Fateful name. Azalea: meaning and influence


Name origin Azalea. Name Azalea Muslim, Greek.

Synonyms for the name Azalea. Aza.

Short form of the name Azalea. Aza, Azochka, Azka, Zalya, Zala.

Name Azalea translated from Greek means "flowering shrub". The name comes from the name of the flower of the same name - azaleas. The peculiarity of this plant is that it is a completely nondescript dwarf shrub, but it is completely transformed during flowering.

But there is another version that the name Azalea is of Arabic origin and is translated as "comforting", "soothing".

Not to be confused with another consonant female name - Azaria.

The diminutive address Aza is also an independent name.

Azalea's thoughts are invariably connected with everyday life and work, and she devotes her life to fulfilling her duty. Only having a favorite job, involving the personal responsibility of the girl, Azalea can be a leader and is able to experience a sense of satisfaction.

About debt Azalea remembers both at work and at home. She is a leader who realizes herself in the responsibility that she is able to take on. Despite the strong and strong-willed character Azalea extremely tolerant of others. She will not ask or order, but rather will do everything on her own. Azalea has a talent for science and pedagogy. She will do well in the humanities and teaching at the university. The girl has a highly developed sense of responsibility, and despite the fact that she is a person of mood, Azalea can order himself to do his duty under any conditions. Actually, Azalea capable of doing any job in which it will be in demand.

The norm of life for a girl with this name is a family. She appreciates and loves stability in everything. The wife chooses herself wisely. Azalea well versed in men and does not allow rude and boorish people to approach him. She firmly follows her principles and spiritual requirements. Your femininity Azalea reveals only in the family, being next to a permanent partner. At the same time, the chosen one of a woman must accept her life principles, appreciate her sense of duty and tolerance.

Azalea becomes a good mother and wife. Although she loves praise, she will not ask for it out of modesty. Azalea does not separate the concepts of family and work from each other. Both form the basis of the stability of her life. She strives to achieve high goals and great responsibility. This is what allows her to fully appreciate herself.

Azalea diligently avoids quarrels and conflicts. She herself does not hold evil on anyone, does not seek revenge on anyone, and never envy.

Name day Azalea

Azalea does not celebrate name days.

Notable people named Azalea

  • Azalea Dolgova ((born 1937) Soviet, Russian legal scholar, criminologist, Doctor of Law, Professor. Member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Anti-Corruption Commission. President of the Russian Criminological Association.)
  • Aza (Azaliya) Likhitchenko ((born 1937) Soviet TV presenter, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Azalea Banks (an aspiring rapper, her song "Bambi" was performed at Terry Mugler's fashion show in Paris)
  • Azalea Zinnatova (Zinnat) (singer)

Translated from Greek, the name "Azalea" means " flowering shrub". The name comes from the same name of the flower - azaleas. The main feature of this plant is that, representing a completely nondescript shrub, it opens and acquires incredible beauty during flowering. According to the second version, the name "Azalea" is Arabic, and means "comforting", "soothing".

Little Azalea is an energetic, sociable, kind and active girl. She has many friends and it is not difficult for Azalea to find a common language with strangers. In addition, Azalea is a reliable and loyal friend. She enjoys prestige among her peers even at a young age.

Azalea is a calm and balanced girl. She is very tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This is the person who will not point to them directly, but will be able to unobtrusively and subtly point out the shortcomings of the interlocutor, at the same time giving him an idea of ​​​​how best to eliminate them.

Azalea does not like conflict. The girl seeks to evade quarrels and conflicts and herself does not hold evil against anyone and never takes revenge. Tolerant of others, Azalea sometimes makes unreasonably high demands on herself. She seeks to do everything on her own, rather than asking or even more so ordering others.

In the professional field, Azalea gravitates towards the humanities. She has high pedagogical abilities, can be fond of science. Azalea will be inspired to do any work that can bring her praise, but others are unlikely to notice this because of the girl's natural modesty.

Azalea is quite modest. However, as far as friendships and family relationships are concerned, this girl is a real “battery”. The creativity is expressed in the fact that she has an incredible imagination, which, together with perseverance, helps the girl achieve goals that are simply impossible at first glance.

Azalea is one of those people who do not forgive betrayal. The person who once betrayed her will forever be deleted from the girl's life.

Azalea's thoughts are almost always occupied with questions of home and life. Family is the norm for her. Azalea loves and appreciates stability in everything, and especially in family matters. That is why such a girl chooses a life partner once and for all. Azalea will not let a rude man close. Her chosen one should be as strong as he is gentle with her. Azalea becomes an excellent wife and mother. Devoting all her free time to home and family, she arranges life in such a way that it turns out to be comfortable for all family members.

