Dry felting for beginners paintings. Draw pictures with wool


At first glance, it may seem that such a hobby for modern needlewomen as felting has appeared relatively recently.

However, what do you say to the fact that about 8000 years ago people already put into practice the manufacture of various things from wool? Later, entire workshops began to appear, specializing in working with natural wool. Let's see where everyone can start getting acquainted with this needlework today.

Felting for beginners: a master class

It is too early for beginner needlewomen to immediately make toys or paintings. But something simple like jewelry is quite possible. Let's try to do flower brooch.

So, for the brooch "Lilies of the valley" you will need:

  • In fact, wool
  • Fine felting needles
  • thin wire
  • A dense sponge or brush as a stand for making jewelry
  • Beads with a diameter of 7-10 millimeters
  • Acrylic varnish
  • Scissors
  • soapy water
  • Clasp used to make a brooch

Getting Started:

  • First of all, it is necessary to form a frame for the leaves. And for this you need a wire
  • Now a strand of green wool is taken. It must be placed under the frame and on the brush. This strand is needed pierce with needles

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the strand must be larger than the wire frame. Should not be taken.

  • The strand turns over, the actions from the previous paragraph are repeated
  • Tips of improvised leaves wrap up
  • It turned out a blank for a leaf. Now she needs put the wireframe back on
  • The edges of the leaf are also processed with felting needles
  • Now is the time to give the leaf naturalness, shading it with fur green gamut

IMPORTANT: In order for the transitions of shades to turn out smooth, it is worth smoothing the workpiece with an iron.

  • Further leaf outlines are formed- it should not be flat, because it is unnatural. In this case, the twisted ends of the wire stick out of the workpiece
  • Glue is applied to the above twisted ends of the wire. A little more green wool should be applied to the glue. The wool is twisted so that the wire is not visible at all, and a stem is formed. Need to help yourself with a needle
  • Now you can start making branches. Take some white wool and form a kind of pancake out of it.
  • In such a pancake and you need to put a bead, then decorating it with wool. For the best effect, you should help yourself with needles.
  • Now the bead should be dipped in soapy water, and then roll out in your hands

IMPORTANT: It is worth removing the knocked-out hairs with scissors.

  • One top is cut off, after which 8 cuts are made. The bead is taken out of the woolen cocoon - and now the woolen blank resembles the outlines of lily of the valley flowers
  • Received flowers need to be dipped in acrylic varnish. However, beforehand, the varnish should be slightly diluted with water. Blanks are pressed, dried
  • Buds are forming- white and green woolen balls
  • Well now assembly starts- balls are strung on the wire. The wire is twisted so that the balls do not separate from it.
  • Also flowers are strung, and from a piece of wire sticking out of the flower, core
  • All branches are collected, fastened together with green wool and glue
  • Now a twig, a leaf and a brooch barrette come together. You can decorate this product with a green ribbon

The next decoration bright summer beads using the felting technique. For them come in handy:

  • Wool. As for the color scheme, it can be the most diverse.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to the fact that you have wool on hand, not acrylic.

  • Needle. It is advisable to purchase a coarse ordinary felting needle
  • Waxed cord. Stock up on 2-3 meters
  • Caps for beads or from acorns. If you did not find acorns near you, it is quite possible to contact the hardware store
  • Special felting brush. However, you can replace it with a regular dishwashing sponge or a piece of foam rubber.
  • Various accessories- these are holders for pendants, which are called bales, and locks, and fasteners for cords. However, if you cannot get all this, there is an option to use a waxed cord or a chain from some unnecessary jewelry.

Let's get to work:

  • So, first of all, take wool. Fluff it up, tangle it with your fingers

IMPORTANT: How much material is needed for one bead? It all depends on the size of the beads, but keep in mind in any case that the wool shrinks a lot during work. This means that a reserve is needed.

  • Wool rolls into a ball. You need to make more effort, as the wool must be twisted tightly

  • Put the ball on the stand- brush, sponge or foam rubber. Remember to hold the ball with your fingers, as at this stage it may well fall apart. into it a needle is stuck to fix the shape, and you need to start from the place where the wool is fastened

  • Now you need to process the entire surface of the ball with a needle- so it falls off better, becomes denser and better in shape

  • Similar procedure carried out with the rest of the balls for beads

  • To complete the felting process, it is recommended Pour hot water into a bowl, dissolving shampoo or liquid soap in it. Balls are thrown into this bowl

IMPORTANT: Before dropping all the balls, you should make sure that the wool will not shed. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting a spotted product.

