Stanley Kubrick confession. Stanley Kubrick's confession: I faked the moon landing! The cause of optical phenomena on the moon is dust

Almost exactly a year ago, an article was published that then raised a lot of passions about the nature of our local Truman Show. Today, in the piggy bank of "facts" (any fact, I remind you, can be refuted or confirmed with sufficient desire), you can add the following material: Stanley Kubrick's interview about the forgery of lunar footage suddenly surfaced.
Is this original or fake? Does Kubrick's revelation confirm everything that was said here earlier about other things as well? Decide for yourself. Let's start a little further:

An excerpt from a conversation with one reptile:

Q: Why is there a "V" on all space agency logos?
O: What do you think?
Q: I think it has to do with some kind of general governing body.
A: This is not just a general governing body, it is a supranational structure. And who controls the states? We! And why would we let you out into real space? And there is no need! So we show you cartoons, and you believe (laughs)
Q: It's not just cartoons...
A: Of course, not all of them, but your pieces of iron do not go into outer space, everything remains under .
Q: Did we even fly to the moon?
A: They flew, but not in what they show you

In this material, in addition to the very fact of the disclosure of falsification, I am personally interested in three points.

The first concerns the fact that it is made public right now. Guarantees of non-disclosure for a period of 15 years look rather strange. Why exactly 15 and not 25 or 50? And isn't this due to the fact that, according to the GCC, by this date such information would no longer have the slightest significance?

The second interesting point is related to the peculiarity of the biography of Kubrick, who soon after filming moved to Britain, where he was allegedly killed in 1999.

It is not the fact of the murder that is interesting, although the year 1999, when the planned collapse of Russia stalled, may be important. It is interesting that this is Britain, which is one of the main strongholds of the GTC. That is, perhaps long before today he planned the collapse of the myth of the greatness of the United States. Since the publication of this interview cannot be explained by anything other than the desire to humiliate the US country elite.
And, however, it's still nice that the skeletons are gradually starting to get out of the cabinets. I am sure that this is not the last exposure of significant falsifications of history.

And finally the last moment. Is it possible to be completely sure that this interview itself is not a fake? Most likely this is indeed genuine material, but it can still be a fake. But that doesn't really matter either. Apparently, at the global level, it is accepted to consider the flight to the moon as a fake, regardless of the truth. So, it is a fake that they will now begin to consider him. And in any case, this is a black mark on the US country elite.

Stanley Kubrick: "The moon landings were all fake and I was the person who filmed it"

A dying interview of the famous film director Stanley Kubrick has been published, in which he spoke in detail and in detail about the fact that all the landings on the moon were fabricated by NASA and how he filmed all the footage of American lunar expeditions on Earth ... Thus, in the long-term unprecedented lunar offer, the United States itself worldwide the recognized Hollywood master of directing put a bold and final point.

Interview published 15 years after death. Director T. Patrick Murray interviewed Stanley Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. Previously, he was forced to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the contents of the interview for 15 years from the date of Kubrick's death.

Here is a transcript of an interview with Stanley Kubrick (in English).

In 1971, Kubrick left the US for the UK and never returned to America. All his subsequent films were filmed only in England. For many years, the director led a reclusive life, fearing murder. According to the English newspaper "Sun", the director "was afraid of being killed by American intelligence agencies, following the example of other participants in the television supply of the US lunar scam."

The director died suddenly, allegedly of a heart attack, at the end of the editing period for Eyes Wide Shut, which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It was Kidman who in July 2002, in an interview with the American newspaper The National Enquirer, reported that Kubrick had been killed. The director called her 2 hours before the official “sudden death” time and asked her not to come to Hertfordshire, where, as he put it, “we will all be poisoned so quickly that we won’t even have time to sneeze.” According to British journalists, the US National Security Agency first tried to kill Kubrick back in 1979.

The violent nature of Kubrick's death on March 7, 1999 at the English estate near Harpenden (Hertfordshire) later became the cause of his widow's revelations. In the summer of 2003, in an interview on French television, and later, on November 16, 2003, in the program “The Dark Side of the Moon” (CBC Newsworld), the widow of the director, German actress Christiane Kubrick (Christiane Susanne Harlan) made a public confession, the essence of which is as follows:

At a time when the USSR was already in full swing exploring space, US President Richard Nixon, inspired, according to the widow, by her husband's sci-fi epic film, which went down in history as one of the best masterpieces of Hollywood "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968), urged the director, along with other Hollywood professionals, "to save the national honor and dignity of the United States." What the masters of the "dream factory" led by Kubrick did. The decision to falsify was made personally by the President of the United States.

