The son of Igor Talkov: “As a successor to my father, I write other songs. Igor Talkov - biography, photo, personal life of the singer and musician Igor Talkov Jr. personal life

Igor Talkov is a Soviet singer, songwriter and actor who could touch the heart of every listener with his compositions. He wrote about experiences, personal tragedies and national problems, but the main thing is that his work never left people indifferent.

The musician never wanted great fame and did not dream of becoming a television star, he did what his heart told him with the sole purpose of being heard.

The childhood of Igor Talkov

The future star of Russian rock music was born on November 4, 1956, in a family whose income was below average. Igor grew up in the city of Shchekino, Tula region, although his father, Vladimir Maksimovich, was a native Muscovite. Such remoteness from the former place of residence was due to the fact that his mother Olga Yurievna and father were repressed. They met in places of detention in the Kemerovo region. Later, when they were rehabilitated, they were sent to the Tula region, forbidding the father of the future singer to return to his hometown.

It is noteworthy that Igor's paternal relatives belonged to the nobility and served in the tsarist army. Initially, the surname of the ancestors was Talco, and the musician's father changed it in order to save the children from repression.

The boy has a brother who was born in the zone in 1953. Despite poverty and parental problems, the future musician was a cheerful and very active boy as a child.

Igor began to show his creative inclinations at a fairly early age. At a time when classmates were playing football and doing their homework, the boy could already boast of his first short poem. However, this was not a children's quatrain, but a full-fledged verse with adult deep thoughts.

As a high school student, the guy helped organize school concerts, and he, of course, did not miss the opportunity to speak to the audience.

Students of Igor Talkov

The singer plays several musical instruments. He learned to play the button accordion at a music school, but he managed to master the piano, guitar, violin and drums on his own.

After leaving school, Igor was determined to enter a theater university, but he failed the exam in Russian literature. However, the attempts to get a higher education did not end there. Talkov entered the Tula Pedagogical Institute. After studying there for only one year, the musician transferred to the Leningrad Institute of Culture, but even there he did not last more than a year.

In 1975, Igor went to the city square, but not as a member of another rock band, but to criticize the policies of Leonid Brezhnev. After his words, they wanted to put the guy in jail, but the famous Tula cyclist Igor Kondratyev came to his defense. Of course, he managed to escape the trial, but in return Igor was sent to serve in Nakhabino.

It was the army that helped him rethink his views and change his life position. The young man began to study the history of the state more and understand the seriousness of many situations. In the army, his ideals changed and the search for new life guidelines began.

The beginning of the career of Igor Talkov

Returning from the army, the guy actively began to promote his musical talent. At various times, he played in such groups as "April", "Kaleidoscope", "Perpetual Motion", and also helped other bands to make arrangements.

However, more than anything, he wanted to create his own team and glorify it throughout the Soviet Union. Until a certain point, the guy did not succeed, so he had to play in other groups.

Together with Irina Allegrova, Igor was a soloist in the Electroclub group. At that moment, he had one hope that Tukhmanov would allow him to perform his compositions, but this did not happen, so he soon left this team as well.

After a little time, the young man began working in the Dosug of the Perovsky district, where everyone was finally able to hear his own songs. He was given a couple of hours in various programs, but this was enough for self-expression.

One of these performances became fateful for the young musician. The listeners really liked the sung song "Clean Prudy" and brought Talkov the desired popularity. However, the singer did not rejoice for long, because from that moment he became associated only with lyrical music, and when he decided to return to his former, sharp and straightforward style, many of the fans were not happy.

Igor Talkov - Chistye Prudy

Finally, in 1987, Igor created the Lifebuoy rock group, which immediately became popular. The team toured all over the country, giving people hope and faith in the future. By 1989 he had created more than 200 compositions. Most of the musician's songs are written on a civil theme, therefore, in order for his music to be true, he visited the archive daily and studied the history of his state.

Even greater popularity came to the musician after the premiere of the video clip for the song "Russia" during the show "Before and after midnight"

Personal life of Igor Talkov

In the summer of 1979, in the Metelitsa cafe, Igor met a girl, Tanya. The meeting turned out to be fateful, and the young people began to meet. The following year, the musician made his soul mate a marriage proposal. On October 14, 1981, a son was born to a married couple, who was named after his father - Igor.