  • Each ball is taken and rolled between the palms as if you are working with plasticine, that is, in a circle. At first, the pressure should be weak, but then it should be increased. If you immediately press hard, ugly creases may form. Don't be surprised if the dimensions are reduced to 30% or even 50%

  • As soon as the bead becomes denser and smaller, it rolls out between the palms like a sausage. It is necessary to carry out this action until the bead is will look like an egg

  • Beads should be rinsed to remove the soap solution. Then they need to be squeezed out and put to dry.

  • And at this stage you need process the collected acorns. You must first separate the hats, then from the hats - tails. Holes are made in the caps. These parts are thoroughly washed and dried. You can optionally process blanks for beads with varnish

IMPORTANT: If you purchase special bead caps, then the hole-drilling step is, of course, not needed.

  • A piece is cut from the waxed cord, folded in half and tied with a loop

  • Now the task is more difficult - pull a loop through the cap from the acorn. If she doesn’t want to be threaded in any way, you can resort to a little trick, namely, thread a thread through the hat, hook the loop with the thread, and then thread it all into the hat

  • Pull the loop so that the knot rests on the hat. Another knot is tied on the inside of the hat. so that the loop does not move anywhere

  • At the bottom of the impromptu hat should be added a small amount of glue

  • Now to the glue pressed bead

IMPORTANT: You need to press the bead strongly, but not for long - a few seconds are enough.

  1. The final stage - putting all the loops with beads on some unnecessary chain or on a waxed cord

Materials and tools for felting wool

IMPORTANT: Whatever technique is used, the materials needed are the same.

  • So, first of all, this is a special unspun wool. Density, hardness and colors have no limits - their choice depends purely on tastes and the desired result. You can buy in special stores for creativity. Beginners are advised to buy the so-called “melange” sets with matching shades.

wool for felting is varied
  • Needles- must also be special. Ordinary sewing machines should be left for other activities, as felting devices are sharper. They have special notches that help the wool fall off. Felting is done with thick needles, shaping with medium needles, and final touches are formed with thin needles.
  • Brush- can be special for felting, purchased at a craft store. However, it is quite possible to replace it with a piece of foam rubber or a sponge for washing dishes.

IMPORTANT: You should not refuse this item, as it protects the table and hands from needle pricks.

  • Sintepon- recommended if you are thinking of something voluminous. In this case, the base is formed from it, and wool is applied on top.
  • Decor elements– beads, ribbons, beads, accessories, glass eyes

Wet felting from wool: technique

This technique produces excellent bags, scarves, mittens, slippers. The peculiarity is that it is necessary to use a soap solution in which pieces of wool are placed. In this case, the wool shrinks significantly, which implies the need for a workpiece that is several times larger than the desired dimensions of the product.

  • So, the first step is to prepare a soap solution. To do this, a bar of soap grated on a coarse grater must be poured with boiling water in a volume of two liters. The soap is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved, the solution is infused. Alternatively, you can use liquid soap.

IMPORTANT: The solution must be infused until it thickens. As a rule, it takes two hours.

  • After the solution reaches a state of readiness, you can proceed directly to the needlework itself. Cover the surface with bubble wrap, since it is reusable many times, it prevents the fibers from sticking. Please note that the film is spread with the bubble side up.

  • First thing a base layer is placed on the film, then a background layer, and only then a layer with a pattern. The layers must be thin, overlapping and perpendicular, otherwise gaps will occur. Particular attention should be paid to ensure that the thickness of the layers is the same everywhere.
  • From a spray bottle, treat the workpiece with water- this will help not to move the picture. After that, it is worth covering the workpiece with a nylon cloth and wetting it in soapy water.
  • But now you can start rubbing the canvas by hand. Moreover, the directions must be different to achieve the best result.

Dry felting from wool: technique

With dry felting, a person who has not previously encountered felting should begin, since it is less time-consuming. You can create with this technique interesting toys, flowers, beads.

Put a piece of wool on the sponge, and then with the help of a needle, begin to form a product from this piece - that's all the technology. Remember at the same time that wool shrinks by about a third, so you have to stock up on a large amount.

IMPORTANT: Punctures should be done carefully, otherwise either the needle will break or the hands will be injured.

Masters usually start with thicker needles, and only in the process of compacting the material they replace them with thin ones. At the same time, the needles held perpendicular to the product to avoid breakage. The material must be placed on the surface, and not to keep on weight.

