Swami dasha psychic biography how much. Osho's student and master of oriental practices, the mysterious Swami Dashi


Journalists declassified one of the strongest and most closed participants in the new season of the Battle of Psychics. Unknown facts about Swami Dashi leads Life.

The personality of the most mysterious and discussed hero of the 17th season of the popular TV show has not left indifferent both viewers and journalists for a long time. Both of them are lost in conjectures about the real name of Swami and his biography. In the official group of the project in the social network "Vkontakte" there are fierce disputes among fans on this topic. Some claim that his name is Andrei Bezrukov, others categorically assure that Dashi is Yuri. At the same time, without exception, all participants in the discussion claim that they know the hero personally.

Life journalists managed to dot the "i" in the personal data of the mystic. As it turned out, Peter Smirnov from St. Petersburg, convinced of his own limitless power of Swami Dasha in the world. Once he was professionally involved in sports, in particular pole vaulting, but he did not achieve any significant success in this field. After that, the man decided to devote himself to the study of Eastern and Western practices. For two decades he comprehended knowledge in India.

The wife of Peter is also from the world of sports. 36-year-old Muscovite Irina Nogina-Chernyshova is a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The couple has three children: two sons and a daughter.

Currently, Smirnov actually lives in two cities, very often on the road. For some time he lived with his family in Moscow, but now he has moved to St. Petersburg. In the northern capital, Nogina-Chernyshova teaches yoga, Pilates and stretching.

In addition, Peter also has a son from his first marriage, 32-year-old Roman Smirnov, a famous athlete who has repeatedly become the champion of Russia and represented our country at the Olympic Games in Beijing. The young man is married to the five-time Russian champion in athletics Ekaterina Smirnova.

It is worth noting that Swami Dashi himself hides his family very carefully, avoiding any questions related to it. The magician's assistants claim that he does this in order not to become vulnerable to rivals in the "Battle of Psychics".

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The psychic hides his real name, preferring to be called a pseudonym. According to unconfirmed information, the psychic's name is Peter. Birthday - 22 August. He himself is from the northern capital of Russia.

Swami is a title characteristic of the teachings in neo-Hinduism. It denotes a person liberated from the senses. So it is already possible to draw a conclusion with what forces the psychic works. Also, Swami sounds like “with you”, which encourages people to work with this clairvoyant.

Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for quite actively conducting all kinds of seminars, and not only in Russia, which are aimed at uniting the soul, thinking, spirit and body.

Working in the system Spirit-Soul-Body - Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance Between Physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Basing his knowledge on stimulating the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing-movement-sound - he makes it possible to return the true feeling of his body, release suppressed emotions, open the blocks associated with them and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes.

In the first episode of the 17th season of "Battles", he gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season - Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately I determined what kind of car the person was in the trunk of. But the actress Samburskaya, who played the role of Miss X, pissed off, as he said about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about him - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she was on souls of children lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress strongly disagreed with this.

Swami Dashi - The man in the trunk. Video

Almost from the first release of the “Battle of Psychics Season 17”, fans of the project recorded Swami Dashi as a leader, predicting him at least reaching the final, and possibly winning the show.

In the final of the third edition of the Battle of Psychics, the jury determined the favorite and the participant who left the project. Margarita Bakhtiyarova, a 20-year-old witch from Krasnodar, dropped out of it. As for the winner of this series, it was the mysterious mystic Swami Dashi. Apparently, he had a presentiment that he would be singled out. When asked by Marat Basharov about whose name is in the white envelope, Dashi replied that he was a middle-aged man, as handsome as a Rolls-Royce. "StarHit" made a portrait of the favorite of the program, which already from the first series impressed viewers and became one of the people's favorites.

Swami Dasha's life before the project

Very little is known about the age and family of Swami Dasha. According to the TNT channel, Dasha has four children, and the wife of the mystic is much younger than him. At one of the tests, he mentioned that his eldest son was 34 years old, and the youngest was six years old. He prefers not to advertise additional information about himself. However, like other details from his life, which he admitted in a group on Facebook. There is talk that he was born in St. Petersburg, but no one can say whether this is true or not.

“I live a rather closed life, there are very few people around me, and then this flurry of letters, confessions. Pity my ego, please. All this is very pleasant, but also very unusual, even strange. Well, a new experience, maybe it's time to start enjoying the benefits of civilization! ”, - Dashi shared with his fans.

