The fate of the most famous connoisseurs of the club "What? Help. Players" What? Where? When?"


One of the brightest participants in the popular television project "What? Where? When?" Elena Aleksandrova is absolutely deservedly considered. She has been successfully performing in the intellectual club for 15 years. The erudite brunette enjoys great love among the audience of the show. The life of an intellectual outside the frame, her career and the path to all-Russian fame, relationships with men, family and children will be discussed in this article.


Future participant "What? Where? When?" Elena Aleksandrova (photos are given in the article) was born in 1975. Some sources claim that she was born in the cultural Russian capital - St. Petersburg. But this information is erroneous - Elena is a native Muscovite.

The girl's parents worked in technical specialties. The main priority of the spouses was the well-being of their daughters - Elena and her own sister. Parents provided the girls with a chic childhood, which not everyone can boast of. They always had expensive toys, beautiful clothes, good and tasty food.

It is worth noting that not so long ago, Elena Alexandrova's sister left her homeland and moved to permanent residence in the United States of America. She is currently based in San Francisco.

The immigration of Alexandrov's sister is not condemning. But, according to Elena's own statements, unlike her relative, she herself would never have left her native country.

Hunger for knowledge

Even in childhood, the future member of the elite club showed herself as an active and intelligent girl. Studying in a regular school was not enough for her - an inquisitive nature demanded more. One of Elena's main hobbies was reading. She loved books with all her heart, since there were plenty of them in the house. I read a lot, binge. Moreover, she was interested not only in works of art, but also in scientific literature.

In addition to such self-education, every week little Lena attended classes in various sections and circles. The girl was especially interested in:

  • drawing;
  • needlework;
  • dancing.

Regardless of what she did, Elena always strived to be the best.

Specialty and career

By the time she completed her schooling, Alexandrova already knew exactly where she wanted to continue her education. And the goal was achieved. The young intellectual became a student of one of the most prestigious universities in the country - Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Despite the great competition (about 30 applicants for 1st place), the future star of the club "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova entered the university on the first try. She studied with a degree in Sociology of Mass Communications.

After 5 years, Elena received a diploma. Immediately after graduating from the university, the graduate began to work. She managed to get a job in a fairly large private company. The direction of work of the young specialist was public relations. The pay was very attractive. But still, at some point in her life, Alexandrova decided to leave her post.

At the moment, as she has been for more than a year, Elena is, in a certain sense, a freelancer and works remotely. The direction of her activity is journalism, media information. In addition, Alexandrova is developing her own projects. She sells the result of her work on specialized sites, after which she receives a well-deserved fee.

"Attention, question!"

In the elite club "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova first appeared in 2003 as part of a team captained by Maxim Potashev. Barely appearing on television, the debutante immediately attracted the attention of the audience. Fans of the game appreciated the intellect of the new participant. Since that time, Elena has invariably enjoyed great sympathy from the audience.

During the time that Alexandrova is a member of the club of connoisseurs, she managed to visit the compositions of three different teams. A bright brunette appeared at the table with some of the most famous participants in the intellectual program.

Having successfully made her debut in the team of Maxim Potashev, a year later Elena joined another team. This was the "women's team" of experts, headed by Valentina Golubeva. The idea of ​​forming an exclusively female staff, which at first glance seemed successful, in fact, quickly "dead to a long end."

"Women's team" soon broke up, and the participant "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova returned under the wing of Maxim Potashev. After some time, she was among the erudite, led by Andrei Kozlov. It was in the composition of this team that Elena's brightest performances in the intellectual games of the program took place to date.

As a talented captain, Kozlov provided Alexandrova with the opportunity to demonstrate her intellect and quick wits to the fullest. As part of this close-knit team with already legendary members, she appears at the round table of an elite club to this day.

Perfect marriage

From the entire biography of the expert "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova, her fans are most interested in the personal life of an intellectual. She first entered into an official marriage in the early 2000s. Elena's husband was her colleague in the game Maxim Potashev - now the master of the club and a four-time winner of the "Crystal Owl".

