'Sveta from Ivanovo'. Russian journalist Kuritsyna Svetlana Igorevna What does Sveta Kuritsyna do now


Zodiac sign: Cancer

Weight: 65 kg

Activity: TV presenter, political activist

Height: 163 cm

Place of Birth: Privolzhsk (Russia, Ivanovo region)

Biography of Sveta Kuritsyna from Ivanovo

Svetlana-Igorevna-Kuritsyna- - TV presenter, heroine of videos, known to me as "Sveta- from Ivan-nova-". The first interview with her was taken quite by accident by the journalist Evgeny Gladin in 2011. After that, the girl became extraordinarily popular.

Childhood - Sveta Kuritsyna

Sveta-Kuritsyna was born in the Ivanovo region, she grew up there and graduated from school. The teacher does not speak very well of the former student. They complain that Sveta always came up with offensive nicknames for adults. One of the school workers, who did not want to give his name, spoke of Sveta as a girl who "always sticks her nose into all holes." People who knew her from childhood say that the girl from childhood grew up without complexes, wanted to take part everywhere, was an activist. Svetlana fell ill with politics at school, ever their class was taken out to all sorts of rallies.

Sveta - from Iva-novo - in childhood, the dream was not to be photographed in a swimsuit, but to engage in politics

The father works as a truck driver and is a taciturn, calm person. He only said that he was proud of his daughter, who-I "made it into the people." Mother, hereditary spinner, is also very pleased with her daughter's success. There is also a younger sister, Masha, who-I am now studying on-pova-ra-. After school, Sveta- went to college and received the profession of an accountant-ra-. The teachers of the college are also dissatisfied with Sveta, and they are not in a hurry to hang up a plaque of honor - a photo of a graduate. “I studied with only triples, I didn’t have much interest in studying. Everyone said that she was bored of sitting in a hostel. We don’t even have a special competition for admission, there are always shortfalls. So we take just anyone, ”the teachers complain with a certain sense of guilt. Friends from the hostel say that Sveta, out of boredom, first went to the “Zhi-rinovtsy”, but later, a neighbor in the room suggested that she join the “sta-li”, arguing that they were sent to Moscow for rallies. Sveta agreed immediately.

Unexpected popularity of Sveta from Ivanovo-

Popularity simply fell on the head of a 19-year-old girl. He and his friends were offered to hold a rally in support of United Russia at the election. The guys were placed at one of the stations in the metro, where they conducted a survey among the population. Journalist Yevgeny Gladin approached the crowd of guys and asked who could give an interview, answering a few questions. Friends immediately showed me to the world, which I never refused to take part in such events. The girl did not hesitate and “in her own way” began to answer the journalist’s questions. An employee of the newspaper posted a video on the Internet the next day, which - bra-lo 4 million views - in just a few days. In general, Svetlana-Kuritsyna woke up famous on December 7, 2011. Sveta herself justifies this situation with such words: Participants of the show Vyshka: Svetlana-Kuritsyna-, TV presenter“I was not the first to be approached by journalists. But the rest of the people refused, refused to answer questions, and I took it and said what I thought, although, perhaps, not very competently. But after all, many people say “dress better”, but for some reason they laughed only at me. And I'm not the only one." The video on the same day began to be quoted in all social networks. And the young girl began to receive insults on the page “In contact-kte-”. Friends even feared for her life, I suspect that the girl wants to commit suicide.

The path of Sveta Kuritsyna to the TV screen-on-m

Soon, Sveta pulled herself together and continued to work at rallies, earning a lot more than ever. Later, she was invited to the Mina-ev live show. Safely speaking, and once again, having expressed her opinion, the girl received the telephone number of the director of NTV television. She called, she was scheduled to meet. The director of the television channel offered the young girl to conduct an author's program, under the title "Ray of Light". Sveta did not think long and caught luck by the tail. Literally a month later, the first program was released with the participation of Sveta from Iva-novo, which brought tremendous success to the TV-lekan-lu, beating the comedy club and KVN ratings. Sveta had an interview with the stars, and she really liked it. New otzhi-g Sveta from Iva-novo-

Light- from Ivan-nova- and "Ray of Light-"

As Sveta herself reports, she ran the program on her own, without any prompting from the editors of the program. She-asked-shiva-la about everything that interests her. Many believed that the program would be shut down as soon as glory turns away from Sveta, but this did not happen. The program has been running for the second year and earns decent ratings for the TV-lecan-la. Sveta - from Ivanova - is not afraid of a lot of work, and, in general, is satisfied with the vacancy received. However, all the same, something does not please the girl with everything. Many stars, as she herself later tells, hate each other and simply work on camera. In fact, they are not at all the same as they seem on the screen of the television.