After the first episode of the Battle of Psychics, Swami was literally inundated with reviews and comments, many fake accounts of a psychic appeared on the Internet, trying to cash in on his name. It is worth noting that it is quite simple to distinguish scammers from Dasha - he himself wrote more than once that he does not conduct remote consultations, preferring personal meetings to communication on the Web. Dashi, apparently, was not used to such a wave of popularity, he was known in narrow circles as a leader of meditations and body-oriented practices.

As for the benefits of civilization, which the psychic mentioned, he was not joking. For a long time the man lived in India, he spent almost 20 years of his life studying Eastern and Western practices. Swami Dashi is not the real name of the psychic, but he believes that it reflects his essence. Swami is a title that is often used in Hinduism, the word denotes a person freed from feelings. In other words, this is a monk who left worldly desires to serve other people.

The teachings, to which the psychic devoted decades, completely changed his attitude. By his own admission, he took a fresh look at the world and began to live with his heart. Dasha's mission, as he claims, is to help people become better and find themselves. To this end, Swami conducts various events dedicated to the development of the inner world of a person and the control of the body.

In her work, Dashi uses techniques such as massage, meditation and yoga skills, as well as Osho's bodily pulsations. He assures that he reads people like books, and can even control them. It is emphasized on the Swami Meditation Center website and in his social media groups that he does not practice any form of magic. “Swami Dashi is a spiritual practitioner with many years of experience, and his methods are not based on popular magical or other rites or rituals familiar to the viewer of the “Battle of Psychics”. He works according to his own methodology, based on the energy practices integrated by him that have existed in the world for thousands of years. He does not practice damage, sentences, excuses, fortune-telling, erasing karma and other dubious “miracles”, as this contradicts his philosophy and, in his opinion, does not benefit people,” the administrators of the Dasha community report. They also warn that the psychic is not inclined to predict events in the future or guess what happened in the past. He made an exception for the program of the TNT channel.

Dasha's participation in the "Battle of Psychics"

From the first episode, Swami Dashi became one of the most popular participants in the Battle of Psychics. He quickly enough was able to establish in which car the person is. In addition, I felt the male energy in the actress Nastasya Samburskaya and her strong connection with her father, who was imprisoned when she was five years old. Swami also angered a celebrity with his advice to have a baby as soon as possible. According to Samburskaya, this is not the purpose of a woman, but Dashi was ready to argue with her.

“I came to the project to show that something like this can be done not on rituals, books or rituals, but with the help of energy,” Dashi said in an interview with TNT.

In the second series of the battle, the psychics had to guess which girl was pregnant by a young man named Vladimir. Swami Dasha managed to understand what kind of young woman is not really expecting a child, and also to find out the future of the heroine of the task, after which she burst into tears. When psychics went to Obninsk to investigate the murder of Masha Odd, Swami Dasha managed to find her burial place and tell the facts about the girl. Mystic also suggested that Odd died after being attacked by a maniac.

In the third series of the popular TV program, viewers remember the test when psychics had to go through the dangerous labyrinth of an abandoned mining institute without running into an ambush by professional military men. They chose several points where they sat down in anticipation of the participants in the battle. Dasha managed not only to see all the traps, but also to feel what wars their opponents participated in, as well as to see their tattoos and even understand their inner state.

Psychic Swami Dashi boasts an interesting biography. The successful completion of absolutely all the tests and some non-standard participant in the "Battle of Psychics" became the reason for Swami Dasha's super popularity.

In the article:

Biography, age and real name of Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi is a relatively new face in the world of domestic television. It cannot be said that the man was not a popular person before participating in the Battle of Psychics project. Dashi has been widely known among people who are interested in spiritual practices for over 20 years.

Most of the fans are interested in Swami's age. The psychic sometimes deliberately confuses people by providing incorrect information.

In 2013, the clairvoyant made a reservation about preparing the celebration of the 60th anniversary, but at the time of participation in the "Battle of Psychics" the exact age of Swami Dasha-56 years old. This is confirmed by an interview in an old print publication of the early 2000s, when Dashi was not yet so popular, and the service for determining age from a photo https://how-old.net - Swami's resource gives fifty-three years. Date of birth is known exactly - August 22.

I love solitude and silence, I consider my life and the life of my family a taboo for others. Names, dates, specific data give people an extra opportunity to penetrate the protective barrier that I painstakingly created for many years in order to protect myself and my family from strangers.

The real name of Swami Dasha is another secret of the clairvoyant. The information has not been published anywhere, Dashi himself refuses to give passport data even to students. But all the secret becomes clear: the psychic's name is Pyotr Smirnov, a man lives in St. Petersburg.

