Article in scientific style. Examples, illustrations, explanations


The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style functions is science. The leading position in the scientific style is occupied by monologue speech. This style has a wide variety of speech genres, among them the main ones are a scientific monograph and a scientific article, dissertations, scientific and educational prose (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals), scientific and technical works (various instructions, safety rules), annotations, abstracts, scientific reports, lectures, scientific discussions.

As well as genres of scientific - popular literature.

One of the most important genres of scientific style is a scientific article, which can convey information of various nature and purpose, and is most often used as the main source of scientific and technical information: it is here that everything new that appears in a certain branch of science is recorded. The scientific style belongs to the book styles of the literary language, which are characterized by a number of general conditions for functioning and linguistic features: preliminary reflection on the statement, its monologue character, strict selection of linguistic means, and a tendency towards normalized speech.

The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the evolution of various areas of scientific knowledge, diverse areas of human activity. At first, the style of scientific presentation was close to the style of artistic narration. Thus, the scientific works of Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius were distinguished by a special emotional perception of phenomena. The separation of the scientific style from the artistic style occurred in the Alexandrian period, when scientific terminology began to be created in the Greek language, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world of that time. Subsequently, it was replenished with Latin, which became the international scientific language of the European Middle Ages.

In the Renaissance, scientists strove for conciseness and accuracy of scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contrary to the abstract and logical display of nature. It is known that the too "artistic" nature of Galileo's exposition irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style of Galileo's scientific proofs was excessively "fictionalized". In the future, Newton's strictly logical imposition became a model of scientific language.

In Russia, the scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when the authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of the scientific style took a step forward, but the language of science finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century.

The scientific style has a number of common features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole. At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, and mathematics differ noticeably in the nature of their presentation from texts on philology, philosophy, or history. The scientific style has its own varieties (substyles): popular science, scientific and business, scientific and technical (industrial and technical), scientific and journalistic, educational and scientific.

The style of scientific papers is determined, ultimately, by their content and the goals of scientific communication - to explain the facts of the surrounding reality as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, etc. The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity of expression while maintaining the richness of the content.

It is often said about the language of scientists that it is distinguished by “dryness”, devoid of elements of emotionality and figurativeness.

Such an opinion is overly generalized: often in scientific works, in particular polemical ones, emotionally expressive and figurative means of language are used, which, although being, however, an additional device, stand out noticeably against the background of a purely scientific presentation and give scientific prose more persuasiveness. Let's give two examples.

The famous Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov wrote in one of his scientific works:

Like a calligrapher who paints complex figures on paper with the same stroke of the pen, a skilled operator can give the cut the most varied shape, size and depth with the same stroke of the knife ... How soon did you bring this flap into close contact with the bloody edges of the skin , his life changes, he, like a plant transplanted to foreign soil, along with new nutritious juices, receives new properties.

He, like an alien plant, begins to live at the expense of another, on which he vegetates: he, like a newly grafted branch, demands that he be groomed and carefully guarded until he becomes related to the place that the surgeon assigns him to stay forever.

In modern work on radiophysics, the following figurative comparison is given: The power of the reflected signal during the radar of planets is negligible. Imagine that a kettle poured boiling water into the ocean, and somewhere thousands of kilometers away a glass of water was scooped out of the sea. In theory, poured boiling water “slightly” warmed the oceans. So, the excess thermal energy in an arbitrarily scooped out glass of sea water is of the same order as the energy of the received signal reflected from Venus.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation with terms, in particular international ones: on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work. Here are two examples of grammatical definitions from school textbooks:

  • - Nouns are words that denote objects and answer the questions: who is this? or what is it? - in this definition, the term is only the phrase nouns, but its presence and the entire construction of the sentence give the text a coloring of the scientific style;
  • - A verb is a part of speech that includes words denoting an action or state of an object - this sentence also has only one term (verb), but this sentence is also an example of scientific style.