Personal life of Sveta from Ivanovo-

Svetlana-Kuritsyna is not yet married, and is going to "take a walk until the age of twenty-five" for the time being. However, at the New Year's party in 2012, Sveta, on the insistent recommendations of the socialite Lena Lenina, held in search of her billionaire husband. As it became known a little later, she left this party with some big businessman.

Sveta-Kuritsyna- does not hide her personal life, but does not want to get married yet

She was also noticed in the company of one of the co-lists of the Na-na- group. Apparently at that party, Sveta still didn’t find her soul mate because already in January 2013 she went to the show “Let's get married”. She came to the project not only to successfully marry, but also for simple female happiness. Before the new release of the show, one of the presenters posted her opinion about Svetlana on her page on the social network. She wrote that, in her opinion, such qualities as innocence, modesty or tenderness are completely absent in Svetlana. Also Syabitova-na-meknu-la na-lack of current in-sleep and education of the girl. The TV presenter sometimes even experienced frank shame for the girl.

Sveta-Kuritsyna- - deputy-t

Sveta, for a long time, wanted to chat with, whom she-so-so-becomes to be like. In order for the little dream to finally come true, Sveta decided to take the situation into her own hands. At one of the events, Svetlana handed Xenia a doll made with her own hands. As a sign of gratitude, Sobchak invited Sveta to visit our program, and at the same time gave some advice about Sveta's behavior and image. Ksyusha advised me to get out of the image of a stupid provincial, and become a real Russian activist. Sobchak also advised the girl to strive to achieve status. Already on the program “Sobchak is alive”, the girl announced that she was going to become a State Duma deputy. She also said that show business for her is simply a place to hang out. But in fact, she is striving for career growth, which the position of deputy can provide her with. Svetlana, apparently wants to follow the advice of Ksenia Sobchak and get rid of the image of a provincial, after all, many do not take her seriously just because she made it to the television screens only thanks to luck.

Sveta - from Ivanova - now

At the moment, Svetlana-Kuritsyna is planning to take part in the reality show "Island", which, according to experts' forecasts, will become an analogue of the show "The Last Hero". Filming of the show began on August 1st. Sveta has already posted on the social network a picture of her “exotic” bat-snake with greens. The adventurous lover of the show liked it.

Svetlana Igorevna Kuritsyna is a TV presenter, the heroine of videos, known as "Light from Ivanov". The first interview with her was taken quite by accident by journalist Yevgeny Gladin in 2011. After that, the girl became extremely popular.

Childhood of Sveta Kuritsyna

Sveta Kuritsyna was born in the Ivanovo region, where she grew up and graduated from high school. Teachers do not speak very well of a former student. They complain that Sveta always came up with offensive nicknames for adults. One of the school employees, who did not want to give his name, spoke of Sveta as a girl who "always sticks her nose into all holes." People who knew her from childhood say that the girl grew up without complexes from childhood, she wanted to take part everywhere, she was an activist. Svetlana fell ill with politics at school, when their class was taken to all sorts of rallies.

The father works as a truck driver and is a taciturn, calm person. He only said that he was proud of his daughter, who "made it out into the people." Mother, a hereditary spinner, is also very pleased with her daughter's success. There is also a younger sister, Masha, who is now studying to be a cook.

After school, Sveta went to college and became an accountant. College teachers are also unhappy with Sveta, and they are in no hurry to hang photos of the graduate on the honor roll. “I studied for only triples, I didn’t have much interest in studying. Everyone said that she was bored sitting in a hostel. We don’t even have a special competition for admission, there are always shortfalls. So we take just anyone, ”the teachers complain with a certain sense of guilt.

Friends from the hostel say that out of boredom, Sveta first went to the "Zhirinovites", but later, a roommate invited her to join the "steel", arguing that they were sent to Moscow for rallies. Light immediately agreed.

