Old St. Petersburg necropolis - "Literary bridges". Volkovskoye cemetery, museum-necropolis "literary bridges" The museum expands its exposition


Museum-necropolis, where many Russian and Soviet writers, musicians, actors, architects, scientists and public figures are buried.

Address: St. Petersburg, Rasstannaya st., 30 (Admiralteisky district).

Nearest metro station: Volkovskaya.

How to get there:

From the Volkovskaya metro station, you should move along Volkovsky Prospekt towards the Volkovsky cemetery. Then enter the Volkovskoye cemetery and go straight to the end.

To get to Literatorskie mostki you need to leave the Volkovsky cemetery, go along Rastanny passage and enter Literatorskie mostki through the arch.

From Volkovskaya metro station to the entrance to Literatorskie mostki is 1.3 km.

The entrance to Literatorskie Mostki is located on Rastanny Proyezd. There is no entrance to the territory of the Literary Mostki from the Volkovsky cemetery.

On the Literary bridges buried writers I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. S. Leskov, G. I. Uspensky, S. Ya. Nadson, A. I. Kuprin, revolutionaries G. V. Plekhanov and V. I. Zasulich, N. S. Tyutchev, scientists D. I. Mendeleev, V. M. Bekhterev, I. P. Pavlov, N. N. Miklukho-Maclay, A. S. Popov, architect V. V. Kozlov and others The mother of V. I. Lenin and his sisters are also buried here.

Literary bridges are a branch of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture.

To the right of the entrance to Literatorskie mostki is a burial map.

The first writer buried in this place was (1749 - 1802). This grave was not preserved and was restored. It is located near the entrance, to the left of the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

On the territory of Literary bridges there is the Church of the Resurrection of the Word.

There are very few benches in the Literary Bridges. Benches are located at the graves of the Ulyanov family.

entrance arch

Grave of Alexander Radishchev

There are benches at the burial place of the Ulyanovs.

Burial of Vaganova

The burial of the ballerina Vaganova Agrippina Yakovlevna (1879 - 1951)

Belinsky's grave

(1811 - 1848) - Russian literary critic

Grave of Saltykov-Shchedrin

(1826 - 1889) - Russian writer.

Grave of Kuprin A.I.

(1870 - 1938) - Russian writer

Grave of Leskov N.S.

(1831 - 1895) - Russian writer.

The grave of Turgenev I.S.

(1818 - 1883) - Russian writer.

Grave of Petrov-Vodkin

(1878 - 1939) - Russian artist.

Grave of Dmitry Mendeleev

(1834 - 1907) - famous chemist, professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg University, director of the main chamber of weights and measures since 1893.

Grave of Anatoly Koni

(1844 - 1927) - Russian jurist.

Grave of Mamin-Sibiryak

Within walking distance from the Volkovskaya metro station, on the territory of the Volkovsky cemetery, there is the famous necropolis, called the Literary Bridges. The monument attracts attention by the fact that it is the burial place of many prominent personalities who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries: writers and poets, composers and actors, scientists and public figures are buried here. Since 1933, the cemetery has been considered closed, but in rare cases, burials are still held here. To date, more than 500 tombstones are available for viewing by visitors, representing both cultural, historical and artistic value.

In order to realize the cultural value that this object has, it is necessary to mention who is buried at the "Literary bridges" of the Volkovskoye cemetery.

Historical reference

The cemetery itself was founded in 1756 and was intended for the poor. For several decades, the place was not landscaped, it was even difficult to reach some sites due to the lack of any roads and paths.

The history of the "Literary bridges" of the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg dates back to 1802, when a famous writer and public figure, the author of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", was buried here. The location of the grave is unknown; the tombstone has not been preserved either. However, information about the burial is contained in church reports, and in 1987 a corresponding memorial plaque was opened on the territory of the necropolis.

Early burials

One of the earliest burials dates back to 1831, when Anton Delvig, Pushkin's friend, was buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery. Literary Bridges did not exist at that time as a separate cultural object, and the ashes of the poet a hundred years later were transferred to the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, however, in the context of the events associated with the formation of the necropolis, this event should be noted.

In 1848, the famous critic V. G. Belinsky was buried here, and in 1861 - N. A. Dobrolyubov. Their tombstones are located side by side and surrounded by a common iron fence. Another well-known domestic critic, D. I. Pisarev, rests nearby.

