Scary stories about evil spirits. Cemetery scum True stories associated with evil spirits


In this story, I myself was an unwitting witness to a strange phenomenon. The following was true. All actions took place in the village in which we rest in the summer (with a chopper and a shovel in our hands, up to our ears in manure, feeding mosquitoes and horseflies). Let's call the village Khu..vo-Kukuevo, since it is located in such a wilderness that even the navigator is buggy there, and smartphones only catch the radio, and one station at that. To get to the village, you have to drive 50 kilometers from the city, then deviate from the road for another 20 kilometers through forests, swamps and such a beaten road that even if you manage to get to the village the first time, after such a safari you walk around the garden in a jump and take seasickness pills.

To be honest, Regina did not really like the noise in the hostel. In this regard, she was lucky: a faceless and impassive distribution settled her and her neighbor on the very top of student dormitory No. 1, namely, on the fourteenth floor. There were five rooms on the floor, and only three of them were occupied. Five people on the floor could not create an obvious noise. But now Regina just needed super silence. For an hour she had been struggling with the material for the seminar, but she had made very little progress. The answers refused to form a single structure for the final conclusion, and this was the most pressing on the nerves.

We had a neighbor on the site. Old already. Kind, believing. Previously, pensioners and veterans were given pretty decent grocery orders, well, she didn’t leave anything for herself. I gave everything away .. I bought candy for the neighbor's children and all that. She had oddities, of course. Sometimes you go out, and she sprinkles water on the door frame of her apartment. We kids laughed at it, of course. We were then brought up in an atheistic spirit. Then after all the word "religion" was almost abusive.

Hello dear readers! I beg you to believe me! This strange mystical story happened to me in the summer of 2005.

My partner and I have a small shipping company. In order to save money, we do not hire a driver, but we deliver the goods ourselves on the GAZelle. The work is as easy as shelling pears: load a batch in the city, bring it to the specified place - basically, to private shops in all sorts of villages, unload and return to the base. There is a lot of work, we are spinning as best we can, sometimes we have to earn money until midnight. On one of these nights, this amazing incident happened to us.

We - my companion Gosha and I - were returning from a holiday village not far from Kstov. During the day, we were both tired, in a hurry to go home - so we decided to take a shortcut, which was by no means in our rules. We always passed by one of the villages along the ring road - we had to give a hefty detour, but we always made it. There was a legend among drivers that it is better not to drive past the old cemetery outside the village - it’s more expensive for yourself, and even more so at night. This is not a good place, any driver can tell you. We were never interested in what exactly it was bad, but we observed a long-standing driving tradition - we drove around the cemetery even in daylight. And here we decided to take a chance - to go past him after midnight.

In general, we are going. There is not a soul around, not a breeze, as they say, "silence, and the dead with braids stand." The cemetery is like a cemetery - old, with crooked crosses, it can be seen with the naked eye that no one has been buried here for a long time. It's terrifying in my heart, something is scratching. And suddenly we see - on the side of the road is a girl! Quite young, in a short mini-skirt, in a transparent blouse. She saw us and raised her hand to vote. And my companion was just driving, he is a single guy, avid for beauties, so take it and slow down. “We are in the car,” he says, “and it’s creepy, and how will she go home past such a place? You have to take it."

The girl climbed into our "gazelle" and let's twitter. Allegedly, she is going home from a disco, tired, exhausted, and here is our car. He sits next to me and chirps, and claps his eyes, and pouts his lips, but I feel uncomfortable. It smells somehow strange from a young girl sometimes - stinking, like from an old grave; and her eyes are not young - dark green, like water in an old well, cunning, unkind. Yes, and where did she come from - to the nearest club, where the youth gathers, fifty kilometers, no less. She didn’t go all this way in high-heeled shoes?! Painfully, the girl looks fresh. And no one from the locals will go through the cemetery.

Thinking so, I accidentally looked at the girl's reflections in the side mirror - and almost lost my mind. An old woman in a white shroud was sitting next to me: vile, half-decomposed, as if she had just crawled out of the grave! Only her eyes were the same: dark green, like swamp lights.

