Sacred animals - pagan amulets of the ancient Slavs. Totems and sacred animals in the customs of the Slavs


Even in ancient times, people believed that at birth a person is endowed with certain qualities of character. The Slavs made associations between animals and people. On the basis of observations, they compiled a horoscope, which is based on the date of birth of a person and his connection with the animal world. According to him, each person has his own totem animal. The horoscope helps to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of your character, predicts what the future will be like.

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      Horoscope by year

      The Slavs were deeply religious people. But along with faith in God, in their culture they retained faith in the Higher Powers. The Slavic Orthodox calendar includes an exact listing of all the festive dates of the Russian Orthodox Church. Including the names of patron saints who protect people. In addition, the Slavic calendar of animals was compiled according to the date of birth of a person, the main feature of which is the number of years in it.

      • The Slavs counted sixteen years in the calendar instead of the usual twelve. Our ancestors compiled a detailed calendar from which a person can learn many interesting details about his character.

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        dark dry

        The elk or, as the Slavs called it, the dark plow. People were born under the sign of this animal in 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008. This is a very strong animal, endowed with strong-willed qualities. People born in the year of the elk have leadership qualities. The Slavs believed that the Higher Powers patronize them.

        This is a proud and self-confident person who never rests on his laurels. If he has set a goal for himself, he will never back down from it, no matter what obstacles stand in his way.

        For people around the elk, its behavior is often a mystery. They do not understand his aspirations and ambitions. Therefore, often the dark cox is lonely. It is not easy for him to find like-minded people who would support his lifestyle. Such a person should never question his abilities. He can achieve a lot in life if he puts in enough effort.

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        Stinging Hornet

        People born in 1961, 1977, 1993, 2009 have the qualities of this restless insect. They are active and like to be constantly on the move. Hornet rarely thinks about moral values, he is only interested in the final result, for which he is able to "go over the heads."

        His character is not easy, it can be difficult to find a common language with him. Hornets can caustically communicate with people and prove their point in a rude manner. Thanks to their excellent memory, intelligence and strong leadership qualities, they make excellent leaders. The Hornet can successfully run its own business if it learns to respect its subordinates. In their personal lives, they are owners, they will never give away what belongs to them. They jealously guard their own property, but are not averse to getting someone else's if they have the opportunity.

        Lurking Lute

        Years of birth: 1962, 1978, 1994, 2010. It is enough to imagine this animal mentally in order to understand what qualities a person born under this sign is endowed with. This is a strong and graceful predator, able to cope with the enemy, whose strength exceeds his own. A person has these traits in character. He can be soft and compliant, but there is a power hidden in him that can manifest itself unexpectedly for others. Therefore, you should not provoke a liuta, this can turn into unpleasant consequences for the provocateur.

        Lut is generous, kind, he protects his loved ones. But he will never let people manipulate him. In everyday life, he is demanding, it can be difficult to please him. He can forgive himself for small mistakes. People who surround him should always remember that Lute's appearance is deceiving. He can carefully control his emotions without showing them even to close people.

        Fiery Veksha

        In the language of the Slavs, "veksha" is a squirrel. A small animal known for its agility. This sign, like the Dark Sokh, is endowed with the patronage of the Higher powers. Years of birth: 1963, 1979, 1995, 2011. For people born under the auspices of Vekshi, all life is a game. They have high mobility, often cunning and cunning. Positive qualities: a lively mind, thanks to which they quickly acquire new skills. People of this sign are able to quickly assess the situation and find the best way out of the situation.

        A person's mood can change dramatically. He cannot control him, so loved ones should be aware of this character trait. Fiery Veksha relies only on its own strength and does not wait for outside help. They create a family early. From the second half, they expect sincerity, care and reliability.

        pearl pike

        This totem animal includes people born in 1964, 1980, 1996, 2012. The patron of the totem is the dead ancestors. Hypocrisy is alien to people of this sign. They candidly express their thoughts, as they have unshakable confidence in their rightness. By nature, they are conservatives, they perceive innovations with difficulty.

        Pikes are self-sufficient, they are not accustomed to waiting for outside help. Therefore, already in adolescence, they begin to work and earn their first money. They meet their soul mate early, they firmly believe in the institution of marriage and the inviolability of marriage vows.

        bearded toad

        Years of birth: 1965, 1981, 1997, 2013. Toads are very wise, which allows them to build harmonious relationships with others. They clearly know what they want to achieve in life, doubts are unusual for them. Toads are very economic, it is important for them to have their own home in which they will feel safe. They are very modest, do not like to brag. Therefore, people are drawn to them, they are pleased to communicate with them.

        In their personal lives, they value love and confidence in the future. Always happy to receive guests in their home. One of the best qualities of Toads is the ability to appreciate what they have in life. Such people do not chase after a mirage and do not build castles in the air. They know how to enjoy the little things.

        wild boar

        Wild Verp - a person whom nothing and no one can scare. He boldly confronts his enemies if he suspects them of malicious intent. If Verp takes up something, then he will definitely complete what he started. This person is a maximalist and perfectionist by nature. But he cannot constantly work, as he needs to regularly restore his strength.

        Born in 1950, 1966, 1982, 1998, 2014, they strive for leadership. Verp does not commit rash acts. He is intelligent and far-sighted. Before making a decision, he weighs all the pros and cons and thinks about the consequences of his actions.

        white owl

        A beautiful graceful bird that soars high above the ground. Years of birth: 1951, 1967, 1983, 1999, 2015. Owl is freedom-loving, he is not used to obeying others. The Slavs believed that people born under this totem had psychic abilities. But they don't show up right away.

