Sagittarius man is afraid of a serious relationship. How to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love: by behavior, character traits


As the heavenly bodies say, Sagittarius is the eternal sign of a bachelor. However, despite the fact that men born under this constellation are less inclined towards relationships, love and romance than others, they are very friendly, sociable, quickly make new acquaintances and are unchanging leaders in any company. In love, they are quite sincere and devoted, rarely jealous and appreciate their soul mate for a good attitude towards themselves. For Sagittarius men, an unhappy marriage is an absolute rarity.

What do those born under the sign of Sagittarius require from a relationship?

Sagittarius men do a lot for relationships, so they demand the same from a companion. The future wife of such a man must first of all have patience. In this case, this is simply an indispensable quality that must be present in She must share all interests with him, give him freedom, never criticize his actions and not swear in his direction. He is so demanding on relationships that he is in love, what he is like in a relationship, let's try to figure it out further.

What is he like in love

Do not allow yourself to lie on a couch full of sunflower seeds, not comb your hair and walk around with pasta stuck to your dressing gown. The Sagittarius man cannot bear this.

How to behave

If you are determined to build a relationship with a Sagittarius man, then you must remember that such a person will never pay attention to a woman who is immersed in one-day worldly worries and lives according to a certain daily schedule.

Those born under this sign love adventure, surprise, striving for something new, unknown. Therefore, his companion must be exactly the same. Decisiveness, love of risk - this is what the Sagittarius man loves in a woman. How to understand that he is in love? Yes, very simple. Such men usually leave after a night of love, but if he expressed a desire to meet you again, and then again, believe me, he considers you as his future chosen one.

The ideal woman for Sagittarius

A smile, temperament, humor, erudition, a rich inner world, naivety - these are the qualities that a Sagittarius man needs from a woman. You should never forbid him to do what he wants, otherwise it will lead to a quarrel, and you still won’t get your way. Become your man at the same time a lover, friend and mother, and he, in turn, will prove that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall.

Do not try to change anything in his life, accept him as he is. Be patient and reasonable, always listen and comment on his actions (of course, within reason). Pretend that you are interested that instead of a fish today, he caught his comrade by the pants. Or that the neighbor's cat said to him the day before: "Meow!"

If all the above tips are followed, then the question of how to fall in love with a Sagittarius man will disappear by itself.

What to give him

Before asking the question “what to give a male Sagittarius”, first find out about the nature of his activity. Knowing this, you can easily please your chosen one.

We hope that the question of what to give a male Sagittarius is fully disclosed, most importantly, do not forget to praise your lover before presenting the gift. And even better - read him a poem-ode.

As can be seen from the above, the Sagittarius man is a very complex and wayward person. And in order to fall in love with him, you should work hard on yourself. But, as you know, there are no boundaries in love, so go for it!

It is quite difficult to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love, because his actions are unpredictable. He constantly intrigues, trying to capture the attention of his chosen one, but does not give her any confirmation of his love.

How to understand the actions of this gentleman?

Sagittarians, like all people, have a certain set of characteristic features of their character, which the male Sagittarius does not analyze, but perceives in their natural form. Character determines human behavior, and Sagittarius is no exception.

The character of the archer is distinguished by stubbornness and obstinacy, but is not without good nature and respect. It is very important for male archers not to get into an awkward position in which they may feel humiliated in their rights. Sagittarius is very protective of his reputation from unpleasant life conflicts.

For a man - a Sagittarius, his own opinion is a priority, but defending it, Sagittarius tries not to enter into disputes and avoids conflict situations in every possible way. Everything changes when a Sagittarius man falls in love. At the moment when he realizes the change that has taken place in his life, Sagittarius becomes isolated and does not share his new feelings with anyone. Sagittarius needs to alone experience the excitement that is caused by love.

How does a Sagittarius in love change?

The Sagittarius man does not rush into the pool of love, he must first sort out his feelings. Determine for yourself whether he and his heart are ready to let a new feeling into themselves.

To begin with, Sagittarius will begin to secretly admire the object of his love. The chosen one may not even notice that she has become attractive to the Sagittarius man, because Sagittarius is not active and does not torpedo the development of events. Sagittarius is waiting for love to take root in his heart and take a place in his soul.

After analyzing the flashed feeling of love, Sagittarius will try to simply ignore it. If the feeling does not fade away, then even then Sagittarius will need some more time before he opens up to his chosen one.