I screamed and pushed the girl out of the cab. Gosh almost lost his mind: “What are you doing ?!” - screams. And the girl hung on the doorknob like a bulldog, doesn't let go, stares at me with her green peepers and is silent. And suddenly I see - not just a girl hanging on a handle, but as if floating behind us through the air, and you won’t understand: either a person, or some kind of ghost. And a minute later the girl was gone: an old woman in a white shroud hangs next to me, reaches out to me, looks straight into my eyes, and neither I nor Gaucher can take my eyes off her. We are trying to scream, the voice is gone, Gosha is trying to add speed - his legs do not obey.

The car's headlights went out on their own. And so we go - with the door open, in the dark, and outside the windows on one side there is a forest, and on the other - old graves. The old woman reaches out to me, tries to grab my sweater, but I can’t move, I look into her eyes. Finally, I found the strength in myself: I hit the old woman on the fingers with a tire iron and slammed the door. Well, I think it passed. Nothing of the kind: the old woman hung outside our window for a long time, trying to make her look into her eyes again. And the worst thing is that there is no sound, even the night grasshoppers are silent, only the car engine growls.

The story of Viktor Promyslov (Vladivostok): – I do not consider myself a man of timid ten, but a ferocious wave of fear swept over my instantly soaked back when I saw a coffin without a lid, standing upright in the center of my bedroom. He appeared there unexpectedly almost exactly at midnight, as if falling from the ceiling. A second ago he was not there, and now he is standing there, slightly, I noticed, swaying from side to side! ... In the coffin was an old deceased woman with her hands folded on her chest. The deceased suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at me.

The next moment, the coffin with her body was gone. I see - some foggy creature rises in the place of the coffin, huge, round-shouldered, hairy. As soon as it appears in the room, it almost immediately begins, as it were, to “crumple”, “smear” in the air, lose its shape. A few seconds later, where it loomed, a certain ball the size of an orange, gray, translucent, slightly luminous, appears. The ball, I clearly remember, is removed from its place and flies to the ceiling. Disappears... On this my whole midnight nightmare ended. While all this was going on, I felt completely paralyzed.

- At that time I was 18 years old, - says Galina Ivanova from the city of Schelkovo, Moscow Region. - My husband, an officer, and I lived in a military town in the Volgograd region ... My husband was sent on a business trip, and I was left at home alone with my almost one-year-old son. I wake up one day at dawn...

Galina was awakened by someone's steps. She assures that at that moment she was no longer sleeping - she definitely woke up. It turns out that what happened next was not a dream. Galina's bare arm hung from the bed... Quick footsteps approached the bed.

- Before I even opened my eyes, I felt something wild, something absolutely incredible. A huge, furry hand—namely, a hand with five long, thick fingers, and not the paw of an animal—tightly gripped my palm and squeezed it lightly. Terrified, I tried to open my eyelids, but it didn't work. Eyelids are heavy, not wanting to rise. A cold sweat broke out all over my body. I wanted to scream, but there was no voice. And the hairy hand loosened its grip for a moment. Then she squeezed my hand again, this time rather painfully. And then, by some miracle, I managed to slightly open my eyes ...

I see some kind of flickering in front of me - I didn’t really see it. Something like a cloud of luminous smoke ... Silently and sharply, I pulled my hand out of my hairy paw, which, according to my tactile sensations, was like in a downy mitten, or something. And pulled the blanket over her head. I lie, sobbing through clenched teeth from fear. I look forward to what will happen next. But there was nothing. After some time, I looked out from under the covers; there is no one next to my bed.

According to Leah Shvedova from Rostov-on-Don, she was attacked twice by an unknown creature. Leah woke up at three o'clock in the morning, awakened by a feeling of irrational fear that appeared from nowhere. Shaking her whole body, she abruptly opened her eyes.
“I will never forget what I saw,” Shvedova said in a conversation with me. “Slanting across the room, from the ceiling down to my bed, I see something black, covered with thick hair, about the size and shape of a billiard ball. I got a good look at this creature in the light of the moon, which fell into the room from the window. Outlining a curved arc in the air, the hairy flying monster plopped down on my shoulder and then rolled onto my neck. And then just below the neck - on the chest. And he starts, the bastard, to crush and choke me!

