The wedding of the son of Elena Malysheva. Elena Malysheva's husband


Elena Malysheva has been teaching the whole country from television for 20 years how to maintain her health - a well-known TV presenter, a Jewess by nationality, in whose biography both moments of triumph and sad episodes were noted, as if she invented the elixir of youth. It hasn't changed much in the last 10 years.

Someone criticizes the TV presenter, condemns or makes fun, and someone is interested in her advice. In any case, Elena Malysheva is recognizable and famous. It is about her that they think when they talk about "the most famous doctor in the country."


Elena was born on March 13, 1961 in a family of Kemerovo doctors, people who are quite famous in the city. The girl's father, Vasily Shabunin, a Jew by nationality, served as chief physician of one of the city hospitals, and her mother, Galina Morozova, led the infectious diseases department.

There were three children in the family, and they were brought up in strictness. Elena Vasilievna is now grateful to her parents, but then she did not understand why she was forbidden to wear outfits and fashionable hairstyles. And about meetings with boys even speech could not be.

Elena Malysheva loves to recall the facts of her childhood biography - her parents did not allow anything to be done with her hair, in the photo in her youth she always has a pigtail or hair styled in a ponytail. Once she was caught in curlers, Lena was already going to bed, but her mother rolled up such a scandal to the future star that any attempts to protest ended there.

After graduating from the seventh grade, Elena's parents forced her to work part-time in the hospital in the summer as a barmaid. There was plenty of money in the family, they just wanted to show the children that they don’t get it just like that. The future star or her brother and sister could not be called spoiled.

Elena Malysheva with family

The persistence of the parents in the strict upbringing of the girl paid off - Elena graduated from school with a gold medal.

Initially, she set out to enter the faculty of journalism, but the girl's mother did not approve of the choice. Galina Alexandrovna insisted on the profession of a doctor, and Elena Vasilievna is very grateful to her for this, considering this work the best in the world.

A television

Despite the fact that Elena chose the career of a doctor, her fate nevertheless connected her with journalism.

First, she graduated from the Kemerovo Medical Institute, with honors, then graduate school, defended her Ph.D. and even managed to try herself as a general practitioner, but such a prospect did not attract young talent. She went to university, became a teacher in the capital.

In young age. In the photo on the right

The well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva still does not leave teaching, and considers obtaining a professor's degree the most important fact of her professional biography.

By the way, she appeared on television by accident. The country might not have known about her talent and advice. When Elena's youngest son was ten months old, he became seriously ill and required an operation. They spent it in the capital, and went to Kemerovo for rehabilitation. There she spent time caring for the child and watched a lot of TV. Once she called the administration with a complaint that they did not have positive health programs at all.

A school friend suggested she change that. Elena Vasilievna's career on TV developed rapidly.

On the program "Live healthy"
  • 1992 Elena Malysheva went to the local television center and did not even imagine that this date would change her life and fulfill a dream that she had been hatching almost from birth - the “TV presenter” column appeared in the biography of a medical worker. She began to host the Recipe program, then a week later Elena was already working live.
  • 1993 The work of the host in the program "Lazaret".
  • 1994 Malysheva worked on the capital's RTR channel.
  • 1997 Since childhood, she dreamed of being the first in everything, and she got the appropriate channel. Elena Vasilievna begins working as the host of the revived Health program.
  • 2010 Appears as the host of "Live great!", Which, in fact, has become her own brand.

Diet of Elena Malysheva

Since 2012, the TV presenter has been actively promoting her commercial brand - a specially designed diet, which, according to many, really helps to lose weight.

With sons

The specificity is that people are offered ready-made food, sorted for every day for four weeks. The diet consists of breakfasts, lunches, desserts and dinners. All meals are delivered frozen. According to Elena herself, there is no need to think about calories or go to stores in search of the right product. Just eat and lose weight.