        They feel comfortable only in the circle of close friends. In an unfamiliar environment, they are closed and silent. People consider them mysterious natures.

        hissing snake

        The sign belongs to people who were born in 1952, 1968, 1984, 2000, 2016. These people make excellent philosophers. Their outlook on life is peculiar, they often notice what is hidden from other people. They are confidently moving towards their goal. They like to work hard and often stay late at work. He may already be defenseless, so there should be a person next to him who will take care of him.

        crouching fox

        Years of birth: 1953, 1969, 1985, 2001, 2017. Fox is a cunning animal that quickly and deftly gets what he wants. There are many adventures in the life of these people. They are full of enthusiasm and do not like to sit in one place for a long time. Foxes take their lives very seriously, despite seeming frivolity. For the sake of fulfilling their dreams, they are ready to make a lot of effort and even make sacrifices.

        Don't provoke the Crouching Fox. He will always give a worthy rebuff to the offender. And he does it not openly, but on the sly. Foxes never get bored, in their life there are many interesting events that quickly replace each other.

        curled up hedgehog

        In the year of the Rolled Hedgehog, people born in 1954, 1970, 1986, 2002 were born. They are unpredictable and at the same time very reliable. Their friends can always ask for help. Hedgehogs are devoted to their soulmate. They will never deceive a loved one.

        Hedgehogs do not like silence. They prefer to spend their free time in a cheerful company. At work, they demonstrate high performance. They notice even the smallest details, have a good memory.

        soaring eagle

        Years of birth: 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003. Eagles always know for sure what they want to get from life. They are ambitious and self-confident. People born under the sign of this bird follow only their own rules. They believe that no one and nothing should limit their freedom.

        Friends and family are the most important thing for eagles. They will never refuse to help and will not deceive their loved ones. In their personal lives, they are faithful to their loved ones. If the eagle falls in love, then it will be sacred to cherish this feeling.

        Spinning Mizgir

        Unusual to our hearing is the name of an animal that prefers to always be close to its family. Year of birth: 1956, 1972, 1988, 2004. Loneliness for these people is a terrible test. They are in dire need of warmth and support from relatives.

        Spinning Mizgir easily unites people into large groups and skillfully leads them. Domineering and sensitive, he achieves his goals by carefully planning his actions.

        Screaming rooster

        People born in 1957, 1973, 1989, 2005 are sharp and ambitious. They love to draw attention to their person. Often a rooster commits rash acts, which later have to be regretted. People born in the year of the rooster love their family very much. With children, they try to spend as much time as possible.

        Golden Horn Tour

        Years of birth: 1958, 1974, 1990, 2006. Tour's character combines two opposites: good nature and uncontrollable outbursts of rage. When threatened, they show courage. If they are angered, they will be very aggressive, so you need to communicate with them diplomatically. What belongs to this person, he always protects.

        fireman horse

        A horse with a fiery mane is an unusually beautiful and strong animal. Years of birth: 1959, 1975, 1991, 2007. People born under this sign never hide the truth and express their thoughts directly. They spend little time at home, as they prefer to travel and engage in various sports.

        The nature of a person by months

        On the Internet, you can find tables and special schemes that calculate which animal a person is according to the Slavic horoscope. But it is not always possible to read the full amount of necessary information in the tables. Below is a complete description of the character of a person by month.

        Wolverine (10.01.-10.02.)

        It is important for a wolverine to be in a calm, secluded environment. People born under this sign do not like publicity. Home for them is a place where they feel absolute security. Wolverine is respected by her friends, she enjoys well-deserved authority. He always acts fairly, knows how to admit his mistakes.

        Raven (10.02.-10.03.)

        The firebird is often found in folk tales and songs. But in the horoscope of the Slavs, the leading role is assigned to another bird - the crow. Raven will always give wise advice. He is well versed in people, thanks to his strong intuition. For a raven, the future is not a mystery, he can predict what events will happen in his life in the near future. At work, he could easily become a leader, but people find it hard to work with him. The reason for this: the excessive ambition of the raven, bordering on fanaticism.

        Ermine (10.03.-10.04.)

        The ermine has a power that cannot be ignored. This is a self-confident and active person. He was not accustomed to wasting time on useless pursuits. In his head, he constantly makes plans and develops methods to achieve them.

        Ermine is responsive. He helps people sincerely, and not for reasons of profit. He has his own principles that he follows in life. This person always shares with loved ones what he has. Their well-being is in the first place for him.

        Toad (10.04.-10.05.)

        Characteristics of personality strengths:

        • A mind they put to good use at work. The authorities appreciate Toads for this quality.
        • Positive. Thanks to the ability to find positive moments in any situation, people born under the sign of the toad are always in a great mood.
        • Ambition that helps to reach great heights.

        Grasshopper (10.05.-10.06.)

        Grasshoppers always emit light and charge those around them with their energy. They are afraid of changes, but they boldly go towards their Destiny and are not afraid to take risks. The grasshopper does not demonstrate his fear in front of others. He will share this feeling only with his family, who will be able to understand and support him.

        Grasshoppers quickly find a common language with other people. It's nice to have a conversation with him. The Old Slavonic calendar refers to the negative qualities of the sign as inconstancy. These people can take on several things at the same time and not bring them to the end.

        Hamster (10.06.-10.07.)

        The diligence of the representatives of this sign is truly admirable. If you put a goal in front of the Hamster, he will go towards it tirelessly. For a certain period, he will forget about sleep, food and rest. But after hard work, he must definitely restore his strength. Relaxing on the beach is the best reward for these people.