Similar statements from the participants of the "project" were made before.

In particular, rocket engineer Bill Kaysing, who worked at Rocketdyne, the company that built rocket engines for the Apollo program, is the author of We Never Flew to the Moon. American deception worth $ 30 billion "(" We Never Went to the Moon: America "s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle"), published in 1974 and co-authored with Randy Reid, also stated that under the guise of a live report on the landing of the lunar The NASA module distributed a fake filmed on Earth, which was filmed at a military training ground in the Nevada desert. and all the "lunar expeditions" filmed by Hollywood specialists took place.

There were even daredevils among the astronauts themselves. So, the American astronaut Brian O "Leary, answering a direct question, said that he "cannot give a 100% guarantee that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin really went to the moon."

However, only now, after the direct confessions of Stanley Kubrick himself - the world-famous Hollywood director of directing, the American lunar offer has come to an end.

1. According to interviewer Patrick Murray, Kubrick gave the interview before his death under the promise of publishing it 15 years after his death and forced him to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement. There is a certain inconsistency here, since Kubrick died in 1999 and then, according to the idea, the interview should have appeared not in 2015, but in 2014, although it is possible that 2015 was registered in the NDA, but without seeing this document, if it exists, one can only guess about it.

2. The video itself has already been subjected to various analyzes on Western resources ick-faked-moon-landings/ and the interviewer has already been accused of using editing in the video and this is not at all Kubrick, and some actor or person very similar to Kubrick. The late director's widow stated that Kubrick did not give this interview. It is quite clear that the authenticity of the record must be beyond doubt in order for this evidence to be accepted. The authentic nature of the tape could seriously undermine the official version of the moon flight due to the credibility of Kubrick's figure as one of the greatest American directors. On the other hand, the falsifications in this video can hit hard on the supporters of the theory that a man did not fly to the moon. While there is no complete certainty that the video is 100% authentic or 100% fake. The video can equally contain the pure truth, the manipulation of one of the supporters of the theory of not visiting the Moon, the hoax of Kubrick himself, who decided after his death to troll the whole world, or a "cunning plan" with the release of a conscious falsification, the exposure of which will hit conspiracy theorists. Therefore, I will say so carefully about this exposure.

3. Kubrick's involvement in the American space program associated with flights to the moon was written about earlier, as part of one of the theories about what exactly the Americans showed instead of landing on the moon and that Kubrick left "hints" in his films about his involvement in the project Apollo 11 .. It is possible that this video is simply the development of one of the offshoots of the conspiracy theory, which originates precisely from the USA, where soon after the official flight to the moon, voices began to multiply that there was no flight and this is all fake, which later and gave rise to a huge number of supporters of this version around the world, including in our country.

From previous posts on the topic:

Interplanetary canning jar. How could this be believed, and what else is fed to us under such a sauce?

And here is a whole film about how Stanley Kubrick shot "moon shots" commissioned by Nixon:

Stanley Kubrick's Odyssey - Lunar Conspiracy

In the video, someone claiming to be the director makes an alleged deathbed confession that the main US space mission was filmed in a pavilion

Another "exposure of the big lie" - the historical fact of the landing of Americans on the moon in 1969 - was made by American director Patrick Murray. At least on his behalf, a video interview with Stanley Kubrick, made 15 or 16 years ago, was posted on the Internet, where the famous director admits that all the videos of the landing on the moon of Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin are fake.

In a conversation that allegedly took place before the death of the filmmaker, Stanley Kubrick states: “I committed a huge fraud against the American public. With the participation of the United States government and NASA. The moon landing was faked, all the landings were fake, and I was the person who filmed it." According to the director, in fact, the footage was filmed by him in an ordinary studio on Earth. According to him, the moon landing was a fantasy of President Nixon, who really wanted to make it a reality. The government offered the director a large amount of money to implement the idea, and he agreed to make a "movie".