The unexpected popularity of Sveta from Ivanovo

Popularity just fell on the head of a 19-year-old girl. He and his friends were offered to hold a rally in support of United Russia in the elections. The guys were placed at one of the stations in the metro, where they were just conducting a survey among the population. Journalist Yevgeny Gladin approached the crowd of guys and asked who could give an interview, answering a few questions. Friends immediately showed to the Light, which never refused to take part in such events. The girl was not at a loss and “in a peculiar way” began to answer the questions of the journalist. A newspaper employee posted a video on the Internet the next day, which gained 4 million views in just a few days. In general, Svetlana Kuritsyna woke up famous on December 7, 2011. Sveta herself justifies this situation with the following words:

Participants of the show Vyshka: Svetlana Kuritsyna, TV presenter“I was not the first person approached by journalists. But the rest of the people refused, refused to answer questions, and I took it and said what I thought, although, perhaps, not very competently. But after all, many people say “dress better”, but for some reason they only laughed at me. And I'm not the only one."

The video began to be quoted on all social networks on the same day. And the young girl began to receive insults on the VKontakte page. Friends even feared for her life, suspecting that the girl wants to commit suicide.

The path of Sveta Kuritsyna to television screens

Soon Sveta pulled herself together and continued to work at rallies, earning much more than ever. Later, she was invited to the TV show "Minaev Live". Safely speaking, and once again, expressing her opinion, the girl received the phone number of the director of the NTV channel. She called and made an appointment. The director of the TV channel invited the young girl to host an author's program called "Ray of Light". Sveta did not think long and caught luck by the tail.

Literally a month later, the first program with the participation of Sveta from Ivanovo was released, which brought tremendous success to the TV channel, beating the comedy club and KVN ratings. Sveta interviewed the stars, and she really liked it.

New annealing of Sveta from Ivanovo

Sveta from Ivanov and "Ray of Light"

As Sveta herself reports, she led the program on her own, without any prompting from the program editors. She asked about everything that interests her. Many believed that the program would be shut down as soon as fame turns away from Sveta, but this did not happen. The program has been running for the second year and earns decent ratings for the TV channel. Sveta from Ivanov is not afraid to work hard, and, in general, she is satisfied with the vacancy received. However, something still does not please the girl at all. Many stars, as she later says, hate each other and just work for the camera. In fact, they are not at all what they seem on TV screens.

Personal life of Sveta from Ivanovo

Svetlana Kuritsyna is not yet married, and is going to "walk until the age of twenty-five" for the time being. However, at the New Year's party in 2012, Sveta, on the strong recommendations of the socialite Lena Lenina, spent in search of a billionaire husband. As it became known a little later, she left this party with some big businessman.

She was also noticed in the company of one of the soloists of the Na-na group.

Apparently, at that party, Sveta still did not find her soul mate because already in January 2013 she went to the show "Let's Get Married". She came to the project not only to successfully marry, but also for simple female happiness. Before the new release of the show, one of the presenters Roza Syabitova posted her opinion about Svetlana on her page on the social network. She wrote that, in her opinion, such qualities as innocence, modesty or tenderness are completely absent in Svetlana. Syabitova also hinted at the girl's lack of upbringing and education. The TV presenter sometimes even felt frank shame for the girl.

Sveta Kuritsyna - Deputy

Sveta has long wanted to talk with Ksenia Sobchak, whom she tries so hard to be like. In order for the little dream to finally come true, Sveta decided to take the situation into her own hands. At one of the events, Svetlana presented Xenia with a handmade doll. As a sign of gratitude, Sobchak invited Sveta to visit her on her program, and at the same time gave some advice about Sveta's behavior and image. Ksyusha advised me to get out of the image of a stupid provincial and become a real Russian activist. Sobchak also advised the girl to strive to achieve the status of Leonid Parfenov.

Already on the Sobchak Live program, the girl announced that she was going to become a State Duma deputy. She also said that show business for her is just a hangout place. But in fact, she is striving for career growth, which the position of deputy can provide her with. Svetlana apparently wants to follow the advice of Ksenia Sobchak and get rid of the image of a provincial, because many do not take her seriously just because she made it to television screens only thanks to luck.