        Ravlik (10.07.-10.08.)

        Ravlik is a very sensitive sign. People born under this sign are excellent conversationalists. They are always ready to listen to a person and support him in a difficult situation. Ravlik himself is not easy to understand. He is secretive by nature. If he feels bad, then he prefers to retire and stay for a short time in complete silence. He will reach great heights in his career. But with one condition: we must make more efforts, and not build castles in the air.

        Ant (10.08.-10.09.)

        The ant is the hardest working insect. A person who was born under this sign is not afraid of hard work. If you give him an order, he will execute it quickly and efficiently. Because of this quality, the ant is highly valued and respected. The Slavs noted that due to the fact that these people spend too much time at work, they may have difficulties in the family. We must try to find a reasonable compromise in order to give relatives enough attention.

        Khrushch (10.09.-10.10.)

        Khrushch, like Ravlik, often has mood swings. This person is constantly in search of himself, trying to learn life from his own experience. Khrushch will build a successful career if no one puts obstacles in his way. In relationships with the opposite sex, this sign is romantic and frivolous. It's hard for him to build his own family.

        Beaver (10.10.-10.11.)

        Representatives of this sign always remain confident and calm. They create a comfortable environment around them that nothing can disturb. People around them think that beavers can cope with any problems, they are so collected and self-confident.

        Beavers love order not only in everyday life, but also in business. They easily find benefits for themselves in any business and do not adapt to those around them.

        Dog (10.11.-10.12.)

        A dog is a devoted animal, distinguished by fearlessness and strength. Those born under this sign stand out from those around them. He is true to his word and never cheats. Friendship for him is one of the main priorities in life. Next to him are friends, time-tested. He does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal.

        The dog does not strive for career growth, but because of his qualities he often occupies high positions. People trust him and want to do business with him.

        Bear (10.12.-10.01.)

        The bear is very lazy. Because of this quality, he rarely succeeds. The bear is able to organize his own business, but he will need helpers, because he cannot cope with the management himself, since his own pleasure always comes first for him, even to the detriment of work.

        By nature, he is kind, a little clumsy. Always ready to laugh at himself, not afraid of criticism of his address. For his family, he is a strong support and protection. He has excellent compatibility with a person who can inspire a bear.

 14.02.2011 00:00

Wolf - Beast Dazhbogov
Wolf - hort, wovk, gray, beast, fierce. Predatory beast, old neighbor
Slavic tribe. The ancestor of the domestic dog, in many ways close to it in
habits - strays into flocks, carnivorous and fast.

This strong and dangerous animal aroused conflicting feelings among the Slavs. On the one hand, the wolf is the totem ancestor of many Slavic tribes, and the memory of this is still strong. The wolf inspires fear and respect to this day. Although he did not dare, he does not go hunting alone, preferring weak or sick game. But without need it does not kill, in a well-fed summer it is practically not dangerous.
The neurons of Herodotus, who lived somewhere in the region of modern Belarus, turned into wolves for several days a year, and this did not surprise even the ancient Greeks. Like any totem animal, the wolf had several nicknames that replaced the real name - “gray”, “fierce”. The word "wolf" was not pronounced aloud. In many fairy tales, the wolf is a guide through the enchanted forest, the embodiment of the underworld. The guide, however, is not disinterested, for his services the wolf always took a fee - a horse or cattle. In this feature, echoes of ancient justice are heard, “having taken - give in full”.

The dark essence of the wolf, strangely associated with the moon and frosty clear nights, frightened the Slavs. It was believed that the wolf belongs to the world of the dead and knows its secrets. The dull wolf howl made our ancestors shudder and was considered a bad sign. Whoever heard it was preparing for famine, war, or a cruel winter. Many European peoples have faith in werewolves. Having stuck a knife into the stump, the sorcerer could turn into a wolf and run in his skin as long as the knife remains in place.

Thus, the wolf is a two-pronged being. On the one hand, he is closely associated with solar deities, a wise and faithful companion, a powerful soothsayer. On the other hand, a predatory demon, an alien beast from the world of the dead. Having remembered the terrible name by nightfall, he immediately stopped short and fell silent, averting trouble. All this can be seen in the image of a werewolf - half human, half beast.

The time of the wolf is the middle of winter. Colors - gray, white, black

Proverbs and signs:
wolf foot fed
Either howl with the wolves, or be eaten
A well-fed wolf is more meek than an insatiable man
The wolf dragged, the wolf will also be dragged
How many wolves do not feed, everything pulls into the forest
Wolves appear in the villages - hunger.
The wolf will cross the road - fortunately

mythological animals

Bear - Beast Velesov

A bear is a bear, a black beast, a forester, a crowbar, a shaggy one, a bear, a forest king. Hunters distinguish three breeds of a bear: a large carnivorous - a vulture, a medium - an oatmeal and the smallest - an ant.

The bear was the most revered Slavic animal. No wonder Russian people are still compared to bears. According to legend, the bear was the incarnation of the god Veles, also a very ancient god, whose image has been preserved since the Stone Age. Images of bears can also be found on the walls of the caves of primitive man and on the emblems of many cities. Cave bears have long been neighbors of people, the Slavs considered them their ancestors (in addition to some other totem animals). The bear was considered the owner of the forest, the keeper of his wealth. It is possible that the bear's paws raised to the sky, its threatening stance, were adopted by people in their dances and rituals.