The peculiarity of the style of scientific works is the use of abstract vocabulary in them. Here is an example from an article by Academician S.P. Obnorsky "Culture of the Russian language" ...

The Russian language is the great language of the great Russian people. Language is an essential component in the concept of a nation. It serves as the main instrument of culture, the main factor in the spiritual development of the nation, its creativity, national self-consciousness. It is in the language in the fullest way - and, moreover, in the understanding of the people themselves - that all stages of the history of this people from the most remote times are imprinted, all the steps along which the movement of its culture was directed. Therefore, the rich past of the people, the intensive development of its culture is the key to the rich and powerful development of the very language of this people. Such is the Russian language. In its strength and wealth, the duration of the historical process passed by the people and the intensity of the cultural development of the Russian nation throughout the entire course of its history found their expression.

This text contains many abstract nouns: factor, development, creativity, self-awareness, comprehension, movement, expression, duration, intensity, course, etc. The words are used in a direct (nominative) sense.

The scientific style has its own phraseology, which includes compound terms (angina pectoris, solar plexus, thyroid gland, right angle, intersection point, inclined plane, freezing point, boiling point, voiced consonants, participial turnover, complex sentence, etc.), various kinds cliche (consists of ..., consists in ..., represents ..., is used for ..., etc.).

The language of science and technology also has a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of shorter variant forms, which corresponds to the principle of “saving” language means. So, from the options key - keys ("tip of the lever in various kinds of mechanisms"), cuff - cuffs ("ring for fastening the ends of pipes") in the technical literature, the second, i.e., shorter, masculine forms are preferred.

In scientific works, the singular form of nouns is often used in the plural sense:

Wolf - a predatory animal from the genus of dogs (a whole class of objects is called with an indication of their characteristic features);

Linden begins to bloom at the end of June (a specific noun is used in a collective, generalizing sense);

The shape of the ear, nose, eyes is studied (the word form is used instead of form, since it is in the same relation to subsequent nouns).

Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form:

  • - lubricating oils;
  • - high-quality steels;
  • - red and white clays;
  • - great depths;
  • - low temperatures;
  • - noise in the radio, annual and quarterly repairs.

When constructing sentences, the authors' tendency to use fewer verbs and more nouns is noticeable: in the scientific literature, definitions of concepts are more common, less often - the names of actions. In particular, this affects when choosing the form of the predicate: instead of a verb, a verb-nominal construction is used, consisting of a noun with the same root as the verb and another verb that has a weakened lexical meaning:

  • - tests of a new machine are being carried out (cf .: a new machine is being tested);
  • - counting and decisive devices are used (cf .: counting and decisive devices are used);
  • - this is followed by a listing of signs (cf .: signs are listed further);
  • - there is an increase in temperature (cf .: temperature rises);
  • - growth occurs (cf. grows);
  • - there is an increase (cf. increases);
  • - make calculations (cf. calculate).

Adjectives are widely used in scientific works, clarifying the concept by pointing to its various features and thereby performing a terminological function. For example, A.E. Fersman, in his book Entertaining Mineralogy, points out the many shades of green in which stones are painted: turquoise green, bottle green, bluish green, golden green, emerald green, olive green, grass green, apple green , also: pale green, dirty green, dense green, grayish green, bluish green, bright green, etc.

Of the syntactic features of the scientific style, a tendency to complex constructions should be noted. Such structures are a convenient form of expressing a complex system of scientific concepts, establishing relationships between them, such as generic and specific concepts, cause and effect, evidence and conclusions, etc.

For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and a generalizing word are often used: a broader, generic concept is revealed with the help of narrower, specific concepts. For example, A.M. Peshkovsky in the book "Russian syntax in scientific coverage", building his classification of phrases on the basis of the concept of predicate, wrote:

On the basis of having or not having this meaning, we will divide all phrases into:

  • 1) phrases that have a predicate in their composition, or pointing in their formal composition to the omitted predicate, or, finally, consisting of one predicate, we will call all such phrases sentences;
  • 2) phrases that have two or more predicates or two or more phrases in their composition, indicating in their formal composition the omitted predicates or consisting of one predicate, we will call all such phrases complex integers ...;
  • 3) phrases that do not have a predicate in their composition and are not themselves predicates.

