Dry rough tongue in the morning causes. Dry tongue


The tongue helps to pronounce words and feel the taste nuances of food. It is also the body's litmus test for disease detection. An unusual coating on the tongue or a change in its surface is intended to alert a person.

The appearance of acne on the root of the tongue is a sign of gastrointestinal diseases

Tongue examination

It serves as an organ of taste, speech, and also helps to move food in the oral cavity in the process of chewing food. This is an organ consisting of muscles enclosed in a mucous membrane. Its front part, flexible and mobile, is called the body. The upper part of the taste organ is called the back. The back part of it is attached to the oral cavity, and is called the root.

The texture of his muscle tissue, upon closer examination, is not smooth, but velvety. The body analyzes the taste of food due to the many papillae, the smallest of which, like threads, cover the surface of the tongue like a pile. Larger, mushroom-shaped papillae occupy the back. On the lateral parts, you can see leaf-shaped papillae, similar to the gills of fish. The back of the back contains several of the largest, trough-shaped papillae.

Projection of organs on the surface of the tongue

Inspection of the organ of taste is carried out with a focus on:

  • shade;
  • plaque consistency;
  • the shape and texture of the surface;
  • the presence of formations in the form of cracks, spines, sores and spots, as well as their locations;
  • Mobility: trembling, twitching or complete immobility.

A person in good health has an evenly colored pink tongue.

If changes are observed, then it is worth thinking about the reasons that caused them. In medicine, there is even a special branch - linguodiagnostics. The doctor examines the appearance of the taste organ, predicting the beginning and existing diseases by the color of the plaque and the superficial changes in the organ.

Examination by a specialist will help determine the cause of the plaque

The plaque covering the tongue is not the same in various systemic diseases.

There are several types of plaque:

  • white or yellowish, viscous consistency;
  • thick, moist, yellow-white, easily removed;
  • moist, located at the root of the organ of taste, the surface of which is hyperemic;
  • brown-yellow, in the form of a scab plaque, the tongue is rough, bleeds, cracks;
  • a smooth plaque with a translucent surface of the muscular organ of the oral cavity.

Natural causes of changes in the surface of the tongue

There is a natural thin coating on the tongue, which is easily removed during the morning brushing of the teeth. The thin layer is through which the surface can be distinguished, it is not an anomaly and is formed as a result of the accumulation of particles of the epithelium, food debris. Saliva also contains the protein substance mucin, which breaks down overnight and is deposited on the surface of the tongue.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, careful oral care maintains a balance of bacteria.

Insufficient hygiene causes the growth of microbes in the microflora. In order to reduce the formation of plaque, you need to use a scraper to clean the surface of the taste organ. It is necessary to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth with special disinfectant rinses.

Non-traditional methods for diagnosing diseases

The tongue has areas of projections of the most important human organs in accordance with the teachings of alternative medicine. The surface of the organ of taste is divided into zones:

  • the central zone, from base to tip, is responsible for the spine;
  • the front part, in the middle, is responsible for the heart, and the lung zones are projected on the sides;
  • the middle zone is responsible for the digestive organs;
  • the wide part of the root is responsible for the intestines, and its lateral sides are for the kidneys.

Large blisters at the root with a duodenal ulcer

The location of the raid can tell a lot to the specialist. A white layer of plaque is often accompanied by additional symptoms and covers the tongue in different ways:

  • a dense layer on the root and middle part is a sign of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a large white spot in the middle of the root zone - a strong slagging of the body;
  • a white layer of plaque on the right side - infection of the stomach and spleen, on the left - the liver and gallbladder suffer;
  • the lining of the sides of the back third of the tongue in the form of round spots - kidney disease;
  • the sides of the anterior part - lung diseases;
  • a thick layer of plaque in combination with fever - infectious diseases;
  • translucent white plaque throughout the muscular organ of the oral cavity is formed due to excessive accumulation of mucus, malfunctions of the stomach and intestines, gallbladder, liver.

Signs of diseases of the digestive system

Receptors of the speech organ and mucous surface produce reflexes that affect the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the opposite effect is also true, the manifestation of pathological reflexes from the internal organs in the oral cavity. If the root of the tongue is rough, and the surface is dry and covered with a white coating, then any doctor will see this as a symptom of gastritis with low acidity, gallbladder disease.