At this time, Sagittarius still hopes that love will pass by itself. At this stage in the development of events, Sagittarius should in no case be pushed and rushed to make a decision. The freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius will not tolerate even the slightest pressure and dictate over himself. Sagittarius' love for freedom and will can be the reason that the love affair will not continue, because he is afraid of the prospect of dying from lack of air if he agrees to be locked in a "paradise".

Actions of a male archer

Having understood that love will not go away on its own, the stubborn Sagittarius, finally, having made sure of the sincerity of his feelings, will begin to make attempts to win the attention of his chosen one. Many people are surprised by the changes that happen to Sagittarius when he falls in love, because he has never been romantic and sentimental. And suddenly - a Sagittarius man with perseverance and determination, opens feelings swiftly and assertively. Sagittarius simply does not know how to explain his feeling in another way.

Sagittarius does not even give time to sort out his feelings to his beloved. She is more likely to be frightened by swiftness, and even aggressiveness, when the Sagittarius cat declares his love. The chosen one may be in thought and confusion, then Sagittarius will surround her with increased attention. It can be eccentric antics, expensive gifts and an insistent demand for new meetings. The inquisitive mind of Sagittarius is sophisticated and inventive, but he does not always manage to determine what his beloved likes. On this basis, the first misunderstandings may arise.


It is impossible to interest a male archer against his will, so girls should not flatter themselves about the strength of their charms. Sagittarius will choose his chosen one only by themselves, only the one with whom he can build an open, sincere relationship.

How to understand that a Sagittarius man is in love

The charm and optimism of the Sagittarius man, his ability to beautifully look after and quickly go towards his goal can conquer the most practical woman. Even skeptical representatives of the weaker sex, as well as those who dream of hearing a marriage proposal, follow Sagittarius, because they are influenced by his charisma and charm. However, this person suddenly makes harsh remarks, shocks with extravagant behavior, instantly breaks off relations, suddenly leaves, slamming the door. How to understand a Sagittarius man, whose behavior is often contradictory? How to find an explanation for his strange actions, a quick change of priorities, a sudden cooling in relations?

It is important to take into account a number of features that are characteristic of many representatives of the sign. In addition, you can not ignore the nuances of behavior, preferences of your loved one. Study your chosen one, take the time to analyze his character, remember all the important points. Communication with a Sagittarius man can be very pleasant if you get used to some of the nuances and shortcomings, learn how to properly build relationships with him.

Sagittarius man, fickle in love: in pursuit of a dream
The Sagittarius man is characterized by inconstancy in love. Unfortunately, it is not easy to establish a strong relationship with representatives of this sign, but many women do not know this, so they completely calm down when they see the interest and love of Sagittarius. In fact, the Sagittarius man quickly gets carried away again, is disappointed in the chosen one. He is constantly in search, keeping him is a difficult task. It is necessary to remember the nuances of behavior characteristic of Sagittarius when establishing contact.