After the death of her husband, Tatyana began working at the Mosfilm film company, and her son began to study music at the age of 15. In 2005, Igor Talkov Jr. released his first solo album.

The last years of the life of Igor Talkov

Already in the 90s, Igor Talkov was able to appear before the audience not only as a versatile singer, but also as a talented actor. He starred in such films as "Prince Silver" and "Beyond the last line." The first film is dedicated to the life of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, it also starred such actors as Nikolai Kryuchkov, Valery Garkalin and Stanislav Lyubshin.

The second film about the difficult fate of the once famous boxer, who, by the will of fate, contacts the bandits. In the film, the roles were played by Evgeny Sidikhin, Georgy Aivazov, Vladimir Brezhnev, and Alexander Filyas.

Igor Talkov - Summer rain

In 1991, Igor with his group performed with his own concert program "Court" throughout the country. On October 5 of the same year, the musician gave a solo concert with a guitar in the village of Gzhel, Moscow Region. During the performance of the song, he broke a string. This was his last performance.

Death of Igor Talkov

The legendary singer was killed on October 6, 1991 during a combined concert of stars in St. Petersburg in the Yubileiny concert hall.

Igor always had a gas pistol with him in case of self-defense, he took it out, went out and fired three shots at Malakhov. Dodging, Aziza's friend lost his vigilance, which Igor's guards took advantage of and disarmed him. Malakhov managed to shoot twice, but missed. During the scuffle, the gun fell out of his hands. Immediately after that, another shot happened, which killed Talkov with a direct hit in the heart.

According to the investigators, it was established that the decisive shot was made by Valery Shlyafman, who picked up the gun. Although no one knows how true this is. Perhaps it was Malakhov who managed to make the third shot.

The gun was never found. And Shlyafman eventually fled to Israel a few months after the incident. The legendary musician was buried on October 9 in Moscow.

Igor Talkov is a singer, actor, musician who became famous for his extraordinary appearance and creative approach. During his short life and short career, Talkov was able to become one of the famous rock musicians of the 80s. His work caused a variety of reviews from critics, including negative ones, but this does not negate the fact that in a relatively short period of his musical activity, the singer was on the rise in popularity. After the death of the artist, his memory was immortalized with a plaque on the wall of the Lyceum, which he graduated from.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Igor Talkov

The music of Igor Talkov is difficult to attribute to any one genre, he wrote compositions in the style of rock, pop, and was also fond of the author's song. Versatile music, lyrics and the very personality of the artist attracted many listeners who today want to know not only the biography of the musician, but his height, weight, age. The years of Igor Talkov's life captured the Soviet era, so the artist died without knowing that he could soon live in a completely different Russia. Igor Talkov died on October 6, 1991.

Biography and personal life of Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov was born in 1956. Since childhood, the boy liked the humanities and music. In his youth, he studied at a music school, learned to play the button accordion, and was also a member of a youth ensemble and led the choir. The guy had musical abilities and exceptional hearing, he taught himself to play the piano and guitar. At the age of sixteen, the young man created his first group, where he played and sang, and after school he participated in several more. As a child, Igor really wanted to become a hockey player. The guy trained a lot, did not miss classes, and after graduating from school he went to Moscow to enter the school of the Dynamo or CSK hockey clubs. True, he did not do so.

The guy was in search of a future profession for several years. He became interested in theater, and tried to enter the theater school. Another attempt ended in failure, Talkov entered the Pedagogical Institute in Tula, where he studied for only a year and realized that he was fascinated by creativity, and he had to follow this path. As a result, Igor studies at the Institute of Art and Culture in Leningrad, but drops out again, and he is taken to serve in the army.

A few years later, luck smiles at the guy - he becomes the bass player of the famous, at that time, Spanish singer Michel, with whom he tours throughout the Union. This experience allowed Talkov to further cooperate with well-known allied teams, he was also a member of the April group. In addition to performances with various groups, the artist gave many solo performances of the author's song, gave lectures and poems, and also starred in the director Alexei Saltykov - he played Ivan the Terrible.

The biography and personal life of Igor Talkov and after his death are of interest to many.