On the official website of Elena Malysheva, you can calculate how many kilograms you need to lose weight by entering your height and weight in special fields - age does not matter. In addition, it is calculated immediately how long it takes to eat ready-made foods according to the TV presenter's diet in order to achieve the desired result.

Personal life

Lena never enjoyed much success with boys. The chubby girl with glasses was more likely to become the subject of ridicule than the object of adoration. Therefore, she was only concerned about her studies, first at school, and then at the institute.

Wedding of Elena and Igor Malyshev

Even now, the famous TV presenter claims:

"A woman with glasses, by definition, cannot be beautiful."

She met her future husband in graduate school. Igor liked the fact that Elena is smart, intelligent, educated. One day he asked her out on a date. Lena did not have much experience, so the girl began to recite Mayakovsky's poems. Igor was not afraid, he endured to the end. And on the second date he took and kissed Elena.

He confessed his love in a rather original way. Escorting the girl to the train, Igor waited until the doors were about to close and said: “I want you to become the mother of my two children.” Elena puzzled: “Where does he have children? Where is the wife then? And at the next meeting, she said that she agreed, but demanded to explain everything. It turns out that Igor Malyshev meant future children.

With a family

At the wedding, Lena's parents praised their son-in-law, and in such a way that Elena was even a little offended and reminded of the gold medal and the red diploma.

Elena's husband is an outstanding scientist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, whose name is known throughout the world. In all the photos, the smiling couple exudes happiness. In their personal lives there are no scandals, public showdowns. Perhaps Elena Vasilievna should again thank her parents for this. She notes that she was raised to be a polite and obedient wife. If the TV presenter argues with Igor, then only about raising children. Otherwise, they consult and listen to each other. Elena declares that without Igor she would not have achieved anything, and her husband objects that all her achievements are the result of hard work and talent.

The TV presenter herself is surprised at her happiness. Lena shows a photo of a plump ugly woman with glasses and reminds that now this is the famous TV presenter Elena Malysheva, who has a happy personal life - a loving husband, a world-famous microbiologist and two children, an outstanding professional biography.

Elena Malysheva

Elena's parents will always remain an example for the famous TV presenter. They lived in perfect harmony for exactly 50 years, until Vasily Iosifovich died in 2009 from Alzheimer's disease.

Elena has a brother and a sister. All also chose a medical career. Sister Marina became a neuropathologist, and Alexei is currently the chief surgeon of the capital.

When the future TV presenter studied at the institute, her sister was diagnosed with cancer. A terrible tragedy for the family. Galina Alexandrovna confessed to her daughter that she felt as if covered with a concrete slab. Fortunately, everything worked out - Marina recovered from her illness after three operations.

With son

Elena transferred her Spartan childhood to her sons, raising them in strictness. Yuri and Vasily managed to try themselves as orderlies and janitors. But now they are successfully building careers. Yuri went into medicine, and Vasily chose jurisprudence.

Once, on her program, Elena Malysheva, apparently, remembered the fact of her biography that she was Jewish by father, and showed how to properly circumcise and why.

On a turtleneck, really. The program caused a public outcry, but the TV presenter is not embarrassed by this. There were many complaints about her transfer.
On the Golden Gramophone

Elena Malysheva now

The TV star gets up every morning at six in the morning, and already at ten, he plunges into work with his head. Elena tries to keep abreast of everything that happens in the world regarding health and medicine. She continues to teach and lead "Live great!".

The works of Malysheva were marked by a number of state awards, including the Order of Friendship and a medal for services to healthcare.

Elena Malysheva- an ambiguous character, almost every inhabitant of the post-Soviet space knows her. Some admire this woman even after the program "Live healthy" they immediately run to fulfill all her advice, for example, eat kiwi skins, poop according to all the rules, substituting a small stool under their feet during defecation, and what else did this madam not have time to advise unfortunate viewers over the long years of the existence of her programs. But other people are sarcastic towards Elena Malysheva, openly laugh at her and even consider her a pea jester, and some even collect and collect pearls that she gave out on the air Elena Malysheva, by the way, candidate of medical sciences, professor! Look, you will laugh to tears.