Late 19th - early 20th century

Later, towards the end of the 19th century, famous writers M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, I. S. Turgenev, N. S. Leskov, A. I. Kuprin and many others were buried here. In the 20th century, when it was decided to move or destroy some of the city's cemeteries, the remains of I. A. Goncharov, A. A. Blok and other prominent representatives of Russian literature, art, and science were transferred to the necropolis. In some cases, however, only commemorative signs were transported, but not the ashes of the deceased.

Despite the fact that the cultural heritage site is called Literary Bridges, scientists, revolutionaries, representatives of various professions who have gained fame and respect in their field of activity are also buried at the Volkovskoye cemetery. Famous doctors, academicians I. P. Pavlov and V. M. Bekhterev, the creator of the periodic table of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, the traveler and ethnographer N. N. Miklukho-Maclay, the inventor of radio A. S. Popov are buried here.

In 1935, the object became part of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture.

How to get there

The nearest metro station from which you can get to the necropolis is Volkovskaya. The question of how to get to the Literary Bridges of the Volkovsky cemetery should not arise: immediately after exiting the metro, you can see the burials on the opposite side of the road. The desired site, where the necropolis is located, is located in the northern part of the cemetery. Accordingly, in order to reach the goal, the visitor will need to go around it around the perimeter, walking along the fence along Kasimovskaya street, turning into Kamchatskaya.

Another way is to get off at the Obvodny Kanal metro station and take bus number 74 to the required destination. You will need to pass 7 stops, the final point of the route will be located on the right hand relative to the direction of travel.

Finally, you can get off at Ligovsky Prospekt station and wait for tram number 49 or 25. Any of the above methods will take you to Literatorskie Mostki, and in order to be sure not to make a mistake, you can ask the conductor to notify you of the required stop. The purpose of the trip in this case will be on the left.

Opening hours and excursions

The cultural site is open to the public on weekends, as well as on weekdays - the exception is Thursday, when the museum is closed. Opening hours of the "Literary bridges" of the Volkovskoye cemetery in the summer - from 10 to 19 on any of the indicated days. In the period from September to May, admission to the territory is carried out from 10 to 17 hours.

In addition, there are various excursions during which visitors can not only look at the resting places of the great ones, but also learn a lot about their biography, as well as the history of the necropolis itself, which is much more interesting than it might seem at first glance.

The ticket price for an independent visit is only 100 rubles, and for categories of citizens with benefits - 50 rubles. The cost of excursions can vary depending on the duration and starts from 1000 rubles. At the same time, on Thursdays, when the Literary Bridges of the Volkovskoye Cemetery are closed for independent visits, the excursion service is carried out as usual.

For information or booking excursions, you can use the phone number listed on the official website.


It is not known why the necropolis was called "Literary Bridges", because the last refuge was found here by representatives of various professions. However, there is something poetic in visiting this place - the tourist plunges into the atmosphere not of a cemetery, but of a cultural heritage site that keeps the memory of several hundred famous and even outstanding personalities who left their mark on history.

Understanding the fact that people whose names we know and love from books since childhood, whose works have moved forward domestic and world science, are buried in this land, gives rise to a desire to learn more about their biography and the history of their native country. The "Literary bridges" of the Volkovskoye cemetery are an integral part of the city's image and keep the memory of people whose names are worthy of memory and respect for future generations.

Photo from syl.ru

Nihilism and more

The pioneer of the bridges was the writer Radishchev. He, who fell out of favor with the empress and was subjected to severe repressions, was buried on the outskirts of the capital, in a cemetery once created for the poor.

One thing was not taken into account - in this way, Alexander Nikolayevich did not sink to the level of a wretched cemetery, but the cemetery rose to the bar raised by the author of Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, perhaps the most popular book among the Russian thinking intelligentsia. This happened in 1802.

Gradually, more and more people came to Radishchev's grave. They brought flowers. They made speeches. But they preferred to bury them in more prestigious places: in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, on Moscow's Novodevichy. And only in 1848, another liberal celebrity, Vissarion Belinsky, was buried in the cemetery.

In 1861, another grave appeared next to the grave of Belinsky - Nikolai Dobrolyubov. Chernyshevsky gave a speech at this funeral: “What a person we have lost, because it was a talent. And at what young years he ended his career, because he was only twenty-six years old, at this time others are just beginning to study ... Dobrolyubov died because he was too honest.

For this speech, Chernyshevsky was condemned by another of those present, P. Ballod: “It seemed wild to me to speak so sharply where, of course, more than one spy was present. He was crying, talking and beside himself."

The cemetery became a kind of continuation of the nihilistic salons. However, the very word "nihilism" appeared only the following year, when Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" came out - there he called Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov a nihilist.