It is quite natural that different types of complex sentences are common in the scientific literature. For example, in a study on aesthetics we read:

The special and unique originality of music among other types of art is determined by the fact that, like every other type of art, striving for the widest and most comprehensive coverage of reality and its aesthetic assessment, it does this by directly referring to the spiritual content of the world of human experiences, which it with extraordinary power activates in its listener.

In complex sentences used in scientific texts, compound subordinating conjunctions are often found, which are characteristic of book speech in general: due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, despite the fact that, in while, meanwhile, while, etc. They allow more accurately than simple causal, concessive, temporary unions to reveal the relationship between the parts of a complex sentence.

To unite parts of the text, in particular paragraphs that have a close logical connection with each other, words and their combinations are used that indicate this connection: therefore, at the same time, first, then, in conclusion, thus, so, therefore, etc.

The means of communication between parts of the text are also introductory words and combinations, firstly, secondly, finally, on the one hand, on the other hand, etc., indicating the sequence of presentation.

In general, syntactic structures in scientific prose are more complex and richer in lexical material than in fiction. For example, in the works of fiction of the 60s of the XIX century. (in the author's narration in the novels by I.A. Goncharov, I.S. Turgenev, N.G. Chernyshevsky, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov and L.N. Tolstoy) complex sentences make up 50.7 percent of the total number of sentences, i.e., half, and in scientific works of the same period (works of the chemist A.M. Butlerov, physiologist I.M. Sechenov, linguist A.A. Potebnya, literary critic A.V. Veselovsky, See also "The Aesthetic Relationship of Art to Reality".

N.G. Chernyshevsky and the historical and philosophical "Epilogue" of "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy) - 73.8 percent, i.e., almost three quarters.

At the same time, the average length of a complex sentence in fiction is 23.9 words, and in scientific prose - 33.5 words (in simple sentences, respectively - 10.2 and 15.9 words). The average sentence size (regardless of structure) in the author's narration in the same novels is 17.2 words, in scientific research - 28.5 words. In general, a sentence of a scientific text contains about one and a half times more words than a sentence of a literary text.

The scientific style is realized mainly in the written form of speech. However, with the development of mass media, with the growing importance of science in modern society, the increase in various kinds of scientific contacts, such as conferences, symposiums, scientific seminars, the role of oral scientific speech increases.

The main features of the scientific style in both written and oral form are accuracy, abstractness, logicality and objectivity of presentation. It is they who organize into a system all the linguistic means that form this functional style, and determine the choice of vocabulary in the works of the scientific style.

This style is characterized by the use of special scientific and terminological vocabulary, and recently international terminology (manager, quoting, realtor, etc.) has occupied more and more space here.

A feature of the use of vocabulary in a scientific style is that polysemantic lexically neutral words are used not in all their meanings, but only in one. For example, the verb count, which has four meanings, here mainly realizes the meaning: to make some conclusion, to recognize, to believe.

The use in one, becoming terminological meaning is characteristic of both nouns and adjectives, for example: body, strength, movement, sour, heavy, etc.

The lexical composition of the scientific style is characterized by relative homogeneity and isolation, which is expressed, in particular, in less use of synonyms. The volume of text in a scientific style increases not so much due to the use of different words, but due to the repetition of the same ones. An excerpt can serve as an example: “Transport intershop communications for the main types of raw materials and finished products, as well as the transfer of goods between production shops and storage and transport facilities, for the most part, are provided by continuous transport (...) By road, finished products are delivered to consumers located nearby, to them auxiliary loading and unloading operations are being carried out.

