Valentin Gaft, suffering from Parkinson's, about a sharp deterioration in health - “It's true. Valentin Gaft has cancer: The actor comes to his senses after emergency heart surgery Valentin Gaft said that he is living his life


He recently starred in the program "Hello, Andrei!" on TV channel "Russia", dedicated to the late actress Natalya Gundareva. “Valentin Iosifovich came to us with an assistant who takes care of him,” said the editor of the program, Natalya Galkovich. “He arrived hungry, and of course we fed him. An elderly man, already over 80, does not feel well. he had memory lapses."


Parkinson's disease, which Gaft suffers from, is neurological in nature with chronic symptoms. Progresses slowly and affects older people. The main manifestation of the disease is a pronounced impairment of motor functions. This disease is also called "shaking paralysis", which indicates its main symptoms: constant trembling and increased muscle stiffness, as well as difficulty in performing directed movements.

“I need care and that doctors are always there,” cries Gaft. He explained why he continues to play in the theater and does not refuse to go to TV shows: “Medicines are now expensive, medical procedures too. But I don’t get paid as much on television as, say, Vitalina (Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. - Approx. She gets half a million for the program, and I get from five to 50 thousand. But I'm glad and this is unusual!

The artist understands that his age and state of optimism do not add. “I don’t want to become a burden for someone, but it’s really hard for me to walk. I’m living, I don’t have much left, and I understand this. Recently, my colleagues from Sovremennik Tamara Dyagtereva and Sergey Shekhovtsev passed away, it’s a pity. their funeral, I can hardly move myself. I don’t ask anything from the management of Sovremennik, in the theater there is someone to help even without me, ”Express Gazeta quotes the sick Gaft. She also publishes a heartbreaking photo of the artist, who looks thin, haggard and tired.

According to him, well-known cultural figures are seriously ill. "And me I want to and to them, and to everyone who is prone to illness, wish a speedy recovery, ”Kobzon expressed hope for a speedy recovery for both.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish them and everyone who is prone to illness a speedy recovery,” the singer admitted. True, Kobzon did not begin to expand in more detail about the health of the artists.

Having performed the song, he moved backstage. As eyewitnesses noted, it is already difficult for Kobzon to walk. You can tell from his walk that he is in pain. However, behind the scenes, Joseph did not talk about himself. Instead, he shared brief information about his colleagues.

People's Artist Valentin Gaft was hospitalized with acute pain. Detailed information.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill,” the artist said. After these words, he wished them and all those suffering a speedy recovery, and left the event.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish them and everyone who is prone to illness a speedy recovery,” the singer said.

He was born on September 2, 1935. From an early age, an active participant in school amateur performances, a graduate of the Shchukin School and the Moscow Art Theater, he played his first theater role in the famous Mossovet Theater. Actively worked in the theater on Malloy Bronnaya and the Theater of Satire.

Recall that weeks Earlier, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, singer Iosif Kobzon, spoke about the state of health of actor Valentin Gaft and director Oleg Tabakov.

The roles of Valentin Gaft fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956, an interesting fact is that he mainly played the role of the French, or villains. Geverinz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm your aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

I would like both them and everyone who is prone to illness to wish a speedy recovery, he told reporters, Komsomolskaya Pravda writes. In the Moscow theater-studio under the direction of Tabakov - "Snuffbox" - they told RIA Novosti that the artist's condition is stable, he continues to be in the hospital. “Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill,” the artist said. After these words, he wished them and all those suffering a speedy recovery, ...

What is the diagnosis of Valentin Gaft doctors comments. Fresh material as of 02/04/2018

According to him, well-known cultural figures are seriously ill. “And I would like to wish them, and everyone who is prone to illness, a speedy recovery,” Kobzon expressed hope for a speedy recovery for both.

Coming from a family of hereditary Jews, one of the most famous actors of Soviet and Russian films, on whose account there are about a hundred roles in feature films, a true professional in his affairs valentine Gaft, a true role model for any self-respecting actor.