Family and children of Igor Talkov

Igor Talkov belonged to the famous noble family of Talko. His grandfather changed his surname to save the children from unnecessary suspicion, but this did not help either. The singer's parents were subjected to repression and served time in prison, where they met. Igor's older brother, Vladimir, was also born there, who later became a sculptor and creates monuments throughout Russia. Despite the fact that father Vladimir Maksimovich was a Muscovite, after his release, the family was forbidden to return to the city, the singer's father died in 1978, and his mother Olga Yulyevna outlived her son by 16 years.

Igor met his wife at the age of 23, and lived with her until the day of his death, the singer's son Igor was born in the marriage of the singer.

The singer has always been in a creative search, but throughout his entire career, he wanted him to have not only a career, but also a family and children. Igor Talkov was remembered for his charisma and amazing love of life.

The son of Igor Talkov - Igor Talkov

The son of Igor Talkov - Igor Talkov followed in the footsteps of his father. It so happened that for only ten years Igor Talkov was able to raise his son. Son Igor Igorevich Talkov inherited not only the name, but also his father's musical career. Until the age of 10, the boy's star father managed to lay his love for music and sports. Already at an early age, Talkov Jr. played the guitar well and was engaged in martial arts. Today, the musician is already 35 years old, since 2009 the singer's son has been the founder of his own group "MirIMir". Talkov has already become a father himself, with his second wife the musician is raising two children.

Igor Talkov's wife - Tatyana Talkova

Igor and Tatyana met in a cafe. The young performer liked the girl so much that he immediately invited her to dance, and then to the shooting of the program in which he participated, and in which Tatyana was supposed to star in the crowd. Two years later, the couple signed, and Tatyana Talkova, the wife of Igor Talkov, gave birth to his son. The singer adored his child, spent all the time with him, and in general was an exemplary family man. After the death of the artist, the woman could not recover for a long time. In order to escape from thoughts and somehow continue to live on, she entered the university, she wanted to study psychology. But she soon abandoned the idea. Today, Igor Talkov's wife, Tatyana Talkova, works at Mosfilm.

The murder of Igor Talkov

Today it is impossible to say with absolute certainty whether the murder of Igor Talkov was pre-planned, or it was an accident. On that day, a concert was held at the Sports Palace in St. Petersburg, in which many stars participated, including Talkov. The musician's wife heard him quarrel with one of his guards, and he was taken out of the dressing room, after which he took out a gun and a brawl began among the guards. Talkov ran out to scream, and was immediately killed with a direct shot in the heart. The investigating authorities figured out for a long time who killed Igor Talkov. As a result, all the evidence points to the fact that the singer was shot dead by the administrator of his group, who at that time had already left for Israel. The case was suspended. The funeral of Igor Talkov took place at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

Wikipedia Igor Talkov

Talkov was remembered by everyone as an extraordinary and talented person, not afraid to express his opinion, a man, a good family man and a popular singer. Wikipedia of Igor Talkov reveals the details of his biography, has a list of his songs and released discs, the titles of films in which Igor starred, as well as milestones in his career. In Moscow, there is the Igor Talkov Museum, and the Russian artist created a painting dedicated to the singer and called "Talkovo Field". Igor Talkov will forever remain in the hearts of the listeners and in the time for which he may have been born.

Elena Kondaurova commented on a personal video with the singer

The editors of Express Gazeta got a home video with Igor TALKOV. On the 21-year-old cassette, the singer kisses not with his wife Tatyana TALKOVA, but with a young beautiful girl, who is easily recognized as a dancer from his team - Elena KONDAUROVA. We contacted the heroine of that old record.

When information about the last mysterious love of singer Igor Talkov, Elena Kondaurova, first appeared in the media, the fans, led by his wife Tatyana Talkova, immediately attacked the woman with insults: “I slept for one night”, “invented”, “lied to”. The widow in all interviews cites the words of her idol husband, spoken to their only son Igor: “Take care of your mother!” Tatyana reduces their meaning to the following: “If there were other women in Igor's life, then these are fleeting hobbies. He loved only me, and therefore did not leave the family.
Having phoned Kondaurova, we decided to clarify the authenticity of the videotape and asked for a visit. Elena lives in a three-room apartment with her mother. We did not see any posters with Talkov.