However, people interested in astronautics immediately suspected a trick with the video and saw on it the dissimilarity of Kubrick speaking on behalf of the famous director. In particular, blogger Vitaly Egorov posted a real photo of Kubrick, whose face is really different from what is on the video. According to it, several inconsistencies can be immediately noted, for example, the absence of moles on the cheek of the real Kubrick, a different face shape.

Other researchers of the issue recalled that NASA at one time did indeed admit that it filmed some footage of the landing on the moon of Armstrong and Aldrin, fearing that the real shots turned out to be very weak and did not express all the solemnity of the moment.

As for the very essence of the issue, then, as MK was told at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the main evidence that the Americans were on the moon was and remains lunar soil, brought by them in large quantities. Its elemental and isotopic composition, which has no analogue on Earth, completely coincided with those samples of regolith that were delivered at different times by three Soviet automatic lunar stations.

According to Igor MITROFANOV, Head of the Space Gamma Spectroscopy Laboratory of IKI RAS, all these disputes about the landing of Americans on the moon, apparently, will not subside until we again begin to systematically, professionally explore our eternal companion. “We took the last soil sample from the Moon back in 1976, and since then there has not been a single mission! But the Moon is our seventh continent, it is the future foothold of mankind, which we must study, first, of course, with the help of automatic stations, - says Igor Georgievich. - If everything goes as we plan, and in 2020 our Luna-26 orbiter enters the orbit of the satellite, then the cameras installed on it with a resolution of 1 meter will “see” and provide everyone with a photo of the Soviet Lunokhod, and footprints of NASA astronauts on the moon.

Help "MK". The very first Russian mission after a 42-year break "Luna-25" calculated for November 2018. It involves the delivery of a spacecraft with scientific equipment to the lunar surface in the southern subpolar region, as well as the development of soft landing technology and survival during the lunar night.

Project "Luna-26" planned to be implemented in 2020. It involves the launch of the spacecraft into the orbit of the Moon with a height of 50-100 kilometers, followed by a transition to a height of 500 km.

Project "Luna-27" involves the delivery to the surface of the Moon, in the region of the South Pole, a lander with scientific equipment.

Project "Luna-28" involves the delivery to the Moon of an apparatus with a soil sampling device for taking cryogenic samples of regolith from a depth of up to 2 meters and delivering them to Earth.

A new controversy is emerging around one of the key episodes of the US space program. American television showed a documentary in which it was first acknowledged that footage of the astronauts landing on the moon was filmed on Earth, commissioned by the government.

The other day, the widow of director Stanley Kubrick said that her husband on Earth filmed the landing of astronauts on the moon and President Nixon personally gave him instructions. Christy Kubrick, however, immediately clarified that this was not about falsifying the entire expedition, but only about preparing backup film shots in case it was not possible to obtain images from the moon. After all, in many countries there was a live broadcast. Only the USSR and China did not show someone else's triumph.

Alexei Leonov, cosmonaut: "I know this director well. I know how films were made - but she is far from all this and confused."

According to Alexei Leonov, already after the landing, Kubrick helped make a documentary about flights to the moon, and some episodes were really repeated in Hollywood. But for those who are convinced that there are no traces of a man on the moon, Christie Kubrick's revelations are yet another proof of their correctness. For 35 years, they have accumulated a lot of evidence:

The flag in full vacuum ripples, as if in the wind.

There are no stars in any of the photos.

Lunar gravity is 6 times weaker than Earth's, and astronauts could jump higher.

The shadows diverge in different directions, although they should lie in parallel.

And on one of the stones they examined the letter "C", they say they are all marked.

But each discrepancy has a completely convincing explanation. Thick fishing lines were sewn into the cloth, which, straightening out, waved the flag. The stars are not visible because the camera is tuned only to the brightest objects. The movements of the astronauts were constrained by tight spacesuits. And shadows out of sync are easily explained by the effect of perspective. And is it reasonable to mark stones for decorations in the Latin alphabet, in which there are only 26 letters.

Alexei Leonov, cosmonaut: "In science, in the serious world, there are no doubters, but all sorts of ordinary people ... Well, how can you count on them - it's useless."

Among the real documents, you can also find fakes, but they were created rather for the sake of a joke and they did not want to deceive anyone.

The incredulous say that the astronauts were dropped from the giant Saturn rocket just before launch, taken to Las Vegas, where they had fun, and then put into a capsule and dropped into the ocean from a helicopter.