In the scientific style there is no vocabulary with colloquial and colloquial coloring. This style, to a lesser extent than journalistic or artistic, is characterized by evaluativeness. Estimates are used to express the author's point of view, to make it more understandable, accessible, to clarify the idea. Scientific speech is distinguished by the accuracy and logic of thought, its consistent presentation and objectivity of presentation. In the syntactic structures in the scientific style of speech, the detachment of the author is maximally demonstrated.

This is expressed in the use of generalized-personal and impersonal constructions instead of the 1st person: there is reason to believe, it is considered, it is known, presumably, one can say, etc.

The desire for a logical presentation of the material leads to the active use of complex allied sentences, introductory words, participial and adverbial phrases, and so on. The most typical example is sentences with subordinate causes and conditions, for example: "If an enterprise or some of its divisions does not work well, then this means that not everything is in order with management."

Almost any scientific text can contain graphic information; this is one of the features of the scientific style of speech.

scientific style - this is a style that serves the scientific sphere of social activity. It is designed to convey scientific information to a trained and interested audience.

The scientific style has a number of common features, general conditions of functioning and linguistic features that manifest themselves regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian) and genre differences (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about style in general. These common features include: 1) preliminary consideration of the statement; 2) the monologic nature of the statement; 3) strict selection of language means; 4) attraction to normalized speech.

The specific features of this style are due to the purpose of scientific texts to convey objective information about nature, man and society. The main form of thinking in science is the concept, therefore, the scientific style of speech is characterized by emphasized abstraction and generalization, which is expressed in texts by the use of words of abstract semantics and neuter words with an abstract meaning.

Terminology, being one of the main components of scientific speech, embodies such a quality of the scientific style as accuracy. The most important features of the scientific style - accuracy, clarity, consistency, strict argumentation, unambiguous expression of thought - serve as the main task of this style - the transfer of objective information about the subject of research. In scientific speech, words are widely used that reflect the relationship between parts of the statement, serving to create a coherent, logical text: adverbs are often used in a connecting function; for verbs and personal pronouns, the use of forms of the 3rd person is typical, which helps to emphasize the abstractness and generalization of the style. In the syntax, one can note the priority of complex sentences over simple ones, the use of common sentences, the widespread use of participial and adverbial phrases. Passionate constructions.

The style of scientific papers is ultimately determined by their content and the goals of scientific communication: to explain the facts as accurately and completely as possible, to show cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, to identify patterns of historical development, and so on.

The scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of connections between parts of the statement, the desire of the authors for accuracy, conciseness, unambiguity while maintaining the saturation of the content.

Logic - this is the presence of semantic links between successive units of the text

Only such a text has consistency, in which the conclusions follow from the content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

Clarity , as the quality of scientific speech, implies clarity, accessibility. According to the degree of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the way of its language design.

Accuracy scientific speech presupposes the unambiguity of understanding, the absence of a discrepancy between the signified and its definition. Therefore, in scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive means; words are used mainly in their direct meaning, the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

Strict accuracy requirements for a scientific text limit the use of figurative language tools: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such tools can penetrate scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but and to persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement the requirement of clarity, intelligibility of presentation.

A characteristic feature of the style of scientific works is their saturation. terms . However, one should not overestimate the degree of this saturation: on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-25 percent of the total vocabulary used in the work.

An important role in the style of scientific works is played by the use of abstract vocabulary.

Scientific style features:

To connect the parts of the text, special means are used (words, phrases and sentences), indicating the sequence of development of thoughts (“at the beginning”, “then”, “then”, “first of all”, “preliminarily”, etc.), the connection of the previous and subsequent information (“as indicated”, “as already mentioned”, “as noted”, “considered”, etc.), on causal relationships (“but”, “therefore”, “thanks to this”, “therefore”, “due to the fact”, “due to this”, etc.), to the transition to a new topic (“let’s consider now”, “let’s move on to consideration”, etc.), to the proximity, identity of objects, circumstances, signs (“ he”, “the same”, “such”, “so”, “here”, “here”, etc.).