Sveta from Ivanovo now

At the moment, Svetlana Kuritsyna plans to take part in the reality show "The Island", which, according to experts, will become an analogue of the show "The Last Hero". Filming for the show began on August 1st. Sveta has already posted a picture of her “exotic” bat dinner with greens on the social network. The adventure lover loved this show.

The girl went a lightning-fast way from an inconspicuous provincial "nashistka" to the host of the "Ray of Light" program on the NTV channel. After the conversation, Svetlana Kuritsyna, under the strict guidance of her producers and recording cameras, smeared the correspondent with a cake, promising that millions would see the video of this revenge. And so it happened: last Saturday, NTV showed the scene with the cake on the air. This did not stop Gladin, who was smeared with cream, and he asked Sveta all the questions that had accumulated since their first meeting.

- After you smeared me with a cake, did you feel better?

- Honestly? Easier. Seriously, everything went down for me, and I'm glad. It’s just that after what you did to me, you can’t imagine what I had, what was going on in my soul. And when you didn’t apologize, didn’t even call, at least sms... Why didn’t you send me a sms?

- not enough for you?

— I could not write. OK…

- Tell me, how did you end up on NTV?

- A person at Minaev.ru approached me and offered ...

- What exactly?

- Like what? He told me, Sveta, we have an interesting message for you. If you want, think and call back. Well, I called back.

Did you consult with your mother?

- Advised, yes.

Didn't she answer you?

- No, it was of course ... Daughter, where are you going? What? How? Well, I went and began to lead the project.

- Did the reputation of the channel bother you?

- I was embarrassed. After the opposition brought flowers to Ostankino. It confused me somehow.

- What exactly?

- Well, NTV showed a film about the opposition. I saw it on TV, on the news, and somehow it became doubtful to me. Why are people so aggravated against NTV? And then she decided to watch the movie. And I was convinced that NTV shows.

- Wait, I don’t understand, are you convinced that NTV shows the truth in a film about the opposition?

- NTV shows a lie. And I made sure of it. And in general, that they show some kind of crime and all that. And then I thought, okay...

Sveta answers the phone. Mom calls.

- We talked about the fact that NTV shows a lie ...

— I don’t know, everything in my program is true. And I don’t watch other programs, I just don’t have time.

- Do you review your broadcasts?

- Yes, I watch everything when I sit at the editing.

- Do you like it?

Well, I'm not doing anything wrong.

- Maybe you want to change something, do it your own way?

- I like it, everything suits me.

- Did you make friends with someone on NTV? With well-known journalists, maybe?

Yes, I already have friends there.

Are professional advice given?

- Yes, they do.

- Which?

- You can approach the one who offends you and immediately punch him in the face.

- Are you taking advice?

I have this advice in my mind. I think sometimes you can do it in words. Today I covered you with a cake because I have a grudge against you, and you yourself know why.

“Well, you can't argue with the fact that this story has a good side, too.

“But before that, I had depression for six months, and every time I go to bed, I’m still offended.

- And if everything could be returned back, how would you answer my question about the three achievements of the United Russia party?

I would probably say the same, but a little differently. It would be better formulated. I would say that now people can afford things that they could not afford before. It always bothered me why people roar that salaries are small. And you look at the traffic jams that we have in Moscow ...

- The country is not only Moscow. Can your mom afford a car?

“My dad bought a car from me.

— What?

— Ford.

Did you help him by any chance?

No, he saved up.

- If you had formulated it differently then, maybe you and I would not have been sitting in this restaurant. Do you understand why you were invited to work on NTV?

"Are you saying I'll be used and thrown out?" Well, then I'll ask you to take me off again, okay? (laughs)

"So why did they invite you?"

- Don't know. I have no talent in this area, journalistic no education. Probably because I am from the people. When I meet different people, they tell me, they say, it’s easy for us, you don’t have tricky questions, you don’t wish us anything bad. They are like friends to me, like good acquaintances communicate.

“But some of your heroes, looking at your simplicity, speak rudely to you, joke about your breasts. Are you not offended?

— Oh, about the fact that it's silicone? Recently, such an article came out, it says that NTV made my chest.

— No, Svet, are you offended by people who speak down to you?

- No, I'm not offended.

What do you want more from this job? Fame, money, something else?

“I don’t know, I don’t have any particular fame. And no money either.

— How much do you earn?