  1. An indefatigable optimist. The Sagittarius man sparkles with all the facets of his extraordinary character, it's hard not to fall in love with him. He is always optimistic, able to find a way out of an exceptionally difficult situation, easily consoles a person and helps him, even if they are not connected by long-term friendship, acquaintance. Of course, such qualities of Sagittarius attract people to him. This person goes straight to the goal, does not look for easy ways and does not doubt his victory. It is worth noting that in women he is attracted by similar features. Melancholy, inertia, disappointment in life and a passive attitude towards the world around him are not close to him.
  2. He is not afraid of difficulties. It is sometimes difficult for a woman to find a common language with a Sagittarius man, if she is used to compromise, she is afraid of conflicts and possible difficulties. Often in such cases, Sagittarius begin to “re-educate”: women try to quietly “direct” them in the right direction, believing that it will be better this way. Of course, mutual understanding is quickly lost, sometimes couples break up due to constant conflicts. You need to understand the Sagittarius man correctly. He works hard, is passionate about his work, is usually sincere and direct. Imposing compromises on him, forcing him to bypass any sharp corners is pointless, since this will only increase the distance with him.
  3. Freedom-loving Sagittarius man. For most representatives of this zodiac sign, the feeling of freedom is extremely important. Sagittarius perceives any pressure very sharply: he does not like it when they often make comments and give advice, "correct" his character, point out mistakes. It is necessary to exercise maximum delicacy when communicating with a Sagittarius man so as not to hurt his feelings. Any stiffness frightens him, and pressure repels him.
  4. Flirt lover. Many women cannot immediately delve into the specifics of relations with Sagittarius. The thing is that the Sagittarius man falls in love very quickly, but his enthusiasm usually passes. He appreciates easy relationships, avoids responsibility. You need to understand the Sagittarius man when he talks about love, his feelings, makes wonderful compliments. If he did not talk about marriage, life together, did not make promises, you need to pay attention to this. A woman should not be misled by the ardor of a Sagittarius in love, because he does not give empty promises and prefers temporary pleasant relationships, rather than married life with all its attendant obligations.
  5. Compliment master. It is really difficult to resist the Sagittarius man, who speaks beautifully, does not spare money for gifts, knows how to make just such a compliment that a woman will like, is really difficult. When Sagittarius decided to conquer someone, even the most stubborn and sensible lady, it is difficult for him to resist. However, it is necessary to understand the Sagittarius man correctly. He is ready for a lot to start another romance, but the likelihood of creating a lasting alliance is very small.
  6. Generous Sagittarius man. Many women are captivated in the representatives of this sign by their generosity, their willingness to please their beloved with gifts and make wonderful surprises for her. True, when family life begins with Sagittarius, not all wives treat their generosity as favorably. It is important to understand the Sagittarius man: he will always help a friend, even a stranger, if he decides that it is necessary. He will lend money, he will definitely be embarrassed if a woman starts to reproach him for this.
  7. Indecisive. The Sagittarius man often prefers temporary relationships. He does not dream of marriage, he is constantly in search of another muse. Even when he really likes a woman, Sagittarius feels in love and sees all the advantages of the chosen one, he decides with great difficulty to take responsibility and offer to formalize the relationship. Any commitment is embarrassing. Sometimes wiser women take the initiative into their own hands, someone even directly invites their beloved to start a family. Then it is really easier for a Sagittarius man to agree to marriage. True, it is worthwhile to understand that such an alliance may turn out to be short-lived.
  8. Parting with a Sagittarius man. Many Sagittarius men are able to leave a woman unexpectedly. Sometimes Sagittarius himself is unable to explain why he no longer wants to be with the one whom he loved until recently. It's just that he was disappointed, tired of communication, carried away by another woman ... There can be a lot of reasons. It is important to understand the Sagittarius man, not to demand too much from him.
  9. Strict critic. Often the revelations of Sagittarius, his unexpected remarks and statements on the verge of rudeness are truly shocking. He does not have the goal of offending someone, but often in this way he sets himself against himself. You will have to get used to the behavior of the Sagittarius man, which can be too harsh.
Establishing contact with a Sagittarius man is easy enough, but you need to keep his attention, interest in yourself. It is important to remember the nuances of character inherent in many representatives of this sign, so as not to expect from Sagittarius what he has not yet promised. The Sagittarius man dreams of meeting the ideal, so he needs to be convinced that you are the very woman with whom he will be happy all his life.

Honest and kind Sagittarius man
Most Sagittarians are characterized by very valuable traits: they do not lie, do not weave intrigues, never deliberately deceive. Usually a Sagittarius man attracts precisely with his frankness, straightforwardness, in relations with women he is honest.

  • Answers on questions. When a Sagittarius man knows what specifically does not suit him, how to change the situation for the better, he will surely answer all questions. Do not be shy to speak frankly with him, since such a conversation will help correct the situation, restore the lost understanding.
  • Honesty in dealing with women. If a woman learns to understand the Sagittarius man correctly, communication with him will become pleasant and simple. Representatives of this sign are characterized by straightforwardness, sincerity. They do not promise more than they can give, they never deceive on purpose. Just do not need to "think out" for Sagittarius what he has already said. If he admires a woman, speaks of love, this does not yet indicate his readiness to start a family.
  • Restoration of relations, treason. A Sagittarius man may well get carried away by another fan, even if he has already become a family man, he has children and a beloved wife. Unfortunately, the tendency to flirt is characteristic of many Sagittarians, and relationships often develop into more serious ones. The best solution is to show your loved one how much you value them, but not turn what happened into a tragedy. It is worth noting that the Sagittarius man himself is ready to forgive a woman for treason.
When communicating with a Sagittarius man, you need to take into account the character traits inherent in many representatives of this sign. You should be more attentive to Sagittarius, try to become closer to him, but at the same time not put pressure on him. He attracts with honesty, generosity, caring and responsiveness, is able to forgive. For a Sagittarius man, freedom is very important, therefore, in family life, he cannot be sharply limited. Then the relationship with this person will be stable.