Fans will be interested to know that Swami is not part of a pseudonym, but something like an honorary title. They are awarded to people who have the skill of yoga, and the nickname is translated as “free from feelings” or “self-controlled”. He received a psychic title in India more than 20 years ago, as well as an Indian name - Dashi. The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” spent more than 50 thousand dollars on training Osho practitioners. In this country and in Asia as a whole, the master spent more than twenty years of his life, studying a wide variety of mystical practices. On his own forum, the psychic wrote about his personal experience with Filipino healers.

Healer (from the English heal - to heal) is a traditional healer who performs surgical operations without the use of any tools through special hand manipulations.

Dasha is a Slav by nationality, was born in Kazakhstan, then his parents returned to St. Petersburg, where the psychic lived until recently. Currently lives in Moscow.

Prefers a healthy lifestyle. Dasha has four children: the eldest child at the time of participation in the 17th season of the TV show was 34 years old, and the youngest was 6.

Dasha's eldest son with his wife. Multiple champions of Russia in athletics.

Religion - Sufi Islam. He spends a lot of time in the gym, combining various techniques and sports areas in his work. As a trainer, teacher and specialist in the field of alternative medicine, Swami Dashi has an absolutely perfect reputation. In Samarkand, the psychic received a Sufi name - Mohammed Al Hadi.

Vladimir Smirnov (born May 17, 1937) is a Soviet and Russian biochemist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, father of Swami Dasha.

In one of the old interviews, the master of yoga and meditation stated that he came to the first lesson in an Armani jacket, with a gold chain and in the company of two security guards. Now he dresses more in the style that rap artists prefer. Probably, the value system has changed somewhat as knowledge has accumulated.

The phrase mentioned in the interview may hint to Dasha's fan about the practice's past - the psychic could be a big businessman or even a "new Russian". The clairvoyant himself noted that during the collapse of the USSR he wore many attributes of bandits and often got into deadly troubles, until he decided to give up the wrong way of life and go to study in Asia with Osho.

The psychic's father, an academician of biochemistry, does not share his son's hobbies. According to Dasha himself, they have not communicated on this basis for more than twenty years. His mother committed suicide when Peter was twenty years old.

In his youth, his parents forced the future master of oriental techniques to enter the Pedagogical Institute. According to Peter Smirnov, the decision to leave education has become one of the most important in life. At that moment, the guy felt independent, but finally lost contact with his parents, who actually abandoned their son.

Pyotr Smirnov also tried himself in traditional sports - in his youth he was engaged in pole vaulting. his wife Irina Nogina- a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer, Swami's administrator. In marriage, the psychic had two sons and a daughter.

Swami Dashi with children and wife on vacation (VKontakte).

The grandmother of the psychic, Claudia Smirnova, distinguished herself in the sports field - she was the first Soviet world champion in shooting, and her son from her first marriage, Roman Smirnov, participated in the Beijing Olympics (a famous Russian athlete).

Successes of Swami Dasha and victory at the "Battle of Psychics" in season 17

On the "Battle of Psychics" project, Swami Dashi was remembered for his extraordinary behavior during the test. The practices that the psychic prefers are not like what fans of the mystical project have gotten used to - communication with the spirits of the dead and other creatures, rituals and ceremonies. We are talking about a mix of various oriental teachings and techniques, including dervish dances, Sufi whirling, breathing techniques of Tibetan monks and much more. Dasha's gift was received while traveling the world in search of knowledge more than 20 years ago.

Ayurvedic yoga stretch with Swami Dashi.

The winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics claims that she received a lot of benefit and pleasure from the massage session given to her by Dasha during a meeting of psychics in the park before the test with a screen. The practitioner's assignment was successful, naming the looking-glass behind the screen, watching the test participants, and adding:

You are watching the dot. The dot is watching you.

During the test with the trunk, Swami became the last psychic who decided to pass the selection stage. The practitioner's working methods shocked the audience - this has not happened in the project yet. Thanks to the sounds made by Swami Dashi, unusual breathing techniques and Sufi whirling, passing the test with a trunk looked unusual. The traditional Sufi cassock, in which the yogi circled around the hangar, also attracted attention.

Swami Dashi was one of three psychics who passed the test with the trunk in the 17th season of the Battle of the Psychics. When Safronov asked how he managed to do this, the yogi offered to repeat the test. The second attempt was no less successful than the first. Eyewitnesses claim that Dashi was in a trance state almost all the time he was looking for a person in the trunk. The spiritual practitioner managed to shock the car owners present at the test by telling them personal information that the magician could not know.