It looks good-natured and clumsy, in fact, the bear is very strong, cruel and quick to punish. Hunters who risked going out with a horn on a bear were called in Rus' “inveterate”, that is, going to certain death. Unlike the predatory wolf, the bear is omnivorous and does not disdain honey, raspberries and other sweet berries. For his passion for destroying the hives of wild bees, he also received his nickname - honey-ved (who knows honey). His true name is ber, this is evidenced by the name of the bear's dwelling - the den (ber's lair). By the way, the lair was considered one of the passages to the Underworld, and its owner was considered the guardian of the Navi kingdom. The bear climbs into its lair with the onset of winter, and gets out with the first warm spring days. During the days of the winter confrontation (Kolyad), the bear turned over in its lair, signifying the turn of the annual wheel.

Just like the wolf, the bear could be a werewolf. Only, as a rule, the bear turned into a man, while with the wolf the case is reversed. This feature speaks in favor of the fact that people encountered a bear earlier and considered it their main ancestor, that is, a person descended from a bear through a ritual of werewolf, and only then learned to take the form of a wolf, a hare and other animals.

The time of the bear is the end of winter. Colors - brown, black

Proverbs and signs:
The bear is strong, but lies in the swamp
The bear is not given wolf courage, and the wolf is not bear strength
The bear is wrong that he ate the cow, the cow is wrong that he went into the forest
Don't sell skins without killing a bear
Two bears do not live in the same den
Happy is the bear that the shooter didn't get caught, happy is the shooter that the bear didn't get caught
The bear in the den turns over on the other side, winter meets summer (about Candlemas, celebrated on February 15).

Fox - Beast Makoshev

Fox - fox, fox, red, Patrikevna, godfather.
The fox is a bright female image in the animal world, the companion and embodiment of Mokosh, the goddess of fate and harvest. The Slavs revered the fox for cunning, resourcefulness and ingenuity, affectionately called godfather and sister. For the red color, the fox was compared with fire, and also with a thundercloud because of the brown shade of the fur coat. In Siberia, the pre-dawn twilight, when the sun's rays painted the sky in a dark orange color, was called fox darkness. But the fox was also associated with the winter cold, illness and illness caused by cold. The fox owes this relationship to Mara, the goddess of winter, possibly the incarnation of Mokosh.

The time of the fox is the beginning and middle of winter. Colors - red, red, brown

Proverbs and signs:
The fox is always fuller than the wolf
Fox pass - cunning
Who entered the rank as a fox - will rule the wolf
If the fox had not arrived, the sheep would have eaten the wolf!
Fox and chickens in a dream counts
The fox crossed the road, be in trouble.
Fox barking hear - unfortunately.

Hare - Beast Yarilin

Hare - skoromcha, vytoropen, ushkan, crooked, oblique, lop-eared, biley, hare, zetz. A spring hare is called a yarovik, in early winter it is a mentor, in autumn it is a leaf fall, and in summer it is a herbalist or summer hare. A steppe hare, which does not change the color of its coat for the winter and remains gray all year, is called a hare. The belyak lives in the forests and turns white in winter, hiding from enemies.

The hare was in honor among the Slavs, as an animal symbolizing young, ardent strength, the power of nascent life. The hare is cowardly, agile, dexterous and fast, extremely prolific.

The hare, like the capercaillie, was dedicated to Yarila, the spring god of the sun and procreation. The hare is cunning and saves his life by opposing the formidable, but not very intelligent force of other animals. It was often associated with the spring madness that comes in March. Anticipating the joy of copulation, the usually cautious hare loses its head and easily falls into the clutches of predators. Despite its cowardice, the hare always fights to the end, fighting off the enemy with its powerful hind legs.
For speed and lightness, a hare is compared either with a ray of light running through the water, or with blue sparks on the coals of a fire. The Indians considered the hare (saya) to be a lunar animal, because of its white fur coat, comparing it with the reflections of the moon on the water surface. With the advent of Christianity, the image of the hare, as an ancient totemic animal and object of worship, was declared unclean. Hence the sign - the hare ran across the road, to be in trouble. ‘Stump to you and a deck, we have a way and a road’, they say after the fleeing hare to drive away trouble.

Often fast hares were compared with lightning, faithful companions of the thunder god Perun. Lightning was also called sea bunnies, which bathe in a sea of ​​rain, rapidly cutting through water jets. Hares, like other rodents - squirrels and chipmunks have strong teeth that gnaw through the strongest tree, like lightning. Hares and squirrels carried with them a storm and bad weather, destructive for people. Sailing in a storm, he never mentioned the name of the hare, fearing the wrath of the water. The first spring hunt for a hare was dedicated to the supreme god - the Thunderer and symbolized the arrival of a new season. Just as Perun pursued cowardly lightnings, which hurried to hide from his anger in dark clouds, so the hunters drove hares and squirrels, to the glory of the thunder.

The time of the hare is the beginning of spring. Colors - white and gray

Proverbs and signs:
You can't catch a hare without a dog
They put the horse, but the hare left
Chasing two hares and not catching one
The hare runs through the village - to the fire
The hare crossed the road - unfortunately

Boar - Beast of Perunov

The bear is strong, the wolves and lynxes are fierce, but the hunter was afraid of everything in the forest to grapple one on one with the formidable wild boar. This predator is stubborn and cruel, and if you anger him, then death from his fangs will not keep you waiting. The indomitability and militancy of the boar inspired respect, and this beast was rightfully dedicated to Perun, the god of thunder and military power. An oak tree was found in the Dnieper, in which nine boar jaws were inserted, apparently for ritual purposes. The proverb also speaks of this connection: 'In public, Ilya is a pig at home!' Ilya the Prophet absorbed many of the features of Perun. A pig - many features of a boar.