- I work for bread and water (laughs). I can't disclose the terms of the contract.

What did you buy with your first paycheck?

- I gave my mother a salary. Not all, of course, she left a little for herself.

— Where do you live in Moscow? I heard NTV is renting an apartment for you.

- I can not talk.

- OK. How did your friends react to the first broadcast? Congratulations?

- Yes, they said, damn it, Svetka, you're done.

- And those who used to scold you for the video, also congratulated you?

— Yes, there were. I don't hate them. It's good that you changed your mind.

- Did you go to Ivanovo after you got a job at NTV?

- Yes.

- Probably, people recognized on the streets? Did you ask for autographs?

- Yes, someone asked for an autograph, someone to take a picture. But I don't think I'm some kind of star. I don't like this word at all.

- Are there topics that you are forbidden to speak on the air?

No, I can talk about anything.

- You didn’t want to work on more serious things? Do programs on political, social topics?

- And I just went to Ivanovo to film a program on how weavers are paid four thousand rubles a salary. But for some reason, our people are not interested. The ratings for the program were low.

- It is difficult for them, probably, for four thousand. So your mother says that you then told a lie in the video. What a hard life you lived, not enough money ...

Mom has her opinion and I have mine.

- You already have a secondary education, are you going to continue your studies?

- Yes, I have already entered, you will see in the program soon. I can’t say where I went, it’s a secret for now. And just do not write that they helped me to enter NTV. It's not, I'm on my own.

— Have you thought about the fact that while developing, gaining new knowledge, at the same time you lose value for the project. After all, your producers need that Sveta from the video. You are still unrecognizable, a new image, a completely different girl.

- Why? If I changed my image, this does not mean that my soul has changed, rotted, it does not mean that I have become cynical.

- A lot is written about you in the press. Some call it a prudent provincial woman who makes her way, others say that you are the essence of the unfortunate Russian people and need indulgence and sympathy. What do you think of it yourself? Who are you in fact? Why are you doing all this?

I still can't fully understand it. I'm probably showing people things they can't see. All secrets. About stars, about politics, for example. My mission is to lift the curtain. Curtain of lies I would like journalists to always write and show the truth. Although I know from my own experience, our people do not really like the truth.

- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

- Mommy. I am not thinking about marriage at the moment, because I am 20 years old. Not until then. Filming, filming, filming. Although I have one friend, I like to hang out with him. We go to clubs.

What will you do if the project is closed?

We've been closed for five months now. I get invited to many places. I have already voiced the movie, recorded the song. Let's see how it goes.

- Will you return to Ivanovo?

- I don’t know, I miss it, of course, but I haven’t thought about returning yet. Moscow is more interesting.

- How do you look at what is happening in the country after the elections. Political trials, repressive laws...

I have moved away from politics a bit. I do not even know.

Have you heard of Pussy Riot?

“Yeah, they seem to have been imprisoned for two years, right?

Do you think they were justly punished?

I don't know, I don't know, I'm not a judge.

— Does your generation and you personally have a hero, a moral authority? Is there someone you look up to and want to be like?

— I don’t know, no… Putin, probably. But this is my personal. My point of view.

- The opposition scolds the authorities for the fact that, among other things, social elevators do not work in the country. Roughly speaking, the daughters of weavers from Ivanovo are almost all doomed to become the same weavers and work for 4 thousand in production. Do you think the opposition is right?

- I don’t know, I need to send you to Ivanovo with a phone. Maybe someone else will be lucky.

Who is Svetlana Kuritsyna and what made her famous

Svetlana Kuritsyna was born in 1992 in Privolzhsk, a city in the Ivanovo region with a population of just over 16,000 people. Svetlana's mother is a spinner of the 5th category, she works at the Yakovlevsky flax mill. From the age of 19, Svetlana Kuritsyna participated in the actions of "Stal" of the militant wing of the pro-Kremlin movement "Nashi", periodically came to rallies in Moscow. On December 6, 2011, after one of these rallies on Manezhnaya Square, Svetlana gave an interview to MN correspondent Yevgeny Gladin. He asked the girl to name the three main achievements of the United Russia party. The video with Sveta's answer (and the famous phrase "we began to dress better") collected 2.5 million views on Youtube and made the girl famous. In July 2012, Svetlana Kuritsyna became the host of the Ray of Light show on NTV, the first release of which outperformed the KVN Premier League on Channel One and the Comedy Club on TNT in ratings.