Felting toys from wool: master class

To begin with, let's try to make a cute sheep with the help of felting. It is made as follows:

  • The first step is to work on the base. An L-shaped roller is created from beige, white, brown or any other natural colors. It should be dense, for which it should be properly rolled

  • Now you need to form a head from a part of the base. It is formed by adding wool - this is how the cheeks, front and upper parts with all their reliefs appear

IMPORTANT: If you suddenly feel that the volume of the head becomes smaller than it should, do not panic! Just add a little more wool - fortunately, the carded comb allows you to do this. The main thing is to create a good density.

  • It's the turn of the eyes. With the help of a thick needle, two notches are formed. A needle with a thick thread is threaded through the neck into one of the corners of the eye. A bead is then strung on it, after which the needle is threaded into the other corner of the eye, removed in the next eye hole. Further, the same algorithm as with the first eye, after which the needle is withdrawn in the neck area

  • The muzzle is important to give the final look by attaching corners in the form of a nose and mouth. It is worth adding a jumper between them. These parts are fastened with a thick needle, and processed with a thin

  • The body is being formed with the help of a caddy. The silhouette must be made drop-shaped

IMPORTANT: Use a thick needle to create the torso.

  • In order to create the legs of a lamb, it follows from the carded comb that two rollers should be twisted properly. At the same time, the ends of the rollers should remain loose

  • Now form boots from brown wool, first with thick, and then with thin needles. Excess hairs are carefully cut off

  • The legs are attached to the body and the joints are covered with small pieces of carded wool. You can add more wool to create a tummy and thighs

  • The arms are created in the same way as the legs., but only the rollers this time are smaller. The ends of the hands need to be wrapped in bright wool - these are mittens. Don't forget to shape the thumbs on the mittens

IMPORTANT: To work on the mitten, you will need thin needles.

  • Ears are made in the form of oval pieces. One end of the pieces should be loose - this will make it easier to attach the ears to the head
  • The hair is finally formed reverse needle. The whole figure is processed with the exception of the legs and muzzle. In this case, the surface must be well dried in advance, otherwise the toy will fall apart.

  • reverse needle camouflaged and the junction of the arms with the body
  • Ears connect just like hands

  • If you like knitting, cast on 7 stitches on thin needles and create a scarf for the toy. Approximately 15-17 centimeters is enough

  • Eye area needs toning. However, like the lines of the muzzle, ears. It is recommended to tint with dark pastels, but eye shadow is also suitable.

  • Sheep toy is ready!

Felting paintings

The uniqueness of the paintings created with the help of felting lies in the fact that the master does not have to be a painter. And the result is very similar to watercolor paintings.

There are several techniques:

  • reupload considered the most convenient technique for beginners. No soap, no water, no needles needed. Wool fibers are simply laid out in layers

IMPORTANT: In order for the work to hold, you need to press it down with glass.

  • Wet technique requires the use of soap and water. At the same time, the fibers interlock so well that they are barely distinguishable, turn into a single whole.

  • mixed media is that wet felting is used first, and only then dry fibers are applied. For the wet part of the work, the main shades are taken, and the dry part brings additional shades. In the latter case, needles are used

IMPORTANT: Whatever the technique, remember that you should not expect a quick result. Perhaps the work will take several weeks, otherwise there will be a lot of shortcomings.

The nuances of creating paintings using a felttig:

  • A toothpick or a needle is a must for better detailing. Not bad work is obtained if, when laying out wool, use tweezers
  • Apply glass to the painting from time to time- so the flaws will be better visible. Since many works are eventually stored under glass, it is better to immediately arrange a check on the type of picture. It will immediately become clear how tightly the layers are in relation to each other. In addition, wool under glass tends to become flattened, which causes the item to increase in size.
  • Variety of shades- an indispensable condition for creating a picture. Highlights, spots, shadows make the work naturalistic. And creating them is very simple if you replace the layers

IMPORTANT: You should, however, be careful about replacing layers, otherwise the picture will lose its lightness.

Felting is an excellent family activity. Wool is absolutely safe, unless there are allergic reactions to it. This means that even children can be involved in such an activity, instilling in them diligence, perseverance and a sense of beauty. Improve time after time with felting!

Video: How to buy wool for felting?

Video: Felting, or how to dump a panda?

Original wool paintings are a type of creativity that is rapidly gaining popularity. This hobby does not require large financial costs. His skills are fairly easy to learn. Used to develop fine motor skills, imagination and fantasy in children. In addition, in this lesson, in a short time, you can go from a novice artist to a real master.