Azalea is a whole ocean of positive who always attracts those around him.

The name Azalea has several versions of the origin and meaning of the name. Each of these versions has a different popularity, which depends on both national and religious factors. About these versions and much more in our article.

The first version can be called the version of Arabic origin. Linguists claim that Arabic the name Azalea (ازلی) means "eternal" or "permanent". The name Azalea in Russia is more popular among the Muslim population, and therefore this version is more popular in our country.

The second version is Greek. According to this version Azalea's name means "dried" or "dry", and comes from the Greek word azaleos (αζαλεος), which translates as "dry".

The meaning of the name Azalea for a girl

The little Azalea is characterized by such traits as energy, sociability and curiosity. This is a kind and agile girl who finds it difficult to sit still. Azalea is also endowed with a whole ocean of positive, which of course attracts people to her. She has many friends and very easily finds a common language with new comrades.

Azalea's curiosity helps her a lot in her studies, because her craving for new things only contributes to learning. She is usually a good student and in addition finds hobbies outside of school. It is worth noting that moderate physical activity has a particularly positive effect on the girl. Physical education allows you to meet the motor needs of the child, which are noticeably higher than in many children. Most often, Azalea chooses the dance section, but she is also interested in other disciplines. Often, Azalea's search for her own vocation takes a long time. She can try all possible options and only then decide. Don't rush your child. Often her school hobbies have an impact on her entire future life.

Azalea’s health cannot be called especially strong, but you definitely can’t call it painful. The weak point of the owners of the name is most often the nervous system and digestive organs. It is worth paying attention to the regimen of the child and carefully monitor her diet. These recommendations, in principle, can be given to the owners of any name, but for Azalea they are especially relevant. In any case, if there are health problems, then you need to seek help from specialists.

Abbreviated name Azalea

Diminutive names

Azochka, Azushka, Azonka, Zalichka, Zalyushka, Zalenka, Liechka, Liyushka.

Name Azalea in English

Azalea name for passport- AZALIIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Characteristics of the name Azalea

If we talk about adult Azalea, it is worth noting that she becomes much calmer than in childhood and adolescence. She is still the same persistent and energetic, but more balanced in her decisions. She is less likely to give in to impulsive impulses, and yet she thinks first, and then only does. But her optimism remains at the same high level as in childhood. She maintains a positive attitude throughout her life. It is also interesting that, having matured, Azalea begins to listen more and more to her intuition. She very accurately feels the catch, which allows her to avoid many unpleasant situations.

At work, Azalea is loved and respected for her hard work. Colleagues also love Azalea for her cheerful mood, because she knows how to share it perfectly with others. She is quite lucky in material terms, but success does not come to her immediately. The main thing is that Azalea is not in a hurry and then everything will be fine.

In family relationships, Azalea is characterized by the ability to find compromises and create an atmosphere of trust in the family. She is quite a domestic person and true intimacy with her husband is extremely important to her. She is ready to postpone marriage for a long time, but still find "that one." She usually succeeds. She is a reliable and caring life partner, and also a wonderful mother.

The secret of the name Azalea

The secret of Azalea can be called an unusually sharp reaction to grievances. To be more precise, Azalea reacts very sharply and categorically to betrayal and deceit. She categorically deletes those who have committed such acts from her life. For many, such categoricalness becomes a discovery.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn and Aquarius.

totem animal- Mole.

Name color- Olive.

Plant- Ruta.

Stone- Chalcedony.

The name Azalea has ancient Greek roots and translates as "bush in flowers." The meaning of the name is associated with the houseplant Azalea, which during flowering is transformed beyond recognition.

There is an Arabic version of the origin of the name, according to it Azalea means calm, comforting, pacifying. Another form of the name is Aza, it can also be independent and have a different interpretation.

The name Azalea is customary to name children mainly in Muslim countries. Aza does not celebrate the day of the angel, as it is not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar holidays.

  • The ruling planet of the name is Saturn;
  • The sign of the zodiac corresponding to the meaning of the name is Aquarius, Capricorn;
  • The color that attracts good luck and happiness is mint, olive;
  • A plant that gives strength and positive energy is rue;
  • Stone - amulet - chalcedony.

Azalea's early years - talents, habits and preferences

Azochka is a very calm and quiet child. People around often confuse the baby's poise with isolation and shyness. Azochka can be lively, cheerful and noisy, but there must be a reason for this.

The girl likes to help her mother around the house, clean up or do other household chores. She does not see this as a boring and burdensome task, for her it is a way to be useful, in demand, and therefore happy.