Plaque on the tongue is a symptom of stomach problems

The roughness of the surface of the organ indicates a significant excess of the pH of the stomach.

Gastritis is characterized by heartburn, burning in the digestive system, pain. But in the chronic form of gastritis, the symptoms are mainly manifested during exacerbation. Spicy food, alcohol, smoking provoke the manifestation of gastritis. During the relief of exacerbation, you can notice a grayish or white coating, an unpleasant aftertaste occurs. The patient is worried about excessive sweating, weakness.

A dry taste organ, with a base covered with a gray coating, indicates the presence of an ulcer in the intestines.

If the duodenum is affected by an ulcer, then there is a burning sensation on the tongue as if burned. Colitis or enterocolitis is characterized by swelling of the organ of taste and its noticeable coating with plaque. A feeling of swelling and roughness of the organ also appears with biliary dyskinesia, gastroduodenitis. Subjective sensations from plaque do not bother a person, but a dense coating on the tongue reduces the fullness of taste sensations.

Signs of diseases of the pulmonary system

A white coating on the tongue can also indicate the early stages of a fever. A person cannot tolerate cold or wind, feels pain in the back of the neck, heaviness in the lumbar spine, pain in the head. If the white coating is thick and dry, then lung disease can be suspected. Localization of white plaque closer to the tip indicates inflammation in the bronchi. If the white plaque gradually thickens and becomes more yellow or gray, this indicates the progression of the disease.

Glossalgia with tonsillitis

Scarlet fever provokes the most noticeable changes. There is a rather extensive coating of gray-white or yellowish color, under which edematous bright red mushroom-shaped papillae are clearly visible, surrounded by a white border. In the second week, the plaque disappears, and the tongue acquires a crimson hue characteristic of scarlet fever.

Infectious diseases

The microflora of the oral cavity is very rich in pathogenic microbes, not excluding all kinds of fungi. The balance is maintained by a strong immune system. But as soon as the immune system weakens a little, infections begin to attack the human body. Streptococci and staphylococci cause tonsillitis of the catarrhal, follicular or lacunar type. The disease is accompanied by subfebrile temperature, burning in the throat, as well as the appearance of a yellow coating on the tonsils and the base of the tongue.

Candida plaque looks like cottage cheese

Of the fungal diseases of the oral cavity, thrush or candidiasis often occurs. A thick white coating appears on the tongue, resembling cottage cheese. The surface of the organ of taste under the plaque has irritation, sometimes bleeding. If candidiasis is chronic, then the presence of HIV infection can be suspected.

Taking a large number of antibiotics, diabetes also lead to the rapid reproduction of a fungal infection.

Similarly, leukoplakia, a precursor of cancer, manifests itself. The tongue is covered with white and red spots in its upper and lateral parts. They can be flat or raised. There is a burning sensation. In order to avoid the occurrence of malignant tumors, you should not hesitate to contact a doctor.

Leukoplakia - white solid masses

Other reasons

Violation of the salivary glands provokes roughness of the tongue. Spikes create a rough surface texture. If the roughness changes shade to brown-brown, then the following reasons can be identified:

  • an overdose of antibiotics;
  • drugs of the atropine group;
  • vitamins A and D.

If the root of the tongue is rough, then we can talk about the consequences of a thermal or chemical burn. The symptom is removed with the help of a special ointment or wetting with boiled water. Dryness is also a sign of the presence of diseases: diabetes, peritonitis, intestinal obstruction. Dryness of the mucous membrane of the organ is sometimes explained by ordinary dehydration. Very often, an excessively dry tongue is covered with painful cracks.

It is recommended to regularly show your tongue to your mirror image in order to notice the symptoms of trouble in time. Seek medical attention for any persistent discoloration or other unusual tongue or mouth symptoms.

The tongue of a healthy person is pink, smooth, moist, has a slight whitish coating. Visually, it seems velvety due to the papillae, which are clearly visible upon close examination. But sometimes the language changes its properties - it changes color, becomes rough, and in this case, of course, a person wants to know - what is the reason.