Photo from topdialog.ru

There was no word, but nihilism existed with might and main. The next high-profile event at this cemetery took place in 1866 - the graves of Belinsky and Dobrolyubov were surrounded by a common award. And a few years later, when Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev died, a place was prepared for him on the same Volkovsky, in the company of colleagues, literary critics.

It is not very clear who was more at that funeral - capital liberals or agents of the Third Division. Here is an example of one of them:

“Behind the coffin walked the local nihilistic synclite, one can say that the coffin even changed its physiognomy and looked more like a pyramid strewn with flowers.”

Another agent added: “The grave was prepared just opposite the place where Belinsky and Dobrolyubov were buried, a few steps from the grave of the famous nihilist Nozhin, who died during the investigation into the assassination attempt on April 4.

When the coffin was lowered into the grave, all the garlands and flowers were torn from it, which went around the hands of those present. The coffin was lowered into the grave without a priest, and flowers fell into it; the first wreath was proposed to be thrown to the father of the deceased.

The burial was already over and the grave was covered with flowers, but the audience did not disperse - as if expecting something: for the first time Pavlenkov drew attention to this and from a nearby high grave uttered a short word in which he expressed that all sorts of funeral speeches are superfluous and that the best honoring the memory of the deceased is the fact that people of the most diverse beliefs gathered at the grave, which testifies to the honest and beneficial activities of the deceased.

But, despite the wishes of Mr. Pavlenkov, there were some speeches. Literary critic Grigory Evlampievich Blagosvetlov, for example, said: “Here lies the most remarkable of modern Russian writers; he was a man with a hard heart, developed under the influence of recent state reforms, who did not retreat from anything and never lost heart.

Being imprisoned in a fortress, in a damp and stuffy casemate, surrounded by soldiers, under the sounds of weapons, he continued to engage in literature, and it should be noted that these were his best works.

Photo from topdialog.ru

The same Blagosvetlov was also present at the funeral of Dobrolyubov, mentioned in the report.

The funeral of Ivan Turgenev became a huge event. Ivan Sergeevich died in 1883. Lenin's sister, Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova, wrote about them: “The whole funeral procession was compressed by a close ring of Cossacks. There was an imprint of gloom and depression on everything. After all, the ashes of the “unreliable” writer, disapproved by the government, fell into the ground.

This was shown very clearly by the autocracy on his corpse. I remember the bewildered painful impression of us two youths. Few were allowed into the cemetery, and we were not among them. Then those who were caught told what a heavy mood reigned there, how the cemetery was flooded with police officers, in front of whom few speakers had to speak.

Anna Ilyinichna just turned nineteen a few days ago, but in the company of Turgenev's friends she felt like a fish in water.

And lawyer Anatoly Koni recalled: “The reception of the coffin in St. Petersburg and its passage to the Volkovo cemetery was an unusual sight in its beauty, majestic character and complete and unanimous observance of order.

Photo from topdialog.ru

An uninterrupted chain of 176 deputations from literature, from newspapers and magazines, scientists, educational and educational institutions, from zemstvos, Siberians, Poles and Bulgarians occupied a space of several miles, attracting the sympathetic and often touched attention of the huge public that dammed up the sidewalks - carried deputations graceful, magnificent wreaths and banners with meaningful inscriptions.

A wreath with a repetition of the words spoken by the sick Turgenev to the artist Bogolyubov: “Live and love people as I loved them”, from the association of traveling exhibitions; a wreath with the inscription "Love is stronger than death" from pedagogical women's courses.

A wreath with the inscription “To the Unforgettable Teacher of Truth and Moral Beauty” from the St. Petersburg Law Society stood out especially.

Everyone, who could, expressed his sorrow.

At the cemetery along the Broken Road

Photo from antonratnikov.ru

Then there were Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nikolai Sergeevich Leskov, Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky. More and more people forgot why this cemetery is called that, what the footbridges have to do with it.

In fact, when it still specialized in the unknown and penniless, the soil in the cemetery was a swampy swamp, very characteristic of the Petrovsky capital. In order to be able to somehow move around the cemetery, footbridges were laid between the graves.

Gradually, these footbridges got names - you had to somehow navigate yourself and orient the local gravediggers. Part of those bridges that were once Nadtrubny (through the sewer pipes passing under them), just became Literary.

The territory has long been civilized, the bridges have sunk into the past, but the name remains. Like the Nikitsky Gates and the Kuznetsky Bridge in Moscow.