Sveta Kuritsyna was born in the Ivanovo region, where she grew up and graduated from high school. Teachers do not speak very well of a former student. They complain that Sveta always came up with offensive nicknames for adults. One of the school employees, who did not want to give his name, spoke of Sveta as a girl who "always sticks her nose into all holes." People who knew her from childhood say that the girl grew up without complexes from childhood, she wanted to take part everywhere, she was an activist. Svetlana fell ill with politics at school, when their class was taken to all sorts of rallies.

The father works as a truck driver and is a taciturn, calm person. He only said that he was proud of his daughter, who "made it out into the people." Mother, a hereditary spinner, is also very pleased with her daughter's success. There is also a younger sister, Masha, who is now studying to be a cook. After school, Sveta went to college and became an accountant. College teachers are also unhappy with Sveta, and they are in no hurry to hang photos of the graduate on the honor roll. “I studied for only triples, I didn’t have much interest in studying. Everyone said that she was bored sitting in a hostel. We don’t even have a special competition for admission, there are always shortfalls. So we take just anyone, ”the teachers complain with a certain sense of guilt. Friends from the hostel say that out of boredom, Sveta first went to the "Zhirinovites", but later, a roommate invited her to join the "steel", arguing that they were sent to Moscow for rallies. Light immediately agreed.

Unexpected popularity

Popularity just fell on the head of a 19-year-old girl. He and his friends were offered to hold a rally in support of United Russia in the elections. The guys were placed at one of the stations in the metro, where they were just conducting a survey among the population. Journalist Yevgeny Gladin approached the crowd of guys and asked who could give an interview, answering a few questions. Friends immediately showed to the Light, which never refused to take part in such events. The girl was not at a loss and “in a peculiar way” began to answer the questions of the journalist. A newspaper employee posted a video on the Internet the next day, which gained 4 million views in just a few days. In general, Svetlana Kuritsyna woke up famous on December 7, 2011. Sveta herself justifies this situation with the following words:

“I was not the first person approached by journalists. But the rest of the people refused, refused to answer questions, and I took it and said what I thought, although, perhaps, not very competently. But after all, many people say “dress better”, but for some reason they only laughed at me. And I'm not the only one." The video began to be quoted on all social networks on the same day. And the young girl began to receive insults on the VKontakte page. Friends even feared for her life, suspecting that the girl wants to commit suicide.

The path of Sveta Kuritsyna to television screens

Soon Sveta pulled herself together and continued to work at rallies, earning much more than ever. Later, she was invited to the TV show "Minaev Live". Safely speaking, and once again, expressing her opinion, the girl received the phone number of the director of the NTV channel. She called and made an appointment. The director of the TV channel invited the young girl to host an author's program called "Ray of Light". Sveta did not think long and caught luck by the tail. Literally a month later, the first program with the participation of Sveta from Ivanovo was released, which brought tremendous success to the TV channel, beating the comedy club and KVN ratings. Sveta interviewed the stars, and she really liked it.

Best of the day

SVETA IZ IVANOV AND "LUCH OF SVETA" According to Sveta herself, she hosted the program on her own, without any prompting from the program's editors. She asked about everything that interests her. Many believed that the program would be shut down as soon as fame turns away from Sveta, but this did not happen. The program has been running for the second year and earns decent ratings for the TV channel. Sveta from Ivanov is not afraid to work hard, and, in general, she is satisfied with the vacancy received. However, something still does not please the girl at all. Many stars, as she later says, hate each other and just work for the camera. In fact, they are not at all what they seem on TV screens.

Personal life

Svetlana Kuritsyna is not yet married, and is going to "walk until the age of twenty-five" for the time being. However, at the New Year's party in 2012, Sveta, on the strong recommendations of the socialite Lena Lenina, spent in search of a billionaire husband. As it became known a little later, she left this party with some big businessman.

