Student social projects. Project on the topic: Social project "Student wave"


You will need

  • - Social problem;
  • - solutions;
  • - extensive material on the topic;
  • - writing utensils.


Most of today's social organizations involve volunteers and members of charitable organizations. In other words, society itself is involved in solving social problems. Therefore, to promote the idea, you can contact like-minded people from public non-profit organizations.


  • How to write a social project

A social project is a set of measures in accordance with which the activities of a public organization are carried out. Projects touch upon socially significant problems, substantiate and offer solutions.

The social project consists of 13 main sections.

Title page. The title page should indicate the name of the project, its authors, the name of the organization, the chief accountant of the project, the territory of implementation, the date of commencement and completion of the project, as well as its budget (in rubles).

Annotation. The annotation should indicate the main idea of ​​the project, the target audience, the required resources and the timing of the project. It will be a big plus if you indicate the strengths of both the project and its similar ones. An abstract is one that is addressed to potential resource providers and business partners.

Description of the organization. In this section, you must show that your public is reliable and promising. Write general information about the organization (when, where and by whom, size), specific goals for the next three years (usually expressed in quantitative terms), the history of the association (development dynamics, connections, important events and successes). Indicate the direction of activity and experience (areas of activity, main programs, results achieved, ongoing and implemented projects), partnerships and prospects for the development of the public association.

Rationale for the need for the project. How relevant is this problem in society? How is your project original and different from others of a similar theme?

Goals and objectives. The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result, the achievement of which is aimed at human actions. Tasks - a detailed specific goal, revealing its scope and enumerated specific actions.

Project implementation methods. A method is a tool by which the goal of a project is achieved. That is, how the project will be carried out.

Project management. Specifically indicate what “positions” are needed for the implementation of the project other than the manager. How much is required, and which specialists should be involved.

Working plan for project implementation. Describe what actions you will perform in stages:

1. Organizational and informational stage. Creation of a group, organizational conditions, information support.

2. Main stage. The main work on the implementation of the project.

3. Final and promising. Summing up the results of activities, developing prospects for its further development, post-releases and information coverage.

Expected results. Expected results are the specific results that are expected to be achieved during the implementation of the project in quantitative and qualitative terms. Results must be realistic, achievable and measurable.

Methods for evaluating results. The project evaluation plan should be well developed and described. Evaluation criteria should be adequate to the results. Quantitative and qualitative indicators must be convincing and justified.

Plan for further development of the project. Is the project going to be one-time or ongoing? Will the target audience or territory change?

Budget. What resources do we need to implement the project and in what quantity (human, material, financial resources). We need to assess what resources we have and what we need. And where can we get the missing resources.

Press release and commercial offer. These documents are built on the basis of the abstract and change depending on the need. Press releases are sent to all media, and commercial offers to potential sponsors.

Social projects in this form can be submitted for participation in grants and fund competitions.

Evaluation of the position of any enterprise in the market is impossible without a clear understanding of what exactly the company does and what is the effectiveness of its work. We will tell you how to most accurately about the activities of the company.


Define clear criteria by which you will evaluate company. It is best to fix them in writing, as some of them require further detailing.

The main criteria are: the position of the company in its industry segment, the efficiency of its work (the dynamics of indicators for the reporting period in the form of a visual graph), the position in the market relative to competitors, the quality of the product (services), competitive advantages.

By collecting additional information, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the company. To do this, it is necessary to rely on data that can be obtained both directly (for example, open dynamics), and indirectly (data from competitors, on the market), etc.

If possible, talk to employees, as if by the way, ask if they have been promoted for a long time (this is the most important stability of the company), do they have a social package, is it customary to go on vacation for a long time. Attitude towards personnel reflects the degree of qualification of top managers, who ideally should understand that the human resource is the main one in any business.

Use informal sources. For example, in blogs you can find a lot of interesting things not only about the female fate of employees of the credit department, but also true stories about industrial conflicts. You do not need to mention them, but this kind of information will help you get a more accurate impression of the company.

In conclusion, outline the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, briefly describe its market strategy, and also determine its possible business prospects, taking into account the data you analyzed.

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To solve some social problems, social projects are created, within the framework of which various issues are resolved. But before considering social projects, it is necessary to decide what it is. What are the characteristics of those that are aimed at young people? What are you interested in? Social projects at school, examples of their implementation? Or projects aimed at seniors? For example, social projects for young people, examples of their implementation already?


A social project is understood as a clearly formulated idea regarding a certain or aimed at improving some aspect of social life. But in addition to the idea, he must offer more ways to implement it, answering questions about when it will be implemented, where, on what scale, who will be the main target group of the project. To help you understand what it is, an example of a social project, which will be published below. Also, in addition to these issues, it is necessary to solve the issue of financing (you can do without it, but it will be difficult). Usually there are 2 ways of financing: when it is financed by project participants from their own funds or sponsorship from an entity with large financial capabilities.