The wedding of connoisseurs was surrounded by relatives and friends from both sides. The union of the two scholars seemed unbreakable. And for a long time he was.

In 2005, members of the club "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova and Maxim Potashev became parents for the first time. The couple had twin boys Roman and Andrei. The birth of joint children brought the couple even closer.

They were together always and everywhere. In the club, Elena and Maxim played for the same team under the leadership of Andrey Kozlov. Houses jointly solved all domestic issues. In their interviews, they frankly said that they know everything about each other and even guess thoughts and desires. Elena praised her husband for his understanding and help. But the ideal marriage collapsed literally overnight.

Fairy tale with a bad ending

When Alexandrova was already late in her second pregnancy, Potashev became interested in a participant in the sports version of "What? Where? When?" Elena Chukhraeva. The feeling that gripped the exemplary family man turned out to be so strong that Maxim left the family, despite the position of his wife.

After a divorce from Elena, he hastily married a new lover, who soon gave birth to his daughter Anna. Alexandrova also had a girl named Vasilina. She broke off all relations with her once loving husband and refused to indicate his paternity in the birth documents of her daughter.

Now a member of "What? Where? When?" Elena Alexandrova brings up children alone. They are now her family. Elena has not yet married a second time.

He plays What? Where? When?" since 1986 and during this time he was able to become like a real symbol of the intellectual club. Andrei spoke about his life outside the game.

Andrey Kozlov.

Gennady Avramenko

- Andrei Anatolyevich, when a person has a problem, he, as a rule, says: "You need to turn to an expert, a specialist." In your case, the concept of "expert" is not limited to a specific area. So you are an expert on absolutely everything?
It is a common misconception that experts are people who know a lot. A connoisseur is, first of all, a person who knows how to think a lot. The general public does not draw boundaries between knowledge and the ability to think, and these are far from related, at least directly, things. The ability to think is given to a person from birth, and knowledge is acquired throughout life. Then an interesting process begins, when new knowledge can improve a person’s ability to think. In my past life, until the age of 30, I was a teacher. I graduated from the university early, at the age of 21, and until the age of 30 I worked in the Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute, which is now called the university. I am a chemist, and many of my energy students were interested in: “Why do we need chemistry?” And then I came up with a formula for myself: to lift a barbell, you need to develop muscles, and to be an engineer, you need to develop your head. The muscle called “brain” gets used to work when you have not only the ability to acquire new knowledge, but also the ability to find it. The ability to find new knowledge is the ability to think. After all, what is a minute of discussion in “What? Where? When?"? This is the ability to think collectively. And during this minute we observe the collective process of thinking, the emergence of new knowledge: from a complete misunderstanding of what we are asked about, to finding an answer. Here Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov figured out how to show this to viewers.
- If the ability to think logically has become your lifestyle, do you use it outside of the game?
- I will not reveal a big secret if I say that thinking is generally useful. (Laughs) But for me, “What? Where? When?" - not only the ability to think. In a short period of time, six people must discard their ambitions, except for one single one: to find the correct answer to the question that the host asked them, the viewers, and in general - life has set. For example, Jung's theory of the collective unconscious is well known. And I suddenly realized not so long ago that in the best minutes I played in “What? Where? When? ”, I become a living witness to the existence of this collective unconscious, which is then verbalized. Of course, after that, you begin to feel much more aware of yourself in the world, having only the experience of answering questions in “What? Where? When?".
- In order to devote your whole life to the game, with a capital letter, you need to be a person who is both passionate, and smart, and gambling, and devoted. What is the most important of these qualities for you?
- Firstly, I can’t even turn my tongue to call myself a smart person. I like to think to myself that I'm smart. But I'd rather put it this way: people say I'm not stupid. (Laughs) Secondly, it is very important here that all these years I have been making sure that the game is not the main goal of my life. For example, this season, which just ended on TV, I made the decision that I would not play. Probably, also because, in order to push aside this habit a little. And then any of these words: and passion, and devotion, and intelligence - has not only a positive connotation. Everything is good in moderation, and your passions, in general, need to be restrained. You can't live on a high note all the time. So the game "What? Where? When?" - this is a very important part of my life, but making a cult out of it ... No, that's not all.