In fact, any changes in the language indicate either diseases, or a lack or excess of some substances in. In medicine, there is even the so-called linguodiagnostics, thanks to which the doctor, by the appearance of the patient's tongue, even before the appearance of the main symptoms of the disease, determines what is wrong in the body of the person who applied for medical help.

So, the roughness of the tongue is noted in violation of the salivary glands. It can occur due to an overdose of certain drugs or vitamins. Most often this is observed with prolonged and frequent (more than 4 times a day) antibiotics and atropine group drugs, as well as vitamins A and D. In this case, there are frequent cases of color changes - from pink to brownish-brown.

A dry, rough tongue covered with painful cracks may indicate diabetes and thyroid disease.

If a person is concerned about the feeling of roughness, dryness in the mouth, it is quite possible that the cause of this was dehydration due to high body temperature, intestinal infection, bleeding, diarrhea or an acute abdomen - peritonitis, appendicitis, complications of peptic ulcer. It is clear that the same are observed with ordinary dehydration, when a person simply drinks little water.

The feeling that the tongue is as if swollen and has become rough, and in the morning there is a bitter taste in the mouth, may indicate a disease such as biliary dyskinesia or gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane and 12 duodenal ulcer).

A tongue burn, both thermal and also causes dryness and roughness. It is necessary to lubricate the affected area with a special ointment or moisten it with plenty of boiled water.

People with diseases of the autonomic nervous system during periods of exacerbation can experience discomfort in the oral cavity: saliva disappears, it is difficult to swallow, the tongue becomes rough. With timely treatment and stabilization, these sensations quickly pass.

Finally, roughness of the tongue can be caused by mouth fresheners, caramel, roasted seeds, nuts, nicotine, toothpaste (perhaps it contains an ingredient that does not suit you, in which case you just need to change the paste).

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Even our distant ancestors knew methods for diagnosing diseases by the state of the back of the tongue. Depending on the nature of the plaque, its color, smell, sensations, the patient himself can assume many pathological processes that occur not only in the oral cavity, but throughout the body.

The back of the tongue is divided into the anterior 2/3 (oral part) and the posterior third (pharyngeal part), covered with stratified squamous unevenly keratinized epithelium, which is rapidly renewed. The tongue is a muscular organ with abundant innervation and a large number of blood vessels. On its back and lateral surfaces there are 4 types of papillae: filiform, grooved, mushroom-shaped and leaf-shaped. The perception of taste - sweet, bitter, sour and salty - is provided by taste buds and receptors, but the mechanism for obtaining taste sensations has not yet been fully understood.

The tongue is affected in almost all diseases of the oral cavity caused by various microflora (staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, fungi, protozoan spirochetes). The nature and degree of changes in the language is determined not only by the form of the disease, but also by the general condition of the human body.

Causes of tongue diseases

Often the cause of tongue diseases is an infection.

As a rule, with the development of a tongue disease, an infectious factor is always present - viruses, bacteria, fungi. If heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, metabolism or allergy are manifested in the tongue, in such cases it is only a symptom of the underlying disease and is treated along with it. Independent lesions of the tongue are not so common. The defeat of the tongue can also be caused by acute or chronic trauma (biting, burning or rubbing against the edge of the prosthesis, crown, bracket).

Acute inflammatory diseases of the tongue

Glossitis is the medical term for inflammation of the tongue. The following common acute lesions of the tongue can be distinguished:

  • Catarrhal glossitis is a disease in which the tongue becomes bright red, smooth, shiny. There is a dense coating on his back. A person feels pain and burning of the tongue, loss of taste sensations. The causes of this defeat: influenza, acute respiratory infections, the influence of alcohol and smoking, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and dental deposits.
  • Ulcerative glossitis is one of the accompanying symptoms in ulcerative necrotic stomatitis. Erosions and ulcers develop on the tongue with a sharp decrease in human immunity. There is also an unpleasant smell from the mouth, a dirty gray coating on the tongue.
  • Tongue abscess - develops when the tongue is injured, it is difficult. The tongue swells, becomes painful, a separate part of it turns red. With a deep localization of the focus of inflammation, swallowing and breathing may be difficult, which is caused by an increasing deep swelling of the soft tissues.
  • Desquamative glossitis is considered a symptom of systemic disorders in the body: damage to the circulatory and digestive systems, metabolic disorders, kidney disease, dysbacteriosis, etc. It manifests itself in the form of bright red “polished” spots that look like raw meat, or areas of thickening of the papillae of the tongue. Subjectively felt burning and itching, slight soreness.

