Poems for dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten. Eyeliners for dancing, dancing and round dances


Kholodnaya Irina Vladimirovna, musical director of MADOU MO Krasnodar "Kindergarten No. 191"
Author's poetic texts for dance compositions for thematic holidays in kindergarten with dance movements prescribed in the text.
Material Description:
I bring to your attention the author's poetic texts for dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten. The texts are composed in such a way that they trace the change of dance movements, so learning the dances will not be particularly difficult. The material may be of interest to music directors, educators, teachers-organizers.
Target: Consistency of perception of text and music with movement.
1. Develop motor qualities and skills.
2. Develop children's creativity.
For New Year's holiday.

"Fairytale Pole" Music by A. Kozlov
Age of children 5-6 years
1. We gathered in the hall today not in vain,
Invite to dance I want you!
All in lights and tinsel Christmas tree
Let's start dancing!
Chorus: New year, new year!
Fairy tales are circling in a fast dance!
In the new year, in the new year, have fun from the heart!
In the new year, in the new year, let your eyes sparkle,
Santa Claus, do not sit, dance with us!
2. We clap our hands loudly, 1-2-3!
How we hit with heels - look!
Let's change places, and then
We'll go around hand in hand with you!
The chorus is the same.
3. Santa Claus go to the circle, do not be lazy!
Have fun with us!
If it gets hot all of a sudden, don't worry!
We will blow on you together, yes, yes, yes!
The chorus is the same.

Dance with soft toys. Music Polka.
Age of children 3-4 years
1. We dance with toys
Here under the Christmas tree
So that on a holiday on our
Grandpa had fun!
Chorus: Though our feet are small,
But they don't stand still
Grandpa, you love
For fun preschoolers!
2. Here under our Christmas tree
There will be a merry dance,
Bear and Fox are dancing,
What miracles!
Chorus: the same.
3. You toy, sit down
Look at the tree!
We clap now
We have a lot of fun!
Chorus: the same.
To the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day

"Sailors"music Kovalenko
(Variation on the theme of the poem by M. Tanich "We are all sailors")
Age of children 6-7 years
1 . The sea begins with a small river.
Are we all boys? We are all sailors!
Uniforms for growth, peakless caps on one side.
Eh! We are not too lazy to dance with our girlfriends!
Chorus: And well - ka...
Let's clap our hands harder
Let's stomp our feet loudly
And spin around together
We need to quickly
We'll walk in a couple
Let's smile cheerfully
The sea and the sun are laughing with us!
Ribbons - peakless caps,
Girls like pictures
Let's dance together!
Let's show the dance!
2. And girlfriends - girls are very good,
Everyone is dancing nicely, from the heart!
Eyes, like buttons, a dress in expansion,
Eh! Cheerful, mischievous little people!
Chorus: the same.
3. By sea, we are glad to take a watch,
Scrub the floor like a deck, dance the "Bullseye".
We pass in formation, everyone admires, looks!
Eh! Sailor bearing for the guys.
Chorus: the same.

Dance with moms. Music r.n.m. "Cherry"
Age of children 5-7 years
1. We go side by side with mommy - a beauty
Let's start dancing in our festive hall!
Oh, what a tender mother of mine!
All dearer, affectionate, for me it is!
Mommy-beloved give me your hand soon!
Spinning - spinning in the dance quickly.
And how in childhood we will play patty,
Polechka fun to dance together!
Mommy - Mommy, you see, I'm spinning!
At hand, like the sun, you spin!
Pancakes - pancakes, you sit down soon
I will hug my beloved no, you are dear!
2. Music sounds in our festive hall,
And my mother's heart beats for me!
Knock-knock-knock, mommy, you are my joy,
I appeared under my mother's heart!
Chorus: the same
3. Moms will clap, we will go to the circle
Let's smile affectionately, let's go to our mothers.
Let's stomp everything with our feet, shake our shoulders
Let's start dancing again with dear mommy!
The chorus is the same.