Women often torment themselves with the question: "Do I like Him?". Each representative of the stronger sex is unique, so there is no single answer to this question.

However, astrologers have created a simple system of star signs, with the help of which anyone can unravel the complex nature.

Appearance of a Sagittarius man in love

Young people of this zodiac sign are very sophisticated natures, so they try to look attractive every day. They are often prone to gloss in clothes and always take care of themselves, so it is difficult to determine whether a Sagittarius is in love with you by appearance. However, there are some external signs by which you can determine the onset of love.

Signs of interest:

  • First of all, these are changes in the wardrobe. A young man in love will do his best to attract the attention of his chosen one, and clothes will become his best ally in this. Pay attention to the wardrobe of your Sagittarius, if bright and catchy things began to appear in it, then be sure that he wants to draw attention to himself.
  • The next sign that your chosen one has succumbed to the influence of Cupid will be increased attention to yourself. This zodiac sign is good-looking by nature, he constantly looks after himself. Therefore, the fact that he shaves regularly should not be taken as a sign of love. But if you notice that he began to preen too often and take care of himself much more carefully, this is a sure sign.
  • Smiling also plays an important role. Although Sagittarians are accustomed to behave with restraint in all situations, they consider it their main weapon. Being in a state of love, they simply glow with happiness, and their sincere smile is the most direct confirmation of this. If the smile does not leave the face of a man, then he is almost certainly in love.

His manner of communication and behavior

Representatives of this sign are very active and playful, often their main role is to become the soul of the company, which is why, by the behavior of a Sagittarius in love, it will be quite easy to recognize. He almost immediately changes his behavior.
If a Sagittarius man, how to understand that he is in love?
Like any other man, despite his carelessness and courage, in his heart he is afraid of being rejected. It is this fear that makes him move from the rank of jokers to the rank of thoughtful romantics. He will be afraid to "scare" you with his behavior, so he will not reveal himself until he is sure that you can be trusted.

Based on this, one of the most significant signs of falling in love will be confusion in communicating with you. A man in love will be as accurate as possible in communication.

You are unlikely to succeed in trying to bring him out in a conversation on frank topics. He will try to show his sympathy as unobtrusively as possible, bypassing all direct questions.

His main weapon is hints. Be prepared to recognize the subtext in his words. One of the most important signs in behavior is the desire of a man to be alone with you. Only then can he be himself and not be afraid of sidelong glances from others. Communication in private is necessary for him in order to let his beloved understand who he really is, and to see her character without all external interference. Of course, during the period of falling in love with a man,

Sagittarians will show increased attention to their chosen one. The young man will try to stand out not only with bright clothes, but also with a manifestation of care. Most often, Sagittarians show their concern not for show, but try to invest it in little things. A nice present or a cup of hot coffee will be one of the main indicators of his interest.

Another sign of love in behavior is sluggishness. Men are used to controlling everything, but in the presence of their beloved, it can be quite difficult for them to maintain control over themselves and over the situation.

A man in love is very jealous. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the sideways glance on his part at simple communication, since jealousy overshadows his eyes. He is easily able to confuse the friendly communication of his chosen one with flirting with another man.

What actions should be expected from a Sagittarius in love

Men in love do not miss the chance to show attention to their chosen one.

He will try:

  • to be with you constantly;
  • to surround you with care in small things, whether it is help in work or just holding the door.

For Sagittarians, all this is of great importance, it is thanks to these little things that they feel like real men next to a fragile and defenseless woman. In addition to caring, he will try in every possible way to protect his chosen one from excessive attention of the opposite sex.

In a noisy company, he will try in every possible way to switch the attention of his beloved to himself, and with such a bright character, he will easily succeed. In a more relaxed environment, he will seek one-on-one meetings with his beloved.

He will try his best to establish tactile contact. Such contact does not mean physical closeness, but the simplest touch. Many men specifically try to take the girl by the hand, as if by chance, watching her reaction at this time. Seeing a positive reaction, They become more confident in their actions, this helps them to open up and be more courageous.

Most often, such contact is established alone with a girl. It is in an intimate setting that a man will not be afraid of the reaction and condemnation from other people. A timid touch for sure means a desire to take your relationship to the next level.

