateneum ... There are so many more opera houses in the world that deserve a hotel mention. And he will do it with pleasure.

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