Genres using scientific style

monograph, journal article, review, textbook (manual), lecture, report, informational message (on a conference, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), dissertation, scientific report. These genres are classified as primary, that is, created by the author for the first time.

Secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, author's abstract, synopsis, theses, abstract. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsing in order to reduce the volume of the text.

The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminar report, term paper, abstract message.

Scientific style substyles

Scientific . The addressee of this style is a scientist, a specialist. The purpose of the style can be called the identification and description of new facts, patterns, discoveries. In the proper scientific style of speech, facts that are generally known in science are not explained, and only new terms are explained. This style is distinguished by a large volume of sentences and frequent use of quotations. The title of texts of this style, as a rule, reflects the topic or problem that the work is devoted to. (“On the Language of Fiction”). The leading type of speech style is reasoning.

Scientific and educational. Works in this style are addressed to future specialists and students, in order to teach, describe the facts necessary to master the material, therefore the facts stated in the text and examples are typical. Almost all terms are explained, the educational text usually begins with an explanation of the concept. The volume of sentences is much less than in the actual scientific sub-style, citations are used less frequently. The title indicates the type of educational material (textbook, collection, etc.). Leading type of speech - description.

Popular science . The addressee is anyone interested in this or that science. The goal is to give an idea of ​​science, to interest the reader. Naturally, the accuracy of displaying facts in this substyle is much lower than in the previous ones, it approaches the journalistic style. In order to interest the reader, the texts of this sub-style consider not only the facts necessary for the disclosure of the topic, but also intriguing, entertaining, sometimes even unproven hypotheses. There are many more examples than in other sub-styles. The terms here are less frequent than in the actual scientific and scientific-educational substyles, they are explained through analogy, that is, everyday situations familiar to every reader (Brownian motion - a crowd in the subway at rush hour). The volume of sentences is less than in other sub-styles. The purpose of the style is to allow quotations that are not very precise and without detailed footnotes. The predominant type of speech is narrative. The title not only names the topic of the book, but also arouses interest, intrigues the reader (“Why are we not similar to each other?”). Among the features of this sub-style are the use of emotional words, comparisons, metaphors, epithets, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

Scientific style features

Varieties of scientific style of speech

Scientific style phonetics

Scientific style vocabulary

Morphology of scientific style

Scientific style syntax




This functional and stylistic variety of the literary language serves various branches of science (exact, natural, humanitarian, etc.), the field of technology and production and is implemented in monographs, scientific articles, dissertations, abstracts, theses, scientific reports, lectures, educational and scientific and technical literature, reports on scientific topics, etc.

Here it is necessary to note a number of essential functions that this stylistic variety performs: 1) reflection of reality and storage of knowledge (epistemic function); 2) obtaining new knowledge (cognitive functions); 3) transfer of special information (communicative function).

The main form of implementation of the scientific style is written speech, although with the increasing role of science in society, the expansion of scientific contacts, the development of mass media, the role of oral communication increases. Realized in various genres and forms of presentation, the scientific style is characterized by a number of common extra- and intralinguistic features that allow us to speak of a single functional style that is subject to intra-style differentiation.

The main communicative task of communication in the scientific field is the expression of scientific concepts and conclusions. Thinking in this field of activity is of a generalized, abstracted (distracted from private, non-essential features), logical character. This is the reason for such specific features of the scientific style as abstraction, generalization, emphasized logical presentation.

These extra-linguistic features unite all linguistic means that form the scientific style into a system and determine secondary, more particular, style features: semantic accuracy (unambiguous expression of thought), informative richness, objectivity of presentation, ugliness, hidden emotionality.

The dominant factor in the organization of linguistic means and scientific style is their generalized abstract nature at the lexical and grammatical levels of the language system. Generalization and abstractness give scientific speech a single functional and stylistic coloring.