The Sagittarius man is the unbridled cosmic energy, which is aimed at directing his arrow and going towards his goal. If the Sagittarius man has become your chosen one, you need to know a very important detail: freedom is inherent in him, as a character trait, from birth. You must respect his boundaries of personal space and try not to violate them. To keep such a man, you don’t need much, it’s much harder to interest him. If you decide to charm a Sagittarius man, then knowing his characteristics and behavior in love will surely serve you for the future.

Sagittarius men always seem to us very kind and friendly, but at the same time - sharp. Their language is the cause of many misunderstandings between friends and the breakdown of romantic relationships. They are very straightforward and everything they think about is said directly, without fear of hurting the feelings of others.

For others - this is a manifestation of tactlessness, for Sagittarius - a free consultation and invaluable advice. If you manage to come to terms with such intolerance towards others, many pleasant surprises await you in the Sagittarius personality:

  • Sagittarians are very dynamic in their perception of the world. They are very fond of traveling, they constantly need to satisfy their interest with new knowledge and interesting acquaintances.
  • Sagittarius men are constantly in search of themselves: their vocation and role in this world. They love to look for answers to eternal questions and consider themselves to be people who have their own point of view on any account.

There is a legend that explains their desire for freedom and the eternal search for themselves. Sagittarius came into this world half-man, half-beast to determine who he really is. His eternal struggle with himself in the end should determine who will win this battle: man or beast.

  • Sagittarians are very smart, and besides, they are the owners of non-standard thinking, sometimes, listening to them, you can make a hasty conclusion about their madness, but it’s worth listening to him for a couple more minutes, and you will inevitably accept his thoughts as the truth.
  • Men of this sign are not very verbose, their main dialogue takes place in their heads alone with themselves.
  • Sagittarians have an innate gift for persuasion and often use it for their own purposes.
  • For representatives of this sign, there are two opinions: their own and the wrong one, therefore, in an attempt to prove something, Sagittarius can silently leave, perceiving you as something completely unthinking.
  • Sagittarians were lucky enough to be born as a magnet for money. They easily attract energy, including financial.
  • In old age, these are wealthy, vigorous and active men who are also interested in learning about the world.

Sagittarius man in love and marriage

The Sagittarius man is a very reliable partner in life, but in most cases, you should not count on long-term relationships. These are very obstinate half-male half-stallions who value their freedom very much. It is almost impossible to tame such a rapid flow of energy.

Such reckless plans will immediately cut you off from among the worthy contenders for the ardent heart of Sagittarius. You should immediately refuse whims and reproaches, otherwise you risk never hearing how romantically Sagittarius confesses his love to you. Representatives of this sign make very good husbands and fathers:

  • Sagittarius men are very fond of flirting and easy romantic relationships. He quickly falls in love, but also cools down too quickly.
  • Sagittarians very rarely make serious long-term relationships. This is due to his restless lifestyle, the second half becomes a burden for him, which will not appreciate his spontaneous travels at any time of the year and anywhere in the world.
  • It is worth paying tribute to Sagittarius, because of their careful selectivity in the selection of a life partner, the marriages of these signs are very strong. But the truth is, it is also worth understanding that the decision to marry may not come to him as soon as you would like.
  • As life partners, they are very gentle and affectionate partners. They are reliable and moderately demanding. Sagittarians are well aware of how freedom is needed in a relationship, so they are happy to share it with their soulmate.

It is very important not to provoke Sagittarius to jealousy, such games can play a bad joke on you. A man of this sign must trust his soulmate completely and completely, and simulated intrigues and vile provocations will not bring anything good to your relationship.

  • Freedom is the main condition in a relationship for Sagittarius, if this holy vow is not kept in marriage, it is likely that your faithful will begin to look around, or even start an affair.
  • Few people will like such a protest, so it’s better not to bring Sagittarius to a sweet temptation. Preventing a situation is much easier than resolving it. Be free in your relationship together.
  • You should not pour accusations of treason against Sagittarius, if this happens, then his boneless tongue will not leave it unattended. Most likely, he himself will tell you about it, until this happens, you should not panic.
  • Sagittarians make very good fathers. They are very attached to their children and often indulge their whims. But the men of this sign decide on procreation later than any other signs.

Sagittarius man in sex

Sagittarians are very attentive and conscientious sexual partners. It is very hard to say what kind of sex a Sagittarius man loves. These are real connoisseurs who treat sex as the most important branch of art. They are romantic, temperamental, moderately depraved and very passionate. These are real fans of various manifestations of carnal love. If your choice fell on a representative of this sign, then for sure you will be interested to know how you can surprise a Sagittarius man in sex.