At the time of this writing Elena Malysheva turned 56 years, on television she 1992 year, though she began her stormy educational medical activity in her native Kemerovo where she was on maternity leave with her parents.

Elena Malysheva happily married for about thirty years, together with her husband Igor Yurievich Malyshev they gave birth and raised two sons.

eldest son Yuri was born in 1988 year, named after his paternal grandfather, doctor by education, married, happy father of a son Igor. And here is the youngest son Elena Malysheva name is Basil, he is named after his maternal grandfather, and a lawyer by profession.

An interesting story of close acquaintance Helena, then Shabunina and her future husband Igor Malyshev. Together, the two went to graduate school at Moscow, they knew each other with a hat, but one day they met quite by chance on the street of their native city Helena- in beautiful Kemerovo. Elena out of courtesy invited a colleague to visit her, Igor I was not taken aback and came to dinner that evening. Elena was a chaste girl, it seemed to her the height of bad manners to accept a polite, on-duty invitation from a girl and come to her house. To entertain the silent guest, Elena Malysheva began to show him the first book that came to hand, it turned out to be an illustrated album on fine arts. Nude, kissing scenes, light erotica, Elena she was embarrassed and closed the album, but the ardent young man decided that all this was a hint at the beginning of a relationship. Then bored Elena I decided to turn off the light and turn on the New Year's, flickering lights on the Christmas tree, all this without any intention, but now Igor almost showered the shy Elena kisses, again taking it as a hint, if the parents had not come in and called the guest to the table, he would not have escaped a hot slap in the face. Further, events began to develop rapidly, Igor Malyshev dad liked Helena, which means that the matter remained small, Igor I had to just surrender to the impulse of feelings. Offer Elena Igor did it in a very original way, he invited her to become the mother of his two sons, and this request was made on the metro platform, the doors slammed shut, confused Elena sailed off, she did not sleep all night and thought - where did she get Igor children, and what happened to their mother, and in the morning she replied that she agreed to adopt the children of her beloved, but let him first reveal the secret of what happened to their mother. Igor was confused, as you probably guessed, he had no children, it was about future, joint with Elena children.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva, her husband Igor Malyshev, their sons Yuri And Vasily.

On this photo Elena Malysheva with her husband Igor.

And like this Elena Malysheva she looked young, in the photo she is on the right.

This photo shows the family Elena Malysheva. It turns out that Helena I have a twin brother and his name is Alexey. Sister Marina several years older than the twins.

Like this Elena Malysheva could now look on the air. A few years ago, viewers were asked to choose a new image for Elena Malysheva or vote for the old one, that is, the host of the program "Live healthy" I could take off my glasses, put on lenses and start doing bright makeup. But the audience did not want change!

In this baby photo you see from left to right: Elena Malysheva, her sister Marina and twin brother Alexey.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva in young age.

Elena Malysheva was born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo. The wedding of her son Malysheva became known in July last year. As Dni.Ru wrote, Elena herself shared the good news with the public. “I recently played my son’s wedding. Oh, and walked! Not so long ago, Elena Malysheva married her eldest son Yuri. After the celebration, the newlyweds flew to America to rest.

You, Roman, have a 12-year-old daughter, and I have two sons. The eldest son Yuri recently made me a grandmother! In connection with the birth of her grandson, Elena Malysheva introduced a new section in Health, “I am a grandmother!”, In which she talks about the developmental features of babies. However, a month later, Elena nevertheless decided to tell everything on the festive broadcast of her show on February 23. It is curious that the paparazzi did not even know that Malysheva had become a grandmother.

Now Yuriy works in the program “Live healthy!” creative producer. By the way, it was Yuri who invented and took part in the performance of the already famous song about testicles. The other day in one of the programs, Elena Vasilievna shared the good news with the audience. My son smiles at his wedding - it's great! This is her youngest son. And her eldest son is a lawyer. Lives in America.