Chronic lesions of the tongue

  • "Geographical" glossitis - the disease begins with the appearance of a small grayish spot on the back of the tongue, which gradually grows and changes its shape, resembling a map. The disease can continue for a long time, the spots merge with each other, in the center of the foci there is a complete restoration of the epithelium, and along the edges there is a gray rim. The disease is more common in children 1–7 years old, in women 30–40 years old, with practically no pain. Only during an external examination can a person accidentally notice a specific coloration of the back of the tongue. The causes of this disease have not been identified.
  • "Black hairy" tongue - a common lesion without signs of inflammation of the tongue. Allocate the true form, in which there is growth and thickening of the filiform papillae, staining them in a dark color, and a false form. The latter is characterized by a change in the color of the back of the tongue, the appearance of plaque, which is easily removed. A person complains about the sensation of a foreign body in the mouth, roughness of the tongue, its darkening. The causes of this pathology have not been fully identified. Assume the negative impact of alcohol and tobacco, drugs, microbes on metabolic processes from the epithelium of the tongue.
  • "Diamond-shaped" glossitis is a lesion of the tongue, which is considered as a malformation of its development. The disease manifests itself in the form of a diamond-shaped focus protruding above the surface of the back of the tongue, the size of which does not exceed 1 cm in length. The surface of such an area is smooth, red, clearly delimited from the surrounding tissues. The location of the rhombus is always in the midline.
  • Leukoplakia is a disease in which the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are pathologically thickened. Mostly men over 50 years of age are affected. Allocate the true form, false and leukoplakia as a symptom of a systemic disease. The main causes of development: heredity, smoking, trauma, chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The disease begins with the appearance of a focus of redness, on which the epithelium then thickens, rising above the surrounding tissues. A special type of disease is "hairy" leukoplakia of the tongue, described in people infected with HIV. This type of tongue lesion is one of the early symptoms of AIDS. At the same time, areas of thickening of the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue are observed, which have an irregular shape without clear boundaries, and the overgrown filiform papillae resemble hairs in appearance.

Infectious diseases of the tongue

Tongue lesions can be caused by fungal, viral, bacterial infections. The nature of changes in the language depends not only on the underlying disease, but also on its stage, severity, and the state of immunity of the whole organism.

  • Candidiasis is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi that are widespread in the environment and are normally present on the skin and mucous membranes. In the development of candidiasis, an important role is played by a decrease in immunity, a weakening of the body's defenses, taking antibiotics, and a chronic injury to the tongue. In the pseudomembranous form, a white "curdled" coating is observed, which is easily removed from the back of the tongue, exposing a bright red painful surface. With atrophic candidiasis in the oral cavity, pathological dryness, redness of the mucous membrane and severe soreness can be observed. There is very little flying.
  • Herpetic glossitis is a disease of a viral nature, which provokes the occurrence of stress, hypothermia, menstrual period, acute respiratory infections. Single or multiple vesicles are observed on the tongue, upon opening of which severely painful erosions are formed, prone to merging. The general condition of the body suffers: the body temperature rises, headache, pain in the joints and muscles appear.
  • Streptococcal impetigo of the tongue - a lesion caused by streptococcus, is characterized by a rash of superficial vesicles (conflict) on a bright red background up to 1 cm with transparent contents. The foci quickly open, exposing rounded, painful erosions.

Treatment of tongue diseases

Thorough cleansing of the tongue will speed up recovery.

All diseases of the tongue have many similar manifestations - its swelling and redness, the appearance of plaque and erosion, a change in color and shape. As a rule, general somatic diseases of internal organs and systems appear in the tongue, therefore, treatment must be carried out comprehensively. Locally, if the tongue is damaged, anesthetic ointments, antiseptic solutions and wound healing agents are used. If the lesion is caused by a virus, not only local treatment is necessary, but also general. Only a specialist can distinguish a fungal disease from a bacterial or viral one. By self-medicating, patients often simply exacerbate the course of the disease. With candidiasis, the first remedy should be antifungal ointments, soda rinses and a thorough cleansing of the tongue from plaque. The use of antibacterial ointments in this case can only delay and complicate further treatment. In case of chronic injury, the causative factor should be eliminated: to correct the filling, smooth out the sharp edges of the prosthesis, and grind the orthodontic plate. In any case, with the appearance of pain, burning or itching, plaque on the back of the tongue it is better to consult a specialist.