In order to create landscapes and paintings of other genres from wool, very little is initially needed. Some of the tools and consumables are likely to be found at home, and everything that is missing can be bought even in non-specialized stores. At the same time, the first set will be useful in the future, you only need to add the elements necessary for new products. To start drawing you will need:

  1. Frame. You can do it yourself, but at the beginning of needlework experiments, it is better to purchase a finished one. It is quite suitable, for example, photographic. Its size is not so important, but for the first time you should not focus on large parameters.
  2. Viscose fabric. It will become the basis on which the craft material will be located. The size is determined by the frame parameters. Instead of viscose, you can take interlining.
  3. Manicure tweezers. It is necessary to accommodate small particles of wool, as well as to trim small details.
  4. Stationery clips of small size for fixing. Regular staples will work too.
  5. Scissors. Some experts advise using manicure. In fact, there are two requirements for this tool - not too large and a good cutting edge. If a child is involved in the process of creating a picture, the scissors should be safe for him (for example, have rounded tips). Adults can use a clerical knife.
  6. Glue. Glue stick works best. His dry trace will be invisible on the work. With the acquisition of experience, other types of glue can be used.
  7. Iron. Well, if it will have different modes.
  8. A blank sheet of paper (for laying between the pattern and the iron).
  9. Soap, felt, silk, hairspray (as needed and optional) and, of course, wool.

In advance, you need to prepare a sample according to which the picture will be created. At the initial stage of classes, you should not chase complexity and variety, it is best to choose a simple image.

Wool selection

The technology of felting (that is, felting wool) allows you to create not only paintings, but also toys, clothes, and various decorative accessories. There have always been certain requirements for the main material here. Attention to the selection of wool must be approached at the initial stage of learning the secrets of art. The following types of wool are good for painting:

It is believed that only a natural product is able to fall off perfectly.(that is, turn into felt). But at the initial stage, you should not think too much about this. It is enough to choose wool by colors so that it matches the features of the future picture. You can just get by with those grandmother's balls that were lying around at home.

Stages of work

Now it’s easy to find a master class on wool paintings. With your own hands, with its help, you can create quite high-quality works. The basic rules of creativity are quite easy to learn. They will come in handy in the future when working on more complex compositions. These rules are:

Not only light paintings from wool are created in a similar way. For beginners, of course, simplicity and accessibility of technologies are important. It should be remembered that the basic principles of creativity itself are the same here as in ordinary drawing, only paints on paper or canvas are not the carrier of color.

First steps

The felt pattern is created in layers. Strands of different colors gradually form the overall picture. Wool is a pretty handy consumable. Thanks to this, even the first work can look amazingly beautiful. Fortunately, there are convenient sketches that do not exclude the use of the author's imagination.

common flower

A classic flower can be the first wool painting for beginners. The master class on its creation is almost the simplest. For the main background and petals, you need light yellow and white wool. You will also need green (for grass, stem, leaves). Here is the process itself (excluding preparatory work):

Even a small child can make a flower. But the control and prompts of an adult are still necessary.

light landscape

To get comfortable in a new kind of creativity, you need to perform a few more simple works. For example, wool painting workshops offer step-by-step creation of various options for light landscapes. For autumn, in particular, you will need to take the Trinity (or similar) wool. Colors: green, burgundy, yellow, orange, red, brown, white. Landscape instructions:

Painting landscapes is easy. In addition, there is plenty of room for imagination here. Working on them will not only allow you to learn the basics of art in practice, but also teach you how to correct shortcomings, give confidence that it will come in handy when creating more complex compositions.

From simple to complex

This path has been followed by now widely known artists (for example, Nina Mazyreva). As an employee of a rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities, the woman was looking for new ways to work with them. And now a lot of people come to her exhibitions.

Morning in the winter forest

Experts believe that the works of Nina Mazyreva breathe real life. She reached great heights precisely in the image of wildlife, working in the style of watercolor. She also teaches craftsmanship. On their basis, students successfully advance in their work, developing the ideas of the master. Each artist brings something different to the theme. And watercolor is gaining popularity. Here one of the options for a step-by-step master class on paintings from woolen watercolors:

Felting paintings from wool, thanks to the effect that the multi-layered texture gives, allows you to achieve the depth of the image. Nature looks really alive on them.

Beautiful Kitty-Kotofey

In woolen art, any movement of the brush with paint replaces the application of threads. But perseverance and slowness make it possible to achieve high artistry even in difficult images. Animal drawings are a good example. Here's how to make a cat:

This simple instruction is easily supplemented by other items. You can, for example, use a little silk, which will give the picture an additional light effect.