"We have everything Fine with his wife Olya Ostroumova. She will have an anniversary in the fall, we will definitely celebrate. And poems, and gifts - everything will be! The main thing would be health. And in general, I now have all my thoughts about work, and not about what you ask. It's all the little things in life!" Gaft said. Perhaps unpleasant gossip had an impact on the health of the actor.

According to statistics, more than 4 million people worldwide suffer from this serious illness. Among them may be not only the most ordinary grandfather from the house across the street or the old woman whom you constantly encountered in a nearby bakery. Among those affected by Parkinson's disease there are famous people who the whole planet knows about. And the history of each of them can be a vivid example of the struggle for prolonging an active life for ordinary patients.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish them and everyone who is prone to illness a speedy recovery,” the singer told NTV journalists. Kobzon did not speak in more detail about the illness of Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born September 2, 1935, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was fashion model Elena Izorgina. The second was a marriage with the ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter, Olga, but in the early 1980s, Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Daughter Olga died in September 2002 by suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is actress Olga Ostroumova, under whose influence Valentin Gaft was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Neurologists, in turn, argue that the artist’s slow movements, noticeable hand tremors, memory loss and muscle rigidity, that is, stiffness, are symptoms of a chronic, progressive disease of the nervous system - parkinsonism. The artist’s health was shaken back in September 2002, when he was 29 1-year-old daughter committed suicide.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft (born September 2, 1935, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984). Valentin Gaft was married several times. The first wife was fashion model Elena Izorgina. The second was a marriage with the ballerina Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter, Olga, but in the early 1980s, Gaft and Eliseeva divorced. Daughter Olga died in September 2002 by suicide. The current wife (since 1996) is actress Olga Ostroumova, under whose influence Valentin Gaft was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Kobzon's story about the serious illness of Valentin Gaft video information. Breaking news.

The English surname "Parkinson" brings to mind a formidable illness that gradually takes away the patient's ability to move, speak, think ... But sometimes miracles happen. And the patient, whom nothing pleased yesterday, today puts on beautiful clothes and goes to rehabilitation classes.

How to prevent the disease, or at least slow it down?

Muhammad Ali is a legendary boxing champion. Michael J Fox - Marty McFly from the famous movie "Back to the Future". Wonderful Soviet and Russian actor Valentin Gaft. The great satirist Arkady Raikin. Rock star Ozzy Osbourne. Artist Salvador Dali. Pope John Paul II. All of them were united by the struggle with a terrible disease called "Parkinson's disease".

Like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease prevents the patient from moving, learning, speaking, performing daily activities ... For an unknown reason, brain cells begin to die, disrupting the functioning of the whole organism. The disease is considered to be an inevitable companion of old age. Because of this, parkinsonism often goes unnoticed. Memory problems? So what, it should be so ... However, the disease does not always appear with age. Actor Michael J Fox was diagnosed when he was thirty.

Fight, love and ... live!

At first glance, the most ordinary Russian family. But... For twenty years now, my husband, a former military man, has been fighting Parkinson's disease. A disease for which no effective cure has yet been found. Known for today drugs help only at first. Time passes, and the results of treatment come to naught. The body stops responding to the pill. Science is looking for new methods - from new dosage forms to electrodes that stimulate the affected areas of the brain ...

Our hero, fortunately, is not very similar to the classic Parkinson's patient. He calmly pours tea, takes out the trash, helps his wife with the housework. When the whole family goes to the country, the husband and father get behind the wheel. From the house to the cottage two hundred kilometers. The children bought a simulator for dad, which he uses every day. Another family tradition is the daily long walk. Mom and dad walk eight kilometers a day. By no means less.

The patient decided to take part in a clinical trial. A new method of treating Parkinson's disease is tested by 36 of our compatriots ... But the main thing is not only this. And the fact that the whole family is struggling with the disease. The love of loved ones, willpower and the desire to live work where the most modern medicines fail.

The main medicine is warmth and ...

“We began to hold patient schools twice a month. Our students enjoy coming to class. They communicate with each other, cease to be shy and even begin to dress up. Our specialists are very different: from a speech therapist to a dancing therapist,” says Elena Khvostikova, director of the Genom Patient Assistance Center.

