Holy places of Russia: pilgrimage, trips, tours and excursions.


Trips to holy places help a believer to join the richest Orthodox culture, to expand their spiritual experience. By visiting churches and monasteries, a Christian gets the opportunity not only to comprehend logically, but also to feel with his soul the essence of the Christian faith. Pilgrimage is the cultivation of faith in the soul, it has no less influence on a person than prayer or fasting.

Pilgrimage services in Moscow are developing their own routes for the Orthodox. Their goal is to help a person visit the most important centers of Orthodoxy from the point of view of believers, to see and touch the shrines with their own eyes. Pilgrimage trips from Moscow are thought out in such a way as to expand knowledge and spiritual experience, to acquaint you with the peculiarities of life in monasteries and temples.

Orthodox trips allow you to delve into the spiritual life of people who have devoted their entire lives to serving the Lord, who have abandoned worldly goods and concerns. On a pilgrimage, worldly vanity disappears from consciousness, a new world opens up - spiritual joys, self-denial and service. The human soul is renewed, feelings of light joy and peace appear.

A pilgrimage trip along the route ZADONSK - VORONEZH - ELETS is an opportunity to visit Orthodox places where the lights of the Russian land lived and worked. You will be able to venerate miraculous relics and icons, take a bath in holy natural springs, and take part in divine services. The first mention of the emergence of a temple in Zadonsk in honor of the miraculous salvation from the invasion of Tamerlane dates back to the 14th century. The Most Holy Mother of God with the heavenly host appeared to the invader in a dream and commanded them to leave the Russian lands. After a significant vision, he did not go to Moscow, but decided to turn back. Thanks to spiritual intercession, the city of Yelets became the extreme northern point of Tamerlane's empire.

Pilgrimage is an opportunity to touch the shrines with your soul and body, show love for the Lord, show the strength of your faith and clear your mind of sinful thoughts. To make a pilgrimage, it is not at all necessary to go on a long journey and spend a lot of money. Christ is in our midst, and his shrines are next to us. Therefore, we offer you a wonderful two-day trip, during which you can turn your eyes to God, enjoy the beauty of the temple decoration and the warm flame of candles, harmonious singing and the enchanting aroma of incense.

Trip to Nikologory

For many years, the glory of Christmas temple located in the modest village of Naguevo (Vyaznikovsky district, Vladimir region). Built and consecrated in 1819, the church did not close its doors to Orthodox Christians even during times of persecution. A small church in the village has become an object of pilgrimage and a real spiritual center, where thousands of Christians want to come.

Crimea with its great Orthodox shrines is called the cradle of Russian Orthodoxy, Russian Bethlehem. Here, from the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, the Christian faith expanded and multiplied. Here, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who brought Orthodoxy to the Russian land, received Holy Baptism. Here rests with his holy relics the great physician - St. Luke of Crimea, abundantly exuding healing to the afflicted.

Travel dates are indicated from the air travel calculation. For travel by minibus, you need to take into account another 2 days of travel.

The ticket price is 19,900 rubles, including the cost of a trip by minibus 6,000 rubles (i.e. a ticket 13,900 + minibus 6000 rubles) . By minibus from Moscow to Port Kavkaz 1500 km about 19 hours. If you leave at 7:00, you will be at 3:00. Crossing up to 2 hours. From the Port of Crimea to Kacha 300 km - 4-5 hours. Arrival at 10.00.

The cost of the ticket includes: accommodation, meals, pilgrimage trips.

Not included: visits to paid museums.

To the sea 3 minutes walk. Not deep clear sea.

We invite everyone to a pilgrimage trip for two days - and these will be happy days when you breathe freely and easily, finding yourself in places far from earthly vanity.

Rylsky St. Nicholas Monastery will meet you with soft smiles of the inhabitants and the appeasement of God's services.
For half a thousand years the monastery has been standing on the Russian land, glorifying the Lord through the mouths of successive generations of monks.

Our invitation to a pilgrimage along the route of the village of Zhokino-Zakharovo-Pushkari-Ryazan is for everyone who wants to do good to their souls.

With heartfelt prayers, you can turn to God when you visit the ancient church of St. Apostle John the Theologian in the village of Zhokino.

This temple was built a long time ago, back in the 60s. XIX century, on the site of a dilapidated wooden church (1783). Miraculous healings of the sick often took place in the Theological Church, which is recorded in church history.

In our days, the influence of the devil on human minds is unusually great: after all, many temptations have been added that were never seen before. And it is through them that demons lead people away from God...

Carried away by worldly seductions, these unfortunate people sometimes do not understand what is happening to them.
But the degree of possession can increase so much that evil spirits, having completely enslaved the will of a person, use his body for their actions, speak through the mouth of the possessed.

The spiritual wealth accumulated over the centuries by the monasteries of the Smolensk region becomes available to all pilgrims of our country and foreign camps. The schedule of pilgrimage trips is relevant at any time of the year, every month on their weekends everyone can visit the holy places of the Smolensk region. New, interesting routes allow you to get up close and personal with the abundance of Orthodox shrines and monasteries of the Smolensk Metropolis. A short pilgrimage tour is full of Shrines in different monasteries and excursions. You will be able to venerate holy icons and relics, take part in divine services, experience the healing power of holy springs.

Nilo-Stolobensky Monastery (Lake Seliger): the path of spiritual change in your life

We all, due to human weakness, often deviate from the rules of Christian life. And although we reproach ourselves for this, we still do not always have the strength to live without departing from God's institutions.

Therefore, we need to make regular pilgrimages that deepen our knowledge of the holy people who shone in the Russian land and strengthen our desire to serve Jesus Christ zealously.

A trip to Diveevo-Arzamas: increase faith in the Lord in your heart

The theme of faith is the most important issue for every believer. Unfortunately, many can say about themselves that the vanity of our life distracts from spiritual values, replacing them with worldly ones, and faith is gradually weakening.

Orthodox holy places in Russia. Pilgrimage tours, churches, monuments and religious sites of Russia.

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Pilgrimage in itself is a very logical thing: you don't need to invent anything here, you just need to understand why and where a person wants to go. After all, a true pilgrimage is not just a round trip. The pilgrim not only and not so much travels in the usual sense of the word - he is co-present at some personal and necessary event only for him. It is necessary that the pilgrim feel that all his thoughts and aspirations coincide with the upcoming journey.

Practical points

As you know, the level of accommodation facilities in our country is very uneven, which directly affects the choice of hotels for pilgrimage tours in Russia. Most often they mean accommodation in inexpensive hotels. But sometimes it turns out that there simply aren’t any in the area: then either very expensive accommodation options remain, or lodging for the night in monasteries or in the “private sector”.

One of the most important practical points that must always be taken into account is the peculiarities of nutrition (observance of fasts, Wednesdays and Fridays) and the organization of the liturgy. As a rule, the time of travel is calculated so that pilgrims arrive at the place in the evening, can defend the vigil and spend the night. And in the morning - liturgy and departure. All programs are built in such a way that there will be one or two obligatory liturgies per trip.

Travel duration

In terms of duration, all pilgrimage tours in Russia can be divided into one-day tours (mostly in the Moscow region), "weekend tours" and multi-day trips - mainly from 3 to 7 days. The maximum number of days on a tour, as a rule, is no more than 12. Most often, these are either routes on a boat, or a pilgrimage to remote regions of Russia, when the journey takes quite a long time - for example, Yekaterinburg, Tobolsk and Altai.

A good pilgrimage route should be logical and complete. For example, if a pilgrim decides to visit holy places in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg or Tobolsk, it makes direct sense to go on a comprehensive journey, covering all the main shrines of the Urals.