I began to thrash around terribly on the bed, trying to get up from it, to throw off the “billiard ball” from my chest. Alas, all my attempts to free myself from his suffocating “embrace” ended in nothing. It was as if a heavy concrete slab had been piled on top of me. After about a couple of very long minutes, the “ball” jumped off my chest on its own. I don't know where he went. Exactly two days later, the hairy strangler showed up again. Again I woke up, seized by an irrational fear coming from the depths of consciousness, and again I saw how something black, round, overgrown with wool was planning on me. Planned and - let's, like last time, crush and choke!

Anatoly Zubashev, Krasnodar:
– I woke up at night from the feeling that I was cracked with a log on the head. Well, I throw myself up, clenching my fists, intending to hit back when I'm awake. I look around. And my jaw dropped as my eyes rested on the one who apparently cracked my forehead. I look - a hefty hairy monkey, stooped, with arms hanging below the knees, is moving away from my bed. As she walked past the window, the light of a street lamp hanging outside that window illuminated her. It was the most natural monkey, but ... 2 meters tall.

Her footsteps were clearly heard. The beast went through the door into the next room, and there the footsteps ceased. Armed with a chair raised above my head, I cautiously followed her. I look into the next room - it's empty. I pass through that room, I go out into the corridor - it's empty. I look around the kitchen, open the doors to the toilet and the bathroom - there is no monkey anywhere. Where did she go? Dissolved, or something, in the air.

The story of Vladimir Putilin from Rostov, recorded by me from his words:
“Two months ago I was an unwitting witness. First of all, I am not a psychopath, and secondly, I am not a fan of stupid practical jokes and jokes. What I am going to briefly talk about is true. And it happened around midnight; I haven't been able to sleep yet. There was a characteristic creak of the door being opened, and some luminous creatures entered or, more precisely, floated into the room in which I was lying on the couch. Outwardly, they looked like people, but consisted of ... I don’t know how to say it ... of tobacco smoke, that’s the closest analogy. One of the "smoky figures" slowly walked towards me, and the rest froze in place, near the door. As the silhouette approached, the hairs on my head stood on end.

Do not ask how (I don’t know how myself), but with some inner instinct I caught and realized that it was my deceased mother who approached me. She stood for a short time near me, then swam away, without touching the floor with her feet, back to the door. And the “smoky figures” floated out of the room… Two weeks passed. I wake up in the middle of the night from some strong roar. Opened my eyes. I see a white translucent body flying around the room, resembling a small ball. It flies up to my bed and from top to bottom literally throws itself at me! It falls on the chest, rolls up to the neck and begins to choke. I try to get up. I feel like I can't get up. I closed my eyes, half strangled, then opened my eyes again. What a miracle and what a nonsense?

A white translucent ball dived down on me, I clearly remember. And now... Now, I see a woman bending over me. I well remember her hands, stretched out to me and clutching at my neck. And I also remember the long, long hair that fell below the shoulders. Her hair completely hid her face, bent over me. She was dressed in something white. I have never experienced such horror as that night in my life! I yelled and... And lost consciousness.

O. Valkina from Krasnodar tells:
That nightmare happened almost a month ago. It happened here, in Krasnodar, in my apartment. I wake up at two in the morning because someone, I feel, put his hands on my shoulders. I see, in fact, someone's hands are on their shoulders. Long, black and, as it seemed to me, feminine. I looked at them and gasped. Hands did not pass to the shoulders. There was nothing where, in theory, the shoulders should be, where the body should be. Hands hung in the air like two large intestines living an independent life ...

Frightened to the point of trembling in my knees, I began to read the prayer “Our Father”. Almost immediately, the hands disappeared. At the same moment, some unknown force lifted me into the air and threw me off the bed onto the floor. Falling, I noticed out of the corner of my eye - some ball the size of an orange was flying around the room, low above the floor. Flying towards the window. Then I slammed my whole body on the floor, badly breaking my knee at the same time, and I was no longer up to those hands and not up to that ball.