Video Elena Malysheva (3)

The guests of the morning program were Levon Oganezov and his wife Sophia. It was with them that Elena Malysheva shared her joy. Malyshev. - But I'm not only a loving, but also a working grandmother, so I have to do everything quickly. Elena Vasilievna, but you will have a grandson, man! He needs to cook meat,” said guest Levon Oganezov. Replenishment in the Malysheva family will occur in about six months. The eldest son of the presenter, Yuri Malyshev, who got married at the beginning of this summer, will become the father. By the way, everyone also learned about this from the lips of Elena Malysheva herself.

Malysheva showed her grandson for the first time (photo)

Yuri's fiancee is called Karina, and according to Malysheva, she has an excellent relationship with her daughter-in-law. And with a personal trainer in the gym. Lolita Milyavskaya, who hosted a not very popular talk show on NTV for the past two months, said on her blog that her contract had ended.

Singer Yulia Nachalova is now working with Dmitry Shepelev, and is forced to defend her young father from the attacks of Zhanna Friske's relatives. Two years ago, Tatyana Vedeneeva appeared on Channel One with a new face - after another plastic surgery. Actor Denis Matrosov is dating a new girl, and has already shown her picture on social networks.

Elena Malysheva: “I am alive only because I am a doctor by profession”

Now the newlyweds spend their honeymoon in America. The wedding ceremony took place about a month ago in the circle of the closest relatives and friends of the family, among whom were many colleagues. I must say that 26-year-old Yuri followed in the footsteps of his mother, becoming a doctor, and for some time now also her creative producer in the program “Live great!”. Elena has an older sister - Elena and her twin brother - Alexei, surgeon, doctor of sciences, professor, chief physician of the First City Hospital, Honored Doctor of Russia.

Since childhood, Elena was very fond of singing, and she was also an activist, chairman of the council of the squad and secretary of the Komsomol committee. In marriage, the spouses had sons Yuri and Vasily. Elena Malysheva: “Thank God, I married Igor Malyshev, whose last name I have been bearing for almost 25 years (September 11, Igor and I will have a silver wedding), and I think that I decorate it very much.

Scandals involving Elena Malysheva / Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva began her journalistic activity in 1992 on the Kemerovo television, on the Kuzbass TV channel, where she began to release the Recipe program. Elena Malysheva: “I began to lead a 30-minute program.

TV presenter Elena Malysheva will open a clinic

In 2006, Malysheva became a professor at the State Medical and Dental University, and in 2007 she defended her doctoral dissertation. Since 2007, Malysheva has been a member of the Russian Television Academy. Since August 16, 2010, Malysheva has been leading the program “Live healthy!” on Channel One, which comes out in the morning on weekdays.

Elena Malysheva: “I work in medicine, I talk about medicine. A joyful event happened in the life of 53-year-old Elena Malysheva. The eldest son of TV presenter Yuri had a son. The baby was born on January 25, but Elena told about his birth a month later, on the air of the Health program. Celebrity biographies, star news, interviews, photos and videos, star ratings, as well as a feed of events from celebrity microblogs on

In high school, her mother, for the purpose of education, arranged for Elena to work as a barmaid in a local hospital. At the university, Elena Malysheva also studied excellently, in 1983 she graduated from the medical faculty of the Kemerovo Medical Institute with honors.

Dmitry Shubin with his wife, and the rest (co-hosts of Elena, Andrey Prodeus and German Gandelman) with the girls, ”Moskvichka” quotes Elena Malysheva. After the revival of the Health program on ORT in October 1997, Elena Malysheva became the host, leader and author of this program.

In this article, we present to our readers the life path of a famous Russian TV presenter. She gained the main popularity thanks to her programs, where she tells everyone about various diseases. This activity brought Elena Malysheva the unspoken title of a TV doctor.