Social projects include proposals for reforming the system of social security, social protection, health care, overcoming the consequences of social and natural shocks. Goals in such projects are set immediately and can be edited only when intermediate results are achieved in order to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of activities. If we talk about social projects for young people, examples of their implementation, they do not differ much in the general mass, but there are some features (although we can say that they are common to one degree or another for all projects).

What are the features of projects aimed at young people?

The most important feature is that they are aimed exclusively at young people and aspects of their lives. When creating a youth social project, it is necessary to take into account popular trends, needs, and the potential audience of the project. Each specific situation to be improved should be described in detail, as well as any specific methods and their application. Examples of school social projects are not fundamentally different.

What should the project be?

The project must meet the following conditions:

  1. There should be no contradictions in the put forward ideas and methods of implementation.
  2. It must be possible to implement under the given conditions.
  3. Must be created on a scientific basis using the scientific method during the development of each stage. We can say about social projects for schoolchildren, their examples should be able to interest these restless guys.
  4. It must give an answer to the social order that has arisen in society.
  5. The implementation plan must be effective and such that it will achieve the goal.
  6. This should be a socio-cultural project, an example of which, even at the development stage, will be of interest to young people.

How should a social project be formalized?

What should be in the project? First you need to choose a direction. Health, creativity, demographic issues, health improvement, scientific or cultural enlightenment, promotion of sports or a better relationship with other people can be chosen as a field of work. After choosing a direction, you should decide on the goal: for example, if science was chosen, then the popularization of radio electronics, design, physics, the scientific method of study, the creation of a club of logical thought or an astronomical circle can be a specific goal.

After defining the goals, it is necessary to think about the tasks - the most concentrated goals. Examples of tasks might be: instilling the qualities that will enable troubled teenagers at risk to settle into life as a normal citizen, or help in finding a place to study / work after graduation. When the direction, goals and objectives are determined, then an action plan and implementation timeframes should be discussed, as well as a place where all the developments will receive life. The action plan should contain the most detailed list of actions that will indicate what should be done to achieve the goals. To give you a better idea of ​​what is required of you, you can take a look at four social projects for young people.

Examples will follow. But although they say what they are aimed at (youth, orphans), they can be considered as social projects in the school. Let the examples be not very large-scale, but they will allow you to get acquainted with the nominal component. It is desirable to involve a school psychologist in the work.

Example of a social project for youth No. 1

Direction: marital relationships of young people.

Target. Reduce the number of people who get divorced after marriage by preparing and explaining the responsibilities and rights of future spouses.

  1. Explain what marriage is, what duties and rights each of the spouses will have.
  2. Help distribute future responsibilities now so that there is no lapping later.
  3. Help find reasons why young people want to get married and determine if they understand what it means.

We need a step-by-step plan, which describes all the actions and their sequence.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Place of implementation: city such and such.

Example for youth #2

Direction: support for motherhood and prevention of orphanhood.

Purpose: to provide assistance to refuseniks and underage orphans who are being treated in a hospital.

  1. Attracting public attention to this problem due to the fact that most people are not informed about its existence.
  2. Collection of funds, financial assistance, toys and medicines for transfer to the hospital with subsequent use to restore health in refuseniks and underage orphans.
  3. from the state budget or from charitable funds to improve refuseniks or orphans who are in medical institutions.
  4. Drawing attention to the problem of children without parents in order to persuade people to adopt children.

A detailed plan that describes the details of the search for funds and their transfer.

Place of implementation: Children's regional hospital of the city of Samara.

Example for youth #3

An example of a social project suitable for a school or youth company.

Direction: youth with congenital disabilities and disabilities in universities.

Purpose: to achieve the socialization of physically distinct students.

  1. Promoting the usefulness of the socialization of project participants.
  2. Interaction with organizations that provide social protection for such people.
  3. Assistance in social and cultural life.
  4. Help aimed at overcoming spiritual and physical loneliness.
  5. Influencing the formation of an adequate attitude in society towards young people with special needs.
  6. Creating conditions where young people with special needs can safely engage in creative activities.
  7. Realization of creative rehabilitation.
  8. Search, testing and implementation of new methods of rehabilitation.

Detailed plan.

Implementation period: indefinitely.

Location: University of such and such a city.

Social projects for schoolchildren, examples of their implementation may differ - for them, you can choose to help disabled children who study in regular schools.

Various social projects. Not only students, but also teachers should learn to love the world around them, to make it better. The topics of social projects that can inspire and attract attention will be presented below. Perhaps someone will have a desire to translate one of the proposed ideas into reality.