Here is an example of such a route. Moving from Moscow to Tobolsk takes about two days, depending on the chosen train. Most often, it is planned to stop in Tobolsk for 2-3 days and see the nearby sights. Then - transfer to Yekaterinburg by bus or train and sightseeing around the city. In addition, from there it is not far to Perm, where the monastery of Belogorye is located - a kind of "Ural Athos". Thus, in one journey it is possible to unite the Holy places of the Northern and Central Urals, as well as to “attach” to it the entire path of the Royal Martyrs in the Urals and Siberia.

Where and when do they go

If we divide the pilgrimage tours on a regional basis, we can identify the directions to which pilgrims most often go. This is, first of all, the North-West and the Center of Russia, the most developed part of the country, which was still in the Middle Ages, at the time of the emergence of Christianity and its development in Rus'. A lot of pilgrims go on a journey along the Golden Ring, Zadonsk (Lipetsk region), Kursk and Diveevo (Nizhny Novgorod region) and, of course, to the North-West region.

The North-West is not only Karelia (Valaam and Kizhi), but also Arkhangelsk (Solovki) and Vologda lands, Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Pskov is interesting not only for the Pushkin Mountains and Pechora - besides them, many pilgrims visit the Talap Islands, where Father Nikolai Guryanov lived and served.

Most of the cities that are part of the Golden Ring of Russia are inextricably linked with the history of Orthodoxy in Rus': many shrines are concentrated in them, and almost every temple and monastery is an object of pilgrimage. The most visited cities are Alexandrov, Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Suzdal and Vladimir.

In addition, it is necessary to note such southern directions as Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar and Arkhyz - recently many monasteries have been restored and opened there. Altai occupies a special place, pilgrimages there are inextricably linked with the study of the traditions of local residents.

It is difficult to single out the most favorable time for travel. In summer they go everywhere and for a longer time - from 3 to 7-12 days. In autumn and spring, as a rule, relatively short programs for 2-3 days are chosen. The only exceptions are major holidays: here it’s a weekend or not, it doesn’t matter much.

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A Brief Overview of the Holy Places of Orthodox Russia

All monasteries of the Russian Orthodox Church have common principles for organizing monastic life. But it is also worth noting that each monastery has its own history and spiritual image. This is most clearly and vividly seen in the ancient monasteries - Kirillo-Belozersky (Vologda region), Valaam (Valaam), Pskov-Pechora (Pskov region), Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra (Moscow region).

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery The monastery is located on Bolshoi Solovetsky Island in the White Sea, and hermitages and deserts are located on other islands of the archipelago. It was the geographical position that largely affected the history of development and the fate of the monastery. The monastery was a kind of border fortress: it withstood the siege of the Livonians, the Swedes and the British, and from the end of the 16th century it was also used as a place of exile. After its closure in 1920, there was a special purpose camp and prison.

Flying over Kolomna

The shrines of the monastery: the relics of the founders of the Solovetsky - Zosima, Savvaty and Herman (the gate church of the Annunciation), particles of the relics of many revered saints, the relics of St. The feasts of the monastery: the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19, the Monks Zosima, Savvaty and Herman - August 21, the Cathedral of the Solovetsky Saints - August 22, the Cathedral of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Solovetsky - August 23.


Monasteries: St. Danilov - part of the relics of the blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, Donskoy - the relics of Patriarch Tikhon, Zachatievsky - the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", Novospassky - the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", Svyato-Pokrovsky - the relics of the blessed matron of Moscow, Novodevichy - revered icons Mother of God of Smolensk and Tikhvin.

Shrines: the relics of Righteous Alexy of Moscow (Mechev) in the Church of St. Nicholas on Maroseyka, the venerable "Kiev Cross" with particles of the relics of more than 300 saints in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Krapivniki.

Moscow region

Monasteries: Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Vysotsky Bogoroditsky in Serpukhov - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", Savvin-Storozhevsky in Zvenigorod - with the relics of St. Savva Storozhevsky, Joseph-Volotsky, Resurrection in New Jerusalem - with part of the relics of the martyr Tatiana.

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

Saint Petersburg

Monasteries: Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra - the relics of the noble prince Alexander Nevsky, St. John's - the relics of the righteous John of Kronstadt.

Shrines: the relics of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in the chapel of Xenia of Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow with pennies" in the church in honor of this icon on the Zelenetsky Compound, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" of Tsarskoye Selo in the academic church of the St. Petersburg Spiritual academy.

Other regions of Russia

Altai Territory: The Theotokos-Kazan (Korobeinikovsky) Monastery - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God.

Kaluga Region: Optina Hermitage, St. Pafnutiev Borovsky Monastery, St. Tikhon's Assumption Hermitage.

Kostroma region: Holy Trinity Makariyevo-Unzhensky Monastery.

Lipetsk region: Zadonsky Nativity-Bogoroditsky monastery.

Nizhny Novgorod Region:

Today, when Russia, after decades of atheistic madness, is returning to its spiritual roots, it is gratifying to see millions of its inhabitants who have realized that of all the paths in life, the road to the temple is the main one. Evidence of this revived religious consciousness is the need to visit holy places, with which our earth is rich. Only the holy places of the Moscow region are one and a half thousand churches and twenty-four monasteries. Let's talk about some of them.

The main center of the spiritual life of the country

According to statistics, every year the largest number of pilgrims receive the ancient walls of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the city of Sergiev Posad near Moscow. It is named after its founder, St. Sergius of Radonezh, who settled in 1337 with his elder brother Stefan on Makovets Hill, not far from the Intercession Monastery in the village of Khotkovo.

Soon the brothers built a church out of logs, which they consecrated in honor of the Holy Trinity. Other hermits, seekers of the salvation of the soul, began to join them. Gradually, a community was formed, which was transformed into a monastery. With the holiness and purity of his life, St. Sergius elevated the monastery he created to the level of the spiritual center of the Russian lands, which became the support of the Moscow princes. It is known that in 1380 it was here that Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing while setting off for the Battle of Kulikovo.

After the blessed death of its founder, which followed in 1392, the monastery continued to develop and, despite the fact that it was completely burned by the Tatars in 1408, managed to revive and take a leading place among the religious centers of the state. His role in countering the Polish invaders led by False Dmitry is known. In 1742, Empress Elizabeth granted him the status of a Lavra.

Like many holy places of the Moscow region, in the years that followed the Bolsheviks came to power, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was closed. It happened in 1920. Only a quarter of a century later, the government allowed it to resume its activities, but to a very limited extent. The real turning point came only with the advent of perestroika and democratic reforms. Today, about two hundred monks save the souls of the Lavra within the walls. An Orthodox publishing house has been created and is successfully operating in the monastery, and hundreds of thousands of visitors to the monastery have been received.

Holy places of the Moscow region: the northern direction

One of the most significant religious centers north of the capital is the Joseph-Volotsk Monastery, located sixteen kilometers from Volokolamsk. It was founded in 1479 by the holy reverend Joseph (in the world Joseph Volotsky), who left a significant mark on the history of the Russian Church. It was built, like most monasteries of that time, from wood, but in ancient Rus' the cloisters often played the role of defensive structures, and for this reason it was soon surrounded by a stone wall.

The 16th century was the time of great transformations in the monastery. A stone church was built and consecrated in the name of the Assumption of the Mother of God, numerous household and outbuildings were erected. In certain periods of Russian history, the monastery occupied a leading place in the spiritual life of the country. But besides its direct purpose, the monastery also played the role of a prison. Suffice it to mention that Tsar Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky was imprisoned in one of his cells. Many other historical figures were its prisoners.

Excursions to the holy places of the Moscow region often visit an interesting attraction located in the village of Darna, northwest of the capital. This is the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, built in 1895 by architect S.V. Sherwood. Its appearance is striking in its beauty, harmoniously combining elements of ancient Russian architecture and late classicism. Built of red brick, the building is decorated with decorative white stone trim, which gives it a festive look.