This video was filmed three months before Igor's death, - says Elena Kondaurova. - Neither he nor I thought that these shots would be one of the last ... Talkov wanted some of the captured moments to be included in the video for the song "I love you".
Having found this song on the Web, Elena let me listen to it:
- Igor never directly told me that he loves, he did it differently. Once I asked him: “Igor, you dedicated songs to all your women, but not to me.” He composed a lyrical composition, not at all patriotic. And in this song I pronounce those very cherished words, only with an accent: “I love you!” Unfortunately, “I love you” sounded after his death.

Didn't say he was married

In the old video, Talkov is the way only his relatives knew him. These are shots from the life of a man in love: Igor kisses Elena at a table in a restaurant, not hiding from friends and team members, rides a carousel with a girl. The singer looks at the world with happy eyes.
“This is us in a restaurant on a ship in Sochi,” Elena says, watching the video. - One of Talkov's fans invited us there. They left Moscow in the autumn, but ended up in the summer. I arrived in boots, and it's warm there. We bought some shoes, then rubber pumps were in fashion. As a result, during the day I rubbed my leg so much that Igor threw them away. But I remember this moment on the film very well: there was a children's carousel on the ship, and I took Talkov for a ride. We circled like children. Igor kept saying: "Now I would like warm vodka," and I added: "And a sweaty woman." Sometimes I feel like it didn't happen to me. Like some kind of film where we played the main roles with Talkov.

At the end of the video, Talkov and Elena walk along the corridor of the ship and turn to wave.
- I was 24 years old at that time, - says Elena. - Director Valera Shlyafman called me to the team as an administrator. Agreed, came to his house to discuss the details. We are watching TV, and at that moment the doorbell rings: “Talkov was not expected?” I didn't even know who he was. Igor sat on a chair and said: “Girl, are you 17? What songs do you like? Probably "Tender May"? I answered: “17 for sure. I love songs from the 60s. Talkov then sang some famous song in a hoarse voice and asked: “Well?” But I didn’t make out anything and thought: “Does he know how to sing?” Valera said: “Who is this? What group did you invite me to? The next day we went on tour, and then I heard Igor actually sing. Lived every song...

Talkov recaptured from everyone

Soon Elena, once a dancer in her childhood, began to work as a dancer. Talkov liked how one day the girl performed on stage to the song "Star".
“At first, director Valera sympathized with me, the one whom the investigation considers guilty of Talkov’s death,” says Elena. - But Igor took me away from Valerka Shlyafman. Who could stand on the same lane with Talkov? .. I still have a tender attitude towards Valera. I remember our dances in Sochi in the dressing room. Valera kept saying the word with a funny accent: "Cute."
On the old cassette, it is easy to recognize the director of the artist in the company of a young girl.

The video contains footage of Shlyafman with his civil wife Lyubanya, who gave birth to his daughter, - said a friend of the singer Sergey, who provided this video to our newspaper. - Lyuba was unable to follow Valera to Israel, where he had to flee when he was made the main accused of the murder. She did not marry again: she still has not forgotten her Shlyafman. They haven't seen him for over 20 years.
Once Talkov asked the director to introduce him closer to Elena. Igor honestly told the girl: "You brought confusion to our team."
“We became close before the putsch of 1991,” Elena recalls. - I remember, on the 19th we were touring in some city. Scary, tanks in Moscow. I am sitting in my room alone. Igor comes and says: “Elena, it may happen that tomorrow I may suffer for my songs. Let's talk". And he began to read his poems to me ... I loved Talkov very much: we just had, as they say, a “bouquet-candy period”. I just boiled inside everything ...

Maybe Igor would have left me later, as his wife Tanya claims, who told me more than once: “It would definitely happen that way. He was easily carried away and quickly cooled off. But this did not happen!
As Talkov's friends said, the singer did not like it when women scattered their underwear. It was for this reason that he left the actress Margarita Terekhova, with whom he had a romantic relationship at one time.
“Before Elena, Igor had novels,” said a friend of the artist Sergey. - Igor himself admitted in his book “Monologue”: “Oddly enough, love turned out to be my Achilles heel. I fell in love more than once with all the force of earthly passion, but the last one was disastrous. I realized that I would die if I could not defeat her.”