And yet the main argument for the fact that the Americans were on the moon is that the Soviet Union recognized their victory. Of the 6 expeditions, the astronauts brought almost 400 kilograms of lunar soil and gave part to Soviet scientists. And soon our automatic stations brought stones and dust from the Moon. The samples were compared and found that they are the same and all, of course, of extraterrestrial origin.

In the Chilean Andes, a huge telescope is now being assembled, so powerful that it will be easy to see through it even traces on the moon. With its help, they hope to convince, finally, that the Apollo program is not a grandiose hoax, but a very expensive one, not very useful for science, but still the greatest achievement of mankind.

There are always 2 camps in the lunar epic: those who believe that the Americans were on the moon, and those who do not. And if the chief director from NASA himself said that he was filming the Moon landing on Earth, would that convince you? Because this video came out in December 2015, 15 years after Kubrick's death in 1999, so his family wouldn't get hurt.

1. Why did you decide to do this interview? Because he has matured as a person, he says “he has gone through personal evolutionary growth”, when morality means more to him than money and fame. This happened to him against the backdrop of how the former astronaut Neil Armstrong, who is considered the first person to walk on the surface of the moon, became isolated and drank himself, because of all this falsehood of the government and NASA, which was forbidden to talk to anyone from those around.

2. Kubrick made a video about the lunar landing, filmed on Earth. For this, technology was used FRONT PROJECTIONS “, already tested in “Space Odyssey 2001″, so that it seemed to you that behind the astronauts there was an endless lunar landscape, although each set where they moved was only a few tens of meters.

3. Kubrick regrets that he made this fake, although he is proud of it, calling it "the greatest masterpiece." A double feeling for him, it seems to be bad, but very pleasant and warm, he does not want to give it up.

4. The long breaks between his films are explained by the fact that the struggle for fame took place inside the director's personality, and by observing the effect of the spread of lies. Therefore, after the film "" in 1980, which we reviewed in the previous article, he waited for 7 years to shoot " Full metal shell", and then another 13 years to shoot" Eyes wide shut" V 1999. By the way, " Eyes wide shut"was released in July 1999, exactly 30 years after the Moon landing (July 1969). Kubrick has always loved the language of symbols, saying that people (we all) live with " eyes wide shut «.

5. He filmed the "moon landing" to catch up with President John F. Kennedy's promise: "The Americans will be on the moon until the end of the 1960s." Therefore, the landing was shown in 1969, exactly according to forecasts. I had to give an account to the voters.

6. At the beginning, it was planned that they would film everything on Earth, insurance type, if they don't keep up, and as soon as the technical possibility arises, they will send Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins there first, so that they do not feel like world swindlers, but you have to wait a bit. Then it was put off again and again, and in the end they were told that it was unrealistic. But, the video with the lunar landing had already gone to the masses, and it was too late to admit it was fake.

7. Wernher von Braun, head of the NASA Space Flight Center, immediately said that this project was nonsense, and it was impossible for people to fly to the moon with current technologies, but they did not listen to him, but said to draw a rocket. In parallel with this, a video was filmed and scenery was prepared in the form of modules and rovers. How did it happen that respected engineer Wernher von Braun got caught up in a scam? So he was taken out of Germany after the war, he was an advanced specialist, he made excellent VAU and V-2 rockets for Hitler, and now his life depended only on the United States. They told him: "We are flying." He saluted and until 1970 headed this center, designed a gigantic pseudo-rocket Saturn-5, which after only 2 test launches, one of which was unsuccessful, was accepted for manned flights. After the "successful lunar landings", and the closure of the "successful" lunar program, the rocket did not fly again. Moreover, the German left NASA in 1972 "very disappointed", and the flights lasted until 1975. 11 successful launches in a row, also the successful launch of the American laboratory Skyleb into orbit. Is that why directors get fired? Or are they fired when you have fulfilled your role of "technical scenery" and are no longer needed?

The drawings for the Saturn 5 rocket and F1 engines were, naturally, "lost by NASA". Today, Americans buy and fly Soviet RD-180 and NK-33 engines.

So that you understand the dimensions of what the Americans supposedly flew, then the figure below. Number 1 and number 2 are Soyuz and Proton rockets, developed during the 1960s moon race. Operating technology. Exist, build, fly. Today they deliver crews and cargo to the ISS. Number 3 - Saturn 5. Fucking huge canoe, could put several ready-made modules into orbit today at once, deploy a ready-made station. After all, each individual launch costs money, right? Would deliver the goods, yeah. If ... flew ...