The main shrine of the church is the grave of Blessed Alexandra, located next to it, the honest remains of which were transferred here from the village of Onufriev. Many people come to the place of her burial, who considered it important for themselves to visit the holy places of Moscow and the Moscow region. Healing from ailments is a well-deserved reward for those who, with true faith and humility, turn to her in prayer petitions. All the facts of miraculous deliverance from ailments are recorded in a special book, replenished every year with new evidence.

A village that remembers Dmitry Donskoy

Another place that is often visited by excursions to the holy places of Moscow and the Moscow region is the village of Spirovo, where there is a church built in honor of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple. The village is very ancient. Back in the 15th century, Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy granted it to Joseph Volotsky, who later became one of the most famous saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. The monk founded a monastery in it, on the territory of which the current church was built.

In 1825, the wooden building, which had become dilapidated, was replaced by a stone building erected with voluntary donations from monastery pilgrims. Over time, a parochial school for children from low-income families was opened at the church, and a few years later, a zemstvo school. Among the benefactors who made monetary contributions here were the families of A.S. Pushkin, P.N. Vorontsov and V.Ya. Telegin.

In the same village there is another place that attracts excursions to the holy places of the Moscow region. This is a nearby miraculous Mother of God spring, equipped with a bath. The Monk Joseph originally settled here, and from here he and his companions set off daily to work on the construction of the buildings of the future monastery. Holy places near Moscow with a font are not uncommon, but this source is widely known, first of all, for its healing properties and many cases of getting rid of ailments. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visit it every year.

Remembering the holy places of the Moscow region, one cannot fail to note the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Volokolamsky district of the Moscow region. For its architectural and artistic features, it was recognized as an object of the cultural heritage of Russia. Its construction lasted for almost thirty years - from 1865 to 1893. The style of the building of the temple, which is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty, is attributed by art critics to Russian traditionalism, which was very common in the second half of the 19th century.

Holy places of the Moscow region: eastern direction

There is an amazing place in the Pavlovo-Posadsky district of the Moscow region. This is the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in the 18th century on the site of an ancient pagan temple, named after the ancient ritual games - Chizhi. The name of the Orthodox Church and the place of worship of the pagans gave the area its name. It is known as the Trinity Tract - Chizhi.

The church and the place where it was built are covered with many legends and are revered by both believers and supporters of the occult. In the Encyclopedia of Mysterious Places in Russia, V.A. Chernobrova Chizhi are mentioned as a geoactive zone and a site of anomalous activity. The same publication provides facts of observation of various UFOs over it.

Not far from the village of Chelokhovo, Yegoryevsky district, Moscow region, there is another unusual place. This is a huge stone, which, according to historians, was the object of worship of the ancient pagans. But later, when Christianity firmly won its positions, Orthodox missionaries came to these places, and, having consecrated the stone, as well as the source located nearby, they first built a chapel here, and then the church of St. Nikita, the heavenly patron of this region.

When the famous church schism occurred in the 17th century, then, fleeing from the persecution of the authorities, this place began to be actively settled by the Old Believers, and it was called the Abode of Peace. Nowadays, when the official church has recognized the legitimacy of the Old Believers, and their traditions are also revered as blessed, many pilgrims come to these places, but, unfortunately, the form of worship here is often occult in nature, which is expressed in various symbols that are not accepted in Orthodoxy.

West of the capital

In the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region there is the village of Kolotskoye, famous for the Assumption Convent located nearby, founded in 1413. The chronicle of the monastery contains two significant events: the acquisition of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and the stay in 1812 in the walls of the monastery of Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov. His headquarters was located here shortly before the start of the Battle of Borodino.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, kept in the monastery church, made the village of Kolotskoye as popular and visited as other holy places in the Moscow region. Healing, bestowed through prayers before her, makes pilgrims flock here from all over Russia. During the difficult years of the fight against the God, the monastery was abolished and its buildings were destroyed. Despite the great risk, the miraculous image was preserved by believers in their private homes. Only with the advent of democratic changes, the monastery began to revive and the holy image took its rightful place.

miraculous springs

Especially popular today are the holy places of the Moscow region, helping pilgrims get rid of ailments or achieve any desired goal. Such places include, for example, miraculous springs. There are about a hundred of them near the capital. One of the most famous and, according to the pilgrims, the most miraculous, is the source located in the David's Desert of the Chekhov region.

It was founded by the Monk David five hundred years ago on the banks of the Lopasni River. The monastery operates there to this day, and a farmstead is located ten kilometers from it. On its territory there is a church and a holy spring, equipped for the convenience of pilgrims with two baths. According to the testimonies of many who have experienced its miraculous properties, it is known that its waters most effectively heal diseases of the eyes and digestive organs.

Other holy places in Moscow and the Moscow region have also been glorified with extraordinary evidence of the manifestation of God's Grace. Healing from physical and mental illnesses attracts hundreds of thousands of pilgrims every year. Many such places are widely known, for example, the Savvino-Storozhevskaya monastery, located near Zvenigorod. Its founder was the closest disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh - the monk Savva, who came to these places more than six hundred years ago.

Not far from the monastery there is a cave in which the saint of God lived, and next to it is a miraculous spring. It is equipped with male and female fonts. Many who visit the monastery take bottles of holy water with them, as it is known that it helps with various ailments, and especially with heart disease. In addition, the monastery is famous for its kvass and bread, which are hard to find anywhere else.

Three miraculous keys

Remembering the holy places in the Moscow region, which help from diseases, one should also mention the amazing spring, located fourteen kilometers southeast of Sergiev Posad, near the village of Vzglyadovo, bearing the name of Gremuchy. It fully justifies its name, since the springs that form it gush out of the crevices of the slope, falling from a height of twenty-five meters. The noise they make carries far into the neighborhood.

The source consists of three independent keys, each of which has its own name - Faith, Hope, Love, and brings healing from a certain group of diseases. So, it has long been noticed that the first helps those suffering from heart ailments, the second - mental disorders, the third - women's diseases. The scientists who conducted the study of miraculous water noted that in its composition it is close to samples taken from the famous sources of Kislovodsk. But you should drink it in limited quantities, as it contains a high percentage of radon.

By the way, when they list the holy places of the Moscow region that help to get married, they often mention the Gremuchiy spring, or rather, one of its springs, which is called "Love". Unfortunately, there is no special book that would record the testimonies of those to whom its waters brought family happiness. It's a pity, because in Rus' it has long been customary to record miracles bestowed by shrines. How many interesting and touching stories happy brides would tell in their entries!

Spring in Tyutchev's estate

Holy places near Moscow are often associated with the names of prominent figures of Russian culture. One of these places is the estate, located in the village of Muranovo, Pushkinsky district. Its history is closely connected with the names of Pushkin, Tyutchev, Gogol and Aksakov. On the territory of the estate beats the key, called Barsky. From time immemorial, everyone who was washed by its waters received healing from ailments.

In the first half of the 19th century, the estate passed into the possession of the family of the outstanding Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev. Being a deeply religious person, he considered it necessary to build a temple on the territory of his estate next to the miraculous spring. When the work was completed, it was solemnly consecrated in honor of the Savior Not Made by Hands. Since then, it has become a tradition to make processions to the source, accompanied by the rite of blessing water. Nowadays, research by scientists has shown that this water has a high biological activity. The proof can be the fact that the plants watered by it develop better than their counterparts.