For the holiday Children's Day.

Children Protection Day Music by G. Zhilko
The age of children is 5-7 years.
1. Joy in the morning under the June sun
Having fun and dancing kids
You repeat the movements after me
And give everyone a smile
Chorus: Children Protection Day.
Clap, clap your hands do not be sorry!
Clear - the sun looks from above
How we dance on this holiday, you and I!
2. Spin with me my friend, don't be lazy!
Plunge into the sea of ​​happiness and smiles!
Children's Day is a holiday for us
Even the birds on the branches began to dance!
Chorus: the same.
3. Let's start a wide circle, let's start
And as if - then we will go around the entire globe of the earth!
Let's say to adults - “We do not want war!
All children need only peace and happiness!”
Chorus: the same.

For any summer summer holiday

Dance with cubes. Protasov's music
Children are 3-5 years old.
1. We took the cubes in our hands and walked around the hall.
We will have fun playing and knocking to the music.
2. And now let's sit down together, we need to build a pyramid!
Look, friends, that's what a builder I am!
Chorus: Clap-clap, tra-ta-ta! Clap, clap, tra-ta-ta!
Clap, clap, tra-ta-ta! The pyramid is beautiful!
3. We'll go around the pyramid, take the cubes again,
Like lanterns, the cubes in the hands of the guys are burning.
Chorus: Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
4. We'll hide the cubes behind the back and jump like bunnies,
Jump and jump, once again, we have a lot of fun!
Chorus: Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
5. Let's raise the cubes together, now we need to run.
Stop and again we will knock with a cube!
Chorus: Cube, cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!
6. The children put their legs out, and, of course, everyone was tired,
The cubes lie quietly, the fingers sleep under the cheek.
Chorus: Bye-bye, the cube is sleeping, bye-bye, it does not knock!
Just tired of sleeping, we will dance again!
Cube, Cube 1-2-3, have fun with our kids!
Tuki, tuki, tuki, tuki! You are my bright, sonorous friend!

"Good Master" Dance with musical instruments
Co-author Dolgaleva O. music Zlotnik.
Age of children 5-7 years
1. A kind master in a glorious fairy tale made tools
Spoons, pipes, rattles, he gladly gave to children.
Knock knock, play, keep up with me!
Knock-knock, come on together, knock-knock, this song
Knock-knock, bolder, knock-knock, more fun!
2. A kind master in a fairy tale carved a glorious rattle
Songs refrain funny he repeated all the time!
Chorus: Ding - ding, rattle, ding - ding, near the ear,
Ding, ding, play, keep up with me!
Ding - ding, come on together, ding - ding this song
Ding - ding, bolder, ding - ding, more fun!
3. The good master even carved tambourines in a glorious fairy tale!
Songs refrain funny he repeated all the time.
Chorus: Slap-slap, tambourine in hand, slap-slap, tuki-tuki,
Slap-slap, play, keep up with me!

Slap-slap bolder, slap-slap, more fun!
4. A kind master in a glorious fairy tale made tools,
Bells, bells children gladly gave!
Chorus: Ring - ring, make some noise, ring - ring, ring,
Ring - ring play, keep up with me!
Ring - ring, come on together, ring - ring this song
ring - ring, bolder, ring - ring, more fun!
5. The good master in a glorious fairy tale loved music very much
Gave a lot of musical instruments to children!
Chorus: Knock-knock, spoons in hand, knock-knock, knock-knock!
Ding - ding, rattle, ding - ding, near the ear.
Slap-slap, come on together, slap-slap, this song
Ring - ring, bolder, ring - ring, more fun!
With the permission of the site administration, I post a link to a collection with plus dance data files

Leads to dances, dances and round dances

Leads to dancing and dancing

We can’t sit still, Well, let’s quickly get into pairs,

We love to have fun. Fire dance time!

We are not too lazy to dance and sing, We will hit the floor with heels,

We would dance all day long! This is how we dance with you!