- This is partly why you decided not to play this season, but you are present at every game. You are not doing this because you are the president of the association of clubs “What? Where? When? ”, But because you yourself want it.
— Yes, recently my colleagues elected me the president of the international association of clubs “What? Where? When?". But I'm also the master of the club. And, as a master, I have set some obligations for myself. This time it so happened that I had to take my aunt, mother Galya, to a serious operation. This is my mother's sister (I lost my mother this fall). And I chose the date of the trip in such a way as to take Galya's mother, leave her in the hospital and immediately leave for the game. It's not that without me everything will collapse. I just feel a certain responsibility. In general, being at the club since 1986, I missed only one game, and that was due to illness.
- You have never hidden that you experience strong nervous tension when your team plays. When you watch the game as a spectator, do you feel the same way?
- I quite often draw an analogy between “What? Where? When?" and football. It happens that your favorite club is playing, but the game leaves you indifferent. And sometimes the game of an ordinary football team makes you not just get sick, but yell at some moments. It is clear that if a team plays, which includes Sasha Friends, or Max Potashev, or Lesha Blinov, or Lena Orlova, or Balash Kasumov - people with whom I have a long life together in “What? Where? When? ”, then I come to the game tuned in to the pain much more than when newcomers play. And it just happens with newcomers: if they surprise me with something in the first five or ten minutes of their game, then I start to get sick for real. An even more fantastic case is when, in the depths of my soul, I begin to root even for the viewers. (Laughs.) If we talk about the extreme degree, then one day my game ended with a microstroke. And it happens that you don’t understand why, pardon the physiology, you didn’t even sweat.
- How did it happen that at one time you not only passed the selection to play in the club as an expert, but also remained in it to work as a producer?
- I got into the club in 1986, it was the beginning of perestroika in the Soviet Union. Then Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov and Natalia Ivanovna Stetsenko decided to create an organization of players playing “What? Where? When?" Worldwide. And I offered them to take over the organizational part of this event in Zhdanov. We held a fantastic opening ceremony, it was shown on the Central Television, and after this congress, Voroshilov and Stetsenko began to offer me to move to Moscow and work for them then as a director, today as a producer. About once a month, Vladimir Yakovlevich called me and said: "Come, we are waiting for you." In May 1990, when the decision had already been made to shoot Brain Ring, I came to help them organize the filming. It was just the May holidays. And, having stayed in Moscow for ten days, I got into this rhythm so much that I no longer wanted to return to Mariupol. I realized that if I was offered to stay, I would agree. Of course, I like acting much more than being a producer. And in connection with this, we have developed a certain code. For example, if I go into a room where there are editors who are dealing with questions, I say loudly: "Here is Kozlov." So I've been talking for 20 years, so as not to even accidentally hear any of the questions that will be involved in the game. In May it will be 24 years since I have been working at the club, and if you look back, they all flew by like one day.

Alexey Blinov his first game in the club "What? Where? When?" played in 1991. Then he worked as a shift foreman at the Leningrad Knitting Association. Over the years of playing at the club, he received the title of "Best Club Captain". He is also the owner of two "Crystal Owls" (1992, 1993).

Graduated from the Faculty of Technology of the Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry (now the University of Technology and Design) in 1986, St. Petersburg Academy of Engineering and Economics in 1999, has several scientific papers and one author's certificate.

He worked as a shift foreman, was at the Komsomol work, an employee of the youth center. Worked in banking and investment companies.

He was an adviser to the vice-governor of St. Petersburg on transport and energy, then for five years in the administration of St. Petersburg he worked as deputy chairman of the transport committee. After that, he moved to banking structures, headed a leasing company, and was the general director of OJSC Petersburg Fuel Company (PTK).