Since ancient times, the boar has symbolized military prowess, but at the same time - greed, pride, lustfulness, trampling on chastity. The attitude towards their domesticated relatives - pigs was also controversial. On the one hand, a well-fed and prolific pig is the embodiment of satiety, wealth and prosperity. In the Indo-European tradition, a pig is a symbol of a plow digging the ground, a spring riot of nature.

The Slavs noticed a mysterious ancient connection between the behavior of pigs and the approach of bad weather, a hurricane wind. The golden bristle attributed to a hog according to legend is a poetic image of a thundercloud illuminated by the rays of the summer sun. The sharp teeth of the boar are lightning falling from the dark body of the cloud. This image makes the boar and the pig related to many rodents - squirrels, hares, beavers, rats and mice, also dedicated to Perun.

Despite the nutritious pork meat and lard, these animals' propensity for dirt, promiscuity in food, stubbornness and greed, inherited from their wild counterparts, brought them notoriety. Pigs often referred to the world of death and darkness. Many peoples have legends about the transformation of people for excessive lust and desire for profit into wild pigs. The possession of pigs by demons is an ancient mythological tradition that has its roots in Egyptian tales. Set, turning into a black pig, blinded Horus, and only Ra himself could heal him.

Proverbs and sayings about pigs are filled with contempt and poorly disguised fear. A pig does not have horns and fangs, but if only it had... And people gloat on them, still trembling from the ancient horror of the Perun beast... It is not for nothing that the white color of a pig's skin is compared with cold dirty white clouds covering the sun on short winter days.

Boar time is the end of summer. Colors - gold, brown. The time of the pig is the beginning of winter. Colors-white, gray

Proverbs and signs:
The pig had golden fur, but it was lying around in the mud, they took it away.
Where is the pig to look at the sky!
Angry and powerless - a pig brother.
A goose is not a friend of a pig.
Throw not pearls in front of pigs, let them not trample them underfoot.
You go to the bear, you make straws. You go to the wild boar - the coffin of the coffin.
Don't kick the pig, you'll get sick.
Pigs grunt - to trouble.
The pig itches - to heat, and squeals - to bad weather.
A pig eats hay - to hunger or to a poor mowing.
The pig will tell the hog, and the hog will tell the whole city

Cat - Beast Velesov

Wild cats and lynxes are forest predators endowed with sharp eyesight, incredible flexibility, vitality and patience. For a nocturnal lifestyle, it was ranked among harmful spirits and forces. Since the most ancient times, cats have lived next to humans, and only wild lynxes still remain a thunderstorm in the northern forests.

The love of cats for affection, home warmth, cleanliness and comfort is known. At the same time, cats are the most independent and proud animals among those tamed by man. Cats are called secretive, affectionate and deceitful people.
If a cat is a pronounced female image, an animal that loves home comfort, then a cat is a free, wandering creature, the embodiment of lust and hidden power. The learned cat-bayun (narrator) is a frequent guest of Slavic fairy tales. His sonorous voice scares away spirits for miles around.

Cats are attached to the house more than anything, even more than to the owner. There were cases when the cat stayed in the old cold house when people moved to the new one. In this way, cats resemble brownies, faithful to their corner until it is completely destroyed.

Black cats were considered helpers of sorcerers and witches, meeting with them is a bad omen. Witches rode on cats and goats. A hostile spirit can enter the body of a cat, fleeing persecution or to enter a person's home. In this form, a witch can roll a horse or even a person to death.

A werewolf cat was also called a koshkolak. A cat jumping over a dead man will certainly turn him into a vampire. Killing a cat - incurs seven years of troubles and misfortunes.

The eternal confrontation between a cat and a mouse reflects the struggle of two forces - earthly and underground, accumulating and creative, dark and hidden (Veles) and heavenly, furious and renewing thunderstorm power (Perun).

Cat time is winter. Colors - black, white

Proverbs and signs:
Black cat tail from the pipe seems (smoke)
A white cat climbs into the window (about the dawn sun)
The cat washes - to the guests or a change in the weather.
The cat lies belly up - to the warmth, hides its head - to the cold, fluffs its tail - to a blizzard.
The ninth death pesters the cat (on the survivability of cats)
The tongue is lascivious that the cat
The cat would have blurted out, but the tongue is short

Horse - Beast Dazhbogov

The horse (komon, pecking, tarpan) is one of the most revered animals among the Slavs. White and red horses were considered messengers of warmth and sunlight, of all good. The Slavs believed that a chariot, drawn by three horses, carried the solar disk across the firmament. The proverbs and sayings reflected the patience, endurance and immoderate appetite of horses. Images of skates protected the dwellings of the Slavs from harmful spirits and hostile navia. In the form of wonderful horses, all the significant phenomena of nature were represented - winds, clouds and thunderclouds, a quick flash of lightning.

For example, the Morning Dawn (Dennitsa) leads the bridles of shining white horses (dawn clouds), driving away all harmful creatures with fiery arrows (beams of the rising sun). During the day, the horses turn red (red), in the evening - gray (dark gray) and the Evening Dawn takes them away from the sky. Night is a black horse. At this time, the Hors solar disk illuminates the underworld. Stars and constellations were also compared with horses, and the Milky Way with the milk of a heavenly mare. Noteworthy is the connection of horses with dew - healing water with strong magical properties. With the advent of the Sun, the dew disappears, and the heavenly horses drink it.

Horses were compared to swift-winged birds, the embodiment of everything dynamic, violent, restless and at the same time wise. The natural power of a horse is difficult to tame, it can only be controlled by a strong and confident rider. To tame a wild horse in a metaphorical language means to tame nature itself, to force it to give up part of its limitless possibilities. For many nations, such a test was part of the initiation rite, which every man must go through.