Together with the First St. Petersburg Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova Patient Care Center runs a charity project "Always choose life". It includes schools for patients and their loved ones, and meetings - sports and creative, and social patronage ... Families who are faced with parkinsonism receive knowledge on rehabilitation and psychological support.

On April 11, World Parkinson's Day, Genome held a jubilee school in St. Petersburg.

Dancing therapy? Yes, yes, in the schools of patients with Parkinson's disease, which today are in St. Petersburg and Kazan, they learn not only to speak, write, learn, develop memory, but also ... dance! Dance heals...

But until recently, many of those who come to the Center found it difficult to take a few steps. The feeling of loneliness, uselessness aggravates the course of the disease. This feeling is faced by almost every person retiring. What to say about someone who is seriously ill? And only relatives can help. Yes, and drugs are bought not by the state, but by the family budget.

After suffering from parkinsonism, Muhammad Ali created the Parkinson's Center at the Barrow Neurological Institute in the United States. The center bears the name of its founder. A dangerous disease is fought by those who care.

But no one knows who and when will meet with Parkinson's disease. Perhaps, it is worth considering the support of patients at the state level as well?

…physical training!

Exercise, like socializing, really helps. By the way, mobility and activity are not only a cure, but also a good prevention. People who exercise regularly are less likely to develop Parkinson's disease. But do not hope that sports will replace the household. To protect your health, you need real gymnastics - classes on the sports ground, ball games, dancing, swimming ... Any exercises that you like and will not be too much of a burden on the body.

What happens to the brain?

The cause of Parkinson's disease is neurodegeneration. For some unknown reason, dopamine-producing brain cells die. Medicine does not know very many factors that increase the risk of getting sick: contact with solvents, herbicides, pesticides, repeated traumatic brain injuries.

“If we look at the region of the midbrain, we will see a structure that is called the black substance. It is so called because it contains cells that produce dopamine, and they contain a pigment that gives the structure a dark color. This is where the cells die. What is dopamine? This substance is a carrier of nerve impulses, it transmits information from cell to cell, explains Ph.D. N.I. Pirogova Natalia Titova. - If there is enough dopamine, then when dopamine receptors are stimulated, adequate control of the system of internal deep structures occurs. In our brain, these structures regulate normal movement. If there is little dopamine or something is wrong with the receptors, then the same motor disorders appear that we see in our patient. The first motor symptoms begin when dopamine stores are reduced by 80%. Until then, the brain compensates for its defect. The patient does not get sick when the first movement disorders appear, but much earlier.

The process of neurodegeneration affects the entire brain. Cells begin to die in the lower part of the trunk and rise to the black substance, continues Natalia Titova. Until the destruction has reached the black substance, there is a premotor stage of the disease. It can last up to 30 years. At this stage of the disease, at its onset, patients may have constipation, impaired sense of smell, depression, and behavioral disturbances in a certain phase of sleep.

The degeneration then spreads to the entire brain. Problems begin with memory, and with attention, and with the psyche ...

Hands and more

Parkinsonism refers not only to Parkinson's disease itself, but also to its symptoms. And they can appear ... when this disease is not present. But there was a traumatic brain injury. Or a stroke. Or the blood vessels of the brain are out of order. Dopamine did not decrease, but the work of dopamine receptors was disrupted. Such parkinsonism is called post-traumatic, post-stroke, vascular ...

It is believed that the main symptom of Parkinson's disease is shaking hands. Over time, the patient can neither pour water into a glass, nor sign a document, nor draw a straight line with a pencil. But in fact, the manifestations of the disease are much more. A harbinger of the disease is often ... depression. But most of us have not paid attention to it for a long time.