Gracious help in childbearing

Mentioning the holy places of the Moscow region that help to get pregnant, one cannot ignore the miraculous stone located in Kolomenskoye, which is popularly called “Gus”, or “Girlish”. There is a source next to it. For a long time, women come here who dream of getting pregnant, but are not able to do it. Anyone who wishes to receive help is advised to scoop up water from a spring, sit on a stone and, saying a wish to himself, drink water. Then you need to tie a ribbon on a tree growing nearby.

Such a custom goes beyond the scope of the church charter, but practice shows its miraculousness, and, in addition, it is resorted to, as a rule, by those who could not receive any other real help. This stone is located in the Moscow region, in the capital itself, prayers for pregnancy are usually offered before the relics of the Holy Matrona of Moscow, resting in the Intercession Convent.

The smallest city in the Moscow region

Everyone who happened to be in the vicinity of the capital should not miss the opportunity to visit its many holy places. Vereya (Moscow region) is one of them. This is a unique city in which many architectural monuments of the 18th and 19th centuries have been preserved. The smallest city in the Moscow region has a large number of churches that have become its main attractions. The oldest of them is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, built in the middle of the 16th century by Prince Vladimir Staritsky. The history of the cathedral is closely connected with the events of the war of 1812 and with the name of the liberator of Vereya from the French - General Dorokhov, who was buried within its walls.

Here, in the area of ​​the district, rises the ancient Church of the Epiphany. It was founded in 1673 and, despite the fact that it was rebuilt many times, it retained the stamp of Russian antiquity, clearly visible in all the details of its architectural appearance. The most popular among the residents of the city is the Ilyinsky Church located on Bolnichnaya Street. The earliest information about her is found in historical documents of 1629. The glory of the church was brought by a rich iconostasis, icons and frescoes made by the leading masters of that era.

Many are interested in the holy places of the Moscow region, helping to get married. One of them is located just in Vereya. This is the Church of Constantine and Helena, which is located on Kirovskaya Street. It was built with donations from the merchants Zenegins in 1798. Once upon a time, its walls were decorated with colorful paintings, and with the splendor of the iconostasis, it was not inferior to the best Moscow churches. During the years of total atheism, this splendor was lost, but the holiness of the church itself and the walls prayed for many generations remained. For centuries, weddings have taken place here more often than anywhere else. Perhaps that is why in our days it is customary to offer prayers for the granting of marital happiness.

The story about the shrines of Vereya will be incomplete if we do not mention the Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, which was once part of the complex of the Spassky Monastery, abolished by Empress Catherine II, and the Old Believer Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. It is known that before the revolution, Vereya was a major Old Believer center of the Moscow region.

As of 1902, the Old Believers made up almost half of the city's population. Such a significant number of them became the reason for abandoning the idea of ​​​​building an Orthodox monastery here - fears arose of the influence of the Old Believers on the monks. Nowadays, when the official church has recognized the legitimacy of the Old Believers, many holy places in Moscow and the Moscow region happily coexist with their religious centers.

Saint who helps in financial troubles

In addition to temples and churches, where you can find help in healing from ailments and the gift of family happiness, as well as motherhood, people often look for holy places near Moscow that help with money and bring good luck in various business endeavors. I would like to advise them to turn with a prayer to St. Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky.

Being a convinced non-possessor in his earthly life, in the palaces of the King of Heaven he prays to the Almighty to send down to people not only spiritual, but also material blessings. There are many examples of how prayers in front of his image helped to get out of a difficult financial situation or achieve success in business. There are no holy places in the Moscow region dedicated to this saint of God, but his icon is not difficult to find in church shops or order via the Internet.

Faith is a condition for help in prayers

Numerous and blessed are the holy places in the Moscow region. There are more than a hundred miraculous sources alone. At the beginning of the article, data were given on one thousand five hundred Orthodox churches located on its territory, and twenty-four monasteries, and on hundreds of thousands of pilgrims visiting them. These proofs of the revival of Orthodox traditions, so long forgotten, gladden the heart.

But when setting off on a journey to a particular shrine, it must be remembered that the prayers offered before it will gain grace-filled power only on the condition of deep faith and sincere religious feeling. Always, approaching a holy source, miraculous relics or an image, you need to remember the words of the Savior: "According to your faith, it will be for you."

Nowadays, many travel agencies organize trips and excursions to places where the Grace of God is abundantly poured. Do not miss the opportunity to use their services and touch the world of higher spiritual powers.

No other country in the world has such a quantity of Christian values ​​as in Russia. We will begin our “filing of materials” from the capital. The holy places of Moscow are a prominent page in the list of famous churches in Russia. There are also miraculous icons, and healing relics, and the healing water of holy springs. To touch these shrines, people come not only from other regions, but even countries. In this article we will talk about the most famous and most revered holy places in Moscow.

Temples of Russia: Temple of Sergius of Radonezh.


An exact copy of the Cross on which Christ was crucified. Made from Palestinian cypress and lined with gold, silver and precious stones.

But for Christians, the main value of this holy place is that particles of the relics of almost four hundred saints are hidden inside the cross.

Interesting detail: after the revolution, the cross was for a long time in the anti-religious museum in the Solovetsky camp.

What helps

People come to this Cross with all their troubles. And they also touch it to gain strength not only spiritual, but also physical.

Where is

Church of Sergius of Radonezh, Krapivensky lane, 4 (metro station "Pushkinskaya" or "Chekhovskaya").

Monasteries of Russia:Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery.


Parts of the remains of the most revered saint in Russia are kept in the Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery in a silver reliquary. Many miracles are known that took place thanks to these relics. But the mere fact that they have not been touched by decay for many centuries, even scientists consider it a phenomenon.

What help

Nicholas the Wonderworker is prayed for help to sailors, travelers and prisoners. In poverty and need. Coming to this holy place, they ask for peace in the family and the intercession of widows and orphans.

Where are

Danilov Holy Trinity Monastery, Danilovsky Val, 22 (metro station "Tulskaya").

Temples of Russia:Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God.


One of the main Christian shrines. It is believed that this nail is one of those that nailed Christ to the Cross. It is stored in the Assumption Cathedral in a silver ark.

What helps

For believers, touching such a shrine means strengthening their faith. This holy place is a blessing for Moscow, as it is believed that the cities that store such nails receive strong protection from epidemics and wars.

Where is

Kremlin, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God (metro station "Borovitskaya" or "Alexander Garden").

Temples of Russia:Church of the Resurrection.


After the martyrdom, the relics of Panteleimon dispersed in parts throughout the world. In Moscow there are two churches with relics and miraculous icons.

What help

The saint was recognized as a great healer during his lifetime. And since then, prayers have been addressed to him for various illnesses.

Where are

Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Sokolnicheskaya Square, 6 (metro station Sokolniki).

Church of the Great Martyr Nikita, st. Goncharnaya, 6 (metro station "Taganskaya" or "Chistye Prudy").

Some holy springs are very reminiscent of chapels.


There are about 30 holy springs in Moscow. The most famous - Kholodny - is located in Teply Stan, not far from the Konkovo ​​metro station. It has long been believed that the water of the holy spring, if you drink it from the Cold on an empty stomach in the morning and evening, helps to quickly cleanse the kidneys and liver. And this water quickly relieves headaches.

Another no less famous holy spring is located in the Tatar ravine, near the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. The water in it is the purest of all the springs of the capital. It cures many ailments, even mental disorders.

There are more than 20 keys in Kolomenskoye. One of them - Kadochka - beats next to the famous Church of the Ascension. According to legend, it was this water of the holy spring that saved one of the wives of Ivan the Terrible from infertility.

There are also healing holy springs near the Voykovskaya metro station, in the Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo forest park, in Filevsky Park, St. Danilov Monastery, Neskuchny Garden, Serebryany Bor, Bitsevsky Forest Park, Kuntsevo, Medvedkovo and Tsaritsyn.