The scientific style is characterized by the widespread use of abstract vocabulary, clearly prevailing over the concrete: evaporation, freezing, pressure, thinking, reflection, radiation, weightlessness, acidity, changeability, etc.

General characteristics of the scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities, it belongs to the book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general conditions for functioning and similar linguistic features, including: preliminary consideration of the statement, the monologue nature of speech, a strict selection of language striving for standardized speech. The emergence and development of the scientific style is associated with the progress of scientific knowledge in various areas of life and activity of nature and man. Initially, the scientific presentation was close to the style of the artistic narrative, but the creation of a stable scientific terminology in the Greek language, which spread its influence over the entire cultural world, led to the separation of the scientific style from the artistic one. In Russia, the scientific style of speech began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century in connection with the creation by the authors of scientific books and translators of Russian scientific terminology. A significant role in the formation and improvement of the scientific style belonged to M.V. Lomonosov and his students (second half of the 18th century), the scientific style finally took shape only by the end of the 19th century. A scientific text is a text that is understandable to the scientific community, a text whose stylistic features do not interfere with the perception of scientific information, a text that most accurately conveys the meaning. A scientific text must express the thought of a scientist or a group of scientists in such a way that it is understood, and, moreover, understood correctly, by all workers of science in the corresponding direction. The text encounters many obstacles along the way. The history of science knows many cases of misunderstanding. Let's try to classify the obstacles according to the sections of linguistics. Varieties of scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech has varieties (substyles):

1. actually scientific,

2. scientific and technical (industrial and technical),

3. scientific and informative,

4. scientific reference,

5. educational and scientific,

6. popular science.

Realized in written and oral form of communication, the modern scientific style has different types of texts: textbook, reference book, scientific article, monograph, dissertation, lecture, report, abstract, abstract, synopsis, theses, resume, review, review. Educational and scientific speech is implemented in the following genres: message, response (oral response, response-analysis, response-generalization, response-grouping), reasoning, language example, explanation (explanation-explanation, explanation-interpretation). The variety of types of scientific style of speech is based on internal unity and the presence of common extralinguistic and linguistic properties of this type of speech activity, which manifest themselves even regardless of the nature of the sciences (natural, exact, humanitarian).

General extralinguistic properties of scientific style

The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge. The general extralinguistic properties of the scientific style of speech, its style features, due to abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are:

1. Scientific topics of texts.

2. Generalization, abstractness, abstract presentation.

Almost every word acts as a designation of a general concept or an abstract subject. The abstract generalized nature of speech is manifested in the fact that in scientific texts nouns prevail over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain temporary and personal forms, indefinite personal sentences are often used.

3. Logic of presentation.

Between the parts of the statement there is an ordered system of connections, the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic constructions and typical means of interphrase communication.

4. Accuracy of presentation.

It is achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexico-semantic compatibility.

5. Evidence of presentation.

Reasoning argues scientific hypotheses and positions.

6. Objectivity of presentation.

It manifests itself in the presentation, the analysis of different points of view on the problem, in the focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in the transfer of content, in the impersonality of the linguistic expression.

7. Saturation with factual information.

Necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

Scientific style phonetics

Scientific information mainly exists in written form, so the role of phonetic barriers is small. Beyond the scope of our consideration is the fact that modern science is international, scientific messages are listened to by people of different nationalities, for many of whom the language of the report is not native. However, scientific texts are usually very complex from a linguistic point of view, heavily saturated with new information, and lexical units new to listeners. The problem of the correct pronunciation of newly formed words is related to phonetics.