It is noteworthy that medical programs are gaining fame not only through practical advice, but also through the Internet. The fact is that Malysheva's show is quite well known among users of social networks who create various memes and jokes from fragments. Viral videos are especially popular. Thanks to this, one more merit of Elena can be noted - a large number of people got acquainted with medical issues in a very accessible explanation. Next, we will analyze in more detail the path to Malysheva's television.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

Before talking about the biography, it is worth saying a few words about external data. It will be convenient for new fans - without photos, you can create an image of an idol. Therefore, we will present you the main thing - height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva - ask Russian viewers of any generation. We asked - we answer. The approximate height of the TV presenter is just over 167 centimeters, with a weight of 63 kilograms.

In March 2018, Elena Malysheva celebrated her 57th birthday. Photos in her youth and now are easy to find using the Internet and see for yourself what changes have affected this woman.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1961. The place of her birth is Kemerovo. It is noteworthy, but the family of the future TV presenter mainly consisted of "medical people". Father Vasily and mother Galina worked at a local hospital.

After graduating from school with a gold medal, there were no long thoughts about the further place of study - the choice immediately fell on the Medical Institute in my hometown. Studying was given relatively easily, and already in 1984, Elena had a red diploma in her hands. In order not to lose precious time, she decides to leave for Moscow, where she continues her studies in her chosen specialties. In the capital, Malysheva entered the Academy of Medical Sciences, where three years later she defended her thesis. The main theme is the prevention of heart disease.

Prior to television, she worked as a therapist, eventually gaining a professorship at the Moscow State Medical University.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva appeared on television for the first time. At that time, in his native Kemerovo, the Recipe program was being released, where a doctor was invited.

After a series of events, the novice presenter notices that there are no useful and educational medical programs on television. She managed to get through to the Administration and leave a complaint about the situation. Friends began to persuade Elena to launch the TV show herself. With their help, she managed to meet the right people, and Malyshev was immediately taken to local television.

A year later, they launched the Lazaret, where the woman immediately took the post of host. A little time passed, and she was invited to the capital. The first broadcast on central television was called “Did you call the doctor?”, And its launch happened in 1994. Of course, Malysheva did not forget about her own education, and attended European universities. By the way, after 4 years, she returns to the Health show again.

In the summer of 2010, a new program will start - “Live is Healthy!”, Hosted by Elena. It is noteworthy that this show collects conflicting reviews. Everything is due to the fact that the TV presenter often raises slippery and risky questions. Until now, she has been practicing medicine, trying to bring to the masses such topics that people rarely think about seriously.

Many criticize the programs of Malysheva, due to the fact that they do not bring something new, but only adopt the experience of foreign medical programs. But, despite various controversies, the show has a large audience that continues to follow each new release.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is not full of various scandals and gossip. It is unlikely that you will even come across a similar headline in weekly publications - everything is so transparent here.

The TV presenter met her future husband in her hometown, when she was just starting to build a medical career. After receiving diplomas, they move to the capital of Russia and legalize relations. After some time, the first-born is born, but we will talk about children a little lower. It is noteworthy that Elena happily talks about her family and always adds that she is happy in her private life.

Family of Elena Malysheva

The family of Elena Malysheva was directly connected with medicine. It is not surprising where such a craving for treating people comes from about the TV presenter. The head of the family, Vasily Shabunin, like his wife Galina, have been working as doctors all their lives.

In addition to the future TV presenter, her family brought up sister Maria and brother Lesha, who also chose the profession of parents. The sister moved to Tuapse, where she works as a neuropathologist, and her brother became a famous surgeon. Due to her popularity on the Internet, Elena often became the protagonist of various conspiracy theories. The most interesting of them is that Malysheva is the ancestor of Leon Trotsky. Some users found a resemblance. Of course, she does not undertake to comment on such rumors.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are a rare topic that is raised in the media for the sake of scandals or rumors. Everything is clear and ordinary here, and there are no reasons for “conspiracy theories”, as for a famous TV presenter. At the moment, she has two children who were born two years apart. The eldest son chose the profession of parents and received a medical education, unlike the younger one.