Learn to cook for yourself, loved ones and those in need

Cooking will be a good lesson for schoolchildren. How important it is to learn how to cook. Everyone can boil potatoes or pasta, but not everyone can make a more serious dish. Therefore, it is worth considering a similar social topic of cooking is high.

The occasion may be Shrovetide, when you need to bake pancakes, or May 9, when veterans of the Great Patriotic War come to visit. You can ask permission to carry out this project in the dining room so that all the necessary items are at hand, including water. It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements: wash your hands with soap and water, put on an apron, scarf or cap so that your hair does not get into food. Be sure to cover the table with oilcloth. Treasury should be handled with care. It is imperative to discuss with the students in advance what you will cook, what products you need, and what to buy. Each student is assigned individual responsibilities. At the end of the work, the room and furniture must be put in perfect order. Cooked food is packed in containers or wrapped in cling film.

How to help families?

Consider a social project on the theme "Family". Class teachers at meetings, as a rule, get acquainted with parents. It is at such moments that you can find out which family needs help. For example, one of the students has a large family, but there is little money. A baby was recently born, and he doesn’t even have new sliders and toys. The old ones are all worn out, broken, thrown away. Maybe you have some good things at home. Give them to a poor family.

Great Victory Day

It is imperative that schools annually remember the feat that our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers performed for us. Invite a veteran to school. Naturally, you need to prepare everything for the holiday: decorate the room, assembly hall, prepare a meal, buy flowers.

In celebration of the Great Victory, you can combine themes of social projects, for example, cooking, cleaning the school, buying flowers, reading books and poems about the war, tailoring costumes. Undoubtedly, such a thing requires a lot of effort, time, money, but with the general pedagogical and student efforts everything will work out. The holiday should be for should go from the heart.

Disabled children

A social project on the topic "Children with Disabilities" bears great responsibility. Such children, as a rule, study either in a specialized school or at home. In the second case, they need to be helped. It is worth asking students, parents, if there are children with disabilities among those around them. Maybe your child needs help learning. For example, you can teach him how to use a computer to make it easier for him to study and master some profession in the future. Need help with everything. Let those guys who do well and know how to explain help. Be sure to bring books that you no longer need, but will be useful to a sick child. Do not forget that communication with peers is very important for him. You should not load him only with studies, just talk to him on those topics that are of interest to him. Become a good and loyal friend.

Become masters

How to develop a love of crafts in children? Of course, you need to conduct labor lessons with them on various topics in order to find out who has what abilities. You can give examples of social projects in which the help of a master is useful: helping the infirm old people, sick children, mothers of many children, as well as preparing for performances, tailoring. The latter are needed most often to raise funds for those in need.

In the future, he can become a real master of his craft. He will be able to provide not only himself, but also his family. It is also important to develop good qualities in a person, disinterestedness, diligence.

Help a classmate and other people

A social project on the topic "Help" would be very relevant. To whom exactly? For example, classmates. Let the successful children help the losers to catch up in subjects, but in no case solve all the homework for them. Maybe someone needs help buying textbooks. Go together to the store where you can buy books cheaper.

You can also help outside of school. Ask the guys who need help in some business. For example, someone is good with computers and will be able to help a classmate solve a problem. Girls can give fresh flowers in pots to those who do not have them.

Let's help the poor and the homeless

Not every school has topics of social projects related to providing for disadvantaged people: the poor, the homeless, orphans. It is desirable to develop this direction. Maybe the students will save someone's life. Organizational skills of students, the ability to cook, communicate will be useful.

It is important to ensure that children keep their distance when meeting with a homeless person in order to avoid contracting various diseases. It is better to serve food and drinks with medical gloves. You should also take care of the first aid kit. It is desirable to put hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, brilliant green, bandages, ointment for wound healing in it. If any of these people need serious medical attention, it is better to call an ambulance.

In such a social project, you can help those who have had a misfortune: they robbed, their house burned down, their loved ones died.

Let's decorate the school

The word "subbotnik" for many schoolchildren is associated with cleaning the territory. But that's the way it is. Let such work bring only joy. The topics of social projects will help with this, such as, for example: "Decorate the school", "Native walls heal", "Let's give each other a present". It is desirable that such a "subbotnik" become a holiday, and not a day of general cleaning, then the children will stretch.

You can get together with the whole class, discuss who can bring to school, for example, interesting hats with ears, a multi-colored bucket, good music. Be sure to plan whether there will be a rearrangement in the room, wall decoration. Young designers and artists can be instructed to make a wall newspaper.