The rider on a horse is a multifaceted symbol. It brings with it rapid change, often leading to death and destruction. If the light horse personifies the joy of sunlight, then the black horse carries Death itself on its back. Hordes of nomads came from the far south of the steppe, and the clatter of horses' hooves brought bad news. Since then, the black fire-breathing horse has been an image of any misfortune, a demon serving the dark force. Prophetic Oleg died from a snake bite that crawled out of the skull of the prince's beloved horse.

Brownies and other yard spirits like to ride horses. They caress and preen their favorites, and if they want to annoy the owner, then roll them to death. Sacred horses were at every major pagan sanctuary. Many proverbs and signs are associated with horses. Attributes of horse harness, horseshoes, bells, horse skulls - all this was considered powerful amulets, protection from troubles, a guarantee of good luck and prosperity.

Horse time is the end of spring. Colors - white, red, gray, black

Proverbs and signs:
The horse stumbled on the threshold - to trouble
The warrior's horse sniffs - to death
The patient raves about horses - he will die soon
The neighing of a horse is good, but when parting, it means a long separation.
Not in horse food
Kingdom without a thunderstorm, like a horse without a bridle
Happiness on a horse, misfortune under a horse
The pig did not leave the horse with its snout and tail
They do not look at a given horse's teeth
Who went to the horses - to carry water

Cow - Beast of Veles

Cow - cow, bodenushka, kravitsa.
In the pastoral era among the Slavs, the cow is one of the first and largest of the farm animals. A herd of fat cows, compared with dense white clouds in the sky, was considered the first wealth of a cattle breeder. No wonder in many Indo-European languages ​​the words "money" and "cattle" sound the same. The Sanskrit root "go" (as, for example, in the word beef) meant the main forces of nature - the sky, the earth and the sun's rays.
A cow is a nourishing element, a mother and nurse, a spring rain cloud, oozing life-giving moisture, roaring with hurricane winds. Rain and dew are the milk of a heavenly cow; magical properties were attributed to them, like ordinary milk. The white cow symbolized the morning dawn, the black cow symbolized night and darkness. The month served as the horns of this cow. The black cow overcame the whole world - a riddle, the answer to which is night.

The terrible image of the Slavic demon - Cow Death is also associated with a black cow. This dark horned spirit traverses the herds, infecting them with dangerous diseases. Its appearance was explained by the massive inexplicable loss of livestock. Witches sometimes milk cows by beating them to death
But bright cows are light dawn clouds, which Dawn drives out in the morning to the heavenly pasture. Their milk is dew, in the healing properties of which our ancestors so believed.

Cow time is the middle of spring. Colors - white, black, red

Proverbs and signs:
A peasant bought a cow, brought it home, began to milk it, but a bull; so be it
The cow's tongue is long, but they were not ordered to speak
That cow would be silent, that under the bear was
And one cow, yes eat healthy
Which cow fell, that gave three milkings
A duck in a skirt, a chicken in boots, a drake in earrings, a cow in a mat, but all are dearer
A cow with a hornless head, a wide forehead, narrow eyes, does not graze in the herd, is not given in the hands - a bear
A black cow walks ahead of the herd in the evening - to bad weather, a motley one - to variable weather, a white or red one - to a bucket

Bull - Beast Svarogov

Bull - ox, pitchfork, bull.
If the cow is primarily a dairy animal, then the bull was used mainly for arable work. Hence the division of their mythological images. The bull is the personification of rough and stubborn natural strength, lust, determination, rage, which, however, can be curbed, which was done by the first plowmen sung in legends.

They believed that the gods themselves plowed on the heavenly bulls and taught people to cultivate the land. The low bull moo has given rise to many comparisons and poetic metaphors. This is the buzz of bees (buchel, in the old way) and the roar of water near a deep backwater (buchila) and dense pre-storm clouds (gobies) and the cry of a bittern (water bull) in the night mlga. The bull was associated with arable work, with rebirth, with addition and growth. Many peoples of the world worshiped the golden calf - the embodiment of earthly good, wealth.

The ardent tour is the image of the coming spring, the personification of the energetic life-giving water flow and the fiery breath that sweeps away the remnants of winter filth on the way. The bull's eye was compared with lakes that have a rounded shape and springs. The bull was glorified by the spring holiday of the Turitsa and Kolyada. An ancient custom said that the owner had the right to such an allotment as he could plow in one day. In the fairy tale, Dobrynya protects the Russian lands from the nomads, plowing a deep furrow on the fire-breathing Serpent, thus securing the sacred borders.

The time of the bull is the middle of spring. Colors - red, gold, blue, red

Proverbs and signs:
Grab the bull by the horns - en pitchfork in hand
Rich as a horned bull: he won’t fit into a tight gate

Deer - Beast of Childbirth

The deer (deer) has been known to man since ancient times. Even in the immemorial era of the ice age, people hunted deer. Now the main habitat of horned beauties is the northern regions, but the image of a deer has forever been preserved in fairy tales and legends.

In symbolic terms, a deer is a rapidly fleeing entity, the pursuit of which can lead both to higher spheres and to the underworld. The endless change of seasons gave rise to images of black and white deer - winter and summer. A golden-horned deer with a white skin is a summer sky with the sun shining on it. Black deer - death, misfortune, long and severe winter cold.

The deer was associated with the sacred pagan winter holidays - Kolyadas. It was believed that the deer also patronizes the family and marriage. In many folk tales, the appearance of a golden-horned deer at a wedding is a sign of happiness and long life.