A few years ago, in 2015, the Russian TV presenter had her first grandson, who was named Igor. Elena herself says that she is very happy with the replenishment in the family, and is happy to spend her free time with her children and grandchildren.

The son of Elena Malysheva - Yuri

The first son of Elena Malysheva, Yuri, was born in the spring of 1988 and is the firstborn of a TV presenter. Now he is already 30 years old. In 2014, Yuri met Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. A little later, young people played a wedding, and already in the winter of 2015, Igor, the grandson of Malysheva, was born. With the help of the Internet, you can find photos of the whole happy family in full force.

Like his parents, Yuri decided to connect his life with medicine, and after school he graduated from the corresponding university. Along the way, he appears on television, and for some time hosted the program “Live Healthy!” with her mother Elena.

The son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

The second son of Elena Malysheva, Vasily, was born two years later than his older brother, in December 1990. It is noteworthy that the younger stepson decided to move away from the profession of his parents, and not to receive a medical education. Thus, Vasily is the first in the Malysheva family to choose a different path. He himself admits that for a long time the parents did not agree with the choice of their son, but in the end, they gave up.

By education, Vasily is a lawyer, and now he is developing his own business. The main direction is programming. The dream of the son of Elena Malysheva is to create convenient software that will bring medicine to a new perfect level.

By the way, when Vasily was not yet a year old, he had a serious illness that required surgical intervention. The teledoctor was able to quickly recognize the symptoms and go with her son to the right hospital. It was this event that influenced Elena - she decided to become a TV presenter.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

Elena Malysheva's husband, Igor Malyshev, was born in January 1959. By education, he is a doctor. Works at the Metropolitan Medical and Dental University. He has a doctorate in medical sciences and is also involved in molecular biology. He has many awards for his work and achievements in the field of science.

The future spouses met while studying at a medical university. The exact date of the wedding is not known, but it is known that the event took place before the birth of the first son. In some episodes of her programs, the TV presenter raises the topic of her family. Elena says that Igor has great restraint, seriousness and calmness. He rarely watches programs with his wife, and if necessary, he talks about shortcomings. It is noteworthy that there are no disputes on this basis in the family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

A few years ago, a TV presenter increased her popularity by introducing a high-impact diet. It is noteworthy that before the official release, Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home was already known. The menu for the week can be created using a site that was launched recently.

In addition to losing weight, you can use a balanced nutrition program that will help maintain weight within the same limits. Also, some diseases are taken into account, and a diet is also formed, avoiding harmful foods. Also, there is a program where anyone can monitor the effectiveness of a particular method of losing weight. Of course, some "recipes" were taken skeptically by Internet users who directly declare fraud on the part of Elena.

Photo by Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine

Personally, the TV presenter said that she herself uses the presented diets. Therefore, some users began to expect a photo of Elena Malysheva in Maxim magazine. As far as we know now, an invitation to take candid photos from a glossy publication has not yet been received by the TV doctor. However, it is unlikely that she will agree to participate in a naked photo shoot, because she is a family person, and many will not understand such an action.

The only thing that can be advised to those who are interested in the figure of Elena is to find photographs from the rest, where the TV presenter is in a swimsuit. This will help evaluate the quality of the developed diets and understand whether it is worth using one or another method of keeping fit.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

The career of a TV presenter implies a large number of fans. Social networks help in communicating with fans, so the request “Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva” is quite popular among those who follow the activities of a TV doctor. For example, the free encyclopedia contains all the basic information about her life, as well as the awards that the doctor received for her work.

Elena's official pages gather a large number of subscribers who are interested in their health and figure. In addition, on social networks you can find announcements of TV shows with the participation of Malysheva. Also, anyone can find a question of interest, and read the doctor's answer.

Elena Vasilievna Shabunina was born in 1961 in a family of doctors. It happened on a March day in the city of Kemerovo. The girl was not born alone, but in tandem with her brother Alexei. The appearance of twins was waiting for sister Marinka.