Later he moved into the media business, became the general director of CJSC Izvestia-Petersburg, but after a while he began to combine this position with the position of marketing and sales director of Scania-Peter LLC.

Since 2007, he has been the PR director of the Zenit football club. Passionate fan of "Zenith".

Graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Heat and Power.

Boris Burda gained fame as a TV presenter of cooking shows on Ukrainian TV and the author of articles and books on cooking.

He actively performs at festivals, music lovers know him as the author and performer of an ironic bard song. Shoots stories for Mikhail Shirvindt's program "I Want to Know" (Channel One).

In the newspaper "Interlocutor" leads a culinary section. Regularly published in the Moscow magazine "Story" - essays on historical figures.

Alexander Byalko has been playing in an elite club since 1979. The first owner of the club's unique award - the Owl Badge.

Graduated from MEPhI, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, specializing in journalism. Studied (did not finish) at MIInYaz im. Maurice Thorez.

He taught at MEPhI, in 1999-2003. worked as deputy director of the Brener company (autocosmetics and automotive services).

In 2003-2008 and from 2009 to the present - Deputy Director for Science of the experimental chemical and metallurgical plant "Giredmet" in the city of Podolsk, Moscow Region.

In 2008-2009 - Dean of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.

In 2006-2007 was the host of the program "Byalko-show" on the radio "Culture". In 2007, the program was nominated among the top three radio programs in Russia.

Member of the third season of the show "The Last Hero".

Alexander Byalko has about 40 scientific papers in the field of nuclear physics and information theory. He is the author of five books of artistic content, including The Origin of Mankind.

Leonid Vladimirsky played in the club "What? Where? When?" since 1982, at that time he was a student at MEPhI. He is the owner of the "Crystal Owl" (1986).

Graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI). He has a number of publications on the technical aspects of nuclear test control.
Works as a system administrator (programmer) in the company "" (New York, USA), which sells information related to stock trading via the Internet.

Valentina Golubeva first game in the club "What? Where? When?" played in 1982. In 1985, she became the captain of the club's only women's team. He is the owner of two "Crystal Owls" (summer, autumn 2003).

Graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Belarusian State University.

Candidate of Technical Sciences. Assistant professor. He has extensive experience in the field of political PR and consulting.

In 1995-2006 worked in election campaigns for government bodies of all levels. Managed projects at Niccolo M, Imageland PR, An Affiliate of Edelman agencies.

She has served as Strategy and Development Director for the Russian branch of Destini Financial Group, consulting company Buro Akzent, and Executive Director of the Association of Public Relations Consultants (AKOS-ICCO).

Valentina Golubeva is the Director for Strategy and Development of the Center for Development of Management Technologies (CRUT) and teaches a special course Culture Leadership & Teambuilding at the MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Fedor Dvinyatin first game in the club "What? Where? When?" played in the team of Alexei Blinov in 1990. Winner of four "Crystal Owls" (1991, 1994, 2000 and 2002). In 2002 he became the world champion in sports "What? Where? When?" as part of the team of Alexander Druz.

Graduated from the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University, Russian philologist. Candidate of Philology.

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department at St. Petersburg State University, as well as the Canadian College of St. Petersburg State University. Specialist in Russian literature of the 11th-14th and 19th-20th centuries (poetics of the text, intertextuality, language models), Paleo-Slavistics, general poetics, history and methodology of philology and the humanities in general. Author of a number of scientific publications on the specified subject. Author and presenter of the cultural program "Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta..." on Radio Russia.

The KVN team from Stupino near Moscow is named after Fedor Dvinyatin.

Oleg Dolgov plays "What? Where? When?" since 1979. At that time he was an employee of the Physics Institute. Lebedev Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Winner of the "Crystal Owl" (1987).