Dashi at the Battle of Psychics-17.

During the Mister X test, Dasha managed to find out the secrets of Anastasia Samburskaya: the actress's excitement was clearly visible to the viewer, but the TV presenter did not arouse much sympathy for the yogi. Perhaps the point is different views about the birth of children and the purpose of a woman. Anastasia Samburskaya does not want to have children, and considers the delivery of a glass of water in old age to be quite a suitable task for servants.

During the test with the search for the mother of the child of a certain man among six pregnant girls, one of whom was with a false belly, Dashi showed the ability to "excellent" good. Yogi talked a lot about women, especially about the part of life associated with motherhood. Of course, Dashi unmistakably pointed out the woman who was pregnant by the man in the studio.

The rest of the trials Swami passed flawlessly. During the investigation of the murder of the girl Masha in the second issue Season 17 "Psychic Battles" a number of predictions interested the investigator in the case. Police officers do not want to talk about what Dasha told the investigator - this may prevent finding the killer. Excellent yogi also passed the test associated with finding a way out of the building with six sniper ambushes. Swami showed considerable success in passing tests at the "Battle of Psychics". Most of the audience was sure that the practitioner would be, if not the winner, then one of the finalists for sure.

Dashi: tears make a man a man, distinguish him from the crowd of other mammals, and I do not want to be ashamed of my tears.

Swami Dashi is called a guide between the worlds and one of the most likely winners of season 17, but the yogi insists that he is just as ordinary a person as any viewer of the project. According to the clairvoyant, the framework that prevents other people from becoming psychics exists only in the head. The main goal of Dasha's training programs is to remove the barrier behind which magical talents hide.

By removing the partition, a person begins to feel what is happening, without restrictions. Between battles, austerities await Swami Dashi. To pass the test, the yogi is forced to not eat for two or three days. Sleep psychic replaces meditation. After observing the austerities, the practice is enough to ask about anything for the answer to appear in the head of the clairvoyant.

Swami Dashi practically does not use magical attributes. Occasionally, he only takes off the pendant, which he usually wears around his neck. The yogi claims that the crystals are alive, he calls them souls, which are about two hundred million years old.

The pendant is not just an ornament. In the 11th edition of the project, Dashi said that his soul was contained in the attribute. To explain to the viewer the essence, the magician gave an analogy with Koshchei the Immortal. It is hard to believe that the psychic keeps the soul in the crystal, but it can be assumed that the crystal helps the yogi to connect with the world of the dead.

Swami Dashi - sounds, breathing techniques and other methods of psychic work

Dashi does not use the methods of work traditional for most of the participants in the mystical project. Swami is called a yogi, this is partly true - the knowledge accumulated by Indian yogis is really included in the combination of teachings and spiritual practices that the psychic prefers. However, calling Dasha a full-fledged psychic is somewhat erroneous - the yogi does not practice magic and does not use the prompts of spirits. All Swami's successes are the result of personal spiritual self-improvement through special practices.

Sufi circles of young Peter.

For the first time, the psychic met the unknown in 1987-1988. Traveling through the Philippines and East Asia, the practitioner saw the cure of diseases by a healer, a real levitation performed by a yogi. Dashi found his own enlightenment and unity with God during prayer at the grave of St. Daniel.

If we talk about the practices that the favorite of the seventeenth "Battle of Psychics" prefers, we are talking about alternative medicine of the East, yoga, various meditation practices, Osho, Sufi whirling and zikrah, Tibetan pulsations, Zen and Dzazen, Lapin, Gurdjieff and Reich techniques. More than 20 years ago, a yogi lived for several years in India, comprehending the secrets of teachers. Swami Dashi was one of the first to bring previously unknown knowledge to Russia.

Biography of psychic Swami Dasha

Swami Dashi

The participants of the popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics" are people with unusual abilities that allow them to go beyond the boundaries of everyday reality and receive information that is inaccessible to natural perception..

The 17th season of this television project was lit up with the appearance of an incredibly strong character, who immediately attracted a lot of attention from a very sophisticated audience thanks to his extraordinary methods, which ensured the victory of the psychic in the final.

Mystery of the name

The man, known to the public as the psychic Swami Dashi, is quite active in various cities of Russia, aimed primarily at helping people in need of spiritual healing. The forms of this activity are varied: seminars, trainings, master classes, lectures, which include elements of an individual approach to each of their participants, as well as joint meditations.