8. Kubrick even made absurd videos of astronauts (Apollo 13, for example) even playing golf on the moon, because people in America needed to be shown something, preferably entertaining. They already jumped, ran, rode a car, something new is needed. The golf idea seemed "American" to him. Removed golf! After all, that's what they're sent to the moon for. to play golf!

There doesn't seem to be anything more to add. Although, no. There is something else.

American Super Emotions
moon landings!

This is how the first interview of Americans Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins looks like in 1969, after the flight.

Just appreciate their delight, because they have just become the first earthlings in the history of mankind (!), who reached and returned from the Moon ... What a success! The performance came down to the fact that they showed videos and photos that everyone had already seen, but they commented on them, that Felt at the time of filming Felt before the frame, that after the moment. Do they look like people who have just completed an incredible flight by all standards and complexities?

Or do they look at each other in fear, so as not to “pierce” completely?

Interview with Stanley Kubrick about filming the moon landing, 3 days later he was gone.

A dying interview of the famous film director Stanley Kubrick has been published, in which he spoke in detail and in detail about the fact that all the moon landings were fabricated by NASA and how he filmed all the footage of American lunar expeditions on Earth ...

Interview published 15 years after death. Director T. Patrick Murray interviewed Stanley Kubrick three days before his death in March 1999. Previously, he was forced to sign an 88-page non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for the contents of the interview for 15 years from the date of Kubrick's death.

Kubrick's dying interview in recent days has become a real sensation all over the world.

In 1971, Kubrick left the US for the UK and never returned to America. All his subsequent films were filmed only in England. For many years, the director led a reclusive life, fearing murder. According to the English newspaper "Sun", the director "was afraid of being killed by American intelligence agencies, following the example of other participants in the television supply of the US lunar scam."

The director died suddenly, allegedly of a heart attack, at the end of the editing period for Eyes Wide Shut, which starred Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. It was Kidman who in July 2002, in an interview with the American newspaper The National Enquirer, reported that Kubrick had been killed. The director called her 2 hours before the official “sudden death” time and asked her not to come to Hertfordshire, where, as he put it, “we will all be poisoned so quickly that we won’t even have time to sneeze.” According to British journalists, the US National Security Agency first tried to kill Kubrick back in 1979.

The violent nature of Kubrick's death on March 7, 1999 at the English estate near Harpenden (Hertfordshire) later became the cause of his widow's revelations. In the summer of 2003, in an interview on French television, and later, on November 16, 2003, in the program “The Dark Side of the Moon” (CBC Newsworld), the widow of the director, German actress Christiane Kubrick (Christiane Susanne Harlan) made a public confession, the essence of which is as follows:

At a time when the USSR was already in full swing exploring space, US President Richard Nixon, inspired, according to the widow, by her husband's sci-fi epic film, which went down in history as one of the best masterpieces of Hollywood "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968), urged the director, along with other Hollywood professionals, "to save the national honor and dignity of the United States." What the masters of the "dream factory" led by Kubrick did. The decision to falsify was made personally by the President of the United States.

Similar statements from the participants of the "project" were made before.

In particular, rocket engineer Bill Kaysing, who worked at Rocketdyne, the company that built rocket engines for the Apollo program, is the author of We Never Flew to the Moon. The $30 Billion American Hoax" ("We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle"), published in 1974 and co-written by Randy Reid, also claimed that under the guise of a live coverage of NASA's lunar module landing circulated a fake filmed on Earth. For filming, a military training ground in the Nevada desert was used. In the pictures taken at different times by Soviet reconnaissance satellites, one can clearly see huge hangars, as well as a large area of ​​the "lunar surface" dotted with craters. It was there that all the "lunar expeditions" filmed by Hollywood specialists took place.

There were even daredevils among the astronauts themselves. So, the American astronaut Brian O'Leary (Brian O'Leary), answering a direct question, said that "he cannot give a 100% guarantee that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin really went to the moon."

P.S. Excerpt from A. Novykh's book "Sensei VI"

Yes, it’s cool for America, - Kostya said enthusiastically. - Who would have thought!