The initial technique implies that you always need to keep a sketch in front of your eyes. Do not rush to complete the first work. It is better to do them in several stages. But you can become a real master quickly enough. There are no strict requirements here, so a rich imagination gives the key to the loudest success.

Wool painting is another fascinating and highly creative form of fine art. It is becoming more and more popular, and now workshops on hand-made paintings are appearing on the Web, creative schools are opening, and needlework circles are introducing this type of creativity into their program. We will not lag behind fashion trends and try to join the creation of paintings using colored wool.

Wool painting "Winter evening"

This MK is designed for beginners, for everyone who wants to get acquainted with the technique of felting pictures, so anyone who has a sufficient amount of perseverance and patience can cope with the work.

To create this picture we need:

  • combed wool tape, colors: white, blue, dark blue, sky blue, turquoise, dark brown, brown, yellow, orange, red;
  • interlining 18 * 24 cm for the substrate;
  • scissors;
  • tweezers;
  • picture frame;
  • glass.

We fix each stage, leaving the work with sweat glass. However, this applies only to "dry" technology: wet felting does not require such fastening.

1. Pulling strands of wool from the tape, we cover the surface of the substrate with them. We lay them in different directions, the ends of the threads should extend to the limits of the interlining by 1-2 cm. Having attached the glass, we cut off the excess.

2. Pinching wool, we form cotton wool for work. We create a background in layers, stacking from a dark shade to a light one. We control the quality of laying the material, still applying glass.

3. We create snowdrifts with the help of white strands laid parallel to the horizon. This technique can often be seen when looking at landscapes made of wool.

4. Pull out the strands from the dark blue ribbon and twist them a little. Thus we draw silhouettes of trees.

5. Add white wool trees.

6. We collect a fluffy woolen mass and, giving the desired shape, we thus make the crown of the tree.

7. With a thin ring of wool we designate the contour of the moon. We fill it with woolen fluff, cut as small as possible. Wool paintings for beginners often use this technique.

8. We cut and lay the wool for the house from dark brown and brown wool. Note that the part on the right is darker than the left.

9. We “make” a roof for a house from a dense white strand, carefully wielding scissors. Here you need to consider the direction of the fibers.

10. We close the lower part of the house with snowdrifts, made invariably of white wool.

11. We continue felting. We cut out the windows, add the thinnest strands of turquoise and blue to the snow. A few of them should get on the roof.

12. Let's add light pouring from the windows with yellow, orange and red strands. They should overlap the house a little, which is why the windows will need to be clarified: we cut the fluff again and lay it with tweezers.

13. We muffle bright colors with translucent white strands. We see the result in the photo. Let's add picturesqueness with the help of turquoise fibers placed on the trees and along the horizon.

The picture is ready! It remains to cover it with clean glass.

1. Try to apply glass to the painting as often as possible. The end result of the work will be located under the glass, so it will serve as an indicator of the correct laying of the layers, their density, and the size of the parts.

2. Warm pictures are easy to fix. The work is done in layers, so the wrong layer can simply be carefully removed. However, do not get too carried away with this - the picture will lose its freshness.

3. If you put off work to finish it later, cover it with glass. Work will become much more comfortable when the picture is "rested" under pressure.

Ideas for creativity

The paintings of the famous craftswoman Nina Mazyreva attract with the skill with which they are made.

Flowers are also very popular among fans of this type of creativity:

It is impossible not to note the landscapes: autumn, winter, summer and spring in all their manifestations are reflected on the canvases.

Video Compilation

Woolen painting for those who do not have an artistic gift, but really want to learn the beautiful art of needlework. An entertaining technique of dry felting in the form of wool paintings is a rather exclusive author's gift for a family celebration. Such a product is especially attractive due to its simple execution and moderate costs.

Woolen painting for those who do not have an artistic gift, but really want to learn the beautiful art of needlework

You will need:

  • Photo frame;
  • Manicure scissors;
  • Wool for felting;
  • Tweezers;
  • Iron;
  • Glue stick;
  • Viscose napkin;
  • Small clips (paperclips).