For a long time, nothing was known about the real name of Swami Dasha, nor about his personal life, since the medium carefully concealed them from the ubiquitous media, which nevertheless managed to get some information.

As it turned out, Swami Dashi is not an ordinary pseudonym, but a spiritual title, which was awarded to a native of Kazakhstan, Peter Smirnov, during his stay in India for outstanding achievements in mastering various yoga techniques. The exact age of the master could not be established, it is only known that he was about 60 years old.

How Swami Dashi came to extrasensory perception

Dasha formulated the main motive of his life as follows: “Every person is given the opportunity to change his life for the better, but not everyone will see it. I am called to help those who need insight.


To comprehend his true vocation, Peter Smirnov had to go a long way, starting from the moment when he decided to stop studying at the Institute of Pediatrics, where his parents sent him. The cost of independence was the loss of parental support. In some interviews, the master mentioned that after leaving the institute he was briefly associated with some criminal circles in post-perestroika Russia. Of course, such relationships are fraught with high risk: the life of a future yogi could end prematurely more than once. Realizing that such a way of life is destructive, Peter set out to change it. That's just how?! The answer came quickly. Even as a child, Swami felt his involvement in some supernatural processes that take place in our world hidden from everyday sight. Even then, he could find things lost several years ago and predict important events for his family. Remembering his gift, Swami Dashi rushed to Asia in order to find himself in communion with the great sages.

Swami Dasha's Teachings

Pyotr Smironov made his first stop in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), where he first studied and then adopted Sufi Islam, receiving the name Muhammad Al Hadi. After that, the master went to India, where he spent a total of about 20 years, studying the basics of yoga, body-oriented techniques, delved into various mystical teachings. One of Peter's spiritual mentors was Chandra Mohan Jain, better known as Osho, the founder of the system of ashrams (communities) in several countries of the world, who preached the doctrine of "neo-sannyas".

Swami Dashi also had extensive experience in dealing with Filipino healers and was present during their operations.

Having reached a certain point of spiritual growth, Swami returned to Russia. Its further development is connected with the study of the practices of Western spiritual currents, which left a noticeable mark on the mind of a psychic: the technique of Wilhelm Reich, stone therapy, etc.

Thus, at the heart of the Spirit-Soul-Body project of Swami Dashi, Eastern and Western approaches to solving issues of spiritual healing and development were intertwined. Within the framework of the project, a method independently developed by a medium called “Spiritual Spirituality” is being implemented, which allows a person to release negative energy, remove blockages of all levels, and return the true feeling of his physical body.

Amulet of Swami Dashi

The memorable attributes of the master on the TV show "Battle of Psychics" were a Sufi cassock and a pendant with a blue crystal. The specified attire adjusts the psychic to the perception of subtle energy flows. There are more questions about the pendant as Swami took it off before doing some tasks and held it in a tightly clenched hand. Swami Dashi explained this action in the following words: this pendant is not just an ornament, but a receptacle for his soul. The analogy with Koshchei the Deathless automatically suggests itself. However, the care with which the psychic handles the pendant suggests the veracity of his words. Removing the crystal from his neck, holding it in his fist, Swami Dashi hides his soul from the influence of the spirits to which he addresses.

Swami Dasha Predictions for 2017

Comprehending numerous spiritual practices that make it possible to feel people more subtly, to heal them, Swami Dashi did not disregard his gift of predicting the future and achieved significant success in this direction. His forecasts for this year look promising.

The whole of 2017 will be energetically oversaturated, which is fraught with radical changes both in society and in the personal life of an individual. Swami Dashi notes that such changes can be positive if they are fully conscious and thought out: the possibility of renewal should not cause a total collapse.

The rooster in the Eastern tradition is the patron of family values. Swami Dashi confirms this: love, marriage, childbearing, maintaining family ties - these are the main goals for this year.

The psychic asks not to forget that the Rooster is a bright individualist who does not take into account the opinions of others. Many people can be influenced by it. Such thoughts should be immediately cut off, because uncontrolled egoism can lead to a break in the strongest relationships.

The rapidly changing situation in the financial sector will create fertile ground for doubts about future success. Only those who learn to make balanced decisions in such conditions will survive.

Psychic Swami Dashi emphasizes that no matter how the circumstances develop, you should always be ready to help your neighbor, and also be ready to show mercy to those who deserve it.

We offer you to watch a video in which Swami Dashi talks about his life position and attitude to spiritual practices

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