We sang and played, we begin to dance,

But we haven't danced in a long time! Just don't imagine

Come out to the circle soon, The hand was boldly given to a friend,

Let's dance merrily. Stand in pairs in a circle

We are on a holiday with friends Music sounded

We'll have a good time. Fun and loud.

To make it more fun, everyone, of course, likes

Let's start our dance. Perky polka dance!

Today is such a good day We are called "kids"

Everyone is having fun, But we are dancing from the heart.

They dance, clap their hands, we will spin, stomp

Yes, and we are not far behind! Don't forget to clap!

We both sang and played, Hey, friends, go in a circle,

And they were reading poetry. Boldly, without fear.

To make our holiday more beautiful, Today we are the best friend -

We are still sleeping now! The one who loves to dance!

There are many dances in the world

And children are dancing everywhere. They don't stand still.

Come out soon to the circle Let's celebrate the holiday with dancing,

Heeled top, yes top! Let's celebrate the holiday with a song!

In our hall, in our hall the sun shines brightly,

Holiday - the legs themselves dance, The day is so wonderful

And we call everyone around We will meet the holiday with a dance

In our big, cheerful circle. Let's celebrate the holiday with a song.

Liners for the performance of spoons

Eh, I'll stamp my foot, These spoons are not for porridge,

Let me stomp my feet. Not for soup, not for cabbage soup.

Cheerful with us You listen to our game

There will be a spoon dance. It will immediately become more fun.

Voiced, carved, Like ours at the gate

Painted spoons. The people are gathering.

The children will take them in their hands, Let's let the spoons go ahead

Start entertaining guests! To entertain our guests.

Leads to the dance "Befriended"

When we wake up, everyone knows we are friends,

It happens, we are offended, It is impossible to quarrel.

But this is nothing, even they themselves were surprised:

We got up, do not stand your feet. We quarreled and made up

Leads to round dances

Become all the people Oh, what a wonderful ringing

Hurry to the round dance. Resounded from all sides.

In a round dance, in a round dance, I woke up both the forest and the meadow,

Yes, with all the honest people Danced all around.

We will dance, we will play, everything plays and sings,

And let's have fun! It's like usual

The sun is calling


In dances, games and fun, each dance has its turn

Joyfully and loudly We dance as best we can.

The holiday is spinning like a carousel Move apart the round dance!

Every child. Come out bolder!

Russian dance is calling

Us in a cheerful round dance!

Irina Sosidka
Leads to dances and songs in verse

Leads to dances and songs in verse

Introduction to the boogie-woogie dance

We thought for a long time,

So what do you give moms?

The gift must be beautiful

And bring joy to moms.

We consulted at leisure,

We give you a boogie-woogie dance.

Introduction to the dance "Waltz"

We know a lot of dances

We can show you any.

Well, now we offer you

Favorite "Waltz" is our graduation.

Introduction to couples dance

We are naughty guys

We live together in the garden.

We are talking about grandmother and mother

We sing different songs.

And now it's time to dance

Dance pair show.

Lead to the dance "We are little children"

We'll go to school soon

Today is graduation.

We say goodbye today

Kindergarten, with you.

We are students now

And we are proud of it.

Watch our dance

"We are small children."

Eyeliner to the dance "Droplets"

Again autumn outside the window,

Another holiday in the hall.

We were preparing for it

And the guests were invited.

It's raining outside

But it doesn't let us get bored.

Dance "Droplets" now

The girls will perform for you.

Introduction to the dance "Waltz"

We've grown big

We go to first class.

Saying goodbye today

We dance the waltz for you.

Yes, the waltz is a little sad,

But he's a graduate.

Saying goodbye today

We, the kindergarten, are with you.

Eyeliner to dance with moms

Well, dear parents.

Ready to support children?

Rather come to us

Dance with your children.

lead to the song

Yes, we honestly admit

We love our mothers very much.

And in honor of the holiday today

We give you a song.

Dancing lead for mom

We will not buy a gift for mom -

Let's cook it ourselves, with children's hands.