How to make a picture step by step:

  1. Disassemble the frame. Put a napkin on a wooden or cardboard base of the frame, secure it carefully with paper clips.
  2. Wrap the wool of the background chosen for the base tightly around the index finger, sequentially pinch off the material in pieces.
  3. Put the prepared strands on a napkin, fix with glue. It is important that the edges of the wool go beyond the base of the frame by 1-2 cm.
  4. From the edge corners of the picture lay out the background with a darker shade, towards the middle we reduce the color gamut by introducing lighter tones. Each strand is lightly fixed with glue.
  5. After the base has dried, iron it through a clean paper sheet. The process fixes the wool after only two strokes of the hot iron.
  6. We also consistently lay out further plucked strands of the selected pattern. We iron each element of the picture through a blank sheet of paper.
  7. We remove excess hairs with scissors. Visually, a drawing to give volume can be made by rolling the strands in the palm of your hand in one direction. If you twist in different directions, the strand unwinds.
  8. After finishing the picture, iron it again with an iron, this will remove the volume and excess hairiness. We cut off excess hairs and inaccurate contours with nail scissors.

Put the glass gently on the picture, cut off the hairs along the edges. Close frame.

Gallery: wool paintings (25 photos)

Wool painting: master class (video)

What tools are needed

For work you will need:

  1. First of all, the basis of the future picture is needed - a glass frame 30 by 40 cm, you can focus on the size of an ordinary A4 paper sheet. A regular photo frame will do.
  2. In order to fix the original material, we use viscose napkins or interlining.
  3. When applying smaller parts of the wool, aligning the details, tweezers come in handy.
  4. You can cut off excess hairs without disturbing the ornament with nail scissors. Stationery scissors come in handy for coarser cuts of the material.
  5. Adjustable iron - for smoothing individual picture elements.
  6. Dry glue pencil will perfectly fix the constituent details of the picture.

to create masterpieces you need certain tools

In the technique of dry felting, types of wool are widely used:

  1. Sliver is a white woolen thread that does not have guard hairs. Suitable as a basis for drawing.
  2. Troitskaya - coarse, dyed factory-made wool, many thick fibers. It is mainly used for making toys.
  3. Merino sheep's wool is a uniform color, consists of thin and soft to the touch curls. It is characterized by elasticity. Widely used in felting technique.
  4. Mohair is the wool of the angora goat. Light, silky, with long villi.
  5. Semenovskaya - the composition uses angora wool and Australian merino. Factory painting in warmer tones, awn fibers come across.
  6. New Zealand sheep is characterized by an exceptional white tint. Thin and strong, long and wavy. It has antibacterial properties, hypoallergenic. Excellent heat retention, used in the manufacture of blankets.
  7. Carded cotton wool has a loose structure, lends itself well to rolling. Wool paintings give a watercolor effect.

DIY wool watercolor

When creating a painting "Winter Forest in the Morning", use carded cotton wool or felt.


  • Drawing - a plot for a picture;
  • Frame;
  • Wool for the base in white, brown and blue shades;
  • Scissors;
  • Soap.

With due diligence, the picture can turn out to be simply charming.

How to do:

  1. Take the cardboard base of the frame, wet a bar of soap, rub the base.
  2. From a piece of white wool, make strands, pulling them out by the last hairs of the skein.
  3. On the base, lay out horizontally, then vertically matched colors of the blue background of the picture, forming the sky. The cardboard base should not be translucent. Make the edges of the hairs of the strand protrude beyond the base.
  4. In the right corner of the picture, put a white spool, on top of it are several hairs of a blue-blue hue. It turns out a white oval of the winter sun, covered with clouds.
  5. To make the pattern smooth, periodically in the process of work we press the laid out wool with our hand.
  6. Pulling hairs out of a woolen skein, by rolling them with our hands we form flagella - an image of a clear line of an image of a tree and branches.
  7. Depicting voluminous snow caps on tree branches, finely cut chaotic wool shavings from 2 to 3 mm in size with scissors. Here you can put barely noticeable pellets of red mountain ash under the white background of snow.
  8. Applying glass to the picture, lightly press down on the drawing, this will allow you to see inaccuracies for their subsequent elimination.
  9. If desired, you can make animals in the picture or a bird sitting on a tree by forming the appropriate color of the flagella and fluffing them in the middle. Use black wool for the nose and eyes.
  10. Fix the finished craft with a gentle spritz of hairspray. Place under glass.

Painting in the style of "watercolor" is great for winter drawing images.

Wool painting: mk how to create a flower

The composition is quite accessible for creativity by children's hands under the competent adjustment of adults. If you follow the instructions, working with wool will seem like an exciting and unusual game.


  • Kleimerny frame (with clips);
  • Interlining for the substrate;
  • Scissors;
  • Tweezers;
  • Six for a background of white and light yellow;
  • Wool for drawing (shades of green, colors of the future flower).

The composition is quite accessible for creativity by children's hands under the competent adjustment of adults.