Gifts for children from the orphanage

You can also bring in the framework of helping children. Teachers, together with the director of the school, agree with the head of the orphanage or orphanage about the meeting, organization of the holiday and distribution of gifts. If everything goes well, you should discuss all the details with the students in advance. It is important to choose those who are ready to devote all their free time to making gifts, to create a performance script.

A homemade item would be a good gift. Girls can look for unnecessary but good material at home to sew a toy or a cute bag for surprises. If students have extra souvenirs, stationery, toys, books, then be sure to give them to orphans. It is important when making a presentation to have a good mood, activity and a fruitful idea.

They can create a kind scenario that will help orphans determine their interests, identify abilities and talents. To do this, you can come up with special games, master classes. It is necessary to seriously prepare for such an event as a holiday in an orphanage, since orphans have a specific idea of ​​life.

Let's clean up the class

Of course, it is more pleasant to study in a clean, bright and comfortable classroom. It's not so much about general cleaning, but about creating home comfort. Consider a variant of the theme of social projects for schoolchildren, which is associated with decorating the classroom.

If this is an office of the Russian language and literature, geography, history, then it is enough to decorate it with flowers, restore portraits of classics and scientists. Informatics, chemistry, physics, and mathematics classrooms, students can not only wash, clean, but also put in order equipment, tools, and devices.

Each teacher can develop a project plan for students. It is important to tell something new, interesting in the process of doing it. For example, a computer science teacher might find a Soviet calculator or an encyclopedia that depicts an abacus (Ancient Greek counting board). It is worth preparing an interesting story about these things.

School library

This section will present an idea such as the project: "What can the school library tell about." If desired, teachers and students can make a report on when the first libraries appeared, how the ancient Egyptians stored handwritten information, and much more. But more important, most likely, is not history, but a real library that is located in your school. The students, together with the librarian, can see what books, except for textbooks, are available, whether they are all arranged according to their topics and in alphabetical order. Maybe one of the students will bring from home printed publications that they do not need, or they are superfluous, for example, classical literature, physics, chemistry, various encyclopedias, teaching materials in a foreign language.

But be sure to coordinate everything with the employee of the reading room and the head teacher. You can make various presentations. As a social project, work on the restoration of textbooks can be carried out. If there are pencil or pen marks in the book, torn pages, drawings of mischievous students, then you need to put the book in order with an eraser, a white marker, adhesive tape or glue, and sometimes threads with a needle.

Ecology and cleanliness in the surrounding world

How important it is to know the state of the environment in the modern world, and even more important, to preserve nature! This will partly help the social project on the topic "Ecology" for schoolchildren. Cleanliness must be observed everywhere. Children, together with a teacher in biology and ecology, can create a plan on how to equip school classes, a yard.

In the spring, it's time to clean up the territory, remove garbage, level the ground. You can plant a variety of plants: shrubs and flowers. Activities for children should be fun. Let each student contribute: bring a shovel or scoop from home, plant seeds or ready-made seedlings (it all depends on the month, type of plant).

It is important that the building also has green corners that will cheer up students and teachers. Just do not forget that plants need to be looked after. Let the children take the initiative and work with the biology teacher to schedule watering, fertilizing, pruning, and transplanting.

What else can you think of?

You can create an infinite number of projects and on different topics. It is worth choosing not only popular, but also relevant. It is important that the idea does not stop three days after the approval and the start of preparation, but continues after completion. For example, the project: "What can the school library tell about" should be carried out annually or once every couple of years, "Green Corner" and "Ecology" require constancy, helping orphans and disabled children can also be an integral part of school life.

In conclusion, an answer will be given to those who doubt the need for such events. You can hear from someone the phrase: "Who needs it?", "Why waste time?", "My parents have no money!" No one will be forced to participate in events. So are the topics of social projects at school necessary? Certainly! They teach kindness, mercy, show the true meaning of life in helping those who are weaker than us.

Social project is a program of real action, which is based on an urgent social problem that needs to be resolved. Its implementation will help improve the social situation in a particular region, society. This is one of the ways to participate in public life through the practical solution of pressing social problems.

The implementation of a social project takes place in several stages (they are usually called steps):
1. The study of public opinion and the definition of an urgent social problem.
2. Involvement of participants and the public to solve this social project.
3. Definition of goals and objectives of the social project.
4. Definition of the content of the social project. Drawing up a work plan. Distribution of duties.
5. Determination of the necessary resources and budgeting.
6. Development of a project evaluation system.
7. Formation of public opinion.
8. Search for business partners. Drafting of project proposals.
9. Conducting official negotiations. Obtaining the necessary resources.
10. Carrying out planned activities.
11. Analysis of the results of the work.