  • Sagittarians are very fond of various kinds of experiments. Especially if the violent passion in your relationship subsided a little, then they do not consider sex as an independent process. They need a connecting thread between the mechanical process and emotions.
  • Sagittarians are very greedy for uninhibited women who are not afraid to express their desires in bed.
  • They rarely give the reins to a woman, but her initiative is always welcome. The Sagittarius man needs to see that the other half wants him, then the passion in bed increases significantly. This is a guarantee of excellent passionate and sensual sex.
  • The Sagittarius man needs variety. As mentioned above, their interest burns out quickly, so it needs to be maintained.
  • Role-playing games and new unusual sex positions are incredibly exciting for a Sagittarius man.
  • Representatives of this genus are excited by words spoken in moments of intimacy. Give in to your feelings, your speech should be appropriate: it can be dirty words or a declaration of love, based on the situation.
  • The Sagittarius man is a lover of sex in principle, so he will also not let the girl cool down and get bored. Representatives of this sign are happy to practice hot passionate sex with lovemaking.
  • You will be pleasantly surprised by what Sagittarius men are in making love. These are very sensual and gentle partners who will cover your body with kisses, but often you should not count on such feats. They are terribly tired of monotony.

Sagittarius man love compatibility

Sagittarians are very freedom-loving, active and tormented by monotony. Not every woman can put up with such a nomadic lifestyle. She and Sagittarius are very sensitive to the choice of the second half. He needs a smart, moderately temperamental, self-confident woman with whom they will cultivate together. Your horoscope can tell if you will be that love in the life of a Sagittarius man.

Aries woman

These are two temperamental fire signs that understand each other perfectly, but the behavior of Sagittarius with such a woman can be unpredictable, it often changes and, alas, not for the better:

  • The Aries woman in a relationship with Sagittarius feels his strength and calms her tough temper. Only for representatives of this sign, such humility is not a guide to a happy and strong union. The Sagittarius man tends to abuse the revelation of his soulmate.
  • Aries is a very stubborn sign, such women will always “butt” at a closed door, even if the gates are wide open in front of them. This is very typical for women of this sign. They can never be satisfied. The Sagittarius man can offer her the whole world, but what if she wants wild flowers in the month of February.
  • The Aries woman loves to be capricious, the Sagittarius man is madly in love, but only if such behavior is caused by playfulness, and not by the usual state.
  • Aries are married women. They make good mothers and wives, but it is unlikely that the representatives of the fiery sign will have the patience to wait for an offer from the Sagittarius man.

Sagittarius Man Compatibility with Aries Woman 62%

Taurus Woman

Taurus women can often be found in the circle of Sagittarius men's friends, which cannot be said about the number of their fans. This is a very difficult relationship for both parties. They often have to put up with each other's shortcomings, because they are not able to notice anything else:

  • The Sagittarius man is not conflicted and is capable of compromises, but on the condition that his half will appreciate the condescending gesture. In a tandem of such relationships, a man follows the principle.
  • This is a real confrontation between two strong personalities. Sagittarius experiences pressure and mental violence when something is demanded of him in an orderly tone, therefore, with such behavior, one can predict their imminent separation.
  • These are very powerful women, warriors, for whom love is expressed in submission. They are prone to rash acts to prove or do something wrong.
  • The Sagittarius man is amused and attracted to such relationships, but only at first. Kind and positive, they experience incredible pressure from the Taurus woman, who can turn their relationship into a real war.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Taurus woman 47%

Gemini woman

Gemini women can look forward to beautiful, passionate and romantic relationships with Sagittarius. But such relationships almost never end in marriage. The reason for this lies in their incredible similarity:

  • Gemini women are very windy. They never feel relieved or satisfied when they are in a relationship. These are women who are always in search of the perfect partner.
  • The same can be said about a man who was born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are not constant in their choice and are always in search of sharpness and novelty of sensations.
  • Such couples are able to give each other unforgettable days, passionate and hot nights, but they will never agree to share the rest of their lives together. Such marriages often end in mutual infidelity.
  • Women of this sign have one very remarkable feature that cannot be overlooked: they are two-faced little liars. This feature is characteristic of them from birth. Rectilinear Sagittarius do not accept such behavior, noticing such a trait in their soulmate, he will immediately stop communicating.