What to do:

  1. Draw the white background of the image. Pulling the woolen thread from the skein, fluff it a little with your fingers and lay it on the base, fix the first layer with glue.
  2. At the bottom of the picture, make a mixture of yellow and white villi, starting from half of the picture.
  3. Lay out the grass with pieces of wool, cutting them randomly with 3 mm scissors.
  4. We form the stem of the flower. Pinch off a few villi of different shades of green. Twist them with your palms into a twig. Put on the image, carefully shape the stem with tweezers.
  5. To form the petals, take a wide strand of the desired color. Spread the fibers well in the palm of your hand. Outline the required size of the petal by cutting off both ends with scissors.
  6. Put the petal on the surface, push the fibers apart with tweezers.
  7. In the middle of the flower put a small skein of wool knitted into a circle. To give the flower a graceful naturalness, add a pair of villi of an adjacent color scheme to each petal.
  8. Wool of a darker shade can shade the contours of the flower image.
  9. During work, periodically apply glass to the drawing. This is to ensure a snug fit of the wool and allow timely detection of an error in the execution of the picture. After finishing, clamp the picture under glass with kleimers, cut off excess wool around the edges.

Without limiting the child's imagination, flowers of other colorings can be added to the same picture. For example, chrysanthemums are organically suited to bright red poppies. The multi-stage petals of such a flower are easy to make by twisting wool of similar shades with thin flagella and overlapping each other. And by slightly twisting the tips of the three petals with tweezers, you can depict a tulip.

Do-it-yourself light autumn landscape felted from wool

Drawing autumn and nature, we take thin felt and Trinity wool as a base. To create a believable effect, it is recommended to cut the leaves before forming flagella-trees in the picture. This format visually creates a distance of the image in the work.

You will need:

  • Frame with glass;
  • a piece of felt;
  • Manicure scissors, tweezers;
  • Wool red, orange, yellow, green, burgundy and white. For trees, take brown tones;
  • Hair fixation spray.

Drawing an autumn landscape, we take thin felt and Trinity wool as a base

How to do:

  1. We cover the entire felt substrate with a light shade, leaving a little white background. Strands must be laid out in a horizontal order.
  2. Lay out the sketch of the drawing itself in a darker tone, adjusting the height of the woolen strands with tweezers.
  3. We form the decor element of tree branches in the appropriate brown tone, twisting them into stripes with our palms. When superimposing on the image, correct with tweezers and press down with your hand.
  4. Leaves - we cut pieces of wool with scissors immediately onto the image, removing excess hairs with tweezers. When forming the leaves, we use three different colors to give credibility to the pattern.
  5. Form the fruits of the tree into small pellets, scattering them over the branches.
  6. Around the image - a tree with leaves, you can make a small lawn by mixing the hairs of brown and green wool. We form flower petals in small pieces, and opening buds - in spools.
  7. Before placing the design under the glass, touch up the hairs of the wool again.

Finished work covered with glass and framed.

Wool paintings by Nina Mazyreva

Known popularity in the technique of felting paintings acquired Nina Manzyreva. The skill of a skilled artist and blogger amazes with charming beauty, simplicity of execution and realism of the work performed.

Speaking in programs, she gives novice needlewomen the opportunity to master the technique of dry and wet felting from wool at home through video and photo lessons online. Watching illustrative examples of her creation of another man-made masterpiece, it is much easier for a housewife to imagine her future work in reality.

Lilac: do-it-yourself wool painting (video)

Felting, or as it is also called felting, felting is a special kind of needlework, along with embroidery. With the help of wool, craftswomen create delightful unique paintings, toys and crafts. It is not at all difficult to make such a craft with your own hands, because now needlework is widespread, and in stores you can find a wide variety of ready-made kits for creating paintings. There are 2 ways to make crafts. In this article, we will talk about what felting is, and what kind of pictures can turn out, depending on the chosen needlework method.

Pictures made by felting wool are very airy and warm.

Felting pictures: types

At the moment, there are several types of this type of needlework - dry and wet. In the first case, paintings and other crafts are created using a special felting needle. The dry wool is pierced many times to get the right texture and pattern.

In this case, the wool falls off, its fibers are fastened to each other, as a result, a homogeneous material is obtained.

During wet felting, wool is felted using a special solution or ordinary soap. To make a craft in this way, you must first lay out the wool, then apply the solution, and felt the wool using friction. Then the finished product dries, resulting in an unusual and very beautiful picture.

The classic wet felting technique involves the use of soap and hot water.

It is this type of felting that is most often used to create flat products, for example:

  • Paintings;
  • panel;
  • Decoration of clothes and fabrics.