It's a pity for the people who live there, - Victor said sympathetically. - Behind the outward show of "freedom" is such slavery in the shackles of the archon's "democracy"!

Yeah, - Kostya assented, - they said that this is the coolest country in the world, that everything there is of the highest standard - from the standard of living to advanced technologies, even they were the first to visit the Moon ...

No, but really, why were the Americans the first to visit the moon, but not ours? - touched Ruslan. We were the first to fly into space!

If you want, I will tell you a big secret, - Sensei said with a barely perceptible smile, watching the conversations of the guys. - Americans have never been to the moon. And in general, a human foot has not set foot there yet, - and clarified with humor, - in the sense of being a creature, and not a print from his boot.

How is it that they were not on the moon ?! - Kostya and Ruslan were surprised at the same time.

Yes, very simple. People have not been to the Moon, - Sensei repeated again.

What, in reality? - Nikolai Andreevich asked intrigued.

Yes. "Flight to the Moon" is a big hoax, misinformation and a large-scale scam, which, however, brought a considerable income to its organizers.

Zhenya looked at Sensei with curiosity.

Yes? This is getting interesting...

Wait, - Nikolai Andreevich stopped Zhenya and turned to Sensei: - How can this be a scam, if, as far as I know, this is a well-known fact. At the same time, as they say, more than half a million viewers around the globe watched the landing of astronauts on the moon. And this lunar epic lasted practically from 1969 to 1972, when American astronauts flew there almost every six months. And in general, because then the USA and the USSR had a whole race for the championship of the flight to the moon. If the Americans cheated, I think the Soviet Union would not keep silent about it.

It's not as simple as you think. Behind that global PR that you are talking about, there were "Freemasons" of the highest level. From this project they have downloaded almost forty billion dollars from the American people alone, as law-abiding taxpayers. Although in fact there was no manned flight to the Moon, and even with those technologies,” Sensei chuckled. - Even now, at the present level of development of science, this is simply not realistic. So all this was just another successful party of the Archons in big politics.

Hmm, but in more detail, - Volodya expressed his general desire, looking at Sensei.

You can, of course, go into more detail, - Sensei shrugged his shoulders. - Although this information, in my opinion, is not of particular interest. These are just games of big politics...

But how the nerves tickle, even the heels itch, - Zhenya “froze”, causing the guys to laugh.

You need to wash more often! Victor replied with humor.

No, really, Sensei, tell me, - Volodya asked again.

What to tell. Dirty story. So many good people died because of this… This scam was started by the Archons during the years of the so-called “great space race” between the USSR and the USA. The faithful servants of the Archons - "Freemasons" - very prudently played on the ambitions of big politicians... At that time, the USSR was in the lead. - And somehow smiling kindly, as if remembering something good, Sensei said warmly: - Why not lead! After all, astronautics was headed by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev himself. He was a good man, of high decency and morality, and very responsible for his thoughts, actions and decisions.

Korolev? Who is this? Politician? - asked Slavik.

Come on! Andrei chuckled. - It's a scientist!

An outstanding scientist, - emphasized Sensei. - Talented design engineer.

Now I know, - the guy answered with a smile.

Korolev was not only an outstanding practical scientist, - Sensei stated, - but also a talented organizer. Everyone who worked with him on the same team admired his incredible enthusiasm. He simply infected people with his absolute confidence in victory. And as they say now, he “intuitively” developed promising directions. It `s naturally. After all, Korolev was far from being an ordinary person. Few people know that in the early thirties, the then young engineer Sergei Korolev met not only with Tsiolkovsky, but also with rather extraordinary non-public personalities who, in addition to the “theory” of astronautics, revealed to him many very interesting things. It was after those meetings that Korolev "fell ill" with the development of jet interplanetary flights. It was thanks to those meetings that he was able, as they will write later, to “predetermine and predict” the future of aviation and astronautics for many years to come, ahead of his time.

And who did he meet? Ruslan said impatiently.

Sensei just smiled mysteriously and continued the story without answering his question.