He had beloved women, everyone knew this, including Margarita Terekhova. Before Kondaurova, he met with the notorious saxophonist Albina Bogolyubova, to whom he dedicated the song "Migratory Birds". Albina turned out to be a lesbian: she cheated on Igor with a woman. He didn't forgive. After parting with him, Albina left for Siberia. As far as I know, she is no longer alive...
Elena did not know for a long time that Talkov was married. The singer never started a conversation on this topic.
I didn't need this connection. I said so: “I don’t want to have a relationship with anyone in the team,” Kondaurova says. - But it happened. Whether it's my fault or not, it happened. I didn't know for a long time that he was married. After a while I saw his passport in the car, asked: “So you are not free?”

Showered with roses

Although Talkov did not directly confess his love, he showed his feelings with romantic actions.
- Once I wake up, and something red looks into my eyes. Waking up, she was even scared. And then I noticed that the whole bed was strewn with rosebuds. I sit and cry: "Thank you." Igorek sat down next to me: “Honey, why are you crying?” No one else has done this to me in my life...
Sochi became the city of love for Elena and Igor. Kondaurova has the warmest memories associated with him:
- We are lying on the beach, I see Igor is falling asleep. And before that, there was a conversation about the fact that I can’t dive. I left him and went to the cape, where I asked a girl to teach me how to dive. Learned on the tenth try. I come and say: “Igor, I have learned!” Then we took a yacht and went far into the sea, where Talkov began to jump from the stern. Then I did the same. I run after him and jump! With all the dope, and there the height is five meters. I went deep, it was dark under water, there was not enough air, I rowed up, and there was still darkness. I swim up, greedily grab the air, I look, Talc is standing on the yacht and shouting: “My dear! You did it!"

And once we ran for T-shirts to the market. Suddenly, on the way, Talkov stops me: “How much do they cost? So cheap? It is forbidden. I'm Talkov.
Igor did not give me gifts, it did not seem important to him or me. The toy-parrot that was thrown to him from the crowd by fans at a concert on August 19, 1991 in Leningrad remained in memory. He signed it and gave it to me. Yes, this hippo. Somehow stuck to me: "Let me buy you a toy." I say: "Well, buy this rubber hippo with an opening mouth." When we fought, I covered his mouth, which means that we should be silent. When someone wanted to say something, she joked: “First, open the hippo’s mouth.”
Then in Sochi, Talkov first spoke with Elena about the death that he foresaw.
- I remember the conversation, as now, - Elena assures. - "Darling, I will die soon, and the killer will not be found," said Igor. And I: “Where should I go? I will commit suicide." Igor looked at me seriously: "In this case, we will not see you." I found another way out: "Then I'll go to the monastery." And Igor: “They don’t go to the monastery, but they come. I know you will not die by accident, you will live to old age. And when you die, I will meet you and lead you through the corridors.” For some reason, he also advised: “Always write for me, these will be your memoirs, and you will become a rich woman.”
Before that fateful trip to Leningrad in October 1991, Talkov asked Elena's hand in marriage from her mother. Tatyana Efimovna told her daughter about this when the singer was gone.
“Mom reminded Igor that he was married,” says Kondaurova. - Talkov answered, they say, he will divorce. When we were on the train to Leningrad, I confessed to Igor that I had a two-week delay. Talkov got nervous: “How is it? We agreed that we would go on tour together to Germany.” - "Do you want me to have an abortion?" - “No, you will give birth!” And then this death. I couldn't give birth...

Shlyafman did not kill

Elena is one of those who witnessed the tragic events in the Yubileiny concert hall.
- My point of view is that this is a domestic murder and there is no political background here, - says Kondaurova. - The quarrel occurred because of Igor's 13th place among the concert participants. As I heard, Aziza wanted to dilute the men who performed in a row. The female whim turned into a quarrel between its director Igor Malakhov and Talkov. Personally, I didn’t see a shot at Igor, but I saw how one, Malakhov, shoots, the other, Igor, screams. And Valera Shlyafman appeared when the director of Aziza clicked the trigger of an empty pistol, and he was beaten. Valera took the gun in his hands, started to click, but there was no shot either. Valera, of course, is to blame, but only that, as the director of Talkov, he allowed outsiders into the dressing room.
When the singer was taken away by an ambulance, Elena, along with others, rushed to the hospital.
- The doctor came out and said that Igor had died. I felt bad, I collapsed on the floor. Then there was a trial. Summons were sent to me, but I did not go to Leningrad, it was scary. When the fourth summons arrived, she left. I thought, since Igor was not afraid, why should I hide. She said the same as now.
A year after Talkov's death, Elena met another man whom she fell in love with. Unfortunately, he passed away three years ago.
- I lived in Italy for 12 years, - says Elena. - I visited San Remo, where Igor so dreamed of performing. She returned to Russia because her mother fell ill. Now I live only with her, for me she is the dearest person in the world. There is still dog Martin. I remember Igor, but I don’t go to the cemetery: I don’t want to be one of his fans.