How does Parkinson's disease (and in some cases - a traumatic brain injury or stroke) manifest itself? The symptoms are very varied:

  • slow movements, or bradykinesia. It is difficult for the patient to thread a needle, find the keys in his pocket, get up from a chair. Even facial expressions slow down: over time, the patient's face turns into a mask. Handwriting can also tell about the disease - by the end of the line it becomes smaller and smaller;
  • speech becomes quiet, slow, monotonous;
  • walking disorders: shuffling, hands clamped and pressed to the body. In a healthy person, the arms move while walking, in a sick person they do not move or move very weakly. Only one hand may not move, depending on the brain damage;
  • it is difficult for the patient to turn around: he tramples in one place or freezes at all;
  • muscle rigidity. Muscle tone increases - the minimum muscle tension, which persists even at rest, when a person is resting or sleeping. Due to the fact that the muscles are overly tense, pain begins in them, and it becomes difficult to move;
  • tremor. Those trembling hands that are considered the first sign of illness. At first the patient's hands tremble weakly and only at rest, when he does not move them. And tremble only when he is nervous. But the disease progresses, and a condition called "tremor" appears more and more often. Sometimes the tremor occurs even while driving, and it is very difficult to pour soup into a bowl or sign a receipt;
  • postural instability. It is difficult for the patient to keep balance. He will fall if he is slightly pushed, if he stretches to the side - for example, to take a book from a shelf;
  • posture violation. It is difficult for the patient to keep his back straight, he walks and stands in the so-called "beggar's position", his torso constantly leans forward. Quite often, it is difficult for a person to bend over - both to the sides and straight ahead.

When age is not to blame

Movement is far from the only ability of the body that Parkinson's disease takes away. Other violations also make a person defenseless and helpless. For example, cognitive impairment.

At first, the patient is simply slow thinking. Such a condition is attributed to fatigue, to age - and ... they are not treated.

This happens with other signs of the disease: the patient has difficulty learning new things (or cannot learn at all), loses his knowledge and skills, cannot concentrate, is absent-minded ... All this is again attributed to age or, more rarely, to overwork. Meanwhile, the disease develops: and small problems with attention and memory develop into dementia. In other words, dementia. Sometimes a person forgets how to solve everyday tasks, forgets what year it is, and cannot remember why ordinary household items are needed. Dementia in the elderly is often referred to as "senile insanity". And often they do not even try to treat their relatives.

Why is depression dangerous?

Emotional disorders - depression, anxiety, apathy - almost always accompany the disease. They seriously complicate treatment. Depression and apathy can negate even the most modern medicines. When the patient does not care, the treatment is ineffective. But to get the patient out of this state, to make him experience any feelings is not an easy task.

Psychotic disorders ... The patient who has them should not be left alone. After all, we are talking about hallucinations. Visions can be different: people, animals ... Sometimes it seems to the patient that someone is standing behind him and wants to harm him. What will a person do who feels terrible?

Recall that Parkinson's disease does not begin when the patient's hands began to tremble. The brain - like the whole body - resists to the last. The first signs of the disease appear only when the dopamine deficiency reaches 80%.

First signals

Lack of dopamine causes depression. A depressed state should not be considered a risk factor: sadness and longing are the harbingers of the disease, its first “bells”. And not always it is a question of parkinsonism. Any disruption of the brain affects our mood. And there are many of them - from atherosclerosis and aneurysms to tumors, hematomas and abscesses. From untreated craniocerebral injuries to minor strokes on the legs (the person was dizzy, but he did not attach any importance to this).

Magnetic resonance imaging will not detect Parkinson's disease. But it will reveal a hematoma, a tumor, traces of a stroke or a brain injury ... MRI is necessary. But the lack of dopamine will show only the method of functional neuroimaging. How to return dopamine to its place - no one knows yet. Science does not yet know all the abilities of the body.

Among the first companions of Parkinson's disease are violations of smell, movement during sleep and ... constipation. They accompany the disease further, when it is already actively manifesting itself. And they are very heavy. Someone suffers from salivation, someone is gaining weight, someone is losing weight ... "Parkinson" is often accompanied by an overactive bladder, urinary retention, or, conversely, its increase. Many patients suffer from insomnia at night and excessive sleepiness during the day. There is one more feature that interferes with proper rest during sleep: in the phase of sleep, which is characterized by rapid eye movement, the entire body begins to move in patients. They swing their arms and legs, turn rapidly... They can fall out of bed, injure themselves or loved ones, accidentally hitting or hitting. And in the morning they can remember that they had a nightmare.

A similar sleep problem begins in the premotor stage of the disease. Even before the patient's hands begin to tremble. Relatives and friends can notice everything in time.