The political significance of this cemetery was, of course, unshakable. The article of the publicist Grigory Zakharovich Eliseev is characteristic: “You say that “we have nothing left as a legacy from the past”, that we have no great social cause that we could work on in the present, that we have no hopes and ideals in future, that we have in our possession one Volkovo cemetery, only the graves of our great dead - Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Pisarev, Turgenev, Kavelin and others like them, although they found eternal peace in other cemeteries, but in spirit and thought undoubtedly belong to the same bright galaxy Volkov cemetery.

With them, with these dead, our thought should live in constant unity, we should go to their graves to refresh our soul, suffering and languishing in the hopeless darkness of the present with memories of disappeared ideals and hopes, and there we should seek permission and clarification of our future destinies.

Photo from topdialog.ru

Of course, over time, not only writers began to be buried here. The remains of scientists Dmitry Mendeleev, Vladimir Bekhterev and Ivan Pavlov, sculptor Vasily Kozlov (author of the famous monument to Lenin in front of Smolny), composer Isaac Schwartz, many revolutionaries - Vera Zasulich, Georgy Plekhanov, and at the same time Lenin's mother Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanova and his sisters ( including Anna Ilyinichna).

Among all this pantheon, ordinary St. Petersburg residents were somehow even exotically perceived, who also buried their dead relatives here.

One of the ordinary residents of the capital recalled: “We also made trips to the Volkovo cemetery to the graves, where our grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather and other relatives were buried behind bars. They went to Volkovo in a four-seater carriage, which then could be hired for such a trip for a ruble or a ruble and a quarter.

On the graves were also located with a samovar and food. Somebody would take off his boots and blow up the samovar with the top of his boot, which we kids liked very much. This trip was sometimes united by several families related to us. They served lithium for the dead. The men could not do without libations.

Photo from topdialog.ru

They went to the cemetery along the so-called Separated Road. According to legend, it was parting with the dead that gave it its name. The tavern "Parting" was also located there, in which it was customary to arrange a commemoration.

But the significance of the cemetery as a symbol of the freedom-loving struggle was gradually not only lost, but clearly lost its sharpness, became commonplace. An example of this is the calm, even boring tone of one of the newspaper notes of 1910: “On January 23, on the 23rd anniversary of the death of the poet Nadson, a circle of writers served a memorial service in the old church of the Volkov cemetery, after which all the admirers of the poet who were in the church preceded clergy, were sent to the grave of the deceased on the Literary bridges, where a short lithium was served.

In addition to the writers, the audience was also present at the lithium, mainly young students. New wreaths have been laid on the poet's grave."

Where are passionate speeches, burning eyes? Where are the intelligence agents? All in the past. Now the main revolutionary forces are not in the cemeteries, but in the factory outskirts. It is there, far from the eyes of the police, that the main shock in the entire history of the country is being prepared.

The museum expands its exposition

Memorial to the Ulyanov family and a potential grave for Lenin. Photo from topdialog.ru

In 1935, when Anna Ilyinichna Ulyanova, already mentioned twice, died, the cemetery became a department of the State Museum of Urban Sculpture (its main territory was located in another St. Petersburg cemetery, on Lazarevsky).

In this regard, the “exposition” expanded: Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Blok, Nikolai Pomyalovsky were reburied at the Literary Bridges. For various reasons, their graves were being prepared for destruction, so the museum status came in handy.

Many were buried here during the Great Patriotic War, during the blockade.

The cemetery began - like any famous cemetery - to acquire rumors and anecdotes.

In particular, during perestroika, someone started a rumor that Lenin's ashes were secretly taken out of the mausoleum and buried next to his mother and sisters, on the Literary Bridges. Someone even erected an appropriate monument next to the graves of the Ulyanovs for this case.

The grave of Radishchev, from which, in fact, it all began, has long been lost. A plaque in his memory is now installed in the fence of the Resurrection cemetery church.

Alas, this often happens.

So, the last time we visited the Piskaryovskoye memorial cemetery.
And now we will visit the so-called Necropolis - "Literary Bridges". This, simply put, is a separate special section of the Volkovsky cemetery. The Volkovskoye cemetery itself, as such, is not remarkable in any way, and we will not consider it here. But "Literary Bridges" is something special. Celebrities are buried here. Previously, a few years ago, even the entrance was paid here, like in a real museum. But now, alas, it's just a half-abandoned cemetery, in places monstrously unkempt and flooded. To take money for visiting an old graveyard in a swamp - now it doesn’t occur to anyone ...


3) State Councilor Mikhail Vikentyevich Manakin


5) There is also a small church here - very nice, with friendly staff.