The deer personifies the supreme Slavic deities - Rod and Rozhanitsa, who were depicted on embroideries in the form of two deer or moose. In later Slavic times, the place of the supreme god was taken by Svarog, and then by Perun. A deer is also associated with him. The Feast of Perun on August 2 was the last summer day on which you can swim, because on this day the deer urinates into the water and cools it.

The time of the deer is the middle of winter and the end of summer. Colors - gold, red, black

Proverbs and signs:
I wanted to catch a deer - but ran into the forest.

Squirrel - Beast of Perunov

The squirrel (veksha, cape, urma) is a small forest animal, for strong teeth, like other rodents (hare, mole, mouse and rat), assigned to the Perunov regiment. As if lightning breaks stones and split trees, squirrels deftly crack open nuts and acorns. The squirrel is associated with the very concept of light, like the rays of the sun, it nimbly jumps through the trees. A squirrel that gnaws nuts with a golden shell and pearl (or emerald) kernels is a poetic metaphor meaning thunder and lightning. In many countries there is a custom of spring hunting for a squirrel dedicated to the Thunderbolt.

Squirrel time is the end of summer, the beginning of autumn. Color — gold, white

Proverbs and signs:
Squirrels ran into the village - be war or other big trouble
Veksha chirps - prophesies guests

Triglav Totemic animals of the Slavs: from the totem to ....... In fact, for the ancient Slavic culture, the modern concept of "totemism" is characteristic only to a relative extent. The animals among the Slavs initially were not at all unaccountable forces of nature, the animals among the Slavs were primarily friends and helpers. As for totem practice, the totem animals of the Slavs from ancient times were the wolf, bear and lynx. In Siberia, the musk deer could also serve as a totem. Among the birds, the totems were the raven, the falcon and the eagle owl. Of course, the totem is the image of the guardian spirit. It is difficult to downplay the role of animals in Slavic Vedic culture. Animals were presented to our ancestors not just as animals, they were seen by them as gods. Among other things, there is a factor of assigning a totem title to animals. This means that certain animals were sacred and, according to tradition, it was believed that they patronize all the Slavs or one particular family. There is also a tradition in early paganism to endow parts of animals with special protective and stimulating properties. For example teeth, claws and bones. The Slavs had a special reverence for animals. This can be seen from fairy tales and epics, in which echoes of the former Vedic tradition have been preserved. From them it is clear that the Slavs considered the Wolf and the Bear to be the two main, totemic relatives. They were deified, given the qualities of gods, they were considered the patrons of clans and the Slavs as a biological species! People who knew how to communicate with animals were especially revered. They were considered prophetic. According to the ideas of our ancestors, animals could talk and only the elite could understand and communicate with them. Animals, like trees in our culture, had a huge magical role. The Slavs believed that every god could turn into an animal. It depends on the traits of the animal itself. Animals have their own character, are the patrons of man. Each person is endowed with features of different animals. We can trace the features of animals in the folklore of the Slavs. The Slavs created a huge number of fairy tales, epics, where the heroes, along with humans, are various animals. They help a person, they can harm him. Animals live by their own laws. These laws are sometimes cruel, but always fair. In Slavic mythology, there are legends about people who turn into various animals: a wolf, a lynx, a bear or a bird. We present to your attention the Totem Triglav Amulet - made of 925 sterling silver from the craftswoman Zlata and her workshop Veles. - Silver - Weight 26 grams - Height with eye 66 mm - Width 40 mm - Relief height 5 mm - Eye 5.5*9 mm. - To order write

TOTEMISM - belief in the unity of a social group, due to the common ancestor, which is a certain animal, plant or object of inanimate nature. Clans and consanguineous groups within tribes possessed characteristic complexes of beliefs, which, within the framework of a separate tribe, repeated each other, differing only in details. Since each person belonged to one or another clan by birth, he was naturally associated with these beliefs and prescribed forms of behavior. Totemism was rooted in the idea that there is a mystical connection between the individual and certain natural forces and phenomena. If the clan had the name of an animal or plant, it was usually believed that there was a kind of mystical connection between the members of the clan and this natural object. But how did the ancient Slavs treat totemism?

First, let's try to understand the origins of totemism and briefly talk about it. Its various forms have been preserved among the ancient peoples of Africa, Asia, America, Australia, less Europe, and come from animalism (worship of a strong animal).
The first manifestations of totemism arose in shamanic circles, where an animalistic guardian god originated from an individual totem. The traditions of individual totemism tended to inherit subordination to one or another animal and to impose a taboo on its entire appearance.

In the clan totems of Australia, New South Wales, two groups will be distinguished, in which the totemic line is inherited through the mother. In these tribes there is a special ban on eating the meat of sacred animals. According to the beliefs of totemists, "... eating one's own "meat" is the same as eating one's own body or the body of one's own father." Shamans and healers associate themselves with their totems. In the event of an insult or physical injury inflicted on the totem, its keeper himself suffers from various mental and bodily ailments.

In individual totemism, the totem plays an important role as an assistant to the healer and shaman. During a trance or sleep, the spirit of the animal goes in search of the necessary information. The shamans of Australia still practice black magic, in the magical rites of which the totem plays an important role. If the shaman decides to kill the enemy, he sends the totem in search of the victim with the help of ritual chants. According to the beliefs of the natives, when the spirit of the totem reaches its goal, it takes root in the chest of the enemy, where it eats all of its insides.