Aza is an active and energetic baby. From an early age, a girl is taught to be independent, she is not afraid to take responsibility, having some resources for her activities. The work process inspires and transforms her if she believes in the successful result of her work.

In her school years, Azochka is very diligent, scrupulous, diligent. What other children try to avoid, she will corrosively and patiently bring to the end. Such a character trait will distinguish her in adulthood and help her make a successful career.

In high school, Aza is distinguished among her peers by her leadership qualities, initiative and a strong personal position. She likes to lead, to influence the opinions of her peers, she is not afraid to make an important decision on behalf of a large group of classmates. Such people are usually class presidents or take on a lot of community work.

At this age, Azalea is already able to decide on her future profession. She has a penchant for science, pedagogy. She has enough positive attitude, patience and tact to improve the performance of a loser or to sort out a difficult topic of the lesson for the whole class.

Azalea is able to turn the heads of the guys, but she does not pursue such a goal. She is not deprived of external data, she has enough femininity and charm, but she perceives her fans rather as friends, not seeing potential suitors in them. But this girl is quite picky and quickly able to make a decision about marriage, having met a suitable candidate.

In young people Azochka appreciates kindness, openness, responsiveness, compliance. She wants her loved one to be able to give in, find compromises. Partnership in relationships is more important for her than passion, recklessness and desire. Although this young lady is quite sensual and sentimental in love.

Aza can stay at one workplace for a long time, scrupulously studying a problem or making calculations. For successful implementation, the sphere of accounting, audit, work in the judicial system is suitable for her. She can show her talents in banking or as an economist.

Azalea's mathematical mindset, discipline and attentiveness will be highly appreciated by future employers, offering her a high salary and position. Aza is a practical person, but she puts material interest in second place after a personal attitude to business. It is very important for her to love her job, enjoy the process and believe in the final goal.

In the presence of these components, Aza is able to believe in herself, revealing her own potential, developing the skills of a competent leader. Despite her strict disposition, strong and strong-willed character, Azalea is quite tolerant, tolerant and loyal to others, even to subordinates.

Azochka's mistake in the business sphere can be the fact that she is used to taking on a lot, often not delegating complex responsibilities to inexperienced employees. It is easier and faster for her to complete a responsible task with soma than to burden those who are not confident in their abilities. This state of affairs can lead to rapid burnout at work.

Professional implementation, family and health

Adult Azalea is a man of duty. She makes very high demands on herself and never forgets about her duties. The higher her importance, authority and respect at work, the more she feels a sense of her own satisfaction.

Azochka's happiness lies not only in her favorite profession. It is very important for this woman to have a loving family nearby. She often marries early. This does not mean that she is indiscriminate or frivolous.

Aza is able to wisely choose a spouse, evaluating his reliability, fidelity, generosity and determination. It is important for her that there is not only a good lover nearby, but also a devoted friend, comrade, colleague.

Azalea will not look at a rude, cynical and narcissistic man. She herself is used to sacrificing a lot for the sake of loved ones, relatives and expects the same attitude towards herself. She is ready to spoil her beloved spouse with home cooking, care and affection, but this man must approve of her employment at work and her desire for career growth.

Azalea is quite sensual and tender in love. A favorable union is possible with men named Nathan. It is worth avoiding a serious relationship with Solomon, Alexander, Yuri, Nile.

With the advent of children, Aza will temporarily move away from her work schedule and devote herself entirely to raising and caring for the kids. But this business woman is not ready to leave work forever for the sake of her family. For her, these concepts are inseparable.

Therefore, Azalea is in for an eternal race and a lack of time that she will try to divide between work problems and household chores. This can be a reason for quarrels, strife in the family, but Aza has enough delicacy and diplomacy to avoid them.

Azalea's happiness is in her being in demand, she has long chosen her path, combining work with her family, excluding one thing, Aza will lose the meaning of her own destiny. For this active woman, it is important to always be in demand. This will give her strength in a more mature age.

Azalea has a rather wide circle of friends, but due to her busyness, she has little time for meetings with friends, evening gatherings and cute female gossip. She is not interested in the details of someone's personal life, she is not able to envy someone else's wealth and weave intrigues.

In many ways, her character resembles the behavior of a worthy and honest man. But this does not deprive Azalea of ​​femininity, tenderness in her eyes and manners of a beautiful lady. What Aza sometimes lacks is grooming. Sometimes she can forget to take care of herself, not paying attention to the lack of manicure on her hands or the carelessness of her hair.

Asa's health is not always stable. She should be more attentive to diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys and lungs. Even with a mild cold, the body can fail, complicating the disease with a manifestation of chronic diseases.