Tatyana Sheveleva from Sevastopol said: - It was a long time ago. During my youth. In those days, I, a high school student, loved to guess on the cards and, by the way, I was very good at telling fortunes. My grandmother taught me the art of divination ... My friends told me: “Drop it. Stop. And then the devils will curl around you. I just laughed in response ... And then one day I heard steps in the middle of the night in the house where I was alone at that moment. The front door to the house was, by the way, locked from the inside with a key. Someone unknown walked down the corridor, slapping, as I determined by ear, the backs of slippers on the floor. His gait was heavy, senile. He froze for a moment there, in the corridor, and cleared his throat loudly, grunting. And then he went on, towards the kitchen, and in the kitchen his footsteps died away. I was insanely scared! And then I decided: I will never and never guess again. Friends were right. To me, a fortuneteller, the devil himself appeared at night! ...

Many years have passed. I got married, had a child. My husband and I went to visit his mother, who lives in another city. The day after our arrival, my mother-in-law gave me a huge scandal. “I've been living in this house for 30 years,” she shouted, “and nothing supernatural has ever happened here! And you arrived, and miracles began, damn them! I'm sure you brought them with you." What caused the scandal, you ask? And the fact that both I and my mother-in-law, sleeping in the same room, were awakened together in the middle of the night by some kind of roar. Both of us - you know, both of us! - they saw a black creature of an indistinct blurry appearance.

It was about a meter tall, no taller. And yet, as it seemed to us with the mother-in-law, it was hairy, overgrown with wool. In any case, I personally clearly felt that his hands are definitely hairy. The creature came up to my bed and put these very hands on my shoulders. And then she leaned over and began to grunt softly right in my ear. The mother-in-law screamed. I also screamed in fear. And the creature suddenly disappeared somewhere. I picked myself up from the bed and at the same moment I saw two small luminous balls rolling along the carpet hanging on the wall. They roll towards the bookcase. They dive behind the closet and ... that's it.

Olga Blinova, forty years old. At the time when all this happened, she was exactly thirty.
“It was in this very room that everything happened. I wake up late at night from the fact that someone loudly called my name. I look, standing at the foot of the bed, a figure in a white robe, reminiscent of a nightgown, falling in folds from the shoulders. Judging by the specific features in the shape of the figure, it was a woman. I didn't get a chance to see her face. The figure slowly vanished into thin air... I scream at the top of my lungs! The whole house was alarmed. My husband reassured me for a long time, and my mother soldered me with valerian.

The next night, the “ghost in white” visited our house again. Instead of a head, the ghost had something like a foggy oval, which especially struck me, especially I remember. I woke up as if from a jolt, and the “ghost in white” is standing near my bed. Suddenly it disappeared. In the next moment, I felt how something small, round, the size of a tennis ball, touched the sole of my right foot, sticking out from under the blanket. It was warm. The ball, spinning, began to slowly roll up the leg, rolled under the blanket. And I lost consciousness. In the morning I woke up in a very bad state of health. My head was pounding with pain, my whole body was terribly tired.

“Someone visits me at night two or three times a month,” says Olga Ukolova from the city of Stupino (Moscow region). I wake up every time with a strong feeling of fear. I look, “he” is standing nearby, looking like a smoky shadow, and his hand is outstretched to my head. I feel that hand clung to my scythe ... How “he” pulls the scythe! And how I scream! And “he” will pull again! And - there is none. Disappeared.

An excerpt from a letter from Lyudmila Kosenkova from Zarafshan (Uzbekistan):
“My elderly neighbor is in a panic. The other day, a ghost came to her twice. Both times - in the middle of the night ...
The woman woke up from the fact that she wanted to go to the toilet. She walks out into the hallway leading to the kitchen. Look, in the kitchen there is a tall tall man. His head is hidden behind the top door frame. Only the shoulders and body are visible. The old woman was so frightened that she rushed out of her own apartment and began to knock on the door of the neighboring apartment - ours. My husband and I had to leave her to spend the night with us.