Sagittarius Man Compatibility with Gemini Woman 67%

Cancer Woman

In such couples, complete trust in each other reigns. They get along very harmoniously and almost never conflict, but the representatives of this sign are too calm for the impulsive and restless Sagittarius:

  • The Cancer woman is very accommodating and non-confrontational. This is more of a minus than a plus for the Sagittarius man.
  • A man always receives understanding and support in such relationships, but does not satisfy his true essence. Active and temperamental Sagittarians begin to wither when there are no adventures in their life.
  • A Cancer woman always strives to have a strong and friendly family. Claims that it is time for them to legalize relations destroy the idyll and harmony in their relationship.
  • Marriage is possible if the Cancer woman had the opportunity to meet a mature and adult representative of the fire sign, but even in that case, the difference in their temperament can play a cruel joke in a relationship.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Cancer woman 44%

Leo woman

This is a very good option for the Sagittarius man. You definitely won’t get bored with such women, therefore such relationships are very harmonious and rapid in their development. When a Lioness appears on the horizon of a Sagittarius life, their unearthly attraction can not only be felt, but even tasted:

  • Lionesses are very active, they are always ready to learn new things. Their life is like a series of funny adventures. With such women, the Sagittarius man is ready to bind himself in a romantic relationship, and even by marriage.
  • Lionesses are very inventive in bed, which cannot but please the Sagittarius man. They are happy to solve all quarrels and troubles with the help of sex.
  • A woman born under the constellation Leo knows how to create intrigue to warm up the feelings and interest of the Sagittarius man. This is just what the representative of this sign needs in order not to get bored in their relationship.
  • Lionesses are very fond of attention to their person, but the Sagittarius man is not one of those who drowns in his soulmate. He often needs to be in the company of friends or make new interesting acquaintances. On this basis, serious scandals are possible, because this hurts the pride of the Lioness. But, nevertheless, mutual aspirations and goals help them maintain relationships.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Lioness woman 81%

Virgo woman

Virgos are very romantic and sensitive individuals who strive for family values, which cannot be said about Sagittarius. Such an alliance is inevitably doomed to failure, and the reason for this is the bottomless abyss in world views:

  • Virgos came into this world to realize themselves as good mothers and complaisant faithful wives. Any other man will easily appreciate their feminine nature, but not Sagittarius.
  • Open and vulnerable, they painfully perceive the freedom-loving Sagittarius. Virgos perceive frequent gatherings with friends and personal pastime as a neglect of their feelings.
  • These are beautiful unearthly women who strive to make their man special, but Sagittarius is more inclined to look for a like-minded person and a good friend in a relationship than a keeper of the hearth.
  • Despite their quiet disposition, Virgos are able to be decisive and tough in making decisions: they will never play second roles in the life of a loved one.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Virgo woman 47%

Libra woman

This is a very good companionship, which may well end in marriage. They get along well with each other, and the feeling of jealousy is unfamiliar to them. Libra and Sagittarius are similar in many ways, but there are still some aspects of their time together that it will be hard for a man to come to terms with:

  • Libra gives complete freedom to the Sagittarius man. It binds him very much. In gratitude, he is capable of romantic acts unusual for him.
  • Such couples rarely quarrel and always try to find a compromise. These are two like-minded people who are able to put up with each other's shortcomings.
  • Libra women are very pedantic, and spontaneity of decisions is not characteristic of them. They are not as impetuous as Sagittarius, but their incompatibility does not affect their relationship at all, unless there is one but!
  • Sagittarius men often prefer anyone, but not their soulmate. They will gladly prefer a trip to the sea or a trip to the mountains to their beloved, so as not to be discouraged by the calm that reigns in their stable and even relationship.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Libra woman 88%

Scorpio woman

The Scorpio woman is a colossal energy that can make the Sagittarius man admire her with her mouth wide open. This is a very swift, passionate and passionate relationship that lure them into a whirlpool of intrigue and adventure, but in order to maintain such an alliance, you need to try very hard:

  • The Scorpio woman is a purposeful, temperamental and self-sufficient person. Such a cocktail incredibly captivates the Sagittarius man. Their common pastime can be safely called crazy and exciting. Such relationships are very warm Sagittarius.
  • The unpredictability and hot temper of Scorpions will not make Sagittarius bored. These are crazy couples who live by spontaneous decisions and actions.
  • But the hypocrisy, selfishness and despotism of a Scorpio woman can ruin such a relationship. Sagittarius does not accept such qualities even in a random counter, not to mention the second half.
  • If such couples open a common business, it is likely that in ten years it will turn into an entire empire, because. purposefulness they do not hold. Common plans and mutual desire are able to save their relationship.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Scorpio woman 86%