I. Development of a social project

Stage 1 (step 1). The study of public opinion and the definition of an urgent social problem.
It is important to determine what problem worries the residents of your city, town, village, microdistrict, school students. For example, the operation of public transport, the preservation of green spaces, environmental pollution, the condition of playgrounds, etc. Information can be collected as a result of a sociological survey, studying print materials, television, meetings with local leaders and specialists.
Defining a social problem is a complex and important process. On the basis of the formulated problem, a social project will be developed aimed at the implementation of this social problem. A social project should not be aimed at solving an issue that is too narrow or too broad. Otherwise, such a social project may be unsuccessful. To determine the content of a social project, it is necessary to organize a discussion of the selected options for social problems. When choosing a social problem, consider the following:
- the importance of this social problem for the city, town, village, microdistrict of the school;
- the scale of this problem (how many residents are interested in solving this social problem);
- the possibility of practical implementation of the problem by the project participants.
In order to draw up a program for the preparation and implementation of a social project, it is necessary to clearly formulate a social problem.

Stage 2 (step 2). Involvement of participants and the public to solve this social project.
It is necessary to explain to the public the content of this social problem, to achieve approval and support from it. It is important to determine the range of public organizations, government agencies, local governments, deputies, journalists and other stakeholders in solving this problem who can. provide assistance and support, and involve them in cooperation.

Stage 3 (step 3).Definition of goals, objectives of the social project.
The expected results of the project implementation are determined. They should be clear, specific, achievable. After the goals of the project are formulated, the tasks aimed at the implementation of specific stages are determined. Tasks help to detail the set goals, reveal them. The solution of problems should lead to the expected result, the achievement of the goals. The success of the project will depend on the clarity and awareness of the formulation of the goals and objectives of the project.

Stage 4 (step 4). Definition of the content of the social project. Drawing up a work plan. Distribution of duties
At this stage, the main directions, forms and methods of activity within the framework of the project, the amount of work to be done, the timing of its implementation and those responsible are determined. All this can be done in the form of a plan. The plan must be clear, concise and realistically achievable. It is necessary to reflect not only the final results, but also the ways of their implementation, i.e. solving specific problems with the help of which the stages of the project are implemented. The plan is discussed and approved by all participants and accepted by them for implementation.
In the course of drawing up a plan, it is important to distribute responsibilities among the project participants, which will contribute to the success of its implementation. When distributing responsibilities, it is necessary to use the principle of voluntariness, i.e. take into account the desire of a person, as well as his individual characteristics, experience, knowledge, abilities and level of preparedness. Each participant must be aware that he is personally responsible for a certain area of ​​work. Preliminary training of project members is possible. The training program can include both theoretical and practical classes.

Stage 5 (step 5).Determination of the necessary resources and budgeting.
Various resources may be needed to implement a social project: finance, material values, information.
In this case, it is necessary to provide for the volume of required resources at all stages of the implementation of this project. If it provides for the receipt and expenditure of funds, then it is necessary to draw up a budget. All cash receipts and expenditures must be documented and recorded. There is a separate ledger for this. The same careful attention should be paid to the use of available funds. All amounts spent must be documented: checks, acts and other documents.

Stage 6 (step 6).Development of a project evaluation system.
The development of an assessment system is a very important stage in the preparation of a social project. This will depend on the attitude to the results of the activity. Criteria and indicators should be specific and clear. There are two types of key indicators: quantitative and qualitative. The second type is more complex, because it is difficult to measure it. But changes in the social sphere are not always measurable with numbers alone. It is important that the indicators determined be realistically achievable, otherwise difficulties may arise in the implementation of the program of activities. Evaluation is given to the actions of each project participant and the team as a whole. Evaluation of work on the project is carried out both by the participants themselves and by experts, public organizations, government agencies, etc.

Stage 7 (step 7).Formation of public opinion.
The success of the project will largely depend on the favorable attitude of the public towards it. Public involvement should take place at all stages of the creation and implementation of the project. But when goals, objectives, content, forms and methods have already been defined, plans have been drawn up, this work acquires special significance. It is necessary to acquaint the public with the main goals, ideas and content of the social project. For this, various methods can be used: the design of posters, leaflets, photo and video materials, meetings and conversations with local residents, the involvement of the media, specialists, experts, employees of government agencies and organizations. Effective formation of a positive public opinion, attraction of like-minded people to cooperation will create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the project.

II. Practical implementation of the project

Stage 8 (step 8). Search for business partners. Drafting of project proposals.
After everything is prepared for the implementation of the project, it is necessary to adjust its program and plan, taking into account the social situation, to identify business partners - organizations and individuals who can help in the implementation of the project. You can make a list of local authorities, officials, public organizations, enterprises, educational institutions, cultural institutions located in the region, get acquainted with the areas of their activities in order to determine which of them to involve in cooperation. It is advisable to draw up proposals for joint activities for discussion with business partners and the text of a cooperation agreement.