Lena studied just fine, so she graduated from school with a gold medal. A capable girl easily entered first at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, and then at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. Elena completed her studies in 1983 with a red diploma.

Malysheva completed her postgraduate studies and defended her PhD thesis. For a long time she worked as a therapist in a district clinic. However, pretty soon the monotonous work began to oppress her, so Elena Vasilievna moved to the Department of Internal Diseases of the Second Medical Institute.

She was actively engaged in science, defended her doctoral and candidate's degrees. Until now, he is a professor at the Moscow Medical and Dental University.

Very often the question arises whether the TV presenter is happy in her personal life and who is the husband of Elena Malysheva. The famous TV presenter is happily married.

Her husband, Igor Yuryevich, is also a doctor by education. He is quite an educated person with a scientific degree. He is fond of molecular biology, which he chose as his profession.

Igor Malyshev works in a laboratory that develops macrophages that can boost immunity. For his research, he was awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation many times.

He is quite balanced and serious, a true professional. However, Igor very rarely watches his wife's programs, so there are no conflicts on this basis. If the husband gives good advice, then Elena, as a rule, agrees with his position.

Two sons of Elena Malysheva

In 1988, Elena and Igor had their first child, Yura, named after his grandfather. He continued the medical dynasty, but is currently working as a creative producer of his mother's program "Live healthy!". He is married, in 2015 he gave his parents a grandson, Igorka.

The second child of Elena Malysheva, son Vasily, was born in 1990. He was a very sickly boy and underwent several surgeries as an infant. Namely, from his appearance, Elena's career began as a leading medical program. Not married, works as a lawyer.

Malysheva began to conduct medical programs quite by accident on her native Kemerovo television. It all started with the program "Recipe" on the TV channel "Kuzbass". After that, she became the host of the author's medical program "Lazaret".

Pretty soon, Malysheva, who sensibly, professionally with notes of kindness and humor, hosted medical television programs, was noticed in Moscow. There, Elena Vasilievna got her own medical project “Did you call the doctor?”. This TV program on RTR broke all records in terms of popularity, and Malysheva woke up famous.

She visited the United States of America, where she completed an internship at the European Center for Health and the Environment. It was very difficult to get there, since only talented TV presenters of medical programs received invitations.

Soon, Elena has grown to the position of head and author of the TV show "Health". She became her permanent host, including at the radio station.

The program "Health" in 2010 grew into the equally popular "Life is great!". This TV program adorns the morning broadcast of Channel One. Elena Malysheva quite often speaks on medical topics that ordinary people are embarrassed about. She invites famous and erudite guests. Does not hesitate to demonstrate visual aids, posters and layouts.

This TV program takes up almost all of Elena Vasilievna's free time, but viewers generously pay for it with their attention and constant growth in ratings. As a true professional, Malysheva controls the process of shooting, editing, voice acting, from the beginning of the week she begins to select material for the next broadcast. By the way, Elena is a very kind and attentive person, she never refuses people who need a rare medicine.

The special family of Elena Malysheva

The family of Elena Malysheva is quite athletic and purposeful. All its large and small inhabitants constantly visit swimming pools and sports clubs. All family members eat right and carefully monitor their health.

Elena Vasilievna believes that the heavy rhythm of life helps to keep oneself in good shape, avoid neuroses and bad thoughts. She teaches this to all her household members.

He is a full member of the Diva Board of Trustees. She was awarded the "Order of Friendship", a medal and a badge.

It is worth noting that Elena herself devotes a lot of time to her health, has no bad habits, and eats exclusively healthy foods. He is the author of a popular diet, the products of which are sold quite well.

Elena Malysheva: an amazing biography

Numerous facts from the biography of Elena Malysheva resemble a fairy tale, but it is worth noting that she achieved everything in her life with her perseverance and hard work.

Malysheva easily perceives criticism of the plots of her television programs. She never ceases to believe that life is great!

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