However, even confessors advise caution when drinking the water of holy springs.

With today's ecology, no one can vouch for the purity of the keys, - explains Archpriest Nikolai (Remzovsky). - Therefore, before drinking from a healing holy spring, draw water from it and consecrate it at a prayer service in the temple.

How is it decided that the relics or the icon are miraculous

The ruling bishop, either himself or through authorized persons, not only collects information about miracles, but also conducts their examination. It also provides the commission with documentary evidence of the former miracle (whether it be medical documents or eyewitness testimony in front of the Cross and the Gospel).



It is believed that the apostle Luke wrote it. The icon saved Rus' more than once: both during the raid of Tokhtamysh, and during the atrocities of Batu's soldiers. And even when the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir burned down during the fire, the icon lay on the ashes intact and unharmed.

What helps

This icon is considered one of the symbols of Russia, so it is customary to turn to it not only with personal requests. Many come to intercede for the well-being of the whole country (especially officials, especially in front of television cameras).

Where is

In the church of St. Nicholas (by the way, the most famous icon of Rublev "Trinity" is also here). Maly Tolmachevsky per., 9 (metro station "Tretyakovskaya").


It is stored in the Zachatievsky Monastery - it was erected in 1584 by the childless Tsar Fedor Ioannovich and his wife Irina Godunova. Soon they had a daughter. Since then, the icon “Merciful” has been considered the main shrine here (it was in front of her that the queen prayed for the birth of a child).

What helps

Childless people come to this icon from all cities to ask for help in conceiving.

Where is

2nd Zachatievsky per., 2 (metro station "Kropotkinskaya" or "Park Kultury").


It is stored in the temple of the Novospassky Monastery, built in the 13th century.

What helps

She is prayed for for drug addicts and cancer patients.

Where is

Peasant Square, 10 (metro station "Proletarskaya" or "Krestyanskaya Zastava").


For a long time, the place of her "registration" was the Church of the Nativity. When it was destroyed in 1937, the icon was saved. Now it is located in one of the oldest Moscow churches - the Resurrection of the Word.

What helps

Brides turn to her when they get married. They also pray for those who suffer from drunkenness and poverty and perishing children.

Where is

Bryusov lane, 15/2 (metro station "Okhotny Ryad").


A few years ago, in the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, the face of Christ suddenly appeared on the glass of the iconostasis. Here is the icon of John the Baptist.

What helps

This saint is addressed for various pains. And especially if you have a headache.

Where is

Petropavlovsky per., 4 - 6 (metro station "Kitay-Gorod", "Chistye Prudy").


Previously, there were three such icons in Moscow, and all were considered miraculous. But after the revolution, one disappeared without a trace.

What helps

The icon is prayed for the health and happiness of children. Asking for help to fix the problem.

Where is

* Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy", st. Sheremetyevskaya, 33.
* Temple of Elijah the Prophet, 2nd Obydensky per., 6 (metro station "Kropotkinskaya").


She became famous in Moscow for many miracles, especially during the plague of 1771. In the church of Nicholas the Wonderworker, where the icon is still kept, there are even written testimonies of its miracles.

In Moscow there are four more holy lists (full copies) from the icon: in the churches of St. John the Baptist on Pokrovka; St. Apostles Peter and Paul on Basmannaya; St. Tikhon of Amaphuntsky at the Arbat Gate and in the Church of St. Sergius.

What helps

They pray to her during life's adversities and misfortunes.

Where is

Church of the Prelate on Pupyshi, Vishnyakovsky per., 157 (metro station "Paveletskaya", "Novokuznetskaya").


The first high-profile miracle associated with this icon happened at the end of the 17th century. Patriarch Joachim's sister suffered from a terrible disease: she had a deep wound on her side. The girl turned to the icon and was soon healed. Since then, the Orthodox annually celebrate the day of the icon of "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (October 24 / November 6).

What helps

Survive major surgeries and skin diseases. It has been testified more than once that after praying to her, wounds healed faster.

Where is

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow", st. B. Ordynka, 20 (metro station "Tretyakovskaya").

Holy places - Monasteries in Moscow

Monasteries have always been an integral part of the image of Moscow. Among the architectural monuments preserved in Moscow, monasteries occupy a special place. They have spread through the streets of Moscow, hiding behind high-rise buildings and greenery of trees, they continue to lead their quiet, holy life.

Monasteries(from the Greek monasterion - a hermit's cell), communities of monks (men's monastery) or nuns (nunnery), adopting the same rules of life (charter). The first Christian monasteries arose as settlements of hermits (III - IV centuries in Egypt). Monasteries contributed to the spread of literacy, book business. In Russia, the largest male monasteries are called laurels.

How old are the monasteries?

It is believed that Danilov Monastery- the first monastery in Moscow. It was founded at the end of the 13th century by the youngest son of Alexander Nevsky, Prince Daniel of Moscow, later canonized. Here he was buried in 1303. The Epiphany Monastery was also founded at the end of the 13th century. Extensive monastic construction unfolded in Moscow in the second half of the 14th century. It was at this time that such monasteries as Andronikov, Chudov, Rozhdestvensky, Simonov, Sretensky were built. The main part of the Moscow monasteries was founded in the XVI-XVII centuries.

In Rus', the role of monasteries in the life of the people has always been significant. They were the centers of spiritual life. Usually a suburban monastery was turned to face (by a wall in which the Holy Gates with a gate church were built) to the main road leading to the capital. The role of the central road was often performed by a navigable river or lake.

The monasteries of Moscow are a place of prayerful appeal to the saints and wonderworkers of Moscow. They contain the relics of St. blgv. book. Daniel of Moscow, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', St. Andronicus and Savva of Moscow, St. icon painter Andrei Rublev and others. The monastic necropolises of our city are unique historical monuments not only of Moscow, but of the entire Fatherland. Over the course of seven centuries, more than fifty monasteries were erected on Moscow land, of which only a few have survived to this day. Their doors are open to those who want to enter the fertile world of Orthodox Moscow.

Monasteries of Moscow:

  • Andreevsky Monastery
    • Address: Andreevskaya emb., 2
  • Epiphany Monastery
    • Address: Bogoyavlensky per., 2
  • All Saints Monastery
    • Address: sh. Enthusiasts, 7
  • All-Sorrowing Monastery
    • Address: Novoslobodskaya st., 58
  • Vysokopetrovsky Monastery
    • Address: Petrovka st., 28/2
  • Danilov Monastery
    • Address: Danilovsky Val, 22
  • Donskoy Monastery
    • Address: Donskaya sq., 1
  • Zaikonospassky Monastery
    • Address: Nikolskaya st., 7-
  • Conception Monastery
    • Address: 2nd Zachatievsky lane, 2
  • Znamensky Monastery
    • Address: Varvarka street, 8-10 (cathedral - 8a)
  • Ivanovo Monastery
    • Address: M. Ivanovsky per., 2
  • Kazan Golovinsky Monastery
    • Address: Kronshtadsky boulevard, 29-
  • Nikolo-Perervinsky Monastery
    • Address: Shosseynaya st., 82
  • Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery
    • Address: Dzerzhinsky, St. Nicholas Square
  • Nikolsky Monastery
    • Address: Preobrazhensky Val, 25
  • Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery
    • Address: 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, 7
  • Novodevichy Convent
    • Address: Novodevichy pr., 1
  • Novospassky Monastery
    • Address: Krestyanskaya sq., 10
  • Intercession Monastery
    • Address: Taganskaya st.
  • Nativity monastery
    • Address: Rozhdestvenka street, 20
  • Simonov Monastery
    • Address: Vostochnaya st., 4
  • Spaso-Andronikov Monastery
    • Address: Andronyevskaya sq., 10
  • Sretensky Monastery
    • Address: B. Lubyanka st., 19, building 1

Men's monasteries in Moscow:

  • Novospassky Stauropegial Monastery
    • Address: Krestyanskaya sq., 10. (m. Proletarskaya).
  • St. Danilov Stauropegial Monastery
    • Address: st. Danilovsky Val, 22. (m. Tulskaya).
  • Sretensky Stauropegial Monastery
    • Address: st. Bolshaya Lubyanka, 19. (m. Turgenevskaya).
  • Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery
    • Address: Donskaya sq., 1. (m. Leninsky Prospekt).
  • Nikolo-Ugreshsky Stauropegial Monastery
    • Address: R.p. Dzerzhinsky, st. Dzerzhinskaya, d.6.