Igor Vladimirovich Talkov - a popular songwriter, singer, author's songwriter, film actor, guitarist, composer and accordionist was born on November 4, 1956. He was the second child in the family of Vladimir Talkov and Olga Schwagerus.

The young couple was forced to live in the small village of Gretsovka, not far from the town of Shchekino (Kemerovo Region), where Igor was born. The Talkovs could not live in Moscow, because they were repressed for belonging to a noble family.


While receiving secondary education at the Shchekino secondary school No. 11, Igor Talkov simultaneously studied at a music school (accordion class).

The real passion for the boy was hockey. Igor devoted a lot of time to serious training, dreaming of playing in the popular Moscow hockey clubs CSKA and Dynamo. The persistent teenager even went to the capital for selections, but did not pass them. As a high school student, Igor learned to play the guitar, drums and piano on his own, became the organizer of the school ensemble "Guitarists". The guy liked the sound of the saxophone, but he did not master the game on it.

The calling card in the biography of Talkov the singer will later be his hoarse voice. And it turned out such a voice because, as a boy, Igor lost his voice and acquired chronic laryngitis. With the help of special breathing exercises, the consequences of the disease were weakened, the ligaments were strengthened, but the hoarseness did not disappear forever. Periodically, after concerts, the voice disappeared.

Igor really liked attending the performances of the school drama circle. He himself did not take part in it, but watched with delight. After graduating from school, Talkov goes to Moscow to enter the theater institute. He passed creative competitions successfully, but he failed the exam in literature. A slightly disappointed young man returned home and applied to the Tula Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Physics and Technology. The exact sciences did not seduce the young man, so a year later, Talkov submits documents to the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Again, less than a year later, Igor left this educational institution, realizing that the Soviet education system was not for him.

In 1975, young Talkov allowed himself to speak on Tula Square and criticize politics. The speeches against the communist regime did not end in litigation, because the well-known cyclist A. Kondratiev, who once played with Igor in the same musical group, stood up for Igor. The punishment for the "unreliable" intellectual was the army. Talkov served in Nakhabino near Moscow in the engineering troops. Here he quickly organized the Zvezdochka ensemble, and after demobilization he decided not to say goodbye to music. Departs for Sochi.

At first there were restaurant performances in the group of A. Barykin. Such concerts brought good earnings, but Talkov considered them humiliating. Since 1982, Igor begins to sing on the big stage.

Song creativity

Talkov began to compose songs in his youth. The first composition was called "I'm a little sorry", although Igor himself considered the ballad "Share" to be his debut professional work.

In 1984, Igor performed in a group accompanying. During this period, the musician also arranges songs in the studio of Stas Namin. Music for the songs of this period - "Vicious Circle", "Aeroflot", "I am looking for beauty in nature", "Holiday" and others, wrote Yakov Dubravin.

Since 1986, Igor Talkov has been a soloist with and arranges the Electroclub group. The following year, at the annual prestigious competition "Song of the Year", Igor Talkov sang the lyrical composition "Clean Ponds" and immediately became famous as a lyrical musician. Talkov's main repertoire was different from Chistye Prudy, so I had to leave the Electroclub and form my own Lifebuoy group. The tour program in the Soviet Union included songs of civil themes and lyrical songs that the audience loved so much.

Photo: Igor Talkov in his youth

Talkov becomes mega-famous after the release of the TV program “Before and After Midnight”, where a video for the song “Russia” was shown. Now Talkov listen to millions.

The most popular hits of the musician are "War", "I'll be back", "CPSU", "Gentlemen Democrats", "Globe", sounded in the early 90s. Igor Talkov and his group performed during the 1991 coup in Leningrad, and after that the song “Mr. President” appeared, in which notes of disappointment about the policy of B.N. Yeltsin.