Sagittarius woman

Who else can understand a Sagittarius better than another Sagittarius. These are very strong couples that are built on mutual understanding, trust and support. They are incredibly attractive to each other, but not only this makes them a strong couple:

  • A couple of Sagittarius have absolute equality. They are not aimed at making decisions for their partner and always accept each other's actions.
  • They are absolutely not demanding of each other and always treat with understanding any stupidity of a partner.
  • Such marriages are more like a strong friendly union, but this is exactly what the Sagittarius man is looking for.
  • Representatives of this sign are very jealous, although they suppress this feeling in every possible way. In this pair, the manifestation of such traits is completely unusual. Their relationship is rather cold to experience such emotions.

Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman compatibility 82%

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman is a very stubborn, purposeful and strong person who, with her whole appearance, shows her independence and independence to the Sagittarius man. Such behavior strongly attracts a man of this sign, but there are also not very acceptable moments in the behavior of Capricorn that belittle the ego of Sagittarius:

  • Capricorns, like Sagittarians, are very straightforward. Sometimes they do not think at all about the fact that they can hurt someone. It would seem that this is a fair retribution for Sagittarius, but speaking and listening to the truth is not the same thing.
  • Capricorn women can be very cold. This is completely unrelated to their attitude towards their beloved man, they are simply too busy with absolutely everything except him.
  • The representatives of this sign have their own author's life philosophy, with which they go through life: they do not accept when they are told what is good and bad; you can never force them to do what they do not want; they understand that life is too short to spend it on things that do not bring pleasure.
  • Such a cold and aloof behavior of a Capricorn woman often causes jealousy in a man.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Capricorn woman 47%

Aquarius woman

The Aquarius woman is a very versatile person who, with her many-sided masks, is able to attract the Sagittarius man. Their tandem of fire and air is an excellent atmosphere for igniting a bright spark:

  • The Aquarius woman changes her appearance according to the spontaneity of her mood. Today she is a sweet and accommodating wife, and tomorrow she is a depraved and ardent mistress. Such a contrast in relationships fuels the interest of Sagittarius and does not let him get bored.
  • Aquarians feel the need for loneliness, which is only in favor of such non-standard relationships. Women of this sign will never infringe on the freedom of their chosen one, because they themselves need it quite strongly.
  • Representatives of this sign have a lot of interests and thoughts. These are eternal dreamers and perfect intellectuals who feel the need for constant development and self-improvement. Such couples always have something to talk about.
  • It is customary to say about the union of such couples that their marriages are created in heaven. Maybe because this is a rare occurrence, because it is also very difficult for an Aquarius woman to convince her that marriage is not slavery and not a burden. Such couples are very attached and faithful to each other, because in their relationship there is complete and unquestioning harmony.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Aquarius woman 80%

Pisces Woman

Pisces are calm and peaceful creatures, the same traits are observed in the carriers of this sign. These are unsurpassed housewives and good mothers, but they have little to satisfy the interest of Sagittarius:

  • Undoubtedly, this is a very calm sign for the obstinate Sagittarius. In such a relationship, he becomes bored and very soon he will feel despondency, which will lead to an immediate break in relations.
  • Pisces women are very submissive, which cannot but bribe a strong man, but over time, their submissiveness is seen as an absolute lack of initiative and a complete lack of interest in their relationship.
  • Pisces are very sensitive and vulnerable. They are able to do too much for a relationship, but the merciless nature of Sagittarius is unlikely to appreciate such an impulse and self-sacrifice.
  • In a relationship with Sagittarius, Pisces will feel aloof and lack of interest, which can greatly hurt such timid women.

Sagittarius man compatibility with Pisces woman 53%

If you intend to connect your life with a representative of this sign, you must be prepared for his lifestyle, attitude towards marriage and the issue of priorities, the preference of which will often not be in your favor. To do this, you must be a self-sufficient woman with your own interests and craving for learning new things. It will not be difficult for you to save relationships and conquer Sagittarius if you give him freedom. For your understanding of his principle of life, he will surely thank you with his affection and love.

Video: “Love horoscope of the Sagittarius man. Marriage Compatibility with a Sagittarius Man

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