Winner of the "Porcelain snail" the main prize of the Bulgarian "Knowing Club". Received a prize at the international games "What? Where? When?" in Bulgaria in 1987

Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Since 1996 he has been living and working in Germany. Place of employment: Max Planck Institute for Solid State Physics in Stuttgart.

Five-time winner of the "Crystal Owl" prize (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2006).

In the final game of the winter series of 1995, Alexander Druz was awarded the honorary title of Master of the game "What? Where? When?"

In the club they call him the "Great Combinator" - he is able to count, calculate and calculate almost everything.

In total, he spent 65 games on the transfer, 39 of which he won. Alexander's daughters - Inna and Marina - also play in the club "What? Where? When?". Both received "Crystal Owl".

Alexander Druz is the leader of the "Transsfera" team in sports "What? Where? When?", which became the winner of the First World Championship in 2002. "Transsfera" won the St. Petersburg Governor's Cup 9 times. He became the champion of the television version of the game "Brain Ring" in 1990, 1991 and 1994. In addition, he won twice on the program "Own Game" in 1995 and 2003.

At the present time - Program Manager of the TV channel "STO" (St. Petersburg).

Georgy Zharkov started playing in the Club since 1994. Owner of "Crystal Owl".

Graduated from Vladimir Pedagogical University. Historian, candidate of psychological sciences.

He was a participant in several high-profile scandals.

In 2004, he was disqualified for 3 years for violating the regulations of the Cup of Cities and the Cup of Russia tournaments in the game "What? Where? When?". Zharkov told the Organizing Committee of the Cup of Cities a fictitious e-mail address, received tournament questions on it, as a result, his team took 3rd place.

He tried to do the same at the Russian Cup (December 2003), but the deception was discovered.

In 2007, he was sentenced to 4 years and 5 months of probation on charges of sexual assault and illegal imprisonment. Zharkov remained at large, but on bail. After half of the suspended sentence in 2009, the conviction was expunged.

Andrey Kamorin actively played in the Club between 1978 and 1986. Holder of the honorary title "Best Captain of the Club".

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Formerly an international journalist, he worked as an own correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper for 15 years.

From 1996 to 1997 - Deputy Director of the Directorate of Programs of the NTV Television Company for Foreign Broadcasting.

From 1998 to 2001 worked in the company "NTV-Kino" as an executive director, and also served as a producer-coordinator and chief consultant.

In 2001, he became the general director of New Russian Series LLC. Here, until 2006, he produced such television series as "Streets of Broken Lights", "Secrets of the Investigation", "National Security Agent", "Children of the Arbat", "Taxi Driver", "Cop Wars", "Airport" and others.

From 2006 to the present - General Director of LLC "Forward-Film", producer and co-producer of the series "Katerina", "Protection of Krasin", "Schedule of Fates", "Special Group", "Cop Wars-3", "Web" , "Cop in law", "Highway Patrol". Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, member of the Guild of Producers of Russia, member of the Academy of Russian Television.

Awarded with a Special Prize, Diploma of the Fifth Anniversary International Telekinoforum "TOGETHER" "For contribution to the development of television art" (2004).

Andrey Kozlov became a player of the club "What? Where? When?" in 1986. He is the owner of the "Diamond Owl" (2008), three-time winner of the "Crystal Owl" (1992, 1994, 2008), the master of the game "What? Where? When?", holder of the honorary title "Best Club Captain".

Graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University.

After graduating from the university, he worked as a teacher at the Zhdanovsky (now Mariupol) Metallurgical Institute.

Since 1990, he has been working on television in Moscow, is a director of the television programs "Brain Ring", "Program Guide", "How to Spend a Million", "Cultural Revolution", "Songs of the 20th Century", "Life is Beautiful", host of the program " Brain Ring", the general producer of the TV company "Igra-TV".

Nurali Latypov played in the Connoisseurs Club from 1980 to 1986. Owner of the first in the history of the Crystal Owl Club (1984).