The sphere of scientific communication is distinguished by the fact that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thought. The main form of thinking in the field of science is the concept, the dynamics of thinking is expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow each other in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly argued, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Consequently, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstracted character. The phonetic-intonational side in the oral form of scientific speech is not of decisive importance, it is intended mainly to support stylistic specificity at other levels. The style of pronunciation should provide a clear perception of words. The relatively slow pace of pronunciation also serves this. Conceptual phrases are separated by elongated pauses so that the addressee better perceives their meaning. The general evenly slow pace of speech is also designed to create favorable conditions for perception. The phonetic features of the scientific style are reduced to the following: subordination of intonation to the syntactic structure of scientific speech, standard intonation, slowness of tempo, stability of the rhythmic intonation pattern. The features of the pronunciation scientific style, as a bookish style, include: weakened reduction of vowels, distinct pronunciation of unstressed syllables (with an approach to letter pronunciation), pronunciation of borrowed and international words with an approach to the international norm, etc.

Scientific style vocabulary

When exchanging scientific information, it is very important to convey one, and only one, meaning. Therefore, from the point of view of vocabulary, monosyllabic words are best suited. The same factor explains the love of scientists around the world to create terms - new words that have only one specific meaning, the same for everyone. In the educational literature, in particular, in textbooks, the terms most often receive a direct explanation. The term strives for unambiguity, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Example terms: atrophy, range, laser, prism, radar, symptom, sphere, phase. Terms, a significant part of which are international words, are the conventional language of science. The term is the main lexical and conceptual unit of the scientific sphere of human activity. In quantitative terms, in scientific style texts, terms prevail over other types of special vocabulary (nomenclature names, professionalisms, professional jargon, etc.), on average, terminological vocabulary usually makes up 15-20 percent of the total vocabulary of this style. The old words of the language in such cases often do not fit well, since during their existence they acquire additional direct and figurative meanings, which in the case of a scientific text make it difficult to understand accurately. The emotional load of a word in the scientific style is perceived as a disadvantage that interferes with understanding, therefore, in this style, the choice is shifted towards more neutral words. Since the leading form of scientific thinking is the concept, then almost every lexical unit in the scientific style denotes a concept or an abstract object. Linguists note the monotony, homogeneity of the vocabulary of the scientific style, which leads to an increase in the volume of the scientific text due to the repeated repetition of the same words. The scientific style also has its own phraseology, including compound terms: solar plexus, right angle, inclined plane, voiceless consonants, adverbial turnover, compound sentence, as well as various kinds of clichés: consists in ..., represents ..., consists of ..., is used for ... etc.

Scientific style - the style of scientific messages. The scope of this style is science and scientific journals, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, just any person who is interested in a particular scientific field; the authors of the texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of the style can be called the description of laws, the identification of patterns, the description of discoveries, learning, etc.

Its main function is the communication of information, as well as the proof of its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, a lot of abstract and material nouns.

Scientific style exists mainly in written monologue speech. Its genres are a scientific article, educational literature, a monograph, a school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication, informing in an official setting (legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to draw up documents: laws, orders, decrees, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, jurist, diplomat, just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative and legal relations.

This style exists more often in the written form of speech, the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperative (dutiful character), accuracy that does not allow two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, accurate selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is information (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech clichés, the generally accepted form of presentation, the standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabbreviated words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Publicistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, to influence the masses, to form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal.

Conversational style

The colloquial style serves for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. Differs in great semantic capacity and colorfulness, gives speech liveliness and expressiveness.

The usual form of implementation of conversational style is dialogue, this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no pre-selection of language material in it. In this style of speech, extralinguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Language means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with subjective evaluation suffixes; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres - dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

Artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, is characterized by figurativeness, emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of the artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and publicistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style involves a preliminary selection of language means; all language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, anthem, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, message, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

Several styles are used in Russian: official business, colloquial, journalistic, artistic, and scientific. Today we will talk about the scientific style. What is a scientific style, how to apply it correctly in life?

The scientific style is the current style in the speech of the literary language, it has several features: the accuracy and unambiguity of statements, the direct word order in a sentence, the use of scientific terminology, the nature of speech - monologue, normalization, logic, clarity.

Textbooks, reference books, dictionaries, essays, reports, term papers, graduation theses, and tests are written in the scientific style. The scientific style of speech is divided into several substyles, such as scientific (scientific article, diploma), educational (recommendations, various reference books), popular substyle (article in a scientific publication, scientific essay).