Stage 9 (step 9).Conducting formal negotiations.Obtaining the necessary resources.
At this stage, project participants meet with business partners, discuss joint actions, actions, conclude contracts, enlist support from local authorities, public organizations, the media, and receive the resources necessary for holding events. Receiving outside help will help create the necessary conditions for the implementation of a social project. It is important that a friendly, kind, positive atmosphere of trust arise, which will help to cooperate with state, public and private organizations.
You need to carefully prepare for a meeting with business partners: draw up a plan for the upcoming meeting, determine what you would like to agree on, pick up strong arguments to convince your partner of the importance of implementing the project, obtaining mutual benefits from its implementation. It is better to conclude a contract for a longer period so that it does not have to be concluded again. The contract must be executed in writing in two copies, sealed with the signatures of the partners.
Any material resources received for the implementation of the project need to be accounted for. To do this, it is advisable to keep a book of accounting for material values ​​in order to record the receipt of material resources and their use.

Stage 10 (step 10).Carrying out planned activities.
The implementation of the plan requires the combined efforts of all project participants. Only a friendly, close-knit team, acting on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual assistance, can solve complex problems and carry out planned events.
It is not recommended to deviate from the planned points of the plan. This can only happen in exceptional cases. Also, you should not deviate from the scheduled dates. It is better to do everything on time to avoid haste and fuss. On the other hand, any plan needs to be adjusted. It can be modified and modified to meet new circumstances. Therefore, changes need to be made from time to time. A clear, strict, consistent implementation of the planned activities will lead to the implementation of the program, the achievement of the goals set and the solution of the social problem.

III. Results of work on the project

Stage 11 (step 11). Analysis of the results of work.
An important step is the analysis of work on the project. It is necessary to make a comparison of the set goal and the results achieved. To do this, you need to answer the questions:
- Has the goal of the project been achieved?
- What are the positive and negative consequences of the project? (What worked? What didn't work? Why?)
- What was the atmosphere of the social project?
- What was the contribution of each project participant to the overall result of the work?
- What have you learned during the implementation of the project?
- What needs to be changed to make the implementation of the next social project more successful?

The social project "Youth chooses a healthy lifestyle" became the winner of the Competition of social projects and initiatives of educational institutions in the Moscow region, public organizations and associations aimed at preventing neglect, crimes and other juvenile delinquency in 2013 in the nomination "Projects aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle"



State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Moscow region

"Krasnozavodsk Chemical-Mechanical College"


social projects and initiatives of educational institutions in the Moscow region, public organizations and associations aimed at preventing neglect, crimes and other juvenile delinquency in 2013

Nomination 2 - projects aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle

Name of the social project:

"Young people choose healthy lifestyle"

Stavisskaya Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of special disciplines of the college,

Soldatova Olga Anatolyevna, teacher of special disciplines of the college.

year 2013

Social project aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle

"Young people choose healthy lifestyle"

Russia needs healthy, morally stable, socially adapted, with an active life position, intellectual youth. Only in this case, our country will be able to confidently and clearly continue its path along the path of History. The state of health of the younger generation, the way of life of young people is the most important indicator of the well-being of society, which not only reflects the present situation, but also gives a forecast for the future. Only a healthy, active person can qualitatively assimilate knowledge, implement it as fully as possible and effectively adapt in a dynamically developing society.

This places a great responsibility on us adults, especially when we talk about educating young people to lead a healthy lifestyle, receive a high level of education, and look for their place in the future.

We understand that we live in a difficult period, and, precisely, the younger generation is in a very difficult socio-psychological situation, when to a large extent the former stereotypes of behavior, normative and value orientations are outdated, and new ones are still taking shape, forming, and passing the test of time. Young people often do not have certain life skills that would allow them to maintain their individuality and form a healthy, effective lifestyle. Young people, being under the influence of continuously increasing intense stressful situations, are not ready to overcome them. This contributes to the search for means to help get away from painful experiences. In this situation, narcotization of adolescents, which makes it possible to hide from reality, various types of psychoactive substance and alcohol abuse, an increase in the number of offenses, computer and Internet addiction, came to the fore.