The next day, late in the evening, at the request of this frightened old woman, her daughter and her husband arrived for the night. And again I was awakened in the middle of the night by a knock on the door. I open the door. All three are standing at the door - a neighbor, her daughter and the husband of the latter. In a friendly chorus, interrupting each other, they say - they say, some noises rushing from the kitchen woke them up. The three of them went, shoulder to shoulder, to the kitchen, and there, they see, stands motionless and silently a giant growing to the ceiling. They observed his motionless figure for three or four seconds. Then the “vision” disappeared, disappeared without a trace ... Here is such a story.

And another no less strange case, told by Elena Kozlenka (Chelyabinsk):
- For a month, miracles happened to me when I lived in an old apartment. Frightened by them, I hurriedly exchanged the apartment for the one in which I now live. And miracles cut like a knife. They didn’t follow me to my new place of residence… In the evenings, around eleven o’clock, a certain creature began to visit me in that old apartment, appearing from nowhere. Similar, in general, to a man, it was naked and hairy from head to toe. Even the mug of this demon is all overgrown with thick hair. When it suddenly - out of the blue! - appeared out of nowhere, a strong smell of burnt electrical wiring appeared in the room. The hairy monster approached me and carefully stroked my arm with its furry paw. And I was at that moment every time like in tetanus. Then the creature disappeared, melting into thin air.

From the memoirs of Tatiana Novak (Chisinau):
- On a late July hot evening, I lay, toiled from the heat, naked on the bed. I can’t sleep, disturbed by the troubles in my personal life that took place the past day. I absentmindedly scan the ceiling, and suddenly my gaze focuses on an object that looks like a black soccer ball with an indistinct line dividing it in half ... The “ball” looked slightly fluffy. He slowly slid down and touched my chest. With a reflex gesture, I tried to grab him and push him away.

The fingers sank into something soft, like a ball of sheep's wool. They closed into a fist inside the “ball”. I was shocked when I realized that inside that “ball” there was nothing but “wool”, which, however, was almost imperceptible to the touch. As the hand entered the ball, a wave of icy cold swept through my body. I got stiff. The body became heavy, motionless. And immediately a colossal weight crushed me. “Heaviness” moved, anointing itself more comfortably.

In the next second, I realized with horror that on me, naked, lay sprawled, a huge invisible man, covered from head to toe with thick hair. Consciousness clouded, and what happened next, I do not know. I had a deep faint. In the morning, remembering the nightmare of last night and examining myself, I found in this horror one positive, so to speak, trait. The invisible hairy giant, thank God, didn't rape me. Well, thanks for that.

Having accidentally stumbled upon an article about various kinds of brownies and poltergeists, I became interested in Slavic domestic wickedness and conducted a small study, the results of which I want to present to my dear readers.

To begin with, let's figure out who these kikimors are? Kikimoras are small, evil female creatures, they are no taller than the knee of an adult, but they can bring enormous harm to the economy. Just imagine that while you are sleeping, this harmful ugly creature will confuse all the yarn in your house, scatter grains, break children's toys. The kikimore's voice is disgusting. Tall and shrill, sing-song. This is evidenced by ancient Russian legends and fairy tales. The hair of these freaks is long and disheveled, more like long hair, and the ears are like pigs - angular, with tassels at the ends. I think it’s superfluous to say that kikimoras look terribly unnecessary.

But the peasants were afraid of kikimor not for their ugly appearance. According to the stories of old grandmothers, kikimora is an evil entity that lives in huts and houses, and not at all in swamps, as we used to think. During the day, kikimoras sleep in dark corners, behind the stove, and at night they leave their shelters and make a mess in the house. Therefore, the mistresses hid their tows and yarn in chests and boxes. Small dirty tricks also like to frighten small children that do not sleep at night. Shaburshat, giggling disgustingly, rattling dishes, and if the owners wake up and wish to catch the villain, then she has already caught a trace.

In general, kikimora manages to see infrequently, like any spirit, it can be invisible and remind of itself only by muttering, tapping, quiet steps and other sounds. If you managed to see a kikimora, don’t rejoice too much, a meeting with her promises nothing but illness and death of loved ones, misfortunes, quarrels and other troubles. A very bad sign is to meet a kikimora in the left corner of the room. This suggests that soon the one who met her will die a terrible and painful death, or will take his own life.