Features of the scientific style in Russian

The scientific style of speech is used in a number of different disciplines and sciences. It also has various genres (monograph, report, article, scientific book, textbook, thesis).

The scientific style welcomes logic and a consistent presentation of the author's thoughts, a clear and orderly connection between sentences. This style does not accept omissions, excessive "water" in the text, the expression of emotions. Everything should be described accurately, concisely, concisely, and the content should be rich. What is logic in scientific style? This is the presence of semantic links between sentences, paragraphs and paragraphs in the text.

The text, which has a sequence of presentation of thoughts, suggests conclusions arising from its content. Often scientific text is divided into separate blocks for better understanding. The thought in each of them must be clearly visible either deductively or inductively. This style should be clear, understandable and accessible.

Vocabulary of the scientific style of speech

Also in the scientific style there are such lexical units as terms. Usually they make up fifteen to twenty percent of the total content in a text written in a scientific style. An example of text in a scientific style with the content of the term: "Bulimia is a mental illness caused by a perverted perception of one's appearance, which is inherent in a large number of people living in developed countries." Often terms are words that are understandable in other languages, as they are international.

Morphology of scientific style

Scientific style tends to economize on words in favor of brevity and precision, so it uses certain grammatical forms. For example, this is the use of words in the masculine gender instead of the feminine: "manzhet" (m. R.) instead of "cuff" (F. R.).

In the scientific style, the names of concepts predominate over the names of actions, thus fewer verbs are used.

Every schoolboy could notice that in the scientific style in the form of the singular, the plural is meant. For example, this happens when a definition of a concept is written in a textbook: "a word is...", "a frog is...", "atom is...". The concept is used in the singular, although the definition itself refers not only to this one concept, but to all of the same ones. "Atom is ..." - the definition refers not to one atom, but to all atoms in the world. It turns out that the terms in the definitions are used in a generalized form.

As for verbs in the scientific style, they are used with weak meanings of person, number and time: instead of "calculation makes" - "calculation is made by..."; instead of "the answer is found" - "the answer is found with the help of ...", etc.

Most often, for the scientific style, verbs are taken in the timeless present of the imperfective form: “percentage is”, “population lives”, “molecule is divided”, etc.

The pronouns you, you, forms of the 2nd person are practically not typical for the scientific style, verbs in the form of the 1st person are rarely used. The most commonly used pronouns are "we" and 3rd person forms.

Syntax and scientific style

We all know that a text written in a scientific style is very difficult to understand, overloaded with terms and definitions. The sentences are complex and sometimes take up a whole paragraph. Usually, for the scientific style, sentences are used with homogeneous members of the sentence and generalization words for them. Subordinating conjunctions, introductory words and combinations, cliché words are also used. Examples of units inherent in the scientific style in the text: "Consider the given option"; "It is worth comparing the current offer"; "The text is presented as follows"...

Scientific style substyles

  • Scientific reveals and describes modern facts, new discoveries and patterns. It is used to write scientific reports, articles, reviews.
  • Scientific and educational. Usually textbooks and reference books for students in various educational institutions are written in this style.
  • Scientific and technical. This style is used to write various materials for technical specialists.

Scientific style genres

In this style, such genres as a journal article, monograph, textbook, review, study guide, lecture, oral presentation, scientific report can be noted. All of the above are primary genres, as they are presented by the author for the first time.

There are also secondary genres, such as an abstract (already processed information), abstract, annotation, etc. The genres of the educational and scientific style are a report, a lecture, a term paper. In a word, everything related to the educational process.

In our country, they first heard about the features of the scientific style in the eighteenth century, when science began to develop. Then both terms and books containing them became necessary. Articles written in a scientific style began to appear. Special thanks should be expressed to M. V. Lomonosov for his enormous contribution to the development of science in our country.

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