The activities implemented within the framework of the project allow young citizens to develop their abilities, acquire social experience, and “with their own hands” provide themselves with an active, full, healthy life. The very atmosphere in our college, the accepted style of behavior of the team, the external environment are also factors in introducing college students to the values ​​of spiritual culture, forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Goals and objectives of the project

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the formation of motivational attitudes and value orientations in young citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Creation of a health-saving environment, a favorable psycho-emotional climate for effective creative interaction of project participants;

Implementation of measures for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, aimed at developing the creative abilities of young people, at forming an active life position, at fostering a tolerant attitude towards others;

Formation among young citizens of a negative attitude towards bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, gambling addiction, the use of psychoactive substances);

Teaching young citizens effective methods of behavior in a non-standard situation, the formation of a stress-resistant personality capable of building their lives in accordance with the moral principles of society;

Formation of a healthy lifestyle culture;

The target audience

Young citizens of the city of Krasnozavodsk and the Sergiev Posad region, parents, teaching staff of the college, residents and guests of the city, region.

Project implementation timeline: beginning January 1, 2012, completion January 1, 2015

The main directions of the social project:

Student educational and research work, consisting in the assessment of the social significance of the research topic, the implementation of the research, public speaking with coverage of the results of the work;

Participation of college students in various events and promotions aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle;

Participation of students in various competitions of a social orientation of the district, regional, regional and international scale.

Substantiation of the relevance of the social project.

The relevance of the project "Young people choose a healthy lifestyle!" that the implementation of the project is carried out in parallel with the educational process. Educational and research activities of young people are organized, various socially significant events are held (intellectual quizzes, competitions, student scientific and practical conferences, etc.); students and teachers of the college participate in activities aimed at the formation of a healthy lifestyle, which involve specialists - doctors, psychologists, teachers.

The main stages of the project implementation.

Stage I - Preparatory.

1. Organization of creative groups working on the topic of the project, which include all interested students and college employees.

2. Definition of the purpose and objectives of the project.

3. Evaluation of the situation in organizing events aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle in the city of Krasnozavodsk and the Sergiev Posad district.

4. Determination of the main directions of educational and research work.

5. Determination of the main directions for organizing educational and sports activities among young citizens of the city, college.

6. Organization of the work of the propaganda team.

Stage II - Practical.

  1. Performance of educational and research work by students under the guidance of teachers
  1. Educational and research work "Social maladaptation as one of the main causes of drug addiction"

1.2 Educational and research work "Mineral waters of Russia".

2. Participation in conferences, competitions, intellectual quizzes, extracurricular activities.

2.1 Extracurricular activities, annually, October-May, an average of 80 participants training elements)

2.2 Student scientific-practical conference "Forest is the wealth of Russia", April 2013, 85 participants (Methodological development contains a scenario for the event);

2.3 Informational and preventive event "The bitter truth about foamy beer" - April 2013, 170 participants (Methodological development contains a scenario of the event, the form of the event is a lecture with elements of a conversation using a multimedia presentation);

2.4 Intellectual quiz "Botanical excursion to the world of medicinal herbs" - April 2013, 35 participants (Methodological development - event scenario containing quiz questions and answers to them);

2.5 Competition of creative works of schoolchildren and students “Art. Start" - nomination "Audio advertising", Audio SPOT "Ludomania".

3. Participation in the Health Day - September 2012, May 2013, 100 participants each (Methodological development of the Health Day "Health is your wealth", event scenario with intellectual and sports competitions for young citizens).

4. Participation in sports competitions - annually, October-May, 63 participants (Methodological development of the sports event "Merry Starts", a scenario for a sports event with a description of the rules for holding competitions and an assessment system; Methodological development of the military sports competition "Come on, guys !", an event scenario that combines intellectual questions with sports competitions; Methodological development of a sports festival under the motto "YES to sports! NO to drugs", a scenario of an information and sports event aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle).

6. Working with parents

6.1. Parent meetings on the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle - annually, September-May, 120 participants each (Methodological development of a parent meeting on the topic "Prevention of teenage smoking" contains a description of games, exercises for parents of students aimed at preventing the development of addiction to smoking in adolescents ; Methodical development of a parent meeting on the topic: "We will say" NO to bad habits! ", the form of the" conversation-dialogue ", information and educational direction;)

6.2. Parental lecture hall - conversations with a teacher-psychologist.

7. Preventive conversations with the involvement of health professionals

7.1. Evening of questions and answers "Reproductive health of youth". Meeting with a dermatovenereologist

7.2. A cycle of preventive conversations on the topic “Red Line. Let's stop AIDS together! with healthcare workers

7.3. A series of conversations with representatives of the drug dispensary on the topic "Prevention of drug addiction, substance abuse and the use of psychoactive substances"

7.4. Preventive conversation with a medical worker "Be healthy!" on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

8. The work of the propaganda team (Methodological development "Anti-advertising of smoking", the scenario of the infotainment event).

9. Messages about the results of the activities carried out, the results of educational and research work, etc.

10. Publication of the results of educational and research activities in special editions.

11. Summing up the results of the II stage of the project.

Stage III - Generalizing.