Women's monasteries in Moscow

  • Mother of God-Christmas Stauropegial Convent

Address: st. Rozhdestvenskaya, 20. (metro station Kuznetsky most).

  • Zachatievsky stauropegial convent

Address: m. Park Kultury

  • Intercession Stauropegial Convent (former Ubozhedomsky)

Address: m. Taganskaya

  • John the Baptist Convent

Address: m. Kitay-gorod

  • Martha and Mary Convent of the Sisters of Mercy

Address: m. Tretyakovskaya

Some Holy Springs of the Moscow Region

Moscow is not just a capital and an economic center. Moscow is the Orthodox center of a huge state. And, if you have never visited the holy places of the Moscow region, this gap in spiritual education must be urgently filled.

Why is it important?

For a Russian person, religion has traditionally been something more than just a ritual. Russia is a believing land. The whole history of Russia as a state is closely connected with Orthodoxy. People suffered and died for religion, wars were waged for religion, they relied on religion in difficult days. We inherited many historical monuments, monasteries, holy places from the past. The holy places of the Moscow region are incredibly popular places in terms of visiting. Why? Apparently, even now, people find answers, soothe the soul and heart, coming there.Orthodoxy begins with water. Water cleanses and invigorates. It is believed that holy water cures diseases. I don’t know what the secret is here, either in faith in a miracle, or indeed, water from holy places has a certain medicinal effect. It is only known for certain that, according to GOST, the water supplied to apartments through the water supply can contain up to 600 bacteria. In water from holy springs, bacterial contamination is zero. In addition, this water has a high biological activity. That is, speaking in everyday language, strengthening forces, energy-giving properties. That is why the holy springs attract so many people. There are more than 100 holy springs on the territory of the Moscow region.

The most visited consecrated springs of the Moscow region.

Chekhov region.

  • Desert of David - Talezh. refers to the Holy Ascension David's hermitage.

Podolsk region.

  • Source "Erinskiy". Brick chapel of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa over a spring with a font. Located near the sanatorium "Erino".

Leninsky district.

  • Holy spring of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. A wooden chapel over a spring with a font next to the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village. Desna-Petrel.
  • Holy spring "Ilyinsky". A small overhead chapel of Elijah the Prophet in a ravine next to the Church of the Nativity in the village. Conversations.Dmitrovsky district.
  • Holy spring of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Chapel over a spring with a font near the Church of the Nativity in the village. Ilinskoe.
  • Holy spring of the holy martyr Kharlampy. It is located near the Church of the Resurrection of the Word near the village. Karpovo. It is named after Harlampy of Nicomedia, the chapel of which existed in the church. You can find it by the worship cross near the temple, which usually marks the beginning of the path to the source.

Pushkin region.

  • Holy spring "Gribanovo". Chapel of Peter and Paul above the spring. Located at the village. Gribanovo.
  • Holy spring "Muranovo", also known as "Barsky well". It is located in the museum-estate of the Tyutchevs. When clearing the spring, they found that water breaks through in 12 places. There is a font over which a chapel is built.
  • Holy spring "Sofrino". It is located on the territory of the Sofrino recreation complex, the former estate of the Gagarins, near the Church of St. John the Warrior.

Mozhaisk region.

  • Holy Spring of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God of Kolotskaya. Above the spring there is a wooden chapel. There is no font, but there is a place and buckets for dousing. Located next to the Assumption Monastery near the village. Kolotskoye.
  • Holy spring of St. Ferapont. It is located right in front of the Luzhetsky Monastery in Mozhaisk, on Brykina Gora. A wooden chapel above the spring, which was called the "well of St. Ferapont."

Sergiev Posad region.

  • Holy spring of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. Located on the territory of the monastery.
  • Holy spring of John the Baptist. Located next to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Sergiev Posad.
  • Holy spring of Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is located next to the Lavra, on the banks of the Kelar Pond.
  • Holy spring of Savva Storozhevsky. Located next to Lavra.
  • Holy spring of St. Sergius of Radonezh "Gremyachiy" Located at the village. Vzglyadnevo. The source is surprisingly similar to a waterfall. There is a tub and a shower room.
  • Holy spring "Radonezh". Located in the village of the same name near the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
  • Holy spring of the Chernihiv skete. In the underground temple of Michael the Archangel, a vein of living water beats.

Schelkovsky district.

  • Holy spring of the Passionate Icon of the Mother of God. Located at the village. Bones. Before the revolution, there was a chapel above it. Now only the spring remains.
  • Holy Spring of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. Located behind the vil. Kostyshi, on the road to Fryanovo. It was considered healing, the water from it helped to treat eye diseases.

Stupinsky district.

Each of these places carries an amazing story.

  1. Desert of David - Talezh. By car - Along the Simferopol highway, 80 km south of Moscow. By train - Kursk railway station to Chekhov station, then by bus number 25 to the turn to Talezh, from there walk 1.5 km. The monastery was founded on May 15, 1515 by the Monk David from the family of princes Vyazemsky. Not far from the monastery, in the village of Talezh, there is a desert courtyard. There, a spring comes out of the ground, consecrated in the name of St. David. A whole spring complex was built next to it: the temple of St. David, a belfry and two indoor baths - male and female. It is believed that healing from diseases of the eyes and liver takes place at the source.
  2. Holy springs of the Sheremetev estate. By car - along Novoryazanskoe highway, turn left at the Small Concrete Ring. By public transport - from the metro station "Vykhino" by bus number 402, 403 to Malin, then by bus number 34. Many sources. The most famous two. The first is "Joy of All Who Sorrow." Be at the bottom. The uniqueness of the spring is in the concentration of silver, which is 20 times higher than the norm. The second is the ancient miraculous source of the prophet of God Elijah. This source is a witness and custodian of the events of the 18th century. Mentioned in many historical descriptions.
  3. Holy spring of St. Sergius of Radonezh "Gremyachiy" 14 km southeast of Sergiev Posad. (near the village of Vzdglyadnevo). By car - along the Yaroslavl highway. Then follow the signs. At the 65th km from the Moscow Ring Road, turn right. The name "Gremyachiy" arose due to the fact that the springs hit from a height of 25 meters. Among the people, each of the key streams has its own name - Faith (heals heart disease), Hope (nervous system), Love (heals women's diseases). In its composition, the water resembles the springs of Kislovodsk, so you should not get carried away and drink it often. The water contains healing radon, which in moderate doses has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, helps to cope with chronic diseases. Especially indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular cycle and the musculoskeletal system. Helps to cope with stress. Bathing in the spring is not recommended for pregnant women.

Traveling to holy places is a rest for both soul and body. Remember that the holy springs are still not a beach, and you should not come there to swim. You have to go with a special mood, with peace in your soul, and then you will also believe in the miraculous power of water.