Graduated from Rostov State University (faculties of biology and physics), full-time postgraduate studies at the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Specialization: neurophysiologist (neurocybernetics); methodologist. PhD in Philosophy.

He worked as a political observer of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League; adviser to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Ivan Silaev, vice president of the Bank of Moscow. Currently, he is a member of the board of directors of the Vechernyaya Moskva concern, an adviser to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov on a voluntary basis.

In 2003, he was among the top three of the Union of People for Education and Science (SLON) party in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Winner of the Golden Calf literary prize, 12-time winner of the Grand Prix of international caricature exhibitions, author of a number of monographs and inventions in the field of electronic communications.

Viktor Sidnev played in the club "What? Where? When?" since 1979. Winner of the "Crystal Owl" and the title of "Best Club Captain".

In 1978 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. After graduating from the institute, he worked at a branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy. I.V. Kurchatov in Troitsk as an engineer, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher. He put forward a number of new ideas on the use of pulsed plasma accelerators, in particular, the creation of pulsed X-ray sources. Author of more than 30 scientific papers in the field of plasma hydrodynamics.

From 1989 to 1990 he worked as a mathematics teacher in San Ramon, California, USA.

In 1991, he headed the Institute for Technology Assessment and Development, which is engaged in the development and implementation of high technologies in the field of telecommunications.

In 1997, he created and headed the Troitsk-Telecom company.

In 2000, he was elected to the Council of Deputies of the city of Troitsk, where he worked in the committees for scientific and social development of the city-science city and for regulatory work and regulations of the Council of Deputies.

In August 2003 he was elected mayor of the city of Troitsk. In 2007 he was re-elected to this position.

Nikita Shangin played in the club "What? Where? When?" since 1981. The owner of the "Crystal Owl".

In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute.

For seven years he worked at Mosproekt-2 in the field of restoration, in particular, on the historical development of Zamoskvorechye. Currently, he is the chief architect of projects in the architectural workshop of CJSC "Kurortproekt".

Member of the Union of Architects of Russia, Honorary Architect of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation.

Among the implemented projects is the State Memorial Complex "Katyn", marked as the best Russian landscape project in 1999. In 2000, the "Katyn" complex was awarded the architectural prize "Golden Section".

Anastasia Shutova is a girl who, with her biography, proved that the common phrase about dividing women into smart and beautiful is nothing more than an unsuccessful joke of envious people. The fact is that Anastasia has been successfully fighting on the fields of intellectual duels of the cult program “What? Where? When?". However, Nastya was remembered by the audience not only for her brilliant acting, but also for her novels with her project colleagues.

Childhood and youth

The future intellectual was born on October 23, 1986 in Kolomna, Moscow Region. The girl's mental abilities manifested themselves even in her school years: Nastya studied with honors and amazed her teachers with the speed with which she mastered new information. Anastasia graduated from school with a gold medal and easily entered the Higher School of Economics.

Game "What? Where? When?" appeared in the life of Anastasia Shutova not by chance. Even at school, Anastasia enjoyed watching episodes of this program and even participated in a city tournament organized by local fans of the program. Then the team, which included Anastasia Shutova, took third place.

After school, Nastya did not lose interest in her former hobbies. The girl even assembled her own team, and in her second year she joined the strong team of the university. This was considered a major achievement, but Anastasia Shutova dreamed of more: to become part of an elite club of intellectuals, whom the whole country calls only "experts."

"What? Where? When?"

As you know, a dream, multiplied by efforts and dedication, cannot but come true: already in 2011, Anastasia Shutova proved that she was worthy to join the team of “experts” and fight in the legendary intellectual casino live “What? Where? When?". The girl became part of the team of Andrei Supranovich, and later began to play in the team.

Over the years of games, Anastasia Shutova has repeatedly proved to both teammates and spectators that she received the title of “expert” not in vain. The girl demonstrated encyclopedic knowledge, as well as ingenuity, quick reaction and, of course, the ability to play in a team. Anastasia is not afraid to take responsibility and knows how to support friends in difficult situations.