1. Analysis of the results obtained and generalization of experience to determine the direction of further actions in the field of organizing socially significant projects.

2. Publication of materials for project activities and methodological developments of teachers.

3. Use of the collected material in the educational process.

4. Generalization of work experience.

Project staffing.

Stavisskaya Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of special disciplines of the highest qualification category, higher education, graduated from the Moscow State Open University in 1995, specialty: “Machines and apparatus for chemical production and building materials enterprises”, qualification: mechanical engineer, teaching experience 16 years; participant of the International Intellectual Games, competitions of student research works and competitions of creative works of schoolchildren and students (as a leader), author of the socially significant project “Your Footprint on Earth”, submitted to the Competition for the annual awards of the Governor of the Moscow Region “Our Moscow Region”. Within the framework of the social project "Youth chooses a healthy lifestyle", he is responsible for the organization of educational and research work and scientific and practical conferences, participation in competitions.

Soldatova Olga Anatolyevna, teacher of special disciplines of the highest qualification category, higher education, graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Instrument Engineering and Informatics in 1995, specialty "Instrument Engineering", qualification - electrical engineer, teaching experience - 15 years. Olga Anatolyevna is a participant of the International Intellectual Games, competitions of student research works and competitions of creative works of schoolchildren and students (as a leader). Within the framework of the social project “Young people choose a healthy lifestyle”, he is responsible for the organization of educational work, work with parents, and organization of meetings with specialists.

Implementers of the project activities:

Anufriev Valeriy Yakovlevich, head of life safety, in 1991 graduated from the Volsk Higher Military Order of the Red Star School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol, specialty "Team tactical food training", qualification - engineer-economist, teaching experience - 25 years. Within the framework of the project, she organizes various events aimed at developing young citizens' responsibility for their own lives and health, conducts seminars, lectures on ensuring life safety.

Kasatina Irina Alexandrovna, social pedagogue, graduated from the Zaraisk Pedagogical College in 1984, specialty "Teaching in the primary grades of a general education school", qualification - primary school teacher, pioneer leader, teaching experience 26 years. In 2009, she became a finalist in the competition "The Coolest Classroom" in the Sergiev Posad region. As part of a social project, he is responsible for organizing preventive talks and holding various extracurricular activities.

Korolev Roman Gennadyevich, head of physical education, in 2010 graduated from the Moscow State University named after M.A. Sholokhov, specialty "Social Pedagogy", qualification - social pedagogue, teacher-psychologist, specialty social pedagogy, pedagogical experience 8 years. As part of a social project, organizes sports events for young citizens, ensures participation in sports competitions, organizes the work of sports sections and circles.

Nazarenko Oksana Viktorovna, teacher-psychologist, in 1993 she graduated from the Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketova, specialty "Biology", qualification - teacher of biology and chemistry. As part of a social project, he organizes conversations, lectures, seminars and other events with young citizens and their parents in order to create a comfortable psychological environment in the family and at the college, and prevent young people from becoming involved in “bad habits”.

Management scheme of the social project "Young people choose a healthy lifestyle"


Functions in the project management system

List of obligations necessary for the implementation of this function



Logistics support of the social project

College Administration

Project leaders


Informing the participants of the social project about the events

Coverage of the implementation of a social project

Strategic planning

Planning the course of a social project, planning the prospects for the development and continuation of a social project, planning social project events

Project leaders

Project executors


Carrying out activities planned for the implementation of the social project "Young people choose a healthy lifestyle"

Project executors

Program progress control

Activity Report

(methodological developments, photo and video reports, publications in the media, surveys of project participants)

College Administration

Project leaders

Planned results of the project

Creation of an integral system of educational work aimed at creating the necessary conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of young citizens, at forming their need for a healthy lifestyle;

Development of effective mechanisms for joint activities of participants in the educational process;

Formation among young people of an active position of confrontation dangerous for health dependence on tobacco smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction;

Improving the psychological and pedagogical literacy of young citizens and parents;

Improving the medical and psychological competence of the teaching staff;

Active and effective participation of young people in various competitions, competitions, public events;

Prevention of neglect in the conditions of employment of parents, reducing the influence of the street on a young person.

Forecast of the further development of the project.

In the process of project implementation, it is planned to increase the number of project participants, increase the level of awareness of young citizens about the problems and consequences of nicotine, alcohol and drug addiction. The team of project organizers plans to diversify the events, make wider use of the Internet (participation in webinars, watching video materials), more actively involve professional specialists in working with young people, establish contacts with colleagues from other organizations and exchange experience. We hope to increase the motivation of young citizens to physical activity, proper nutrition and the rejection of "bad habits".

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