Good day to all, everyone!

Let's share a sensitive topic, it's a rough language and the reasons behind it.

Sometimes we have health problems, a rough tongue is especially unpleasant.

Language is an indicator of human health, according to the state of the tongue, you can determine the problems that occur in our body.

The tongue of a healthy person is pink, smooth, moist, has a slight whitish coating. Visually, it seems velvety due to the papillae.

And the tongue of a sick person changes color, the size of the papillae changes and it becomes rough.

The entire surface of the tongue is covered with papillae, their main purpose is to distinguish the taste of food. These papillae give the surface of the tongue roughness. Distinguish between filiform, fungiform, foliate and trough papillae on the tongue.

Let's look at examples of the causes of this problem:

thyroid disease,

problems in the functioning of the stomach and gallbladder,

intestinal infections,

chronic tonsillitis,

glossitis - various inflammatory processes of the tongue,

long-term use of antibiotics in large quantities.

infectious lesions caused by fungal microorganisms.

If you have had these problems, then get ready for discomfort.

Also, one of the reasons for the roughness of the tongue can be caused by mouth fresheners, caramel, roasted seeds, nuts, nicotine, toothpaste (perhaps it contains an ingredient that does not suit you, in this case you just need to change the paste).

Treatment of a rough tongue is to eliminate the cause that caused this condition. Conducted complex therapy of the body. Antiseptic rinses are used. Anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic ointments and creams are applied. As a result of proper treatment and healing from the underlying ailment, the surface of the tongue is cleared, and it acquires a normal, healthy appearance. You can of course treat at home. Home treatment consists mainly of rinsing the mouth and brushing the tongue with a toothbrush. These measures can remove surface plaque and reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane in the mouth. For a complete recovery, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that caused this or that pathology of the tongue with medications.

My advice to you found a problem, contact your doctor immediately! Good health to all! Bye!

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In a healthy state, this organ has a pink hue. It must be clean and moist. If it becomes uneven, noticeable, then it's time to take care of your health.

You should be careful in such cases:

  • a plaque has appeared that is not eliminated after brushing the teeth;
  • tongue became unusually rough;
  • started to crack;
  • increased;
  • papillae are inflamed;
  • geometric patterns appeared.

A symptom such as roughness is almost always accompanied by the appearance of a rash or plaque. These are symptoms of various diseases - from gastrointestinal lesions to diabetes.

Roughness is almost always accompanied by a rash or plaque.

A small layer of white plaque in the morning, after waking up, is the norm. It should be completely gone by noon. It just accumulated particles of dead epithelial cells, the remains of food and mucin protein, which is in saliva. Bacteria are also related to its appearance. There are a lot of them in the oral cavity. At the same time, plaque is easily removed during brushing.

Oral hygiene can be an excellent prevention. It is useful to clean the surface of the tongue with a special scraper or brush. To fix the effect, you need to use a mouthwash. This removes dangerous bacteria, food debris and other substances. The surface becomes clean, smooth and healthy.

If the tongue is rough with a white coating that is not removed by ordinary cleaning, discomfort is felt, then you should consult a doctor. You will need to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify the cause.

Consider the main causes of this pathology:

  1. Dehydration (the tongue becomes rough, dryness is felt), intoxication (with intestinal infections and poisoning), malfunctions in the liver.
  2. Deficiency or excess of nutrients.
  3. Stagnation of food. At the same time, cyanosis or pallor joins the unevenness. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
  4. Violation of the stomach, duodenum, gallbladder. If gastritis develops, areas of peeling appear. Also joins.
  5. Roughness of the surface in combination with swelling can warn of problems with the spleen, kidneys or heart.
  6. With blood diseases, ulcers appear.
  7. With an “acute abdomen”, the organ increases, turns red, and becomes covered with a gray coating.
  8. With HIV, hairy can develop. With it, small villi appear on the tongue.
  9. With burns, the tongue also becomes rough.