In an interview with journalists, Anastasia Shutova repeatedly admitted that she was nervous before each game, but on the eve she did not prepare for the upcoming intellectual battles.

According to the girl, preparation for the game is constant reading of scientific and cultural news, as well as reading scientific and documentary books. And although not every duel of "experts" ends in favor of recognized intellectuals, Nastya believes that each time the team wins back stronger and stronger.

For yourself, participation in “What? Where? When?" Anastasia Shutova considers it a constant incentive to grow, develop, learn new things and set new intellectual records. In addition, this program gives an invaluable opportunity to meet and communicate with smart and original people, the girl emphasizes.

Personal life

The personal life of Anastasia Shutova interests viewers and journalists no less than the intellectual success of the girl. The fact is that Anastasia also chooses her soulmate among the “experts”. And the first chosen one of the beauty from among the players “What? Where? When?" became, the repeated owner of the coveted "Crystal Owl" and part-time professional lawyer.

The relationship of two smart people quickly shifted to the heart plane, and in 2013 Ilya made a long-awaited proposal to his beloved. Anastasia Shutova did not refuse Novikov, and in the summer of that year the happy couple went on a trip to the North Pole. There, on board the icebreaker called "50 Years of Victory", young people became husband and wife. The ceremony was held by the captain of the ship himself.

Despite the fact that the bride had to wrap herself in a down jacket, the bride's snow-white veil looked touching and romantic, and photos from this non-standard wedding “walked” on fan pages on Instagram and other social networks for a long time. The guests of such an original event were almost 150 people who were not afraid of severe weather conditions.

Of course, the ceremony performed by the captain of the icebreaker had no legal force. Therefore, returning from the edge of permafrost, the lovers remarried. This time the event was held traditionally - in the registry office.

Unfortunately, family life, begun so brightly and unconventionally, did not work out. In 2015, Anastasia Shutova and Ilya Novikov divorced. The former spouses chose to keep the reasons for the separation a secret, leaving fans, viewers and journalists at a loss.

Anastasia Shutova was not left alone: ​​the girl began an affair with another intellectual of the What? Where? When?". This time, Kim Galachyan became the chosen one of the beauty.

Anastasia's new lover is from Yerevan, the young man moved to Moscow to enter MGIMO, from which he graduated in 2015. A year later, in 2016, Kim married Anastasia Shutova.

In a frank interview, Kim Galachyan admitted that he had long laid eyes on the bright beauty Anastasia, but the girl’s romance with Ilya Novikov cooled the young man’s ardor. And only when Anastasia became free again, Kim ventured into romantic courtship and achieved his dream.

Anastasia Shutova now

Now Anastasia Shutova is happy with her husband, but the girl still prefers to leave the details of family life behind the scenes. In the frame, the audience sees the bright and spectacular game of Anastasia in the studio of the program “What? Where? When?".

It does not do without excesses: in 2017, Rovshan Askerov's team was credited with a defeat in one of the rounds of the program due to a hint from Kim Galachyan. He stood among the audience in the hall and, apparently, tried to help his beloved and suggest the right answer. However, the host of the show noticed this, and the team had to give up their place at the table to the rivals.

Nevertheless, the audience is still waiting with interest for the next series of games with the participation of Anastasia Shutova and her favorite team.

Andrey Kozlov- Russian TV presenter, producer and Master of the elite club " What? Where? When? ».

Childhood and youth of Andrey Kozlov

Andrey Anatolievich Kozlov was born on a plane flying from a German city to the USSR. Already in childhood, he realized that he wanted to work on television. In order to get into the creative environment of the capital, he applied to the Shchukin Theater School, passed all the exams, but at the request of his parents, he did not study at this educational institution. He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University, worked as a conductor for two years, combining it with his studies. In addition, Andrei worked as a freelance correspondent for local television for several years. Life Andrey Kozlov proceeded outside the bohemian elite, after graduating from the university he taught at the Mariupol Metallurgical Institute. He worked as a tutor, it was this activity that brought the main income.