Dry felting is best suited for making toys, jewelry and various figurines. Of course, different types of felting will require a variety of materials. For a dry look, you will need to purchase wool directly, a special serif needle so that the wool can interlock with each other and create the desired texture. In another case, you will need to create or find a ready-made solution for felting.

Merino wool is the most popular and easy to use wool, it is often called combed tape. It may vary in its thickness and texture. At the same time, ordinary cotton wool, wool for stuffing, making crafts from felt, as well as synthetic winterizer, sliver, silk and other decorative threads for decoration are also suitable for felting. Ordinary yarn will not work, like ordinary threads, only wool is needed.

Dry felting paintings: master class

To create a unique picture with your own hands, you will need not so many tools and materials. For beginners, the dry felting master class by Nadezhda Ganyukova looks simple.


  • The first step is to purchase a special needle;
  • Then prepare the wool of various colors;
  • Take foam rubber of medium thickness;
  • Choose a picture and get to work.

The dry felting method produces more voluminous products, and the colors remain bright and uniform.

Merino wool or carded wool is best for creating a picture. Needles can be both with triangular and star-shaped notches. The order of work is simple. The wool is superimposed on a piece of foam rubber, take a needle and start to tangle the wool with it, you can make a substrate from a synthetic winterizer, and then cover it with wool. As you work, you can change the needle to a thicker or thinner one to work out certain details. Also change coat color. You should know some of the nuances while working with wool and a needle. The felting needle is very sharp, so you need to work very carefully and carefully and hold the tool at a right angle to the craft.

If, as you work, it is clear that there is not enough wool, you can add more and hide the flaws in this way.

Dry felting makes toys better than paintings, they look too clear, sharp, it is ideal to use wet felting to create canvases.

Wet felting from wool paintings: stages

Another type of felting - wet felting, is felting with a soap solution or ordinary liquid soap. Gauze is also used, on which wool is laid according to the pattern. As a fixing solution, you can use the finished composition.

The composition can be prepared with your own hands at home according to a specific recipe.

2 pieces of any soap are rubbed on a grater, the finished shavings must be poured with a couple of liters of boiling water and mixed well, left for 1-2 hours so that the mixture becomes thick enough. After that, you need to prepare a place where the work will be performed. Suitable for any flat surface, be it a table or the floor. It is better to put something under the future picture.

With the help of wet felting, modern and unique works are obtained, which will be a wonderful gift for relatives and friends.


  1. You need to put gauze on the surface, and on it - the base and the necessary pattern.
  2. Spread the wool in the form of a cross and in stripes, holes and bald spots should be avoided, the layers should lie at right angles to each other, and also have the same thickness.
  3. You should lay out the base first, then the background and the drawing itself.
  4. When there is already an idea of ​​​​the future picture, and the blank has already been laid out, the wool is sprinkled with water, covered with a thin cloth, preferably nylon, and liberally smeared with a soapy composition. Excess should be blotted with a napkin.
  5. And finally, directly felting - the wet method consists in using friction from side to side to create the desired texture and volume of wool.

You can also felt wool in machine technology using a washing machine, but this method is not very convenient. In the end, you can create a lot of paintings and canvases that are very different in their color schemes and techniques.

Sets for beautiful felting paintings

If you have no experience in buying wool for felting, you can come to any needlework store and pick up a kit already assembled by professionals for making a variety of paintings. The main advantage of this type of creativity is the inability to get dirty - after all, to create a product, you only need wool and a needle or soap, depending on the chosen style of work. Ready-made kits may include different volumes of wool, needles of various sizes, a special solution for wet equipment.

The advantage of ready-made kits is that after creating one picture, the needles and composition remain, and you can work with them more than once, so after the first picture it is not necessary to purchase a set again - you can try to pick up the wool yourself.

Felting kits are best for beginners, because few people can immediately come up with ideas for future work.

Manufacturers of goods for needlework came up with drawings of different degrees of complexity. For example, nature and the sky are the simplest and ideal for beginners, animals and flowers (cat, poppies, bullfinch) are more difficult and better suited for already experienced craftsmen, people and reproductions of famous paintings should be chosen by professionals.

Sets usually include:

  • Sheep wool dyed, the number of colors depends on the pattern;
  • Wooden frame for the finished product;
  • The lining is fabric.

Wet felting paintings (video)

Each set comes with step by step instructions. Wool and tools after work can remain, which allows them to be reused. However, dry felting is not suitable for children - working with a needle is very dangerous for a small child. The resulting paintings will please creative individuals and will be a wonderful decoration for your home.

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