So, thanks to the inexhaustible enthusiasm of Korolev, a whole era of astronautics began in the Union. Already in 1957, the USSR launched the first satellite of the Earth. Then there were launches of automatic interplanetary stations, including to the Moon, where soil samples were repeatedly taken. Again, it was the Soviet automatic station Luna-2 that first reached the surface of the moon in 1959. The first ever manned flight into space on the Vostok spacecraft is also a merit of the USSR, and so on and so forth. The Americans also did not lag behind and, as they say, stepped on the heels of the Union in space exploration. If Yuri Gagarin flew on April 12, 1961, then the American Alan Shepard - on May 5, 1961. That is, with a small time difference. However, the American was already the second person to visit space. And now it was about the prestige of the country on the world stage. The Archons took advantage of this situation and exorbitant ambitions of people.

Through the then President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, the priority of the program to conquer the moon was announced. By the way, the technical development of this project was carried out by none other than the German designer of rocket and space technology, the former SS Sturmbannführer, the chief designer of the A-4 (V-2) rocket (used in World War II to shell cities in Great Britain, Belgium) - Wernher von Braun. This man also came from the family of a major German financier and influential politician, Baron Magnus von Braun, who was on the same “team” from the Freemasons as Hjalmar Schacht. And after the war, Wernher von Braun will receive American citizenship and will calmly work for the US military-industrial complex, as in his time for Nazi Germany. Moreover, he will be elevated up the career ladder to senior management positions at NASA (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

So, the media will begin to strongly convince the American people that since their astronauts did not have time to be the first to fly into space, they simply have to make sure that it is the American who is the first to step on the surface of the Moon. As a result of all these manipulations and speculations, the US Congress allocated simply astronomical at that time appropriations for this "lunar" program, removing them from the pockets of taxpayers, as if the Americans had no other problems than conquering the moon. And for these tens of billions of dollars, they showed the whole world a cheap series about the "epic of the conquest of the moon by man", calling it the loud name "Apollo Program".

Is it in honor of the ancient Greek Olympian god? - Kostya asked with the air of an "expert".

Nikolai Andreevich spoke, as if adding to the guy's words:

- ...healer, soothsayer, and patron of the arts... As I see it, the Archons are great lovers of ancient Greek poetry.

Still, - Sensei smiled. - Who owns the creation of the Olympian religion of Homer ... Only the name of this program did not appear in honor of the mythical god Apollo, although it was presented to the masses in such a beautiful package. Archons are big lovers of double meanings. In fact, with the appearance of the name of the program, everything was much simpler. It’s just that the Archon who came up with this whole large-scale scam is called “Phoebus” in narrow circles for his brilliant mind (which in Greek “phoibos” translates as “brilliant”). And if we consider the word Phoebus in the context of mythology, then this is just another name for Apollo, as "the all-seeing solar deity."

Well, yes, - Victor laughed along with the team, - as they say, everything ingenious is simple!

They staged such a “space” performance that the famous screenwriters can compete with them! Six expeditions have successfully landed on the moon without a hitch. Twelve people have visited the moon. But the Apollo 13 spacecraft, by no means, could land on the lunar surface due to an accident on board. Flew around the moon, and so returned with nothing to Earth.

So it was all a play? Kostya couldn't believe it at all.

Certainly. They simply played on the ambitions of people and stole a lot of money. So not only was the American people stripped like a stick, but the Soviet Union was also embroiled in this senseless race.

So, wait, - Nikolai Andreevich said doubtfully. - And what, didn’t our specialists know that it was a “linden”?

Of course they knew. But in exchange for silence and support for the "lunar version", the Soviet Union received huge benefits on the international market ... And then, how did the "Freemasons" cover their tracks, starting from government reshuffles and ending with the elimination of "unreliable" personalities?! And I won’t be surprised if in the future someone becomes seriously interested in this scam, then it suddenly turns out that the originals of the shooting of this performance, in which, I must say, a lot of blunders were allowed, will disappear without a trace. And, as you know, there are no documents, there is no subject of conversation.

So American astronauts have never landed on the moon? Viktor reiterated.

Naturally not. To get to the moon, you have to overcome belts of huge radiation.

But how do astronauts fly into space, go out into open space and return from there alive?

Well, they are under the protection of the gravitational, magnetic field of the earth and do not go beyond it. That is, they fly in near-Earth outer space within acceptable limits from the surface of the Earth. And then, when increased cosmic radiation penetrates into these layers, they are forced to reduce the flight altitude ... Naturally, in the future, with the development of nanotechnology, it will be quite possible for a person to fly both to the Moon and to other nearby planets.

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