You can embroider a scarf for her, you can grow a flower.

You can draw a house, but you can dance.

Lead to any dance

Talents in our kindergarten:

Singers, dancers, musicians.

And how we all dance,

We'll show you right now.

Toddler dance lead

It's time to dance

Look at us.

Although we are babies,

But we dance from the heart.

Introduction to modern dance

We have not only learned

We can give you a new dance

Modern show!

lead to the song

We don't get upset at all.

We smile at each other.

And in a good mood

We are doing singing.

Leading to a fun dance

Girls, you are your beauty

They eclipsed the white light in this hall,

Let's ball today we will open

Cheerful dance, do you agree or not?

Lead to the dance "Cossack polka with tambourines"

Let's just hear the music

Nothing can hold us back.

With tambourines Cossack polka

Let's dance together.

We want to surprise everyone

And give your dance.

Lead to a song about educators

You were our second mother

How will we be at school without you?

Thank you very much from us!

We'll sing a song for you now!

An introduction to the song for release from parents

Our parents were upset

The hour of parting has come.

Word to parents, come out bolder

In a festive, joyful hall!

Introduction to the dance "Tango"

We wish mothers, grandmothers

Love us very hard

And we want them on this holiday

Dance "Tango" to give.

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LEADING TO THE DANCE "Invite me, dad, to the waltz!"

My mom recently told me:
I'm telling you, baby, to know
Even if you dance well
It's indecent to invite a boy.

Well, I don't need a boy
None from our garden.
I'm just friends with the boys
I go to the same group with them.

And I offer my hand
Only dad, I dream about it,
He invites me with a smile
And the waltz will spin us around the hall.

When the sweet childhood ends
And I will be a happy bride
We will dance with you at the wedding
Do you promise, my dad's dear?

Let's sing and spin quietly
And love and be proud of each other!
In the meantime, I'm a baby, now
Invite me, dad, to the waltz!

Leads to the DANCE "Stomp, my foot"

1. Legs do not stand still,
Seems like they want to dance?
So, the legs are mischievous,
We need to start the dance
I can't resist anymore!

2 Well, so what, that is small!
Remote girl!
And mischievous eyes!
All boys group
They look at me, they look at me
They want to dance with me!
Well, I won't refuse!
"Stomp your foot" I will dance!

Lead to the SONG "Stomp, my leg"

Well, so what, that is small!
Remote girl!
And mischievous eyes!
All boys group
They look at me, they look at me
I want to like!
I will sing for them now
I call my song!


There are many dolls, they cannot be counted,

There is Tanya, there is Mariska,
There is curly Natasha,
And with pigtails Milasha,

Olya in a red sundress,
clockwork doll Anya,
Winx and Barbie too
I'm telling you, they can't be counted.

A whole puppet kindergarten
And each has its own outfit.
They are all my friends...
But I whispered in my ear

Daddy's wish
"Daddy, give me a promise
Buy a new doll?
I promise not to be naughty!

I saw in the window
Doll Mashenka stood.
blue-blue eyes,
And flaxen hair.

She looked at me
And she wanted me!
It's hot, stuffy in the window,
We need to save Masha!

Warm clothes on her:
Scarf, mittens, boots...
Her hat is made of drape ...
….Give me a doll, dad!


A little chick sat on a branch
He happily sang a song about the sun.
The sun heard that song
It shone brighter with rays!

And it winked like a sparrow:
I like to listen to your song
Hey Sparrow, fluffy lump,
Let me kiss you on the side!

We all sang a song about the sun,
The sun will like we wanted!
We will ask him very much today:
Kiss us, sun, on the cheeks and nose!


We need to release the birds today
At our graduation ball
Pigeons! Fly over the kindergarten
In sky blue lace!

Feathers, strengthened, feathered
Baby doves have grown up
They grew up and set off on a long journey,
Leaving us, graduates!

We wish you blue skies
Warm native breeze!
The future is bright, big,
Pigeons, fly to the clouds!