As a film actor, Talkov declared himself in the short film "Lyrical Song" (1983). Then there was the film "Pimp Hunt", where the entire "Lifebuoy" group participated.

As soon as the clip "Russia" was released on the screens, director A. Saltykov invited Talkov to play the main role in the film based on the work of A. Tolstoy "Prince Silver". After the change of director, the concept of the film changed from historical to comedic. The tape was now called "Tsar Ivan the Terrible." Igor Talkov refused to continue filming and did not even voice his role. Later, he apologized to the writer and the audience for starring in such an outright farce at all.

In parallel with the work in the film "Prince Silver", Talkov, together with his older brother Vladimir, starred in the film "Beyond the Last Line". Here he got the negative role of the leader of a gang of racketeers. At first, they offered the role of a goodie, but for this, the actor was offered to get rid of his mustache and beard, as well as to make a short haircut. Talkov did not make such a sacrifice.

Personal life

In July 1979, fate brought Igor Talkov to his future wife Tatyana in the Metelitsa cafe. Young people got married in 1980 and lived in marriage for 11 happy years. A year after the wedding, the couple had a son. The child was named after the father - Igor. The kid has actually become the meaning of life for a talented father.

Igor Talkov Jr. was 9 years old when his dad was killed. Tatyana Ivanovna tried to become a psychologist, but it did not work out. took her as an assistant director to the Mosfilm film company, where Tatyana Talkova took part in the filming of the films Vise, Stilyagi, Inhabited Island: Fight.

Talkov's son was far from music and did not want to follow in the footsteps of his famous parent, but at the age of 15 he found his father's synthesizer and began to comprehend the principle of his work. Having mastered the game on the synthesizer, Talkov Jr. took up songwriting, and in 2005 his debut album “We Must Live” was released. It includes 18 songs. In 2007, in the program "Protagonist", the son of Igor Talkov performed a joint song with Aziza.

Igor Talkov Jr. has a family and three children: seven-year-old daughter Varvara, five-year-old son Svyatoslav and two-year-old Miroslav.

Mystery of doom

Once Igor Talkov was flying by plane and the board began to shake violently due to an emergency. To calm the excited passengers, the musician uttered prophetic words: “Do not be afraid, because I am with you, so the plane will not fall. I will die when there will be a lot of people around, and the killer will not be found. After this flight, the singer wrote the hit "I'll be back."

On October 5, 1991, Talkov played the guitar and her string broke. As the singer's wife later said, unknown people called Igor with threats the day before. The next day, Talkov, along with other singers, took part in a concert held at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. They quarreled with the director of the vocalist Aziza Igor Malakhov. The brawl turned into a shootout. One of the shots pierced the heart of Igor Talkov. When the doctors arrived, the singer was dead. The 34-year-old musician and actor was buried on October 9, 1991 at the Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery.

The murder was investigated, but there was no evidence that Igor Malakhov was guilty. There are several versions of events, but all of them remained only versions.


  • 1983 - Let's worship kindness
  • 1984 - Love and separation - Lyudmila Senchina and Igor Talkov's group
  • 1985 - Everything has its time
  • 1986 - Magnetic album
  • 1986 - Igor Talkov
  • 1987 - Chistye Prudy
  • 1989 - Chistye Prudy (minion)
  • 1991 - Russia
  • 1992 - My love ...
  • 1992 - Nostalgia
  • 1993 - Concert on February 23, 1991 at Luzhniki
  • 1993 - My love
  • 1993 - This world
  • 1993 - I'll be back
  • 1995 - Vocation
  • 1996 - The last concert of the COURT - May 25, 1991
  • 1996 - My Motherland
  • 1996 - Lifebuoy
  • 1996 - Memory

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The memory of Igor Talkov still lives in the hearts of many Russians, whom he fascinated with his soul-touching songs. The singer never lived to see his 35th birthday, remaining in the memory for some as a charming romantic hero, and for others as a rebel with chains who passionately loves his Russia. The essence of his short life was the struggle for goodness and justice, which Talkov sang about in his songs.

Due to his noble origin, his father was repressed, his mother was also considered the daughter of "enemies of the people." The birth of his older brother Vladimir took place behind barbed wire, but the future singer was born in one of the villages of the Tula region, where his parents settled after being released from prison. His musical talent began to manifest itself in childhood, and at the age of 17 he began to take the first steps in his singing career.