Serpukhov - Zachatievsky - David's Hermitage - Talezh

Acquaintance with the city of Serpukhov: Cathedral Hill: Trinity Cathedral and the remains of the white stone walls of the Serpukhov Kremlin of the 16th century, Vladychny Vvedensky Convent and Vysotsky Zachatievsky Monastery. Voznesenskaya Davidov Hermitage, founded in 1515. Davyd, a student of Pafnuty Borovsky. Not far from the monastery, in the village of Talezh, there is a courtyard of the desert, where a plentiful source of spring water, consecrated in the name of St. David, beats out of the ground.

Sergiev Posad - Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Excursion to the Trinity-Sergeev Lavra. The relics of St. Sergius are kept in the Trinity Cathedral (1422), it was for this cathedral that Andrei Rublev's "Trinity" was written. The decoration of the cathedral contains frescoes of the 17th century and a copy of Rublev's Trinity.

Zvenigorod - Savino-Storozhevsky monastery

Acquaintance with the city of Zvenigorod: the Church of the Assumption on the gorodets - the most valuable monument in the Moscow region (XII century), Savvino - Storozhevsky Monastery - the most beautiful monastery of the XVII century, most of the buildings of which were created by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery - Bykovo

Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is an active male monastery. It was founded on the vow of Dmitry Donskoy in the XIV century. False Dmitry was hiding in the monastery, Archpriest Avvakum was imprisoned, and Polish troops were standing. The unique Jerusalem Wall, the St. Nicholas Church of the 18th century, the Spassky Cathedral of the 20th century, the chapel on the site of the tent of Dmitry Donskoy have been preserved.
Bykovo - manor palace, reminiscent of a Gothic English castle. The Temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - according to the original three-dimensional composition, has no equal.

New Jerusalem

Historical and architectural museum and a functioning monastery. The monastery on Istra near Moscow, built by Patriarch Nikon, embodies the Russian Holy Land. Nikon gave biblical names to the surrounding places: the Jordan River, the Garden of Gethsemane.

Conversations - Ostrov - Znamensky Skete

Acquaintance with the tent temples of the south-east of the near Moscow region. The Church of the Nativity in the Conversations and the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Ostrov is a unique architectural monument of the times of Ivan the Terrible.
A visit to the Serafimo-Znamensky Skete, the decoration of which is a hipped temple of Art Nouveau style, built at the beginning of the 20th century. In the village of Bityagovo - a white-stone church of the 17th century, a source.

Radonezh - Khotkovo - Chernigov Skete

Exaltation Church, Church of the Transfiguration, the place where the youth of St. Sergius of Radonezh passed, the monument of V. Klykov to St. Sergei of Radonezh. Khotkovo: Pokrovsky convent, the place where the parents of Sergei Radonezh were tonsured. The history of the foundation of the Chernigov Skete, the Gethsemane Skete, the famous caves - a place of solitude for the monks of the Trinity - St. Sergeyev Lavra, an underground temple with a miraculous source. Isakovskaya grove.

Sukhanovo - Catherine's Hermitage

Sukhanovo: the territory of the Volkonsky estate, an external examination of the main house with two outbuildings, a park, the Volkonsky family mausoleum. Men's active monastery Catherine's Hermitage. In the middle of the last century, the infamous "Sukhanovka" was located here - one of the most terrible execution prisons.

Vinogradovo - Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery - Medvedev Hermitage

With. Vinogradovo: Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, necropolis of the Benckendorff family c. Kiovo-Spasskoye: Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands; Nikolo-Peshnoshsky Monastery of the Medvedev Hermitage: Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, St. source; With. Ozeretskoe: St. Nicholas Church.

The article lists the holy places in Russia, healing people and helping to live with faith, hope and love.

Orthodox believers worship miraculous icons, asking them for a speedy recovery and resolution of everyday problems.

In contact with

List of holy springs

Source of Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo

Seraphim of Sarov is the founder of the Diveevsky Monastery, which houses the Sarov spring. Healing water helps with various ailments, as well as improves health.

In the monastery, you can pray and venerate the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. It is also recommended to come to the morning Liturgy, which takes place every Sunday. You can stay at the monastery or at the hotel.

Women who want to have children, suffering, homeless and weak people go to St. Seraphimushka. The elder never refused help, especially to those who keep the word of God, constantly go to Church and live according to the commandments.

Source of St. Sergius of Radonezh (Gremyachiy Klyuch waterfall)

The source is located in the village of Vzglyadnevo, and the Orthodox call this place "Malinniki".

The Monk Wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh is the intercessor of Rus', the protector from misfortunes and deceit of enemies.

Many believers make a pilgrimage to him, asking for intercession and help, as well as protection from witchcraft.

It is important to know: he should pray when a relative is in custody, hospital or on the road. Also, Sergius of Radonezh heals the possessed and gives them the strength to fight their passions.

The monk heals from ailments, admonishes children and protects them from evil people, helps in childbirth.

Spring ring in the Ivanovo region

The healing spring is named after St. Alexander Nevsky, who was famous for his purity of thoughts and righteous life. Nearby is the Temple, in which there are Holy relics.

The source saved people from terrible misfortunes, epidemics of cholera and plague. Alexander Nevsky protects and covers entire settlements of the Orthodox, helps them in hard work, intercedes with God for the sick.

You can come to the spring at any time and take a dip in the font. Many parishioners bring clean bathing clothes (nightgowns, long T-shirts) with them to take with them.

Water from the source has healing properties, relieves stomach diseases, gastritis, duodenal ulcers. But we must remember that everything is given according to the Orthodox faith.

Spring of St. David in the village of Telezh

The source is located 30 km from the village of Novyi Byt in the Moscow region, in a monastery.

On the territory of the monastery there is a small chapel named after St. David, who helps people, prays to God for the sins of others.

He lived for many years in a monastery, led an ascetic and solitary life. They pray to Reverend David for children and ask for help in raising them. Also, you can pray to wives for your husband, for the restoration of the family.

Visiting the source is allowed from 8 am to 9 pm. People come here to get married or baptize a child.

Source of the Healer Panteleimon in the village of Kalozhitsy

The healer Panteleimon heals demon-possessed, possessed people, as well as those who practice magic, the occult, or resorted to the help of sorcerers.

You can take a dip in the spring and take some water with you. The water is springy and has a pleasant taste.

Arriving home, you should sprinkle the corners of the apartment with water from the source and put the Icon of Panteleimon on the iconostasis.

Spring in honor of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" (Vologda region)

The source is located along the Vologda–Kirillov route.

On the territory there is a chapel where you can put candles and venerate the icon. Near the spring there is a font where you can take a dip.

Also, the Miraculous stone, located near the source, is considered a Shrine. The Smolensk Mother of God should pray for healing from ailments and intercession. She is the patroness of all Orthodox families and orphans.

They pray to her and ask for the appearance of children, and she also heals women's diseases. The Mother of God "Hodegetria" is the patroness of the entire Vologda region.

Holy spring of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh spent much time in solitary prayer. Now this place is a source - a sacred place.

Many believers received healing from chronic and inflammatory diseases there. Also, St. Mitrofan heals infertile couples who do not have children.

Headaches, pain in the back and joints - everything goes away, one has only to plunge into the holy water.

Saint Mitrofan cures pneumonia, colds, and even relieves fever. It is necessary to give the sick person some water from the source and wipe his body with a cloth dipped in it.

Holy key (Spoon) in the city of Iskitim

In the small village of Lozhok, Novosibirsk Region, there is a Holy Spring. During the war there was a camp with prisoners, and a spring opened at its location.

It is said that the prisoners “opened” it with their prayers. Now many believers from different cities and villages make pilgrimages here to gain strength.

Those who come in faith receive healing. The holy key helps people with skin diseases, gives strength, strengthens in faith, and cures diseases associated with the stomach.