Movement is life!

The diagnosis of "Parkinson's disease" is unlikely to cause the death of the patient. If a person fell ill at 60-65 years old, he will most likely live to seventy or even eighty-five. Other diseases "beat" the body. Almost every third patient dies ... from pneumonia. Before inflammation of the lungs, a patient with parkinsonism is practically defenseless. Due to the fact that he can not fully move. A person who has avoided a dangerous illness has a 45 times less risk of dying from pneumonia!

21% of patients with parkinsonism die from myocardial infarction. The same lack of movement prevents them from surviving and recovering. For the cardiovascular system, as well as for the lungs, the inability to move is a decisive factor.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult for a sick person to perform the simplest movements. There are five stages of Parkinson's disease: in the first stage, the symptoms are still insignificant, in the fifth, the patient is already sitting in a wheelchair. “When the disease gradually passes to the second stage, postural violation of the spine joins the symptoms. When a person starts to fall, that is stage three. At the fourth stage, he can still move independently, but his movement is already limited. Such patients often come with relatives, with sticks, walkers,” says Natalia Titova. It is believed that each stage of the disease lasts three years, but these figures are average. For some, the disease develops rapidly, someone manages to slow it down. Today, drugs allow you to lengthen the third stage up to 7-8 years.

Unknown odds

There is still a lot unknown about Parkinson's disease. How to explain why an elderly patient who falls after taking three steps gets on a bicycle and ... rides confidently? Turns are easy for him, and his hands hold the steering wheel as if the man is completely healthy. His back straightens - not at all like when walking.

Patients with parkinsonism were treated in one of the foreign hospitals. Some of them could not move at all. One day there was a fire in the hospital. Patients who were unable to walk… fled. All.

Another case: a heavy object was thrown at the child from above. His mother, suffering from Parkinson's, unexpectedly quickly turned around and managed to catch a flying thing. The baby was saved. In ordinary life, a woman turned with great difficulty.

Where medicines do not always cope, the will to live and love for loved ones work ...

Valentin Gaft believes that his disease- this is old age and he does not want to spend the last days of his life in a hospital bed. The actor strives for new experiences and undertakings. Until recently, he played ten performances a month, was ashamed even to ask for a vacation and assured that he had to work until he fell down.

In September 2013, Gaft said: “In general, I am cool about television. But I really didn’t like it when they said on NTV that I was sick and would die soon. They filmed me at the hospital, where I underwent a routine examination: how I pour myself water and spill past the cup - it happens to everyone. But on NTV they said that my coordination of movements was impaired. Already I would like not to look for "fried", but to show and write the truth. I am alive, healthy in age and in relatively good condition. creative form."

To date, there is no effective remedy that could help save a person from Parkinson's disease. Elderly people in particular feel the consequences of the disease on themselves, since against the background of old age, memory and coordination of movements are already deteriorating.

Last week, the concert "Song of the Year" was held at the Olimpiysky sports complex. One of the participants of the event was Joseph Kobzon. After the performance, the artist spoke to reporters. In particular, Kobzon confirmed the information that Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov were seriously ill.

These donations are used to develop the scientific activities of the foundations, support and organize care for patients with parkinsonism. There are many videos showing Muhammad Ali battling Parkinson's disease by trying to do basic self-care activities on his own.

According to statistics, more than 4 million people worldwide suffer from this serious illness. Among them may be not only the most ordinary grandfather from the house across the street or the old woman whom you constantly encountered in a nearby bakery. Among those affected by Parkinson's disease there are famous people who the whole planet knows about. And the history of each of them can be a vivid example of the struggle for prolonging an active life for ordinary patients.

And in the spring of last year, doctors stunned him with their suspicions about Parkinson's disease. The actor himself even then declared that he had only one disease - old age. But he is not going to slow down.

Gaft's colleague Said Bagov recently told reporters about the state of health of his comrade. According to him, Valentin Iosifovich is now in the hospital, because he was operated on the other day. The fact is that recently the actor injured his hand as a result of an unsuccessful fall. Turning to the health workers for a scheduled examination, it turned out that Gaft would be hospitalized for an operation.