It is believed that when the descendant of the healer lies down on the altar, the totem enters it. In this rite, the father or grandfather healer places the baby of the sacred animal on the chest of the young shaman. According to the beliefs of the natives, at this moment the totem seeps through the skin into the body of the newly-made healer. After this rite, the candidate is taught the rules of communication with the totem, revealing to him the secrets of religious chants that allow him to control the power of the powerful animal god.

The traditions of the tribes of Northern New Guinea are distinguished by the originality and originality of totemic rituals. Small tribal formations, the size of which, as a rule, does not exceed several villages, practice totemic connections with fish. In their beliefs, the kingdom of fish is interpreted as the kingdom of ancestors. The children of these tribes are given the right to choose which - maternal or paternal - totem they will belong to. Each tribal group has a special place from where the sacred totem takes souls for newborn children and where it brings the souls of the dead.

Of the features of the religious traditions of the tribes of hunters and gatherers of India, it should be noted that among the members of the tribe it is customary to consider themselves similar to their totems. Prohibitions and taboos in these formations are extremely strict. Whoever violates the rules established by many centuries faces imminent death. Clan totems of these tribes are equated to living people.

The tribes of West Africa practice both individual and group totemism. Translating the names of their totems, one can guess about their role as guardians of the human soul. For example, the names “what I have”, “innate”, “what is behind” symbolize the lifetime companions of a person who stand behind him and are transmitted from ancestors. As in the totemic teachings of previous tribal groups, Africans have various animals, plants and objects of the natural environment as sacred. For non-compliance with the taboo of the inviolability of sacred totems at tribal shamanic gatherings, a rite of renunciation of the infidels is performed.

Until now, tribal communities of African tribes have been built on the principle of the predominance of the maternal clan. However, the rights of paternal genealogical lines are currently being strengthened. Entire clans and even clans obey group totems. As a sign of reverence and reverence for the sacred spirits, the leaders of the tribe make sacrifices.
The succession of individual totems is allowed both on the paternal and maternal lines. Unlike other totemic systems, in accordance with African religious rites, you can change your patron. It is common for people with the same totems to unite in whole groups.
A special group is made up of the totem beliefs of Siberia, Altai, the Far East, Chukotka and Kamchatka.

But let's get back to the Slavic view of the world.

Unlike totemism, the ancient worldview of the Slavs (and, accordingly, their faith) is based on the law of the Creator - Rule. The Slavs consider their ancestors not totem animals, but exclusively people (First Ancestors) whose souls live in Bright Iria.

Bright Iriy is the highest refuge of the souls of the bright ancestors of the highest Iriy levels, filled with holiness and high knowledge ..html) and "The Seven Rules of Rule" (http://site/news/religija/sem-pravil-pravi.html).

Belief in the First Ancestors is important because only a person has a soul, as the highest instance of a subtle body. Animals, according to the way of building their subtle body, differ from humans in that they do not have a soul, although they have a developed subtle body. Hence the conclusion - the Slavs, understanding the fine-field structure of totemism, understanding its mechanism, did not perceive the level of its spirituality, considering it to be underestimated for a person.

Faith in bright and highly spiritual ancestors, in their knowledge and help, contact with them, is a distinctive feature of the ancient Slavic worldview.

The ancient Slavs knew that the knowledge of the First Ancestors was transferred to mankind about 80 thousand years ago and the Slavic Rahmans and Magi were engaged in their distribution! Much of the knowledge of Rule remained in the "Book of Veles", but much was lost in the process of enlightening the environment ..html).

Ancient Slavs

On the outskirts of the ancient Slavic world 1-8 centuries AD. rahmans and sorcerers met with active forms of totemism, and some of these existed for a long time next to the belief in the rule. But in the Central Slavic region, in the space of ancient Roskolani-Ruskolani (Pogoryn), in Volhynia, in the lands between the Vistula and the Dnieper, Pripyat and the Carpathians, totemism was virtually absent at that time.

As it is absent in these regions today.

With the destruction of a single Slavic association (union) and the state of Ros in the 9th century AD. totemism regained some of its positions on the borders of the Slavic world and is now often mistakenly perceived as part of the Slavic worldview.

But it's not. The spiritual worldview of the Rule looks at totemism as the primary form of spiritual knowledge, not quite enough to be a Slav.

For the Slav must live in the Rule, know the Rule, glorify the Rule.

Glory to the Slavic ancestors: the First Fathers, the Rahmans, the Magi!


The bear was one of the most revered animals among the Slavs. According to legend, the bear was the incarnation of the god Veles. He was considered the owner of the forest, the keeper of its wealth. It is possible that the bear's paws raised to the sky, its threatening stance, were adopted by people in their dances and rituals. It looks good-natured and clumsy, in fact, the bear is very strong, cruel and quick to punish. There is an opinion that the bear was the totemic animal of the Ilmenian Slovenes who erected Novgorod.


You can talk about the wolf in Slavic culture for a long time. The wolf is a collective animal endowed with the power, speed, and intelligence of a forest predator. This strong and dangerous animal was a totemic among many Slavic tribes and the memory of this is still strong. The wolf inspires fear and respect to this day. The wolf was a totem symbol of the union of the Slavic tribes of the Luticians, the most cruel tribe that lived in war and for the sake of war.


Falcon is another totem of the Slavs. The falcon was considered the embodiment of the heavenly elements. His militancy, victoriousness, irresistibility has always delighted people. Also, like the eagle, the falcon is a symbol of courageous beauty, courage and daring. It is believed that the falcon was a symbol of the union of the Western Slavs obodrites, and their cultural center Rerik (now a city in Germany) is translated as a falcon.

Based on this, we can talk about three main Slavic totems: Bear, Wolf and Falcon.

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