An interesting fact is that Igor always said that he was destined to die in the prime of his life, and he knew that he would be killed with a large crowd of people. The artist played his last concert the day before his death, and then a string broke on his guitar. He never took the stage again. Talkov's life was cut short in October 1991 during a concert in St. Petersburg, when a shot was fired backstage. Despite the fact that during the tragedy there were witnesses, several versions of the crime are still put forward. The investigation found the artist's administrator, Valery Shlyafman, guilty, but he did not answer before the law, since then he hastily fled to Israel. Many rumors also circulate around the singer's personal life, in which there were many passions and love stories.

Close relationship with wife

He met his future wife Tatyana in a cafe. A tall, charismatic guy immediately attracted the attention of all the girls in the establishment, however, he drew attention to a petite brunette. Dancing with the girl, Igor invited her to take part in the extras in the TV program. Young people met for about a year, and then got married.

In the photo Igor Talkov with his family: wife Tatyana and son

The artist immediately warned the girl that their family would not be perfect, as he is a creative person and he needs novels with other women. The wife accepted this condition and during the years of married life she never reproached him for treason. Moreover, Talkov himself told his wife about his hobbies, because he could not hide and deceive her. Tatyana simply dissolved in her beloved, protected him and fulfilled every desire. The couple dreamed that they would have their own house and have four children. When their son was born, the wife wanted to name his husband's honor - Igorkom.

The singer often fell in love, and he deified his beloved and saw only virtues in them. Among his passions were Margarita Terekhova, and Alla Pugacheva and even Juna. Igor was also credited with a close relationship with Irina Allegrova, Lyudmila Senchina, but the singers themselves said that they had friendly relations. His last love was a dancer from his team - Elena Kondaurova. According to her, the artist fell in love with her and even intended to leave the family. However, Talkov's wife was always sure that he truly loved only her and would never have left them with his son. In addition, she still remembers his words: “I am without you, like without skin. Now, if I tear off the skin now, and simply, I won’t survive, I won’t be able to live without you ... "

Talkov with his son Igor

The artist appreciated the woman who became for him the most dear and devoted person. Their relationship lasted almost 12 years, and when the singer died, Tatyana could not believe what had happened for a long time. She was brought back to reality by her 9-year-old son, who became her support and the meaning of life. A friend suggested that she return to the profession, and now Talkova works as a casting director. The woman could not come to terms with the fact that she is now a widow. She tried to establish her personal life, but she did not manage to meet a person with whom she could create a new family. However, Tatyana is not alone, as she has a beloved son and grandchildren. She notes that the heir of the famous musician not only looks like him, but also has the same character traits as impulsiveness, restlessness, energy.

What does Talkov's son do

Igor became a singer and now performs on stage with his group "MirImiR". At his concerts, not only the songs of the star father are heard, but also his own. Despite the fact that Talkov Jr. is engaged in musical activities, he does not want to conquer the Russian show business. Previously, he was invited to take part in various television competitions, but the musician refused. For some time, Iosif Prigogine was engaged in his promotion, however, they could not work together because of the obstinate nature of the singer. He had long dreamed of performing on stage, where his father had once died. Every year, Igor performed that day near the Yubileiny concert hall to honor his memory, and only recently the musician managed to sing on this stage.

In his personal life there is everything to feel like a happy person. In his first marriage, he had a daughter, but this union soon broke up. The girl moved to Germany with her ex-wife, however, her grandmother and father maintained excellent relations with them. After the divorce, Talkov Jr. remarried, and soon his wife Svetlana bore him two sons - Svyatoslav and Miroslav. The godmother of one of his sons was Aziza, who was invited to this role by the singer himself. Then many did not understand the actions of the son of a famous musician and condemned him. However, Igor himself decided to help the artist, support her and lend a helping hand.

According to the singer himself, there was a period of depression in his life, and then he abused alcohol. But at the age of 33, he managed to defeat all addictions and lead a healthy life, as well as become a vegetarian. Igor directed all his energy to his development and self-realization, thanks to which there has been a serious growth in his career. The singer's wife supports him in everything and tries to be a reliable rear.

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