Lead to the song "A milk tooth fell out"
I grow up imperceptibly
Leaving kindergarten soon
And I grow up by the hour:
I can do everything myself!

They bought me boots
Thirty-six - foot size!
I deny pantyhose
I choose only trousers!

They say it's milky
Will fall out soon, fragile,
But sits stubbornly in the mouth
And it shames me right!

I downloaded it for two days
Then he pushed his tongue,
An apple, a carrot gnawed,
And achieved! Here's a surprise!

A tooth fell out, a hole in the mouth ...
So it's time for me to go to school!
No milk teeth
I'm ready to go to school!

The school will be very happy:
They need grown up kids!
And with milk teeth
Sit in the nursery yourself!

This means - to announce non-standard dances at a concert or competition in order to pronounce not only their names.

Written for "Dance Spring" according to a given list of choreographic numbers.

At your concert there may not be performances with such names, but with examples it is easier to figure out how to announce the dances that you will have.

See in the previous article - it will be clear where the Leader should insert the given text.


Announce the speaker and choreographer.

For example - pop dance group "X", the head of the group - ... full name.

I write the list, but to declare one at a time, of course.

We are little children

That little children will take the stage now, and that these kids are dancing great, we already guessed. But if everything was simple, they would not perform at Dance Spring. And they are performing. And how they perform! Watch and applaud!


We do not have an airport, but this does not mean that there should not be flight attendants. Meet - "Stewardesses", not on the plane, but on our stage.


Lullabies are many and different. Let's watch "Lullaby" by the group "X".

Sleep my sunshine

The next number is "Sleep, my sun." It seems that it looks like a lullaby, but what will actually happen, and who is whose sun, now let's figure it out.



"Militari" - translated from Italian means "military", and this is the name of this dance. I will say one thing - I really want this word to remain only in art and clothing style. And completely disappeared from people's lives in its sad sense. Look!


Many girls at least sometimes dream of being in the role of a Princess or a Princess. And some do not even dream - because they are born right away. Which Princess will be shown to us now by the dancers of the studio "Y", we will find out in a second.

You are fire, I am water

- - about incompatible opposites. "You are fire, I am water." But in dance, they seem to complement each other perfectly.

Cheerful Zebrik

Who is Zebrik, we could not reliably find out. Either he is a kitten, then he is the son of a zebra, and then suddenly he is an entertainment center or a studio. Our version is dance. "Merry Zebrik" for a cheerful mood!


let go

When we hear the word "Let go", everyone thinks of their own. Even if a specific text is attached to the word - for example, as in the song "Ocean Elzy" with the same name. And what is the meaning of our today's stars in this word, now we will find out.

Village nursery rhymes

The younger group decided to amuse us all, and this is only a joy for us. Meet new stars!


Tarantella is an Italian folk dance accompanied by a guitar, tambourine and castanets. For 200 years it was considered the only cure, can you imagine! And what was treated with this dance - it’s better for you not to know. Just watch and enjoy!


I'm sure everything will be great. The main thing is that the goats do not get carried away and do not jump from the stage to the hall, and from there to the street.



Turntables are different - and on the guitar, and on kefir, and on the pike. Which ones will be shown to us is still a surprise. But I feel it will pleasantly surprise us.


May is on the calendar, the mood is eternal spring. So why not remember winter for 5 minutes for a change? Especially when they show it to us so interestingly.


It turns out that dancing with a flood is a favorite question of the compilers of the scanwords. And the answer, it seems, will not be told to us now, but they will dance.

The country is young

Youth is always good, and not necessarily in the passport. Most importantly, soul, head and feet. What we are now showing.


Curtain, applause from an enthusiastic audience))


In this or a similar way, you can imagine dancing at a competition or concert. Where with a joke, where with mystery, where with touching words. And it’s not just a concert that will come out, but. Or a big one. And maybe, considering other things, even grandiose))

With a wish to pleasantly surprise the hall,

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