Among other celebrities who suffered from the disease, everyone remembers Pope John Paul II. The disease was especially reflected in his speech. The founder and leader of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong, had to leave politics due to parkinsonism, as did Joe Cook, the former Prime Minister of Australia.

One of the richest people on the planet, the founder of the Microsoft empire, Bill Gates announced in 2012 that he had parkinsonism. Millionaire carefully concealed his illness for more than 10 years and did not admit it even to children, whom he was afraid to frighten with his illness. But most of all stopped Gates fear condemnation and rejection in society.

People's Artist Valentin Gaft was hospitalized with acute pain. Fresh material as of 01/08/2018

There are eyewitness accounts that Hitler had parkinsonism. To maintain an active lifestyle, personal doctors gave him the narcotic drug Pervitin, an analogue of methamphetamine. Apparently, long-term use of the drug and influenced the fact that Hitler fell ill with Parkinson's disease in the last years of his life. This was manifested by such a strong trembling in his left hand that he had to forcibly hold the limb with his other hand.

“Valya Gaft and Oleg Tabakov are seriously ill, and I would like to wish them and everyone who is prone to illness a speedy recovery,” the singer said.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova from her roles in popular films: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was after surgery. The last marriage significantly influenced the life of the actor. Beloved woman was able to resurrect a perishing soul.

Russian channels buried the famous actor Valentin Gaft. Now the “buried” but not buried cult actor is preparing lawsuits against TV people.

What is the diagnosis of Valentin Gaft doctors comments. News to this hour.

Moreover, his manner of speech, which can be described as slow, drawling, also raises questions and suspicions of brain damage. However, Klitschko rejected all the rumors that he had parkinsonism, only laughing. Therefore, we do not undertake to say for sure that the athlete is sick.

Trembling in his left hand, slow and slurred speech do not prevent him from continuing his career, since Freddie believes that work on bags, the need for constant hand-eye coordination in training, help slow the progression of the disease.

The roles of Valentin Gaft fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956, an interesting fact is that he mainly played the role of the French, or villains. Geverinz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm your aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

As for 82-year-old Valentin Gaft, he was hospitalized at the end of June with acute pain. The next day, the media reported that the actor's relatives did not confirm the information about his hospitalization and questioned the competence of the publication that first published the news. Note that Valentin Gaft was already in intensive care in 2014. Then the actor successfully underwent endoscopic surgery.

Kobzon's story about the serious illness of Valentin Gaft video information. recent events.

People's Artist of the RSFSR, who became famous for his role in the film "Garage" by Eldar Ryazanov, actor. By his age, he achieved a lot, but the injustice of life touched him too.

Valentin Gaft is sick

The 83-year-old actor suffers from Parkinson's disease, a neurological disease that mostly affects older people. Often, patients are over 60 years of age. The main symptoms of Parkinson's are disorders of the musculoskeletal system, muscle tone, which is accompanied by a characteristic tremor.

Those who are especially attentive have long noticed that wherever he appears, he always sits. He practically does not walk, and his hands are constantly trembling. Treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease, as well as many other ailments, is very expensive. Accordingly, in order to continue to live and maintain at least a minimum level of your physical form, you must have enough funds for this.

Valentin Gaft spoke about forced earnings

Having taken part in the “Let them talk” program, Valentin Gaft told some details of his, as it turned out, poor life. The film crew was surprised when they saw the poet. He was accompanied by a woman who looks after him. The project staff also noticed gaps in Gaft's memory.

Valentine himself hinted that it was hard for him, but he did it with his characteristic irony. Still, do not forget, he writes epigrams almost all his life. Gaft said that he was forced to work in order to earn money for food, as well as for treatment. At his age, he still plays in performances, takes an active part in the programs in which he is called. But at the same time, the artist receives mere pennies for everyone, in comparison with the same Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Nevertheless, despite all the sorrows of life, this generous person, a Poet with a capital letter and a master of his craft, still continues to smile and give people good.

Recall that not so long ago I read poems about death. Friends, his colleagues, great people are leaving. Old age, unfortunately, is not inevitable.

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