According to the legends of antiquity, a child with any deviations or cursed by a mother during childbirth can become a kikimora. Then the evil spirit immediately kidnaps the child and turns him into this ugly evil creature. A stillborn child can also turn into it. To protect children from such a danger, our ancestors hung protective dolls over the cradle, which protect the house from evil forces.

But you can also agree with the kikimora so that she leaves her dirty tricks and leaves the house. This should be done by the head of the family. To communicate with a kikimora, you need to draw a circle on the floor at midnight, preferably with white chalk or a bar of soap. Stand in the center of the circle with a candle in your hand and repeat three times: "Kikimora, come and talk to me." The main thing is not to be afraid, these harmful creatures feed on our sense of fear, as a result of which they become even stronger and more stubborn, which makes it difficult to negotiate with them. If everything is done correctly, then quiet steps and a nasty whisper will soon be heard. This kikimora came to talk to you. It is necessary to speak with her, as well as with any spirit, respectfully, but without fear, if the kikimora offers you any deals or exchanges, in no case agree. She will make every effort to gain for herself, leaving you in the cold. When you agree with the kikimora, say: “We talked with you, now go and don’t return to my house”, put out the candle, leave the circle. So that the kikimora does not hold a grudge against you, give her some gift, a bag of grain or any trinket. Then she will leave and never come back to your house again.

It is quite possible that kikimoras are an ordinary folk tale, but do not forget that in any tale there is a reflection of reality.

My friend Lena and I were very fond of calling all kinds of evil spirits. Whom we just did not call: brownies, mermaids, spirits, but, being children, we did not see anything terrible in this. With each call of the "evil spirits", we waited for what would happen next, and our childhood fantasy made us afraid. And it seemed that with every second something unusual, mystical would happen. But every time nothing happened. And little by little it began to bore us.

But then one fine evening everything changed. It happened in February. On one of the winter days of this month, it turns out that it was impossible to summon evil spirits (I don’t remember which one exactly), because. on this day, all evil spirits roam our world. As always, not noticeable to people, but busy with something special on our Earth, if you disturb her, she will get very angry.

But Lena and I were not timid girls, and we obviously didn’t want to sit at home that day, when so many adventures were walking around you. She did not know about this day and I really wanted to tell her about it. I remember how my eyes burned then, how strongly my heart beat, I remember those emotions that overwhelmed and overwhelmed me all!

When a friend found out about this day, we, without thinking twice, began to look for something special that we could call, risking our own lives. Our choice was the Queen of Spades and Lucifer, but after reading the consequences that could await us, we changed our minds and decided to call the usual brownie.

We read a new way to call a brownie, went to her room, which was located on the second floor (she lived in a private house), and began to prepare. They spread a white tablecloth on the table, put gingerbread cookies there, when suddenly her younger sister Katya flew into the room. The girl just amazed us with her behavior. She sat down on the floor next to the table and started shouting something unintelligible (she was then 1.5 years old). We soon figured out what these words were: “Where is my porridge?”. She shouted it very loudly, began to hysteria and cry, while repeating these words all the time. Soon Lena's brother came (he was 8) and took the baby with him.

When everything calmed down, Lena plopped down on the sofa. She was kind of pale, I asked her: “What is wrong with you?”, To which she replied: “Katya has never had such tantrums, and the most amazing thing is that she can’t stand porridge, and only this The word already disgusts her. Especially since she is small, then how could she open the doorknob?”

Of course, we got a little creepy, because we knew that brownies were very fond of porridge and perhaps we should put some porridge on the table. But it was too late to think about it - it was time to start the ceremony. We held hands and as soon as our mouths opened, a light flickered in the room. Lena's house was new and of course the light bulbs were also new, and it was an ordinary winter evening outside. Lena yelled at her brother if he noticed the light flickering, but he said he didn't notice anything. She went downstairs to her parents, but they also said that there was nothing mystical.

Then we got really scared. We again returned to that room, but, having approached the table, we froze and turned pale: there was no plate with gingerbread. We already decided that it was her little sister who stole the sweets, and began to read the words, when suddenly a snowball crashed through the window. We looked out into the courtyard, but there was no one there ... After that, we did not dare to call evil spirits ...

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