She was also noticed in the company of one of the soloists of the Na-na group. Apparently, at that party, Sveta still did not find her soul mate because already in January 2013 she went to the show "Let's Get Married". She came to the project not only to successfully marry, but also for simple female happiness. Before the new release of the show, one of the presenters Roza Syabitova posted her opinion about Svetlana on her page on the social network. She wrote that, in her opinion, such qualities as innocence, modesty or tenderness are completely absent in Svetlana. Syabitova also hinted at the girl's lack of upbringing and education. The TV presenter sometimes even felt frank shame for the girl.


Sveta has long wanted to talk with Ksenia Sobchak, whom she tries so hard to be like. In order for the little dream to finally come true, Sveta decided to take the situation into her own hands. At one of the events, Svetlana presented Xenia with a handmade doll. As a sign of gratitude, Sobchak invited Sveta to visit her on her program, and at the same time gave some advice about Sveta's behavior and image. Ksyusha advised me to get out of the image of a stupid provincial and become a real Russian activist. Sobchak also advised the girl to strive to achieve the status of Leonid Parfenov. Already on the Sobchak Live program, the girl announced that she was going to become a State Duma deputy. She also said that show business for her is just a hangout place. But in fact, she is striving for career growth, which the position of deputy can provide her with. Svetlana apparently wants to follow the advice of Ksenia Sobchak and get rid of the image of a provincial, because many do not take her seriously just because she made it to television screens only thanks to luck.

Sveta from Ivanovo now

At the moment, Svetlana Kuritsyna plans to take part in the reality show "The Island", which, according to experts, will become an analogue of the show "The Last Hero". Filming for the show began on August 1st. Sveta has already posted a picture of her “exotic” bat dinner with greens on the social network. The adventure lover loved this show.

TV presenter Date of birth July 20 (Cancer) 1992 (27) Place of birth Privolzhsk Instagram @lychsveta

Fame came to Sveta Kuritsyna after Yevgeny Gladin, correspondent of the Moscow News program, interviewed her in 2011. Sveta's tongue-tied, but rather funny speech did its job: the video where she answers Gladin's questions gained immense popularity on the Internet, and contributed to the start of Kuritsyna's career as a TV presenter.

Biography of Svetlana Kuritsyna

Svetlana Kuritsyna was born on July 20, 1992 in Privolzhsk, Ivanovo Region, Russia. In her hometown, Sveta graduated from high school, after which she entered the Ivanovo College, where she studied accounting. The girl's teachers both from the school and from the technical school noted that Kuritsyna was never an obedient and calm student.

The punchy character contributed to the fact that Sveta at an early age became interested in politics. She became an activist who gladly took part in various rallies.

In the same direction, the girl continued her activities while studying at college. At first, Kuritsyna wanted to join the activists fighting for the party of Vladimir Zhirinovsky. However, hostel friends persuaded her to join the Steel project, carried out under the auspices of the Nashi public youth movement.

In 2011, Sveta and her friends were invited to take part in an action in support of United Russia. When the activists settled down near the metro station, correspondent Yevgeny Gladin approached them and invited one of the rally participants to answer a few questions.

As a result, a video appeared in RuNet, where a girl from the Ivanovo region naturally and funny answers the questions of a journalist. The video with the activist became very popular on YouTube and received over 4 million views in a few days. Sveta herself speaks of this case with pride, since everyone denied Gladin's questions, and she simply said everything she thought, albeit rather illiterately.

The girl's career went uphill, and soon Sveta was invited to work on the federal channel NTV. So a simple resident of Privolzhsk became the host of the Ray of Light program, where she interviewed show business stars. The transfer ratings were high largely due to the efforts of Kuritsyna. However, in 2013, "Ray of Light" was nevertheless closed, and the presenter went to work in the program "You Won't Believe It!".

The girl starred in music videos for the duet song of the group "Singing Cowards" and Sergei Zverev "Icicle Girls", as well as for Andrey Lefler's composition "Forgive".

Personal life of Svetlana Kuritsyna

Svetla never hid her personal life, but she repeatedly stated that she was in no hurry to get married.

Once she took part in the popular program of the First Channel “Let's Get Married”, however, the audience and the presenters of the project agreed that Kuritsyna's visit was rather an occasion to attract attention than to really find a soul mate.

Latest news about Svetlana Kuritsyna

Now Sveta from Ivanovo is making every effort to get rid of the image of a typical "provincial". The presenter said that she intended to become a deputy of the State Duma, but this undertaking has not yet progressed beyond words.

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