Notable people named Azalea

  • Azalea Banks - rock singer from America;
  • Azalia Likhitchenko - TV presenter and artist of the Soviet era;
  • Azalia Dolgova - a talented scientist, Doctor of Law, Professor;
  • Azalia Zinnat is a singer from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Azalea, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Full name - Azalea

Short name - Aza, Zalya

Synonyms for the name - Aza

Name days - does not celebrate

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Saturn

Color - Lead

Animal - Turtle

Plant - Pine

Stone - Chalcedony, obsidian

The origin of this name is unclear. According to one version, it was formed from a nondescript low shrub of the same name, which at the time of flowering is dressed in lush flowers. According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic language, where, in relation to a female name, it means “soothing” or “comforting”.

Love named Azalea

The bearer of this name loves catchy outfits and accessories, trying to emphasize their individuality and originality with them. Possessing a rather pretty appearance, she attracts the attention of the opposite sex. But not with every man she will agree to maintain a close relationship. She needs a man who will appreciate her not only for her external attractiveness, but also for her character, which is not very simple. Her chosen one must have courage and bravery, be noble and generous. In general - a prince on a white horse. However, these do not often come across in the way of young girls, so Azalea may experience disappointment from the first feeling of love, if it is not mutual.

Sexuality of the name Azalea

A woman is naturally endowed with developed intuition, great temperament and sensuality. She accurately determines the inner essence of a partner and builds intimate relationships based on how much a man respects her feelings, shares her vision of the world and life principles. She is quite experienced in love, and if the partner meets all her requirements, she can give him many sweet moments. He categorically does not accept rudeness and cruelty in his chosen one. Following her principles of being open to everyone, the bearer of this name sometimes thereby spoils her relationship with her loved one. She tries to put too many social problems on her fragile shoulders, while relegating personal relationships to the background.

Marriage and family named after Azalea

This woman was initially aimed at creating a strong and positive family in every sense. Only after becoming a wife and mother does she show all the best qualities of her character. But she has one weakness that can negatively affect family relationships. This is her constant preoccupation with world global problems, where she wants to be directly involved in their solution. She copes with all the hardships of family life, and she still has time for work and social activities. Anyone can envy her activity and fortitude. She is a faithful wife and friend to her husband. A loving mother for her children, in whom the soul is doomed. An excellent hostess, whose house is cozy, comfortable and always has delicious food.

Business and career

Possessing sufficient leadership skills and a sense of personal responsibility for the task assigned, this woman may well become a successful business lady. In addition, she absolutely does not like to obey anyone. It will work, regardless of poor health or mood. Azalea will not persuade her subordinates to complete the task for a long time, it is easier for her to saddle everything herself than to wait for help from someone. She can be realized as an excellent specialist in any field of activity. A strong and strong-willed character does not give her a reason to push other people around. In any team, she enjoys well-deserved respect. She is close to such professions as a teacher or university lecturer.

The meaning of the name Azalea in character

The main advantage of the character of this woman is her exceptional responsibility and reliability. She without further ado takes on any job, without complaining about the severity and without asking for help from others. A physically strong and active woman has enough strength for everything - professional activities and family obligations. By nature, modest and shy, she does not expect praise for her work, but deep down she still hopes to hear it. Despite her strong will and strong character, however, she never enters into disputes and conflicts, preferring to retreat, but remaining of her own opinion. Due to her shyness and low self-esteem, this woman does not seek to take a leadership position, although she can easily cope with any job. The kind-hearted and gentle Azalea does not wish bad things to anyone, and she does not remember insults for a long time. But betrayal and betrayal will not forgive. At the same time, she will not find out the details, she will simply stop all relations with the person whom she can no longer trust.

Teen Azalea

The girl at an early age declares herself as a serious and responsible person. Therefore, in the children's team and further at school, he enjoys authority among his peers. She always knows what she must do at the moment and does not deviate from her plan. She is very kind, but also touchy. If her work is not appreciated for a long time, she can close herself in her shell for a long time. The attention of relatives and friends is extremely important for this person.

Successful people and stars:

Azalia Dolgova is a Russian legal scholar, professor and doctor of jurisprudence. President of the Russian Criminological Association

Azalia (Aza) Likhitchenko - Russian TV presenter of the Soviet period, People's Artist of Russia

Azalea Banks - rap singer

Azalia Zinnatova, stage name Zinnat - Russian pop singer

Azalea Iggy (real name Amethyst Amelia Kelly) is an Australian hip hop singer and songwriter.

Perfect compatibility: Timofey, Mark, Timur, Eugene, Oleg

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