Miraculous spring in the village of Aleshnya

Located in the Bryansk region, the water heals purulent, open, incised wounds, postoperative sutures, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

You can wash your face with holy water if there are problems with the skin of the face, or, for example, make homemade ointments based on natural herbs.

The holy spring has a strong bactericidal effect on trophic ulcers caused by diabetes.

Also, water lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces blood pressure. Families with sick children often visit here.

List of Orthodox churches and monasteries (miraculous icons and relics of saints)

Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stogovo

Once, miraculously, the icon of St. Nicholas appeared right in a haystack. The area and the village began to be called Stogovo. In the 17th century, a Temple was built, into which believers flock daily to venerate the miraculous icon.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, like Seraphim of Sarov, led a hermit life for many years. The Lord gave Saint Nicholas the gift of helping people. And now the Saint, hearing the prayers of the Orthodox, intercedes before God and asks for intercession for the entire Russian people.

Note: Saint Nicholas should pray if there are problems with buying a home, before a long trip, during a protracted illness. The saint helps orphans, mothers raising children alone, and gives consolation to the terminally ill.

The miracle worker protects people from witchcraft and sudden death, families from divorce and children from evil eye and intent. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a truly prayerful place, here you can bow to the relics and venerate the icon. It is located at the address: Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, the village of Malinniki.

Holy Mount Pyukhtitsa (Crane Mountain)

Although this is not Russia, but Estonia, it is still a very popular place for pilgrims.

Even guidebooks mention this great place. On the Holy Mountain, which was called Zhuravlina, there is a Temple named in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

The miraculous appearance of the image of the Mother of God converted many to the Orthodox faith and gave strength to fight against unclean spirits. Now Orthodox parishioners pray before the miraculous image in the Pyukhtinsky Assumption Monastery and ask her for deliverance from illnesses, help with childlessness and help in difficult life circumstances.

Also, unmarried girls ask for a good groom and a successful marriage. In this Temple, they get married and honor the icon of the Assumption Mother of God as their intercessor.

Monastery of Alexander-Svirsky

The monastery, located in the Leningrad region, near the town of Lodeinoye Pole, is the monastery of St. Alexander-Svirsky.

The saint of God, the Monk Alexander, lived almost all his life in a monastery and always helped people. He, by the will of God, built a Temple in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Now pilgrims visit holy places and venerate the relics of the Holy Elder.

The Monk Alexander of Svirsky possessed the gift of enlightenment and instruction. Both ordinary people and the clergy came to him for advice - he never refused anyone to help. They pray to him when there are unresolved problems or difficult life circumstances, when a person does not know what to do in this or that matter.

Assumption Cathedral in Moscow

The Assumption Cathedral is located in the Moscow Kremlin. Today, worship services are held there on certain days. But for those wishing to bow to the shrines, the entrance is always open.

In the Assumption Cathedral there is the Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, which helps the peasants to grow a good harvest, is an intercessor for those who work on the land, and protects Orthodox Christians from infidels and persecution.

Also, in the Cathedral there is the Nail of the Lord and the staff of St. Peter. Saint Peter protects people from hunger and poverty, helps to find a job, to buy housing. Saint Peter should be prayed during Lent - he helps to cope with temptations and gives strength to resist evil.

Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery

The monastery is located in the village of Oshevenskoye, Arkhangelsk region. There are many Shrines on the territory of the monastery: stones with footprints of St. Alexander, the Holy Spring and the lake, as well as the Halui River, which goes underground in one place and exits in another.

There is also a well dug by Alexander Oshevensky himself.

They pray to St. Alexander at the onset of war, as well as for safe trips and travels. Alexander Oshevensky heals people with blood diseases.

"Quick Acolyte" Icon of the Mother of God

It is located on the Holy Mount Athos in the Dohiarsky monastery.

The miraculous power of the icon heals the blind and puts the crippled on their feet, helps with difficult childbirth, saves them from cancer, saves from captivity and covers children during the war.

Women pray to the holy icon of the Mother of God to restore peace in the family, prosperity and the resolution of internecine strife. The Holy "Skoroshlushnitsa" intercedes before God for the weak and sick, lonely old people, and the disabled.

Also, "Skoroposlushnitsa" helps with natural disasters, floods, fires. She shelters with her Grace and saves from sudden death.

Savva Storozhevsky (Savva Zvenigorodsky)

Wonderworker Savva Storozhevsky, Russian ascetic of the faith of Christ, patron of all those who suffer and defender of the fatherland. The monastery, named after Savva Storozhevsky, is located in the suburbs of Moscow.

Everyone who prays to the Miracle Worker receives healing: he helps with cancer, chronic pain, kidney and liver disease.

In addition, Savva Storozhevsky should pray to resolve any conflict situations. The seer elder always helped people and gave advice, he was a mentor to all sinful parishioners.

The Monk Sergei of Radonezh often communicated with the Wonderworker and shared his spiritual experience with him.

Matrona of Moscow

Holy Matronushka is the patroness of all women who want to have children. They pray to her, asking her to protect her family from ruin, to be healed of an illness, to get rid of an addiction - the old woman Matrona always responds to prayer!

Often they pray to her that the child would study well at school, they ask for help and admonition before entering the university. In front of the icon, you can ask for blessings for marriage or divorce, for the purchase of a home or a car.

Small children should also be applied to the Miraculous Icon - Matronushka covers from sudden illnesses and early death.

Temple of the Matrona of Moscow, located on Taganka, in Moscow. There are always long queues here, and sometimes pilgrims wait for 5-6 hours to venerate the Shrine. You can come and pray at the Temple from 6 am to 8 pm.

Temple of St. Panteleimon

A small Temple, named after the Holy Hierarch Panteleimon, is located in Moscow, on Nikolskaya Street, but the relics of the Healer are in the Penza Intercession Cathedral.

Saint Panteleimon was a true companion, patron of all the sick and needy. Having sold all his property, he began to help people, healed them and set them on the right path.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon heals incurable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, restores after a stroke or an accident, protects pregnant women from premature birth, and protects babies from sudden death.

Pokrovo-Tervenichesky Convent

It is located in the Leningrad region, in the small village of Tervenichi. The patronesses of the convent are the Holy Martyrs - Faith, Hope and Love.

On the territory there is a shrine - the Tervenic Icon of the Mother of God, as well as a healing spring. Pilgrims can stay at the monastery, work in the courtyard, or pray with the sisters. Divine services are held every day, the schedule can be found on the official website.

The Tervenic Icon of the Mother of God blesses all women who decide to spend their lives in a monastic skete. She protects from devilish temptations, shelters from non-believers, wars and attacks on the Orthodox faith, saves people from spiritual death, instructs with the Word of God.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Chimeyevo

The appearance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God took place on a river in a remote Siberian village in the Kurgan region, in the Urals.

The miraculous icon protects Orthodox Christians from demonic attacks, children from witchcraft, and men from death in war.

The Kazan Mother of God is the intercessor of all Christians before God! She asks every day on her knees for Russia and the Orthodox people. Thanks to her prayers, the Lord shows mercy and sends down grace.

St. Nicholas Monastery "Holy Caves" in the village of Pokrovka

The monastery is located in the Orenburg region, in the village of Pokrovka. In the "Holy Caves" there is a miraculous source that heals those suffering from mental illness.

Thousands of believers come to the Nikolsky spring, asking St. Nicholas for a miracle. Nearby there is a bath, where everyone can completely plunge into the Holy water.

Before this, you need to read the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker, and then cross yourself 3 times. The Orthodox faith is the most powerful weapon against evil. It lifts the spirit of every person, strengthens faith in God and helps to do good deeds.

A sincere prayer addressed to God from the bottom of your heart will always be heard!

About the holy places of Russia, see the following interesting video:

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