Andrey Kozlov's career

Program " brain ring”, aired for ten years (1990-2000) on central Russian TV channels, was the favorite brainchild of Andrey Kozlov. He was so passionate about what was happening during the broadcasts that he turned into a very focused and serious person.

“If I really became too serious in the frame, then Igor Kondratyuk, who worked as an assistant, showed me the “Laugh, bastard” sign, and a smile immediately appeared. And then I myself wrote about the same for Mikhail Shvydkoy, when we were just starting to make the "Cultural Revolution".

But the program was closed due to low ratings. However, Andrey Anatolyevich maintained his form and the form of teams - he arranged international tournaments twice a year. On the 20th anniversary, the program " brain ring» on the STS channel with the same presenter Andrey Kozlov.

“When I returned to the TV version of the game, I experienced great happiness. It was as if the unthinkable had happened, and I managed to return to my youth. We have a youth team from Odessa, the captain of which first came to the Brain Ring as a three-month-old baby. His mother played 15 years ago: she came with the baby, breastfed him, left him backstage and went on the air. So the boy absorbed the spirit of playing with mother's milk. No wonder he's the captain of the team now."

Rules of the intellectual game " brain ring" have not changed. Two teams of six people must answer the questions as soon as possible. The maximum time for discussion is 20 seconds. The first team to answer correctly receives one point. Each game consists of four fights: two qualifying and two final. All fights are played up to five points.The winner of the game is the team that wins the two final fights and advances to the final of the tournament.But the game " brain ring"returned to the screens in an updated version. A spacious, modern, bright studio appeared, new characters came: Alexander Bely, improvising comments on the game in the style of rap, as well as Galina Sergeevna from " daddy's daughters”, as a charming assistant presenter. But the most important thing is that the program has become a truly family-friendly one, as the teams were divided into age categories: adults and children.

“Everyone plays for real, without giveaways. Adults are at first a little lost, but then they realize that they are facing the same players as themselves. And, if they give in even once, the children will simply sweep them away! This is exactly what happened in the first half: the Minsk children's team smashed the adult players from Moscow to smithereens. And in the second half, the children from Moscow made the experienced adult team from Baku very worried. Baku residents were close to flying out. So adults play fair with children. And it's very exciting!"

In 2017, a gif-image of Andrey Kozlov was published on the American entertainment portal Reddit and gained several million views.

In 2018 " Brain ring"began to appear on the NTV channel in an updated form and composition. Kozlov is still the leader of the country's second most important and popular intellectual game.

“As a viewer, I watch with great pleasure the transformations that are taking place on NTV. The channel is turning into a rating intellectual television. It makes an impression! I am pleased that we were able to get into the structure of the new NTV. The most important change in the Brain Ring is in the audience: we hope that now the TV screens will be those people who were born in the year when the Brain Ring first went on the air. I promise it will be a breathtaking sight! The strongest will win!"

Andrey Kozlov's personal life

Andrey Kozlov Married, wife's name is Anna. Andrey Kozlov an extremely enterprising and far-sighted person: he acquired a piece of land, which became profitable:

“I bought a neighbor’s one for my summer cottage. 12 acres cost me then $ 8 thousand. Now it costs about 140 thousand, but I am not going to sell the land.”

Andrey Kozlov possesses an extraordinary intellect, as well as a view of life and himself:

“We have to live naturally. You know, they do not agree with me, but I am sure that selfishness rules the world. If I want to do something nice for someone, then the key words here are "I want." And only then "pleasant for someone." Why am I doing this? To enjoy yourself. You can never say about a person: he does good things for people, because he loves people. Lies! He loves himself! I'm not an ordinary, simple Soviet guy. Nothing like that! But it is impossible to live with the thought “I am a star, and everything is possible for me”. Against! You can’t afford much of what ordinary people can afford.”

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