6) Semyon Zhivago - Professor of the Academy of Arts



9) Konstantin Nikolaevich Derzhavin

10) Merchant Mikhail Egorov

11) Academician Krachkovsky (with his wife).



14) Professor Konstantin Deryugin

15) Academician Franz Levinson-Lessing

16) Academician Alexey Krylov


18) Academician Vladimir Bekhterev.


20) Lieutenant Pavel Belostotsky

21) Geologist Nikolai Sofronov - the creator of geochemical methods for prospecting for ore deposits.



24) Geologist Yuri Bilibin (with his wife Tatyana Bilibina). In Chukotka, there is the city of Bilibino (there is a nuclear power plant and a large gold deposit) named after this geologist.



27) Apukhtin


29) Writer Margarita Altaeva-Yamshchikova

30) Artist of the Imperial Theaters Vladimir Rokotov

31) Professor Vladislav Manevich


33) Mikhail Manevich


35) Vladimir Zaitsev - Director of the National Library.

36) I understand that the climate in St. Petersburg is humid. But in this city and in our country in general, people have long known such a thing as drainage. In any case, I have not seen such a disgrace in other cemeteries. The same Volkovskoye cemetery, but only its other part, where "ordinary" people are buried, is maintained in good condition.

37) Of course, there is a certain charm in the picture of some abandonment of the old churchyard. But in THIS city and in SUCH a cemetery - this looks wild ...
Professor Mikhail Kondratiev.

38) Teodor Shumovsky - orientalist and poet.


40) Admiral Mikhail Lermontov

41) Artist Nina Kovalenskaya

42) Artist and professor Elizaveta Time-Kachalova

43) Kachalov - the "ancestor" of domestic optics, the creator of domestic optical glass.




47) Professor Eugene Ganike

48) Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.

49) Academician Zavarzin.



52) Vsevolod Garshin

- "LITERATORSKIE MOSTKI", the burial place of many writers, public figures, scientists at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg (see ST. PETERSBURG). Includes Church of the Resurrection (1782 1885). They arose in 1861, when next to the grave of V. G. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Literary bridges- (Rasstannaya Street, 30), Necropolis Museum, branch of the Museum of Urban Sculpture (since 1935). Located in the northeastern part of the Volkovsky Orthodox cemetery. Includes numerous historical burials and reburials, as well as the former ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

Literary walkways- the burial place of many writers, public figures, scientists at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. They arose in 1861, when next to the grave of V.G. Belinsky was buried by N.A. Dobrolyubov. I.S. are buried here. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov Shchedrin ... Modern Encyclopedia

Literary bridges- Museum necropolis Literary bridges. Necropolis Museum Literary bridges. The graves of V. G. Belinsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov. Saint Petersburg. Literary Bridges (Rasstannaya Street, 30), Necropolis Museum, branch of the Museum of Urban Sculpture (since 1935). ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

Literary bridges- ("Literary bridges") the burial place of many Russian and Soviet writers, revolutionary public figures, scientists at the Volkovo cemetery in Leningrad. In 1861, N. A. Dobrolyubov was buried next to the grave of V. G. Belinsky. From this… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Literary bridges- modern part of the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg, which became a memorial in owls. time. Here, in the poor part of the cemetery, near the church and next to the wooden path (bridges), near the graves of V. Belinsky (1848), N. Dobrolyubov (1861) since the 1870s. arose... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

"Literary Bridges"- the burial place of many writers, public figures, scientists at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. They arose in 1861, when N. A. Dobrolyubov was buried next to the grave of V. G. Belinsky. I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov are buried here ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Literary bridges- Literary bridges and (at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg) ... Russian spelling dictionary

Literary bridges- (at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

LITERA LITERA "LITERATORSKIE MOSTKI"- the burial place of many writers, public figures, scientists at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. They arose in 1861, when N. A. Dobrolyubov was buried next to the grave of V. G. Belinsky. I. S. Turgenev, M. E. Saltykov are buried here ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Zhaneta (ed. 2011), A. I. Kuprin, Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich. He came from a poor noble family, graduated from the Alexander Military School in Moscow. D 1890 1894 served in a regiment located in the Podolsk province. How… Category: Hood. in English Publisher: Book on Demand, Manufacturer: Book on Demand, Buy for 1001 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Zhaneta , A. I. Kuprin , Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich. He came from a poor noble family, graduated from the Alexander Military School in Moscow. D 1890-1894 served in a regiment located in the Podolsk province. How… Category: Fiction and related subjects Series: Publisher:

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