Cracks can warn of endocrine disorders or diabetes.

Let us dwell on some pathological conditions in more detail.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastroenterologists know that white patches can be a symptom of gastrointestinal problems. The mucosal surface is smooth and dry. This often happens with the development of gastritis with low acidity. This is a clear sign that inflammation has begun on the gastric mucosa. But the rough surface may indicate that the acidity of gastric juice has increased significantly.

Gastritis is easy to diagnose by symptoms such as heartburn, burning, and pain in the esophagus and stomach. If the disease is chronic, the symptoms will not be as pronounced as in the acute form. Such patients often sweat, they feel a general weakness.

An ulcer can cause plaque and red spots in the middle of the tongue. A duodenal ulcer causes a burning sensation, a feeling of heartburn.

White plaque can be a symptom of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Colitis and enterocolitis provokes the appearance of plaque at the base of the tongue. It swells up quite a bit. Because of this, teeth marks can be seen along its edges. In such patients, the stool is disturbed, they complain of nausea, pain.

Other reasons

If a white coating appears on the tip of the tongue, this indicates inflammation of the bronchus. But the location at the base and on the sides can warn of kidney failure. This is a very serious diagnosis that needs to be given the highest attention.

Other symptoms of this most dangerous disease are an unpleasant odor and constant fatigue and weakness. Such patients can not withstand even small physical exertion. With these symptoms, you need to contact a nephrologist.

A rough tongue can also be observed in diabetes. It is knitted, a gray dense coating is visible on it. It is located in the center. Such symptoms are explained by the fact that diabetes can disrupt the function of the glands that are located under the jaw. They produce less saliva and these symptoms appear.

If a white coating appears on the tip of the tongue, this indicates inflammation of the bronchus.

With glossitis, a burning sensation, pain and loss of taste sensations join the white plaque.

With anemia, red spots form on the tongue, around which a white coating is visible. This is due to the process of atrophy.

Note! A dense white coating may warn that a malignant neoplasm has appeared in the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, the reasons can be very serious. If the plaque is not removed after cleaning and other symptoms have joined it, the tongue has become rough, it is better to consult a doctor about this problem.


Another reason is infection. The microflora in the mouth is quite rich. Along with beneficial bacteria, it also contains pathogenic microflora. It is she who can cause uneven surface of the tongue and white plaque. Very often, such manifestations are observed with the defeat of the Candida fungus. It is present in the body of each of us.

The surface of the tongue may change with angina.

With normal immunity, this fungus is contained and does not multiply. But a weakened immune system does not cope well with it. In the people, this disease is called thrush, and in medicine it is candidiasis. This affects the oral mucosa, tongue. A characteristic feature is a curdled coating.

Angina also provokes plaque. This is due to the fact that staphylococci and streptococci enter the mucosa. Patients suffer from fever, pain and burning in the throat. If it is tonsillitis, then a yellow coating forms at the base of the tongue and on the tonsils.

Another pathology -. It can be confused with thrush. A distinctive symptom is keratinization of the mucous membrane, burning, red and white spots. They are located on the sides and top of the tongue. With such symptoms, you need to consult a doctor. Leukoplakia can cause malignant tumors.

Roughness is only a symptom, the underlying disease needs to be treated.

Note! Most often, a rough tongue is observed with stomatitis. It all starts with swollen gums and tongue. They turn red, and then covered with a white or red coating. The tongue becomes rough and may later develop small but very painful ulcers. In order not to wait for their appearance, it is better to start treatment immediately.


With uneven language, you need to deal with the underlying disease. The doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes complex treatment. To alleviate the condition, rinsing with antiseptic solutions may be prescribed locally. Creams and ointments are also prescribed. They relieve pain, inflammation, accelerate healing. At home, treatment is reduced to cleaning, rinsing, applying ointments.

A rough tongue and plaque on it are symptoms of a number of diseases. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause in a particular case. Even he will need to diagnose and prescribe a series of tests to the patient. But self-medication can lead the disease to a neglected form. Then it will be much more difficult to overcome it.

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